Case DED 4x4 Articulated Frame Steer 2-1/2 Cubic Yard Scoop Type Loader Technical Manual

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LOADER, 4x4,










DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.






1 SEPT 87

TM 5-3805-262-20

EXHAUST GASES CAN BE DEADLY Exhaust gases can produce symptoms of headache, dizziness, lOSS of muscular control, or coma. Permanent brain damage or death can result from severe exposure. You can insure your safety by following these rules: DON’T operate the heater or engine in an enclosed area unless it is properly ventilated. DON-T drive with any of the loader-s inspection plates , cover plates, or the hood off unless necessary for maintenance. If you notice exhaust odors or exposure symptoms, IMMEDIATELY VENTILATE the area. If symptoms persist, remove the affected people and treat them: ● Expose them to fresh air. If necessary, give artificial respiration. ● Keep them warm. DON’T permit physical exercise.

Refer to FM 21-11, First Aid for Soldiers, for first aid treatment of injured personnel.

ROTATING FAN BLADES Before working in area between radiator and engine, be sure engine is turned off. Failure to do so could cause serious injury to fingers or hand by rotating fan blade. If you injure your fingers or hand, obtain medical aid immediately.

OIL UNDER PRESSURE Hydraulic reservoir is pressurized. Shut off engine and operate hydraulic control valves before removing hydraulic reservoir fill cap. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death.

RETAINING/SNAP RINGS UNDER SPRING TENSION Exercise care when removing retaining/snap rings. Some of these parts are under spring tension. Severe injury may result by the part striking your eye if you don’t observe this precaution. If your eye is struck by a foreign object, seek medical aid immediately.


TM 5-3805-262-20

Toxic /FLAMMABLE Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is made,’ wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately.

Starting fluid is toxic and highly flammable. Container is pressurized to act as an expellent. Don’t heat container and don’t discharge starting fluid in confined areas or near open flame. Don’t discard used container in an open flame. To do any of the above will cause an explosion. Don’t breathe ether vapor or allow ether to come in contact with your skin. To do so will cause severe injury or death.

ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD Always disconnect battery ground cable before working on electrical components of this equipment. Death or severe injury may result if you fail to observe this precaution. If you receive an electrical shock, seek medical aid immediately.

HIGH VELOCITY AIR Compressed air used for cleaning purpose will not exceed 30 psi. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc). Failure to do so could cause serious injury to eyes and possible blindness. If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately.

FALLING EQUIPMENT When using chain hoist to remove or install parts, be sure chain hoist is securely fastened to the part and that all slack in chain is taken up. Failure to do so could cause serious injury due to the part falling on you. If you are injured by falling equipment, obtain medical aid immediately.


TM 5-3805-262-20



Noise level exceeds 85 dB when operating loader with cab windows open or performing maintenance with engine operating. All personnel shall wear a hearing protective device when operating loader with windows open or performing loader maintenance with engine operating to prevent hearing loss.

EXPLOSIVE HAZARD Don’t use jumper cables connected to battery terminals to start engine or charge batteries. Always use slave receptacle. Failure to do so could cause serious injury due to batteries exploding caused by improper connection of jumper cables to battery terminals.

STEAM UNDER PRESSURE Remove radiator cap slowly to relieve pressure before completely removing when engine is hot. Failure to do so could cause severe burns due to hot steam scalding You. If you are scalded by hot steam, seek medical aid immediately.

TIRE INFLATION Check that tire is correctly mounted before inflating tire. Failure to do so may result in severe injury or death due to explosive separation of the tire and rim parts. If necessary, remove tire and install in a tire inflation cage. Always stand behind tire tread when inflating tire. Do not inflate tire more than 40 psi. To do so may result in severe injury or death due to explosive separation of tire and rim parts. Stand behind tire tread and be sure personnel are not standing at side of tire before adding air. Failure to do so could cause severe injury or loss of life due to explosive separation of tire and rim parts.


TM 5-3805-262-20

TIRE DEFLATION Deflate tire completely before removing tire from rim. Refer to manual to completely deflate tire. Failure to follow this procedure could cause serious injury. If you are injured by not completely deflating tire, seek medical help immediately.

JACKING LOADER Make sure that loader will not roll or shift and that transport/service link is engaged before jacking loader. Secure with chock blocks. Death or serious injury may result by your failure to follow this procedure due to loader turning and slipping off jack or jack stands. If you are injured, obtain medical help immediately.

Before starting engine, check and be sure that transport/service link is in released position. Failure to do so will cause loss of steering control which may result in serious injury or death and extensive property damage.

Always use hand rails and steps when you mount or dismount loader. Don’t use steering wheel or controls as a hand rail. Any other method of mounting or dismounting loader could make you slip and fall causing serious injury to yourself.

Before moving loader up ramps, remove all ice, oil or grease from ramp to prevent loader from falling and causing death or serious injury and extensive damage to loader. Tell personnel to move away from loader.

Don’t allow personnel in or near the loader when it is being towed with the engine stopped. To do so could cause serious injury or death.


TM 5-3805-262-20

Diesel fuel is highly combustible. Do not smoke or allow open flames or sparks into the area. Death or severe injury may result if personnel fail to observe this precaution. If you are burned, obtain medical aid immediately.

Before performing any loader maintenance that requires servicing in area between front and rear chassis, be sure that transport/service link is engaged. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death due to chassis pivoting and crushing you when you are working in area between front and rear chassis.

Whenever a component or line in the brake system is disconnected for servicing, the air must be bled from the brake system. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death due to loss of braking control.


TM 5-3805-262-20

Left Front View

Right Rear View

MW24C Loader f

TM 5-3805-262-20 C2 HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Washington D.C., 19 December 2008

Change NO. 2

Technical Manual ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE LOADER, SCOOP TYPE, DED, 4 X 4, ARTICULATED FRAME STEER, 2-1/2 CUBIC YARD (J.I.CASE MODEL MW24C) (NSN 3805-01-150-4814) TM 5-3805-262-20, 01 September 1987, is changed as follows: 1.

Remove old pages and insert new pages.


New or changed material is indicated by a vertical bar in the margin of the page. Remove Pages i and ii 1-21 and 1-22 1-23 and 1-24 4-53 and 4-54 5-47 and 5-48 5-51 thru 5-54 5-57 and 5-58 5-61 thru 5-64 5-101 and 5-102 5-165 and 5-166 9-35 and 9-36 11-63 and 11-64 11-71 and 11-72 11-75 and 11-76 12-25 thru 12-28 Appendix B C-3/(C-4 Blank) DA Form 2028 Sample DA Form 2028 (3 copies)


Insert Pages A and B i and ii 1-21 and 1-22 1-23 thru 1-24 4-50.1/(4-50.2 Blank) 4-53 thru 4-54 5-47 and 5-48 5-51 thru 5-54 5-57 and 5-58 5-61 thru 5-64 5-101 and 5-102 5-165 and 5-166 9-30.1/(9-30.2 Blank) 9-35 and 9-36 11-63 thru 11-64 11-71 thru 11-72 11-75 thru 11-76 12-25 thru 12-28 12-30.1 and 12-30.2 Appendix B C-3/(C-4 Blank) DA Form 2028 Sample DA Form 2028 (3 copies)

File this change sheet in front of the publication for reference purpose.

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

TM 5-3805-262-20 C2

By Order of the Secretary of the Army:

GEORGE W. CASEY, JR. General, United States Army Chief of Staff Official:


DISTRIBUTION: To be distributed in accordance with the initial distribution requirements for IDN: 252303, requirements for TM 5-3805-262-20.

TM 5-3805-262-20 C1

HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Washington D. C., 03 November 1989



TM 5-3805-262-20, 1 September 1987, is changed as follows: 1. Remove old pages and insert new pages as indicated below. 2. New or changed material is indicated by a vertical bar in the margin of the page. Remove Pages

Insert Pages

i and ii 2-9 and 2-10 645 and 646 7-17 and 7-18 7-117 and 7-118 7-121 and 7-122 B-13 and B-14 none Index 7 through Index 10

i and ii 2-9 and 2-10 6-45 and 6-46 7-17 and 7-18 7-117 and 7-118 7-121 and 7-122 B-13 and B-14 G-1/(G-2 blank) index 7 through Index 10

3. File this change sheet in front of the publication for reference purposes.

By Order of the Secretary of the Army:


CARL E. VUONO General, United States Army Chief of Staff

WILLIAM J. MEEHAN II Brigadier General United States Army The Adjutant General

Distribution To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12–25A–R (Block No. 2303), Unit maintenance requirements for Scoop Loader, Diesel, 4x4, 2 1/2 CY, Model MW 24C.

TM 5-3805-262-20 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Date of issue for original manual is: Original . . . . . . . 01 September 1987 Change 1 . . . . . . 03 November 1989 Change 2 . . . . . . 19 December 2008 Total number of pages for front and rear matter is 65 and total number of pages is 1,232 consisting of the following: Page No. Cover a to f i ii iii and iv 1-1 thru 1-20 1-21 thru 1-23.0/(1-23.1 Blank) 1-24 thru 1-31/(1-32 Blank) 2-1 thru 2-9 2-10 2-11 thru 2-24 3-1 thru 3-294 4-1 thru 4-50 4-50.1/(4-50.2 Blank) 4-51 thru 4-53 4-53.0/(4-53.1 Blank) 4-54 thru 4-101/(4-102 Blank) 5-1 thru 5-47 5-48 5-49 and 5-50 5-51 thru 5-53 5-54 thru 5-57 5-58 5-59 and 5-60 5-61 5-62 5-63 5-64 thru 5-101 5-101.0/(5-101.1 Blank) 5-102 thru 5-165 5-165.0 and 5-165.1 5-166 thru 5-193/(5-194 Blank) 6-1 thru 6-44 6-45 and 6-46 6-47 thru 6-51/(6-52 Blank)

*Change No. 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 1 0

Page No. 7-1 thru 7-116 7-117 thru 7-118 7-119 thru 7-121 7-122 7-123/(7-124 Blank) 8-1 thru 8-46 9-1 thru 9-30 9-30.1/(9-30.2 Blank) 9-31 thru 9-34 9-35 and 9-36 10-1 thru 10-81/(10-82 Blank) 11.1 thru 11-63 11-63.0 thru 11.63.4/(11-63.5 Blank) 11-64 thru 11-71 11-71.0/(11-71.1 Blank) 11-72 thru 11-75 11-75.0 thru 11-75.2/(11-75-3 Blank) 11-76 thru 11-89/(11-90 Blank) 12-1 thru 12-25 12-25.0/(12-25.1 Blank) 12-26 and 12-27 12-27.0 and 12-27.1 12-28 thru 12-30 12-30.1 and 12-30.2 A-1 thru A-3/(A-4 Blank) B-1 thru B-18 C-1 and C-2 C-3/(C-4 Blank) D-1 thru D-3/(D-4 Blank) E-1 thru E-5/(E-6 Blank) F-1 thru F-3/(F-4 Blank) G-1/(G-2 Blank)

* Zero in this column indicates an original page or work package.


*Change No. 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 1

TM 5-3805-262-20

Glossary 1 thru Glossary 3/ (Glossary 4 Blank) Index 1 thru Index 7 Index 8 and Index 9 Index 10 thru Index 14 DA Form 2028 Sample DA Form 2028 (three copies) Schematics Back Cover

0 0 1 0 2 2 0 0

* Zero in this column indicates an original page or work package.


*TM 5-3805-262-20

TECHNICAL MANUAL NO. 5-3805-262-20


LOADER, SCOOP TYPE, DED, 4 X 4, ARTICULATED FRAME STEER, 2-1/2 CUBIC YARD (J.I.CASE MODEL MW24C) (NSN 3805-01-150-4814) REPORTING ERRORS AND RECOMMENDING IMPROVEMENTS You can help improve this publication. If you find any errors, or if you would like to recommend any improvements to the procedures in this publication, please let us know. The preferred method is to submit your DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) through the Internet, on the Army Electronic Product Support (AEPS) website. The Internet address is The DA Form 2028 is located under the Public Applications section in the AEPS Public Home Page. Fill out the form and click on SUBMIT. Using this form on the AEPS will enable us to respond quicker to your comments and better manage the DA Form 2028 program. You may also mail, E-mail, or fax your comments or DA Form 2028 directly to the U.S. Army TACOM Life Cycle Management Command. The postal mail address is U.S. Army TACOM Life Cycle Management Command, ATTN: AMSTA-LC-LMPP/TECH PUBS, 1 Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, IL 61299-7630. The E-mail address is The fax number is DSN 793-0726 or Commercial (309) 782-0726.



INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Chapter Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Section I General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Section II Equipment Description and Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 Section III Principles of Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-15 CHAPTER 2 MW24C LOADER MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Chapter Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Section I Service Upon Receipt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Section II Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6 Section III Movement to a New Work Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11 CHAPTER 3 TROUBLESHOOTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 Chapter Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 Section I Troubleshooting Symptom Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 Section II Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6 Section II Troubleshooting using STE/ICE (Simplified Test Equipment for Internal Combustion Engines) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-200 CHAPTER 4 ENGINE, FUEL, EXHAUST, AND COOLING SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 Chapter Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 CHAPTER 5 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 Chapter Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 CHAPTER 6 POWER TRAIN MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1 Chapter Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1 * This technical manual, in combination with TM 5-3805-262 series (-10, -24P, and -34) supersedes TM 5-3805-262-14&P-1 and TM 5-3805-262-14&P-2 in its entirety

Change 2



BRAKE SYSTEM MAINTENANCE Chapter Overview . . . .





7-1 7-1





8-1 8-1


FRAME AND TOWING ATTACHMENTS AND BODY AND CAB MAINTENANCE . . Chapter Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

9-1 9-1


ACCESSORY ITEMS AND DATA PLATES MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter Overview

10-1 10-1



11-1 11-1


SIGNALING DEVICES AND LOADER BUCKET ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE . . . Chapter Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

12-1 12-1







WHEELS AND STEERING SYSTEM MAINTENANCE Chapter Overview . . . . . . . . . .
























METRIC CONVERSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .






Glossary 1 Index 1

TM 5-3805-262-20 HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL This manual is designed to help you operate and maintain the MW24C loader. It’s divided into chapters, sections, and appendices. Chapter 1 contains general information, equipment description and data, and principles of operation of the loader. Chapter 2 contains data applicable to service to be performed on receipt of the loader, FMCS, and procedures to be followed when moving to a new work site. Chapter 3 contains troubleshooting information consisting of a symptom index and detailed troubleshooting procedures. Chapters 4 through 12 contain detailed maintenance procedures. Appendices contain supplemental information which you require to maintain the loader. Procedures in this manual tell you several things: how to perform your PMCS and how often what tools you need to perform the job materials or parts required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . what condition the loader is to be in before work is started. In addition to the text, you’ll have either an assembled view or an exploded view illustration of the associated parts. Sometimes, the illustration will be keyed by an arrow to an overall view of the loader to help you determine the approximate location of the parts. The illustration is keyed to the text by numbers and shows you how to take the part off and put it on. The following problem will show you some of the features of this manual: PROBLEM An operator brings his loader into the shop with an engine problem: The engine stalls frequently or doesn’t develop full power. The best way to solve his problem is by using your manual. This is what you do: 1. How do you start? Look at the cover of the manual. On the cover you’ll find a listing for TROUBLESHOOTING SYMPTOM INDEX. It tells you to go to page 3-1. To find page 3-1 fast, open the manual by using the black tab that lines up with the listing on the cover. 2. What kind of problem do you have? Find it in the symptom index. The symptom index is a list of problems covered by the section. It tells you that your problem "engine stalls frequently or doesn’t develop full power" is covered in paragraph 3-4 MALFUNCTION entry number 6 on page 3-23. Directly beneath the MALFUNCTION entry number you’ll also see a number enclosed in parentheses. This number refers to the paragraph and MALFUNCTION entry number where troubleshooting your problem is also covered using STE/ICE equipment if available. This troubleshooting using STE/ICE is covered on page 3-225.


TM 5-3805-262-20 HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL (CONT) 3. How do you determine what is causing the problem? GO to page 3-23 or page 3-225 if you have STE/ICE, MALFUNCTION entry number 6. There you’ll find the troubleshooting procedures you’ll need. The procedure has columns with the headings MALFUNCTION, TEST OR INSPECTION, and CORRECTIVE ACTION. Starting at step 1, read the procedure. Each step tells you what to do and what to look for. Follow the steps, in order, until you find your problem. When you find the problem, the CORRECTIVE ACTION column will tell you how to fix it. 4. Let’s assume you’ve found that the air compressor is bad causing excessive drag on the engine. The procedure tells you to go to page 7-88. The procedure contains all the information you need to replace the air compressor. First check the introductory material. It tells what you’ll need before you start the job. Within the detailed procedural text are illustrations showing you how to take out the air compressor and how to put it back in. 5. If on the other hand, you know what the problem is and is cause, refer to the alphabetical index located at the rear of this manual and find the name of the part to be replaced and its page number where maintenance procedures will be found. For example, the engine is overheating and on filling the radiator with water you see that water is pouring out the bottom radiator hose indicating that the hose requires replacement. Refering to the alphabetical index under the listing hoses, cooling system, page 4-74 is referenced. Turn to this page for hose removal procedure and following page(s) for installation procedure. This manual has been designed so that you can quickly locate data you are looking for. Either look in the ALPHABETICAL INDEX for the subject matter, refer to the front cover index, table of contents, chapter index, or section index to locate the data.


TM 5-3805-262-20

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION CHAPTER OVERVIEW The purpose of this chapter is to provide you with standard data required in all manuals, to familiarize you with the purpose and capabilities of the vehicle and to give you a brief description of its different systems and components.

Index Title

Section I II III


General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Equipment Description and Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 Principles of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-15


Para Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Maintenance Forms, Records, and Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Destruction of Army Materiel to Prevent Enemy Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Preparation for Storage or Shipment 1-4 Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) 1-5 Official Names and Nomenclature . . 1-6

Para Reporting Equipment Improvement Recommendations (EIR) . . . . . . . . . 1-7 Warranty Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8 Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9 Common Tools and Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10 Special Tools, TMDE, and Support Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11 Repair Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12 Modification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12.1

NOTE The equipment described herein is non-metric and does not require metric common or special tools; therefore, metric units are not supplied. Tactical instructions for sake of clarity will also remain non-metric. 1-1.

a. Type of Manual.

Organizational Maintenance Manual.

b. Model Number and Equipment Name. MW24C 2-1/2 Cubic Yard Articulated Frame Steering 4 by 4 Diesel Engine Driven Scoop Type Loader. c. Purpo se of Equipment. Loading trucks from stockpiles, stockpiling materiel, and excavating undisturbed and compacted soil. Unit also used as a clamshell to handle irregular shaped objects, as a dozer for general bulldozer work, and as a scraper.



Department of the Army forms and procedures used for equipment maintenance will be those prescribed by DA PAM 738-750, The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS). 1-3. DESTRUCTION OFARMYMATERIEL TOPREVENTENEMYUSE


Refer to TM 5-3805-262-10 for preparation for storage and page 2-13 of this manual for preparation for air transport instructions. 1-5. QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL

Quality assurance and quality control shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-109 and MIL-M-38784. 1-6. OFFICIAL NAMESAND NOMENCLATURE

The nomenclature, names, and designations used in this manual are in accordance with MIL-HDBK-63038-2 . 1-7. REPORTING EQUIPMENT IMPROVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS (EIR)

If your MW24C loader needs improvement, let us know. Send us an EIR. You, the user, are the only one who can tell us what you don-t like about your equipment. Let us know why you don’t like the design. Put it on an SF 368 (Quality Deficiency Report). Mail it to us at: Commander, US Army Tank-Automotive Command, ATTN: AMSTA-MV, Warren, MI 48397-5000. We’ll send you a reply. 1-8. WARRANTY INFORMATION

The MW24C loader is warranted by J.I.Case Company, Racine, Wisconsin for 15 months or 1500 hours of operation, whichever occurs first. Warranty starts on the date found on DA Form 2408-9 in the logbook and/or the equipment warrenty data plate. Report all defects in material or workmanship to your supervisor who will take appropriate action. 1-9. ORIENTATION

The loader bucket is mounted at the front of the MW24C and the engine faces the rear. Controls for operating the bucket (lift, tilt, clam) are located to the right when you are sitting in the operator-s seat. All references to right, left, front, or rear are from your viewpoint when you’re sitting in the operator’s seat. 1-10. COMMON TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT For authorized common tools and equipment refer to the Modified Table of Organization and Equipment (MTOE) applicable to your unit.


TM 5-3805-262-20 1-11. SPECIAL TOOLS, TMDE, AND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT N o s p e c i a l t o o l s a r e r e q u i r e d . T o o l s , TMDE, and support equipment are listed in

Section III of Appendix C. 1-12. REPAIR PARTS Repair parts are listed and illustrated in the repair parts and special tools list TM 5-3805-262-24P covering organizational, d i r e c t s u p p o r t , a n d g e n e r a l s u p p o r t p a r t s for the MW24C loader. 1-12.1 MODIFICATIONS Refer to DAPAM 310-l and DA PAM750-10 for all published ModificationWork Orders which apply to the MW24C Scoop Loader. Refer to Department of the Army Modification Work Order MW05-3805-262-25001 (effective 1988) for Installation of Alcohol Evaporator.


TM 5-3805-262-20 Section II. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AND DATA Para Equipment Characteristics, Capabilities, and Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Location and Description of Major Components and Plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Equipment Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S a f e t y , C a r e , and Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1-13 1-14 . 1-15 1-16


a. Purpose of MW24C Loader. L o a d i n g t r u c k s a n d r a i l c a r s f r o m s t o c k p i l e s , s t o c k piling materiel, and excavating undisturbed and compacted soil. Unit also used as a clamshell to handle irregular shaped objects, as a dozer for general bulldozer work, and as a scraper. b. Capabilities and Features. (1) Two and one-half yard capacity bucket. (2) Operates over rough terrain. (3) Four speed ranges in forward; two speed ranges in reverse. (4) Declutch pedal disengages transmission during loader operation to provide maximum hydraulic power when needed. (5) Diesel engine driven. (6) Power steering. (7) Power assisted air over hydraulic brakes. (8) Enclosed operator’s compartment. (9) Auxiliary steering automatically cuts-in if primary steering is disabled. (10) Bucket height control to automatically stop loader lift arms at a preselected dump height. (11) Bucket return-to-dig control to automatically return bucket to preselected position. (12) Four-in-one bucket used as a scraper, b l a d e , c l a m s h e l l , o r s t a n d a r d b u c k et . (13) Ford depths up to 30 inches. (14) Collapsible steering wheel for air transport. 1-14. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS AND PLATES a. Location and Description of Major Components. ENGINE. J.I.Case Model A504BD Diesel engine having a displacement of 504 cubic inches. Accessories mounted on and considered a part of the engine include the alternator, air compressor, starting motor, fuel injection pump, and fuel filters. FUEL SYSTEM. Consists of fuel injectors, f u e l i n j e c t i o n p u m p , e l e c t r i c f u e l p u m p , air cleaner, fuel filters, and cold start kit. EXHAUST SYSTEM. Consists of muffler and exhaust pipe. Muffler mounted on top of engine. COOLING SYSTEM. Includes radiator mounted in rear of loader, thermostat and housing, engine driven water pump, and fan.


TM 5-3805-262-20 1-14.

a. Location and Description of Major Components. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM, 24 volt, negative ground, Includes engine driven alternator, starter motor, instrument panels, light system, and two 12 volt batteries connected in series, BRAKES. Disk brakes, air over hydraulic. Air actuated drum type parking brake located on transmission output shaft. STEERING SYSTEM. Consists of steering wheel, steering column and gear, and two steering cylinders. Power assist provided by hydraulic pump mounted on and driven by transmission. Also includes auxiliary steering system. FRAME AND TOWING ATTACHMENTS. Two section frame consisting of front and rear chassis; drawbar pin located at rear of loader. SIGNALING DEVICES, Consists of back-up alarm and turn signals. Back-up,alarm located at rear of loader; sounds when transmission is shifted into reverse. Turn signals loc a t e d a t t o p o f c a b ; turn signal switch mounted on steering column.



a. Location and Description of Major Components (Cont). TRANSMISSION AND DRIVE SHAFTS. Four speeds in forward and two speeds in reverse. Has declutch feature which permits neutralizing transmission. Three drive shafts used to transmit power to front and rear axles. AXLES AND WHEELS. Standard planetary axles; pneumatic tires. CAB. Fully enclosed and removable for shipment purposes when necessary. With doors, windows, and front and rear windshields. ACCESSORIES. Includes air horn and control valve, windshield washer and wiper, outside mirrors, heater, and fan defrosters. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM. Consists of hydraulic main pump assembly/steering pump, control valve assembly, hydraulic cylinders (lift arm, bucket tilt, and clam), hydraulic reservoir, and hydraulic filter. EARTHMOVING COMPONENTS. Includes bucket lift arms and pivot assemblies and loader bucket assembly. b . Location of Identification, Instruction, and Warranty Plates. For location of identification, instruction, and warranty plates, refer to illustrations on following pages.


TM 5-3805-262-20 1-14. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS AND PLATES (CONT) b. L o c a t i o n o f I d e n t i f i c a t i o n , I n s t r u c t i o n , a n d W a r r a n t y P l a t e s ( C o n t ) .


TM 5-3805-262-20 1-14.

b. L o c a t i o n









TM 5-3805-262-20 1-14.

b. L o c a t i o n o f I d e n t i f i c a t i o n , I n s t r u c t i o n , a n d w a r r a n t y p l a t e s ( C o n t ) .



TM 5-3805-262-20 1-15. EQUIPMENT DATA Equipment data is tabulated below. Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J.I. Case Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MW24C DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT Overall operating height (A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 feet, 1-1/2 inches Dump clearance at maximum height, 45 degrees dump (B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 feet Dump reach at maximum height, 45 degrees dump (C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 feet, 1 inch Dump reach at 7 feet dump height, 45 degrees dump (D) . . . . . . . . . . 4 feet, 5 inches Height to bucket hinge pin (E) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 f e e t , 2 - 1 / 2 i n c h e s Maximum shipping height (F) 10 feet, 10-1/2 inches Overall length, bucket on ground (G) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 f e e t , 5 - 1 / 2 i n c h e s Overall width 94-1/2 inches 10 feet, 1-1/2 inches Wheel base (H) Tire tread 77 inches Ground clearance (I) 16 inches Height to top of steering wheel (J) 106-1/2 inches Overall height without cab 106-1/2 inches Width overtires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 inches Total weight 25,900 pounds Front axle weight 12,750 pounds Rear axle weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,150 pounds Center of gravity location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 inches high; 61.7 inches back from center of front axle


TM 5-3805-262-20 1-15. EQUIPMENT DATA (CONT)

CAPACITIES 11.25 gallons Cooling system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cold weather protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 0 / 5 0 s o l u t i o n of water and ethylene glycol (antifreeze) 58 gallons Fuel tank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engine crankcase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 quarts refill; 20 quarts with filter change Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . 5 g a l l o n s r e f i l l ; 9 gallons total system capacity Axles (each) Front differential carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 quarts 20 quarts Rear differential carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Planetary ends (each) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 quarts 17 gallons refill; Hydraulic reservoir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 g a l l o n s t o t a l s y s t e m c a p a c i t y PERFORMANCE SPEEDS (MPH) Forward 1st low range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd low range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3rd high range 4th high range Reverse ....................... 1st 2nd .......................

. . 2.6 . . 6.5 11.4 22.2 . . 3.6 . . 8.7

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diesel Engine 6 Cylinder, 4 Stroke Cycle, Valve-in-Head Type 1-5-3-6-2-4 Firing Order 4 5/8 inches Bore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 inches Piston Displacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504 Cubic Inches Compression Ratio 16.5 to 1 No Load Governed Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2330 to 2370 rpm Rated Engine Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2200 rpm Engine Idling Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725 to775rpm Exhaust Valve Rotators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Positive Type .025 inch Valve Tappet Clearance (Exhaust) .015 inch (Intake) Cranking Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Volt Negative Ground Thermostat Operating Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 degrees F to 202 degrees F Cooling System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A i r , w a t e r w i t h l u b e o i l c o o l e r ENGINE LUBRICATING SYSTEM Oil Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 to 55 Pounds with Engine Warm and Operating at Rated Engine Speed


TM 5-3805-262-20 1-15.

ENGINE LUBRICATING SYSTEM (CONT) Type System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P r e s s u r e a n d S p r a y C i r c u l a t i o n Oil Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Gear Type Oil Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Full Flow Turn on Type FUEL SYSTEM Fuel Injection Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robert Bosch, Type PES Multiple Plunger Pump Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Degrees Before Top Dead Center (Port Closing) 1st Stage Fuel Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Full Flow Turn on Type 2nd Stage Fuel Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Full Flow Turn on Type Operating Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 to 30 psi ALTERNATOR Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Delco-Remy Part Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1100077 Rating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 ampere AIR COMPRESSOR Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Midland Ross Part Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. N5303AA Number of Cylinders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 RADIATOR Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. General 22-4173 Young E299000 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Electrical system voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24volts Batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2) 12 volt Bulb Number Replacement Bulbs Warning lamp for hydraulic filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1895R Cab lamp 93 or 1591 Stop and tail lamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1683 363 Instrument panel lamp Directional and flasher lamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307 Driving lamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4880 Flood lamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...4578 Instrument cluster lamps . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 194 BUCKET 104 inches Width SAE Rated Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 yards HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Reservoir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P o s i t i v e p r e s s u r i z a t i o n Control Valve Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parker VDPSP24DRF36 Model Open center series Type Relief Valve Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2300 psi


TM 5-3805-262-20 1-15. EQUIPMENT DATA (CONT) HYDRAULIC SYSTEM (CONT) Hydraulic Pump Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commercial Shearing Inc. 313-9622-451 Model Flow at 2200 rpm and 2300 psi 52 gallons per minute Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5 0 0 p s i Steering Pump 23 gallons per minute Flow at 2200 rpm and 2000 psi Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2000 psi Hydraulic Cylinders T i l t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.50 inch diameter x 29.50 inch stroke x 2.50 inch rod Lift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.0 inch diameter x 34.625 inch stroke x 3.0 inch rod Steering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0 inch diameter x 15,0 inch stroke x 1.25 inch rod Clam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.0 inch diameter x 10.5 inch stroke x 2.,0 inch rod Auxiliary Steering Motor and Pump . Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parker Hannifin Part Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D27AR1A-022 Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 volts/6.4 gpm @ 2000 psi AIR CLEANER Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Donaldson FHG09-0023 Part Number Dry - 2 Stage Type STARTER Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Delco-Remy Part Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1114872 clutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sprag type TRANSMISSION Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allison TT-2421-1 Model Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Full power shift Ratio 2.6 MPH Forward Low Range - 1st 6.5 MPH Low Range - 2nd Forward 11.4 MPH High Range - 3rd Forward 22.2 MPH High Range - 4th Forward 3.6 MPH 1st Reverse 2nd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.7MPH Reverse TORQUE CONVERTER Allison Manufacturer Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Integral TT425 4.92:1 Stall Ratio AXLES Rockwell Manufacturer Model Standard planetary, disk brakes Front Rear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S t a n d a r d p l a n e t a r y , d i s k b r a k e s


TM 5-3805-262-20 1-15. EQUIPMENT DATA (CONT) (CONT) Part Number Front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PRC 676-N200 Rear PRC 673-N203


BRAKES Service Brakes Type Disk; air over hydraulic; four wheels Master Cylinders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Two Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wagner Electric Co. Part No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FE98841 Brake Calipers Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Goodyear Co. Part No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9650303 Parking Brake Type Drum Style Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air actuated mechanical Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T r a n s m i s s i o n o u t p u t s h a f t TIRES Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.5x 25 Normal Tire Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 p s i Tubeless, 12 ply, tread style L2 Type 1-16. SAFETY, CARE, AND HANDLING a. Safety. Before operating the loader, read the operator’s manual and, if necessary, learn and practice safe use of controls before operating the unit. The loader is a heavy piece of equipment and can cause serious injury to personnel and extensive property damage if operated by an inexperienced operator. Before operating t h e u n i t , check the terrain and any obstacles that may exist. Remember, you do not want to be the cause of serious injury to yourself or other personnel or cause serious property damage. b . C a r e . Refer to the operator’s manual and Chapter 2, Section II, of this manual for preventive maintenance procedures to be performed. Perform these procedures to care for the unit properly. c . H a n d l i n g . When handling (operating) the unit, be sure that you know what you are doing. When performing maintenance, pay attention to all notes, cautions, and warnings. Be aware of all situations that could cause a serious safety hazard to you and other personnel in the immediate area.


TM 5-3805-262-20 Section III. PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION Para Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-17 Fuel System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-18 Exhaust System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-19 Cooling System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-20 Electrical System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-21 Left Instrument Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-22 Right Instrument Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-23 Transmission and Drive Shafts . . . . . 1-24 Axles and Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-25

Para Brakes 1-26 Steering System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-27 Frame and Towing Attachments . . . . . . 1-28 Body and Cab 1-29 Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-30 Hydraulic System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-31 Back-up Alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-32 Turn Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-33 Earthmoving Components . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-34


The engine is a J I Case Model A504BD Diesel engine. It is a six cylinder, four stroke cycle valve-in-head engine having a displacement of 504 cubic inches. Equipment mounted on the engine include the alternator , a i r c o m p r e s s o r , s t a r t i n g m o t o r , fuel injection pump, and fuel filters.

1-18. FUEL SYSTEM 1. FUEL INJECTOR NOZZLES. S i x u s e d ; o n e i n e a c h c y l i n d e r l o c a t e d Directs a metered quantity of fuel received from injection pump to chamber. Each charge of fuel must be delivered into the combustion definite spray pattern to ensure complete combustion and efficient performance.

in cylinder head. combustion chamber with a, engine

2. FUEL INJECTION PUMP AND LINES. F u e l i n j e c t i o n p u m p d e l i v e r s a c c u r a t e l y m e t e r e d quantities of fuel under high pressure to fuel injectors. This delivery must be accomplished with accurate timing in relation to engine firing order and for a definite period of time in relation to load and engine speed requirements. Fuel is routed to six fuel injectors from fuel injection pump through rigid metal tubes. Return fuel (leak-off) from fuel injectors is routed through rigid metal tubes connected between each fuel injector and then routed through one rigid metal tube back to fuel injection pump.


TM 5-3805-262-20 1-18. FUEL SYSTEM (CONT) 3. AIR PRECLEANED AND CLEANER. T w o s t a g e f i l t e r c o n t a i n i n g a p r i m a r y f i l t e r a n d a secondary filter. Air routed to cylinders is filtered through both these filters. Thus, dust and dirt reaching engine is held to a minimum. Air compressor receives its input air via air cleaner by a fitting connected to air cleaner adapter mounted on intake manifold. 4. FUEL TANK Diesel fuel; at right rear plug located electric fuel

AND LINES AND FITTINGS. Fuel tank holds approximately 58 gallons of located at rear of loader. Fuel filler neck and removable cap located of loader and is accessible by removing right rear side panel. Drain at bottom of fuel tank. Fuel lines and fittings connect fuel tank to pump, first and second stage fuel filters, and to fuel injection pump.

5. ELECTRIC FUEL PUMP. P u m p s D i e s e l f u e l f r o m f u e l t a n k t o f u e l f i l t e r s t h e n t o f u e l i n j e c t i o n p u m p . Mounted on front center of fuel tank. With ignition key switch in on position, fuel pump will emit a slight buzz indicating proper operation. Pump consists of coil, plunger, and breaker points. With coil energized, plunger moves in plunger bore which opens and closes breaker points. With plunger at top of plunger tube, breaker points are closed. Coil is then energized, and plunger is pulled to bottom of plunger tube compressing plunger spring. Check valve in plunger opens and fuel flows through plunger. With plunger at bottom of plunger tube, breaker points are opened and coil is deenergized. Plunger spring returns plunger to top of plunger tube. During up stroke of plunger, check valve is closed and fuel is pushed into fuel line. Valve at bottom of plunger tube opens and fuel flows into bottom of plunger tube for next cycle. 6. COLD START KIT. Consists of push type switch mounted on right instrument panel, solenoid mounted on cold start cylinder, and atomizer installed in engine intake manifold. Cold start cylinder mounted in engine compartment, on left post near engine. COLD START switch operates only when ignition key switch is in Start position. Depressing COLD START switch energizes solenoid, s p r a y i n g e t h e r i n t o e n g i n e i n t a k e manifold only when engine cranked. 7. ACCELERATOR. C o n s i s t s o f a c c e l e r a t o r p e d a l c o n n e c t e d b y c a b l e t o f u e l i n j e c t i o n pump and fuel shutoff control connected to fuel injection pump fuel shutoff lever. 1-19. EXHAUST SYSTEM Consists of muffler and tail pipe. Muffler quiets noise from engine operation. Connected to exhaust manifold and mounted above engine. Tail pipe channels engine combustion byproducts from muffler to rear of loader. 1-20. COOLING SYSTEM 1. RADIATOR. E n g i n e c o o l a n t c i r c u l a t e d through radiator giving up its heat to air stream developed by belt driven fan. Cooled coolant drawn from bottom of radiator by water pump and discharged into lower part of cylinder block. Radiator also has cooler built into its bottom for cooling transmission hydraulic oil. Radiator located at rear of loader.


TM 5-3805-262-20

2. WATER MANIFOLD AND THERMOSTAT. S e c u r e d t o c y l i n d e r h e a d s o n r i g h t s i d e o f engine. Coolant from cylinder heads passes through manifold, thermostat, and then to radiator. With thermostat open, coolant circulates through radiator before returning to water pump. With thermostat closed, coolant is bypassed through water manifold directly to water pump and through engine ensuring a quick warm up of engine. 3. WATER PUMP. Draws cooled coolant from bottom of radiator and discharges it into lower part of cylinder block. Openings in water jacket around cylinder bores connect with corresponding openings in cylinder heads. Coolant rises to circulate around valves and fuel injectors then passes through water manifold back to radiator. 4. FAN. Mounted on water pump pulley; located behind radiator. Generates air stream to cool coolant circulated through radiator.

1-21. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 1. ALTERNATOR. 6 5 a m p e r e s . C h a r g e s b a t t e r i e s a n d s u p p l i e s c u r r e n t f o r a d d i t i o n a l e lectrical power. 2. STARTING MOTOR. Electric motor with an over running clutch. Solenoid is mounted on starter with an enclosed shifting mechanism. 3. INSTRUMENT PANELS. instrument panels.

Refer to pages 1-19 through 1-23 for a description of


TM 5-3805-262-20 1-21. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM (CONT) 4. RETURN-TO-DIG CIRCUIT. R e t u r n - t o - d i g c i r c u i t r e t u r n s b u c k e t t o d i g g i n g p o s i t i o n after it has been dumped. It includes a micro switch mounted on return-to-dig control rod located on right bucket tilt cylinder and an actuating rod inserted in control rod and connected to rod end of tilt cylinder. Micro switch is connected to solenoid located on hydraulic control valve in tilt spool. With bucket raised and in dump position, micro switch and solenoid are deenergized. Placing LIFT ARM control lever in FLOAT and BUCKET control lever to CROWD will cause bucket to lower to ground.. A t s a m e t i m e , b u c k e t w i l l r o l l b a c k u n t i l a c t u a t i n g r o d a c t u a t e s m i c r o switch arm in turn energizing solenoid in tilt spool. With tilt spool solenoid energized, BUCKET control lever will return to its NEUT. position stopping roll back of bucket. 5. BUCKET HEIGHT CIRCUIT. A u t o m a t i c a l l y s t o p s l o a d e r l i f t a r m s a t a n o p e r a t o r selected dump height. It includes a micro switch mounted to height control bracket located on left side of loader. Micro switch is connected to solenoid located on hydraulic control valve in lift spool. Micro switch actuated when loader lift arms reach preset height energizing solenoid, in turn, causing lift spool to return to neutral position. This stops loader lift arms from raising any further. 6. AUXILIARY STEERING. Consists of steering motor and pump, flow switch mounted in hydraulic system, relay socket assembly, and warning buzzer and indicator. Auxiliary Steering Motor and Pump. E l e c t r i c a l l y o p e r a t e d m o t o r w i t h h y d r a u l i c o i l pump mounted on output shaft. Installed on left of rear chassis near transmission. Automatically operates when hydraulic oil flow stops through hose in which flow switch is installed. Flow Switch. Mounted in hose connected to hydraulic oil cooler. When hydraulic pump mounted on transmission is operating, flow switch provides dc voltage to relay A, p i n 2 ( f i g u r e F O - 3 ) . When hydraulic oil flow through hose stops, flow switch routes dc voltage to relay A, pin 6. Relay Socket Assembly (Figure FO-3). C o n t a i n s c o n t r o l c i r c u i t r y f o r t u r n i n g o n a u x iliary steering motor and pump. Mounted at side of front chassis. Relay A is connected as a latching relay. 24 Vdc applied to relay A coil at pin 2 energizes relay A. 24 Vdc applied to pin 1 and switched out pin 3 latches relay A coil on. Relay A, pin 6 switched to pin 8 has no effect on the circuit. When hydraulic oil flow stops e i t h e r d u e t o e n g i n e , t r a n s m i s s i o n , o r h y d r a u l i c p u m p f a i l u r e , flow switch routes dc v o l t a g e t o r e l a y A , p i n 6 . This voltage is switched out pin 8 and applied through 47 ohm resistor to relay B, pin 2 and 2000 microfarad capacitor. 2000 microfarad capacitor and 47 ohm resistor provide a small time delay before relay B coil e n e r g i z e s . When relay B coil energizes, 24 Vdc at pins 1 and 3 latch relay B coil and 24 Vdc at pins 6 and 8 sounds buzzer, t u r n s o n i n d i c a t o r , a n d e n e r g i z e s auxiliary steering motor solenoid turning on motor. With motor operating, hydraulic pump attached to its output shaft starts oil flow through hoses. Flow switch will switch 24 Vdc from one contact to the other , which has no effect on circuit due to r e l a y s b e i n g l a t c h e d . Auxiliary steering motor and pump will continue to operate until ignition key switch is placed in off position. When ignition key switch is placed to off position, 2000 microfarad capacitor will discharge through 50 ohm resistor and diode.


TM 5-3805-262-20 7. LIGHTS. M o u n t e d a t r e a r o f l o a d e r a r e t w o f l o o d l i g h t s , two stop and tail lights, and two black out stop light-tail light assemblies. Mounted at front of loader are two driving lamps, two flood lamps, and one black out driving lamp mounted on left front fender. All lights are controlled by Vehicle Lights switch mounted on right instrument panel. Front and rear flood lights in addition, are controlled by FLOOD LIGHTS switch also mounted on right instrument panel. 8. BATTERIES. T w o b a t t e r i e s c o n n e c t e d i n s e r i e s p r o v i d e 2 4 Vdc power. Batteries located at rear of loader. 9. WIRING HARNESSES. I n c l u d e f r o n t a n d r e a r w i r i n g harnesses, black out wiring harness, cab upper wiring harness, cab lower wiring harness, and cab console wiring hamess. Front and Rear Wiring Harnesses. electrical components of loader.

Main wiring harnesses.I n t e r c o n n e c t m a j o r

Black Out Wiring Harness. I n t e r c o n n e c t s r e a r b l a c k o u t s t o p a n d t a i l l i g h t s a n d front black out light to front wiring harness. Cab Upper Wiring Harness. I n t e r c o n n e c t s c a b d e f r o s t e r f a n s , d e f r o s t e r b l o w e r , c a b dome light, and cab console control panel to front wiring harness. Cab Lower Wiring Harness. harness. Cab Console Wiring Harness. harness,

Interconnects cab console control panel to front wiring Interconnects cab console control panel to front wiring


Also see FO-3

Includes instrument panel cluster, AUXILIARY STEERING buzzer and indicator light, v o l t m e t e r , and windshield washer control.


TM 5-3805-262-20 1-22. LEFT INSTRUMENT PANEL (CONT) 1. INSTRUMENT PANEL CLUSTER. Includes warning indicators and following gages: CONV TEMP, AIR PRESS, FUEL LEVEL, and WATER TEMP. 2. BRAKE ENGAGED INDICATOR. Connected in series with air activated switch mounted in port of Parking Brake Control. Switch is normally closed applying ground to indicator light causing it to turn on. Air pressure supplied to parking brake brake chamber causes switch to open disconnecting ground to indicator light in turn causing it to turn off. Resistor (40 ohms, 2 watts) in circuit limits current through indicator. 3. ALTERNATOR INDICATOR. Not connected. 4. ENGINE OIL PRESSURE INDICATOR. C o n n e c t e d i n s e r i e s w i t h o i l p r e s s u r e s w i t c h located in engine cylinder block assembly. Switch is normally closed turning indicator on. Increasing oil pressure causes switch to open turning indicator off. Resistor (40 ohms, 2 watts) in circuit limits current through indicator. 5. CLUTCH OIL PRESSURE INDICATOR. C o n n e c t e d i n s e r i e s w i t h o i l p r e s s u r e s w i t c h installed in transmission. Switch is normally closed turning indicator on. Increasing pressure causes switch to open turning indicator off. Resistor (40 ohms, 2 watts) in circuit limits current through indicator. 6. CONV TEMP GAGE. Connected in series with 24 Vdc and temperature sender installed in transmission. Temperature sender acts as variable resistor varying voltage across gage. At high temperatures, resistance decreases; at low temperatures, resistance increases . 7. AIR PRESS GAGE. C o n n e c t e d i n s e r i e s w i t h a i r p r e s s u r e s e n d e r i n s t a l l e d i n a i r reservoir port. Air pressure sender acts as variable resistor varying voltage across gage. At low air pressure resistance is low; at high pressure resistance is high. 8. FUEL LEVEL GAGE. C o n n e c t e d i n s e r i e s w i t h f u e l l e v e l s e n d e r i n s t a l l e d i n f u e l tank. Sender acts as variable resistor varying voltage across gage. When fuel level is low, resistance is low; resistance increases with quantity of fuel in fuel tank. 9. WATER TEMP GAGE. Connected in series with engine water temperature sender installed in engine water manifold. Sender acts as variable resistor varying voltage a c r o s s g a g e . When water temperature is high, resistance is low; low temperature, resistance is high. 10. AUXILIARY STEERING BUZZER AND INDICATOR. Buzzer and indicator connected across auxiliary steering motor and pump solenoid. Buzzer sounds warning operator that primary hydraulic pump is not operating and indicator turns on indicating that auxiliary steering motor and pump is operating. 11. VOLTMETER. Connected across ignition key switch accessory terminal and ground. Indicates voltage of batteries. 12. WINDSHIELD WASHER CONTROL. Part of pneumatic system. Pushing control inward applies compressed air to washer pressure reservoir, which in turn, forces washer solvent via hoses from washer nozzle mounted in front of windshield.


TM 5-3805-262-20



Includes all switches and indicators for operating lights, parking brake, starting and stopping engine, dimmer control, and a HYDRAULIC FILTER warning indicator. 1.

IGNITION KEY SWITCH. Four position key switch.

Accessory Position (Maintained). Extreme left position. Applies power to Vehicle Lights switch and instrument panel cluster. Off Position (Maintained). Center position. Electrical system off. Run Position (Maintained). First right position. Normal operating position after engine started. Applies power to Vehicle Lights switch, instrument panel cluster, and return-to-dig and height control circuits. Start Position (Spring Return-to-Run Position). Applies power to COLD START switch, starter relay via neutral start switch installed in transmission control valve, and return-to-dig and height control circuits. With power applied to starter relay, starter solenoid will energize, kicking in starter to turn engine flywheel and start engine. When released, ignition key switch will return to Run position. 2. MECHANICAL MILITARY LIGHT SWITCH. Controls all vehicle lights including stop light at rear of vehicle. Main switch has five positions an auxiliary switch has four positions. UNLOCK lever must be in UNLOCK to move Main switch in B.O. DRIVE, STOP LIGHT, and SER. DRIVE positions. Main Switch B.O. DRIVE. Power from pin F routed out pins A, D, and E to enable stop light switch (pin A), turn on front black out driving light (pin D), and turn on black-out tail light (pin E). When brake treadle is pressed, black-out stop light will turn on (pin N). Auxiliary switch can be in any position. Main Switch B.O. MARKER. Power from pin F routed out pins A and E to enable stop light switch (pin A) and turn on blackout tail light (pin E). When brake treadle is pressed, black-out stop light will turn on (pin N). Auxiliary switch can be in any position. Main Switch OFF. All lights are turned off. When brake treadle pressed, stop light at rear of loader will not turn on. Main Switch STOP LIGHT. Power from pin F routed out pins A and J to enable stop light switch (pin A) and enable turn signals (pin J). When brake treadle pressed, stop light in stop-tail lights will turn on (pin C). Auxiliary switch can be in any position. Main Switch SER. DRIVE. Power from pin F routed out pins A, H, J, and M to enable stop light switch (pin A), turn on tail lights at rear of loader (pin H), enable turn signals (pin J), and turn on driving lamps and enable FLOOD LIGHTS switch (pin M). When brake treadle is pressed, stop light in stop-tail lights will turn on (pin C). Placing FLOOD LIGHTS switch in On position will turn on front and rear flood lights. Auxiliary switch can be in any position.

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TM 5-3805-262-20



Auxiliary Switch PANEL BRT. Power from pin F routed out pin B to turn on illumination lamps in instrument panel cluster and Voltmeter, and enable cab dome lamp switch. Brightness of lamps can be set by DIMMER COMPT LIGHTS control. Main switch can be in any position other than OFF. Auxiliary Switch DIM. Same as PANEL BRT. position above. Auxiliary Switch OFF. Instrument panels illumination lamps all off. Auxiliary Switch PARK. Same as PANEL BRT. position above. 3. AIR PRESSURE WARNING ALARM. Mounted beneath instrument panel. Connected in series with air pressure switch installed in Parking Brake Control. When air pressure falls below 64 to 76 psi, air pressure switch closes applying 24 Vdc to warning alarm. Alarm sounds warning operator that air pressure is below level necessary to safely operate loader. 4. COLD START SWITCH. Connected in series between Ignition Key switch start terminal and cold start solenoid. Pressing switch energizes cold start solenoid in turn injecting measured amount of ether into intake manifold. Used as starting aid when ambient temperature is below 32 degrees. Switch is operable only when Ignition Key switch is in start position. 5. HYDRAULIC FILTER INDICATOR. Connected in series with hydraulic filter switches installed in steering hydraulic filter and hydraulic system hydraulic filter. When pressure increases in hydraulic filters due to clogging condition, switches close. When any one switch closes, HYDRAULIC FILTER light comes on indicating filter is clogged and must be

changed. Resistor (40 ohms 2 watts) in circuit limits current through lamp. 6. DIMMER COMPT LIGHTS CONTROL. Connected in series with cab dome light and switch, voltmeter illumination lamp, and instrument panel cluster illumination lamps. Clockwise rotation increases resistance dimming these lights and lamps; counterclockwise rotation decreases resistance causing lights and lamps to be brightly lit. Resistor (15 ohms 25 watts) in circuit limits current through illuminating lamps. 7. FLOOD LIGHTS SWITCH. Applies 24 Vdc power to front and rear flood lights causing them to turn on. Switch is operable only when Vehicle Lights Switch is in SER. DRIVE position. 8. 5 AMPERE CIRCUIT BREAKERS. Resetable circuit breakers. Press button to reset. Top circuit breaker protects return-to-dig and bucket height control circuits. Bottom circuit breaker protects auxiliary steering circuit, instrument panel cluster, voltmeter, cab relay solenoid, electric fuel pump, and air pressure switch and warning alarm. 9.


10 AMPERE CIRCUIT BREAKER. Mounted on underside of instrument panel. Protects front and rear flood lamps.

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TM 5-3805-262-20

10. ELECTRONIC MILITARY LIGHT SWITCH: Located on the right instrument panel, it controls the operation of the machine’s service, blackout, parking, and instrument panel lights. Mode/Function Keys. Press to select desired function or mode of lighting. Both the selected function and the ENTER keys blue lights will come on. Press the ENTER key. The function key and selected lights will come on. NOTE •

Press ENTER key to activate mode/function key selected. If ENTER key is not pressed in 5 seconds, the switch will reset to previous mode.

The interior light switch does not operate in blackout mode.

Ignition key switch must be in extreme counterclockwise position or ON position for vehicle lights switch to operate.

Mode and Function keys are as follows: ALL OFF. Turns all lights off when pressed. STOP LIGHT. Turns on when brake treadle valve is pressed. Turn signals can be operated. SER. DRIVE. Taillights and front driving lamps lit. Stop lights will light when brake treadle valve is pressed. Turn signals and flood lights will operate when turned on. PANEL BRIGHT. Gage lights are brightly lit and cab dome light will operate when turned on. PARK. Service taillights lit (main switch in SER. DRIVE position), gage lights are dimly lit and cab dome light will operate when turned on. Blackout taillights lit (main switch in B.O. DRIVE or B.O. MARKER position). PANEL DIM. Gage lights dimly lit and cab dome light will operate when turned on. B.O. DRIVE. Blackout taillights and driving lights lit. Stop lights will light when brake treadle valve is pressed. B.O. MARKER. Blackout taillights lit. Stop lights will light when brake treadle valve is pressed.

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TM 5-3805-262-20



1. TRANSMISSION. Three speed transmission: two in forward and one in reverse. Hydraulic oil lubricates and cools transmission components, apply clutches, and turn torque converter turbines. Its major components are control valve including linkage, oil pump including filter, torque converter, free wheel clutch, reverse clutch, low clutch, high clutch, and necessary gears and shafts to send motion to output shaft of transmission. 2. CONTROL VALVE AND LINKAGE. Control valve directs hydraulic oil under pressure to desired directional and speed clutch. Directional and speed control valves connected by push-pull type cables to operator’s transmission direction and speed selector control. 3. OIL PUMP AND FILTER. Draws hydraulic oil from transmission sump through oil suction screen and directs oil through external filter to transmission control valve. Oil enters transmission control valve at main pressure regulating valve. Filter removes impurities from oil. 4. TRANSMISSION COOLER. Part of radiator. Built into lower portion of radiator. Includes oil sampling valve used to drain a sample of transmission oil. Sample oil analyzed in laboratory for wear particles. This helps determine extent of wear in transmission. Transmission oil routed to and from radiator oil cooler through hoses. 5. FRONT DRIVE SHAFT. Connected between center drive shaft and front axle. Connected to front axle yoke by universal joint and to center drive shaft by a yoke with internal splines. Rear of front drive shaft supported by a bearing.

1-23.0/(1-23.1 Blank)

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TM 5-3805-262-20 1-24. TRANSMISSION AND DRIVE SHAFTS (CONT) 6. CENTER DRIVE SHAFT. Connected between transmission output shaft and front drive shaft. Connection accomplished by universal joints. 7. REAR DRIVE SHAFT. universal joints.

Connected between transmission output shaft and rear axle by 1-25. AXLE AND WHEELS 1. FRONT AND REAR AXLES. Double reduction type driven by propeller shafts. First gear reduction occurs in differential carrier, second gear reduction occurs in planetary wheel ends. Front axle is rigidly mounted; rear axle is trunnion mounted. Axles include differential carrier, planetary ends, and disk type brakes on each wheel. 2. DIFFERENTIAL CARRIER. I n t e g r a l part of axle; single reduction unit employs a heavy duty spiral bevel gear.

3. PLANETARY ENDS. I n t e g r a l p a r t o f a x l e . Second reduction employs planetary spur gears. Power transmitted by differential carrier to axle shafts drives the sun gear. Sun gear drives planet spur gears which drive the planetary spider and in turn the wheel hub. 4. RIMS AND TIRES.

Heavy duty steel rims; pneumatic tires 20.5 by 25, tubeless.

1-26. BRAKES (See figure FO-l.) PARKING BRAKE SYSTEM. Consists of parking brake valve mounted on right instrument p a n e l , a i r o p e r a t e d p a r k i n g b r a k e a c t u a t o r , and parking brake assembly mounted on t r a n s m i s s i o n o u t p u t s h a f t . Refer to page 1-26 for a description of parking brake system operation. SERVICE BRAKE SYSTEM. Consists of hydraulic brake system and pneumatic system; operation described below. HYDRAULIC BRAKE SYSTEM. Consists of brake calipers mounted on each wheel end and two hydraulic brake reservoirs and two brake actuators, one for front wheels and one for rear wheels. Service brake treadle and valve controls the flow of air to both brake actuators. Each actuator has an air chamber and a hydraulic master cylinder. Air pressure from brake treadle and valve flows to air chamber, pushing diaphragm and push rod. This action pushes piston in master cylinder. Hydraulic pressure increases in brake lines forcing brake caliper piston outward and brake pads in brake calipers are applied to rotors mounted on axle wheel ends.


TM 5-3805-262-20 PNEUMATIC SYSTEM, P r o v i d e s a i r p r e s s u r e f o r p a r k i n g a n d s e r v i c e b r a k e s , h y d r a u l i c r e s e r v o i r , c l u t c h c u t - o u t , low pressure warning buzzer, horn, windshield washer, and air pressure gage. System operation is controlled by two brake treadle and valve a s s e m b l i e s , w a s h e r c o n t r o l , and horn valve located on cab deck. Comprised of air compressor assembly, b r a k e a c t u a t o r s ( d e s c r i b e d a b o v e ) , b r a k e t r e a d l e a n d v a l v e a s s e m b l i e s, p r e s s u r e p r o t e c t i o n v a l v e , p r e s s u r e r e d u c i n g v a l v e , w a s h e r c o n t r o l , fluid reservoir, horn, and horn valve. AIR COMPRESSOR. Compressed air supplied by a two cylinder, r e c i p r o c a t i n g c o m p r e s s o r m o u n t e d o n e n g i n e , r i g h t s i d e . Driven by drive belt between air compressor pulley and radiator fan cooling hub when engine operating. Governor mounted on rear of air compressor and connected between air compressor and air reservoir to control compression. Air compression starts when air reservoir pressure falls below 95 psi and stops when pressure reaches a maximum of 122 psi. When air reservoir pressure reaches maximum, governor routes air to unloader in compressor which stops compression. If governor fails to operate properly, safety valve installed in air reservoir opens at 150 psi venting air to atmosphere preventing damage to system and possible personnel injury. Input air drawn through air cleaner via air cleaner adapter mounted on engine intake manifold. AIR RESERVOIR. A i r f r o m a i r c o m p r e s s o r r o u t e d t o , a n d s t o r e d i n , a i r r e s e r v o i r u n til required by system components. Check valve installed at reservoir inlet prevents compressed air from flowing back to air compressor. D r a i n v a l v e i n s t a l l e d i n b o t t o m of air reservoir to drain water that accumulates due to condensation. Air actuated sending unit in air reservoir outlet generates an electrical signal for air pressure gage mounted in instrument panel cluster. BRAKE TREADLE AND VALVE. C o n t r o l s a i r f l o w t o b r a k e a c t u a t o r s . I n c o r p o r a t e s a r u b ber piston spring. Pressing on brake treadle compresses this spring; further pedal is depressed, more spring resists. This feature allows more even control of air pressure, assuring more accurate control of brake application. A combined check valve and stop light switch prevents excessive air being applied to brake actuators and turns rear stop lights on. INCHING TREADLE AND VALVE. Controls air flow to clutch cutout cylinder mounted on t r a n s m i s s i o n c o n t r o l v a l v e . I n c h i n g t r e a d l e a n d v a l v e s a m e a s b r a k e t r e a d l e a n d v a lve. Depressing this treadle disengages transmission during loader operation allows operator to inch further from or closer to load. BRAKE ACTUATORS. See hydraulic brake system description on page 1-24 above for description of brake actuators. CLUTCH CUTOUT. U s e d t o d i s e n g a g e t r a n s m i s s i o n d u r i n g l o a d e r o p e r a t i o n t o i n c h l o a d er closer to or further from load. When inching treadle depressed, compressed air r o u t e d t o c y l i n d e r i n t r a n s m i s s i o n c o n t r o l v a l v e . Push rod in cylinder moves a spool in transmission control valve. Spool stops flow of oil to clutches and releases pressure in clutches so that transmission is in neutral. Allows effective way of causing loader to inch forward other than using brake treadle. AIR PRESSURE GAGE. Mounted on instrument panel cluster. Green area of gage indic a t e s e n o u g h a i r p r e s s u r e f o r s a f e o p e r a t i o n o f l o a d e r . Red area of gage indicates there is insufficient air pressure for safe operation. Air system is at a maximum pressure of 110 psi.


TM 5-3805-262-20 1-26. BRAKES (CONT) PRESSURE PROTECTION VALVE. Performs two functions: ( 1 ) p e r m i t s f a s t i n c r e a s e i n pressure in air reservoir when pressure in system is below 65 psi and (2) keeps pressure in air reservoir if an air leak in hydraulic reservoir or between pressure protection valve and hydraulic reservoir exists. Pressure protection valve opens when pressure in air reservoir increases to approximately 85 psi and closes when pressure decreases to approximately 65 psi. PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE. Mounted in hydraulic reservoir air pressure line. Decreases air pressure applied to hydraulic reservoir to 7 to 12 psi. Air pressure is applied to the hydraulic reservoir to ensure a constant oil supply when loader is traversing up or down a steep incline and to prevent cavitation of hydraulic oil. RELIEF VALVE. Mounted in pressure reducing valve port. P r o t e c t s h y d r a u l i c r e s e r v o i r f r o m e x c e s s i v e a i r p r e s s u r e . Vents air when pressure exceeds 12 psi. AIR HORN AND HORN VALVE. Air horn activated by pressure on horn valve button located on cab deck near inching treadle. Depressing horn valve button applies air pressure to horn causing horn diaphragm to vibrate and sound. PARKING BRAKE VALVE AND ACTUATOR. Pushing in knob of parking brake valve routes air pressure to parking brake actuator. This air pressure pushes against piston and s p r i n g i n p a r k i n g b r a k e a c t u a t o r . As piston moves, linkage connected between actuator and parking brake assembly releases parking brake and permits normal use of l o a d e r . A minimum of 60 psi air pressure is necessary to hold parking brake in released position. Pulling out knob of parking brake valve releases air from parking brake actuator through parking brake valve. Spring in parking brake actuator then applies parking brake assembly. Loader cannot be moved until knob of parking brake valve is pushed in or parking brake assembly is manually released. PRESSURE SWITCH. Mounted in parking brake valve port. Switch is closed when air pressure not applied to parking brake actuator. This turns brake indicator located on instrument panel cluster on. When air pressure applied releasing parking brake actuator, switch opens, turning brake indicator off. WARNING BUZZER SWITCH. Mounted in parking brake valve port. Closes to sound warning buzzer when air pressure in system is less than approximately 70 psi. Warning buzzer mounted on right instrument panel. WASHER CONTROL AND FLUID RESERVOIR. C o n t r o l m o u n t e d o n l e f t i n s t r u m e n t p a n e l ; f l u i d reservoir mounted in hydraulic reservoir area, right side. Pressing washer control applies pressure to fluid reservoir forcing water through hose and nozzle mounted in front of windshield. 1-27. STEERING SYSTEM

See figure FO-11

STEERING GEAR. S t e e r i n g i s c o n t r o l l e d b y s t e e r i n g w h e e l i n c a b . S t e e r i n g w h e e l m e chanically connected to steering gear. Position of steering wheel varies oil flow through steering gear which in turn varies flow of oil to steering cylinders controlling direction of loader.


TM 5-3805-262-20 FLOW CONTROL VALVE. Controls flow of oil to steering gear, in effect, reducing oil flow from hydraulic pump steering section to approximately 13 gpm. Relief valve located in flow control valve and is not adjustable; setting is 2500 ±100 psi. CHECK VALVE. Prevents oil from auxiliary steering motor and pump entering hydraulic pump when auxiliary steering motor and pump operating. AUXILIARY STEERING MOTOR AND PUMP. Automatically provides steering hydraulic power if engine shuts down. Includes flow switch and auxiliary steering check valve. Check valve prevents oil from hydraulic pump entering auxiliary steering pump when hydraulic pump is operating. If engine stops, hydraulic pump stops pumping oil. Flow switch will operate to electrically activate auxiliary steering control circuit (page 1-18), When control circuit is activated, auxiliary steering motor and pump will operate providing hydraulic power to steering system. STEERING CYLINDER ASSEMBLIES. Two used, one mounted on each side of loader. Each end of cylinder attached to front and rear chassis.

1-28. FRAME AND TOWING ATTACHMENTS 1. REAR CHASSIS ASSEMBLY. Constructed of heavy duty steel. Includes (1) frame stops constructed of heavy duty rubber which provide stops when chassis´ are turned to their maximum travel. (2) Transport/service link used to prevent front chassis from pivoting when loader raised from ground or when maintenance performed. (3) Engine side panels. (4) Trunnion lubrication fittings installed on left side of loader and connected to trunnion via grease hoses. (5) Lift and tiedowns welded to chassis at rear. (6) Trunnion to which rear axle is fastened. Trunnion pivots at center to en-. sure four wheel contact at all times on uneven terrain. 2. FRONT CHASSIS ASSEMBLY. Constructed of heavy duty steel. Includes (1) steps for access to cab; (2) frame stops constructed of heavy duty rubber which provide stops when chassis´ are turned to their maximum travel. (3) Tiedowns and lifting brackets welded to chassis. (4) Chassis spindles on which front and rear chassis’ pivot when loader is turned. 3. DRAWBAR PIN. Located at rear of loader. Used to attach tow bar to loader for either towing loader or another vehicle. 1-27

TM 5-3805-262-20 1-29. BODY AND CAB 1. FENDERS. Two front fenders and two rear fenders. Constructed of heavy gage steel. 2. CAB. Metal construction. Provides facilities for one man operation of loader. Easily removable for air shipment. Attached at rear of front chassis approximately over pivot point. Includes front and rear windshields, two door assemblies, cab dome light, defroster fans (2), and defogger assembly. 1-30. ACCESSORIES 1. MIRRORS. Two outside mirrors mounted on cab. One inside mirror mounted on cab ceiling. 2. CAB DOME LIGHT. Located at center of cab ceiling. Switch operated. Protected by resetable 5 ampere circuit breaker located on right instrument panel. 3. WINDSHIELD WIPER AND MOTOR. One used for front windshield. Two speed electric motor operated. Switch mounted on cab console panel. Protected by resetable 3 ampere circuit breaker also mounted on cab console panel. 4. DEFOGGER ASSEMBLY. Located at cab ceiling above front windshield. Blows . warm air on windshield to prevent fogging. Control switch located on cab console panel. Protected by resetable 6 ampere circuit breaker also located on cab console panel. 5. FAN ASSEMBLY. Two used. Electric fans. One each above both rear windshields. Switch integral with fan assembly. Protected by resetable 6 ampere circuit breaker located on cab console panel. 6. WINDSHIELD WASHER. Part of pneumatic system. Refer to page 1-26 for description.


TM 5-3805-262-20 7. AIR HORN. L o c a t e d i n h y d r a u l i c r e s e r v o i r a r e a . C o n t r o l l e d b y h o r n v a l v e l o c a t e d on cab deck. Part of pneumatic system. Refer to page 1-26 for description. 8. CAB HEATER SYSTEM. L o c a t e d i n c a b c o n s o l e . C o n s i s t s o f h e a t e r v a l v e , h e a t e r f a n switch, and resetable 3 ampere circuit breaker mounted on cab console panel and heater core and heater fan motor mounted within console, Hot coolant from engine cylinder block flows through heater core and returns to engine. Heater fan motor blows air over heater core where it is warmed and exhausted over cab deck. Coolant flow to heater core controlled by heater valve. Heater fan motor controlled by push-pull heater switch. 1-31. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM

See figure FO-11

HYDRAULIC PUMP. Two section pump. O n e s e c t i o n p r o v i d e s h y d r a u l i c p o w e r f o r s t e e r i n g system; other section provides power for loader system. Mounted on rear of, and driven by, transmission. Steering section provides 23 gallons per minute flow at 2200 rpm at 2000 psi; loader section provides 52 gallon per minute flow at 2200 rpm at 2500 psi. CONTROL VALVE. Three spool valve with open center passage. Open center passage starts at inlet port of control valve and stops at outlet port. Return oil from cylinders flows to output port through return passages in top and bottom. Supply passage starts at inlet port and stops at bucket spool. This supply passage permits operation of bucket and clam cylinders at same time. Cylinders with least amount of resistance will move first. When clam or bucket spool actuated, oil flow to lift spool stopped. Lift cylinders will not move until both clam and bucket spools are returned to neutral position. Load check valves connected between open center passage and A and B ports for each spool, Load check valves prevent reverse flow of oil between cylinders and control valve as a spool is moved into a power position. Two circuit relief valves used: one each connected between A and B ports and return passage for bucket and clam spools. Circuit relief valves protect circuits when a cylinder is made to move with spools in neutral. Adjustable main relief valve located at inlet of control valve. If pressure at inlet reaches setting of main relief valve while a spool is activated, main relief valve opens to protect hydraulic system. CONTROL LEVERS AND LINKAGES. P o s i t i o n c o n t r o l v a l v e s p o o l s a l l o w i n g h i g h p r e s s u r e hydraulic oil to activate cylinders. Connected by rigid rods to control valve spools. TILT CYLINDER ASSEMBLY. forward or rearward.

Two used. Activated by control valve. Tilt bucket assembly


Two used. Activated by control valve. Raise or lower bucket

BUCKET CLAMSHELL CYLINDER. Two used. Activated by control valve. Open or close bucket clam. HYDRAULIC RESERVOIR. door. Capacity is 17 cap located at top of located at bottom of

Part of front chassis assembly. Located behind front access gallons. Return oil filtered by 10 micron filter. Oil filler reservoir; sight gage located at bottom front. Filter screen reservoir in suction line.


TM 5-3805-262-20 1-31. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM (CONT) HYDRAULIC FILTER. T e n m i c r o n f i l t e r ; f i l t e r s r e t u r n o i l . L o c a t e d a t s i d e o f h y d r a u l i c r e s e r v o i r . W h e n c l o g g e d , HYDRAULIC FILTER indicator on right instrument panel turns on.

1-32. BACK-UP ALARM Located at rear of loader. Mounted in fron t o f r a d i a t o r b e h i n d l e f t r e a r f l o o d light. Alarm sounds to warn personnel that l o a d e r i s i n r e v e r s e . C o n t r o l l e d b y b a c k u p a l a r m s w i t c h i n s t a l l e d i n t r a n s m i s s i o n c o n t r o l valve. Switch is normally open. When transmission lever placed in reverse, hydraul i c p r e s s u r e c a u s e s s w i t c h t o c l o s e sounding back-up alarm. 1-33. TURN SIGNALS Flasher lamp assemblies mounted at top of cab, on left and right sides. Controlled by turn signal switch located in cab just below steering wheel. Placing turn signal switch in either upper or lower position applies power to flasher. Flasher operates to connect and disconnect power to flasher lamps. Lamp located in turn signal switch flashes on and off to indicate turn signal switch is operating. 1-34. EARTHMOVING COMPONENTS 1. BUCKET LIFT ARMS AND PIVOT ASSEMBLIES. Consists of lift arm, two bellcrank assemblies, and two links. Lift cylinders installed between pivot shaft and lift arm; tilt cylinders installed between pivot bosses and bellcrank assemblies. Lift arm connected to pivot pins installed in loader front chassis and bucket. Bellcrank assemblies installed between lift arm and links. Links installed between bellcrank assemblies and bucket.


TM 5-3805-262-20

2. LOADER BUCKET ASSEMBLY. Includes clamshell cylinders, clam, and bucket. Clam opened and closed by clamshell cylinders. Three cutting edges bolted to bucket. Cutting edge welded to clamshell. Nine tooth assemblies bolted to clam cutting edge.

1-31 (1-32 blank)

TM 5-3805-262-20 CHAPTER MW24C




CHAPTER OVERVIEW This chapter provides you with the information you need to know to service the unit when it is first received by your unit, the preventive maintenance checks and services you need to perform, and the required procedures you must perform when the unit must be moved to a new work site. Index Section I II III



Service Upon Receipt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6 Movement toa New Work Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11

Section I. SERVICE UPON RECEIPT Para Handling New Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Servicing New Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 Initial Checkout and Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 2-1. HANDLING NEW EQUIPMENT a . U n l o a d i n g I n s t r u c t i o n s . The MW24C loader is shipped unboxed and mobile on railcar or flat bed trailer with tiedowns at rear of front and rear chassis�. (1) Remove blocking from front, rear, and sides of vehi c l e . (2) Perform unpacking procedures (page 2-3). (3) If loader is to be lifted from railcar or trailer, check that transport/service link is engaged. If loader is to be driven off railcar or flatbed trailer check that transport/service link is in operating position.


TM 5-3805-262-20 2-1.

a. Unloading Instructions (cont). (4) If loader is to be lifted from railcar or trailer, remove tiedowns, refer to following diagram, a n d c o n n e c t l i f t i n g d e v i c e t o l i f t b r a c k e t s l o c a t e d as shown. If loader is to be driven off railcar or trailer, go to step (6) (page 2-3) below.



TM 5-3805-262-20

Be sure loader is securely fastened to lifting device and that lifting device is capable of lifting total weight of 26,000 pounds minimum. Failure to do so could cause death or serious injury, or extensive property damage due to loader falling. (5) Raise loader from railcar or trailer and lower to ground. Disconnect lifting device from loader lift brackets.

Be sure r a m p s a r e s e c u r e l y f a s t e n e d t o r a i l c a r o r f l a t b e d t r a i l e r t o p r e v e n t personnel injury and damage to equipment. NOTE Ramps shall not provide a grade of more than 40 percent. (6)

If l o a d e r i s b e i n g d r i v e n o f f r a i l c a r o r t r a i l e r , r e m o v e t i e d o w n s , p l a c e blocks at front and rear of each trailer wheel, and place ramps between trailer or railcar and ground.

Be sure transport/service link is disengaged before driving vehicle. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death due to loss of steering control. (7) Start engine, raise bucket up off trailer, release parking brakes, and slowly move loader down ramps. (8) Drive loader away from ramps and trailer. Lower bucket to ground, apply parking brake, and turn off engine. b. U n p a c k i n g . (1) Using master key, open cab door. ( 2 ) U s i n g k e y s l o c a t e d i n c a b t o o l b o x b e h i n d o p e r a t o r ’ s s e a t , u n l o c k a n d r emove locks from engine side panels, radiator grille, and radiator access panel located on top of radiator guard.


TM 5-3805-262-20 2-1. HANDLING NEW EQUIPMENT (CONT) b. Unpacking (cont). (3) Remove tape, banding, paper, and/or other packing materials from transmission and engine openings, b a t t e r y p o s t s a n d c a b l e s , o p e r a t o r ’ s s e a t and back cushion, lights, exhaust pipe, and all cab windows. (4) Check engine oil level, transmission oil level, coolant level, and hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add as necessary (refer to LO 5-3805-26212). (5) Reinstall locks. Be sure to lock. 2-2. SERVICING NEW EQUIPMENT

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. a . Removal of Protective Compounds. Remove preservative compounds from all cylind e r rods metal surfaces with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Check and ensure that all fill openings are clear. b. Cleaning . C l e a n a l l d u s t , d i r t , o r o t h e r f o r e i g n m a t e r i a l f r o m s e a t , i n s t r u ment panels, cab console panel, wiring, engine, and radiator. c. Lubrication.

Lubricate vehicle in accordance with LO 5-3805-262-12.




Inspect equipment for damage incurred during shipment. If equipment has been damaged, report damage on SF 364, Packaging Improvement Report (refer to DA PAM 700-3 for instructions on preparation of SF 364).


Check equipment against packing slip to see if shipment is complete. Report all discrepancies in accordance with instructions of DA PAM 738-757.


Check to see whether equipment has been modified.


Check air cleaner for damage.

TM 5-3805-262-20 (5)

Check gages and instruments on instrument panels for broken glass or other damage.


Check hydraulic control levers for bent or broken condition.


Check engine accessories for loose connections and insecure mounting.


Check wiring for loose connections, damaged insulation, and broken wires.


Check fittings, lines, and hoses for cracks, loose connections, and broken or missing parts.


Check that all drain plugs are securely tightened.

b. Service Check.

Be sure transport/service link is disengaged before driving vehicle. F a i l u r e t o d o s o c o u l d c a u s e s e r i o u s i n j u r y o r d e a t h d u e t o 10 S S o f steering control. (1) Check that transport/service link is in operating (disengaged) position as shown below.


(2) Perform before operation PMCS (refer to the separate Operator’s Manual, TM 5-3805-262-10).


TM 5-3805-262-20 Section II. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) Para General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4 Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 2-4.

T o e n s u r e t h a t t h e l o a d e r i s a l w a y s r e a d y f o r o p e r a t i o n , it must be inspected within designated intervals so that defects may be discovered and corrected before they result in serious damage or failure. All deficiencies and shortcomings will be recorded as well as the corrective action taken on DA Form 2404 at the earliest possible opportunity. 2-5. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES a. The item numbers of the table indicate the sequence of the PMCS. Perform at the intervals shown below: (1) Do your (W) PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE once each week. (2) Do your (M) PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE once each month. (3) DO your (Q) PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE once each three months. (4) Do your (S) PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE once each six months. (5) Do your (A) PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE once each year. (6) Do your (B) preventive MAINTENANCE once each two years. (7) Do your (H) PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE at the hour interval listed. (8) Do your (MI) PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE when the mileage of the vehicle reaches the amount listed. b. If something doesn’t work, t r o u b l e s h o o t i t w i t h t h e i n s t r u c t i o n s i n t h i s m a n u al or notify your supervisor. c. Always do your preventive maintenance in the same order, so it gets to be a habit. Once you’ve had some practice you’ll spot anything wrong in a hurry. d. If anything looks wrong and you can’t fix it, write it down on your DA Form 2404. If you find something seriously wrong, report it to direct support as soon as possible.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is with water and get medical aid immediately.


and flammable. well ventilated don’t breathe and don’t smoke injury. If you air and medical is made, flush made, wash eyes

TM 5-3805-262-20

Compressed air used for cleaning purpose will not exceed 30 psi. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc). Failure to do so could cause serious i n j u r y t o e y e s a n d p o s s i b l e b l i n d n e s s . If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately. (1) Keep it clean: Dirt, g r e a s e s o i l , a n d d e b r i s o n l y g e t i n t h e w a y a n d m a y cover up a serious problem. Clean as you work and as needed. Use dry cleaning solvent (P-D-680) to clean metal surfaces. Use soap and water when you clean rubber or plastic material. (2) Bolts, nuts, and screws: Check that they are not loose, missing, bent or broken. You can’t try them all with a tool of course, but look for chipped paint, bare metal or rust around bolt heads. Tighten any that you find loose. (3) Welds: Look for loose or chipped paint, rust or gaps where parts are welded together. If you find a bad weld, report it to direct support.

(4) Electric wires and connectors: L o o k f o r c r a c k e d o r b r o k e n i n s u l a t i o n , b a r e wires and loose or broken connectors. Tighten loose connections and make sure that the wires are in good condition. (5) Hoses and fluid lines: Look for wear, d a m a g e a n d l e a k s . M a k e s u r e c l a m p s and fittings are tight. Wet spots show leaks, of course, but a stain around a fitting or connector can mean a leak. If a leak comes from a loose fitting or connector, tighten it. If something is broken or worn out, either correct it or report it to direct support (refer to MAC Chart). (6) It equipment. know to be ar with them

is necessary for you to know how fluid leaks affect the status of your The following are definitions of the types/classes of leakage you need to able to determine the status of your equipment. Learn them and be familiand REMEMBER - w h e n i n d o u b t , n o t i f y y o u r s u p e r v i s o r . Leakage definitions for Organizational PMCS

Class I

Seepage of fluid (as indicated by wetness or discoloration) not great enough to form drops.

Class II

Leakage fluid great enough to form drops, but not enough to cause drops to drip from the item being checked/inspected.

Class III Leakage of fluid great enough to form drops that fall from the item being checked/inspected.


TM 5-3805-262-20

Table 2-1.


TM 5-3805-262-20


Change 1

TM 5-3805-262-20

Table 2-1.


TM 5-3805-262-20 Section III. MOVEMENT TO A NEW WORK SITE Para Driving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6 Towing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7 Air Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8


The loader may be moved under its own power without any special preparation or may be transported on a suitable truck and flatbed trailer. If transported on a flatbed trailer: a . Place blocks at front and rear of each trailer wheel.

Be sure ramp is securely fastened to flat bed trailer to prevent personnel injury and damage to equipment. b . Place ramps between flat bed trailer and ground.

Before moving loader up ramps, remove all ice, oil or grease from ramp to prevent loader from falling and causing death or serious injury or extensive damage to loader. Tell personnel to move away from loader. NOTE Ramps shall not provide a grade of more than 40 percent. c . S t a r t e n g i n e , r a i s e b u c k e t u p o f f g r o u n d , and slowly move loader up ramps and position on flat bed trailer. d . Lower bucket onto trailer, apply parking brake valve, and turn off engine. Remove key from ignition key switch.


TM 5-3805-262-20 2-6. DRIVING (CONT) e. Place transport/service link in engaged position.

f. Make sure transmission and hydraulic control levers are in their neutral positions. g. Place blocks at front and rear of each tire. h . Install chain tiedowns at rear of front and rear chassis to fasten loader t o trailer.

i. Place a cover such as heavy paper over exhaust pipe and use tape to keep it in place. j. Measure from ground to highest point of loader. Clearance height of loader must be known when driving under overpasses so as not to damage loader. Tell transport driver of clearance height. 2-7. TOWING

Don’t allow personnel in or near the loader when it is being towed with the engine stopped. To do so could cause serious injury or death. a . Be sure that loader can be towed without causing further damage.


TM 5-3805-262-20 b. Raise loader bucket three feet above the ground as follows: (1) Attach a chain hoist to loader bucket. (2) Pull LIFT ARM control lever back to RAISE position. (3) Raise loader bucket and release LIFT ARM control lever. Bucket will remain in raised position. c. Place transport/service link in engaged position. If loader is turned to one side: (1) Clear personnel from area. (2)

Pull fuel shut-off knob all the way out.


Turn ignition key switch to start position and at the same time turn steering wheel. When loader is straight, install transport/service link. Don’t operate starter motor more than 30 seconds at a time without allowing two minutes for it to cool.


Place ignition key switch in off position.

d. Attach rigid drawbar to loader rear draw bar pin. e. Ensure that transmission control lever is in neutral (N) position. f. Remove the front and rear drive shafts (pages 6-34 and 6-45, respectively) if loader is to be towed more that 1/2 mile. g. If possible, get an auxiliary air supply for loader brake system. h. Attach a second unit, such as a d o z e r , t o r e a r o f l o a d e r a s c l o s e a s p o s s i b l e . NOTE If front or rear axle failure i s suspected, notify direct support to remove axle shafts before moving l o a d e r . i. Tow disabled loader at a maximum speed of five miles per hour. 2-8.

The loader can be air transported in C-130, C-141, and C5A aircraft with cab removed to reduce loader height to 106.5 inches. All removed parts shall be palletized for air transport with the loader. 2-13

TM 5-3805-262-20 2-8. PREPARATION FOR AIR TRANSPORT (CONT) a. Preparation Prior to Cab Removal. (1) Start engine and raise bucket one foot off ground using LIFT ARM control lever in RAISE position then return to NEUT. position. (2)

Using BUCKET control lever in CROWD position, rollback bucket completely then return BUCKET control lever to NEUT. position.


Secure bucket assembly in rollback position using 12 foot length of chain with a hook on each end. Position one chain hook on center bucket tooth and lift arm brace as shown above.


Install transport bracket, stored in tool box located in cab, on either lift cylinder assembly rod and secure using capscrew and nut.


Turn off engine.

When performing following step, be sure that engine is off. Failure to do so will cause damage to transport bracket and lift cylinder assembly, and may distort bucket lift arms. (6) Place LIFT ARM control lever in LOWER position and slowly lower bucket. Lift cylinder assembly rod will retract and bucket will lower until rod eye is resting on transport bracket. (7) Remove cab (step b below). b. Cab Removal. (1) At rear of cab, just behind heater console, disconnect cab console wiring harness connector from cab upper wiring harness connector. Do this by disengaging wiring harness connector tabs from ears of cab upper wiring harness connector. After tabs are disengaged from ears, grasp wiring harness connector body and firmly pull from mating connector.


TM 5-3805-262-20


Loosen, but do not remove, operator’s seat height adjustment capscrew (l). Lower operator-s seat to lowest position then tighten capscrew.


Remove all items from tool box behind operator’s seat.

(4) At front and rear corners of cab, loosen and remove four nuts (2), washers (3), capscrews (4), washers (5), and mounting spacers (6).



b. Cab Removal (Cont).

At rear corners of cab, remove two capscrews (7), lock washers (8), and washers (9).

(6) At front center of cab, raise windshield wiper motor bracket to gain access to cab center mounting capscrew (10). Remove capscrew (10), lock washer (11), and washer (12).

(7) At right, rear side, near bottom of cab, loosen and remove one nut (13), lock washer (14), capscrew (15), and lock washer (16). If necessary, use pliers to dislodge lock washer (16) and ground strap (17) from between cab and front chassis. 2-16

TM 5-3805-262-20 NOTE It isn’t necessary to remove hardware securing opposite end of ground strap (17) to front chassis to remove ground strap. Position ground strap out of the way. (8) Connect chain hoist hooks to lifting eyes at top of cab and take up all slack. When performing following step, warn personnel not to place any part of their body between cab and frame of loader. To do so could cause death or serious injury due to cab swinging and striking personnel. Use extreme caution to prevent injury to personnel. If personnel are injured, obtain medical aid immediately. When using chain hoist to remove or is securely fastened to the part and up, Failure to do so could cause death falling on you. If you are injured by aid immediately.

install parts, be sure chain hoist that all slack in chain is taken or serious injury due to the part falling equipment, obtain medical

Before raising cab, check and ensure that all electrical leads have been disconnected, attaching hardware has been removed, and that wiring harness connector has been disconnected. Failure to do so could cause damage to equipment. (9)

Slowly raise cab off front chassis deck while an assistant guides cab to ensure that it does not strike steering wheel or swing rearward striking oil cooler grill.


Remove cab from loader front chassis and position on pallet. If possible, place all removed parts in tool box at rear of cab. If a part cannot be placed in tool box, secure to cab using suitable means to prevent loss.

NOTE To comply with the maximum transportation height restrictions, and/or to minimize possible damage to the ROPS cab, the cab can be removed from the Loader and transported separately. A custom pallet can be constructed to bold the cab as shown on page 2-24. 2-17

TM 5-3805-262-20 2-8. PREPARATION FOR AIR TRANSPORT (CONT) b. Cab Removal (Cont). (11) Secure cab to pallet using suitable means. ( 1 2 ) C a r e f u l l y m o u n t l o a d e r . Press button in center of steering wheel and push down on steering wheel to decrease height of steering column. Carefully dismount loader. c. Loading i n A i r c r a f t . (1) Start engine and carefully move loader onto ramps and into cargo area. (2)

Pull SHUT OFF control out to stop engine and turn ignition key switch to off position.

(3) Position transport/service link in locked position. (4) Refer to SHIPPING DATA - LIFT AND TIEDOWN instruction plate mounted on loader and secure loader using suitable means.

Be sure that loader is tied down securely. Failure to do so could cause loader to break loose in aircraft cargo area causing a catastrophic aircraft failure. d. Unloading from Aircraft. (1) Remove tiedowns from loader. (2)


Position transport/service link in released position.

TM 5-3805-262-20 (3) Push SHUT OFF control completely in.

Check and ensure that all hydraulic control levers are in NEUT. or HOLD position. Failure to do so could cause damage to equipment. (4) Start engine and carefully move loader out of cargo area onto ramps. (5) Install cab (step e below). e. C a b I n s t a l l a t i o n . (1) Connect chain hoist hooks to lifting eyes at top of cab.

When using is securely up. Failure you. If you ately.

chain hoist to remove or install parts, be sure chain hoist fastened to the part and that all slack in chain is taken to do so could cause serious injury due to part falling on are injured by falling equipment, obtain medical aid immedi-

(2) Check and ensure that all tie downs securing cab to pallet have been removed. Open tool box located at rear of cab and remove parts. (3) Raise cab from pallet and position above loader front chassis deck.

When performing following step, warn personnel not to place any part of their body between cab and frame of loader. To do so could cause serious injury or death due to cab swinging and striking personnel. Use extreme caution to prevent injury to personnel. (4) Carefully lower cab onto front chassis while an assistant guides it into position.



e. C a b I n s t a l l a t i o n ( C o n t ) .



At right, rear side, near bottom of cab, start capscrew (18) through its mounting hole. Install lock washer (19) then ground strap (20) on capscrew. If necessary, use pry bar to move cab to get enough room between cab and chassis to install these parts and to aline holes. Completely install capscrew (18) and secure using lock washer (17) and nut (16). Tighten securely.


At rear of cab, install two washers (15), lock washers (14), and capscrews (13). If necessary, use pry bar or chain hoist to aline mounting holes.


At front center of cab, near steering wheel, raise windshield wiper motor bracket to gain access to cab center mounting hole. Install washer (12), lock washer (11), and capscrew (10).


At four corners of cab, install four mounting spacers (9), washers (8), and capscrews (7); at chassis bottom install washers (6), and nuts (5).


Tighten capscrew (10) and four capscrews (7) to 240 - 280 lb-ft. Tighten two capscrews (13) to 45 - 55 lb-ft.


Disconnect chain hoist from cab.

TM 5-3805-262-20



e. C a b I n s t a l l a t i o n ( C o n t ) . (11) Loosen seat height adjustment screw (4). Pull seat up to desired height then tighten adjustment screw securely.

(12) At rear of cab, just behind heater console, connect cab console wiring. harness connector to cab upper wiring harness connector mounted on cab rear wall. Be sure that tabs engage ears. (13) Mount loader. Press button in center of steering wheel and pull up on steering wheel to increase its height. f. P r e p a r a t i o n f o r U s e A f t e r A i r T r a n s p o r t . (1) Remove chain installed on bucket.


TM 5-3805-262-20 (2)

Start engine and raise bucket off ground, using LIFT ARM control lever in RAISE position, just enough to enable removal of transport bracket. Return LIFT ARM control lever to NEUT. position.


Remove capscrew and nut then remove transport bracket from lift cylinder asssembly rod. S t o r e t r a n s p o r t b r a c k e t i n c a b t o o l b o x .


Using BUCKET control lever in DUMP position, position bucket until it is level with ground as indicated by bucket level indicator. Bucket is level with ground when tube and rod ends are even. Return BUCKET control lever to NEUT. position.


Lower bucket to ground using LIFT ARM control lever. Return lever to NEUT. position.


Turn off engine and store transport bracket and its attaching hardware in tool box behind operator’s seat.


TM 5-3805-262-20

Transporting the MW24C Loader Scoop ROPS To comply with height limitations and to minimuze possible damage to the ROPS cab it can be removed from the Loader and transported separately on a custom built pallet. The cab is secured to the pallet by 1/2" carriage bolts. With the cab set in place on the pallet, drill (2) (4 optional) clearance holes through the 4 x 6 side members in line with the existing mounting holes in the floor of the cab. The cab may be further secured by the use of nylon holding straps placed as required. A customized pallet may be constructed as suggested by the following sketch:


TM 5-3805-262-20

CHAPTER 3 TROUBLESHOOTING CHAPTER OVERVIEW This chapter provides a complete troubleshooting symptom index to help you quickly locate the appropriate troubleshooting procedures if your loader malfunctions. Also included in this chapter are the troubleshooting procedures which will enable you to troubleshoot the loader. Index Section I II III

Title Page Troubleshooting Symptom Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 3-1 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6 Troubleshooting Using STE/ICE (Simplified Test Equipment for Internal Combustion Engines) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-200

Section I. TROUBLESHOOTING SYMPTOM INDEX Para General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 Troubleshooting Symptom Index . . . . 3-2 3-1. GENERAL This section contains a complete index of all troubleshooting data contained in this manual. Included in this index is the paragraph/malfunction and page number where the detailed troubleshooting data will be found. Paragraphs/malfunctions and page numbers enclosed in parentheses refer to those troubleshooting procedures using STE/ ICE (Simplified Test Equipment for Internal Combustion Engines) located in section - III of this chapter. 3-2.

Para/Malfunction ENGINE Engine will not crank Engine hard to start or will not start (no exhaust smoke ) Engine hard to start or will not start (exhaust smoke ) Engine starts but will not run Engine misfires


3-4/1 (3-30/1)

3-6 (3-201)

3-4/2 (3-30/2)

3-7 (3-203)

3-4/3 (3-30/3) 3-4/4 (3-30/4) 3-4/5 (3-30/5)

3-10 (3-208) 3-15 (3-214) 3-19 (3-221) 3-1

TM 5-3805-262-20 3-2.

Para/Malfunction ENGINE (CONT) Engine stalls frequently or does not develop full power


3-4/6 (3-30/6) 3-4/7 (3-30/7)

3-23 (3-225) 3-32 (3-235)

3-4/8 3-4/9 (3-30/8) 3-4/10 3-4/11

3-35 3-36 (3-240) 3-38 3-39

3-5/1 (3-31/1) 3-5/2

3-41 (3-244) 3-50

EXHAUST SYSTEM Excessive exhaust noise



COOLING SYSTEM Engine overheats Engine does not reach operating temperature Cooling system not pressurized

3-7/1 3-7/2 3-7/3

3-53 3-58 3-58

3-8/1 3-8/2 (3-32/1)

3-60 3-60 (3-256)

3-9/1 (3-33/1) 3-9/2 (3-33/2) 3-9/3 (3-33/3)

3-62 (3-266) 3-66 (3-271) 3-68 (3-274)

3-10/1 3-10/2 3-10/3 3-10/4 3-10/5 3-10/6 3-10/7 3-10/8 3-10/9

3-71 3-71 3-72 3-73 3-75 3-77 3-78 3-78 3-79

Excessive oil consumption Engine cranks but does not start when cold start aid is activated Low engine oil pressure Engine will not shut down Engine noise (low and high rpm) FUEL SYSTEM Low fuel pressure Excessive fuel usage

CHARGING SYSTEM Alternator noisy Alternator not charging batteries STARTING SYSTEM Starter does not crank Starter cranks continuously Starter cranks slowly (under 200 rpm) INSTRUMENT PANELS Instrument cluster warning lights do not operate Oil pressure warning light does not operate Clutch pressure warning light does not operate Brake warning light does not operate Hydraulic filter warning light does not operate Voltmeter does not operate Instrument cluster gages do not operate Fuel level gage does not operate Converter temperature gage does not operate 3-2


Para/Malfunction INSTRUMENT PANELS (CONT) Air pressure gage does not operate Water temperature gage does not operate LIGHT SYSTEMS Blackout, flood, driving, and tail lights do not operate Flood lights do not operate Front driving lights do not operate Blackout driving light does not operate Service tail lights do not operate Blackout tail lights do not operate Blackout stop lights do not operate Service stop lights do not operate Voltmeter light or instrument cluster gage lights do not operate SENDING UNITS Engine oil pressure switch does not operate Fuel level sending unit does not operate Water temperature sending unit does not operate Converter temperature sending unit does not operate Clutch pressure switch does not operate Neutral start switch does not operate Air pressure sender does not operate Parking brake switch does not operate Hydraulic filter switch does not operate BATTERY SYSTEM Batteries need water frequently Batteries discharged or do not maintain charge TRANSMISSION Foamy oil Slow or erratic transmission shifting High transmission oil temperature (CONV TEMP gage indicates excessive temperature) Loss of drive in all ranges Loss of power Loader continues to move with control lever in N (neutral) PROPELLER SHAFTS Excessive drive shaft noise Excessive drive shaft vibration


3-10/10 3-10/11

3-79 3-80

3-11/1 3-11/2 3-11/3 3-11/4 3-11/5 3-11/6 3-11/7 3-11/8

3-81 3-81 3-83 3-84 3-84 3-86 3-87 3-88



3-12/1 3-12/2 3-12/3 3-12/4 3-12/5 3-12/6 3-12/7 3-12/8 3-12/9

3-93 3-93 3-94 3-94 3-94 3-95 3-96 3-96 3-98

3-13/1 (3-34/1) 3-13/2 (3-34/2)

3-99 (3-286) 3-99 (3-286)

3-14/1 3-14/2

3-101 3-102

3-14/3 3-14/4 3-14/5

3-103 3-105 3-107



3-15/1 3-15/2

3-109 3-109





FRONT AND REAR AXLES Lubricant leaking from axle breather Continuous axle or wheel noise Differential carrier assembly overheating Lubricant leaking from differential carrier

3-16/1 3-16/2 3-16/3 3-16/4

3-111 3-111 3-111 3-111

PARKING BRAKE SYSTEM Parking brake does not apply (will not hold) Parking brake will not release

3-17/1 3-17/2

3-112 3-112

3-18/1 3-18/2 3-18/3 3-18/4

3-113 3-113 3-115 3-115







3-19/3 3-19/4 3-19/5

3-121 3-128 3-131



3-19/7 3-19/8

3-132 3-135

WHEELS AND TIRES Tire wearing unevenly Noisy or bumpy sound while traveling

3-20/1 3-20/2

3-138 3-138

STEERING SYSTEM No response when steering wheel turned Slow or hard steering Wrong response to steering wheel Touchy or erratic steering response Auxiliary steering system does not operate

3-21/1 3-21/2 3-21/3 3-21/4 3-21/5

3-140 3-141 3-146 3-146 3-147

FRAME Loud clunk heard when loader turns Excessive noise at chassis spindles when turning Excessive play at chassis spindles when turning Excessive noise at rear chassis trunnion

3-22/1 3-22/2 3-22/3 3-22/4

3-153 3-153 3-154 3-154

SERVICE BRAKE SYSTEM Uneven or erratic service brakes Poor brake action Service brakes grab Service brakes squeak or groan at end of stop Service brakes do not stop loader (air system operating okay) AIR BRAKE SYSTEM Low air pressure warning buzzer sounds Air pressure gage indicates low air pressure (low air pressure buzzer not sounding) Low air pressure (air pressure gage indicates in red zone and low air pressure buzzer sounds) Air pressure builds up slowly Air pressure will not build up to normal Air pressure too high or air compressor will not cut out Air compressor fails to maintain sufficient air pressure Noisy operation of air compressor





BODY AND CAB Radiator grille does not latch Engine side panel does not latch Front access door does not latch Seat will not adjust fore and aft

3-23/1 3-23/2 3-23/3 3-23/4

3-156 3-156 3-156 3-156

ACCESSORIES Air horn does not sound when horn valve depressed Windshield wiper motor does not operate Windshield wiper arm does not move (motor hums) Wiper arm does not return to park position Washer fluid does not spray on windshield Cab heater fan not operating Cold air blown from cab heater Defroster motor does not operate Both rear defogger fans do not operate A rear defogger fan does not operate Cab dome light does not operate

3-24/1 3-24/2 3-24/3 3-24/4 3-24/5 3-24/6 3-24/7 3-24/8 3-24/9 3-24/10 3-24/11

3-158 3-159 3-162 3-162 3-164 3-165 3-168 3-169 3-173 3-176 3-176

3-25/1 3-25/2

3-177 3-178

3-25/3 3-25/4 3-25/5

3-178 3-182 3-184





3-25/8 3-25/9 3-25/10

3-193 3-194 3-194

3-26/1 3-26/2 3-26/3

3-196 3-198 3-199

HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Hydraulic pump noisy Hydraulic pump leaks hydraulic oil Bucket tilt cylinder assemblies operation sluggish or poor (all other cylinders operate properly) Bucket does not return to digging position Bucket height control not operating properly Lift cylinder assemblies operating sluggishly or poorly (all other cylinders operating okay) Bucket clamshell cylinder assemblies operating sluggishly or poorly (all other cylinders operate properly) All cylinder assemblies operating sluggishly or poorly Lift arm, bucket, or clam operation too slow Hydraulic system oil too hot SIGNALING DEVICES Back-up alarm does not sound (other circuits operating okay) Turn signals do not operate A turn signal lamp does not operate


TM 5-3805-262-20 Section II. TROUBLESHOOTING

Para General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 Engine Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 Fuel System Troubleshooting . . . . . . . 3-5 Exhaust System Troubleshooting . . . . 3-6 Cooling System Troubleshooting . . . . 3-7 Charging System Troubleshooting . . . 3-8 Starting System Troubleshooting . . . 3-9 Instrument Panels Troubleshooting. . 3-10 Light Systems Troubleshooting . . . . . 3-11 Sending Units Troubleshooting . . . . . 3-12 Battery System Troubleshooting . . . . 3-13 Transmission Troubleshooting . . . . . . 3-14 Propeller Shafts Troubleshooting . . . 3-15 Front and Rear Axles Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16

Para Parking Brake System Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17 Service Brake System Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18 Air Brake System Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-19 Wheels and Tires Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-20 Steering System Troubleshooting . . . 3-21 Frame Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-22 Body and Cab Troubleshooting . . . . . . 3-23 Accessories Troubleshooting . . . . . . . 3-24 Hydraulic System Troubleshooting . . 3-25 Signaling Devices Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-26


a. This section contains troubleshooting of malfunction information and tests for l o c a t i n g a n d c o r r e c t i n g m o s t o f t h e t r o u b l e s which may develop in the loader and are based on those malfunctions that may occur during operation of the loader. Each malfunction or trouble symptom lists probable causes and suggests corrective actions to remedy the situation. b. This manual cannot list all possible malfunctions that may occur or all tests, inspections, and corrective actions. If a malfunction is not listed (except when malfunctions and causes are obvious), or i s n o t c o r r e c t e d b y l i s t e d c o r r e c t i v e a c t i o n s , notify higher level maintenance. c. The troubleshooting procedures list the common malfunctions that you may find during the operation or maintenance of the loader. You should perform the tests/inspections and corrective actions in the order listed. 3-4. ENGINE TROUBLESHOOTING MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. ENGINE WILL NOT CRANK. Step 1.

Check that transmission control lever is in N (neutral) position. a. Place transmission control lever in N (neutral) position. b. Go to step 2 if transmission control lever is in N (neutral) position.




Check engine cranking circuit for proper operation by connecting an external 24 volt dc supply to slave receptacle. a . If engine still does not crank, disconnect external supply from slave receptacle and go to page 3-62, starting system troubleshooting, MALFUNCTION 1. b . If engine cranks, check battery specific gravity (page 5-144). Charge or replace batteries as necessary.


Watch hourmeter/tachometer and record its highest tachometer reading while assistant cranks engine using ignition key switch.

a. If cranking speed is 200 rpm minimum, go to step 2 below. b. If cranking speed is less than 200 rpm, go to page 3-68, starting system troubleshooting, MALFUNCTION 3.




Remove engine right side panels (page 9-14).

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately.

Dirt or other foreign matter can damage fuel injection pump and fuel injectors and cause engine starting problems. D i r t a n d f o r e i g n m a t t e r can enter fuel lines when you disconnect them. To prevent this from happening, clean all fittings, plugs, and fuel line connections before breaking connections using clean cloths moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Remove plug from elbow installed in fuel injection pump. Connect a zero to 50 psi pressure gage to elbow port from which plug was removed (port is 1/8 NPTF). Tell assistant to crank engine for 30 seconds while you watch pressure gage. Pressure gage should indicate 20 to 30 psi. a. If pressure gage indicates 20 to 30 psi; disconnect zero to 50 psi pressure gage from elbow port. Reinstall plug in elbow port. Go to step 3 below.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 2. ENGINE HARD TO START OR WILL NOT START (NO EXHAUST SMOKE) (Cont). Step 2. (Cont). b. If pressure gage does not indicate 20 to 30 psi, disconnect zero to 50 psi pressure gage from elbow port. Reinstall plug in elbow port. Go to page 3-41, fuel system troubleshooting, MALFUNCTION 1. Step 3.

Check if there is wrong or contaminated fuel in fuel tank (contaminated fuel will have a milky white appearance). a. If wrong or contaminated fuel in fuel tank, drain and clean fuel tank (page 4-32), replace fuel filters (page 4-38), and refill with correct fuel. b. If fuel is okay, go to step 4 below.

step 4.

Check for air in fuel system. a . Open bleed valve on first stage filter. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to on position. Close bleed valve when clear bubble free fuel appears. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to off position. Open bleed valve on second stage filter. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to on position. Close bleed valve when clear bubble free fuel appears. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to off position. Use clean cloth and wipe up any Diesel fuel spillage. b . If no air in fuel system, go to step 5 below.




Crack (open) a fuel injector line at fuel injection pump, crank engine, and check if fuel is pumped through fuel injection pump. a . If fuel is not pumped through fuel injection pump, notify next higher maintenance level (fuel injection pump must be replaced). b . If fuel is pumped through fuel injection pump, notify next higher maintenance level to check fuel injectors.

3. ENGINE HARD TO START OR WILL NOT START (EXHAUST SMOKE). Step 1. Watch hourmeter/tachometer and record its highest tachometer reading while assistant cranks engine using ignition key switch. a . If cranking speed is 200 rpm minimum, go to step 2 below. b . If cranking speed is less than 200 rpm, go to page 3-68, starting system troubleshooting, MALFUNCTION 3.


TM 5-3805-262-20 3-4. ENGINE TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT) MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECT ION CORRECTIVE ACTION 3. ENGINE HARD TO START OR WILL NOT START (EXHAUST SMOKE) (Cont). Step 2. Remove engine right s i d e p a n e l s ( p a g e 9 - 1 4 ) .

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately.

Dirt or other foreign matter can damage fuel injection pump and fuel injectors and cause engine starting problems. Dirt and foreign matter can enter fuel lines when you disconnect them. To prevent this from happening, clean all fittings, plugs, and fuel line connections before b r e a k i n g connections using clean cloths moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Remove plug from elbow installed in fuel injection pump. Connect a zero to 50 psi pressure gage to elbow port from which plug was removed (port is 1/8 NPTF). Tell assistant to crank engine for 30 seconds while you watch pressure gage. Pressure gage should indicate 20 to 30 psi. a. If pressure gage indicates 20 to 30 psi, disconnect zero to 50 psi pressure gage from elbow port. Reinstall plug in elbow port. Go to step 3 below. 3-11


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 3. ENGINE HARD TO START OR WILL NOT START (EXHAUST SMOKE) (Cont). Step 2. (Cont). b . I f p r e s s u r e g a g e does not indicate 20 to 30 psi, disconnect zero to 50 psi pressure gage from elbow port. Reinstall plug in elbow port. Go to page 3-41, fuel system troubleshooting, MALFUNCTION 1. Step 3.

Check if there is wrong or contaminated fuel in fuel tank (contaminated fuel will have a milky white appearance). a. If wrong or contaminated fuel in fuel tank, drain and clean fuel tank (page 4-32), replace fuel filters (page 4-38), and refill with correct fuel. b. If fuel is okay, go to step 4 below.

Step 4.

While assistant cranks engine using ignition key switch, check for fuel leaks at fuel injector lines.

a. If fuel leaks are seen, tighten fuel lines. If tightening does no good, notify next higher maintenance level (fuel injector lines must be replaced). b. If fuel leaks are not seen, go to step 5 below. 3-12

TM 5-3805-262-20 3-4.


Crack (open) a fuel injector line at fuel injection pump, crank engine, and check if fuel is pumped through fuel injection pump . a. If fuel is not pumped through fuel injection pump, notify next higher maintenance level (fuel injection pump must be replaced). b. If fuel is pumped through fuel injection pump, go to step 6 below.

Step 6.

Unlock radiator cap access panel.

Remove radiator cap slowly to relieve pressure before completely removing when engine is h o t . Failure to do so could cause severe burns due to hot steam scalding you. If you are scalded by hot steam, seek medical aid immediately. Remove radiator cap. Remove engine left and right side panels if not already removed (page 9-14). Remove alternator drive belts (page 5-4). Drain coolant from radiator to just below upper radiator hose port (page 4-69). Disconnect upper radiator hose from thermostat housing (page 4-74). Remove thermostat housing and t h e r m o s t a t s ( p a g e 4 - 8 7 ) . 3-13


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 3. ENGINE HARD TO START OR WILL NOT START (EXHAUST SMOKE) (Cont). Step 6. (Cont). Tell assistant to start engine; if engine cannot be started, tell assistant to crank engine for 30 seconds while you watch coolant in water manifold for air bubbles. a . If air bubbles rising in coolant in water manifold are seen, notify next higher maintenance level to replace cylinder head gasket(s). b . If air bubbles rising in coolant are not seen, tell assistant to turn off engine. Install thermostats and thermostat housing (page 4-89). Connect upper radiator hose to thermostat housing (page 4-75). Fill radiator with coolant (page 4-71). Install and adjust alternator drive belts (page 5-5). Install engine left and right side panels (page 9-17). Notify next higher maintenance level (engine must be checked further).




Remove engine right side panels (page 9-14).

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke w h e n u s i n g i t . Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately.

Dirt or other foreign matter can damage fuel injection pump and fuel injectors and cause engine starting problems. Dirt and foreign matter can enter fuel lines when you disconnect them. To prevent this from happening, clean all fittings, plugs, and fuel line connections before breaking connections using clean cloths moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Remove plug from elbow installed in fuel injection pump. Connect a zero to 50 psi pressure gage to elbow port from which plug was removed (port is 1/8 NPTF). Tell assistant to crank engine for 30 seconds while you watch pressure gage. Pressure gage should indicate 20 to 30 psi. a. If pressure gage indicates 20 to 30 psi, disconnect zero to 50 psi pressure gage from elbow port, reinstall plug, and go to step 2 below. b. If pressure gage does not indicate 20 to 30 psi, disconnect zero to 50 psi pressure gage from elbow port, reinstall plug, and go to page 3-41, fuel system troubleshooting, MALFUNCTION 1. 3-15



Check if there is wrong or contaminated fuel in fuel tank (contaminated fuel will have a milky white appearance). a. If wrong or contaminated fuel in fuel tank, drain and clean fuel tank (page 4-32), replace fuel filters (page 4-38), and refill with correct fuel. b. If fuel is okay, go to step 3 below.

Step 3.

Check for air in fuel system. a. Open bleed valve on first stage filter. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to on position. Close bleed valve when clear bubble free fuel appears. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to off position. Open bleed valve on second stage filter. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to on position. Close bleed valve when clear bubble free fuel appears. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to off position. Use clean cloth and wipe up any Diesel fuel spillage. b. If no air in fuel system, go to step 4 below.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 4. ENGINE STARTS BUT WILL NOT RUN (Cont) . Step 4. At fuel injection pump, check accelerator cable movement as an assistant depresses and releases accelerator pedal.

a. If movement is not seen, repair or replace accelerator linkage (page 4-54). b. If movement is seen, go to step 5 below. Step 5.

While assistant cranks engine using ignition key switch, check for fuel leaks at fuel injector lines. a. If fuel leaks are seen, tighten fuel lines. If tightening does no good, notify next higher maintenance level (fuel injector lines must be replaced). b. If fuel leaks are not seen, go to step 6 below.




Crack (open) a fuel injector line at fuel injection pump, crank engine, and check if fuel is pumped through fuel injection pump. a . If fuel is not pumped through fuel injection pump, notify next higher maintenance level (fuel injection pump must be replaced). b . If fuel is pumped through f u e l i n j e c t i o n pump , go to step 7 below.

Step 7.

Unlock and open radiator cap access panel.

Remove radiator cap slowly to relieve pressure before completely removing when engine is hot. Failure to do so could cause severe burns due to hot steam scalding you. I f y o u a r e scalded by hot steam, seek medical aid immediately. Remove radiator cap. Remove engine left and right side panels if not already removed (page 9-14). Remove alternator drive belts (page 5-4). Drain coolant from radiator to just below upper radiator hose port (page 4-69). Disconnect upper radiator hose from thermostat housing (page 4-74).



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 4. ENGINE STARTS BUT WILL NOT RUN (Cont). Step 7. (Cont). Remove thermostat housing and thermostats (page 4-87). Tell assistant to start engine; if engine cannot be started, tell assistant to crank engine for 30 seconds while you watch coolant in water manifold for air bubbles. a . If air bubbles rising in coolant in water manifold are seen, notify next higher maintenance level to replace cylinder head gasket(s). b . If air bubbles rising in coolant are not seen, tell assistant to turn off engine. Install thermostats and thermostat housing (page 4-89) . Connect upper radiator hose to thermostat housing (page 4-75) . Fill radiator with coolant (page 4-71). Install and adjust alternator drive belts (page 5-5). Install engine left and right side panels (page 9-17). Notify next higher maintenance level (engine must be checked further). 5. ENGINE MISFIRES. Step 1. Remove engine right side panels (page 9-14). Check for wrong or contaminated fuel in fuel tank (contaminated fuel will have a milky white appearance). a. If wrong or contaminated fuel in fuel tank, drain and clean fuel tank (page 4-32), replace fuel filters (page 4-38), and refill with correct fuel. b. If fuel is okay, go to step 2 below.




