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LOS CERRITOS Serving Cerritos and ten other surrounding communities • August 21, 2020 • Vol 35, No. 2 • loscerritosnews.net
D.A. Reviewing Incompatible Office Charges Against CENTRAL BASIN Downey Assistant MANAGER PAYING AGENCYJohn EMPLOYEES Manager Oskoui
LAST WEEK! Win a $100 Eureka Burger Card! L.A. D.A.GiftRaid See page 16
Review is a result of an HMG-CN series of the Finance Director Andrew controversial Director. Hamilton refuses to submit ďŹ nancial reports for scrutiny. BY BRIAN HEWS
BY BRIAN HEWS The Los Angeles County District At-
Hews Media Group-Los Cerritos ComBY BRIAN HEWS munity News has exclusively learned that Hews Media Cerritos Los Angeles CountyGroup-Los District Attorney’s Community Newsishas learned that Office of Integrity reviewing the inCentral office Basin Finance compatible chargesDirector leveled Andrew against Hamilton been issuing paychecks to Central Basinhas Director and Downey AsCentral Basin employees despite the fact sistant Manager Jahanshah “John� Oskthatoutlined the board not passed a 2020-’21 oui as inhas a letter sent by former
budget. See OSKOUI page 11 The budget stalemate is due to Directors John Oskoui and Bob Apodaca; they are defying a court decision from last week deliberately not attending special board meetings called to approve the budget. In addition, the actual amount of payroll has not been approved as an item on the consent calendar during regular board meetings, and Hamilton is not submitting
torney’s Office raided homes and offices Lakewood~The Replenishment this week as part Water of a corruption probe District (WRD) is embarking proj-of into a failed solar project in on theaCity ect to construct two new wells as part of Industry. WRD’s Regional Groundwater MonitorThe bill to taxpayers was $20 million ing Program (RGWMP). and nothing came of it. One well would be in Paramount in the One search warrant was served on other well will be in Cerritos. Paul Philips, Cerritos resident andVera current In a phone call WRD President Bell City Manager. DEMONSTRATING at the Cerritos Post Office are Hubert Humphrey Democratic Robles DeWitt told HMG that the wells Club Membership Chair Norma Williamson and her husband Alan, Linda Hernandez, will be in Progress Park and See Cerritos D.A. RAIDPark page 12 East. Wendy Moonier, Al Barlevy, Pamela Crawley, Beverly and William Porter, and CoKITS FOR HOMELESS: Cerritos residents Josiah, Jacob and Jared Joseph with LAFD Because groundwater, water contained President Caballero. ofďŹ cialsLarry display their COVID Kits for the Homeless. They were inspired by paramedic in deep underground aquifers, cannot Jose Perez and his actions helping the homeless. FireďŹ ghter Perez, a 16-year veteran, be directly observed; WRD must track it recently died after contracting COVID. Photo courtesy of the Joseph family. through deep wells and specialized moniSTAFF REPORT al workers. Since the President said he wants to toring equipment. BY TAMMYE MCDUFF teens less howmoney to develop business plan, Several Hubert Humphrey Demo- give to the apost office to hinSee WRD page 14 learnpeople critical thinking and homes learn cratic Club members have been wearing der from voting skills from their Jacobholdand Jared toJoseph what it than takes to be your in ownlines boss.for Instead masksJosiah, while they up signs show rather standing hours are making their mark. As part of the of baking cupcakes or creating shirts, the their support for the post office and postSee SUPPORT page 12
Is Amazon Opening a Grocery Store PROP 17 WOULD in Cerritos?
State Preparing Norwalk’s CYA ALLOW PAROLEES Facility for BY TAMMYE MCDUFF FOOD BANK SEES INCREASE, PROJECTS GREATER NEED INTOHews THE Media BALLOT Group-Cerritos News Inmates See $&/53"- #"4*/ page 12 See TRIPLETS page 12 has learned that the former Toys R Us curriculum for Los Angeles Urban League 2020 Online Biz Camp, these young men had to turn an idea into a business. Partnering with the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship, Biz Camp is a four week summer program that teaches
Joseph brothers took it to a whole new level. After holding a family meeting they decided to give back to the community and develop CoVID Kits for the homeless. Initially the project was made possible
BOX. HOW WOULD building across from Los Cerritos Center could become an Amazon retail grocery THEY VOTE? store.
Hews Media Group-Cerritos News HMG-CN has confirmed that Amahas exclusively learned that the state of BY BALA THENAPPEN zon has applied for a business license California has notified the city of Norwith city. walk that they are “preparing the [SouthThisthe November’s ballot will feature Last year Amazon released proposition 17, which would allowtheir plans ern Youth Correctional Center] facilityâ€? to open a new grocery store in WoodCalifornians on parole for a felony conin case it is needed to house inmates. land Hills, as the company ramped up viction to vote. Currently, felons must Built in 1954, the correctional center, their ambitious push to become a bigger complete their prison sentence and their also known as the California Youth namesentence in food.to"Amazon hasparolees temporarily parole vote. Could Authority, was closed in 2011and is swing elections in the state’s most comopened the Woodland Hills store, April of located on Bloomfield Avenue just north petitive districts? this year,â€? an Amazon spokesperson conof Foster Rd. The term “paroleesâ€? applies to peofirmed to HMG-CN. In an email, Norwalk City Manager ple who are allowed backgiant into the com- that The e-commerce reported Jesus Gomez told HMG-CN, “The munity from prison before their prison it had opened the Woodland Hills store state has informed the city that they sentence is scheduled to be completed, as a temporary online-only store, focused will be utilizing the CYA as a satellite as exclusively long as they on follow certain guidelines fulfilling grocery delivery location for the state mental hospital to and reporting requirements. Roughly orders. house COVID-negative mental forensic 52,000 Californians are expected to be Amazon has already posted job openinmates.â€? on parole in 2021. ings for the lead store, hiring grocery and The California Department of State California parolees should be expectA SECOND HARVEST’S FOOD BANK volunteer placing food into the truck of a food service associates for the Woodland Hospitals defines forensic inmates as, to lean left as a voting bloc. In 2007, recipient at their Pop-Up Drive Thru Food Distribution held from March to the end of edHills location. The ex-felons store has who beenhad report“individuals who have beenGOVERNMENT charged gave 150,000 ALL ABOUT LOCAL PRIDE: Hall SelďŹ e Day isfood a celebration of local government and in gives employees June. As ofCity July, they provided to more than 530,000 individuals Orange County. Florida ed to be a former Toys R Us that's withand or convicted of opportunity criminal behavior residents the to get out in their andneed showwill offonly theirincrease best camera while showcasing theirongoing local been convicted for less serious offensesabout Theycommunity anticipate the morephone in theskills coming months due to the government buildings. The pictures must beeconomic posted to effects social media using hashtag #cityhallselďŹ e to enter the contest. Story on page 9. of COVID-19. Story on page two.
See CYA page 12
SeeSee PROP 17 pagepage 4 12 AMAZON
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Los Cerritos Community News - LosCerritosNews.net
Cerritos O.C. FOODteenager BANK and his team the world SEES making INCREASE, greener drop at a time PROJECTSoneGREATER BY LAURIE HANSON NEED IN THE “Many little drops make an ocean,” is a Chinese by parents of Harry NEXT idiom FEWtaught MONTHS
Yuan of Cerritos that motivates him today towards a greener future for the world’s BY LAURIE HANSON oceans tomorrow. The 17-year-old High Second Harvest Whitney Food Bank inSchool Irvine student and his team have developed is projecting a potential bleak future fora fashionable way tofood revolutionize Orange County’s insecure,beverage as partdrinking with one simple invention called ners already report up to a 700 percent the “BluStraw”. increase in need since COVID-19. “My always usedstats that for saying “We parents don’t have exact the to push me to recycle and make environneed, but we regularly check in with mentally said Yuan, some ourconscious partners decisions,” and they have indi“however, I never really understood the cated that they have seen anywhere from gravity of plastic pollution until my high 100 to 700 percent increase in demand school years.” at their locations since the beginning of After reading about literal islands of the pandemic,” Second Harvest Diplastics floating said in the world’s oceans, rector of Marketing and Public Relations Yuan learned they would soon outnumber Barbara Wartman. all the fish in the sea. He said in the UnitShe with ed States,explained more thanthat 500compared million plastic this same time last year they are now straws are used daily, and if put together distributing nearly double the amount of would circle the planet two and a half food. over. Between March to July 2019, they times distributed 13,279,109 pounds of even food “Crazy, right?!” he said. “I can’t fathom much plastic that is.”they disand thishow year same timeframe That is when he reached tributed 26,462,698 pounds.out across the stateTotomeet a few passiontheenvironmentally greater need which they ate friends who together came up with believe will only increase in the cominga “small decrease oceanic plasmonthssolution” due to tounemployment projectic waste. tions, they streamlined their operations original thought was we could with“Our more shelf-stable and ifperishable get people to make a tiny change their foods given in pre-packed boxes.in They everyday lives, it would be the ‘little also improved efficiencies by eliminatdrops’ [in the ocean] that would make a ing volunteers and facilitated partner acbig difference,” explained Yuan. That is cessibility to their warehouse located in when he and his team of came up with the the Great Park of Irvine.
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AUGUST21, 7, 2020 AUGUST “I have owned lots of reusable straws, As a food bank which differs from and my friends have as well - they’re great a food pantry, Second Harvest acquires for the environment, but they’re a bother food through either donations or by purto clean and take around,” Yuan said. “Uschasing it. They provide food to more ing tiny brushes is extremely annoying, than 300 network partners which inand I would often find myself forgetting clude church and school food pantries, to take out my reusable straw when eating after school programs, senior centers, out.” soup kitchens and transitional housing “With a bracelet on, I could wear it facilities, who then distribute to those in around every day without noticing it, and need. whenever I decide to get a drink my straw “We are closely tracking the unemwould conveniently be right there,” he exployment numbers and other indicators plained. of need so we can project upcoming deAfter conducting more than 300 surmand for food and communicate that need veys and 40 interviews plus doing extento donors and the community,” explained sive market research, Yuan and his team Wartman. “[It is] so they can partner with came with a few key features: us to make sure that everyone who needs • An openable yet functional reusable food will be able to access it.” straw that is extremely easy to clean Though meeting the greater need is • A bracelet that covers the straw on challenging, Second Harvest is fortunate the wrist to prevent germs and bacteria SECOND HARVEST rolled out its latest and most innovative tool in the fight against to have many people in the community • A stylish design to spark converhunger in Orange County: the Park-It Market, a walk-up market that delivers fresh, graciously step up with generous donasation/make a statement about keeping nutritious, free food right to seniors in need. The Park-It Market is a first-of-its-kind, tions. But they see the need only increasoceans clean partially-refrigerated, free market for seniors travels Monday through Friday on ing into the holidays due to historic on• To donate part of the proceeds to plasscheduled weekly visits to 20 local senior centers and low-income senior apartment tic cleanup nonprofits around the world going pandemic unemployment highs in complexes. It is a dignified and convenient way for seniors to get the food they need. “Over the past few months, we have Orange County. worked for hours each day to turn our “Although the numbers of those filidea into a reality,” Yuan said. “We have ing for unemployment is going down a ON A MISSION to saveare thewithout world’swork oceansticed with many one small invention, Yuan of one’s conducted market created propeople in needHarry in his comfamily whileresearch, others ask for some bit, many, many people Cerritos is pictured holding his BluStraw image and silicone cylinder it will be made totypes, contacted manufacturers, and are munity. form of identification. To find a locawith little chance of finding jobs in the from. He and a group of teen’s simple idea is to create a reusable straw that can be worn almost ready to start product production.” “At the time, this went against Har- tion near them, people can visit online next few months,” Wartman said. “We as a bracelet, making it handy to use anytime, ney’s anywhere. by Laurie Hanson. They have begun with an Indiegogo to own Photo perception that Orange Coun- at www.221OC.org anticipate that the need will increase or call 211, and get begin crowdfunding the idea, and raised through January and then start to slowly ty was a well-off and prosperous place more information on distribution days about $500 in two days, but still need adexplained Wartman. “This go down.” idea of a reusable straw that doubles as a to live,” Though plastic straws aren’t the mislarg- and times, plus whatever information, if ditional funding. “We’re currently trying continues to this day as many Thisbracelet time last year, Second Harvest perception stylish – the BluStraw. est contributor to plastic pollution in the any, is required. don’tand understand the depth that of to raise awareness, as well as crowdfund served a little moretothan 247,000 “We’re aiming keep plasticpeople. out of people ocean, Yuan his team discovered Second Harvestand can always use through preorders donations,” hefood addin thisidea community.” As of last month, thatanfigure was up to need our oceans and start environmentally the whole to shift away from plastic ed. monetary donations from individuor It is Second Harvest Food aBank’s mis531,843.movement around the globe,” he to reusable friendly straws is really symbol of becomeand ‘a little drop’ ingroups. this moveals, To business, community To to end hunger in Orange said.