Vadémécum HES-SO 2015-2016 (EN)

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THE HES-SO TODAY The HES-SO has more than 20’000 students in 28 universities in the cantons of the Swiss Jura Arc French-speaking (Bern, Jura, Neuchâtel), Geneva and Fribourg, Valais and Vaud. It delivers courses in the following four main areas : • Basic Education (Bachelors and Masters) • Continuing Education • Applied Research & Development (aR&D) and Service Provision • National and International Relations

Growth in the number of HES-SO students Nb students 20'000

20'194 19'390


18'737 18'160






Art & Design - 6.52% Business, Management and Services - 32.49% Engineering and Architecture - 23% Health Sciences - 17.61% Interdisciplinary - 0.17% Music and Performing Arts - 5.97% Social Work - 14.24%

Breakdown of students into basic education and Continuing Education ( MAS / EMBA ) Bachelor - 88.96 % Master - 8.85 % Continuing Education (MAS/EMBA) - 2.19 %

16'522 16'208


Breakdown of students by discipline



15'957 15'128

14'000 13'000 12'000 11'000 10'000







Federal Statistics Office reporting : students matriculated in basic education and continuing education (MAS/EMBA) HES-SO reporting : students attending basic education with a preparatory year in Health up to 15.10.2010

Breakdown of students into full-time, working, part-time

Breakdown of students by gender

Full-time - 81.41 % Part-time - 6.56 % Working - 12.03 %

Female - 52.26 % Male - 47.74 %


Students by discipline and degree course




BA in Conservation BA in Fine Arts BA in Interior Design BA in Product and Industrial Design BA in Visual Communication MA in Conservation-Restoration MA in Design MA in Film MA in Fine Arts Continuing Education Faculty Art & Design (MAS)

35 344 79 215 341 8 124 11 151 16

40 321 72 189 314 17 139 12 138 12

44 303 75 209 327 8 148 13 173 17

BSc in Business Administration BSc in Business Information Technology BSc in Business Law BSc in Hospitality Management BSc in Information Science BSc in International Business Management BSc in Tourism MSc in Business Administration MSc in Global Hospitality Business MSc in Information Science Continuing Education Faculty Business, Management and Services (MAS/EMBA)

2617 408 – 1196 132 – 344 121 – – 233

2969 468 75 1206 158 44 428 156 – 24 241

2977 511 195 1591 153 212 479 149 28 24 242

BSc in Agronomy BA in Architecture BSc in Chemistry BSc in Civil Engineering BSc in Computer Science BSc in Electrical Engineering BSc in Energy and Building Technology BSc in Energy and Environmental Engineering BSc in Engineering and Management BSc in Environmental Engineering BSc in Geomatics BSc in Industrial Design Engineering BSc in Information Technology Engineering BSc in Landscape Architecture BSc in Life Technologies BSc in Mechanical Engineering BSc in Media Engineering BSc in Microengineering BSc in Oenology BSc in Systems Engineering BSc in Telecommunications MA in Architecture MSc in Engineering TIC 1 MSc in Engineering TIN 2 MSc in Geomatics, Land Management and Civil Engineering MSc in Life Sciences Continuing Education Faculty Engineering and Architecture – Construction and Environment (MAS) Continuing Education Faculty Engineering and Architecture – TIC and TIN (MAS)

68 365 81 171 443 327 – – 105 97 132 125 90 190 170 201 108 316 79 292 185 71 95 120 39 17 20 68

85 429 90 194 449 277 40 42 62 100 150 131 156 176 155 220 100 360 109 281 173 82 78 115 72 27 46 88

108 488 110 217 494 282 76 140 79 94 154 141 180 161 130 215 92 387 85 236 202 96 101 149 41 53 50 84




Information and Communication Technologies (TIC) / I Industrial Technologies (TIN) 1









BSc in Midwifery BSc in Nursing BSc in Nutrition and Dietetics BSc in Occupational Therapy BSc in Osteopathy BSc in Physiotherapy BSc in Psychomotor Therapy BSc in Radiologic Medical Imaging Technology MSc in Nursing Sciences (UNIL - HES-SO)