Operate engine for 15 minutes at idle speed to warm coolant. Unlock radiator cap access panel.

Remove radiator cap slowly to relieve pressure before completely removing when engine is hot. Failure to do so could cause severe burns due to hot steam scalding you. If you are scalded by hot steam, seek medical aid immediately. Carefully remove radiator cap, and measure coolant temperature using a thermometer (be sure thermometer does not touch any metal parts of radiator). Coolant temperature must be between 175 to 202 degrees F. a. If coolant temperature is not between 175 to 202 degrees F, remove and test thermostat (page 4-87). b. If coolant temperature is between 175 to 202 degrees F, reinstall radiator cap, close and lock radiator cap access panel, and go to step 3 below.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 5. ENGINE MISFIRES (Cont). Step 3. While assistant cranks engine using ignition key switch, check for fuel leaks at fuel injector lines. a . If fuel leaks are seen, tighten fuel lines. If tightening does no good, notify next higher maintenance level (fuel injector lines must be replaced). b . If fuel leaks are not seen, go to step 4 below.

Step 4.

Open radiator cap access panel.

Remove radiator cap slowly to relieve pressure before completely removing when engine is hot. Failure to do so could cause severe burns due to hot steam scalding you. If you are scalded by hot steam, seek medical aid immediately. Remove radiator cap. Remove engine left and right side panels if not already removed (page 9-14). Remove alternator drive belts (page 5-4). Drain coolant from radiator to just below upper radiator hose port (page 4-69). Disconnect upper radiator hose from thermostat housing (page 4-74).



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 5. ENGINE MISFIRES (Cont). Step 4. (Cont). Remove thermostat housing and thermostats (page 4-87). Tell assistant to start engine; if engine cannot be started, tell assistant to crank engine for 30 seconds while you watch coolant in water manifold for air bubbles.

a. If air bubbles rising in coolant in water manifold are seen, notify next higher maintenance level to replace cylinder head gasket(s). b. If air bubbles rising in coolant are not seen, tell assistant to shut off engine. Install thermostats and thermostat housing (page 4-89). Connect upper radiator hose to thermostat housing (page 4-75). Fill radiator with coolant (page 4-71). Install and adjust alternator drive belts (page 5-5). Install engine left and right side panels (page 9-17). Notify next higher maintenance level (engine must be checked further).



Remove engine left side panels (page 9-14). Check engine oil level dipstick for over filled engine crankcase or signs of water in crankcase. a. If engine crankcase is overfilled as indicated by dipstick, drain excess oil until level is just below full mark on dipstick (page 4-2). If signs of water are seen, notify next higher maintenance level (oil cooler must be replaced). b. If engine oil level is okay, go to step 2 below.

Step 2.

Remove engine right side panels (page 9-14). Check for wrong or contaminated fuel in fuel tank (contaminated fuel will have a milky white appearance). a. If wrong or contaminated fuel in fuel tank, drain and clean fuel tank (page 4-32), replace fuel filters (page 4-38), and refill with correct fuel. b. If fuel is okay, go to step 3 below.

Step 3.

Check for air in fuel system. a . Open bleed valve on first stage filter. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to on position. Close bleed valve when clear bubble free fuel appears. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to off position. Open bleed valve on second stage filter. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to on position. Close bleed valve when clear bubble free fuel appears. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to off position. Use clean cloth and wipe up any Diesel fuel spillage. b . If no air in fuel system, go to step 4 below. 3-23



Operate engine for 15 minutes at idle speed to warm coolant. Unlock radiator cap access panel.

Remove radiator cap slowly to relieve pressure before completely removing when engine is hot. Failure to do so could cause severe burns due to hot steam scalding you. If you are scalded by hot steam, seek medical aid immediately. Carefully remove radiator cap, and measure coolant temperature using a thermometer (be sure thermometer does not touch any metal parts of radiator). Coolant temperature must be between 175 to 202 degrees F. a. If coolant temperature is not between 175 to 202 degrees F, remove and test thermostat (page 4-87). b. If coolant temperature is between 175 to 202 degrees F, reinstall radiator cap, close and lock radiator cap access panel, and go to step 5 below.




Remove engine top hood (page 9-11). Tell assistant to start engine and operate at idle speed. Squirt a small amount of fuel on intake manifold where it contacts cylinder head. Check if fuel is drawn into intake manifold indicating intake manifold gasket is damaged.

a. If fuel is drawn into intake manifold, notify next higher maintenance level (intake manifold gasket must be replaced). b. If fuel is not drawn into intake manifold, shut off engine, and go to step 6 below.




Remove engine right side panels (page 9-14).

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately.

Dirt or other foreign matter can damage fuel injection pump and fuel injectors and cause engine starting problems. D i r t a n d f o r e i g n m a t t e r can enter fuel lines when you disconnect them. To prevent this from happening, clean all fittings, plugs, and fuel line connections before breaking connections using clean cloths moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Remove plug from elbow installed in fuel injection pump. Connect a zero to 50 psi pressure gage to elbow port from which plug was removed (port is 1/8 NPTF). Tell assistant to crank engine for 30 seconds while you watch pressure gage. Pressure gage should indicate 20 to 30 psi. a. If pressure gage indicates 20 to 30 psi, disconnect zero to 50 psi pressure gage from elbow port, reinstall plug, and go to step 7 below. b. If pressure gage does not indicate 20 to 30 psi, disconnect zero to 50 psi pressure gage from elbow port, reinstall plug, and go to page 3-41, fuel system troubleshooting, MALFUNCTION 1. 3-26


Tell assistant to start and warm engine to operating temperature. Watch hourmeter/tachometer and tell assistant to idle engine. Record tachometer indication. Tell assistant to depress accelerator pedal until maximum governed speed of 2300 to 2340 rpm is obtained on tachometer. Tell assistant to depress accelerator pedal as far as it will go. Tachometer should indicate 2300 to 2340 rpm. Tell assistant to idle engine for three minutes then shut off engine. Tachometer indication at idle speed should be 700 to 750 rpm; tachometer indication with accelerator pedal completely depressed should be 2300 to 2340 rpm. a. If engine rpm is not as specified above, check adjustment of accelerator linkage (page 4-64); adjust if necessary. If adjustment is okay, notify next higher maintenance level to adjust fuel injection pump. b. If engine rpm is as specified above, go to step 8 below.

Step 8.

Park loader on level surface and apply parking brake valve by pulling knob outward. Put transport/service link in engaged position to prevent turning of loader (page 9-8).

Before performing following steps, be sure that transport/service link is engaged. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death due to chassis pivoting and crushing you when you are working in area between front and rear chassis, Check transmission oil level, engine oil level, and hydraulic system oil level (refer to LO 5-3805-262-12). Add oil as necessary.


TM 5-3805-262-20 3-4. ENGINE TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT) MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 6. ENGINE STALLS FREQUENTLY OR DOES NOT DEVELOP FULL POWER (Cont) . Step 8. (Cont). At right side of transmission, remove transmission oil sampling valve and pipe nipple from elbow. Install temperature probe in elbow. Port in elbow is 1/8 inch standard pipe thread.

Personal injury and property damage can result if loader is allowed to move during following tests. Press right brake treadle valve fully and hold down to prevent loader movement while transmission is in H range. Don’t permit personnel to stand in front of loader. If loader starts to move , r e l e a s e a c c e l e r a t o r p e d a l , shut down engine, and repair brake system before proceeding. Disconnect tachometer cable from tachometer drive (page 5-65). Heat transmission oil: a . Start engine and operate at idle speed. b. Allow air system pressure to build to normal operating pressure (AIR PRESS gage needle indicates in green zone). c. Press and hold down brake treadle and valve pedal for remainder of procedure. Release parking brake. d . Place transmission control lever in H position. e. Press accelerator pedal fully for two minutes. f . Release accelerator pedal and place transmission control lever in N position. P ress accelerator fully for 30 seconds, then release accelerator g. pedal. h . Repeat steps d through g above until CONV TEMP gage pointer is 1/8 inch from red zone. Heat hydraulic system oil: a. Apply parking brake and place transmission control lever in N position. b. Press accelerator pedal fully.



TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 6. ENGINE STALLS FREQUENTLY OR DOES NOT DEVELOP FULL POWER (Cont). Step 8. (Cont). c. Hold BUCKET control lever in CROWD position for 15 seconds. Then return BUCKET control lever to NEUT. position for 15 seconds. d. Repeat step c above until hydraulic pump outlet tube is warm to touch, then release accelerator pedal. Release parking brake. Operate engine at idle speed. Press and hold down brake treadle and valve pedal for remainder of test. Place transmission control lever in H position. Press accelerator pedal fully. Hold BUCKET control lever in CROWD position. Using a tachometer, press tachometer against engine tachometer drive shaft as shown. Watch engine rpm. Tell assistant to watch thermometer of temperature probe installed in transmission elbow. When transmission temperature reaches 200 degrees F and tachometer pointer stops moving, record engine speed as indicated by tachometer pointer. Engine tachometer drive shaft operates at half engine speed. Double tachometer indication to obtain engine rpm. Engine speed should be 1430 rpm minimum. Release accelerator pedal, move BUCKET control lever to NEUT. position, and place transmission control lever in N position. Allow engine to operate at idle speed for 3 minutes then shut off engine. 3-29


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 6. ENGINE STALLS FREQUENTLY OR DOES NOT DEVELOP FULL POWER (Cont). Step 8. (Cont). a. If engine speed is 1430 rpm minimum, engine, torque converter and transmission, and hydraulic system are probably okay. Reconnect tachometer cable to engine tachometer drive (page 5-67). Go to step 10 below. b. If engine speed is not 1430 rpm minimum, go to step 9 below. Step 9.

Start engine and operate at idle speed. Release parking brake and place transmission control lever in H position. Press and hold down brake treadle and valve pedal for remainder of test. Press accelerator pedal fully. Press tachometer against engine tachometer drive shaft. Tell assistant to watch thermometer of temperature probe installed in transmission elbow. When transmission temperature reaches 200 degrees F and tachometer pointer stops moving, record engine speed as indicated by tachometer pointer. Engine tachometer drive shaft operates at half engine speed. Double tachometer indication to obtain engine rpm. Engine speed should be 2000 to 2100 rpm using number 2 Diesel fuel and 1900 to 2000 rpm using number 1 Diesel fuel. Release accelerator pedal and place transmission control lever in N position. Allow engine to operate at idle speed for 3 minutes then shut off engine. a. If engine speed is 2000 to 2100 rpm using number 2 Diesel fuel or 1900 to 2000 rpm using number 1 Diesel fuel, engine and torque converter and transmission are probably okay. Problem is in hydraulic system; notify next higher maintenance level to perform hydraulic system flowmeter checks to locate problem. b. If engine speed is not 2000 to 2100 rpm using number 2 Diesel fuel or 1900 to 2000 rpm using number 1 Diesel fuel, problem is in engine. Reconnect tachometer cable to engine tachometer drive (page 5-67). Go to step 10 below.

Step 10. Put transport/service link in engaged position if not already in engaged position (page 9-8). 3-30


Before performing following, be sure that transport/service link is engaged. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death due to chassis pivoting and crushing you when you are working in area between front and rear chassis. At left front of rear chassis, watch lever of parking brake mounted on transmission. Tell assistant to start engine, allow air pressure to build up, them pull out parking brake valve knob to apply parking brake. Check that parking brake lever moves, Tell assistant to push in knob of parking brake valve to release parking brake while you watch parking brake lever. Check that parking brake lever moves. a. If parking brake lever does not move, remove and replace parking brake chamber (page 7-8). b. If parking brake lever moves, check parking brake linkage adj u s t m e n t ( p a g e 7 - 1 6 ) , then go to step 11 below. Step 11. Remove drive belt from air compressor (page 7-96). Start engine, and check if engine power increases. Shut off engine. a. If engine power increases, remove and replace air compressor (page 7-88). b. If engine power does not increase, go to step 12 below. Step 12. Remove drive belts from fan, a l t e r n a t o r , a n d c r a n k s h a f t p u l l e y s (page 5-4). Start engine and operate at idle speed for three minutes maximum. Check if engine power increases; then shut off engine. a. If engine power increases, check fan and alternator pulleys for freedom of rotation. If alternator pulley is seized or difficult to rotate, remove and replace alternator (page 5-10). If fan pulley is seized or difficult to rotate, remove and replace water pump (page 4-94). 3-31


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 6. ENGINE STALLS FREQUENTLY OR DOES NOT DEVELOP FULL POWER (Cont). Step 12. (Cont). b. If engine power does not increase, r e i n s t a l l a n d a d j u s t t e n s i o n of all drive belts (page 5-5 and 7-96) and notify next higher maintenance level to check engine timing. 7. EXCESSIVE OIL CONSUMPTION. Step 1.

Tell assistant to start and warm engine to operating temperature. Watch hourmeter/tachometer and tell assistant to idle engine. Record tachometer indication. Tell assistant to depress accelerator pedal until maximum governed speed of 2300 to 2340 rpm is obtained. Tell assistant to depress accelerator pedal as far as it will go. Tachometer should indicate 2300 to 2340 rpm. Tell assistant to idle engine for three minutes then shut off engine. Tachometer indication at idle speed should be 700 to 750 rpm; tachometer indication with accelerator pedal completely depressed should be 2300 to 2340 rpm. a . If engine rpm is not as specified above, check adjustment of accelerator linkage (page 4-64); adjust if necessary. If adjustment is okay, notify next higher maintenance level to adjust fuel injection pump. b . If engine rpm is as specified above, go to step 2 below.

Step 2.


Remove engine left rear side panel (page 9-14). Remove engine oil pressure switch (page 5-112). Install a zero to 100 psi pressure gage in port from which engine oil pressure switch was removed. Tell assistant to start engine and operate at idle speed. Pressure gage should indicate 45 to 60 psi with engine at normal operating temperature. Tell assistant to shut off engine.



Disconnect zero to 100 psi pressure gage from engine oil pressure switch port. Reinstall engine oil pressure switch (page 5-114). a. If pressure gage indicates 45 to 60 psi with engine at normal operating temperature, go to step 3 below. b. If pressure gage indicates over 60 psi, notify next higher maintenance level (engine oil pump must be removed and repaired). Step 3. Remove engine side panels (page 9-14). Check for engine oil leaks at rocker arm cover gaskets, oil pan gasket, timing gear and fuel pump gear cover gaskets, engine oil filter, engine oil cooler; external oil lines between cylinder block and fuel injection pump, cylinder block and air compressor, and timing gear cover and air compressor, and oil drain plug gasket.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 7. EXCESSIVE OIL CONSUMPTION (Cont). Step 3. (Cont). a. If oil leaks are seen, tighten hardware. If tightening hardware does not stop oil leakage, notify next higher maintenance level to replace leaking gaskets. b. If oil leaks are not seen, go to step 4 below. Step 4.

Turn engine oil dipstick handle clockwise several turns then pull up to remove. Check if proper weight oil is used (see L0 5-3805-262-12). a. If engine oil is not proper weight, drain engine oil, replace o i l f i l t e r , a n d f i l l c r a n k c a s e w i t h proper weight oil (page 4-2) . b. If engine oil is proper weight, reinstall engine side panels (page 9-17) and go to step 5 below.

Step 5. Unlock radiator cap access panel. Remove radiator cap and inspect coolant for lubricating oil contamination. a. If coolant is contaminated with oil, notify next higher maintenance level to check oil cooler core for damage. b. If coolant is not contaminated, notify next higher maintenance level (additional tests must be performed to locate problem).




Remove engine left side panels (page 9-14). Check that starting fluid cylinder lock nut is hand tight. a. If starting fluid cylinder lock nut is not hand tight, tighten. b. If starting fluid cylinder lock nut is hand tight, go to step 2 below.

Step 2.

Check ether supply by removing and shaking starting fluid cylinder (page 4-48). a. If cylinder is empty, replace cylinder. b. If cylinder is not empty, go to step 3 below.

Step 3.

Check tubing for leaks or damage; listen for hissing sound when COLD START switch is pressed. a. If hissing sound is heard, replace tubing, fittings, or atomizer as required (page 4-50). b. If hissing sound is not heard, go to step 4 below.






Disconnect connector from solenoid by grasping with your fingers and firmly pulling up on it. Connect multimeter between connector contact to which black-orange wire connected and chassis frame, Tell assistant to place ignition key switch in start position and press COLD START switch at same time. Multimeter should indicate 24 volts. a. If multimeter indicates 24 volts, replace solenoid (page 4-50). b. If multimeter does not indicate 24 volts, remove right instrument panel (page 5-48) and replace COLD START switch (page 5-53).



Remove engine l e f t s i d e p a n e l s ( p a g e 9 - 1 4 ) . At engine oil p r e s s u r e s w i t c h , d i s c o n n e c t w i r i n g h a r n e s s l e a d b y grasping with f i n g e r s a n d f i r m l y p u l l i n g f r o m s w i t c h c o n t a c t .


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 9. LOW ENGINE OIL PRESSURE (Cont). Step 1. (Cont). Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to on position and check that OIL PRESS warning light is off. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to off position. a. If OIL PRESS warning light is on, check for short circuit in wire between oil pressure switch and OIL PRESS warning light. b. If OIL PRESS warning light is off, go to step 2 below. Step 2. Turn engine oil dipstick handle clockwise several turns then pull up to remove. Check if proper weight oil is used (see L0 5-3805-262-12) and if oil level is between ADD and FULL marks on dipstick. a. If engine oil is not proper weight, drain engine oil, replace oil filter, and fill crankcase with proper weight oil (page 4-2). If oil level is not between ADD and FULL marks, add oil, b. If engine oil is proper weight and oil level is between ADD and FULL marks, go to step 3 below. Step 3. Remove engine oil pressure switch (page 5-112).




9. LOW ENGINE OIL PRESSURE (Cont). Step 3. (Cont). Install a zero to 100 psi pressure gage in port from which engine oil pressure switch was removed. Tell assistant to start engine and operate at idle speed. Pressure gage should indicate 45 to 60 psi with engine at normal operating temperature. Tell assistant to shut off engine. Disconnect zero to 100 psi pressure gage from engine oil pressure switch port. a. If pressure gage indicates 45 to 60 psi with engine at normal operating temperature, replace engine oil pressure switch (page 5-114). b. If pressure gage does not indicates 45 to 60 psi, reinstall engine oil pressure switch (page 5-114). Go to step 4 below. Step 4. Check for engine oil leaks at rocker arm cover gaskets, oil pan gasket, timing gear and fuel pump gear cover gaskets, engine oil filter, engine oil cooler; external oil lines between cylinder block and fuel injection pump, cylinder block and air compressor, and timing gear cover and air compressor; a n d o i l d r a i n p l u g g a s k e t . a. If oil leaks are seen, tighten hardware. If tightening hardware does no good, notify next higher maintenance level to replace leaking gaskets. b. If oil leaks are not seen, notify next higher maintenance level (additional tests must be performed.) 10. ENGINE WILL NOT SHUT DOWN. Check that fuel shut off lever moves to stop position when assistant pulls SHUT OFF control out fully.




a . If fuel shut off lever on injection pump does not move to stop position, adjust or replace fuel SHUT OFF control and linkage (page 4-54). b . If fuel shut off lever does move to stop position, notify next higher maintenance level (fuel injection pump must be removed and repaired). 11. ENGINE NOISE (LOW AND HIGH RPM) Step 1.

Remove engine right side panels (page 9-14). Check if there is wrong or contaminated fuel in fuel tank (contaminated fuel will have a milky white appearance). a. If wrong or contaminated fuel in fuel tank, drain and clean fuel tank (page 4-32), replace fuel filters (page 4-38), and refill with correct fuel. b. If fuel is okay, go to step 2 below.

Step 2.

Operate engine for 15 minutes at idle speed to warm coolant. Unlock radiator cap access panel.




Remove radiator cap slowly to relieve pressure before completely removing when engine is hot. Failure to do so could cause severe burns due to hot steam scalding you. If you are scalded by hot steam, seek medical aid immediately. Carefully remove radiator cap, and measure coolant temperature using a thermometer (be sure thermometer does not touch any metal parts of radiator). Coolant temperature must be between 175 to 202 degrees F. a . If coolant temperature is not between 175 to 202 degrees F, remove and test thermostats (page 4-87). b . If coolant temperature is between 175 to 202 degrees F, reinstall radiator cap, close and lock radiator cap access panel. Notify next higher maintenance level (additional tests must be performed).



Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately.

Dirt or other foreign matter can damage fuel injection pump and fuel injectors and cause engine starting problems. Dirt and foreign matter can enter fuel lines when you disconnect them. To prevent this from happening, clean all fittings, plugs, and fuel line connections before breaking connections using clean cloths moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. NOTE To perform this procedure, the following parts are required: Description Barb hose connector, elbow, 1/4 NPTF male t o 1 / 4 i n c h i n s i d e diameter hose b a r b

FSCM 10988

P/N 217-294

Tee, 1/4 NPTF female ends to 1/4 NPTF male



Barb hose connector, straight, 1/4 NPTF male to 1/4 inch inside diameter hose barb



Hose, 1/4 inch inside diameter, 4 feet long



Hose clamp, two, size no. 6



Elbow, 1/8 NPTF male to 1/4 NPTF female






Remove engine right side panels (page 9-14). Loosen and disconnect tube fittings from elbows installed in fuel injection pump feed pump and filter head. Be careful not to bend or kink tube. Loosen and remove elbows from fuel injection pump feed pump and filter head. Install barb hose elbow connector in filter head port. Install tee in fuel injection pump feed pump port. Install barb hose straight connector in one port of tee.


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. LOW FUEL PRESSURE (Cont). Step 1. (Cont). Put two hose clamps on ends of 1/4 inch inside diameter hose. Connect hose between barb hose connectors installed in filter head and fuel injection pump feed pump. Do this by pushing end of hose firmly onto barb hose connector. Position hose clamps over each end of hose attached to barb hose connector and tighten. Install zero to 50 psi pressure gage in tee installed in fuel injection pump feed pump port. Bleed air from fuel system (page 4-40). NOTE If air cannot be bled from fuel system (fuel does not flow from bleed v a l v e s w i t h i g n i t i o n k e y s w i t c h on) go to step 5 below. T e l l a s s i s t a n t t o c r a n k e n g i n e f o r 3 0 s e c o n d s while you watch pressure gage. Pressure gage should indicate 20 to 30 psi. a . If pressure gage indicates 20 to 30 psi, there is a blockage in f u e l f i l t e r s , f i l t e r h e a d , or filter hose, connected between filter head and fuel injection pump. Go to step 2 below. b . If pressure gage does not indicate 20 to 30 psi, go to step 5 below. Step 2. Loosen clamps and disconnect hose from barb fittings installed in filter head and fuel injection pump feed pump. Disconnect pressure gage from tee. Remove barb hose connectors and tee installed in filter head and fuel injection pump feed pump. Reinstall elbows in filter head and fuel injection pump feed pump.

Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc). Failure to do so could cause serious i n j u r y t o e y e s a n d p o s s i b l e b l i n d n e s s . If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately. 3-43



(Cont). Using compressed air, clear any blockage from tube. Reconnect tube fittings to elbows and tighten securely. Remove plug from elbow installed in fuel injection pump. Connect a zero to 50 psi pressure gage to elbow port from which plug was removed (port is 1/8 NPTF). Bleed air from fuel system (page 4-40). Tell assistant to crank engine for 30 seconds while you watch pressure gage. Pressure gage should indicate 20 to 30 psi. a. If pressure gage indicates 20 to 30 psi, troubleshooting is comp l e t e . Problem was in tube between fuel injection pump feed pump and filter head. b . I f p r e s s u r e g a g e d o e s not indicate 20 to 30 psi, go to step 3 below.

Step 3.

Replace fuel filters (page 4-38). Bleed air from fuel system (page 4-40). Tell assistant to crank engine for 30 seconds while you watch pressure gage. Pressure gage should indicate 20 to 30 psi. a. If pressure gage indicates 20 to 30 psi, troubleshooting is complete. Problem was in fuel filters. b. If pressure gage does not indicate 20 to 30 psi, go to step 4 below.




Loosen fitting and disconnect filter hose from fitting. Disconnect opposite end of filter hose from filter head. Check filter hose for obstruction.

Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc). Failure to do so could cause serious injury to eyes and possible blindness. If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately. a. If filter hose is obstructed , clear obstruction using compressed air. b . I f f i l t e r h o s e i s n o t o b s t r u c t e d , disconnect pressure gage from elbow, reinstall plug, and replace filter head (page 4-41). Step 5.

Disconnect fuel supply hose at fuel injection pump feed pump . Hold end of fuel supply hose vertically. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to on position. Check that fuel is pumped through fuel supply hose. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to off position. 3-45


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. LOW FUEL PRESSURE (Cont) . Step 5. (Cont). a. If fuel is pumped through fuel supply hose, hold fuel supply hose vertically to keep it filled with fuel. Reconnect fuel supply hose to fuel injection pump feed pump. Go to step 6 below. b. If fuel is not pumped through fuel supply hose, go to step 8 below. Step 6.

At fuel injection pump feed pump, loosen bail lock nut. Lower and remove fuel bowl with gasket, element, and spring. Check fuel element for varnish coating or clogged condition. Check fuel bowl for sediment. a. If fuel element is coated with varnish or clogged, service it (page 4-19); if sediment in fuel bowl, clean fuel bowl (page 4-19). Go to step 7 below. b. If fuel element and fuel bowl are okay, install spring, fuel element , and gasket in fuel bowl. Install fuel bowl with installed parts. Slide bail into position and tighten lock nut finger tight. Go to step 7 below.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. LOW FUEL PRESSURE (Cont). Step 7. Bleed air from fuel system (page 4-40). Tell assistant to crank engine for 30 seconds while you watch pressure gage in tee installed in fuel injection pump feed pump port. Pressure gage should indicate 20 to 30 psi. a . If pressure gage indicates 20 to 30 psi, troubleshooting is completed; problem was in fuel element or fuel bowl. Loosen clamps and disconnect hose from barb fittings installed in filter head and fuel injection pump feed pump. Disconnect pressure gage from tee. Remove barb hose connectors and tee installed in filter head and fuel injection pump feed pump. Reinstall elbows in filter head and fuel injection pump feed pump. Using compressed air, clear any blockage from tube. Reconnect tube fittings to elbows and tighten securely. Reinstall engine right side panels (page 9-17). b . If pressure gage does not indicate 20 to 30 psi, notify next higher maintenance level to replace fuel injection pump feed pump. Step 8. Disconnect opposite end of fuel supply hose at fuel tank and remove fuel supply hose. Remove elbow from electric fuel pump. Install 1/8 NPTF male to 1/4 NPTF female elbow in electric fuel pump port. Install zero to 25 psi pressure gage in elbow (elbow is 1/4 NPTF) . Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to on position. Pressure gage should indicate 3.2 to 9 psi. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to off position.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. LOW FUEL PRESSURE (Cont) . Step 8. (Cont). Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc). Failure to do so could cause serious i n j u r y t o e y e s a n d p o s s i b l e b l i n d n e s s . If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately. a. If pressure gage indicates 3.2 to 9 psi, use compressed air t o clear blockage from fuel supply hose. Disconnect pressure gage and elbow from electric fuel pump port. Reinstall elbow and fuel supply hose between elbow and fuel injection pump feed pump. Reinstall engine right side panels (page 9-17). b. If pressure gage does not indicate 3.2 to 9 psi, go to step 9 below. Step 9.

Disconnect electric fuel pump terminal from wiring harness terminal. Do this by grasping terminals with your fingers and firmly pulling apart. Connect multimeter between wiring harness terminal and chassis ground. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to on position. Multimeter should indicate 24 volts . Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to off position. Disconnect multimeter. a. If multimeter indicates 24 volts, reconnect electric fuel pump terminal and wiring harness terminal. Do this by grasping terminals with fingers, alining, and firmly pushing together. Go to step 10 below. b. If multimeter does not indicate 24 volts, depress 5 ampere circuit breaker on right instrument panel and repeat this step. If multimeter still does not indicate 24 volts, check for open circuit between wiring harness terminal and ignition key switch. Repair or replace wire as necessary (page 5-168 or 5-174).



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. LOW FUEL PRESSURE (Cont). Step 10. A t e l e c t r i c f u e l p u m p a n d f u e l t a n k , loosen two nuts securing fuel suction tube. Disconnect fuel suction tube from elbow at electric fuel pump.

Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc). Failure to do so could cause serious injury to eyes and possible blindness. If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately. Use compressed air and clear any blockage from fuel suction tube. Reconnect fuel suction tube to elbow at electric fuel pump. Tighten two nuts at electric fuel pump and fuel tank to secure fuel suction tube. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to on position. Pressure gage connected to electric fuel pump should indicate 3.2 to 9 psi. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to off position. a. If electric fuel pump indicates 3.2 to 9 psi, troubleshooting is complete; problem was clogged fuel suction tube. Disconnect pressure gage and elbow from electric fuel pump port. Reinstall elbow and fuel supply hose between elbow and fuel injection pump feed pump. Reinstall engine right side panels (page 9-17). b. If pressure gage still does not indicate 3.2 to 9 psi, go to step 11 below.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. LOW FUEL PRESSURE (Cont). Step 11. Service electric fuel pump (page 4-14). Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to on position. Pressure gage connected to electric fuel pump should indicate 3.2 to 9 psi. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to off position. a. If electric fuel pump indicates 3.2 to 9 psi, troubleshooting is complete; problem was clogged filter in electric fuel pump. Disconnect pressure gage and elbow from electric fuel pump port. Reinstall elbow and fuel supply hose between elbow and fuel injection pump feed pump. Reinstall engine right side panels (page 9-17). b. If pressure gage still does not indicate 3.2 to 9 psi, replace defective electric fuel pump (page 4-16). 2. EXCESSIVE FUEL USAGE. S t e p 1 . Remove engine right side panels (page 9-14). While assistant cranks engine using ignition key switch, check for fuel leaks at fuel injector lines. a. If fuel leaks are seen, tighten fuel lines. If tightening does no good, notify next higher maintenance level (fuel injector lines must be replaced). b. If fuel leaks are not seen, go to step 2 below. Step 2.

Check that drain plug in bottom of fuel tank is tight. Check fuel tank for leakage and damage. a. If drain plug is loose, tighten. If fuel tank leaks or is damaged, replace (page 4-34). b. If fuel tank is okay, notify next higher maintenance level to check engine tune-up adjustments.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION EXCESSIVE EXHAUST NOISE Step 1. Remove engine top hood (page 9-11). Check muffler, pipe, and muffler adapter for cracks and holes.

a. If muffler, pipe, and muffler adapter are cracked or holes a r e seen, replace (page 4-66). b . I f m u f f l e r , p i p e , a n d m u f f l e r a d a p t e r a r e o k a y , g o t o s t e p 2 below. Step 2.

Squirt a small amount of oil on muffler adapter gasket area where it contacts exhaust manifold. With engine idling, check if air bubbles can be seen, indicating damaged gasket.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION EXCESSIVE EXHAUST NOISE (Cont). Step 2. (Cont). a. If air bubbles are seen, replace gasket (page 4-66). b. If air bubbles are not seen, go to step 3 below. Step 3.

Squirt a small amount of oil on exhaust manifold in areas where exhaust manifold is mounted to cylinder heads. With engine idling, check if air bubbles can be seen, indicating gaskets are damaged.

a . I f a i r b u b b l e s a r e s e e n , remove exhaust manifold and replace gaskets (page 4-7). b . I f a i r b u b b l e s a r e n o t s e e n , g o t o s t e p 4 below. Step 4.

Check exhaust manifold for cracks and holes. Replace damaged exhaust manifold (page 4-7).




1. ENGINE OVERHEATS. Step 1. With engine at normal operating temperature, run engine at high speed for two minutes and return t o i d l e s p e e d . Unlock and open radiator cap access panel. Carefully cover radiator cap with a cloth and rotate counterclockwise to first detent. A hissing noise from cap and filler neck should be heard indicating that system is pressurized. a. If hissing sound is not heard, go to MALFUNCTION 3 (page 3-58). b. If hissing sound is heard, reinstall radiator cap, shut off engine, and go to step 2 below.

Step 2.

Remove engine side panels (page 9-14). Check alternator drive belts for proper tension. Press each belt midway between fan pulley and crankshaft pulley. Belts should deflect approximately 1/2 inch. a. If belts do not deflect 1/2 inch approximately, adjust (page 5-5). b. If each belt deflects 1/2 inch approximately, go to step 3 below.




Inspect alternator drive belts for damage, wear, oil contamination, or riding deeply in pulley grooves. a. If any of the above conditions are seen, replace both belts as a matched set (page 5-4). b. If none of the above conditions are seen, go to step 4 below.

Step 4.

Open radiator cap access panel.

Remove radiator c a p s l o w l y t o relieve pressure before completely removing when engine is hot. Failure to do so could cause severe burns due to hot steam scalding you. If you are scalded by hot steam, seek medical aid immediately. With engine idling, remove radiator cap and watch coolant to see if it moves indicating water pump is operating. a. If coolant movement is not seen, replace water pump (page 4-94). b . If coolant movement is seen, shut off engine and go to step 5 below.

Before performing following step, make sure that engine is shut down. Failure to do so will cause serious bodily injury if you attempt to grasp fan. If you are injured, obtain medical aid immediately. Step 5.

Grasp fan and see if you can move it forward and backward. Check area around water pump for coolant leakage. a. If fan can be moved forward and backward, bearings in water pump are bad. Replace water pump (page 4-94). If coolant leakage is seen in area around water pump, water pump has bad seal. Replace water pump (page 4-94). b. If fan cannot be moved forward and backward and coolant leakage i s n o t s e e n , go to step 6 below.




Check radiator hoses for leakage or damage (page 4-72). a . I f r a d i a t o r hoses are leaking or damaged, replace (page 4-74). b . I f r a d i a t o r hoses are okay, go to step 7 below.

Step 7.

Check radiator f o r f o r e i g n m a t e r i a l o n r a d i a t o r f i n s , d a m a g e d r a d i a t o r f i n s , or leakage. a . I f r a d i a t o r is damaged or leaks, replace (page 4-80). If foreign material on radiator fins, remove. b. If radiator is okay, go to step 8 below.

Step 8.

Check oil cooler and hose for leakage or damage.

a. If oil cooler and hose are leaking or damaged, notify next higher maintenance level. b. If oil cooler and hose are okay, go to step 9 below. Step 9. Check radiator fan for damage. a. If radiator fan is damaged, replace (page 4-100). b. If radiator fan is okay, go to step 10 below. 3-55


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. ENGINE OVERHEATS (Cont). Step 10. Check if there is wrong or contaminated fuel in fuel tank (contaminated fuel will have a milky white appearance). a. If wrong or contaminated fuel in fuel tank, drain and clean fuel tank (page 4-32), replace fuel filters (page 4-38), and refill with correct fuel. b. If fuel is okay, go to step 11 below. Step 11. Check that coolant is 50-50 solution of Ethylene Glycol and water. a . I f c o o l a n t i s not 50-50 solution of Ethylene Glycol and water, drain coolant from radiator and fill using 50 percent Ethylene Glycol and 50 p e r c e n t w a t e r ( p a g e 4 - 6 9 ) . b . I f c o o l a n t i s 50-50 solution of Ethylene Glycol and water, go to step 12 below. Step 12. Check area around exhaust manifold for signs of coolant leakage.

a. If signs of coolant leakage are seen, notify next higher maintenance level (cylinder head or cylinder sleeve(s) are cracked and must be replaced). b. If signs of coolant leakage are not seen, go to step 13 below. 3-56


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. ENGINE OVERHEATS (Cont). Step 13. Allow engine to cool and remove radiator cap. Rinse radiator cap with clear water and install on cap adapter and pressure tester as shown. NOTE It may be necessary to reinstall radiator cap several times to ensure tight s e a l . Operate pressure tester pump and watch meter reading at its highest point. Cap release pressure should be 6-1/2 to 7-1/2 pounds, and should remain steady for at least 30 seconds. a. If radiator cap pressure is 6-1/2 to 7-1/2 pounds, and remains steady for at least 30 seconds before dropping, go to step 14 below. b. If radiator cap pressure is not 6-1/2 to 7-1/2 pounds, or if pressure drops rapidly, replace radiator cap. Step 14. Remove radiator cap. Remove engine left and right side panels if not already removed (page 9-14). Remove alternator drive belts (page 5-4). Drain coolant from radiator to just below upper radiator hose port (page 4-69). Disconnect upper radiator hose from thermostat housing (page 4-74). Remove thermostat housing and thermostats (page 4-89).



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. ENGINE OVERHEATS (Cont). Step 14. (Cont). Tell assistant to start engine; if engine cannot be started, tell assistant to crank engine for 30 seconds while you watch coolant in water manifold for air bubbles. a . If air bubbles rising in coolant in water manifold are seen, notify direct support maintenance to replace cylinder head gasket(s). b . If air bubbles rising in coolant are not seen, tell assistant to shut off engine. Go to step 15 below. Step 15. Test thermostats (page 4-89). a. If thermostats test okay, reinstall thermostats and thermostat housing (page 4-89). Connect upper radiator hose to thermostat housing (page 4-75). Fill radiator with coolant (page 4-71). Install and adjust alternator drive belts (page 5-5). Install engine left and right side panels (page 9-17). Notify next higher maintenance level (engine must be checked further). b. If thermostats do not test okay, replace (page 4-89). 2. ENGINE DOES NOT REACH OPERATING TEMPERATURE. Remove and test thermostats (page 4-87). Replace thermostats (page 4-89). 3. COOLING SYSTEM NOT PRESSURIZED. NOTE With engine at normal operating temperature, run engine at high speed for two minutes and return to idle speed. Carefully cover radiator cap with a cloth and rotate counterclockwise to first detent. A hissing noise from cap and filler neck indicates that system is pressurized. Step 1. Allow engine to cool and remove radiator cap. Rinse radiator cap with clear water and install on cap adapter and pressure tester as shown. 3-58


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 3. COOLING SYSTEM NOT PRESSURIZED (Cont). Step 1. (Cont). NOTE It may be necessary to reinstall radiator cap several times to ensure tight seal. Operate pressure tester pump and watch meter reading at its highest point. Cap release pressure should be 6-1/2 to 7-1/2 pounds, and should remain steady for at least 30 seconds. a . If radiator cap pressure is 6-1/2 to 7-1/2 pounds, and remains steady for at least 30 seconds before dropping, go to step 2 below. b . If radiator cap pressure is not 6-1/2 to 7-1/2 pounds, or if pressure drops rapidly, replace radiator cap. Step 2.

Disconnect cap adapter from pressure tester. Attach pressure tester to radiator filler neck, with locking ears in line with entrance notches of filler neck, Press down on tester and rotate clockwise until locking ears are stopped by stop lugs on radiator filler neck. Clamp radiator inlet and outlet hoses, or block hose flanges. Operate pressure tester pump until meter indicates 10 pounds p r e s sure, and watch meter. a . I f p r e s s u r e d r o p s q u i c k l y , r a d i a t o r h a s s e r i o u s l e a k a g e . Replace radiator (page 4-80). b . If pressure drops slowly, radiator has seepage or slight l e a k age. Replace radiator (page 4-80). c . If pressure holds steady for two or more minutes, radiator check is satisfactory. Remove pressure tester from radiator.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. ALTERNATOR NOISY. Check alternator drive belts tension (page 5-2). a. Adjust drive belts tension as necessary (page 5-5). Replace worn or damaged belts as a matched set (page 5-4). b. If belt tension is okay, replace alternator (page 5-10) and forward noisy alternator to next higher maintenance level for repair. 2. ALTERNATOR NOT CHARGING BATTERIES.

Battery electrolyte is toxic and corrosive. Use protective goggles and gloves when performing the following. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, clothes, and don’t breathe vapors. Step 1.

Check battery specific gravity (page 5-144). a. If corrected specific gravity of each battery cell is at least 1.225, go to step 2 below. b. If corrected specific gravity of any battery cell is less than 1.225, charge battery using external charger (page 5-146). Then go to step 2 below.

Step 2.


Remove engine side panels (page 9-14). Connect multimeter between alternator BAT terminal and chassis frame. Multimeter should indicate 24 volts.

TM 5-3805-262-20 3-8.

MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 2. ALTERNATOR NOT CHARGING BATTERIES (Cont). Step 2. (Cont). a. If multimeter indicates zero, go to step 3 below. b. If multimeter indicates 24 volts, go to step 4 below. Step 3.

Place ignition key switch in start position. a. If starter cranks, check for loose wiring connection between starter relay terminal and alternator BAT terminal. Repair or replace wiring or terminals as necessary. b. If starter does not crank, refer to page 3-62 starting system troubleshooting.

Step 4. Place ignition key switch in on position. Place vehicle lights switch in SER DRIVE position and record multimeter indication. Tell assistant to start engine and run at 1800 rpm. Record multimeter indication, Tell assistant to shut down engine and place ignition key and vehicle lights switches in off position. a. If multimeter reading does not increase with engine running, go to step 5 below. b. If multimeter reading increases to 31 volts or more with engine running, replace alternator (page 5-10). c. If multimeter reading increases to 24 to 30 volts with engine running, go to step 6 below. Step 5.

Check alternator drive belts tension (page 5-2). a. Adjust drive belts tension as necessary (page 5-5). Replace worn or damaged belts as a matched set (page 5-4). b. If belt tension is okay, go to step 6 below.

Step 6. Test alternator for rated output current (page 5-8). a . Replace





b . If alternator is okay, test battery load capacity (page 5-143) and replace defective batteries (page 5-148) as necessary.




Connect an external 24 volt dc supply to slave receptacle. Apply parking brake and place transmission control lever in N (neutral) position. Place ignition key switch in start position. a. If starter cranks check battery specific gravity (page 5-144). Charge or replace batteries as necessary. b. If starter does not crank, place ignition key switch in off position and disconnect external supply from slave receptacle. Go to step 2 below.

Step 2.

Connect multimeter between starter ground terminal and starter solenoid BAT terminal. Multimeter should indicate 24 volts. a. If multimeter indicates 24 volts, go to step 3 below. b . I f m u l t i m e t e r i n d i c a t e s z e r o , c h e c k f o r l o o s e c o n n e c t i o n o r open circuit at cables between batteries and starter. Clean and tighten connections or replace cable as necessary.

Step 3.

Connect multimeter between starter solenoid S terminal and starter ground terminal. Tell assistant to place ignition key switch in start position. Multimeter should i n d i c a t e 2 4 v o l t s . a. If multimeter indicates 24 volts, replace defective starter (page 5-16). b. If multimeter indicates zero, go to step 4 below.




Place ignition key switch in on position. Place vehicle lights switch in SER DRIVE position. Service driving lights and tail lights should be on. a. If at least one light is on, go to step 7 below. b. If all lights are off, go to step 5 below.

Step 5.

At relay bracket, connect multimeter between each terminal of top 30 ampere circuit breaker and chassis frame, Multimeter should indicate 24 volts for both terminals.

a . If multimeter indicates 24 volts for both terminals, check wiring connection between 30 ampere c i r c u i t b r e a k e r a n d i g n i t i o n key switch connector BATT terminal. R e p a i r o r r e p l a c e w i r i n g o r connector as necessary. If wiring and connector are okay, remove right instrument Panel (page 5-48) and replace ignition key switch (page 5-53). b . If multimeter indicates 24 volts at one terminal and zero at remaining terminal, replace 30 ampere circuit breaker (page 5-26) . c . If multimeter indicates zero for both terminals, go to step 6 below. 3-63



Connect multimeter between large left terminal of starter relay and chassis frame. Multimeter should indicate 24 volts. a. If multimeter indicates 24 volts, check wires between starter relay terminal and 30 ampere circuit breakers. Replace wires as necessary (page 5-26). b. If multimeter indicates zero, check cable between starter solenoid BAT terminal and starter relay terminal. Replace cable as necessary (page 5-16).

Step 7. A t t r a n s m i s s i o n c o n t r o l valve, connect multimeter between each terminal of neutral start switch and chassis frame. Tell assistant to place ignition key switch i n s t a r t position. Multimeter should i n d i c a t e 24 volts for both t e r m i nals. a. If multimeter indicates 24 volts for both terminals, go to step 8 below. b. If multimeter indicates 24 volts at one terminal and zero at remaining terminal, refer to page 3-95 neutral start switch troubleshooting. C.


If multimeter indicates zero for both terminals, check wiring connection between neutral start switch and ignition key switch connector START terminal. Repair or replace wiring or connector as necessary (page 5-168 or 5-174) If wiring and connector are okay, remove right instrument panel (page 5-48) and replace ignition key switch (page 5-53).


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. STARTER DOES NOT CRANK (Cont). Step 8. A t r e l a y b r a c k e t , connect multimeter between small center terminals of starter relay. Tell assistant to place ignition key switch in start position. Multimeter should i n d i c a t e 2 4 v o l t s . a. If multimeter indicates 24 volts, go to step 10 below. b. If multimeter indicates zero, go to step 9 below.

Step 9.

Disconnect multimeter negative lead f r o m s t a r t e r r e l a y t e r m i n a l a n d connect to chassis frame. Tell assistant to place ignition key switch in start position. Multimeter should indicate 24 volts. a . If multimeter indicates 24 volts, check ground wire connection between starter relay terminal and mounting lug. Tighten connections or replace wire as necessary. b . If multimeter indicates zero, check wiring connection between neutral start switch and starter relay terminal. Repair or replace wiring as necessary. 3-65


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. STARTER DOES NOT CRANK (Cont). Step 10. C o n n e c t m u l t i m e t e r b e t w e e n l a r g e r i g h t t e r m i n a l o f s t a r t e r r e l a y a n d chassis frame. Tell assistant to place ignition key switch in start position. Multimeter should indicate 24 volts. a . I f m u lt i m e t e r i n d i c a t e s 2 4 v o l t s , c h e c k c a b l e b e t w e e n s t a r t e r r e l a y terminal and starter solenoid S terminal. Tighten connections or replace cable as necessary (page 5-16). b . I f m u lt i m e t e r i n d i c a t e s z e r o , r e p l a c e s t a r t e r r e l a y ( p a g e 5 - 2 6 ) . 2. STARTER CRANKS CONTINUOUSLY. Step 1.

Place ignition key switch in off position. Remove engine side panels (page 9-14). Connect multimeter between starter solenoid S terminal and starter ground terminal. Multimeter should indicate zero. Place ignition key switch in on position. Multimeter should indicate zero.

a . I f m u l t i m e t e r i n d i c a t e s z e r o , r e p l a c e d e f e c t i v e s t a r t e r (page 5-16). b. If multimeter indicates 24 volts, go to step 2 below. 3-66


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 2. STARTER CRANKS CONTINUOUSLY (Cont). Step 2. At relay bracket, connect multimeter between small center terminals of starter relay. Place ignition key switch in off position. Multimeter should indicate zero. Place ignition key switch in on position. Multimeter should indicate zero.

a. If multimeter indicates zero, replace starter relay (page 5-26). b. If multimeter indicates 24 volts , check for short circuit in wiring connection between ignition key switch connector START terminal, neutral start switch, and starter relay terminal. Repair or replace wiring as necessary (page 5-168 or 5-174). If wiring is okay, remove right instrument panel (page 5-48) and replace ignition key switch (page 5-53).





Connect an external 24 volt dc supply to slave receptacle. Apply parking brake and place transmission control lever in N (neutral) position. Place ignition key switch in start position. a. If starter cranks normally check battery specific gravity (page 5-144) . Charge or replace batteries as necessary. b. If starter cranks slowly, place ignition key switch in off position and disconnect external supply from slave receptacle. Go to step 2 below.

Step 2.

Remove engine oil dipstick (page 4-2) and check if engine oil is not proper weight (high viscosity). a. If engine oil is not proper weight, drain engine oil (page 4-2) and replace oil filter (see LO 5-3805-262-12). b. If engine oil is okay, install engine oil dipstick and go to step 3 below.

Step 3.

Check security of starter mounting capscrews. a. If capscrews are loose, tighten (page 5-22). b. If capscrews are tight, go to step 4 below.

Step 4. Check for loose or corroded cable connections at batteries, starter, starter solenoid, and starter relay. a. Clean and tighten cable connections as necessary (pages 5-162 and 5-22). b. If connections are okay, go to step 5 below.




3. STARTER CRANKS SLOWLY (Cont). Step 5. Connect multimecer between negative post on front battery and positive post on rear battery.

T e l l a s s i s t a n t t o place ignition key switch in start position. Multimeter should i n d i c a t e a t l e a s t 1 8 v o l t s . a. If multimeter indicates at least 18 volts, voltage drop in starting circuit is okay. Replace starter (page 5-16). b. If multimeter indicates less than 18 volts, go to step 6 below. Step 6. Connect multimeter between positive post on rear battery and starter solenoid MTR terminal. Tell assistant to place ignition key switch in start position. Multimeter should indicate 0.5 volt or less. a. If multimeter indicates more than 0.5 volt, go to step 7 below. b. If multimeter indicates 0.5 volt or less, go to step 8 below.


TM 5-3805-262-20 3-9. STARTING SYSTEM Troubleshooting (CONT)


Connect multimeter between starter solenoid BAT terminal and MTR terminal. Tell assistant to place ignition key switch in start position. Multimeter should indicate 0.1 volt or less. a. If multimeter indicates more than 0.1 volt, replace defective starter (page 5-16). b. If multimeter indicates 0.1 volt or less, replace battery positive cable (page 5-158).

Step 8.

Connect multimeter across negative battery cable (between negative post on front battery and starter ground terminal). Tell assistant to place ignition key switch in start position. Multimeter should indicate 0.4 volt or less. a. If multimeter indicates more than 0.4 volt, replace battery ground cable (page 5-158). b. If multimeter indicates 0.4 volt or less, replace starter (page 5-16) .





Place ignition key switch in on position. Press bottom 5 ampere circuit breaker button located on right instrument panel. a . I f a t l e a s t o n e w a r n i n g l i g h t i s o n , c i r c u i t b r e a k e r was tripped. b. If all warning lights are off, go to step 2 below.

Step 2.

Place vehicle lights switch at right instrument panel in several positions and check operation of loader lights. a. If at least one loader light is on, place vehicle lights switch in off position. Check wiring connection between ignition switch ACC terminal and 5 ampere circuit breaker at right instrument panel for open circuit. Repair or replace wiring as necessary (page 5-168). I f w i r i n g i s o k a y , r e m o v e r i g h t i n s t r u m e n t p a n e l (page 5-48) and replace 5 ampere circuit breaker (page 5-53). If all warning lights are off, remove instrument cluster (page 5-34) and replace circuit board (page 5-39). b . I f a t l e a s t o n e l o a d e r l i g h t i s n o t o n , r e f e r t o page 3-81 light systems troubleshooting.


Remove lamp (page 5-34) and connect multimeter across lamp contacts. Multimeter should i n d i c a t e c o n t i n u i t y . a. If multimeter does not indicate continuity, install new lamp (page 5-45). b. If multimeter indicates continuity, reinstall lamp (page 5-45) and go to step 2 below.

Step 2. Place ignition key switch in on position. Connect a jumper wire from terminal of oil pressure switch to engine ground. Oil pressure warning light should be on.




2. OIL PRESSURE WARNING LIGHT DOES NOT OPERATE (Cont). Step 2. (Cont). a. If oil pressure warning light is on, remove jumper wire and refer to page 3-93 sending units troubleshooting. b. If oil pressure warning light is not on, go to step 3 below. Step 3.

Place ignition key switch in off position. Remove sending unit resistor (page 5-112). Connect multimeter across ends of resistor. Multimeter should indicate 36 to 44 ohms. a. If multimeter does not indicate 36 to 44 ohms, install new resistor (page 5-114). b. If multimeter indicates 36 to 44 ohms, check wiring connection between sending unit, fuseholder, and instrument cluster for open circuit. Repair or replace wiring as necessary (page 5-168 or 5-174). If wiring is okay, reinstall resistor (page 5-114), remove instrument cluster (page 5-34), and replace circuit board (page 5-39) .


Remove lamp (page 5-34) and connect multimeter across lamp contacts. Multimeter should indicate continuity. a. If multimeter does not indicate continuity, install new lamp (page 5-45). b. If multimeter indicates continuity, reinstall lamp (page 5-45) and go to step 2 below.




Place ignition key switch in on position. Connect a jumper wire from terminal of clutch oil pressure switch to transmission ground. Clutch pressure warning light should be on. a. If clutch pressure warning light is on, remove jumper wire and refer to page 3-93 sending units troubleshooting. b. If clutch pressure warning light is not on, go to step 3 below.

Step 3.

Place ignition key switch in off position. Remove sending unit resistor (page 5-128). Connect multimeter across ends of resistor. Multimeter should indicate 36 to 44 ohms. a. If multimeter does not indicate 36 to 44 ohms, install new resistor (page 5-131). b. If multimeter indicates 36 to 44 ohms, check wiring connection between sending unit, fuseholder, and instrument cluster for open circuit. Repair or replace wiring as necessary (page 5-168 or 5-174). If wiring is okay, reinstall resistor (page 5-131), remove instrument cluster (page 5-34), and replace circuit board (page 5-39).

4. BRAKE WARNING LIGHT DOES NOT OPERATE. Step 1. Remove lamp (page 5-34) and connect multimeter across lamp contacts. Multimeter should indicate continuity. a. If multimeter does not indicate continuity, install new lamp (page 5-45). b. If multimeter indicates continuity, reinstall lamp (page 5-45) and go to step 2 below. 3-73




Place ignition key switch in on position. At right instrument panel, at switch on parking brake valve, connect a jumper wire from terminal of parking brake switch to ground. Brake warning light should be on.

a . I f b r a k e w a r n i n g l i g h t i s o n , r e m o v e jumper wire. Replace parking brake switch (page 5-48). b . I f b r a k e w a r n i n g l i g h t i s n o t o n , g o to step 3 below. Step 3.

Place ignition key switch in off position. Remove parking brake switch resistor (page 5-48). Connect multimeter across ends of resistor. Multimeter should indicate 36 to 44 ohms. a. If multimeter does not indicate 36 to 44 ohms, install new resistor (page 5-63). b. If multimeter indicates 36 to 44 ohms, check wiring connection between parking brake switch, fuseholder, and instrument cluster for open circuit . Repair or replace wiring as necessary (page 5-168). If wiring is okay, reinstall resistor (page 5-63) , remove instrument cluster (page 5-34) , and replace circuit board (page 5-39).




Place ignition key switch in on position. Press top 5 ampere circuit breaker button located on right instrument panel. a. If hydraulic filter warning light is on, circuit breaker was tripped. b. If warning light is not on, go to step 2 below.

Step 2.

Start engine and check operation of bucket height control. Shut down engine and place ignition key switch in off position. a. If bucket height control does not operate, check wiring connection between ignition switch IGN terminal and 5 ampere circuit breaker at right instrument panel for open circuit. Repair or replace wiring as necessary (page 5-168). If wiring is okay, remove right instrument panel (page 5-48) and replace 5 ampere circuit breaker (page 5-53). b. If bucket height control operates, go to, step 3 below.

Step 3. A t r i g h t i n s t r u m e n t p a n e l , b e h i n d h y d r a u l i c f i l t e r w a r n i n g l i g h t , grasp fuseholder halves with fingers, push together, twist counterclockwise, pull apart, and remove resistor. Connect multimeter across ends of resistor. Multimeter should indicate 36 to 44 ohms. s. If multimeter does not indicate 36 to 44 ohms, install new resistor in fuseholder half, aline fuseholder halves, push together, and twist clockwise. b. If multimeter indicates 36 to 44 ohms, reinstall resistor and go to step 4 below.




Remove engine left side panels (page 9-14) and open front access door. Place ignition key switch in on position. At hydraulic filters, connect a jumper wire from terminal of either hydraulic filter switch to engine ground. Hydraulic filter warning light should be on. a. If hydraulic filter warning light is on, remove jumper wire and refer to page 3-93 sending units troubleshooting. b. If hydraulic filter warning light is not on, go to step 5 below.

Step 5.

Disconnect wire leads from temninals of hydraulic filter warning light. Connect multimeter between light terminals. Multimeter should indicate continuity. a. If multimeter does not indicate continuity, remove right instrument panel (page 5-48) and replace light assembly (page 5-53) . b. If multimeter indicates continuity, check wiring connection between hydraulic filter switches, fuseholder, hydraulic filter warning light, and 5 ampere circuit breaker for open circuit. Repair or replace wiring as necessary (page 5-168 or 5-174).




Place ignition key switch in on position. Warning lights at bottom of instrument cluster should be on. a. If at least one warning light is on, go to step 4 below. b. If all warning lights are off, go to step 2 below.

Step 2.

Press bottom 5 ampere circuit breaker button located on right instrument panel. a. If at least one warning light is on, circuit breaker was tripped. If multimeter does not indicate 24 volts, go to step 4 below. b. If all warning lights are off, go to step 3 below.

step 3.

Place vehicle lights switch at right instrument panel in several positions and check operation of loader lights. a. If at least one loader light is on, place vehicle lights switch in off position. Check wiring connection between ignition switch ACC terminal and 5 ampere circuit breaker at right instrument panel for open circuit. Repair or replace wiring as necessary (page 5-168) . If wiring is okay, remove right instrument panel (page 5-48) and replace 5 ampere circuit breaker (page 5-53). If multimeter does not indicate 24 volts, go to step 4 below. b. If at least one loader light is not on, refer to page 3-81 light systems troubleshooting.

Step 4.

Place ignition key switch in off position. Tag and disconnect wire leads from voltmeter terminals (page 5-34). Connect 24 volts directly to voltmeter terminals. Voltmeter should indicate 23 to 25 volts. Disconnect 24 volts source from voltmeter terminals. a. If voltmeter does not indicate 23 to 25 volts, remove left instrument panel (page 5-34) and replace voltmeter (page 5-39). b. If voltmeter indicates 23 to 25 volts, check voltmeter wiring connections for open circuit. Repair or replace wiring as necessary (page 5-168).




Place ignition key switch in on position. Warning lights at bottom of instrument cluster should be on. a. If at least one warning light is on, refer to troubleshooting for individual gage (MALFUNCTIONS 8 thru 11 below). b. If all warning lights are off, go to step 2 below.

Step 2.

Press bottom 5 ampere circuit breaker button located on right instrument panel. a. If at least one warning light is on, circuit breaker was tripped. b. If all warning lights are off, go to step 3 below.

Step 3.

Place vehicle lights switch at right instrument panel in several positions and check operation of loader lights. a . If at least one loader light is on, place vehicle lights switch in off position. Check wiring connection between ignition switch ACC terminal and 5 ampere circuit breaker at right instrument panel for open circuit. Repair or replace wiring as necessary (page 5-168). If wiring is okay, remove right instrument panel (page 5-48) and replace 5 ampere circuit breaker (page 5-53). b . If at least one loader light is not on, refer to page 3-81 light systems troubleshooting.


Disconnect tan-black wire from terminal of fuel level sending unit (page 5-117). Tell an assistant to hold tan-black wire terminal against loader ground. Place ignition key switch in on position and watch fuel level gage. Gage pointer should move to bottom. a. If fuel level gage pointer moves to bottom, refer to page 3-93 sending units troubleshooting. b. If fuel level gage pointer does not move to bottom, go to step 2 below.




Check wiring connection between fuel level gage and fuel level sending unit. a. If wiring connection is bad , repair or replace wiring as necessary (page 5-168 or 5-174). b. If wiring is okay, remove instrument cluster (page 5-34) and check fuel level gage (page 5-41). If gage is bad, replace (page 5-39). If gage is okay, replace circuit board (page 5-39).

9. CONVERTER TEMPERATURE GAGE DOES NOT OPERATE. Step 1. Disconnect yellow-red wire from terminal of converter temperature sending unit (page 5-125). Tell an assistant to hold yellow-red wire terminal against loader ground. Place ignition key switch in on position and watch converter temperature gage. Gage pointer should move to top. a. If converter temperature gage pointer moves to top, refer to page 3-93 sending units troubleshooting. b. If converter temperature gage pointer does not move to top, go to step 2 below. Step 2.

Check wiring connection between converter temperature gage and converter temperature sending unit. a. If wiring connection is bad , repair or replace wiring as necessary (page 5-168 or 5-174). b . I f w i r i n g i s o k a y , r e m o v e i n s t r u m e n t c l u s t e r ( p a g e 5 - 3 4 ) and check converter temperature gage (page 5-41). If gage is b a d , replace (page 5-39). If gage is okay, replace circuit board (page 5-39).


Disconnect red-green wire 5-137). Tell an assistant to hold ground. Place ignition key switch gage. Gage pointer should

from terminal of air pressure sender (page red-green wire terminal against loader in on position and watch air pressure move to bottom. 3-79


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 10. AIR PRESSURE GAGE DOES NOT OPERATE (Cont). Step 1. (Cont). a . I f a i r p r e s s u r e g a g e p o i n t e r m o v e s to bottom, refer to page 3-93 sending units troubleshooting. b . I f a i r p r e s s u r e g a g e p o i n t e r does not move to bottom, go to step 2 below. Step 2.

Check wiring connection between a i r p r e s s u r e g a g e a n d a i r p r e s s u r e sender. a. If wiring connection is bad, repair or replace wiring as necessary (page 5-168 or 5-174). b. If wiring is okay, remove instrument cluster (page 5-34) and check air pressure gage (page 5-41). If gage is bad, replace (page 5-39). If gage is okay, replace circuit board (page 5-39).

11. WATER TEMPERATURE GAGE DOES NOT OPERATE. Step 1. Disconnect blue-yellow wire from terminal of water temperature sending unit (page 5-120). Tell an assistant to hold blue-yellow wire terminal against loader ground. P l a c e i g n i t i o n k e y s w i t c h in on position and watch water temperature gage. Gage pointer should move to top. a. If water temperature gage pointer moves to top, refer to page 3-93 sending units troubleshooting. b. If water temperature gage pointer does not move to top, go to step 2 below. Step 2.

Check wiring connection between water temperature gage and water temperature sending unit. a. If wiring connection is bad, repair or replace wiring as necessary (page 5-168 or 5-174). b. If wiring is okay, remove instrument cluster (page 5-34) and check water temperature gage (page 5-41). If gage is bad, replace (page 5-39). If gage is okay, replace circuit board (page 5-39).





Place ignition key switch in on position. Warning lights at bottom of instrument cluster should be on. a . If all warning lights are off, go to step 2 below. b . If at least one warning light is on, check wiring connection between ignition switch ACC terminal and connector at rear of v e h i c l e l i g h t s s w i t c h . Repair or replace wiring or connector as necessary (page 5-169). If wiring is okay, remove right instrument panel (page 5-48) and replace vehicle lights switch (page 5-53).

Step 2.

Place ignition key switch in start position. a . If engine does not crank, refer to page 3-62 starting system troubleshooting. b . If engine cranks, remove right instrument panel (page 5-48) and replace ignition key switch (page 5-53).

2. FLOOD LIGHTS DO NOT OPERATE. Step 1. Place Place Place Front

ignition key switch in on position. vehicle lights switch in SER DRIVE position. flood lights switch in on position. driving lights and front and rear flood lights should be on,

a, If at least one flood light is on, go to step 4 below. b. If all flood lights are off, and at least one driving light is on, go to step 2 below. c. If all flood lights and driving lights are off, check wiring connection at vehicle lights switch connector pin M. Repair “connector as necessary (page 5-169). If connector is okay, remove right instrument panel (page 5-48) and replace vehicle lights switch (page 5-53). Step 2.

Behind right instrument panel, connect multimeter between each terminal of flood light switch and cab sheet metal. Multimeter should indicate 24 volts for both terminals. 3-81


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 2. FLOOD LIGHTS DO NOT OPERATE (Cont). Step 2. (Cont). a. If multimeter indicates 24 volts for both terminals, go to step 3 below. b. If multimeter indicates zero for both terminals, check wiring connection between flood light switch and vehicle lights switch connector pin M. Repair or replace wire or connector as necessary (page 5-168). c. If multimeter indicates 24 volts at one terminal and zero at remaining terminal, remove right instrument panel (page 5-48) and replace flood light switch (page 5-53). Step 3.

Behind right instrument panel, connect multimeter between each terminal of 10 ampere circuit breaker and cab sheet metal. Check that multimeter indicates 24 volts for both terminals. a . If multimeter indicates 24 volts for both terminals, check wiring connection between 10 ampere circuit breaker and flood light. Repair or replace wire as necessary (page 5-168). b . If multimeter indicates zero for both terminals, check wiring connection between flood light switch and 10 ampere circuit b r e a k e r . Repair or replace wire as necessary (page 5-168). c . If multimeter indicates 24 volts at one terminal and zero at remaining terminal, remove right instrument panel (page 5-48) and replace 10 ampere circuit breaker (page 5-53).

Step 4.

Disconnect wiring harness terminal from wire lead terminal of flood light by grasping both terminals with your fingers and firmly pulling them apart. Connect multimeter between wiring harness terminal and chassis frame. Multimeter should indicate 24 volts. a . I f m u l t i m e t e r i n d i c a t e s 2 4 v o l t s , replace lamp (page 5-92 or 5-102). b. If multimeter indicates zero, check wiring connection between flood light wiring harness terminal and 10 ampere circuit breaker behind right instrument panel. Repair or replace wiring as necessary (page 5-168).




Place Place Place Front

ignition key switch in on position. vehicle lights switch in SER DRIVE position. flood lights switch in on position. driving lights and front and rear flood lights should be on.

a. If at least one driving light is on, go to step 3 below. b. If both driving lights are off , and at least one flood light is on, go to step 2 below. c. If all flood lights and driving lights are off, check wiring connection at vehicle lights switch connector pin M. Repair connector as necessary (page 5-169). If connector is okay, remove right instrument panel (page 5-48) and replace vehicle lights switch (page 5-53). Step 2. Behind right instrument panel, connect multimeter between each terminal of 6 ampere circuit breaker and cab sheet metal. Check that multimeter indicates 24 volts for both terminals. a. If multimeter indicates 24 volts for both terminals, check wiring connection between 6 ampere circuit breaker and driving lights. Repair or replace wire as necessary (page 5-168). b. If multimeter indicates zero for both terminals, check wiring connection between 6 ampere circuit breaker and vehicle lights switch pin M. Repair or replace wire or connector as necessary (page 5-168). c. If multimeter indicates 24 volts at one terminal and zero at remaining terminal, remove right instrument panel (page 5-48) and replace 6 ampere circuit breaker (page 5-53). Step 3.

Disconnect wiring harness terminal from wire lead terminal of driving light by grasping both terminals with your fingers and firmly pulling them apart. Connect multimeter between wiring harness terminal and chassis frame. Multimeter should indicate 24 volts. a . I f m u l t i m e t e r i n d i c a t e s 2 4 v o l t s , replace lamp (page 5-92). b . I f m u l t i m e t e r i n d i c a t e s z e r o , check wiring connection between driving light wiring harness terminal and 6 ampere circuit breaker behind right instrument panel. Repair or replace wiring as necessary (page 5-168). 3-83


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 4. BLACKOUT DRIVING LIGHT DOES NOT OPERATE. Step 1. D i s c o n n e c t w i r i n g h a r n e s s t e r m i n a l f r o m f r o n t b l a c k o u t l i g h t t e r m i nal by grasping terminal with your fingers and firmly pulling apart. Connect multimeter between wiring harness termimal and fender. Place ignition key switch in on position. Place vehicle lights switch in B.0. DRIVE position. Multimeter should i n d i c a t e 2 4 v o l t s . a . I f m u l t i m e t e r i n d i c a t e s 2 4 v o l t s , replace lamp (page 5-99). b. If multimeter indicates zero, go to step 2 below. Step 2.

Place vehicle lights and ignition key switches in off position. Reach behind right instrument panel and unplug vehicle lights switch connector by turning connector nut counterclockwise and pulling firmly. Check wiring connection between blackout light wiring harness termin a l and vehicle lights switch connector pin D. a . Repair or replace wire or connector as necessary (page 5-168 or 5-179). b . If wire and connector are okay, remove right instrument panel (page 5-48) and replace vehicle lights switch (page 5-53).


Place ignition key switch in on position. Place vehicle lights switch in SER DRIVE position. Service tail lights and front driving lights should be on. a. If one tail light is on, go to step 3 below. b. If both tail lights are off, and at least one front driving light is on, go to step 2 below. c. If all tail lights and driving lights are off, refer to page 3-80 MALFUNCTION 1.

Step 2.


Place vehicle Reach behind connector by firmly. Check wiring at tail lights

lights and ignition key switches in off position. right instrument panel and unplug vehicle lights switch turning connector nut counterclockwise and pulling connection between wiring harness pink wire terminals and vehicle lights switch connector pin H.



5. SERVICE TAIL LIGHTS DO NOT OPERATE (Cont). Step 2. (Cont). a. Repair or replace wire or connector as necessary (page 5-168 or 5-174). b. If wiring and connectors are okay, remove right instrument panel (page 5-48) and replace vehicle lights switch (page 5-53). Step 3. Disconnect wiring harness pink wire terminal from tail light red wire terminal by grasping both terminals with your fingers and firmly pulling them apart. Connect multimeter between wiring harness terminal and chassis frame. Multimeter should indicate 24 volts. a. If multimeter indicates 24 volts, connect terminals by grasping both terminals with your fingers, alining, and firmly pushing them together. Go to step 4 below. b. If multimeter indicates zero, check wiring connection at pink wire terminal. Repair or replace wiring or terminal as necessary (page 5-174). Step 4.

Place ignition key switch in off position. Disconnect wiring harness black wire terminal from tail light black wire terminal by grasping both terminals with your fingers and firmly pulling them apart. Connect multimeter between wiring harness terminal and chassis frame. Multimeter should indicate continuity. a. If multimeter indicates continuity, replace lamp (page 5-105). Connect black wire terminals by grasping both terminals with your fingers, alining, and firmly pushing them together. If tail light still does not operate, replace tail light assembly (page 5-105). b. If multimeter does not indicate continuity, check wiring harness connection between black wire terminal and chassis frame. Repair or replace wiring or terminal as necessary (page 5-168 or 5-174). 3-85



Place ignition key switch in on position. Place vehicle lights switch in B.0. DRIVE position. Blackout tail lights and blackout driving light should be on. a. If one tail light is on, go to step 3 below. b. If both tail lights are off, and blackout driving light is on, go to step 2 below. C.

Step 2.

If all blackout lights are off, refer to page 3-81, MALFUNCTION 1.

Place vehicle Reach behind connector by firmly. Check wiring at tail lights

lights and ignition key switches in off position. right instrument panel and unplug vehicle lights switch turning connector nut counterclockwise and pulling connection between wiring harness yellow wire terminals and vehicle lights switch connector pin E.

a. Repair or replace wire or connector as necessary (page 5-168 or 5-179). b. If wiring and connectors are okay, remove right instrument panel (page 5-48) and replace vehicle lights switch (page 5-53). Step 3.

Disconnect wiring harness yellow wire terminal from tail light wire terminal by grasping both terminals with your fingers and firmly pulling them apart. Connect multimeter between w i r i n g h a r n e s s t e r m i n a l a n d c h a s s i s frame. Multimeter should indicate 24 volts. a. If multimeter indicates 24 volts, connect terminals by grasping both terminals with your fingers, alining, and firmly-pushing them together. Then replace lamp (page 5-109). If tail light still does not operate , replace blackout tail light assembly (page 5-109). b . I f m u l t i m e t e r i n d i c a t e s z e r o , check wiring connection at yellow wire terminal. Repair or replace wiring or terminal as necessary (page 5-179).




Start and operate engine until air pressure gage indicates in green area, then shut down engine. Place ignition key switch in on position. Place vehicle lights switch in B.0. DRIVE position. Tell assistant to press brake treadle and valve. Blackout stop lights and driving light should be on. a. If one stop light is on, go to step 5 below. b. If both stop lights are off and driving light is on, go to step 2 below. c. If all blackout lights are off, refer to page 3-81, MALFUNCTION 1.

Step 2. Place vehicle lights switch in SER DRIVE position. Tell assistant to press brake treadle and valve. Service stop lights should be on. a. If one stop light is on, refer to page 3-88, MALFUNCTION 8. b. If both stop lights are off, go to step 3 below. Step 3. Unlock and open front access door. Connect a short jumper wire across stop light switch terminals at bottom of brake treadle and valve. Service stop lights should be on. Place vehicle lights switch in B.0. DRIVE p o s i t i o n . Blackout stop l i g h t s s h o u l d be on. a . If at least one stop light is on, replace double check valve and stop light switch (page 7-66) . b . If all stop lights are off, remove jumper wire and go to step 4 below.




Place vehicle lights and ignition key switches in off position. Reach behind right instrument panel and unplug vehicle lights switch connector by turning connector nut counterclockwise and pulling firmly. Check wiring connection between wiring harness pink-white wire terminals at blackout stop and tail lights and vehicle lights switch connector pin N. a. Repair or replace wiring or connector as necessary (page 5-168 or 5-179). b. If wiring and connectors are okay, remove right instrument panel (page 5-48) and replace vehicle lights switch (page 5-53).

Step 5.

Disconnect wiring harness pink-white wire terminal from tail light wire terminal by grasping both terminals with your fingers and firmly pulling them apart. Connect multimeter between wiring harness terminal and chassis frame. Tell assistant to press brake treadle and valve. Multimeter should indicate 24 volts. a. If multimeter indicates 24 volts, connect terminals by grasping both terminals with your fingers, alining, and firmly pushing them together. Then replace lamp (page 5-109). If stop light still does not operate, replace blackout stop and tail light assembly (page 5-109). b. If multimeter indicates zero, check wiring connection at pinkwhite wire terminal. Repair or replace wiring or terminal as necessary (page 5-179).


Start and operate engine until air pressure gage indicates in green area, then shut down engine. Place ignition key switch in on position. Place vehicle lights switch in SER DRIVE position. Tell assistant to press brake treadle and valve. Service stop lights and driving lights should be on. a. If one stop light is on, go to step 4 below. b. If both stop lights are off and at least one driving light is on, go to step 2 below.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 8. SERVICE STOP LIGHTS DO NOT OPERATE (Cont). Step 1. (Cont). c. If all lights are off, refer to page 3-81, MALFUNCTION 1. Step 2.

Place vehicle lights switch in B.0. DRIVE position. Tell assistant to press brake treadle and valve. Blackout stop lights should be on. a. If at least one blackout stop light is on, go to step 3 below. b. If both blackout stop lights are off, refer to page 3-87, MALFUNCTION 1.

Step 3.

Place vehicle Reach behind connector by firmly. Check wiring stop and tail

lights and ignition key switches in off position. right instrument panel and unplug vehicle lights switch turning connector nut counterclockwise and pulling connection between wiring harness tan wire terminals at lights and vehicle lights switch connector pin C.

a. Repair or replace wiring or connector as necessary (page 5-168 or 5-174). b. If wiring and connectors are okay, remove right instrument panel (page 5-48) and replace vehicle lights switch (page 5-53). Step 4. Disconnect wiring harness tan wire terminal from tail light green wire terminal by grasping both terminals with your fingers and firmly pulling them apart. Connect multimeter between wiring harness terminal and chassis frame. Tell assistant to press brake treadle and valve. Multimeter should indicate 24 volts. a. If multimeter indicates 24 volts, both terminals with your fingers, them together. Then replace lamp still does not operate, go to step

connect terminals by grasping alining, and firmly pushing (page 5-105). If stop light 5 below.

b . I f m u l t i m e t e r i n d i c a t e s z e r o , check wiring connection at green wire terminal. Repair or replace wiring or terminal as necessary (page 5-174).



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 8. SERVICE STOP LIGHTS DO NOT OPERATE (Cont). Step 5. Place ignition key switch in off position. Disconnect wiring harness black wire terminal from tail light black wire terminal by grasping both terminals with your fingers and firmly pulling them apart. Connect multimeter between wiring harness terminal and chassis frame. Multimeter should indicate continuity. a. If multimeter does not indicate continuity, check wiring connection between black wire terminal and chassis frame. Repair or replace wiring or terminal as necessary (page 5-174). b. If multimeter indicates continuity, replace tail light assembly (page 5-105). 9. VOLTMETER LIGHT OR INSTRUMENT CLUSTER GAGE LIGHTS DO NOT OPERATE. Step 1. Place ignition key switch in on position. P l a c e vehicle lights switch in SER DRIVE and PANEL DIM positions. P l a c e dimmer compartment lights control at right instrument panel in f u l l y clockwise position. Voltmeter light and instrument cluster gage lights should be on. a . If voltmeter light is off, and at least one instrument cluster gage light is on, replace voltmeter lamp (page 5-34). If new voltmeter lamp does not operate, replace voltmeter light socket assembly (page 5-34). b . If voltmeter light is on, and all instrument cluster gage lights a r e o f f , check gray wire connection from wiring harness to instrument cluster connector pin 8. Repair or replace wiring or connector as necessary (page 5-168). If wiring and connector are okay, remove instrument cluster (page 5-34) and replace circuit board (page 5-39). c . If voltmeter light is on, and at least one instrument cluster gage light is on, replace instrument cluster gage lamp (page 5-34). If new gage lamp does not operate, remove instrument cluster (page 5-34) and replace circuit board (page 5-39). d . If voltmeter light and all instrument cluster gage lights are off, go to step 2 below. 3-90


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 9. VOLT METER LIGHT OR INSTRUMENT CLUSTER GAGE LIGHTS DO NOT OPERATE (Cont). Step 2. Place cab dome light switch in on position. a. If cab dome light is on, go to step 3 below. b. If cab dome light is off, go to step 4 below. Step 3.

Reach behind right instrument panel and connect multimeter between each terminal of 15 ohm resistor and cab, sheet metal. Multimeter should indicate at least 5 volts for both terminals. a. If multimeter indicates at least 5 volts for both terminals, check gray wire connection from 15 o h m r e s i s t o r t o i n s t r u m e n t cluster connector pin 8. Repair or replace wiring or connector as necessary (page 5-168). b. If multimeter indicates zero for both terminals, check gray wire connection from 15 ohm resistor to dimmer compartment lights control. Repair or replace wiring or terminal as necessary (page 5-168) . c. If multimeter indicates at least 5 volts at one terminal and zero at remaining terminal, remove right instrument panel (page 5-48) and replace 15 ohm resistor (page 5-53).

Step 4. Place vehicle lights switch in PANEL BRT position. Cab dome light should be on. a. If cab dome light is not on, go to step 5 below. b. If cab dome light is on, remove right instrument panel (page 5-48) and replace vehicle lights switch (page 5-53). Step 5. Reach beneath right instrument panel and connect multimeter between each terminal of dimmer compartment lights control and cab sheet metal. Multimeter should indicate 24 volts for both terminals. a . If multimeter indicates 24 volts for both terminals, check wiring connection from dimmer compartment lights control to 15 ohm resistor and cab dome light. Repair or replace wiring or terminals as necessary (page 5-168, 5-184, 5-188, or 5-192).




9. VOLTMETER LIGHT OR INSTRUMENT CLUSTER GAGE LIGHTS DO NOT OPERATE (Cont). Step 5. (Cont). b. If multimeter indicates zero for both terminals, check wiring connection between dimmer compartment lights control and vehicle lights switch connector pin B. Repair or replace wiring or connector as necessary (page 5-169). If wiring and connector are okay, remove right instrument panel (page 5-48) and replace vehicle lights switch (page 5-53). c. If multimeter indicates 24 volts at one terminal and zero at remaining terminal, remove right instrument panel (page 5-48) and replace dimmer compartment lights control (page 5-53).




Remove engine left rear side panel (page 9-14).

page 5-112

Step 2.

Start engine and watch multimeter. Multimeter should indicate no continuity (open circuit). a . If multimeter indicates continuity, refer to page 3-36, MALFUNCTION 9. If engine oil pressure is okay, replace engine oil pressure switch (page 5-112). b . If multimeter does not indicate continuity, refer to page 3-71, MALFUNCTION 2.


Remove and t e s t f u e l l e v e l s e n d i n g u n i t ( p a g e 5 - 1 1 7 ) . a . I f f u e l level sending unit tests okay, reinstall sending unit (page 5-119) and go to step 2 below. b. If fuel level sending unit does not test okay, replace sending unit (page 5-117).

Step 2.

Check ground wire connection between fuel level sending unit and cover plate. a . I f w i r i n g c o n n e c t i o n i s b a d , replace ground wire (page 5-117). b. If ground wire connection is okay, refer to page 3-78, MALFUNCTION 8. 3-93


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 3. WATER TEMPERATURE SENDING UNIT DOES NOT OPERATE. Remove and test water temperature sending unit (page 5-120). a . If water temperature unit (page 5-123) and If water temperature 3-53 cooling system

sending unit tests okay, reinstall sending refer to page 3-80, MALFUNCTION 11. gage and wiring are okay, refer to page troubleshooting.

b . If water temperature sending unit does not test okay, replace sending unit (page 5-120). 4. CONVERTER TEMPERATURE SENDING UNIT DOES NOT OPERATE. Remove and test converter temperature sending unit (page 5-125). a. If converter temperature sending unit tests okay, reinstall sending unit (page 5-127) and refer to page 3-79, MALFUNCTION 1. If converter temperature gage and wiring are okay, refer to page 3-101 transmission troubleshooting. b. If converter temperature sending unit does not test okay, replace sending unit (page 5-125). 5. CLUTCH PRESSURE SWITCH DOES NOT OPERATE. Step 1. Remove engine right front side panel (page 9-14). Disconnect wire leads from terminals of clutch pressure switch by grasping with fingers and firmly pulling apart. Connect multimeter between clutch pressure switch terminals. Multimeter should indicate continuity. a. If multimeter indicates continuity, go to step 2 below. b. If multimeter does not indicate continuity, replace clutch pressure switch (page 5-128). Step 2. Start engine and watch multimeter. Multimeter should indicate no continuity (open circuit).



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 5. CLUTCH PRESSURE SWITCH DOES NOT OPERATE (Cont). Step 2. (Cont). a. If multimeter indicates continuity, refer to transmission troubleshooting (page 3-101). If transmission operates normally, replace clutch pressure switch (page 5-128). b. If multimeter does not indicate continuity, refer to page 3-72, MALFUNCTION 3. 6. NEUTRAL START SWITCH DOES NOT OPERATE. Step 1.

Remove engine right front side panel (page 9-14). Disconnect wire leads from terminals of neutral start switch. Connect multimeter between neutral start switch terminals. Apply parking brake and place transmission control lever in N (neutral) position. Multimeter should indicate continuity. a. If multimeter indicates continu ty, go to step 2 below. b. If multimeter does not indicate continuity, go to step 4 below.

Step 2.

Connect a short jumper wire across wiring harness terminals disconnect from neutral start switch. Place ignition key switch in start position. a. If engine cranks and starts, disconnect jumper wire and go to step 3 below. b . I f e n g i n e d o e s n o t c r a n k , r e f e r t o page 3-62 starting system troubleshooting.

Step 3. W i t h e n g i n e r u n n i n g , c o n n e c t m u l t i m e t e r b e t w e e n n e u t r a l s t a r t s w i t c h terminals. Tell assistant to press brake declutch treadle and valve firmly and place transmission control lever in H position. Multimeter should indicate no continuity (open circuit). Tell assistant to place transmission control lever in N (neutral) position and shut down engine. 3-95



6. NEUTRAL START SWITCH DOES NOT OPERATE (Cont). Step 3. (Cont). a. If multimeter does not indicate continuity, refer to page 3-62 starting system troubleshooting. b. If multimeter indicates continuity, go to step 4 below. Step 4.

Check transmission control lever cable adjustment (page 6-18). a. Adjust transmission control cable (page 6-18). b. Go to step 5 below if cable adjustment is okay.

Step 5.

Remove and test neutral start switch (page 5-133). a. Replace defective neutral start switch (page 5-133). b. If neutral start switch tests okay, reinstall switch (page 5-134) and notify next higher maintenance level to replace transmission control valve.

7. AIR PRESSURE SENDER DOES NOT OPERATE. Remove and test air pressure sender (page 5-137). a. If air pressure sender tests okay, reinstall sender (page 5-139) and refer to page 3-79, MALFUNCTION 10. If air pressure gage and wiring are okay, refer to page 3-120 air brake system troubleshooting. b. If air pressure sender does not test okay, replace sender (page 5-137). 8. PARKING BRAKE SWITCH DOES NOT OPERATE. Step 1.


Behind right instrument panel, at parking brake valve, disconnect brown-red wire from terminal of parking brake switch. Connect multimeter between parking brake switch terminal and ground.



Start and operate engine until air pressure gage indicates in green area, then shut down engine. Pull parking brake control out. Multimeter should indicate continuity. a. If multimeter indicates continuity, go to step 2 below. b. If multimeter does not indicate continuity, replace parking brake switch (page 5-48). Step 2. Push parking brake control in. Multimeter should indicate no continuity (open circuit). a. If multimeter does not indicate continuity, refer to page 3-73, MALFUNCTION 4. b. If multimeter indicates continuity, replace parking brake switch (page 5-48).




Remove engine left side panels (page 9-14) and open front access door. Disconnect gray-white wires from terminals of both hydraulic filter switches (pages 8-43 and 11-82). Connect multimeter between terminal of each hydraulic filter switch and ground. Multimeter should indicate continuity for each switch. a. If multimeter indicates continuity, go to step 2 below. b. If multimeter does not indicate continuity, replace hydraulic filter switch (page 8-43 or 11-84).

Step 2.

Start engine and connect multimeter between terminal of each hydraulic filter switch and ground. Multimeter should indicate no continuity (open circuit) for each switch. a. If multimeter indicates continuity, replace hydraulic filter element (page 8-40 or 11-82) and repeat step 2. If multimeter indicates continuity after filter change, replace hydraulic filter switch (page 8-43 or 11-84). b. If multimeter does not indicate continuity, refer to page 3-75, MALFUNCTION 5.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. BATTERIES NEED WATER FREQUENTLY. Step 1. Apply parking brake and place transmission control lever in N (neutral) position. Tell assistant to start engine and operate at 1800 rpm. Record voltmeter indication and tell assistant to shut down engine. a. If voltmeter indicates more than 31 volts, replace alternator (page 5-10). b. If voltmeter indicates 24 to 31 volts, go to step 2 below. Step 2. Test battery open circuit voltage (page 5-142) and battery load capacity (page 5-143). a. Replace a defective battery (page 5-148). b. If batteries test okay, check wiring connection at alternator BAT terminal, s t a r t e r r e l a y , a n d s t a r t e r s o l e n o i d B A T t e r m i n a l for corrosion or loose connection. Clean and tighten connections as necessary. If wiring connections are okay, check for high resistance in battery tables (refer to page 3-69, MALFUNCTION 3, step 5). 2. BATTERIES DISCHARGED OR DO NOT MAINTAIN CHARGE. Step 1. Service batteries (page 5-140).

Battery electrolyte is toxic and corrosive. Use protective goggles and gloves when performing the following. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, clothes, and don’t breathe vapors. a. Clean battery cases and add distilled water to battery cells as necessary. b. If batteries are okay, go to step 2 below. Step 2.

Check cable connections at battery posts. a. Clean or tighten battery cable connections as necessary. b . I f b a t t e r y c a b l e connections are okay, go to step 3 below.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 2. BATTERIES DISCHARGED OR DO NOT MAINTAIN CHARGE (Cont). Step 3. Check alternator drive belts tension or deflection (page 5-2). a. Adjust drive belts tension or deflection as necessary (page 5-5). Replace worn or damaged belts as a matched set (page 5-4). b. If belt tension or deflection is okay, go to step 4 below. Step 4. Test battery load capacity (page 5-143). a . Replace a defective battery (page 5-148). b . If batteries test okay, check for high resistance in battery cables (refer to page 3-69, MALFUNCTION 3, step 5). If battery cables are okay, refer to page 3-60 charging system troubleshooting.




Check oil level with transmission at operating temperature (page 6-4), transmission control lever in N (neutral) and engine operating at idle speed. a. If oil level is not between FULL and ADD marks, add oil (page 6-4). NOTE

One quart o f o i l w i l l r a i s e d i p s t i c k l e v e l 1/2 inch. b . I f o i l l e v e l is between FULL and ADD marks, go to step 2 below. Step 2.

Check source of o i l a n d e n s u r e t h a t o i l i s c o r r e c t g r a d e a n d t y p e . a. If oil is not correct grade and type, drain oil, replace oil filter, and add new oil (page 6-6). b. If oil is correct grade and type, go to step 3 .

Step 3.

Remove transmission oil level dipstick and check f o r w a t e r o n d i p stick. a. If water on dipstick, drain oil, replace oil filter, and add new oil (page 6-6). b. If water is not on dipstick, go to step 4.

Step 4.

Check if transmission pump mounting bolts are loose. a. If transmission pump mounting bolts are loose, tighten them. b. If transmission pump mounting bolts are not loose. notify next higher maintenance level (problem is in charging pump gasket). 3-101



Check oil level with transmission at operating temperature (page 6-4), transmission control lever in N (neutral) and engine operating at idle speed. a. If oil level is not between FULL and ADD marks, add oil (page 6-4). NOTE

One quart of oil will raise dipstick level 1/2 inch. b. If oil level is between FULL and ADD marks, go to step 2 below. Step 2.

Check oil filter for leakage and/or damage. a . If oil filter is leaking, tighten; if damaged, replace (page 6-8). b . If oil filter is not leaking or damaged, go to step 3.

Step 3.

Remove suction strainer and check if dirty or damaged (page 6-6). a . I f s u c t i o n strainer is dirty, clean; if damaged, replace (page 6-6). b . I f s u c t i o n strainer is okay, go to step 4 below.

Step 4.


Remove engine right side panels (page 9-14). At transmission control valve, check linkage for proper adjustment or damage (page 6-18).



Step 4. (Cont). a. If linkage is not properly adjusted, adjust; if damaged, repair by replacing damaged part or parts (page 6-10). b. If transmission linkage is okay, notify next higher maintenance level (pressure tests must be performed to localize problem).

3. HIGH TRANSMISSION OIL TEMPERATURE (CONV TEMP GAGE INDICATES EXCESSIVE TEMPERATURE) . Step 1. Check oil level with transmission at opersting temperature (page 6-4), transmission control lever in N (neutral) and engine operating at idle speed. a. If oil level is not between PULL and ADD marks, add oil (page 6-4). NOTE One quart of oil will raise dipstick level 1/2 inch. b. If oil level is between FULL and ADD marks, go to step 2 below. Step 2. Check radiator for clogged fins or obstruction, leakage, or damage. a. If radiator fins are clogged, clean; if fins are obstructed, remove obstructions. If radiator is leaking or damaged, replace (page 4-80). b. If radiator is okay, go to step 3 below. 3-103



Check hoses between transmission and radiator oil cooler for leakage or damage a. If hoses between transmission and radiator are leaking or damaged, replace (page 6-26). b. If hoses are okay, go to step 4 below.

Step 4.

Check CONV TEMP gage and sending unit (page 3-94). a. If CONV TEMP gage is defective, remove instrument cluster (page 5-34) and replace gage (page 5-39); if sending unit is d e f e c t i v e , r e p l a c e- ( p a g e 5 - 1 2 5 ) . b. If CONV TEMP gage and sending unit are okay, go to step 5 below.

Step 5.

C h e c k o i l f i l t e r f o r l e a k a g e or damage. a. If oil filter is leaking, tighten; if damaged, replace (page 6 - 8 ) . b. If oil filter is okay, go to step 6 below.

Step 6.

Remove s u c t i o n s t r a i n e r a n d c h e c k i f d i r t y , clogged, or damaged (page 6-6). a. If suction strainer is dirty or clogged, clean; if damaged, replace (page 6-6). b. If suction strainer is okay, notify next higher maintenance level (pressure tests must be performed to localize problem).



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 4. LOSS OF DRIVE IN ALL RANGES. Step 1. Check oil level with transmission at operating temperature (page 6-4), transmission control lever in N (neutral) and engine operating at idle speed. a. If oil level is not between FULL and ADD marks, add oil (page 6-4). NOTE One quart of oil will raise dipstick level 1/2 inch. b. If oil level is between FULL and ADD marks, go to step 2 below. Step 2.

Remove engine right side panels (page 9-14). Watch control valve assembly valve spool while an assistant moves transmission control lever through its entire range. Movement of control valve assembly valve spool should be seen. a. If movement is not seen, replace/repair cable/linkage (page 6-10). b. If movement is seen, go to step 3 below.

Step 3.

Disconnect linkage at control valve assembly valve spool (page 6-10) and engage transport/service link (page 9-8).

Before performing following, be sure that transport/service link is engaged. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death due to chassis pivoting and crushing you when you are working in area between front and rear chassis. Start engine, operate at idle speed, and apply parking brake. 3-105


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 4. LOSS OF DRIVE IN ALL RANGES (Cont). Step 3. (Cont). NOTE Do not depress declutch treadle and valve. Depressing declutch treadle and valve activates clutch cutout cylinder in turn neutralizing transmission. With an assistant in operator’s seat, move control valve assembly valve spool slowly through its entire range of travel. Movement of loader should be seen. a. If loader moves, adjust transmission linkage controls (page 6-18).

Step 4.

b. If loader does not move, go to step 4 below. Disconnect and cap hose connected to control valve assembly clutch cutout cylinder. Start engine and operate at idle speed and apply parking brake.

Before performing the following steps, be sure that transport/service link is engaged. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death due to chassis pivoting and crushing you when you are working in area between front and rear chassis. With an assistant in operator’s seat, move control valve assembly valve spool slowly through its entire range of travel. Movement of loader should be seen. a. If loader does not move, notify next higher maintenance level (control valve assembly must be replaced). b. If loader moves, replace declutch treadle and valve (page 7-53). 3-106


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 5. LOSS OF POWER. Step 1. Check for foamy oil (MALFUNCTION 1 above). Refer to MALFUNCTION 1 above. Step 2. Engage transport/service link (page 9-8).

Before performing following, be sure that transport/service link is engaged. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death due to chassis pivoting and crushing you when you are working in area between front and r e a r c h a s s i s . At left front of rear chassis, watch lever of parking brake mounted on transmission. Tell assistant to start engine, allow air pressure to build up, then pull out parking brake valve knob to apply parking brake. Check that parking brake lever moves. Tell assistant to push in knob of parking brake valve to release parking brake while you watch parking brake lever. Check that parking brake lever moves. a. If parking brake lever does not move, replace parking brake chamber (page 7-8). b. If parking brake lever moves, check parking brake linkage adjustment (page 7-16), then go to step 3 below. Step 3.

Place blocks at each wheel to prevent loader from moving. Engage transport/service link (page 9-8). Ensure that parking brake is in released position.

Before raising vehicle from is installed. Failure to do jacks or jack stands causing by falling equipment, obtain

ground, so may serious medical

be sure that transport/service link cause loader to turn and slip off injury or death. If you are injured aid immediately.

Raise one axle so that tires and wheels are off ground. Rotate wheel by hand and check that wheel rotates freely without excessive drag. Repeat for remaining wheel. Repeat for remaining axle. 3-107


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 5. LOSS OF POWER (Cont). Step 3. (Cont). a. If a wheel does not rotate freely without excessive drag or is locked, replace brake caliper (page 7-28). b. If wheels rotate freely, lower axle, disengage transport/service link (page 9-8) , and remove blocks from wheels. Check drive shaft assemblies and universal joints for damage; repair or replace as necessary (pages 6-34 through 6-47). If the above check okay, notify next higher maintenance level (pressure tests must be performed to localize problem).

Be sure transport/service link is disengaged before driving loader. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death due to loss of steering control. 6. LOADER CONTINUES TO MOVE WITH CONTROL LEVER IN N (NEUTRAL). A t t r a n s m i s s i o n c o n t r o l v a l v e , check linkage for proper adjustment or damage (page 6-18). a. If linkage is not properly adjusted, adjust; if damaged, repair by replacing damaged part or parts (page 6-11). b. If transmission linkage is okay, notify next higher maintenance l e v e l ( c l u t c h w i l l n o t r e l e a s e ; transmission must be removed and repaired).



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTI0N 1. EXCESSIVE DRIVE SHAFT NOISE. Step 1. Check drive shafts and support bearing for insufficient lubrication, wear, or damage (indicated by excessive movement between universal joint and drive shaft in any one direction). a . If drive shafts or support bearing insufficiently lubricated, lubricate (refer to LO 5-3805-262-12). b . If drive shafts or support bearing is worn, bent, or damaged, replace (page 6-34, 6-41, or 6-45). c . If drive shaft is lubricated and not worn, bent, or damaged, go to step 2 below. Step 2.

Check splines on shafts and yokes for wear or damage. a. If splines are worn or damaged, replace shafts and yokes (page 6-34, 6-41, or 6-45). b. If splines are not worn or damaged, go to step 3 below.

Step 3. Check transmission and differential yokes for loose mountings. Tighten loose mountings (page 6-37, 6-42, or 6-46). 2. EXCESSIVE DRIVE SHAFT VIBRATION. Step 1.

Check drive shaft for bent or sprung condition. a. If drive shaft is bent or sprung, replace (page 6-34, 6-41, or 6-45). b . I f d r i v e s h a f t i s n o t bent or sprung, go to step 2 below.

Step 2. Check support bearing for wear and damage. a . I f s u p p o r t b e a r i n g i s worn or damaged, replace (page 6-41). b . I f s u p p o r t b e a r i n g i s not worn or damaged, go to step 3 below. Step 3.

Check for loose universal joint or support bearing mounting hardware.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 2. EXCESSIVE DRIVE SHAFT VIBRATION (Cont). Step 3. (Cont). a. If mounting hardware is loose, tighten (page 6-42). b. If mounting hardware is tight, go to step 4 below. Step 4.

Check universal joints for wear or damage by checking movement between universal joint and drive shaft. a. If movement is seen between universal joints and drive shaft, replace universal joints (page 6-34, 6-41, or 6-45). b. If movement is not seen, go to step 5 below.

Step 5.

Check transmission and differential yokes for loose mountings. Tighten loose mountings (page 6-37, 6-42, or 6-46).



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. LUBRICANT LEAKING FROM AXLE BREATHER. Check differential carrier lubricant level (page 6-48). Drain to proper level (page 6-49). 2. CONTINUOUS AXLE OR WHEEL NOISE. Check lubricant level (page 6-48). a. If lubricant level is low, add lubricant. b. If lubricant level is okay, notify next higher maintenance level. 3. DIFFERENTIAL CARRIER ASSEMBLY OVERHEATING. Check l u b r i c a n t l e v e l ( p a g e 6 - 4 8 ) . a. If lubricant level is low, add lubricant. b. If lubricant level is okay, notify next higher maintenance level. 4. LUBRICANT LEAKING FROM DIFFERENTIAL CARRIER. Check axle breathers for damage o r c l o g g e d c o n d i t i o n . a . I f a x l e b r e a t h e r i s damaged or clogged, clean or replace i t (page 6-51). b . I f a x l e b r e a t h e r i s okay, notify next higher maintenance l e v e l .



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. PARKING BRAKE DOES NOT APPLY (WILL NOT HOLD). Step 1. Start and operate engine at 1000 rpm until AIR PRESS gage needle indicates in green area. Push in and momentarily hold in knob of parking brake valve. Release parking brake valve knob. Check that parking brake valve knob stays in and parking brake is released. a. If parking brake valve knob does not stay in, parking brake valve has leakage. Replace parking brake valve (page 7-12). If parking brake does not release, adjust parking brake linkage (page 7-17). b. If parking brake valve knob stayed in and parking brake released, go to step 2 below. Step 2. Shut off engine. Operate brake treadle and valve and declutch treadle and valve until AIR PRESS gage needle is approximately 1/4 inch into red zone. Check that parking brake valve knob comes out and parking brake engages. a. If parking brake valve knob does not come out, replace p a r k i n g brake valve (page 7-12). If parking brake does not engage, adjust parking brake 1 inks ge (page 7-17). If parking brake linkage is adjusted properly, replace parking brake chamber (page 7-8). b. If parking brake valve knob came out and parking brake engaged, remove parking brake drum and check brake linings for wear or contamination (page 7-2). Replace if necessary. 2. PARKING BRAKE WILL NOT RELEASE. Check adjustment of parking brake linkage. a. If parking brake linkage is not adjusted correctly, adjust (page 7-17). b. If parking brake linkage is adjusted properly, replace parking brake chamber (page 7-8).




Check if air pressure is same in each tire (should be 40 psi). a. If air pressure in each tire is not 40 psi, adjust t i r e p r e s sure. b. If air pressure is okay, go to step 2 below.

Step 2.

Place blocks at each wheel to prevent loader from moving. Engage transport/service link (page 9-8). Ensure that parking brake is applied.

Before raising vehicle from ground, be sure that transport/service link is engaged. Failure to do so may cause loader to turn and slip off jacks or jack stands causing serious injury or death. Raise one axle and wheel off ground. Remove tire and wheel from axle end (page 8-4). Check brake calipers for brake fluid leakage or sticking piston. Repeat for other wheel and axle. a. If brake caliper is leaking or piston sticking, replace brake caliper (page 7-28). b. If brake caliper is okay, go to step 3 below. Step 3.

Check brake pads for wear (page 7-18), uneven glaze, and brake fluid or lubricant contamination. a. Replace brake pads if worn, glazed, or contaminated (page 7-19). b. If brake pads are okay, check disk for scored or grooved condition (page 7-18). Notify next higher maintenance level to replace disk if these conditions are seen.

2. POOR BRAKE ACTION. NOTE If service brake action is poor, bleed air from brake system (page 7-30). If brake action is still poor after bleeding air from brake system, go to step 1 below.




Check brake system hydraulic reservoirs fluid level (page 7-23). a. If fluid level is low, add fluid (page 7-23). b. If fluid level is okay, go to step 2 below.

Step 2.

Check brake hoses, lines, and fittings for brake fluid leaks (page 7-32). a. If connections are leaking fluid, tighten; if brake lines are leaking fluid, replace them (page 7-34 or 7-42). b. If brake lines and connections are okay, go to step 3 below.

Step 3.

Place blocks at each wheel to prevent loader from moving. Engage transport/service link (page 9-8). Ensure that parking brake is applied.

Before raising vehicle from ground, be sure that transport/service link is engaged. Failure to do so may cause loader to turn and slip off jacks or jack stands causing serious in-jury or death. Raise one axle and wheel off ground. Remove tire and wheel from axle end (page 8-4). Check brake calipers for brake fluid leakage. Repeat for other wheel and axle. a. If brake caliper is leaking, replace brake caliper (page 7-28). b. If brake caliper is okay, go to step 4 below. Step 4.

Check brake pads for wear (page 7-18), uneven glaze, and brake fluid or lubricant contamination. a. Replace brake pads if worn, glazed, or contaminated (page 7-19). b. If brake pads are okay, check each disk for scored or grooved condition (page 7-18). Notify next higher maintenance level to replace disk if these conditions are seen.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 3. SERVICE BRAKES GRAB. Step 1. Remove engine left side panels (page 9-14) and open front access door. Check source of brake fluid to ensure that correct brake fluid is used; also check for contaminated brake fluid. a. If incorrect brake fluid was used or if brake fluid is contaminated, drain brake system of brake fluid and refill using correct brake fluid. b. If brake fluid is okay, go to step 2 below. Step 2. Place blocks at each wheel to prevent loader from moving. Engage transport/service link (page 9-8). Ensure that parking brake is applied.

Before raising vehicle from ground, be sure that t r a n s p o r t / s e r v i c e l i n k is engaged. Failure to do so may cause loader to t u r n a n d s l i p o f f j a c k s or jack stands causing serious injury or death. Raise one axle and wheel off ground. Remove tire and wheel from axle end (page 8-4). Check brake calipers for brake fluid leakage or sticking piston. Repeat for other wheel and axle. a. If brake caliper is leaking, replace brake caliper (page 7-28). b. If brake calipers are okay, reinstall tire and wheels, and lower loader to ground. Go to MALFUNCTION 5, page 3-116. 4. SERVICE BRAKES SQUEAK OR GROAN AT END OF STOP. Step 1.

Place blocks at each wheel to prevent loader from moving. Engage transport/service link (page 9-8). Ensure that parking brake is applied.

Before raising vehicle from ground, be sure that t r a n s p o r t / s e r v i c e l i n k is engaged. Failure to do so may cause loader to t u r n a n d s l i p o f f j a c k s or jack stands causing serious injury or death. Raise one axle and wheel off ground. 3-115


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 4. SERVICE BRAKES SQUEAK OR GROAN AT END OF STOP (Cont). Step 1. (Cont). Remove tire and wheel from axle end (page 8-4). Check brake calipers for brake fluid leakage or sticking piston. Repeat for other wheel and axle. a. If brake caliper is leaking or piston sticking, replace brake caliper (page 7-28). b. If brake caliper is okay, go to step 2 below. Step 2.

Check brake pads for wear (page 7-18), uneven glaze, and brake fluid or lubricant contamination. a. Replace brake pads if worn, glazed, or contaminated (page 7-19). b. If brake pads are okay, check each disk for scored or grooved condition (page 7-18). Notify next higher maintenance level to replace disk if these conditions are seen.



Remove engine left side panels (page 9-14) and open front access door. Bleed air from front and rear brakes systems (page 7-30). Open air reservoir drain valve and drain air. At front brake actuator, disconnect air hose connected to elbow installed in brake actuator air chamber. Connect a 9/16-18 street tee to elbow. Connect air hose disconnected from elbow above to street tee. Connect zero to 150 psi pressure gage to street tee. Close air reservoir drain valve. Tell assistant to start and operate engine at 1000 rpm until AIR PRESS gage needle indicates in green area.


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 5. SERVICE BRAKES DO NOT STOP LOADER (AIR SYSTEM OPERATING OKAY) (Cont). Step 1. (Cont). Tell assistant to press brake treadle and valve. Pressure gage should indicate 90 psi minimum. Tell assistant to shut off engine. a . If pressure gage did not indicate 90 psi minimum, open air reservoir drain valve and drain air. Disconnect pressure gage, air hose connected to street tee, and street tee. Connect air hose disconnected from street tee to elbow. Go to step 3 below. b . If pressure gage indicated 90 psi minimum, go to step 2 below. Step 2.

Place blocks at each wheel to prevent loader from moving. Engage transport/service link (page 9-8). Ensure that parking brake is applied.

Before raising loader from g r o u n d , b e s u r e t h a t transport/service link is engaged. Failure to do so may cause loader to turn and slip off jacks or jack stands causing serious injury or death. Raise front axle and wheel off ground. Remove tire and wheel from axle end. Tell assistant to start and operate engine at 1000 rpm until AIR PRESS gage needle indicates in green area. Tell assistant to press brake treadle and valve while you check if brake pads move inward. Tell assistant to shut off engine. 3-117



5. SERVICE BRAKES DO NOT STOP LOADER (AIR SYSTEM OPERATING OKAY) (Cont). Step 2. (Cont). a. If brake pads did not move, replace front brake actuator (page 7-51). b. If brake pads did move, replace rear brake actuator (page 7-51). Step 3.

Open air reservoir drain valve and drain air. Remove one plug from brake treadle and valve upper chamber and install 1/2 to 1/8 NPT reducer. Connect zero to 150 psi pressure gage to reducer. Pressure gage hose should be long enough so that you can read pressure gage in cab. Close air reservoir drain valve. Start engine and operate at 1000 rpm until low air pressure buzzer stops sounding. Slowly press brake treadle and valve while watching pressure gage. Pressure gage shall indicate increasing air pressure as brake treadle and valve is pressed. a. If pressure gage does not indicate increasing air pressure, replace brake treadle and valve (page 7-53). b. If pressure gage indicates increasing air pressure, go to step 4 below.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 5. SERVICE BRAKES DO NOT STOP LOADER (AIR SYSTEM OPERATING OKAY) (Cont). Step 4. Operate engine at 1000 rpm until air pressure gage indication on left instrument cluster no longer increases. Press brake treadle and valve down completely. Pressure gage connected to brake treadle and valve port shall indicate approximate pressure in air reservoir. Correct pressure is approximately 110 psi when brake treadle and valve is fully pressed. a. If pressure gage does not indicate approximately 110 psi, replace brake treadle and valve (page 7-53). b. If pressure gage indicates approximately 110 psi, go to step 5 below. Step 5.

Release brake treadle and valve. Pressure gage connected to brake treadle and valve port shall indicate zero psi. If pressure gage does not indicate zero psi, replace brake treadle and valve (page 7-53).



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. LOW AIR PRESSURE WARNING BUZZER SOUNDS. Do not operate loader if low air pressure warning buzzer is sounding and if AIR PRESS gage indication is not in green zone. Failure to do so could cause death or serious injury and extensive property damage due to loss of braking power. Start engine and operate for several minutes to build up air pressure. A t l e f t i n s t r u m e n t p a n e l , check AIR PRESS gage indication. a. If AIR PRESS gage indicates in green zone, replace air pressure warning switch (page 5-48). b. If AIR PRESS gage does not indicate in green zone, go to MALFUNCTION 3 below (page 3-121). 2. AIR PRESSURE GAGE INDICATES LOW AIR PRESSURE (LOW AIR PRESSURE BUZZER NOT SOUNDING). Step 1.

Remove engine right side panels (page 9-14). At air reservoir port, disconnect wire lead from pressure sender terminal. AIR PRESS gage should indicate in green zone.

a. If AIR PRESS gage indicates in green zone, go to step 2 below. b. If AIR PRESS gage does not indicate in green zone, check for short circuit to ground in wire lead between gage and pressure sender. If wire lead checks okay, remove instrument cluster (page 5-34) and replace AIR PRESS gage (page 5-39). 3-120



Touch wire lead disconnected in step 1 above to clean metal area of chassis. AIR PRESS gage should indicate in red zone (low air pressure). a. If AIR PRESS gage indicates in red zone, replace p r e s s u r e s e n d e r (page 5-136). b. If AIR PRESS gage does not indicate in red zone, check for open in wire lead connected between gage and pressure s e n d e r . If wire lead is okay, remove instrument cluster (page 5-34) and replace AIR PRESS gage (page 5-39).


Check that air reservoir drain valve is fully closed.

a. If drain valve is not fully closed, close tightly. b. If drain valve is fully closed, go to step 2 below. Step 2.

Remove engine right side panels (page 9-14). Check air compressor drive belt adjustment (page 7-97). a. If air compressor drive belt is not adjusted properly, adjust (page 7-97). b. If air compressor drive belt is adjusted properly, go to step 3 below. 3-121



Check air compressor governor adjustment (page 7-100). a. If governor doesn’t cut out at 105-115 psi or cut in at 90-95 psi, replace it (page 7-98). b. If governor adjustment is okay, go to step 4 below.

Step 4.

Perform governor test (page 7-101). a. If governor does not test okay, replace governor (page 7-98) and forward it to direct support maintenance for repairs (inlet-exhaust valve, 0-ring around bottom of piston, piston, exhaust stem, or governor body must be checked for damage). b. If governor tests okay, go to step 5 below.

Step 5.

Drain air from air reservoir by opening drain valve located at bottom of air reservoir. Remove safety valve located at top of air reservoir. Connect an adapter to an air hose connected to a regulated air supply capable of supplying up to 160 psi air pressure. Connect safety valve to adapter. Apply air pressure to safety valve; safety valve shall vent air when pressure reaches approximately 150 psi.

a. Replace safety valve if it vents air below 145 psi (page 7-58). b. If safety valve checks okay, reinstall it, and go to step 6 below. 3-122



Disconnect hose connected to check valve. Remove check valve from elbow. Connect an air hose connected to a regulated air supply capable o f supplying up to 160 psi air pressure to check valve female end. Apply air pressure to check valve; check valve shall not v e n t a i r .

a. If check valve vents air, replace it (page 7-58). b. If check valve does not vent air, reinstall it and connect hose to check valve. Go to step 7 below. Step 7.

Close air reservoir drain valve. Tell assistant to start engine. With engine operating, inspect air reservoir, fittings, and hoses for air leakage (page 7-56). a. If a hose is leaking, replace (page 7-58). b. If a fitting is leaking, tighten it; if it still leaks after tightening, replace it (page 7-58). c. If air reservoir is damaged, replace it (page 7-58). d. If fittings and hoses are okay, go to step 8 below.

Step 8.