“The “Weupcoming have beenholiday working on thisisidea an eco-friendly future for all,County. he said. It season go- sion mentfight to save the ocean andO.C. for more inforhelp hunger in the and make since beginning of asummer as there they concluded through soThrough more than 300 members in ing to the be very grim for lot of people in is something on thedonation, BluStaw’s IndieGoGo camamation monetary please visit www. are few activities due to the pandemic.” cial media, friends, and the eco-friendly their Partner Network, they provide food our community,” she said. paign (and to place an order to be filled For a fun, engaging way On Since Yuan’s1983, team Second is Derrick Cai, 16, San to community the last decade. is why people inofneed at more thanIt350 lo- FeedOC.org. Harvest hasofbeen by January 2021), please visit online at Jose, Ashish Basetty, 17, of Fremont, Arthey came up with a new reusable silicone to give, please visit their Virtual Food providing food to the hungry of Orange cations throughout the county. Each lo- www.//igg.me/at/blustraw/x/24223350#/. nav Jain, 16, of San Jose, and Maddox Yu, straw in the form of a bracelet for everyCounty. They were started by Dan Har- cation has different requirements. Some Drive website at www.yourfooddrive. 16, Evergreen. day living. ask about the number of people in org/home.php. neyofand Tom Fuentes after Harney no- only
ARC from page 8 JULY 17, 2020 AUGUST 21, 2020
MISSION FOUNDED BY ST. LOS CERRITOS JUNÍPERO CENTER SERRA IS BURNS INPARTIALLY OVERNIGHTOPEN FIRE The roof is gone and everything was BY TAMMYE MCDUFF burned - up to the alter. As retail establishments become creSTAFF REPORT ative in opening their business amid a barrage of financial needs and government A massive fire devastated an eighregulations, Los Cerritos Center is promotteenth century mission church in San ing a ‘Curbside, Retail, Outdoor, Takeout,’ Gabriel, in the Archdiocese of Los Angeenvironment at the regional shopping desles, July 11. tination. Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los “We will try continue to promote a Angeles called the fire at San Gabriel healthy shopping environment for our Mission church, founded by St. Junipero guests and employees through intensiSerra, “devastating.” fied cleaning procedures and proper social The fire began early Saturday morndistancing signs,” says Vito Bello, Senior ing around 4 a.m. and destroyed the roof Manager, Marketing for Macerich, owner and interior of the 249-year-old strucof the LCC. “We miss our customers and ture. look forward to seeing them again.” Local firefighters said they responded Residents might be surprised that in to anWRD initial alarm at 4:24. store shopping is currently allowed at NorContinued from pagesmoke 1 and By the time they arrived, dstrom, Macy’s, Forever 21, Dick’s Sportflames were visible from outside the ing This Goods, and New York & Company. project is made possible through a church – which is a California Historical Restaurant is currently availpartnership withdining the United States GeologLandmark. able at the Cheesecake Factory,partnership Lazy Dog ical Survey (USGS). WRD’s "Our beloved #SanGabrielMission, with the USGS ratepayer funds.Pizza Restaurant, P.F.saves Changs, California founded in 1771, devastated by fire WRD has been monitoring groundwaKitchen, Chipotle and Chick-Fil-A. before dawn. St. Junípero Serra, for ter in the Central and West Coastpray Basins Curbside pickup is available daily for this land that you helped to found," said over 50 This monitoring program is 20 years. retailers and restaurants. Contact Los Angeles Archbishop Jose Gomez. integral to WRD’s work and consists of the store directly to find out merchandisea Battling four-alarm fire eventu-wells network ofthe more than 300 monitoring availability, payment options, and to place ally involved 50 throughout firefighters,the according at 60 locations District. an order. to the Los Angeles Times. Local fire and The new wells will be installed Curbside pickup is relatively easy, pull department spokesman Captain Antonio drilled 2,100 space feet deep. in, giveapproximately them your parking number Negrete called the damage “heartbreakThe wells will provide comprehensive and an employee will bring your purchase data of groundwater levels and quality in ing.” to you, placing it in the trunk. aquifers within the mission Montebello Forebay. “The roof of the is comLos Cerritos Center has also committed The Forebay is interior vital toup Southern pletely gone and the to the Los to the Million Meals Challenge. Angeles County’sdestroyed,” water supply. The 43 altar is completely Negrete “Help us WRD’s in supporting our local comcities within use about said, noting that it wasjurisdiction not yet possible
Metro Deploys First 60foot Zero Emission Bus
ToTo advertise call 562-407-3873 advertise call 562-407-3873 Cerritos Community News - LosCerritosNews.net Los Cerritos Community News - LosCerritosNews.net 3 3 minimize the need for Los electric lighting food “the Los and create energy savings. tomunity establish thebanks,” cause ofsaid the Bello, fire because ofCerritos concernsCenter over the hasbuilding’s partneredstructural with Food Through meticulous planning, WRD integrity. Finders to collect monetary donations on reduced waste and maximized recycling Metro) has deployed its first zero emis“We’re going to have building their behalf. Donating is easy, engijust text during the construction of ARC by dision electric bus on the G Line in the San neers come in and see if we and can make shore aup ‘MacerichMeals’ to 41444 dif- verting 75 percent of construction waste Fernando Valley The deployment is the some walls to make it as safe as possible ference in someone’s life.” from the landfill. first of 40 electric buses that will be put for the investigators to gotoin andserve starta milMacerich is aiming help “WRD is excited to receive a Plati- into service by the end of 2020. investigating fire,” he said, accordlion meals tothis those in need. “Even as we confront the immediate num Certification from LEED for our Aling toInthe Times. other LCC news, coming this week- bert Robles Center for Water Recycling challenge of COVID-19, we are making a Adrian Marquez Alarcon, spokesend is the ‘Inside Out Summer Sale’ begin- and Environmental Learning,” said WRD long-term investment in a healthier, more woman for the Archdiocese of Los ning Friday August 21st to Sunday, August President Vera Robles DeWitt. “Many sustainable future with the delivery of this Angeles, said that because of renovafirst electric bus on the G Line,” said Los 23rd. eco-conscious decisions were made durtions underway at the church ahead of its Angeles Mayor and Metro Board Chair Shop the latest and greatest from your ing the construction of ARC. This project 250th anniversary, historic paintings and Eric Garcetti. favoritehad brands the outdoor opennot air – artifacts beeninremoved and were will serve millions of people through our The electric buses cost $1.15 million bask in the summer inand the building at the time ofsunshine the fire. while water recycling facility and educational each in a total project valued at over $80 you’re at it. Plus you visited can enjoy Archbishop Gomez the delicious church exhibits.” million. This project includes the deploybites from your favorite restaurants. Saturday morning, saying on Facebook ARC also offers a state-of-the-art ment of the electric buses and associated As anwoke addeduptreat Party Popcorn that “[he] before dawn this Curb- learning center that immerses visitors charging equipment and infrastructure imside will be stationed between San Harkins OUTDOOR DINING: Restaurant dining is currently available at the Cheesecake morning to news that our beloved into an interactive educational experience provements. The new buses will be capaTheatres and Dick’s Sporting Goods. Grab Factory, Lazy Dog Restaurant, P.F. Changs, California Pizza Kitchen, Chipotle and Gabriel Mission, founded by St. Junípero of recharging at various points along focused on the history of water in the re- blepick-up also. a large bag was of Big Party Popcorn, Red Chick-Fil-A. Many stores are offering curbside Serra in 1771, burning.” gion and the importance of groundwater. the G Line (Orange). Vines, plusGod a Nacho Party Pack Gomez with chips MISSION SAN GABRIEL, which was founded in 1771 by St. Junípero Serra, was “Thank no one is hurt,” said. here touppray with the people. and“I’m dip; serves to ten people for just $10 devastated by fire July 11. Auxiliary Bishop David O’Connell of the San Gabriel 250,000 acre-feet (82 billion gallons) of The roofand is destroyed a bag the Nacho and Partythere Packisismuch $25. water annually. The Forebay conserves Pastoral Region of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles was on hand to survey the firedamage in Cerritos the old church. St. Junípero, Los Center also welcomes 150,000 acre-feet (48.9 billion gallons) caused damage. Photo courtesy Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Victor Aleman. pray for this to city, state, andClub, this focusyour thethis Virtual Kids each child year. WRD employs the most adcountry that you helped to found.” ing on building a stronger future.high-qualiKids Club vanced technology to maintain SanforGabriel mission was is awater wonderful opportunity to teach young tyThe millions of people inthe Los AnSerra was canonized by Pope Francis on July 4, during which one man burned fourth mission founded by St. Junípero children about the world around them, how geles County. during a visit to the United States in Serra, acan Franciscan priest whotofounded aalthe face of the statue with an ignited WateraReplenishment they“The make difference beDistrict healthier 2015. trail of missions across California. spray can, before a crowd pulled the ways strives to beaproactive in monitoring people and create healthy planet. “Junípero sought to defend the digSerra helped to convert thousands of statue from its base and struck it with a groundwater saidKids WRD President As part ofquality” the virtual Club you’ll nity of the native community, to protect native Californians to Christianity, and sledgehammer and other objects, dancVera Robles representing District have access DeWitt, interactive activities to down-5 it from those who had mistreated and taught them new agricultural“The technoloand the City of Paramount. construcing and jumping upon it. load, suggested books and online tools to gies. tion of these two wells is an investment in abused it,” the pope said in his homily at Another statue of the saint was torn find out more about the monthly topic, as the Mass of canonization. Many of to Serra’s form the and our future createmissions a drought-resilient down in Golden Gate Park, San Franciswellof as what videosare that teachthe children Despite Serra’s record defending cores today state’show big-to be locally-sustainable water supply.” co, on June 19 by a crowd of about 100 smart aboutsuch resources forDiego, the planet. gest cities— as San SanDistrict indigenous peoples, statues of the saint Director Allen, representing people, and on the same day a statue of HMG-CN wanted readersadded to know that have become focal points for protests Francisco, Los 3 and theand City ofAngeles. Cerritos, “WRD the saint was torn down in Los Angeles. the LCC has,itsinfor the past, people been advocate native andof the and demonstrations across California in isAn proud of commitment to one delivering The following week the San Juan best places to use as a cooling center durrecent weeks, with images of the saint quality water to pumpers and residents a champion of human rights, Serra was Capistrano Mission and its neighboring ing theodds California dognew days of summer. in our region. wells support being torn down or vandalized in protest often at withThese Spanish authorities church removed statues of Serra from However, as a result of current and of California’s colonial past. WRD’s mission to native protect and state preserve over the treatment of people, from high quality groundwater.” their outside displays to preserve them county health orders, the common area of whom there was an outpouring of grief Rioters pulled down a statue of St. atthe hisproperty death in is1784. from being targeted. Serra in the state capital of Sacramento temporarily closed.
