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What's inside:

Page 7: COVID


Shot Damage Report Reveals


Human and Economic Cost

Page 9: I


America When..

Page 12: Factory

Food IS a Gene Therapy...

The symptoms were getting worse. I went to three different doctors and they all told me I had Graves’ disease. It is a disease that causes the thyroid to either run too fast or too slow. Mine was hyper and causing my body to experience tremors and shaking. I couldn't put my makeup on. I love to skate but I couldn't skate because I was getting weak with all these symptoms. The first doctor told me that God gives disease and Satan heals. Yeah, well, I had to set him straight! Right, And then the last doctor I went to in Orlando, a very famous doctor, said, “I think I can help you.” He said, “I'm going to put you on a nice diet and I'm going to give you this little pill called tapazole, and it's going to regulate your thyroid.”

Oh wow, I just started feeling better instantly.

Then he told me the only cure for Graves’ disease is to either have your thyroid killed with radiation and take drugs for the rest of your life or to have it removed surgically and take drugs for the rest of your life.

Not a very good future. That's right. And so deep down in my heart, I told myself, I'm just not going to do that. So anyway, I came to Chuck's church, and I started building my faith. Then one day I went over to Orlando and he said to me, “I think I know what the source of your problem is.”

“It's those mercury fillings in your teeth. That is what is causing it.” He continued, “You need to go and have them all removed.” And so I went home that day and I was like, really? Oh my gosh. I was near tears. I said, oh my goodness. If I have that done, it may break all my teeth! This could cost a fortune. So I went to bed that night and received my first revelation. We're talking about the redemptive revelation of what Christ has already done. The Lord took me to Second Chronicles, and I read where King Asa had a severe disease in his feet. And because he put his trust in the physicians instead of God, he died. Boy, that was my first Rhema, my first revelation. I said, Lord, I said... Continued on Page: 3

COFFEYVILLE, Kan., March 8, 2023 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by James F. Linzey: Amidst the Coffeyville revival, a medical doctor testifies of a woman rising from the dead in an Emergency Room when an Assembly of God pastor laid hands on her and prayed over her.

Landon D. Vinson, M.D., who works in the Emergency Department at Coffeyville Regional Medical Center (CRMC), has been witnessing to colleagues of the miracle he witnessed of God raising a woman from the dead in the Emergency Room. Now, he is telling it to churches. Rev. Randy DePriest, the pastor of the First Assembly of God of Coffeyville, Kansas, who is a key leader in the Coffeyville revival, witnessed the miracle when he was called upon by the medical staff to console the woman's husband. DePriest invited Dr. Vinson to tell First Assembly of God of the miracle that they witnessed.

On a recent Sunday morning, Dr. Vinson accepted the invitation to speak. He stated, "I've seen hundreds of people at the end of their lives. I am confident of being able to determine if someone was about to die or when they were 'gone.' That's part of the job description."

During the height of the Covid pandemic, a woman was 'down' and was taken to the emergency room in Coffeyville. She was receiving CPR when she was brought into the emergency room and was given CPR for an entire hour after arriving. But she had died.

"We did get her heartContinued on Page: 5

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