With engine operating, inspect air compressor lines for air leakage (page 7-102). a. If air compressor lines are leaking tighten; if tightening does no good, replace leaking lines (page 7-106). b. If air compressor lines are okay, go to step 9 below. 3-123



Shut off engine. Open air reservoir drain valve and drain air. Disconnect hose shown below and install 3/8 NPT pipe cap on adapter to which hose was connected. Close drain valve. Start engine and operate at 1000 rpm. See if air pressure is now normal. Shut off engine.


a. If air pressure is normal, open air reservoir drain valve to drain air, remove 3/8 NPT pipe cap, reconnect hose, close drain valve, and go to step 10 below. b. If air pressure still is low, problem is in air compressor. Replace air compressor (page 7-88). Step 10. Open air reservoir drain valve and drain air. Open front access door. Loosen and disconnect hose fitting from elbow installed in pressure protection valve. Install a 9/16-18 pipe plug in hose fitting and tighten securely. Close air reservoir drain valve. Start engine and operate at 1000 rpm. See if air pressure is now normal. Shut off engine. 3-124


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 3. LOW AIR PRESSURE (AIR PRESS GAGE INDICATES IN RED ZONE AND LOW AIR PRESSURE BUZZER SOUNDS) (Cont). Step 10. (Cont). a. If air pressure is normal go to step 11 below. b. If air pressure is still low, open air reservoir drain valve to drain air. Loosen and remove 9/16-18 pipe plug installed in hose. Reconnect and tighten hose fitting to elbow installed in pressure protection valve. Close air reservoir drain valve. Go to step 12 below.

Step 11. Connect an air pressure regulator to shop compressed air system. Connect air hose between air pressure regulator outlet and elbow installed



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 3. LOW AIR PRESSURE (AIR PRESS GAGE INDICATES IN RED ZONE AND LOW AIR PRESSURE BUZZER SOUNDS) (Cont). Step 11. (Cont). a . (Cont). Hold cap to prevent movment and tighten nut against cap. Check and be sure air is still flowing from loosened tube fitting. Tighten loosened tube fitting at tee. Disconnect shop compressed air system hose from elbow installed in pressure protection valve. Loosen and remove 9/16-18 pipe plug installed in hose. Reconnect and tighten hose fitting to elbow installed in pressure protection valve. Close air reservoir drain valve. b . If air does not flow from loosened tube fitting, hold cap and loosen nut. Turn cap counterclockwise until air just starts flowing from loosened tube fitting. Hold cap to prevent it from moving and tighten nut against cap. Check and be sure air is still flowing from loosened tube fitting. Tighten loosened tube fitting at tee. Disconnect shop compressed air system hose from elbow installed in pressure protection valve. Loosen and remove 9/16-18 pipe plug installed in hose. Reconnect and tighten hose fitting to elbow installed in pressure protection valve. Close air reservoir drain valve. c . If pressure protection valve cannot be adjusted, replace it (page 7-64). Step 12. Open air reservoir drain valve to drain air. At declutch treadle and valve, loosen and disconnect parking brake valve hose from straight fitting. Install a 7/16-20 cap on straight fitting and a 7/16-20 plug in hose. Close air reservoir drain valve. Start engine and operate at 1000 rpm. See if air pressure is normal. Shut off engine. a. If air pressure is normal, open air reservoir drain valve to drain air. Remove 7/16-20 cap and plug from straight fitting and hose. 3-126



(Cont). a. (Cont). Reconnect parking brake valve hose to straight fitting. Close air reservoir drain valve. Go to step 13 below. b. If air pressure is still low, go to step 14 below.

Step 13. Start engine and operate at 1000 rpm. Check parking brake valve hose connected between declutch treadle and valve and parking brake valve for air leaks. Use soap solution as necessary. a. If air leaks seen, replace hose (page 7-74). b. If air leaks not seen, troubleshoot parking brake system (page 3-112). Step 14. Start engine and operate at 1000 rpm. Check hoses, lines and fittings between air reservoir and declutch treadle and valve, and brake treadle and valve and declutch treadle and valve for air leaks. Use soap solution as necessary. a. If air leaks seen, replace parts as necessary (page 7-74). b. If hoses okay, go to step 15 below. Step 15. With engine operating, apply soap solution around bottom bore of treadle and valves. Watch for air bubbles. a. If bubbles seen, replace treadle and valve (page 7-53). b. If bubbles not seen, go to step 16 below. Step 16. T e l l a s s i s t a n t t o p r e s s t r e a d l e and valve down completely while you apply soap solution on and around bottom bore of treadle and valve body. Watch for air bubbles. Repeat for other treadle and valve. 3-127


5 - 3 8 0 5 - 2 6 2 - 2 0

3-19. AIR BRAKE SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT) MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 3. LOW AIR PRESSURE (AIR PRESS GAGE INDICATES IN RED ZONE AND LOW AIR PRESSURE BUZZER SOUNDS) (Cont). Step 16. ( C o n t ) . a. If bubbles seen, replace treadle and valve (page 7-53). b. If bubbles not seen, replace pilot valve (page 7-74). 4. AIR PRESSURE BUILDS UP SLOWLY. Step 1.

Remove engine right side panels (page 9-14). Check air compressor drive belt adjustment (page 7-97). a. If air compressor drive belt is not adjusted properly, adjust (page 7-97). b. If air compressor drive belt is adjusted properly, go to step 2 below.

Step 2.

Open drain valve located at bottom of air compressor and drain air. Disconnect hose shown below and install 3/8 NPT pipe cap on adapter to which hose was connected. Close drain valve. Start engine and operate at 1000 rpm. See if air pressure builds up any faster.

a . If air pressure builds up faster, shut off engine and go to MALFUNCTION 3, step 10 (page 3-125). b . If air pressure still builds up slowly, shut off engine, open air reservoir drain valve, remove 3/8 NPT pipe cap, reconnect h o s e , c l o s e d r a i n v a l v e , and go to step 3 below. 3-128



Inspect air compressor lines (page 7-102). a.

If air leakage is seen, replace leaking hoses or fittings (page 7-106) .


If air leakage is not seen, go to step 4 below.

Step 4. Check air compressor governor adjustment (page 7-100). a. If governor doesn’t cut out at 105-115 psi or cut in at 90-95 psi, replace it (page 7-98). b. If governor adjustment is okay, go to step 5 below. Step 5. Test air compressor governor (page 7-101). a. If governor does not test okay, replace (page 7-98). b. If governor tests okay, go to step 6 below. Step 6.

Remove air compressor (steps (a) through (k), page 7-88). Remove two capscrews and lock washers, then remove inlet port and inlet screen. Check inlet screen for clogged condition.



4. AIR PRESSURE BUILDS UP SLOWLY (Cont). Step 6. (Cont).

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately. a . If inlet screen is clogged, clean using cleaning solvent P-D680. Dry using clean cloth. Reinstall inlet screen and inlet port and secure using two lock washers and capscrews. Reinstall air compressor (steps (b) through (m) page 7-92). b. If inlet screen is not clogged, reinstall inlet screen and inlet port and secure using two lock washers and capscrews. Go to step 7 below. Step 7.

Disconnect air compressor outlet hose a n d i n s p e c t h o s e a n d f i t t i n g for obstruction (carbon deposits). a . I f h o s e o r f i t t i n g i s o b s t r u c t e d , remove obstructions or replace h o s e o r f i t t i n g . R e c o n n e c t o u t l e t hose to air compressor. Reinstall air compressor (steps (b) through (m) page 7-92). b. If hose or fitting is not obstructed, complete removal and replacement of air compressor (page 7-88).




5. AIR PRESSURE WILL NOT BUILD UP TO NORMAL. S t e p 1 . Remove engine right side panels (page 9-14). Open drain valve located at bottom of air compressor and drain air. Disconnect hose shown below and install 3/8 NPT pipe cap on adapter to which hose was connected. Close drain valve. Start engine and operate at 1000 rpm. See if air pressure builds up to normal.

a . I f a i r p r e s s u r e b u i l d s up to normal, s h u t o f f e n g i n e a n d g o t o MALFUNCTION 3, step 10 (page 3-124). b . If air pressure still will not build up to normal, shut off engine, open air reservoir drain valve, remove 3/8 NPT pipe cap, r e c o n n e c t h o s e , c l o s e d r a i n v a l v e , a n d g o t o step 2 below. S t e p 2 . C h e c k a i r c o m p r e s s o r d r i v e b e l t a d j u s t m e n t ( p a g e 7-97). a. If air compressor drive belt is not adjusted properly, adjust (page 7-97). b. If air compressor drive belt is adjusted properly, go to step 3 below.




Open drain valve on air reservoir and drain air. Disconnect wire lead from pressure sender terminal and remove pressure sender. Install an accurate, calibrated, air pressure gage in fitting from which pressure sender was removed. Close drain valve on air reservoir. Start engine and allow air system to build up air pressure. Compare reading on AIR PRESS gage with reading on calibrated test gage.

a. If AIR PRESS gage indicates in lower fourth of green area with t e s t g a g e i n d i c a t i n g 1 1 5 p s i , replace AIR PRESS gage (page 5-39). b. If AIR PRESS g a g e i n d i c a t e s i n r e d a r e a w i t h t e s t g a g e i n d i c a t ing 90 to 95 psi, go to MALFUNCTION 4, step 3 above (page 3-129). 6. AIR PRESSURE TOO HIGH OR AIR COMPRESSOR WILL NOT CUT OUT. Check governor adjustment (page 7-100). If governor is out of adjustment, adjust (page 7-100). If governor cannot be adjusted, replace it (page 7-98). 7. AIR COMPRESSOR FAILS TO MAINTAIN SUFFICIENT AIR PRESSURE. Step 1. Check that air reservoir drain valve is closed tightly. a. Close drain valve tightly. b. If drain valve is closed tightly, go to step 2 below. 3-132


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 7. AIR COMPRESSOR FAILS TO MAINTAIN SUFFICIENT AIR PRESSURE (Cont). Step 2. Remove engine right side panels (page 9-14). Open drain valve located at bottom of air compressor and drain air. Disconnect hose shown below and install 3/8 NPT pipe cap on adapter to which hose was connected. Close drain valve. Start engine and operate at 1000 rpm. Wait several minutes and check if air compressor maintains air pressure.

a. If sufficient air pressure is maintained shut off engine and go to MALFUNCTION 3, step 10 (page 3-124). b. If sufficient air pressure still is not maintained, shut off engine, open air reservoir drain valve, remove 3/8 NPT pipe cap, reconnect hose, close drain valve, and go to step 3 below. Step 3.

Start engine and allow air pressure to build up. Inspect air compressor lines for air leakage (page 7-102). a. If air compressor lines are leaking tighten; if tightening does no good, replace leaking hoses or fittings (page 7-106). b. If air compressor lines are okay, go to step 4 below.

Step 4. Check air compressor governor adjustment (page 7-100). a. If governor adjustment is not okay, adjust (page 7-100). If governor cannot be adjusted, replace it (page 7-98). b. If governor adjustment is okay, go to step 5 below. 3-133



Test air compressor governor (page 7-101). a. If governor does not test okay, replace (page 7-98). b. If governor tests okay, go to step 6 below.

Step 6.

Remove air compressor (steps (a) through (k), page 7-88). Remove two capscrews and lock washers, then remove inlet port and inlet screen. Check inlet screen for clogged condition.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately. a. If inlet screen is clogged, clean using cleaning solvent P-D680. Dry using clean cloth. Reinstall inlet screen and inlet port and secure using two lock washers and capscrews. Reinstall air compressor (steps (b) through (m), page 7-92). 3-134


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 7. AIR COMPRESSOR FAILS TO MAINTAIN SUFFICIENT AIR PRESSURE (Cont). Step 6. (Cont). b. If inlet screen is not clogged, reinstall inlet screen and inlet port and secure using two lock washers and capscrews. Go to step 7 below. Step 7. Disconnect air compressor outlet hose and inspect hose and fitting for obstruction (carbon deposits). a . If hose or fitting is obstructed, remove obstructions or replace h o s e o r f i t t i n g . R e c o n n e c t o u t l e t hose to air compressor. Reinstall air compressor (steps (b) through (m), page 7-92). b . If hose or fitting is not obstructed, complete removal and replacement of air compressor (page 7-88). 8. NOISY OPERATION OF AIR COMPRESSOR. Step 1 .

Remove engine right side panels (page 9-14). Check for loose air compressor pulley. a. If pulley is loose, tighten. b. If pulley is not loose, go to step 2 below.

Step 2.

Loosen and disconnect oil supply hose from air compressor. Loosen and disconnect other side of oil supply hose connected t o cylinder block. Check oil supply hose and fitting for restriction.



Compressed air used for cleaning purpose will not exceed 30 psi. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves,etc). Failure to do so could cause serious i n j u r y t o e y e s a n d p o s s i b l e b l i n d n e s s . If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately. a. If oil supply hose and fitting are restricted, flush hose and fitting using clean engine oil and compressed air. b. If hose and fitting are not restricted, reinstall oil supply hose and go to step 3 below. Step 3. Loosen and disconnect oil return hose fitting at front of engine. Loosen and disconnect other end of oil return hose at compressor. Check oil return hose for restriction.


TM 5-3805-262-20



Compressed air used for cleaning purpose will not exceed 30 psi. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc). Failure to do so could cause serious i n j u r y t o e y e s a n d p o s s i b l e b l i n d n e s s . If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately. a . I f o i l r e t u r n h o s e i s r e s t r i c t e d , flush hose using clean engine oil and compressed air. b . I f h o s e i s n o t r e s t r i c t e d , r e i n s t a l l oil return hose and go to step 4 below. Step 4.

Check that air compressor mounting bolts a r e t i g h t . a. Tighten mounting bolts if loose. b. If mounting bolts are tight, go to step 5 below.

Step 5.

Remove air compressor (steps (a) through (k), page 7-88). Disconnect air compressor outlet hose and inspect hose and fitting for obstruction (carbon deposits). a. If hose or fitting is obstructed, remove obstructions or replace hose or fitting (page 7-106). Reconnect outlet hose to air compressor. Reinstall air compressor (steps (b) through (m) page 7-92) . b. If hose or fitting is not obstructed, complete removal and replacement of air compressor (page 7-88).




1. TIRE WEARING UNEVENLY. Engage transport/service link (page 9-8). Place blocks at each wheel to prevent loader from moving. Ensure that parking brake is released.

Be sure transport/service link is engaged before raising axle. Failure to do so may cause loader to turn and slip off jack or jack stands causing serious injury or death. If you are injured by falling equipment, obtain medical aid immediately. Raise one axle and wheels off ground and secure with jack stands. Rotate wheel by hand; there should be a slight drag on wheel. Repeat for remaining wheel and axle. a. If there is excessive drag on wheels, brake caliper piston is sticking. Replace brake caliper (page 7-28). b. If there is slight or no drag on wheels, notify next higher maintenance level to check wheel bearing adjustment. 2. NOISY OR BUMPING SOUND WHILE TRAVELING. Step 1.

Check wheel lug nuts for tightness (should be tightened to 340 to 420 lb-ft torque). a. If lug nuts are loose, tighten. b. If lug nuts are tight, go to step 2 below.

Step 2. Engage transport/service link (page 9-8). Place blocks at each wheel to prevent loader from moving. Ensure that parking brake is in released position.




Be sure transport/service link is engaged before raising axle. Failure to do so may cause loader to turn and slip off jack or jack stands causing serious injury or death. If you are injured by falling equipment, obtain medical aid immediately. Raise one axle and wheels off ground and secure with jack stands. Rotate wheel by hand while listening for a rumbling or grinding sound within axle. Repeat for remaining wheel and axle. a. If rumbling or grinding sound is heard, notify next higher maintenance level to replace axle shaft. b. If rumbling or grinding sound is not heard, remove wheel and tire and disassemble and check for foreign material (page 8-4).




Check hydraulic oil level at sight gage located in front of loader. Oil level should be in center of sight gage. a. If oil level is not in center of sight gage, add hydraulic oil (page 11-78). b. If oil level is in center of sight gage, go to step 2 below.

Step 2. Unlock and open front access door and check that hydraulic reservoir fill cap is tight. a. If fill cap is not tight, tighten it. b. If fill cap is tight, go to step 3 below.




Check for contaminated oil in hydraulic reservoir. Start and operate engine at full throttle. Place BUCKET control lever in CROWD position and hold for 15 seconds then place BUCKET control lever in NEUT. position for 30 seconds. Repeat this procedure until tube is warm to touch. Shut off engine. Slowly loosen, then remove hydraulic reservoir fill cap. Take an oil sample from hydraulic reservoir. a . If hydraulic oil is contaminated as indicated by oil feeling gritty, milky color, or is dark and thick or smells scorched, drain hydraulic system and clean strainer (page 11-79), and replace oil filters (pages 8-40 and 11-82). b. If hydraulic oil is not contaminated, reinstall hydraulic reservoir fill cap and go to step 4 below.

Step 4. Check if hydraulic lift system is operating properly or if it is operating sluggishly. a. If hydraulic lift system is operating sluggishly, replace hydraulic filters (pages 8-40 and 11-82) and clean strainer (page 11-79). b. If hydraulic lift system is operating properly, notify next higher maintenance level to perform hydraulic pump steering section tests. 2. SLOW OR HARD STEERING. Step 1. Check that air pressure is same in each tire (should be 40 psi). a. If air pressure is not same in each tire, inflate to 40 psi. b. If air pressure in each tire is okay, go to step 2 below. 3-141



Check hydraulic oil level at sight gage located in front of loader. Oil level should be in center of sight gage. a. If oil level is not in center of sight gage, add hydraulic oil (page 11-78). b. If oil level is in center of sight gage, go to step 3 below.

Step 3.

Unlock and open front access door and check that hydraulic reservoir fill cap is tight. a. If fill cap is not tight, tighten it. b. If fill cap is tight, go to step 4 below.

Step 4.

Start and operate engine at idle speed until air pressure builds up. Shut off engine two minutes after AIR PRESS gage reading stabilizes. Loosen hydraulic reservoir fill cap while listening for hissing sound indicating air is escaping from hydraulic reservoir. a . I f h i s s i n g s o u n d i s n o t h e a r d , shut off engine and go to step 5 below. b. If hissing sound is heard, go to step 8 below.




2. SLOW OR HARD STEERING (Cont). Step 5.

Open air reservoir drain valve and drain air. Loosen and disconnect hose fitting from elbow installed in pressure protection valve. Connect an air pressure regulator to shop compressed air system. Connect air hose between air pressure regulator outlet and elbow installed in pressure protection valve. Elbow is 9/16-18. Loosen air horn valve tube fitting connection at tee. Adjust air pressure regulator to 85 psi. Check if air flows from pressure protection valve outlet at loosened air horn valve tube fitting. a. If air flows from loosened tube fitting, hold cap and loosen nut. Turn cap clockwise until air stops flowing then turn cap counterclockwise until air just starts flowing from loosened tube fitting. Hold cap to prevent it from moving and tighten nut against cap. Check and be sure air is still flowing from loosened tube fitting. Tighten loosened tube fitting at tee. Disconnect shop compressed air system hose from elbow installed in pressure protection valve. Reconnect and tighten hose fitting to elbow installed in pressure protection valve. Close air reservoir drain valve. Go to step 6 below.




2. SLOW OR HARD STEERING (Cont). Step 5. (Cont). b. If air does not flow from loosened tube fitting, hold cap and loosen nut. Turn cap counterclockwise until air just starts flowing from loosened tube fitting. Hold cap to prevent it from moving and tighten nut against cap. Check and be sure air is still flowing from loosened tube fitting. Tighten loosened tube fitting at tee. Disconnect shop compressed air system hose from elbow installed in pressure protection valve. Reconnect and tighten hose fitting to elbow installed in pressure protection valve. Close air reservoir drain valve. Go to step 6 below. c. If pressure protection valve cannot be adjusted, replace it (page 7-64). Step 6. Remove pressure relief valve from pressure reducing valve (page 7-74). Connect an air pressure regulator to shop compressed air system. Connect an air hose between air pressure regulator and pressure relief valve (port is 1/8 NPT). Adjust air pressure regulator for 15 psi. Pressure relief valve should not vent air. Adjust air pressure regulator for 35 psi. Pressure relief valve should vent air when 20 to 30 psi air pressure is applied. a. If pressure relief valve vents air when less then 20 psi air pressure is applied, replace it (page 7-74). b. If pressure relief valve does not vent air when 20 to 30 psi air pressure is applied, replace it (page 7-74). c. If pressure relief valve is okay, go to step 7 below.




Remove pressure reducing valve (page 7-74). Install pressure relief valve in pressure reducing valve port. Connect an air pressure regulator to shop compressed air system. Connect an air hose between pressure regulator and pressure reducing valve port (port is 1/4 NPT). Connect a zero to 50 psi air gage to pressure reducing valve port (port is 1/4 NPT) located opposite side of valve. Slowly adjust pressure regulator from zero to 50 psi while watching pressure gage connected to pressure reducing valve. Pressure gage should increase and remain steady at 7 to 12 psi and pressure relief valve should vent air at 20 to 30 psi. a. If pressure gage does not remain steady at 7 to 12 psi, replace pressure reducing valve (page 7-74). b. If pressure relief valve does not vent air at 20 to 30 psi, replace pressure reducing valve (page 7-74). c. If pressure relief valve and pressure reducing valve operate okay, check hose connected to hydraulic reservoir for air leakage. Replace as necessary (page 7-74) and reinstall pressure relief valve and pressure reducing valve (page 7-86).

Step 8.

Inspect chassis spindles for loose mounting hardware, cracks, or other apparent damage.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 2. SLOW OR HARD STEERING (Cont). Step 8. (Cont). a . I f h a r d w a r e i s l o o s e , t i g h t e n ; if cracks or other apparent damage is seen, notify next higher maintenance level to remove and repair chassis spindles. b. If chassis spindles are okay, notify next higher maintenance level (additional tests must be performed). 3. WRONG RESPONSE TO STEERING WHEEL. Check if hydraulic lines to steering cylinders are crossed or connected to wrong ports (page 8-15). a. If hydraulic lines connected to steering cylinders are crossed, reconnect properly (page 8-26). b. If hydraulic lines are connected correctly to steering cylinders, notify next higher maintenance level to remove and repair steering gear. 4. TOUCHY OR ERRATIC STEERING RESPONSE. Start and operate engine at idle speed until air pressure builds up. Shut off engine two minutes after AIR PRESS gage reading stabilizes. Loosen hydraulic reservoir fill cap while listening for hissing sound indicating air pressure is escaping from hydraulic reservoir. a. If hissing sound is not heard, go to MALFUNCTION 2, step 5 (page 3-143). b. If hissing sound is heard, notify next higher maintenance level to remove and repair steering gear.




Start and operate engine at 1000 rpm for two minutes. Pull out fuel shutoff control to stop engine but don-t place ignition key switch in off position: leave ignition key switch in run position. At left side of loader near hydraulic pump mounted on transmission, listen for slight buzzing sound indicating auxiliary steering motor is operating. a. If buzzing sound is not heard and AUXILIARY STEERING buzzer and indicator located on left instrument panel are not on, go to step 2 below. b. If buzzing sound is not heard and AUXILIARY STEERING buzzer and indicator located on left instrument panel are on, notify next higher maintenance level to replace and repair auxiliary steering motor and pump. c. If buzzing sound is heard, go to step 12 below.

Step 2.

Place ignition key switch in off position. Disconnect flow switch black wire lead from wiring harness black wire lead by grasping terminals with fingers and firmly pulling apart.

Connect multimeter between wiring harness black wire lead and clean metal area of chassis. Place ignition key switch in on position. Multimeter shall indicate 24 volts. 3-147


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 5. AUXILIARY STEERING SYSTEM DOES NOT OPERATE (Cont) . Step 2. (Cont). a . If multimeter does not indicate 24 volts, press bottom 5 ampere circuit breaker button located on right instrument panel. If multimeter indicates 24 volts momentarily or still does not indicate 24 volts, refer to page 3-71 instrument panels troubleshooting. If multimeter now indicates 24 volts, go to step 1 above. b . If multimeter indicates 24 volts, place ignition key switch in off position. Reconnect wire lead terminals disconnected above by grasping between fingers and firmly pushing them together. Go to step 3 below. Step 3.

Disconnect flow switch red wire lead from wiring harness red wire lead by grasping terminals with fingers and firmly pulling apart. Connect multimeter between flow switch red wire lead and clean metal area of chassis. Place ignition key switch in on position. Multimeter shall indicate 24 volts. a. If multimeter does not indicate 24 volts , replace flow switch (page 8-14). b. If multimeter indicates 24 volts, place ignition key switch in off position. Reconnect wire lead terminals disconnected above by grasping between fingers and firmly pushing them together. Go to step 4 below.

Step 4.

Disconnect flow switch orange wire lead from wiring harness orange wire lead by grasping terminals with fingers and firmly pulling apart . Connect multimeter between flow switch orange wire lead and clean metal area of chassis. Start and operate engine at idle speed. Multimeter shall indicate 24 volts. a. If multimeter does not indicate 24 volts, replace flow switch (page 8-14). b. If multimeter indicates 24 volts, go to step 5 below.

Step 5. Pull out fuel shutoff control to stop engine but don’t place ignition key switch in off position: leave ignition key switch in run position. Check that multimeter indicates zero. 3-148


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 5. AUXILIARY STEERING SYSTEM DOES NOT OPERATE (Cont). Step 5. (Cont). a. If multimeter indicates 24 volts , replace flow switch (page 8-14). b. If multimeter indicates zero, place ignition key switch in off position. Reconnect flow switch and wiring harness wire lead terminals by grasping between fingers and firmly pushing them together. Go to step 6 below. Step 6. Turn ignition key switch to on position. Using multimeter, check for 24 volts between chassis and relay socket A, pin 6. Multimeter shall indicate 24 volts.

a. If multimeter does not indicate 24 volts, turn ignition key switch to off position. Check wiring connections between relay socket assembly and flow switch red wire lead for open circuit. Repair or replace wiring as necessary (page 5-84). b. If multimeter indicates 24 volts, go to step 7 below. 3-149


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 5. AUXILIARY STEERING SYSTEM DOES NOT OPERATE (Cont). Step 7. With ignition key switch in on position, use multimeter and check for 24 volts between chassis and relay socket A pin 1 and relay socket pins 1 and 8. Multimeter shall indicate 24 volts.

a. If multimeter does not indicate 24 volts, turn ignition key switch to off position. Check wiring connections between relay socket assembly and wiring harness for open circuit. Repair or replace wiring as necessary (page 5-84). b. If multimeter indicates 24 volts, go to step 8 below. Step 8.


Start engine and operate at idle speed. Using multimeter, check for 24 volts between chassis and relay socket A, pin 2 and then pin 3. Multimeter shall indicate 24 volts.



(Cont). a. If multimeter does not indicate 24 volts, shut off engine and turn ignition key switch to off position. Check wiring connections between relay socket assembly and flow switch orange wire lead for open circuit. Repair or replace wiring as necessary (page 5-84). b. If multimeter indicates 24 volts, go to step 9 below.

Step 9.

Pull out fuel shutoff knob to stop engine but don’t turn key switch to off position. Check for 24 volts between chassis and relay socket A pin 8 then pin 3. Multimeter shall indicate 24 volts. NOTE

If circuit breaker button on right instrument panel pops out, check capacitor and 50 ohm, 25 watt resistor for short circuit. Replace defective part (page 5-76). a. If multimeter does not indicate 24 volts, turn ignition key switch to off position. Replace relay A (page 5-76). b . I f m u l t i m e t e r i n d i c a t e s 2 4 v o l t s , go to step 10 below. Step 10. Check for 24 volts between chassis and relay socket B, pin 3, then pin 2. Multimeter shall indicate 24 volts. a . I f m u l t i m e t e r d o e s n o t i n d i c a t e 2 4 v o l t s , check 47 ohm, 2 watt resistor for open circuit. Replace as necessary (page 5-76). b. If multimeter indicates 24 volts, go to step 11 below. Step 11. Check for 24 volts between chassis and relay socket B, pin 6. Multimeter shall indicate 24 volts. a. If multimeter does not indicate 24 volts, replace relay B (page 5-76).



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 5. AUXILIARY STEERING SYSTEM DOES NOT OPERATE (Cont). Step 12. (Cont). b. If multimeter does indicate 24 volts and AUXILIARY STEERING buzzer and indicator are not on, check wiring between relay socket assembly and buzzer and indicator for open circuit. Repair or replace wires as necessary (page 5-84). c. If multimeter does indicate 24 volts and AUXILIARY STEERING b u z z e r a n d i n d i c a t o r a r e o n , check for 24 volts between chassis frame and auxiliary steering motor solenoid terminal. If multimeter indicates 24 volts, notify next higher maintenance level to replace and repair auxiliary steering motor and pump. If multimeter does not indicate 24 volts, check wiring between relay socket assembly and auxiliary steering motor and pump for open circuit. Repair or replace wires as necessary (page 5-84). Step 12. Turn ignition key switch to off position. Check that auxiliary steering check valve is installed with arrow pointing away from auxiliary steering motor and pump port (page 8-30) . a . If auxiliary steering check valve is not installed correctly, refer to page 8-29 and install it properly. b . If auxiliary steering check valve is installed properly, notify next higher maintenance level to replace and repair auxiliary steering motor and pump.


TM 5-3805-262-20 3-22. FRAME TROUBLESHOOTING

MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. LOUD CLUNK HEARD WREN LOADER TURNS. Inspect chassis frame stops for damage or wear (page 9-2). Notify next higher maintenance level to replace chas sis frame stops .

2. EXCESSIVE NOISE AT CHASSIS SPINDLES WHEN TURNING. Lubricate two grease fittings at chassis spindles using grease gun. If noise persists, remove and inspect grease fittings for damage. If grease fittings are okay, go to MALFUNCTION 3 below.



MALFUNTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 3. EXCESSIVE PLAY AT CHASSIS SPINDLES WHEN TURNING. Carefully watch chassis spindles while an assistant slowly drives loader over rough terrain. If excessive play is seen at chassis spindles, notify next higher maintenance level to replace spindle assemblies.

4. EXCESSIVE NOISE AT REAR CHASSIS TRUNNION. Using grease gun, apply lubricant to grease fittings. Drive loader and check if noise is still heard. If noise is still heard, remove trunnion grease hoses, elbows, and lubrication fittings (page 9-7).




Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don-t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately.

Compressed air used for cleaning purpose will not exceed 30 psi. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc). Failure to do so could cause serious i n j u r y t o e y e s a n d p o s s i b l e b l i n d n e s s . If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately. Clean interior of hoses using cleaning solvent P-D-680 and compressed air. Reinstall elbows, grease fittings, and hoses (page 9-7) and lubricate grease fittings.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. RADIATOR GRILLE DOES NOT LATCH. I n s p e c t rod, pins, and spring for cracks and damaged condition. Replace damaged or missing rod, pins, or spring (page 4-76). 2. ENGINE SIDE PANEL DOES NOT LATCH. Step 1.

Check side panel latches for damage, cracks, or missing condition. Check catch for damage, cracks, or missing condition. a. If side panel latches are damaged, cracked, or missing, replace (page 9-14). b . I f s i d e p a n e l latches are okay, go to step 2 below.

Step 2.

Check side panels for damage or dents. Replace damaged or dented side panels (page 9-14).


Check handle for damage, cracks, and loose or missing mounting hardware. Check front access door hinge for loose or missing hardware. a. Notify next higher maintenance level to replace handle if cracked or damaged; tighten loose mounting hardware. b. If handle is okay, and mounting hardware is tight, go to step 2 below.

Step 2.

Check front access door and hinge for damage or dents. Notify next higher maintenance level to replace damaged front access door.


Check seat slides and immediate area for obstructions. a. If obstructions are present, remove. b. If no obstructions are present, go to step 2 below.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 4. SEAT WILL NOT ADJUST FORE AND AFT (Cont). S t e p 2 . I n s p e c t s l i d e a d j u s t m e n t l e v e r a n d s p r i n g s f o r c r a c k s , damage, or, missing condition. a . I f a d j u s t m e n t l e v e r o r s p r i n g i s c r a c k e d , m i s s i n g , or damaged, notify next higher maintenance level to replace. b. If adjustment lever and springs are okay, go to step 3 below. Step 3.

Check seat slides for distortion and damage. Check seat slides for correct alinement. a. If seat slides are distorted, damaged, or incorrectly alined, replace operator’s seat (page 9-30). b. If seat slides are okay, check seat slide mounting hardware for looseness. Tighten mounting hardware.





Install transport/service link to prevent loader from turning. Crack (loosen) tube fitting at air horn.

Before performing the following steps, be sure that transport/service l i n k i s e n g a g e d . Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death due to chassis pivoting and crushing you when you are working in area between front and rear chassis. Tell assistant to start engine and allow air pressure to build up as indicated by AIR PRESS gage indication. Tell assistant to press horn valve. Hissing should be heard from tube fitting connection loosened above. a . If hissing is heard, remove and repair air horn (page 10-8). Replace air horn diaphragm if damaged (page 10-9). b. If hissing is not heard, tell assistant to shut off engine. Tighten tube fitting connection loosened above, then go to step 2 below. Step 2.


Drain air from air reservoir by opening drain valve located at bottom of air reservoir. Unlock and open front access door . Disconnect air hose connected between horn valve and tee fitting installed in pressure protection valve port at tee fitting. Connect a zero to 200 psi pressure gage to adapter installed in tee fitting. Close air reservoir drain valve.


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. AIR HORN DOES NOT SOUND WHEN HORN VALVE DEPRESSED (Cont). Step 2. (Cont). Tell assistant to start engine and allow air pressure to build up as indicated by AIR PRESS gage indication. Pressure gage installed in tee fitting shall indicate a minimum of 85 psi. a. If pressure gage indicates a minimum of 85 psi, shut off engine and replace and repair horn valve (page 10-2). b. If pressure gage does not indicate a minimum of 85 psi, replace pressure protection valve (page 7-64). 2. WINDSHIELD WIPER MOTOR DOES NOT OPERATE. Step 1. Turn ignition key switch to on position. Pull HEATER FAN switch on cab switch panel out. Check if heater fan is on. a. If heater fan is not on, go to step 2 below. b. If heater fan is on, go to step 5 below. Step 2.

Press 5 ampere circuit breaker located on right instrument panel. Check if windshield wiper and heater fan operate.

a . If both windshield wiper and heater fan operate, problem was momentary short in circuit. If circuit breaker blows again, problem is in circuit associated with circuit breaker. Disconnect wires from circuit breaker, one at a time to isolate problem to associated circuit: auxiliary steering, instrument panel cluster (located on left instrument panel), voltmeter, cab relay solenoid, or electric fuel pump. 3-159


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 2. WINDSHIELD WIPER MOTOR DOES NOT OPERATE (Cont). Step 2. (Cont). b. If windshield wiper and heater fan do not operate and circuit breaker did not blow, go to step 3 below. Step 3.

Remove engine left side panels (page 9-14). Connect multimeter across terminals of cab 30 ampere circuit breaker.

Multimeter should i n d i c a t e z e r o . a. If multimeter indicates 24 volts, circuit breaker is open. Go to step 4 below. b. If multimeter indicates zero, replace cab relay (page 5-26). Step 4.

Disconnect battery ground cable (page 5-148). Disconnect wire connected between cab relay BAT. terminal and cab 30 ampere circuit breaker long, silver terminal. Reconnect battery ground cable. Connect multimeter between long, silver terminal of cab 30 ampere circuit breaker and chassis. Multimeter shall indicate 24 volts. a . I f m u l t i m e t e r i n d i c a t e s z e r o , replace cab 30 ampere circuit breaker (page 5-26).



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 2. WINDSHIELD WIPER MOTOR DOES NOT OPERATE (Cont). Step 4. (Cont). b. If multimeter indicates 24 volts, a short circuit to ground exists in cab electrical circuit. Isolate defective circuit by reconnecting wire from cab relay BAT. terminal to long, silver terminal of cab circuit breaker. Then, at cab switch panel, disconnect and tape wires connected to each of the three circuit breakers one at a time and check if remaining circuit(s) operate when associated switch is operated. If circuit is okay, problem is in circuit associated with breaker from which wire was disconnected. Step 5.

Press 3 ampere circuit breaker on cab switch panel. Check if windshield wiper operates. a. If windshield wiper operates, problem was momentary short in circuit. If circuit breaker blows, a short to ground exists in circuit. Isolate by checking wiring for worn insulation. If wiring okay, perform resistance check of wiper motor. Replace parts as necessary (page 10-13). b. If windshield wiper does not operate, go to step 6 below.

Step 6. Turn ignition key switch to off position. Remove HEAT CONTROL knob from cab switch panel by pulling straight up off control shaft. Remove four screws securing cab switch panel. Carefully pull cab switch panel upwards from heater console just enough to gain access to FRONT WIPER switch terminals. Connect multimeter between FRONT WIPER switch B terminal and chassis. Turn ignition key switch to on position. Multimeter shall indicate 24 volts. a. If 24 volts not obtained, replace 3 ampere circuit breaker (page 10-18). 3-161


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 2. WINDSHIELD WIPER MOTOR DOES NOT OPERATE (Cont). Step 6. (Cont). b. If 24 volts obtained, turn ignition key switch to off position and go to step 7 below. Step 7.

Connect multimeter between windshield wiper motor H terminal and chassis. Set FRONT WIPER switch to HI position. Turn ignition key switch to on position. Multimeter shall indicate 24 volts. a . I f m u l t i m e t e r i n d i c a t e s 2 4 v o l t s , remove windshield wiper motor, disassemble, and replace motor (page 10-13). b. If multimeter does not indicate 24 volts, replace WINDSHIELD WIPER switch (page 10-18).


Remove wiper arm (page 10-12). Inspect wiper shaft knurled driver for wear or damage. a. If wiper shaft knurled driver is worn or damaged, replace (page 10-13). b. If wiper shaft knurled driver is okay, check wiper arm for wear or damage. Replace if necessary (page 10-12). If wiper arm is okay, go to step 2 below.

Step 2.

Remove windshield wiper motor (page 10-13). Check link for loose or missing hardware. Check wiper arm for loose or missing hardware. Check wiper shaft for damage. If hardware loose, tighten; if missing, replace. If wiper shaft damaged, replace (page 10-14).



Turn ignition key switch to off position. Remove HEAT CONTROL knob from cab switch panel b y p u l l i n g s t r a i g h t up off control shaft. Remove four screws securing cab switch panel.


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 4. WIPER ARM DOES NOT RETURN TO PARK POSITION (Cont). Step 1. (Cont). Carefully pull cab switch panel upwards from heater console just enough to gain access to FRONT WIPER switch terminals, Disconnect black-yellow wire spade terminal from FRONT WIPER switch P terminal by grasping with fingers and firmly pulling from switch terminal. Connect multimeter between FRONT WIPER switch P terminal and chassis. Place FRONT WIPER switch in OFF position. Turn ignition key switch to on position. multimeter shall indicate 24 volts. a. If 24 volts not obtained, replace FRONT WIPER switch (page 10-18). b. If 24 volts obtained, turn ignition key switch to off position. Reconnect black-yellow wire spade terminal to FRONT WIPER switch P terminal by grasping with fingers and firmly pushing onto switch terminal. Reinstall cab switch panel on heater console and secure using four screws. Go to step 2 below. Step 2. Disconnect wiring harness black-yellow wire spade terminal from Windshield wiper motor P terminal by grasping with fingers and firmly pulling off terminal. Connect multimeter between wiper motor P terminal and metal frame of motor. Multimeter shall indicate continuity. a . If multimeter does not indicate continuity, remove windshield wiper motor, disassemble , and replace motor (page 10-13). b . If multimeter indicates continuity, reconnect wiring harness black-yellow wire spade terminal to wiper motor P terminal by grasping between fingers and firmly pushing onto wiper motor terminal. Go to step 3 below.





Remove windshield wiper motor (page 10-13). Check link for loose or missing hardware. Check wiper arm for loose or missing hardware. Check wiper shaft for damage. If hardware loose, tighten; if missing, replace. If wiper shaft damaged, replace (page 10-14).


Unlock and open front access door. Check if fluid reservoir is filled with windshield washer cleaning compound. a. If fluid reservoir is not filled with windshield washer cleaning compound, fill. b. If fluid reservoir is filled with windshield washer cleaning compound, go to step 2 below.

from hose, check hose between windshield washer control and fluid reservoir for cracks, b r e a k s , o b s t r u c t i o n , or other damage. Replace hose as necessary (page 10-22). If hose is okay, replace windshield washer control (page 10-22).



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 5. WASHER FLUID DOES NOT SPRAY ON WINDSHIELD (Cont). Step 2. (Cont). b. If air pressure is felt from hose, check fluid reservoir for cracks, breaks, or other damage. Check hose between reservoir and nozzle for cracks, breaks, obstruction, or other damage. Check nozzle for obstruction or other damage. Replace part(s) determined to be defective (page 10-22). 6. CAB HEATER FAN NOT OPERATING. Step 1. Turn ignition key switch to on position. Turn FRONT WIPER switch to H position. Check that windshield wiper operates. a. If windshield wiper does not operate, go to step 2 below. b. If windshield wiper operates, go to step 5 below. Step 2. Press 5 ampere circuit breaker located on right instrument panel.

Check if windshield wiper and heater fan operate. a. If both windshield wiper and heater fan operate, problem was momentary short in circuit. If circuit breaker blows again, problem is in circuit associated with circuit breaker. Disconnect wires from circuit breaker, one at a time to isolate problem to associated circuit: auxiliary steering, instrument panel cluster (located on left instrument panel), voltmeter, cab relay solenoid, or electric fuel pump. b. If windshield wiper and heater fan do not operate and circuit breaker did not blow, go to step 3 below. 3-165



Remove engine left side panels (page 9-14). Connect multimeter across terminals of cab 30 ampere circuit breaker.

Multimeter should indicate zero. a. If multimeter indicates 24 volts , circuit breaker is open. Go to step 4 below. b. If multimeter indicates zero, replace cab relay (page 5-26). S t e p 4 . Disconnect battery ground cable (page 5-148). Disconnect wire connected between cab relay BAT. terminal and cab 30 ampere circuit breaker long, silver terminal. Reconnect battery ground cable. Connect multimeter between long, silver terminal of cab 30 ampere circuit breaker and chassis. Multimeter shall indicate 24 volts. a . I f m u l t i m e t e r i n d i c a t e s z e r o , replace cab 30 ampere circuit breaker (page 5-26).



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 6. CAB HEATER FAN NOT OPERATING (Cont). Step 4. (Cont). b. If multimeter indicates 24 volts , a short circuit to ground exists in cab electrical circuit. Isolate defective circuit by reconnecting wire from cab relay BAT. terminal to long, silver terminal of cab circuit breaker. Then, at cab switch panel, disconnect and tape wires connected to each of the three circuit breakers one at a time and check if remaining circuit(s) operate when associated switch is operated. If circuit is okay, problem is in circuit associated with breaker from which wire was disconnected. Step 5. Press 3 ampere circuit breaker just below HEATER FAN switch on cab switch panel. Check if heater fan operates. a. If heater fan operates, problem was momentary short in circuit. If circuit breaker blows, a short to ground exists in circuit. Isolate by checking wiring for worn insulation. If wiring okay, perform resistance check of heater fan. Replace parts as necessary (page 10-28). b. If heater fan does not operate, go to step 6 below. Step 6.

Turn ignition key switch to off position. Remove HEAT CONTROL knob from cab switch panel by pulling straight up off control shaft. Remove four screws securing cab switch panel. Carefully pull cab switch panel upwards from heater console just enough to gain access to HEATER FAN switch terminals. Connect multimeter between HEATER FAN switch terminal to which orange-black wire connected and chassis. Turn ignition key switch to on position. Multimeter shall indicate 24 volts. a. If 24 volts not obtained, replace 3 ampere circuit breaker (page 10-48). 3-167


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 6. CAB HEATER FAN NOT OPERATING (Cont). b. If 24 volts obtained, turn ignition key switch to off position and go to step 7 below. Step 7.

Connect multimeter between HEATER FAN switch terminal to which white wire connected and chassis. Pull HEATER FAN switch knob completely out. Turn ignition key switch to on position. Multimeter shall indicate 24 volts. a . I f m u l t i m e t e r i n d i c a t e s 2 4 v o l t s , replace heater fan motor (page 10-28) . b. If multimeter does not indicate 24 volts, replace HEATER FAN switch (page 10-48).

7. COLD AIR BLOWN FROM CAB HEATER. Step 1. Check if engine is warm. a. If engine is not warm, allow engine to warmup before turning heater fan on. b. If engine is warm, go to step 2 below. Step 2. Remove engine side panels (page 9-14). C h e c k t h a t h e a t e r t u r n o f f valves are opened.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 7. COLD AIR BLOWN FROM CAB HEATER (Cont) . Step 2. (Cont). a. If heater turnoff valves are closed, open. b. If heater turnoff valves are open, go to step 3 below. Step 3.

Check if area around console is obstructed, preventing flow of air through and around heater core. a . I f obstructions seen, remove. b . I f o b s t r u c t i o n s a r e n o t s e e n , go to step 4 below.

Step 4. Remove a n d t e s t e n g i n e t h e r m o s t a t (page 4-87). a . I f engine thermostat does not t e s t o k a y , r e p l a c e ( p a g e 4 - 8 7 ) . b . I f engine thermostat tests okay, remove and replace HEAT CONTROL located on cab switch panel (page 10-46). 8. DEFROSTER MOTOR DOES NOT OPERATE. Step 1. Turn ignition key switch to on position. Pull HEATER FAN switch on cab switch panel out. Check if heater fan is on. a. If heater fan is not on, go to step 2 below. b. If heater fan is on, go to step 5 below. Step 2.

Press 5 ampere circuit breaker located on right instrument panel.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 8. DEFROSTER MOTOR DOES NOT OPERATE (Cont). Step 2. (Cont). Set DEFROSTER switch to ON position. Check if defroster motor and heater fan operate. a. If both defroster motor and heater fan operate, problem was momentary short in circuit. If circuit breaker blows again, problem is in circuit associated with circuit breaker. Disconnect wires from circuit breaker, one at a time to isolate problem to associated circuit: auxiliary steering, instrument panel cluster (located on left instrument panel), voltmeter, cab relay solenoid, or electric fuel pump. b. If defroster motor and heater fan do not operate and circuit breaker did not blow, go to step 3 below. Step 3.

Remove engine left side panels (page 9-14). Connect multimeter across terminals of cab 30 ampere circuit breaker.

Multimeter should indicate zero. a. If multimeter indicates 24 volts, circuit breaker is open. Go to step 4 below. b. If multimeter indicates zero, replace cab relay (page 5-26). 3-170



Disconnect battery ground cable (page 5-148). Disconnect wire connected between cab relay BAT. terminal and cab 30 ampere circuit breaker long, silver terminal. Reconnect battery ground cable. Connect multimeter between long, silver terminal of cab 30 ampere circuit breaker and chassis. Multimeter shall indicate 24 volts. a. If multimeter indicates zero, replace cab 30 ampere circuit breaker (page 5-26). b. If multimeter indicates 24 volts, a short circuit to ground exists in cab electrical circuit. Isolate defective circuit by reconnecting wire from cab relay BAT. terminal to long, silver terminal of cab circuit breaker. Then , at cab switch panel, disconnect and tape wires connected to each of the three circuit breakers one at a time and check if remaining circuit(s) operate when associated switch is operated. If circuit is okay, problem is in circuit associated with breaker from which wire was disconnected.

Step 5.

Press 6 ampere circuit breaker on cab switch panel. Check if defroster motor operates. a. If defroster motor operates, problem was momentary short in circuit. b. If circuit breaker blows, a short to ground exists in circuit. Go to step 6 below. c. If defroster motor does not operate, go to step 7 below.

Step 6.

Turn ignition key switch to off position. Remove HEAT CONTROL knob from cab switch panel by pulling straight up off control shaft. Remove four screws securing cab switch panel.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECT ION CORRECTIVE ACTION 8. DEFROSTER MOTOR DOES NOT OPERATE (Cont). Step 6. (Cont). Carefully pull cab switch panel upwards from heater console just enough to gain access to 6 ampere circuit breaker terminals. Disconnect light green wire spade terminal from 6 ampere circuit breaker terminal. Turn ignition key switch to on position and press 6 ampere circuit breaker button. Check if defroster motor operates. a. If defroster motor operates, ger fans. Isolate problem to first from one fan, checking repeating for remaining fan. 10-62) .

short circuit exists in rear defogdefective fan by disconnecting wire if circuit breaker blows, and then Replace fan if necessary (page

b. If 6 ampere circuit breaker blows again, problem is in DEFROSTER switch, resistor, or defroster motor. Isolate to defective part by disconnecting wire from defroster motor, then resistor, and f i n a l l y d e f r o s t e r s w i t c h . Replace defective part (page 10-52 or 10-58) . Step 7. With ignition key switch in on position, check if rear defogger fans operate. a. If rear defogger fans do not operate, replace 6 ampere circuit breaker (page 10-58). b. If rear defogger fans operate, go to step 8 below. Step 8.

Turn ignition key switch to off position. Remove HEAT CONTROL knob from cab switch panel by pulling straight up off control shaft. Remove four screws securing cab switch panel. Carefully pull switch panel upwards from heater console just enough to gain access to DEFROSTER switch terminals. Connect multimeter between DEFROSTER switch M terminal and chassis. Turn ignition key switch to on position. Multimeter shall indicate 24 volts. a . I f 2 4 v o l t s n o t o b t a i n e d , replace DEFROSTER switch (page 10-58).



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 8. DEFROSTER MOTOR DOES NOT OPERATE (Cont). Step 8. (Cont). b. If 24 volts obtained, turn ignition key switch to off position. Remove defroster motor (page 10-52) and perform continuity check of motor and resistor (page 10-55). If continuity not obtained, replace defective part. 9. BOTH REAR DEFOGGER FANS DO NOT OPERATE. Step 1.

Turn ignition key switch to on position. Turn FRONT WIPER switch to H position. Windshield wiper should operate. a. If windshield wiper does not operate, go to step 2 below. b. If windshield wiper operates, go to step 5 below.

Step 2.

Press 5 ampere circuit breaker located on right instrument panel.

Check if windshield wiper and rear defogger fans operate. a. If both windshield wiper and defogger fans operate, problem was momentary short in circuit. If circuit breaker blows again, problem is in circuit associated with circuit breaker. Disconnect wires from circuit breaker, one at a time to isolate problem to associated circuit: auxiliary steering, instrument panel cluster (located on left instrument panel), voltmeter, cab relay solenoid, or electric fuel pump. b. If windshield wiper and defogger fans do not operate and circuit breaker did not blow, go to step 3 below. 3-173



Remove engine left side panels (page 9-14). Connect multimeter across terminals of cab 30 ampere circuit breaker.

Multimeter should indicate zero. a. If multimeter indicates 24 volts, circuit breaker is open. Go to step 4 below. b. If multimeter indicates zero, replace cab relay (page 5-26). Step 4.

Disconnect battery ground cable (page 5-148). Disconnect wire connected between cab relay BAT. terminal and cab 30 ampere circuit breaker long, silver terminal. Reconnect battery ground cable. Connect multimeter between long, silver terminal of cab 30 ampere circuit breaker and chassis. Multimeter shall indicate 24 volts. a. If multimeter indicates zero, replace cab 30 ampere circuit breaker (page 5-26). b. If multimeter indicates 24 volts, a short circuit to ground exists in cab electrical circuit. Isolate defective circuit by reconnecting wire from cab relay BAT. terminal to long, silver terminal of cab circuit breaker. Then, at cab switch panel, disconnect and tape wires connected to each of the three circuit breakers one at a-time and check if remaining circuit(s) operate when associated switch is operated.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 9. BOTH REAR DEFOGGER FANS DO NOT OPERATE (Cont). Step 4. (Cont). b. (Cont). If circuit is okay, problem is in circuit associated with breaker from which wire was disconnected. Step 5.

Turn DEFROSTER switch on cab switch panel to ON position. Check if defroster motor operates. a. If defroster motor operates, check light green wire between 6 ampere circuit breaker and rear defogger fans for open circuit. Repair or replace wiring (page 5-184). b. If defroster motor operates, go to step 6 below.

Step 6. Press 6 ampere circuit breaker just below DEFROSTER switch on cab switch panel. Check if defroster motor and defogger fans operate. a. If defroster motor and defogger fans operate, problem was momentary short in circuit. b. If circuit breaker blows, a short to ground exists in circuit. Go to step 7 below. c. If defroster motor and defogger fans both do not operate, problem is in 6 ampere circuit breaker. Replace it (page 10-58). d. If defroster motor operates, but defogger fans do not, check light green wire between 6 ampere circuit breaker and defogger fans for open circuit. Replace as necessary. Step 7.

Turn ignition key switch to off position. Remove HEAT CONTROL knob from cab switch panel by pulling straight up off control shaft. Remove four screws securing cab switch panel. Carefully pull cab switch panel upwards from heater console just enough to gain access to 6 ampere circuit breaker terminals. Disconnect light green wire spade terminal from 6 ampere circuit breaker terminal by grasping with your fingers and firmly pulling from circuit breaker terminal. 3-175


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 9. BOTH REAR DEFOGGER FANS DO NOT OPERATE (Cont). Step 7. (Cont). Turn ignition key switch to on position. Check if 6 ampere circuit breaker blows. a . If 6 ampere circuit breaker blows, short circuit exists in defroster switch, resistor, or defroster motor. Perform resistance check of these parts; replace defective part (page 10-52 or 10-58). b . If 6 ampere circuit breaker button does not blow, short circuit exists in wire disconnected from circuit breaker; repair or replace wire as necessary. 10. A REAR DEFOGGER FAN DOES NOT OPERATE. Remove defogger fan that is not operating (page 10-62). Remove switch from defogger fan (page 10-63). Check switch for continuity in two end positions and open circuit in center position. a . Replace switch if open circuit indicated in one or both end positions or if continuity indicated in center position. b . Replace defogger fan motor if continuity obtained in both end positions and open circuit obtained in center position. 11. CAB DOME LIGHT DOES NOT OPERATE. Step 1.

Ensure that ignition key switch is turned to on position. Ensure that main and auxiliary switches on vehicle lights switch on right instrument panel are in any position other than OFF. Rotate DIMMER CMPT LIGHTS control completely clockwise. Check if instrument panel cluster lamps are on. a. If instrument panel cluster lamps are not on, go to page 3-71, MALFUNCTION 1. b. If instrument panel cluster lamps are on, go to step 2 below.

Step 2.

Replace cab dome light bulb (page 10-67). Check that cab dome light operates. a. If cab dome light operates, problem was burned out bulb. b. If cab dome light does not operate, replace switch (page 10-68).




Check if mounting capscrews are loose. a. If mounting capscrews are loose, tighten to 135 to 165 lb-ft torque. b. If mounting capscrews are tight, go to step 2 below.

Step 2.

Check if nuts securing hydraulic pump sections are tight. a. If nuts are loose, tighten to 200 lb-ft torque. b. If nuts are tight, go to step 3 below.

Step 3.

C h e c k h o s e s , l i n e s , and fittings connected to hydraulic pump for hydraulic oil leakage. a. If hydraulic oil leakage is seen, tighten fittings. If tightening does no good, replace defective hose, lines or fitting (page 11-18). b. If hydraulic oil leakage is not seen, go to step 4 below.




Check hydraulic oil level at sight gage in front of loader. a . If hydraulic oil level cannot be seen in sight gage, add hydraulic oil (page 11-78). b . If hydraulic oil level can be seen in sight gage, notify next higher maintenance level to replace and repair hydraulic pump.

2. HYDRAULIC PUMP LEAKS HYDRAULIC OIL. Check if nuts securing hydraulic pump sections are tight. a. If nuts are loose, tighten to 200 lb-ft torque. b. If nuts are tight, notify next higher maintenance level to replace and repair hydraulic pump.



Start engine and turn loader completely to left to gain access to control valve assembly spools and linkage. Shut off engine and apply parking brake. Position a machinist’s rule on control valve assembly body next to bucket spool. Using end of clevis as a reference point, tell assistant to place BUCKET control lever in CROWD position while you measure travel of clevis.




Clevis should move 0.44 inch approximately. Tell assistant to place BUCKET control lever in NEUT. position, then move it to DUMP position while you measure travel of clevis from NEUT. to DUMP position. Clevis should move 0.44 inch approximately. a. If measurement is not 0.44 inch approximately, notify next higher maintenance level to adjust control valve assembly linkage. b. If measurement is 0.44 inch, go to step 2 below.





Start engine and turn loader so that it is facing straight ahead. Shut off engine and engage transport/service link (page 9-8). Start engine and operate at idle speed. Operate BUCKET control lever in both DUMP and CROWD positions.

Before performing following, be sure that transport/service link is engaged. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death due to chassis pivoting and crushing you when you are working in area between front and rear chassis. Tell assistant to check hoses, lines, and fittings between control valve assembly and bucket tilt cylinder assemblies for hydraulic oil leakage. Shut off engine. a. If hydraulic oil leakage is seen, tighten hose fittings. If tightening does not stop leakage, replace part(s) (page 11-43). b. If hydraulic oil leakage is not seen, go to step 3 below. Step 3.

Inspect bucket tilt cylinder assemblies for oil leakage (page 11-2). a. If bucket tilt cylinder assemblies do not check okay, replace (page 11-4). b. If bucket tilt cylinder assemblies are okay, go to step 4 below.

Step 4.


Start engine and operate at idle speed. Place LIFT ARM control lever in RAISE position until bucket can be rolled all the way forward, then place lever in NEUT. position. Place BUCKET control lever in DUMP position until bucket stops moving then place in NEUT. position. Place LIFT ARM control lever in LOWER position until bucket is resting on ground, then place in NEUT. position. Shut off engine and operate control levers several times to relieve hydraulic system pressure.



Hydraulic system pressure is over 2000 psi a n d h y d r a u l i c r e s e r v o i r i s p r e s s u r i z e d w i t h c o m p r e s s e d a i r . Before loosening or disconnecting any hydraulic hoses, lines, or fittings, loosen hydraulic reservoir fill cap, and operate all hydraulic control levers to relieve hydraulic system pressure. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death. If you are injured obtain medical assistance immediately. Disconnect hose connected to rod end of each bucket tilt cylinder assembly from tube that comes through side of loader front chassis. Install a cap on each tube. Start engine and operate at full throttle. Hold BUCKET control lever in DUMP position and tell assistant to check for hydraulic oil leakage at each hose disconnected above. a. If there is constant leakage from a hose, the cylinder packing is damaged. Shut off engine and replace bucket tilt cylinder assembly connected to hose which was constantly leaking (page 11-4). b. If there wasn’t constant leakage from a hose, notify next higher maintenance level (additional checks must be performed).




Check adjustment of return-to-dig actuating rod (page 11-17). a. If adjustment is not okay, adjust (page 11-17). b. If adjustment is okay, go to step 2 below.

Step 2.

Start engine and operate at idle speed. Place LIFT ARM control lever in RAISE position until bucket is at maximum height, then place in NEUT. position. Place BUCKET control lever in DUMP position. Press 5 ampere circuit breaker on right instrument panel.

Place BUCKET control lever in CROWD position and LIFT ARM control lever in FLOAT position. Check that bucket rolls back and lowers to ground. a. If bucket is not flat on ground or is not at correct digging angle, go to step 5 below. b. If 5 ampere circuit breaker blew, try to determine if it blew immediately or when bucket was lowering. If circuit breaker blew immediately, problem is short circuit in hydraulic filter switches or warning lamp circuitry. Perform resistance checks of circuit to isolate defective part. If circuit breaker blew when bucket was lowering to ground; go to step 3 below. c. If bucket is flat on ground or is at correct digging angle, problem was momentary short c i r c u i t c a u s i n g c i r c u i t b r e a k e r t o open. Shut off engine. 3-182



Turn ignition key switch to off position. Check orange-white wire between 5 ampere circuit breaker and control valve assembly for broken or cracked insulation or bare wire areas. a. Repair broken or cracked insulation or bare wire areas by applying insulation tape to area. b. If wire is okay, go to step 4 below.

Step 4.

Unlock and open front access door. Disconnect connector at control valve assembly bucket spool. Connect multimeter between pins A and B of control valve assembly connector. Multimeter should indicate 55 ohms resistance. a. If multimeter indicates zero resistance, notify next higher maintenance level to replace control valve assembly (solenoid is short circuited and must be replaced). b. If multimeter indicates 55 ohms, repair orange-white wire between 5 ampere circuit breaker and control valve assembly (page 5-168).

Step 5.

Disconnect connector at control valve assembly bucket spool. Connect multimeter between wiring harness connector pin B and chassis ground. Turn ignition key switch to on position. Multimeter should indicate 24 volts. Turn ignition key switch to off position. a . I f 2 4 v o l t s n o t o b t a i n e d , check orange-white wire between wiring harness connector and 5 ampere circuit breaker for continuity. I f c o n t i n u i t y o b t a i n e d , remove right instrument panel (page 5-48) and replace circuit breaker (page 5-53). b. If 24 volts obtained, go to step 6 below. 3-183



4. BUCKET DOES NOT RETURN TO DIGGING POSITION (Cont). Step 6. Connect multimeter between control valve assembly connector pins A and B. Multimeter should indicate 55 ohms. a. If multimeter indication is not 55 ohms , notify next higher maintenance level to replace control valve assembly (solenoid is open and must be replaced). b. If multimeter indication is 55 ohms, go to step 7 below. Step 7.

Check blue-white wire between wiring harness connector and return-to-dig switch white wire for an open circuit condition. a. If wire is open, replace it. b. If wire is okay, check black wire between return-to-dig switch and chassis frame for open circuit condition. Replace if open (page 5-70). If wire is okay, replace return-to-dig switch (page 5-68) .


Check adjustment of bucket height control (refer to operator’s manual T M 5 - 3 8 0 5 - 2 6 2 - 1 0 ) . a . I f adjustment is not correct, adjust (refer to operator’s manual TM 5-3805-262-10). b . I f adjustment is correct, go to step 2 below.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 5. BUCKET HEIGHT CONTROL NOT OPERATING PROPERLY (Cont) . Step 2. Start engine and operate at idle speed. Press 5 ampere circuit breaker on right instrument panel.

Place LIFT ARM control lever in RAISE position and check if control lever returns to NEUT. position when desired height is reached. a . If control lever did not return to NEUT. position when desired height was reached, go to step 5 below. b . If 5 ampere circuit breaker blew, try to determine if it blew immediately or when bucket reached desired height. If circuit breaker blew immediately, problem is short circuit in hydraulic filter switches or warning lamp circuitry. Perform resistance checks of circuit to isolate defective part. If circuit breaker blew when bucket reached desired height, go to step 3 below. c . If bucket stopped at desired height, problem was momentary short circuit causing circuit breaker to open. Shut off engine. Step 3.

Turn ignition key switch to off position. Check orange-white wire between 5 ampere circuit breaker and control valve for broken or cracked insulation or bare wire areas. a. Repair broken or cracked insulation or bare wire areas by applying insulation tape to area. b. If wire is okay, go to step 4 below.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 5. BUCKET HEIGHT CONTROL NOT OPERATING PROPERLY (Cont). Step 4. Unlock and open front access door. Disconnect connector at control valve assembly lift arm spool. Connect multimeter between pins A and B of control valve assembly connector and then pins B and C. Multimeter should indicate 55 ohms resistance between pins A and B, and B and C. a . If multimeter indicates zero resistance, notify next higher maintenance level to replace control valve assembly (solenoid is short circuited and must be replaced). b . If multimeter indicates 55 ohms, repair orange-white wire between 5 ampere circuit breaker and control valve assembly (page 5-168). Step 5. Disconnect connector at control valve assembly lift arm spool. Connect multimeter between wiring harness connector pin C and chassis frame. Turn ignition key switch to on position. Multimeter should indicate 24 volts. Turn ignition key switch to off position. Connect multimeter between wiring harness connector pin A and chassis frame. Turn ignition key switch to on position. Multimeter should indicate 24 volts. Turn ignition key switch to off position. a.

If 24 volts not obtained, check orange-white wire between connector and 5 ampere circuit breaker for continuity. If continuity obtained, remove right instrument panel (page 5-48) and replace circuit breaker (page 5-53).

b. If 24 volts obtained, go to step 6 below. 3-186




Connect multimeter between control valve assembly connector pins A and B, and then pins B and C. Multimeter should indicate 55 ohms. a. If multimeter indication is not 55 ohms, notify next higher maintenance level to replace control valve assembly (solenoid is open and must be replaced). b. If multimeter indication is 55 ohms, go to step 7 below.

Step 7.

Check brown-white wire between wiring harness connector and height control switch white wire for an open circuit condition. a. If wire is open, replace it (page 5-70). b. If wire is okay, check black wire between height control switch and chassis frame for open circuit condition. Replace if open (page 5-70). If wire is okay, replace height control switch (page 5-69).




Start engine and turn loader completely to left to gain access to control valve assembly spools and linkage. Shut off engine and apply parking brake.

Position a machinist’s rule on control valve assembly body next to lift arm spool. Using end of clevis as a reference point, tell assistant to place LIFT ARM control lever in RAISE position while you measure travel of clevis. Clevis should move 0.44 inch approximately. Tell assistant to place LIFT ARM control lever in NEUT. position, then move it to LOWER position while you measure travel of clevis from NEUT. to LOWER position. Clevis should move 0.44 inch approximately. Tell assistant to place LIFT ARM control lever in NEUT. position, then move it to FLOAT position while you measure travel of clevis from NEUT. to FLOAT position. Clevis should move 0.88 inch approximately. a. If measurements are not as specified above, notify next higher maintenance level to adjust control valve assembly linkage. b. If measurements are as specified above, go to step 2 below. 3-188




Start engine and turn loader so that it is facing straight ahead. Shut off engine and engage transport/service link (page 9-8). Start engine and operate at idle speed. Operate LIFT ARM control lever in both RAISE and LOWER positions.

Before performing following, be sure that transport/service link is engaged. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death due to chassis pivoting and crushing you when you are working in area between front and rear chassis. Tell assistant to check hoses, lines, and fittings between control valve and lift cylinder assemblies for hydraulic oil leakage, Shut off engine. a. If hydraulic oil leakage is seen, tighten hose fittings. If tightening does not stop leakage, replace part(s) (page 11-50). b. If hydraulic oil leakage is not seen, go to step 3 below. Step 3.

Inspect lift cylinder assemblies (page 11-64). a. If lift cylinder assemblies are leaking, replace (page 11-65). b. If lift cylinder assemblies are not leaking, go to step 4 below.

Step 4.

Start engine and operate at idle speed. Place LIFT ARM control lever in RAISE position until bucket is at maximum height then place lever in NEUT. position. Shut off engine.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 6. LIFT CYLINDER ASSEMBLIES OPERATING SLUGGISHLY OR POORLY (ALL OTHER CYLINDERS OPERATING OKAY ) (Cont). Step 4. (Cont). Place a support below loader frame cross member to hold loader frame in position. Operate control levers several times to relieve hydraulic system pressure.

Hydraulic system pressure is over 2000 psi and hydraulic reservoir is pressurized with compressed air. Before loosening or disconnecting any hydraulic hoses, lines, or fittings, loosen hydraulic reservoir fill cap, and operate all hydraulic control levers to relieve hydraulic system pressure. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death . I f y o u a r e i n j u r e d o b t a i n medical assistance immediately. Disconnect hose connected to rod end of each lift cylinder assembly from tube that comes through side of loader front chassis. Install a cap on each tube. Start engine-and operate at full throttle. Hold LIFT ARM control lever in RAISE position and tell assistant to check for hydraulic oil leakage at each hose disconnected above. a. If there is constant leakage from a hose, the cylinder packing is damaged. Shut off engine and replace lift cylinder assembly connected to hose which was constantly leaking (page 11-65). b. If there wasn’t constant leakage from a hose, notify next higher maintenance level to replace control valve assembly.




Start engine and turn loader completely to left to gain access to control valve assembly spools and linkage. Shut off engine and apply parking brake. Position a machinist’s rule on control valve assembly body next to clam spool.

Using end of clevis as a reference point, tell assistant to place CLAM control lever in OPEN position while you measure travel of clevis. Clevis should move 0.44 inch approximately. Tell assistant to place CLAM control lever in HOLD position, then move it to CLOSE position while you measure travel of clevis from HOLD to CLOSE position. Clevis should move 0.44 inch approximately. a. If measurement is not 0.44 inch approximately, notify next higher maintenance level to adjust control valve assembly linkage. b. If measurement is 0.44 inch, go to step 2 below. 3-191



Start engine and turn loader so that it is facing straight ahead. Shut off engine and engage transport/service link (page 9-8). Start engine and operate at idle speed. Operate CLAM control lever in both OPEN and CLOSE positions.

Before performing following, be sure that transport/service link is engaged. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death due to chassis pivoting and crushing you when you are working in area between front and rear chassis. Tell assistant to check hoses, lines, and fittings between control valve and clamshell cylinder assemblies for hydraulic oil leakage. Shut off engine. a. If hydraulic oil leakage is seen, tighten hose fittings. If tightening does not stop leakage, replace part(s) (page 11-32). b. If hydraulic oil leakage is not seen, go to step 3 below. Step 3.

Inspect clamshell cylinder assemblies (page 11-71). a. If clamshell cylinder assemblies do not check okay, replace (page 11-72). b. If clamshell cylinder assemblies check okay, go to step 4 below.

Step 4. Start engine and operate at idle speed. Place CLAM control lever in CLOSE position until clam is completely closed. Shut off engine and operate control levers several times to relieve hydraulic system pressure.

Hydraulic system pressure is over 2000 psi and hydraulic reservoir is pressurized with compressed air. Before loosening or disconnecting any hydraulic hoses, lines, or fittings, loosen hydraulic reservoir fill cap, and operate all hydraulic control levers to relieve hydraulic system pressure. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death. If you are injured obtain medical assistance immediately.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 7. BUCKET CLAMSHELL CYLINDER ASSEMBLIES OPERATING SLUGGISHLY OR POORLY (ALL OTHER CYLINDERS OPERATE PROPERLY) (Cont). Step 4. (Cont). Disconnect hose connected to rod end of each clamshell cylinder assembly from tube. Install a cap on each tube. Start engine and operate at full throttle. Hold CLAM control lever in CLOSE position and tell assistant to check for hydraulic oil leakage at each hose disconnected above. a. If there is constant leakage from a hose, the cylinder packing is damaged. Shut off engine and replace clamshell cylinder assembly connected to hose which was constantly leaking (page 11-72). b. If there wasn’t constant leakage from a hose, notify next higher maintenance level (additional checks must be performed). 8. ALL CYLINDER ASSEMBLIES OPERATING SLUGGISHLY OR POORLY. Step 1.

Check hydraulic reservoir sight gage in front of loader. Oil level should be at center of sight gage. a. If oil level is not at approximate center of sight gage, add hydraulic oil (page 11-78). b. If oil level is okay, go to step 2 below.




Start engine and operate control levers while observing HYDRAULIC FILTER light on right instrument panel.

a. If HYDRAULIC FILTER light is lit, replace hydraulic filter (page 11-82) . b. If HYDRAULIC FILTER light is not lit, shut off engine, and notify next higher maintenance level (additional checks must be performed) . 9. LIFT ARM, BUCKET, OR CLAM OPERATION TOO SLOW. Check hoses, lines, and fittings between hydraulic reservoir, pump, and control valve assembly for oil leaks. a. If oil leakage is observed, tighten fittings; if hoses or lines are damaged, replace (page 11-18). b . I f h o s e s , l i n e s , and fittings are okay, notify next higher maintenance level (additional checks must be performed). 10. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM OIL TOO HOT. Step 1.


Check if operator is moving control levers completely into power positions.


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 10. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM OIL TOO HOT (Cont). Step 1. (Cont). a. If operator is not moving control levers completely into power position, instruct him to do so. b. If operator is moving control levers completely into power position, go to step 2 below. Step 2. Check hydraulic oil for contamination. Take a sample of hydraulic oil and check if it is dark and thick, has an odor of burned oil, particles of metal or dirt in oil, or appears that water is in oil. If any of the above is seen, oil is contaminated. a. If oil is contaminated, drain hydraulic system and clean strainer (page 11-79), and replace oil filters (pages 8-40 and 11-82). b. If oil is not contaminated, notify next higher maintenance level (additional checks must be performed).




Disconnect violet-red wire spade terminal from wire lead terminal of back-up alarm switch installed in transmission control valve by grasping terminals with your fingers and firmly pulling them apart. Connect multimeter between violet-red wire terminal and chassis frame. Check that multimeter indicates 24 volts. a. If multimeter does not indicate 24 volts, check violet-red wire between loader 30 ampere circuit breaker and back-up alarm switch for open condition. Repair or replace wire as necessary (page 5-174).

b. If multimeter indicates 24 volts, go to step 2 below. Step 2.


Engage transport/service link (page 9-8). Disconnect black-red wire spade terminal from wire lead terminal of back-up alarm switch installed in transmission control valve by grasping terminals with your fingers and firmly pulling them apart.


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. BACK-UP ALARM DOES NOT SOUND (OTHER CIRCUITS OPERATING OKAY) (Cont) . Step 2. (Cont). Connect multimeter between wire lead terminals of back-up alarm switch.

Before performing the following, be sure that transport/service link is engaged. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death due to chassis pivoting and crushing you when you are working in area between front and rear chassis. Tell assistant to start engine, apply parking brake valve, and place transmission control lever in R (reverse) position. Check that multimeter indicates continuity. a . If multimeter does not indicate continuity, shut off engine, and replace back-up alarm switch (page 12-2). b . If multimeter indicates continuity, shut off engine, and reconnect wiring harness wire lead-terminals to–back-up alarm switch wire lead terminals by grasping with fingers, alining them, and firmly pushing together. Go to step 3 below. Step 3. Unlock and open radiator grille. Connect multimeter between back-up alarm terminal to which black-red wire connected and chassis frame. Tell assistant to start engine, apply parking brake valve, and place transmission control lever in R (reverse) position. Check that multimeter indicates 24 volts. a. If multimeter indicates 24 volts, tell assistant to shut off engine. Connect multimeter between other back-up alarm terminal and chassis frame and check for continuity. If continuity obtained, replace back-up alarm (page 12-2). If continuity not obtained, replace wire lead connected to back-up alarm terminal (page 12-2). 3-197


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. BACK-UP ALARM DOES NOT SOUND (OTHER CIRCUITS OPERATING OKAY) (Cont). Step 3. (Cont). b. If 24 volts not obtained, tell assistant to shut off engine. Repair black-red wire between back-up alarm and back-up alarm switch (open circuit condition exists in wire) (page 5-174).

Be sure transport/service link is disengaged (page 9-8) before driving loader. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death due to loss of steering control. 2. TURN SIGNALS DO NOT OPERATE. Step 1.

Check that main switch of vehicle lights switch is placed in either SER DRIVE or STOP LIGHT position. Turn ignition key switch to on position. Check if turn signals operate. a. If turn signals operate, main switch was not in either SER DRIVE or STOP LIGHT position. b. If turn signals do not operate, go to step 2 below.

Step 2.

Set turn signal switch lever to position for left or right turn signal. Check if lamp in turn signal switch is on. a. If turn signal switch lamp is not on, replace lamp (page 12-7), and repeat the above. I f l a m p i s s t i l l o f f , g o t o s t e p 4 b e l o w . b. If turn signal switch lamp is on, go to step 3 below.

Step 3.


Turn ignition key switch to off position. Remove turn signal switch cover (page 12-7). Connect multimeter across violet wire terminal and terminal. Set turn signal switch lever to position for left Multimeter should indicate continuity. Connect multimeter across violet wire terminal and terminal. Set turn signal switch lever to position for right Multimeter should indicate continuity.

light blue wire turn signal. white-blue wire turn signal.


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 2. TURN SIGNALS DO NOT OPERATE. Step 3. (Cont). a. If multimeter does not indicate continuity, replace turn signal switch (page 12-8). b. If multimeter does indicate continuity, replace violet wire between flasher and turn signal switch. Step 4. Reach up beneath right instrument panel and disconnect connector from rear of vehicle lights switch. Connect multimeter between pins F and J of vehicle lights switch connector. Ensure that main switch lever of vehicle lights switch is in either SER DRIVE or STOP LIGHT position. Multimeter should indicate continuity. a. If multimeter indicates continuity, replace flasher (page 12-8). b. If multimeter does not indicate continuity, remove right i n s t r u m e n t p a n e l ( p a g e 5 - 4 8 ) a n d r e p l a c e v e h i c l e l i g h t s s w i t c h (page 5-53). 3. A TURN SIGNAL LAMP DOES NOT OPERATE. Step 1.

Replace turn signal lamp assembly bulb (page 12-16). If lamp still does not operate, go to step 2 below.

Step 2. Remove turn signal switch cover (page 12-7). Connect multimeter across violet wire terminal and light blue wire terminal. Set turn signal switch lever to position for left turn signal. Multimeter should indicate continuity. Connect multimeter across violet wire terminal and white-blue wire terminal. Set turn signal switch lever to position for right turn signal. Multimeter should indicate continuity. a. If multimeter does not indicate continuity, replace turn signal switch (page 12-8). b. If multimeter does indicate continuity, perform continuity check of wire between lamp assembly that is not operating and switch. If continuity not obtained, repair wire (page 12-8). If continuity obtained, replace lamp assembly (page 12-17). 3-199


Para General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-27 STE/ICE Description and Operation . 3-28 STE/ICE Set-up Procedures . . . . . . . . . 3-29 Engine Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-30

Fuel System Troubleshooting . . . . . . Charging System Troubleshooting . . Starting System Troubleshooting . . Battery System Troubleshooting . . .

. . . .

Para 3-31 3-32 3-33 3-34

3-27. GENERAL a. This section applies only if STE/ICE is available. It contains troubleshooting of malfunction information and tests for locating and correcting troubles which may develop in the engine, f u e l s y s t e m , c h a r g i n g s y s t e m , s t a r t i n g s y s t e m , a n d b a t t e r y system. These are based on those malfunctions that may occur during operation of the loader. STE/ICE also has the capability to test the hydraulic and transmission systems. Each malfunction or trouble symptom lists probable causes and suggested corrective actions to remedy the situation. b. This manual cannot list all possible malfunctions that may occur or all tests, inspections, and corrective actions. If a malfunction is not listed (except when malfunctions and causes are obvious), o r i s n o t c o r r e c t e d b y l i s t e d c o r r e c t i v e a c tions, notify higher level maintenance. C . The troubleshooting procedures list the common malfunctions that you may find during the operation or maintenance of the loader. You should perform the tests/inspections and corrective actions in the order listed.

3-28. STE/lCE DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION a. General. STE/ICE is used to test serviceability of vehicles and to perform primary fault detection and isolation. b. Description and Operation. STE/ICE is a testing system that performs tests and measurements on internal combustion engines. I t m e a s u r e s v o l t a g e , c u r r e n t , r e s i s t a n c e , pressure, temperature, and rpm. Special tests consisting of compression u n b a l a n c e , starting system and battery system evaluation are performed by STE/ICE. Features of STE/ICE are standard equipment functions consisting of vacuum pressure gage, multimeter, and low current ammeter. STE/ICE is portable and operates on either 2 or 24 volt batteries or equivalent power source. STE/ICE system consists of vehicle test meter (vTM), transducer kit (TK), six electrical cables, transit case, and necessary technical manuals. c. Vehicle Test Meter (VTM). P r o v i d e s a m e t h o d f o r t h e t e c h n i c i a n t o t e s t l o a d e r electrical and mechanical components. R e a d i n g s a r e e i t h e r p a s s / f a i l i n d i c a t i o n s o r digital displays in units such as psi, rpm, volts, ohms, amperage, etc. VTM interfaces with loader with transducer(s) from transducer kit, current probe, voltage probe, and power cable. VTM operating power is drawn from loader batteries or other battery source. Power is routed to VTM through VTM power cable clamps connected to batteries. STE/ICE general purpose test capabilities used to troubleshoot the loader are rpm, -30 in. Hg to 25 psig pressure, 0-1000 psig pressure, 0-45 volts dc, and 0-1500 amps. S p e c i a l t e s t s c o n s i s t o f c o m p r e s s i o n u n b a l a n c e , s t a r t e r f i r s t p e a k c u r rent, starter circuit resistance, starter negative cable voltage drop, and battery internal resistance and resistance chance. Refer to TM 9-4910-571-12&P for a detailed description of VTM controls, indicators, and capabilities. 3-200


d. T r a n s d u c e r K i t ( T K ) . The TK contains a pulse tachometer transducer, a 0-1000 psig pressure transducer, -30 in. Hg to 25 psig pressure transducer, necessary adapters (bushings, tees, adapters, connectors, plugs, and nipples) for connecting press u r e t r a n s d u c e r s t o e q u i p m e n t u n d e r t e s t , and a current probe. Refer to TM 9-4910571-12&P for a detailed description and listing of TK components. e. C a b l e A s s e m b l i e s . There are six cable assemblies included. Two of these cables (W1 and W3) are not used during loader troubleshooting. Four cables may be used, i n t r o u b l e s h o o t i n g t h e l o a d e r . If necessary, two transducer cables (W4) can be joined using an adapter supplied with the TK to make one long cable. The other two cables used during loader troubleshooting are test probe cable W2 used for voltage measurements and power cable W5. Refer to TM 9-4910-571-12&P for a detailed description and listing of cable assemblies. 3-29. STE/ICE SET-UP PROCEDURES Refer to TM 9-4910-571-12&P for STE/ICE power up procedures and confidence test procedures, Set-up procedures to interface STE/ICE with the loader are covered in detail in the following troubleshooting procedures. 3-30. ENGINE TROUBLESHOOTING MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. ENGINE WILL NOT CRANK. Step 1.

Open radiator grille at rear of loader. Connect STE/ICE power cable W5 connector P1 to J1 of VTM. Check that VTM PUSH ON/PULL OFF switch is in OFF position. Connect power cable W5 red clip lead to loader battery positive post and black clip lead to loader battery negative post.




1. ENGINE WILL NOT CRANK (Cont). Step 1.

(Cont). Do STE/ICE confidence test (TM 9-4910-571-12&P). At VTM, dial 60 into TEST SELECT and press and release TEST. When UEH appears on VTM display, dial 22 into test select and press and release TEST. At VTM, dial 67 into TEST SELECT. Press and release TEST. Check that 22 volts minimum is displayed on VTM. a. If 22 volts minimum is displayed on VTM, go to step 2 below. b. If less than 22 volts is displayed on VTM, go to page 3-286, battery system troubleshooting, MALFUNCTION 1.

Step 2.

Try to crank engine using ignition key switch and listen to starter. a. If starter sounds like it is overspeeding, go to step 3 below. b. If starter does not sound like it is overspeeding but sound is click, buzz, hum, or no sound, go to page 3-274, starting system troubleshooting, MALFUNCTION 3.

Step 3.

Remove starter (page 5-16). Check flywheel ring gear for missing or damaged teeth. You need only check area on flywheel ring gear that is visible when starter is removed. a . If missing or damaged teeth are seen at flywheel ring gear, notify next higher maintenance level (flywheel ring gear must be replaced). b . If flywheel ring gear teeth are okay, replace starter (page 5-22).



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 2. ENGINE HARD TO START OR WILL NOT START (NO EXHAUST SMOKE) . Step 1. Open radiator grille at rear of loader. Connect STE/ICE power cable W5 connector P1 to VTM J1. Check that VTM PUSH ON/PULL OFF switch is in OFF position. Connect power cable W5 red clip lead to loader battery positive post and black clip lead to loader battery negative post. Remove engine left side panels (page 9-14).

Loosen and disconnect tachometer cable nut from tachometer d r i v e . Install STE/ICE pulse tachometer in loader tachometer drive. Connect transducer cable W4 connector P1 to VTM J3. Connect transducer cable W4 connector P2 to pulse tachometer. DO STE/ICE confidence test (TM 9-4910-571-12&P). At VTM, dial 60 into TEST SELECT and press and release TEST. When UEH appears on VTM display, dial 22 into TEST SELECT and press and release TEST. Be sure that fuel SHUT OFF control is pulled completely out. Dial 10 into TEST SELECT and press and release TEST. Crank engine for 15 seconds using ignition key switch and watch VTM display. Be sure to return ignition key switch to off position after cranking. VTM display should indicate 200 rpm minimum. a. If cranking speed is 200 rpm minimum, go to step 2 below. 3-203


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 2. ENGINE HARD TO START OR WILL NOT START (NO EXHAUST SMOKE) (Cont) . Step 1. (Cont). b. If cranking speed is less than 200 rpm, go to page 3-274, starting system troubleshooting, MALFUNCTION 3. Step 2.

Remove engine right side panels (page 9-14).

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean p a r t s i s t o x i c a n d f l a m m a b l e . Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and donut breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when u s i n g i t . Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately.

Dirt or other foreign matter can damage fuel injection pump and fuel injectors and cause engine starting problems. Dirt and foreign matter can enter fuel lines when you disconnect them. To prevent this from happening, clean all fittings, plugs, and fuel line connections before breaking connections using clean cloths moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Remove plug from elbow installed in fuel injection pump. Install adapter (TK item 20) in elbow port from which plug was removed. Install pressure transducer (blue stripe, TK item 17) in adapter (TK item 20).



2. ENGINE HARD TO START OR WILL NOT START (NO EXHAUST SMOKE) (Cont). Step 2. (Cont). Connect transducer cable W4 connector P1 to VTM J2. Connect transducer cable W4 connector P2 to transducer connector. Dial 50 into TEST SELECT. Press and hold TEST until CAL appears on display then release TEST. Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should be between -150 to +150. If it is not, STE/ICE is defective (refer to TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Press and release TEST. Crank engine for 30 seconds using ignition key switch. Be sure to return ignition key switch to off position after cranking. Display should indicate 20 to 30 psi. a. If display indicates 20 to 30 psi, disconnect transducer cable W4 from transducer. Remove transducer and adapter from elbow port. Reinstall plug in elbow port and go to step 3 below. b. If display does not indicate 20 to 30 psi, disconnect transducer cable W4 from transducer. Remove transducer and adapter from elbow port. Reinstall plug in elbow port and go to page 3-244, fuel system troubleshooting, MALFUNCTION 1. Step 3. Check if there is wrong or contaminated fuel in fuel tank (contaminated fuel will have a milky white appearance). a. If wrong or contaminated fuel in fuel tank, drain and clean fuel tank (page 4-32), replace fuel filters (page 4-38), and refill with correct fuel. b. If fuel is okay, go to step 4 below. Step 4.

Check for air in fuel system. a . Open bleed valve on first stage filter. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to on position. Close bleed valve when clear bubble free fuel appears. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to off position. Open bleed valve on second stage filter. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to on position, Close bleed valve when clear bubble free fuel appears. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to off position. Use clean cloth and wipe up any Diesel fuel spillage. 3-205



Step 5.

Crack (open) a fuel injector line at fuel injection pump, crank engine, and check if fuel is pumped through fuel injection pump . a. If fuel is not pumped through fuel injection pump, notify next higher maintenance level (fuel injection pump must be replaced). b . If fuel is pumped through fuel injection pump, go to step 6 below.

Step 6.


If VID has not been entered in VTM, dial 60 into TEST SELECT and press and release TEST. When UEH appears on VTM display, dial 22 into TEST SELECT and press and release TEST. Perform compression unbalance test:


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 2. ENGINE HARD TO START OR WILL NOT START (NO EXHAUST SMOKE) (Cont). Step 6. (Cont). NOTE Be sure batteries are at full charge. Don’t do more than two compression unbalance tests in a row as loader batteries may discharge. Check that fuel SHUT OFF control is pulled completely out. Crank engine for five seconds to clear fuel from cylinders. Set VTM TEST SELECT switches to 14. NOTE While cranking engine with bad or discharged batteries, VTM may lose power and come on again after cranking has stopped, displaying -----. If this happens, clean battery posts and clamps and try again. If VTM still l o s e s p o w e r , connect VTM to another vehicle’s battery. Connect P1 of test probe cable W2 to J4 of VTM and W2 black test clip to loader battery negative post and red test clip to loader battery positive post. Then set VTM TEST SELECT switches to 15. Press and release TEST. When GO appears on display, crank engine until OFF or E013 appears on display. Be sure to return ignition key switch to off position. Display should indicate (TBD). a . I f d i s p l a y i n d i c a t e s ( T B D ) , compression unbalance is okay. Notify next higher maintenance level (additional tests must be performed) . b. If display indicates a number higher than (TBD), notify next higher maintenance level (additional tests must be performed). c. If FAIL is displayed, compression is too far unbalanced to be measured using STE/ICE. Notify next higher maintenance level (additional tests must be performed). d. If GO appears, repeat this step. e . I f E 0 1 3 i s d i s p l a y e d , test data cannot be analyzed due to weak batteries or interrupted cranking during test. Correct weak batteries by charging them, then repeat this step. If E013 message persists, after two tests, notify next higher maintenance level to perform compression test using pressure gage. 3-207



Open radiator grille at rear of loader. Connect STE/ICE power cable W5 connector P1 to VTM J1. Check that VTM PUSH ON/PULL OFF switch is in OFF position. Connect power cable W5 red clip lead to loader battery positive post and black clip lead to loader battery negative post. Remove engine left side panels (page 9-14).

Loosen and disconnect tachometer cable nut from tachometer drive. Install STE/ICE pulse tachometer in loader tachometer drive. Connect transducer cable W4 connector P1 to VTM J3. Connect transducer cable W4 connector P2 to pulse tachometer. Do STE/ICE confidence test (TM 9-4910-571-12&P). At VTM, dial 60 into TEST SELECT and press and release TEST. When UEH appears on VTM display, dial 22 into TEST SELECT and press and release TEST. Be sure that fuel SHUT OFF control is pulled completely out. Dial 10 into TEST SELECT and press and release TEST. Crank engine for 15 seconds using ignition key switch and watch VTM display. Be sure to return ignition key switch to off position after cranking. VTM display should indicate 200 rpm minimum. a. If cranking speed is 200 rpm minimum, go to step 2 below. b. If cranking speed is less than 200 rpm, go to page 3-274, starting system troubleshooting, MALFUNCTION 3. 3-208



Remove engine right side panels (page 9-14).

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately.

Dirt or other foreign matter can damage fuel injection pump and fuel injectors and cause engine starting problems. Dirt and foreign matter can enter fuel lines when you disconnect them. To prevent this from happening, clean all fittings, plugs, and fuel line connections before breaking connections using clean cloths moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Remove plug from elbow installed in fuel injection pump. Install adapter (TK item 20) in elbow port from which plug was removed. Install pressure transducer (blue stripe, TK item 17) in adapter (TK item 20). Connect transducer cable W4 connector P1 to VTM J2. Connect transducer cable W4 connector P2 to transducer connector. Dial 50 into TEST SELECT. Press and hold TEST until CAL appears on display then release TEST.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 3. ENGINE HARD TO START OR WILL NOT START (EXHAUST SMOKE) (Cont). Step 2. (Cont). Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should be between -150 to +150. If it is not, STE/ICE is defective (refer to TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Press and release TEST. Crank engine for 30 seconds using ignition key switch. Be sure to return ignition key switch to off position after cranking. Display should indicate 20 to 30 psi. a. If display indicates 20 to 30 psi, disconnect transducer cable W4 from transducer. Remove transducer and adapter from elbow port. Reinstall plug in elbow port and go to step 3 below. b. If display does not indicate 20 to 30 psi, disconnect transducer cable W4 from transducer. Remove transducer and adapter from elbow port. Reinstall plug in elbow port and go to page 3-244, fuel system troubleshooting, MALFUNCTION 1. Step 3.

Check if there is wrong or contaminated fuel in fuel tank (contaminated fuel will have a milky white appearance). a. If wrong or contaminated fuel in fuel tank, drain and clean fuel tank (page 4-32), replace fuel filters (page 4-38), and refill with correct fuel. b. If fuel is okay, go to step 4 below.

Step 4.

While assistant cranks engine using ignition key switch, check for fuel leaks at fuel injector lines. a. If fuel leaks are seen, tighten fuel lines. If tightening does no good, notify next higher maintenance level (fuel injector lines must be replaced). b. If fuel leaks are not seen, go to step 5 below.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 3. ENGINE HARD TO START OR WILL NOT START (EXHAUST SMOKE) (Cont). Step 5. Crack (open) a fuel injector line at fuel injection pump, crank engine, and check if fuel is pumped through fuel injection pump.

a. If fuel is not pumped through fuel injection pump, notify next higher maintenance level (fuel injection pump must be replaced). b. If fuel is pumped through fuel injection pump, go to step 6 below. Step 6. If VID has not been entered in VTM, dial 60 into TEST SELECT and press and release TEST. When UEH appears on VTM display, dial 22 into TEST SELECT and press and release TEST. Perform compression unbalance test: NOTE B e s u r e b a t t e r i e s a r e a t full charge. Don-t do more than two compression unbalance tests in a row a s l o a d e r b a t t e r i e s m a y d i s c h a r g e . Check that fuel SHUT OFF control is pulled completely out. Crank engine for five seconds to clear fuel from cylinders. Set VTM TEST SELECT switches to 14.




3. ENGINE HARD TO START OR WILL NOT START (ENAUST SMOKE) (Cont). Step 6. (Cont). NOTE While cranking engine with bad or discharged batteries, VTM may lose power and come on again after cranking has stopped, displaying -----. If this happens, clean battery posts and clamps and try again. If VTM still loses power, connect VTM to another vehicle’s battery. Connect P1 of test probe cable W2 to J4 of VTM and W2 black test clip to loader battery negative post and red test clip to loader battery positive post. Then set VTM TEST SELECT switches to 15. Press and release TEST. When GO appears on display, crank engine until OFF or E013 appears on display. Be sure to return ignition key switch to off position. Display should indicate (TBD). a. If display indicates (TBD), step 7 below.

compression unbalance is okay. Go to

b. If display indicates a number higher than (TBD), notify next higher maintenance level (additional tests must be performed). C.

If FAIL is displayed, compression is too far unbalanced to be measured using STE/ICE. Notify next higher maintenance level (additional tests must be performed).

d. If GO appears, repeat this step. e. If E013 is displayed, test data cannot be analyzed due to weak batteries or interrupted cranking during test. Correct weak batteries by charging them, then repeat this step. If E013 message persists, after two tests, notify next higher maintenance level to perform compression test using pressure gage.




Unlock and open r a d i a t o r c a p a c c e s s p a n e l .

Remove radiator cap slowly t o r e l i e v e p r e s s u r e b e f o r e c o m p l e t e l y r e m o v ing when engine is hot. Failure to do so could cause severe burns due to h o t s t e a m s c a l d i n g y o u . If you are scalded by hot steam, seek medical aid immediately. Remove radiator cap. Remove engine left and right side panels if not already removed (page 9-14). Remove alternator drive belts (page 5-4). Drain coolant from radiator to just below upper radiator hose port (page 4-69). Disconnect upper radiator hose from thermostat housing (page 4-74). Remove thermostat housing and thermostats (page 4-87). Tell assistant to start engine; if engine cannot be started, tell assistant to crank engine for 30 seconds while you watch coolant in water manifold for air bubbles. a. If air bubbles rising in coolant in water manifold are seen, notify next higher maintenance level to replace cylinder head gasket(s). 3-213



3. ENGINE HARD TO START OR WILL NOT START (EXHAUST SMOKE) (Cont). Step 7. (Cont). b. If air bubbles rising in coolant are not seen, tell assistant to shut off engine. Install thermostats and thermostat housing (page 4-89). Connect upper radiator hose to thermostat housing (page 4-75). Fill radiator with coolant (page 4-71). Install alternator drive belts (page 5-5). Install engine left and right side panels (page 9-17). Notify next higher maintenance level (engine must be checked further). 4. ENGINE STARTS BUT WILL NOT RUN. Step 1.

Open radiator grille at rear of loader. Connect STE/ICE power cable W5 connector P1 to VTM J1. Check that VTM PUSH ON/PULL OFF switch is in OFF position.

Connect power cable W5 red clip lead to loader battery positive post and black clip lead to loader battery negative post. Do STE/ICE confidence test (TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Remove engine right side panels (page 9-14).



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 4. ENGINE STARTS BUT WILL NOT RUN (Cont). Step 1. (Cont). Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean p a r t s i s t o x i c a n d f l a m m a b l e . W e a r p r o t e c t i v e g o g g l e s a n d g l o v e s a n d use only in a w e l l v e n t i l a t e d area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors, Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately.

Dirt or other foreign matter can damage fuel injection pump and fuel injectors and cause engine starting problems. Dirt and foreign matter can enter fuel lines when you disconnect them. To prevent this from happening, clean all fittings, plugs, and fuel line connections before breaking connections using clean cloths moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680.

Remove plug from elbow installed in fuel injection pump. Install adapter (TK item 20) in elbow port from which plug was removed. Install pressure transducer (blue stripe, TK item 17) in adapter (TK item 20). 3-215



4. ENGINE STARTS BUT WILL NOT RUN (Cont). Step 1. (Cont). Connect transducer cable W4 connector P1 to VTM J2. Connect transducer cable W4 connector P2 to transducer connector. Dial 50 into TEST SELECT. Press and hold TEST until CAL appears on display then release TEST. Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should be between - 1 5 0 t o + 1 5 0 . I f i t i s n o t , S T E / I C E i s d e f e c t i v e ( r e f e r t o TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Press and release TEST. Crank engine for 30 seconds using ignition key switch. Be sure to return ignition key switch to off position after cranking. Display should indicate 20 to 30 psi. a . If display indicates 20 to 30 psi, disconnect transducer cable W4 from transducer. Remove transducer and adapter from elbow port. Reinstall plug in elbow port and go to step 2 below. b . If display does not indicate 20 to 30 psi, disconnect transducer cable W4 from transducer. Remove transducer and adapter from elbow port. Reinstall plug in elbow port and go to page 3-244, fuel system troubleshooting, MALFUNCTION 1. Step 2.

Check if there is wrong or contamimted fuel in fuel tank (contaminated fuel will have a milky white appearance). a. If wrong or contaminated fuel in fuel tank, drain and clean fuel tank (page 4-32) , r e p l a c e f u e l f i l t e r s ( p a g e 4 - 3 8 ) , a n d r e f i l l with correct fuel. b. If fuel is okay, go to step 3 below.




Check for air in fuel system. a. Open bleed valve on first stage filter. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to on position. Close bleed valve when clear bubble free fuel appears. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to off position. Open bleed valve on second stage filter. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to on position. Close bleed valve when clear bubble free fuel appears. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to off position. Use clean cloth and wipe up any Diesel fuel spillage. b. If no air in fuel system, go to step 4 below.

Step 4. At fuel injection pump, check accelerator cable movement as an assistant depresses and releases accelerator pedal. a. If movement is not seen, repair or replace accelerator linkage (page 4-54). b. If movement is seen, go to step 5 below.




While assistant cranks engine using ignition key switch, check for fuel leaks at fuel injector lines. a. If fuel leaks are seen, tighten fuel lines. If tightening does no good, notify next higher maintenance level (fuel injector lines must be replaced). b. If fuel leaks are not seen, go to step 6 below.

Step 6.

Crack (open) a fuel injector line at fuel injection pump, crank engine, and check if fuel is pumped through fuel injection pump. a. If fuel is not pumped through fuel injection pump, notify next higher maintenance level (fuel injection pump must be replaced). b. If fuel is pumped through fuel injection pump, go to step 7 below.

Step 7.


If VID has not been entered in VTM, dial 60 into TEST SELECT and press and release TEST. When UEH appears on VTM display, dial 22 into TEST SELECT and press and release TEST. Perform compression unbalance test:


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 4. ENGINE STARTS BUT WILL NOT RUN (Cont). Step 7. (Cont). NOTE Be sure batteries are at full charge. Don’t do more than two compression unbalance tests in a row as loader batteries may discharge. Check that fuel SHUT OFF control is pulled completely out. Crank engine for five seconds to clear fuel from cylinders. Set VTM TEST SELECT switches to 14. NOTE While cranking engine with bad or discharged batteries, VTM may lose power and come on again after cranking has stopped, displaying -----. If this happens, clean battery posts and clamps and try again. If VTM still loses power, connect VTM to another vehicle’s battery. Connect P1 of test probe cable W2 to J4 of VTM and W2 black test clip to loader battery negative post and red test clip to loader battery positive post. Then set VTM TEST SELECT switches to 15. Press and release TEST. When GO appears on display, crank engine until OFF or E013 appears on display. Be sure to return ignition key switch to off position. Display should indicate (TBD). a . If display indicates (TBD), compression unbalance is okay. Go to step 8 below. b . I f d i s p l a y i n d i c a t e s a n u m b e r h i g h e r than (TBD), notify next higher maintenance level (additional tests must be performed). c . If FAIL is displayed, compression is too far unbalanced to be measured using STE/ICE. Notify next higher maintenance level (additional tests must be performed). d . If GO appears, repeat this step. e . I f E 0 1 3 i s d i s p l a y e d , test data cannot be analyzed due to weak batteries or interrupted cranking during test. Correct weak batteries by charging them, then repeat this step. If E013 message persists, after two tests, notify next higher maintenance level to perform compression test using pressure gage. 3-219



Unlock and open radiator cap access panel.

Remove radiator cap slowly to relieve pressure before completely removing when engine is hot. Failure to do so could cause severe burns due to h o t s t e a m s c a l d i n g y o u . If you are scalded by hot steam, seek medical aid immediately. Remove radiator cap. Remove engine left and right side panels if not already removed (page 9-14). Remove alternator drive belts (page 5-4). Drain coolant from radiator to just below upper radiator hose port (page 4-69). Disconnect upper radiator hose from thermostat housing (page 4-74). Remove thermostat housing and thermostats (page 4-87). Tell assistant to start engine; if engine cannot be started, tell assistant to crank engine for 30 seconds while you watch coolant in water manifold for air bubbles.

a. If air bubbles rising in coolant in water manifold are seen, notify next higher maintenance level to replace cylinder head gasket(s). 3-220


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 4. ENGINE STARTS BUT WILL NOT RUN (Cont). Step 8. (Cont). b. If air bubbles rising in coolant are not seen, tell assistant to turn off engine. Install thermostats and thermostat housing (page 4-89). Connect upper radiator hose to thermostat housing (page 4-75). Fill radiator with coolant (page 4-71). Install alternator drive belts (page 5-5). Install engine left and right side panels (page 9-17). Notify next higher maintenance level (engine must be checked further). 5. ENGINE MISFIRES. Step 1.

Open radiator grille at rear of loader. Connect STE/ICE power cable W5 connector P1 to J1 of VTM . Check that VTM PUSH ON/PULL OFF switch is in OFF pos i t i o n .

Connect power cable W5 red clip lead to loader battery positive post and black clip lead to loader battery negative post. Do STE/ICE confidence test (TM 9-4910-571-12&P). At VTM, dial 60 into TEST SELECT and press and release TEST. When UEH appears on VTM display, dial 22 into test select and press and release TEST. Perform compression unbalance test: NOTE B e s u r e b a t t e r i e s a r e a t full charge, Don't do more than two compression unbalance tests in a row as loader batteries may discharge. 3-221


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 5. ENGINE MISFIRES (Cont). Step 1. (Cont). Check that fuel SHUT OFF control is pulled completely out. Crank engine for five seconds to clear fuel from cylinders. Set VTM TEST SELECT switches to 14. NOTE While cranking engine with bad or discharged batteries, VTM may lose power and come on again after cranking has stopped, displaying -----. If this happens, clean battery posts and clamps and try again. If VTM still loses power, connect VTM to another vehicle’s battery. Connect P1 of test probe cable W2 to J4 of VTM and W2 black test clip to loader battery negative post and red test clip to loader battery positive post. Then set VTM TEST SELECT switches to 15. Press and release TEST. When GO appears on display, crank engine until OFF or E013 appears on display. Be sure to return ignition key switch to off position. D i s p l a y s h o u l d i n d i c a t e (TBD). a . I f d i s p l a y i n d i c a t e s (TBD), compression unbalance is okay. Go to step 2 below. b . I f d i s p l a y i n d i c a t e s a number higher than (TBD), notify next higher-maintenance level (additional tests must be performed). c . If FAIL is displayed, compression is too far unbalanced to be measured using STE/ICE. Notify next higher maintenance level (additional tests must be performed). d . If GO appears, repeat this step. e . If E013 is displayed, test data cannot be analyzed due to weak batteries or interrupted cranking during test. Correct weak batteries by charging them, then repeat this step. If E013 message persists, after two tests, notify next higher maintenance level to perform compression test using pressure gage. Step 2. Remove engine right side panels (page 9-14). Check for wrong or contamimted fuel in fuel tank (contaminated fuel will have a milky white appearance). a. If wrong or contaminated fuel in fuel tank, drain and clean fuel tank (page 4-32), replace fuel filters (page 4-38), and refill with correct fuel. b. If fuel is okay, go to step 3 below. 3-222



Operate engine for 15 minutes at idle speed to warm coolant. Unlock radiator cap access panel.

Remove radiator cap slowly to relieve pressure before completely removing when engine is hot, Failure to do so could cause severe burns due to hot steam scalding you. I f y o u a r e s c a l d e d b y h o t steam, seek medical aid immediately. Carefully remove radiator cap, and measure coolant temperature using a thermometer (be sure thermometer does not touch any metal parts of radiator) . Coolant temperature must be between 175 to 202 degrees F. a. If coolant temperature is not between 175 to 202 degrees F, remove and test thermostat (page 4-87). b. If coolant temperature is between 175 to 202 degrees F, reinstall radiator cap, close radiator cap access panel, and go to step 4 below. Step 4. W h i l e a s s i s t a n t c r a n k s e n g i n e using ignition key switch, check for fuel leaks at fuel injector lines. a, If fuel leaks are seen, tighten fuel lines. If tightening does no good, notify next higher maintenance level (fuel injector lines must be replaced). b. If fuel leaks are not seen, go to step 5 below.




Open radiator cap access panel.

Remove radiator cap slowly to relieve pressure before completely removing when engine is hot. Failure to do so could cause severe burns due to hot steam scalding you. If you are scalded by hot steam, seek medical aid immediately. Remove radiator cap. Remove engine left and right side panels if not already removed (page 9-14). Remove alternator drive belts (page 5-4). Drain coolant from radiator to just below upper radiator hose port (page 4-69). Disconnect upper radiator hose from thermostat housing (page 4-74). Remove thermostat housing and thermostats (page 4-87). Tell assistant to start engine; if engine cannot be started, tell assistant to crank engine for 30 seconds while you watch coolant in water manifold for air bubbles. a. If air bubbles rising in coolant in water manifold are seen, notify next higher maintenance level to replace cylinder head gasket(s). 3-224



5. ENGINE MISFIRES (Cont). Step 5. (Cont). b. If air bubbles rising in coolant are not seen, tell assistant to turn off engine. Install thermostats and thermostat housing (page 4-89). Connect upper radiator hose to thermostat housing (page 4-75). Fill radiator with coolant (page 4-71). Install radiator cap and close and lock radiator cap access panel. Install alternator drive belts (page 5-5). Install engine left and right side panels (page 9-17). Notify next higher maintenance level (engine must be checked further). 6. ENGINE STALLS FREQUENTLY OR DOES NOT DEVELOP FULL POWER. Step 1.

Remove engine left side panels (page 9-14). Check engine oil level dipstick for over filled engine crankcase or signs of water in crankcase. a, If engine crankcase is overfilled as indicated by dipstick, drain excess oil until level is just below full mark on dipstick (page 4-2). If signs of water are seen, notify next higher maintenance level (oil cooler must be replaced). b. If engine oil level is okay, go to step 2 below.

Step 2.

Remove engine right side panels (page 9-14). Check for wrong or contaminated fuel in fuel tank (contaminated fuel will have a milky white appearance). a. If fuel is wrong or contaminated, drain and clean fuel tank (page 4-32), replace fuel filters (page 4-38), and refill with correct fuel. b. If fuel is okay, go to step 3 below.




Check for air in fuel system. a . Open bleed valve on first stage filter. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to on position. Close bleed valve when clear bubble free fuel appears. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to off position. Open bleed valve on second stage filter. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to on position. Close bleed valve when clear bubble free fuel appears. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to off position. Use clean cloth and wipe up any Diesel fuel spillage. b . If no air in fuel system, go to step 4 below.

Step 4.

Operate engine for 15 minutes at idle speed to warm coolant. Unlock radiator cap access panel.

Remove radiator cap slowly to relieve pressure before completely removing when engine is hot. Failure to do so could cause severe burns due to hot steam scalding you. If you are scalded by hot steam, seek medical aid immediately. Carefully remove radiator cap, and measure coolant temperature using a thermometer (be sure thermometer does not touch any metal parts of radiator). Coolant temperature must be between 175 to 202 degrees F.





(Cont). a. If coolant temperature is not between 175 to 202 degrees F, remove and test thermostat (page 4-87). b. If coolant temperature is between 175 to 202 degrees F, reinstall radiator cap, close and lock radiator cap access panel, and go to step 5 below.

Step 5.

Remove engine top hood (page 9-11). Tell assistant to start engine and operate at idle speed. Squirt a small amount of fuel on intake manifold where it contacts cylinder head. Check if fuel is drawn into intake manifold indicating intake manifold gasket is damaged. a. If fuel is drawn into intake manifold, notify next higher maintenance level (intake manifold gasket must be replaced). b. If fuel is not drawn into intake manifold, turn off engine, and go to step 6 below.

Step 6.

Open radiator grille at rear of loader. Connect STE/ICE power cable W5 connector P1 to VTM J1. Check that VTM PUSH ON/PULL OFF switch is in OFF position. Connect power cable W5 red clip lead to loader battery positive post and black clip lead to loader battery negative post. Do STE/ICE confidence test (TM 9-4910-571-12&P). At VTM, dial 60 into TEST SELECT and press and release TEST. When UEH appears on VTM display, dial 22 into TEST SELECT and press and release TEST.




Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause s e r i o u s i n j u r y . If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately.

Dirt or other foreign matter can damage fuel injection pump and fuel injectors and cause engine starting problems. Dirt and foreign matter can enter fuel lines when you disconnect them. To prevent this from happening, clean all fittings, plugs, and fuel line connections before breaking connections using clean cloths moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Remove plug from elbow i n s t a l l e d i n f u e l i n j e c t i o n p u m p . 3-228


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 6. ENGINE STALLS FREQUENTLY OR DOES NOT DEVELOP FULL POWER (Cont) . Step 6. (Cont). Install adapter (TK item 20) in elbow port from which plug was removed. Install pressure transducer (blue stripe, TK item 17) in adapter (TK item 20). Connect transducer cable W4 connector P1 to VTM J2. Connect transducer cable W4 connector P2 to transducer connector. Dial 50 into TEST SELECT. Press and hold TEST until CAL appears on display then release TEST. Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should be between - 1 5 0 t o + 1 5 0 . I f i t i s n o t , S T E / I C E i s d e f e c t i v e ( r e f e r t o TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Press and release TEST. Start engine and operate at idle speed. Display should indicate 20 to 30 psi. Shut off engine. a. If display indicates 20 to 30 psi, disconnect transducer cable W4 from transducer. Remove transducer and adapter from elbow port. Reinstall plug in elbow port and go to step 7 below. b. If display does not indicate 20 to 30 psi, disconnect transducer cable W4 from transducer. Remove transducer and adapter from elbow port. Reinstall plug in elbow port and go to page 3-244, fuel system troubleshooting, MALFUNCTION 1. S t e p 7 . Loosen and disconnect tachometer cable nut from tachometer drive. Install STE/ICE pulse tachometer in loader tachometer drive. Connect transducer cable W4 connector P1 to VTM J3. Connect transducer cable W4 connector P2 to pulse tachometer. Dial 10 into TEST SELECT and press and release TEST. Start and warm engine to operating temperature.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 6. ENGINE STALLS FREQUENTLY OR DOES NOT DEVELOP FULL POWER (Cont). Step 7. (Cont). Watch VTM display and idle engine. VTM display should be 700 to 750 rpm. Watch VTM display and depress accelerator pedal until maximum governed speed of 2300 to 2340 rpm is displayed. Press further on accelerator pedal. Check that VTM display is within 2300 to 2340 rpm. Idle engine for three minutes then turn off engine. a. If engine rpm is not as specified above, check adjustment of accelerator linkage (page 4-64); adjust if necessary. If adjustment is okay, notify next higher maintenance level to adjust fuel injection pump. b. If engine rpm is as specified above, go to step 8 below. Step 8.