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AUGUST21, 7, 2020 AUGUST 2020
community newspapers across the Keeping It Flowing For You! of CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE Church nation. TheseMembers outlets are critical to our democracy. When they can no NEEDS TO SAVE COMMUNITY longer Pete’s afford$83 to continue reporting, Donate Billion communities lose a vital watchdog and NEWSPAPERS, IT'S EASY PLUMBING government business is hidden from
newspapers are especially vulnerable to economic uctuations and catastrophic consequences, like closure. These small publishers are scrambling to stay aoat by cutting coverage, furloughing reporters and eliminating print publication on certain days of the week. public view. Over 25 Years of Quality Service BY DAVID CHAVERN They are expediting their transition Right now, many communities Family Owned & Operated to digital-ďŹ rst publishing and exploring throughout California are suffering Fastpressed & Friendly Crew You’d be •hard to ďŹ nd an new methods for providing information the loss of their watchdogs. More than industry that hasn’t been • Same Daynegatively Service TAMMYE MCDUFF to their communities as more readers aBY dozen newspapers have suspended impacted by the •coronavirus pandemic. turn to these methods during the operations in the last ďŹ ve months, with Free Estimates But when it comes to news publishing, South Koreatohas become globally crisis. However, cutting print days more planning close in the coming carrier routes will be eliminated. • All Types of Repair the virus has accelerated some difďŹ cult recognized for their quick response to the disenfranchises speciďŹ c demographic months. To save California newspapers, at a CALL FOR trends, especially for INFORMATION small community nation’s novelthe California Legislature groups, such as senior citizens and Last year, minimum, the Legislature must extend publishers. Coronavirus MEMBERS the Shincheonji Church of Jesus, located in Daegu, South Korea, has other residentsofwho don’t have internet Assemblyepidemic. Bill 5 forNow howthat this OR passed the exemption to AB 5, which will country is preparing for a potential second surpassed any single organization in monetary and blood plasma donations. Daegu was And now yet another blow to small access (6%) or don’t have a reliable businesses classify workers as provide newspapers with more time hit hard connection by the virus (up at the of the outbreak. wave, manyorcitizens have come together newspapers in California is about to be internet to beginning 25% of rural contractors employees. In recognition to get past COVID-related advertising to the assist in management virus. dealt, unless the Legislature acts 3099state E. Pacific Coast Highway communities). Through losing their of inapplicability of of thethe legislation and to adjustdeveloping their operations Such is the story of Cerritos resident difficult to accelerate a medihealthnewspaper, care workers, efforts to assist in the declines soon. LONG BEACH local these groups are losing to the news industry and the economic *+2 +2 $041 ' 100) to meet changing consumption patterns. Daisy Marquina. cine for COVID-19 with only 200 recovoutbreak lead to an unbelievable humani*+2 +2 $041 ' 100) A new report that CARDS the current MOSTwarns MAJOR CREDIT ACCEPTED their main source of information and headwinds facing community *+2 +2 $041 ' 100) Marquina had heard through a friend In addition, to further aid ethnic and ered patients donating blood. The massive tarian expression from church members. health crisis may accelerate the closing )01 3*( 02 (11+302 their connection to the community. newspapers, the Legislature gave )01 3*( 02 (11+302 news that a religious organization)01 3*( 02 (11+302 was going donation from the publishers, recovered patients from SCJ first news grabbed the attention of the 4 Los Cerritos Community News - LosCerritosNews.net community news the 7, 2020 To advertise call 562-407-3873 AUGUST Keeping publishers strong publishers a one-year exemption, but 0..4/+37 (62 above and beyond food and grocery 0..4/+37 (62 dona- nation, claiming that their members were the Shincheonji Church will help solve the should prioritize these isnewspapers in the interest not only ofvulnerable the when the extension ends in across December are especially to Legislature of community newspapers the 0..4/+37 (62 tions - they were donating plasma. “I was problem of the lack of blood for research.â€? cured from COVID-19 using plasma. In ''# , , 0'-* 0'-* * -$$0 * -$$0 . . outlets for public outreach ads. Not ''# press, but of our greater democracy. 2020, publishers will be forced economic uctuations and catastrophic nation. These outlets are critical to recovering successfully from the ''# , virus 0'-* * -$$0 Starting in July, 500 SCJ members their hopes to . continue to aid and operate , # & , ,!% ,' -!$ 0'-* ,' , only will this help provide residents When they lacklike a steady ow of to classify newspaper carriers asno that ,!% ,' -!$ 0'-* ,' , , # & , These consequences, closure. our democracy. When they can myself, and wanted to do something , # & , ,!% ,' -!$ 0'-* ,' , who successfully survived COVID-19 alongside government and fellow citizens, +( ! ! ,!'&+ , publishers / * communities +-(($! 0 information, suffer a slew employees. with access to key local resources and +( ! ! ,!'&+ ,, , / * 0 small are together scrambling to stay longer afford to continue reporting, could help others,â€? Marquina told HMG, donated blood plasma for the development members have +-(($! come to donate +( ! ! ,!'&+ , , / * +-(($! 0 0'- $ + +-* , , $$ , !& '* furloughing of ailments, from declining This signiďŹ cant to0'- $ + +-* , aRed business health it will help , $$ , aoat byincutting communities achange vital watchdog and of a cure. Theinformation, Korean Center of Disease plasma an effortcoverage, to !& '* developcitizen a new treat- public “I reached outlose to the American Cross. 0'- $ + +-* , , $$ , !& '* % ,!'& !+ '** , & , , , corruption engagement to increased and practice that has been in place for more these community outlets bridge the reporters and eliminating print % ,!'& !+ '** , & , , , government business is% ,!'& hidden from Control and the Korean Red Cross supment. They responded by accepting my!+ offer '** , & , , , % ,+ 0'-* * )-!* % &,+ (- declining government performance. than 100 years will have the effect
publication on certain days of the week. public view. ďŹ nancial gap without any additional % ,+ 0'-* * )-!* % &,+ (- plied buses to Kyung Book Great Hospital A church official of Shincheonji saying that I had passed% ,+ the prescreen and 0'-* * )-!* % &,+ (-
BY DAVID CHAVERN Fewer people runoperations for ofďŹ ce fewer $!+ * &&', * &&', $ * +('&+! $ '* themany cost of 8 of They aretheir expediting their transition Right now, in Daegu, South Korea to collect blood shared that toand create plans state myincreasing donation would becommunities accepted.â€? funding. $!+ $ * +('&+! $ '* $!+newspaper * &&', $ * +('&+! $ '* 8 8 people vote. delivery by as much as 85%, a burden &0 !& '** , !& '*% ,!'& , , !+ '& plasma. for donations. to digital-ďŹ rst publishing and exploring throughout are suffering MarquinaCalifornia subsequently joined with 1 * !&+ & / *+ $ & 1 &0 !& '** , !& '*% ,!'& , , !+ '& &0 !& '** , !& '*% ,!'& , , !+ '& If California’s lawmakers don’t 1 * !&+ & / *+ $ & 1 1 * !&+ & / *+ $ & 1 You’d be hard pressed to ďŹ nd an At a'& time California’s that is unsustainable forShincheonji small publishers , !& !& , , !+ (*'' !+ Justice “Some of when the recovered members new methods for providing information church members of the the loss of their watchdogs. More than , !& !& , '& , !+ (*'' !+ , !& !& , '& , !+ (*'' !+ act soon to Life helpFoundation, communitywhom news Mar '(( * (!(!& 1 -*& + 1 , * , *+ '(( * (!(!& 1 -*& + 1 , * , *+ '(( * (!(!& 1 -*& + 1 , * , *+ industry that hasn’t been negatively unemployment rate is alarming, lack that have also recently been hit with quina is a member, was founded in May have already donated individually, feeling Jesus [SCJ]have in+! & + '** , 0 , donating blood to their communities as more readers aChurch dozenof newspapers suspended +! & + '** , 0 , . *,!+ * . *,!+ * publishers, they risk losing a vital +! & + '** , 0 , . *,!+ * !* '& !,!'&!& 1 , * !(!& 1 0 *'" ,,!& impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. !* '& !,!'&!& 1 , * !(!& 1 0 *'" ,,!& of legislative action to extend the advertising revenue declines of 30% to 2020, inspired by the BLM movement. thankful for the assistance from the gov !* '& !,!'&!& 1 , * !(!& 1 0 *'" ,,!& plasma. turn to these methods during the operations in the last ďŹ ve months, with for their constituents and But when it comes to news publishing, Theyvoice advocate for equity through –analytiernment andformedical teams,â€? the represen- local # , ,!& 1 , * ' , & *+ 1 !+('+ $+ newspaper carriers 50% asplanning aShincheonji result to of close the coronavirus # , ,!& 1 , * ' , & *+ 1 !+('+ $+ The Church of coming Jesuscrisis. exemption crisis. However, cutting print days more in the # , ,!& 1 , * ' , & *+ 1 !+('+ $+ carrier routes will be eliminated. the has accelerated some difďŹ cult ,' (*!&, + !+ cal research and inquisitive coverage in tative stated, “they expressed theirIfwill to themselves. ,' (*!&, + !+ will cause even more jobdemographic losses. Local sounded the [SCJ] publishers is located inhave Daegu, South Korea ,' (*!&, + !+ disenfranchises speciďŹ c months.
, %' $!& 1 # $'/ +,!& ( !* %' $!& 1 # $'/ +,!& ( !*
,virus %' $!& 1 # $'/ +,!& ( !* To save California newspapers, at a
, is president order to bringDavid forth aChavern world where those make a contribution to society.â€? trends, especially for small community publishers areasforced limit circulation alarm with California but andLast has surpassed any lawmakers, single organization groups, such seniortocitizens and year, the California Legislature minimum, the Legislature must extend +1(230/( -5' 016%-, 11661 Firestone Blvd. Norwalk +1(230/( -5' 016%-, and CEO of News Media Alliance, oppressed, discriminated, maltreated are And they didwho step up; 4,000 publishers. areas for ďŹ nancial reasons, theymembers will so they have not steps to in far, monetary and blood donations. +1(230/( -5' 016%-, other residents don’t have internet passed Assembly Billtaken 5plasma forany how , , '&,* ,'* ! &+ the exemption to AB 5, which will , , '&,* ,'* ! &+ heard. “We offer a platform for those of the SCJ will be donating the equivalent the news industry’s largest And , , '&,* ,'* ! &+ now yet another blow to small The citythe of Daegu had the firstaslargest have to (6%) reconďŹ gure address devastating impact this will ,' (*!&, /!, , or don’t access have aroutes, reliable businesses classify workers ,' (*!&, /!, ,carrier blood ,' (*!&, /!, , provide newspapers withbut more time whose stories are untold, deserve to be of $83 billion dollars in plasma. 24 HOUR SERVICE ! " trade organization, david@ outbreak of Covid-19 outside of China. newspapers in California is about to be reduce home deliveries and cease daily have on both publishers and readers. ! " contractors or employees. In recognition internet connection (up to 25% of rural !& ! , & + ! " to get past COVID-related advertising heard,â€? said founder Justin Lee, “The SCJ Green Cross Pharma, a biopharmaceu!& ! , & + Despite facing similar of challenges as other publication, which meanslosing thousands newsmediaalliance.org. dealt, unless the state Legislature acts Small community and ethnic !& ! , & + communities). Through their of of the inapplicability the legislation is one such story.â€? tical company in South Korea, acknowldeclines and to adjust their operations large as shortages personal soon. local these groups are losing to thecities, news such industry and the of economic edgednewspaper, the huge commitment stating, “It is to meet changing consumption patterns. protective equipment, inpatient beds, and A new report warns that the current their main source of information and headwinds facing community $ In addition, to further health crisis may accelerate the closing 2009 and 2010 voted inaid theethnic 2012 and presiand who theirDemocrats connectionamong to the ex-felons community. newspapers, the Legislature . *,!+ * +! & ,-* gave news . *,!+ * +! & ,-* community news publishers, the . *,!+ * +! & ,-* are not Black.news smaller Keeping strong to their election, customermuch service. Brandsthan willthe often diced bagged frozenpublishers mixes. Bulk fresh pro- dential publishers a one-year exemption, but PROP 17 Legislature should prioritize incentivize their most loyal customers with duce that is in season will cost you less per ~55% population parolees in Caliturnout rate observed inthese the whole is inThe the interest notofonly of the when the extension ends in December ! ((1,/* 4 -07,/* 02 $05 2020, Continued from 1 ! outlets forcoupons public outreach ads. Not exclusive to show their appreciapound.is Invest thegreater time todemocracy. wash that year. fornia disproportionately Blackand andslice electorate press, but of our publishers will page be forced ! tion. producethey home, in freezable con- only will this helpturnout providetypically residents Latino. Inat2016, ofitCalifornia’s Given the low When lack 26% aplace steady ow of to classify carriers asFlorida, the right to newspaper vote. (At the time, in Meal plan realistically. If you tainers. You still receive the suffer ease ofa having parole population was Black (even observed among ex-felons and theare information, communities slew employees. with access to key local resources andfolall felons - even if they’d completed lowing a certain nutrition plan and end frozen, but with much less money out of Democratic party’s dominance in recent though only 6% of California’s overall of ailments, from declining citizen This signiďŹ cant change to a business public health information, it will help up their prison sentence - were disquali- wanting a elections cheat day- or just get bored with pocket. population was) and 40% of California’s statewide Governor engagement to increased corruption and these practice has been in place forpolicy more community outlets bridgeNewsom the ďŹ ed fromthat voting.) A study of this Calculate cost per serving. Sometimes your leftovers during the week, don’t 2%-(2 &(11+302/(62 /(3 population was Latino. In Caliand Governor Brown won each of the let declining government performance. than 100 will have the effectof ex- parole 6(2 $(%23 0) 5%-,48 !(26,&( found ďŹ nancial gap without any additional thatyears the partisan afďŹ liations BY TAMMYE MCDUFF the meals you planned go to Check buying a finished product will cost you 2%-(2 &(11+302/(62 /(3 Latino last 3 funding. gubernatorial electionswaste. by over Fewer Black peoplevoters run forand ofďŹ ce andvoters, fewer of increasing cost ofpartisan newspaper 2%-(2 &(11+302/(62 /(3 state %.,-8 7/(' 1(2%4(' felons roughlythe matched trends #fornia, your refrigerator every two days, honestly more in the end than if you had prepared according to the California Public Policy 1,000,000 votes - prop 17 would hardly people vote. delivery by as much as 85%, a with burden observed If California’s don’t two A trip in to the the general grocery public, store usually what you lawmakers will eat in the it yourself. For example, frozen lasagna evaluate ends # 9 %34 2,(/'-8 2(7 make a dent in statewide electionnext reInstitute, tend to vote Democrat by a # At a time when California’s that is unsustainable for small publishers the overwhelming majority of Black the same way for all of us, a few bags of es- could cost more per serving than if you act help community dayssoon and tofreeze anything thatnews you won’t. 9 !%.( %8 !(26,&( sults. Even at the local level, where prop signiďŹ cant margin. unemployment rate is alarming, lack that have also recently been hit with ex-felons registering Democrats a purchased sentials cost $40, $50,as$60 dollars orand more. Keep easy tothey prepare favorites in the pana jar of sauce, box of lasagna publishers, risktolosing a vital However, most research also sug17 has the potential be most relevant of legislative action to extend the advertising declines ofto30% to 9 2(( 34,.%4(3 roughly split Republicans Within aeven fewrevenue days between there seems be nothtry that you for cantheir makeconstituents as a substitute meal noodles and cheese separately and assem- local voice –were and gests that voter turnout amongst papolitically, only a handful of races exemption foryourself. newspaper carriers 50% as a result of the coronavirus crisis. ing left to eat again. so you aren’t tempted to spend on takeout. bled the meal 9 -- "81(3 0) (1%,2 themselves. would be very The Florida decided by less than 10,000 votes of in them willGo cause even more job losses. If Local publishers havenewspaper sounded the Beyond browsing circulars rolees Research shopping apps. Many green and buylow. reusable. Purchas " David Chavern is president recent years. study mentioned above found that, publishers are forced to limit circulation alarm with California lawmakers, but for specials and loading grocery loyalty ing reusable freezer bags, sandwich bags are free to Android and Apple devices and los cerritos and CEO News Media Alliance, among those eligible vote,they onlywill 16 Currently, 19 of states allow parolees areas for ďŹ nancial so far,with theydigital have not taken there any steps to cards coupons are other they can earn you money just for doing the and food wraps arereasons, a to higher cost upfront, community theyou news industry’s largest vote. The passage of prop 17 black ex-felons per-you to have to of reconďŹ gure carrier routes, address impact willis percent ways to the savedevastating at thenewspaper grocery store,this which grocery shopping already hadwould planned. but over time they not onlyand will12save be perhaps the most progressive shift in cent of all other felons voted in the 2016 trade organization, david@ reduce home deliveries and cease daily have on both publishers and readers. especially important now as people try to money they will reduce kitchen. Simply download the app, scan the barelection. California’s electoral policy since the spend less.community and ethnic publication, which means of Small %&,),& 0%34 ,*+7%8 codes of eligible newsmediaalliance.org. purchased items, snap a Contact favorite brands.thousands Send an email Another found thatyou onlylove ~13their state ex-felons Follow Buy fresh instead of us! frozen. The next letting photobegan of theallowing sales receipt within (who seven had days them study know how much @cerritosnews completed their prison sentence/parole) percent of ex-felons in Iowa who had time you need fruit or vegetables for a reci- products. Sign up for e-newsletters, follow of purchase and submit. Some apps can !" " ! " pe, forgo the convenience of pre-sliced and gotten their rightmedia to vote restored in out to vote incashed 1974. themDemocrats on social and even reach even be 2009 and 2010 out. voted in the 2012 presiand among ex-felons who
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the right to vote. (At the time, in Florida, all felons - even if they’d completed their prison sentence - were disqualiďŹ ed from voting.) A study of this policy found that the partisan afďŹ liations of exfelons roughly matched partisan trends observed in the general public, with the overwhelming majority of Black ex-felons registering as Democrats and a roughly even split between Republicans
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are not Black. The population of parolees in California is disproportionately Black and Latino. In 2016, 26% of California’s parole population was Black (even though only 6% of California’s overall population was) and 40% of California’s parole population was Latino. In California, Black voters and Latino voters, according to the California Public Policy Institute, tend to vote Democrat by a signiďŹ cant margin. However, most research also suggests that voter turnout amongst parolees would be very low. The Florida study mentioned above found that, among those eligible to vote, only 16 percent of black ex-felons and 12 percent of all other felons voted in the 2016 election. Another study found that only ~13 percent of ex-felons in Iowa who had gotten their right to vote restored in
dential election, much smaller than the ~55% turnout rate observed in the whole electorate that year. Given the low turnout typically observed among ex-felons and the Democratic party’s dominance in recent statewide elections - Governor Newsom and Governor Brown won each of the last 3 gubernatorial elections by over 1,000,000 votes - prop 17 would hardly make a dent in statewide election results. Even at the local level, where prop 17 has the potential to be most relevant politically, only a handful of races were decided by less than 10,000 votes in recent years. Currently, 19 states allow parolees to vote. The passage of prop 17 would be perhaps the most progressive shift in California’s electoral policy since the state began allowing ex-felons (who had completed their prison sentence/parole) to vote in 1974.