138 1792 71 154 – 278 92 178 35

149 2171 87 176 – 316 94 240 33

152 2337 100 200 55 351 97 223 41

MSc in Integrated Innovation for Product and Business Development – Innokick


BA in Contemporary Dance BA in Music BA in Music and Movement BA in Theatre MA in Music Composition and Theory MA in Music Pedagogy MA in Music Performance MA in Specialised Music Performance MA in Theatre

– 549 16 29 20 185 272 71 –

– 519 19 31 27 180 320 53 12

24 499 23 32 20 202 327 64 15


2’738 3’266 3’556 INTERDISCIPLINARY (Art & Design, Business, Management and Services, Engineering and Architecture)



BA in Social Work MA in Social Work Continuing Education Faculty Social Work (MAS)




2842 87 110

2840 93 67

2724 102 49

3’039 3’000 2’875 TOTAL 17’269 18’737 20’194 Federal Statistics Office reporting : students matriculated in basic education and Continuing Education (MAS/EMBA) BA = Bachelor of Arts BSc = Bachelor of Science MA = Master of Arts MSc = Master of Science


Degree courses by fields of study and cantons




BA in Conservation MA in Conservation-Restoration BSc in Business Law BSc in Business Administration BSc in Business Information Technology Continuing Education Faculty Business, Management and Services (MAS/EMBA) BSc in Computer Science BSc in Electrical Engineering BSc in Industrial Design Engineering BSc in Mechanical Engineering BSc in Microengineering Continuing Education Faculty Engineering and Architecture – TIC and TIN (MAS) BSc in Nursing

35 8 – 526 133 50 94 23 125 16 112 9 284

40 17 75 578 167 68 150 – 131 – 154 16 271

44 8 195 619 159 62 156 – 141 – 168 17 258

BSc in Business Administration Continuing Education Faculty Business, Management and Services (MAS/EMBA) BA in Architecture BSc in Chemistry BSc in Civil Engineering BSc in Computer Science BSc in Electrical Engineering BSc in Mechanical Engineering BSc in Telecommunications MA in Architecture BSc in Osteopathy BSc in Nursing BA in Social Work

519 38 190 81 82 82 118 126 67 31 – 278 484

611 33 226 90 100 73 106 143 81 39 – 322 493

688 47 261 110 117 90 138 146 79 – 55 352 477


1’415 1’667 1’827 FRIBOURG

2’096 2’317 2’560






BA in Fine Arts BA in Interior Design BA in Product and Industrial Design BA in Visual Communication MA in Design MA in Fine Arts BSc in Business Administration BSc in Business Information Technology BSc in International Business Management BSc in Information Science MSc in Information Science Continuing Education Faculty Business, Management and Services (MAS/EMBA) BSc in Agronomy BA in Architecture BSc in Civil Engineering BSc in Computer Science BSc in Energy and Building Technology BSc in Environmental Engineering BSc in Information Technology Engineering BSc in Landscape Architecture BSc in Mechanical Engineering BSc in Microengineering BSc in Telecommunications MA in Architecture Continuing Education Faculty Engineering and Architecture – TIC and TIN (MAS) BSc in Midwifery BSc in Nursing BSc in Nutrition and Dietetics BSc in Physiotherapy BSc in Psychomotor Therapy BSc in Radiologic Medical Imaging Technology BA in Music BA in Music and Movement MA in Music Composition and Theory MA in Music Pedagogy MA in Music Performance MA in Specialised Music Performance BA in Social Work Continuing Education Faculty Social Work (MAS)

221 214 206 79 72 75 115 97 119 127 108 113 56 73 83 115 99 124 686 781 766 174 172 195 – 44 212 132 158 153 – 24 24 50 30 43 68 85 108 175 203 227 89 94 100 23 – – – 40 76 97 100 94 90 156 180 190 176 161 59 77 69 81 80 94 15 – – 40 43 – – – 12 84 91 93 271 365 409 71 87 100 83 95 96 92 94 97 85 109 93 2951 2701 2401 161 191 231 161 221 141 1121 991 1291 1301 1671 1671 581 381 511 806 865 884 55 34 42

BA in Fine Arts MA in Fine Arts BSc in Business Administration BSc in Business Information Technology BSc in Tourism Continuing Education Faculty Business, Management and Services (MAS/EMBA) BSc in Energy and Environmental Engineering BSc in Life Technologies BSc in Systems Engineering BSc in Nursing BSc in Physiotherapy BA in Social Work