If VID has not been entered in VTM, dial 60 into TEST SELECT and press and release TEST. When UEH appears on VTM display, dial 22 into TEST SELECT and press and release TEST. Perform compression unbalance test: NOTE

Be sure batteries are at full charge. Don’t do more than two compression unbalance tests in a row as loader batteries may discharge. Check that fuel SHUT OFF control is pulled completely out. Crank engine for five seconds to clear fuel from cylinders. Set VTM TEST SELECT switches to 14. NOTE While cranking engine with bad or discharged batteries, VTM may lose power and come on again after cranking has stopped, displaying -----. If this happens, clean battery posts and clamps and try again. If VTM still loses power, connect VTM to another vehicle’s battery. Connect P1 of test probe cable W2 to J4 of VTM and W2 black test clip to loader battery negative post and red test clip to loader battery positive post. Then set VTM TEST SELECT switches to 15. Press and release TEST. When GO appears on display, crank engine until OFF or E013 appears on display. Be sure to return ignition key switch to off position. Display should indicate (TBD). 3-230


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECT ION CORRECTIVE ACTION 6. ENGINE STALLS FREQUENTLY OR DOES NOT DEVELOP FULL POWER (Cont) . Step 8. (Cont). a . I f d i s p l a y i n d i c a t e s ( T B D ) , compression unbalance is okay. Go to step 9 below. b. If display indicates a number higher than (TBD), notify next higher maintenance level (additional tests must be performed). c. If FAIL is displayed, compression is too far unbalanced to be measured using STE/ICE. Notify next higher maintenance level (additional tests must be performed). d. If GO appears, repeat this step. e. If E013 is displayed, test data cannot be analyzed due to weak batteries or interrupted cranking during test. Correct weak batteries by charging them, then repeat this step. If E013 message persists, after two tests, notify next higher maintenance level to perform compression test using pressure gage. Step 9. Park loader on level surface and apply parking brake valve by pulling knob outward. P u t t r a n s p o r t / s e r v i c e l i n k i n e n g— aged position to prevent turning of loader (page 9-8).

Before performing following steps, be sure that transport/service link is engaged. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death due to chassis pivoting and crushing you when you are working in area between front and rear chassis. Check transmission oil level, engine oil level, and hydraulic system oil level (refer to TM 5-3805-262-10). Add oil as necessary. At right side of transmission, remove transmission oil sampling valve and pipe nipple from elbow. Install temperature probe in elbow. Port in elbow is 1/8 inch standard pipe thread. 3-231



Personal injury and property damage can result if loader is allowed to move during following tests. Press right brake treadle valve fully and hold down to prevent loader movement while transmission is in H range. Don’t permit personnel to stand in front of loader. If loader starts to move, release accelerator pedal, shut down engine, and repair brake system before proceeding. Heat transmission oil: a. Start engine and operate at idle speed. b. Allow air system pressure to build to normal operating pressure (AIR PRESS gage needle indicates in green zone). c. Press and hold down brake treadle valve pedal for remainder of procedure. d . Place transmission control lever in H position. e. Press accelerator pedal fully for two minutes. f . Release accelerator pedal and place transmission control lever in N position. g. Press accelerator fully for 30 seconds, then release accelerator pedal. h . Repeat steps d through g above until CONV TEMP gage pointer is 1/8 inch from red zone. Heat hydraulic system oil: a. Apply parking brake and place transmission control lever in N position. b. Press accelerator pedal fully. c. Hold BUCKET control lever in CROWD position for 15 seconds. Then return BUCKET control lever to NEUT. position for 15 seconds. d. Repeat step c above until hydraulic pump outlet tube is warm to touch, then release accelerator pedal. Dial 10 into VTM TEST SELECT switches. Press and release TEST button. Release parking brake. 3-232


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 6. ENGINE STALLS FREQUENTLY OR DOES NOT DEVELOP FULL POWER (Cont) . Step 9. (Cont). Start engine and operate at idle speed. Press and hold down brake treadle valve pedal for remainder of test. Place transmission control lever in H position. Press accelerator pedal fully. Hold BUCKET control lever in CROWD position. Watch VTM display. Tell assistant to watch thermometer of temperature probe installed in transmission elbow. When transmission temperature reaches 200 degrees F, record engine speed as indicated by VTM display. Engine speed should be 1430 rpm minimum. R e l e a s e a c c e l e r a t o r p e d a l , move BUCKET control lever to NEUT. p o s i t i o n , and place transmission control lever in N position. Allow engine to operate at idle speed for 3 minutes then turn O f f engine. a. If engine speed is 1430 rpm minimum, engine, torque converter and transmission, and hydraulic system are probably okay. Go to step 11 below. b. If engine speed is not 1430 rpm minimum, go to step 10 below. Step 10. Start e n g i n e a n d o p e r a t e a t i d l e s p e e d . Place transmission control lever in H position. P r e s s and hold down brake treadle and valve pedal for remainder of test. Press accelerator pedal fully. Watch VTM display. Tell assistant to watch thermometer of temperature probe installed in transmission elbow. When transmission temperature reaches 200 degrees F, record engine speed as indicated by VTM display. Engine speed should be 2000 to 2100 rpm using number 2 Diesel fuel and 1900 to 2000 rpm using number 1 Diesel fuel. Release accelerator pedal and place transmission control lever in N position. Allow engine to operate at idle speed for 3 minutes then turn off engine. a. If engine speed is 2000 to 2100 rpm using number 2 Diesel fuel or 1900 to 2000 rpm using number 1 Diesel fuel, engine and torque converter and transmission are probably okay. Problem is in hydraulic system; notify next higher maintenance level to perform flowmeter checks to locate problem. 3-233



6. ENGINE STALLS FREQUENTLY OR DOES NOT DEVELOP FULL POWER (Cont). Step 10. (Cont). b. If engine speed is not 2000 to 2100 rpm using number 2 Diesel fuel or 1900 to 2000 rpm using number 1 Diesel fuel, problem is in engine. Go to step 11 below. Step 11. Install transport/service link (page 9-8) if not already installed.

Before performing following, be sure that transport/service link is engaged. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death due to chassis pivoting and crushing you when you are working in area between front and rear chassis. A t l e f t f r o n t o f r e a r c h a s s i s , watch lever of parking brake mounted on transmission. Tell assistant to start engine, allow air pressure to build up, then pull out parking brake valve knob to apply parking brake. Check that parking brake lever moves. Tell assistant to push in knob of parking brake valve to release parking brake while you watch parking brake lever. Check that parking brake lever moves. a. If parking brake lever does not move, replace parking brake chamber (page 7-8). b. If parking brake lever moves, check parking brake l i n k a g e a d justment (page 7-17), then go to step 12 below. Step 12. Remove drive belt from air compressor (page 7-96). Start engine, and check if engine power increases. Turn off engine. a. If engine power i n c r e a s e s , r e m o v e a n d r e p l a c e a i r compressor (page 7-88). b. If engine power does not increase, go to step 13 below.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 6. ENGINE STALLS FREQUENTLY OR DOES NOT DEVELOP FULL POWER (Cont) . Step 13. Remove drive belts from fan, alternator, and crankshaft pulleys (page 5-4). Start engine and operate at idle speed for three minutes maximum. Check if engine power increases; then shut off engine. a. If engine power increases, check fan and alternator pulleys for freedom of rotation. If alternator pulley is seized or difficult to rotate, replace alternator (page 5-10). If fan pulley is seized or difficult to rotate, replace water pump (page 4-94). b. If engine power does not increase, reinstall and adjust tension of all drive belts (pages 5-5 and 7-96) and notify next higher maintenance level to check engine timing. 7. EXCESSIVE OIL CONSUMPTION. Step 1.

Open radiator grille at rear of loader. Connect STE/ICE power cable W5 connector P1 to VTM J1. Check that VTM PUSH ON/PULL OFF switch is in OFF position.

Connect power cable W5 red clip lead to loader battery positive post and black clip lead to loader battery negative post. Do STE/ICE confidence test (TM 9-4910-571-12&P). At VTM, dial 60 into TEST SELECT and press and release TEST. When UEH appears on VTM display, dial 22 into TEST SELECT and press and release TEST. Remove engine left side panels (page 9-14). 3-235



Loosen and disconnect tachometer cable nut from tachometer drive. Install STE/ICE pulse tachometer in loader tachometer drive. Connect transducer cable W4 connector P1 to VTM J3. Connect transducer cable W4 connector P2 to pulse tachometer. Dial 10 into TEST SELECT and press and release TEST. Start and warm engine to operating temperature. Watch VTM display and idle engine. VTM display should be 700 to 750 rpm. Watch VTM display and depress accelerator pedal until maximum governed speed of 2300 to 2340 rpm is displayed. Press further on accelerator pedal. Check that VTM display is within 2300 to 2340 rpm. Idle engine for three minutes then shut off engine. a. If engine rpm is not as specified above, check adjustment of accelerator linkage (page 4-64); adjust if necessary. If adjustment is okay, notify next higher maintenance level to adjust fuel injection pump. b. If engine rpm is as specified above, go to step 2 below.




Turn engine oil dipstick handle clockwise several turns then pull up to remove. Check if proper weight oil is used (30 weight). a. If engine oil is not proper weight, drain engine oil, replace oil filter, and fill engine crankcase with proper weight oil (page 4-2) . b. If engine oil is proper weight, go to step 3 below.

Step 3. A t e n g i n e o i l p r e s s u r e s w i t c h , disconnect wiring harness lead by grasping with fingers and firmly pulling from switch contact. Remove engine oil pressure switch (page 5-112). Install adapter (TK item 20) in port from which engine oil pressure switch was removed. Install pressure transducer (blue stripe, TK item 17) in adapter (TK item 20). Connect transducer cable W4 connector P1 to VTM J2. Connect transducer cable W4 connector P2 to transducer connector.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 7. EXCESSIVE OIL CONSUMPTION (Cont). Step 3. (Cont). Dial 50 into TEST SELECT. Press and hold TEST until CAL appears on display then release TEST. Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should be between -150 to +150. If it is not, STE/ICE is defective (refer to TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Press and release TEST. Start engine and warm engine to operating temperature. Watch VTM display and idle engine. Display should indicate 45 to 60 psi with engine at normal operating temperature. Shut off engine. a. If VTM display indicates 45 to 60 psi with engine at normal operating temperature, disconnect test equipment, reinstall engine oil pressure switch (page 5-114), and go to step 4 below. b. If VTM display indicates over 60 psi, notify next higher maintenance level (oil pressure is too high, engine oil pump must be removed and repaired). Step 4.

Remove engine right side panels (page 9-14). Check for engine oil leaks at rocker arm cover gaskets, oil pan gasket, timing gear and fuel pump gear cover gaskets, engine oil filter, engine oil cooler; external oil lines between cylinder block and fuel injection pump, cylinder block and air compressor, and timing gear cover and air compressor; and oil drain plug gasket. a. If oil leaks are seen, tighten hardware or notify next higher maintenance level to replace leaking gaskets. b. If oil leaks are not seen, go to step 5 below.

Step 5.

Unlock and open radiator cap access panel. Remove radiator cap and inspect coolant for lubricating oil contamination. a. If coolant is contaminated with oil, notify next higher maintenance level to check oil cooler core for damage. b. If coolant is not contaminated, reinstall radiator cap, close and lock radiator cap access panel, and go to step 6 below.




If VID has not been entered in VTM, dial 60 into TEST SELECT and press and release TEST, When UEH appears on VTM display, dial 22 into TEST SELECT and press and release TEST. Perform compression unbalance test: NOTE

Be sure batteries are at full charge. Don't do more than two compression unbalance tests in a row as loader batteries may discharge. Check that fuel SHUT OFF control is pulled completely out. Crank engine for five seconds to clear fuel from cylinders. Set VTM TEST SELECT switches to 14. NOTE While cranking engine with bad or discharged batteries, VTM may lose power and come on again after cranking has stopped, displaying -----. If this happens, clean battery posts and clamps and try again. If VTM still l o s e s p o w e r , connect VTM to another vehicle-s battery. Connect P1 of test probe cable W2 to J4 of VTM and W2 black test clip to loader battery negative post and red test clip to loader battery positive post. Then set VTM TEST SELECT switches to 15. Press and release TEST. When GO appears on display, crank engine until OFF or E013 appears on display. Be sure to return ignition key switch to off position. Display should indicate (TBD). a. If display indicates (TBD), compression unbalance is okay. Notify next higher maintenance level (additional tests must be performed). b. If display indicates a number higher than (TBD), notify next higher maintenance level (additional tests must be performed). c. If FAIL is displayed, compression is too far unbalanced to be measured using STE/ICE. Notify next higher maintenance level (additional tests must be performed). d. If GO appears, repeat this step.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 7. EXCESSIVE OIL CONSUMPTION (Cont). Step 6. (Cont). e. If E013 is displayed, test data cannot be analyzed due to weak batteries or interrupted cranking during test. Correct weak batteries by charging them, then repeat this step. If E013 message persists, after two tests, notify next higher maintenance level to perform compression test using pressure gage. 8. LOW ENGINE OIL PRESSURE. Step 1. Remove engine left side panels (page 9-14). A t e n g i n e o i l p r e s s u r e s w i t c h , disconnect wiring harness lead by grasping with fingers and firmly pulling from switch contact.

Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to on position and check that OIL PRESS warning light is off. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to off position. a. If OIL PRESS warning light is on, check for short circuit in wire between oil pressure switch and OIL PRESS warning light. b. If OIL PRESS warning light is off , reconnect wiring harness lead to engine oil pressure switch and go to step 2 below. 3-240



Turn engine oil dipstick handle clockwise several turns then pull up to remove. Check if proper weight oil is used and if oil level is between ADD and FULL marks on dipstick. a. If engine oil is not proper weight, drain engine oil, replace oil filter, and fill engine crankcase with proper weight oil (page 4-2) . If oil level is not between ADD and FULL marks, add oil. b. If engine oil is proper weight and oil level is between ADD and FULL marks, go to step 3 below.

Step 3.

Check for engine oil leaks at rocker arm cover gaskets, oil pan gasket, timing gear and fuel pump gear cover gaskets, engine oil filter, engine oil cooler; external oil lines between cylinder block and fuel injection pump, cylinder block and air compressor, and timing gear cover and air compressor; and oil drain plug gasket. a. If oil leaks are seen, tighten hardware or notify next higher maintenance level to replace leaking gaskets. b. If oil leaks are not seen, go to step 4 below.

Step 4.

Open radiator grille at rear of loader. Connect STE/ICE power cable W5 connector P1 to VTM J1. Check that VTM PUSH ON/PULL OFF switch is in OFF position. Connect power cable W5 red clip lead to loader b a t t e r y p o s i t i v e p o s t a n d b l a c k c l i p l e a d t o l o a d e r b a t t e r y n e g a t i v e post .



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 8. LOW ENGINE OIL PRESSURE (Cont). Step 4. (Cont). Do STE/ICE confidence test (TM 9-4910-571-12&P). At VTM, dial 60 into TEST SELECT and press and release TEST. When UEH appears on VTM display, dial 22 into TEST SELECT and press and release TEST.

A t e n g i n e o i l p r e s s u r e s w i t c h , disconnect wiring harness lead by grasping with fingers and firmly pulling from switch contact. Remove engine oil pressure switch (page 5-112). Install adapter (TK item 20) in port from which engine oil pressure switch was removed. Install pressure transducer (blue stripe, TK item 17) in adapter (TK item 20). Connect transducer cable W4 connector P1 to VTM J2. Connect transducer cable W4 connector P2 to transducer connector. Dial 50 into TEST SELECT. 3-242


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 8. LOW ENGINE OIL PRESSURE (Cont). Step 4. (Cont). Press and hold TEST until CAL appears on display then release TEST. Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should be between -150 to +150. If it is not, STE/ICE is defective (refer to TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Press and release TEST. Start engine and warm to operating temperature. Watch VTM display and idle engine. Display should indicate 45 to 60 psi with engine at normal operating temperature. Shut off engine. a. If VTM display indicates 45 to 60 psi with engine at normal operating temperature, replace engine oil pressure switch (page 5-114) . b. If VTM display does not indicates 45 to 60 psi with engine at normal operating temperature, disconnect test equipment, reinstall engine oil pressure switch (page 5-114), and notify next higher maintenance level (engine oil pump must be removed and repaired).



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. LOW FUEL PRESSURE. Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors . D o n o t u s e n e a r o p e n f l a m e o r e x c e s s i v e h e a t a n d d o n ’ t s m o k e when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately.

Dirt or other foreign matter can damage fuel injection pump and fuel injectors and cause engine starting problems. Dirt and foreign matter can enter fuel lines when you disconnect them. To prevent this from happening, clean all fittings, plugs, and fuel line connections before breaking connections using clean cloths moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. NOTE To perform this p r o c e d u r e t h e f o l l o w i n g p a r t s a r e r e q u i r e d :





Barb hose connector, elbow, 1/4 NPTF male to 1/4 inch inside diameter hose barb



Tee, 1/4 NPTF female ends to 1/4 NPTF male



Barb hose connector, straight, 1/4 NPTF male to 1/4 inch inside diameter hose barb



Hose, 1/4 inch inside diameter, 4 feet long



Hose clamps, two, size no. 6




MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. LOW FUEL PRESSURE (Cont). Step 1. Open radiator grille at rear of loader. Connect STE/ICE power cable W5 connector P1 to VTM J1. Check that VTM PUSH ON/PULL OFF switch is in OFF position. Connect power cable W5 red clip lead to loader b a t t e r y p o s i t i v e p o s t a n d b l a c k c l i p l e a d t o l o a d e r b a t t e r y n e g a t i v e post.

Remove engine right side panels (page 9-14). Loosen and disconnect tube fittings from elbows installed in fuel injection pump feed pump and filter head. Be careful not to bend or kink tube. Loosen and remove elbows from fuel injection pump feed pump and filter head. Install barb hose elbow connector in filter head port. Install tee in fuel injection pump feed pump port. Install barb hose straight connector in one port of tee. Put two hose clamps on ends of 1/4 inch inside diameter hose. Connect hose between barb hose connectors installed in filter head and fuel injection pump feed pump. Do this by pushing end of hose firmly onto barb hose connector. Position hose clamps over each end of hose attached to barb hose connector and tighten. Install pressure transducer (blue stripe, TK item 17) in tee installed in fuel injection pump feed pump port. Connect transducer cable W4 connector P1 to VTM J2. Connect transducer cable W4 connector P2 to transducer connector. 3-245





MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. LOW FUEL PRESSURE (Cont). Step 1. (Cont). Dial 50 into TEST SELECT. Press and hold TEST until CAL appears on display then release TEST. Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should be between -150 to +150. If it is not, STE/ICE is defective (refer to TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Bleed air from fuel system (page 4-40). NOTE If air cannot be bled from fuel system (fuel does not flow from bleed valves with ignition key switch on) go to step 5 below. Press and release TEST. Pull fuel SHUT OFF control out. Crank engine for 30 seconds using ignition key switch. Be sure to return ignition key switch to off position after cranking. Display should indicate 20 to 30 psi. a. If VTM display indicates 20 to 30 psi, there is a blockage in fuel filters, filter head, or filter hose connected between filter head and fuel injection pump. Go to step 2 below. b. If VTM display does not indicate 20 to 30 psi, go to step 5 below. Step 2.

Loosen clamps and disconnect hose from barb fittings installed in filter head and fuel injection pump feed pump. Disconnect transducer cable W4 from pressure transducer. Remove pressure transducer from tee. Remove barb hose connectors and tee installed in filter head and fuel injection pump feed pump. Reinstall elbows in filter head and fuel injection pump feed pump.

Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc). Failure to do so could cause serious i n j u r y t o e y e s a n d p o s s i b l e b l i n d n e s s . If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediaately. Using compressed air, clear any blockage from tube. Reconnect tube fittings to elbows and tighten securely. Remove plug from elbow installed in fuel injection pump. 3-247

TM 5-3805-262-20 3-31. FUEL SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT) MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. LOW FUEL PRESSURE (Cont). Step 2. (Cont). Install adapter (TK item 20) in elbow port from which plug was removed. Install pressure transducer (blue stripe, TK item 17) in adapter (TK item 20). Connect transducer cable W4 connector P1 to VTM J2. Connect transducer cable W4 connector P2 to transducer connector. Dial 50 into TEST SELECT. Press and hold TEST until CAL appears on display then release TEST. Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should be between -150 to +150. If it is not, STE/ICE is defective (refer to TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Bleed air from fuel system (page 4-40). Press and release TEST.

Crank engine for 30 seconds using ignition key switch. Be sure to return ignition key switch to off position after cranking. Display should indicate 20 to 30 psi. a. If VTM display indicates 20 to 30 psi, troubleshooting is complete. Problem was in tube between fuel injection pump feed pump and filter head. Disconnect test equipment and reinstall plug in elbow. 3-248


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. LOW FUEL PRESSURE (Cont). Step 2. (Cont). b. If VTM display does not indicate 20 to 30 psi, go to step 3 below. Step 3. Replace fuel filters (page 4-38). Bleed air from fuel system (page 4-40). Tell assistant to crank engine for 30 seconds while you watch VTM display. Display should indicate 20 to 30 psi. a. If VTM display indicates 20 to 30 psi, troubleshooting is complete. Problem was in fuel filters. Disconnect test equipment and reinstall plug in elbow. b. If pressure gage does not indicate 20 to 30 psi, go to step 4 below. Step 4. Loosen fitting and disconnect filter hose from fitting. Disconnect opposite end of filter hose from filter head. Check filter hose for obstruction.

Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc). Failure to do so could cause serious injury to eyes and possible blindness. If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately. a . If filter hose is obstructed, clear obstruction using compressed air. b . If filter hose is not obstructed, disconnect transducer cable W4 from pressure transducer. Remove pressure transducer and adapter from elbow, reinstall plug, and replace filter head (page 4-41). 3-249


1. LOW FUEL PRESSURE (Cont) . Step 5.

Disconnect fuel supply hose at fuel injection pump feed pump. Hold end of fuel supply hose vertically. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to on position. Check that fuel is pumped through fuel supply hose. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to off position. a . If fuel is pumped through fuel supply hose, hold fuel supply hose vertically to keep it filled with fuel. Reconnect fuel supply hose to fuel injection pump feed pump. Go to step 6 below. b . If fuel is not pumped through fuel supply hose, go to step 8 below.

Step 6. At fuel injection pump feed pump, loosen bail lock nut. Lower and remove fuel bowl with gasket, element, and spring. Check fuel element for varnish coating or clogged condition. Check fuel bowl for sediment. a. If fuel element is coated with varnish or clogged, service it (page 4-19); if sediment in fuel bowl, clean fuel bowl (page 4-19). Go to step 7 below. b. If fuel element and fuel bowl are okay, install spring, fuel element, and gasket in fuel bowl. Install fuel bowl with installed parts. Slide bail into position and tighten lock nut finger tight. Go to step 7 below. Step 7.


Bleed air from fuel system (page 4-40). Tell assistant to crank engine for 30 seconds while you watch VTM display. VTM display should indicate 20 to 30 psi.



Step 7. (Cont). a. If pressure gage indicates 20 to 30 psi, troubleshooting is completed; problem was in fuel element or fuel bowl. Loosen clamps and disconnect hose from barb fittings installed in filter head and fuel injection pump feed prep. Disconnect transducer cable W4 from pressure transducer and remove pressure transducer from tee. Remove barb hose connectors and tee installed in filter head and fuel injection pump feed pump. Reinstall-elbows in filter head and fuel injection pump feed pump. Using compressed air, clear any blockage from tube. Reconnect tube fittings to elbows and tighten securely. 3-251


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. LOW FUEL PRESSURE (Cont). Step 7. (Cont). b. If pressure gage does not indicate 20 to 30 psi, notify next higher maintenance level to replace fuel injection pump feed pump. Step 8.

Disconnect opposite end of fuel supply hose at fuel tank and remove fuel supply hose. Remove elbow from electric fuel pump. Install street elbow (TK item 27) in electric fuel pump port from which elbow was removed. Install adapter (TK item 20) in street elbow (TK item 27). Install pressure transducer (red stripe, TK item 22) in adapter (TK item 20). Connect transducer cable W4 connector P1 to VTM J2. Connect transducer cable W4 connector P2 to transducer connector. Dial 49 into TEST SELECT. Press and hold TEST until CAL appears on display then release TEST. Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should be between -4 to +4. If it is not, STE/ ICE is defective (refer to TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Press and release TEST. Turn ignition key switch to on position. VTM display should indicate 3.2 to 9 psi. Turn ignition key switch to off position.

Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc). Failure to do so could cause serious injury to eyes and possible blindness. If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately. 3-252


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. LOW PURL PRESSURE (Cont). Step 8. (Cont). a . If VTM display indicates 3.2 to 9 psi, use compressed air to clear blockage from fuel supply hose. Disconnect transducer cable W4 from pressure transducer. Remove pressure transducer, adapter, and street elbow from electric fuel pump port. Reinstall elbow and fuel supply hose between elbow and fuel injection pump feed pump. b . If VTM display does not indicate 3.2 to 9 psi, go to step 9 below. Step 9.

Disconnect electric fuel pump terminal from wiring harness terminal. Do this by grasping terminals with your fingers and firmly pulling apart. Connect test probe cable W2 connector P1 to VTM J4. Connect test probe cable W2 red test clip to black test clip. Dial 89 into TEST SELECT. Press and hold TEST until CAL appears on display then release TEST. Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should be between - 6 . 8 t o + 6 . 8 . I f i t i s n o t , S T E / I C E i s d e f e c t i v e ( r e f e r t o TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Connect test probe cable W2 red test clip to wiring harness terminal and black test clip to loader frame. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to on position. Press and release TEST button. VTM display should indicate 24 volts. Tell assistant to turn ignition key switch to off position. Disconnect test probe cable W2 test clips. a. If VTM display indicates 24 volts, reconnect electric fuel pump terminal and wiring harness terminal. Do this by grasping terminals with fingers, alining, and firmly pushing together. Go to step 10 below. b. If VTM display does not indicate 24 volts, check for open circuit between wiring harness terminal and ignition key switch. Repair or replace wire as necessary (page 5-168 or 5-174). 3-253


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. LOW FUEL PRESSURE (Cont). Step 10. At electric fuel pump and fuel tank, loosen two nuts securing fuel suction tube. Disconnect fuel suction tube from elbow at electric fuel pump.

Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc). Failure to do so could cause serious i n j u r y t o e y e s a n d p o s s i b l e b l i n d n e s s . If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately. Use compressed air and clear any blockage from fuel suction tube. Reconnect fuel suction tube to elbow at electric fuel pump. Tighten two nuts at electric fuel pump and fuel tank to secure fuel suction tube. Dial 49 into TEST SELECT. Press and hold TEST until CAL appears on display then release TEST. Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should be b e t w e e n - 4 t o + 4 . I f i t i s n o t , STE/ICE is defective (refer to TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Press and release TEST. Turn ignition key switch to on position. VTM display should indicate 3.2 to 9 psi. Turn ignition key switch to off position. 3-254

TM 5-3805-262-20 3-31. FUEL SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT) MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. LOW FUEL PRESSURE (Cont). Step 10. (Cont). a. If VTM display indicates 3.2 to 9 psi, troubleshooting is complete; problem was clogged fuel suction tube. Disconnect transducer cable W4 from p r e s s u r e t r a n s d u c e r . R e m o v e p r e s s u r e t r a n s ducer, adapter, and street elbow from electric fuel pump port. Reinstall elbow and fuel supply hose between elbow and fuel injection pump feed pump . b. If VTM display does n o t i n d i c a t e 3 . 2 t o 9 p s i , g o t o s t e p 1 1 b e low. Step 11. S e r v i c e e l e c t r i c f u e l p u m p ( p a g e 4 - 1 4 ) . Dial 49 into TEST SELECT. Press and hold TEST until CAL appears on display then release TEST. Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should be between - 4 t o + 4 . I f i t i s n o t , S T E / I C E i s d e f e c t i v e ( r e f e r t o T M 9-4910-571-12&P). Press and release TEST. Turn ignition key switch to on position. VTM display should indicate 3.2 to 9 psi. Turn ignition key switch to off position. a . If VTM display indicates 3.2 to 9 psi, troubleshooting is complete; problem was clogged filter in electric fuel pump. Disconnect transducer cable W4 from pressure transducer. Remove pressure transducer, adapter, and street elbow from electric fuel pump port. Reinstall elbow and fuel supply hose between elbow and fuel injection pump feed pump. b . If VTM display does not indicate 3.2 to 9 psi, replace electric fuel pump (page 4-16).




Open radiator grille at rear of loader. Connect STE/ICE power cable W5 connector P1 to VTM J1. Check that VTM PUSH ON/PULL OFF switch is in OFF position.

Connect power cable W5 red clip lead to loader battery positive post and black clip lead to loader battery negative post. Remove engine left side panels (page 9-14). Loosen and disconnect tachometer cable nut from tachometer drive. Install STE/ICE pulse tachometer in loader tachometer drive. Connect transducer cable W4 connector P1 to VTM J3. Connect transducer cable W4 connector P2 to pulse tachometer. Do STE/ICE confidence test (TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Dial 01 into TEST SELECT. Press and release TEST. When PASS appears on VTM display, dial 67 into TEST SELECT. Press and release TEST. Start engine and depress accelerator to obtain 1700 to 1900 rpm. VTM will alternately display engine rpm and battery voltage. Turn all loader driving lamps, flood lights, and accessories on to load charging system. VTM display should indicate 26.5 to 31 volts. Turn off loader driving lamps, flood lights, accessories, and engine. 3-256


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. ALTERNATOR NOT CHARGING BATTERIES (Cont). Step 1. (Cont). a. If VTM displays 26.5 to 31 volts, go to page 3-77, instrument p a n e l s troubleshooting, MALFUNCTION 6. b . I f v o l t a g e i s l e s s t h a n 2 6 . 5 v o l t s , g o t o step 2 below. c. If voltage is more than 31 volts, replace alternator (page 5-10). Step 2.

Connect test probe cable W2 connector P1 to VTM J4. Dial 01 into VTM TEST SELECT and press and release TEST. When PASS appears on VTM display, dial 89 into TEST SELECT. Connect test probe cable W2 red test clip to black test clip. Press and hold TEST until CAL appears on display then release TEST. Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should be between - 6 . 8 t o + 6 . 8 . I f i t i s n o t , S T E / I C E i s d e f e c t i v e ( r e f e r t o TM 9-4910-571-12&P).

Alternator BAT terminal is connected to battery positive post. Be ful when connecting test clip to alternator BAT terminal. If you dently short BAT terminal to metal part of alternator, batteries explode causing death or serious injury to personnel standing batteries.

careaccicould near

Connect test probe cable W2 red test clip to alternator BAT terminal and black test clip to loader or alternator frame. Start engine and depress accelerator to obtain 1700 to 1900 rpm. VTM will alternately display engine rpm and battery voltage. Turn all loader driving lamps, flood lights, and accessories on to load charging system. VTM display should indicate 26.5 to 31 volts.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. ALTERNATOR NOT CHARGING BATTERIES (Cont). Step 2. (Cont). Turn off loader driving lamps, flood lights, accessories, and engine. Disconnect test probe cable W2 test clips from alternator BAT terminal a n d l o a d e r o r a l t e r n a t o r f r a m e . a . If VTM displays 26.5 to 31 volts, check for loose wiring connection between alternator BAT terminal, starter relay, and starter solenoid. If connections are tight, check brown wire between alternator BAT terminal and starter relay and cable between starter relay and starter solenoid for open circuit. Repair or replace wire or cable as necessary (page 5-174). b . If voltage is less than 26.5 volts, go to step 3 below. Step 3.

Connect transducer cable W4 connector P1 to VTM J2. Connect transducer cable W4 connector P2 to current probe (TK item 11).

Clamp current probe around battery positive cable with current probe arrow pointing away from battery. Be sure current probe is closed. Shut off fuel by pulling fuel SHUT OFF control out. Dial 10 into VTM TEST SELECT and press and release TEST button. Crank engine for 10 seconds then turn ignition key switch to off position. Remove current probe from around battery positive cable. Start engine. 3-258


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. ALTERNATOR NOT CHARGING BATTERIES (Cont). Step 3. (Cont). Install current probe around battery positive cable with arrow on current probe pointing towards battery. Dial 90 into TEST SELECT. Press and hold TEST button until CAL appears on VTM display then release TEST button. Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should be between -225 to +225. If it is not, STE/ICE is defective (refer to TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Dial 01 into TEST SELECT and press and release TEST button. When PASS appears on display, dial 03 into TEST SELECT and press and release TEST button. When pass appears, dial 90 into TEST SELECT and press and release TEST button. VTM will alternately display maximum charging current and engine rpm. Depress accelerator to obtain 1700 to 1900 rpm. Turn all loader driving lamps, flood lights, and accessories on to load charging system. VTM display should indicate 65 amperes. Turn off loader driving lamps, flood lights, accessories, and engine. a. If VTM displays over 65 amperes, a circuit or battery is drawing too much current. Go to step 5 below. b. If VTM displays less than 65 amperes, go to step 4 below. c. If VTM displays 65 amperes, charging system is okay. Step 4. Check alternator drive belts tension (page 5-2). a. Adjust drive belts tension as necessary (page 5-5). Replace worn or damaged belts as a matched set (page 5-4). b. If belt tension is okay, replace alternator (page 5-10). Step 5.

Check batteries (page 3-286, battery system troubleshooting, MALFUNCTION 2). a . Replace or charge batteries as indicated in battery system troubleshooting. b . If batteries are okay, go to step 6 below. 3-259



Connect transducer cable W4 connector P1 to VTM J2. Connect transducer cable W4 connector P2 to current probe (TK item 11).

Clamp current probe around battery positive cable with current probe arrow pointing away from battery. B e s u r e c u r r e n t p r o b e i s c l o s e d . Shut off fuel by pulling fuel SHUT OFF control out. Dial 90 into VTM TEST SELECT. Crank engine for 10 seconds then turn ignition key switch to off position. Press and hold TEST button until CAL appears on VTM display then release TEST button. Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should be between - 2 2 5 t o + 2 2 5 . I f i t i s n o t , S T E / I C E i s d e f e c t i v e ( r e f e r t o TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Press and release TEST button. Put vehicle lights switch main switch and auxiliary switch in OFF positions. Turn ignition key switch to accessory position (first counterclockwise position). VTM display should indicate (TBD) amperes. Turn ignition key switch to off position. a. If VTM displays (TBD) amperes, go to step 7 below.




b. If VTM displays over (TBD) amperes, a short circuit exists. If 5 ampere circuit breaker blows, short circuit is in either electric fuel pump, cab relay solenoid, left instrument panel cluster, voltmeter, or orange-black wire connected between 5 ampere circuit breaker’ and relay socket assembly. If 5 ampere circuit breaker does not blow, check wiring between ignition key switch ACC terminal and vehicle lights switch connector for short circuit. Refer to wiring diagram, pages FO-7 and FO-9. Step 7.

Dial 90 into VTM TEST SELECT. Press and hold TEST button until CAL appears on VTM display then release TEST button. Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should be between - 2 2 5 t o + 2 2 5 . I f i t i s n o t , S T E / I C E i s d e f e c t i v e ( r e f e r t o TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Press and release TEST button. Put vehicle lights switch auxiliary switch in PANEL BRT. position. Turn DIMMER COMPT LIGHTS CONTROL on right instrument panel fully counterclockwise. Turn ignition key switch to accessory position (first counterclockwise position). VTM display should indicate (TBD) amperes. Turn ignition key switch to off position. a. If VTM displays (TBD) amperes, go to step 8 below. b. If VTM displays over (TBD) amperes, a short circuit exists. Short circuit is in cab dome light or vehicle lights switch. Refer to wiring diagram, pages FO-7 and FO-9. 3-261



Dial 90 into VTM TEST SELECT. Press and hold TEST button until CAL appears on VTM display then release TEST button. Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should be between - 2 2 5 t o + 2 2 5 . I f i t i s n o t , S T E / I C E i s d e f e c t i v e ( r e f e r t o TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Press and release TEST button. Turn ignition key switch to accessory position (first counterclockwise position). P u t v e h i c l e l i g h t s s w i t c h a u x i l i a r y s w i t c h i n O F F p o s i t i o n and main switch in following positions. Record VTM display for each switch position. MAIN SWITCH POSITION B.0. MARKER B.0. DRIVE STOP LIGHT (depress brake treadle valve ) SER DRIVE (flood lights o f f ) SER DRIVE (flood lights on)


VTM display should indicate current reading indicated above for each position of vehicle lights switch main switch. Turn ignition key switch to off position. a. If current readings are okay, go to step 9 below. b. If current readings are higher, refer to wiring diagram, pages FO-7 and FO-9 and locate component or wire in circuit drawing too much current. Step 9.


Dial 90 into VTM TEST SELECT. Press and hold TEST button until CAL appears on VTM display then release TEST button. Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should be between - 2 2 5 t o + 2 2 5 . I f i t i s n o t , S T E / I C E i s d e f e c t i v e ( r e f e r t o TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Press and release TEST button.


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. ALTERNATOR NOT CHARGING BATTERIES (Cont). Step 9. (Cont). Put vehicle lights switch main switch and auxiliary switch in OFF positions. Turn ignition key switch to on position (first clockwise position). VTM display should indicate (TBD) amperes. Turn ignition key switch to off position. a. If VTM displays (TBD) amperes, go to step 10 below. b. If VTM displays over (TBD) amperes, a short circuit exists. Short circuit may be in hydraulic filter switches or height and return to dig control circuits. Refer to wiring diagram, pages FO-7 and FO-9 to locate component or wire drawing too much current. Step 10. Dial 90 into VTM TEST SELECT. Press and hold TEST button until CAL appears on VTM display then release TEST button. Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should be between -225 to +225. If it is not, STE/ICE is defective (refer to TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Press and release TEST button. Put vehicle lights switch main switch and auxiliary switch in OFF positions. Check that fuel SHUT OFF control is pulled out preventing engine from starting. Turn ignition key switch to extreme clockwise position and crank engine for 10 seconds then release ignition key switch. Don’t turn ignition key switch to off position. You should hear a high pitched sound indicating auxiliary steering motor and pump is operating. VTM display should indicate (TBD) amperes. Turn ignition key switch to off position, a. If VTM displays (TBD) amperes, go to step 11 below. b. If VTM displays over (TBD) amperes, a short circuit exists in auxiliary steering motor and pump circuit. Refer to schematic diagram and wiring diagram (pages FO-3 through FO-9) to locate component or wire drawing too much current.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. ALTERNATOR NOT CHARGING BATTERIES (Cont). Step 11. Dial 90 into VTM TEST SELECT. Press and hold TEST button until CAL appears on VTM display then release TEST button. Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should be between - 2 2 5 t o + 2 2 5 . I f i t i s n o t , S T E / I C E i s d e f e c t i v e ( r e f e r t o TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Press and release TEST button. Put vehicle lights switch main switch and auxiliary switch in OFF positions. Turn ignition key switch to on position (first clockwise position. At console/cab switch panel, turn on switches listed below, record VTM display, then return switch to its off position. SWITCH/POSITION



(TBD) (TBD) (TBD) (TBD) (TBD )

VTM display should indicate current readings specified above. Turn ignition key switch to off position. a. If current readings are okay, go to step 12 below. b. If current readings are higher, refer to wiring diagram, pages FO-7 and FO-9, and locate component or wire in circuit drawing too much current. Step 12. Dial 90 into VTM TEST SELECT. Press and hold TEST button until CAL appears on VTM display then release TEST button. Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should be between - 2 2 5 t o + 2 2 5 . I f i t i s n o t , S T E / I C E i s d e f e c t i v e ( r e f e r t o TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Press and release TEST button. Put vehicle lights switch main switch and auxiliary switch in OFF positions. Turn ignition key switch to on position (first clockwise position). 3-264


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. ALTERNATOR NOT CHARGING BATTERIES (Cont). Step 12. (Cont). At rear windshield defogger fans, put switches first in high position then low position and record VTM display. Return switches to off position. SWITCH POSITION HIGH LOW


VTM display should indicate current readings specified above. Turn ignition key switch to off position. a. If current readings are okay, check engine switches and sensors. b. If current readings are higher, refer to wiring diagram, pages FO-7 and FO-9, and locate component or wire in circuit drawing too much current.




Open radiator grille at rear of loader. Connect STE/ICE power cable W5 connector P1 to VTM J1. Check that VTM PUSH ON/PULL OFF switch is in OFF position.

Connect power cable W5 red clip lead to loader b a t t e r y p o s i t i v e p o s t and black clip lead to loader battery negative post. Do STE/ICE confidence test (TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Dial 89 into TEST SELECT. Connect test probe cable W2 connector P1 to VTM J4. Connect test probe cable W2 red test clip to black test clip. Press and hold TEST until CAL appears on display then release TEST. Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should be between -6.8 to +6.8. If it is not, STE/ICE is defective (refer to TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Try to crank engine while listening for clicking of starter solenoid . a. If clicking of starter solenoid is not heard, go to step 2 below. b. If clicking of starter solenoid is heard, go to MALFUNCTION 3, step 7 (page 3-277). Step 2.


Dial 67 into TEST SELECT. Press and release TEST button. Crank engine and watch VTM display. VTM display should indicate over 18 volts while cranking engine.


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. STARTER DOES NOT CRANK (STARTER SOLENOID DOES NOT CLICK) (Cont). Step 2. (Cont). a. If VTM display was not over 18 volts while cranking engine, go to page 3-286, battery system troubleshooting, MALFUNCTION 2. b. If VTM display was over 18 volts while cranking engine, go to step 3 below. Step 3.

Turn ignition key switch to on position. Place vehicle lights switch in SER DRIVE position. S e r v i c e d r i v i n g l i g h t s a n d t a i l lights should be on. Turn ignition key switch to off p o s i t i o n . a . I f a t l e a s t o n e l i g h t i s o n , go to step 6 below. b . I f a l l l i g h t s a r e o f f , g o t o step 4 below.

Step 4.

Remove engine left side panels (page 9-14).

Move red test clip of test probe cable W2 to top terminal of loader 30 ampere circuit breaker and black test clip to battery negative post . Press and release TEST button. VTM should display 24 volts. 3-267



(Cont). Move red test clip of test probe cable W2 to bottom terminal of loader 30 ampere circuit breaker. Press and release TEST button. VTM should display 24 volts. a. If VTM displays 24 volts for both terminals, check wiring connection between loader 30 ampere circuit breaker and ignition key switch connector BATT terminal. Repair or replace wiring or connector as necessary (page 5-168 or 5-174). If wiring and connector are okay, remove right instrument panel (page 5-48) and replace ignition key switch (page 5-53). b. If VTM displays 24 volts at one terminal and zero at remaining terminal, replace loader 30 ampere circuit breaker (page 5-26). c. If VTM displays zero for both terminals, go to step 5 below.

Step 5.

Move red test clip of test probe cable W2 to large left terminal of starter relay. Press and release TEST button. VTM should display 24 volts. a. If VTM displays 24 volts, c h e c k w i r e s b e t w e e n s t a r t e r r e l a y t e r minal and 30 ampere circuit breakers. Replace wires as necessary (page 5-26). b. If VTM displays zero, check cable between starter solenoid BAT terminal and starter relay terminal. Replace cable as necessary (page 5-16).

Step 6.


Move red test clip of test probe cable W2 to neutral start switch terminal to which white wire is connected. Press and release TEST bu t t o n . Crank engine and watch VTM display. VTM should display 24 volts. Turn ignition key switch to off position.


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. STARTER DOES NOT CRANK (STARTER SOLENOID DOES NOT CLICK) (Cont). Step 6. (Cont). a. If VTM displays 24 volts, go to step 7 below. b. If VTM displays zero, check white wire connection between neutral start switch and ignition key switch connector START terminal. Repair or replace wiring or connector as necessary (page 5-168 or 5-174). If wiring and connector are okay, remove right instrument panel (page 5-48) and replace ignition key switch (page 5-53). Step 7. Move red test clip of test probe cable W2 to neutral start switch terminal to which violet-black wire is connected. Press and release TEST button. Check that transmission control lever is in N position. Crank engine while watching VTM display. VTM should display 24 volts. a. If VTM displays 24 volts, go to step 8 below. b. If VTM display is zero, refer to page 3-95, MALFUNCTION 6. Step 8. M o v e r e d t e s t c l i p o f t e s t p r o b e c a b l e W 2 t o s t a r t e r r e l a y t e r m i n a l to which violet-black wire is connected (second terminal from left).




(Cont). Move black test clip of test probe cable W2 to starter relay terminal to which ground wire is connected (third terminal from left). Press and release TEST button. Check that transmission control lever is in N position. Crank engine while watching VTM display. VTM should display 24 volts. a. If VTM displays 24 volts, go to step 10 below. b. If VTM displays zero, go to step 9 below.

Step 9.

Move black test clip of test cable W2 to battery negative post.

Press and release TEST button. Check that transmission control lever is in N position. Crank engine while watching VTM display. VTM should display 24 volts. a . If VTM displays 24 volts, check ground wire connection between starter relay terminal and mounting capscrew. Tighten connections or repair wire as necessary. b . If voltmeter indicates zero, check wiring connection between neutral start switch and starter relay terminal to which violet-black wire connected. Repair or replace wiring as necessary (page 5-174). 3-270


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. STARTER DOES NOT CRANK (STARTER SOLENOID DOES NOT CLICK) (Cont). Step 10. Move red test clip of test probe cable W2 to starter relay large terminal on right.

Press and release TEST button. Check that transmission control lever is in N position. Crank engine while watching VTM d i s p l a y . VTM should display 24 volts. a. If VTM displays 24 volts, check cable between starter relay terminal and starter solenoid S terminal. Tighten connections or replace cable as necessary (page 5-16). b. If VTM displays zero, replace starter relay (page 5-26). 2. STARTER CRANKS CONTINUOUSLY Step 1.

Turn ignition key switch to off position. Open radiator grille at rear of loader. Connect STE/ICE power cable W5 connector P1 to VTM J1. Check that VTM PUSH ON/PULL OFF switch is in OFF position. Connect power cable W5 red clip lead to loader battery positive post and black clip lead to loader battery negative post. Do STE/ICE confidence test (TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Connect test probe cable W2 connector P1 to VTM J4. 3-271



Dial 89 into TEST SELECT. Connect test probe cable W2 red test clip to black test clip. Press and hold TEST until CAL appears on display then release TEST. Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should be between -6.8 to +6.8. If it is not, STE/ICE is defective (refer to TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Connect test probe cable W2 connector P1 to VTM J4. Connect test probe cable W2 red test clip to starter solenoid S terminal and black test clip to battery negative po St . Press and release TEST button. VTM should display zero. Turn ignition key switch to on position. VTM should display zero. a. If VTM displays zero, replace starter (page 5-16). b. If VTM displays 24 volts, go to step 2 below.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 2. STARTER CRANKS CONTINUOUSLY (Cont). Step 2. M o v e r e d t e s t c l i p o f t e s t p r o b e c a b l e W 2 t o s t a r t e r r e l a y t e r m i n a l to which violet-black wire is connected (second terminal from left).

Move black test clip of test probe cable W2 to starter relay terminal to which ground wire is connected (third terminal from left). Press and release TEST button. Turn ignition key switch to off position; VTM should display zero. Turn ignition key switch to on position; VTM should display zero. Turn ignition key switch to off position. a. If VTM displays zero, replace starter relay (page 5-26). b. If VTM displays 24 volts , c h e c k f o r s h o r t c i r c u i t i n w i r i n g c o n nection between ignition key switch connector ST terminal, neutral start switch, and starter relay terminal. Repair or replace wiring as necessary (page 5-168 or 5-174). If wiring is okay, remove right instrument panel (page 5-48) and replace ignition key switch (page 5-53).




Open radiator grille at rear of loader. Connect STE/ICE power cable W5 connector P1 to VTM J1. Check that VTM PUSH ON/PULL OFF switch is in OFF position.

Connect power cable W5 red clip lead to loader battery positive post and black clip lead to loader battery negative post. Remove engine left side panels (page 9-14). Loosen and disconnect tachometer cable nut from tachometer drive. Install STE/ICE pulse tachometer in loader tachometer drive. Connect transducer cable W4 connector P1 to VTM J3. Connect transducer cable W4 connector P2 to pulse tachometer. Do STE/ICE confidence test (TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Dial 60 into TEST SELECT and press and release TEST button. When UEH appears on display, dial 22 into TEST SELECT. Press and release TEST button. Check that VTM displays 22. If 22 is not displayed, STE/ICE is defective (refer to TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Connect transducer cable W4 connector P1 to VTM J2. Connect transducer cable W4 connector P2 to current probe (TK item 11). Clamp current probe around battery positive cable with current probe arrow pointing away from battery. Be sure current probe is closed. Dial 10 into VTM TEST SELECT and press and release TEST button. Shut off fuel by pulling fuel SHUT OFF control out. 3-274


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 3. STARTER CRANKS SLOWLY (UNDER 200 RPM) (Cont). Step 1. (Cont). NOTE While cranking engine with bad or discharged batteries, VTM may lose power and come on again after cranking has stopped, displaying -----. If this happens, turn off VTM power, and clean battery posts and clamps and try again. If VTM still loses power, connect VTM to another vehicle’s battery (refer to TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Connect test probe cable W2 to VTM J4 and red test clip to loader battery positive post and black test clip to loader battery negative post. You will have to enter VID and condition current probe again. Crank engine for 5 seconds t h e n t u r n i g n i t i o n k e y s w i t c h t o o f f p o sition. Record VTM rpm display. Dial 72 into TEST SELECT. NOTE D i a l 7 6 i n t o TEST SELECT if VTM is not powered by loader batteries. P r e s s and hold TEST button until CAL appears on VTM display then rel e a s e TEST button. Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should be between - 2 2 5 t o + 2 2 5 . I f i t i s n o t , S T E / I C E i s d e f e c t i v e ( r e f e r t o TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Press and release TEST button. Wait for GO to appear on display. When GO appears, crank engine until OFF or an error message is displayed. Turn ignition key switch to off position. a. If VTM display is between (TBD) amps and engine rpm was 200 minimum, starter circuit is okay. b. If VTM display is between (TBD) amps and engine rpm was zero, starter is not engaging flywheel. Go to step 2 below. c. If VTM display is not between (TBD) amps, go to step 4 below. d. If E013 is displayed, repeat this step. If E013 message persists after three attempts, go to step 4 below. e. If VTM does not display a number or E013 go to step 4 below. 3-275



Try to crank engine using ignition key switch and listen to starter. a . If starter sounds like it is overspeeding, go to step 3 below. b. If starter does not sound like it is overspeeding but sound is click, buzz, hum, or no sound, go to step 4 below.

Step 3.

Remove starter (page 5-16). Check flywheel ring gear for missing or damaged teeth. You need only check area on flywheel ring gear that is visible when starter is removed. a. If missing or damaged teeth are seen at flywheel ring gear, notify next higher maintenance level (flywheel ring gear must be replaced). b. If flywheel ring gear teeth are okay, replace starter (page 5-16) .

Step 4.

Dial 74 into TEST SELECT. NOTE

Dial 78 into TEST SELECT if VTM is not powered by loader batteries. Press and hold TEST button until CAL appears on VTM display then release TEST button. Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should be between - 2 2 5 t o + 2 2 5 . I f i t i s n o t , S T E / I C E i s d e f e c t i v e ( r e f e r t o TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Press and release TEST button. Wait for GO to appear on display. Be sure fuel SHUT OFF control is pulled completely out. When GO appears, crank engine until OFF or an error message is displayed. Turn ignition key switch to off position. a. If VTM display is between (TBD) milliohms, problem is either weak batteries or tight engine. Go to page 3-286, battery system troubleshooting, MALFUNCTION 2. b. If VTM display is less than (TBD) milliohms, short circuit is in starter circuit. Go to step 11 below.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 3. STARTER CRANKS SLOWLY (UNDER 200 RPM) (Cont). Step 4. (Cont). c. If VTM display is higher than (TBD) milliohms, go to step 6 below. d. If E013 is displayed, repeat this step. If E013 message persists after three attempts, go to step 5 below. e. If GO is still displayed after cranking, starter is not being energized. Go to step 6 below. Step 5.

Dial 90 into test select. Press and hold TEST button until CAL appears on VTM display then release TEST button. Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should be between - 2 2 5 t o + 2 2 5 . I f i t i s n o t , S T E / I C E i s d e f e c t i v e ( r e f e r t o TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Press and release TEST button. Be sure fuel SHUT OFF control is pulled completely out. Crank engine for 10 seconds and watch VTM display. Turn ignition key switch to off position. a. If VTM display is over (TBD) amps and E013 was obtained in step 4 above, there is a short circuit in starter circuit, starter is frozen, or engine is tight. Go to step 11 below. b. If VTM display is not over (TBD) amps, go to page 3-286, battery system troubleshooting, MALFUNCTION 2.

Step 6. Try to crank engine while l i s t e n i n g f o r c l i c k i n g o f s t a r t e r s o l e noid. a . I f c l i c k i n g o f s t a r t e r solenoid is not heard, go to MALFUNCTION 1 above (page 3-266). b . I f c l i c k i n g o f s t a r t e r solenoid is heard, go to step 7 below. Step 7.

Connect test probe cable W2 connector P1 to VTM J4. Connect test probe cable W2 red test clip to black test clip. Dial 89 into TEST SELECT. Press and hold TEST until CAL appears on display then release TEST. Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should be between -6.8 to +6.8. If it is not, STE/ICE is defective (refer to TM 9-4910-571-12&P). 3-277



Connect test probe cable W2 red test clip to starter motor positive terminal and black test clip to battery negative post. Press and release TEST button. Crank engine and watch VTM display. VTM display should indicate over 17 volts. a. If VTM display is 17 volts or less, go to step 9 below. b. If VTM display is over 17 volts, go to step 8 below. Step 8.

Move red test clip of test probe cable W2 to ground terminal of starter motor. Press and release TEST button. Crank engine and watch VTM display. VTM display should i n d i c a t e 0 . 4 volt maximum. a. If VTM display i n d i c a t e s l e s s than 0.4 volt, r e p l a c e s t a r t e r (page 5-16).


TM 5-3805-262-20 3-33. STARTING SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT) MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 3. STARTER CRANKS SLOWLY (UNDER 200 RPM) (Cont). Step 8. (Cont). b. If VTM display indicates over 0.4 volt, remove starter negative cable (page 5-158). Clean starter motor terminal, battery negative post, and cable terminals. Reinstall cable and repeat above test. If VTM display still indicates over 0.4 volt, replace starter negative cable. Step 9. Move red test clip of test probe cable W2 to S terminal of starter solenoid, Press and release TEST button. Crank engine and watch VTM display. VTM display should indicate 18 volts or more. a. If VTM display is less than 18 volts, go to step 10 below. b. If VTM and if high in to step

display is 18 volts or more starter circuit resistance was step 4, page 3-277 above, go 15 below.

c. If VTM display is 18 volts or more and if VTM displayed GO in step 4, page 3-277 above, go to step 16 below. Step 10. Dial 67 into TEST SELECT. NOTE If VTM is not powered by loader batteries, move red test clip of test probe cable W2 to battery positive post. Dial 89 into TEST SELECT. Press and release TEST button. Crank engine and watch VTM display. VTM display should indicate 18 volts or more while cranking engine. a. If VTM display was not 18 volts or more while cranking engine, go to page 3-286, battery system troubleshooting, MALFUNCTION 2. b. If VTM display was 18 volts or more while cranking engine, go to MALFUNCTION 1 above (page 3-266).



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 3. STARTER CRANKS SLOWLY (UNDER 200 RPM) (Cont). Step 11. Connect test probe cable W2 connector P1 to VTM J4. Connect test probe cable W2 red test clip to black test clip. Dial 89 into TEST SELECT. Press and hold TEST until CAL appears on display then release TEST. Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should be between - 6 . 8 t o + 6 . 8 . I f i t i s n o t , S T E / I C E i s d e f e c t i v e ( r e f e r t o TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Connect test probe cable W2 red test clip to long terminal of loader 30 ampere circuit breaker and black test clip to battery negative post .



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 3. STARTER CRANKS SLOWLY (UNDER 200 RPM) (Cont). Step 11. (Cont). Press and release TEST button. Turn ignition key switch to on position. VTM display should indicate over 18 volts. Crank engine and watch VTM display. VTM display should indicate over 18 volts. Turn ignition key switch to off position. a. If VTM display is over 18 volts, go to step 13 below. b. If VTM display is zero when cranking engine, loader 30 ampere circuit breaker is blowing. Short circuit is probably in starter relay. Go to step 12 below. Step 12. Disconnect wires from starter relay and check resistance between two center terminals.

Resistance of starter relay coil should be 20 to 40 ohms. a . Replace starter relay (page 5-26) if resistance is not 20 to 40 ohms. b . If starter relay is okay, refer to wiring diagram (pages FO-7 and FO-9) and check for short circuit in wires between loader 30 ampere circuit breaker and starter relay. 3-281


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 3. STARTER CRANKS SLOWLY (UNDER 200 RPM) (Cont). Step 13. Clamp current probe around cable connected to starter solenoid S terminal with current probe arrow pointing towards terminal. Dial 90 into TEST SELECT. Press and hold TEST button until CAL appears on VTM display then release TEST button. Wait for offset value to appear on disp l a y . Offset value should be between -225 to +225. I f i t i s n o t , S T E / I C E i s defective (refer to TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Press and release TEST button. Crank engine and watch VTM display. VTM display should indicate (TBD) amps. Turn ignition key switch off. a. If VTM display is (TBD) amps and starter current was high in step 5 above, go to step 14 below. b. If VTM display is (TBD) amps, replace starter (page 5-16). c . If VTM display is not (TBD) amps, replace starter (page 5-16). Step 14. Remove starter (page 5-16). Slide starter drive on shaft and rotate armature to check for binding. a. If binding is felt or armature cannot be rotated, replace starter (page 5-16). b. If starter is okay, check engine oil for excessively dirty condition (could cause e n g i n e t o b e t i g h t ) . Change engine oil and filter (page 4-2). If engine oil is okay, go to page 3-234 , e n g i n e t r o u b l e s h o o t i n g , MALFUNCTION 6, step 11.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 3. STARTER CRANKS SLOWLY (UNDER 200 RPM) (Cont). Step 15. Dial 89 into TEST SELECT. Measure voltage drop across each cable connected between batteries, starter motor ground terminal and battery negative post, and battery positive post and starter solenoid BAT terminal. Do this by connecting test probe cable W2 clip test leads across cable to be measured.

Press and release TEST button. Crank engine then return ignition key switch to off position. Voltage drop on VTM display should be less than 0.2 volt. a. If voltage drop is more than 0.2 volt, disconnect cable. Clean terminals that cable was connected to and cable terminals. Reinstall cable and repeat above test. If VTM still displays over 0.2 volt, replace cable (page 5-158). b. If voltage drop is less than 0.2 volt, check for loose or corroded connection between starter solenoid MTR terminal and starter motor positive terminal. Remove connector between these two terminals and check for dirt or corrosion. Step 16. Dial 89 into TEST SELECT. Measure voltage drop across each cable connected between starter relay end terminals and starter solenoid BAT and S terminals. Do this by connecting test probe cable W2 clip test leads across cable to be measured. 3-283



Press and release TEST button. Crank engine then return ignition key switch to off position. Voltage drop on VTM display should be less than 0.2 volt. a. If voltage drop is more than 0.2 volt, disconnect cable. Clean terminals that cable was connected to and cable terminals. Reinstall cable and repeat above test. If VTM still displays over 0.2 volt, replace cable (page 5-16). b. If voltage drop is less than 0.2 volt, go to step 17 below. 3-284


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 3. STARTER CRANKS SLOWLY (UNDER 200 RPM) (Cont). Step 17. Dial 89 into TEST SELECT. Move red test clip of test probe cable W2 to G terminal of starter solenoid and black test clip to starter ground terminal. Press and release TEST button. Crank engine and watch VTM display. a . If VTM displays less than 0.2 volt, replace starter (page 5-16) . b . If VTM displays over 0.2 volt, remove wire between starter solenoid G terminal and starter ground terminal (page 5-16). Clean starter negative terminal, solenoid G terminal, and wire terminals. “Reinstall wire and repeat above test. If VTM still displays over 0.2 volt, replace wire.


TM 5-3805-262-20 3-34. BATTERY SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 1. BATTERIES NEED WATER FREQUENTLY. Step 1. A p p l y p a r k i n g b r a k e a n d p l a c e t r a n s m i s s i o n c o n t r o l l e v e r i n N (neutral) position. Start engine and operate at 1800 rpm. Record voltmeter indication and turn off engine. a. If voltmeter indicates more than 31 volts, refer to page 3-256, charging system troubleshooting. b. If voltmeter indicates 24 to 31 volts, go to step 2 below. Step 2. Test batteries (MALFUNCTION 2, page 3-286, below). a. Replace a defective battery (page 5-148). b. If batteries test okay, check wiring connection at alternator BAT terminal, s t a r t e r r e l a y , a n d s t a r t e r s o l e n o i d B A T t e r m i n a l for corrosion or loose connection. Clean and tighten connections as necessary. If wiring connections are okay, check for high resistance in battery cables (refer to page 3-283, MALFUNCTION 3, step 15). 2. BATTERIES DISCHARGED OR DO NOT MAINTAIN CHARGE. Step 1.


Open radiator grille at rear of loader. Connect STE/ICE power cable W5 connector P1 to VTM J1. Check that VTM PUSH ON/PULL OFF switch is in OFF position. Connect power cable W5 red clip lead to loader battery positive post and black clip lead to loader battery negative post. Do STE/ICE confidence test (TM 9-4910-571-12&P) . Dial 60 into TEST SELECT and press and release TEST but ton.


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 2. BATTERIES DISCHARGED OR DO NOT MAINTAIN CHARGE (Cont). Step 1. (Cont). When UEH appears on display, dial 22 into TEST SELECT. Press and release TEST button. Check that VTM displays 22. If 22 is not displayed, STE/ICE is defective (refer to TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Connect transducer cable W4 connector P1 to VTM J2. Connect transducer cable W4 connector P2 to current probe (TK item 11), Clamp current probe around battery positive cable with current probe arrow pointing away from battery. Be sure current probe is closed. Shut off fuel by pulling fuel SHUT OFF control out. NOTE While cranking engine with bad or discharged batteries, VTM may lose power and come on again after cranking has stopped, displaying -----. If this happens, turn off VTM power, and clean battery posts and clamps and try again. If VTM still loses power, connect VTM to another vehicle’s battery (refer to TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Connect test probe cable W2 to VTM J4 and red test clip to loader battery positive post and black test clip to loader battery negative post. You will have to enter VID and condition current probe again. Crank engine f o r 5 s e c o n d s t h e n t u r n i g n i t i o n k e y s w i t c h t o o f f p o sition. D i a l 7 5 i n t o TEST SELECT. NOTE Dial 79 into TEST SELECT if VTM is not powered by loader batteries. Press and hold TEST button until CAL appears on VTM display then release TEST button. Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should be between -225 to +225. If it is not, STE/ICE is defective (refer to TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Press and release TEST button. Wait for GO to appear on display. When GO appears, crank engine until OFF or an error message is displayed. Turn ignition key switch to off position. a. If VTM display is less than (TBD) milliohms/second (battery resistance change), go to step 2 below. 3-287


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 2. BATTERIES DISCHARGED OR DO NOT MAINTAIN CHARGE (Cont). Step 1. (Cont). b. If VTM display is more than (TBD) milliohms/second (battery resistance change), go to step 6 below. c. If VTM displays GO, go to step 9 below. If you have checked cables and connections in starter circuit and VTM still displays GO, go to step 6 below. d. If VTM displays . 9 . 9 . 9 . 9 , g o t o s t e p 1 2 b e l o w . e. If VTM displays ----, or ., go to step 4 below. f. If E013 is displayed, repeat this step. If E013 message persists after three attempts, or ----, or . after batteries have been charged, replace batteries (page 5-148). g . If battery has been charged and battery resistance change still exceeds (TBD) milliohms/second, replace batteries (page 5-148). Step 2.

Dial 73 into TEST SELECT. NOTE

Dial 77 into TEST SELECT if VTM is not powered b y l o a d e r b a t t e r i e s . Press and hold TEST button until CAL appears on VTM display then release TEST button. W a i t f o r o f f s e t v a l u e t o a p p e a r o n d i splay. Offset value should be between -225 to +225. If it is not, STE/ICE is defective (refer to TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Press and release TEST button. Wait for GO to appear on display. When GO appears, crank engine until OFF or an error message is displayed. Turn ignition key switch to off position. a. If VTM display is less than (TBD) milliohms/second (battery internal resistance), go to step 3 below. b. If VTM display is more than (TBD) milliohms/second (battery internal resistance), go to step 6 below. 3-288


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 2. BATTERIES DISCHARGED OR DO NOT MAINTAIN CHARGE (Cont). Step 2. (Cont). c. If VTM displays GO, go to step 9 below. If you have checked cables and connections in starter circuit and VTM still displays GO, replace batteries (page 5-148). d. If VTM displays . 9 . 9 . 9 . 9 , g o t o s t e p 1 2 b e l o w . e, If VTM displays E013, or . 9 . 9 . 9 . 9 , g o t o s t e p 4 b e l o w . f. If E013 is displayed, repeat this step. If E013 message persists after three attempts, or ----, or . after batteries have been charged, replace batteries (page 5-148). g. If battery has been charged and battery internal resistance still exceeds (TBD) milliohms/second, replace batteries (page 5-148). Step 3. Clamp current probe around battery positive cable with current probe arrow pointing away from battery. B e s u r e c u r r e n t p r o b e i s c l o s e d . Dial 72 into TEST SELECT. NOTE Dial 76 into TEST SELECT if VTM is not powered by loader batteries. Press and hold TEST button until CAL appears on VTM display then release TEST button. Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should be between -225 to +225. If it is not, STE/ICE is defective (refer to TM 9-4910-571-12&P). Press and release TEST button. Shut off fuel by pulling fuel SHUT OFF control out. Wait for GO to appear on display. When GO appears, crank engine until OFF or an error message is displayed. Turn ignition key switch to off position. VTM should display a number between (TBD) amps. a. If VTM display is between (TBD) amps, go to step 6 below. b. If VTM display is less than (TBD) amps, go to step 6 below. 3-289


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 2. BATTERIES DISCHARGED OR DO NOT MAINTAIN CHARGE (Cont). Step 3. (Cont). c. If VTM display is more than (TBD) amps, engine is tight. Go to page 3-234, engine troubleshooting, MALFUNCTION 6, step 11. d. If E013 is displayed, repeat step 1 above. If E013 message persists after three attempts, go to step 6 below. e. If VTM does not display a number or E013 go to step 6 below. Step 4.

Service batteries (page 5-140).

Battery electrolyte is toxic and corrosive. Use protective goggles and gloves when p e r f o r m i n g t h e f o l l o w i n g . Avoid contact with skin, eyes, clothes, and don-t breathe vapors. a . Clean battery cases and add distilled water to battery cells as necessary. b . If batteries are okay, go to step 5 below. Step 5.

Check batteries specific gravity (page 5-144). a. If corrected specific gravity of all battery cells is 1.225 to 1.260, and difference between highest and lowest value is less than 0.050, battery is charged and okay. b. If corrected specific gravity of any battery cell is less than 1.225, or if difference between highest and lowest value is more than 0.050, charge battery (page 5-146) and repeat step 1 above.

Step 6.

Service batteries (page 5-140).

Battery electrolyte is toxic and corrosive. Use protective goggles and gloves when performing the following. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, c l o t h e s , and don’t breathe vapors. a. Clean battery cases and add distilled water to battery cells as necessary. 3-290


MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 2. BATTERIES DISCHARGED OR DO NOT MAINTAIN CHARGE (Cont). Step 6. (Cont). b. If batteries are okay, go to step 7 below. Step 7. Check cable connections at battery posts. a. Clean or tighten battery cable connections as necessary. b. If battery cable connections are okay, go to step 8 below. Step 8. Check batteries specific gravity (page 5-144). a. If corrected specific gravity of all battery cells is 1.225 to 1.260, and difference between highest and lowest value is less than 0.050, battery is charged and okay. b. If corrected specific gravity of any battery cell is less than 1.225, or if difference between highest and lowest value is more than 0.050, charge battery (page 5-146) and repeat step 1 above. S t ep 9.

Dial 89 into TEST SELECT. Connect test probe cable W2 red test clip to black test clip. Press and hold TEST until CAL appears on display then release TEST. Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should be between -6.8 to +6.8. If it is not, STE/ICE is defective (refer to TM 9-4910-571-12&P).




2. BATTERIES DISCHARGED OR DO NOT MAINTAIN CHARGE (Cont). Step 9. (Cont). Measure voltage drop across each cable connected between batteries, starter motor ground terminal and battery negative post, and battery positive post and starter solenoid BAT terminal. Do this by connecting test probe cable W2 clip test leads across cable to be measured. Press and release TEST button. Crank engine then return ignition key switch to off position. Voltage drop on VTM display should be less than 0.2 volt. a. If voltage drop is more than 0.2 volt, disconnect cable. Clean terminals that cable was connected to and cable terminals. Reinstall cable and repeat above test. If VTM still displays over 0.2 volt, replace cable (page 5-158). Repeat step 1 above. b. If voltage drop is less than 0.2 volt, go to step 10 below. Step 10. Dial 89 into TEST SELECT.


TM 5-3805-262-20 3-34. BATTERY SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT) MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 2. BATTERIES DISCHARGED OR DO NOT MAINTAIN CHARGE (Cont). Step 10. (Cont). Measure voltage drop across each cable connected between starter relay end terminals and starter solenoid BAT and S terminals. Do this by connecting test probe cable W2 clip test leads across cable to be measured. Press and release TEST button. Crank engine then return ignition key switch to off position. Voltage drop on VTM display should be less than 0.2 volt. a. If voltage drop is more than 0.2 volt, disconnect cable. Clean terminals that cable was connected to and cable terminals. Reinstall cable and repeat above test. If VTM still displays over 0.2 volt, replace cable (page 5-16). Repeat step 1 above. b. If voltage drop is less than 0.2 volt, go to step 11 below. Step 11. Dial 89 into TEST SELECT. Move red test clip of test probe cable W2 to G terminal of starter solenoid and black test clip to starter motor ground terminal. Press and release TEST button. Crank engine and watch VTM display. a. If VTM displays less than 0.2 volt, check for loose or corroded connection between starter solenoid MTR terminal and starter positive terminal. Remove connector between these two terminals and check for dirt or corrosion. Repeat step 1 above.



MALFUNCTION TEST OR INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION 2. BATTERIES DISCHARGED OR DO NOT MAINTAIN CHARGE (Cont). Step 11. (Cont). b. If VTM displays over 0.2 volt, remove wire between starter solenoid G terminal and starter ground terminal (page 5-16). Clean starter motor negative terminal, solenoid G terminal, and wire terminals. Reinstall wire and repeat above test. If VTM still d i s p l a y s o v e r 0 . 2 v o l t , replace wire and repeat step 1 above. Step 12. Check cable connections at battery posts. a. If connections are loose, tighten and repeat step 1 above. b. If battery cable connections are okay, clean connections and repeat step 1 above.


TM 5-3805-262-20

CHAPTER 4 ENGINE, FUEL, EXHAUST, AND COOLING SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE CHAPTER OVERVIEW This chapter provides you with the information you need to maintain the: Engine Fuel System Exhaust System Cooling System It gives you instructions on how to repair and replace the components that are within the scope of organizational maintenance.

Para Engine Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 Servicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1a O i l F i l t e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1b Oil Sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1c Exhaust Manifold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1d Fuel System Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 Fuel Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2a Electric Fuel Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2b Fuel Injection Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2c Air Cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2d Fuel Tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2e Fuel Filters and Filter Head . . . 4-2f Cold Start Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2g

Para Fuel System Maintenance (Cont) Accelerator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2h Exhaust System Muffler and Pipe Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 Cooling System Maintenance . . . . . . . . 4-4 Radiator Servicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4a Radiator Hoses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4b Radiator Grille . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4c Radiator and Guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4d Thermostats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4e Water Manifold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4f Water Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4g Fan Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4h

NOTE In following paragraphs, resources required are not listed unless they apply to the procedure. Personnel required are listed only if the task requires more than one. If PERSONNEL REQUIRED is not listed it means one person can do the task. The normal standard equipment condition to start a maintenance task is loader bucket lowered to ground, engine off, loader parked on a level surface, and parking brake applied. EQUIPMENT CONDITION is not listed unless some other condition is required besides those indicated above.


TM 5-3805-262-20 4-1. ENGINE MAINTENANCE

This task covers checking engine oil, adding engine oil, and a. S e r v i c i n g . draining and refilling engine oil. If the engine is new, change engine oil and filt e r a f t e r f i r s t 2 0 h o u r s o f o p e r a t i o n . T h e n , change engine oil after every 150 hours of operation. If engine operating conditions are severe, with frequent stopping and starting and high or low engine temperatures, change oil more frequently. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set Torque wrench, 1/2 inch drive Automotive Mechanic’s Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 1/2 inch drive Container, 5 gallon capacity MATERIALS/PARTS: Engine oil (refer to current lubrication order) C l e a n c l o t h s (Appendix C, item 1) REFERENCES: LO 5-3805-262-12 NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine left side panels removed (page 9-14). CHECKING ENGINE OIL LEVEL (1)

Turn dipstick handle clockwise several turns then pull up to remove it.


Check that oil level indicated on dipstick is between FULL and ADD marks. I f o i l l e v e l i s l o w , add just enough oil to raise level to FULL mark on d i p s t i c k . Don’t add too much oil to where oil level is above FULL mark.


Install dipstick and turn handle counterclockwise to tighten.




Start engine and warm oil (causes wear particles and other contaminants to be suspended in oil).


Place five gallon container under oil pan drain plug.


Using open end wrench, remove oil pan drain plug and gasket and drain engine oil into container.


A f t e r o i l h a s c o m p l e t e l y d r a i n e d , clean drain plug using clean cloth and check that gasket is not damaged. I f g a s k e t i s d a m a g e d , r e p l a c e i t .


Reinstall drain plug and gasket; tighten drain plug to 18-20 lb-ft.


If necessary, remove and replace engine oil filter (page 4-4).

TM 5-3805-262-20 DRAINING ENGINE OIL (SHEET 2 OF 2) (7)

Remove engine oil level dipstick. Add 18 quarts of engine oil if oil filter is not replaced or 20 quarts of engine oil if oil filter is replaced (refer to current lubrication order). Reinstall oil level dipstick.


Start engine and check for oil leaks at drain plug and oil filter; tighten as necessary.


Turn engine off and recheck engine oil level. Add oil as necessary.

(10) Remove container from under engine oil pan and discard engine oil. (11) Reinstall engine left side panels (page 9-17).


TM 5-3805-262-20 4-1. ENGINE MAINTENANCE (CONT)

b . O i l F i l t e r . This task covers replacement of the engine oil filter. If engine is new, change engine oil and filter after first 20 hours of operation. Then, change oil filter with each oil change (refer to LO 5-3805-262-12). TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Oil filter wrench MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Engine oil filter (FSCM 72530 PN SK6711519) REFERENCES: LO 5-3805-262-12 NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine oil drained (page 4-2). (1)

Turn engine oil filter counterclockwise to remove. Discard filter.


Apply a thin film of clean oil to gasket of new oil filter.

Don’t use a filter strap wrench to install engine oil filter in following step. To do so may cause an oil leak due to filter being dented by filter strap wrench.



Turn new filter onto base until oil filter gasket contacts base. Continue to tighten oil filter 1/2 to 3/4 turn with your hand.


Install 20 quarts of engine oil (page 4-2).


Start engine and run at idle for five minutes. Check for around engine oil filter. If leakage is observed, tighten oil filter.


Stop engine and check oil level (page 4-2).

speed oil leaks oil engine

TM 5-3805-262-20 4-1. ENGINE MAINTENANCE (CONT) c. Oil Sampling (SHEET 1 OF 2). This task covers taking a sample of the engine o i l w h i c h i s t h e n s e n t t o a l a b o r a t o r y f o r a n a l y s i s . This analysis determines how many wear particles are contained in the engine oil and thus extent of wear of internal engine parts. NOTE Obtain clean oil sample bottle and a copy of DD Form 2026 (Oil Analysis Request) in accordance with local procedure. MATERIALS/PARTS: Engine oil (refer to current lubrication order) Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) One pint container Clean oil sample bottle REFERENCES: LO 5-3805-262-12 TB 43-0210 NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine left side panels removed (page 9-14). (1)

Start engine and operate at idle speed until normal operating temperature is obtained.


Unscrew cap from oil sampling valve.


Place one pint container under oil sampling valve then depress oil sampling valve pushbutton and drain approximately one pint of oil into container. Release oil sampling valve pushbutton and remove one pint container.


Open clean oil sample bottle (place bottle cap on clean surface with edges up) and position bottle under oil sampling valve.


Depress oil sampling valve pushbutton and fill oil sample bottle to within 1/2 inch of top. Release pushbutton and remove oil sample bottle.


TM 5-3805-262-20 4-1. ENGINE MAINTENANCE (CONT) C.

Oil Sampling (SHEET 2 OF 2). (6)

Reinstall oil sampling valve cap and tighten securely.


Reinstall oil sample bottle cap and tighten. Wipe oil from exterior of bottle using clean cloths.


Place oil sample bottle in plastic bag.


Turn engine off.


Check engine oil level (page 4-2); add oil if necessary.


Reinstall engine left side panels (page 9-17).


Fill out DD Form 2026, then place plastic bag containing oil sample bottle and completed DD Form 2026 in shipping sack.


Ship oil sample and completed DD Form 2026 on same day as sample taken; ship according to local procedures. NOTE

Special oil samples will be clearly marked “SPECIAL� and banded with red tape for easy identification at analysis laboratory.


TM 5-3805-262-20 4-1. ENGINE MAINTENANCE (CONT) d. E x h a u s t M a n i f o l d . This task c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , a n d i n stallation of exhaust manifold. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Slip joint pliers Torque wrench, 1/2 inch drive Automotive Mechanic’s Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 1/2 inch drive 3/8-16NS die MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) General purpose detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Penetrating oil (Appendix C, item 7) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine side panels removed (page 9-14) and muffler and pipe removed (page 4-66).


Loosen and remove 12 nuts (1) and lock washers (2). Remove exhaust manifolds (3 and 4).


Remove and discard six gaskets (5). NOTE

Don’t remove studs (6) unless inspection indicates replacement is necessary. 4-7

TM 5-3805-262-20 4-1. ENGINE MAINTENANCE (CONT)

d. E x h a u s t M a n i f o l d ( c o n t ) . CLEANING AND INSPECTION

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. I f c o n t a c t w i t h s k i n o r c l o t h e s i s m a d e , f l u s h w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately.



Clean all parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry using clean cloths.


Remove all traces of gasket (5) material from exhaust manifolds (3 and 4) and mating surface of cylinder heads. Use clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680.


Inspect exhaust manifolds (3 and 4) for areas weakened by rust or corrosion and cracks or breaks. Replace as necessary. If necessary to separate manifolds, use penetrating oil and apply completely around area where manifolds are joined. This will dissolve any rust to help separate manifolds.


Check studs (6) located on cylinder heads for damaged or stripped threads. Clean up threads using 3/8-16NS die. If threads cannot be cleaned up, remove stud using pliers. Install new studs in cylinder heads until they protrude as shown.

TM 5-3805-262-20


Position six gaskets (5) on cylinder head studs (6) as shown below.


I f n o t a l r e a d y c o n n e c t e d , connect exhaust manifolds (3 and 4) together. Position exhaust manifolds on cylinder head studs (6).


Secure exhaust manifolds (3 and 4) using 12 lock washers (2) and nuts (l). Tighten nuts evenly then torque nuts to 25 to 30 lb-ft.


Reinstall muffler and pipe (page 4-68) and engine left side panels (page 9-17). 4-9


a. F u e l L i n e s . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e p l a c e m e n t o f f u e l l i n e s l o c a t e d b e t w e e n e l e c tric fuel pump and fuel tank and fuel injection pump and fuel tank. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set Automotive Mechanic’s Tool Kit Slip joint pliers MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine side panels removed (page 9-14). REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2)

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe v a p o r s . D O not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (1) Using clean cloths moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680 clean fuel return hose (1) and fuel supply hose (2) fittings at fuel injection pump and fuel tank.

D i e s e l f u e l i s h i g h l y c o m b u s t i b l e . Do not smoke or allow open flames or sparks into the area. Death or severe injury may result if personnel fail to observe this precaution. If you are burned, obtain medical aid immediately. (2) At fuel injection pump, tag, disconnect, and cap fuel return hose (1) and fuel supply hose (2). (3) Tag fuel return hose (1) at fuel tank. (4) Using pliers, expand clamp (3) while disconnecting fuel return hose (l); remove clamp (3) from hose.


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL ( SHEET 2 OF 2) NOTE Perform following steps only if tube (6) and fitting (7) require removal, otherwise proceed to step (7) below. (5)

Using open end wrench loosen compression nut (4) then remove tube (6) by withdrawing through fitting (7).


Remove compression nut (4) and sleeve (5) from tube (6), then remove fitting (7) using open end wrench.


Using open end wrench, loosen two compression nuts (8). Disconnect fuel suction tube (10) from elbow (12).


Remove fuel suction tube (10) by withdrawing through fitting (11). NOTE

Perform following steps only if removal of compression sleeves (9), nuts (8), fitting (11), and elbow (12) is necessary, otherwise proceed to step (12) below. (9) Remove compression sleeves (9) and compression nuts (8). (10) Remove fitting (11) using open end wrench. (11) Remove elbow (12) using open end wrench. (12) Tag fuel supply hose (2) then loosen compression nut (13) using open end wrench and remove hose (2). NOTE Perform following steps only if compression nut (13), sleeve (14), and elbow (15) require removal. (13) Remove compression sleeve (14) then compression nut (13) from fuel supply hose (2). (14) Remove elbow (15). 4-11


a. F u e l L i n e s ( c o n t ) . CLEANING

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is with water and get medical aid immediately.

and flammable. well ventilated don’t breathe and don’t smoke injury. If you air and medical is made, flush made, wash eyes

(1) Clean all parts except hoses (1 and 2) using cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry using clean cloths. (2) Clean hoses (1 and 2) using detergent; dry using clean cloths. INSPECTION NOTE Replace all parts determined to be defective in following steps. (1)

Inspect fuel return hose (1) and fuel supply hose (2) for cracks, breaks, and deterioration.


Check compression nuts (4, 8 , a n d 1 3 ) , f i t t i n g s ( 7 a n d 1 1 ) , a n d e l b o w s ( 1 2 a n d 1 5 ) f o r c r a c k s , b r e a k s , or deformed or damaged threads.


Check tube (6) and fuel suction tube (10) for cracks, deformation, or dents.


Install elbow (15) if removed.

(2) Place compression nut (13) and new compression sleeve (14) on one end of fuel supply hose (2). (3) Connect fuel supply hose (2) to elbow (15); position compression sleeve (14) in elbow then tighten compression nut (13). (4)


Install elbow (12) and fitting (11) if removed. Tighten securely.

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) P o s i t i o n two compression nuts (8) and compression sleeves (9) on fuel suction tube (10). Install fuel suction tube (10), with compression sleeves (9) and compression nuts (8) installed, through fitting (11) until tube (10) touches bottom of fuel tank. Position compression sleeve (9) in fitting (11), then tighten compression nut (8) securely using open end wrench. (7)

Connect opposite end of fuel suction tube (10) to elbow (12). Position compression sleeve (9) in elbow (12) then tighten compression nut (8) securely using open end wrench.


Install fitting (7) in fuel tank and tighten securely using open end wrench.


Position compression sleeve (5) and compression nut (4) on tube (6); install tube (6) through fitting (7) until tube touches bottom of fuel tank. Position compression sleeve (5) in fitting (7) and tighten compression nut (4) securely using open end wrench.


Place clamp (3) on tube (6). Connect fuel return hose (1) to tube (6).


Using pliers, expand clamp (3) and position clamp over fuel return hose (1) to secure it to tube (6). Release clamp (3).


Reconnect fuel supply hose (2) and fuel return hose (1) to fuel injection pump. Tighten fittings securely using open end wrench.


Bleed air from fuel system (page 4-40).


Start engine and run at idle speed. Check hoses, lines, and fittings installed above for fuel leakage. Tighten fittings if necessary. Shut engine off.


Reinstall engine side panels (page 9-17). 4-13


b. E l e c t r i c F u e l P u m p . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s s e r v i c i n g , r e m o v a l , a n d i n s t a l l a t i o n o f electric fuel pump. Servicing of electric fuel pump consists of cleaning its filter every 500 hours of operation or if engine power has decreased. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Hand hammer, 16 ounces Automotive Mechanic’s Tool Kit Slip joint pliers Container, 1 quart capacity Plugs MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) PERSONNEL REQUIRED: Two Construction Equipment Mechanics MOS 62B NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine side panels removed (page 9-14) and lines and fittings disconnected from electric fuel pump and fuel suction tube loosened at fuel tank (page 4-10).


Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (1) Clean electric fuel pump and immediate area using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. (2) Turn cover (5) off body (1) using wrench. Remove cover (5) with magnet (3) and gasket (4) installed.


TM 5-3805-262-20 SERVICING (SHEET 2 OF 2)

Diesel fuel is highly combustible. Do not smoke or allow open flames or sparks into the area. Death or severe injury may result if personnel fail to observe this precaution, If you are burned, obtain medical aid immediately. Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc). Failure to do so could cause serious injury to eyes and possible blindness. If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately. (3)

Remove filter (2). Clean filter using clean diesel fuel and dry using compressed air.


Inspect filter (2) and gasket (4) for damage. Replace as necessary.


Reinstall filter (2), gasket (4), magnet (3) and cover (5).


Bleed air from fuel system (page 4-40).


TM 5-3805-262-20 4-2. FUEL SYSTEM MAINTENANCE (CONT) b. E l e c t r i c F u e l P u m p ( c o n t ) . REMOVAL

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning s o l v e n t , get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately.



Remove dirt and grease from electric fuel pump and immediate area using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680.


Disconnect fuel supply hose and fuel suction tube at electric fuel pump and install plugs to prevent entry of foreign matter into hose and tube. Loosen fuel suction tube at fuel tank.


Using socket wrench, remove two capscrews (1) while supporting electric fuel pump (2).


Pull electric fuel pump (2) to left side and disconnect pump wire lead from wiring harness lead by pulling two leads apart. Remove electric fuel pump from loader.


If necessary, remove two U-nuts (3) using pliers.


Remove two elbows from electric fuel pump.

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 2) (1)

Install two elbows in electric fuel pump body.


Connect electric fuel pump wire lead to wiring harness lead by pushing two leads together.


Install two U-nuts (3) (if removed) on electric fuel pump mounting bracket located on fuel tank.


Position electric fuel pump (2) on mounting bracket and secure using two capscrews (l); tighten capscrews securely using socket wrench.


Remove plug from fuel suction tube and connect to electric fuel pump (2).


Tighten fuel suction tube at fuel tank.


Remove plug from fuel supply hose and connect hose to electric fuel pump (2).

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable, Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area, Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (8)

Clean area around fuel supply hose connection at fuel injection pump transfer pump using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Disconnect fuel supply hose from fuel injection pump transfer pump.


TM 5-3805-262-20 4-2. FUEL SYSTEM MAINTENANCE (CONT) b. E l e c t r i c F u e l P u m p ( c o n t ) . INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (9) Check that electric fuel pump is operating properly: (a) Hold end of fuel supply hose in a container.

D i e s e l f u e l i s h i g h l y c o m b u s t i b l e . Do not smoke or allow open flames or sparks into the area. Death or severe injury may result if personnel fail to observe this precaution. If you are burned, obtain medical aid immediately. (b) While an assistant places key switch in ON position, check that fuel is pumped through fuel supply hose. If fuel is not pumped through fuel supply hose, refer to troubleshooting procedures. (c) Hold fuel supply hose vertically to keep it filled with fuel. Advise assistant to place key switch in OFF position. (10) Reconnect fuel supply hose to fuel injection pump transfer pump. (11) Bleed air from fuel system (page 4-40). (12) Reinstall engine side panels (page 9-17).


TM 5-3805-262-20 4-2. FUEL SYSTEM MAINTENANCE (CONT) c. F u e l I n j e c t i o n P u m p . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s s e r v i c i n g o f t h e f u e l i n j e c t i o n p u m p preliminary filter element. Service this filter element whenever you service the first and second stage filters (page 4-38). MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Diesel fuel Gasket (FSCM 53867 PN 2-440-113-000) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine right side panels removed (page 9-14). SERVICING

Diesel fuel is highly combustible. Do not smoke or allow open flames or sparks into the area. Death or severe injury may result if personnel fail to observe this precaution. If you are burned, obtain medical aid immediately. (1)

Loosen bail lock nut.


Swing bail out of way then lower and remove fuel bowl with gasket, element, and spring. Discard gasket.


Using clean diesel fuel, flush out element. If element is damaged, coated with varnish or other nonremovable deposits, replace it.


Clean cloth fuel. free


Install spring, element, and new gasket in fuel bowl.


Install fuel bowl with installed parts. Slide bail into position and tighten bail lock nut finger tight.


Bleed air from fuel system (page 4-40).

fuel bowl using clean moistened with diesel Dry using clean, lint cloth.



d. A i r C l e a n e r . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s s e r v i c i n g , r e m o v a l , d i s a s s e m b l y , c l e a n i n g , inspection, reassembly, and installation of the air cleaner. Element assemblies should be serviced whenever red indicator band in restriction indicator is visible. (1) Servicing. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Slip joint pliers Extension light MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) (a)



Loosen cover wingnut (l), then remove cover (2) and wingnut (l). Remove precleaned bowl (3). Dump any dust and/or dirt contained in precleaned bowl (3). Wash precleaned bowl (3) in solution of water and detergent. Dry using clean cloth. Install precleaned bowl (3) on air cleaner body. Install cover (2) and wingnut (l); hand tighten cover wingnut securely. (b) Element Assemblies Servicing. Loosen cover wingnut (4) and remove cover assembly (5) with wingnut (4) attached. Loosen and remove nut assembly (6). Remove primary element assembly (7). Loosen and remove nut assembly (8).


TM 5-3805-262-20 NOTE Don’t clean secondary element assembly. Secondary element assembly shall be replaced every third servicing of primary element assembly, when secondary element assembly is more than two years old (date of manufacture is stamped on top of secondary element assembly), when it is damaged, or when red indicator band in restriction indicator stays in view after primary element assembly has been cleaned or replaced. Remove secondary element assembly (9). Grasp vacuator valve (10) and pull off air cleaner body (11). Dump any dust or dirt in vacuator valve. NOTE Don't use compressed air to dry primary element assembly. To do so may damage to primary element assembly. Clean primary element assembly (7) by washing using detergent. Allow primary element assembly to air dry. Using a light placed inside primary element assembly, check for holes in element. Check if metal covering is bent. If holes in element are a p p a r e n t o r i f m e t a l c o v e r i n g i s b e n t , install new primary element assembly. NOTE Inspect new primary element assembly as described in step new primary element assembly is damaged, replace it.

above; if

Clean vacuator valve (10) using detergent. Dry using clean cloth. Using a clean cloth dampened with water and detergent, wipe inside of air cleaner body (11). Dry using clean, dry cloth. Reinstall vacuator valve (10) on air cleaner body (11). Install secondary element assembly (9); secure using nut assembly (8). Install primary element assembly (7); secure using nut assembly (6). Install cover assembly (5) and tighten cover wingnut (4) securely. Press reset button on top of restriction indicator and band disappears from view. C r a n k e n g i n e a n d c h e c k i f indicator red band comes into view. If red band is in steps through above and replace secondary element

check that red restriction view, repeat assembly (9).



d. A i r C l e a n e r ( c o n t ) . (2) Replacement. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Flat tip screwdriver Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Extension light Fixed open end wrench set Slip joint pliers MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Gasket (FSCM 10988 PN A58910) PERSONNEL REQUIRED: Two Construction Equipment Mechanics MOS 62B (Required only for testing)

REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2) (a) Loosen hose clamp (1) and position over reducer (7). (b) Support air cleaner assembly (5) and remove four capscrews (2), lock washers (3), and washers (4). Disconnect reducer (7) from air cleaner assembly (5) while removing air cleaner assembly from side of loader. Remove hose clamp (1) from reducer.


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) (c) Loosen hose clamp (6) and disconnect reducer (7) from tube (9). Remove reducer (7) and hose clamp (6). (d) Remove engine top hood (page 9-11). (e) Loosen hose clamps (8 and 10); disconnect and remove tube (9) and elbow (11). Remove hose clamps (8 and 10). (f) Disconnect connector (12) from adapter (14); remove adapter (14). (g) Loosen clamp and disconnect air hose from adapter (18). Do this by grasping air hose and firmly pulling from adapter.

(h) Remove four capscrews (15), nuts (16), and lock washers (17). Remove adapter (18) and gasket (19). Discard gasket (19). (i) Support restriction indicator (22) then loosen and remove fitting (20) and lock washer (21). Remove restriction indicator (22) and tube (13), with connector (12) and fitting (20) attached, from loader.



d. A i r C l e a n e r ( c o n t ) . (2) Replacement (cont). DISASSEMBLY (SHEET 1 OF 2) (a) Loosen cover wingnut (23), then remove cover (24) and wingnut (23). (b) Remove precleaned bowl (25) .

(c) Loosen cover wingnut (26) and remove cover assembly (27) with wingnut (26) attached. (d) Loosen and remove nut assembly (28). (e) Remove primary element assembly (29). (f) Loosen and remove nut assembly (30). 4-24

TM 5-3805-262-20 DISASSEMBLY (SHEET 2 OF 2) NOTE Don’t clean secondary element assembly. Secondary element assembly shall b e r e p l a c e d e v e r y t h i r d s e r v i c i n g o f primary element assembly, when secondary element assembly is more than two years old (date o f manufacture is stamped on top of secondary element assembly), when it i s damaged, or when red indicator band in restriction indicator stays i n view after primary element assembly has been cleaned or replaced. (g) Remove secondary element assembly (31). (h) Grasp vacuator valve (32) and pull off air cleaner body (36). Dump any dust or dirt in vacuator valve. (i) Loosen two screws (33). Remove two bands (34) from air cleaner. (j) If necessary, remove pipe cap (35).



d. A i r C l e a n e r ( c o n t ) . (2) Replacement (cont). CLEANING (SHEET 1 OF 2)

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately.

Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc). Failure to do so could cause serious i n j u r y t o e y e s a n d p o s s i b l e b l i n d n e s s . If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately. (a) Clean all metallic parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry using compressed air. (b) Clean tube (13) using detergent; dry using clean cloth. (c) Wash precleaned bowl (25) in solution of water and detergent. Dry using clean cloth. NOTE Don’t use compressed air to dry primary element assembly (29). To do so may cause damage to primary element assembly. (d) Clean primary element assembly (29) by washing using detergent. Allow primary element assembly to air dry.


TM 5-3805-262-20 CLEANING ( SHEET 2 OF 2) NOTE Don’t clean secondary element assembly. Secondary element assembly shall be replaced every third servicing of primary element assembly, when secondary element assembly is more than two years old (date of manufacture is stamped on top of secondary element assembly) when it is damaged, or when red indicator band in restriction indicator stays in view after primary element assembly has been cleaned or replaced. (e) Clean vacuator valve (32) using detergent. Dry using clean cloth. (f) Remove all traces of gasket (19) material from adapter (18) and mating surface of intake manifold. INSPECTION NOTE Replace all parts determined to be defective in following steps. (a) Using a light placed inside primary element assembly (29), check for holes in element. Check if metal covering is bent. If holes in element are apparent or if metal covering is bent, i n s t a l l n e w p r i m a r y e l e m e n t assembly. NOTE Inspect new primary element assembly as described in step (a) above; if new primary element assembly is damaged, replace it. (b) Check reducer (7), tubes (9 and 13), and elbow (11) for cracks, breaks, chafing, or deterioration. If tube (13) requires replacement, loosen connector (12) nut and fitting (20) nut then pull tube (13) from connect o r b o d y a n d f i t t i n g b o d y . Remove compression sleeves (one each end) from tube (13) and discard tube. (c) Inspect secondary element assembly (31) for damaged gasket and rips or holes. (d) Check restriction indicator (22) for cracks, breaks, or other damage. (e) Inspect remaining parts for corrosion, cracks, dents, and damaged threads.



d. A i r C l e a n e r ( c o n t ) . (2) Replacement (cont).

REASSEMBLY (SHEET 1 OF 2) (a) Install pipe cap (35) if removed. (b) Install two bands (34) on air cleaner body (36). Tighten two screws (33) securely. (c) Reinstall vacuator valve (32) on air cleaner body (36). (d) Install secondary element assembly (31); secure using nut assembly (30). (e) Install primary element assembly (29); secure using nut assembly (28). (f) Install cover assembly (27) and tighten cover wingnut (26) securely.


TM 5-3805-262-20 REASSEMBLY (SHEET 2 OF 2) (g) Install precleaned bowl (25) on air cleaner body. (h) Install cover (24) and wingnut (23); hand tighten cover wingnut securely.



d. A i r C l e a n e r ( c o n t ) . (2) Replacement (cont).

INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 2) (a) Position restriction indicator (22) on hood support. Position lock washer (21) on fitting (20) then install fitting to secure restriction indicator. (b) Position gasket (19) and adapter (18) on intake manifold; secure using four capscrews (15), lock washers (17), and nuts (16). (c) Install adapter (14) in adapter (18); tighten securely. (d) Install connector (12) in adapter (14); tighten securely. (e) If tube (13) required replacement, install fitting (20) nut on tube then position fitting compression sleeve on tube. Connect tube (13) to fitting (20) body, then tighten compression nut. Repeat for connector (12) end. (f) Connect elbow (11) to adapter (18). Install hose clamp (10) and position near bottom of elbow; tighten hose clamp (10). Install hose C lap (8) on tube (9). (g) Connect tube (9) to elbow (11); position hose clamp (8) near end of tube and tighten hose clamp. ( h ) I n s t a l l h o s e c l a m p ( 6 ) o n r e d u c e r ( 7 ) ; connect reducer to tube (9) and tighten hose clamp (6). (i) Install hose clamp (1) on reducer (7). 4-30

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (j) Position air cleaner assembly (5) on engine hood while connecting air cleaner outlet to reducer (7). Secure air cleaner assembly (5) using f o u r c a p s c r e w s ( 2 ) , lock washers (3), and washers (4). Tighten capscrews (2) securely. (k) Tighten hose clamp (1). (l) Position clamp on air hose. Connect air hose to adapter (18) by firmly pushing air hose on to adapter (18) fitting. Position and tighten clamp securely. (m) Reinstall engine top hood (page 9-13). TESTING Adapter (14) installed in adapter (18) prevents dirt from entering engine if restriction indicator (22) or tube (13) is damaged. Continued operation if these parts are damaged will cause adapter (14) to be clogged with dirt. When this happens, res t r i c t i o n i n d i c a t o r ( 2 2 ) w i l l n o t o p e r a t e . F o l l o w i n g t e s t w i l l e n s u r e t h a t a d a .p t e r (14) is not clogged with dirt. (a)

On right instrument panel, pull fuel shutoff control out until it stops moving.


Ensure that restriction indicator red band is out of view. If necessary, press button on top of indicator.


Remove precleaned bowl from air cleaner assembly.


Hold a piece of cloth over air cleaner assembly air intake while an assistant holds key switch in START position for 15 seconds.


Check that restriction indicator red band is in view. If red band is not in view, adapter (14) is clogged with dirt and shall be replaced.


Reinstall precleaned bowl. 4-31


e. F u e l T a n k . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s d r a i n i n g , c l e a n i n g , f i l l i n g , r e m o v a l , a n d i n s t a l lation of the fuel tank. (1) Draining, Cleaning, and Filling. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Flat tip screwdriver Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Container, 55 gallon capacity MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Gasket (FSCM 10988 PN L79876) REFERENCES: LO 5-3805-262-12 NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine side panels removed (page 9-14).

DRAINING (SHEET 1 OF 2) (a) Remove fuel filler cap. (b) Position 55 gallon container under fuel tank immediately beneath pipe . 4-32

TM 5-3805-262-20 DRAINING (SHEET 2 OF 2)

D i e s e l f u e l i s h i g h l y c o m b u s t i b l e . Do not smoke or allow open flames or sparks into the area. Death or severe injury may result if personnel fail to observe this precaution. If you are burned, obtain medical aid immediately. (c) Remove pipe plug (1) and drain fuel into container. Discard drained fuel. ( d ) A t r i g h t s i d e o f f u e l t a n k , remove five capscrews (2) and lock washers (3). (e) Remove cover plate (4) with fuel level sending unit installed and gasket (5). Discard gasket. CLEANING

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean p a r t s i s t o x i c a n d f l a m m a b l e . Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (a) Clean interior of fuel tank using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680 by putting your hand through cover plate hole in fuel tank. Dry thoroughly using clean cloths. (b) Clean remaining parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry using clean cloths. (c) Remove all traces of gasket (5) material from cover plate (4) and fuel tank using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. (d) At right side of fuel tank, position gasket (5) and cover plate (4) with fuel level sending unit installed on fuel tank. (e) Secure cover plate (4) with five lock washers (3) and capscrews (2); be sure that fuel level sending unit ground wire lead is connected to one capscrew. T i g h t e n c a p s c r e w s ( 5 ) s e c u r e l y . (f) At bottom of fuel tank, reinstall pipe plug (l); tighten securely. FILLING (a) At right rear of loader, remove fuel filler cap and fill fuel tank with diesel fuel (refer to current lubrication order). (b) Reinstall fuel filler cap and engine side panels (page 9-17). 4-33


e. F u e l T a n k ( c o n t ) . (2) Removal and Installation. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Flat tip screwdriver Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Roller jack Chain hoist equipped with straps NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Fuel tank drained and cover plate removed (page 4-32); fuel lines disconnected at fuel tank and electric fuel pump and electric fuel pump wire lead disconnected from wiring harness lead (page 4-16). Batteries removed (page 5-148).

REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2) (a) Remove fuel filler cap (l). (b) Loosen clamps (2 and 4) and remove fuel filler pipe (3), clamp (2), hose (5), clamp (4), and fuel strainer (6).


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) (c) From rear of loader, position roller jack under direct center of fuel tank (11). Raise roller jack until it just touches fuel tank. (d) Loosen three capscrews (7) while checking that fuel tank is supported by roller jack. If necessary, readjust roller jack to relieve tension on c a p s c r e w s ( 7 ) . Then, remove three capscrews (7), lock washers (8), two washers (9), and washer (10). (e) Lower roller jack and fuel tank to clear loader frame. If necessary, use chain hoist to raise loader frame just enough to allow removal of fuel tank. (f) Use chain hoist equipped with straps to move fuel tank to work bench. (g) Remove electric fuel pump (page 4-16) if necessary.



e. F u e l T a n k ( c o n t ) . (2) Removal and Installation (cont).


I n s t a l l electric fuel pump (page 4-17) if necessary.

(b) Using a chain hoist equipped with straps, position fuel tank (11) on roller jack. (c) Move roller jack with fuel tank (11) into position beneath loader frame; if necessary, use chain hoist to raise loader frame just enough to enable positioning of fuel tank. (d) Guide fuel tank (11) into position then raise into position; check that fuel tank mounting hole located in rear of fuel tank centered on bottom lip is aligned with hole in loader frame. (e) Loosely install one washer (10), two washers (9), three lock washers (8), and capscrews (7). Check that fuel tank is properly positioned; if necessary, raise fuel tank by raising roller jack. Tighten three capscrews (7) securely. (f) Remove roller jack from under fuel tank.


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (g)

I n s t a l l fuel strainer (6), hose (5), fuel filler pipe (3), and clamps (2 and 4).


Position clamp (4) near bottom of hose (5); tighten clamp (4).


position clamp (2) near top of hose (5); tighten clamp (2).




Install cover plate as described under CLEANING above (page 4-33).


Connect fuel lines to/from fuel injection pump at fuel tank and electric fuel pump (page 4-12). Connect electric fuel pump wire lead to wiring harness (page 4-17).


Install batteries (page 5-151).


Install engine side panels (page 9-17).







f. F u e l F i l t e r s a n d F i l t e r H e a d . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s s e r v i c i n g ( r e p l a c e m e n t ) o f t h e fuel filters, bleeding air from the fuel system, and removal, cleaning, inspection, and installation of filter head and associated components. (1) Fuel Filters. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Slip joint pliers Filter wrench (FSCM 10988 PN A64761) Container, 1 quart capacity MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Gasket (FSCM 19253 PN 6677417) First stage filter (FSCM 19253 PN 6669390) Second stage filter (FSCM 19253 PN 6674600) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine right side panels removed (page 9-14). SERVICING (SHEET 1 OF 2)

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. I f c o n t a c t w i t h s k i n o r c l o t h e s i s m a d e , f l u s h w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. ( a ) C l e a n f i l t e r h e a d , f u e l f i l t e r s , and engine area adjacent to filters using a clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680.

D i e s e l f u e l i s h i g h l y c o m b u s t i b l e . D O not smoke or allow open flames or sparks into the area. Death or severe injury may result if personnel fail to observe this precaution. If you are burned, obtain medical aid immediately. (b) Position a quart container under first stage filter drain plug. Remove drain plug from first stage filter and drain fuel. Remove container.


TM 5-3805-262-20 SERVICING (SHEET 2 OF 2) (c)

Using filter wrench, remove first stage and second stage filters. Turn filters counterclockwise to remove.


Remove and discard stud gasket from second stage filter mounting stud and install a new gasket.


Apply a thin film of oil or grease to gaskets on new first and second stage filters.

In following step, overtightening filters will cause damage to gaskets and filters causing fuel leakage. (f) Install filters by turning clockwise until gaskets contact filter head. Hand tighten 1/2 turn. Loosen filters and retighten 1/2 to 3/4 turn after gasket contact to obtain proper seal.



f. F u e l F i l t e r s a n d F i l t e r H e a d ( c o n t ) . (1) Fuel Filters (cont). BLEEDING AIR FROM FUEL SYSTEM (a) Open bleed valve on f i r s t s t a g e filter. Place key switch in ON position (electric fuel pump should be operating). Close bleed valve when clear, bubble free fuel appears. Place key switch in OFF position. (b)

Open bleed valve on second stage filter. Place key switch in ON position (electric fuel pump should be operating). Close bleed valve when clear, bubble free fuel appears. Place key switch in OFF position.

(c) Use clean cloth to wipe up any diesel fuel spillage. (d) Reinstall engine right side panels (page 9-17).



f. F u e l F i l t e r s a n d F i l t e r H e a d ( c o n t ) . (2) Filter Head. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Fixed open end wrench set Slip joint pliers Filter wrench (FSCM 10988 PN A64761) Container, 1 quart capacity MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Grease (Appendix C, item 22) Gasket (FSCM 19253 PN 6677417) First stage filter (FSCM 19253 PN 6669390) Second stage filter (FSCM 19253 PN 6674600) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine right side panels removed (page 9-14). REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2)

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don't breathe v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (a) Clean filter head, fuel filters, and engine area adjacent to filters using a clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680.



f. F u e l F i l t e r s a n d F i l t e r H e a d ( c o n t ) . (2) Filter Head (cont).


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2)

D i e s e l f u e l i s h i g h l y c o m b u s t i b l e . Do not smoke or allow open flames or sparks into the area. Death or severe injury may result if personnel fail to observe this precaution. If you are burned, obtain medical aid immediately. (b)

Position a quart container under first stage filter (17) drain plug. Remove drain plug (1) and O-ring (2) from first stage filter and drain fuel. Remove container.


Loosen two compression nuts (3).


Remove capscrew (5), nut (6), and lock washers (7 and 8); remove clip (9) from tube (10).


Disconnect both ends of tube (10) from elbows (11). Remove tube (10) with compression nuts (3) and sleeves (4) attached from loader.


At fuel injection pump, loosen elbow (13) nut and disconnect filter hose (12) from elbow. Disconnect filter hose (12) from filter head (23).


If necessary, remove pipe plug (14) from elbow (13) and remove elbow (13) from fuel injection pump.


U s i n g f i l t e r w r e n c h , remove and discard second stage filter (15) and first stage filter (17). Remove and discard gasket (16).


If necessary, remove two bleed valves (18) and washers (19).


If necessary, remove pipe plug (20).


Support filter head (23) and remove two capscrews (21) and lock washers (22); remove filter head (23).


If necessary, remove capscrew (24) and lock washer (25); remove bracket (26) from engine.


TM 5-3805-262-20 4-2. FUEL SYSTEM MAINTENANCE (CONT) f. F u e l F i l t e r s a n d F i l t e r H e a d ( c o n t ) . (2) Filter Head (cont). CLEANING

D i e s e l f u e l i s h i g h l y c o m b u s t i b l e . Do not smoke or allow open flames or s p a r k s i n t o t h e a r e a . Death or severe injury may result if personnel fail to observe this precaution. If you are burned, obtain medical aid immediately. (a) Clean filter hose (12) using clean cloth moistened with diesel fuel. Dry using clean cloth.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. I f c o n t a c t w i t h s k i n o r c l o t h e s i s m a d e , f l u s h w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (b) Clean remaining parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry using clean cloths. INSPECTION (SHEET 1 OF 2) NOTE In following steps, replace parts determined to be defective.

Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc). Failure to do so could cause serious i n j u r y t o e y e s a n d p o s s i b l e b l i n d n e s s . If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately. (a) Inspect tube (10) for cracks, breaks, distortion, or clogged condition. Clear clogged tube using compressed air. I f t u b e ( 1 0 ) r e q u i r e s r e p l a c e ment, replace compression nuts (3) and compression s l e e v e s ( 4 ) .


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSPECTION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (b) Check filter hose (12) for cracks, breaks, deterioration, or damaged fittings. (c) Check bracket (26) and clip (9) for cracks, breaks, or distortion. (d) Inspect filter head (23) for cracks, breaks, damaged threads, or other damage. (e) Check elbows (11 and 13) for cracks, breaks, or damaged threads. (f) Check remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, or damaged threads.



f. F u e l F i l t e r s a n d F i l t e r H e a d ( c o n t ) . (2) Filter Head (cont).

( a ) I f r e m o v e d , p o s i t i o n b r a c k e t ( 2 6 ) o n e n g i n e a n d s e c u r e w i t h l o c k washer (25) and capscrew (24).


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (b) Position filter head (23) on engine and secure using two lock washers (22) and capscrews (21). Tighten capscrews (21) securely. ( c ) I f r e m o v e d , install pipe plug (20), and two washers (19) and bleed valves (18) in filter head (23). (d) At fuel injection pump, install elbow (13) and elbow (11). Install remaining elbow (11) in filter head (23). (e) If necessary, install two compression nuts (3) and compression sleeves (4) on each end of tube (10). (f) Route and connect tube (10) between two elbows (11) installed in fuel injection pump and filter head (23). Position compression sleeves (4) in elbows (11) and tighten compression nuts (3) securely. (g) Route and connect filter hose (12) between filter head (23) and elbow (13) installed in fuel injection pump. Connect and tighten filter hose ( 1 2 ) t o f i l t e r h e a d ( 2 3 ) f i r s t , then connect to elbow (13). Tighten nut on elbow (13) securely. (h) Install clip (9) on tube (10); position clip (9) on bracket (26) and secure using lock washer (8), capscrew (5), lock washer (7), and nut (6). (i) Install pipe plug (14) in elbow (13). (j) Install a new gasket (16) on second stage filter (15) mounting stud. (k) Apply a thin film of oil or grease to gaskets on new first and second stage filters (17 and 15).

In following step, overtightening filters will cause damage to gaskets and filters causing fuel leakage. (l) Install filters (17 and 15) by turning clockwise until gaskets contact filter head (23). Hand tighten 1/2 turn. Loosen filters and retighten 1/2 to 3/4 turn after gasket contact to obtain proper seal. (m) Install 0-ring (2) and drain plug (1) if necessary. (n) Bleed air from fuel system (page 4-40). (o) Start engine and check for fuel leakage at filter hose (12) and tube (10) connections; tighten connections if necessary. (p) Install engine right side panels (page 9-17).



g . Cold Start Kit. This task covers servicing, removal, cleaning, inspection, and installation of the cold start kit. Servicing of the cold start kit consists of replacing the starting fluid can. DESCRIPTION The used ment take

cold start kit electrically injects ether into engine air intake system. It is to aid engine starting in cold weather. When COLD START switch on right instrupanel is depressed, a measured amount of ether is injected into engine air insystem. This switch will operate only when key switch is in START position.

TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Multimeter Fixed open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Gasket (FSCM 10988 PN R30786) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine left side panels removed (page 9-14). SERVICING SHEET 1 OF 2) (1) Turn lock nut counterclockwise. (2) Remove starting fluid cylinder.

Starting fluid cylinder contains ether which is highly flammable and under pressure. Do not puncture cylinder, breathe ether vapor, allow ether to touch your skin, or discard in an open fire. Failure to follow these precautions could cause severe injury or loss of life.


TM 5-3805-262-20 SERVICING (SHEET 2 OF 2) (3)

Remove cap and plastic spray nozzle from new cylinder of starting fluid.


Position new cylinder in bail and tighten lock nut until cylinder cannot move,


If ambient temperature stays above 35 to 40-degrees F, remove cylinder from loader and protect solenoid as shown below.

page 9-17


TM 5-3805-262-20 4-2. FUEL SYSTEM MAINTENANCE (CONT) g. C o l d S t a r t K i t ( c o n t ) . REMOVAL



Loosen bail (2) lock nut and remove cylinder (l).