To advertise call 562-407-3873
Coalition Unveils World’s First Off The Grid Solar Powered Cold Storage Unit
Bellflower Expands Taking Your Business Outside Categories BY TAMMYE MCDUFF
"THE BEAST," a first of its kind modified shipping container that can operate on solar power and hold thousands of ready-to-eat meals.
Rolling blackouts, power outages, other disasters won’t affect ‘The Beast’, a forty foot shipping container converted to a giant refrigerator. BY LEW STOWERS ANAHEIM — The world’s first off the grid, fully sustainable, completely green 100% solar powered freezer unit will be turned on at its new home on the campus of Anaheim High School on Wednesday, August 19, 2020 at an event beginning at 11:30am. The need for emergency cold storage for recovered excess edible food from the food service industry to distribute to non-profit food pantries has been a priority for Mike Learakos, Executive Director of Waste Not OC, and Impact The Change’s Founder, Jonathan Stone. After three years of planning and building, ‘The Beast’ was created from a forty foot refrigerated cargo container, designed to ship food. During a power outage, its solar technology will generate its own green power, virtually eliminating food waste, and operate completely off of the electrical grid. Local businesses are on board developing products for the unit to help protect, maintain inventory and manage temperature for thousands of vacuum sealed, frozen ‘Ready To Heat & Eat’ meals used to feed people that can’t get out for a nutritious, hot meal. This new cold storage unit will also help feed
those in need during a disaster, regardless of power interruptions, including rolling black outs. Steve Steppe of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Union Black Caucus in San Diego lead the conversion project, providing at risk young adults with vocational training. Partial funding through a grant to Waste Not OC was provided by Orange County Waste & Recycling. An estimated 19.6 million pounds of food was recovered in 2019. 85% of that food was recycled, making it the most cost effective recycling program in the state. Michael Collier, Executive Producer of Television’s “The Big Bang Theory”, “Mom” & “Two and a Half Men”, is producing a pilot episode based on Impact The Change’s solar powered cold storage project. Anaheim Union High School District approved space for ‘The Beast’ in the parking lot along North West Street at Anaheim High School. This will serve as a hub for Orange County food recovery, as part of a proposed network of other green, off the grid solar powered cold storage containers to be placed around Orange County and Southern California. Learakos, said the unit could also be used to store COVID-19 vaccine doses. More information at; www.WasteNotOC.org and www.ImpactTheChange. org.
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Los Cerritos Community News - LosCerritosNews.net
The City of Bellflower recently rolled out the Bellflower Recovery Program which allowed for restaurants and retailers to take their business outside by applying for a temporary permit. The program has now expanded to include barbershops, salons, nail salons, fitness, and personal care services. Electrology, tattooing, microblading, permanent make-up and piercing may not operate under current order. All establishments must adhere to guidance provided by LA County Public Health and apply for a City permit to lawfully operate. For businesses with wide sidewalk frontage seeking outdoor space, the provides modifications to allow for outdoor dining and sales on sidewalks, parking lots and other rights-of-ways. Retails sales are permitted in parking lots and side lots. All applications must be approved prior to business modifications. Businesses must complete an Outdoor Temporary Event Permit form signed by the property owner with two copies of a diagram showing the proposed location of outdoor temporary event. One set of color photographs of the proposed location must also be submitted and appearance of the temporary outdoor dining or shopping area. The application fee is $66.00 and the business must have liability insurance. To submit an application visit www.bellflower. org
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CRAFT BEER AND FOOD: Leisuretown in Anaheim Now Open
Part brewery, part restaurant, part swim club, part botanical wonderland, Leisuretown recently opened in Anaheim. Prepare to set sail on a sprawling, 33,000-square-foot party-cruiser that includes a full-scale production brewery surrounded by a breathtaking beer garden, a swanky pool area, multi-story outdoor seating, a beautifully renovated historic 3-story craftsman home, and a dizzying array of palate-enchanting delights. Over 70 taps pour a selection of tasty beers & ciders, brewed both on-site and at our San Diego, DTLA, and Portland breweries. They also have a stellar selection of
our house-roasted world-class coffees, and a menu of some delicious, plant based cuisine. They also got a pretty snazzy wine list. Take something home? The mini-mart has a meticulously curated smorgasbord of beer, coffee, and great merchandise. Leisuretown welcomes guests of all ages (except for the pool area, which is 21+ only), and your pupper is totally allowed in all outdoor areas For more info. email them at leisuretown@moderntimesbeer.com with any questions. The complex took four years to build and is operated by Modern Times Beer Leisuretown Anaheim 549 S. Anaheim Blvd. 714-874-4439 moderntimes.com
AUGUST 21, 2020
Facebook Launches Voting Information Center
FACEBOOK says this is a nonpartisan feature and will be seen initially at the top of people’s Facebook and Instagram feeds. “You can request mail-in ballots, get upcoming California deadlines, and check to if and how you are registered.” BY TAMMYE MCDUFF
Los Cerritos Community News - LosCerritosNews.net
Facebook’s launched a new Voting Information Center August 13th as part of the largest voting information campaign in American history. The goal is to help four million voters register this year. “This is essentially a one stop shop for information on how and where to participate in the coming election in November,” stated Anna Martinez, a Facebook Representative, “no way do we want people to think this is a way to vote. This is simply an official resource to help anyone prepare for the general election.” Facebook says this is a ‘nonpartisan feature’ and will be seen initially at the top of people’s Facebook and Instagram feeds. “You can request mail-in ballots, To advertise call 562-407-3873 get upcoming California deadlines, and check to if and how you are registered,” added Martinez. With California elections around the corner, this new Voting Information Center connects people online to accurate and easy-to-find information about voting, especially as many areas make changes to the voting process and logistics due to the pandemic. In California, Governor Newsom issued an Executive Order that a vote-by-mail ballot be mailed to each voter prior to the November 3rd election in addition to in-person voting locations. The Voting Information Center will move to the top of users' News Feeds in the fall, closer to the deadlines for registering to vote and requesting mail-in ballots. Facebook also announced it was extending its effort to label voting-related posts, applied last month to federal elected officials and candidates. The
label will be added to posts whether they contain accurate or inaccurate information, and will link to Facebook's new Voting Information Center instead of usa.gov. Users of voting age based in the United State will get a notification banner at the top of their timeline linking to the hub, which they’ll also be able to access from the menu. They can use the information center to check if they’re registered to vote, and they can simply follow the link it provides to register if they haven’t yet. “We have been working with verified state election officials and offices. All the post that users will see, will be coming straight from official government sites, for your specific locality,” stated MartiAUGUST 2020 nez, “users will be able to choose 7, which alerts they receive. In addition to this if you choose to vote by mail, you will be able to see where the information is coming from.” Facebook is also launching a “Voting Alerts” feature to help state and local election authorities reach their constituents with important updates about voting and a “Facts About Voting” section with articles on important topics about the election and voting from the Bipartisan Policy Center to fight misinformation. Facebook expects more than 160 million people in the US will see this information about how to vote in the general election through November. The intention is to help every eligible voter in the US who uses the platform vote this year. You can access the Voting Information Center directly from the bookmarks on Facebook or on Instagram via the menu on your profile.
STATE SEN. BOB ARCHULETA at the backpack giveaway at Rose Hills Memorial Park. The backpacks contained needed school supplies. “Although the upcoming school year will look different because of the safety precaution of distance learning put in place to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus, our students still need necessary tools for a productive learning experience, I commend businesses, such as Rose Hills, for providing assistance," said Archuleta.
Offering safe, affordable and reliable ous community events here. We wanted medical waste management services to our clients to help but didn’t want to host another
Medical Dialysis Centers On Sunday, August 2nd, Rose Hills food distribution event. We wanted to Dental Skilled Nursing Facilities Memorial ParkSurgical and Mortuary along with know what our Centers Bloodcommunity Laboratories was in need Long Term Care Medical Office Buildings State Senator Bob Archuleta distributed of right now. Education Veterinary Funeral Homesis still going to over 1,000 backpacks filled with neces- happen and students Hazardous Waste Tattoo Shops will always require Assisted Living Centers sary school supplies to local students of supplies.” Government Agencies all grade levels from kindergarten to colInterested families were required to Waste Analysis! lege level.Contact us for a FREE preregister online and had to present their “Although the upcoming school year registration confirmation at the drive will look different because of the safety through distribution. info@primawaste.com precaution of distance learning put in Rose Hills has also partnered with the place to help prevent theWeb: spread primawaste.com of the local school district to help supply each coronavirus, our students still need nec- school with pencils, crayons, paper and essary tools for a productive learning backpacks. experience, whether in a classroom or The Back to School Giveaway is one
21,2020 2020 AUGUST 7,
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Los Cerritos Community News - LosCerritosNews.net
This is the fifth annual #CityHallSelfieDay. This is your chance to showcase appreciation for the local government and gives you the opportunity to get out in the community, showing off your best camera phone skills while highlighting local government buildings. To make it even more fun, all the selfies will be reviewed and awards will be given in a variety of different categories. There will be recognition and prizes for the people or organizations that show the most pride and creativity on the big day. “We know this year is different, but through this difficult year, we want to take a day to remember the dedication and perseverance of our local government through it all,” said Pacheco, “This day is Photo by Tammye McDuff all about local government pride.”
Help celebrate your City government with a selfie. City Hall Selfie Day is Friday August 14th, take a picture, share it on social media and tag them with the hash tag #CityHallSelfieDay on @cityofdowney or @discoverdowney. Mayor Blanca Pacheco posted a video asking all Downey residents to participate, “I want everyone to know about National City Hall Selfie Day. I invite everyone to NEW NORMAL: PPE vending machine at LAX offers everything the traveller needs, take a selfie in front of any city facility sMake sure to have your mask on!” even N95 masks. The machines offer touch-free payment options. The requirements are rather simple, stand in front of any public building, City Hall, Recreation Center, City Yard, Lihard surfaces. STAFF REPORT brary, Police or Fire station and share on Justin Erbacci, the airport’s chief ex- Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. BUSY EATING: curious goatand checking out the humans. A company set up a perimeter In what is the anew normal ecutive officer, said in a statement that fence and let loose about 50 goats for two weeks, the hills were very clean afterwards. 30% SEATING: In an effort to get theaters open, AMC offered tickets at 15 cents on another nod to the battle against the the machines are part of the airport’s One person told HMG-CN, “watching coronavirus, travelers passing through goats munching away at ugly weeds has been re-opening day, commemorating their centennial anniversary and their 1920’s pricing. to keep passengers though downright soothing, I am going to hate them go.” Photo by Briansafe Hews. Los Angeles International Airport can to seeefforts “rigorous cleanings, new technology now buy masks, gloves, hand sanitizer BY TAMMYE MCDUFF theaters. Many locations have faced sigand an increasingly touch-free experiand other PPE at vending machines in BY BRIAN HEWS employees. They love their work, and nificant challenges due to the pandemic most of the airport's terminals. ence from take curbbathroom to gate.” It also helps they don’t breaks but go AMC Theaters has detailed their and a near-standstill in Hollywood reThe airport is working with Hudson Nothing like driving home turning right where they’rewith eating, while they’re travelers comply LAX’s mandaplan to reopen movie theaters throughleases, causing AMC to lay off much of Group andon PepsiCo the corner a streetBeverages and seeing North over 50 eating. tory facial-covering policy. out the United States. In addition they their corporate workforce, with rumors America to installfreely the machines areas goats meandering on a hill in with Even that is good for business, enrichSome of the prices include: of bankruptcy. They closed all theaters on departures level inside terminals areathe residents taking pictures. ing the soil. They’ll eat their way through will offer a Movie Pass subscription service. back in March when the pandemic took • Digital thermometer — $9.99 1, 2,That’s 4, 5, 6what andhappened 7 and theand Tomcontinued Bradley their plot of land efficiently — section by Starting August 20th, AMC opened hold. for about two Terminal weeks when a company section, a team. herd of 28 goats can • N95asmask —A$6.99 International in the pre-semore than 100 theaters nationwide and “The remaining AMC locations will that supplies an acre of of brush in 10 to face 12 days. cuirty areas. goats let the little critters out clear • Two-pack disposable plans to continue opening additional loopen after we get further clearance from to eat the weeds several hillsides There is a demand for goat grazing. Theallunits offer aontouch-free payment masks — $4.50 cations stating that they want two-thirds state and local authorities,” stated AMC on Serrano in East Orange, a major For consumers, there’s still a novelty option that Ave. accommodates tap-to-pay of their locations open and functioning CEO Adam Aron in a press release, • Ten-pack of nitrilesearch gloves $7.99 thoroughfare Anaheim Hills and factor and the constant for—ways credit card ortomobile-payment platby September 3rd. AMC has had to “As part of new safety measures, AMC beyond. to be greener. Goats do emitofmethane, • Four-ounce container hand a forms, including Apple Pay, Google repeatedly delay its reopening in some says all staff and customers must wear The company used a small but effecgreenhouse gas, but — unlike machines sanitizer — $6.99 Pay and Samsung Pay. Each machine states due to positive cases spiking masks.” He further stated customers tive fence surrounding approximately 1 — they don’t consume fossil fuels. has installed The machines are restocked across the U.S. can expect continuous extra cleaning acrean of anti-microbial the area to keepshield the goats insideon Area residents were delighted.daily. the perimeter. For more than an hour, three people dug tiny postholes in the hard dirt, put up a fence and prepare the goats’ water and salt-lick, the meal was already there. TheyREPORT are, in a sense, the perfect STAFF
Several people with their children could be seen at all hours. As one person told HMG-CN, “watching goats munching away at ugly weeds has been downright soothing, I am going to hate to see them go.”However, as of August 4, just 60.7% of Hawaiian Gardens residents have responded among the state’s 480 incorpoNationwide and in California as a whole, responses to the 2020 Cenrated cities. And for every person who sus are on track, as more than 62% of does not respond, the California Department of Finance estimates that state households have responded online or and local governments will lose out on by phone, or by mail if they received a paper questionnaire in the mail or on $1,000 a year in federal funding tied to population for the next 10 years. their doorstep. However, it is vitally important that Now more than ever, your response to the 2020 Census matters. Respondeveryone be counted. Results from the 2020 Census inform planning and fund- ing is easier than ever. For the first ing decisions for such critical public time, you can respond online. And the census asks just a few questions and services as hospitals and health care, takes only a few minutes to respond. emergency and disaster response – and schools and education programs. In fact, So, if you haven’t responded, please do census results will shape decisions about so today, and urge your family, friends, how billions of dollars in federal funds and neighbors to respond too. For more flow into communities each year for the information, visit https://2020census. GOATS EATING - and resting - on a hillside in East Orange on Serrano Ave. a major gov/en/ways-to-respond.html. next decade. thoroughfare to Anaheim Hills and beyond. Photo by Brian Hews.