64 16 298 101 344 9 – 170 131 235 89 643

4’856 5’281 5’672 VALAIS 50 22 340 129 428 13 23 155 129 281 101 617

50 22 363 157 479 19 68 130 124 315 119 613

2’100 2’288 2’459 1

inc students at the Haute école de musique de Genève – HEM-GE Neuchâtel campus



BA in Fine Arts BA in Product and Industrial Design BA in Visual Communication MA in Design MA in Film MA in Fine Arts Continuing Education Faculty Art & Design (MAS) BSc in Business Administration Continuing Education Faculty Business, Management and Services (MAS/EMBA) BSc in Computer Science BSc in Electrical Engineering BSc in Energy and Environmental Engineering BSc in Engineering and Management BSc in Geomatics BSc in Media Engineering BSc in Microengineering BSc in Systems Engineering BSc in Telecommunications Continuing Education Faculty Engineering and Architecture – Construction and Environment (MAS) Continuing Education Faculty Engineering and Architecture – TIC and TIN (MAS) BSc in Midwifery BSc in Nursing BSc in Occupational Therapy BSc in Physiotherapy BSc in Radiologic Medical Imaging Technology BA in Music MA in Music Composition and Theory MA in Music Pedagogy MA in Music Performance MA in Specialised Music Performance BA in Social Work Continuing Education Faculty Social Work (MAS)




59 57 47 100 92 90 214 206 214 68 66 65 11 12 13 20 17 27 16 12 17 588 659 541 56 79 55 244 226 248 186 171 144 – 19 72 105 62 79 132 150 154 108 100 92 123 126 125 161 152 112 103 92 123 20 46 50 59 72 55 54 58 59 724 932 1003 154 176 200 106 120 136 93 131 130 2542 2492 2592 42 52 62 732 812 732 1422 1532 1602 132 152 132 909 865 750 55 33 7

4’954 5’234 5’119

inc students at the Haute Ecole de Musique de Lausanne – HEMU Fribourg and Sion campuses TIC = Information and Communication Technologies / TIN = Industrial Technologies 2


BSc in Hospitality Management MSc in Global Hospitality Business Continuing Education Faculty Business, Management and Services (MAS/EMBA) BSc in Oenology BA in Contemporary Dance BA in Theatre MA in Theatre

1196 – 30 79 – 29 0

1206 – 18 109 – 31 12

1591 28 16 85 24 32 15

MSc in Business Administration MA in Architecture MSc in Engineering TIC MSc in Engineering TIN MSc in Geomatics, Land Management and Civil Engineering MSc in Life Sciences MSc in Nursing Sciences (UNIL - HES-SO) MA in Social Work MSc in Integrated Innovation for Product and Business Development – Innokick

121 – 95 120 39 17 35 87 –

156 – 78 115 72 27 33 93 –

149 96 101 149 41 53 41 102 34

1’334 1’376 1’791 HES-SO MASTER

514 574 766

TOTAL 17’269 18’737 20’194



The inter-cantonal HES-SO concordat is signed. It brings together the seven partner cantons (Arc – Bern, Jura, Neuchâtel – Fribourg – Geneva – Valais and Vaud). It determines the HES-SO’s structures and how it operates (disciplines of Engineering Sciences and Architecture, Economics and Services and Applied Arts).


Merging of SO and S2: the disciplines of SO (Engineering Science and Architecture, Economics and Services, Design) and S2 (Health, Social Work) are brought together under the umbrella of the HES-SO.


Faculty of Music joins the HES-SO.


Faculty of Visual Arts join the HES-SO.


The HES-SO receives authorisation to open eight new Master degree courses (Engineering, Economics and Services, Music, Design and Visual Art).


The Swiss Federal Council confirms the HES-SO’s authorisation to run these courses.


First academic year for the HES-SO Master in Lausanne. Launch of the Master of Science in Nursing Sciences jointly run by the HES-SO and the University of Lausanne.


In January, the Swiss Federal Council grants unconditional approval to the HES-SO’s draft agreement.


New MSc in Territorial Engineering and MA in Theatre Studies.


The new inter-cantonal agreement is validated by the parliaments of all the cantons of the HES-SO (Arc – BE-JU-NE, Geneva, Fribourg, Valais, Vaud).