Remove bail (2) and two extension links (3) by gently striking bottom of bail using palm of your hand then pulling extension links apart to disengage slots from ears of solenoid (16).


Remove and discard gasket (4) from solenoid (16).


Loosen two compression nuts (5) at engine intake manifold and solenoid (16); disconnect tube (7) and remove from loader with compression nuts (5) and compression sleeves (6) attached.


At engine intake manifold, remove nozzle (8).


Remove fitting (9) from solenoid (16).


Grasp connector (10) between two fingers and disconnect from solenoid (16) by pulling up on connector.


Support solenoid (16) and remove two capscrews (11), nuts (12), lock washers (13), terminal (14), and spacers (15). Remove solenoid (16) from loader.

TM 5-3805-262-20

REMOVAL (P/N L126198) (SHEET 1 OF 1)


Loosen clamp (1). Loosen and remove canister (2) by turning counter clockwise.


Loosen two compression nuts (3) at engine intake manifold and solenoid (14); disconnect tube (5) and remove from loader with compression nuts (3) and compression sleeves (4) attached.


At engine intake manifold, remove nozzle (6).


Remove fitting (7) from solenoid (14).


Disconnect connector (8) from solenoid (14).


Remove two capscrews (9), washers (10), spacers (11), washers (12), and nuts (13) and solenoid (14) from left front fender.

Change 2

4-50.1/(4-50.2 Blank)

TM 5-3805-262-20 CLEANING

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean p a r t s i s t o x i c a n d f l a m m a b l e . Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. I f c o n t a c t w i t h s k i n o r c l o t h e s i s m a d e , f l u s h w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (1) Clean all metallic parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry using clean cloths. (2) Clean solenoid (16) using a clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry using clean cloth. (3) Clean tube (7) using detergent; dry using clean cloth.



g. C o l d S t a r t K i t ( c o n t ) . INSPECTION NOTE In following steps, replace parts determined to be defective. (1) Check bail (2) and extension links (3) for cracks, bent condition, or other defects. (2) Check tube (7) for cracks, breaks, or deterioration. If tube requires replacement, remove compression nuts (5) and compression sleeves (6) then discard tube (7).

Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc). Failure to do so could cause serious i n j u r y t o e y e s a n d p o s s i b l e b l i n d n e s s . If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately.



Check nozzle (8) and fitting (9) for clogged condition; use compressed air to clear blockage. Check for cracks, breaks, or damaged threads.


Check solenoid (16) for cracked body, loose or corroded terminals, or other damage. Connect multimeter between solenoid terminals; multimeter should indicate continuity. If multimeter indicates no continuity, replace solenoid.


Check wiring for frayed or cracked insulation; repair using insulation tape applied to damaged area.


Check remaining p a r t s f o r c r a c k s , b r e a k s , d i s t o r t i o n , o r d a m a g e d t h r e a d s .

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (1)

Position solenoid (16) and install two spacers (15) and capscrews (11). Connect terminal (14) to one capscrew, then install two lock washers (13), and nuts (12).


Connect connector (10) to solenoid (16) by alining solenoid contacts with connector slots and pushing down firmly on connector.


Install fitting (9) in solenoid (16) and nozzle (8) in engine intake manifold.


If tube (7) was replaced, install two compression nuts (5) and compression sleeves (6), one each on each end of tube (7). Route and connect tube (7) to fitting (9) and nozzle (8), Position compression sleeve in fitting and nozzle, then tighten compression nuts securely.


Install new gasket (4) on solenoid (16).


Install two extension links (3) on bail (2) and install assembled parts on solenoid (16) ears by pulling apart extension links just enough for them to clear solenoid ears and alining holes in extension links with ears until they are engaged, then pushing bail (2) gently downward.


Remove cap and plastic spray nozzle from new cylinder of starting fluid.


Install new cylinder (1) and tighten bail (2) lock nut until cylinder cannot move.


Reinstall engine left side panels (page 9-17). 4-53

TM 5-3805-262-20





Align solenoid (14) to mounting holes on left rear fender.


Install solenoid (14), two spacers (11), washers (10), capscrews (9), washers (12), and nuts (13) on left front fender.


Install fitting (7) on solenoid (14).


Install nozzle (6) at intake manifold.


If tube (5) was replaced, install two compression nuts (3) and compression sleeves (4), one on each end of tube (5). Route and connect tube (5) to fitting (7) and nozzle (6).

4-53.0/(4-53.1 Blank)

Change 2


h. A c c e l e r a t o r . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , i n s t a l l a t i o n , and adjustment of accelerator linkage including fuel shutoff cable. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Fixed open end wrench set Retaining ring pliers Stroboscope tachometer or tachometer MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Air-drying adhesive (Appendix C, item 8) Diesel fuel Tie straps (FSCM 06383 PN SST2S0) PERSONNEL REQUIRED: Two Construction Equipment Mechanics M0S 62B NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine right side panels removed (page 9-14) and tachometer cable disconnected from tachometer drive assembly (page 5-65) . REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2)



At fuel injection pump, remove nut (1) and lock washer (2) and disconnect ball joint (3) from fuel injection pump accelerator lever.


At bracket (24), remove two screws (6), nuts (7), lock washers (8), and washers (9). Remove clamp (10) and spacer (11) from accelerator cable (5).


At fuel injection pump, disconnect fuel shutoff cable (16) from fuel injection pump stop lever.


At bracket (24), remove two screws (12) and nuts (13), and four lock washers (14). Remove clamp (15) from fuel shutoff cable (16).


Remove capscrew (17) and lock washer (18) then remove clamp (19) from fuel shutoff cable (16).


If necessary, remove capscrew (20), lock washer (21), capscrew (22), and lock washer (23). Remove bracket (24).


If cables (5 and 16) are to be replaced, cut, remove, and discard tie straps (25) as necessary.

TM 5-3805-262-20



h. A c c e l e r a t o r



TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) (8)

I n o p e r a t o r s c o m p a r t m e n t , a t r i g h t i n s t r u m e n t p a n e l , r e m o v e handle (26) by unscrewing from fuel shutoff cable.


Remove nut (27) then pull fuel shutoff cable down from instrument panel and remove from vehicle.


Beneath cab deck, remove two screws (28), nuts (29), lock washers (30), and washers (31). Remove clamp (32) from accelerator cable.


Remove nut (33) and lock washer (34); disconnect ball joint (35) from accelerator pedal (42). If necessary, loosen nut (36) then remove ball joint (35) from accelerator cable. Remove accelerator cable from loader.


In operator’s cab at bottom of accelerator pedal (42), remove two retaining rings (37) then pull pivot pin (38) from pivot bracket (51) and accelerator pedal (42).


Beneath cab deck, remove lock nut (39) and washer (40); remove spring (41) from capscrew (44) and unhook from accelerator pedal (42).


In operator’s cab, remove accelerator pedal (42); if necessary, remove pad (43).


Remove capscrew (44), nut (45), and lock washer (46).


Remove two capscrews (47), nuts (48), and lock washers (49). Remove cable bracket (50) and pivot bracket (51).



h. A c c e l e r a t o r


CLEANING (1) Clean accelerator cable (5) and fuel shutoff cable (16) using clean cloth moistened with mild detergent. Rinse using clean cloth moistened with clear, clean water. Allow to air dry.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is with water and get medical aid immediately.

and flammable. well ventilated don’t breathe and don’t smoke injury. If you air and medical is made, flush made, wash eyes

( 2 ) C l e a n r e m a i n i n g p a r t s u s i n g c l e a n c l o t h moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Allow to air d r y . INSPECTION (SHEET 1 OF 2) NOTE Replace all parts determined to be defective in following steps. (1) Inspect accelerator cable (5) and fuel shutoff cable (16) for cracks, breaks, kinks, or other damage. Check nuts (4, 27, and 36) for cracks, breaks, distortion, or damaged or stripped threads. (2)


Inspect ball joints (3 and 35) for cracks, breaks, distortion, or damaged or stripped threads.

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSPECTION (SHEET 2 OF 2)

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is with water and get medical aid immediately.

and flammable. well ventilated don’t breathe and don’t smoke injury. If you air and medical is made, flush made, wash eyes

(3) Check accelerator pedal (42) and pad (43) for wear, cracks, breaks, bent condition, or elongated mounting holes. Replace pad ( 4 3 ) i f w o r n b y scraping and using cleaning solvent P-D-680 to remove all traces of pad from surface of accelerator pedal. Using adhesive applied liberally t o pad and accelerator pedal surface, glue pad to accelerator pedal. Remove excess glue using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. (4)

Inspect brackets (24, 50 and 51) for cracks, breaks, distortion or other damage.

(5) Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, or damaged or stripped threads.



h. A c c e l e r a t o r





Position brackets (50 and 51) and secure using two capscrews (47), lock washers (49), and nuts (48).


Position accelerator pedal (42) on pivot bracket (51) then install pivot pin (38) through pivot bracket (51) and accelerator pedal (42). Secure pivot pin (38) using two retaining rings (37).


Install nut (45) and lock washer (46) on capscrew (44). Install capscrew with assembled parts and loosely secure using washer (40) and lock nut (39).


Hook one end of spring (41) in accelerator pedal (42) hole and other end of spring onto capscrew (44). Hand tighten lock nut (39).


Route accelerator cable between accelerator pedal (42) and fuel injection pump.


Thread nut (36) and ball joint (35) completely onto threaded shaft of accelerator cable. Connect ball joint (35) to accelerator pedal (42) and secure using lock washer (34) and nut (33).


Position accelerator cable on cable bracket (50) and install clamp (32) o n a c c e l e r a t o r c a b l e . Secure clamp (32) using two capscrews (28), washers (31), lock washers (30), and nuts (29). Tighten capscrews securely.


Position fuel shutoff cable between right instrument panel and fuel injection pump.


Thread one nut (27) completely onto threaded shaft of fuel shutoff cable and route threaded shaft through fuel shutoff control hole in instrument panel. Secure using nut (27) and install handle (26).

TM 5-3805-262-20



h. A c c e l e r a t o r



TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION ( SHEET 2 OF 2) (10)

Position bracket (24) on engine and secure using capscrews (20 and 22) and lock washers (21 and 23).


Install clamp (19) on fuel shutoff cable (16) and secure using lock washer (18) and capscrew (17).


Position end of fuel shutoff cable (16) on bracket (24). Install clamp (15) over fuel shutoff cable and secure using four lock washers (14), two capscrews (12), and nuts (13). Connect fuel shutoff cable to fuel injection pump.


Position spacer (11) and clamp (10) on accelerator cable (5). Position clamp (10) on bracket (24) and secure using two capscrews (6), washers (9), lock washers (8), and nuts (7).


Thread nut (4) and ball joint (3) completely onto threaded shaft of celerator cable (5). Connect ball joint (3) to fuel injection pump and secure using lock washer (2) and nut (l). NOTE Install new tie straps (25) as necessary.


Perform accelerator linkage adjustment (page 4-64).




h. A c c e l e r a t o r



Beneath cab deck, check that accelerator pedal (1) lever is contacting front of slot in floor plate. If necessary:

(a) Remove nut (2) and lock washer (3) and disconnect ball joint (4) from accelerator pedal lever. (b) Turn ball joint (4) and nut (5) to midpoint of threaded shaft of accelerator cable. (c) Connect ball joint (4) to accelerator pedal (1) lever. Reinstall lock washer (3) and nut (2). (d) Check that lever is contacting front of slot in floor plate. If lever is still not contacting front of slot in floor plate, repeat steps (a) through (c) above except turn ball joint farther off accelerator cable threaded shaft. (e) Tighten nut (5) against ball joint (4). (2)

Start engine and operate until normal operating temperature is reached.

Keep clear of fan and belts while engine is operating. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you are injured, obtain medical aid immediately. (3) Aim flashing light of stroboscope tachometer on crankshaft pulley. Adjust flashing rate until crankshaft pulley appears stationary, then read engine rpm from meter on stroboscope tachometer. If stroboscope tachometer is not available, press tachometer against engine tachometer drive shaft as shown. When tachometer pointer stops moving, note indication. Remember, tachometer drive shaft operates at half engine speed. Double tachometer indication to obtain engine rpm. Rpm indication should be 700 to 750. If rpm indication is not as specified, perform step (4) below otherwise go to step (5) below.


TM 5-3805-262-20 ADJUSTMENTS ( SHEET 2 OF 2) (4)

If necessary, at fuel injection pump, remove nut (6) and lock washer (7) and disconnect ball joint (8). To increase rpm, turn nut (9) and ball joint farther off accelerator cable (10) threaded shaft; to decrease rpm, turn nut (9) and ball joint farther on accelerator cable (10) threaded shaft. Tighten nut (9) against ball joint (8).

(5) While an assistant slowly depresses accelerator pedal until it contacts capscrew (11) with engine running, aim flashing light of stroboscope tachometer on crankshaft pulley. Adjust flashing rate of stroboscope tachometer until crankshaft pulley appears stationary then read engine rpm from meter on stroboscope tachometer. If stroboscope tachometer is not available, press tachometer against engine tachometer drive shaft. When tachometer pointer stops moving, note indication. Remember, tachometer drive shaft operates at half engine speed. Double tachometer indication to obtain engine rpm. Rpm indication should be 2300 to 2340. If rpm indication is not as specified, perform step (6) below otherwise proceed to step (7) below. (6) If necessary, loosen nuts (12 and 13) and turn capscrew (11) clockwise to increase rpm or counterclockwise to decrease rpm when accelerator pedal is completely depressed. Tighten nuts (12 and 13) when proper indication is obtained. (7) Reconnect tachometer cable to tachometer drive assembly (page 5-67). (8) Reinstall engine right side panels (page 9-17). 4-65


This task covers removal, cleaning, inspection, and installation of muffler and exhaust pipe. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Penetrating oil (Appendix C, item 7) Gasket (FSCM 10988 PN L14218) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine right side panels removed (page 9-14). Engine top hood removed (page 9-11).

REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2) a . Inside engine compartment at top, remove four nuts (1) and lock washers (2). Then remove two U-bolts (3) and clamps (4). b . Apply penetrating oil liberally between exhaust pipe (5) and muffler (10) to d i s s o l v e r u s t a n d l o o s e n e x h a u s t p i p e ( 5 ) . Remove exhaust pipe (5) by turning it off muffler.


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL ( SHEET 2 OF 2) c . Remove two nuts (6) and lock washers (7) then remove U-bolt (8) and clamp (9). d . Remove two capscrews (15) and lock washers (16); remove bracket (17). e . Apply penetrating oil liberally between muffler (10) and adapter (13) to dissolve rust and loosen muffler (10). f . Remove muffler (10). NOTE Perform steps (g) and (h) below only if adapter (13) requires replacement.

g . Remove four capscrews (11) and lock washers (12). Remove adapter (13). h . Remove a n d d i s c a r d g a s k e t ( 1 4 ) . CLEANING

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean p a r t s i s t o x i c W e a r p r o t e c t i v e g o g g l e s a n d g l o v e s a n d use only in a area. Avoid contact-with skin, eyes and clothes and v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh attention immediately, If contact with skin or clothes with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is with water and get medical aid immediately.

and flammable. well ventilated don’t breathe and don’t smoke injury. If you air and medical is made, flush made, wash eyes

a. Clean all parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry using clean, dry, cloths. b. Remove all traces of gasket (14) material from adapter (13) mounting surface and mating surface of exhaust manifold using cleaning solvent P-D-680.



INSPECTION NOTE Replace all parts determined to be defective in following steps. a. Inspect exhaust pipe (5), muffler (10), and adapter (13) for cracks, breaks, excessive rust, weak areas due to rust, or other damage. b. Check bracket (17) for cracks, breaks, or dented or twisted condition. c. Check remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, or damaged or stripped threads. Check for excessive rust.

INSTALLATION a. Position new gasket (14) on exhaust manifold outlet then position adapter (13) on gasket. Secure using four lock washers (12) and capscrews (11). b. Connect inlet of muffler (10) to adapter (13). Position clamp (9) and U-bolt (8) on muffler (10) inlet and secure using two lock washers (7) and nuts (6). c. Position bracket (17) on engine and secure using two lock washers (16) and capscrews (15). d. Connect exhaust pipe (5) to muffler (10) outlet. Support exhaust pipe (5) and position two clamps (4) and U-bolts (3); secure using four lock washers (2) and nuts (l). e. Reinstall engine right side panels (page 9-17) and engine top hood (page 9-13). 4-68


a. R a d i a t o r S e r v i c i n g . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s s e r v i c i n g o f r a d i a t o r c o n s i s t i n g o f draining coolant, flushing, and refilling with new coolant. TOOLS: Automotive Mechanic’s Tool Kit Slip joint pliers Container, 12 gallon capacity MATERIALS/PARTS: Six gallons ethylene glycol (Appendix C, item 9) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine right and left side panels removed (page 9-14). Lock removed from radiator cap access panel. DRAINING COOLANT (SHEET 1 OF 2)

Remove radiator cap slowly to release pressure before completely removing it when engine is hot. Failure to do so could cause severe b u r n s o r s c a l d i n g d u e t o l i v e s t e a m . If you are burned or scalded obtain medical aid immediately. (1) At top of loader, open radiator cap access panel and remove radiator cap.


At bottom of radiator, place 12 gallon container under hose leading from radiator drain valve to drain coolant into.



a. R a d i a t o r S e r v i c i n g ( c o n t ) . DRAINING COOLANT (SHEET 2 OF 2) (3) At left side of loader, open radiator drain valve and drain coolant into 12 gallon container. Discard coolant and close radiator drain valve after coolant has drained from radiator.

(4) At right side of loader, on engine cylinder block near fuel injection pump, open cylinder block drain valve and drain coolant from cylinder block. Close cylinder block drain valve after all coolant has drained.


TM 5-3805-262-20 FLUSHING (1)

Fill radiator with water or chemical cooling system cleaner. Install radiator cap.


Start and operate engine for 15 minutes.


Drain water from engine as described above under DRAINING COOLANT (page 4-69).


Fill radiator with a 50/50 solution of water and ethylene glycol (antifreeze). Fill with coolant solution to two inches below level of radiator cap opening.


Install radiator cap.


Start and operate engine for 15 minutes. Check for coolant leaks at radiator drain valve and cylinder block drain valve. Tighten drain valves as necessary.

Remove radiator cap slowly to release pressure before completely removing it when engine is hot. Failure to do so could cause severe burns or scalding due to live steam. If you are burned or scalded obtain medical aid immediately. ( 4 ) T u r n o f f e n g i n e , remove radiator cap, and check coolant level. Level should be two inches below level of radiator cap opening. Add coolant as necessary. (5) Install engine right and left side panels (page 9-17) and reinstall radiator cap access panel lock.



b. R a d i a t o r H o s e s . ( 1 ) I n s p e c t i o n . This task covers inspection of radiator hoses and hose connected between water manifold and water pump. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine right rear side panel removed (page 9-14).


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSPECTION (a) Check hose (3) connected between radiator and thermostat housing for signs of coolant leakage, cracks, or deterioration. If coolant leakage, cracks, or deterioration are seen, replace hose (page 4-74). (b) Check that hose clamps (1 and 2) are tight and not loose. If necessary, tighten hose clamps. (c) Check hose (6) connected between radiator and water pump for signs of coolant leakage, cracks, or deterioration. If coolant leakage, cracks, or deterioration are seen, replace hose (page 4-74). (d) Check that hose clamps (4 and 5) are tight and not loose. If necessary, tighten hose clamps. (e) Check hose (9) connected between water pump and water manifold for signs of coolant leakage, cracks, or deterioration. If coolant leakage, cracks, or deterioration are seen, replace hose (page 4-90). (f) Check that hose clamps (7 and 8) are tight and not loose. If necessary, tighten hose clamps. (g) Install engine rear right side panel (page 9-17).



b. R a d i a t o r H o s e s . (2) Replacement.

This task covers removal and installation of radiator hoses.

TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive MATERIALS/PARTS: Six gallons ethylene glycol (Appendix C, item 9) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Radiator coolant drained (page 4-69).

(a) In right side of engine compartment, loosen hose clamps (1 and 2). (b) Disconnect upper radiator hose (3) from radiator and thermostat housing and remove from loader. (c) Remove hose clamps (1 and 2). (d) Loosen hose clamps (4 and 5). (e) Disconnect lower radiator hose (6) from radiator and water pump and remove from loader. (f) Remove hose clamps (4 and 5). 4-74

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (a)

P o s i t i o n hose clamps (4 and 5) on ends of lower radiator hose (6).

( b ) I n r i g h t side of engine compartment, connect lower radiator hose (6) to r a d i a t o r and water pump. (c)

P o s i t i o n hose clamps (4 and 5) on ends of hose (6) and tighten securely.

( d ) P o s i t i o n hose clamps (1 and 2) on ends of upper radiator hose (3). ( e ) I n r i g h t side of engine compartment, connect upper radiator hose (3) to r a d i a t o r and thermostat housing. ( f ) P o s i t i o n hose clamps (1 and 2) on ends of hose (3) and tighten securely. (g) Fill radiator with coolant (page 4-71).

Keep clear of fan and belts while engine is operating. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you are injured, obtain medical aid immediately. (h) Start and operate engine and check for coolant leaks at hose connections to radiator and water pump and thermostat housing. If necessary, turn off engine and t i g h t e n - h o s e c l a m p s ( 1 , 2 , 4 , a n d 5 ) . ( i ) I n s t a l l e n g i n e side panels (page 9-17).



c. R a d i a t o r G r i l l e . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , a n d i n s t a l lation of radiator grille. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Automotive Mechanic’s Tool Kit Slip joint pliers Hand hammer, 2 lb Pin, 1/8 inch diameter by 3 inches long (may be a finishing nail) MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2)

REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2) (1) At rear of loader, open radiator grille (12) by pushing handle (2) inward and rotating clockwise or counterclockwise until rod is unlatched. Swing radiator grille outward. NOTE Perform steps (2) through (5) below only if handle (2), spring (5), or rod (4) require replacement. (2) Using 1/8 inch diameter pin and hammer, drive pin (1) halfway out of handle (2) then use slip joint pliers to remove.


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) (3) Remove handle (2). (4) Using 1/8 inch diameter pin and hammer, drive pin (3) halfway out of rod (4) then use slip joint pliers to remove. (5) Remove rod (4), washer (6), and spring (5). (6) Support radiator grille (12) and remove two capscrews (7), lock washers (8), and washers (9). Place grille support (10) on rod at top of radiator grille (12) then remove four washers (11). Remove radiator grille (12) from loader.



c. R a d i a t o r G r i l l e ( c o n t ) . CLEANING AND INSPECTION

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is with water and get medical aid immediately.

and flammable. well ventilated don’t breathe and don’t smoke injury. If Y O U air and medical is made, flush made, wash eyes

(1) Clean all parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry using clean cloths. NOTE Replace all parts determined to be defective in following steps. (2) Check handle (2) and rod (4) for cracks, breaks, deformation, or other damage. (3) Check spring (5) for evidence of permanent set or deformation. (4) Check remaining parts for cracks, damage, wear, distortion or stripped threads.


TM 5-3805-262-20


Position grille support (10) on rod of radiator grill (12) then position grille in radiator guard.


Support radiator grille (12) and install four washers (11); position grille support (10) and secure using two washers (9), lock washers (8), and capscrews (7).


Install rod (4) through one hole of welded bracket located on radiator grille (12).


Position spring (5) and washer (6) on rod (4) then install pin (3). Push rod (4) through opposite hole in welded bracket.


Install handle (2) on rod (4) and aline holes. Install pin (1).


Close radiator grille (12), press in on handle (2) and turn clockwise or counterclockwise to latch rod (4) then release handle.



d. Radiator and Guard. T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , a n d installation of radiator and guard. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Chain hoist, 1/4 ton capacity Wood block, 2 by 4 by 24 inches MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Rear flood lamps removed (page 5-102); stop and tail lights removed (page 5-105); black out stop light-tail light removed (page 5-109); batteries removed (page 5-148); slave receptacle removed (page 5-154); transmission cooler lines disconnected from radiator (steps (8) through (10), page 6-27); and radiator hoses disconnected from r a d i a t o r ( p a g e 4 - 7 4 ) .

REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2) (1) Remove drain hose (1) from radiator drain valve by pulling it off.


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) Place a wooden block under radiator (7) as shown below.


Remove eight capscrews (2), nuts (3), lock washers (4), and washers (5 and 6).


Remove radiator (7) as shown. Remove radiator by working one side of it past stop and tail light mounting bracket welded to guard (26).


Remove two capscrews (8), nuts (9), lock washers (10), and washers (11).


Remove two capscrews (12), nuts (13), lock washers (14), and washers (15). Remove two brackets (16).


Remove eight capscrews (17), nuts (18), lock washers (19), and washers (20). Remove RH bracket (21) and LH bracket (22).


Attach a 1/4 ton chain hoist securely to guard (26) and take up all slack.


Remove four capscrews (23), nuts (24), and lock washers (25).

Before performing following step, check and ensure that wiring, harnesses, cable clamps, etc, have been removed and are not secured to guard (26) and that these items will not interfere with guard removal. Failure to do so could cause serious injury and/or damage to equipment.

When using chain hoist to remove or install parts, be sure chain hoist is securely fastened to part and that all slack in chain is taken up. Failure to do so could cause serious injury due to part falling on you. If you are injured by falling equipment, obtain medical aid immediately. (10) Using chain hoist, remove guard (26) from loader. 4-81


d. R a d i a t o r a n d G u a r d ( c o n t ) .


Clean drain hose (1) by wiping with clean dry cloth.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. I f c o n t a c t w i t h a k i n o r c l o t h e s i s m a d e , f l u s h w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately.

Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc). Failure to do so could cause serious i n j u r y t o e y e s a n d p o s s i b l e b l i n d n e s s . If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately. (2)


Clean remaining parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry using compressed air.

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSPECTION (1) Replace drain hose (1) if cracked, split, or deteriorated. (2) Inspect guard (26) for broken welds, breaks, or cracks. If broken welds, breaks, or cracks are seen, notify direct support maintenance to repair by welding. (3) Inspect radiator (7) cooling fins and core. If fins are bent or core is leaking, notify direct support maintenance to repair radiator by straightening fins or soldering leaking core. (4)

Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, dents, distortion, or stripped or damaged threads. Replace as necessary.



d. R a d i a t o r a n d G u a r d ( c o n t ) .


When using chain hoist to remove or install parts, be sure chain hoist is securely fastened to part and that all slack in chain is taken up. Failure to do so could cause serious injury due to part falling on you. If you are injured by falling equipment, obtain medical aid immediately. (1) Using a chain hoist securely attached to guard (26), move guard into position at rear of loader. (2)

I n s t a l l f o u r c a p s c r e w s ( 2 3 ) , lock washers (25), and nuts (24).

(3) Disconnect chain hoist from guard (26). (4) Position LH bracket (22) and RH bracket (21) at front of guard (26) and rear chassis. Secure using eight capscrews (17), washers (20), lock washers (19), and nuts (18). (5) Position two brackets (16) in front of brackets (21 and 22) on rear chassis. Secure to brackets (21 and 22) using two capscrews (12), washers (15), lock washers (14), and nuts (13).


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 3) (6)

Secure brackets (16) to rear chassis using two capscrews (8), washers (11), lock washers (10), and nuts (9).

Exercise caution when installing radiator (7). Don’t allow radiator fins to be damaged by guard or other parts during installation. ( 7 ) C a r e f u l l y l i f t radiator (7) into guard (26) and move into position as shown below.


Position wooden block beneath radiator (7) as shown below to aline radiator mounting holes with brackets (21 and 22) mounting holes.

(9) Secure radiator (7) using eight capscrews (2), washers (5 and 6), lock washers (4), and nuts (3). (10) Install drain hose (1) by pushing onto radiator drain valve. (11) Connect transmission cooler lines to radiator (7) (page 6-29).



d. R a d i a t o r a n d G u a r d ( c o n t ) . INSTALLATION (SHEET 3 OF 3) (12)

I n s t a l l radiator hoses (page 4-75).


I n s t a l l and connect rear flood lamps (page 5-104).

( 1 4 ) I n s t a l l and connect stop and tail lights (page 5-107).



I n s t a l l blackout stop light-tail lights (page 5-111).


I n s t a l l slave receptacle (page 5-156).


I n s t a l l batteries (page 5-151).

TM 5-3805-262-20 4-4. COOLING SYSTEM MAINTENANCE (CONT) e. T h e r m o s t a t s . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , i n s t a l l a t i o n , and testing of thermostats. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Torque wrench, 1/2 inch drive Automotive Mechanic’s Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 1/2 inch drive Putty knife Container, 1 quart capacity Thermometer MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Gasket (FSCM 10988 PN A58639) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Upper radiator hose disconnected from thermostat housing (page 4-74).


At fan end of engine, right side, remove three capscrews (1) and lock washers (2).


Remove thermostat housing (3).


Remove two thermostats (4) from water manifold as shown.


Remove and discard gasket (5).



e. T h e r m o s t a t s ( c o n t ) . CLEANING

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don-t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (1) Clean all parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry using clean cloths. (2) Remove all gasket (5) material from water manifold and thermostat housing (3) mounting surfaces using cleaning solvent P-D-680 and a putty knife, if necessary.

INSPECTION (1) Test thermostats (page 4-89). Replace as necessary. (2) Inspect thermostat housing (3) for cracks, breaks, or other damage; replace if necessary. (3) Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, or damaged or stripped threads; replace as necessary.


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (1)

Install thermostats (4) in water manifold as shown.


Position new gasket (5) on water manifold.


Position thermostat housing (3) and secure using three lock washers (2) and capscrews (l). Tighten capscrews to 35 to 42 lb-ft.


Connect radiator upper radiator hose to thermostat housing (3) (page 4-75).


Fill radiator with coolant (page 4-71) and check for coolant leaks.


Immerse thermometer (4) in quart container containing hot water heated to approximately 175 degrees and thermometer as shown.


Thermostat should begin to open between 175 to 185 degrees F and be completely open at 202 degrees F. Replace thermostat if it does not meet these specifications.


Remove thermostat (4) from container and dry using clean dry cloth.


Repeat steps (1) through (3) above for remaining thermostat.


TM 5-3805-262-20 4-4. COOLING SYSTEM MAINTENANCE (CONT) f. W a t e r M a n i f o l d . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , a n d i n s t a l l a tion of water manifold. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Torque wrench, 1/2 inch drive Automotive Mechanic's Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 1/2 inch drive Putty knife MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Gaskets, three (FSCM 10988 PN A58637) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Thermostat housing removed (page 4-87), temperature sending unit removed (page 5-120), and exhaust manifold removed (page 4-7).

REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2) (1) At fan end of engine, right side, loosen two hose clamps (1).


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) ( 2 ) R e m o v e s i x c a p s c r e w s ( 2 ) , lock washers (3), and washers (4). Remove water manifold (5) from engine.


Remove and discard three gaskets (6).

(4) Remove hose clamps (1) and hose (7) from water pump, if necessary. (5) If necessary, remove pipe plug (8), valve (9), and bushing (10) from water manifold (5). CLEANING

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is with water and get medical aid immediately.

and flammable, well ventilated don’t breathe and don’t smoke injury. If you air and medical is made, flush made, wash eyes

(1) Clean all parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry using clean cloths. (2) Remove all gasket (6) material from mounting surfaces of water manifold (5) and mating surfaces of cylinder head using cleaning solvent P-D-680 and a putty knife, if necessary.



f. W a t e r M a n i f o l d ( c o n t ) . INSPECTION (1)

Inspect water manifold (5) for cracks, breaks, or distortion; replace as necessary.


Inspect hose (7) for cracks or deterioration; replace as necessary.

(3) Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, or damaged or stripped threads; replace as necessary.




If removed, i n s t a l l b u s h i n g (10), valve (9), and pipe plug (8) in water manifold (5).


Position three new gaskets (6) on cylinder head as shown.


Install hose (7) on water pump inlet then position two hose clamps (1) on hose.

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (4)

P o s i t i o n water manifold (5) while at same time connecting water manifold outlet to hose (7).

(5) Secure water manifold (5) using six washers (4), lock washers (3), and capscrews (2). Tighten capscrews to 35 to 42 lb-ft. (6) Install exhaust manifold (page 4-9). ( 7 ) I n s t a l l t e m p e r a t u r e s e n d i n g u n i t (page 5-123). ( 8 ) I n s t a l l t h e r m o s t a t h o u s i n g ( p a g e 4-89).



g. Water Pump. of water pump.

This task covers removal, cleaning, inspection, and installation

TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Mechanical puller kit Slip joint pliers Torque wrench, 1/2 inch drive No. 1 Supplemental Automotive Maintenance Tool Kit 3/8-16NC thread cutting die Automotive Mechanic’s Tool Kit socket wrench set, 1/2 inch drive One inch diameter sleeve MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Gasola (Appendix C, item 26) Gasket (FSCM 10988 PN A58646) Gasket (FSCM 10988 PN A58649)

NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Coolant drained from radiator (page 4-69), drive belts removed (page 5-4), fan assembly removed (page 4-100), and heater hose disconnected from water pump valve (page 10-39).


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2) NOTE If water pump assembly (6) and body assembly (11) are to be replaced as a complete assembly, go to step (6) (1)

Remove capscrew (1) and washer (2).


Using a puller if necessary, remove pulley (3).


Remove four nuts (4) and lock washers (5). Pull water pump assembly (6) from body assembly (11).


Remove and discard gasket (7).


Loosen three hose clamps then remove body assembly to water manifold hose and oil cooler hose as shown. Remove hose clamps and elbow.


Remove four capscrews (8 and 9) and lock washers (10).


Pull body assembly (11) from cylinder block.



g. Water Pump (cont). REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) (8) Remove and discard gasket (12). (9)

If necessary, remove valve (14) and bushing (15) from body assembly (11). NOTE

Don’t remove studs (13) or plug (16) unless inspection indicates replacement is required.



Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don't smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury, If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. I f c o n t a c t w i t h s k i n o r c l o t h e s i s m a d e , f l u s h w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (1) Clean all parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry using clean cloths. (2) Inspect body assembly (11) for cracks or breaks at mounting flanges; replace as necessary. (3) Check for evidence of rust at plug (16) indicating coolant leakage; if rust is observed, knock out plug using one inch diameter sleeve. Coat inside diameter of body assembly (11) plug bore with Gasola or equivalent and install new plug to dimension shown below.

(4) Check studs (13) for evidence of stripped threads; if threads are damaged, chase using 3/8-16 die. If threads cannot be cleaned up, remove studs using slip joint pliers and install new studs. 4-97


g. Water Pump (cont).


Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is with water and get medical aid immediately.

and flammable. well ventilated don’t breathe and don’t smoke injury. If you air and medical is made, flush made, wash eyes

(1) Clean all traces of gasket residue from cylinder block and mating surface of body assembly (11) using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. (2) If removed, install bushing (15) and valve (14) in body assembly (11). (3) Position new gasket (12) on cylinder block and install body assembly (11); secure using four lock washers (10) and two each capscrews (9 and 8). Be sure capscrews are installed in proper holes. Tighten capscrews (8 and 9) to 35 to 42 lb-ft.


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) Position two hose clamps on body assembly to water manifold hose and install hose on body assembly (11) and water manifold as shown below. Position hose clamps on ends of hose and tighten hose clamps.


Install elbow in water pump port. Position hose clamp on oil cooler hose. Install oil cooler hose on elbow, p o s i t i o n c l a m p o n e n d o f o i l c o o l e r hose, and tighten hose clamp.


Position new gasket (7) on body assembly (11) and install water pump assembly (6); secure using four lock washers (5) and nuts (4). Tighten nuts to 35 to 42 lb-ft.


Position pulley (3) on water pump assembly (6) and secure using washer (2) and capscrew (1).


Connect heater hose to valve (14) (page 10-43).


Install fan assembly (page 4-101).


Install drive belts (page 5-5).


Fill radiator with coolant (page 4-71) and check for coolant leaks.


TM 5-3805-262-20 4-4. COOLING SYSTEM MAINTENANCE (CONT) h. F a n A s s e m b l y . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , a n d i n s t a l l a t i o n of fan assembly. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Torque. wrench, 1/2 inch drive Automotive Mechanic-s Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 1/2 inch drive MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine side panels removed (page 9-14).




Remove six capscrews and lock washers securing fan shroud to radiator then position shroud over fan assembly just enough to gain access to capscrews (1).


Remove four capscrews (1) and lock washers (2); remove fan assembly (3).


Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don-t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. I f c o n t a c t w i t h s k i n o r c l o t h e s i s m a d e , f l u s h w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (1)

Clean all parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry using clean cloths.

(2) Inspect fan assembly (3) for broken, bent, or cracked blades; replace if necessary. INSTALLATION (1) Position fan assembly (3) on water pump assembly p u l l e y . S e c u r e u s i n g four lock washers (2) and capscrews (l). Tighten c a p s c r e w s t o 3 5 t o 4 2 lb-ft. ( 2 ) P o s i t i o n f a n s h r o u d o n r a d i a t o r a n d s e c u r e u s i n g six lock washers and capscrews. (3) Install engine side panels (page 9-17).


(4-102 blank)

TM 5-3805-262-20

CHAPTER 5 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM MAINTENANCE CHAPTER OVERVIEW This chapter contains the information you’ll need to maintain the: * * * * * * * * *

Alternator and Drive Belts Starter Instrument Panels Return-to-dig and Bucket Height Switches Auxiliary Steering Electrical System Light Systems Sending Units and Warning Switches Batteries and Cables Wiring Harnesses

It gives you information on how to repair or replace the components that are within the scope of organizational maintenance.

Para Alternator Drive Belts Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1a Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1b Alternator Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 2 a Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2b Starter Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 Starter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3a Circuit Breakers and Relays . . . 5 -3b Instrument Panels Maintenance . . . . 5 - 4 Left-hand Instrument Panel . . . . 5 - 4 a Right-hand Instrument Panel . . . 5-4b Hourmeter/Tachometer . . . . . . . . . . 5-4c Return-to-dig and Bucket Height Switches Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . 5-5 Auxiliary Steering Electrical System Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6 Relay Socket Assembly . . . . . . . . . 5-6a Auxiliary Steering Cables and Harness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6b Light Systems Maintenance . . . . . . . . 5-7 Front Flood and Driving Lights 5 - 7 a Blackout Driving Light . . . . . . . . 5-7b

Para Rear Flood Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 7 c Stop and Tail Lights . . . . . . . . . . 5-7d Blackout Stop and Tail Lights . 5-7e Sending Units and Warning Switches Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . 5-8 Engine Oil Pressure Switch . . . . 5-8a Fuel Level Sending Unit . . . . . . . 5-8b Water Temperature Sending ‘Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8c Converter Temperature Sending Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8d Clutch Pressure Switch . . . . . . . . 5-8e Neutral Start Switch . . . . . . . . . . 5-8f Air Pressure Sender . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8g Batteries and Cables Maintenance . 5-9 Batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9a Slave Receptacle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9b Battery Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9c Wiring Harnesses Maintenance . . . . . 5-10 Front Wiring Harness . . . . . . . . . . 5-10a Rear Wiring Harness . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10b Blackout Lights Wiring Harness 5-10c Cab Upper Wiring Harness . . . . . . 5-10d Cab Lower Wiring Harness . . . . . . 5-10e Cab Console Wiring Harness . . . . 5-10f


TM 5-3805-262-20

NOTE In following paragraphs, resources required are not listed unless they a p p l y t o t h e p r o c e d u r e . Personnel required are listed only if the task requires more than one. If PERSONNEL REQUIRED is not listed it means one person can do the task. The normal standard equipment condition to start a maintenance task is engine off, l o a d e r p a r k e d o n l e v e l s u r f a c e , b u c k e t lowered to surface, ignition key switch in off position, and parking brakes applied. EQUIPMENT CONDITION is not listed unless some other condition is required besides those indicated above. 5-1. ALTERNATOR DRIVE BELTS MAINTENANCE

This task covers inspection of alternator drive belts. Perform a. I n s p e c t i o n . drive belt tension check after every 500 hours of loader operation. TOOLS: Drive belt tension gage (FSCM 45225 PN CAS-1441) MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine left rear side panel removed (page 9-14). (1)

Wipe dust and dirt from drive belts with clean cloth.


Check belts for evidence of grease or oil contamination.


Inspect belt edges and fabric for cracks, frayed condition and deterioration.


Check for missing or damaged belt cogs. NOTE

If drive belt tension gage is not available in following step, check for 1/2 inch belt deflection midway between alternator and crankshaft pulleys. (5) Measure tension of each belt using drive belt tension gage midway between fan and crankshaft pulleys as shown. Belt tension gage should indicate 90 pounds for used belt. I f d r i v e b e l t t e n s i o n g a g e i s n o t a v a i l a b l e , c h e c k for 1/2 inch deflection midway between alternator and crankshaft pulleys. Adjust drive belt tension if necessary (page 5-5). (6) Install engine left rear side panel (page 9-17).


TM 5-3805-262-20


TM 5-3805-262-20 5-1. ALTERNATOR DRIVE BELTS MAINTENANCE (CONT) b. R e p l a c e m e n t . belts.

This task covers replacement and adjustment of alternator drive

TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Torque wrench, 1/2 inch drive Combination box and open end wrench set Automotive Mechanic’s Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 1/2 inch drive Pry bar MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine left rear side panel removed (page 9-14) and air compressor drive belt removed (page 7-96). REMOVAL



Loosen capscrew at alternator adjusting strap.


Loosen two lock nuts at altermtor mounting bracket.


Push top of alternator as far as possible toward engine.


Remove drive belts from pulleys, guide over engine fan blades, and remove from loader.

TM 5-3805-262-20 CLEANING AND INSPECTION Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately. (1) Using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680, remove dirt and grease from drive belt pulleys. Dry using clean cloths. (2)

Inspect drive belt pulley grooves for cracks, nicks, and rough edges. If pulley grooves are not smooth, notify direct support maintenance.

INSTALLATION AND ADJUSTMENT Replace drive belts with matched set only to prevent early belt failure. (1) Guide drive belts over engine fan blades and position on pulleys. Apply pry bar to front housing area of alternator as shown. Prying at alternator rear housing or fan area will damage alternator. (2)

Pry top of alternator away from engine to increase tension on drive belts.


Tighten capscrew at alternator adjusting strap.


Measure drive belts tension (page 5-2). Tension must be 90 pounds fo u s e d b e l t s , o r 110 pounds for new belts. If drive belt tension gage n o t a v a i l a b l e , check for 1/2 inch deflection midway between alternat and crankshaft pulleys.


I f n e c e s s a r y , loosen capscrew and repeat steps (2) through (4) above until belt tension is correct.


Tighten capscrew and lock nuts to 60 to 70 lb-ft in sequence shown.


Install and adjust air compressor drive belt (page 7-92).


Install engine left rear side panel (page 9-17). 5-5


a. T e s t i n g . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s o n - v e h i c l e t e s t i n g o f t h e a l t e r n a t o r . P e r f o r m t h i s procedure anytime you suspect alternator problems. (1) Alternator Voltage Test. This test verifies wiring continuity and checks alternator output voltage. Perform this test before doing alternator output current tests (page 5-8). TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Multimeter NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine left rear side panel removed (page 9-14). TESTING (SHEET 1 OF 2) (a) Connect multimeter negative lead to alternator housing and multimeter positive lead to BAT terminal as shown.

(b) Record multimeter indication. (c) If multimeter indication recorded in step (b) above is approximately 24 volts (battery voltage) , wiring for alternator output is okay. Go to step (e) below. (d) If multimeter indication is not approximately 24 volts (battery voltage), troubleshoot wiring harness and connections between alternator BAT terminal and batteries (page 3-60) before doing the following alternator tests.


TM 5-3805-262-20 TESTING (SHEET 2 OF 2)

Start loader engine only if multimeter indicated battery voltage in step (b) above. Operating alternator without load may d a m a g e a l t e r n a t o r . (e) Start engine and run at 2000 rpm. (f) Record multimeter indication. (g) Shut down engine and disconnect multimeter l e a d s f r o m a l t e r n a t o r . (h) If multimeter indication recorded in step (f) above is 25 to 27 volts, alternator output voltage is okay. Perform alternator current test (page 5-8). (i) If multimeter indication is less than 20 volts or more than 30 volts, alternator is defective. Replace alternator (page 5-10). Tag defective alternator and forward to direct support maintenance for repair.



a. T e s t i n g ( c o n t ) . (2) Alternator Current Test. current.

This test checks alternator for rated output

TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Screwdriver Starting and charging system tester NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine left rear s i d e p a n e l r e m o v e d ( p a g e 9 - 1 4 ) and radiator grille unlocked and open. TESTING (SHEET 1 OF 2) (a) Connect LOAD leads of starting and charging system tester to one battery

(b) Fasten tester ammeter clamp around alternator output wire at least two inches away from alternator.


TM 5-3805-262-20 TESTING (SHEET 2 OF 2) (c) Start engine and run at 2000 rpm.

Perform steps (d) through (f) below as quickly as possible. Don’t load battery for more than 15 seconds at a time. Wait 1 minute before repeating test to allow tester to cool. (d)

Adjust tester LOAD control for maximum tester ammeter indication.


Record indication on tester ammeter.


Turn tester LOAD control to OFF position.


Shut down loader engine.


If tester ammeter indication recorded in step (e) above is 55 to 65 amperes, alternator is okay. Proceed to step (1) below.

In following step do not force end of screwdriver deeper than one inch into alternator. Tab is within 3/4 inch of housing surface at test hole. (i)

If ammeter indication is less than 55 amperes, insert end of screwdriver in test hole at alternator rear housing as shown. Hold screwdriver in contact with tab and alternator housing and repeat steps (c) through (g) above.


Remove screwdriver from alternator test hole.


If tester ammeter indication is now 55 to 65 amperes, alternator voltage regulator is defective. If tester ammeter indication is still less than 55 amperes, alternator is defective. Replace alternator (page 5-10). Tag defective alternator and forward to direct support maintenance for repair.


Disconnect starting and charging system tester leads.


Install engine left rear side panel (page 9-17).


Close radiator grille. 5-9


b. R e p l a c e m e n t . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , a n d i n s t a l l a t i o n of alternator and mounting brackets. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Combination box and open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Electrical connector tool kit Torque wrench, 3/8 inch drive, 200 lb-in capacity Straightedge MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Isopropyl alcohol (Appendix C, item 15) Electrical cleaner (Appendix C, item 19) Electrical sealer (Appendix C, item 20) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Battery ground cable disconnected (page 5-148), and alternator drive belts removed (page 5-4).

REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 3) (1) Grasp rubber boot (1) with fingers, firmly pull from alternator BAT term i n a l , and slide along brown wire about 4 inches. (2) Loosen and remove nut (2) and lock washer (3) and disconnect wire terminal (4) from alternator BAT terminal.


TM 5-3805-262-20

REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 3) (3) At alternator adjusting strap, loosen and remove capscrew (5), lock washer (6), and washer (7). ( 4 ) A t a l t e r n a t o r m o u n t i n g b r a c k e t , loosen and remove two lock nuts (8) and washer (9). (5) Support alternator (12), remove two capscrews (10) and washer (11), and lift alternator from mounting bracket.



b. R e p l a c e m e n t


REMOVAL (SHEET 3 OF 3) ( 6 ) A t e n g i n e c r a n k c a s e , loosen and remove capscrew (13), lock washer (14), washer (15), adjusting strap (16), and spacer (17). ( 7 ) A t e n g i n e t i m i n g g e a r c o v e r , loosen and remove two capscrews (18), lock washers (19), washers (20), and mounting bracket (21).


TM 5-3805-262-20 CLEANING

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors . D o n o t u s e n e a r o p e n f l a m e o r e x c e s s i v e h e a t a n d d o n ’ t s m o k e when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately. (1)

Wipe exterior of alternator using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.


Clean all other metallic parts using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.


Clean alternator BAT teminal and wire terminal (4) using clean cloth moistened with isopropyl alcohol.


Clean remaining parts using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Dry using clean cloth.


Inspect wiring harness terminal (4) wire for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminal. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, cut wire as close to terminal as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new terminal securely onto wire.

(2) Inspect alternator for loose, broken, or corroded terminal stud, cracked housing, and cracked or bent fan. Replace alternator if any of the above conditions are seen. Forward defective alternator to direct support maintenance for repair. (3) Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, deformation, distortion, or stripped threads; replace as necessary. INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 3) (1) At engine timing gear cover, position mounting bracket (21) and install two capscrews (18), lock washers (19), and washers (20). Do not tighten capscrews (18). (2) At engine crankcase, install spacer (17), adjusting strap (16), capscrew (13), lock washer (14), and washer (15). Do not tighten capscrew (13).


TM 5-3805-262-20 5-2. ALTERNATOR MAINTENANCE (CONT) b. R e p l a c e m e n t


INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 3) (3) Position alternator (12) amounting bracket and install two capscrews (10), washers (9 and 11), and locknuts (8). Do not tighten lock nuts (8). (4) Aline slot in adjusting strap with threaded hole at top of alternator. I n s t a l l c a p s c r e w ( 5 ) , lock washer (6), and washer (7), Do not tighten capscrew (5). (5) Using a straightedge, check alinement of alternator pulley with fan and crankshaft pulleys. Slide alternator mounting bracket on timing gear cover as necessary to aline pulleys. (6) Tighten two capscrews (18) and capscrew (13).


TM 5-3805-262-20


Connect wiring harness brown wire terminal (4) to alternator BAT terminal.


Install lock washer (3) and nut (2). Tighten nut to 25 to 40 lb-in.


Spray alternator and wire terminals with electrical cleaner and allow to air dry. Then spray terminals with electrical sealer.


Slide rubber boot (1) along brown wire and press firmly with fingers over alternator BAT terminal.


I n s t a l l and adjust alternator drive belts (page 5-5).


I n s t a l l and adjust air compressor drive belt (page 7-96).


I n s t a l l engine left rear side panel (page 9-17).

( 14)

Connect a n d t i g h t e n b a t t e r y g r o u n d c a b l e ( p a g e 5 - 1 5 1 ) .


TM 5-3805-262-20 5-3. STARTER MAINTENANCE

a. S t a r t e r . This task covers removal, cleaning, inspection and repair, and installation of starter and its associated cables and ground wire. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Combination box and open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Torque wrench, 1/2 inch drive Torque wrench, 3/8 inch drive, 200 lb-in capacity Automotive Mechanic’s Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 1/2 inch drive MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Isopropyl alcohol (Appendix C, item 15) Electrical cleaner (Appendix C, item 19) Electrical sealer (Appendix C, item 20) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Left front side panel removed (page 9-14) and battery ground cable disconnected (page 5-148). REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2) (1)

Loosen and remove nut (1) and lock washer (2) and disconnect cable (3) from terminal S of solenoid.


Loosen and remove nut (4) and lock washer (5) and d i s c o n n e c t c a b l e s ( 6 , 7, and 8) from solenoid BAT terminal.

(3) Remove nut (9) and lock washer (10) and disconnect cable (11) and wire (12) from starter ground terminal. ( 4 ) I f n e c e s s a r y t o r e p l a c e c a b l e ( 3 o r 6 ) , r e m o v e c a b le a s f o l l o w s : (a) Remove engine left rear side panel (page 9-14). (b) At relay and circuit breaker bracket, locate starter relay (the 4-terminal relay). At two large terminals, remove two nuts (20) and disconnect cables (3 and 6) from starter relay terminals. (c) At battery and solenoid cables near starter, cut and remove three tie s t r a p s ( 1 9 ) . Remove cables (3 and 6) from loader and discard tie straps. (5) If necessary to replace starter ground wire (12), remove wire as follows: (a) At engine oil cooler, remove capscrew (21) and lock washer (22) and disconnect wire (12). (b) At battery and solenoid cables near starter, cut and remove three tie straps (23). Remove wire (12) from loader and discard tie straps. 5-16

TM 5-3805-262-20


TM 5-3805-262-20 5-3. STARTER MAINTENANCE (CONT)

a. S t a r t e r (cont). REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2)



T u r n d i p s t i c k c l o c k w i s e s e v e r a l t u r n s t h e n p u l l u p to remove.


Loosen two nuts.


Remove clamp.


Remove extension tube and O-ring.


Support starter (17) and remove three capscrews (13 and 14), lock washers (15), and washers (16).


Remove starter (17) and gasket (18) from engine flywheel housing.

TM 5-3805-262-20


TM 5-3805-262-20 5-3. STARTER MAINTENANCE (CONT)

a. S t a r t e r ( c o n t ) . CLEANING (1) Clean starter drive using clean dry cloth only.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and donut breathe v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don-t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately.



Wipe exterior of starter using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.


Clean all other metallic parts using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.


Clean wire and cable terminals using clean cloth moistened with isopropyl alcohol.


Clean cable and wire insulation using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Dry using clean cloth.

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSPECTION AND REPAIR (1)

I n s p e c t w i r e ( 1 2 ) a n d c a b l e s ( 3 , 6 thru 8, and 11) for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminals. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, replace wire.

(2) Inspect starter for loose, broken, or corroded terminal studs. Inspect starter drive for cracked, chipped, or missing teeth. Slide starter drive on shaft and rotate armature to check for binding. Replace starter if any of the above conditions are seen. Forward defective starter to direct support maintenance for repair.


Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, deformation, distortion, or stripped threads; replace as necessary.


TM 5-3805-262-20 5-3. STARTER MAINTENANCE (CONT)

a. S t a r t e r ( c o n t ) . INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 2) (1)

Install wire (12), if removed, as follows:

(a) At engine oil cooler, connect wire (12) with lock washer (22) and capscrew (21). Tighten capscrew to 80 to 96 lb-ft. (b) Route wire (12) to starter. (c) At battery and solenoid cables near starter, install three new tie straps (23) at locations noted during removal. (2) Install cable (3 or 6), if removed, as follows: (a) At relay and circuit breaker bracket, locate starter relay (the 4-terminal relay). At two large terminals, connect cables (3 and 6); then install two nuts (20) and tighten to 35 lb-in. (b) Route cables (3 and 6) to starter solenoid. (c) At solenoid cables near starter, install three new tie straps (19) at locations noted during removal. (d) Install engine left rear side panel (page 9-17). (3) Position starter (17) with gasket (18) on engine flywheel housing. NOTE In following step, install the long capscrew (13) at location noted during removal.



Install and tighten three capscrews (13 and 14), lock washers (15), and washers (16).


Connect wire (12) and cable (11) to starter ground terminal.


A t s t a r t e r g r o u n d t e r m i n a l , i n s t a l l l o c k washer (10) and nut (9). Tighten nut to 20 to 25 lb-ft.


Connect cables (6, 7, and 8) to solenoid BAT terminal.


Install lock washer (5) and nut (4). Tighten nut to 20 to 25 lb-ft.

TM 5-3805-262-20


TM 5-3805-262-20 5-3. STARTER MAINTENANCE (CONT)

a. S t a r t e r ( c o n t ) . INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (9) Connect cable (3) to terminal S of solenoid. (10) Install lock washer (2) and nut (l). Tighten nut to 16 to 30 lb-in. (11) Spray solenoid, starter, and wire terminals with electrical cleaner and allow to air dry. Then spray terminals with electrical sealer.


I n s t all O-ring and extension tube.

(13) Position clamp and tighten two nuts. (14) Install dipstick and tighten by turning counterclockwise. (15) Install left front side panel (page 9-17). (16) Connect and tighten battery ground cable (page 5-151).


TM 5-3805-262-20


TM 5-3805-262-20 5-3. STARTER MAINTENANCE (CONT)

b. C i r c u i t B r e a k e r s a n d R e l a y s . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , testing, repair and installation of 30-ampere circuit breakers, starter relay, cab relay and associated wiring. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Combination box and open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Electrical connector tool kit Multimeter Torque wrench, 3/8 inch drive, 200 lb-in capacity MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Isopropyl alcohol (Appendix C, item 15) Electrical cleaner (Appendix C, item 19) Electrical sealer (Appendix C, item 20) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine left side panels removed (page 9-14) and battery ground cable disconnected (page 5-148).

REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 4) ( 1 ) A t t o p c i r c u i t b r e a k e r , loosen and remove two lock nuts (l).


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 4) (2)

Tag and disconnect three wiring harness terminals (2) and wire (3) terminal.


At bottom circuit breaker, loosen and remove two locknuts (4).


Tag and disconnect terminals of wires (3, 5, and 6). Remove wire (3) from loader.


Loosen and remove nuts (7), lock washers (8), capscrews (9), and circuit breakers (10).


At top relay (the 3-terminal relay) loosen and remove nut (11); then tag and disconnect wire (6) terminal. Remove wire (6) from loader.


Loosen and remove nut (12); then tag and disconnect two wiring harness terminals (13).


Loosen and remove nut (14); then tag and disconnect two wiring harness terminals (15).


Loosen and remove t w o n u t s ( 1 6 ) , l o c k w a s h e r s ( 1 7 ) , c a p s c r e w s ( 1 8 ) , a n d cab relay (19).


TM 5-3805-262-20 5-3. STARTER MAINTENANCE (CONT)

b. C i r c u i t B r e a k e r s a n d R e l a y s ( c o n t ) .

REMOVAL (SHEET 3 OF 4) (10) At bottom relay (the 4-terminal relay) loosen and remove nut (20); then tag and disconnect cable (21) terminal. (11) Loosen and remove nut (22). (12) Tag and disconnect cable (23) terminal, wire (5) terminal, and wiring harness terminal (24). Remove wire (5) from loader.


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 4 OF 4) (13)

Loosen and remove nut (25) and tag and disconnect wiring harness terminal (26).


Loosen and remove nut (27) and tag and disconnect wire (28) terminal.


Loosen and remove two nuts (29), lock washers (30), and capscrews (31).


Remove starter relay (33) and pull wiring harness terminals (32) and wire (28) terminal from capscrew (31).


I f n e c e s s a r y , r e m o v e n u t s ( 3 4 ) , lock washers (35), washers (36) and capscrews (37) and lower bracket (38) from hood post. Push clamp with rear axle breather aside.


Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don-t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately. (1)

Wipe exterior of circuit breakers (10) and relays (19 and 33) using clean c l o t h moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.


Clean c a b l e a n d w i r e i n s u l a t i o n u s i n g c l e a n c l o t h m o i s t e n e d w i t h d e t e r g e n t . Dry using clean cloth.


Clean wire and cable terminals using clean cloth moistened with isopropyl alcohol.


Clean all other metallic parts using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.


Inspect wires (3, 5, 6, and 28) for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminals. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, replace wire.


Inspect starter solenoid cables (21 and 23) for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminals. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, replace cable (page 5-16).



b. C i r c u i t B r e a k e r s a n d R e l a y s (Cont) . INSPECTION TESTING, AND REPAIR (SHEET 2 OF 2) (3)

I n s p e c t w i r i n g h a r n e s s t e r m i n a l ( 2 , 13, 15, 24, 26, and 32) wires for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminals. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, cut wire as close to terminal as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new terminal securely onto wire.


Inspect circuit breakers (10) for cracks or breaks and loose, broken, or corroded terminal studs. Connect multimeter across terminals and check for continuity. If any of the above conditions are seen or if multimeter does not indicate continuity, replace circuit breaker.


Inspect cab relay (19) for cracks or breaks and loose, broken, or corroded terminal studs. Connect multimeter between small center terminal and relay housing. Multimeter should indicate 50 to 70 ohms. Disconnect multimeter and connect between two large terminals. Multimeter should indicate no continuity (open circuit). Then connect 18 to 24 volts between center terminal and relay housing while watching multimeter. You should hear relay click and multimeter should indicate continuity. Disconnect leads from relay. If any of the above conditions are seen or if proper multimeter indications are not obtained, replace cab relay.


Inspect starter relay (33) for cracks or breaks and loose, broken, or corroded terminal studs. Connect multimeter between two center terminals. Multimeter should indicate 20 to 40 ohms. Disconnect multimeter and connect between two large terminals. M u l t i m e t e r s h o u l d i n d i c a t e n o c o n t i n u i t y ( o p e n c i r c u i t ) . Then connect 24 volts between two center terminals while watching multimeter. You should hear relay click and multimeter s h o u l d i n d i c a t e c o n t i n u i t y . Disconnect leads from relay. If any of the above conditions are seen or if proper multimeter indications are not obtained, replace starter relay.


Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, deformation, distortion, or stripped threads; replace as necessary.




At left hood post, install bracket (38) using capscrews (37), washers (36), lock washers (35), and nuts (34). Clamp with rear axle breather hose is secured by top capscrew (37).


At bottom of bracket (38), install starter relay (33) using two capscrews (31), lock washers (30), and nuts (29). Be sure you secure two wiring harness black wire terminals (32) and one end of wire (28) under capscrew (31) as tagged.


At starter relay (33), connect wiring harness violet-black wire terminal (26) and wire (28) terminal to center terminal studs as tagged.

TM 5-3805-262-20


I n s t a l l nuts (25 and 27) and tighten to 16 to 30 lb-in.

( 5 ) C o n n e c t cables (21 and 23), wiring harness brown wire terminal (24), and one end o f w i r e ( 5 ) t o l a r g e t e r m i n a l s t u d s a s t a g g e d . (6)

I n s t a l l nuts (20 and 22) and tighten to 35 lb-in.


TM 5-3805-262-20 5-3. STARTER MAINTENANCE (CONT)

b. C i r c u i t B r e a k e r s a n d R e l a y s ( c o n t ) .

INSTALLATION (SHEET 3 OF 4) (7) At top of bracket (38), install cab relay (19) using two capscrews (18), lock washers (17), and nuts (16). (8) At cab relay (19), connect two wiring harness violet wire terminals (15) to center terminal stud as tagged. (9) Install nut (14) and tighten to 16 to 30 lb-in. (10) Connect two wiring harness orange-black wire terminals (13) and one end of wire (6) to large terminal studs as tagged. (11) Install nuts (11 and 12) and tighten to 35 lb-in.


TM 5-3805-262-20

INSTALLATION (SHEET 4 OF 4) (12) At inside edge of bracket, position two circuit breakers (10) with long terminal studs at top. (13) Secure circuit breakers (10) to bracket using four capscrews (9), lock washers (8), and nuts (7). (14) At top circuit breaker (10) , connect three wiring harness terminals (2) to long terminal stud as tagged using lock nut (1). (15) Connect one end of wire (3) to short terminal stud as tagged using lock nut (l). (16) At bottom circuit breaker (10), connect wire (6) terminal to long terminal stud as tagged using lock nut (4). (17) Connect wire (3 and 5) terminals to short terminal stud as tagged using lock nut (4). (18) Spray circuit breaker and relay terminals with electrical cleaner and allow to air dry. Then spray terminals with electrical sealer. (19) Install engine left side panels (page 9-17). (20) Connect and tighten battery ground cable (page 5-151).



a. L e f t - h a n d I n s t r u m e n t P a n e l . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , d i s a s s e m b l y , c l e a n i n g , inspection, testing, and repair, reassembly, and installation of left-hand instrument panel and its associated wiring. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Combination box and open end wrench set Screwdriver Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Electrical repair tool kit Multimeter Putty knife Offset screwdriver Paint brush Battery, 12 volts Screw threading set MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Isopropyl alcohol (Appendix C, item 15) Electrical cleaner (Appendix C, item 19) Electrical sealer (Appendix C, item 20) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Battery ground cable disconnected (page 5-148). REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 3)



At left-hand instrument panel, reach under instrument cluster (11) directly behind warning light sections and remove four warning light sockets (2) by grasping boot (l), turning counterclockwise, and pulling from instrument cluster.


Remove lamps (3) from sockets (2) by grasping with fingers and pulling. Then pry boots (1) from sockets (2).


Loosen and remove two nuts (4) and rod (5).


Unplug connectors (6 and 7) by grasping with fingers and pulling from instrument cluster (11) pins.


Loosen and remove four nuts (8) and lock washers (9) and remove two brackets (10).


Lift instrument cluster (11) from left-hand instrument panel.


At instrument cluster (11), remove three illumination light sockets (13) by grasping boot (12), turning counterclockwise, and pulling from rear of instrument cluster.

TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL ( SHEET 2 OF 3) (8) Remove lamps (14) from sockets (13) by grasping with fingers and pulling. Then pry boots (12) from sockets (13).



a. L e f t - h a n d I n s t r u m e n t P a n e l ( c o n t ) .


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL ( SHEET 3 OF 3) (9) At rear of instrument panel (28), remove socket assembly (15) from voltmeter by grasping socket with fingers and pulling firmly. (10) Remove lamp (16) by grasping with fingers, pushing lamp into socket and turning counterclockwise, and pulling from socket. (11) Disconnect socket assembly (15) bullet terminal from wiring harness bullet terminal (17) by grasping both with fingers and firmly pulling apart. (12) Loosen and remove nut (18) and lock washer (19) and disconnect wiring harness terminal (20) from voltmeter IGN terminal. (13) At rear of buzzer, tag two wiring harness terminals (22 and 23). Then disconnect terminals from buzzer by loosening and removing two screws (21). (14) Loosen and remove knob (24) and nut (25) from windshield washer valve. (15) Pull windshield washer valve with attached hoses from rear of instrument panel (28). (16) At front of instrument panel (28), loosen and remove three screws (26) and lock washers (27). Use offset screwdriver to remove screw (26) and lock washer (27) at upper right corner of instrument panel. (17) Lift instrument panel (28) from cab. (18) If necessary for replacement, remove filler strip (29) from top edge of instrument panel (28) by scraping with putty knife. Discard filler strip (29). (19) If necessary for replacement, pry four clip nuts (30) from cab sheet metal.



a. L e f t - h a n d I n s t r u m e n t P a n e l ( c o n t ) .


TM 5-3805-262-20 DISASSEMBLY (1) Remove four screws (31), panel (32), and gasket (33). NOTE Perform step (2) below only if inspection indicates need for replacement of decal (34) or identification plate (35); otherwise go to step (3) below. (2)

Pry decal (34) and identification plate (35) from panel (32).


Remove CONV TEMP gage (36), AIR PRESS gage (37), FUEL LEVEL gage (38), and WATER TEMP gage (39): carefully pull from circuit board (41) clips.


Remove 13 screws (40) and separate circuit board (41) from case (42).


Remove buzzer (43) bezel nut and remove buzzer from rear o f i n s t r u m e n t panel.


Remove voltmeter (44) from front of left-hand instrument p a n e l .


Remove dust from all parts using clean paint brush.


Clean wire insulation, lamps (3, 14, and 16), and all non-metallic parts using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Rinse using clean cloth moistened with clean water, Dry using clean cloth.


Clean terminals using clean cloth moistened with isopropyl alcohol.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area, Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don-t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s w i t h water and get medical aid immediately. (4)

Clean all other metallic parts using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.



a. L e f t - h a n d I n s t r u m e n t P a n e l ( c o n t ) . INSPECTION, TESTING, AND REPAIR (SHEET 1 OF 2)



Inspect socket assembly (15) wire for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminal or socket. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, replace socket assembly (15).


I n s p e c t w i r i n g h a r n e s s t e r m i n a l ( 1 7 , 20, 22, and 23) wires for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminals. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, cut wire as close to terminal as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new terminal securely onto wire.


Inspect wiring harness connector (6 and 7) wires for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminals. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, replace terminal as follows.


Remove terminal from connector (6 or 7) by prying tab using small screwdriver and pulling terminal from connector as shown below.


Cut wire as close to terminal as possible.


Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire.


Crimp new terminal securely onto wire.


Aline terminal with connector (6 or 7) and push into connector until terminal tab clicks.

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSPECTION, TESTING, AND REPAIR (SHEET 2 OF 2) ( 4 ) I n s p e c t l a m p s ( 3 , 14, and 16) for cracked glass, broken filaments, or corroded or broken contacts. Connect multimeter between lamp contacts. M u l t i m e t e r s h o u l d i n d i c a t e c o n t i n u i t y . If any of the above conditions are seen or if multimeter does not indicate continuity, replace lamp. (5) Inspect instrument panel (28) for cracks, dents, or other damage. Replace instrument panel if any of these conditions are seen.

Use proper polarity in following steps to prevent damage to voltmeter or buzzer. (6)

Inspect voltmeter (44) for cracked glass, bent or broken pointer, illegible marking, or damaged terminal. Connect 24 volts to voltmeter (positive to IGN terminal, negative to voltmeter case). Voltmeter should indicate 22 to 26 volts. Replace voltmeter if voltmeter does not operate or voltage indication is not 22 to 26 volts.


Connect 24 volts between buzzer terminals, o b s e r v i n g c o r r e c t p o l a r i t y . Buzzer should sound and red light should be on. If buzzer does not operate, replace it.


I n s p e c t g a g e s ( 3 6 t h r u 3 9 ) f o r c r a c k s , broken glass, broken or bent gage pointer, illegible markings, or damaged terminal pins. Connect 12 volts between top and bottom terminal of each gage. Check that gage pointer moves when 12 volts is applied to top and bottom terminals. Replace gage if any of the above conditions are seen or if gage pointer does not move.


Inspect circuit board (41) for cracks; replace if cracked. Install gages ( 3 6 t h r u 3 9 ) o n c i r c u i t b o a r d . Connect 12 volts between numbered pins at rear of circuit board as listed below. Pointer on listed gage should move when 12 volts is applied to associated pins. If gage pointer does not move, replace circuit board.


(+) Pin



Converter Temp Air Pressure Water Temp Fuel Level

4 4 12 12

6 7 14 15


Inspect case (42) for cracks or damage. Check case mounting studs for stripped or damaged threads. Repair damaged threads using proper size die. Replace instrument panel cluster as an assembly if case (42) requires replacement.


Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, or damaged threads; replace as necessary. 5-41


a. L e f t - h a n d I n s t r u m e n t P a n e l ( c o n t ) .


TM 5-3805-262-20 REASSEMBLY (1)

Position circuit board (41) at rear of case (42). Install 13 screws (40).


Install WATER TEMP gage (39), FUEL LEVEL gage (38), AIR PRESS gage (37), and CONV TEMP gage (36) in case (42): carefully press into circuit board (41) clips.


Install new identification plate (35) and decal (34), if removed.


Install gasket (33), panel (32), and four screws (31).


Install voltmeter (44) in left-hand instrument panel.


Install buzzer (43) in left-hand instrument panel.



a. L e f t - h a n d I n s t r u m e n t P a n e l ( c o n t ) .


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 2) (1)

If necessary, install four clip nuts (30) in cab by pushing onto sheet metal at locations noted during removal.


If removed, i n s t a l l n e w f i l l e r s t r i p ( 2 9 ) b y r e m o v i n g p r o t e c t i v e p a p e r backing and pressing adhesive side of filler strip firmly onto top edge of instrument panel (28).


I n s t a l l i n s t r u m e n t p a n e l ( 2 8 ) i n c a b u s i n g four screws (26) and lock washers (27).


I n s t a l l w i n d s h i e l d w a s h e r v a l v e a t r e a r o f instrument panel (28) and secure using nut (25).


Install and tighten knob (24) on windshield washer valve.


At rear of buzzer, connect two wiring harness terminals (22 and 23) to buzzer as tagged using two screws (21).


A t r e a r o f v o l t m e t e r , connect wiring harness terminal (20) to IGN terminal using nut (18) and lock washer (19).


Connect socket assembly (15) bullet terminal to wiring harness bullet terminal (17) by grasping both in your fingers, alining, then firmly pushing them together.


Install lamp (16) in socket assembly (15) by grasping lamp with fingers, pushing lamp base into socket, and turning clockwise.


Install socket assembly (15) with lamp (16) in rear of voltmeter by grasping socket with fingers, alining, and pushing firmly.


TM 5-3805-262-20 5-4. INSTRUMENT PANELS MAINTENANCE (CONT) a. L e f t - h a n d I n s t r u m e n t P a n e l ( c o n t ) . INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2)



If removed, press boots (12) onto sockets (13).


Push lamps (14) into sockets (13).


At instrument cluster (11), install three illumination light sockets (13) with lamps by turning clockwise.


If removed, p r e s s b o o t s ( 1 ) o n t o s o c k e t s ( 2 ) .


Push lamps (3) into sockets (2).


At instrument cluster (11), install four warning light sockets (2) with lamps by turning clockwise.


Lower instrument cluster (11) into instrument panel (28).


Install two brackets (10) using four nuts (8) and lock washers (9).


Grasp connectors (6 and 7) with fingers, aline with pins at rear of instrument cluster (11), and press onto pins.


Install rod (5) using two nuts (4).


Spray all terminals with electrical cleaner and allow to air dry. Then spray terminals with electrical sealer.


Connect battery ground cable (page 5-151).

TM 5-3805-262-20


TM 5-3805-262-20



d. Right-hand Instrument Panel. This task covers removal, disassembly, cleaning, inspection, testing and repair, reassembly, and installation of right-hand instrument panel and its associate wiring. TOOLS:

No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Combination box and open end wrench set Screwdriver Slip joint pliers Hand hammer, 16 ounces Socket wrench se, 3/8 inch drive Electrical repair tool kit Multimeter Drive pin punch, 1/8 inch point Putty knife Paint brush Soldering gun, 25 watts Air compressor equipped with pressure regulator.

MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, Item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, Item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, Item 3) Insulation tape (Appendix C, Item 5) Isopropyl alcohol (Appendix C, Item15) Solder (Appendix C, Item 16) Electrical cleaner (Appendix C, Item 19) Electrical sealer (Appendix C, Item 20) Engine start cylinder (Appendix C, Item 27) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Battery ground cable disconnected (page 5-148). REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2)



At bottom of air reservoir, open drain valve to relieve air pressure.


In operator’s compartment at right-hand instrument panel, push in pull out knob of parking brake valve to relieve air pressure in parking brake circuit.


Remove handle (1) by unscrewing from fuel shutoff cable (3).


Remove nut (2) then pull fuel shutoff cable down from instrument panel.


Remove roll pin (4) from knob (5) and parking brake valve stem using hammer and drive pin punch and pull knob (5) from valve stem.


Loosen and remove nut (6) and lower parking brake valve from instrument panel.


At wiring harness brown-red wire, separate fuse holder (7) halves by grasping ends with fingers, pushing together, twisting counterclockwise, and pulling art.

Change 2

TM 5-3805-262-20



b. R i g h t - h a n d I n s t r u m e n t P a n e l ( c o n t ) .


TM 5-3805-262-20


Pull resistor (8) from fuseholder (7) half.


At air pressure switch (12), disconnect terminals (10 and 11) by loosening and removing two screws (9). WARNING

Relieve all air pressure (steps (1) and (2) above) before removing air pressure switch. Failure to do so could result in serious injury. If you are injured obtain medical aid immediately. (10) Loosen and remove air pressure switch (12). (11) At parking brake switch (15), loosen and remove screw (13) and disconnect terminal (14). (12) Loosen and remove parking brake switch (15). (13) Loosen and remove four screws (16) and lock washers (17), and tilt instrument panel (23) for access to connections at rear. (14) Disconnect wiring harness connectors from instrument panel components as follows: (a)

Unplug connector (18) from ignition switch by grasping with fingers and pulling firmly.


Unplug connector (19) from vehicle lights switch by turning connector nut counterclockwise and pulling firmly.

(b.1) If equipped with electronic military light switch, disconnect ground wire (59) from back of electronic military light switch (33) by tagging wire and loosening and removing attaching screw (60).


Disconnect eyelet terminals (20) by tagging wires and loosening and removing attaching nuts or screws.


Disconnect spade terminals (21) and bullet terminals (22) by tagging wires, grasping terminal with fingers, and pulling firmly.

(15) Remove instrument panel (23) from operator’s compartment. (16) If necessary for replacement, remove filler strip (24) from top edge of instrument panel (23) by scraping with putty knife. Discard filler strip (24). (17) If necessary for replacement, pry four clip nuts (25) from cab sheet metal.

Change 2


TM 5-3805-262-20

5-4. b.


INSTRUMENTS PANELS MAINTENANCE (CONT) Right-hand Instrument Panel (cont).

Change 2

TM 5-3805-262-20


Remove two circuit breakers (26) from right-hand instrument panel by unscrewing mounting nuts and removing from rear.


Tag and disconnect terminal (27) and eyelet terminal (28) and remove circuit breaker (29).


Tag and disconnect two terminals (20) and remove circuit breaker (31).


If equipped with mechanical military light switch, remove three screws and mechanical military light switch (33) knobs to allow mechanical military light switch (33) to clear right-hand instrument panel (23).

(4.1) Remove four screws (32) and mechanical/electronic light switch (33) from right-hand instrument panel (23). (5)

Remove boot (34), lock washer (35), and FLOOD LIGHTS switch (36).


Tag and disconnect resistor (37) from ignition switch (39).


Compress HYDRAULIC FILTER warning light (38) spring from rear of right-hand instrument panel, rotate HYDRAULIC FILTER warning light (38) until tab clears notch in right-hand instrument panel, then pull from front.


Remove nut (40), lock washer (41), and ignition switch (39).


Remove two screws (42), lock washers (43), and DIMMER COMPT LIGHTS switch (44).

(10) Remove screw (45), nut (46), lock washer (47), washer (48), and resistor (49). (11) Remove round nut (50) and COLD START switch (51). (12) Remove nut (52) and two screws (53) from COLD START switch (51). (13) Remove screw (54), washers (55), air pressure warning alarm (56), and lock washer (57). (14) Remove two plugs (58) from right-hand instrument panel.

Change 2



b. R i g h t - h a n d I n s t r u m e n t P a n e l ( c o n t ) . CLEANING (1)

Remove dust from all parts using clean paint brush.


Clean wire insulation, handle (1), knob (5), front of instrument panel (23), and other non-metallic parts using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Rinse with clean cloth moistened with clean water. Dry using clean cloth.


Clean terminals, connector pins, fuseholder (7) contacts, and resistor (8) using clean cloth moistened with isopropyl alcohol.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke w h e n u s i n g i t . Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately. (4)


Clean all other metallic parts using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.


Inspect wiring harness terminal (10, 11, 14, 20, 21, and 22) wires for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminals. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, cut wire as close to terminal as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new terminal securely onto wire.

(2) Inspect ignition switch connector (18) wires for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminals. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, replace terminal as follows: (a) Remove terminal from connector by prying tab using small screwdriver and pulling terminal from connector as shown. (b) Cut wire as close to terminal as possible. (c) Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire. (d) Crimp new terminal securely onto wire. (e) Aline terminal with connector and push into connector until terminal tab clicks.


TM 5-3805-262-20 5-4





b. R i g h t - h a n d I n s t r u m e n t P a n e l ( c o n t ) . INSPECTION, TESTING, AND REPAIR (SHEET 2 OF 5) (3)


Loosen and remove nut from connector shell and slide over wiring harness as shown below.


Pull grommet with inserts from connector shell.


Pull insert with wire end from grommet.


Cut wire as close to insert as possible.


Strip wire insulation to depth of insert solder well, position wire end in solder well of insert, and solder.


Push insert with wire into grommet.


Aline inserts with holes in connecter shell and push grommet with inserts into connector shell until seated.


Slide nut over wiring harness and install on connector shell.



Inspect vehicle lights switch connector (19) wires for cracked or broken insulation, broken wire strands, or broken connector inserts. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands or broken connector inserts are seen, repair using parts from electrical repair tool kit as follows:

Inspect fuseholder (7) for cracks, breaks, distortion, or other damage. Replace fuseholder by cutting wires as close to fuseholder halves as poss i b l e , stripping 1/4 inch insulation from end of wires, then splicing new fuseholder wires to existing wires using insulated crimp connectors.


Inspect resistor (8) for cracks, breaks, and discoloration due to overheating. Connect multimeter between ends of resistor. Multimeter should indicate 36 to 44 ohms. Replace resistor if any of the above conditions are observed or if proper multimeter indication is not obtained.


Inspect air pressure switch (12) for cracks, breaks, damaged threads, d i s t o r t i o n , b r o k e n o r m i s s i n g t e r m i n a l s , or other damage. Replace switch if any of these conditions are seen. Test air pressure switch as follows:


Connect air pressure switch to a source of compressed air and pressure regulator.


Connect multimeter between air pressure switch terminals.


Increase air pressure applied to air pressure switch to 90 psi, then slowly decrease pressure while watching pressure regulator gage and multimeter. Multimeter should indicate no continuity (open circuit) above 76 psi. When pressure reaches 76 to 64 psi, multimeter should indicate continuity. Multimeter should continue to indicate continuity as pressure decreases to zero psi.


Disconnect multimeter and remove air pressure switch from compressed air source.


Replace air pressure switch if multimeter indications in step (c) above are not obtained.


Inspect parking brake switch (15) for cracks, breaks, damaged threads, d i s t o r t i o n , b r o k e n o r missing terminal, or other damage. Replace switch if any of these conditions are seen. Test parking brake switch as follows :


Connect parking brake switch to a source of compressed air and pressure regulator.


Connect multimeter between air pressure switch terminal and clean metal area of body.


Increase air pressure applied to air pressure switch to 20 psi, then slowly decrease pressure while watching pressure regulator gage and multimeter. Multimeter should indicate no continuity (open circuit) above 15 psi. When pressure reaches 1 0 t o 1 4 p s i , m u l t i m e t e r s h o u l d i n d i c a t e continuity. Multimeter should continue to indicate continuity as pressure decreases to zero psi.


Disconnect multimeter and remove parking brake switch from compressed air source.


Replace parking brake switch if multimeter indications in step (c) above are not obtained. 5-57

TM 5-3805-262-20

5-4. b.

INSTRUMENT PANELS MAINTENANCE (CONT) Right-hand Instrument Panel (cont).


Replace resistors (37 and 49) if cracked or discolored due to overheating. Measure resistor (37) resistance using multimeter set to X1 range; replace resistor (37) if multimeter does not indicate 36 to 44 ohms. Measure resistor (49) resistance; replace resistor (49) if multimeter does not indicate 14 to 16 ohms.


Check continuity of circuit breakers (26, 29, and 31), switches (36, 39, 44, and 51), and lamp (38) using multimeter set to X1 range. Replace item if multimeter does not indicate continuity.

(10) Inspect right-hand instrument panel for cracks and bent condition. Replace if cracked or bent. (11) Inspect mechanical military light switch (33) or electronic military light switch (33) for damaged or missing connector pins and damaged threads. Refer to chart on following page and check continuity of vehicle lights switch using multimeter. Multimeter should indicate continuity between listed pins for the indicated switch settings. Replace vehicle lights switch if any of the above conditions are seen, or if proper multimeter indications are not obtained.


Change 2

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSPECTION, TESTING, AND REPAIR (SHEET 5 OF 5) Panel Switch Position

Main Switch Position B.0. DRIVE

PANEL BRT. (pins F-B zero ohms)

DIM (pins F-B 20 to 30 ohms )


(pins F-B 20 to 30 ohms )








F-A F-B F-H F-J F-M C -K








All pins open








(12) Inspect all other parts for cracks, distortion, or thread damage.



b. R i g h t - h a n d I n s t r u m e n t P a n e l ( c o n t ) .


TM 5-3805-262-20


Install two plugs (58) in right-hand instrument panel.


Position one washer (55), one lock washer (57), and air pressure warning alarm (56) at rear of right-hand instrument panel.


Install second washer (55) and one screw (54).


Install two screws (53) in COLD START switch (51).


Install nut (52) on COLD START switch (51).


Position COLD START switch (51) through right-hand instrument panel. Install round nut (50). Tighten round nut (50) and nut (52).


Position resistor (49) at rear of right-hand instrument panel.


Install screw (45), washer (48), lock washer (47), and nut (46).


Position DIMMER COMPT LIGHTS switch (44) through right-hand instrument panel. Install two lock washers (43) and screws (42).

(10) Install lock washer (41) on ignition switch (39) and guide ignition switch through right-hand instrument panel. (11) Install nut (40) to secure ignition switch (39). (12) Slide HYDRAULIC FILTER warning light (38) through right-hand instrument panel front panel. Rotate until tab aligns with instrument panel notch, then press into instrument panel and rotate to secure. Connect resistor (37) to ignition switch. (13) Position FLOOD LIGHTS switch (36) in right-hand instrument panel. Install lock washer (35) and boot (34). (14) Position vehicle lights switch (33) through right-hand instrument panel and secure using four screws (32). Install vehicle lights switch (33) knobs. (14.1) On vehicles equipped with electronic military light switch (33), attach ground wire (60) using screw (60). When switching from mechanical to electronic military light switch, ground connection must be made on wire (59) to existing ground screw on lefthand mounting bracket of instrument panel. Then position the switch through the right-hand instrument panel (23) and secure using four screws (32).

(15) Install circuit breaker (31) and connect two terminals (30) as tagged. (16) Install circuit breaker (29) and connect terminal (27) and eyelet terminal (28) as tagged. (17) Install two circuit breakers (26) in right-hand instrument panel.

Change 2



b. R i g h t - h a n d I n s t r u m e n t P a n e l ( c o n t ) .


TM 5-3805-262-20


If necessary, install four clip nuts (25) in cab by pushing onto sheet metal at locations noted during removal.


If removed, install new filler strip (24) by removing protective paper backing and pressing adhesive side of filler strip firmly onto top edge of instrument panel (23).


Position instrument panel (23) in cab and tilt as necessary for access to terminals at rear of panel.


Connect wiring harness connectors to instrument panel components as follows: (a)

Connect ignition switch connector (18) by grasping with fingers, aligning with ignition switch terminals, and pushing firmly.


Connect vehicle lights switch connector (19) by grasping with fingers, aligning connector slot with switch tab, pushing firmly, and turning connector nut clockwise.

(b).1 Connect electronic military light switch (33) connector (19) by grasping with fingers, aligning connector slot with switch tab, pushing firmly, and turning connector nut clockwise.


Connect eyelet terminals (20) as tagged using attaching nuts or screws noted during removal.


Connect spade terminals (21) and bullet terminals (22) as tagged by grasping with fingers, aligning, then firmly pushing them together.


Secure instrument panel (23) to cab using four screws (16) and lock washers (17).


At parking brake valve, install and tighten parking brake switch (15).


Connect wiring harness terminal (14) to parking brake switch (15) terminal using screw (13).


At parking brake valve, install and tighten air pressure switch (12).


Connect two wiring harness terminals (10 and 11) to air pressure switch (12) terminals using two screws (9).

(10) Install resistor (8) by pushing into long half of fuseholder (7). (11) Assemble fuseholder (7) halves by grasping both in your fingers, aligning, then firmly pushing them together and twisting clockwise. (12) Raise and hold parking brake valve in position at instrument panel and secure using nut (6). (13) Position knob (5) on parking brake valve stem, align hole in knob with hole in stem, and install roll pin (4) using pliers. (14) Raise and hold end of fuel shutoff cable (3) in position at instrument panel and secure using nut (2). (15) Install handle (1) by turning clockwise on threaded shaft of fuel shutoff cable (3).

Change 2



b. R i g h t - h a n d I n s t r u m e n t P a n e l ( c o n t ) . INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (16) At bottom of air reservoir, close drain valve. (17) Spray all terminals with electrical cleaner and allow to air dry. Then spray terminals with electrical sealer. (18) Connect battery ground cable (page 5-151). (19) Start and operate engine at idle speed until air pressure gage located on left instrument panel cluster indicates in green area of gage; then turn off engine. (20) Apply detergent and water solution to air pressure switch (12) and parking brake switch (15) and check for air leakage. If leakage is seen as indicated by bubbles, tighten switches. If leakage continues, or if leakage is from air pressure switch or parking brake switch, replace switch.


TM 5-3805-262-20 5-4. INSTRUMENT PANE LSMAINTENANCE (CONT) c. H o u r m e t e r / T a c h o m e t e r . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , a n d installation of hourmeter/tachometer and its associated drive cable. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Combination box and open end wrench set Screwdriver Slip joint pliers MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Plastic cleaning compound (Appendix C, item 21) Grease (Appendix C, Item 22) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURES: Engine left front side panel removed (page 9-14) and engine top hood removed (page 9-11).

REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2) (1) At female end of cable (1), loosen cable nut using pliers and pull cable end from tachometer and hourmeter (8).



c. H o u r m e t e r / T a c h o m e t e r ( c o n t ) . REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) (2)

At male end of cable (l), loosen cable nut using pliers, pull cable end from tachometer drive, and remove cable (1) from loader.


At tachometer and hourmeter (8), loosen and remove four screws (2), s p a c e r s ( 4 ) , and cover (3).


Loosen and remove two nuts (5), lock washers (6), clamp (7), and tachometer and hourmeter (8).


Clean ends of cable (1) using clean cloth only.


C l e a n c a b l e ( 1 ) j a c k e t , c o v e r ( 3 ) , and exterior of tachometer and hourmeter (8) using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Dry using clean cloth.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately. (3) Clean all other metallic parts using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths. INSPECTION



Inspect tachometer and hourmeter (8) for cracked or broken case and damaged threads. Inspect face for cracked glass and broken or bent pointer. If any of the above conditions are seen, or if pointer or hourmeter mechanism is binding or inoperative, replace tachometer and hourmeter.


Inspect cable (1) jacket for cracks and kinks and cable nuts for cracks and broken threads. Position cable on flat surface, rotate male end with fingers, and watch female cable end. If female cable end does not turn, cable is broken. If cable flops over after initial turning motion, cable is kinked. If any of the above conditions are seen, replace cable.


I n s p e c t c o v e r ( 3 ) f o r c r a c k s , s c r a t c h e s , and distortion. Remove shallow scratches using plastic cleaning compound and clean cloths. Replace cover if cracked or no longer transparent due to distortion or deep scratches.


Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, deformation, distortion, or stripped threads; replace as necessary.

TM 5-3805-262-20


Install tachometer and hourmeter (8) using clamp (7), two lock washers (6) and two nuts (5). Tighten nuts evenly.


Install cover (3) over tachometer and hourmeter (8) using four spacers (4) and screws (2). Tighten screws evenly.


Lubricate cable (1) using grease at female end while turning male end with fingers.


From top of loader, route male end of cable (1) between engine block and manifold to tachometer drive.


Connect female end of cable (1) to tachometer and hourmeter (8) and tighten cable nut using pliers.


Connect male end of cable (1) to tachometer drive and tighten cable nut using pliers.


Install engine top hood (page 9-13).


Install engine left front side panel (page 9-17). 5-67


This task covers removal, c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , t e s t i n g , r e p a i r , a n d i n s t a l l a t i o n o f return-to-dig and bucket height micro switches and associated wiring. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Combination box and open end wrench set Screwdriver Torque wrench, 1/2 inch drive Electrical repair tool kit Multimeter Automotive Mechanic’s Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 1/2 inch drive MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Isopropyl alcohol (Appendix C, item 15) Electrical cleaner (Appendix C, item 19) Electrical sealer (Appendix C, item 20) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Front access door open.

REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 3) a . A t r e t u r n - t o - d i g g u i d e r o d , loosen and remove two screws (1) and disconnect terminals (2) from micro switch (5). b. Loosen and remove two nuts (3), lock washers (4), micro switch (5), screws (6), and washers (7). 5-68

TM 5-3805-262-20

REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 3) c . A t h e i g h t c o n t r o l b r a c k e t , i n s i d e c a b , loosen and remove two screws (8) and disconnect terminals (9) from micro switch (14). d. Loosen and remove nut (10), lock washer (11), washer (12), and screw (13) from top of micro switch (14) and height control bracket. e. Loosen and remove nut (10), lock washer (11), and screw (13) from bottom of h e i g h t control bracket and remove micro switch (14). f . L o o s e n and remove nut (15), lock washer (16), and capscrew (17). g. Spread clamp (18) and remove from wiring harness (19).



REMOVAL ( SHEET 3 OF 3) h . A t h y d r a u l i c c o n t r o l v a l v e , loosen and remove nut (20) and lock washer (21) while an assistant holds capscrew using socket wrench. i. Disconnect ground wire (22) terminal and front wiring harness terminal (23) from capscrew. j. Disconnect ground wire (22) bullet terminal from two wiring harness bullet terminals (24) by grasping with fingers and pulling apart. Then remove ground wire (22). k. Disconnect two wiring harness bullet terminals (25) from brown-white and bluewhite wire bullet terminals (26) by grasping with fingers and pulling apart. l. Note routing of wiring harnesses (19 and 27) for installation and remove harnesses from loader. 5-70

TM 5-3805-262-20 CLEANING

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately. a. Wipe exterior of micro switches (5 and 14) using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths, b. Clean wire insulation using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Dry using clean cloth. c. Clean terminals using clean cloth moistened with isopropyl alcohol. d. Clean all other metallic parts using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths. INSPECTION, TESTING, AND REPAIR a. Inspect ground wire (22) and wiring harnesses (19 and 27) wires for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminals. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken w i r e s t r a n d s a r e s e e n s replace ground wire (22) or wiring harness (19 or 27). b. Inspect brown-white and blue-white wire terminals (26) and front wiring harness terminal (23) wires for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminals. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, cut wire as close to terminal as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new terminal securely onto wire. c. Inspect micro switches (5 and 14) for cracks, breaks, damaged threads, seized r o l l e r , d i s t o r t i o n , or other damage. Connect multimeter between micro switch COM and NC terminals as shown below and watch multimeter. When you press roller with thumb, switch should click and multimeter should indicate no c o n t i n u i t y ( o p e n c i r c u i t ) . When you release roller, switch should click and multimeter should indicate continuity. If any of the above conditions are seen or if proper multimeter indications are not obtained, replace micro switch.

d. Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, or damaged threads; replace as necessary. 5-71


INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 3) a . Route and position wiring harnesses (19 and 27) as noted during removal. b . Connect wiring harness (19) and brown-white wire bullet terminals (25 and 26) by grasping both in your fingers, alining, then firmly pushing them together. c . Connect wiring harness (27) and blue-white wire bullet terminals (25 and 26) by grasping both in your fingers, alining, then firmly pushing them together. d . Connect two wiring harness bullet terminals (24) to ground wire (22) bullet terminal by grasping with fingers, alining, then firmly pushing them together. e . A t h y d r a u l i c c o n t r o l v a l v e , connect wiring harness terminal (23) and ground wire (22) terminal to capscrew. f . While an assistant holds capscrew with socket wrench, install lock washer (21) and nut (20). Tighten nut (20) to 65 to 85 lb-ft.


TM 5-3805-262-20



INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 3) g . At height control bracket, secure wiring harness (19) to bracket using clamp ( 1 8 ) , c a p s c r e w ( 1 7 ) , lock washer (16), and nut (15). h . Position micro switch (14) against height control bracket and secure using nut (10), lock washer (11), and screw (13) at bottom mounting hole. Do not tighten nut. i . Install nut (10), lock washer (11), washer (12), and screw (13) at top mounting hole. Do not tighten. j . Connect multimeter between micro switch (14) COM and NC terminals as shown below. Center the cam surface on switch roller by moving bucket height control. Push top of micro switch to cam surface until switch clicks and multimeter i n d i c a t e s n o c o n t i n u i t y ( o p e n c i r c u i t ) . Tighten two nuts (10) to secure adjustment. Then move bucket height control up or down until roller is off cam surface. Switch should click and multimeter should indicate continuity. If necessary, loosen two nuts (10) and position micro switch to obtain proper multimeter indications.


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 3 OF 3) k . Connect wiring harness terminals (9) to micro switch (14) NC and COM terminals using two screws (8).

l . At return-to-dig guide rod, install micro switch (5) and secure using two screws (6), washers (7), lock washers (4), and nuts (3). m. Connect wiring harness terminals (2) to micro switch (5) NC and COM terminals using two screws (l). n . Spray all terminals with electrical cleaner and allow to air dry. Then spray terminals with electrical sealer. o . Adjust return-to-dig control (page 11-17). p . Close front access door.



a. Relay Socket Assembly. T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , r e p a i r and installation of relay socket assembly and its associated wiring. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Combination box and open end wrench set Screwdriver Electrical repair tool kit Blind rivet tool kit Craftsman’s knife Electric drill Multimeter Soldering gun, 25 watts Electric heat gun Soft bristle brush MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Silicone rubber adhesive (Appendix C, item 8) Isopropyl alcohol (Appendix C, item 15) Solder (Appendix C, item 16) Electrical cleaner (Appendix C, item 19) Electrical sealer (Appendix C, item 20) Tie strap (FSCM 06383 PN SST2S0) Heat shrink tubing (FSCM 22770 PN 708-3804) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Battery ground cable disconnected (page 5-148). REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2)



In operator’s compartment, b e l o w l e f t - h a n d i n s t r u m e n t p a n e l , d i s c o n n e c t wire (1) terminals from front wiring harness terminal and connector (2) by grasping with fingers and firmly pulling apart. Remove wire (1).


Disconnect two black-white wire terminals from connector (2) by grasping with fingers and firmly pulling apart. Remove connector (2).


Disconnect two flow switch wiring harness terminals from relay socket assembly (10) wire terminals by grasping with fingers and firmly pulling apart.


At rear of buzzer, tag relay socket assembly (10) white-black wire, remove two screws (3), and disconnect two wire terminals from buzzer.


At left side plate, loosen and remove two nuts (4), lock washers (5), screws (6), and lock washers (7). Lower relay socket assembly (10) to compartment floor.


Disconnect relay socket assembly (10) black wire and wire (8) terminals from screw (6). Remove wire (8).

TM 5-3805-262-20

REMOVAL ( SHEET 2 OF 2) (7) At top of relay socket assembly (10), remove two relays (9) by grasping with fingers and pulling firmly from sockets. ( 8 ) A t a u x i l i a r y s t e e r i n g p u m p a n d m o t o r , disconnect relay socket assembly white-black wire terminal by loosening and removing nut and lock washer (page 5-84). Note routing of white-black wire for installation. (9) Remove relay socket assembly (10) with wires from loader. 5-77


a. Relay Socket Assembly (cont). CLEANING (1)

Wipe dust from relay contact assembly using soft bristle brush.


Clean wire insulation using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Dry using clean cloth.


Clean wire terminals, relay contacts, and relay socket contacts using clean cloth moistened with isopropyl alcohol.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes w i t h water and get medical aid immediately. (4)

Clean all other metallic parts using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.




Inspect wiring harness and relay socket assembly (10) wires for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminal. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, cut wire as close to terminal as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new terminal securely onto wire.


Inspect wires (1 and 8) for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminal. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, replace wire.


Inspect relays (9) base and contacts for cracks, breaks, distortion, or other damage. Connect multimeter between relay contacts 2 and 7 and check for 450 to 500 ohms indication. If any of the above conditions are seen or if multimeter does not indicate 450 to 500 ohms, replace relay.

TM 5-3805-262-20


Inspect relay socket cracks, breaks, and (13) for deformation conditions are seen,

assembly diode (12) and resistors (14 and 15) for discoloration due to overheating. Inspect capacitor or broken wire leads at body. If any of the above replace defective component as follows:

(a) Cut, remove, and discard tie strap (11). (b) Unsolder leads of diode (12), capacitor (13), or resistor (14 or 15) and disconnect from relay socket terminals. Remove resistor (15) by cutting silicone rubber adhesive between resistor body and relay socket assembly using sharp knife. (c) Apply thin bead of silicone rubber adhesive on body of new resistor (15) and position resistor on relay socket assembly. (d) Push end of new tie strap through hole in relay socket assembly and install tie strap around resistor (15) and capacitor (13). (e) Slide new heat shrink tubing (16) over positive lead of new capacitor (13). (f) Connect one end of wires (18) to resistor (15) leads and solder. Slide new heat shrink tubing (17) onto wires and position over connections.

In following step position bare wire leads of resistor (14) at least 1/4 inch from all other metal to prevent short circuit. (g) Connect and solder leads of diode (12), capacitor (13), or resistor (14 or 15) to relay socket terminals. (h) Secure heat shrink tubing (16 and 17) using air blast from electric heat gun.



a. Relay Socket Assembly (cont).

INSPECTION AND REPAIR (SHEET 3 OF 4) Inspect relay socket assembly wires for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands. Inspect relay socket terminals and contacts for cracks, breaks, distortion, or other damage. If any of the above conditions are seen, replace wire or relay socket as follows:




Unsolder end of wire and disconnect from relay socket terminal.


Loosen and remove nut (19), lock washer (20), screw (22), and washer (23). Spread clamp (21) and remove from wires.


At relay socket (25) to be removed, t a g , u n s o l d e r , a n d d i s c o n n e c t a l l remaining wires and component leads from relay socket terminals.


Remove heads from two rivets (24) using electric drill.


Remove relay socket (25) and rivets (24) from bracket (26) and discard. Remove all loose metal particles using soft bristle brush.


Install new relay socket (25) on bracket (26) using tool and two new rivets contained in blind rivet tool kit.


Connect component leads and wires to relay socket (25) as tagged and solder.


Install clamp (21) around wires and install on bracket (26) using screw (22), washer (23), lock washer (20), and nut (19).

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSPECTION AND REPAIR (SHEET 4 OF 4) (6) Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, or damaged threads; replace as necessary.


TM 5-3805-262-20 5-6.

a. Relay Socket Assembly (cont).


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (1)

In operator-s compartment, position relay socket assembly (10) with wires on floor below left-hand instrument panel. Route long white-black wire to auxiliary steering pump and motor as noted during removal.


At auxiliary steering pump and motor, connect relay socket assembly (10) white-black wire terminal using lock washer and nut (page 5-88).


At top of relay socket assembly (10), install two relays (9) by alining tang on relay base with slot in relay socket and pushing firmly.


Install relay socket assembly (10) black wire and wire (8) terminals on one screw (6) and lock washer (7).


At left side plate, install relay socket assembly (10) using two lock washers (7), screws (6), lock washers (5), and nuts (4).


At rear of buzzer, connect relay socket assembly (10) white-black wire and wire (8) terminals as tagged using two screws (3).


Connect two flow switch wiring harness terminals to relay socket assembly (10) wire terminals by grasping with fingers, alining, and firmly pushing them together.


Connect two black-white wire terminals to connector (2) by grasping with fingers, alining, and firmly pushing them together.


Connect wire (1) terminals to front wiring harness terminal and connector (2) by grasping with fingers, alining, and firmly pushing them together.


Spray terminals at rear of buzzer with electrical cleaner and allow to air dry. Then spray terminals with electrical sealer.


Connect and tighten battery ground cable (page 5-151).



b. A u x i l i a r y S t e e r i n g C a b l e s a n d H a r n e s s . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , inspection and repair, and installation of auxiliary steering pump and motor cables and flow switch wiring harness. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Combination box and open end wrench set Screwdriver Torque wrench, 1/2 inch drive Electrical repair tool kit Automotive Mechanic’s Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 1/2 inch drive MATERIALS/PARTS : Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Isopropyl alcohol (Appendix C, item 15) Electrical cleaner (Appendix C, item 19) Electrical sealer (Appendix C, item 20) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Battery ground cable disconnected (page 5-148) and engine left front side panel removed (page 9-14). REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2)



At starter solenoid BAT terminal, loosen and remove nut (1) and lock washer (2) and disconnect three cables.


At auxiliary steering pump and motor, at bottom relay terminal, loosen and remove nut (3) and lock washer (4) and remove cable (5).


At bottom motor terminal, loosen and remove nut (6) and lock washer (7) and disconnect cable (8).


At motor mounting bracket, at end of cable (8), loosen and remove one nut (9), lock washer (10), and capscrew (11). Then remove cable (8) from loader.


A t m o t o r r e l a y , a t t w o c e n t e r t e r m i n a l s , locate and tag white-black wire and wire (16). Then loosen and remove two nuts (12) and lock washers (13) and disconnect wires.


At base of motor relay, at end of wire (16), loosen and remove screw (14) and lock washer (15). Remove wire (16) from loader.

TM 5-3805-262-20



b. A u x i l i a r y S t e e r i n g C a b l e s a n d H a r n e s s ( c o n t ) .


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) (7) In operator’s compartment, below relay socket assembly, tag and disconnect three flow switch wiring harness (25) terminals by grasping with fingers and pulling firmly apart. (8) At right side of loader, at flow switch, tag and disconnect three flow switch wiring harness (25) terminals by grasping with fingers and pulling firmly apart. NOTE Do the following steps only if necessary to replace flow switch wiring harness. ( 9 ) A t t o p o f t r a n s m i s s i o n , loosen and remove nuts (17), lock washers (18), c l a p ( 1 9 ) , c l a m p s ( 2 0 ) , a n d s p a c e r s ( 2 1 ) , c a p s c r e w s ( 2 2 ) , C l a mP ( 2 3 ) , and clamps (24). (10) Spread and remove clamps (19 and 23) only if necessary for replacement. (11) Remove flow switch wiring harness (25) from loader. CLEANING (1) Clean cable and wire insulation using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Dry using clean cloth. (2) Clean terminals using clean cloth moistened with isopropyl alcohol.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe v a p o r s . D o n o t u s e n e a r o p e n f l a m e o r excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately. (3) Clean all other metallic parts using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.



b. A u x i l i a r y S t e e r i n g C a b l e s a n d H a r n e s s ( c o n t ) . INSPECTION AND REPAIR (1)

Inspect cables and wires for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminal. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, replace cable or wire.


Inspect flow switch wires for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminal. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, cut wire as close to terminal as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new terminal securely onto wire.


Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, or damaged threads; replace as necessary.




Position flow switch wiring harness (25) in loader and route as noted during removal.


In operator-s compartment, below relay socket assembly, connect three flow switch wiring harness (25) terminals as tagged by grasping with fingers, alining, and pushing firmly together.


At right side of loader, at flow switch, connect flow switch wiring harness (25) terminals to flow switch terminals as tagged by grasping with fingers, alining, and pushing them firmly together.


At top of transmission, install clamps (20 and 24), spacers (21), and clamps (19 and 23) using capscrews (22), lock washers (18), and nuts (17).

TM 5-3805-262-20



b. A u x i l i a r y S t e e r i n g C a b l e s a n d H a r n e s s ( c o n t ) .


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (5)

At starter solenoid BAT terminal, connect starter relay cable, battery positive cable, and cable (5) using lock washer (2) and nut (l). Tighten nut to 20 to 25 lb-ft.


At auxiliary steering pump and motor, at bottom relay terminal, connect cable (5) using nut (3) and lock washer (4).


At bottom motor terminal, connect cable (8) using nut (6) and lock washer (7).


At motor mounting bracket, connect cable (8) using capscrew (11), lock washer (10), and nut (9).


A t m o t o r r e l a y c e n t e r t e r m i n a l s , connect wire (16) and white-black wire as tagged using two nuts (12) and lock washers (13).

(10) At base of motor relay, connect wire (16) using screw (14) and lock washer (15). (11) Spray terminals at starter solenoid and auxiliary steering pump and motor with electrical cleaner and allow to air dry. Then spray terminals with electrical sealer. (12) Install engine left front side panel (page 9-17). (13) Connect and tight en battery ground cable (page 5-151).



a. Front Flood and Driving L i g h t s . This task covers removal, cleaning, inspection and repair, and installation of front flood lights and driving lights and associated wiring. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Combination box and open end wrench set Screwdriver Electrical repair tool kit Multimeter MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Isopropyl alcohol (Appendix C, item 15) Tie strap (FSCM 10988 PN L11541) REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2)



At front flood light or driving light, pull retainer (1) inserts from cut outs in housing (8) and pry retainer from lamp (2) and housing.


Disconnect terminals (3) from lamp (2) by grasping with fingers and p u l l i n g f i r m l y . Then remove lamp (2).


Disconnect wiring harness green wire terminal (4) from flood light terminal (5) by grasping both with fingers and firmly pulling apart. Disconnect wiring harness pink wire terminal (4) from driving light terminal (5).


Loosen lock nut (6) using open end wrench, and remove lock nut (6) and lock washer (7) by sliding down terminal (5) end of wire.


Remove housing (8) from bracket.


Remove washer (9) and bushing (10) from housing (8) by sliding down terminal (5) end of wire.

TM 5-3805-262-20



a. Front Flood and Driving L i g h t s ( c o n t ) .

REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) (7) Cut tie strap (11) and remove from angle bracket (19) and wiring harness green and pink wires. Discard tie strap. (8) Loosen and remove capscrew (12) and lock washer (13). ( 9 ) S u p p o r t b r a c k e t ( 2 0 ) , loosen and remove three capscrews (14) and lock washers (15), and remove brackets (19 and 20) from loader. ( 1 0 ) I f n e c e s s a r y , separate brackets (19 and 20) by loosening and removing nut (16), capscrew (17), and lock washer (18).


TM 5-3805-262-20


Clean retainer (l), lamp (2), bushing (10), and wire insulation using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Dry using clean cloth.


Clean lamp (2) contacts and wire terminals using clean cloth moistened with isopropyl alcohol.

Dry c l e a n i n g s o l v e n t P - D - 6 8 0 u s e d t o c l e a n p a r t s i s t o x i c a n d f l a m m a b l e . Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don-t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s w i t h water and get medical aid immediately. (3)

Clean all other metallic parts using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.


I n s p e c t t e r m i n a l ( 3 , 4, and 5) wires for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminal. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, cut wire as close to terminal as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new terminal securely onto wire.


Inspect housing (8) for cracks, breaks, damaged threads, distortion, or other damage. Replace flood light or driving light as an assembly if any of the above conditions are seen.


Inspect lamp (2) for cracked or broken glass or terminals. Connect multimeter across lamp terminals and check for continuity. Replace lamp if any of the above conditions are seen or multimeter does not indicate continuity.


Inspect retainer (1) and bushing (10) for cracks, breaks, and deterioration. Replace if any of the above conditions are seen.


Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, or damaged threads; replace as necessary.



a. Front Flood and Driving L i g h t s ( c o n t ) .


At loader front chassis, install bracket (20) using three capscrews (14) and lock washers (15).


Install angle bracket (19) on front chassis using capscrew (12) and lock washer (13). Do not tighten capscrew.

(3) Install angle bracket (19) on bracket (20) using capscrew (17), lock washer (18), and nut (16). Then tighten capscrew (12). (4)


Secure wiring harness green and pink wires to angle bracket (19) using new tie strap (11).

TM 5-3805-262-20


Position bushing (10) and washer (9) on threaded stud of housing (8).


Position housing (8) by guiding terminal (5) end of wire through mounting hole in bracket.


Slide lock washer (7) and lock nut (6) over terminal (5) end of wire, install on housing (8), and tighten using open end wrench.


Connect flood light terminal (5) to wiring harness green wire terminal (4) by grasping both in fingers, alining, and firmly pushing them together. Connect driving light terminal (5) to wiring harness pink wire terminal (4).


Connect terminals (3) to lamp (2) terminals by grasping in your fingers, alining, then firmly pushing onto lamp terminals.


Position lamp (2) in housing (8) and push retainer (1) over lamp. Push retainer tangs into housing cut outs using screwdriver as necessary.



b. B l a c k o u t D r i v i n g L i g h t . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n a n d repair, and installation of blackout driving light and associated wiring. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Combination box and open end wrench set Screwdriver Electrical repair tool kit Multimeter MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Isopropyl alcohol (Appendix C, item 15)


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (1)

At left front fender, loosen three screws (1) and remove door (3).


If necessary for replacement, remove three retaining rings (2) and screws (1) from door (3).


Remove lamp (4) by pressing lamp in, turning 1/4 turn counterclockwise, and pulling from socket.


Remove three clips (5) and pull lamp unit (6) from housing (12).


Disconnect terminal (7) and connectors (8 and 9) by grasping with fingers and pulling firmly. Then remove lamp unit (6).


Loosen and remove nut (10) and lock washer (11).


Lift housing (12) from front fender and pull washer (13) from housing.


Inside housing (12), remove adapter (14) and grommet (15) only if necessary for replacement.


Clean lamp (4), connector (8 and 9) shells, lamp unit (6), grommet (15), and wire insulation using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Dry using clean cloth.


Clean lamp (4) contacts and wire terminals using clean cloth moistened with isopropyl alcohol.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately. (3) Clean all other metallic parts using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.



b. B l a c k o u t D r i v i n g L i g h t ( c o n t ) . INSPECTION AND REPAIR (1)

Inspect terminal (7) and connector (8 and 9) wires for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminal. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen at terminal (7), cut wire as close to terminal as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new terminal securely onto wire. If broken wire stands are seen at connector (8 or 9), or if connector or terminal is defective, repair as follows:

(a) Pull shell from C washer and terminal and slide over wire. (b) Cut wire as close to terminal as possible, and discard terminal. (c) Strip wire insulation to depth of new terminal well. (d) Slide shell over free end of wire, insert wire into terminal well, and crimp securely. (e) Install C washer over wire at crimped junction. (f) Slide shell along wire and push over C washer and terminal.