Hawaiian Gardens Needs to Step up Census Participation
AMC is the largest theater chain (Cerritos) 1:33 PM Page 1 inA0424-Used the country,Oil operating around9/23/05 600
See THEATERS page 13
The City of Cerritos encourages its residents to recycle their used motor oil and oil filters. It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s the right thing to do.
Anything that goes into a storm drain in Cerritos has an impact on the health of Los Angeles County beaches and coastal waters. So remember that…
Storm Drains Are For Rain! Not Automotive Fluids Not Pet Waste Not Yard Waste Not Paint Not Litter
USED OIL COLLECTION CENTERS Browning Mazda 18827 Studebaker Road (562) 924-1414
Cerritos Ford/Lincoln/Mercury/Hyundai 18900 Studebaker Road (562) 405-3500
Firestone Store 11524 South St (562) 924-5546
Cerritos Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep 18803 Studebaker Road (562) 402-5335
Lexus of Cerritos 18800 Studebaker Road (562) 865-7447
Norm Reeves Honda 18500 Studebaker Road (562) 345-9100
Cerritos Acura 18827 Studebaker Road (562) 402-5281
Penske Chevrolet of Cerritos 18605 S Studebaker Road (562) 924-1676
Power Toyota/Scion Cerritos 18700 Studebaker Road (562) 860-6561
Penske Buick GMC of Cerritos 17720 Crusader Avenue (562) 733-3861
A recycling reminder from the City of Cerritos. Paid for by a grant from the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle).
Los Cerritos Community News - LosCerritosNews.net
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AUGUST 21, 2020
a Registered Nurse working in an NICU because she was inspired by the nurses AUGUST 21, 2020
sinorwalksantafesprings@soroptimist.net if you are interested in membership. To advertise call 562-407-3873
Los Cerritos Community News - LosCerritosNews.net
WAG HOTELS is offering free pet boarding to anyone in the communities that have been forced to evacuate their homes. All nine locations across Northern and Southern California will house cats and dogs in need of overnight care for free up to seven days.
BY TAMMYE MCDUFF A state of emergency has been declared due to the devastating wildfires burning across the state of California. To help alleviate the pressures many pet parents may be feeling, Wag Hotels is offering free pet boarding to anyone in the communities that have been forced to evacuate their homes. All nine locations across Northern and Southern California will house cats and dogs in need of overnight care for free up to seven days. "Our hearts are with the thousands of people who have been displaced during this already difficult time," said Mike Griggs, Chief Operating Officer. “We understand firsthand how important it is to know that our pets are safe and cared for when our own lives are thrown into chaos. All of us at Wag Hotels are proud to be able to serve our animal-loving community at this time." Since 2005, Wag Hotels has made it a priority to support the first responders that serve our communities by providing a fun and safe environment for their
pets - while their owners are hard at work keeping everyone safe. All nine of Wag Hotel locations across the state, offer an ongoing discount special on Daycare and Boarding services to firefighters, EMT’s and police. “Wag Hotels is here to take care of your fur family members by providing them a safe and comfortable place to stay,” added Griggs. “Our accommodations include bedding, food, and walks during their stay.” Wag Hotels is the ultimate stay and play resort for dogs and cats. The company has redefined the pet care business by offering a variety of innovative services, including hotel-style boarding, all day play/doggie daycare, training, and grooming services. The rooms offer climate-controlled environments, personalized Wag cams and provides care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Learn more at www.waghotels.com If you or someone you know needs shelter for their pet as a result of fire displacement, please call 888-WAG-LINE.
CERRITOS CHAMBER TASTE OF THE REGION The show must go on! This year's event will be a pick-up/take-out event. Restaurants will be serving delicious tastings for pick up or take out at their eatery during the 2-day event happening Oct. 14-15. Not only will you get to enjoy their tasty food, but you’ll also receive a Bonu$ Card redeemable for a later date. Businesses will also be joining in on the fun. As you check in at their location, just ask them a question about their business,
and you’ll receive one ticket into the grand prize drawing for the covenant, Prestige Prize Platter, a bonanza of restaurant gift cards, expected to be worth over $1,000 Opportunity Drawing (raffle) will be on Facebook & Instagram LIVE at 8:00 pm on Thursday, October 15th. Over 25 raffle prize winners will be announced, and we’ll draw the Prestige Prize Platter ticket live. Tickets go on sale Sept. 1, visit TasteofCerritos.com.
Enjoy every moment living worry-free At The Palms, we offer an affordable, all-inclusive lifestyle with chef-prepared meals. Let us handle life’s day-to-day chores, allowing you to focus on the moments in life to be cherished and celebrated.
BY TAMMYE MCDUFF In order to assist local patrons who have been financially impacted by the CoVID-19 pandemic, Downey City Manager and Emergency Services Director Gilbert Livas has temporarily suspended fare collection for DowneyLink ad Diala-Ride patrons. The City’s current DowneyLink fares are fifty cents per trip or $15 per bus pass and the dial-a-ride fare is fifty cents per trip. Effective August 19, 2020, the City of Downey will temporarily suspend DialA-Ride and DowneyLink fare collection to assist residents and help mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
This action is necessary to help alleviate the unexpected financial burden being experienced by patrons who depend on the City’s transit system to transport them to and from essential business and work. Buses are deep cleaned every night and bus operators are provided gloves, masks, hand sanitizer and wipes before each shift. All bus operators and passengers are required to wear masks. Passenger capacity has been reduced to 15 for DowneyLink and dial-a-ride [cutaway buses] has been limited to seven passengers per trip. This Emergency Order No.4 is effective immediately until the City Council terminates the local emergency.
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BY LOREN KOPFF @LORENKOPFF ON TWITTER Outside of a few sports, John Glenn High’s athletics haven’t been too popular over the years. But that hasn’t stopped its student body from being supportive. Mix in the current pandemic and even for a school like Glenn, it can still be stressful for everyone involved, especially for the students and athletes who will now have to wait until at least December to do some cheering. When the CIF-Southern Section released its 2020-2021 athletic calendar, co-athletic director Linda Parra’s first reaction to it was that the spring was going to be insane with the schedules and the sports being more compacted than ever. The school’s enrollment last year was just under 1,250 and she says her athletes still support some of the programs that are less popular. “When you’re in a school like John Glenn where your enrollment is low and you share a lot of athletes between multiple sports, it’s a little stressful when you start to think about that we’re going to be playing basketball and wrestling and soccer at the same time as the tennis program or the track and field program or baseball or softball,” Parra said. “It definitely makes me worry about those smaller programs that we’ve always shared athletes with. “At the same time, it was also a relief to have a schedule to work towards,” she added. “It gives us a time frame to start to plan things, and that’s a relief.” Even though some schedules had already been put in place, Parra did not want to make any changes after schools were shut down because she knew the [athletic] season would most likely be pushed back. She said she wanted that because she didn’t want to have to scramble once school started. “Of course, you want safety first; you want to make sure your kids are in the proper conditioning shape before you are ready to start a season, especially because we were off since March,” Parra said. “But I wasn’t anticipating two seasons. I just thought we were going to squish three seasons into half a year. That’s what I was mentally preparing
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for.” Parra went on to say that despite the craziness that will be the spring season, it’s okay and the school is going to survive. She’s talked to her coaching staffs to let them know it’s going to be a crazy year for everybody, but it’s their job to let the kids make the most of their high school experience and allow them to do multiple sports in one season. She added that they have to be willing to accommodate and work with everybody. While most schools list facilities as one of the concerns they will be facing, it won’t be as bad at Glenn. Last year, the school christened its new athletic complex, complete with field turf surfaces for its football, baseball, softball and auxiliary practice fields as well as lighting for all the fields. “Lucky for us because we have lights and a stadium,” Parra commented. “But for a lot of schools, I think their troubles are going to be the management of their fields because you’re going to have so many teams practicing at the same time. We’re lucky at Glenn because we do have the turf fields and we have lights. So, we can stagger practices one after another into the evening. I’m very thankful for that.” Parra said that the school is still going to try to help accommodate the other district schools who are still in the process of getting their renovations done. There is still a chance that the La Mirada High boys and girls soccer teams could be using the fields at Glenn for a second straight season as renovations at Goodman Stadium are still ongoing. “Their athletic director, Christine Mead, just reached out to me and [asked] if I could send her our schedule,” Parra said. “And then we’ll touch base as far as trying to schedule them in. For sure I’m thinking soccer for La Mirada. Hopefully their gym will be done because she didn’t mention that sport to us.” As far as the coaches, they’re going to be stretched thin in terms of coaching two sports in one season, according to Parra. Prior to COVID-19, Ruben Guerrero was slated to coach boys tennis in the spring after coaching his boys and girls basketball teams in the winter. Now, Parra admits it is going to be a challenge to find a tennis coach as Guerrero will be staying with his basketball obligations. Parra was also slated to be the girls tennis coach in the fall, but those plans have been altered. “Honestly, on a personal note, I wouldn’t mind coaching tennis and working with those kids because they’re awesome kids,” Parra said. “But [my son] Brandon and [my daughter] Taylor are going to be playing basketball in the spring. That sucks because how do I fa-
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cilitate John Glenn and still try to make it to a game at Sunny Hills [High]? That’s definitely going to be a challenge, because if there would have been a winter season, I definitely would have done a spring sport to help alleviate some of the stress.” Another coaching vacancy is girls soccer as last season’s head coach, Raul Robles, is not coming back. She said she would like to hire last season’s assistant to Robles, Suzette Carillo, to take over the girls soccer program. Staying with the normal winter sports, Parra hinted that wresting head coach Monico Enriquez is not sure that he is going to host all his tournaments just because it’s unknown yet what the rules and regulations are going to be with that sport. “I don’t think we’ll be as busy hosting as many tournaments as we normally do for that sport,” she said. “But we would like to still host the Juan Enriquez Memorial Classic because that’s just in honor of his brother.” Another concern, which has been consistent with a lot of other high schools, will be the transportation. Parra says that at Glenn, most of the sports have varsity teams only and because of that, they would be okay because their numbers are smaller with the number of teams that they offer. “But our transportation…they actually started contracting out a lot last year where we didn’t have enough drivers,” Parra said. “We’re going to do our best to always support our kids because it would be very hard for them to get to a game on their own. Hopefully it’s not a huge stress, but it potentially can be.” On the topic of scheduling, Parra said about 80 percent of Glenn’s 2020-2021 schedules had already been completed prior to March. She admitted that once the CIF-SS released their athletic calendars on July 20, she had to decide if she wanted to keep the non-league opponents in the same order as originally planned. “I did that the best I could, but there was just some stuff that you just had to pick a new date,” she said. “And then there were some games where we just couldn’t make anything work. So, we lost that match with that opponent. CIF gives you a maximum number of games and contests you can hold. I don’t think we’re going to be at point where we pack in our schedules completely because we would never practice. It would just be game after game after game and we would lose the practice time.” Because the football team originally had its bye on Aug. 21, which would have been Zero Week, and with the new scheduling set forth by the CIF-SS, Glenn did not have to worry about finding new opponents. All that needed to happen was move everything up a week to keep everything the same. Parra indicated that the budget for Glenn is going to be a huge concern
AUGUST 21, 2020
“Lucky for us we have lights and a stadium,” Parra commented. “But for a lot of schools, I think their troubles are going to be the management of their fields because you’re going to have so many teams practicing at the same time." because the athletic department doesn’t know what it’s going to look like. Because the school has such low enrollment, according to Parra, she went to her coaches and told them they were getting the minimum but asked them what they really needed as far as uniforms or equipment. Parra added that the athletic department has done a good job in cutting back on costs. As far as feedback from the coaches at Glenn, Parra said they have been the most accommodating and flexible people she has known because ‘they’re going to roll with it’. She continued by saying she is so blessed not to have a staff that is difficult as some other schools have. As it pertains to the athletes, Parra said they are all anxious to get back on the field or in the gymnasium to practice or condition. “It’s hard when you can’t give a kid an answer,” Parra said. “They’ve been living since March with all these ‘whatifs’ and you talk about the emotional stability of a child and how athletics play a huge part of their normal routine. When that’s taken away from them so quickly and for so long, it’s definitely a challenge. “I know they desperately miss it,” she continued. “We’ve done virtual meetings with our athletes; our coaches have been able to see them online and send them some workout stuff. They’re anxious to get back, but we’re just waiting on the release from the [Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School] to be able to do a modified workout.” In closing, Parra said that everyone has to be flexible and given the circumstances, they have to make the most of what they have. She is hopeful that the 2021-2022 school year will be back to normal. She also stated that she wants her student athletes to have a great experience regardless of if their seasons are short. “Maybe they only play league games,” she wondered. “We don’t know what’s going to happen come January. But if we can continue to give our kids a positive experience, keep them connected, make them want to still be in school…that’s kind of what I think our job is right now. Life is always going to have changes and we just have to adapt and be positive because being negative isn’t going to help us at this point.”
