Go - Secrets and Spies Wi t h H e u r i s t i c s Formed in 1795 This games maker helped change the war Let us show you just some of the games that kept our children happy during the war.
Jaques Games Compendium with a secret Radio hidden deep within its construction. This kind of creation and skillful craftsmanship helped many hundreds of prisoners of war escape.
The tools that Q built All the stuff of James Bond and more, but this time for real. Learn the secrets of escape and evasion Giggly saw hidden in shoe laces
Codes and Cyphers The moment there is a lack of trust you have secrets. Secrets have to be protected so now you need codes. Come and learn some of the history of codes and cyphers and make your own encryption device to take home. Your password will never be hacked again.
The Enigma Machine
Fountain pen with map and compass
Table games of all descriptions
Aunt Sally
Table skittles
Daddlums Suitable for all ages. Let the child within come out to play for a while.
Toad in the hole
Bat ‘n’ Trap