Inspect housing (12) for cracks, breaks, damaged threads, distortion, or other damage. Inspect lamp unit (6) for cracks, breaks, corrosion, or b r o k e n w i r e s . R e p l a c e b l a c k o u t d r i v i n g l i g h t a s an assembly if any of the above conditions are seen.


Inspect lamp (4) for cracked or broken glass or corroded base. Connect multimeter between lamp base and center contact a n d c h e c k f o r c o n t i n u i t y . Replace lamp if any of the above conditions are seen or multimeter does not indicate continuity.


Inspect clips (5) for cracks, breaks, or permanent set. Replace if any of the above conditions are seen.


Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, or damaged threads; replace as necessary.

TM 5-3805-262-20


Install grommet (15) and adapter (14) in housing (12).


Install washer (13) on threaded stud of housing (12) and position housing with washer on right front fender.


Install and tighten nut (10) and lock washer (11).


Position lamp unit (6) near front of housing (12) and connect terminal (7) and connectors (8 and 9) by grasping in your fingers, alining, and pushing firmly.


Install lamp unit (6) on housing (12) using three clips (5).


Install lamp (4) by alining lamp base with socket, pushing lamp in, and turning 1/4 turn clockwise.


If removed, i n s t a l l s c r e w s ( 1 ) o n d o o r ( 3 ) u s i n g r e t a i n i n g ’ r i n g s ( 2 ) .


Position door (3) over lamp unit (6) and tighten three screws (1) to secure. 5-101

TM 5-3805-262-20

b.1. LED Blackout Driving Light. REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 1) (1)

Disconnect blackout wiring harness (1) from LED blackout driving light (2).


Remove locknut (3), nut (4), lock washer (5), and LED blackout driving light (2) from left front fender (10). Discard locknut and lock washer.


If required, remove P-clamp (6) by removing nut (7), capscrew (8), and washer (9) from left front fender (10).


If P-clamp mounting hole is not already present, drill a 3/8 in. hole 2 in. rear of LED blackout driving light (2) mounting hole.


Install P-clamp (6), washer (9), capscrew (8), and nut (7) on left front fender (10).


Install LED blackout driving light (2), new lock washer (5), nut (4), and new locknut (3) on left front fender (10).


Connect blackout wiring harness (1) to LED blackout driving light (2).

5-101.0/(5-101.1 Blank)

Change 2


c. R e a r F l o o d L i g h t s . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n a n d r e p a i r , and installation of rear flood lights and associated wiring. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Combination box and open end wrench set Screwdriver Electrical repair tool kit Multimeter MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Isopropyl alcohol (Appendix C, item 15) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Radiator grille unlocked and open.


Pull retainer (1) inserts from cut outs in housing (8) and pry retainer from lamp (2) and housing.

(2) Disconnect terminals (3) from lamp (2) by grasping with fingers and pulling firmly. Then remove lamp (2).


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) (3)

Disconnect wiring harness terminal (4) from flood light terminal (5) by grasping both with fingers and firmly pulling apart.


Loosen lock nut (6) using open end wrench, and remove lock nut (6) and lock washer (7) by sliding down terminal (5) end of wire.


Lift housing (8) from radiator guard.


Remove washer (9) and bushing (10) from housing (8) by sliding down terminal (5) end of wire.


Clean retainer (l), lamp (2), bushing (10), and wire insulation using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Dry using clean cloth.


Clean lamp (2) contacts and wire terminals using clean cloth moistened with isopropyl alcohol,

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and donut smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s w i t h water and get medical aid immediately. (3)

Clean all other metallic parts using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.


Inspect terminal (3, 4, and 5) wires for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminal. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, cut wire as close to terminal as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new terminal securely onto wire.


Inspect housing (8) for cracks, breaks, damaged threads, distortion, or other damage. Replace rear flood light as an assembly if any of the above conditions are seen.


Inspect lamp (2) for cracked or broken glass or terminals. Connect multimeter across lamp terminals and check for continuity. Replace lamp if any of the above conditions are seen or multimeter does not indicate continuity.


Inspect retainer (1) and bushing (10) for cracks, breaks, and deterioration. Replace if any of the above conditions are seen. 5-103


c. R e a r F l o o d L i g h t s ( c o n t ) . INSPECTION AND REPAIR (SHEET 2 OF 2) (5)

Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, or damaged threads; replace as necessary.




Position bushing (10) and washer (9) on threaded stud of housing (8).


Position housing (8) by guiding terminal (5) end of wire through mounting hole in radiator guard.


Slide lock washer (7) and lock nut (6) over terminal (5) end of wire, install on housing, and tighten using open end wrench.


Connect flood light terminal (5) to wiring harness blue wire terminal (4) by grasping both in your fingers, alining, and firmly pushing them together.


Connect terminals (3) to lamp (2) terminals by grasping in your fingers, alining, then firmly pushing onto lamp terminals.


Position lamp (2) in housing (8) and push retainer (1) over lamp. Push retainer tangs into housing cut outs using screwdriver as necessary.


Close radiator g r i l l e .


d. S t o p a n d T a i l L i g h t s . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n a n d r e pair, and installation of stop and tail lights and associated wiring. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Combination box and open end wrench set Screwdriver Electrical repair tool kit Multimeter MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Appendix C

REMOVAL ( 1 ) A t s t o p a n d t a i l l i g h t , a t r a d i a t o r g u a r d , loosen and remove two screws (1) and lens (2). (2) Press lamp (3), turn counterclockwise, and pull to remove. (3) At light and wiring harness wires, disconnect terminals (4 and 5) by grasping with fingers and pulling firmly. (4) Loosen and remove two nuts (6), lock washers (7), and screws (8). (5) Remove housing (9) with wires from radiator guard. 5-105


d. S t o p a n d T a i l L i g h t s ( c o n t ) . CLEANING (1)

Clean lens (2), lamp ( 3 ) , h o u s i n g ( 9 ) , a n d w i r e i n s u l a t i o n u s i n g c l e a n cloth moistened with d e t e r g e n t . D r y u s i n g c l e a n c l o t h .


Clean lamp (3) contacts and wire terminals using clean cloth moistened with isopropyl alcohol.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors . D o n o t u s e n e a r o p e n f l a m e o r e x c e s s i v e h e a t a n d d o n ’ t s m o k e when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s w i t h water and get medical aid immediately. (3)

Clean all other metallic parts using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.




Inspect terminal (4 and 5) wires for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminal. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, cut wire as close to terminal as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new terminal securely onto wire.


Inspect housing (9) for cracks, breaks, damaged threads, distortion, broken wires at housing, or other damage. Replace stop and tail light as an assembly if any of the above conditions are seen.


Inspect lamp (3) for cracked or broken glass or corroded base. Connect multimeter between lamp base and center contact and check for continuity. Replace lamp if any of the above conditions are seen or multimeter does not indicate continuity.


Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, or damaged threads; replace as necessary.

TM 5-3805-262-20

(1) Position housing (9) by routing ends of wires through large hole in radiator guard. (2) Install and tighten two screws (8), lock washers (7), and nuts (6). (3) Connect stop and tail light wires to wiring harness wires by grasping terminals (4 and 5) in your fingers, alining, and firmly pushing them together as follows: (a) Connect wiring harness black wire terminal (4) to light black wire terminal (5). (b) Connect wiring harness tan wire terminal (5) to light green wire terminal (4). (c) Connect wiring harness pink wire terminal (5) to light red wire termi(4) Install lamp (3) by alining base with socket, pushing, and turning clockwise. (5) Install lens (2) using two screws (1). (6) Close radiator grille. 5-107


e. B l a c k o u t S t o p a n d T a i l L i g h t s . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n and repair, and installation of blackout stop and tail lights and associated wiring. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Combination box and open end wrench set Screwdriver Electrical repair tool kit Multimeter MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Isopropyl alcohol (Appendix C, item 15) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Radiator grille unlocked and open.


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (1)

In battery compartment, at radiator guard, loosen and remove six screws (1).


Pull lens assembly (2) and gasket (3) from housing (9).


Remove lamps (4) by pressing, turning 1/4 turn counterclockwise, and pulling from sockets.


Disconnect wiring harness terminals (6) from light terminals (5) by grasping with fingers and firmly pulling apart.


Support housing (9), loosen and remove two capscrews (7) and lock washers (8), and remove housing (9) with socket assembly (11).


Inside housing (9), loosen and remove three screws (10) and pull socket assembly (11) clear of housing (9) to facilitate inspection.


Pry retaining rings (12) from screws (1) and remove from lens assembly (2) only if necessary for replacement.


C l e a n l e n s a s s e m b l y ( 2 ) , g a s k e t ( 3 ) , lamps (4), socket assembly (11) rubber isolators, and wire insulation using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Dry using clean cloth.


Clean lamp (4) contacts, socket assembly (11) contacts, and wire terminals using clean cloth moistened with isopropyl alcohol.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don-t breathe v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately. (3) Clean all other metallic parts using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.



e. B l a c k o u t S t o p a n d T a i l L i g h t s ( c o n t ) .


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSPECTION AND REPAIR (1)

Inspect terminal (5 and 6) wires for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminal. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, cut wire as close to terminal as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new terminal securely onto wire.


Inspect housing (9) for cracks, breaks, damaged threads, distortion, or other damage. Inspect socket assembly (11) for broken sockets, corrosion, defective or missing rubber isolators, and cracks or breaks. Replace blackout stop and tail light as an assembly if any of the above conditions are seen.


Inspect lamps (4) for cracked or broken glass or corroded base. Connect multimeter between lamp base and center contact and check for continuity. Replace lamp if any of the above conditions are seen or multimeter does not indicate continuity.


Inspect gasket (3) for cracks, breaks, and deterioration. Replace if any of the above conditions are seen.


Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, or damaged threads; replace as necessary.


If removed, i n s t a l l s c r e w s ( 1 ) o n l e n s a s s e m b l y ( 2 ) u s i n g r e t a i n i n g r i n g s (12).


Install socket assembly (11) in housing (9) using three screws (10).


Position housing (9) by routing terminal (5) end of wires through hole in radiator guard.


I n s t a l l a n d t i g h t e n t w o capscrews (7) and lock washers (8).


Connect light terminal (5) tagged 23 to wiring harness pink-white wire terminal (6) by grasping both in your fingers, alining, and firmly pushing them together. Then connect light terminal (5) tagged 24 to wiring harness yellow wire terminal (6).


Install lamps (4) by alining lamp base with socket, pushing lamp in, and turning 1/4 turn clockwise.


Install lens assembly (2) with gasket (3) on housing (9). Tighten six screws (1) to secure.


Close radiator grille.



a. E n g i n e O i l P r e s s u r e S w i t c h . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , testing and repair, and installation of engine oil pressure switch and its associated wiring. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Combination box and open end wrench set Electrical repair tool kit Multimeter MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Isopropyl alcohol (Appendix C, item 15) Electrical cleaner (Appendix C, item 19) Electrical sealer (Appendix C, item 20) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine l e f t r e a r s i d e p a n e l r e m o v e d ( p a g e 9 - 1 4 ) . REMOVAL (1) At rear of engine block, below alternator, disconnect spade terminal (1) f r o m e n g i n e o i l p r e s s u r e switch (2) terminal by grasping with fingers and firmly pulling apart. (2) Loosen and remove engine o i l p r e s s u r e s w i t c h ( 2 ) . (3) At wiring harness black-white wire, separate fuseholder (3) halves by grasping ends with fingers, pushing together, twisting counterclockwise, and pulling apart. (4) Pull resistor (4) from fuseholder (3) h a l f . CLEANING (SHEET 1 OF 2)

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately. ( 1 ) W i p e exterior of engine oil pressure switch (2) using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.


TM 5-3805-262-20

CLEANING (SHEET 2 OF 2) (2) Clean wire insulation using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Dry using clean cloth. (3) Clean switch and black-white wire terminals, fuseholder (3) contacts, and resistor (4) using clean cloth moistened with isopropyl alcohol. (4) Clean all other metallic parts using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths. 5-113


a. E n g i n e O i l P r e s s u r e S w i t c h ( c o n t ) . INSPECTION, TESTING, AND REPAIR (1)

Inspect wiring harness terminal (1) wire for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminal. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, cut wire as close to terminal as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new terminal securely onto wire.


Inspect engine oil pressure switch (2) for cracks, breaks, damaged t h r e a d s , d i s t o r t i o n , or other damage. Connect multimeter between switch terminal and body and check for continuity. If continuity is not obtained or any of the above conditions are seen , r e p l a c e e n g i n e o i l p r e s s u r e switch.


Inspect fuseholder (3) for cracks, breaks, distortion, or other damage. Replace fuseholder by cutting wires as close to fuseholder halves as poss i b l e , stripping 1/4 inch insulation from end of wires, then splicing new fuseholder wires to existing wires using insulated crimp connectors.


Inspect resistor (4) for cracks, breaks, and discoloration due to overheating. Connect multimeter between ends of resistor. Multimeter should indicate 36 to 44 ohms. Replace resistor if any of the above conditions are observed or if proper multimeter indication is not obtained.


Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, or damaged threads; replace as necessary.




At rear of engine block, below alternator, install engine oil pressure switch (2) and tighten.


Install resistor (4) by pushing into long half of fuseholder (3).


Assemble fuseholder (3) halves by grasping both in your fingers, alining, then firmly pushing them together and twisting clockwise.


Connect wiring harness spade terminal (1) to switch (2) spade terminal by grasping in your fingers, alining, then firmly pushing onto switch terminal.

TM 5-3805-262-20

INASTALLATION ( SHEET 2 OF 2) (5) Spray terminal (1) with electrical cleaner and allow to air dry. Then spray terminal with electrical sealer. (6) Start and operate engine at idle speed and check for oil leakage at engine oil pressure switch (2). If leakage is seen, tighten engine oil pressure switch. If oil leakage does not stop, replace engine oil pressure switch. (7)

Install engine left rear side panel (page 9-17).



b. F u e l L e v e l S e n d i n g U n i t . This task covers removal, cleaning, inspection, testing and repair, and installation of fuel level sending unit and its associated wiring. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Combination box and open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Electrical repair tool kit Multimeter MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Isopropyl alcohol (Appendix C, item 15) Electrical cleaner (Appendix C, item 19) Electrical sealer (Appendix C, item 20) Gasket (FSCM 10988 PN L79876) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine left rear side panel removed (page 9-14).


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL

Diesel fuel is highly combustible. Do not smoke or allow open flames or sparks into the area. Death or severe injury may result if personnel fail to observe this precaution. If you are burned, obtain medical aid immediately. (1)

A t r i g h t s i d e o f f u e l t a n k , loosen and remove nut (1) and lock washer (2) and disconnect terminal (3) from fuel level sending unit (12).


At cover plate (6), note location of wire (11). Then loosen and remove five capscrews (4) and lock washers (5) and disconnect wire.


Carefully remove cover plate (6) with wire (11) and fuel level sending unit (12) while observing position of float and rod in fuel tank.


Remove and discard gasket (7).


At fuel level sending unit (12), note location of wire (11). Then loosen and remove five screws (8), washers (9), and lock nuts (10) and disconnect wire,


Carefully remove fuel level sending unit (12) from cover plate (6).


Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don-t smoke w h e n u s i n g i t . Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid inmediately. (1) Remove all traces of gasket (7) material from cover plate (6) and fuel tank using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. (2) Clean wire insulation using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Dry using clean cloth. (3) Clean fuel level sending unit (12) terminal, tan-black wire terminal (3), and wire (11) terminals using clean cloth moistened with isopropyl alcohol. (4) Clean all other metallic parts using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.



b. F u e l L e v e l S e n d i n g U n i t ( c o n t ) . INSPECTION, TESTING, AND REPAIR



Inspect wiring harness terminal (3) wire for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminal. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, cut wire as close to terminal as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new terminal securely onto wire.


Inspect wire (11) for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminal. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, replace wire.


Inspect fuel level sending unit (12) for cracks, breaks, damaged threads, distortion, broken or missing terminal, bent float rod, or other damage. Lower float into a container of clean diesel fuel and check for leakage as indicated by bubbles. Replace if any of these conditions are seen.


Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, or damaged threads; replace as necessary.


Test fuel level sending unit (12) as follows:


Connect multimeter between fuel level sending unit body and terminal as shown below.


Hold fuel level sending unit in vertical position as shown.


Slowly raise sending unit float and float rod while watching multimeter. Multimeter indication should smoothly increase from 0-3 ohms at bottom position of float to 84-92 ohms at top position of float.


Disconnect multimeter from fuel level sending unit.


Replace fuel level sending unit if multimeter indications in step (c) above are not obtained.

TM 5-3805-262-20


Position cover plate (6) and one end of wire (11) on fuel level sending unit (12) as noted during removal. Then secure with five lock nuts (10), washers (9), and screws (8).


At right side of fuel tank, aline holes in new gasket (7) with holes in fuel tank.


Carefully install cover plate (6) with wire (11) and fuel level sending unit (12); be sure you position float and rod in fuel tank as noted during removal.


Position remaining end of wire (11) at cover plate (6) as noted during removal. Then install and tighten five capscrews (4) and lock washers (5).


Connect terminal (3) to fuel level sending unit (12) and secure using lock washer (2) and nut (l).


Spray wire (11) terminals and terminal (3) with electrical cleaner and allow to air dry. Then spray terminals with electrical sealer.


Install engine left rear side panel (page 9-17).



c. Water Temperature Sending U n i t . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , testing and repair, and installation of water temperature sending unit and its associated wiring. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Combination box and open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Electrical repair tool kit Multimeter MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Isopropyl alcohol (Appendix C, item 15) Electrical cleaner (Appendix C, item 19) Electrical sealer (Appendix C, item 20) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Coolant drained from radiator (page 4-69) and engine top hood removed (page 9-11). REMOVAL ( 1 ) A t e n g i n e w a t e r m a n i f o l d , loosen and remove nut (l), lock washer (2), and washer (3), and disconnect terminal (4) from water temperature sending unit (5). (2)

Loosen and remove water temperature sending unit (5) from bushing (6).

(3) Loosen and remove bushing (6) from water manifold only if necessary for replacement. CLEANING (SHEET 1 OF 2)

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately. (1) Wipe exterior of water temperature sending unit (5) using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.


TM 5-3805-262-20

CLEANING (SHEET 2 OF 2) (2) Clean water temperature sending unit terminal and blue-yellow wire terminal using clean cloth moistened with isopropyl alcohol. (3) Clean wire insulation using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Dry using clean cloth. (4) Clean all other metallic parts using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.



c. Water Temperature Sending U n i t ( c o n t ) . INSPECTION, TESTING, AND REPAIR (1) Inspect wiring harness terminal (4) wire for cracked or broken insulation o r b r o k e n w i r e s t r a n d s a t c o n n e c t i o n t o t e r m i n a l . Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, cut wire as close to terminal as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new terminal securely onto wire. (2)

Inspect water temperature sending unit (5) for cracks, breaks, damaged threads, distortion, broken or missing terminal, or other damage. Replace if any of these conditions are seen.

(3) Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, or damaged threads; replace as necessary. (4) Test water temperature sending unit (5) as follows:



Connect multimeter between water temperature sending unit body and terminal as shown below.


Lower a thermometer and threaded end of water temperature sending unit into a pan of water.


Slowly heat and stir water while watching thermometer and multimeter. At 100 degrees F, multimeter should indicate 3000 to 3600 ohms. At 200 degrees F, multimeter should indicate 640 to 780 ohms.


Remove water temperature sending unit and thermometer from water and disconnect multimeter.


Replace water temperature sending unit if multimeter indications in step (c) above are not obtained.

TM 5-3805-262-20


At engine water manifold, install bushing (6) and tighten.


Install water temperature sending unit (5) in bushing (6) and tighten.


Connect terminal (4) to water temperature sending unit (5) and secure using washer (3), lock washer (2), and nut (l).


Spray terminal (4) with electrical cleaner and allow to air dry. Then spray terminal with electrical sealer.


Fill radiator with coolant (page 4-71).


Start and operate engine at idle speed and check for coolant leakage at water temperature sending unit (5). If leakage is seen at bushing (6), tighten bushing and water temperature sending unit (5). If leakage is from water temperature sending unit, replace sending unit.


Install engine top hood (page 9-13). 5-123


d. Converter Temperature Sending Unit. T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , inspection, testing and repair, and installation of torque converter temperature sending unit and its associated wiring. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Combination box and open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Electrical repair tool kit Multimeter MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Isopropyl alcohol (Appendix C, item 15) Electrical cleaner (Appendix C, item 19) Electrical sealer (Appendix C, item 20) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine right front side panel removed (page 9-14).


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (1)

At transmission, loosen and remove nut (l), lock washer (2), and washer (3), and disconnect terminal (4) from converter temperature sending unit (5).


Loosen and remove converter temperature sending unit (5).


Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don't breathe v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don't smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s w i t h water and get medical aid immediately. (1)

Wipe exterior of converter temperature sending unit (5) using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.


Clean converter temperature sending unit (5) terminal and yellow-red wire terminal (4) using clean cloth moistened with isopropyl alcohol.


Clean wire insulation using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Dry using clean cloth.


Clean all other metallic parts using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.



d. Converter Temperature Sending U n i t ( c o n t ) . INSPECTION, TESTING, AND REPAIR



Inspect wiring harness terminal (4) wire for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminal. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, cut wire as close to terminal as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new terminal securely onto wire.


Inspect converter temperature sending unit (5) for cracks, breaks, damaged threads, distortion, broken or missing terminal, or other damage. Replace if any of these conditions are seen.


Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, or damaged threads; replace as necessary.


Test converter temperature sending unit (5) as follows:


Connect multimeter between converter temperature sending unit body and terminal as shown below.


Lower a thermometer and threaded end of converter temperature sending unit into a pan of water.


Slowly heat and stir water while watching thermometer and multimeter. At 100 degrees F, multimeter should indicate 3000 to 3600 ohms. At 200 degrees F, multimeter should indicate 640 to 780 ohms.


Remove converter temperature sending unit and thermometer from water and disconnect multimeter.


Replace converter temperature sending unit if multimeter indications in step (c) above are not obtained. Dry converter temperature sending unit thoroughly before installing.

TM 5-3805-262-20


At transmission, install converter temperature sending unit (5) and tighten.


Connect terminal (4) to converter temperature sending unit (5) and secure using washer (3), lock washer (2), and nut (l).


Spray terminal (4) with electrical cleaner and allow to air dry. Then spray terminal with electrical sealer.


Start and operate engine at converter temperature sending converter temperature sending replace converter temperature


Install engine right front side panel (page 9-17).

idle speed and check for fluid leakage at unit (5). If leakage is seen, tighten unit (5). I f f l u i d l e a k a g e d o e s n o t s t o p , sending unit,



e. C l u t c h P r e s s u r e S w i t c h . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , testing and repair, and installation of clutch pressure switch and its associated wiring. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Combination box and open end wrench set Electrical repair tool kit Multimeter MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Isopropyl alcohol (Appendix C, item 15) Electrical cleaner (Appendix C, item 19) Electrical sealer (Appendix C, item 20) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: E n g i n e r i g h t f r o n t s i d e p a n e l r e m o v e d ( p a g e 9-14). REMOVAL



At right side of transmission, at control valve, disconnect two spade terminals (1) from wiring harness wires spade terminals (2) by grasping with fingers and firmly pulling apart.


Loosen and remove clutch pressure switch (3) using open end wrench.


At wiring harness orange-green wire, s e p a r a t e f u s e h o l d e r ( 4 ) h a l v e s b y grasping ends with fingers, pushing together, twisting counterclockwise, and pulling apart.


Pull resistor (5) from fuseholder (4) half.

TM 5-3805-262-20



e. C l u t c h P r e s s u r e S w i t c h ( c o n t ) . CLEANING

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean p a r t s i s t o x i c a n d f l a m m a b l e . Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don-t breathe v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes w i t h water and get medical aid immediately. (1)

Wipe exterior of clutch pressure switch (3) using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.


Clean wire insulation using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Dry using clean cloth.


Clean resistor (5), spade terminals (1 and 2), and fuseholder (4) contacts using clean cloth moistened with isopropyl alcohol.


Clean all other metallic parts using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.




Inspect switch (3) wires and wiring harness t e r m i n a l ( 2 ) w i r e s f o r cracked or broken insulation or broken wire s t r a n d s a t c o n n e c t i o n t o t e r minal. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, cut wire as close to terminal as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new terminal securely onto wire.


Inspect clutch pressure switch (3) for cracks, breaks, damaged threads, distortion, or other damage. Connect multimeter between switch terminals (1) and check for continuity. If continuity is not obtained or any of the above conditions are seen, replace clutch pressure switch.


Inspect fuseholder (4) for cracks, breaks, distortion, or other damage. Replace fuseholder by cutting wires as close to fuseholder halves as poss i b l e , stripping 1/4 inch insulation from end of wires, then splicing new fuseholder wires to existing wires using insulated crimp connectors.


I n s p e c t r e s i s t o r ( 5 ) f o r c r a c k s , b r e a k s , a n d d i s c o l o r a t i o n d u e t o o v e rheating. Connect multimeter between ends of resistor. Multimeter should indicate 36 to 44 ohms. Replace resistor if any of the above conditions are observed or if proper multimeter indication is not obtained.


Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, or damaged threads; replace as necessary.

TM 5-3805-262-20


At right side of transmission, at control valve, install and tighten clutch pressure switch (3).


Install resistor (5) by pushing into long half of fuseholder (4).


Assemble fuseholder (4) halves by grasping both in your fingers, alining, then firmly pushing them together and twisting clockwise.


Connect wiring harness spade terminals (2) to switch spade terminals (1) by grasping both in your fingers, alining, then firmly pushing them together.


Spray terminals (1 and 2) with electrical cleaner and allow to air dry. Then spray terminals with electrical sealer.


Start and operate engine at idle speed and check for fluid leakage at clutch pressure switch (3). If leakage is seen, tighten clutch pressure switch. If fluid leakage continues, replace clutch pressure switch.


Install engine right front side panel (page 9-17). 5-131


f. N e u t r a l S t a r t S w i t c h . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , t e s t i n g and repair, and installation of neutral start switch and its associated wiring. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Combination box and open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Electrical repair tool kit Multimeter MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Isopropyl alcohol (Appendix C, item 15) Electrical cleaner (Appendix C, item 19) Electrical sealer (Appendix C, item 20) Gasket (FSCM 10988 PN L112595) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine right front side panel removed (page 9-14).


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (1)

At right side of transmission, at control valve, disconnect wiring harness white wire spade terminal (1) from spade terminal (4) by grasping with fingers and pulling firmly.


Loosen and remove nut (2), lock washer (3), and spade terminal (4).


Loosen and remove nut (5) and lock washer (6) and disconnect wiring harness violet-black wire terminal (7).


Loosen and remove neutral start switch (8) and gasket (9). Discard gasket (9).


Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean p a r t s i s t o x i c a n d f l a m m a b l e . Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y .. I f c o n t a c t w i t h s k i n o r c l o t h e s i s m a d e , f l u s h with large amounts o f w a t e r . I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately. ( 1 ) W i p e e x t e r i o r of neutral start switch (8) using clean cloth moistened w i t h c l e a n i n g solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths. ( 2 ) C l e a n n e u t r a l start switch (8) terminals and wire terminals (1, 4, and 7) using clean cloth moistened with isopropyl alcohol. ( 3 ) C l e a n wire insulation using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Dry using clean cloth. ( 4 ) C l e a n all other metallic parts using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.



f. N e u t r a l S t a r t S w i t c h ( c o n t ) . INSPECTION, TESTING, AND REPAIR (1) Inspect wiring harness terminals (1 and 7) wires for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminal. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, cut wire as close to terminal as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new terminal securely onto wire. (2)

Inspect neutral start switch (8) for cracks, breaks, damaged threads, distort i o n , or other damage. Connect multimeter between switch terminals as shown and check that multimeter indicates open circuit. Push switch ball using thumb and check that multimeter indicates continuity, then disconnect multimeter. Replace switch if any of the above conditions are observed or if proper indications are not obtained on multimeter.

(3) Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, or damaged threads; replace as necessary. INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 2)



Position new gasket (9) over large threaded end of neutral start switch (8).


At right side of transmission, at control valve, install neutral start switch (8) with new gasket (9) and tighten.


Connect wiring harness violet-black wire terminal (7) to neutral start switch (8) terminal.


Install lock washer (6) and nut (5) and tighten.


Connect spade terminal (4) to remaining terminal at neutral start switch (8) and secure using lock washer (3) and nut (2).


Connect wiring harness white wire spade terminal (1) to switch (8) spade terminal (4) by grasping in your fingers, alining, then pushing together firmly.


Spray terminals (1, 4, and 7) with electrical cleaner and allow to air dry. Then spray terminals with electrical sealer.

TM 5-3805-262-20

INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (8) Start and operate engine at idle speed and check for fluid leakage at neutral start switch (8). If engine starter does not crank, refer to troubleshooting (page 3-62). If leakage is seen, tighten neutral start switch (8). If fluid leakage does not stop, replace gasket (9). (9) Install engine right front side panel (page 9-17).


TM 5-3805-262-20 5-8. SEANDING UNITS AND WARNING SWITCHES MAINTENANCE (CONT) g. A i r P r e s s u r e S e n d e r . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , t e s t i n g and repair, and installation of air pressure sender and its associated wiring. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Combination box and open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Electrical repair tool kit Multimeter Air compressor with pressure regulator MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Isopropyl alcohol (Appendix C, item 15) Electrical cleaner (Appendix C, item 19) Electrical sealer (Appendix C, item 20) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine right front side panel removed (page 9-14).


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL

Relieve all air pressure before working on air system. Failure to do so could result in serious injury. If you are injured obtain medical aid immediately. (1)

Open drain valve located at bottom of air reservoir to relieve air system pressure.


A t r i g h t s i d e o f a i r r e s e r v o i r , loosen and remove nut (1), lock washer (2), and washer (3), and disconnect terminal (4) from air pressure sender (5).


Loosen and remove air pressure sender (5) from bushing.


Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don't breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately. (1)

Wipe exterior of air pressure sender (5) using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.


Clean air pressure sender (5) terminal and red-green wire terminal (4) using clean cloth moistened with isopropyl alcohol.


Clean wire insulation using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Dry using clean cloth.


Clean all other metallic parts using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.



g. A i r P r e s s u r e S e n d e r ( c o n t ) . INSPECTION, TESTING, AND REPAIR



Inspect wiring harness terminal (4) wire for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminal. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, cut wire as close to terminal as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new terminal securely onto wire.


Inspect air pressure sender (5) for cracks, breaks, damaged threads, dist o r t i o n , broken or missing terminal, or other damage. Replace if any of these conditions are seen.


Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, or damaged threads; replace as necessary.


Test air pressure sender (5) as follows:


Connect air pressure sender to a source of compressed air and pressure regulator.


Connect multimeter between air pressure sender body and terminal as shown below.


Slowly increase air pressure applied to air pressure sender while watching pressure regulator gage and multimeter. With zero psi applied, multimeter should indicate zero to 6 ohms; at 30 psi pressure multimeter should indicate 17 to 27 ohms; at 65 psi, 40 to 50 ohms; at 90 psi, 60 to 70 ohms; and at 120 psi, 80 to 96 ohms.


Disconnect multimeter, reduce air pressure to zero, and remove air pressure sender from compressed air source.


Replace air pressure sender if multimeter indications in step (c) above are not obtained.

TM 5-3805-262-20


At right side of air reservoir, install air pressure sender (5) in bushing and tighten.


Connect terminal (4) to air pressure sender (5) and secure using washer (3), lock washer (2), and nut (1).


Spray terminal (4) with electrical cleaner and allow to air dry. Then spray terminal with electrical sealer.


Close drain valve at bottom of air reservoir.


Start and operate engine at idle speed until air pressure gage located on left instrument cluster indicates in green area of gage; then turn off engine.


Apply detergent and water solution to air check for air leakage. If leakage is seen bushing, tighten air pressure sender. If is from air pressure sender, replace air


Install right front side panel (page 9-17).

pressure sender and bushing and as indicated by bubbles at leakage continues, or if leakage pressure sender.



a. B a t t e r i e s . (1) Servicing. This task covers battery cleaning, inspection, and servicing. Check battery electrolyte level after every 50 hours of loader operation, or more frequently during hot weather. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Battery filler MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Battery cleaner (FSCM 10988 PN M20376) Distilled water NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Radiator grille unlocked and open.


Battery electrolyte is toxic and corrosive. Wear protective goggles and gloves when working with batteries. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, c l o t h e s , and don’t breathe vapors. (a)


Neutralize electrolyte spills on battery cases and other parts using battery cleaner or a mixture of baking soda and water. Electrolyte is present if mixture bubbles when applied. Rinse with clear water. Repeat as necessary until mixture does not bubble when applied. Then dry using clean cloths.

TM 5-3805-262-20 SERVICING (SHEET 2 OF 2) (b)

Remove battery cell caps by turning counterclockwise. Rinse in clear water and dry using clean cloth. Inspect cell caps for clogged vent holes. Clear clogged vent holes using a thin, stiff wire.


Inspect battery cases and covers for cracks, leakage, or other damage. I n s p e c t b a t t e r y p o s t s f o r d a m a g e . If any of the above conditions are seen, replace battery (page 5-148).

Do not add electrolyte when servicing batteries. Add distilled water or o t h e r c l e a n w a t e r o n l y . Do not fill above level of ring at bottom of cell opening. (d)

Inspect electrolyte level in each battery cell. If necessary, add distilled water to each cell until electrolyte level is even with ring at bottom of cell opening.


Install battery cell caps by turning clockwise.


Close radiator grille.


If temperature is 32 degrees F or below, start engine and run for 1 to 2 hours to mix water with electrolyte and prevent water from freezing.



a. B a t t e r i e s


(2) Testing. This task covers testing battery no-load voltage, fixed load capacity, and specific gravity. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Hydrometer Thermometer Starting and charging system tester NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE; Radiator grille unlocked and open.

Battery electrolyte is toxic and corrosive. Wear protective goggles and gloves when working with batteries. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, c l o t h e s , and don’t breathe vapors. VOLTAGE TEST (a)

Connect voltmeter leads of starting and charging system tester to terminals of one battery as shown.


At right instrument panel, turn flood lights on for 15 seconds with engine off. Then turn flood lights off.


Wait 3 minutes and record voltmeter indication.


Disconnect voltmeter leads and connect to terminals of second battery.


Record voltmeter indication and disconnect voltmeter leads.


Compare voltmeter indications with following list. If voltmeter indicates at least 12.4 volts (75 percent charge), battery is probably okay. If voltmeter indicates less than 12.4 volts, perform load test (page 5-143). Voltmeter Indication (volts) 11.7 or less 12.0 12.2 12.4 12.6 or more


Battery Charge (percent) 0

25 50 75 100

TM 5-3805-262-20 LOAD TEST (a)

Connect LOAD leads and voltmeter leads o f s t a r t i n g a n d c h a r g i n g s y s t e m tester to one battery as shown.


Fasten tester ammeter clamp around positive LOAD lead with arrow on clamp pointing away from battery.

Don't load battery for more than 15 seconds at a time. Wait 1 minute before repeating test to allow tester to cool. (c)

Adjust tester LOAD control for 500 ampere indication on tester ammeter while watching tester voltm e t e r . Maintain 500 ampere load for 15 seconds.


Turn tester LOAD control to OFF position.


If voltmeter indication in step (c) dropped below 6 volts, battery is defective. Install new battery (page 5-148). If voltmeter indicated 6 to 9 volts, charge battery (page 5-146). If voltmeter indicated 9 volts or more, battery is charged and okay.


Disconnect starting and charging system tester leads.


Close radiator grille.



a. B a t t e r i e s


(2) Testing (cont). SPECIFIC GRAVITY CHECK (SHEET 1 OF 2)



Check battery electrolyte level (page 5-140). If water must be added to check specific gravity, fast charge battery (page 5-146) for 30 minutes before proceeding. Do not re-install battery cell caps.


Draw electrolyte sample from one battery cell using hydrometer.


Record hydrometer indication as shown and return electrolyte to battery cell.


Lower thermometer into battery cell, record electrolyte temperature, and remove thermometer.


Repeat steps (b) through (d) for remaining battery cells.


Correct the hydrometer indications for temperature as shown. Add 0.004 for each 10 degrees above 80 degrees F. S u b t r a c t 0 . 0 0 4 f o r e a c h 10 degrees below 80 degrees F.


Compare corrected specific gravity indications with following list and determine battery level of charge. Battery Charge (Percent)

Specific Gravity

Freezing Point of Electrolyte (degrees F)

100 75 50 25 0

1.260 1.230 1.200 1.170 1.110

-75 -38 -17 +1 +19

TM 5-3805-262-20 SPECIFIC GRAVITY CHECK (SHEET 2 OF 2) (h)

If corrected specific gravity of all cells is 1.225 to 1.260, and the difference between highest and lowest value is less than 0.050, the battery is charged and okay. I f c o r r e c t e d s p e c i f i c g r a v i t y o f a n y c e l l is less than 1.225, or if difference between highest and lowest value is more than 0.050, charge battery (page 5-146) and recheck specific gravity. If any cell is still less than 1.225, or if difference between highest and lowest value is still more than 0.050, battery is defective. Replace battery (page 5-148).


Install battery cell caps by turning clockwise.


Close radiator grille.



a. B a t t e r i e s


(3) Charging.

This task covers battery charging.

TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Hydrometer Battery charger NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Radiator grille unlocked and open. CHARGING (SHEET 1 OF 2) Do not charge batteries or jump start loader engine if battery electrolyte is frozen. Before charging or -jump starting, thaw batteries in warm location to prevent explosion hazard. Battery electrolyte is toxic and corrosive. Wear protective goggles and gloves when working with batteries. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, clothes, and don't breathe vapors. Batteries produce explosive hydrogen gas. Do not allow sparks or open flame near batteries. Provide adequate ventilation when charging or using batteries in an enclosed area. (a)

Check battery electrolyte level and add distilled water as necessary (page 5-140). Do not reinstall battery cell caps.


Connect leads of standard taper 12 volt battery charger to posts of one battery. Be sure you connect positive lead to positive post and negative lead to negative post. NOTE

Batteries may be charged using standard taper 24 volt battery charger. T o u s e 2 4 v o l t c h a r g e r , unscrew and remove cover from slave receptacle and connect 24 volt charger cable to slave receptacle.


TM 5-3805-262-20 CHARGING (SHEET 2 OF 2) (c)

Set battery charger controls for desired charge rate. The best charge is obtained using a low charge rate. Use the following list as a charge rate guide for each fully discharged battery. Rate Slow Fast Fast

Hours 33 8 5-1/2

Amperes 10 40 60


Check battery cells charger controls for ing from cells. Add level even with ring

frequently during charging process. Set battery lower charging rate if electrolyte is seen flowdistilled water as necessary to keep electrolyte at bottom of cell opening.


Periodically check specific gravity (page 5-144) during charging process to determine level of charge. Battery is fully charged when specific gravity does not change over a two hour period at a low charging rate. Specific gravity of a fully charged battery is approximately 1.260.


Repeat steps (a) through (e) above to charge remaining battery, if necessary,


Turn battery charger off and disconnect leads from battery. If 24 volt charger was used, disconnect cable from slave receptacle and install slave receptacle cover by turning clockwise.


Install cell caps on battery by turning clockwise.


Close radiator grille.



a. B a t t e r i e s


(4) Removal. of batteries.

This task covers removal, cleaning, inspection, and installation

TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Combination box and open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Scratch wire brush Battery terminal lifter Multimeter Wire MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Electrical cleaner (Appendix C, item 19) Electrical sealer (Appendix C, item 20) Electrolyte (Appendix C, item 23) Battery cleaner (FSCM 10988 PN M20376) PERSONNEL REQUIRED: Two Construction Equipment Mechanic’s MOS 62B NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Radiator grille unlocked and open. REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2)

In following steps r e m o v e t e r m i n a l s f r o m b a t t e r y p o s t s u s i n g b a t t e r y t e r m i n a l l i f t e r . To prevent damage to batteries, do not pry terminals loose using screwdriver.



Inside battery compartment, at front battery, loosen nut (1) and pull terminal (2) with ground cables from battery post. Push terminal (2) aside to prevent contact with battery post.


At rear battery, loosen nut (3) and pull terminal (4) with positive cables from battery post.


At cable (5), loosen two terminal nuts and pull terminals from battery posts. Remove cable (5) from battery compartment.


At ends of bracket (9), loosen and remove two nuts (6) and lock washers (7).


At left end of bracket (9), lift clamp (8) with positive cable and set aside.


Remove bracket (9) and two J-bolts (10) from battery compartment.

TM 5-3805-262-20


Battery electrolyte is toxic and corrosive. Wear protective goggles and gloves when handling batteries. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, clothes, and don't breathe vapors. Battery filled with electrolyte weighs 122 pounds. Do not lift a battery by yourself. If you are injured, seek medical attention immediately. (g)

Remove batteries (11) from battery compartment by grasping and lifting battery rope handles with an assistant. 5-149


a. B a t t e r i e s


(4) Removal (cont). CLEANING (a)

Neutralize electrolyte spills on battery (11) cases and other parts using battery cleaner or a mixture of baking soda and water. Electrolyte is present if mixture bubbles when applied. Rinse with clear water. Repeat as necessary until mixture does not bubble when applied. Then dry using clean cloths.


Remove battery cell caps by turning counterclockwise. Rinse in clear water and dry using clean cloth.


Clean cable (5) insulation using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Dry using clean cloth.


Remove corrosion from cable terminals, battery posts, and battery compartment using scratch wire brush.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately. (e)

Clean all metallic parts using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.




Inspect cable (5) for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminals. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, replace cable.


Inspect battery (11) cases and covers for cracks, leakage, or other damage. Inspect battery posts for damage. If any of the above conditions are seen, replace battery.


Inspect battery cell caps for clogged vent holes. Clear clogged vent holes using a thin, stiff wire. Then install cell caps by turning clockwise.


Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, deformation, distortion or stripped threads; replace as necessary.

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 2)

Battery electrolyte is toxic and corrosive. Wear protective goggles and gloves when handling electrolyte or batteries. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, clothes, and don’t breathe vapors. NOTE If new battery is being installed, go to step (a) below. If you are installing original batteries, go directly to step (g) below. (a)

Remove battery cell caps by turning counterclockwise.

Electrolyte must be at room temperature ( a t l e a s t 6 0 d e g r e e s F ) w h e n poured into battery cells. Do not add cold electrolyte. (b)

Look into each battery cell. If electrolyte is seen and level is even with split ring at bottom of cell opening, go to step (d) below. If electrolyte is not seen, carefully fill each cell with electrolyte (specific gravity 1.260) to level of split ring. Wait 5 minutes, check level, and add electrolyte as necessary.


Flush empty electrolyte container several times using clear water to remove remaining acid. Then dispose of empty container properly.


Install battery cell caps by turning clockwise.


Connect multimeter leads across battery posts and watch multimeter. Multimeter should indicate at least 10 volts. If multimeter indicates less than 10 volts, new battery is defective. Install a different battery.


Check specific gravity of electrolyte in new battery (page 5-144). If difference between any two cells is more than 0.050, charge battery (page 5-146) . I f d i f f e r e n c e i s s t i l l m o r e t h a n 0 . 0 5 0 , n e w b a t t e r y i s defective. Install a different battery.

Battery filled with electrolyte weighs 122 pounds. Do not lift a battery by yourself. If you are injured, seek medical attention immediately. (g)

Install batteries (11) in battery compartment by grasping and lifting battery rope handles with an assistant. Position post end of batteries at left side of battery compartment.



a. B a t t e r i e s


(4) Removal (cont).


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (h)

Install two J-bolts (10) and bracket (9).


At left end of bracket (9), position clamp (8) with positive cable on threaded end of J-bolt (10).

D O not overtighten nuts (6) in following step. Excessive tightening can damage battery cases. (j)

Install and tighten two lock washers (7) and nuts (6).


Install cable (5) terminals on battery posts and tighten terminal nuts.


At rear battery, install terminal (4) with positive cables on battery post and tighten nut (3).


At front battery, install terminal (2) with battery ground cables on battery post and tighten nut (l).


Spray battery cable terminals with electrical cleaner and allow to air dry. Then spray terminals with electrical sealer.


Close radiator grille.



b. S l a v e R e c e p t a c l e . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , a n d installation of slave receptacle. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Combination box and open end wrench set Screwdriver Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Multimeter MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Isopropyl alcohol (Appendix C, item 15) Electrical cleaner (Appendix C, item 19) Electrical sealer (Appendix C, item 20) PERSONNEL REQUIRED: Two Construction Equipment Mechanic’s MOS 62B NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Battery ground cable disconnected (page 5-148).


Inside battery compartment, behind left stop light, loosen and remove two capscrews (1) and lock washers (2).

(2) Tag and disconnect cables (3 and 4).


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) (3)

While assistant at left rear of loader prevents screws (8) from turning, loosen and remove four nuts (5) and washers (6) and pull insulator (7) from screws (8).


At left rear of loader, pull four screws (8), slave receptacle (9), and insulator (10) from radiator guard.


Turn cover (11) counterclockwise and separate from slave receptacle (9).


Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don't breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don't smoke w h e n u s i n g i t . Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately. (1)

Wipe exterior of slave receptacle (9) using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.


Clean cable (3 and 4) insulation using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Dry using clean cloth.


Clean contacts and terminals using clean cloth moistened with isopropyl alcohol.


Clean all other metallic parts using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.



b. S l a v e R e c e p t a c l e ( c o n t ) . INSPECTION (1)

Inspect cables (3 and 4) for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminals. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, replace cable (page 5-154).


I n s p e c t r e c e p t a c l e ( 9 ) f o r c r a c k s , b r e a k s , damaged threads, and broken, c o r r o d e d , o r b u r n e d c o n t a c t s a n d t e r m i n a l s . Connect multimeter between positive terminal and housing and check for short circuit. Then connect multimeter between negative terminal and housing and check for short circuit. If multimeter indicates continuity or any of the above conditions are seen, replace receptacle.


Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks. deformation, distortion, or stripped threads; replace as necessary.

INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 2) (1) Install cover (11) on slave receptacle (9) by turning clockwise onto threads. ( 2 ) A t l e f t r e a r o f l o a d e r , at radiator guard, position insulator (10) and slave receptacle (9) with mounting holes alined and positive terminal at top.


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (3)

Install free end of cover (11) cord on one screw (8) and i n s t a l l f o u r screws (8).


While assistant at left rear of loader prevents screws (8) from turning, install insulator (7) inside battery compartment and secure using four nuts (5) and washers (6).


Connect black cable (4) to negative terminal using lock washer (2) and capscrew (1).


Connect red cable (3) to positive terminal using lock washer (2) and capscrew (1).


Spray slave receptacle terminals with electrical cleaner and allow to air dry. Then spray terminals with electrical sealer.


Connect and tighten battery ground cable (page 5-151).


Close radiator grille.



c. B a t t e r y C a b l e s . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , a n d i n s t a l l a tion of battery cables. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Combination box and open end wrench set Torque wrench, 1/2 inch drive Scratch wire brush Battery terminal lifter Automotive Mechanic’s Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 1/2 inch drive MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Electrical cleaner (Appendix C, item 19) Electrical sealer (Appendix C, item 20) Tie strap (AR) (FSCM 53421 PN T50R0W) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine left side panels removed (page 9-14) and radiator grille open. REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2)

In following steps remove terminals from battery posts using battery t e r m i n a l l i f t e r . To prevent damage to batteries, do not pry terminals loose using screwdriver.



Inside battery compartment, at front battery, loosen nut (1) and pull terminal (2) with ground cables from battery post. Push terminal (2) aside to prevent contact with battery post.


At rear battery, loosen nut (3) and pull terminal (4) with positive cables from battery post.


At cable (5), loosen two terminal nuts and pull terminals from battery posts. Remove cable (5) from loader.


Loosen and remove nut (6), cables (7 and 8), and capscrew (9) from terminal (4).


Loosen and remove nut (10), cables (11 and 12), and capscrew (13) from terminal (l).


B e h i n d l e f t s t o p l i g h t , at slave receptacle, loosen and remove two capscrews (14) and lock washers (15) and disconnect cables (7 and 11).


Cut and remove tie strap (16) and remove cables (7 and 11) from loader. Discard tie strap.

TM 5-3805-262-20



c. B a t t e r y C a b l e s ( c o n t ) .


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) (8)

At left end of battery bracket, loosen and remove nut (17), lock washer (18), and clamp (19). Spread clamp and remove from cable (8).


At left-hand radiator bracket, loosen and remove nut (20), lock washer (21), washer (22), clamp (23), and capscrew (24). Spread clamp and remove from cables (8 and 12), blackout wiring harness, and rear wiring harness.


At left-hand hood post, loosen and remove nut (25), lock washer (26), clamp (27), and capscrew (28). Spread clamp and remove from cables (8 and 12).


Cut and remove three tie straps (29) from battery cables (8 and 12) and two starter relay cables. Discard tie straps.


A t s t a r t e r g r o u n d t e r m i n a l s t u d , loosen and remove nut (30) and lock washer (31) and disconnect cable (12).


At solenoid BAT terminal stud, loosen and remove nut (32) and lock washer (33) and disconnect cable (8).


N o t e c a b l e r o u t i n g t o a i d i n s t a l l a t i o n , then remove cables (8 and 12) from loader.


Clean cable i n s u l a t i o n u s i n g c l e a n c l o t h m o i s t e n e d w i t h d e t e r g e n t . D r y using clean c l o t h .


Clean cable t e r m i n a l s a n d b a t t e r y p o s t s u s i n g s c r a t c h w i r e b r u s h .

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors, Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately. (3) Clean all other metallic parts using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.



c. B a t t e r y C a b l e s ( c o n t ) . INSPECTION ( 1 ) I n s p e c t c a b l e s ( 5 , 7, 8, 11, and 12) for cracked, broken, or frayed insulation and broken or cut wire strands. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, replace cable. (2)

Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, deformation, distortion, or stripped threads; replace as necessary.




Position cables (8 and 12) in loader and route between engine starter and batteries as noted during removal.


At solenoid BAT terminal stud, connect cable (8) using lock washer (33) and nut (32). Tighten nut to 20 to 25 lb-ft.


A t s t a r t e r g r o u n d t e r m i n a l s t u d , connect cable (12) using lock washer (31) and nut (30). Tighten nut to 20 to 25 lb-ft.


At battery cables (8 and 12) and two starter relay cables near starter, install three new tie straps (29) at locations noted during removal.


At left-hand hood post, position clamp (27) over cables (8 and 12) and install clamp using capscrew (28), lock washer (26), and nut (25).


At left-hand radiator post, position clamp (23) over cables (8 and 12), rear wiring harness, and blackout wiring harness. Then install clamp (23) using capscrew (24), washer (22), lock washer (21), and nut (20).


At left end of battery bracket, position clamp (19) over cable (8) and install clamp using lock washer (18) and nut (17).

TM 5-3805-262-20



c. B a t t e r y C a b l e s ( c o n t ) .


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (8)

Behind left stop light, at slave receptacle, connect cable (7) to negative terminal using lock washer (15) and capscrew (14).


Connect cable (11) to top (positive) terminal using lock washer (15) and capscrew (14).


Install new tie strap (16) around cables (7 and 11) at location noted during removal.


Connect cables (11 and 12) to terminal (2) using capscrew (13) and nut (10).


Connect cables (7 and 8) to terminal (4) using capscrew (9) and nut (6).


Install cable (5) terminals on battery posts and tighten terminal nuts.


At rear battery, install terminal (4) with positive cables on battery post and tighten nut (3).


At front battery, install terminal (2) with battery ground cables on battery post and tighten nut (l).


Spray cable terminals with electrical cleaner and allow to air dry. Then spray terminals with electrical sealer.


Install engine left side panels (page 9-17).


Close radiator grille.


TM 5-3805-262-20

5-9. d.

BATTERIES AND CABLES MAINTENANCE (CONT) Battery Disconnect Switch. This task covers removal, cleaning, inspection, and installation of batteries.


No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Combination box and open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Scratch wire brush MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, Item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, Item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, Item 3) Insulation tape (Appendix C, Item 5) Electrical cleaner (Appendix C, Item 19) Electrical sealer (Appendix C, Item 20) Electrolyte (Appendix C, Item 23) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Radiator grille unlocked and open. REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2)



At rear of battery disconnect switch (1), remove nut (2), lock washer (3), cable (4) and cable (5) from battery disconnect switch.


At rear of battery disconnect switch (1) remove nut (6), lock washer (7), and cable (8) from battery disconnect switch.

Change 2

TM 5-3805-262-20


At wall of battery compartment (9), remove two nuts (10), lock washers (11), washers (12), bolts (13) and bracket (14) from battery compartment.


Remove screw (15), lever (16), nut (17), washer (18), and switch (1) from bracket (14).


Clean cable insulation using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Dry using clean cloth.


Remove corrosion from cable terminals, battery posts, and battery compartment using scratch wire brush. WARNING

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and do not breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and do not smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (3)

Clean all metallic parts using clean moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using cleaning cloths.


Inspect cables for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminals. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, replace cable.


Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, deformation, distortion or stripped threads; replace as necessary.


Install switch (1), washer (18), nut (17), lever (16), and screw (15) on bracket (14).


At wall of battery compartment (9), install bracket (14), two bolts (13), washers (12), lock washers (11) and nuts (10) on battery compartment.


At rear of battery disconnect switch (1), install cable (8), lock washer (7), and nut (6) on battery disconnect switch.


At rear of battery disconnect switch (1), install cable (5), cable (4), and lock washer (3), and nut (2) on battery disconnect switch.


Close and lock radiator grille.

Change 2



a. F r o n t W i r i n g H a r n e s s . harness.

This task covers testing and repair of front wiring

TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Combination box and open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Electrical repair tool kit Multimeter Soldering gun, 25 watts MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Solder (Appendix C, item 16) Electrical cleaner (Appendix C, item 19) Electrical sealer (Appendix C, item 20) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Battery ground cable disconnected (page 5-148). TESTING (SHEET 1 OF 2) NOTE Testing consists of starting the engine and operating all front wiring h a r n e s s c i r c u i t s a s s h o w n i n f i g u r e F O - 3 . The wiring harness is okay if all circuits function normally. If necessary, you may test individual wires for continuity by energizing the corresponding circuit shown in figure FO-3 and checking for voltage using multimeter or test light. To test for shorted or grounded wire, you must disconnect both ends of wire under test as follows. (1) Tag front wiring harness connectors and disconnect as follows:



Unplug block-type connectors from ignition switch, blackout lights wiring harness, and cab lower wiring harness by grasping with fingers and pulling firmly.


Unplug connectors from vehicle lights switch and hydraulic control valve by turning connector nut counterclockwise and pulling firmly.


Unplug connectors from instrument cluster pins (page 5-40).


Disconnect friction-type spade and bullet terminals by grasping terminals with fingers and pulling firmly.


Disconnect lug terminals by loosening and removing attaching nuts or screws.


Remove resistors by grasping fuseholder halves with fingers, pushing together, twisting counterclockwise, and pulling apart.

TM 5-3805-262-20



a. F r o n t W i r i n g H a r n e s s ( c o n t ) . TESTING (SHEET 2 OF 2) (g)

Unplug front wiring harness connector from rear wiring harness connector by pushing connector nut, turning counterclockwise, and pulling firmly.


Identify wire under test using electrical wiring diagram, figure FO-3, connect multimeter between ends of wire, and check multimeter for continuity indication. If multimeter does not indicate continuity, repair wire, connector, or terminal.


Connect multimeter between either end of wire under test and good vehicle ground. Check multimeter for no continuity (open circuit) indication. If multimeter indicates continuity, repair chafed or cut wire insulation.


Identify harness wires adjacent to wire under test. Connect multimeter between either end of wire under test and each adjacent wire. Check multimeter for no continuity (open circuit) indication for each test. If multimeter indicates continuity, repair chafed or cut wire insulation.

REPAIR (SHEET 1 OF 3) NOTE Remove clamps and cut, remove, a n d d i s c a r d t i e s t r a p s a s n e c e s s a r y f o r access to wires in following steps. If necessary, carefully cut outer covering from wiring harness to expose wires. If defective wire is not accessible for repair, or if wiring harness is badly damaged, notify direct support maintenance to replace wiring harness. ( 1 ) R e p a i r c u t o r d e f e c t i v e w i r e b y c u t t i n g l e n g t h o f same gage and color wire. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wires taking care not to cut through wires. Splice ends of new wire to ends of h a r n e s s w i r e u s i n g i n sulated splice connectors. (2) Repair cracked or broken wire insulation by wrapping insulation tape around damaged area of wire. (3) Repair cut or frayed harness outer covering by wrapping insulation tape around damaged area.


TM 5-3805-262-20 REPAIR (SHEET 2 OF 3) (4)

Repair instrument cluster, ignition switch, and block-type connectors as follows:


Remove terminal from connector by prying tab using small screwdriver and pulling terminal from connector as shown. Cut wire as close to terminal as possible.


Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire. Crimp new terminal securely onto wire.


Aline terminal with connector and push into connector until termina 1 tab clicks.


Repair vehicle lights switch and front wiring harness connectors as follows:


Loosen and remove nut from connector shell and slide over wiring harness as shown. Pull grommet with inserts from connector shell.


P u l l i n s e r t w i t h w i r e end from grommet and cut wire as close to insert as possible.


Strip wire insulation to depth of insert solder well, position wire end in solder well of i n s e r t , a n d s o l d e r .


Push insert with wire into grommet. Then aline inserts with holes in connector shell and push grommet with inserts into connector shell until seated.


Slide nut over wiring harness and install on connector shell. 5-169



TM 5-3805-262-20 REPAIR (SHEET 3 OF 3) (6)

Replace friction-type spade and bullet terminals by cutting wire as close to terminal as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new terminal securely onto wire.


Replace fuseholder by cutting wires as close to fuseholder halves as possible, stripping 1/4 inch insulation from ends of wires, and splicing new fuseholder wires to harness wires using insulated crimp connectors.


If removed, i n s t a l l w i r i n g h a r n e s s c l a m p s a n d n e w t i e s t r a p s a t l o c a t i o n s noted during removal.


Spray terminals and contacts with electrical cleaner and allow to air dry.


Connect front wiring harness connectors as follows:


Connect block-type connectors to ignition switch, blackout lights wiring harness, and cab lower wiring harness by alining connector slots with tabs and pushing firmly.


Connect vehicle lights switch and hydraulic control valve connectors by alining, pushing firmly, and turning connector nut clockwise.


Push connectors onto instrument cluster pins as tagged and secure (page 5-46).


Connect friction-type spade and bullet terminals as tagged by grasping both terminals with fingers, alining, and firmly pushing them together.


Connect lug terminals as tagged and install and tighten attaching nuts or screws.


Install resistors in fuseholder halves, aline fuseholder halves, push together, and twist clockwise.


Aline front wiring harness connector with rear wiring harness connector, push firmly, and turn connector nut clockwise.


Spray exposed terminals with electrical s e a l e r .


Connect and tighten battery ground cable (page 5-151).



b. Rear Wiring Harness. harness.

This task covers testing and repair of rear wiring

TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Combination box and open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Electrical repair tool kit Multimeter Soldering gun, 25 watts MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Solder (Appendix C, item 16) Electrical cleaner (Appendix C, item 19) Electrical sealer (Appendix C, item 20) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Battery ground cable disconnected (page 5-148) and engine side panels removed (page 9-14). TESTING (SHEET 1 OF 2) NOTE Testing consists of starting the engine and checking all rear wiring h a r n e s s c i r c u i t s a s s h o w n i n f i g u r e F O - 3 . The wiring harness is okay if all circuits function normally. If necessary, you may test individual wires for continuity by energizing the corresponding circuit shown in figure FO-3 and checking for voltage using multimeter or test light. To t e s t f o r s h o r t e d o r g r o u n d e d w i r e , you must disconnect both ends of wire under test as follows. (1)


Tag rear wiring harness connectors and disconnect as follows:


Disconnect friction-type spade and bullet terminals by grasping terminals with fingers and pulling firmly.


Disconnect lug terminals by loosening and removing attaching nuts or screws.


Remove resistor by grasping fuseholder halves with fingers,.pushing together, twisting counterclockwise, and pulling apart.


Unplug front wiring harness connector from rear wiring harness connector by pushing connector nut, turning counterclockwise, and pulling firmly.

TM 5-3805-262-20


Identify wire under test using electrical wiring diagram, figure FO-3, connect multimeter between ends of wire, and check multimeter for continuity indication. If multimeter does not indicate continuity, repair wire, connector, or terminal.


Connect multimeter between either end of wire under test and good vehicle ground. Check multimeter for no continuity (open circuit) indication. If multimeter indicates continuity, repair chafed or cut wire insulation.


Identify harness wires adjacent to wire under test. Connect multimeter between either end of wire under test and each adjacent wire. Check multimeter for no continuity (open circuit) indication for each test. If multimeter indicates continuity, repair chafed or cut wire insulation. 5-173


b. R e a r W i r i n g H a r n e s s ( c o n t ) . REPAIR (SHEET 1 OF 3) NOTE Remove clamps and cut, remove, a n d d i s c a r d t i e s t r a p s a s n e c e s s a r y f o r access to wires in following steps. If necessary, carefully cut outer covering from wiring harness to expose wires. If defective wire is not accessible for repair, or if wiring harness is badly damaged, notify direct support maintenance to replace wiring harness. (1)

Repair cut or defective wire by cutting length of same gage and color wire. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wires taking care not to cut through wires. Splice ends of new wire to ends of harness wire using insulated splice connectors.


Repair cracked or broken wire i n s u l a t i o n b y w r a p p i n g i n s u l a t i o n t a p e around damaged a r e a o f w i r e .

(3) Repair cut or frayed harness outer covering by wrapping insulation tape around damaged area. (4) Repair rear wiring harness connector as follows:



Loosen and remove nut and washer and pull connector shell from mounting bracket as shown.


Loosen and remove connector nut from connector shell and slide along wiring harness. Pull grommet with inserts from connector shell.

TM 5-3805-262-20 REPAIR (SHEET 2 OF 3) (c)

Pull insert with wire end from grommet and cut wire as close to insert as possible.


Strip wire insulation to depth of insert solder well, position wire end in solder well of insert, and solder.


Push insert with wire into grommet. Then aline inserts with holes in connector shell and push grommet with inserts into connector shell until seated.


Slide connector nut along wiring harness and install on connector shell.


Install connector shell in mounting bracket using washer and nut.

(5) Replace friction-type spade and bullet terminals by cutting wire as close to terminal as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new terminal securely onto wire. (6) Replace fuseholder by cutting wires as close to fuseholder halves as possible, stripping 1/4 inch insulation from ends of wires, and splicing new fuseholder wires to harness wires using insulated crimp connectors. (7) If removed, install wiring harness clamps and new tie straps at locations noted during removal. (8) Spray terminals and contacts with electrical cleaner and allow to air dry.



b. R e a r W i r i n g H a r n e s s ( c o n t ) .


TM 5-3805-262-20 REPAIR (SHEET 3 OF 3) (9) Connect rear wiring harness connectors as follows: (a)

Connect friction-type spade and bullet terminals as tagged by grasping both terminals with fingers, alining, and firmly pushing them together.


Connect lug terminals as tagged and install and tighten attaching nuts or screws.


Install resistor in fuseholder half, aline fuseholder halves, push together, and twist clockwise.


Aline front wiring harness connector with rear wiring harness connector, push firmly, and turn connector nut clockwise.

(10) Spray exposed terminals with electrical sealer. (11) Install engine side panels (page 9-17). (12) Connect and tighten battery ground cable (page 5-151).


TM 5-3805-262-20 5-10. WIRING HARNESS MAINTENANCE (CONT) c. B l a c k o u t L i g h t s W i r i n g H a r n e s s . blackout lights wiring harness.

This task covers testing and repair of

TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Electrical repair tool kit Multimeter MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Electrical cleaner (Appendix C, item 19) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Battery ground cable disconnected (page 5 - 1 4 8 ) .

TESTING (SHEET 1 OF 2) NOTE Testing consists of starting the engine and operating front and rear b l a c k o u t l i g h t s . The wiring harness is okay if blackout lights operate normally. If necessary, you may test individual wires for continuity by energizing the corresponding light circuit shown in figure FO-3 and checking for voltage using multimeter or test light. To test for shorted o r g r o u n d e d w i r e , you must disconnect both ends of wire under test as follows.


TM 5-3805-262-20 TESTING (SHEET 2 OF 2) (1)

In battery compartment, disconnect blackout stop and tail lights terminals from connectors (1) by grasping both with fingers and firmly pulling apart.


At left front fender, unplug harness green wire connector (2) from blackout driving light by grasping with fingers and pulling.


At cab, unplug blackout lights wiring harness connector (3) from front wiring harness connector by grasping both with fingers and firmly pulling apart.


Connect multimeter between ends of wire under test and check multimeter for continuity indication. If multimeter does not indicate continuity, repair wire or connector.


Connect multimeter between either end of wire under test and good vehicle ground. Check multimeter for no continuity (open circuit) indication. If multimeter indicates continuity, repair chafed or cut wire insulation.


Identify harness wires adjacent to wire under test. Connect multimeter between-either end of wire under test and each adjacent wire. Check multimeter for no continuity (open circuit) indication for each test. If multimeter indicates continuity, repair chafed or cut wire insulation.

REPAIR (SHEET 1 OF 3) NOTE Remove clamps (4) and cut, remove, and discard tie straps (5) as necessary for access to wires in following steps. If necessary, carefully cut outer covering from wiring harness (6) to expose wires. If defective wire is not accessible for repair, or if wiring harness is badly damaged, notify direct support maintenance to replace wiring harness. (1) Repair cut or defective wire by cutting length of same gage and color wire. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wires taking care not to cut through wires. Splice ends of new wire to ends of harness wire using insulated splice connectors. (2) Repair cracked or broken wire insulation by wrapping insulation tape around damaged area of wire. (3) Repair cut or frayed harness outer covering by wrapping insulation tape around damaged area.



c. B l a c k o u t L i g h t s W i r i n g H a r n e s s ( c o n t ) . REPAIR (SHEET 2 OF 3) (4) Repair connectors (1 and 2) as follows: (a)

Pull shell from C washer and terminal as shown and slide along wire.


Cut wire as close to terminal as possible, and discard terminal.


Strip wire insulation to depth of new terminal well.


Slide shell over free end of wire, insert wire into terminal well, and crimp securely.


Install C washer over wire at crimped junction.


Slide shell along wire and push over C washer and terminal.

(5) Repair connector (3) as follows:



Remove terminal from connector by prying tab using small screwdriver and pulling terminal from connector as shown. Cut wire as close to terminal as possible.


Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire. Crimp new terminal securely onto wire.


Aline terminal with connector and push into connector until terminal tab clicks.

TM 5-3805-262-20

REPAIR (SHEET 3 OF 3) (6) If removed, install wiring harness clamps (4) and new tie straps (5) at locations noted during removal. (7) Spray terminals and contacts with electrical cleaner and allow to air dry. (8) At cab, connect blackout lights wiring harness connector (3) to front wiring harness connector by grasping both with fingers, alining, and firmly pushing them together. (9) At left front fender, connect harness green wire connector (2) to blackout driving light by grasping with. fingers, alining, and pushing firmly. (10) In battery compartment, connect blackout stop and tail lights terminals to connectors (1) by grasping both with fingers, alining, and firmly pushing them together. Connect harness yellow wires to light wires tagged 24; connect harness pink-white wires to light wires tagged 23. (11) Connect and tighten battery ground cable (page 5-151).



d. Cab Upper Wiring Harness. wiring harness.

This task covers testing and repair of cab upper

TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Electrical repair tool kit Multimeter MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Electrical cleaner (Appendix C, item 19) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Battery ground cable disconnected (page 5-148).


TM 5-3805-262-20 TESTING NOTE Testing consists of operating cab upper wiring harness accessory circuits as shown in figure FO-3. T h e w i r i n g h a r n e s s i s o k a y i f a c c e s s o r i e s operate normally. If necessary, you may test individual wires for continuity by energizing the corresponding accessory circuit shown in figure FO-3 and checking for voltage using multimeter or test light. To test for shorted or grounded wire, you must disconnect both ends of wire under test as follows. (1)

At cab switch panel, tag and disconnect cab upper wiring harness terminals (page 10-48).


A t t o p o f c a b , a t d e f r o s t e r f a n s , tag and disconnect cab upper wiring harness terminals (page 10-62).


Disconnect cab upper wiring harness terminal from dome light (page 10-68).


Tag and disconnect cab upper wiring harness terminals from defogger (page 10-52).


At cab wall, grasp cab console wiring harness connector with fingers, pry open tabs at top and bottom of connector, and firmly pull connector from cab upper wiring harness connector.


If necessary for repair, squeeze tabs at sides of cab upper wiring harness connector and push connector from cab wall.


Connect multimeter between ends of wire under test and check multimeter for continuity indication. If multimeter does not indicate continuity, repair wire or connector.


Connect multimeter between either end of wire under test and good vehicle ground. Check multimeter for no continuity (open circuit) indication. If multimeter indicates continuity, repair chafed or cut wire insulation.


Identify harness wires adjacent to wire under test. Connect multimeter between either end of wire under test and each adjacent wire. Check multimeter for no continuity (open circuit) indication for each test. If multimeter indicates continuity, repair chafed or cut wire insulation.



d. Cab Upper Wiring Harness (cont). REPAIR (SHEET 1 OF 2) NOTE If necessary, carefully cut outer covering from wiring harness to expose wires. If defective wire is not accessible for repair, or if wiring harness is badly damaged, notify direct support maintenance to replace wiring harness. (1)

Repair cut or defective wire by cutting length of same gage and color wire. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wires taking care not to cut through wires. Splice ends of new wire to ends of harness wire using insulated splice connectors.


Repair cracked or broken wire insulation by wrapping insulation tape around damaged area of wire.


Repair cut or frayed harness outer covering by wrapping insulation tape around damaged area.


Replace friction-type terminals by cutting harness wire as close to terminal as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new terminal securely onto wire.


Repair cab upper wiring harness connector as follows:


Remove contact with wire from connector as shown using contact removal tool to depress contact tabs. Cut wire as close to contact as possible.


Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire. Crimp new contact securely onto wire.


Aline contact with connector and push into connector until contact tabs click.

(6) Aline connector with cab wall cut out and push connector into position until side tabs click.


TM 5-3805-262-20

REPAIR (SHEET 2 OF 2) (7) Spray terminals and contacts with electrical cleaner and allow to air dry. ( 8 ) A t c a b s w i t c h p a n e l , connect cab upper wiring harness terminals as tagged (page 10-51). ( 9 ) A t t o p o f c a b , a t d e f r o s t e r f a n s , connect cab upper wiring harness terminals as tagged (page 10-66). (10) Connect cab upper wiring harness terminal to dome light (page 10-69). (11) Connect cab upper wiring harness terminals to defogger as tagged (page 10-57). (12) At cab wall, grasp cab console wiring harness connector with fingers, aline with cab upper wiring harness connector, and firmly push until tabs at top and bottom of connector click. (13) Connect and tighten battery ground cable (page 5-151).



e. Cab Lower Wiring Harness. wiring harness.

This task covers testing and repair of cab lower

TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Electrical repair tool kit Multimeter MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Electrical cleaner (Appendix C, item 19) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Battery ground cable disconnected (page 5-148).


TM 5-3805-262-20 TESTING NOTE Testing consists of operating cab lower wiring harness circuits as shown in figure FO-3. The wiring harness is okay if circuits function normally. If necessary, you may test individual wires for continuity by energizing the corresponding circuit shown in figure FO-3 and checking for voltage using multimeter or test light. To test for shorted or grounded wire, you must disconnect both ends of wire under test as follows. (1)

Beneath cab, unplug front wiring harness connector from cab lower wiring harness connector by grasping both with fingers and pulling firmly apart.


In cab, below cab switch panel, t a g a n d d i s c o n n e c t w i r i n g h a r n e s s t e r m i nals by grasping with fingers and pulling firmly.


Identify wire under test using electrical wiring diagram, figure FO-3, connect multimeter between ends of wire, and check multimeter for continuity indication. If multimeter does not indicate continuity, repair wire, connector, or terminal.


Connect multimeter between either end of wire under test and good vehicle ground. Check multimeter for no continuity (open circuit) indication. If multimeter indicates continuity, repair chafed or cut wire insulation.


Identify harness wires adjacent to wire under test. Connect multimeter between either end of wire under test and each adjacent wire. Check multimeter for no continuity (open circuit) indication for each test. If multimeter indicates continuity, repair chafed or cut wire insulation.



e. Cab Lower Wiring Harness (cont). REPAIR (SHEET 1 OF 2) NOTE Cut, remove, a n d d i s c a r d t i e s t r a p s a s n e c e s s a r y f o r a c c e s s t o w i r e s i n following steps. If necessary, carefully cut outer covering from wiring h a r n e s s t o e x.p o s e w i r e s . I f d e f e c t i v e w i r e i s n o t a c c e s s i b l e f o r r e p a i r . or if wiring harness is badly damaged, notify direct support maintenance t o replace wiring harness.



Repair cut or defective wire by cutting length of same gage and color wire. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wires taking care not to cut through wires. Splice ends of new wire to ends of harness wire using insulated splice connectors.


Repair cracked or broken wire insulation by wrapping insulation tape around damaged area of wire.


Repair cut or frayed harness outer covering by wrapping insulation tape around damaged area.


Replace terminals by cutting wire as close to terminal as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new terminal securely onto wire.


Repair cab lower wiring harness connector as follows:


Remove terminal from connector by prying tab using small screwdriver and pulling terminal from connector as shown. Cut wire as close to terminal as possible.


Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire. Crimp new terminal securely onto wire.


Aline terminal with connector and push into connector until terminal tab clicks.

TM 5-3805-262-20

REPAIR (SHEET 2 OF 2) ( 6 ) I f r e m o v e d , install new tie straps at locations noted during removal. (7) Spray terminals and contacts with electrical cleaner and allow to air dry. (8)

B e n e a t h cab, connect front wiring harness connector to cab lower wiring harness connector by grasping both with fingers, alining, and firmly pushing them together.


I n c a b , below cab switch panel, connect wiring harness terminals as tagged by grasping with fingers, alining, and firmly pushing.

(10) Connect and tighten battery ground cable (page 5-151).



f. Cab Console Wiring Harness. sole wiring harness.

This task covers testing and repair of cab con-

TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Electrical repair tool kit Multimeter MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Electrical cleaner (Appendix C, item 19) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Battery ground cable disconnected (page 5-148).


TM 5-3805-262-20 TESTING NOTE Testing consists of operating cab console wiring harness circuits as shown in figure FO-3. The wiring harness is okay if accessories operate normally. If necessary, you may test individual wires for continuity by energizing the corresponding circuit shown in figure FO-3 and checking for voltage using multimeter or test light. To test for shorted or grounded wire, you must disconnect both ends of wire under test as follows. (1)

At cab switch panel, tag and disconnect cab console wiring harness terminals (page 10-48).


At cab lower w i r i n g h a r n e s s , t a g a n d d i s c o n n e c t t e r m i n a l s b y g r a s p i n g with fingers and firmly pulling apart.


At cab wall, g r a s p c a b c o n s o l e w i r i n g h a r n e s s c o n n e c t o r w i t h f i n g e r s , p r y open tabs at top and bottom of connector, and firmly pull connector from cab upper wiring harness connector.


Connect multimeter between ends of wire under test and check multimeter for continuity indication. If multimeter does not indicate continuity, repair wire or connector.


Connect multimeter between either end of wire under test and good vehicle ground. Check multimeter for no continuity (open circuit) indication. If multimeter indicates continuity, repair chafed or cut wire insulation.


Identify harness wires adjacent to wire under test. Connect multimeter between either end of wire under test and each adjacent wire. Check multimeter for no continuity (open circuit) indication for each test. If multimeter indicates continuity, repair chafed or cut wire insulation.



f. Cab Console Wiring Harness (cont). REPAIR (SHEET 1 OF 2) NOTE Cut, remove, and discard tie straps as necessary for access to wires in f o l l o w i n g s t e p s . If necessary, carefully cut outer covering from wiring harness to expose wires. If defective wire is not accessible for repair, or if wiring harness is badly damaged, notify direct support maintenance to replace wiring harness.



Repair cut or defective wire by cutting length of same gage and color wire. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wires taking care not to cut through wires. Splice ends of new wire to ends of harness wire using insulated splice connectors.


Repair cracked or broken wire insulation by wrapping insulation tape around damaged area of wire.


Repair cut or frayed harness outer covering by wrapping insulation tape around damaged area.


Replace terminals by cutting harness wire as close to terminal as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new terminal securely onto wire.


Repair cab console wiring harness connector as follows:


Remove contact with wire from connector as shown using contact removal t o o l t o d e p r e s s c o n t a c t t a b s . Cut wire as close to contact as possible.


Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire. Crimp new contact securely onto wire.


Aline contact with connector. Push contact into connector until tabs click.

TM 5-3805-262-20


If removed, install new tie straps at locations noted during removal.


Spray terminals and c o n t a c t s w i t h e l e c t r i c a l c l e a n e r a n d a l l o w t o a i r dry.

( 8 ) A t c a b s w i t c h p a n e l , connect c a b c o n s o l e w i r i n g h a r n e s s t e r m i n a l s a s tagged (page 10-51). ( 9 ) A t c a b l o w e r w i r i n g h a r n e s s , connect terminals as tagged by grasping with f i n g e r s , a l i n i n g , a n d f i r m l y pushing them together. (10) At cab wall, grasp cab console wiring harness connector with fingers, aline with cab upper wiring harness connector, and firmly push until tabs at top and bottom of connector click. (11) Connect and tighten battery ground cable (page 5-151). 5-193

(5-194 blank)

TM 5-3805-262-20

CHAPTER 6 POWER TRAIN MAINTENANCE CHAPTER OVERVIEW This chapter contains the information you need to maintain the: * * * *

Transmission Drive Shafts Front Axle Rear Axle

It gives you instructions on how to repair or replace the components that are within the capabilities of organizational maintenance.

Para Transmission Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . 6-1 Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1a Control Valve Linkage . . . . . . . . . . 6-1b Transmission Pump and Oil Filter and Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1c Transmission Cooler Lines . . . . . . 6-1d Oil Sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1e

Para Drive Shafts Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . 6-2 Front Drive Shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2a Center Drive Shaft and Support Bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2b Rear Drive Shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2c Front and Rear Axles Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-3

NOTE In following paragraphs, resources required are not listed unless they apply to the procedure. Personnel required are listed only if the task requires more than one. If PERSONNEL REQUIRED is not listed it means one person can do the task. The normal standard equipment condition to start a maintenance task is loader bucket lowered to ground, engine off, l o a d e r p a r k e d o n a l e v e l s u r f a c e , and parking brake applied. EQUIPMENT CONDITION is not listed unless some other condition is required besides those indicated above.



a. T r a n s m i s s i o n . (1)


This task covers inspection of transmission.

TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine side panels removed (page 9-14). (a) Inspect area around suction strainer for oil leakage. If oil leakage is observed, remove strainer and replace gasket (page 6-6). (b) Inspect area around drain plug for oil leakage. If oil leakage is obs e r v e d , tighten drain plug using open end wrench. (c) Inspect area around front and rear output flanges for oil leakage. If oil leakage is observed, notify direct support maintenance. (d) Inspect for oil leakage between transmission cover plate and housing; if oil leakage is observed , notify direct support maintenance. (e) Inspect for oil leakage between transmission housing and side cover plate (located opposite side of suction strainer). If oil leakage is observed, notify direct support maintenance. (f) Inspect breather for oil leakage. If oil leakage is observed, tighten breather; if breather is dirty or clogged, clean breather (page 6-6). (g) Inspect for oil leakage between control valve mounting surface and transmission housing; if oil leakage is observed, notify direct support maintenance. (h) Inspect for oil leakage between charging pump mounting surface and housing; if oil leakage observed, notify direct support maintenance. (i) Inspect for oil leakage at torque converter mounting surface to transmission housing; if leakage is observed, notify direct support maintenance. (j) Reinstall engine side panels (page 9-17).


TM 5-3805-262-20



a. T r a n s m i s s i o n ( c o n t ) . ( 2 ) S e r v i c i n g . This task covers servicing of transmission. Transmission servicing consists of checking oil level, draining and refilling oil, and replacing transmission oil filter. Check transmission oil level every 50 hours of operation or every week; c h a n g e t r a n s m i s s i o n o i l , c l e a n t r a n s m i s s i o n s u c t i o n s t r a i n e r a n d b r e a t h e r , and install a new oil filter after the first 500 hours of operation and every 500 hours of operation afterwards. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Container, ten gallon capacity MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Transmission o i l ( r e f e r t o c u r r e n t l u b r i c a t i o n o r d e r ) Gasket (FSCM 73342 PN 688702) Filter (FSCM 10988 PN A61234) REFERENCES: LO 5-3805-262-12 NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine side panels removed (page 9-14).

OIL LEVEL CHECK (SHEET 1 OF 2) (a) Unlock transmission dipstick. (b) Start engine and operate at idle speed. If CONV TEMP gage pointer is not in green area, go to step (c) below otherwise go to step (g) below.


TM 5-3805-262-20 OIL LEVEL CHECK (SHEET 2 OF 2) (c)

Apply parking brake and press brake pedal. Move transmission control lever to H position.


Increase engine speed to full throttle and hold for 30 seconds.


Place transmission control lever in N position and operate engine at idle speed for ten seconds.


Repeat steps (c) through (e) above until CONV TEMP gage pointer is in green area of gage.


Remove dipstick by turning clockwise then pulling it up, Check oil level i n d i c a t e d o n d i p s t i c k . I f oil level is below ADD mark, add just enough o i l t o r a i s e o i l l e v e l t o ADD mark on dipstick.


Install dipstick and turn handle counterclockwise to tighten.




l o c k , and engine side panels (page 9-17).



a. T r a n s m i s s i o n ( c o n t ) . (2) Servicing (cont). DRAINING AND REFILLING OIL (SHEET 1 OF 3) (a) Operate engine at idle speed until transmission oil reaches operating temperature as indicated by CONV TEMP gage then turn off engine. (b) Place ten gallon container under transmission drain plug. (c) Using clean cloth, remove dirt and oil from around drain plug. (d) Remove drain plug and drain oil into container; discard oil. (e) Reinstall drain plug; tighten securely.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to c l e a n p a r t s is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (f) Using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent, clean area surrounding suction strainer. (g) Remove six capscrews (1) and lock washers (2). (h) Remove suction strainer (3) and gasket (4); discard gasket. (i) Clean suction strainer screen; dry with clean cloth.


TM 5-3805-262-20 DRAINING AND REFILLING OIL (SHEET 2 OF 3) (j) Using a clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent, remove all traces of gasket (4) material from suction strainer (3) and transmission housing. (k) Install new gasket (4) and suction strainer (3). (l) Install six lock washers (2) and capscrews (1). Tighten capscrews securely.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is with water and get medical aid immediately.

and flammable. well ventilated don’t breathe and donut smoke injury. If you air and medical is made, flush made, wash eyes

(m) Using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680, clean area surrounding breather. (n) Remove breather. (o) Clean and flush breather using cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloth. (p) Inspect breather; replace if clogged. (q) Install breather; tighten securely.



a. T r a n s m i s s i o n ( c o n t ) . (2) Servicing (cont). DRAIING AND REFILLING OIL (SHEET 3 OF 3) (r)

Remove and install new transmission oil filter (page 6-9).


Remove transmission oil level dipstick and add 7.5 gallons of transmission oil; reinstall dipstick.


Start engine and operate at idle speed until transmission oil is at operating temperature as indicated by CONV TEMP gage.


Stop engine. Check for oil leaks at transmission drain plug, suction strainer, breather, and oil filter; tighten as necessary.


Check transmission oil level; add oil as necessary to raise oil level to FULL mark on dipstick.


Install dipstick, lock, and engine side panels (page 9-17).



Stop engine and wait several minutes for oil to drain into transmission housing.


Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don-t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (b) At front right side of rear chassis, clean filter head and filter element using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. ( c ) U s i n g o i l f i l t e r w r e n c h , t u r n f i l t e r counterclockwise to remove; discard filter. (d) Lubricate gasket of new filter using clean hydraulic oil (refer to current lubrication order).

Don't use filter wrench to install filter in following step. To do so may cause an oil leak due to filter being dented or distorted by filter wrench. (e) Install new filter turning it clockwise until gasket contacts filter head. Hand tighten filter an additional 1/2 to 3/4 turn. (f) If necessary, add oil (page 6-4). (g) Start engine and check filter for oil leaks; tighten by hand if necessary. Stop engine. (h) Reinstall engine side panels (page 9-17).



b. Control Valve Linkage. T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , i n stallation, and adjustment of control valve linkage. TOOLS: Automotive Mechanic’s Tool Kit Diagonal cutting pliers Machinist's steel rule No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 1/4 inch drive Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Fixed open end wrench set Screwdriver Lubricating kit Socket head screw key set Retaining ring pliers Sleeve, 1-1/4 inches diameter MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Diesel fuel (refer to current lubrication order) PERSONNEL REQUIRED: Two Construction Equipment Mechanics M0S 62B REFERENCES: LO 5-3805-262-12 NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine right side panels removed (page 9-14).


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 3) (1)

Beneath cab deck, remove nut (1) and lock washer (2).


Pull ball joint (3) from cable lever (9).


I f n e c e s s a r y , loosen nut (5) and remove ball joint (3) by unscrewing it from cable assembly (4).


Support clamp assembly (10) and remove two nuts (7) and lock washers (8).


Remove clamp assembly (10), cable lever (9), washer (11), spring (12), and washer (13) by sliding down off control shaft (23).


Remove lubrication fitting (14).


Remove capscrew (15) and lock washer (16). Remove block assembly (17) with seal (18) and bushing (19) installed as an assembly by sliding down off control shaft (23). NOTE

Don't remove seal (18) or bushing (19) from block assembly (17) unless inspection indicates replacement of these parts is necessary. (8) Inside operator-s compartment, remove two screws (20) and cover (21). (9) Remove steering wheel (page 8-10). (10) If necessary, remove knob (22) from control shaft (23). (11) Remove transmission control shaft (23). (12) Remove thrust bearing (24). NOTE Perform steps (13) through (15) below only if stop (31) or bearing (36) require removal. (13) Remove two capscrews (25) and lock washers (26) while supporting mounting bracket (27). Remove mounting bracket (27) with stop (31) and bearing (36) installed. (14) Remove capscrew (28), nut (29), and lock washer (30). Remove stop (31). (15) Remove two screws (32), nuts (33), lock washers (34), and washers (35); remove bearing (36).



REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 3) (16) Beneath front chassis pivot plate, remove nut (71), lock washer (37), capscrew (38), and washer (39). Remove clamp (40) from cable assembly (4). (17) Remove two nuts (41), lock washers (42), and capscrews (43). Remove clamp (44) and shim (45). (18) At cable bracket (61) mounted to transmission, remove two nuts (46), lock washers (47), and capscrews (48) then remove clamp (49) and shim (50).


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 3 OF 3) (19) Remove cotter pin (51) and clevis pin (52) securing clevis (53) to pivot plate (64). (20) Remove clevis (53) by unscrewing it from cable assembly (4). (21) Remove two cotter pins (54), clevis pins (55), and four washers (56); remove two links (57). ( 2 2 ) I f n e c e s s a r y , remove two capscrews (58), lock washers (59), and washers (60) while supporting cable bracket (61). Remove cable bracket. (23) If necessary, support pivot plate (64) and bellcrank (70), then remove two capscrews (62) and lock washers (63). Remove pivot plate (64), bellcrank (70), and bearings (68) as an assembly from transmission. NOTE Don't remove bellcrank (70) or bearings (68) from pivot plate (64) unless inspection indicates replacement of these parts is necessary. (24) Remove four nuts (65), lock washers (66), and capscrews (67). Remove bellcrank (70) and bearings (68) from pivot plate (64). (25) Pull bearings (68) from shaft of bellcrank (70). Remove retaining ring (69) from bellcrank (70) shaft. CLEANING

Diesel fuel is highly combustible. Do not smoke or allow open flames or s p a r k s i n t o t h e a r e a . Death or severe injury may result if personnel fail to observe this precaution. If you are burned, obtain medical aid immediately. (1) Using clean cloths moistened with clean diesel fuel, clean cable assembly (4) and knob (22); dry with clean cloth.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, e y e s a n d c l o t h e s a n d d o n ’ t b r e a t h e vapors . D o n o t u s e n e a r o p e n f l a m e o r e x c e s s i v e h e a t a n d d o n ’ t s m o k e when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately, If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts-of water. If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes w i t h water and get medical aid immediately. (2)


Using clean cloths moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680 clean remaining parts; dry with clean cloth. 6-13


b. C o n t r o l V a l v e L i n k a g e ( c o n t ) . INSPECTION NOTE Replace all parts determined to be defective in following steps. (1)

Check cable assembly (4) for smooth movement. Check that cable slides smoothly in cable housing.


Inspect cable assembly (4) for kinks and broken wires strands. Check that covering is not cracked, split, cut, or broken. Check that four seals (6) are not cut, cracked, or split. Replace seals if any of these conditions are seen.


Rotate bearings (36 and 68) and check that movement is smooth and not rough or tight. Check that bearings are not chipped.


Inspect spring (12) for cracks or signs of permanent set.


Inspect bushing (19) for scores or nicks. Check seal (18) for damage. If seal or bushing requires replacement, use a 1-1/4 inches diameter sleeve and press from block assembly (17). To reinstall, press bushing and seal into block assembly using 1-1/4 inches diameter sleeve. Refer to illustration below for positioning of bushing and seal.


Inspect retaining ring (69) for deformation, breaks or cracks.


Inspect remaining parts for cracks, bent condition, and crossed or damaged threads.

INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 4) ( 1 ) I n s t a l l r e t a i n i n g ring (69) and position two bearings (68) on bellcrank (70) shaft. Position bellcrank (70) with bearings (68) installed on pivot plate (64). Secure bearings using four capscrews (67), lock washers (66), and nuts (65). (2) Position assembled bellcrank (70) and pivot plate (64) on side of transmission and secure bellcrank using two lock washers (63) and capscrews (62). 6-14

TM 5-3805-262-20

INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 4) (3) Position cable bracket (61) on rear of transmission; secure using two washers (60), lock washers (59), and capscrews (58). (4)

Position two links (57) on transmission shifting spool and pivot plate (64); secure using four washers (56), two clevis pins (55) and cotter pins (54). Bend cotter pins over.


Install clevis (53) on cable assembly (4); thread clevis completely on cable assembly shaft then tighten nut (5) against clevis.


Route cable assembly (4) between pivot plate (64) and lever (9). Position clevis (53) on pivot plate and secure using clevis pin (52) and cotter pin (51). Don’t bend cotter pin until after adjustment procedure is performed.


Position shim (50) and clamp (49) on cable assembly (4) then position these parts on cable bracket (61); secure using two capscrews (48), lock washers (47), and nuts (46).


Position shim (45) and clamp (44) on cable assembly (4) and position these parts on welded bracket located beneath cab deck near steering gear; secure using two capscrews (43), lock washers (42), and nuts (41).


Install clamp (40) on cable assembly (4) and position on welded bracket located beneath front chassis pivot plate; secure using washer (39), capscrew (38), lock washer (37), and nut (71).



b. C o n t r o l V a l v e L i n k a g e ( c o n t ) .




If necessary, locate bearing (36) on mounting bracket (27) and secure using two screws (32), washers (35), lock washers (34), and nuts (33). Position stop (31) on mounting bracket and secure with capscrew (28), lock washer (30), and nut (29).


Inside cab, position mounting bracket with assembled parts and secure using two lock washers (26) and capscrews (25).


Position thrust bearing (24) on control shaft (23) then install control shaft through bearing (36) mounted on mounting bracket (27). Check that notch located on control shaft is centered on stop (31).


Install knob (22) on control shaft (23).


Position cover (21) and secure with two screws (20).

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 4 OF 4) NOTE Be careful when performing following step not to damage seal (18) located on block assembly (17). (15)

Beneath cab deck, install block assembly (17) on control shaft (23) by carefully inserting shaft through seal (18) and moving block up onto shaft and into position on welded bracket. Be careful not to damage seal (18) when performing this procedure.


Secure block assembly (17) using lock washer (16) and capscrew (15).


Install lubrication fitting (14) in side of block assembly (17).


Install washer (13), spring (12), washer (11), and clamp assembly (10) on control shaft (23) then install lever (9) on clamp assembly; support clamp assembly and lever.


Install two lock washers (8) and nuts (7). Compress spring (12) to length of 1.4 to 1.6 inches. Tighten nuts (7) evenly.


Install nut (5), if removed, on cable assembly (4). Thread completely onto cable shaft.


If removed, i n s t a l l b a l l j o i n t ( 3 ) o n c a b l e ( 4 ) .


Position ball joint (3) in cable lever (9); secure with lock washer (2) and nut (l).


Lubricate lubrication fitting (14) (refer to current lubrication order).


Adjust control valve linkage (page 6-18).



b. C o n t r o l V a l v e L i n k a g e ( c o n t ) . ADJUSTMENT (SHEET 1 OF 3)



Beneath cab deck, remove nut (1) and lock washer (2); disconnect ball joint (3) from lever (4).


If a new cable assembly (5) has been installed, turn nut (6) and ball joint (3) on to threaded shaft of cable assembly as far as possible and tighten nut (6) against ball joint; if cable assembly (5) is used, turn nut (6) and ball joint (3) to midpoint of threaded shaft of cable assembly (5) and tighten nut (6) against ball joint.


Install ball joint (3) in lever (4) and secure with lock washer (2) and nut (l).


At transmission control valve, remove cotter pin (7) and clevis pin (8).

TM 5-3805-262-20 ADJUSTMENT (SHEET 2 OF 3) (5)

Using pivot plate (9), push shifting spool all the way into control valve.


Loosen nut (10) on clevis (11) end of cable assembly (12).


Grasp clevis (11) and pull cable all the way out of cable assembly (12) until cable stops moving.


Turn clevis (11) as required until holes in clevis are aligned with corresponding hole in pivot plate (9) without moving pivot plate.


Turn clevis (11) one. complete turn counterclockwise.


Connect clevis (11) to pivot plate (9) with clevis pin (8). Don't install cotter pin (7) now.


Move control shaft to N (neutral) position.


Move control shaft to R (reverse) position. If control shaft moves out of R (reverse) position, detent is not holding shifting spool in place. Remove clevis pin (8). Turn clevis (11) one complete turn counterclockwise; reinstall clevis pin (8).


Repeat step (12) above until control shaft remains in R (reverse) position.


Install cotter pin (7), bend it over and tighten nut (10).


Move control shaft to N (neutral) position.



b. C o n t r o l V a l v e L i n k a g e ( c o n t ) . ADJUSTMENT (SHEET 3 OF 3)



Check to verify that notch on control shaft skirt is centered on stop. If notch is not centered, loosen two nuts (13) on clamp assembly (14) and support clamp assembly. H a v e a s s i s t a n t t u r n control shaft until notch is centered on stop. Adjust clamp assembly (14) so that spring (15) is compressed to a length of 1.4 to 1.6 inches; tighten two nuts (13) securely.


Reinstall engine left side panels (page 9-17).


c. Transmission Pump and Oil Filter and Lines. (1) Transmission Pump.

This task covers inspection of transmission pump.

MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine right side panels removed (page 9-14).

INSPECTION (a) Check for oil leakage between hydraulic pump and transmission pump mounting surfaces. If oil leakage observed, notify direct support maintenance. (b) Check for oil leakage between transmission pump and pump cover mounting surfaces. If oil leakage observed, notify direct support maintenance. (c) Check for oil leakage between pump cover and transmission mounting surfaces; if oil leakage is observed, notify direct support maintenance. (d) Reinstall engine right side panels (page 9-17).



c. Transmission Pump and Oil Filter and Lines (cont). (2) Oil Filter and Lines. This task covers removal, cleaning, inspection, and installation of oil filter and lines. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine right side panels removed (page 9-14) and transmission oil filter removed (page 6-9). REMOVAL (a)

A t r i g h t s i d e o f v e h i c l e , tag return tube (3) then loosen and disconnect two compression nuts (2) and remove return tube (3) from loader.


Remove two adapters (4) and 0-rings (5).


Tag supply tube (7) then loosen and disconnect two compression nuts (6); remove supply tube (7) from vehicle.


Remove adapter (8) and 0-ring (9) from transmission.


At filter head (15), remove elbow (10) and 0-ring (11).


Support filter head (15) and remove four capscrews (12), lock washers (13), and washers (14); remove filter head (15) and spacer (16).


Support mounting bracket (19). Remove two capscrews (17) and lock washers (18); remove mounting bracket (19).


Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is with water and get medical aid immediately.

and flammable. well ventilated don’t breathe and don’t smoke injury. If you air and medical is made, flush made, wash eyes

(a) Clean all parts using clean cloths moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.


TM 5-3805-262-20



c. Transmission Pump and Oil Filter and Lines (cont) . (2) Oil Filter and Lines (cont). CLEANING (SHEET 2 OF 2)

Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc). Failure to do so could cause serious i n j u r y t o e y e s a n d p o s s i b l e b l i n d n e s s . If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately. (b) Flush inside of supply and return tubes (3 and 7) with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using compressed air. INSPECTION NOTE In following steps, replace parts determined to be defective. (a) Inspect return tube (3) and supply tube (7) for kinks, dents, or cracks. Check compression nuts (2 and 6) for crossed or damaged threads. (b) Inspect O-rings (5, 9, and 11) for cracks, loss of elasticity, or deformation. (c) Inspect adapters (4 and 8) and elbow (10) for cracks, deformation, or damaged or stripped threads. (d) Inspect filter head (15) for cracks or stripped or damaged threads. (e) Inspect remaining parts for cracks, bent condition, or damaged or stripped threads. INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 2) (a) Position mounting bracket (19) on transmission; secure using two lock washers (18) and capscrews (17); tighten securely. (b) Position spacer (16) and filter head (15) on mounting bracket (19); secure using four washers (14), lock washers (13) and capscrews (12). (c) Install O-ring (11) and elbow (10) in filter head (15). (d) Install O-ring (9) and adapter (8) in transmission port. (e) Route supply tube (7) between adapter (8) and elbow (10) and connect and tighten two compression nuts (6) securely.


TM 5-3805-262-20

INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (f) Install two 0-rings (5) and adapters (4); tighten securely. (g) Route return tube (3) between adapters (4) and connect and tighten two compression nuts (2) securely. (h) Install oil filter (1) and check transmission oil (page 6-4). 6-25


d. T r a n s m i s s i o n C o o l e r L i n e s . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , and installation of transmission cooler lines located between transmission and radiator. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Pipe wrench Fixed open end wrench set Container, two gallon capacity Container, one quart capacity MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Lubricating oil (Appendix C, item 15) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine right side panels removed (page 9-14).


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (1)

Place one quart container under elbow (6) to catch any oil that may drain from hose (5) when disconnected from elbow.


Loosen elbow (6) just enough to enable removal of sampling valve (1), then remove sampling valve (l), pipe nipple (2), and plate (3).


Tag hose (5) then loosen nut (4) and disconnect hose (5) from elbow (6).


Remove elbow (6) and 0-ring (7).


Tag hose (9) then loosen nut (8) and disconnect hose (9) from connector (10).


Remove connector (10) and 0-ring (11).


At rear of vehicle, position two gallon container under radiator to catch any oil that may drain from hoses (5 and 9) when disconnected.


At bottom of radiator, loosen nut (12) then disconnect and remove hose (5) from vehicle.


Remove elbow (13).


Loosen nut (14) then disconnect and remove hose (9) from vehicle. Remove elbow (15).


Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc). Failure to do so could cause serious i n j u r y t o e y e s a n d p o s s i b l e b l i n d n e s s . If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately. (1) Clean and flush interior of hoses (5 and 9) using clean hydraulic oil and compressed air. Dry exterior of hoses with clean cloth.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe v a p o r s , Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. I f c o n t a c t w i t h s k i n o r c l o t h e s i s m a d e , f l u s h w i t h large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes w i t h water and get medical aid immediately. (2)

Using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680, clean remaining parts; dry using clean cloth. 6-27


d. T r a n s m i s s i o n C o o l e r L i n e s ( c o n t ) .


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSPECTION NOTE Replace all parts determined to be defective in following steps. (1) Inspect hoses (5 and 9) for cracks, breaks, or deterioration. Check that n u t s ( 4 , 8 , 1 2 , a n d 1 4 ) a r e not damaged or deformed. (2) Inspect sampling valve (1) for cracks, breaks, missing cap or chain, damaged or stripped threads, and hard action when valve is depressed. (3) Inspect 0-rings (7 and 11) for cracks, loss of elasticity, or deformation. (4) Inspect remaining parts for cracks, deformation, and damaged or stripped threads. INSTALLATION (1)

At rear of vehicle, beneath radiator, install elbows (15 and 13).


Route hose (9) between elbow (15) and transmission port in which connector (10) will be installed. Connect hose (9) to elbow (15) and tighten nut (14) securely.


Route hose (5) between elbow (13) and transmission port in which elbow (6) will be installed. Connect hose (5) to elbow (13) and tighten nut (12) securely.


At side of transmission, install 0-ring (11) and connector (10) in transmission port.


Connect hose (9) to connector (10) and tighten nut (8) securely.


Install 0-ring (7) and elbow (6) in transmission port; position elbow to enable installation of plate (3), pipe nipple (2), and sampling valve (1).


Position plate (3) on elbow (6) then install pipe nipple (2) and sampling v a l v e ( l ) . T i g h t e n a l l p a r t s ‘ s e c u r e l y . Connect hose (5) to elbow (6) and tighten nut (4) securely.


Start engine and check transmission oil level (page 6-4); add oil as necessary.


Reinstall engine right side panels (page 9-17).



e. Oil Sampling (SHEET 1 OF 2). This task covers taking a sample of transmission oil which is then sent to a laboratory for analysis. This analysis determines how many wear particles are contained in the transmission oil and thus extent of wear of internal transmission parts. NOTE Obtain clean oil sample bottle and a copy of DD Form 2026 (Oil Analysis Request) in accordance with local procedure. MATERIALS/PARTS: Transmission oil (refer to current lubrication order) Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) One pint container Clean oil sample bottle REFERENCES: LO 5-3805-262-12 NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine left side panels removed (page 9-14) and transmission oil dipstick lock unlocked and removed.



Start engine and operate at idle speed. If CONV TEMP gage pointer is not in green area, go to step (2) below otherwise go to step (6) below.


Press brake pedal. Move transmission control lever to H position.


Increase engine speed to full throttle and hold for 30 seconds.


Place transmission control lever in N position and operate engine at idle speed for ten seconds.


Repeat steps (2) through (4) until CONV TEMP gage pointer is in green area of gage.


Unscrew cap from oil sampling valve.

TM 5-3805-262-20 SHEET 2 OF 2

Before performing the following steps, be sure that transport/service l i n k i s e n g a g e d . Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death due to chassis pivoting and crushing you when you are working in area between front and rear chassis. (7)

Place one pint container under oil sampling valve then depress oil sampling valve pushbutton and drain approximately one pint of oil into container. Release oil sampling valve pushbutton and remove one pint container.


Open clean oil sample bottle (place bottle cap on clean surface with edges up) and position under oil sampling valve.


Depress oil sampling valve pushbutton and fill oil sample bottle to w i t h i n 1 / 2 i n c h o f t o p . Release pushbutton and remove oil sample bottle.


Reinstall oil sampling valve cap and tighten securely.


Reinstall oil sample bottle cap and tighten. Wipe oil from exterior of bottle using clean cloths.


Place oil sample bottle in plastic bag.


Check transmission oil level. If oil level is not between FULL and ADD marks on dipstick, add oil until oil level just reaches FULL mark.


Turn engine off.


Reinstall transmission oil dipstick lock and left side panels (page 9-17).

Be sure transport/service link is disengaged before driving vehicle. F a i l u r e t o d o s o c o u l d c a u s e s e r i o u s i n j u r y o r d e a t h d u e t o l0 S S o f steering control. (16) Fill out DD Form 2026, then place plastic bag containing oil sample bottle and completed DD Form 2026 in shipping sack. (17) Ship oil sample and completed DD Form 2026 on same day as sample taken; ship according to local procedures. N O T E Special oil samples will be clearly marked “SPECIAL� and banded with red tape for easy identification at analysis laboratory.



a. F r o n t D r i v e S h a f t . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s s e r v i c i n g , r e m o v a l , a n d i n s t a l l a t i o n o f front drive shaft. (1) Servicing (SHEET 1 OF 2). TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Lubricating kit MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Grease (refer to current lubrication order) REFERENCES: LO 5-3805-262-12 NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Front of vehicle turned right or left for access to center drive shaft and support bearing.

( a ) U s i n g c l e a n c l o t h , remove dirt and grease from support bearing lubrication fitting.

Don’t use a high pressure grease gun to apply lubricant to lubrication fitting. Use of a high pressure grease gun will cause seals to rupture. (b) Using grease gun, lubricate support bearing lubrication fitting until grease just oozes out of support bearing (refer to current lubrication order).


TM 5-3805-262-20 SHEET 2 OF 2 (c)

Using clean cloth, remove dirt and grease from lubrication f i t t i n g o n front drive shaft universal joint.

Don’t u s e a h i g h p r e s s u r e g r e a s e g u n t o a p p l y l u b r i c a n t t o f r o n t d r i v e s h a f t lubrication fitting. Use of a high pressure grease gun will cause seals to rupture. (d)

Lubricate lubrication fitting on front drive shaft universal joint until grease oozes out of fitting.



a. F r o n t D r i v e S h a f t ( c o n t ) . (2) Replacement. TOOLS: Automotive Mechanic's Tool Kit Diagonal cutting pliers Socket wrench set, 1/2 inch drive No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket head screw key set Lubricating kit Torque wrench, 3/4 inch drive Mechanical puller kit Drop light No, 2 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench adapter, 1/2 inch male to 3/4 inch female Marking pen MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Antiseize compound (Appendix C, item 6) Penetrating oil (Appendix C, item 7) Grease (refer to current lubrication order) Cotter pin (FSCM 10988 PN 132-59) PERSONNEL REQUIRED: Two Construction Equipment Mechanics M0S 62B REFERENCES: LO 5-3805-262-12 NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Front of vehicle turned right or left for access to center drive shaft. Center drive shaft disconnected from yoke mounted at support bearing (page 6-41). REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2) (a) Disconnect center drive shaft from yoke (4) (page 6-41). (b) Using diagonal cutting pliers, remove and discard cotter pin (l). (c) While an assistant depresses brake pedal, loosen and remove nut (2) and washer (3). Tell assistant to release brake pedal. ( d ) U s i n g s u i t a b l e m a r k e r , match-mark front drive shaft (10) and yoke (4).


TM 5-3805-262-20


Remove yoke (4) using puller if necessary.


At support bearing, loosen setscrews (5 and 6).


Remove any paint or rust from front drive shaft at rear of support bearing; this will enable easier removal of front drive shaft. Apply penetrating oil to support bearing inner race and front drive shaft to loosen any rust between these parts.


Remove four socket head screws (7) and lock washers (8).


Disengage front drive shaft (10) universal joint from front axle yoke and move front drive shaft to rear.


Move front drive shaft (10) to right or left and remove it from support bearing and vehicle.



a. F r o n t Drive Shaft (cont). (2) Replacement (cont).


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors . D o n o t u s e n e a r o p e n f l a m e o r e x c e s s i v e h e a t a n d d o n ’ t s m o k e when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. I f c o n t a c t w i t h s k i n o r c l o t h e s i s m a d e , f l u s h w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (a) Using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680, clean mounting surfaces of front drive shaft (10) universal joint, front axle yoke, yoke (4), a n d c e n t e r d r i v e s h a f t u n i v e r s a l j o i n t . (b) Apply antiseize compound to machined surface of front drive shaft (10) and install front drive shaft in support bearing. (c) Position and aline front drive shaft (10) universal joint against front axle yoke. (d) Install four lock washers (8) and socket head screws (7); using torque wrench, tighten socket head screws (7) to 63-83 lb-ft. (e) Tighten setscrews (5 and 6) securely. ( f ) P o s i t i o n y o k e ( 4 ) s o t h a t m a t c h - m a r k s on yoke (4) and front drive shaft (10) are in alinement. (g) Install washer (3). (h) Install nut (2). Tighten with torque wrench to 200 lb-ft; continue tightening until cotter pin hole in nut is alined with hole in front drive shaft (10). (i) Install new cotter pin (1) and bend it over. (j) Reinstall center drive shaft (page 6-42). (k) Service front drive shaft (page 6-32).

Be sure transport/service link is disengaged before driving vehicle. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death due to loss of steering control.



b. Center Drive Shaft and Support Bearing. T h i s t a s k c o v e r s s e r v i c i n g , r e m o v a l , and installation of center drive shaft and support bearing. (1) Servicing (SHEET 1 OF 2). TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Lubricating kit MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Grease (refer to current lubrication order) REFERENCES: LO 5-3805-262-12 NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Loader parked on level surface and positioned straight.

Before performing the following steps, be sure that transport/service l i n k i s e n g a g e d . Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death due to chassis pivoting and crushing you when you are working in area between front and rear chassis. ( a ) U s i n g c l e a n c l o t h , remove dirt and grease from four lubrication fittings.


TM 5-3805-262-20 SHEET 2 OF 2

Don’t use a high pressure grease gun to apply lubricant to center drive shaft universal joints lubrication fitting. Use of a high pressure grease gun will cause seals to rupture. (b) Using grease gun, lubricate center drive shaft universal joints lubrication fitting until grease oozes from fitting. (c) Using grease gun, lubricate drive shaft lubrication fitting located at transmission yoke end and approximate center of drive shaft.

Be sure transport/service link is disengaged before driving vehicle. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death due to loss of steering control.



b. Center Drive Shaft and Support Bearing (cont). (2) Replacement. TOOLS: Automotive Mechanic’s Tool Kit Pry bar Cold chisel Socket wrench set, 1/2 inch drive No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Hand hammer, 16 ounces Lubricating kit Torque wrench, 1/2 inch drive MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Penetrating oil (Appendix C, item 7) Grease (refer to current lubrication order) REFERENCES: LO

5-3805-262-12 NOTE

PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Front of vehicle turned right or left for access to center drive shaft.


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL CENTER DRIVE SHAFT (a) Loosen cap located on center drive shaft (5). If necessary, use penetrating oil to dissolve rust holding cap in position. (b) Remove four capscrews (1) and lock washers (2). (c) If necessary, use pry bar to gently separate center drive shaft (5) universal joint from front drive shaft yoke. (d) Support center drive shaft (5) and remove four capscrews (3) and lock washers (4). Push halves of center drive shaft together and remove center drive shaft from vehicle. SUPPORT BEARING (a) Perform steps (a) through (g) of front drive shaft removal (page 6-34). (b) Remove four capscrews (7) , n u t s ( 8 ) , a n d l o c k w a s h e r s ( 9 ) s e c u r i n g support bearing (10) to chassis. (c) Using a hammer and chisel, loosen inner race of support bearing from drive shaft as shown below.

(d) Remove support bearing (10) from front drive shaft and vehicle.



b. Center Drive S h a f t a n d Support Bea r i n g ( c o n t ) . (2) Replacement (cont).

INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 2) SUPPORT BEARING (a) Position support bearing (10) on front drive shaft. (b) Install four capscrews (7), lock washers (9), and nuts (8). Tighten nuts (8) to 100-200 lb-ft. (c) Tighten two setscrews in support bearing (page 6-37). (d) Perform steps (e) through (i) of front drive shaft installation (page 6-37) above. (e) Position center drive shaft (5) universal joint on front drive shaft yoke; secure using four capscrews (1) and lock washers (2). Tighten capscrews to 63-83 lb-ft. (f) Tighten cap on center drive shaft (5).



Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don't breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don't smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (a)

Using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680, clean center drive shaft (5) universal joints mounting surface and mating surface on front drive shaft and transmission yokes.


Loosen cap on center drive shaft (5) and push ends of center drive shaft together.


Position center drive shaft (5) tube end (tube end: end on which cap screws onto) universal joint on transmission yoke and install four lock washers (4) and capscrews (3). T i g h t e n c a p s c r e w s t o 6 3 - 8 3 l b - f t .


Extend center drive shaft (5) by pulling shaft out from tube end. Then, position universal joint mounted on shaft end of drive shaft (5) on front drive shaft yoke and install four lock washers (2) and capscrews (1). Tighten capscrews to 63-83 lb-ft.


Tighten cap on center drive shaft (5).


Service center drive shaft (page 6-38).