AUGUST 2020 AUGUST 21, 7, 2020
To Los 11 To advertise advertise call call 562-407-3873 562-407-3873 Los Cerritos Cerritos Community Community News News -- LosCerritosNews.net LosCerritosNews.net 11 The answer could be that Pierce, who the many opines the California Attorney eventual privatization; the appointees General has published related to incom- work for water companies that compete is running for a Downey City Council patible offices, including a quo warranto with Central Basin and we’re not required seat, does not want to risk losing endorseeducate our children.â€? case against Blanca Rubio. to live in the district; they also sold some ments and endangering his candidacy; Observing the requirements to weareiPierce has not responded to questions “Offices are incompatible if one of agency’s assets without board approval. masks and social distancing guidelines, the offices has a supervisory, auditory, or The appointments have caused nu- ther. participating families remained safely situin The review presents an onerous removal power over the other or if there merous problems, one appointee, Frank their vehicles while DPSS Toy Loan staff would be any significant clash of duties Heldman, has since resigned under a ation for Oskoui. Government Code placed thestates backpacks in their trunks. Forofthat when two public or loyalties in the exercise of official du- cloud of controversy, including trying to §1099(b) families that indicated they use public fices are incompatible, a public officer ties.â€? secure business for his own company – transportation, wasthe made be deemedantoappointment have forfeited first Rubio was serving as a director of Liberty Water – while Central Basin took shall for a contact-free pick up. office upon acceding to the second. the Valley County Water District and as a backseat. All backpacks and school That means Oskoui wouldsupplies have to quit a trustee of the Baldwin Park Unified Not to be outdone, Oskoui who has were donated by County of Los Angeles his job at the city of Downey, where he School District within the same water “30 years of public agency experienceâ€? employees, private/corporate donors and earns over $322,000 according to Transdistrict. was part of the plan Willoughby referred through a partnership with Amazon, which parent California. The AG’s opine granting quo warran- to in his letter, leading a successful efonline donations visiting the Willoughby finished,by“We demand to and leave to sue against Rubio sounded fort to secure a meter charge that would allowed that Mr. Oskoui resign from his position Toy Loan Program’s Amazon Smile wish very similar to Oskoui’s position. have brought in over $600,000 to the cash as list.the Assistant City Manager of the city “Because her duties to both boards strapped public agency. of Downey, in the have The DPSSorserves 3.5alternative million customwould have divided loyalties in acting in But then Oskoui and his employer, the criminal charges brought against Mr. the best interests of the water seller – the city of Downey, turned around and sued ers in L.A. County, the Department of OsLOS ANGELES COUNTY SUPERVISOR Hilda L. Solis (in window) joined Dept. Public forSocial simultaneously twolocal pubServices is holding the largest water district – and the water purchaser Central Basin for implementing the meter koui of Public Social Services Director Antonia JimĂŠnez and DPSS Toy Loan Program offices that are incompatible.â€? social services agency in the nation. The – BPUSD – the clash of loyalties would charge, which will cost both municipali- lic staff for the annual Backpack & School Supply Giveaway to ensure that over 1,000 Emails into Oskoui, Livas, and the department provides beneďŹ ts and services stem from multiple issues including the ties thousands in legal fees while robbing children ages 5 through 17 have the necessary tools for a successful school year. Downey City Council went unreturned. to families and individuals, including appropriate allocation of costs for wa- Central Basin’s general fund of needed editor@cerritosnews.net CalFresh food and nutrition assistance; ter.â€? cash. Oskoui has been a lightning rod of HMG sent several emails to Oskoui, Medi-Cal health, dental and vision insur“Our Downey department recognizes community centers, nonproďŹ t organizacontroversy ever since he was appointed his boss, City ManagertheGilbert ance; ďŹ nancial and homeless assistance for increasing support that children need durtions and libraries throughout the county. to the Central Basin Water District Board Livas, and the Downey City Council for qualifying individuals through the General Get breaking news! ing this pandemic and we want to ensure This year marks the 5th anniversary under Assemblywoman Christina Gar- comment, asking if Oskoui was present Relief program and for families through Like us... they are with the tools necessary of the2016 Backpack which serves cia’s AB Giveaway, 1794, which itself was when theprepared litigation against Central Basin the CalWORKs program; In-Home SupLos for aapproved, successfulwith school whether it is children from families receiving beneďŹ ts portive Services forCerritos disabled and elderly controversial. was no year, response. Community Newspaper virtual or in-personâ€? said DPSS Director from DPSS. Due to the ďŹ nancial impact The bill allowed for three unelected HMG also asked why Downey’s lo- residents, and employment and supportive Antonia “Today’s children are of COVID-19 on the local economy, services to help residents prepare for the appointees, bringing the total up to the eight cal paperJimĂŠnez. is not investigating the move tomorrow’s future. That’s why I believe event’s host emphasized that this distribuseats. The bill had many alleging an at- by Oskoui, and its editor, Eric Pierce, is labor market. For more information, visit it’s important that we nurture, prepare and tion is needed more than www.dpss.lacounty.gov. tempt at sabotaging theever. board and an ignoring the situation.
Supervisor Hilda L. Solis and the DPSS Give 1,000 Students Backpacks with School Supplies
STAFF REPORT Continued from page 1 know that it can be costly to preCB “We attorney Anthony Willoughby. pareThe a child for school, especially D.A. stated in part, “weduring are in these challenging times,� Solis receipt of your letter andSupervisor will review the told reporters prior to the distribution at matters you raised.� DPSS Toy Loanobtained Headquarters in downHMG-CN the Willoughby town Los Angeles. “That’s why it’s im- to letter late June, which was addressed portant that as a County, we do whatever Los Angeles County District Attorney we can to help youth Alan Yochelson, headinofour thecommunities Public Integhave the tools they need to be successful rity Office. in the classroom. Willoughby stated in his letter, “Mr. Solis acknowledged the annual event John Oskoui holds a position as Assisfor its commitment to low-income families tant City Manager of the City of Downey in L.A. County, praising the 85-year-old and as a board member of Central BaToy Loan Program for its well-earned sin Water, which also serves thesuccessCity of reputation as the largest and most Downey. Holding both offices not ful free toy-lending library program inonly the creates the possibility multipleand clashes nation. The program is of sponsored supof duties andBoard loyalties but has already ported by the of Supervisors. caused an actual a significant clash in of duToy Loan Program was created ties loyalties.� 1935and during the Great Depression as a was referring to the meter freeWilloughby service to allow low-income children charge debacle that cost CB toy $635,000. to borrow toys from a DPSS lending “As ain board member of Central Basin, libraries the same manner that books are borrowed fromtoaapprove public library. Children Oskoui voted a meter increase who develop a sense of re-Oskin theparticipate city of Downey. Subsequently, sponsibility through thesued observance an oui turned around and Central of Basin honor code and merit system that rewards as the Assistant City Manager of Downey them are returned time and for thewhen sametoys increased meteronregulations, undamaged. as such, it is clear that Oskoui has abused program serves litigation approximately bothThe offices in creating costs for 30,000 children at over 50 both government entities� toy lending libraries located at afteronschool programs, Willoughby goes to write about
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Continued from page 1 related to their mental illness. Some are referred by the criminal courts under California law for treatment that will help them to understand the criminal charges they are facing and to assist in their own defense. Others are admitted because they have been found not guilty by reason of insanity.” “The city is in communication with officials over at the state mental hospital, and they have indicated that there is no set date yet for the use of the facility, as they are simply preparing in case it is needed, ” wrote Gomez. This is the second time Norwalk has been subjected to a higher authority use of emergency pandemic powers to effect change in the City. In late April, HMG-CN was first to report that Los Angeles County, under their Project Room Key program, wanted to house homeless who are vulnerable to COVID at the Hotel Saddleback located at 12500 Firestone Blvd in Norwalk. The Norwalk City Council resisted the county's efforts to secure temporary emergency housing by enacting legis-
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lation, but the county sued stating the legislation is "directly contrary to, and in violation of, (Gov. Gavin Newsom's) declaration of an emergency and his issuance of executive orders.'' The county filed and was able to secure a temporary restraining order against Norwalk and began placing homeless in the hotel in May. Gomez continued, “The city of Norwalk recognizes the need for the use of these facilities during a pandemic, and the importance of mitigating the spread of COVID. However, the city council’s position is reflected in the lawsuit filed with the county regarding Project Room Key, we want to have protocols in place that will allow the City Council to have advance notice to ensure that certain security measures are in place and that the residents of Norwalk are both informed and protected.” Gomez finished, “Lastly, the Norwalk City Council has been informed that the state is planning a virtual town hall meetings so that all residents can be updated and satisfied that the state mental hospital is following their own written protocol to the satisfaction of all stakeholders.” HMG will update when additional information becomes available
AUGUST 21, 2020
Continued from page 1
Continued from page 1
during a pandemic, the Hubert Humphrey Democratic Club has been demonstrating in front of the Artesia and Cerritos post offices almost every Wednesday. “Now is not the time to be complacent when so many of us are dependent on the post office for our mail, including checks and prescriptions,” said Norma Williamson, Membership Chair. Just days after this picture was taken, Postmaster and Trump megadonor Luis DeJoy said he would stop the cuts at the USPS, we shall see.
Continued from page 1 Neighbor Jim McMahon emailed HMG saying, "This morning, around 7 am. Mr. Phillips, my neighbor, was arrested by LA Police Department/ DA Office and taken away in his underwear. The DA's office is going through the house right now. The neighborhood currently is full of undercover cars from the District Attorney's office."
35,000 square feet in size. The new type of grocery mart has only one confirmed location thus far, but hints to Amazon's ambitious $800 billion grocery market plans to rival Walmart. Expanding in the grocery sector helps Amazon reinforce customer loyalty and allows the company to continue to grow as the world's largest online and now inperson retailer. The store will not use Amazon Go technology, which allows customers to check out without waiting in line, instead checkout will be conventional as at other grocery stores. Whole Foods, which Amazon bought for $13.2 billion in 2017 and has over 500 stores, the company offers grocery delivery through Amazon Fresh, the main Amazon website, Prime Now, as well as food at Amazon Go. "When it comes to grocery shopping, we know customers love choice, and this new store offers another grocery option that's distinct from Whole Foods Market, which continues to grow and remain the leader in quality natural and organic food," the Amazon spokesperson said, noting that Whole Foods opened 17 locations this year and that more are planned. The Wall Street Journal in March wrote about the existence of Amazon's new grocery store format. The online retail giant has also reportedly signed leases for two separate locations, according to The Journal, and discussions are said to be in place for stores in Seattle, San Francisco, Chicago, Washington D.C., and Philadelphia. Amazon's Woodland Hills grocery store will have smart shopping carts that can detect which items you place in the cart and automatically charge your Amazon account as you leave. The cart won't be able to handle heavy shopping trips, as Amazon says it's suited for holding one or two bags of groceries. Each cart will also have a touch screen for viewing your Alexa shopping list and your subtotal as you shop. HMG has also learned that Home Depot in Cypress is going to be some kind of degree of Amazon online delivery facility, and that another facility is going to have some kind of a store over by the old Boeing plant in Long Beach. That is exactly what we need in our lives, more Amazon.