Implementation of the new agreement. Launch of 3 BSc degrees in Economic Law, Energy and Environmental Techniques and International Business Management. The BA in Contemporary Dance is authorised to start in 2014. The Governmental Committee decides the appointment of a full rectorate comprising one rector, three vice-rectors and a general secretary.


New BSc in Osteopathy, BA in Contemporary Dance, MSc in Integrated Innovation for Product and Business Development – Innokick and MSc in Global Hospitality Business.


First elections at the HES-SO and the HES-SO Valais-Wallis. A collaborative council and six disciplinary participatory councils are elected for the entire HES-SO and a representative council for the HES-SO Valais-Wallis. The participation rate stands at 14.4%, 37.6% for staff and 8.4% for students. HES-SO Rectorate - Rue de la Jeunesse 1 - Case Postale 452 - CH - 2800 Delémont


Haute Eco le d'ingénie rie et d'archite cture de Fr ibourg - HE IA-FR Haute Ecole HEGde ge FR stion de Frib Hau ourg te E Ho c c hsc ole de HEd h s S-F ule für anté d R Ha Ge s e und Frib ou HE ute E heit rg TS col Frei -FR e d burg Ha e tr ava Sit ute il s e d Ec o ci e F ole al d rib de eF ou M rib rg us ou rg iqu ed eL au sa nn eH EM U HES-SO Fribourg-Freiburg HES-SO Genève



st ge





HES-SO Valais-Wallis

Schools with convention agreement


e eG

e nèv de Ge le e o d éc ue siq ute GE u a m H Ge ed HE c ol ve é e enè aut - GE ad éG t H e n a h M es h/ HE le d e.c g éco e e g t s /h n è ve Hau S- GE ial Ge .ch .he c o d e s w il E g va H em es de tra ww h/h école w.h e e.c t u g w a s H w e ds - GE rie w.h h/he HETS , d’ingénie ww ge.c s e u paysage d h le . o c é w s et Haute Genève ww .ch/h ecture de hesge et d’archit www. hepia www.hesg Valais Ecole cantonale d’art du HE

www.heia www. heg-f www .hed s-fr ww .ch w ww .hets -fr. w.h ch em u.c h

.ch/hem www.hesge

.he www



n tio ura a st -re on tion i t a a erv ur ns resta o C nArc io le ervat o rie s Ec nie t e Co n é u g n Ha -Arc rc I le A erie HE o c i E n ute ngé Ha -Arc I nté c Sa r HE A c ole te E té Hau rc San A n Arc HE gestio e d le éco Haute c r A G HE HEM de Genève de musique Haute école châtel Site de Neu HE-Arc (BE-JU-NE)




Hautes écoles vaudoises


www .hev s

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w. ec al.





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Ecole hôteli ère d e L ausan Cha ne – E n HL Hau gins – te é c ole d e Ha v iticu u lture Ma te é c n e o t u l œ e f a nolo ct ure de th gie - H éât E TS re de R Su iss

HES-SO ValaisWallis Haute Ecole d'Ing énierie - HEI HES-S O Valais-W Haute E cole de allis Santé HES HEdS -S Haut O Valais e Ec W all ole d HE e Ge is S stion Hau -S O V & To te E alais urism c ol -Wa e-H Ha e EG l lis de HE ute E Tra MU c o vail S oc – S le d ial ite e M HE de us TS Sio iqu EC e n de AL La /E us co an le ne ca nt on ale d'a rt de La us an ne

schéma : ©


FINANCE AND STAFF The Swiss Confederation provides approximately 30% of all funding across all disciplines. The balance is jointly financed by member cantons. The universities are financed by flat-rate payments per e-student (basic education) per project or by operating budgets (other duties).

Financial Information

2015 Budget 2016 Budget in millions of CHF in millions of CHF

Overall annual expenditure Bachelors and Masters Applied Research and Development and other ventures Formation pratique Common expenses (information systems, coordination, harmonisation, rectorate & central services, depreciation) Average annual funding per e-student (Bachelors and Masters)

503.1 439.7 40.0 17.0

520.0 446.4 40.7 16.6

16.4 CHF 28’300

16.3 CHF 27’600

These budgets do not include third-party funding or specific local circumstances.

2014 Staff ( Full-Time Equivalent – FTE )


Teaching staff 1716 Teaching assistants and research staff 792 Management, administration and technical staff 1079

Breakdown of staff by gender


Female Male


1456 2131

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