Be sure transport/service link is disengaged before driving vehicle. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death due to loss of steering control.



c. R e a r D r i v e S h a f t . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s s e r v i c i n g , r e m o v a l , a n d i n s t a l l a t i o n o f rear drive shaft. (1) Servicing. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Lubricating kit MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Grease (refer to current lubrication order) REFERENCES: LO 5-3805-262-12

Before performing the following steps, be sure that transport/ serv-ice link is engaged. F a i l u r e t o do so could cause serious injury or death due to chassis pivoting and crushing you when you are working in area between front and rear chassis.

( a ) U s i n g c l e a n c l o t h , remove dirt and grease from t h r e e fittings.


Don’t use a high pressure grease gun to apply lubricant to universal joint lubrication fittings. Use of a high pressure grease gun will cause seals to rupture. (b) Using grease gun, lubricate lubrication fittings until grease just oozes from fitting.

Be sure transport/service link is disengaged before driving vehicle. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death due to loss of steering control.



c. R e a r D r i v e S h a f t ( c o n t ) . (2) Replacement. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Lubricating kit Torque wrench, 1/2 inch drive Automotive Mechanic’s Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 1/2 inch drive MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Grease (refer to current lubrication order) REFERENCES: LO 5-3805-262-12


Before performing the following steps, be sure that transport/service link is engaged. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death due to chassis pivoting and crushing you when you are working in area between front and rear chassis. (a) Loosen cap on rear drive shaft (5). (b) Remove four capscrews (1) and lock washers (2). (c) Remove four capscrews (3) and lock washers (4). (d) push halves of rear drive shaft (5) together and remove rear drive shaft from vehicle. Change 1



c. R e a r D r i v e S h a f t ( c o n t ) . (2) Replacement (cont).


Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is with water and get medical aid immediately.

and flammable. well ventilated don’t breathe and don’t smoke injury. If you air and medical is made, flush made, wash eyes

(a) Using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680, clean rear drive shaft (5) universal joints mounting surfaces and mating surfaces of transmission and rear axle yokes. (b) Loosen cap on rear drive shaft (5) and push halves of drive shaft together.


Change 1

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (c) Position rear drive shaft so that sliding yoke is near front of vehicle. Then, position universal joint on transmission yoke and install four lock washers (2) and capscrews (1) finger tight. (d) Pull halves of rear drive shaft (5) apart and position universal joint on rear axle yoke and install four lock washers (4) and capscrews (3). (e) Tighten eight capscrews (1 and 3) to 63-83 lb-ft. (f) Service rear drive shaft (page 6-44).

Be sure transport/service link is disengaged before driving vehicle. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death due to loss of steering control.



This task covers servicing of front and rear axles consisting of draining and refilling oil in planetary ends and differential carrier and cleaning axle breather. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Hand-operated hydraulic jack Socket head screw key set Container, seven gallon capacity Container, four quart capacity MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Gear lubricant (refer to current lubrication order) REFERENCES: LO 5-3805-262-12 OIL LEVEL CHECK (SHEET 1 OF 2) NOTE Check oil level after every 250 hours of operation or every month, whichever occurs first.

Before raising vehicle from ground, be sure t h a t t r a n s p o r t / s e r v i c e l i n k i s i n s t a l l e d . Failure to do so may cause vehicle to turn and slip off jacks or jack stands causing serious injury or death. If you are injured by falling equipment, obtain medical aid immediately. a.

Park loader on level surface and apply parking brake.


At front of axles on differential carrier bowl, clean area around oil level/fill plug using a clean cloth.


Remove differential carrier oil level/fill plug. Check that oil level is just below plug hole. If necessary, add oil (refer to current lubrication order). Reinstall oil level/fill plug.


If necessary, use a jack and raise wheel off ground. Rotate wheel until drain/fill plug on planetary wheel end is at nine o'clock position then lower wheel to ground.


TM 5-3805-262-20 OIL LEVEL CHECK (SHEET 2 OF 2) e.

Using clean cloth, clean area around planetary wheel end drain/fill plug.


Remove drain/fill plug and check that oil is level with bottom of drain/fill plug hole, Add oil as necessary.


Reinstall drain/fill plug; tighten securely.


Repeat steps d through g above for opposite planetary wheel end.

Be sure transport/service link is disengaged before driving vehicle. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death due to loss of steering control. DRAINING AND REFILLINAG OIL (SHEET 1 OF 2) NOTE Change oil in front and rear axles after every 1000 hours of operation. a.

Drive loader for ten minutes to warm oil then park on level surface, turn off engine, and apply parking brake.


Place a seven gallon container under axle differential carrier bowl oil drain plug to drain oil into. Clean area around oil drain plug and oil level/fill plug using a clean cloth.


Remove oil drain plug from bottom of axle differential carrier bowl and drain oil into container. Discard drained oil.


Reinstall oil drain plug in bottom of axle differential carrier bowl and tighten.


Remove axle differential carrier oil level/fill plug. Fill front differential carrier with 26 quarts of oil (refer to current lubrication order) or until oil level is just below oil level/fill plug hole opening. Fill rear differential carrier with 20 quarts of oil (refer to current lubrication order) or until oil level is just below oil level/fill plug hole opening.




Before raising vehicle from ground, be sure t h a t t r a n s p o r t / s e r v i c e l i n k i s i n s t a l l e d . Failure to do so may cause vehicle to turn and slip off jacks or jack stands causing serious injury or death. If you are injured by falling equipment, obtain medical aid immediately. f.

If necessary, use wheel off ground. drain/fill plug on is at six o-clock wheel to ground.

a jack and raise Rotate wheel until planetary wheel end position then lower


Using clean cloth , clean area around planetary wheel end drain/fill plug.


Loosen planetary wheel end drain/fill plug. Hold a four quart container just beneath drain/fill plug to drain oil into then remove drain/fill plug and allow oil to drain from wheel end.


Use a jack and raise wheel off ground. R o t a t e w h e e l u n t i l d r a i n / f i l l p l u g o n planetary wheel end is at nine o’clock position then lower wheel to ground.


Fill planetary wheel end with 3-1/2 quarts of oil (refer to current lubrication order) or until oil level is just below drain/fill plug hole. Reinstall drain/fill plug and tighten securely.


Repeat steps f through j above for opposite planetary wheel end.

Be sure transport/service link is disengaged before driving vehicle. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death due to loss of steering control. l.

Drive loader for ten minutes to warm axle oil.


Park vehicle on level surface, stop engine, and apply parking brake.


Check all axle drain plugs for oil leakage. If leakage is observed, tighten drain plugs.


TM 5-3805-262-20

BREATHER SERVICE NOTE Service breathers every 1000 hours. Front axle breather is located inside hydraulic access door alongside hinge. Rear axle breather is located on left hood post inside engine compartment. a.

Remove engine left side panels (page 9-14) or open hydraulic reservoir access door dependent on which axle breather is to be serviced.


Using clean cloth , remove dirt and oil from area around breather.


Remove breather by unscrewing it from hose adapter.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don't breathe v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. d.

Clean and flush breather using cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry with clean cloth.


Inspect breather for dented or clogged condition. Replace as necessary.

f .



Install engine left side panels (page 9-17) or close and lock hydraulic reservoir access door.





(6-52 blank)

TM 5-3805-262-20

CHAPTER 7 BRAKE SYSTEM MAINTENANCE CHAPTER OVERVIEW This chapter contains the information you'll need to maintain the: Parking Brake Service Brake System * Air Brake System It gives you information on how to repair or replace the components that comprise the brake system which are within the scope of organizational maintenance.

Para Parking Brake Maintenance . . . . . . . . . 7-1 Parking Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1a Parking Brake Chamber . . . . . . . . . . 7-1b Parking Brake Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1c Parking Brake Linkage . . . . . . . . . . 7-1d Service Brake System Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2 Disk Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2a Hydraulic Reservoir . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2b Calipers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2c Hoses, Lines, and Fittings . . . . . 7-2d

Para Air Brake System Maintenance . . . . . . 7-3 Brake Actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3a Service Brake Treadle and Valve and Declutch Treadle and Valve . . . 7-3b Air Reservoir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3c Pressure Protection Valve . . . . . . 7-3d Double Check Valve and Stop Light Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3e Hoses, Lines, and Fittings . . . . . 7-3f Air Compressor Assembly . . .. . . 7-3g Air Compressor Lines . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3h Alcohol Evaporator . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3i

NOTE In following paragraphs, resources required are not listed unless they apply to the procedure. Personnel required are listed only if the task requires more than one. If PERSONNEL REQUIRED is not listed it means one person can do the task. The normal standard equipment condition to start a maintenance task is loader bucket lowered to ground, engine off, loader parked on a level surface, and parking brake applied. EQUIPMENT CONDITION is not listed unless some other condition is required besides those indicated above.



a. P a r k i n g B r a k e . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n a n d r e p a i r , a n d installation of parking brake. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Brake repair pliers D r i l l , 1/2 inch capacity Drill bit, 9/64 inch diameter Torque wrench, 1/2 inch drive Torque wrench, 3 / 4 i n c h d r i v e Automotive Mechanic’s Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 1/2 inch drive No. 2 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench adapter, 1/2 inch male to 3/4 inch female Chocks, two Capscrews, two, 7/16-20NF by 1 inch long Flange holding tool Drive pin punch, 1/8 inch point c-clamps, two Riveting set MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Brake lining kit (FSCM 78500 PN 2000L246) Lock nut (FSCM 73342 PN 9416389) 0-ring (FSCM 73342 PN 6880101) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Parking brake released, wheels blocked, center d r i v e s h a f t r e m o v e d ( p a g e 6 - 4 0 ) , transmission oil drained (page 6-6), and parking brake link disconnected from brake shoe lever (page 7-8). REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2)

Brake linings contain asbestos fibers. Do not create dust when working on brake system. Do not remove dust or dirt using compressed air. Serious bodily harm may result from breathing asbestos dust. (1)

Install flange holding tool on flange (6) as shown using two 7/16-20NF by 1 inch long capscrews.

(2) Remove and discard locknut (1).


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2)


Remove two 7/16-20NF capscrews and flange holding tool.


Remove washer (2) and 0-ring (3). Discard 0-ring (3).


Pull brake drum (5) and flange (6) from transmission output shaft.


Remove four capscrews (4) and separate brake drum ( 5 ) a n d f l a n g e ( 6 ) .


Remove two springs (7) using brake repair pliers. Then, remove shoes and linings (8).


Remove roller (10) and brake shoe lever (9).


Remove four capscrews (11) and backing plate (12).



a. P a r k i n g B r a k e ( c o n t ) . CLEANING

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don-t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately. (1) Clean all metal parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths. (2) Wipe brake linings with clean, dry cloth.


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSPECTION AND REPAIR NOTE Replace an item if inspection indicates need for replacement. (1)

Inspect springs (7) for cracks, breaks, distortion, or signs of permanent set.


Inspect shoes and linings (8) for cracks or wear. Replace shoes and linings (8) as an assembly if brake shoes require replacement.

(3) Inspect brake linings (14) for grease contamination and wear. If necessary, replace worn or contaminated linings as follows: (a)

Remove rivets (13) using 9/64 inch drill bit to drill through rivet body. If necessary, use 1/8 inch point drive pin punch to push rivets from shoe and lining.


Remove and discard brake linings (14).


Position new brake linings (14) on brake shoes with mounting holes alined. Clamp lining to brake shoe using C-clamps.


Install new rivets (13) using suitable press or hammer and die. Form rivet heads using riveting set. Start at center rivets and move outwards toward sides and ends of lining.

(4) Inspect remaining parts for cracks, distortion, or thread damage.



a. P a r k i n g B r a k e (cont).


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (1)

Position backing plate (12) on transmission housing.


Install four capscrews (11). Tighten to 81 to 97 lb-ft.


Install brake shoe lever (9) and roller (10).


Position two shoes and linings (8) on backing plate (12) and attach bottom spring (7) to each shoe and lining (8).


Hold shoes and linings in place and attach top spring (7) to each shoe and lining (8).


Position flange (6) on brake drum (5) and install four capscrews (4). Tighten capscrews to 41 to 49 lb-ft.


Push shoes and linings (8) together and install brake drum (5) and flange (6) on transmission output shaft; rotate brake drum as necessary to aline splines in flange with splines on output shaft.


Install new 0-ring (3).


Install washer (2) and new locknut (1). Do not tighten locknut (l).


Install flange holding tool on flange (6) using two 7/16-20NF by 1 inch long capscrews.


Tighten lock nut (1) to 450 to 700 lb-ft.


Remove two 7/16-20NF capscrews and flange holding tool.


Connect parking brake link to brake shoe lever (page 7-10).


Install center drive shaft (page 6-42).


Fill transmission with oil (page 6-6).


Remove chocks from wheels.



b. Parking Brake C h a m b e r . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , a n d installation of parking brake chamber. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Fixed open end wrench set Diagonal cutting pliers Chocks, two MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Cotter pin (FSCM 10988 PN 132-47) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Loader turned completely right, wheels blocked, and parking brake released. REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2) NOTE When performing following steps, plug and cap hoses and fittings when disconnected or removed to prevent dirt or other contaminants from entering air system.



Remove and discard cotter pin (1).


Remove clevis pin (2) and two washers (3).


Remove and discard cotter pin (4).


Remove clevis pin (5).


Remove two links (6).


Apply parking brake to release air pressure from parking brake chamber.

TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) Open air reservoir drain valve to relieve air system pressure before disconnecting air system components or lines . Failure to do so could result in serious injury. If you are injured, obtain medical aid immediately. (7) Loosen and disconnect hose (7) fitting from elbow (8). ( 8 ) I f n e c e s s a r y , l o o s e n a n d d i s c o n n e c t other end of hose (7) from parking brake valve (page 7-12). (9) Remove hose (7) from loader. (10) Remove elbow (8) from brake chamber ( 1 1 ) . (11) Remove two locknuts (9) and washers (10). (12) Remove brake chamber (11) from loader. CLEANING

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke w h e n u s i n g i t . Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately. (1) Clean all metal parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths. (2) Clean exterior of hose (7) using mild detergent solution, rinse with clean water and dry with clean cloth. INSPECTION NOTE Replace an item if inspection indicates need for replacement. (1) Inspect hose (7) for deterioration, cracks, chafing, or other damage. Check hose fittings for stripped or crossed threads and deformation. ( 2 ) I n s p e c t l i n k s ( 6 ) f o r c r a c k s , breaks, and deformed hole and slot. (3) Inspect clevis pins (2 and 5) for cracks, breaks, and bent condition. (4) Inspect all other parts for cracks, distortion, or crossed or stripped threads. 7-9


b. Parking Brake Chamber (cont). INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 2)

(1) Position brake chamber (11) in loader and install two washers (10) and lock nuts (9). Tighten lock nuts securely. (2)

Install elbow (8) in brake chamber (11).

(3) Position and route hose (7) in loader between parking brake chamber (11) and parking brake valve. Connect and tighten hose fitting to elbow (8). (4) Connect other end of hose (7) to parking brake valve (page 7-15). (5) Install two links (6) on yoke using clevis pin (5) and new cotter pin (4). (6) Close air reservoir drain valve.


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (7)

Start engine and operate at idle speed until AIR PRESS gage needle is in green area. Turn off engine.

(8) Push in knob of parking brake valve to release parking brake. (9) At parking brake mounted on transmission, lift brake lever until lever stops moving. NOTE In following step, clevis pin (2) must be at bottom of slots in links (6) when attached. If adjustment is necessary, refer to page 7-17. (10) Position links (6) and attach to brake lever using clevis pin (2) and new cotter pin (l). (11) If necessary, adjust parking brake linkage (page 7-17). (12) Remove chocks from wheels.



c. Parking Brake Valve. This task covers removal, c l e a n i n g a n d i n s p e c t i o n , a n d installation of parking brake valve. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set Hand hammer, 16 ounces Slip joint pliers Drive pin punch, 1/8 inch point Chocks, two MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Wheels blocked and parking brake released.


TM 5-3805-262-20

Open air reservoir drain valve to relieve air system pressure before d i s c o n n e c t i n g h o s e s , t u b e s , or lines. Failure to do so could result in serious injury. If you are injured, obtain medical aid immediately. NOTE When performing following steps, plug and cap hoses and fittings when disconnected or removed to prevent dirt or other contaminants from entering air system. (1)

Push in and pull out parking brake valve to relieve air pressure in parking brake system.


Using hammer and drive pin punch, remove roll pin (1) from knob (2) on parking brake valve (10).


Pull knob (2) from parking brake valve (10) stem.


Hold parking brake valve (10) in place and remove nut (3). Lower parking brake valve from bottom of instrument panel just enough to gain access to wiring, switches, and hose and tube connections.


Remove pressure switch (page 5-51).


Remove parking brake switch ( p a g e 5 - 5 1 ) .


Tag, loosen, and disconnect brake treadle and valve hose and brake treadle and valve tube from parking brake valve (page 7-74).


Tag, loosen, and disconnect parking brake chamber hose from tee (4).


Tag, loosen, and disconnect windshield washer hose from tee (4).


Remove parking brake valve (10), tees (4, 6, and 8), and elbows (5, 7, and 9) from loader as an assembly.


Remove tee (4), elbow (5), and tee (6).


Remove elbow (7) and tee (8).


Remove elbow (9).



c. P a r k i n g B r a k e V a l v e ( c o n t ) . CLEANING AND INSPECTION

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don-t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately. (1)

Clean all metal parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths. NOTE Replace item if inspection indicates need for replacement.


Inspect nut (3) for cracks, distortion, crossed or stripped threads, or damage to seal.


I n s p e c t k n o b ( 2 ) f o r c r a c k s , b r e a k s , chipping, and sharp edges that could cause personnel injury.


Inspect remaining parts for cracks, distortion, or crossed or stripped threads.




Install elbow (9).


I n s t a l l t e e ( 8 ) a n d elbow (7).


Install tee (6), elbow (5), and tee (4).


Connect and tighten brake treadle and valve hose and brake treadle and valve tube to elbow (7) and elbow (9), respectively.


Install pressure switch and parking brake switch (page 5-63).


Connect and tighten windshield washer hose to tee (4).


Connect and tighten parking brake chamber hose to tee (4).


Position parking brake valve (10) beneath right instrument panel and secure with nut (3).

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (9) Install knob (2) on parking brake valve (10) with hole in knob alined with hole in stem of parking brake valve. (10) Using pliers, install roll pin (1). (11) Close air reservoir drain valve. (12) Start engine and operate at idle speed until AIR PRESS gage needle is in green area. Turn off engine. (13) Apply parking brake and check that parking brake holds loader. (14) Remove chocks from wheels.


TM 5-3805-262-20 7-1. PARKING BRAKE MAINTENANCE (CONT) d. Parking Brake Linkage. brake linkage.

This task covers inspection and adjustment of parking

TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set Slip joint pliers NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Loader turned completely to right. INSPECTION



Stop engine and pull out knob of parking brake valve to apply parking brake.


Push in knob of parking brake valve to release parking brake. If necessary, start and operate engine at idle speed until there is enough air pressure to release parking brake.


At left front of rear chassis, lift up brake lever of parking brake mounted on transmission until lever stops moving.


Check position of clevis pin in slot in parking brake linkage.


If clevis pin is not at bottom of slot in parking brake lever linkage, adjust parking brake lever linkage (page 7-17).

TM 5-3805-262-20 ADJUSTMENT (1)

Park loader on level surface and turn it completely to the right.


Stop engine and pull out knob of parking brake valve to apply parking brake.


Push in knob of parking brake valve to release parking brake. If necessary, start and operate engine at idle speed until there is enough air pressure to release parking brake.


At left front of rear chassis, remove cotter pin securing clevis pin to parking brake chamber yoke.


Remove clevis pin.


Loosen nut securing yoke.


Hold up brake lever and turn yoke up or down until holes in yoke and links are alined; install clevis pin.


Check position of clevis pin in slot of parking brake links; clevis pin shall be at bottom of slot. If not, repeat step (7) above.


Reinstall cotter pin to secure clevis pin, yoke, and links.


Tighten nut against yoke.



a. D i s k B r a k e s . (1) Inspection. This task covers inspection of disk brakes. Inspect disk brakes after every 250 hours of operation or every month, whichever occurs first. TOOLS: Automotive Mechanic’s Tool Kit Machinist’s steel rule Outside micrometer, one inch capacity

(a) At each wheel end, measure thickness of lining on each brake pad using machinist’s steel rule. (b) Thickness of each lining must be more than 0.100 inch. If lining thickness is not 0.100 inch, replace linings (page 7-19). (c) Thickness of lining in each caliper must be approximately equal. If lini n g t h i c k n e s s i s n o t e q u a l , caliper is leaking at one side and must be replaced (page 7-28). (d) Measure thickness of each disk. (e) Each disk must be at least 0.500 inch thick. If disk is not at least 0.500 inch thick, notify direct support maintenance (disk must be replaced). (f) Check disks for deep grooves and warpage. If disk has deep grooves or warpage, notify direct support maintenance (disk must be replaced). 7-18


a. D i s k B r a k e s ( c o n t ) . (2) Replacement. T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , a n d i n s t a l l a tion of disk brakes brake shoes and brake linings. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set Torque wrench, 1/2 inch drive Automotive Mechanic-s Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 1/2 inch drive Machinist’s steel rule Micrometer Prybar MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Thread sealant (Appendix C, item 24) Shoe and lining kit (FSCM 52256 PN 9680436) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Wheel and tire removed from axle end where brake shoes and linings are to be removed (page 8-4). REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2)

Brake linings contain asbestos fibers. Do not create dust when working on brake system. Do not remove dust or dirt using compressed air. Serious bodily harm may result from breathing asbestos dust. Before performing following step, be sure that chassis is securely supported by jack stands. Failure to do so could cause chassis to fall on you causing serious injury or death. (a)

Remove eight capscrews (1) and four plates (2).


Remove brake shoes (3) with brake linings (4).


Loosen two bleeder valves on brake caliper.



a. D i s k B r a k e s ( c o n t ) . (2) Replacement (cont). REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) (d) Using pry bar, push brake caliper pistons into brake caliper body. (e) Tighten bleeder valves.


Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately. (a) Clean all metal parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths. (b) Wipe brake linings with clean, dry cloth.


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSPECTION NOTE Replace item if inspection indicates need for replacement. (a)

Check thickness of brake linings (4) using machinist-s steel rule. Replace brake shoes with brake linings if thickness of either lining is 0.100 inch or less, or if thickness of linings in each caliper are not approximately equal.


Inspect brake linings (4) for contamination.


Inspect all other parts for cracks, distortion, or thread damage. Replace brake linings and shoes as an assembly if brake shoes require replacement.


Inspect brake caliper for fluid leakage. If leakage is found, replace brake caliper (page 7-28) and forward to direct support maintenance for repair.


Inspect disk for grooves and warpage. Check thickness of disk using micrometer. Thickness of disk must be at least 0.500 inch. If disk thickness is not at least 0.500 inch or if it is grooved or warped, notify direct support maintenance to replace it.



a. D i s k B r a k e s ( c o n t ) . (2) Replacement (cont). INSTALLATION

(a) Install brake shoe (3) with brake lining (4) as an assembly; brake linings (4) toward brake disk. (b) Apply thread sealant to capscrew (1) threads in brake caliper. (c) Position four plates (2) and install eight capscrews (1). Tighten capscrews (1) to 170 lb-ft.

Whenever a component or line in the brake system is disconnected for s e r v i c i n g , air must be bled from brake system. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death due to loss of braking control. Refer to page 7-30 for bleeding air from brake system. (d) Bleed air from brake system (page 7-30). (e) Apply and release brakes several times. (f) Check clearance between plates (2) and disk. If clearance is less than 0.100 inch, remove brake shoes (3) with linings (4) and find and correct cause. (g) Install tire and wheel on axle end (page 8-9). 7-22


b. H y d r a u l i c R e s e r v o i r . ( 1 ) S e r v i c i n g . This task covers servicing of front and rear brakes hydraulic reservoirs. Check brake fluid level in hydraulic reservoirs after every 50 hours of operation or every week, whichever occurs first. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Brake fluid (Appendix C, item 11) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine left side panels removed (for access to rear brakes hydraulic reservoir) (page 9-14); front access door open (for access to front brakes hydraulic reservoir). (a) Using open end wrench, remove cap and dipstick from front or rear hydraulic reservoir. (b) Check that fluid level indicated on dipstick is between full and add marks. Add brake fluid as necessary to raise fluid level to full mark. If fluid level is not indicated on dipstick, add fluid as above and bleed air from brake system (page 7-30). (c) Install cap and dipstick; tighten securely using open end wrench. (d) If not already serviced, check fluid level in remaining hydraulic reservoir as described above. (e) Close front access door; reinstall engine left side panels (page 9-17).



b. H y d r a u l i c



(2) Replacement. T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g a n d i n s p e c t i o n , a n d i n stallation of brake hydraulic reservoirs. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Fixed open end wrench set Container, 1 quart capacity MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Brake fluid (Appendix C, item 11) PERSONNEL REQUIRED: Two Construction Equipment Mechanics MOS 62B (front reservoir) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine left side panels removed (page 9-14) and front access door opened.


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (a) Loosen clamp and slide down hose. (b) Position container beneath reservoir to catch brake fluid. Disconnect hose from elbow or adapter. Do this by pulling hose firmly from elbow or adapter. Loosen and remove cap and dipstick. (c) If necessary, remove elbow or adapter using open end wrench. NOTE If front brake hydraulic reservoir is being removed, tell assistant to hold capscrews using socket wrench. (d) Support brake hydraulic reservoir and remove two nuts, lock washers, capscrews, and washers. (e) Remove brake hydraulic reservoir from loader. (f) If rear brakes hydraulic reservoir is being removed, remove two nuts, lock washers, capscrews, and washers then remove mounting bracket.



(a) Clean hoses using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Dry using clean cloth.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean p a r t s i s t o x i c a n d f l a m m a b l e . Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don't breathe vapors. Do riot use near open flame or excessive heat and don-t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately. (b) Clean remaining parts using clean cloths moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths. NOTE Replace an item if inspection indicates need for replacement. (c) Inspect hoses for cracks, breaks, chaffing, and deterioration. ( d ) I n s p e c t r e m a i n i n g p a r t s f o r c r a c k s , d i s t o r t i o n , or thread damage. 7-25


b. H y d r a u l i c



(2) Replacement (cont).


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (a)

If r e a r b r a k e s h y d r a u l i c r e s e r v o i r i s b e i n g i n s t a l l e d , p o s i t i o n m o u n t i n g bracket on reservoir body and secure using two washers, capscrews, lock washers, and nuts. Tighten nuts securely.

(b) Position hydraulic reservoir in loader. NOTE If front brake hydraulic reservoir is being installed, tell assistant to put washers on capscrews then put capscrews through holes in front chassis and hold capscrews using socket wrench. (c) Install and tighten two capscrews, washers, lock washers, and nuts. (d) Install adapter or elbow in hydraulic reservoir. (e) Be sure clamp is positioned on hose. Connect hose to elbow or adapter by firmly pushing hose onto adapter or elbow. (f) Position clamp on hose and tighten clamp. (g) Fill brake hydraulic reservoir with brake fluid (page 7-23).

Whenever a component or line servicing, the air must be bled could c a u s e s e r i o u s i n j u r y o r Refer to page 7-30 for bleeding

in the brake system is disconnected for from the brake system. Failure to do so death due to loss of braking control. air from brake system.


Bleed air from brake hydraulic system (page 7-30).




Close and lock front access door.









c. C a l i p e r s . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l a n d i n s t a l l a t i o n o f b r a k e c a l i p e r s a n d bleeding air from brake system. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set Torque wrench, 3/4 inch drive Automotive Mechanic’s Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 1/2 inch drive No. 2 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench adapter, 1/2 inch male to 3/4 inch female Chain hoist Jack stands Pressure fluid tank MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Brake fluid (Appendix C, item 11) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Brake shoes and lining removed (page 7-19) and tubing disconnected from brake caliper (page 7-34 or 7-42). REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2)

Before performing following step, be sure that chassis is securely supported by jack stands. Failure to do so could cause chassis to fall on you causing serious injury or death. (1) Attach chain hoist to brake caliper and take up all slack.


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) (2)

Remove six capscrews and lock washers.

(3) Remove brake caliper from axle end. INSTALLATIOIN (1)

Using chain hoist, put brake caliper against mounting bracket on axle end.


Install six lock washers and capscrews. Disconnect chain hoist.


Tighten capscrews to 340 to 420 lb-ft.


Install brake shoes and linings (page 7-22).


Connect tubing to brake caliper (page 7-41 or 7-49).


Install front or rear wheels (page 8-9).


Remove jack stands and lower loader to ground.



c. C a l i p e r s ( c o n t ) . BLEEDING AIR FROM BRAKE SYSTEM (SHEET 1 OF 2)

Whenever a component or line in the brake system is disconnected for servicing, the air must be bled from the brake system. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death due to loss of braking control. (1) Remove engine left side panels (page 9-14) and open front access door. (2)

Set-up pressure fluid tank according to instructions included with tank and fill tank with brake fluid.

( 3 ) U s i n g o p e n e n d w r e n c h , loosen and remove cap and dipstick from brake hydraulic reservoir. (4) Connect line from pressure fluid tank to filler opening on brake hydraulic reservoir. (5) Open pressure fluid tank valve.



Loosen two bleeder valves at one brake caliper.


Watch brake fluid flowing from bleeder valves. When brake fluid is clear and free of air bubbles, tighten bleeder valves.


Loosen two bleeder valves at brake caliper on opposite axle end.


Watch brake fluid flowing from bleeder valves. When brake fluid is clear and free of air bubbles, tighten bleeder valves.


Close pressure fluid tank valve.


Disconnect pressure fluid tank line from brake hydraulic reservoir.


Repeat steps (3) through (11) above to bleed air from brake system at other axle, if necessary.


Install engine left side panel (page 9-17) and close and lock front access door.



d. H o s e s , L i n e s a n d F i t t i n g s . (1) Inspection. lines, and fittings.

This task covers inspection of hydraulic brake system hoses,

TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set Flat tip screwdriver Extension light NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine left side panels removed (for access to rear brakes hydraulic reservoir) (page 9-14); front access door open (for access to front brakes hydraulic reservoir). INSPECTION (SHEET 1 OF 2) (a) Inspect hoses between hydraulic reservoirs and brake actuators for deterioration, cracks, chafing, or other damage. If any of these conditions are observed, replace the part (page 7-34 or 7-42).

(b) Check for brake fluid leakage at hydraulic reservoirs and brake actuators where fittings are installed in ports and at hose connections. If leakage is observed, tighten fittings and clamps. If leakage continues, replace the part (page 7-34 or 7-42). 7-32

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSPECTION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (c) Check for brake fluid leakage at rear of brake actuators where tube connects to adapter. If leakage is observed, t i g h t e n f i t t i n g s . I f l e a k age continues, replace the part (page 7-34 or 7-42). (d)

Check tube between brake actuator and tee mounted on axle for cracks, dents, leakage, or other indications of damage. If any of these conditions are observed, replace the part (page 7-34 or 7-42).


Check for brake fluid leakage at tee mounted on axle. Tighten tube fittings if necessary. If leakage continues, replace the part (page 7-34 or 7-42).


Check that tee mounting hardware is secure; tighten if necessary.

(g) Check tubes between tee and brake calipers for cracks, dents, leakage, or other indications of damage. If any of these conditions are observed, replace the part (page 7-34 or 7-42). (h) Check for brake fluid leakage at brake calipers where tube connects to adapter. If leakage is observed, tighten fittings. If leakage continues, replace the part (page 7-34 or 7-42). (i) Repeat steps (a) through (h) above for front or rear brake system hoses, lines, and fittings. (j) Install engine left side panels (page 9-17) and close and lock front access door. 7-33


d. H o s e s , L i n e s , a n d F i t t i n g s ( c o n t ) . (2) Front Brakes Hoses, Lines, and Fittings. This task covers removal, cleaning, inspection, and installation of front hydraulic brake system hoses, lines, and fittings. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Fixed open end wrench set Container, 1 quart capacity Chocks, two MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680- (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Brake fluid (Appendix C, item 11) 0-rings, two (FSCM 10988 PN A12988) Gaskets, three (FSCM 10988 PN 33261) Gasket (FSCM 10988 PN 33260) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Wheels blocked and front access door unlocked and opened. REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2) NOTE Plug and cap all tubes, hoses, o r f i t t i n g s d i s c o n n e c t e d o r r e m o v e d i n following procedures to prevent dirt or other contaminants from entering brake system. Tag and identify all hoses and tubing before disconnecting and removing. (a) Position container under front brake hydraulic reservoir. (b) Loosen clamp (1) and disconnect hose (4) from adapter (2). Do this by firmly grasping hose and pulling from adapter. Drain brake fluid from reservoir. (c) Remove clamp (1) from hose (4). (d) If necessary, remove adapter (2) from brake hydraulic reservoir.


TM 5-3805-262-20



d. H o s e s . L i n e s , a n d F i t t i n g s ( c o n t ) . (2) Front Brakes Hoses, Lines, a n d F i t t i n g s ( c o n t ) . REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) ( e ) A t other end of hose (4), loosen clamp (3) and disconnect hose from a d a p t e r ( 5 ) a t t o p o f b r a k e a c t u a t o r . Do this by firmly grasping hose and pulling from adapter. Remove clamp and hose from loader. (f) At rear of brake actuator, loosen and disconnect tube fitting (6) from adapter (9). (g) Loosen and remove fitting (7), gasket (8), adapter (9), and gasket (10). Discard gaskets (8 and 10). (h) Loosen and disconnect tube fitting (11) from tee (30). Remove tube (12) from loader. (i) At either left or right axle end, at axle mounting hardware, loosen and remove nut (13), lock washer (14), capscrew (15), and spacer (16). (j) Spread clamp (17) and remove from tube (25). Spread clamp (18) and remove from axle mounting capscrew. (k) At either left or right brake caliper, loosen and disconnect tube fitting (19) from adapter (22). (l) Loosen and remove fitting (20), gasket (21), adapter (22), and 0-ring (23). Discard gasket and 0-ring. (m) Loosen and disconnect tube fitting (24) and remove tube (25) from loader. NOTE Repeat steps (i) through (m) above to disconnect and remove remaining tube (26) from loader. (n) At top center of axle housing, remove nut (27), lock washer (28), and capscrew (29). Remove tee (30). (o) If necessary, remove differential assembly mounting nut (31) and washer (32) and remove bracket (33).


TM 5-3805-262-20


TM 5-3805-262-20 7-2. SERVICE BRAKE SYSTEM MAINTENANCE (CONT) d. H o s e s , L i n e s , a n d F i t t i n g s ( c o n t ) . (2) Front Brakes Hoses, Lines, and Fittings (cont).


TM 5-3805-262-20 CLEANING (a) Clean hose (4) using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Dry using clean cloths.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke w h e n u s i n g i t . Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately. (b) Clean remaining parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.

Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc). Failure to do so could cause serious i n j u r y t o e y e s a n d p o s s i b l e b l i n d n e s s . If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately. (c) Use compressed air to clear foreign matter from hose (4), adapters (2, 5, 9, and 22), fittings (7 and 20), and tubes (12, 25, and 26). lNSPECTION (a) Inspect hose (4) for cracks or deterioration. Replace as necessary. (b) Inspect tubes (12, 25, and 26) for cracks, breaks, dents, and deformat i o n . C h e c k t u b e f i t t i n g s ( 6 , 11, 19, and 24) for cracks, damaged threads, or deformation. If tube fittings are damaged, replace tube. (c) Inspect fittings (7 and 20) and adapters (2, 5, 9, and 22) for cracks, breaks, or other damage. Replace as necessary. (d) Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, deformation, distortion, and damaged threads. Replace as necessary. INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 2) (a) If removed, put bracket (33) on axle housing stud and secure using washer (32) and nut (31). Tighten nut securely. (b) Position tee (30) on bracket (33). Install capscrew (29), lock washer (28), and nut (27). Tighten nut securely. (c) Put new gasket (21), adapter (22), and new O-ring (23) on fitting (20). 7-39


d. H o s e s , L i n e s , a n d F i t t i n g s ( c o n t ) . (2) Front Brakes Hoses, Lines, and Fittings (cont).


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (d) At either left or right brake caliper, install fitting (20), gasket (21), adapter (22) and 0-ring (23) in brake caliper port. Don’t tighten fitting yet. (e) Put tube (26 or 25) in position between tee (30) and adapter (22). Connect and tighten tube fitting (24) to tee. (f) Connect and tighten tube fitting (19) to adapter (22). Tighten f i t t i n g (20) securely. (g) Spread clamp (18) and install on axle mounting capscrew. (h) Spread clamp (17) and install on tube (26 or 25). ( i ) I n s t a l l c a p s c r e w ( 1 5 ) , s p a c e r ( 1 6 ) , lock washer (14), and nut (13) to secure clamps (17 and 18) and, i n t u r n , t u b e ( 2 6 o r 2 5 ) . T i g h t e n n u t securely. NOTE Repeat steps (c) through (i) above to install remaining tube (26 or 25) to brake caliper on remaining axle end if necessary. (j)

Put new gasket (8), adapter (9), and new gasket (10) on fitting (7). Install these parts in port at rear of brake actuator. Don’t tighten fitting (7) yet.


Position tube (12) in loader between brake actuator and tee (30). Connect and tighten tube fittings (11 and 6). Tighten fitting (7) securely.


Install adapter (5) in brake actuator and adapter (2) in brake hydraulic reservoir. Tighten adapters securely.


Put clamps (1 and 3) on hose (4).


Connect hose (4) to adapters (2 and 5). Do this by firmly pushing hose onto adapters.


Position clamps (1 and 3) at ends of hose (4). Tighten clamps to secure hose.


Fill brake hydraulic reservoir with brake fluid.

Whenever a component or line in brake system is disconnected for servicing, air must be bled from brake system. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death due to loss of braking control. Refer to page 7-30 for bleeding air from brake system. (q) Bleed air from front brake hydraulic system (page 7-30). (r) Remove chocks from wheels. 7-41


d. H o s e s , L i n e s , a n d F i t t i n g s ( c o n t ) . (3) Rear Brakes Hoses, Lines, and Fittings. T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n ing, inspection, and installation of rear hydraulic brake system hoses, lines, and fittings. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Fixed open end wrench set Container, 1 quart capacity Chocks, two MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Brake fluid (Appendix C, item 11) O-rings, two (FSCM 10988 PN A12988) Gaskets, three (FSCM 10988 PN 33261) Gasket (FSCM 10988 PN 33260) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Wheels blocked and engine left side panels removed (page 9-14). REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2) NOTE Plug and cap all tubes, h o s e s , o r f i t t i n g s d i s c o n n e c t e d o r r e m o v e d i n following procedures to prevent dirt or other contaminants from entering brake system. Tag and identify all hoses and tubing before disconnecting and removing. (a) Position container under rear brake hydraulic reservoir. (b) Loosen clamp (1) and disconnect hose (4) from elbow (2). Do this by firmly grasping hose and pulling from elbow. Drain brake fluid from reservoir. (c) Remove clamp (1) from hose (4). (d) If necessary, remove elbow (2) from brake hydraulic reservoir.


TM 5-3805-262-20



d. H o s e s , L i n e s , a n d F i t t i n g s ( c o n t ) . (3) Rear Brakes Hoses, Lines, and Fittings (cent). REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) (e) At other end of hose (4), loosen clamp (3) and disconnect hose from elbow (5) at top of brake actuator. Do this by firmly grasping hose and pulling from elbow. Remove clamp and hose from loader. (f) Loosen and remove fitting (7), gasket (8), adapter (9), and gasket (10). Discard gaskets (8 and 10). Remove adapter (9) from hose fitting (11). (g) At center of rear axle, loosen and disconnect hose fitting (6) from tee (30). Remove hose (12) from loader. (h) At either left or right axle end, at axle mounting hardware, loosen and remove nut (13), lock washer (14), capscrew (15), and spacer (16). (i) Spread clamp (17) and remove from tube (25). Spread clamp (18) and remove from axle mounting capscrew. (j) At either left or right brake caliper, loosen and disconnect tube fitting (19) from adapter (22). (k) Loosen and remove fitting (20), gasket (21), adapter (22), and 0-ring (23). Discard gasket and 0-ring. (l) Loosen and disconnect tube fitting (24) and remove tube (25) from loader. NOTE Repeat steps (h) through (1) above to disconnect and remove remaining tube (26) from loader. ( m ) A t t o p c e n t e r o f a x l e h o u s i n g , remove nut (27), lock washer (28), and capscrew (29). Remove tee (30). (n) If necessary, remove differential assembly mounting nut (31) and washer (32) and remove bracket (33).


TM 5-3805-262-20



d. H o s e s , L i n e s , a n d F i t t i n g s ( c o n t ) . (3) Rear Brakes Hoses, Lines, and Fittings (cont). CLEANING (a) Clean hoses (4 and 12) using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Dry using clean cloths.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately. (b) Clean remaining parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.

Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc). Failure to do so could cause serious i n j u r y t o e y e s a n d p o s s i b l e b l i n d n e s s . If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately. (c) Use compressed air to clear foreign matter from hoses (4 and 12), elbows (2 and 5), adapters (9 and 22), fittings (7 and 20), and tubes (25 and 26).


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSPECTION (a) Inspect hoses (4 and 12) for cracks or deterioration. Replace as necessary. (b) Inspect tubes (25 and 26) for cracks, breaks, dents, and deformation. Check tube and hose fittings (6, 11, 19, and 24) for cracks, damaged threads, or deformation. If tube or hose fittings are damaged, replace tube or hose. (c) Inspect fittings (7 and 20), elbows (2 and 5), and adapters (9 and 22) for cracks, breaks, or other damage. Replace as necessary. (d) Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, deformation, distortion, and damaged threads. Replace as necessary.



d. Hoses, L i n e s , a n d F i t t i n g s ( c o n t ) . (3) Rear Brakes Hoses, Lines, and Fittings (cont).


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 2) (a) If removed, put bracket (33) on axle housing stud and secure using washer (32) and nut (31). Tighten nut securely. (b) Position tee (30) on bracket (33). Install capscrew (29), lock washer (28), and nut (27). Tighten nut securely. (c) Put new gasket (21), adapter (22), and new 0-ring (23) on fitting (20). (d) At either left or right brake caliper, install fitting (20), gasket (21), adapter (22) and 0-ring (23) in brake caliper port. Don’t tighten fitting yet. (e) Put tube (26 or 25) in position between tee (30) and adapter (22). Connect and tighten tube fitting (24) to tee. (f) Connect and tighten tube fitting (19) to adapter (22). Tighten fitting (20) securely. (g) Spread clamp (18) and install on axle mounting capscrew. (h) Spread clamp (17) and install on tube (26 or 25). ( i ) I n s t a l l c a p s c r e w ( 1 5 ) , s p a c e r ( 1 6 ) , lock washer (14), and nut (13) to secure clamps (17 and 18) and, in turn, t u b e ( 2 6 o r 2 5 ) . T i g h t e n n u t s e curely. NOTE Repeat steps (c) through (i) above to install remaining tube (26 or 25) to brake caliper on remaining axle end if necessary. (j) Install adapter (9) on hose fitting (11). Put new gasket (8), adapter (9), and new gasket (10) on fitting (7). Install these parts in port at rear of brake actuator. Don’t tighten fitting yet. (k) Route hose (12) over to tee (30). Connect and tighten hose fitting (6) to tee (30). Tighten fitting (7) securely. (l) Install elbow (5) in brake actuator and elbow (2) in brake hydraulic reservoir. Tighten elbows securely. (m) Put clamps (1 and 3) on hose (4). (n) Connect hose (4) to elbows (2 and 5). Do this by firmly pushing hose onto elbows. (o) Position clamps (1 and 3) at ends of hose (4). Tighten clamps to secure hose.



d. Hoses, Lines, and Fittings (cont). (3) Rear Brakes Hoses, Lines, and Fittings (cont). INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (p) Fill brake hydraulic reservoir with brake fluid.

Whenever a component or line in brake system is disconnected for servicing, air must be bled from brake system. F a i l u r e t o d o s o c o u l d c a u s e serious injury or death due to loss of braking control. Refer to page 7-30 for bleeding air from brake system. (q) Bleed air from rear brake hydraulic system (page 7-30). (r) Remove chocks from wheels.



a. B r a k e A c t u a t o r s . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l a n d i n s t a l l a t i o n o f f r o n t a n d r e a r brake system brake actuators. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Combination box and open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Chocks, two MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Wheels blocked and air reservoir drain valve opened. REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2) NOTE If front brake system brake actuator is being removed, go to step (1) below. If rear brake system brake actuator ‘is being removed go to step ( 5 ) below. (1)

Unlock and open front access door.


Disconnect hose between brake hydraulic reservoir and brake actuator (page 7-34).


Disconnect b r a k e h y d r a u l i c t u b e f r o m r e a r o f b r a k e a c t u a t o r ( p a g e 7 - 3 6 ) .


Disconnect b r a k e t r e a d l e and valve hose from brake actuator (page 7-74). Go to step (9) below.


Unlock and remove engine l e f t s i d e p a n e l s ( p a g e 9 - 1 4 ) .


Disconnect h o s e b e t w e e n b r a k e h y d r a u l i c r e s e r v o i r a n d b r a k e a c t u a t o r (page 7-42).


Disconnect brake hydraulic hose from rear of brake actuator (page 7-44).


Disconnect brake treadle and valve hose from brake actuator (page 7-74).



a. B r a k e A c t u a t o r s ( c o n t ) . REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) (9) Support brake actuator (5) and remove two nuts (1), lock washers (2), capscrews (3), and washers (4). (10) Remove brake actuator (5) from loader.

INSTALLATION (1) Position brake actuator (5) on frame of loader. (2)

Install two washers (4), capscrews (3), lock washers (2), and nuts (l). Tighten capscrews (3) and nuts (l).

(3) Connect brake treadle and valve hose to brake actuator (5) (page 7-82). (4) Connect brake hydraulic reservoir hose to brake actuator (5) (page 7-41 or 7-49). (5) Connect hydraulic brake line or hose to brake actuator (5) (page 7-41 or 7-49). (6) Close air reservoir drain valve.

Whenever a component or line in brake system is disconnected for servicing, air must be bled from brake system. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death due to loss of braking control. Refer to page 7-30 for bleeding air from brake system. (7)

Bleed air from brake system (page 7-30).


If front brake system brake actuator was replaced, close and lock front access door. If rear brake system brake actuator was replaced, install engine l e f t s i d e p a n e l s ( p a g e 9 - 1 7 ) .

( 9 ) R e m o v e chocks from wheels. 7-52


b. S e r v i c e B r a k e T r e a d l e a n d V a l v e a n d D e c l u t c h T r e a d l e a n d V a l v e . This task covers removal, installation, and testing of service brake treadle and valve and declutch treadle and valve. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Air pressure gage, zero to 150 psi Reducer, 1/2 to 1/8 NPT (FSCM 10988 PN 221-54) MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) PERSONNEL REQUIRED: Two Construction Equipment Mechanics M0S 62B NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: All air lines, adapters, tees, and fittings disconnected and removed from treadle and valve being removed (page 7-74) and cab floor mat pulled back just enough to gain access to treadle and valve mounting hardware. REM0VAL (1) While assistant in cab holds capscrews (3) using socket wrench, remove three nuts (1) and lock washers (2) from beneath cab deck. (2)

Remove three capscrews (3) and treadle and valve from loader cab.



b. Service Brake Treadle and Valve and Declutch Treadle and Valve (cont). INSTALLATION (1)

Position treadle and valve on cab deck.


Install three capscrews (3). Tell assistant to install and tighten three lock washers (2), and nuts (l).


Connect air lines and fittings to treadle and valve (page 7-82).


If necessary, install double check valve and stop light switch (page 7-68).


Close air reservoir drain valve.


Reposition cab floor mat.




Start engine and operate at idle speed. Continue to operate engine until air pressure gage indication on left instrument cluster no longer increases.


Apply parking brake.


Turn off engine. Be sure treadle and valve is fully released.


Apply soap solution on and around bottom bore of valve body. Watch for bubbles. If bubbles are seen, this indicates air leakage. If there is any air leakage, replace treadle and valve. Forward defective treadle and valve to direct support maintenance for repair.


Tell assistant to press treadle completely while you apply soap solution on and around bottom bore of valve body. Watch for bubbles. If bubbles are seen, this indicates air leakage. If there is any air leakage, replace treadle and valve. Forward defective treadle and valve to-direct support maintenance for repair.

TM 5-3805-262-20 OPERATING TEST

Open air reservoir drain valve to relieve all air system pressure before disconnecting air system components or lines. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. (1)

Open air reservoir drain valve to relieve air system pressure.


Remove one plug from valve upper chamber and install 1/2 to 1/8 NPT reducer.


Connect zero to 150 psi pressure gage to reducer. Pressure gage hose must be long enough so that you can read pressure gage in cab.


Close air reservoir drain valve.


Start engine and operate at idle speed. Continue to operate engine until air pressure gage indication on left instrument cluster no longer increases.


Slowly press treadle and valve while watching pressure gage. Pressure gage shall indicate increasing air pressure as treadle and valve is pressed.

(7) Operate engine at 1000 rpm until air pressure gage indication on left instrument cluster no longer increases. Press treadle and valve down completely. Pressure gage connected to valve port shall indicate approximate pressure in air reservoir. Correct pressure is approximately 110 psi when treadle and valve is fully pressed. (8) Release treadle and valve. Pressure gage connected to valve port shall indicate zero psi. Turn off engine.

Relieve all air system pressure before disconnecting air system components or lines. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. (10) Open air reservoir drain valve to relieve air system pressure. ( 1 1 ) D i s c o n n e c t a i r p r e s s u r e g a g e f r o m v a l v e p o r t . Remove reducer and install plug in valve body. (12) Close air reservoir drain valve and close and lock front access door.



c. A i r R e s e r v o i r . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s i n s p e c t i o n , r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n o f removed parts, and installation of air reservoir. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Fixed open end wrench set Slip joint pliers Multimeter Air compressor equipped with pressure regulator 1/2 NPT pipe plugs (two required) 3/8 NPT pipe plug 1/4 NPT air hose adapter MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine right side panels removed (page 9-14).


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSPECTION (1)

At bottom of air reservoir, check that drain valve is closed tightly and securely installed in air reservoir. Tighten if necessary. Visually check drain valve for cracks or other damage. Replace if cracked or damaged (page 7-58).


Inspect air reservoir for dents, cracks, or other damage; if any of these conditions are seen, replace air reservoir (page 7-58).


At right end of air reservoir, check that tee, adapter, bushing, pressure sender, and air hose are secure and not loose. Tighten if necessary. Visually check these parts for cracks or other damage; replace part (page 7-58) if cracked or damaged. I f a i r h o s e i s c r a c k e d , s p l i t , c h a f e d , o r worn, replace it.


Check that hardware securing air reservoir mounting brackets are tight and not loose. Tighten as necessary.


At left end of air reservoir, check that elbow, check valve, and air hose are secure and not loose. Tighten if necessary. Visually check these parts for cracks or other damage; replace part (page 7-58) if cracked or damaged. If air hose is cracked, split, chafed , or worn, replace it (page 7-106).


At top of air reservoir, check that tee, safety valve, and air hose are secure and not loose. Tighten if necessary. Visually check these parts for cracks or other damage; replace as necessary (page 7-58). If air hose is cracked, split, chafed, or worn, replace air hose (page 7-106).


Start and operate engine until AIR PRESS gage located on left instrument cluster indicates in green area of gage then turn off engine.


Apply soap and water solution to connections at both ends and at top of air reservoir.


Check for air leakage as indicated by air bubbles at areas where soap and water solution was applied. If leakage is seen, tighten fittings. If leakage continues at hose connected at right end of air reservoir, replace hose. If leakage continues at other hoses, replace these hoses (page 7-106) .

(10) Reinstall engine right side panels (page 9-17).


TM 5-3805-262-20 7-3. AIR BRAKE SYSTEM MAINTENANCE (CONT) c. A i r R e s e r v o i r ( c o n t ) . REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2)

Relieve all air pressure before working on air system. Failure to do so c o u l d r e s u l t i n s e r i o u s i n j u r y . If you are injured obtain medical aid immediately.



Open drain valve (16) located at bottom of air reservoir to relieve air system pressure.


Identify and tag hoses (1, 4, and 12) connected to air reservoir (19) to aid installation.


A t l e f t e n d o f a i r r e s e r v o i r ( 1 9 ) , loosen and disconnect air hose (1) at air compressor then at air reservoir.


Remove check valve (2).


A t t o p o f a i r r e s e r v o i r ( 1 9 ) , loosen and disconnect air hose (4).


Remove safety valve (5) and tee (6).


At right side of air reservoir (19), remove nut (7), lock washer (8), and w a s h e r ( 9 ) , and disconnect terminal (10) from pressure sender (11).

TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL ( SHEET 2 OF 2) (8)

Remove pressure sender (11).


Loosen and disconnect air hose (12).

(10) Remove bushing (13), adapter (14), and tee (15). (11) At bottom of air reservoir (19), remove drain valve (16). (12) Remove two nuts (17) and capscrews (18). Remove four capscrews (20) and lock washers (21); remove two brackets (22) from loader. (13) Pull air reservoir (19) to your left until it clears transmission then remove from loader. Remove elbow (3). CLEANING (1)

Clean hoses (1, 4, and 12) using clean cloth moistened with detergent; dry using clean cloths.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and vapors . D o n o t u s e n e a r o p e n f l a m e o r e x c e s s i v e h e a t when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes with large amounts-of water. If contact with eyes is w i t h water and get medical aid immediately. (2)

and flammable. well ventilated don’t breathe and don’t smoke injury. If you air and medical i s m a d e , f l u s h made, wash eyes

Clean remaining parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry using clean cloths.


Inspect air reservoir (19) for cracks, breaks, dents, damaged threads, distortion or other damage. Replace if any of these defects are seen. Install two 1/2 NPT pipe plugs, one 3/8 NPT pipe plug, and 1/4 NPT air hose adapter in air reservoir ports shown.



c. A i r R e s e r v o i r ( c o n t ) . INSPECTION (SHEET 2 OF 3) (2)

Connect a source of compressed air to 1/4 NPT air hose adapter and press u r i z e a i r r e s e r v o i r t o 1 0 0 p s i . Immerse air reservoir in a tank of water and check for air bubbles. Replace air reservoir if air bubbles are seen. Remove air reservoir from tank, release air pressure, disconnect air source, and remove pipe plugs and air hose adapter. Dry air reservoir using clean cloths.


Check pressure sender (11), check valve (2), and safety valve (5) for cracks, breaks, damaged threads, distortion, broken or missing terminals, or other damage. Replace if any of these conditions are seen.


Check brackets (22) for cracks, breaks, distortion, or other damage. Replace if necessary.


Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, or damaged threads; replace as necessary.

In following step do not exceed 160 psi air pressure applied to air r e s e r v o i r . To do so may cause serious injury or death due to safety valve malfunctioning. If you are injured, obtain medical aid immediately. (6)


Install pipe plugs, tee, safety valve, and drain valve in air reservoir as shown below. Ensure that drain valve is closed. Connect a source of compressed air to tee and pressurize air reservoir to 150 psi while observing safety valve. Safety valve shall bleed off air when 150 Âą10 psi air pressure is reached. Open drain valve to release air reservoir air pressure and disconnect compressed air source. If safety valve does not operate properly, replace it.

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSPECTION (SHEET 3 OF 3) (7)

Install tee, bushing, pressure sender, and 1/2 NPT pipe plug in air reservoir as shown below. Don’t remove parts installed in step (6) above except 1/2 NPT pipe plug. Connect multimeter between points shown below. Multimeter should indicate between zero to 6 ohms. If not, replace pressure sender.


Ensure that drain valve in air reservoir is closed. Connect a source of compressed air to tee in which safety valve is installed and slowly increase air pressure applied to air reservoir while watching multimeter. With zero psi applied , multimeter should indicate zero to 6 ohms; at 30 psi pressure multimeter should indicate 17 to 27 ohms; at 65 psi, 40 to 50 ohms; at 90 psi, 60 to 70 ohms; and at 120 psi, 80 to 96 ohms. Disconnect compressed air source and open drain valve to release air pressure, Replace pressure sender if any of the above indications are not obtained.


Remove all parts installed in air reservoir.


Connect a source of compressed air to check valve as shown. Apply a maximum of 50 psi pressure and check that air is vented through check valve. If not, replace check valve. Disconnect compressed air source.


Install adapter in check valve and connect a source of compressed air to adapter as shown. Apply a maximum of 100 psi pressure and check that air is not vented through check valve. If air is vented, check valve is defective and must



c. A i r R e s e r v o i r ( c o n t ) . INSTALLATION ( SHEET 1 OF 2)



Install elbow (3) in air reservoir (19) port. Position air reservoir in loader chassis with small port at bottom and large port at top facing towards transmission.


Position two brackets (22) on air reservoir (19) and rear chassis and secure using four lock washers (21) and capscrews (20).


Install two capscrews (18) and nuts (17). C h e c k t h a t a i r r e s e r v o i r s m a l l port is positioned at bottom then tighten capscrews (18).


Install drain valve (16) in bottom of air reservoir (19).


Install tee (15), adapter (14), and bushing (13).


Connect air hose (12) to adapter (14) and tighten.


Install pressure sender (11) in bushing (13). Connect terminal (10) to pressure sender and secure using washer (9), lock washer (8), and nut (7).


Install tee (6) in top port of air reservoir (19) then install safety valve (5) in tee.

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (9)

Connect air hose (4) to tee (6) and tighten.

(10) Install elbow (3) in air reservoir. (11) Install check valve (2) in elbow (3). (12) Connect air hose (1) to check valve (2) and tighten. Connect other end of air hose (1) to air compressor and tighten. (13) Check and ensure that drain valve (16) is closed. (14) Start and operate engine at idle speed until AIR PRESS gage located on left instrument cluster indicates in green area of gage then turn off engine. (15) Apply soap and water solution to connections at both ends and at top of air reservoir. (16) Check for air leakage as indicated by air bubbles at areas where soap and water solution was applied. If leakage is seen as indicated by bubbles, tighten fittings. (17) Reinstall engine right side panels (page 9-17).



d. P r e s s u r e P r o t e c t i o n V a l v e . pressure protection valve.

This task covers removal and installation of

TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Fixed open end wrench set MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Air reservoir drain valve opened and front access door unlocked and opened.


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (1)

Tag, loosen, and disconnect two hose fittings from pressure reducing valve and pressure protection valve.


Tag, loosen, and disconnect air horn valve tube fitting from tee.


Remove two nuts, lock washers, and capscrews securing pressure protection valve to welded bracket.


Remove pressure protection valve and pressure reducing valve with tee, nipple, and elbows as an assembly.


Put pressure protection valve in vise. Loosen and remove tee with nipple and pressure reducing valve. Loosen and remove elbow.


With pressure protection valve installed in vise, connect tee and pressure reducing valve to pressure protection valve outlet port.


Install elbow in pressure protection valve inlet port.


Put pressure protection valve with pressure reducing valve in position in loader on welded bracket.


Install and tighten two capscrews, lock washers, and nuts.


Connect and tighten two hose fittings to elbows installed in pressure protection valve and pressure reducing valve.


Connect and tighten air horn valve tube fitting to tee.


Close front access door,


Close air reservoir drain valve.


S t a r t e n g i n e a n d o p e r a t e a t i d l e s p e e d . When pressure indication on AIR PRESS gage located on left instrument cluster no longer increases, turn off engine.


Check for air leaks by applying soap solution to pressure protection valve connections. Tighten fittings as necessary.



e. Double Check Valve and Stop L i g h t S w i t c h . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , inspection and repair, and installation of double check valve and stop light switch. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Fixed open end wrench set Automotive Mechanic’s Tool Kit Slip joint pliers MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Air reservoir drain valve opened, front access d o o r u n l o c k e d a n d o p e n e d , and battery ground cable disconnected (page 5-148). REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2) ( 1 ) D i r e c t l y b e h i n d h y d r a u l i c s y s t e m f i l t e r , at double check valve and stop l i g h t s w i t c h , remove two nuts (1) and washers (2). (2)


Tag and disconnect two terminals (3) from double check valve and stop light switch.

TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) (3) Tag, loosen, and disconnect three hose (4, 5, and 6) fittings from adapter (7) and tee (8).


Remove adapter (7) and tee (8) from double check valve and stop light switch (9) ports.


Loosen and remove double check valve and stop light switch (9) from elbow (10). If necessary, use slip joint pliers to hold and prevent elbow (10) from turning.


If necessary, remove elbow (10) from brake treadle and valve port.


TM 5-3805-262-20 7-3. AIR BRAKE SYSTEM MAINTENANCE (CONT) e. Double Check Valve and Stop Light Switch (cont). CLEANING, INSPECTION, AND REPAIR

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not. use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. ( 1 ) C l e a n all metallic parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths. (2)

Inspect wiring harness terminals (3) wire for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminal. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, cut wire as close to terminal as possible. Cut 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new terminal securely onto wire.

( 3 ) I n s p e c t a d a p t e r ( 7 ) , tee (8), and elbow (10) for cracks, breaks, crossed o r s t r i p p e d t h r e a d s , or other damage. Replace as necessary. INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 2)



If removed, i n s t a l l a n d t i g h t e n e l b o w ( 1 0 ) i n b r a k e t r e a d l e a n d v a l v e port.


Install and tighten double check valve and stop light switch (9). If necessary, use slip joint pliers to hold and prevent elbow (10) from moving.


Install and tighten tee (8) and adapter (7) in double check valve and stop light switch (9) ports.


Connect and tighten three hose (4, 5, and 6) fittings to tee (8) and a d a p t e r ( 7 ) . Refer to tags applied to hoses during removal to ensure that connections are correct.


Connect two terminals (3) to double check valve and stop light switch screw terminals. Refer to tags applied during removal to ensure that connections are correct.


Install and tighten two washers (2) and nuts (1).

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (7)

Close air reservoir drain valve.

(8) Connect and tighten battery ground cable (page 5-151). (9)

S t a r t engine and operate at idle speed.

(10) While you press brake treadle and valve, tell assistant to check for air l e a k s at double check valve and stop light switch hose connections. ( 1 1 ) P r e s s brake treadle and valve. Tell assistant to check that stop lamps light. (12) Turn off engine. (13) Close and lock front access door.



f. H o s e s , L i n e s , a n d F i t t i n g s . (1) Inspection. and fittings.

This task covers inspection of air brake system hoses, lines,

TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Front access door unlocked and opened and engine side panels removed (page 9-14). INSPECTION (SHEET 1 OF 2)

In following steps, open air reservoir drain valve to relieve all air pressure before disconnecting hoses o r t u b e s . F a i l u r e t o d o s o c o u l d cause serious injury. (a) Check that elbows and tee installed in parking brake valve are tight. If necessary, disconnect hose (1) or tube (2), tighten elbow or tee and reconnect hose or tube. (b) In cab, beneath right-hand instrument panel at parking brake valve, check that hose (1) and tube (2) connections to fittings are tight. (c) Check hose (1) and tube (2) for cracks, splits, chafing, or deterioration. If any of these conditions are seen, replace hose or tube (page 7-74). (d) At front of loader, above hydraulic reservoir, at declutch treadle and valve, check that fittings, elbows, and pilot valve (8) are tight and not loose. If necessary, disconnect hose (1, 3, 4, 6, or 7) or tube (2 or 5), tighten fitting, elbow, or pilot valve, and reconnect hose or tube. (e) Check that hose (1, 3, 4, 6, and 7) and tube (2 and 5) connections at declutch treadle and valve are tight and not loose. (f) Check hoses (1, 3, 4, 6, and 7) and tubes (2 and 5) for cracks, splits, chafing, or deterioration. If any of these conditions are seen, replace hose or tube (page 7-74). (g) Check that plugs installed in declutch treadle and valve body are tight and not loose or missing. If plugs are missing, refer to page 7-82 to install. 7-70

TM 5-3805-262-20



f. H o s e s , L i n e s , a n d F i t t i n g s ( c o n t ) . (1) Inspection (cont).


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSPECTION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (h)

At brake treadle and valve, check that fittings, elbows, tees, and double check valve and stop light switch (12) are tight and not loose. If necessary, disconnect hose (4, 6, 9, 10, or 11), tighten part, and reconnect hose.


Check that hose (4, 6, 9, 10, and 11) connections at brake treadle and valve are tight and not loose.


Check hoses (4, 6, 9, 10, and 11) for cracks, splits, chafing, or deterioration. If any of these conditions are seen, replace hose or tube (page 7-74).


Check that plugs installed in brake treadle and valve body are tight and not loose or missing. If plugs are missing, refer to page 7-82 to install.


Just above hydraulic reservoir, at pressure protection valve and pressure reducing valve, check that fitting, elbow, tee, and safety valve (13) are tight and not loose. If necessary, disconnect hose (11 or 14), tighten part, and reconnect hose.


Check that hoses (10, 11 and 14) connections are tight and not loose.


Check hoses (10, 11 and 14) for cracks, splits, chafing, or deterioration. If any of these conditions are seen, replace hose (page 7-74).


At side of hydraulic reservoir, at front brake actuator, check that elbow is tight and not loose. If necessary, disconnect hose (10), tighten elbow, and reconnect hose.


At right side of loader, at transmission control valve, check that fitting and cut-off valve (15) are tight and not loose. If necessary, disconnect hose (7), tighten fitting or cut-off valve, and reconnect hose,


Check that hose (7) connection is tight and not loose.


Check hose (7) for cracks , splits, chafing, or deterioration. If any of these conditions are seen, replace hose (page 7-74).


At right side of loader, at left side of air reservoir, and at left side of loader, at rear brake actuator, repeat steps (o) through (q) above to. check fittings and hoses (3 and 9).


Start engine and allow air pressure to build up. Apply detergent and water solution to all hose and fitting connections. Check for air bubbles at connections indicating air leakage. If bubbles are seen, tighten fittings. If tightening does no good, replace (page 7-74). Shut off engine.


Close and lock front access door and install engine side panels (page 9-17).


Close air reservoir drain valve if necessary.



f. H o s e s , L i n e s , a n d F i t t i n g s . (2) Replacement. T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , r e p a i r , a n d installation of air brake system hoses, lines, and fittings. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Knife Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Fixed open end wrench set Air compressor equipped with pressure regulator MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Tie straps (FSCM 10988 PN L18331) Tie straps (FSCM 06383 PN SST2S0) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Pressure protection valve removed (page 7-64), engine side panels removed (page 9-14), and battery ground cable disconnected (page 5-148). REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 3) NOTE To aid installation, tag and identify all hoses and lines before disconnecting and removing.



Disconnect hose (1) from hydraulic reservoir.


Disconnect hose (1) from elbow (2). Remove hose from loader.


Remove elbow (2) from pressure reducing valve (4).


Remove pressure relief valve (3) from pressure reducing valve (4).


Remove pressure reducing valve (4) from tee (5).


Remove tee (5) from adapter (6).


Remove adapter (6) from pressure protection valve.


Disconnect hose (8) from elbow (7).


Remove elbow (7) from pressure protection valve.


Disconnect hose (8) from elbow (9). Remove hose from loader.


Remove elbow (9) from brake treadle and valve.


Disconnect hose (45) from tee (10).


Disconnect hose (48) from tee (10).


Remove tee (10) from double check valve and stop light switch (12).

TM 5-3805-262-20



f. H o s e s ,

Lines, and Fittings (cont).

(2) Replacement (cont). REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 3) (o) Disconnect hose (18) from adapter (11). (p)

Remove adapter (11) from double check valve and stop light switch (12).


Tag and disconnect two front wiring harness electrical leads from double check valve and stop light switch (12). Unscrew double check valve and stop light switch from elbow (13) and remove.


Remove elbow (13) from brake treadle and valve.


Disconnect hose (17) from elbow (14).


Remove elbow (14) from brake treadle and valve.


If necessary, remove four plugs (15) and plug (16) from brake treadle and valve.


Disconnect hose (17) from elbow (14) on declutch treadle and valve. Remove hose from loader.


Remove elbow (14) from declutch treadle and valve.


Disconnect hose (18) from adapter (19) on declutch treadle and valve. Remove hose from loader.


Remove adapter (19) from declutch treadle and valve.


Disconnect hose (37) from adapter (20).

( a a ) Remove adapter (20) from declutch treadle and valve. (ab) Disconnect hose (50) from elbow (21). ( a c ) Remove elbow (21) from declutch treadle and valve. (ad) Loosen nuts (22 and 27) and disconnect tube (26) from elbow (24) and fitting (29). Remove tube (26), sleeves (23 and 28), and nuts (22 and 27) from loader. ( a e ) Remove elbow (24) from declutch treadle and valve. ( a f ) Remove adapter (25) from declutch treadle and valve. (ag) R e m o v e f i t t i n g ( 2 9 ) f r o m p i l o t v a l v e ( 3 4 ) . (ah) Disconnect hose (40) from elbow (30). 7-76

TM 5-3805-262-20



f. H o s e s , L i n e s , a n d F i t t i n g s ( c o n t ) . (2) Replacement (cont). REMOVAL (SHEET 3 OF 3) (ai) Remove elbow (30) from pilot valve (34). ( a j ) Loosen two nuts (31), and disconnect tube (36) from two fittings (33). Remove tube (36), two nuts (31) and sleeves (32) from loader. (ak) Remove fitting (33) from pilot valve (34). ( a l ) Remove pilot valve (34) from adapter (35). (am) Remove adapter (35) from declutch treadle and valve. (an) If necessary, remove two plugs (15) from declutch treadle and valve. (ao) Remove fitting (33) from parking brake valve. ( a p ) Disconnect hose (37) from elbow (38). Remove hose from loader. (aq) Remove elbow (38) from tee (39). ( a r ) Remove parking brake switch from tee (39) (page 5-51). ( a s ) Remove tee (39) from parking brake valve. ( a t ) Disconnect hose (40) from adapter (41). Remove hose from loader. (au) R e m o v e a d a p t e r ( 4 1 ) f r o m c u t o u t c y l i n d e r ( 4 2 ) i n s t a l l e d i n t r a n s m i s s i o n control valve port. ( a v ) Remove cutout cylinder (42) from transmission control valve port. (aw) Disconnect hose (45) from elbow (43). (ax) Remove elbow (43) from front brake actuator. (ay) Remove clamp (44) and remove hose (45) from loader. ( a z ) Disconnect hose (48) from adapter (46). (ba) Remove adapter (46) from rear brake actuator. (bb) Cut, remove, and discard two tie straps (47), then remove hose (48) from loader. (bc) D i s c o n n e c t h o s e ( 5 0 ) f r o m a d a p t e r a t a i r r e s e r v o i r . (bd) Cut, remove, a n d d i s c a r d t w o t i e s t r a p s ( 4 7 ) a n d t w o t i e s t r a p s ( 4 9 ) . Remove hose (50) from loader.


TM 5-3805-262-20



f. H o s e s , L i n e s , a n d F i t t i n g s ( c o n t ) . (2) Replacement (cont). CLEANING

Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc). Failure to do so could cause serious i n j u r y t o e y e s a n d p o s s i b l e b l i n d n e s s . If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately. (a) Clean hoses (1, 8, 17, 18, 37, 40, 45, 48, and 50) and tubes (26 and 36) using clean cloths moistened with detergent. Clear obstructions from inside hoses using compressed air.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately. (b) Clean remaining parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using compressed air or clean cloths.


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSPECTION AND REPAIR (a) Inspect tubes (26 and 36) for cracks, s p l i t s , c h a f i n g , o r d e t e r i o r a t i o n . Repair a damaged t u b e a s f o l l o w s : Cut tube (26 or 36) between nut (22, 27, or 31) and sleeve (23, 28, or 32). Remove nut (22, 27, or 31). Remove fitting (24, 29, or 33) tube support if separated from fitting. Remove and discard sleeve (23, 28, or 32). Repeat steps through of tube (26 or 36).

above to remove nut and sleeve from other end

Cut new tube (26 or 36) to required length using old tube as guide. Slide nut on tube (26 or 36), threaded end out. Slide new sleeve on tube. Install fitting tube support on tube if separated from fitting. Push tube into fitting until firmly seated and hand-tighten nut to prevent loss of sleeve. Repeat steps through above other end of tube (26 or 36).








NOTE Replace an item if inspection indicates need for replacement. (b) Inspect hoses (1, 8, 17, 18, 37, 40, 45, 48, and 50) for cracks, splits, chafing, or deterioration. (c) Inspect fittings (29 and 33) and elbow (24) for cracks or damage. Replace associated nut and sleeve if fitting or elbow requires replacement. Refer to step (a) above to install nut, sleeve, and fitting or elbow on tube (26 or 36). (d) Connect a source of compressed air to port of cut-out cylinder (42). Port is 1/4 NPT. Apply 100 psi air pressure to cut-out cylinder. Check that piston of cut-out cylinder extends outward 0.93 inch. Relieve air pressure. Check that cut-out cylinder piston retracts. Check that piston of cut-out cylinder extends outward 0.31 inch. Replace cut-out cylinder if above indications are not obtained. Disconnect compressed air source from cut-out cylinder. (e) Inspect remaining parts for cracks, distortion, wear, or thread damage.



f. H o s e s , L i n e s , a n d F i t t i n g s ( c o n t ) . (2) Replacement (cont). INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 3) (a) Install fitting (33) in parking brake valve port. (b) Position tube (36) in loader. Connect sleeve (32) and nut (31) to fitting (33) as tagged and tighten nut. (c) If removed, install two plugs (15) in declutch treadle and valve upper chamber. (d)

I n s t a l l adapter (35) in declutch treadle and valve lower chamber.


I n s t a l l pilot valve (34) on adapter (35).


I n s t a l l fitting (33) in pilot valve (34).

(g) Connect tube (36) with sleeve (32) and nut (31) to fitting (33) as tagged, and tighten nut. ( h ) I n s t a l l adapter (25) in declutch treadle and valve upper chamber. (i)

I n s t a l l elbow (24) in adapter ( 2 5 ) .

( j ) P o s i t i o n t u b e ( 2 6 ) i n l o a d e r ; connect sleeve (23) and nut (22) to elbow (24) as t a g g e d . T i g h t e n n u t . (k)

I n s t a l l fitting (29) in pilot valve (34).

( l ) C o n n e c t tube (26) with sleeve (28) and nut (27) to fitting (29) as tagged, a n d t i g h t e n n u t . ( m ) I n s t a l l elbow (30) in pilot valve (34). ( n ) C o n n e c t hose (40) to elbow (30) as tagged. (o)

I n s t a l l cutout cylinder (42) in transmission control valve port.


I n s t a l l adapter (41) in cutout cylinder (42).

(q) Route hose (40), then connect hose (40) to adapter (41) as tagged. (r) Install tee (39) in parking brake valve. (s) Install parking brake switch (page 5-63). (t) Install elbow (38) in tee (39).


TM 5-3805-262-20



f. H o s e s , L i n e s , a n d F i t t i n g s ( c o n t ) . (2) Replacement (cont). INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 3) (u)

Connect hose (37) to elbow (38) as tagged.


Install adapter (20) in declutch treadle and valve lower chamber.


Route hose (37) and connect hose (37) to adapter (20) as tagged.


Install elbow (21) in declutch treadle and valve lower chamber.


Connect hose (50) to elbow (21) as tagged.


I n s t a l l a d a p t e r ( 1 9 ) i n d e c l u t c h t r e a d l e a n d valve upper chamber.

( a a ) Connect hose (18) to adapter (19) as tagged. (ab) Install elbow (14) in declutch treadle and valve lower chamber. ( a c ) Connect hose (17) to elbow (14) as tagged. (ad) If removed, install four plugs (15) and plug (16) in brake treadle and valve. (ae) Install elbow (14) in brake treadle and valve. ( a f ) Route hose (17) and connect hose (17) to elbow (14) as tagged. (ag) I n s t a l l e l b o w ( 1 3 ) i n b r a k e t r e a d l e a n d v a l v e . ( a h ) Screw double check valve and stop light switch into elbow (13). Connect two front wiring harness electrical leads to double check valve and stop light switch (12) as tagged. ( a i ) Install adapter (11) in double check valve and stop light switch (12). ( a j ) Route hose (18) and connect to adapter (11) as tagged. (ak) I n s t a l l t e e ( 1 0 ) i n d o u b l e c h e c k v a l v e a n d s t o p l i g h t s w i t c h ( 1 2 ) . ( a l ) Connect hose (45) to tee (10) as tagged. (am) Connect hose (48) to tee (10) as tagged. ( a n ) Install elbow (9) in brake treadle and valve lower chamber. (ao) Connect hose (8) to elbow (9) as tagged.


TM 5-3805-262-20



f. H o s e s , L i n e s , a n d F i t t i n g s ( c o n t ) . (2) Replacement (cont). INSTALLATION (SHEET 3 OF 3) (ap) Install elbow (43) in front brake actuator. (aq) Route hose (45), install clamp (44) to secure hose, and connect to elbow (43) as tagged. (ar) Install adapter (46) in rear brake actuator. (as) Route hose (48), install two new tie straps (47) to secure, and connect to adapter (46) as tagged. ( a t ) Route hose (50), install two new tie straps (49) and two new tie straps (47) to secure and connect to adapter at air reservoir. (au) I n s t a l l e l b o w ( 7 ) i n p r e s s u r e p r o t e c t i o n v a l v e . (av) Route and connect hose (8) to elbow (7) as tagged. (aw) I n s t a l l a d a p t e r ( 6 ) i n p r e s s u r e p r o t e c t i o n v a l v e . (ax) I n s t a l l t e e ( 5 ) o n a d a p t e r ( 6 ) . (ay) I n s t a l l p r e s s u r e r e d u c i n g v a l v e ( 4 ) o n t e e ( 5 ) . (az) Install pressure relief valve (3) in pressure reducing valve (4). (ba) I n s t a l l e l b o w ( 2 ) i n p r e s s u r e r e d u c i n g v a l v e ( 4 ) . (bb) Connect hose (1) to elbow (2) as tagged. (bc) C o n n e c t h o s e ( 1 ) t o h y d r a u l i c r e s e r v o i r . (bd) C l o s e a i r r e s e r v o i r d r a i n v a l v e . ( b e ) Connect and tighten battery ground cable (page 5-151). (bf) Start engine and operate at idle speed until low air pressure warning buzzer stops sounding. (bg) T u r n o f f e n g i n e . C h e c k a i r h o s e s a n d l i n e s c o n n e c t i o n s f o r a i r l e a k s . Apply soap solution to connections and watch for bubbles. If bubbles are seen, tighten connection and recheck for air leaks. (bh) I n s t a l l e n g i n e s i d e p a n e l s ( p a g e 9 - 1 7 ) . ( b i ) Close and lock front access door. 7-86

TM 5-3805-262-20



g. Air Compressor Assembly. (1) Air Compressor.

This task covers removal and installation of air compres-

sor. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Fixed open end wrench set MATERIALS/PARTS: Thread sealant (Appendix C, item 12) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine right side panels removed (page 9-14) and alcohol evaporator lines and fittings disconnected from air compressor (page 7-117).

Relieve all air pressure before performing maintenance on air system. Failure to do so could result in serious injury. If you are injured obtain medical aid immediately. (a) Open drain valve in bottom of air reservoir to relieve air pressure. (b) At front of air compressor, disconnect oil supply hose (1) and install a plug in it to prevent entry of foreign matter. (c) Disconnect air hose (2) from fitting at top of air reservoir and at governor (3).


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 4) (d) Disconnect oil drain hose (4) from fitting at engine and at bottom of air compressor.

(e) Remove two capscrews (5), l o c k w a s h e r s ( 6 ) , a n d w a s h e r s ( 7 ) s e c u r i n g a i r compressor to mounting bracket (8). (f) Remove drive belt (9) from air compressor pulley.



g. Air Compressor Assembly (cont). (1) Air Compressor (cont). REMOVAL (SHEET 3 OF 4) (g) Loosen two clamps (10 and 13). Pull water hoses (11 and 14) from elbow (12) and adapter (15) to disconnect from air compressor. Remove clamps (10 and 13).

(h) Move air compressor away from engine and loosen clamp (16) securing air hose (17) to air compressor. (i) Pull air inlet hose (17) from elbow (18) and remove clamp (16).


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 4 OF 4) (j) Disconnect air hose (19) from elbow (20). (k) Remove air compressor (21) from engine compartment.


If necessary, remove elbow (22) , elbows (23 and 24), nipple (25), elbow (26), adapter (27), and reducer (28) from air compressor.



g. Air Compressor Assembly (cont). (1) Air Compressor (cont). INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 4)

(a) If necessary, install reducer (28), adapter (27), elbow (26), nipple (25), and elbows (22 through 24) in air compressor ports.

(b) Put air compressor (21) against chassis and connect outlet hose (19) to elbow (20).


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 4)

(c) Position clamp (16) on air hose (17). Connect air hose (17) to elbow (18) then position clamp (16) and tighten.

(d) Position clamps (10 and 13) on water hoses (11 and 14). (e) Connect water hoses (11 and 14) to elbow (12) and adapter (15), respectively. Position clamps (10 and 13) on end of hoses and tighten.



g. Air Compressor Assembly (cont). (1) Air Compressor (cont). INSTALLATION ( SHEET 3 OF 4)

(f) Position drive belt (9) around engine fan pulley and air compressor pulley.

(g) Position air compressor on mounting bracket (8) and secure using two washers (7), lock washers (6), and capscrews (5). (h) Apply thread sealant to threads of oil drain hose (4). Connect oil drain hose (4) to bottom of air compressor and tighten. Connect oil drain hose (4) to fitting at engine and tighten.


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 4 OF 4)

(i) Connect and tighten air hose (2) to governor (3) and to tee located at top of air reservoir. (j) Connect oil supply hose (1) to air compressor and tighten. (k) Connect alcohol evaporator lines and fittings to air compressor (page 7-122). (l) Check and ensure that drain valve located on bottom of air reservoir is closed. (m) Start and operate engine at idle speed until air pressure gage located on left instrument cluster indicates in green area of gage then turn off engine. (n) Reinstall engine right side panels (page 9-17). NOTE Adjust tension of air compressor drive belt as described on page 7-97 below.



g. Air Compressor Assembly (cont). (2) Air Compressor Drive Belt. T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , i n s t a l l a t i o n , a n d a d justment of air compressor d r i v e b e l t . D r i v e b e l t t e n s i o n s h a l l b e c h e c k e d a f t e r every 500 hours of operation. I f a n e w d r i v e b e l t i s i n s t a l l e d , c h e c k t e n s i o n a f t e r first 20 hours of operation then again after every 500 hours of operation. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Belt tension gage MATERIALS/PARTS: Wire (coat hanger is suitable) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine right side panels removed (page 9-14).

REMOVAL (a) Loosen two capscrews (1) securing air compressor (2) to mounting bracket (3). (b) Move air compressor closer to engine then remove drive belt (4) from air compressor pulley and fan pulley. INSTALLATION (a) Move air compressor close to engine and position drive belt (4) around fan pulley and air compressor pulley. ( b ) A d j u s t t e n s i o n o f a i r c o m p r e s s o r drive belt as described on page 7-97. 7-96

TM 5-3805-262-20 ADJUSTMENT (a)

Using a belt tension gage (1), check tension of drive belt (2) as shown below. Tension of a used drive belt shall be 90 pounds; tension of a new drive belt shall be 110 pounds. If a drive belt tension gage is not available, depress drive belt midway between air compressor pulley and fan pulley. Drive belt deflection should be 1/2 inch.


If tension of drive belt is not as specified above, do the following steps.


Loosen two capscrews (3) securing air compressor (4) to mounting bracket (5).


Using clothes hanger wire, wrap wire (6) around base of air compressor as shown. Then, using a prybar (7) move air compressor away from engine until proper drive belt tension is obtained.


Aline air compressor pulley with fan pulley and tighten two capscrews (3) to secure air compressor (4) to mounting bracket (5).


Using belt tension gage (l), check tension of drive belt (2) as shown above. Tension of a used drive belt shall be 90 pounds; tension of a new drive belt shall be 110 pounds. If a drive belt tension gage is not available, depress drive belt midway between air compressor pulley and fan pulley. Drive belt deflection should be 1/2 inch. If necessary, do steps (c) through (e) above.


Remove wire from around base of air compressor.


Reinstall engine right side panels (page 9-17). 7-97


g. Air Compressor Assembly (cont). (3) Air Compressor Governor. T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , i n s t a l l a t i o n , a d j u s t ment, and testing of air compressor governor. Test governor whenever you install a new governor or when you suspect it is malfunctioning. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Fixed open end wrench set Screwdriver Pressure gage, zero to 150 psi Street tee, 1/4 NPTF (FSCM 10988 PN 221-1691) MATERIALS/PARTS: Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine right side panels removed (page 9-14) and alcohol evaporator line and fitting disconnected from governor (page 7-117). REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2)

Relieve all air pressure before working on air system. Failure to do so c o u l d r e s u l t i n s e r i o u s i n j u r y . If you are injured obtain medical aid immediately. (a) Open drain valve in bottom of air reservoir to relieve air pressure.

(b) Disconnect air hose (1) from t e e (2) installed at top of air reservoir. ( c ) A t a i r c o m p r e s s o r , loosen and disconnect air hose (3) from governor port. 7-98

TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) (d) Loosen two tube fittings (4) then disconnect and remove tube (5) from air compressor.

(e) Remove two capscrews (6), nuts (7), and lock washers (8); remove governor (9) from mounting bracket (10). INSTALLATION (a)

Position governor (9) on mounting bracket (10). Secure using two capscrews (6), lock washers (8), and nuts ( 7 ) ; t i g h t e n s e c u r e l y .


Position and connect tube (5) to elbows installed in air compressor and governor. Tighten two tube fittings (4).


Connect air hose (3) to governor port and tighten.


Connect air hose (1) to tee (2) located at top of air reservoir and tighten.


Connect alcohol evaporator line and fitting to governor (page 7-122).


Close drain valve located in bottom of air reservoir.


Adjust governor (page 7-100).



g. Air Compressor Assembly (cont). (3) Air Compressor Governor (cont). ADJUSTMENT (SHEET 1 OF 2)

Relieve all air pressure before working on air system. Failure to do so c o u l d r e s u l t i n s e r i o u s i n j u r y . If you are injured obtain medical aid immediately.



Open drain valve in bottom of air reservoir to relieve air pressure.


At top of air reservoir, remove safety valve (1) from tee (2) and install 1/4 NPTF street tee (3) in tee (2). Install safety valve (1) in street tee (3).


Install zero to 150 psi air pressure gage in street tee (3).


Close drain valve in bottom of air reservoir.


Start engine and operate at idle speed.


Watch pressure gage. P r e s s u r e i n d i c a t i o n w i l l i n c r e a s e u n t i l a i r c o m pression stops. When pressure indication stops increasing, record pressure indication. Pressure indication shall be 105 to 115 psi.


Continue to operate engine at idle speed. Apply brakes several times while observing pressure gage indication. pressure indication will decrease until compression starts. When pressure indication just starts to i n c r e a s e , r e c o r d p r e s s u r e i n d i c a t i o n . Pressure must be 90-95 psi.


If pressure indications recorded in steps (f) and (g) above are not correct perform steps (i) through (1) below otherwise go to step (m) below.


At governor assembly, loosen lock nut


Turn adjusting screw (5) clockwise to decrease pressure setting, or counterclockwise to increase pressure setting.


Tighten lock nut (4) while holding adjusting screw (5) using screwdriver to prevent adjusting screw from moving and changing adjustment.

TM 5-3805-262-20 ADJUSTMENT (SHEET 2 OF 2) (l) Turn off engine and open drain valve at bottom of air reservoir to relieve air pressure then close drain valve and repeat steps (e) through (k) above until pressure settings are correct. If one pressure setting is correct and other is wrong, remove and replace governor and forward it to direct support maintenance (new adjustment assembly must be installed in governor). (m) Turn off engine and open drain valve to relieve air pressure. (n) Disconnect zero to 150 psi pressure gage from street tee (3), remove safety valve (1) from street tee. (o) Remove street tee (3) from tee (2) and reinstall safety valve (1) in tee (2). (p) Close drain valve at bottom of air reservoir and reinstall engine right side panels (page 9-17). TESTING (a) Start and operate engine at idle speed. Continue to operate engine u n t i l AIR PRESS gage on l e f t i n s t r u m e n t c l u s t e r i n d i c a t e s i n g r e e n a r e a . (b) Turn off engine. (c) Apply soap and water solution to governor exhaust port and check for bubbles indicating air leakage. There shall be no bubbles indicating air leakage. If air leakage is indicated, remove and replace governor and forward it to direct support maintenance (0-rings are damaged and must be replaced). (d) Place key switch in ON position, but don’t start engine. Apply brakes several times to decrease air pressure and until low air pressure warning buzzer sounds. Place key switch in OFF position. (e) Apply soap and water solution to governor exhaust port and check for bubbles indicating air leakage. There shall be no bubbles indicating air leakage. If air leakage is indicated, remove and replace governor and forward it to direct support maintenance (0-rings are damaged and must be replaced). (f) Reinstall engine right side panels (page 9-17). 7-101


h. Air Compressor Lines. ( 1 ) I n s p e c t i o n . This task covers inspection of air compressor lines. Air compresser lines consist of coolant hoses, oil hoses, and air hoses connected to air compressor. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set MATERIALS/PARTS: Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine right side panels removed (page 9-14). INSPECTION (SHEET 1 OF 3) (a) Start and operate engine at idle speed. Continue to operate engine until AIR PRESS gage on left instrument cluster indicates in green area and no longer increases. (b) Turn off engine. NOTE When performing following steps, if coolant or oil leakage is observed or if hoses, lines, or fittings are damaged, refer to page 7-106 for replacement.

(c) Check that clamp (1) securing water hose (3) to elbow (2) is tight and that coolant leakage is not observed. Tighten clamp (1) if loose. 7-102

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSPECTION (SHEET 2 OF 3) (d)

Inspect water hose (3) along its entire length for cracks, splits, worn spots due to chafing, or other damage.


Check that clamp (4) securing water hose (3) to elbow (5) is tight and that coolant leakage is not observed. Tighten clamp (4) if loose.


Check that clamp (6) securing water hose (8) to adapter (7) is tight and that coolant leakage is not observed. Tighten clamp (6) if loose.


Inspect water hose (8) along its entire length for cracks, splits, worn spots due to chafing, or other damage.


Check that clamp (9) securing water hose (8) to elbow (10) is tight and that coolant leakage is not observed. Tighten clamp (10) if loose.


Check that oil inlet hose (11) connection to adapter (12) is tight and that oil is not leaking from hose; if necessary tighten hose fitting.


Inspect oil inlet hose (11) along its entire length for cracks, splits, worn spots due to chafing, or other damage.


Check that oil inlet hose (11) connection to tee (13) is tight and that oil is not leaking from hose; if necessary tighten hose fitting.


Check for oil leakage at nut (14); if oil leakage is seen, tighten nut (14) l


Check that oil return hose (15) connection to reducer (16) is tight and that oil is not leaking from hose; if necessary tighten hose fitting.


Inspect oil return hose (15) along its entire length for cracks, splits, worn spots due to chafing, or other damage.


Check that oil return hose (15) connection to elbow (17) is tight and that oil leakage is not apparent; if necessary tighten hose fitting.



h. A i r C o m p r e s s o r L i n e s ( c o n t ) . (l) Inspection (cont).


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSPECTION (SHEET 3 OF 3) (p)

Check that air hose (18) connections to elbow (19) and check valve (20) are tight; if necessary, tighten air hose fittings.


Inspect air hose (18) along its entire length for cracks, splits, worn spots due to chafing, or other damage.


Check that clamps (23 and 27) securing air hose (22) to adapter (28) and elbow (24) are tight; t i g h t e n c l a m p s i f n e c e s s a r y .


Inspect air hose (22) along its entire length for cracks, splits, worn spots due to chafing, or other damage.


Check that air hose (29) connections to air compressor and tee (30) are tight; if necessary, tighten air hose fittings.


Inspect air hose (29) along its entire length for cracks, splits, worn spots due to chafing, or other damage.


Apply soap and water solution to air hoses (22 and 29) connections at air compressor and air reservoir. Check for bubbles at connections indicating air leakage. If bubbles are observed, tighten fittings; if, tightening does no good , r e p l a c e a i r h o s e s ( 2 2 a n d 2 9 ) .


Install engine right side panels (page 9-17).



h. A i r C o m p r e s s o r L i n e s ( c o n t ) . (2) Replacement. This task covers removal, c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , a n d installation of air compressor lines. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Fixed open end wrench set MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Thread sealant (Appendix C, item 12) Tie straps (FSCM 06383 PN SST2S0) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine right side panels removed (page 9-14) and alcohol evaporator lines and fittings disconnected from air compressor (page 7-117).


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 4)

Relieve all air pressure before performing maintenance on air system. Failure to do so could result in serious injury. If you are injured obtain medical aid immediately. (a) Open drain valve in bottom of air reservoir to relieve air pressure. NOTE Cut, remove, and discard tie straps as necessary in following steps. (b) At front of air compressor, disconnect oil supply hose (1) and plug it to prevent entry of foreign matter. ( c ) A t s i d e o f e n g i n e c y l i n d e r b l o c k , loosen and disconnect oil supply hose (1). Remove oil supply hose from loader. (d) If necessary, loosen tube (3) nut and disconnect tube from tee (2). Loosen and remove tee from engine cylinder block.


Disconnect air hose (4) from tee at top of air reservoir and at governor (5). Remove air hose from loader. If necessary, remove safety valve and tee from air reservoir port.

(f) Disconnect oil drain hose (6) from elbow (7) at engine and fitting at bottom of air compressor. Remove oil drain hose from loader. (g) If necessary, loosen and remove elbow (7). (h) Remove two capscrews (8), lock washers (9), and washers (10) securing air compressor to mounting bracket (11).



h. A i r C o m p r e s s o r L i n e s ( c o n t ) . ( 2 ) Replacement



(i) Remove drive belt (12) from air compressor pulley. (j) Loosen two clamps (13 and 16). Pull water hoses (14 and 17) from elbow (15) and adapter (18) to disconnect from air compressor. Remove clamps (13 and 16).

(k) Move air compressor away from engine and loosen clamp (19) securing air inlet hose (20) to air compressor. (l) Pull air inlet hose (20) from elbow (21) and remove clamp (19). (m) Loosen and disconnect air hose (22) from elbow (23) . (n) Remove air compressor (24) from engine compartment. 7-108

TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 3 OF 4) (o) If necessary, remove elbow (25), elbows (26 and 27), nipple (28), elbow (29), adapter (30), and reducer (31) from air compressor.

(p) At opposite endof water hose (14), loosen clamp (32). Disconnect and remove water hose from loader. Remove clamp from hose. (q) If necessary, loosen and remove elbow (33) from engine cylinder block. ( r ) A t o p p o s i t e e n d o f w a t e r h o s e ( 1 7 ) , loosen clamp (34). Disconnect and remove water hose from loader. Remove clamp from hose. (s) If necessary, loosen and remove elbow (35) from engine cylinder block.



h. A i r C o m p r e s s o r L i n e s ( c o n t ) . (2) Replacement (cont). REMOVAL (SHEET 4 OF 4)

(t) At opposite end of air inlet hose (20) at air cleaner base, loosen clamp (36). Disconnect and remove air inlet hose from loader. Remove clamp from hose. (u) If necessary, loosen and remove adapter (37) from air cleaner base.

(v) Loosen and disconnect opposite end o f a i r h o s e ( 2 2 ) a t a i r r e s e r v o i r . Remove air hose from loader. (w) If necessary, loosen and remove check valve (38) and elbow (39). 7-110

TM 5-3805-262-20 CLEANING

Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc). Failure to do so could cause serious i n j u r y t o e y e s a n d p o s s i b l e b l i n d n e s s . If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately. (a) Clean hoses (1, 4, 6, 14, 17, 20, and 22) using clean cloths. Clear any blockage from inside hoses using compressed air.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke w h e n u s i n g i t . Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately. (b) Clean remaining parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths. INSPECTION NOTE Replace an item if inspection indicates need for replacement. (a) Inspect hoses (1, 4, 6, 14, 17, 20, and 22) for c r a c k s , s p l i t s , c h a f i n g , or deterioration. ( b ) I n s p e c t a l l o t h e r p a r t s f o r c r a c k s , d i s t o r t i o n , or thread damaged.



h. A i r C o m p r e s s o r L i n e s ( c o n t ) . (2) Replacement (cont). INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 5)

NOTE Install tie straps as necessary in following steps to restrain hoses. (a) If removed, install elbow (39) in air reservoir port. Then install check valve (38) in elbow. Tighten parts securely. (b) Route air hose (22) between air reservoir and air compressor. Connect air hose to check valve (38). Tighten hose securely. Don’t connect other end of air hose yet.

(c) If removed, install adapter (37) in air cleaner base. Tighten securely. (d) Route air inlet hose (20) between air inlet base and air compressor. Put clamp (36) on air inlet hose. Connect air inlet hose to adapter (37) by pushing hose onto adapter. Position and tighten clamp securely. Don’t connect opposite end of air inlet hose yet. 7-112

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 5) (e)

If removed, install elbows (35 and 33) in engine cylinder block. Tighten securely.


Route water hose (17) between air compressor and elbow (35). Put clamp (34) on water hose. Connect water hose to elbow by firmly pushing hose onto elbow. Position and tighten clamp securely.


Route water hose (14) between air compressor and elbow (33). Put clamp (32) on water hose. Connect water hose to elbow by firmly pushing hose onto elbow. Position and tighten clamp securely.


If necessary, install reducer (31), adapter (30), elbow (29) , nipple (28), and elbows (25 thru 27) in air compressor ports.



h. A i r C o m p r e s s o r L i n e s ( c o n t ) . (2) Replacement (cont ) . INSTALLATION (SHEET 3 OF 5)

( i ) P u t a i r compressor (24) against chassis and connect outlet h o s e ( 2 2 ) t o elbow (23). (j) Position clamp (19) on air hose (20). Connect air hose to elbow (21) then position clamp and tighten.

(k) Position clamps (13 and 16) on water hoses (14 and 17). (l) Connect water hoses (14 and 17) to elbow (15) and adapter (18), respectively. Position clamps (13 and 16) on end of hoses and tighten.


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 4 OF 5)

( m ) P o s i t i o n d r i v e b e l t ( 1 2 ) a r o u n d engine fan pulley and air compressor pulley. (n) Position air compressor on mounting bracket (11) and secure using two washers (10), lock washers (9), and capscrews (8). (o) If removed, install elbow (7) in engine front cover. Tighten securely. (p) Apply thread sealant to threads of oil drain hose (6). Connect o i l d r a i n h o s e to bottom of air compressor and t i g h t e n . C o n n e c t o i l d r a i n h o s e (6) to elbow (7) and tighten.



h. A i r C o m p r e s s o r L i n e s ( c o n t ) . (2) Replacement (cont). INSTALLATION (SHEET 5 OF 5)



If removed, install tee and safety valve in air reservoir port.


Connect and tighten air hose (4) to governor (5) and to tee located at top of air reservoir.


If removed, install tee (2) in engine cylinder block. Connect tube (3) to tee and tighten tube nut securely.


Connect oil supply hose (1) to tee (2) and tighten hose fitting securely.


Connect oil supply hose (1) to air compressor and tighten.


Connect alcohol evaporator lines and fittings to air compressor (page 7-122).


Close drain valve located on bottom of air reservoir.


Adjust air compressor drive belt tension (page 7-96) and reinstall engine right side panels (page 9-17).


Start and operate engine at idle speed until AIR PRESS gage needle located on left instrument cluster indicates in green area then turn off engine.


i. A l c o h o l E v a p o r a t o r . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , d i s a s s e m b l y , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c tion, reassembly, and installation of the alcohol evaporator and associated lines and fittings. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Hand hammer, 16 ounces Combination box and open end wrench set Vise Retaining ring pliers 1/8 inch drill bit Drill, 1/2 inch capacity Craftsman’s knife Automotive Mechanic’s Tool Kit Drive pin punch, 1/8 inch point Drive pin punch, 3/8 inch point MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) REFERENCE: TM 5-3805-262-10 NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Air reservoir drain valve opened, engine top hood r e m o v e d ( p a g e 9 - 1 1 ) , engine right side panels removed (page 9-14), and air inlet hose disconnected from air compressor (page 7-108). REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2)

Relieve all air pressure before working on air system. Failure to do so could result in serious i n j u r y . If you are injured, obtain medical aid immediately.

(2) Loosen and remove fitting (3) then elbow (5) from elbow installed in air compressor port.

Change 1



i. A l c o h o l E v a p o r a t o r ( c o n t ) . REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) ( 3 ) A t a l c o h o l e v a p o r a t o r ( 1 9 ) , loosen nut (6) and disconnect tube (4) from fitting (8). Remove tube (4) with nuts (1 and 6) and sleeves (2 and 7) from loader. (4) Loosen and remove fitting (8) from alcohol evaporator (19). ( 5 ) A t a i r c o m p r e s s o r g o v e r n o r , loosen nut (9) and disconnect tube (12) from fitting (11). (6) At alcohol evaporator (19) loosen nut (13) and disconnect tube (12) from fitting (15). Remove tube (12) with nuts (9 and 13) and sleeves (10 and 14) from loader. (7) Support alcohol evaporator (19) and loosen and remove three nuts (16), lock washers (17), and capscrews (18). Remove alcohol evaporator from loader.


Change 1

TM 5-3805-262-20 DISASSEMBLY (1)

Loosen and remove jar (20).


Remove g a s k e t ( 2 1 ) .


Loosen and remove plug (22).


Loosen and remove valve housing (23) with cap (24), grommet (25), check valve (26), and valve spring (27) installed.

When performing following step, be careful n o t t o o v e r t i g h t e n v i s e . To do so will distort and damage valve housing (23). (5) Put valve housing (23) in a vise. Don-t overtighten vise. (6) Loosen and remove cap (24) using open end wrench. (7) Remove check valve (26) and valve spring (27). Remove grommet (25) from check valve (26). (8) Loosen and remove tube (28). Remove seal ring (29) from tube (28). (9) Remove retaining ring (30) and remove filter

(10) If necessary to remove expansion plug (32), use a 1/8 inch bit to drill a hole through expansion plug. Use a 1/8 inch drive pin punch inserted in hole to twist expansion plug out of body (33). Discard expansion plug (32). CLEANING (SHEET 1 OF 2)

Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc). Failure to do so could cause serious i n j u r y t o e y e s a n d p o s s i b l e b l i n d n e s s . If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately. (1) Clean tubes (4 and 12) and grommet (25) using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Dry using clean cloth. Clear obstructions from inside tubes using compressed air. 7-119


i. A l c o h o l E v a p o r a t o r ( c o n t ) . CLEANING (SHEET 2 OF 2)

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don-t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes w i t h w a t e r and get medical aid immediately. (2)

Clean filter (31) using cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using compressed air.


Clean remaining parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.


Rinse jar (20) using clean water and dry with clean cloth.



Inspect tubes (4 and 12) and grommet (25) for cracks, splits, chafing, deterioration. If a tube requires replacement:


Cut new tube (4 or 12) to required length using old tube as guide.


Cut old tube (4 or 12) between nut (1, 6 , 9 , o r 1 3 ) a n d s l e e v e ( 2 , 7 , 10, or 14).


Remove and discard sleeve (2, 7, 10, or 14).


Slide nut (1, 6, 9, or 13) on new tube (4 or 12), threaded end out.


Slide new sleeve (2, 7, 10, or 14) on tube (4 or 12).


Put fitting (3, 8, 11, or 15) on tube (4 or 12) and loosely install nut (1, 6, 9, or 13) to prevent loss of sleeve (2, 7, 10, or 14).


Replace jar (20) if cracked or nicked at top.


Replace gasket (21), grommet (25), s e a l r i n g ( 2 9 ) , o r f i l t e r ( 3 1 ) i f cracked, torn, deteriorated, or deformed.


Replace check valve (26) if deformed, c h i p p e d , o r b u r r s a r e s e e n .


I n s p e c t v a l v e s p r i n g ( 2 7 ) f o r c r a c k s , deformation, or signs of permanent set. Replace if any of these conditions are seen.

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSPECTION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (6) Inspect body (33) for cracks, breaks, dents, or other damage. Replace if necessary. (7) Inspect remaining parts for stripped or crossed threads, deformation, cracks, or breaks, Replace defective parts. REASSEMBLY (1)

If expansion plug (32) was removed, install new expansion plug using a hammer and 3/8 inch point drive pin punch.


Install filter (31) and secure with retaining ring (30).


Put seal ring (29) on tube (28). Install tube (28) and seal ring (29) in body (33). Tighten tube (28) securely.

When performing following step, be careful n o t t o o v e r t i g h t e n v i s e . To do so will distort and damage cap (24). (4)

Put cap (24) in vise. Don’t overtighten vise.


Put grommet (25) on large diameter shoulder of check valve (26).


Install grommet (25) and check valve (26) in cap (24) with grommet facing downward.


Install valve spring (27) on check valve (26).


Install valve housing (23) on cap (24) and tighten securely.


Remove cap (24) with assembled parts from vise.

(10) Install valve housing (23) and assembled parts (24 through 27) in body (33). Tighten valve housing securely. (11) Install plug (22) in body (33) and tighten securely. (12) Put gasket (21) on top of jar (20) and install jar on body (33). 7-121


i. A l c o h o l E v a p o r a t o r ( c o n t ) . INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 2)



Put alcohol evaporator (19) on right hood support and secure using three capscrews (18), lock washers (17), and nuts (16).


Route tube (12) between air compressor governor and alcohol evaporator (19).


Route tube (4) between air compressor and alcohol evaporator (19).


At alcohol evaporator (19), install fittings (15 and 8). Tighten fittings securely.


Connect tube (12) to fitting (15). Do this by inserting sleeve (14) and tube (12) end into fitting as far as you can then tightening nut (13) securely.

Change 1

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (6) Connect tube (4) to fitting (8). Do this by inserting sleeve (7) and tube (4) end into fitting as far as you can then tightening nut (6) securely. (7) At air compressor governor, install fitting (11). Tighten fitting securely. ( 8 ) A t a i r c o m p r e s s o r , install elbow (5) in elbow. Tighten elbow securely. (9) Install fitting (3) in elbow (5). Tighten fitting securely. (10) Connect tube (12) to fitting (11). Do this by inserting sleeve (10) and tube (12) end into fitting as far as you can then tightening nut (9) securely. (11) Connect tube (4) to fitting (3). Do this by inserting sleeve (2) and tube (4) end into fitting as far as you can then tightening nut (1) securely. (12) Connect air inlet hose to air compressor (page 7-112). (13) Refer to operator’s manual and fill alcohol evaporator jar with alcohol. (14) Install engine top hood (page 9-13). (15) Install engine right side panels (page 9-17). (16) Close and tighten air reservoir drain valve.


(7-124 blank)

TM 5-3805-262-20

CHAPTER 8 WHEELS AND STEERING SYSTEM MAINTENANCE CHAPTER OVERVIEW This chapter contains the information you'll need to maintain the: * Wheels and Tires * Steering System It gives you information on how to repair or replace the components that comprise the wheels and tires and steering system which are within the scope of organizational maintenance.

Wheels and Tires Maintenance . . . Steering System Maintenance . . . . Steering Wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hoses, Lines, and Fittings . . .

. . . .

Para . 8-1 . 8-2 . . 8-2a . 8-2b

Steering System Maintenance Auxiliary Steering System . Hydraulic Oil Cooler . . . . . Steering Hydraulic Filter .

Para (cont) . . . . 8-2c . . . . . 8-2d . . . . 8-2e

NOTE In following paragraphs, resources required are not listed unless they apply to the procedure. Personnel required are listed only if the task requires more than one. If PERSONNEL REQUIRED is not listed it means one person can do the task, The normal standard equipment condition to start a maintenance task is loader bucket lowered to ground, engine off, loader parked on a level surface, and parking brake applied. EQUIPMENT CONDITION is not listed u n l e s s s o m e o t h e r c o n d i t i o n i s r e q u i r e d b e s i d e s those indicated above.



This task covers servicing of tires, removal, disassembly, cleaning, inspection, repair, reassembly, and installation of wheel and tire assembly. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Scratch wire brush Hand hammer, 3 lb Tire iron, bead breaker Tire iron, lock ring Tubeless tire repair kit Hydraulic jack Jack stands Socket wrench set, 3/4 inch drive Torque wrench, 3/4 inch drive Air compressor Tire valve repair tool Tire inflation cage Air hose equipped with self-locking air chuck Chocks, two MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) 0-ring (FSCM 73195 PN 0R25TU)



Check that tire is correctly mounted before inflating tire. Failure to do so may result in severe injury or death due to explosive separation of tire and rim parts. If necessary, remove tire and install in a tire inflation cage. Always stand behind tire tread when inflating tire. a . Remove valve cap. b . Using air hose equipped with self-locking air chuck, connect air hose to tire valve.

Do not inflate tire more than 40 psi. To do so may result in severe injury or death due to explosive separation of tire and rim parts.

Stand behind tire tread and be sure personnel are not standing at side of tire before adding air. Failure to do so could cause severe injury or loss of life due to explosive separation of tire and rim parts. c . Inflate tire to 40 psi. d . Disconnect air hose. e . Install valve cap on tire valve.




Before raising loader from ground, is engaged. Failure to do so may jacks or jack stands causing serious by falling equipment, obtain medical

be sure that transport/service link cause vehicle to turn and slip off injury or death. If you are injured aid immediately.

a . Engage transport/service link (page 9-8). b . Place chocks at wheels not being removed. c . Using hydraulic jack placed under axle end, raise wheel and tire assembly to be removed off ground and place jack stands under axle ends.

Before performing following step, be sure that chassis is securely supported by jack stands. Failure to do so could cause chassis to fall on you causing serious injury or death. I f y o u a r e i n j u r e d b y f a l l i n g equipment, obtain medical aid immediately. d . Remove 12 lug nuts (1). e . Remove wheel and tire assembly (2).


TM 5-3805-262-20 DISASSEMBLY

a . Remove valve cap (1). b . Remove valve adapter (6). c . D e f l a t e t i r e b y r e m o v i n g v a l v e c o r e f r o m t i r e v a l v e ( 7 ) . U s e t i r e v a l v e r e.p a i r tool to remove-valve core. Reinstall valve core in tire valve a f t e r t i r e i s completely deflated.

Before doing following step, be sure tire is completely d e f l a t e d . Failure to do so could cause death or serious injury due-to lock ring (2) or side rim ring (4) flying off rim (8) striking you or other personnel in immediate area. d . Remove lock ring (2) and 0-ring (3) from rim (8). Use tire iron to remove lock ring. Discard 0-ring. e . Remove side rim ring (4). If necessary, drive bead breaking tire iron between tire bead and side rim ring. Be careful not to damage tire bead area. f . Turn wheel and tire over. Drive bead breaking tire iron between tire bead and r i m ( 8 ) f l a n g e , L i f t rim from tire (5) and remove. g . If necessary, remove t i r e v a l v e ( 7 ) .




Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately. a . Clean all metallic parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths. Remove rust, c o r r o s i o n , o r t i r e r u b b e r u s i n g s c r a t c h w i r e b r u s h . b . Clean tire (5) using detergent and water solution. Allow to air dry. Remove debris from tire treads using a blunt tool such as the end of tire iron. c . Inspect lock ring (2), side rim ring (4), and rim (8) for cracks, distortion, b e n t c o n d i t i o n , or other damage. Check flange area of side rim ring and rim for roughness or presence of foreign matter. Remove foreign matter. Replace p a r t i f f l a n g e a r e a i s r o u g h . Put side rim ring and rim on flat surface and check that they are not bent out of shape. R e p l a c e p a r t i f a n y o f t h e s e c o n d i tions are seen. d . Check valve cap (1), valve adapter (6), and tire valve (7) for cracks, deformation, or damaged threads. Replace part if any of these conditions are seen. e . Inspect inside tire for damage to casing, fabric, or cord. Remove all foreign material. Repair tire punctures using tubeless tire repair kit only if authorized by your supervisor. Replace tire if it cannot be economically repaired or if there is any doubt to its serviceability.


TM 5-3805-262-20 REASSEMBLY (SHEET 1 OF 2)

a . Install tire valve (7) in rim (8). b . Install valve adapter (6) in tire valve (7). c . Place rim (8) flat on ground with tire valve (7) downward. d . Position tire (5) on rim (8). Be sure tire treads are positioned as shown. e . Install new 0-ring (3). f . Install side rim ring (4) on rim (8). g . Install lock ring (2). h . Check that tire (5) is correctly mounted on rim (8). If necessary, remove tire and repeat above steps.