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AUGUST 21, 2020
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Census Extended to September 30
BY TAMMYE MCDUFF The deadline to respond to the 2020 Census has been moved to September 30, 2020. Local communities have made great progress, but are not at 100 percent yet. To date the self response rate is just around three quarters of the total population of the area cities. The Census is responsible for allocating hundreds of billions of dollars in federal funding to local communities and determines representation in Congress, the State Legislature, and other important institutions. Now more than ever it is important to fill out the Census to make sure you and your family count. The Census Bureau began mailing paper questionnaires in mid-April to homes that had not yet responded. If you have not already responded, please complete and
mail your form as soon as you receive it. And if you prefer, you still have the option of responding online or by phone instead. It really is very easy and the online questionnaire will only take about five minutes to complete. Your information is safe, secure and confidential. Your response helps to direct billions of federal funds to your community. Results from the 2020 Census are used to determine the number of seats each state has in Congress and political representation on all levels of government. You must complete the questionnaire once your begin. Do not use the web browser buttons to go back, move forward or close instead use the buttons within the questionnaire to navigate. If you haven't responded yet, visit www.2020Census.gov
Los Cerritos Community News - LosCerritosNews.net
Gary Cheung, Owner of Sam Woo, pleads guilty to multiple felonies, will pay nearly $3 million SACRAMENTO – California Attorney General Xavier Becerra this week announced the arraignment and plea of Gary Cheung for tax evasion and insurance fraud related to the Sam Woo restaurants he owned and operated in Los Angeles County. He pleaded guilty to multiple felonies for which he will be sentenced to prison and required to pay restitution in the amount of nearly $3 million. “For his egregious crimes, Gary Cheung will pay nearly $3 million in restitution and face prison time,” said Attorney General Becerra. “Tax fraud hurts taxpayers and the state’s ability to provide vital public services to our communities. Moreover, insurance fraud leads to higher insurance premiums and may impact workers who are legitimately injured on the job. The California Department of Justice will enforce our laws and make sure those who cheat taxpayers, and those who engage in conduct that impacts an injured worker’s ability to receive benefits, will face the consequences.” Cheung ran a fraudulent tax and workers’ compensation insurance scheme from January 2012 to March 2019, in which he failed to report or underreported: Cheung also evaded payment of over $2 million in sales tax, income tax, and payroll tax; and over $549,000 in workers’
compensation insurance premiums. Cheung pleaded guilty to felonies including filing a false sales tax return in violation of the Revenue and Taxation Code, failure to pay payroll taxes in violation of the Unemployment Insurance Code, and filing a false income tax return in violation of the Revenue and Taxation Code. He also admitted to the white-collar enhancement. The investigation into Cheung’s extensive fraud was done by members of the Tax Recovery in the Underground Economy (TRUE) Task Force. As a result of their investigation, Cheung will serve no less than three years in prison if he pays restitution or nine years and four months in prison if he fails to pay the full agreed upon amount of nearly $3 million. Cheung will be formally sentenced in August 2021. The TRUE task force was created to ensure multi-agency collaboration and to combat wage theft, tax evasion, and other crimes in the underground economy. The task force consists of attorneys, investigators, and special agents from the Department of Justice, the Department of Tax and Fee Administration, the Franchise Tax Board, and the Employment Development Department.
Continued from page 7 and disinfecting of high traffic areas, hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes will be widely available, and AMC will ‘significantly limit’ seating capacity in the auditoriums. The company claims it will use high-tech HEPA vacuums and upgraded MERV 13 air filters wherever possible . AMC will only be operating at 30% seating capacity, with every other row of seats blocked out and spaces for social distancing from other moviegoers. In an effort to get theaters open, AMC offered tickets at 15 cents on re-opening day, commemorating their centennial anniversary and their 1920’s pricing. After opening day, tickets will still be available for cheaper than usual. Tickets for films like "Inception," "Black Panther," "Back to the Future" and "The Empire Strikes Back" will cost $5. AMC is bringing back old films since the North American box office has been essentially at a standstill and so many new movies have been delayed. The company, which was founded in Kansas City, Missouri, in 1920, is also offering discounts on concessions through the end of October. "We are thrilled to once again open our doors to American moviegoers who are looking for an opportunity to get out of their houses and apartments and escape into the magic of the movies once more," said Aron. To check on your local theater, go to AMCTheatres.com. Other theaters, including some Regal and Cinemark theaters are also opening.
AMC Theater 15296 Rosecrans Ave, La Mirada, CA 90638
Los Cerritos Community News - LosCerritosNews.net
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NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION PLOT PLAN REVIEW No. 995, TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 82890, 82891, AND 82892 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 5550 HARBOR STREET, 5625 JILLSON STREET AND 5555 JILLSON STREET NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Commerce has completed an Initial Study of the following described Project. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant, Kim Prijatel, representing City Ventures, is proposing to construct 133 single-family attached residential units on three parcels to be known as Rosewood Village. The Project will be built in three phases. The Project includes the following discretionary approvals as follows: 1) Plot Plan Review for a new Multi-Family Housing project, 2) Development Agreement – covering the details of the City’s sell of the land known as Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APN) 6335-025-902, 903, 905, and 906, to City Ventures for the development of 133 single-family attached dwelling units; 3) Tentative Tract Map 82890 – creating one (1) lot for 37 residential units; 4) Tentative Tract Map 82891 – creating one (1) lot for 31 residential units; 5) Tentative Tract Map 82892 – creating one (1) lot for 65 residential units; and 6) Demolition – demolition of all existing structures on the three sites. PROJECT LOCATION: The Project consists of three parcels (or sites) located at 5550 Harbor Street, 5625 Jillson Street, and 5555 Jillson Street. The sites are generally bounded by Harbor Street to the North, Commerce Way to the East, Jillson Street to the South, and East Eastern Avenue to the West, in the City of Commerce, County of Los Angeles, California. It is comprised of Tax Assessor parcel numbers 6335-025-902, 903, 905, and 906. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The City of Commerce intends to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Project described above. This notice is made pursuant to Section 15072 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Based upon the information contained in the Initial Study and pursuant to the requirements of CEQA, it has been determined that this Project, with the incorporation of mitigation measures, will not have a significant impact upon the environment. The mitigation measures required to reduce or mitigate the impacts of this Project on the environment are included in the Project design and/or the Mitigation Monitoring Program and will be included as part of the Mitigated Negative Declaration for this Project. As a result, the City intends to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for this Project. In accordance with the disclosure requirements of CEQA Guidelines Section 15072 (g)(5), the project site IS NOT listed as a hazardous property as designated under Section 65962.5 of the Government Code. As well, the Project IS NOT a project of statewide, regional, or area wide significance as designated in CEQA Guidelines Section 15206 and WILL NOT affect highways or other facilities under the jurisdiction of the State Department of transportation. Lastly, a scoping meeting WILL NOT be held by the City of Commerce. SAID PUBLIC HEARING MEETING: A virtual public hearing meeting will be held via Teleconference during a Special Planning Commission Hearing on Monday, August 31, 2020 at 6:30 p.m., at which time proponents and opponents of the proposed project will be heard. Instructions for Teleconference access are provided below: Call in phone number: (669) 900-9128 Meeting ID: 936 8760 5928 Password: 838914 PUBLIC REVIEW & COMMENT: As required by Section 15073 of CEQA, the public review, and commenting period for this proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration is June 29, 2020 to July 20, 2020. Copies of the proposed Project plans, and the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Initial Study are available for review at the City’s website at www.ci.commerce.ca.us/index. aspx?NID=357.
PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) Any interested party may submit written comments prior to the project decision date or submit any Los Community Newspaper Group information, which may be ofCerritos assistance to the Planning Commission. Please direct your comments by e-mail or U.S. mail to: 13017 Artesia SuiteWay, C-102 Sonia Griego, Associate PlannerBlvd., 2535 Commerce Commerce, California 90040 Cerritos (323) 722-4805CA 90703 E-Mail: soniag@ci.commerce.ca.us (562) 407-3873
On March 4, 2020, Governor Newsom proclaimed a State of Emergency in California as a result of the threat of COVID-19. On March 17, 2020, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-29-20 (superseding the Brown Act-related provisions of Executive Order N-25-20 issued on March 12, 2020), which allows a local legislative body to hold public meetings via teleconferencing and to make public meetings accessible telephonically or otherwise electronically to all members of the public seeking to observe and to address the local legislative body.
CITY OF COMMERCE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITYWIDE NOTICE CITY OF COMMERCE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITYWIDE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Commerce will conduct a public hearing to consider and approve a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Commerce, updating the Building and Safety Permit Fees as authorized by Chapter 15.04.025 (“Fees chargeable under building laws�) of Title 15 (“Building and Construction�) of the City of Commerce Municipal Code; as well as update User Permit Fees for Planning Activities that are undertaken as part of Title 19 (“Zoning�) of the City of Commerce Municipal Code. Said public hearing will be held before the City Council of the City of Commerce on Tuesday, September 1, 2020 at 6:00 p.m., at which time any proponents and opponents will have the opportunity to be heard. Under regular circumstances, said hearing would be held at the Council Chambers, 5655 Jillson Street, Commerce, CA; however, due to COVID-19, pursuant to Executive Order N-29-20, members of the public may view the meeting, streamed live, at www.ci.commerce.ca.us, and may participate telephonically by calling to submit comments at (323) 887-4442, or may submit written comments through email at cityclerk@ci.commerce.ca.us. Please visit the City’s website for additional information on public participation, at https://cityofcommerce.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx Per Government Code Section 65009, if you challenge this matter in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or prior to, the public hearing. CITY OF COMMERCE Jose D. Jimenez, Director of Economic Development and Planning 2535 Commerce Way Commerce, California 90040 (323) 722-4805 Published at Commerce Community Newspaper 8/21/20 CITY OF COMMERCE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITYWIDE NOTICE CITY OF COMMERCE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITYWIDE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Commerce will conduct a public hearing to consider and approve a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Commerce, establishing the Administrative Citation Schedule of Fines for violations of the City of Commerce Municipal Code, as authorized by Chapter 1.13 (“Administrative Fines and Citations�) of Title 1 (“General Provisions�) of the City of Commerce Municipal Code; and to review and consider additional matters related to said City’s Administrative Fines and Citations Program. A copy of the draft Resolution, and the incorporated draft Schedule of Fines therein, establishing the imposition of fine amounts for certain code violations through the issuance of administrative citations is available at www.ci.commerce.ca.us, or at the Office of the City Clerk. Said public hearing will be held before the City Council of the City of Commerce on Tuesday, September 1, 2020 at 6:00 p.m., at which time any proponents and opponents will have the opportunity to be heard. Under regular circumstances, said hearing would be held at the Council Chambers, 5655 Jillson Street, Commerce, CA; however, due to COVID-19, pursuant to Executive Order N-29-20, members of the public may view the meeting, streamed live, at www.ci.commerce.ca.us, and may participate telephonically by calling to submit comments at (323) 887-4442, or may submit written comments through email at cityclerk@ci.commerce.ca.us. Please visit the City’s website for additional information on public participation, at https://cityofcommerce.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx
County Clerk’s Filing Stamp
Per Government Code Section 65009, if you challenge this matter in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or prior to, the public hearing. CITY OF COMMERCE Jose D. Jimenez, Director of Economic Development and Planning 2535 Commerce Way Commerce, California 90040 (323) 722-4805 Published at Commerce Community Newspaper 8/21/20
Pursuant to Executive Order N-29-20, please be advised that members of the Commerce City Planning Commission will participate in meetings telephonically. Further, in the interest of maintaining appropriate social distancing, and restricting gatherings of over ten (10) people, due to the health risks associated with COVID-19 pursuant to Federal, State and County orders, directives and/or guidelines, this meeting is closed to the public and will instead be streamed live, accessible at www.ci.commerce.ca.us. Members of the public may participate by calling in to the number provided herein.
los cerritos community newspaper
NOTICE OF SALE OF ABANDONED PROPERTY Notice is given that pursuant to sections 21700-21713 of the Business and Professions Code, Section 2328 of the Commercial Code, Section 535 of the Penal Code. 1812.607, that Norwalk Self Storage at 11564 E. Firestone Blvd., Norwalk, CA 90650 will sell by competitive bidding by Climer’s Auctions ( Bond # 5181494 ), on or after DECEMBER 12th, 2017 @ 10:00 a.m., property belonging to those listed below. Auction is to EH KHOG DW WKH DERYH DGGUHVV 3URSHUW\ WR EH VROG DV IROORZV ER[HV WRWHV ÀVKLQJ SROHV ELNHV EDW FRPSUHVVRUV FDUW WULNH JDOORQ EXFNHWV WDEOHV SULQWHU LURQLQJ ERDUGV OLJKW À[WXUH VSHDNHUV GROOLH ZRRG WUXQN loose clothing, dresser, art frame, hangers, night stand, trash bags, chairs, rug cleaner, exercise equipment, PLUURU NH\ ERDUGV JOREH FRXFK GXIà H EDJV LFH FKHVW à DW VFUHHQ 79 WRRO ER[ ELNH SDUWV VXLWFDVH 9&5 hose, loose wood, picture frames, tent, pillows, loose bedding, gas can, shelving, book cases, basket, and bolt cutters belonging to the following.
Brian Hews
8/21, 8/28, 9/4, 9/11/20
UNIT # B605
B499 B143/B141 B117 A253 B764/B770
I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. DATED AT CERRITOS, CALIFORNIA,
This notice is given in accordance with the provisions of Section 21700 et seq. of the Business and Professions Code of the State of California. Sales subject to prior cancellation in the event of settlement between Owner and obligated party. Publication Dates: NOVEMBER 24, 2017 and DECEMBER 1, 2017.
11/24 and 12/1/17
Published at Los Cerritos Community Newspaper 11/24 and 12/1/17
12/20, 12/27/19, 1/3 and 1/10/20
Pomona, CA 91766 The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 14522 SAN DIEGUITO DR, LA MIRADA, CA 90638-4326 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made in an “AS IS� condition, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, if any, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust, to-wit: $482,077.73 (Estimated). Accrued interest and additional advances, if any, will increase this figure prior to sale. It is possible that at the time of sale the opening bid may be less than the total indebtedness due. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder's office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call, 916-939-0772 for information regarding the trustee’s sale or visit this Internet Web site, www.nationwideposting.com, for information regarding the sale of this property, using the file number assigned to this case, T.S.# 9551-3631. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. Affinia Default Services, LLC 301 E. Ocean Blvd. Suite 1720 Long Beach, CA 90802 833-290-7452 For Trustee Sale Information Log On To: www.nationwideposting.com or Call: 916-939-0772. Affinia Default Services, LLC, Omar Solorzano, Foreclosure Associate This communication is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. However, if you have received a discharge of the debt referenced herein in a bankruptcy proceeding, this is not an attempt to impose personal liability upon you for payment of that debt. In the event you have received a bankruptcy discharge, any action to enforce the debt will be taken against the property only. NPP0371116 To: LA MIRADA LAMPLIGHTER 08/21/2020, 08/28/2020, 09/04/2020
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I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. Per Government Section 65009, if you the above-listed itemLos in court, you I am theCode principal clerk ofchallenge the printer of the Cerrimay be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence deliveredatonewspaper the city office, at,of or prior to, the public heartos Community News, general circuing. lation, printed and published one time each week in theCOMMISSION County of Los Angeles, and which newspaper has THE PLANNING Jose D. Jimenez been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by Published at Commerce Community News 8/21/20 the Superior Court of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, under the date of September 9, 1996, in T.S. No.: 9551-3631 TSG Order No.: 090435030 A.P.N.: 8061-025-005 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A Case Number V5005861 that YOUR the PROPERTY, notice,IT MAY ofBEwhich the DEED OF TRUST DATED 03/01/2007. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT annexed isas athe duly printed copy (set into type not smaller than A LAWYER. Affinia Default Services, LLC, appointed Trustee, under and pursuant the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust Recorded 03/16/2007 as Document No.: 20070592853, of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of Los Angeles County, nonpareil), beenAN UNMARRIED published inas Trustor, eachWILL regular and enCalifornia, executed by: MARIA ANTONIETTAhas LINKEVITCH, WOMAN, SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (payable in full at time of sale by cash, a cashier's check drawn by a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal union, or aof checksaid drawn by newspaper a state or federal savings and loan association, association, or savings bank tirecreditissue and not insavings any supplement specified in section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state). All right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property said County and state, dates, and as more fully thereof onsituated theinfollowing todescribed wit:in the above referenced Deed of Trust. Sale Date & Time: 09/15/2020 at 10:00 AM Sale Location: Behind the fountain located in Civic Center Plaza, 400 Civic Center Plaza,
AUGUST 21, 2020
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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cerritos City Council will review and consider an agenda item at a regular City Council meeting on Thursday, August 27, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. on the following matter: Review and consideration of a request by CalMet Services for an extraordinary adjustment to the maximum allowable solid waste management rates This public meeting will be conducted by teleconference as authorized by State of California Executive Orders N-25-20 and N-29-20. Members of the public may provide public comment by submitting an email to city_clerk@cerritos.us by 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. You may also provide audio public comment during the meeting by connecting to the teleconference meeting online or by telephone/mobile call, as noted below: Cerritos Zoom Meeting online link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81165142925 Cerritos Zoom Meeting call-in telephone number: (669) 900-6833 Cerritos Zoom Meeting ID: 811 6514 2925 The meeting will also air live on Cerritos TV3 and will be streamed over the City of Cerritos website at www.cerritos.us. A copy of the related agenda report will be available for download from the website on the Friday prior to the public meeting. If you challenge the above mentioned item and related actions in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public meeting described in this notice, or in written correspondence emailed to the Office of the City Clerk prior to the public meeting. Any person interested in this matter may contact the Office of the City Clerk at (562) 916-1248 for additional information and/or participate in the teleconference public meeting and be heard. Dated: August 14, 2020/August 21, 2020 /s/Vida Barone, City Clerk/ Treasurer
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Commerce will conduct a public hearing on a Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment to consider changes to Chapter 19.09.060 and 19.11.050 (“fences, hedges, and walls”) of the Commerce Municipal Code which regulates fences, hedges and walls within the City of Commerce. SAID PUBLIC HEARING MEETING: A virtual public hearing meeting will be held via Teleconference during a Special Planning Commission Hearing on Monday, August 31, 2020 at 6:30 p.m., at which time proponents and opponents of the proposed project will be heard. Instructions for Teleconference access are provided below: Call in phone number: (669) 900-9128 Meeting ID: 936 8760 5928 Password: 838914 On March 4, 2020, Governor Newsom proclaimed a State of Emergency in California as a result of the threat of COVID-19. On March 17, 2020, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-29-20 (superseding the Brown Act-related provisions of Executive Order N-25-20 issued on March 12, 2020), which allows a local legislative body to hold public meetings via teleconferencing and to make public meetings accessible telephonically or otherwise electronically to all members of the public seeking to observe and to address the local legislative body. Pursuant to Executive Order N-29-20, please be advised that members of the Commerce City Planning Commission will participate in meetings telephonically. Further, in the interest of maintaining appropriate social distancing, and restricting gatherings of over ten (10) people, due to the health risks associated with COVID-19 pursuant to Federal, State and County orders, directives and/or guidelines, this meeting is closed to the public and will instead be streamed live, accessible at www.ci.commerce.ca.us. Members of the public may participate by calling in to the number provided herein. Per Government Code Section 65009, if you challenge this Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Commission at, or prior to, the public hearing. THE PLANNING COMMISSION Jose Jimenez Published at Commerce Community Newspaper 8/21/20 CITY OF CERRITOS STATE OF CALIFORNIA REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL CITY OF CERRITOS AQUARIUM MAINTENANCE SERVICES RFP NO. 1403-20 Sealed proposals will be received at the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Cerritos, 18125 Bloomfield Avenue, First Floor, Bloomfield Avenue at 183rd Street, Cerritos, California, 90703, until 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, September 15, 2020, for the City of Cerritos Aquarium Maintenance Services RFP No. 1403-20. Proposals will be received at Cerritos City Hall until 11:00 a.m., on Tuesday, September 15, 2020. Proposals must be addressed to the City Clerk, City of Cerritos, 18125 Bloomfield Avenue, First Floor, Bloomfield Avenue at 183rd Street, Cerritos, California, 90703, marked “Proposal for City of Cerritos Aquarium Maintenance Services, RFP No. 1403-20”. Six (6) copies of the entire proposal and also one electronic version of the entire proposal on a USB drive must be delivered in a sealed envelope or package. One copy shall be marked as “Original” and must contain an original signature. No proposal will be accepted unless it has the proposal number and project name clearly identified on the outside label. The City of Cerritos reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, or portions of any and all proposals or waive the informality in a proposal not affected by law. Pre-proposal meetings will be scheduled upon request from Consultants to provide an opportunity to obtain more information about the aquarium maintenance services. Proposal specifications are available online at www.cerritos.us/BUSINESSES/bid_and_contract_ opportunities/bid_listings.php, notifications, updates and addenda will be posted on the City’s bid page. Proposers shall be responsible for monitoring the site to obtain information regarding this solicitation. Failure to respond to required updates my result in a determination of a nonresponsive proposal. For additional questions please contact Support Services at (562) 916-1318. Dated/Posted/Published: August 21, 2020 Published at Los Cerritos Community Newspaper 8/21/20
CITY OF COMMERCE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITYWIDE NOTICE CITY OF COMMERCE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITYWIDE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Commerce, pursuant to Civil Code Section 1798.90.55(a), will conduct a public hearing to consider City of Commerce’s intention to operate an Automated License Plate Recognition System (“ALPR System”), which is defined as “a means of a searchable computerized database resulting from the operation of one or more mobile or fixed cameras combined with computer algorithms to read and convert images of registration plates and the characters they contain into computer-readable data.” [Civil Code Section 1798.90.5]. The public hearing may also include City Council’s consideration of a resolution approving an ALPR System Policy, and related matters, including a services agreement for the installation of surveillance cameras, to potentially operate as a pilot program. Said public hearing will be held before the City Council of the City of Commerce on Tuesday, September 1, 2020 at 6:00 p.m., at which time any proponents and opponents will have the opportunity to be heard. Under regular circumstances, said hearing would be held at the Council Chambers, 5655 Jillson Street, Commerce, CA; however, due to COVID-19, pursuant to Executive Order N-29-20, members of the public may view the meeting, streamed live, at www.ci.commerce.ca.us, and may participate telephonically by calling to submit comments at (323) 887-4442, or may submit written comments through email at cityclerk@ci.commerce.ca.us. Please visit the City’s website for additional information on public participation, at https://cityofcommerce.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx Per Government Code Section 65009, if you challenge this matter in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or prior to, the public hearing. CITY OF COMMERCE Norma Copado, Assistant City Attorney 2535 Commerce Way Commerce, California 90040 (323) 722-4805 Published at Commerce Community Newspaper 8/21/20
Published at Los Cerritos Community Newspaper 8/14 and 8/21/20 CITY OF ARTESIA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Planning Commission of the City of Artesia will hold the adjourned Regular Planning Commission Meeting by teleconference, only, at 6:30 p.m. on Monday August 31, 2020, to conduct a Public Hearing to consider the following item: Case No. 2020-08 City-Wide Zoning Code Amendment and Artesia Boulevard Corridor Specific Plan Amendment (Banquet Halls and Facilities) City of Artesia 18747 Clarkdale Ave, Artesia, CA 90701 A request to amend the Artesia Municipal Code, by removing banquet halls and facilities as a conditionally permitted use in the Commercial General (C-G) Zone, section 9-2.3203 and to amend the Artesia Boulevard Corridor Specific Plan to remove banquet halls and facilities as a conditionally permitted use from Table 2-2, and to make a determination of Exemption under CEQA per CEQA Guidelines section 15061(b)(3). Resolution No. 2020-06P SPECIAL NOTICE REGARDING CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND EMAIL SUBMITTALS - Pursuant to California State Governor’s Executive Order N-29-20 and given the current health concerns, members of the public will not be able to attend the meeting but can access meetings live over the internet at https://artesia.12milesout.com/livevideo. In addition, you may submit comments electronically for Planning Commission consideration by sending them to planning@cityofartesia.us any time before the item is heard. If you challenge any of these proposals in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in the notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Artesia Planning Commission at or prior to the public hearing. Fiona Graham PUBLISHED: August 21, 2020
Interim Planning Manager
Published at Los Cerritos Community Newspaper 8/21/20 CITY OF ARTESIA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Planning Commission of the City of Artesia will hold the Regular Planning Commission Meeting by teleconference, only, at 6:30 p.m. on Monday August 31, 2020 to conduct a Public Hearing to consider the following item: Case No. 2020-05 Conditional Use Permit 17901 Pioneer Boulevard, Unit L Analyn Garcia 20521 Gordon Place, Lakewood, CA 90715 A request for approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow the operation of a UPS store in an existing commercial center located at 17901 Pioneer Boulevard, Unit L in the Pioneer Specific Plan Area and making a determination of a Class 3, Categorical Exemption from (CEQA) pursuant to Article 19, Section 15301 of the CEQA Guidelines. Resolution No. 2020-05P SPECIAL NOTICE REGARDING CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND EMAIL SUBMITTALS - Pursuant to California State Governor’s Executive Order N-29-20 and given the current health concerns, members of the public will not be able to attend the meeting but can access meetings live over the internet at https://artesia.12milesout.com/livevideo. In addition, you may submit comments electronically for Planning Commission consideration by sending them to planning@cityofartesia.us any time before the item is heard. If you challenge any of these proposals in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in the notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Artesia Planning Commission at or prior to the public hearing. Fiona Graham PUBLISHED: August 21, 2020
Interim Planning Manager
Published at Los Cerritos Community Newspaper 8/21/20 Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at location indicated: 10753 Artesia Blvd. Cerritos, Ca 90703 September 14, 2020 at 11:00 AM. Kailahi Leula Jr Household items, Kathleen Overleese Household Goods, Martin Wilt Household goods, furniture, Adolph Mole Couch, boxes, Christina Rivera stove and boxes, Chris Havea 6 boxes and containers, electronics, Wayne Bellew Household items, Kaitlyn McKennon Household items, Scott Hill bath tubs, Michael Beltran Electronics, Sunny McCrary household items, Edward Fortin Household items, Jaimilia Seward Household items, Korys Installations household goods, mattress, tools, clothing, Richard Thomas household items, Yolanda Burks Household items, Daniel Martinez household items, Tabitha Beene Household items, Lucia Medina household items, Anna Arredondo-Kim Books and classroom supplies, Paul Kiefer household goods, Daniel Quiroz Household items, Mitch Mordkoff Boxes and other items, Julius Issac 13 ft lockers, couple big boxes. fold able desk, Grant Coppen tools, boxes, Jay Hammer Household items, Joseph Montoya Boxes of clothes, woods use for work, Randy Winbush Boxes, Maria Martinez Household items, Lucrecia Budgett Household items, Nakia Ward Household items, Raymond Ejike household items-clothing, Rosalind Faulks bags suitcases, Chris Nicklas Household items, Anisa Pito household items, Marcos Ortega 10 Boxes, Gabrielle Hernandez Clothing, stationary, Kevin Emanuel Household items, Ciara Jasiewicz Household items, Debra Dutter Collectibles, Danyelle Ward tools and boxes, Teresa Knight Furniture and boxes, Felicia Flores sofa, and about 10 medium boxes with household and personal items, Cleopatra Thomas bedroom dresser tv stands boxes, Christopher Tuason Household items, Jeane Simpson Household items, Michael Black Boxes, Gilbert Gonzalez stove, dresser, twin beds ,bike, boxes, Michael Black shoe cleaner and grids, Douglass Doris household goods, Brown Donald Household Goods, Deanna Witt Beds, furniture, boxes of clothes, Tina Tatum Clothes, Francis Ugonna Household items, Ciani Champion-Carter Boxes, John Chamberlin Household items, Smith Damion Household goods, Terri Walters household items, Yvonne Guess household items, Deanna Witt Household items, Paul Kiefer Household items, Brandon Mack Household items, Susan Luthe Household items, Robert Whittaker tools, Francisco Mendoza household panels, wood panels, Michael Magaldi Household items. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.storagetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property.
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reduced scope of work, the re-certification resulted in a savings of $1,225. AUGUST 21, 2020
To all of our many healthcare professionals, first responders, and volunteers, the Gardens Casino says THANK YOU for your tireless efforts, strength of spirit and unfailing determination. We are grateful for your selflessness and sacrifice in helping restore our health and well-being. Together we will emerge stronger!