In following step, do not inflate tire more than 5 psi. Failure to do so could cause death or severe injury due to explosive separation of tire and rim parts. i . Center tire (5) on rim (8). Place a chain or cable with a turnbuckle or other tightening device around center of tire tread. Tighten chain or cable to depress center of tire and force tire beads against rim. Partially inflate tire to 5 psi. Remove chain or cable. 8-7



j . Put wheel and tire assembly in tire inflation cage.

Don’t inflate tire more than 40 psi. To do so may result in death or severe injury due to explosive separation of tire and rim parts. Stand behind tire tread and be sure personnel are not standing at side of tire before adding air. Failure to do so could cause death or severe injury due to explosive separation of tire and rim parts. k. Using air hose with self-locking air chuck, connect air hose to tire valve (7) and inflate tire (5) to 40 psi. l. Disconnect air hose chuck from tire valve (7), install valve cap (1), and remove wheel and tire from tire inflation cage. m. If necessary, install wheel and tire assembly.


TM 5-3805-262-20

INSTALLATION a . Position wheel and tire assembly (2) on axle end.

b . Install 12 lug nuts (1) and tighten to 340 to 420 lb-ft. c . Raise chassis and remove jack stands from beneath axle end; lower wheel and tire assembly to ground. NOTE Repeat above procedures for remaining wheel and tire assemblies as necessary. d . Remove chocks from wheels.

Be sure that transport/service link is disengaged before driving vehicle. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death or extensive property damage due to loss of steering control. If you are injured, obtain medical aid immediately. e . Disengage transport/service link (page 9-8).



a. S t e e r i n g W h e e l .

This task covers removal and installation of steering wheel.

TOOLS : No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Mechanical puller kit Flat tip screwdriver Automotive Mechanic’s Tool Kit Socket wrench s e t , 1 / 2 i n c h d r i v e NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Front wheels i n s t r a i g h t - a h e a d p o s i t i o n . REMOVAL (1)

Remove cap (1) using flat tip screwdriver to pry it up to remove.

(2) Remove nut (2). NOTE Before removing steering wheel, note position of steering wheel spokes in relationship to front of vehicle. (3) Using mechanical puller, remove steering wheel (3).


Position steering wheel (3) on steering column in relationship to front of vehicle as noted above.

(2) Install nut (2); tighten securely. (3) Install cap (1).



b. H o s e s , L i n e s , a n d F i t t i n g s . (1) Inspection (SHEET 1 OF 3). T h i s t a s k c o v e r s i n s p e c t i o n o f i n s t a l l e d h o s e s , lines, and fittings. Properly performed, inspection can quickly pinpoint areas that may become serious problems dead lining the loader if not located. NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine left side panels removed (page 9-14).


Open access door in front of loader.


Check that hoses and fittings connected to steering gear (1) are tight and that oil leakage is not seen. If oil leakage is seen, tighten hose fittings as necessary.


Check hoses connected to steering gear (1) along their entire length for cracks, splits, worn spots due to chafing, or other damage. If any of these conditions are seen, replace hose (page 8-14).


Check that hoses and fittings connected to flow control valve (2) are tight and that oil leakage is not seen. If oil leakage is seen, tighten hose fittings as necessary.


Check hoses connected to flow control valve (2) along their entire length for cracks, splits, worn spots due to chafing, or other damage. If any of these conditions are seen, replace hose (page 8-14).



b. H o s e s , L i n e s , a n d F i t t i n g s ( c o n t ) . (1) Inspection (SHEET 2 OF 3).

(f) Check that hoses connected to steering cylinder assemblies (3) located at bottom each side of hydraulic reservoir (4) are tight and that oil leakage is not seen. If oil leakage is seen, tighten hose fittings. (g) Check hoses connected to steering cylinder assemblies (3) along their entire length for cracks, splits, worn spots due to chafing, or other damage. If any of these conditions are seen, replace hose (page 8-14).

(h) Check that hoses connected to fitting (6) on hydraulic pump (5) are tight and that oil leakage is not seen. If oil leakage is seen, tighten hose fittings. 8-12

TM 5-3805-262-20 SHEET 3 OF 3 (i)

Check that oil leakage is not seen at fitting (6), tube (7) connections, and check valve (8) connections. Tighten fittings or connections as necessary.


Check tube (7) along its entire length for cracks, dents, bent condition, or o t h e r d a m a g e . R e p l a c e ( p a g e 8 - 1 4 ) a s n e c e s s a r y .


Check that hose (9) connection at flow switch (10) and connections to bottom of hydraulic oil cooler (11) are tight and that oil leaks are not seen. If oil leakage is seen, tighten connections.


Cheek hose (9) along its entire length for cracks, splits, worn spots due to chafing, or other damage. If any of these conditions are seen, replace hose (page 8-14).


Check that hose (12 and 13) connections at manifold (14) are tight and that oil leaks are not seen. If oil leakage is seen, tighten hose clamps. If tightening hose clamps does not stop leakage, replace hoses and clamps (page 8-14).


In engine compartment, check that tube (16) and hose (15) connections at steering hydraulic filter (17) head are tight and oil leaks are not seen. Tighten fittings if oil leaks are seen. If tightening fittings does no good, replace defective part (page 8-14).


Check tube (16) tire length for bent condition, damage, Replace necessary.


Check hose (15) along its entire length for cracks, splits, worn spots due to chafing, or other damage. If any of these conditions are seen, replace hose (page 8-14).


Install engine left side panels (page 9-17).

along its encracks, dents, or other (page 8-14) as



b. H o s e s , L i n e s , a n d F i t t i n g s ( c o n t ) . (2) Replacement. T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , a n d i n s t a l l a tion of steering system hoses, lines, and fittings. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Fixed open end wrench set Multimeter Plug MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Hydraulic oil (Appendix C, item 13) 0-rings, seven (FSCM 10988 PN 218-5007) 0-rings, four (FSCM 10988 PN 218-5006) 0-ring (FSCM 10988 P N 218-5008) 0-rings, two (FSCM 10988 PN 218-5010) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine left side panels removed (page 9-14) and hydraulic oil drained from hydraulic reservoir (page 11-79). REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 5) (a) Above hydraulic reservoir, at steering gear, tag, loosen, and disconnect hose (1) fitting at steering gear. Loosen then disconnect fitting on other end of hose (1) at flow control valve and remove hose from loader. (b) Remove and discard O-ring (2). (c) Tag, loosen, and disconnect hose (3) fitting at steering gear. Loosen then disconnect fitting on other end of hose (3) at tee (9) installed in flow control valve port. Remove hose (3) from loader. (d) Tag, loosen, and disconnect hose (4) fitting at elbow (15) installed in steering gear port. Don’t disconnect fitting on other end of hose (4) yet. (e) Tag, loosen, and disconnect hose (5) fitting connected to tee (9) installed in flow control valve port. Don't disconnect fitting on other end of hose (5) yet. (f) Tag hose (6). Loosen tube (7) fitting securing hose (6) then disconnect hose from tube. Loosen and disconnect fitting on other end of hose (6) from flow control valve port. (g) Remove hose (6) from loader.


TM 5-3805-262-20



b. H o s e s , L i n e s , a n d F i t t i n g s ( c o n t ) . (2) Replacement (cont). REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 5)

(h) Remove and discard 0-ring (8). (i) If necessary, remove tee (9) and 0-ring (10) from flow control valve port. Discard 0-ring. (j) If necessary, remove two connectors (11) and 0-rings (12) from steering gear ports. Discard 0-rings. (k) At side of reservoir, tag, loosen, and disconnect hose (13) fitting from tee (20) installed in port of steering cylinder assembly. Loosen and disconnect fitting on other end of hose (13) at steering gear port and remove hose from loader. (l) Remove and discard 0-ring (14). (m) If necessary, remove elbow (15) and 0-ring (16) from steering gear port. Discard 0-ring. 8-16

TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 3 OF 5)

(n) Loosen and disconnect hose (4) fitting at tee (20) installed in steering cylinder assembly port. Remove hose from loader. (o) Tag, loosen, and disconnect hoses (17) from tees (20) and elbows (18) installed in steering cylinder assemblies ports. Remove hoses from loader. (p) If necessary, remove two elbows (18) and 0-rings (19). Discard 0-rings. (q) If necessary, remove two tees (20) and 0-rings (21). Discard 0-rings. 8-17


b. H o s e s , L i n e s , a n d F i t t i n g s ( c o n t ) . (2) Replacement (cont).


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 4 OF 5) (r) At flow switch (24) located at bottom of hydraulic oil cooler, loosen and disconnect fitting at other end of hose (5); remove hose (5) from loader. (s) Remove connector (22). (t) Grasp terminal (23) and wiring harness lead then pull both apart to disconnect them. Repeat for remaining two terminals (23). (u) Remove flow switch (24) and, if necessary, elbow (25) from bottom port of hydraulic oil cooler. (v) At right side of hydraulic pump, tag, loosen, and disconnect tube (7) fitting from fitting (27). Remove tube (7) from loader. (w) Tag, loosen, and disconnect hose (26) fitting from fitting (27); install plug in hose (26) fitting to prevent entry of foreign matter. (x) If necessary , remove fitting (27), dust cap (28), nipple (29), fitting (30), check valve (31), elbow (32), and 0-ring (33). Discard 0-ring (33).



b. H o s e s , L i n e s , a n d F i t t i n g s ( c o n t ) . (2) Replacement (cont).


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 5 OF 5) (y) Loosen two clamps (34) and disconnect hose (35) from manifold and elbow (37). (z) Remove two clamps (34) from hose ( 3 5 ) . I f h o s e i s t o be removed from loader, remove hardware securing clamp (36) then remove hose from loader and clamp (36) from hose. (aa) If necessary, remove elbow (37); remove and discard 0-ring (38). (ab) Loosen hose fittings at each end of tube (39) and remove tube from loader. (ac) If necessary, remove elbows (40 and 42). Discard 0-ring (41). CLEANING (a) Clean hoses (1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13, 17, and 35) using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Dry using clean cloth.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment ( g o g g l e s / s h i e l d , g l o v e s , etc). Failure to do so could cause serious injury to eyes and possible blindness. If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately. (b) Clean remaining parts by immersing in cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry using compressed air. Flush interior of fittings and elbows using compressed air. (c) Flush interior of hoses (1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13, 17, and 35) and tubes (7 and 39) using clean hydraulic oil. Use compressed air to clear any obstructions from inside hoses and tubes.



b. H o s e s , L i n e s , a n d F i t t i n g s ( c o n t ) . (2) Replacement (cont). INSPECTION NOTE In following steps, replace parts determined to be defective. (a) Inspect hose assemblies (1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13, 17, and 35) for cracks, breaks, chafing, or other indications of damage. Check fittings for stripped or crossed threads or other damage. If hose fittings are damaged, replace complete hose assembly. ( b ) I n s p e c t c o n n e c t o r s ( 1 1 a n d 2 2 ) , t e e s ( 9 a n d 20), elbows (15, 18, 25, 32, 37, 40, and 42), fittings (27 and 30), dust cap (28), nipple (29), and c h e c k v a l v e ( 3 1 ) f o r c r a c k s , d i s t o r t i o n , o r damaged threads. (c) Check tubes (7 and 39) for cracks, dents, and deformation; check tube fittings for damaged threads or cracks. Replace tube if fittings are damaged. (d) Check remaining parts for cracks, breaks, deformation, or stripped or damaged t h r e a d s . (e) Connect timeter orange ity. If


multimeter between black and red leads of flow switch (24); mulshall indicate continuity. Connect multimeter between black and cads of flow switch (24); multimeter shall indicate no continuabove indications are not correct, replace flow switch.

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 5)


If necessary, install elbow (42) in hydraulic oil cooler.


Install new 0-ring (41) on elbow (40) and install elbow in steering hydraulic filter head.


Position tube (39) and connect to elbows (42 and 40). Tighten tube (39) fittings.


Install new 0-ring (38) on elbow (37); i n s t a l l e l b o w ( 3 7 ) i n s t e e r i n g hydraulic filter head.


Install clamp (36) on hose (35) and one clamp (34) on each end of hose (35). Route hose between steering hydraulic filter head and manifold mounted on hydraulic pump.


Connect hose (35) to elbow (37) and manifold. Position clamps (34) on ends of hose and tighten securely.


Secure clamp (36) using hardware removed in step (z) above (page 8-21).



b. H o s e s , L i n e s , a n d F i t t i n g s ( c o n t ) . (2) Replacement (cent). INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 5)



At hydraulic pump, install new 0-ring (33) on elbow (32).


Install elbow (32) in hydraulic pump port and tighten securely.


Install check valve (31), fitting (30), nipple (29), dust cap (28), and fitting (27).


Connect and tighten hose (26) fitting to fitting (27).


Position tube (7) and connect tube fitting to fitting (27); hand tighten tube fitting.

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 3 OF 5) (m)

At hydraulic oil cooler, install elbow (25) in cooler port.


Install flow switch (24) with port marked OUT connected to elbow (25). Connect flow switch three terminals (23) to wiring harness leads.


Install connector (22) in IN port of flow switch (24).


Route hose (5) between connector (22) and steering gear. Connect and tighten hose (5) fitting to connector (22).


At sides of loader, install new 0-rings (19) on two elbows (18); install elbows in ports located at rod end of steering cylinder assemblies.


Route hoses (17) as shown between elbows (18) and steering cylinder assemblies port opposite rod end.


At bottom sides of hydraulic tank , i n s t a l l n e w 0 - r i n g ( 2 1 ) o n t e e s ( 2 0 ) . Install tees (20) in steering cylinder assemblies port opposite rod end port.


Connect and tighten hose (17) fitting to tee (20). Repeat for remaining hose (17).


Route hoses (13 and 4) between tees (20) and steering gear.



b. H o s e s ,

L i n e s , and Fittings (cont).

(2) Replacement (cont). INSTALLATION (SHEET 4 OF 5)

(v) At steering gear, install new 0-ring (16) on elbow (15). Install elbow (15) in steering gear port A and tighten securely. (w) Route hose (13) between steering gear and left steering cylinder assembly. Install new 0-ring (14) on hose (13) fitting. Connect and tighten hose (13) to steering gear port B. (x) Connect and tighten opposite end of hose (13) to tee (20) installed in left steering cylinder assembly port. (y) Install new 0-ring (12) on connectors (11). Install connectors (11) in steering gear ports OUT and IN. (z) Install new 0-ring (10) on tee (9) and install tee in flow control valve port.


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 5 OF 5) ( a a ) I n s t a l l n e w 0 - r i n g ( 8 ) o n h o s e ( 6 ) f i t t i n g . R o u t e h o s e ( 6 ) between flow control valve and-tube (7). Connect hose fitting to flow control valve; tight en h o s e f i t t i n g s e c u r e l y . (ab) Connect opposite end of hose (6) to t u b e ( 7 ) . T i g h t e n t u b e ( 7 ) f i t t i n g s securely. (ac) Connect and tighten hose (5) fitting to tee (9) installed in flow control valve. Tighten hose fitting securely. (ad) Route hose (4) between right steering cylinder assembly and steering gear. Connect and tighten hose (4) fitting to elbow (15) installed in steering gear port A. Tighten hose fitting securely. (ae) Connect and tighten fitting on other end of hose (4) to tee (20) installed in right steering cylinder assembly port. Tighten fitting securely. ( a f ) Route hose (3) between steering gear OUT port and flow control valve. Connect and tighten hose (3) fittings. Tighten securely. ( a g ) I n s t a l l n e w 0 - r i n g ( 2 ) o n h o s e ( 1 ) f i t t i n g . Route hose between steering gear and flow control valve. (ah) Connect hose (1) fitting to flow control valve and tighten securely. ( a i ) Connect fitting on opposite end of hose (1) to connector (11) installed in IN port of steering gear. Tighten fitting securely. ( a j ) Fill hydraulic reservoir with oil (page 11-79). (ak) T i g h t e n h y d r a u l i c r e s e r v o i r f i l l c a p . ( a l ) Start engine and operate at idle speed.

Before performing following step, warn personnel to of loader between front and rear chassis. Failure death or serious injury to those personnel due to crushing them. If personnel are injured, obtain immediately.

stay away from sides to do so will cause chassis pivoting and medical assistance

(am) Turn steering wheel through several complete turns to bleed any air from hydraulic system. (an) Turn off engine and check for oil leaks. Tighten fittings as necessary. (ao) Install engine left side panels (page 9-17).


TM 5-3805-262-20 8-2. STEERING SYSTEM MAINTENANCE (CONT) c. A u x i l i a r y S t e e r i n g S y s t e m . (1) Inspection. This task covers inspection of auxiliary steering system installed hoses, lines, and fittings.

(a) Check that hose (1) connected between fitting (2) on hydraulic pump (3) and auxiliary steering pump and motor is tight and that oil leakage is not seen. If oil leakage is seen, tighten hose fittings. (b) Check hose (1) along its entire length for cracks, splits, worn spots due to chafing, or other damage. If any of these conditions are seen, replace hose (page 8-29). (c) Check that hose (4) connections at manifold (5) and auxiliary steering pump and motor are tight and that oil leaks are not seen. If oil leakage is seen, tighten hose clamps. If tightening hose clamps does not stop leakage, replace hoses and clamps (page 8-29) . (d) Check hose (4) along its entire length for cracks, splits, worn spots due to chafing, or other damage. If any of these conditions are seen, replace hose (page 8-29) .



c. A u x i l i a r y S t e e r i n g S y s t e m ( c o n t ) . (2) Replacement. T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , a n d i n s t a l l a tion of auxiliary steering system hoses, lines, and fittings. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Fixed open end wrench set Vacuum pump MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Hydraulic oil (Appendix C, item 13) 0-ring (FSCM 10988 PN 218-5007) 0-ring (FSCM 10988 PN 218-5460)

REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2) NOTE Draining oil from hydraulic reservoir is not necessary if a vacuum pump is available. (a) If a vacuum pump is not available, drain hydraulic oil from hydraulic r e s e r v o i r t h e n g o t o s t e p ( d ) b e l o w . If a vacuum pump is available, go to step (b) below. (b) If vacuum pump is available, slowly loosen hydraulic reservoir fill cap (1) to relieve air pressure. Remove hydraulic reservoir fill cap (1). (c) Connect vacuum pump to hydraulic reservoir fill cap opening. Then turn vacuum pump on.



c. A u x i l i a r y S t e e r i n g S y s t e m ( c o n t ) . (2) Replacement (cont). REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2)

(d) On right side of loader at hydraulic pump, tag, loosen, and disconnect hose (2) fitting from fitting (3). Loosen then disconnect fitting on other end of hose (2) at check valve (4). Remove hose (2) from loader. (e) Remove check valve (4), elbow (5) and 0-ring (6). Discard 0-ring. (f) Loosen clamp (7) then disconnect hose (8) by pulling it from elbow (9). Remove clamp (7) from hose. (g) Remove elbow (9) and 0-ring (10). Discard 0-ring (10). ( h ) O n l e f t s i d e o f l o a d e r , a t m a n i f o l d , loosen clamp (11) then disconnect hose (8) by pulling it from port on manifold. Remove clamp (11).


TM 5-3805-262-20 CLEANING (a) Clean hoses (2 and 8) using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Dry using clean cloth.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean p. a r t s i s t o x i c W e a r p r o t e c t i v e g o g g l e s a n d g l o v e s a n d use only in a area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is with water and get medical aid immediately.

and flammable. well ventilated don’t breathe and don’t smoke injury. If you air and medical is made, flush made, wash eyes

Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment ( g o g g l e s / s h i e l d , g l o v e s , etc). Failure to do so could cause serious injury to eyes and possible blindness. If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately. (b) Clean remaining parts by immersing in cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry using compressed air. Flush interior of check valve and elbows using compressed air. (c) Flush interior of hoses (2 and 8) using clean hydraulic oil. Use compressed air to clear any obstructions from inside hoses. INSPECTION NOTE In following steps, replace parts determined to be defective. (a) Inspect hoses (2 and 8) for cracks, breaks, chafing, or other indications of damage. Check fittings on hose (2) for stripped or crossed threads or other damage. If hose fittings are damaged, replace complete hose assembly. (b) Inspect elbows (5 and 9), and clamps (7 and 11) for cracks, distortion, or damaged threads.



c. A u x i l i a r y S t e e r i n g S y s t e m ( c o n t ) . (2) Replacement (cont). INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 2)

(a) Position clamp (11) on one end of hose (8) then connect hose to manifold by pushing it onto manifold port.



Position clamp (11) on end of hose (8) and tighten clamp.


Install new 0-ring (10) on elbow (9) and install elbow in auxiliary steering pump and motor port. Tighten securely.


Position clamp (7) on end of hose (8) then connect hose to elbow (9) by pushing it onto elbow.


Position clamp (7) on end of hose (8) connected to elbow (9) and tighten clamp.


Install new 0-ring (6) on elbow (5). Install elbow in auxiliary steering pump and motor port. Tighten securely.


Install check valve (4) making sure that arrow marked on it is pointing away from auxiliary steering pump and motor.


Position hose (2) between check valve (4) and fitting (3) then connect and tighten hose (2) fittings to check valve and fitting.


If vacuum pump is used, turn off vacuum pump, and disconnect from hydraulic reservoir fill cap opening. Go to step (k) below.

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION ( SHEET 2 OF 2) (j)

If vacuum p u m p i s n o t u s e d , f i l l hydraulic reservoir with oil (page 11-79).


Tighten hydraulic reservoir fill cap (1).


Start engine and operate at idle speed for two minutes then increase engine speed to full throttle for two minutes.


Pull out fuel SHUT OFF control to stop engine but keep ignition key switch in RUN position.


Check that auxiliary steering pump and motor is operating; if it is not operating, go to troubleshooting (page 3-137).

Before performing following step, warn personnel to of loader between front and rear chassis. Failure death or serious injury to those personnel due to crushing them. If personnel are injured, obtain immediately.

stay away from sides to do so will cause chassis pivoting and medical assistance

(o) Wait one minute then turn steering wheel all the way to the right then all the way to the left to bleed air from system. (p) Set ignition key switch to OFF position. (q) Check for oil leakage at auxiliary steering pump and motor. Tighten fittings as necessary.



d. H y d r a u l i c O i l C o o l e r . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , a n d i n stallation of hydraulic oil cooler. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Fixed open end wrench set Vacuum pump Pipe plug, 1-15/16-12 thread size MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Hydraulic oil (Appendix C, item 13) PERSONNEL REQUIRED: Two Construction Equipment Mechanics MOS 62B NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine left and right side panels removed (page 9-14), engine top hood removed (page 9-11), and heater hose (30, page 10-38) disconnected from engine (page 10-37). REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 3) NOTE Draining oil from hydraulic reservoir is not necessary if a vacuum pump is available.



If a vacuum pump is not available, drain hydraulic oil from hydraulic reservoir then go to step (4) below. If a vacuum pump is available, go to step (2) below.


If vacuum pump is available, slowly loosen hydraulic reservoir fill cap to relieve air pressure. Remove hydraulic reservoir fill cap.


Connect vacuum pump to hydraulic reservoir fill cap opening. Then turn vacuum pump on.

TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL ( SHEET 2 OF 3) (4)

On right side of loader, at bottom of hydraulic oil cooler, disconnect hose (1) fitting from connector (2) and install plug in hose fitting to prevent entry of foreign matter.


Remove connector (2) from flow switch (4).


Disconnect flow switch (4) terminals (3) from wiring harness leads by grasping terminal (3) and harness lead and pulling them apart. Repeat for remaining two terminals (3).


At steering hydraulic filter head, loosen tube (6) fitting.



d. H y d r a u l i c O i l C o o l e r (cont). REMOVAL (SHEET 3 OF 3) (8)

On left side of loader, at bottom of hydraulic oil cooler (14), loosen tube (6) fitting and remove tube from loader.

Be careful when performing following steps not to drop hydraulic oil cooler (14). To do so will damage cooling fins. (9)

While an assistant supports hydraulic oil cooler (14), remove four c a p s c r e w s ( 8 ) , nuts (9), lock washers (10), and washers (11 and 12).

(10) Remove cooler grille (13) and hydraulic oil cooler (14) from loader. (11) Remove elbows (5 and 7) from hydraulic oil cooler (14). CLEANING

Compressed a i r u s e d f o r c l e a n i n g p u r p o s e s w i l l n o t e x c e e d 3 0 p s i . U s e only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc). Failure to do so could cause serious i n j u r y t o e y e s a n d p o s s i b l e b l i n d n e s s . If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately. (1)

Clean hydraulic oil cooler (14) by back flushing with clean hydraulic oil and compressed air until all foreign matter is removed.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes w i t h large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is w i t h water and get medical aid immediately. (2)


and flammable. well ventilated don’t breathe and don-t smoke injury. If you air and medical is made, flush made, wash eyes

Clean remaining metallic parts by wiping with clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloth.

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSPECTION (1)

Inspect hydraulic oil cooler (14) for evidence of leakage at brazed joints; check for dents or other damage. If any of these conditions are observed replace it.


Inspect cooler grille (13) for broken welds, cracks, breaks, or other damage. Replace as necessary.


Inspect mounting hardware f o r d e f o r m a t i o n , c r a c k s , b r e a k s , c r o s s e d threads, or other damage. Replace as necessary.


Be careful when performing following steps not to drop hydraulic oil cooler (14). To do so will damage cooling fins. (1)

Install elbows (5 and 7) in hydraulic oil cooler (14) ports and position hydraulic oil cooler in loader.


TM 5-3805-262-20 8-2. STEERING SYSTEM MAINTENANCE (CONT) d. H y d r a u l i c O i l C o o l e r ( c o n t ) . INSTALLATION ( SHEET 2 OF 3)



While an assistant supports hydraulic oil cooler (14), position cooler grille (13) on front of hood support and secure using four capscrews (8), washers (12 and 11), lock washers (10), and nuts (9). Tighten capscrews (8) and nuts (9) securely.


Position and connect tube (6) fittings to elbow installed in steering hydraulic filter head and elbow (7). Tighten tube fittings.


On right side of loader, at bottom of hydraulic oil cooler (14) , install flow switch (4) and connector (2).


Connect three terminals (3) to wiring harness leads by pushing terminals (3) into wiring harness terminals.


Remove plug from hose (1) fitting and connect hose fitting to connector (2); tighten hose fitting securely.


Connect heater hose (30, page 10-38) to engine (page 10-43).

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 3 OF 3) (8) If vacuum pump is used, turn off vacuum pump, and disconnect from hydraulic reservoir fill cap opening. Go to step (10) below. (9) If vacuum pump is not used, fill hydraulic reservoir with oil (page 11-79). (10) Tighten hydraulic reservoir fill cap. (11) Start engine and operate at idle speed.

Before performing following step, warn personnel to of loader between front and ‘rear chassis. Failure death or serious injury to those personnel due to crushing them. If personnel are injured, obtain immediately.

stay away from sides to do so will cause chassis pivoting and medical assistance

(12) Wait one minute then turn steering wheel all the way to the right then all the way to the left to bleed any air from hydraulic system. (13) Turn off engine and check for oil leaks. Tighten fittings as necessary. (14) Reinstall engine left and right side panels (page 9-17) and engine top hood (page 9-13).


TM 5-3805-262-20 8-2. STEERING SYSTEM MAINTENANCE (CONT) e. S t e e r i n g H y d r a u l i c F i l t e r . (1) Servicing (SHEET 1 OF 2). T h i s t a s k c o v e r s s e r v i c i n g ( r e p l a c e m e n t ) o f steering hydraulic filter. Steering hydraulic filter shall be changed every 500 hours of operation or if HYDRAULIC FILTER warning lamp lights. TOOLS: Filter strap wrench MATERIALS/PARTS: Hydraulic oil (Appendix C, item 13) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine left side panels removed (page 9-14). (a) Open front access door and slowly loosen hydraulic reservoir fill cap to relieve air pressure.

(b) Using filter strap wrench, turn steering hydraulic filter counterclockwise to remove. (c) Lubricate gasket of new filter using clean hydraulic oil.

Don’t use filter strap wrench to install filter. To do so may cause an oil leak due to filter being dented by filter strap wrench. (d) Install new filter by turning clockwise until gasket contacts filter head then hand-tighten an additional 1/2 to 3/4 turn. (e) Tighten hydraulic reservoir fill cap.


TM 5-3805-262-20 SHEET 2 OF 2 (f) Start engine and operate at idle speed.

Before performing following step, warn personnel to of loader between front and rear chassis. Failure death or serious injury to those personnel due to crushing them. If personnel are injured, obtain immediately.

stay away from sides to do so will cause chassis pivoting and medical assistance

(g) Wait one minute then turn steering wheel all the way to the right then all the way to the left to bleed any air from hydraulic system. (h) Turn off engine and check for oil leaks at steering hydraulic filter. Tighten filter as necessary. (i) Reinstall engine left side panels (page 9-17) and check hydraulic oil level (page 11-78). Add oil as necessary.



e. S t e e r i n g H y d r a u l i c F i l t e r ( c o n t ) . (2) Removal. T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , a n d i n s t a l l a t i o n of steering hydraulic filter head. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Fixed open end wrench set Multimeter Vacuum pump MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Hydraulic oil (Appendix C, item 13) 0-rings, two (FSCM 10988 PN 218-5010) 0-ring (FSCM 10988 PN 218-5006) 0-ring (FSCM 10988 PN A29197) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine left side panels removed (page 9-14) and s t e e r i n g h y d r a u l i c f i l t e r r e m o v e d ( i f n e c e s s a r y ) ( p a g e 8-40).


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL NOTE Draining oil from hydraulic reservoir is not necessary if a vacuum pump is available. (a) If a vacuum pump is not available, drain hydraulic oil from hydraulic reservoir then go to step (d) below. If a vacuum pump is available, go to step (b) below. (b) If vacuum pump is available, slowly loosen hydraulic reservoir fill cap to relieve air pressure. Remove hydraulic reservoir fill cap. (c) Connect vacuum pump to hydraulic reservoir fill cap opening. Then turn vacuum pump on. (d) On left side of loader , at top of filter head (13), remove nut (1) then disconnect terminal (2) from filter restriction switch. (e) Loosen clamp (3) and disconnect hose (4) by pulling it off elbow (5). Stuff a clean cloth in hose (4) to prevent entry of foreign matter. (f) If necessary, remove elbow (5) and 0-ring (6). Discard 0-ring (6). (g) At bottom of hydraulic oil cooler, loosen tube (7) fitting. (h) Loosen tube (7) fitting at filter head (13); remove tube (7) from loader. (i) If necessary, remove elbow (8) and 0-ring (9). Discard 0-ring. (j) Support filter head (13) and remove three capscrews (10), lock washers (11), and washers (12), Remove filter head. (k) If necessary, support mounting bracket (18) and remove four capscrews (14), nuts (15), lock washers (16), and washers (17). (l) Remove mounting bracket (18). (m) Remove nut (19). (n) Remove restriction switch (20) and 0-rings (21 and 22). Discard 0-rings.



e. S t e e r i n g H y d r a u l i c F i l t e r ( c o n t ) . (2) Removal (cont). CLEANING AND INSPECTION

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don-t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (a) Clean all parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths. (b) Inspect elbows (5 and 8) and filter head (13) for cracks, breaks, deform a t i o n , damaged or stripped threads, or other damage. Replace as necessary. (c) Check mounting bracket (18) for bent condition, cracks, or breaks. Replace as necessary. (d) Check restriction switch (20) for loose or damaged terminal. Replace as necessary. Connect multimeter between restriction switch terminal and clean metal surface of body. M u l t i m e t e r s h a l l i n d i c a t e n o c o n t i n u i t y . I f continuity is indicated on multimeter, replace restriction switch. (e) Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, deformation, or damaged threads. Replace as necessary. INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 3) (a) Install new 0-rings (21 and 22) on restriction switch (20). (b) Install restriction switch (20) in filter head. (c) Install and tighten nut (19) on restriction switch (20) terminal. (d) Position mounting bracket (18) on engine right side hood. Secure using four capscrews (14), eight washers (17), four lock washers (16), and nuts (15). Tighten nuts and capscrews securely.


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 3) (e) Position filter head (13) on mounting bracket (18) and secure using three washers (12), lock washers (11), and capscrews (10). (f) Install new 0-ring (9) on elbow (8) then install elbow (8) in filter head (13) port. Tighten elbow securely. (g) Position, connect, and tighten tube (7) between elbow (8) and elbow installed in hydraulic oil cooler bottom port. Tighten tube fittings securely. (h) Install new 0-ring (6) on elbow (5) and install elbow (5) in filter head (13) port. Tighten elbow securely. (i) Remove clean cloth stuffed in hose (4). If necessary, position clamp (3) on end of hose. Connect hose (4) to elbow (5) by pushing onto elbow. (j) Position clamp (3) on end of hose (4) and tighten securely. (k) Connect wiring harness terminal (2) to restriction switch terminal and secure using nut (1). Tighten nut (1) securely.



e. S t e e r i n g H y d r a u l i c F i l t e r ( c o n t ) . (2) Removal (cont). INSTALLATION (SHEET 3 OF 3) (l) Install new filter, if necessary (page 8-40). (m) If vacuum pump is used, turn off vacuum pump, and disconnect from hydraulic reservoir fill cap opening. Go to step (o) below. (n) If vacuum pump is not used, fill hydraulic reservoir with oil (page 11-79). (o) Tighten hydraulic reservoir fill cap. (p) Start engine and operate at idle speed.

Before performing following step, warn personnel to stay away from sides of loader between front and rear chassis. Failure to do so will cause death or serious injury to those personnel due to chassis pivoting and crushing them. If personnel are injured, obtain medical assistance immediately. (q) Wait one minute then turn steering wheel all the way to the right then all the way to the left to bleed any air from hydraulic system. (r) Turn off engine and check for oil leaks at steering hydraulic filter, filter head, and hose and tube connections. Tighten as necessary. (s) Reinstall engine left side panels (page 9-17) and check hydraulic oil level (page 11-78). Add oil as necessary.


TM 5-3805-262-20

CHAPTER 9 FRAME AND TOWING ATTACHMENTS AND BODY AND CAB MAINTENANCE CHAPTER OVERVIEW This chapter contains the information you’ll need to maintain the: * * * * * * *

Front and Rear Chassis Assemblies Trunnion Grease Hoses Transport/Service Link Drawbar Pin Engine Hoods and Panels Front and Rear Fenders Seat Assembly

It gives you information on how to repair or replace the components that are within the scope of organizational maintenance.

Para Chassis Assemblies Maintenance . . . . 9-1 Front Chassis Assembly . . . . . . . . . 9-1a Rear Chassis Assembly . . . . . . . . . . 9-1b Trunnion Grease Hoses . . . . . . . . . . 9-1c Transport/Service Link . . . . . . . . . 9-1d Drawbar Pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 1 e Engine Hoods and Panels Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2 Engine Top Hood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2a Engine Side Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2b

Para Engine Hoods and Side Supports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2c Hood Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2d Fenders Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3 Front Fenders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3a Rear Fenders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3b Seat Assembly Maintenance . . . . . . . . . 9-4 Seat Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4a Seat Support Assembly . . . . . . . . . . 9-4b S e a t B e l t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4c

NOTE In following paragraphs, resources required are not listed unless they apply to the procedure. Personnel required are listed only if the task requires more than one. If PERSONNEL REQUIRED is not listed it means one person can do the task. The normal standard equipment condition to start a maintenance task is loader bucket lowered to ground, engine off, loader parked on a level surface, and parking brake applied. EQUIPMENT CONDITION is not listed unless some other condition is required besides those indicated above.



a. Front Chassis Assembly (SHEET 1 OF 2). front chassis assembly.

This task covers inspection of the

(1) Inspect steps (1) on both sides of loader for loose mounting hardware, b r o k e n w e l d s , c r a c k s , b e n t c o n d i t i o n , or other damage. Tighten loose mounting hardware. Report step damage or other defects to direct support maintenance. (2) Check frame stops (2) on both sides of loader for loose mounting hardware, cracks, deformation, or other damage. Tighten loose mounting hardware. Report cracks, deformation, or other damage to direct support maintenance. ( 3 ) I n s p e c t m o u n t i n g b o s s e s ( 3 , 4, and 5) and tie downs (6) for deformation, cracked welds, or rust. Report the above to direct support maintenance if seen.


TM 5-3805-262-20 SHEET 2 OF 2 (4)

Inspect axle mounting pads (7) and lift brackets (8) for cracks, distort i o n , or broken welds. If any of these conditions are seen, report them to direct support maintenance.


Check chassis spindles (9) for loose mounting hardware, cracks, or other apparent damage. Tighten loose mounting hardware and report discrepancies to direct support maintenance.


Unlock and open front access door and check that handle (10) operates properly and is not loose. If handle is loose, tighten. If handle does not operate properly, notify direct support maintenance.


Check hinges (11) for loose mounting hardware. Tighten loose mounting hardware. Check that door stop stops door from swinging completely open and h i t t i n g l i f t a r m . If door stop doesn’t prevent door from hitting lift arm, notify direct support maintenance.


Inspect steering cylinder assemblies mounting brackets (12) located at each side, bottom of hydraulic reservoir for cracked or broken welds. If cracked or broken welds are seen , r e p o r t t h e m to direct support maintenance.


Close and lock front access door.


TM 5-3805-262-20 9-1. CHASSIS ASSEMBLIES MAINTENANCE (CONT) b. Rear Chassis Assembly (SHEET 1 chassis assembly.



2 ) . This task covers inspection of the rear


Check frame stops (1) on both sides of loader for loose mounting hardw a r e , cracks, deformation, or other damage. Tighten loose mounting hardware. Report cracks, deformation, or other damage to direct support maintenance.


Check transport/service link (2) for bent condition, cracks, breaks, or missing mounting hardware. I f a n y o f t h e s e c o n d i t i o n s a r e s e e n , r e f e r t o page 9-9 and replace parts as necessary.


Remove engine left side panels (page 9-14) and check trunnion lubrication fittings (3) and grease hoses for damage. Inspect grease hoses along t h e i r e n t i r e l e n g t h f o r c r a c k s , b r e a k s , signs of wear due to chafing, or other defects. Replace as necessary (page 9-7). Reinstall and lock engine left side panels.


Inspect hood panel latches (4) for loose mounting hardware, damage, or missing parts. Tighten loose mounting hardware. Replace if damaged or parts missing (page 9-14).

TM 5-3805-262-20 SHEET 2 OF 2 (5)

Inspect lift and tie downs (5) on both sides of loader for deformation, cracked welds, or rust. Report the above to direct support maintenance if seen.


Inspect axle mounting pads (6) for cracks, distortion, or broken welds. If any of these conditions are seen, report them to direct support maintenance.


Check drawbar pin (7) for bent condition, c r a c k s , b r e a k s , or other damage. Replace as necessary (page 9-10).


Inspect steering cylinder assemblies mounting brackets (8) for cracked or broken welds. If cracked or broken welds are seen, report them to direct support maintenance.



c. Trunnion Grease Hoses. T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l a n d i n s t a l l a t i o n o f t r u n n i o n grease hoses. Two grease hoses are used; both contain a lubrication fitting on one end and a straight fitting on the other. The lubrication fitting end is installed on left side support and the-straight fitting end in an elbow located in each pivot pin securing trunnion assembly to rear chassis. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set Lubricating kit MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) T i e s t r a p s , three (FSCM 06383 PN SST2S0) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine left side panels removed (page 9-14).


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (1)

Remove two nuts (1).


Cut, remove, and discard three tie straps (2) securing grease hose (3) to wiring harness.


Beneath loader, loosen, disconnect, and remove grease hoses (3 and 4) from elbows (5) at trunnion assembly pivot pins.


If necessary, remove two elbows (5) from pivot pins.


Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic We-ar protective goggles and gloves and use only in a area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is with water and get medical aid immediately.

and flammable. well ventilated don’t breathe and don't smoke injury. If you air and medical is made, flush made, wash eyes


Using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent, remove all dirt and grease from exterior of elbows (5), and fittings on both ends of grease hoses (4 and 3).


Beneath loader, at trunnion assembly pivot pins, install two elbows (5).


Route grease hoses (4 and 3) between left side support and elbows (5).


Connect and tighten grease hoses (4 and 3) straight fitting to elbows (5).


Install grease hoses (4 and 3) lubrication fittings in left side support mounting holes and secure using two nuts (l).


Install three tie straps (2) to secure grease hose (3) to wiring harness.


Using grease gun, apply grease to grease hoses (3 and 4) lubrication fittings until grease just oozes out of pivot pin.


Reinstall engine left side panels (page 9-17).



d. T r a n s p o r t / S e r v i c e L i n k . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s l o c k i n g , r e m o v a l , a n d i n s t a l l a t i o n of the transport/service link. In locked or engaged position, the loader is prevented from pivoting or turning. This link should be in the locked or engaged position whenever you are servicing loader in area between front and rear chassis. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Slip joint pliers

LOCKING OR ENGAGING TRANSPORT/SERVICE LINK (1) At right side of loader, on rear chassis, remove two clip pins (1). (2)

Remove two pins (2).

(3) Remove transport/service link (3) and position between center mount and ear on front chassis. (4)

Install two pins (2) and secure using two clip pins (1).




At right side of loader, on front chassis, remove two clip pins (l).


Remove two pins (2).


Remove transport/service link (3) and position between center mount and ear on rear chassis.


Install two pins (2) and secure using two clip pins (1).

TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (1) Remove two clip pins (l). (2) Pull two pins (2) from transport/service link (3). (3) Remove transport/service link (3). INSTALLATION (1)

Position transport/service (3) on rear chassis.


(2) Install two pins (2). (3) Secure pins (2) using clip pins (1).



e. Drawbar Pin. This task covers removal and installation of the drawbar pin. TOOLS : No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Slip joint pliers

(1) At rear of loader, remove clip pin (1). (2)

Pull drawbar pin (2) from chassis.

INSTALLATION (1) At rear of loader, install drawbar pin (2). (2)


Secure drawbar pin (2) using clip pin (1).


a. Engine Top Hood. T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , a n d i n s t a l lation of engine top hood. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Scratch wire brush MATERIALS/PARTS:

Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Paint (Appendix C, item 14) Bulk trim (FSCM 10988 PN D33499) NOTE

PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Radiator cap access panel unlocked and moved out o f p o s i t i o n over top hood.


At top of loader, rear of rear chassis, remove four nuts (l), lock washers (2), capscrews (3), and washers (4).


Remove 11 capscrews (5), lock washers (6), and washers (7).


Remove engine top hood (8).


If necessary, remove trim (9) by pulling from hood (8).



a. Engine Top Hood (cont). CLEANING (1) Clean trim (9) using clean cloth moistened with detergent; dry using clean cloth.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (2) Clean remaining parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths. INSPECTION ( 1 ) C h e c k t r i m ( 9 ) f o r c u t s , b r e a k s , o r c r a c k s . If damaged, make by cutting a piece from bulk material to 12-1/2 inches long. (2) Check top hood (8) for cracks, breaks, dents, or excessive corrosion. Remove corrosion using a stiff wire brush. Touch up all bare metal areas using MIL-C-46168 paint, color forest green. (3) Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, deformation, and damaged threads. Replace as necessary.


TM 5-3805-262-20

INSTALLATION (1) Install trim (9) on engine top hood (8) by forming to shape of radiator cap access cutout and pushing into position on hood. (2) Position engine top hood (8) on side panels. (3) Install 11 washers (7), lock washers (6), and capscrews (5). Tighten capscrews securely. (4) Install four washers (4), capscrews (3), lock washers (2), and nuts (1). Tighten nuts and capscrews securely. (5) Close radiator cap access panel and lock.



b. E n g i n e S i d e P a n e l s . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , d i s a s s e m b l y , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , and installation of engine side panels. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive 5/16-18 tap Scratch wire brush Paint brush MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Crocus cloth (Appendix C, item 4) Paint (Appendix C, item 14) REMOVAL (1)

Unlock and remove lock (1).


Pull up on latch handle (2) until latch (3) is disengaged from catch (4). Repeat for remaining latch.


Grasp handle (5) and pull bottom of side panel (7) outward. Lift side panel (7) up and over two sleeves (6).


Repeat s t e p s ( 1 ) through ( 3 ) above to remove remaining engine side panels as necessary.


Remove two screws (l), lock washers (2), and washers (3) then remove handle (4).

(2) Remove two nuts (5), lock washers (6), and screws (7) then remove catch (8) from side panel (9). Repeat for remaining catch (8). (3) Repeat steps (1) and (2) above for remaining side panel (10). NOTE Perform following steps only if latches (14) are damaged and require replacement. (4)

Remove two nuts (11), lock washers (12), and capscrews (13). Remove latch (14).

(5) Repeat step (4) above for remaining seven latches as necessary.


TM 5-3805-262-20


Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (1) Clean all parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths. ( 2 ) I n s p e c t h a n d l e ( 4 ) f o r c r a c k s , breaks, or bent condition. Check for damaged or stripped threads. Clean up threads using 5/16-18 tap. Check handle for burrs that could cause injury to hands; remove burrs using crocus cloth. (3) Check catch (8) for cracks, breaks, or deformation. Replace as necessary. Paint replacement using MIL-C-46168 paint, color forest green.



b. E n g i n e S i d e P a n e l s ( c o n t ) . CLEANING AND INSPECTION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (4) Check side panels (9 and 10) for cracks, breaks, dents, or excessive corrosion. Remove corrosion using a stiff wire brush. Touch up all bare metal areas using MIL-C-46168 paint, color forest green. (5) Inspect latch (14) for missing parts, cracks, breaks, bent catch, inoperative handle, or other damage. Replace as necessary. Paint replacement using MIL-C-46168 paint, color forest green. (6) Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, deformation, and damaged threads. Replace as necessary.

REASSEMBLY (SHEET 1 OF 2) ( 1 ) I f n e c e s s a r y , position latch (14) on side of chassis. Secure using two screws (13), lock washers (12), and nuts (11). Tighten nuts securely. (2) Repeat step (1) above for remaining seven latches as necessary.


TM 5-3805-262-20 REASSEMBLY (SHEET 2 OF 2) (3) Position catch (8) on side panel (9 or 10) and secure using two screws (7), lock washers (6), and nuts (5). Repeat for remaining catch (8). (4) Position handle (4) on side panel (9 or 10). Secure using two washers (3), lock washers (2), and capscrews (1). Tighten capscrews securely. (5) Repeat steps (3) and (4) above to assemble remaining side panels as necessary. INSTALLATION (1)

Grasp handle (5) and hook holes at top of side panel (7) onto sleeves (6) located at top of opening then push bottom of side panel into chassis using palm of your hand.


Position latch (3) on catch (4) then push latch handle (2) down to lock latch (3) onto catch (4).


Install lock (1).


Repeat steps (1) through (3) above for remaining side panels (7) to be installed.



c. E n g i n e Hoods and Side Support s . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , and installation of engine hoods and side supports. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Scratch wire brush Paint brush MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P–D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Paint (Appendix C, item 14) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Rear fenders removed (page 9-27), engine top hood removed (page 9-11), a i r c l e a n e r r e m o v e d ( p a g e 4 - 2 2 ) , s t e e r i n g h y d r a u l i c filter head removed (page 8-42), quick start solenoid removed (page 4-50) , t r u n n i o n g r e a s e h o s e s d i s c o n n e c t e d ( p a g e 9 - 6 ) , r e l a y b r a c k e t assembly removed (page 5-26), a l c o h o l e v a p o r a t o r r e m o v e d ( p a g e 7 - 1 1 7 ) , and rear brakes hydraulic reservoir removed (page 7-24).


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (1)

Remove three nuts (1), lock washers (2), washers (3), capscrews (4), and washers (5).


Remove two nuts (6), lock washers (7), washers (8), capscrews (9), washers (10), sleeves (11), and washers (12).


Support engine hood (17) and remove three nuts (13), lock washers (14), capscrews (15), and washers (16). Remove engine hood (17).


Remove two nuts (18), lock washers (19), and capscrews (20).


Remove side support (21).


R e p e a t s t e p s (1) through (5) above for remaining engine hood (17) and side support (21).


Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (1) Clean all parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry using clean cloths. (2) Check engine hoods (17) and side supports (21) for cracks, breaks, dents, or excessive corrosion. Remove corrosion using a stiff wire brush. Touch up all bare metal areas using MIL-C-46168 paint, color forest green. (3) Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, deformation, and damaged threads. R e p l a c e a s n e c e s s a r y .



c. Engine Hoods and Side Suppo r t s ( c o n t ) .




Position side support (21) on side of rear chassis.


Secure side support (21) to rear chassis using two capscrews (20), lock washers (19), and nuts (18).


Position and support engine hood (17) on rear chassis.


Secure engine hood (17) using three washers (16), capscrews (15), lock washers (14), and nuts (13).


Install two washers (12), sleeves (11), washers (10), capscrews (9), washers (8), lock washers (7), and nuts (6).


Install three washers (5), capscrews (4), washers (3), lock washers (2), and nuts (1).


Repeat steps (1) through (6) above to install remaining side support (21) and engine hood (17).

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (8)

Connect and secure trunnion grease hoses to side support (21) (page 9-7).


Install relay bracket assembly (page 5-30); be sure to secure clamp holding rear-axle breather hose to relay bracket assembly top mounting hardware.

( 1 0 ) I n s t a l l quick start solenoid (page 4-53). ( 1 1 ) I n s t a l l steering hydraulic filter head (page 8-44). ( 1 2 ) I n s t a l l air cleaner (page 4-30). ( 1 3 ) I n s t a l l engine top hood (page 9-13). ( 1 4 ) I n s t a l l rear fenders (page 9-29). ( 1 5 ) I n s t a l l rear brakes hydraulic reservoir (page 7-27).



d. Hood Support. T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , a n d i n s t a l l a tion of hood support. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Scratch wire brush Paint brush Chain hoist, 1/4 ton capacity MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Paint (Appendix C, item 14) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine hoods removed (page 9-19), hydraulic oil c o o l e r r e m o v e d ( p a g e 8 - 3 4 ) , hourmeter/tachometer removed (page 5-65), restriction indicator removed (page 4-22), and transport/service link removed (page 9-9).


Attach chain hoist to hood support (5) and take up all slack.

When using chain hoist to remove or install parts, be sure chain hoist is securely fastened to the part and that all slack in chain is taken up. Failure to do so could cause serious injury due to the part falling on you. If Y O U a r e injured by falling equipment, obtain medical aid immediately. (2)

Remove four nuts (1), lock washers (2), capscrews (3), and washers (4).

( 3 ) U s i n g c h a i n h o i s t , remove hood support (5) from rear chassis. (4) 9-22

I f n e c e s s a r y , r e m o v e t w o n u t s ( 6 ) , lock washers (7), and capscrews (8); remove bracket (9).


Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and vapors . D o n o t u s e n e a r o p e n f l a m e o r e x c e s s i v e h e a t when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is with water and get medical aid immediately.

and flammable. well ventilated don’t breathe and don’t smoke injury. If you air and medical is made, flush made, wash eyes

(1) Clean all parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry using clean cloths. (2) Check hood support (5) and bracket (9) for cracks, breaks, dents, or excessive corrosion. Remove corrosion using a stiff wire brush. Touch up all bare metal areas using MIL-C-46168 paint, color forest green. (3) Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, deformation, and damaged threads. Replace as necessary. INSTALLATION (1) If necessary, position bracket (9) on hood support (5) and secure using two capscrews (8), lock washers (7), and nuts (6).

When using chain hoist to remove or install parts, be sure chain hoist is securely fastened to the part and that all slack in chain is taken up. Failure to do so could cause serious injury due to the part falling on you. I f y o u a r e i n j u r e d b y f a l l i n g e q u i p m e n t , o b t a i n m e d i c a l a i d immediately. (2)

Using chain hoist, position hood support (5) on front of rear chassis.


Secure hood support (5) using four washers (4), capscrews (3), lock washers (2), and nuts (1), Tighten nuts and capscrews securely.


Disconnect chain hoist from hood support (5).


Install transport/service link (page 9-9).


Install restriction indicator (page 4-30).


Install hourmeter/tachometer (page 5-67).


Install hydraulic oil cooler (page 8-37).


Install engine hoods (page 9-20).


TM 5-3805-262-20 9-3. FENDERS MAINTENANCE

a. F r o n t F e n d e r s . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , a n d i n s t a l l a tion of front fenders. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Scratch wire brush Paint brush MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Paint (Appendix C, item 14) PERSONNEL REQUIRED: Two Construction Equipment Mechanics M0S 62B NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Blackout driving light removed from left front fender (page 5-98).




Support front fender (6) being removed and remove six nuts (1), lock washers (2), washers (3), capscrews (4), and washers (5).


Remove front fender (6).


If necessary, open front access panel then hold capscrews (10) using socket wrench while an assistant loosens and removes two nuts (7), lock washers (8), and washers (9).


Remove two capscrews (10), and washers (11). Remove bracket (12).

TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) ( 5 ) R e p e a t s t e p s ( 3 ) a n d ( 4 ) above to remove remaining bracket(s) (12) as necessary. ( 6 ) R e p e a t s t e p s ( 1 ) t h r o u g h (5) above to remove remaining front fender as necessary. CLEANING AND INSPECTION

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If Y O U become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (1) Clean all parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry using clean cloths. (2) Check front fenders (6) and brackets (12) for cracks, breaks, dents, or excessive corrosion. Remove corrosion using a stiff wire brush. Touch up all bare metal areas using MIL-C-46168 paint, color forest green. (3) Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, deformation, and damaged threads. Replace as necessary. INSTALLATION (1)

Position and support bracket (12) on front chassis and install two washers (11) and capscrews (10).


Hold capscrews (10) using socket wrench while an assistant installs and tightens two washers (9), lock washers (8), and nuts (7). Tighten nuts and capscrews securely.


Repeat steps (1) and (2) above for remaining bracket(s) (12) as necessary.


Position and support front fender (6) on brackets (12).


Install six washers (5), capscrews (4), washers (3), lock washers (2), and nuts (1) to secure front fender (6). Tighten nuts and capscrews securely.


Repeat steps (1) through (5) above to install remaining front fender (6).


Reinstall blackout driving light (page 5-101) on left front fender. 9-25

TM 5-3805-262-20 9-3. FENDERS MAINTENANCE (CONT)

b. R e a r F e n d e r s . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , a n d i n s t a l l a tion of rear fenders. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Scratch wire brush Paint brush Putty knife, 2 inches wide blade MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Adhesive (Appendix C, item 8) Paint (Appendix C, item 14)

page 9-14


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (1)

Remove seven nuts (1), lock washers (2), washers (3), capscrews (4), and washers (5).


Remove nut (6), lock washer (7), capscrew (8), and washer (9).


Support rear fender (17 or 18) and remove two nuts (10), lock washers (11), washers (12), capscrews (13), washers (14), sleeves (15), and washers (16). Remove rear fender (17 or 18).


If necessary, remove pads (19) only if worn or damaged. Remove by scraping from fender (17 or 18) using a putty knife or other suitable tool.


Repeat steps (1) through (4) above to remove remaining rear fender as necessary.


Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. I f c o n t a c t w i t h s k i n o r c l o t h e s i s m a d e , f l u s h w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (1) Clean all parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry using clean cloths. (2) If a pad (19) was removed , use clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680 to remove all traces of pad (19) and adhesive. (3) Check rear fenders (17 and 18) for cracks, breaks, dents, or excessive corrosion. Remove corrosion using a stiff wire brush. Touch up all bare metal areas using MIL-C-46168 paint, color forest green. (4) Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, deformation, and damaged threads. Replace as necessary.


TM 5-3805-262-20 9-3. FENDERS MAINTENANCE (CONT)

b. R e a r F e n d e r s ( c o n t ) .


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe v a p o r s , Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (1)

If necessary, apply adhesive to pad(s) (19) and place in position on f e n der (17 or 18). Remove excess glue using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680.


Position and support rear fender (17 or 18) on rear chassis.


Install two washers (14), sleeves (15), washers (16), capscrews (13), washers (12), lock washers (11), and nuts (10). Tighten capscrews and nuts securely.


Install washer (9), capscrew (8), lock washer (7), and nut (6). Tighten capscrew and nut securely.


Install seven washers (5), capscrews (4), washers (3), lock washers (2), and nuts (1). Tighten capscrews and nuts securely.


Repeat steps (1) through (5) above to install remaining rear fender as necessary.



a. S e a t A s s e m b l y .

This task covers removal and installation of seat assembly.

TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive REMOVAL (1) At bottom of operator’s seat, remove four nuts (1), lock washers (2), and washers (3). (2)

Remove operator’s seat (4) from cab.

INSTALLATION (1) Place operator’s seat (4) in cab and position on upper seat support with studs in seat installed in holes in upper seat support. (2) Secure operator’s seat (4) using four washers (3), lock washers (2), and nuts (l). Tighten nuts securely.


TM 5-3805-262-20

f.1. New Seat Assembly. This task covers removal and installation of new operator’s seat assembly. TOOLS:

No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive

REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 1) NOTE It is necessary to move the seat all the way forward to access the rear bolts and rearward to access the front for removal and installation of the seat.


Remove four nuts (1), eight washers (2), two tethers (6), and four capscrews (3) from operator’s seat support (4).


Remove operator’s seat (5) from cab.

INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 1) NOTE It is necessary to move the seat all the way forward to access the rear bolts and rearward to access the front for removal and installation of the seat. (1)

Place operator’s seat (5) in cab.


Insert four capscrews (3) through the seat tracks and the operator seat support (4).


Install operator’s seat (5) using four capscrews (3), two tethers (6), eight washers (2), and four nuts (1) and tighten nuts (1) and capscrews (3) securely.


Remove and discard seat belt (page 9-34).

Change 2

9-30.1/(9-30.2 Blank)


b. S e a t S u p p o r t A s s e m b l y . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , a n d installation of seat support assembly. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench-set, 3/8 inch drive 5/8-11 tap MATERIAL/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) PERSONNEL REQUIRED: Two Construction Equipment Mechanics M0S 62B NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Operator's seat removed (page 9-30). REMOVAL (1)

Support upper seat support (3) and loosen capscrew (1).


Grasp upper seat support (3) and pull up on it to remove from lower seat support (10). Remove upper seat support from cab.


While grasping clamp (4) with your fingers to prevent it from falling into lower seat s u p p o r t ( 1 0 ) t u b e , remove capscrew (1) and lock washer (2). Remove clamp (4).


With an assistant in cab holding capscrews (8) using socket wrench, loosen and remove four nuts (5), lock washers (6), and washers (7) located beneath front chassis deck. Remove four capscrews (8) and washers (9).


Remove lower seat support (10) from cab.



b. Seat Support Assembly (cont). CLEANING AND INSPECTION

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (1) Clean all parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths. (2)

Check seat supports (3 and 10) for cracks, breaks, dents, or bent condition. Replace as necessary.

(3) Check clamp for cracks, breaks, and damaged or stripped threads. If necessary, chase threads using a 5/8-11 tap. If threads cannot be cleaned up, replace clamp. (4)

Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, deformation, and damaged threads. Replace as necessary.




Position lower seat support (10) in cab. Ensure that lower seat support mounting holes are aligned with mounting holes in cab deck.


Install four washers (9) and capscrews (8). While holding capscrews (8) with socket wrench, tell assistant to install four washers (7), lock washers (6), and nuts (5) and to tighten nuts (5) securely.


Grasp clamp (4) with your fingers and position inside lower seat support (10) tube taking care not to drop clamp in tube. Install lock washer (2) and capscrew (1) loosely.

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (4) Install upper seat support (3) tube in tube of lower seat support (10) ensuring that channel in upper seat support is installed over body of capscrew (1) and clamp (4) is inside upper seat support tube, (5) Install operator’s seat on upper seat support (3) (page 9-30). (6) Adjust operator’s seat by pulling it up to desired height and tightening capscrew (1) securely.



c. S e a t B e l t .

This task covers removal and installation of operator’s seat belt.

TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive

(1) At either side of operator’s seat, towards rear of cab, remove capscrew (1) and lock washer (2). (2)

Remove seat belt (3).

(3) Repeat steps (1) and (2) above for other side of seat belt.


TM 5-3805-262-20

INSTALLATION WARNING If seat belt is ripped, cut, torn, or otherwise damaged, discard it and install a new seat belt. Failure to do so could cause death or serious injury to operator due to seat belt breaking if stressed during an accident. (1)

Position seat belt (3) on either side of operator’s seat.


Secure seat belt using lock washer (2) and capscrew (1). Tighten securely.


Repeat steps (1) and (2) above for other side of seat belt.

Change 2


TM 5-3805-262-20



c.1. Seat Belt. This Task covers removal and installation of the operator’s seat belts and seat belt tethers. TOOLS:

No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 1) (1)

Remove nut (1), washer (2), capscrew (3) and seat belt latch (4) from left side of operator’s seat (5).


Remove nut (6), washer (7), capscrew (8) and seatbelt buckle (9) from right side of operator’s seat (5).


Remove two nuts (10), washers (11), capscrews (12), washers (13) and top of both tethers (14) buckles from rear of seat mounting plate (15).


Remove two nuts (16), lock washers (17), washers (18), capscrews (19), washers (20) and bottom of both tethers (14) buckles from rear of seat pedestal (21). Discard lock washers.

INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 1) WARNING If seat belt or tether is ripped, cut, torn or otherwise damaged, discard it and install a new seat belt. Failure to do so could cause death or serious injury to operator due to seat belt or tether breaking if stressed during an accident.



Install two bottom of both tethers (14) buckles, washers (20), capscrews (19), washers (18), new lock washers (17) and nuts (16) on rear of seat pedestal (21).


Install two top of both tethers (14) buckles, washers (13), capscrews (12), washers (11) and nuts (10) on rear of seat mounting plate (15).


Install seat belt buckle (9), capscrew (8), washer (7) and nut (6) on right side of operator’s seat.


Install seat belt latch (4), capscrew (3), washer (2) and nut (1) on left side of operator’s seat (5).

Change 2

TM 5-3805-262-20

CHAPTER 10 ACCESSORY ITEMS AND DATA PLATES MAINTENANCE CHAPTER OVERVIEW This chapter contains the information you'll need to maintain the: * * * * * * * * * * *

Air Horn Valve Assembly Air Horn Assembly Windshield Wiper and Arm Windshield Wiper Motor and Switch Windshield Washer Cab Heater System Cab Defroster and Switch Cab Defogger Fans Cab Dome Light and Switch Mirrors Data Plates and Decals

It gives you information on how to repair or replace the components that are within the scope of organizational maintenance.

Para Air Horn Valve Assembly Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air Horn Assembly Maintenance . . . . Windshield Wiper and Arm Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Windshield Wiper Motor Maintenance Wiper Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Front Wiper Switch and Circuit Breaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Windshield Washer Maintenance . . . . Cab Heater System Maintenance . . . . Heater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hoses, Lines, and Fittings . . . . Heater Control Valve . . . . . . . . . . Heater Fan Switch and Circuit Breaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-4a 10-4b 10-5 10-6 10-6a 10-6b 10-6c

Para Cab Defroster Maintenance . . . . . . . 10-7 Defroster Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-7a Defroster Switch and Circuit Breaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-7b Cab Defogger Fans Maintenance . . . 10-8 Cab Dome Light Maintenance . . . . . . 10-9 Bulb Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-9a Dome Light and Switch . . . . . . . . 10-9b Mirrors Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-10 Inside Mirror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-10a Outside Mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-10b Data Plates and Decals Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11 Data Plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11a Decals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11b



TM 5-3805-262-20 NOTE In following paragraphs, resources required are not listed unless they a p p l y t o t h e p r o c e d u r e . Personnel required are listed only if the task requires more than one. If PERSONNEL REQUIRED is not listed it means one person can do the task. The normal standard equipment condition to start a maintenance task is loader bucket lowered to ground, engine off, loader parked on a level surface, ignition key switch in off position, and parking brake applied. EQUIPMENT CONDITION is not listed unless some other condition is required besides those indicated above. 10-1. AIR HORN VALVE ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE

This task covers removal, disassembly, cleaning, inspection, reassembly, testing, and installation of the air horn valve assembly. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Air fitting, l/4NPTF MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) PERSONNEL REQUIRED: Two Construction Equipment Mechanics M0S 62B NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Front access door unlocked and open, air reservoir drain valve opened, and floor mat pulled back for access to air horn valve assembly mounting hardware. REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2) a . U s i n g c l e a n c l o t h , remove dirt and grease from air horn valve assembly and immediate area. b . At air horn valve assembly, b e n e a t h f r o n t c h a s s i s f l o o r p l a t e , l o o s e n n u t ( 1 ) and disconnect tube (3) from elbow (4). c . If necessary, remove elbow (4) from air horn valve assembly. d . I f n e c e s s a r y , loosen nut (5) and disconnect tube (3) from fitting (7). Remove tube from loader. e. If necessary, remove fitting (7). f . Loosen nut (8) and disconnect tube (10) from fitting (11).


TM 5-3805-262-20

REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) g . If necessary, remove fitting (11). h . If necessary, loosen nut (12) and disconnect tube (10) from elbow (14); remove tube from loader. If necessary, remove elbow (14). While an assistant in cab holds capscrews (17) using socket wrench, loosen and remove two nuts (15) and lock washers (16) while supporting air horn valve as sembly (18). Remove air horn valve assembly from loader. k . Remove two capscrews (17). 10-3


DISASSEMBLY a. Unscrew and remove cap (1). b. Remove strainer (2) and spring (3). c. Remove cotter pin (4) then remove button (5). d. Push stem (6) into body (9) and remove stem from body. e. Remove spring seat (7) and inlet valve (8) from stem (6).


Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. a . Clean all metallic parts using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloth. b . Clean all rubber parts using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Dry using clean cloth. c . Inspect body (9) for cracks, breaks, or chips. Replace if necessary. d . Inspect spring seat (7) and inlet valve (8) for indications of wear or damage; replace if necessary. e . Install stem (6) in body (9) and check that stem moves freely without sticking; replace stem if it does not move freely. f . Check spring (3) for cracks, breaks, signs of permanent set, or deformation; replace as necessary. 10-4

TM 5-3805-262-20 REASSEMBLY a. Position inlet valve (8) on stem (6). b. Install stem (6) with inlet valve (8) in body (9). c. Install spring seat (7), spring (3), and strainer (2) in body (9). d. Install cap (1) and tighten securely. e. Install button (5) on stem (6) and secure using cotter pin (4). Bend cotter pin over.

TESTING a . Install 1/4NPTF air hose fitting in air horn valve assembly input port and connect source of compressed air to fitting. b . Apply 80 psi air pressure to air horn valve assembly. c . Apply soap solution to air horn valve assembly output port and stem. Check for air bubbles. If air bubbles are seen at output port, air horn valve assembly must be disassembled and parts inspected and replaced. If air leakage at stem makes a bubble that is larger than one inch in one second; disassemble air horn valve assembly and inspect parts. Replace damaged or worn parts as necessary. d . Disconnect air supply and remove 1/4NPTF air hose fitting from air horn valve assembly. INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 3)

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area, Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical . attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. a. Clean all metallic parts using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloth.



INSTALLATION ( SHEET 2 OF 3) b. Clean tubes (3 and 10) using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Dry using clean cloth. c. Inspect tubes (3 and 10) for cracks, splits, worn spots due to chafing, or other damage. Replace as necessary. If tubes (3 or 10) are replaced, remove compression sleeves (2 and 6 or 9 and 13) and nuts (1 and 5 or 8 and 12) from tube(s). d. Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, deformation, or stripped threads. Replace as necessary.


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 3 OF 3) e . Position air horn valve assembly (18) against front chassis floor plate. f . Tell assistant in cab to install capscrews (17) and hold using socket wrench. Install and tighten two lock washers (16) and nuts (15) to secure air horn valve assembly (18). h . If necessary, install elbow (14) in air horn port. i . Install fitting (11) in outlet port of air horn valve assembly (18). j . Route tube (10) between air horn and air horn valve assembly. k . If necessary, install nuts (12 and 8) and compression sleeves (13 and 9) on tube (10). l . Connect tube (10) to elbow (14) ensuring that compression sleeve (13) is positioned on end of tube (10) and installed in elbow (14); tighten nut (12) securely. m. C o n n e c t o t h e r e n d o f t u b e ( 1 0 ) t o f i t t i n g ( 1 1 ) e n s u r i n g t h a t c o m p r e s s i o n sleeve (9) is positioned on end of tube (10) and installed in fitting (11); tighten nut (8) securely. n . If necessary, install fitting (7). o . Install elbow (4) in input port of air horn valve assembly (18). p . Route tube (3) between pressure reducing valve and air horn valve assembly. q . If necessary, install nuts (5 and 1) and compression sleeves (6 and 2) on tube (3). r . Connect tube (3) to fitting (7) ensuring that compression sleeve (6) is posit i o n e d o n e n d o f t u b e ( 3 ) a n d i n s t a l l e d i n f i t t i n g ( 7 ) ; t i g h t e n n u t ( 5 ) s ecurely. s . Connect other end of tube (3) to elbow (4) ensuring that compression sleeve (2) is positioned on end of tube (3) and installed in elbow (4); tighten nut (1) securely. t . Reposition floor mat over air horn valve assembly mounting capscrews ensuring that valve button is positioned through hole in floor mat. u . Close air reservoir drain valve, close and lock front access door, start engine, and allow air system to build up air pressure until low air pressure buzzer stops sounding. Turn off engine.



This task covers removal, disassembly, c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , r e a s s e m b l y , a n d i n stallation of air horn assembly. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive No. 1 Supplemental Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit 5/8-18NF die MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Horn repair kit (FSCM 51511 PN 21320) PERSONNEL REQUIRED: Two Construction Equipment Mechanics M0S 62B NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Front access door unlocked and open and air reservoir drain valve opened. REMOVAL a . Loosen nut (1) and disconnect tube (3) from elbow (4). Don’t remove compression sleeve (2) or nut (1) from tube (3). b . If necessary, remove elbow (4) from air horn assembly (8) port. c . While assistant holds capscrews (7) using socket wrench, loosen and remove two nuts (5) and lock washers (6) while supporting air horn assembly. d . Remove air horn assembly (8) and two capscrews (7).


TM 5-3805-262-20 DISASSEMBLY Remove nut (1), l o c k w a s h e r ( 2 ) , a n d washer (3). b . Remove and discard gasket (4). c . Remove three screws (5). d . Remove cover (6), gasket (7), and diaphragm (8). Discard gasket (7). e . Repeat steps c and d above to remove remaining gasket and diaphragm. f . If necessary, loosen and remove long and short horns (9 and 10) from body (11).

CLEANING a . Clean all nonmetallic parts using clean cloth moistened with detergent; dry using clean cloth.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don't breathe vapors . D o n o t u s e n e a r o p e n f l a m e o r e x c e s s i v e h e a t a n d d o n ’ t s m o k e when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. b . Clean all metallic parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloth.



INSPECTION NOTE If horn repair kit is being installed, discard screws (5). These are supplied with horn repair kit. a. Visually inspect diaphragm (8) for damage. If diaphragm is damaged, install horn repair kit. b. Inspect cover (6) and long and short horns (9 and 10) for dents, cracks, b r e a k s , or other damage. Replace as necessary. c . I n s p e c t b o d y ( 1 1 ) f o r c r a c k s , b r e a k s , or damaged threads on port. If port external threads are damaged, chase using 5/8-18NF die. REASSEMBLY a. Install and tighten long and short horns (9 and 10) in body (11). b. Install diaphragm (8), new gasket (7), and cover (6). C.

Install and tighten three new screws (5).

d. Position gasket (4) on body (11). e. Install and tighten washer (3), lock washer (2), and nut (1).


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION a. Position air horn assembly (8) on side of chassis near hydraulic reservoir. Tell assistant to install and hold two capscrews (7) using socket wrench. b. Install and tighten two lock washers (6) and nuts (5). c. If necessary, install elbow (4) in air horn assembly (8) port. d. Connect tube (3) to elbow (4). e. Ensure that compression sleeve (2) is installed as far into elbow (4) as possible, then connect and tighten nut (1) to elbow. f. Close air reservoir drain valve, close and lock front access door, start engine, and allow air system to build up air pressure until low air pressure buzzer stops sounding. Turn off engine.



This task covers removal and installation of windshield wiper and arm. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Slip joint pliers MATERIALS/PARTS: Wiper blade (FSCM 10988 PN F42214)

REMOVAL a. Remove nut (1) securing screw (2). b. Remove screw (2). c. Remove and discard wiper blade (3). d. Remove wiper arm (6) by loosening and removing two cap nuts (4) and lock washers (5). Grasp top of wiper arm (6) in one hand and bottom of wiper arm with your other hand. Pull top of wiper arm out and downward to release spring clip from adapter stud. At same time pull outward on bottom of wiper arm to disengage it from adapter stud. INSTALLATION a . Install wiper arm (6) by grasping top of wiper arm in one hand and bottom of wiper arm with your other hand. B e n d w i p e r a r m o u t t o r e t r a c t s p r i n g c l i p . Position wiper arm on stud of adapter and push firmly inward. Release wiper arm to engage spring clip with adapter stud. Install and tighten two lock washers (5) and cap nuts (4). b . Position new wiper blade (3) between jaws of wiper arm (6). c . Install screw (2) in wiper arm (6) jaws and through hole in wiper blade (3). d . Install nut (1) and tighten securely. 10-12


a. W i p e r M o t o r . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , d i s a s s e m b l y , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , reassembly, and installation of the wiper motor assembly. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Screw driver set, cross tip, straight, and offset Multimeter Long nose pliers MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Isopropyl alcohol (Appendix C, item 15) Boot (FSCM 10988 PN D71420) Felt washer (FSCM 10988 PN D71417) PERSONNEL REQUIRED: Two Construction Equipment Mechanics M0S 62B (Removal only) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Battery ground cable disconnected (page 5-148) and wiper arm removed (page 10-12). REMOVAL (1)

At front of loader cab, pull boot (1) from wiper motor assembly (10) shaft.


Loosen and remove nut (2).


Loosen and remove two capscrews (3) and lock washers (4).


Remove adapter (5) and gasket (6).


Inside cab, remove wiper motor assembly cover (7) by lifting straight up off wiper motor assembly (10).


Identify, tag, and disconnect three wiring harness spade terminals (8) from three wiper motor assembly terminals (9) by grasping wiring harness terminal using long nose pliers and pulling firmly from wiper motor assembly terminal.


Remove wiper motor assembly (10) from cab. 10-13




a. W i p e r Motor ( c o n t ) .




Using long nose pliers, remove retainer (3) and clip (5) then remove two spacers (4 and 6).


Remove link (7) by pulling from drive arm (9) stud and bolt (16).


Loosen and remove nut (8) then pull drive arm (9) from motor assembly (12) shaft.


Remove washer (10).


Support wiper motor assembly (12) and loosen and remove two screw assembled washers (11). Remove wiper motor assembly.


Loosen and remove three screws (13) by inserting screw driver blade through bracket (23) holes.


Remove wiper shaft (22) and assembled parts as an assembly from bracket (23).


Loosen and remove nut (14) and washer (15); remove bolt (16) from wiper shaft (22).


Loosen and remove cap (17), l o c k w a s h e r ( 1 8 ) , d r i v e r ( 1 9 ) , b o o t ( 2 0 ) , n u t (21), washer (l), and felt washer (2) from wiper shaft (22). Discard boot (20) and felt washer (2).

TM 5-3805-262-20

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don't breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (1)

Clean all parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry using clean cloth.


Clean wiper motor assembly ( 1 2 ) t e r m i n a l s u s i n g c l e a n c l o t h m o i s t e n e d with isopropyl alcohol.


Inspect wiper motor assembly (12) terminals for looseness. Connect multimeter across motor assembly terminals. Multimeter shall indicate continuity. Replace wiper motor assembly if multimeter does not indicate continuity.


Inspect wiper shaft (22) for bent condition, deformation, or other damage. Check for stripped or damaged threads. Replace as necessary.


Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, deformation, or damaged threads. Replace as necessary.



a. W i p e r Motor (cont).




On wiper shaft (22), position new felt washer (2), washer (1), nut (21), new boot (20), driver (19), lock washer (18), and cap (17).


Position bolt (16) on wiper shaft (22) arm and secure using washer (15) and nut (14).


Position assembled wiper shaft (22) in bracket (23).


Install and tighten two screws (13) to secure wiper shaft (24) by inserting screw driver blade through holes in bracket (23).


Position wiper motor assembly (12) on bracket (23) and secure using three screw assembled washers (11).


Install washer (10) and drive arm (9) on wiper motor assembly (12) shaft.


Install and tighten nut (8) to secure drive arm (9).


Position link (7) on bolt (16) and drive arm (9) stud. Install washers (4 and 6), clip (5), and retainer (3).

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (1)

Inspect adapter (5) for deformation or cracked or bent stud; replace as necessary.


Install shaft of wiper motor assembly (10) through hole in front of cab.


Tell assistant to install gasket (6) and adapter (5), and to loosely install two lock washers (4) and capscrews (3) while you hold wiper motor assembly (10) in position.


Connect cab wiring harness spade terminals (8) to wiper motor assembly terminals (9) by grasping with long nose pliers and firmly pushing onto wiper motor assembly terminals following tags applied in step (6) of REMOVAL above (page 10-13).


Install wiper motor assembly cover (7) on wiper motor assembly (10). Tighten two capscrews (3) securely.


Install nut (2) on wiper motor assembly (10) shaft and tighten nut securely.


Install boot (1) over nut (2) and wiper motor assembly (10) shaft.


Install wiper arm on wiper motor assembly shaft (page 10-12).


Connect battery ground cable (page 5-151).


Set key switch to ON position and set FRONT WIPER switch to HI position then to LO position. Check that wiper blade moves. Set key switch to OFF position and FRONT WIPER switch to OFF position. If wiper blade does not move, refer to troubleshooting procedures (page 3-159).



b. Front Wiper Switch and Circuit Breaker. T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l a n d i n s t a l lation of front wiper switch and circuit breaker. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Slip joint pliers Fixed open end wrench set Screwdriver MATERIALS/PARTS: Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Battery ground cable disconnected (page 5-148).

REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2) (1) At cab switch panel located to left of operator's seat, remove HEAT CONTROL knob (1) and FRONT WIPER knob (2) by pulling straight up off associated control shaft. (2)

Remove four screws (3).

(3) Carefully pull cab switch panel (4) up from heater console just enough to gain access to wiring harness spade terminals on back of cab switch panel.


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) (4)

Identify, tag, and disconnect wiring harness three spade terminals (5) connected to FRONT WIPER switch by grasping terminal and firmly pulling it from switch terminal.


Disconnect spade terminal (6) from FRONT WIPER switch (8) terminal.


Loosen and remove nut (7) while supporting FRONT WIPER switch (8); remove FRONT WIPER switch.


Disconnect spade terminal (9) from circuit breaker (13) terminal by grasping spade terminal and firmly pulling it from circuit breaker terminal. Remove wire lead (10).


Disconnect wiring harness spade terminal (11) from circuit breaker (13) terminal.


Loosen and remove round nut (12) while supporting circuit breaker (13); remove circuit breaker.



b. F r o n t W i p e r S w i t c h a n d C i r c u i t B r e a k e r ( c o n t ) .




P o s i t i o n circuit breaker (13) on cab switch panel (4) and secure by ins t a l l i n g and tightening round nut (12).


Check insulation of wire lead (10) for cracks, breaks, or other defects; repair by applying insulation tape over area. Check for broken wire strands where spade terminals are crimped to wire. If broken wire strands are seen replace wire lead (10).


Connect wire lead (10) spade terminal (9) to circuit breaker (13) terminal by firmly pushing spade terminal onto circuit breaker terminal.


Connect wiring harness red-white wire spade terminal (11) to circuit breaker (13) terminal.


Position FRONT WIPER switch (8) on cab switch panel (4) and secure by installing and tightening nut (7).


Connect wire lead (10) spade terminal (6) to switch (8) terminal marked B by firmly pushing spade terminal onto switch terminal.

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (7) Connect three wiring harness spade terminals (5) to switch (8) terminals: orange-blue wire spade terminal to switch terminal marked L; tan-black wire spade terminal to switch terminal marked H; and black-yellow wire spade terminal to switch terminal marked P. (8) Carefully position cab switch panel (4) on heater console being careful not to pinch wiring or disconnect wiring harness spade terminals. (9) Install and tighten four screws (3). (10) Install knobs (2 and 1) by pushing firmly down onto associated shaft. (11) Connect battery ground cable (page 5-151). (12) Set key switch to ON position and set FRONT WIPER switch to HI position then to L0 position. Check that wiper blade moves. Set key switch to OFF position and FRONT WIPER switch to OFF position. If wiper blade does not move, refer to troubleshooting procedures (page 3-159).


TM 5-3805-262-20 10-5. WINDSHIELD WASHER MAINTENANCE This task covers removal, cleaning, inspection, and installation of the windshield washer and its associated components. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set Slip joint pliers MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Cleaning compound (Appendix C, item 25) PERSONNEL REQUIRED: Two Construction Equipment Mechanics M0S 62B NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Front access door unlocked and open and air reservoir drain valve opened. REMOVAL a . At top of reservoir (3) disconnect hoses (1 and 2) by firmly pulling off reservoir tubes. b . If necessary, remove reservoir (3) by lifting up and off its mounting bracket welded to side of front chassis. c . I n s i d e c a b , just behind steering column, disconnect tube (1) from nozzle (5) by pulling tube from end of nozzle. If necessary, remove tube (1) by pulling it through hole in front chassis floor plate. d . While an assistant holds nozzle (5) outside front chassis using open end wrench, loosen and remove nut (4). Tell assistant to remove nozzle (5). e . Inside cab, at left instrument panel, disconnect tube (2) from valve (9) by p u l l i n g t u b e f r o m v a l v e . If necessary, remove tube by pulling it through hole in front chassis floor plate. f . Loosen and disconnect fitting on end of hose (6) connected to elbow (10). g . If necessary, disconnect other end of hose (6) from tee installed in parking brake valve port. Remove hose (6) from cab. h . Loosen and remove knob (7) from valve (9). i . Loosen and remove nut (8) then remove valve (9). j . Remove elbow (10) from valve (9) port.


TM 5-3805-262-20




Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors . D o n o t u s e n e a r o p e n f l a m e o r e x c e s s i v e h e a t a n d d o n ’ t s m o k e when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. a. Clean all metal parts using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry using clean cloth. b. Clean tubes (1 and 2), hose (6), and reservoir (3) by washing using a solution of detergent and water. Rinse with clear water and dry using clean cloths.


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSPECTION a. Inspect hoses (1, 2, and 6) for cracks, breaks, chafing, or other indications of damage. Check fittings on ends of hose (6) for stripped or crossed threads or other damage. Replace hoses as necessary. b. Inspect nozzle (5) for cracks, breaks, bent nozzle, or damaged threads; replace if necessary. c. Inspect reservoir (3) for cracks, splits, missing lid, damaged strainer, or holes; replace if necessary. d. Inspect knob (7) for cracks, breaks, or sharp edges which could cause injury to personnel. Replace if necessary. e. Check valve (9) and elbow (10) for cracks, breaks, and stripped threads. Check barb fitting port of valve (9) for bent or cracked condition; replace valve if necessary.




TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION a . Install and tighten elbow (10) in valve (9) end port. b . Position valve (9) on left instrument panel and secure using nut (8); ensure that barb fitting port of valve (9) is positioned at bottom of valve. c . Install and tighten knob (7) on valve (9) control shaft. d . Route hose (6) between valve (9) and tee installed in port of parking brake valve installed on right instrument panel. e . Connect fitting on one end of hose (6) to tee and tighten; connect and tighten fitting on opposite end of hose (6) to elbow (10). f . Tell assistant to install nozzle (5) in hole located in front chassis and hold nozzle using open end wrench. Install and tighten nut (4) to secure nozzle (5). Route hoses (1 and 2) between nozzle (5) and valve (9) through hole in front chassis floor plate to reservoir (3). i . Connect hose (2) to valve (9) barb fitting port. Connect hose (1) to nozzle ( 5 ) p o r t . DO t h i s b y p u s h i n g h o s e o n t o v a l v e b a r b f i t t i n g p o r t o r n o z z l e p o r t as far as possible. Install reservoir (3) by hooking onto bracket welded on side of front chassis. Fill reservoir with windshield washer cleaning compound. k . Connect hoses (1 and 2) to tubes of reservoir (3) by pushing hoses onto tubes as far as possible. l . Close and lock front access door. m. C l o s e a i r r e s e r v o i r d r a i n v a l v e . S t a r t e n g i n e a n d o p e r a t e a t i d l e s p e e d u n t i l low air pressure warning buzzer stops sounding. n . Press and hold WASHER PUSH control; check that water sprays from nozzle. Turn off engine. If water did not spray from nozzle, refer to troubleshooting p r o cedures (page 3-164).



a. H e a t e r . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , d i s a s s e m b l y , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , r e a s s e m bly, and installation of the cab heater. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Socket head screw key set Electrical repair tool kit Screwdriver MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Adhesive (Appendix C, item 8) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine side panels removed (page 9-14), heater water shut-off valves closed at water pump and engine block, battery ground cable disconnected (page 5-148), and operator’s seat upper seat support removed from cab (page 9-31). REMOVAL



At bottom of heater, disconnect spade terminal (1) from heater black wire spade terminal (2) by grasping terminals with your fingers and pulling them apart.


Disconnect wiring harness white wire spade terminal (3) from heater orange wire spade terminal (4).


Loosen clamps (5, 6, and 7).


Remove tube (8) by pulling from hoses (9 and 10). Remove clamps (6 and 7).


Remove hose (9) by pulling from heater (18) port. Remove clamp (5).


Loosen clamp (11) and disconnect hose (12) by pulling from heater (18) port. Remove clamp (11).


Remove four nuts (13), lock washers (14), capscrews (16), and washers (17) while supporting heater (18). Remove heater from heater console.


Remove wire lead (15).

TM 5-3805-262-20



a. H e a t e r ( c o n t ) .




Remove f o u r s e l f - l o c k i n g s c r e w s ( 1 ) a n d l o c k w a s h e r s ( 2 ) .


Remove c o v e r ( 3 ) , c o r e s e a l ( 4 ) , i n s u l a t o r ( 5 ) , a n d h e a t e r c o r e ( 6 ) .


Remove t w o s e a l s ( 7 ) b y p u l l i n g f r o m h e a t e r c o r e ( 6 ) t u b e s .


If necessary, remove three felt insulators (8).


Support assembled motor and fan and remove two nuts (9) and lock washers (10). Remove motor and fan as an assembled unit from mounting plate (14).


If necessary, remove setscrew (12) and pull fan (13) from motor (11) shaft.

TM 5-3805-262-20 CLEANING

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (1) Clean all metallic parts using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloth. (2) Clean all rubber parts using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Dry using clean cloth.

Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc). Failure to do so could cause serious i n j u r y t o e y e s a n d p o s s i b l e b l i n d n e s s . If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately. (3) Use compressed air to remove any dust or dirt in screened area of cover (3) and mounting plate (14). Blow dust and dirt outward from inside mounting plate and inward from outside cover.


TM 5-3805-262-20 10-6. CAB HEATER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE (CONT) a. H e a t e r ( c o n t ) . INSPECTION



Inspect cover (3) for cracks, breaks, or dents; replace as necessary. Check that all dust and dirt has been removed from its screen.


Check core seal (4), insulator (5), seals (7), and felt insulators (8) for tears, deformation, or other damage. Replace as necessary.


Inspect fan (13) for bent or deformed blades. Replace as necessary.


Inspect motor (11) leads for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to spade terminals. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, cut wire as close to spade terminals as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new spade terminal(s) securely onto wire.


Inspect mounting plate (14) for cracks, breaks, or dents; replace as necessary. Check that all dust and dirt has been removed from its screen.

TM 5-3805-262-20


If necessary, position fan (13) on motor (11) shaft; install and tighten setscrew (12).


Position motor and fan (11) in mounting plate (14).


I n s t a l l a n d t i g h t e n two lock washers (10) and nuts (9).


If necessary, apply one drop of adhesive to felt insulators (8) and position insulators on heater core (6).


If necessary, install two seals (7) on heater core (6) tubes.


Install heater core (6), insulator (5), core seal (4), and cover (3).


Install and tighten four washers (2) and self locking screws (1) to secure cover (3). 10-33


a. H e a t e r ( c o n t ) .


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 2) (1)

Inspect wire lead (15) for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminals. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, replace wire lead.


Inspect wiring harness spade terminal (3) wire for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to spade terminal. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, cut wire as close to spade terminal as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new spade terminal securely onto wire.


Position and support heater (18) in heater console.


Install four washers (17) and capscrews (16) then position terminal of wire lead (15) on body of capscrew installed in lower right mounting hole of heater.


Secure heater by installing and tightening four lock washers (14) and nuts (13).


Position clamps (7 and 6) on tube (8).


Install hose (9) on tube (8) by pushing onto tube as far as possible.


Install clamp (5) on hose (9).


Install clamp (11) on hose (12).


Connect hose (12) to heater (18) tube located at rear of heater by pushing onto tube.


Position clamp (11) over hose (12) and heater tube then tighten securely.


Connect tube (8) with assembled parts to hose (10) by pushing onto hose as far as possible, then connect hose (9) to heater (18) tube.


Position clamps (7, 6, and 5) on ends of hoses (10 and 9) and tighten securely.


Connect wiring harness white wire spade terminal (3) to heater (18) orange wire spade terminal (4) by grasping terminals with your fingers and firmly pushing them together.


Connect wire lead spade terminal (1) to heater (18) black wire spade terminal (2).


Open heater water shut-off valves at water pump and engine block.



a. H e a t e r ( c o n t ) . INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2)



Connect battery ground cable (page 5-151).


Start engine and operate at idle speed for three minutes. Turn off engine and check coolant level at radiator (page 4-71). Add coolant as necessary.


Start engine, operate at idle speed, and check for coolant leaks at hose and tube connections to heater. Tighten clamps as necessary if leaks are seen.


Set HEATER FAN control to LOW position and HEAT CONTROL to WARM position. Check that heater fan operates and warm air is blown from heater console. Turn off engine. If heater fan does not operate or warm air is not blown from heater console, refer to troubleshooting (page 3-165 or 3-168).


Install operator's seat upper seat support (page 9-32).


Install engine side panels (page 9-17).

TM 5-3805-262-20 10-6. CAB HEATER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE (CONT) b. H o s e s , L i n e s , a n d F i t t i n g s . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , and installation of cab heater hoses, lines, and fittings. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Screwdriver MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Tie straps, three (FSCM 10988 PN L18331) PERSONNEL REQUIRED: TWO Construction Equipment Mechanics M0S 62B NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine side panels removed (page 9-14), heater water shut-off valves closed at water pump and engine block, battery ground cable disconnected (page 5-148), and operator-s seat upper seat support removed from cab (page 9-31).

REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2) ( 1 ) A t c a b s w i t c h p a n e l , remove HEAT CONTROL knob (1) by pulling straight up off control shaft. (2) Remove four screws (2). ( 3 ) C a r e f u l l y p u l l cab switch panel (3) up from heater console just enough to g a i n a c c e s s t o HEAT CONTROL valve ports.



b. H o s e s , L i n e s , a n d F i t t i n g s ( c o n t ) .


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) (4)

Loosen two clamps (4).


Loosen and remove two nuts (5), lock washers (6), and capscrews (7).


Disconnect hose (8) from HEAT CONTROL valve and tube (11) and remove it.


Remove clamps (4 and 9) from hose (8).


Loosen clamps (10 and 12). Disconnect and remove tube (11) and hose (13). Remove clamps (10 and 12).


Loosen two clamps (14) and clamp (16).


Loosen and remove two nuts ( 1 7 ) , l o c k w a s h e r s ( 1 8 ) , a n d c a p s c r e w s ( 1 9 ) .


Disconnect hose (30) from tube (20). Then, disconnect and remove tube (20) from hose (15). Remove clamps (21) from tube.


Disconnect hose (15) from HEAT CONTROL valve then remove two clamps (14) and clamp (16).


Loosen clamp (22) at bottom of heater core.


Disconnect hose (33) from heater core tube and remove clamp (22).


At engine, loosen two clamps (23) and disconnect hoses (30 and 33).


Loosen and remove three nuts (24), lock washers (25), and capscrews (26); remove three clamps (27) and two spacers (28).


Cut, remove and discard three tie straps (29).


Remove hose (30) from loader.


Loosen and remove nut (31); remove clamp (32) from around hose (33).


Remove hose (33) from loader.


While assistant in cab holds capscrews (37) using socket wrench, loosen and remove four nuts (34), lock washers (35), and washers (36) from beneath floor plate.


Remove four capscrews (37) and heater console (38).


If necessary, remove two capscrews (40) and lock washers (39); remove bracket (41).



b. H o s e s , L i n e s , a n d F i t t i n g s ( c o n t ) . CLEANING

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes w i t h large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is w i t h water and get medical aid immediately.


and flammable. well ventilated don’t breathe and don’t smoke injury. If you air and medical is made, flush made, wash eyes


Clean all metallic parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry using clean cloth.


Clean hoses (8, 13, 15, 30, and 33) using clean cloth moistened with detergent; dry using clean cloth.

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSPECTION ( 1 ) I n s p e c t h o s e s ( 8 , 13, 15, 30, and 33) for cracks, breaks, slits, chafing, or other indications of damage. Replace if necessary. (2) Inspect tubes (11 and 20) for cracks, breaks, or dents; replace if any of these conditions are seen. ( 3 ) I n s p e c t c l a m p s ( 4 , 10, 12, 14, 16, 22, and 23) for deformation, breaks, or damaged worm screw. Replace as necessary. (4) Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, deformation, bent condition, or damaged or stripped threads. Replace as necessary.



b. H o s e s , L i n e s , a n d F i t t i n g s ( c o n t ) .


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 2) (1)

If necessary, position bracket (41); install and tighten two lock washers (39) and capscrews (40).


Tell assistant to position heater console (38) in cab and to install and hold capscrews (37) using socket wrench.


Install and tighten four washers (36), lock washers (35), and nuts (34).


Route hoses (30 and 33) between engine and heater console (38) through hole in front chassis floor plate.


Position hoses (30 and 33), then install three tie straps (29); be sure to secure hoses to brake tube. Install clamp (32) on hose (33). Secure clamp (32) using nut (31).


Install two spacers (28), and three clamps (27), capscrews (26), lock washers (25), and nuts (24). Be sure to position hoses properly then tighten nuts (24) securely.


Install clamps (23), one on each hose (30 and 33).


Connect hose (33) to shut-off valve by pushing hose as far as it will go onto valve stem. Position clamp (23) on end of hose and valve stem and tighten.


Connect hose (30) to shut-off valve by pushing hose as far as it will go onto valve stem. Position clamp (23) on end of hose and valve stem and tighten.


In cab, install clamp (22) on hose (33). Connect hose to heater core tube by pushing hose onto tube as far as it will go. Position clamp on end of hose and tube and tighten securely.


Position two clamps (21) on tube (20) and push hose (15) onto end of tube as far as you can. Position two clamps (14) on hose (15).


Install clamp (16) on hose (30). Position tube (20) in heater console (38); connect hose (30) to tube and hose (15) to HEAT CONTROL valve port. If necessary, adjust hose (15) and tube (20) by pushing hose farther onto or pulling farther out of tube; do the same for opposite end of tube where it connects to hose (30).


Position clamps (14 and 16) and tighten securely.


Position two clamps (21) on tube by aligning clamp mounting holes with associated mounting holes in heater console (38).


I n s t a l l a n d t i g h t e n t w o c a p s c r e w s ( 1 9 ) , lock washers (18), and nuts (17) to secure clamps (21) to heater console (38).


Install hose (13) on tube (11).


I n s t a l l c l a m p s ( 4 , 10, and 12) on tube (11).



b. H o s e s , L i n e s , a n d F i t t i n g s ( c o n t ) .


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (18)

Install clamp (9) and clamp (4) on hose (8).


Connect hose (13) to heater core tube by pushing onto core tube as far as it will go.


Connect hose (8) to tube (11) by pushing it onto tube as far as it will go. Connect other end of hose to HEAT CONTROL valve port. If necessary, adjust length of hose by pulling it farther out of or into tube (11).


Position clamps (4, 10, and 12) on hose ends and tighten securely.


Position clamp (9) on hose (8) by aligning clamp mounting hole with associated mounting hole in heater console ( 3 8 ) .


Install and tighten capscrew (7), lock washer (6), and nut (5) to secure clamp (9) to heater console (38) .


Install cab switch panel (3) on heater console taking care not to disconnect or pinch wiring between switch panel and heater console.


Install and tighten four screws (2) to secure switch panel (3) to heater console.


Install HEAT CONTROL knob (1) by pushing firmly onto HEAT CONTROL valve shaft.


Open heater water shut-off valves at water pump and engine.


Connect battery ground cable (page 5 - 1 5 1 ) .


Start engine and operate at idle speed for three minutes. Turn off engine and check coolant level at radiator (page 4-71). Add coolant as necessary.


Start engine, operate at idle speed, and check for coolant leaks at hose and tube connections to heater and engine. Tighten clamps as necessary if leaks are seen.


Set HEATER FAN control to LOW position and HEAT CONTROL to WARM position. Check that heater fan operates and warm air is blown from heater cover. Turn off engine. If heater fan does not operate or warm air is not blown from heater cover, refer to troubleshooting (page 3-165 or 3-168).


Install operator’s seat upper seat support (page 9-32).


Install engine side panels (page 9-17). 10-45


c. H e a t e r C o n t r o l V a l v e . CONTROL valve.

This task covers removal and installation of the HEAT

TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Screwdriver NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine side panels removed (page 9-14), heater water shut-off valves closed at water pump and engine block, battery ground cable disconnected (page 5-148), a n d o p e r a t o r ’ s s e a t u p p e r s e a t support removed from cab (page 9-31).




At cab switch panel, remove HEAT CONTROL knob (1) by pulling straight up off control shaft.


Remove four screws (2).


Carefully pull cab switch panel (3) Up from heater console just enough to gain access to HEAT CONTROL valve ports and its mounting hardware.


At HEAT CONTROL valve, loosen clamp (4) and disconnect hose (5) from valve by pulling it from valve port.

TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) (5) At opposite end of HEAT CONTROL valve, loosen two clamps (6) then disconnect hose (7) from valve by pulling it from valve port while at same time pushing it onto tube (8). (6) Reach inside heater console and remove two nuts (9) and lock washers (10). Support HEAT CONTROL valve (12) and remove two capscrews (11) then remove HEAT CONTROL valve. INSTALLATION (1)

Position HEAT CONTROL valve (12) on bracket inside heater console.


Install and tighten two capscrews (11), lock washers (10), and nuts (9) to secure HEAT CONTROL valve (12).


Ensure that clamps (6 and 4) are installed on hoses (5 and 7) and tube (8).


Connect hose (7) to HEAT CONTROL valve port by pushing hose onto port.


Connect hose (5) to port on opposite end of HEAT CONTROL valve by pushing it onto port as far as it will go.


Position clamps (6 and 4) and tighten securely.


Install cab switch panel (3) on heater console taking care not to disconnect or pinch wiring between switch panel and heater console.


Install and tighten four screws (2) to secure switch panel (3) to heater console.


Install HEAT CONTROL knob (1) by pushing it firmly onto HEAT CONTROL valve shaft.


Open heater water shut-off valves at water pump and engine.


Connect battery ground cable (page 5-151).


Start engine and operate at idle speed for three minutes. Turn off engine and check coolant level at radiator (page 4-71). Add coolant as necessary.


Start engine, operate at idle speed, and check for coolant leaks at hose connections to HEAT CONTROL valve. Tighten clamps as necessary if leaks are seen.


Set HEATER FAN control to LOW position and HEAT CONTROL to WARM position. Check that heater fan operates and warm air is blown from heater cover. Turn off engine. If heater fan does not operate or warm air is not blown from heater cover, refer to troubleshooting (page 3-165 or 3-168).


Install operator-s seat upper seat support (page 9-32).


Install engine side panels (page 9-17).



d. Heater Fan Switch and Circuit Breaker. T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l a n d i n s t a l l a tion of the cab heater fan switch and circuit breaker. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Slip joint pliers Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Electrical repair tool kit Screwdriver MATERIALS/PARTS: Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Battery ground cable disconnected (page 5-148). REMOVAL



At cab switch panel, remove HEAT CONTROL knob (1) by pulling it straight up off control shaft.


Remove four screws (2).


Carefully pull cab switch panel (3) up from heater console just enough to gain access to wiring harness spade terminals at rear of switch panel.


Disconnect wiring harness white wire terminal (5) and wire lead (6) terminal from switch (9) screw terminals by removing two screws (4).


Push and hold pushbutton on switch (9) body to release switch plunger (8) then pull switch plunger out of switch.


Loosen and remove nut (7) then remove switch (9) from switch panel.


Disconnect wiring harness red-white wire spade terminal (10) by grasping spade terminal with your fingers and firmly pulling from circuit breaker (12) terminal.


Disconnect wire lead (6) spade terminal from circuit breaker (12) terminal.


Loosen and remove round nut (11) then remove circuit breaker (12).

TM 5-3805-262-20



d. H e a t e r F a n S w i t c h a n d C i r c u i t B r e a k e r ( c o n t ) .


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (1)

Inspect wire lead (6) for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminals. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, replace wire lead.


Inspect wiring harness spade terminals (5 and 10) wire for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to spade terminals. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, cut wire as close to spade terminal as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new spade terminal securely onto wire.


Position switch (9) on switch panel (3). Install and tighten nut (7) to secure switch to panel.


To install switch plunger (8), push it down into switch (9) body until button snaps into position.


Connect wire lead (6) terminal and wiring harness white wire terminal (5) to switch terminals using two screws (4).


Position circuit breaker (12) on switch panel (3) and secure by installing and tightening round nut (11).


Connect wire lead (6) spade terminal to circuit breaker (12) terminal by grasping terminal with your finger and firmly pushing it onto circuit breaker terminal.


Connect w i r i n g h a r n e s s r e d - w h i t e w i r e s p a d e t e r m i n a l ( 1 0 ) t o c i r c u i t breaker (12) terminal.


I n s t a l l cab switch panel (3) on heater console taking care not to disconn e c t o r pinch wiring between switch panel and heater console.


I n s t a l l and tighten four screws (2) to secure switch panel (3) to heater console.


Install HEAT CONTROL knob (1) by pushing it firmly onto HEAT CONTROL valve shaft.


Connect battery ground cable (page 5-151).


S t a r t e n g i n e a n d o p e r a t e a t i d l e s p e e d . Set HEATER FAN control to LOW position. Check that heater fan operates and air is blown from heater cover. Turn off engine. If heater fan does not operate or air is not blown from heater cover, refer to troubleshooting (page 3-165 or 3-168).



a. D e f r o s t e r M o t o r . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , a n d i n s t a l lation of cab defroster motor. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Slip joint pliers Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Screwdriver Electrical repair tool kit Multimeter MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Isopropyl alcohol (Appendix C, item 15) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Battery ground cable disconnected (page 5-148). REMOVAL



I n s i d e c a b , at top, support cover (18) and loosen and remove six screws ( 1 ) a n d f i n i s h i n g w a s h e r s ( 2 ) . Reach into cover and disconnect wire lead spade terminal (4) from resistor (17) terminal and wiring harness wire lead spade terminal from dome light switch. Defroster motor terminal (3) was disconnected when screws (1) were removed. Lower cover with installed parts from cab ceiling and remove from cab.


If necessary, disconnect wire lead terminal (5) from wiring harness brown-white wire terminal (6) by grasping terminals with your fingers and firmly pulling them apart. Remove wire lead (7).


Grasp defroster spade terminal (8) with your fingers and firmly pull from resistor (17) terminal to disconnect it.


Remove four locknuts (9) and screws (10).


Lift defroster (11) from cover (18) and remove seal (12).


Remove two nuts (13), lock washers (14), washers (15), and screws (16); remove resistor (17).

TM 5-3805-262-20



a. D e f r o s t e r M o t o r ( c o n t ) . CLEANING (1)

Clean cover (18) using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Rinse with clean water and dry using clean cloth.


Clean resistor (17) using clean cloth moistened with isopropyl alcohol.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe v a p o r s . D o n o t u s e n e a r o p e n f l a m e o r e x c e s s i v e h e a t and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious i n j u r y . I f y o u b e c o m e d i z z y w h i l e u s i n g c l e a n i n g s o l v e n t , g e t f r e s h air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes i s m a d e , f l u s h w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s made, wash eyes w i t h water and get medical aid immediately. (3)


Clean remaining parts using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry using clean cloth.

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSPECTION (1)

Inspect cover (18) for cracks, splits, elongated mounting holes, or other damage. Replace if necessary.


Inspect resistor (17) for cracks, chips, or loose or corroded terminals; replace if any of these conditions are seen.


Check seal (12) for deterioration; replace if deteriorated,


Check defroster (11) for cracks or dents. Replace if cracked or dented. Inspect defroster wire leads for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminals. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, cut wire as close to terminals as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new terminals securely onto wire. Connect multimeter between terminals and check for continuity. Replace defroster if continuity not obtained on multimeter.


Inspect wiring harness terminal (6) wire for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminal. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, cut wire as close to terminal as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new terminal securely onto wire.


Inspect wire lead (7) for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminals. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, replace wire lead.


Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, bent condition, or damaged or stripped threads; replace as necessary.



a. D e f r o s t e r M o t o r ( c o n t ) .


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (1)

Position resistor (17) on cover (18) and install and tighten two screws (16), washers (15), lock washers (14), and nuts (13).


Position seal (12) on cover (18) then install four screws (10) in mounting holes. Place defroster (11) on seal (12) inserting screws (10) through defroster mounting holes.


Install and tighten four locknuts (9).


Connect defroster terminal (8) to resistor (17) terminal by grasping terminal (8) with your fingers and firmly pushing it on resistor terminal.


At cab ceiling, connect wire lead (7) terminal (5) to wiring harness brown-white terminal by grasping both terminals with your fingers, inserting terminal (5) into terminal (6) and firmly pushing than together.


Position cover (18) with installed parts close to cab ceiling and connect wire lead (7) spade terminal (4) to resistor (17) terminal.


Connect wiring harness yellow-black wire spade terminal to dome light switch terminal.


Install one finishing washer (2) and mounting hole nearest to defroster screw. Position cover on cab ceiling with mounting holes in cab. Tighten


Install and tighten remaining five finishing washers (2) and screws (1).


Connect battery ground cable (page 5-151).


Start and operate engine at idle speed. Set DEFROSTER switch to ON posit i o n a n d c h e c k t h a t d e f r o s t e r o p e r a t e s . Set dome light switch to on position and check that light turns on. Set switches in OFF positions. Turn off engine. If defroster does not operate or if dome light does not light, refer to troubleshooting (page 3-169 or 3-176).

screw (1) through cover (18) terminal (3). Install this terminal on lining up mounting holes in cover screw (l).



b. D e f r o s t e r S w i t c h a n d C i r c u i t B r e a k e r . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l a n d i n s t a l l a tion of cab defroster switch and circuit breaker. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Slip joint pliers Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Screwdriver Electrical repair tool kit MATERIALS/PARTS: Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Battery ground cable disconnected (page 5-148).

REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2) ( 1 ) A t c a b s w i t c h p a n e l , remove HEAT CONTROL (1) knob and DEFROSTER knob (9) by pulling straight up off control shaft. (2) Remove four screws (2). 10-58

TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) (3)

Carefully pull cab switch panel (3) up from heater console just enough to gain access to wiring harness spade terminals at rear of switch panel.


At rear of DEFROSTER switch (11), disconnect wire lead (4) spade terminals from DEFROSTER switch terminal and circuit breaker double spade terminal (8) by grasping spade terminal with your fingers and firmly pulling from switch and circuit breaker terminal.


Disconnect wiring harness brown-white wire spade terminal (5) from DEFROSTER switch (11), red-white wire spade terminal (6) from circuit breaker (13), and green wire spade terminal (7) from circuit breaker double spade terminal (8) by grasping spade terminal with your finger and firmly pulling from associated terminal.


Loosen and remove nut (10) and remove DEFROSTER switch (11).


Loosen and remove round nut (12) and remove circuit breaker (13).


Pull double spade terminal (8) from circuit breaker (13) terminal.



b. D e f r o s t e r S w i t c h a n d C i r c u i t B r e a k e r ( c o n t ) .

INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 2) (1) Inspect wire lead (4) for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminals. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, replace wire lead. (2) Inspect wiring harness spade terminals (5, 6, and 7) wire for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to spade terminal. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, cut wire as close to spade terminal as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new spade terminal securely onto wire. (3) Install double spade terminal (8) on circuit breaker (13) terminal by grasping terminal (8) with your fingers and firmly pushing it onto circuit breaker terminal.


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (4)

Position circuit breaker (13) on cab switch panel (3) and install and tighten round nut (12).


Position DEFROSTER switch (11) on cab switch panel (3) and install and tighten nut (10).


Connect wiring harness green wire spade terminal (7) to double spade terminal (8) by grasping terminal (7) with your fingers and firmly pushing onto double spade terminal.


Connect wiring harness red-white wire spade terminal (6) to circuit breaker (13) terminal.


Connect wiring harness brown-white wire spade terminal (5) to DEFROSTER switch (11) terminal.


Connect wire lead (4) spade terminals to double spade terminal (8) and DEFROSTER switch (11) terminal.


Check and ensure that connections made in steps (6) through (9) above are correct. Then, install cab switch panel (3) on heater console taking care not to disconnect or pinch wiring between switch panel and heater console.


Install and tighten four screws (2) to secure switch panel (3) to heater console.


Install HEAT CONTROL knob (1) and DEFROSTER knob (9) by firmly pushing onto associated shaft.


Connect battery ground cable (page 5-151).


Start engine and operate at idle speed. Set DEFROSTER switch to ON position. Check that defroster operates. Set DEFROSTER switch to OFF position. Turn off engine. If defroster does not operate, refer to troubleshooting (page 3-169).



This task covers removal, disassembly, cleaning, inspection, reassembly, and installation of the cab defogger fan. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Socket head screw key set Multimeter Electrical repair tool kit Soldering iron (25 watts) MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Adhesive (Appendix C, item 8) Isopropyl alcohol (Appendix C, item 15) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Battery ground cable disconnected (page 5-148).

a . Pull back cab foam (1) at top of cab ceiling just enough to gain access t o wiring harness wire terminal (2). b . Disconnect wire terminals (2) by grasping terminals with your fingers and firmly pulling them apart. c . Support defogger fan and loosen and remove three nuts (3), lock washers (4), and screws (5). d . Remove defogger fan (6). Terminal (7) was disconnected when screw (5) was removed. 10-62

TM 5-3805-262-20

DISASSEMBLY a . Remove guard (1) by lifting up on guard tabs to disengage them from rear guard mating tabs. b . Loosen and remove setscrew (2) then pull fan blade (3) from fan motor (12) shaft. c . Loosen and remove two nuts (4) and washers (5). Remove rear guard (6). d . Remove two washers (7), nuts (8), and screws (9). e . Loosen and remove nut (10) then push switch (11) into pedestal (13). From bottom of pedestal, reach up into pedestal and pull switch down just enough to gain access to switch wires. f . Identify, tag, and unsolder wires from switch (11) terminals. g . To remove fan (12) from pedestal (13), grasp both firmly in your hands and pull apart.



CLEANING a. Clean guard (1) and rear guard (6) using detergent. Rinse in clean water and dry using clean cloth.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is with water and get medical aid immediately.

and flammable. well ventilated don't breathe and don’t smoke injury. If you air and medical is made, flush made, wash eyes

b . Clean fan blade (3) and pedestal (13) using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. D r y u s i n g c l e a n c l o t h . c . Clean switch (11) and motor (12) using clean cloth moistened with isopropyl alcohol; dry using clean cloth. INSPECTION a . Inspect guard (1) and rear guard (6) for cracks, breaks, broken tabs, or other damage. Replace if any of these conditions are seen. b . Inspect fan blade (3) for bent or missing blades; replace if necessary. c . Inspect fan motor (12) and pedestal (13) for cracks, breaks, or other damage. Replace if necessary. Check fan motor wires for cracked or broken insulation. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. Connect multimeter between fan motor terminals and check that multimeter indicates continuity. If multimeter does not indicate continuity, replace fan motor. d . Inspect switch (11) for cracked or broken molded body insulation, or loose terminals; replace if any of these conditions are seen. Using multimeter, check that continuity is obtained between center terminal and end terminals of switch when switch is activated and that multimeter indicates an open circuit when switch is in center position. Replace switch if any of these indications are not obtained. e . Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, deformation, distortion, or damaged threads. Replace if any of these conditions are observed. REASSEMBLY (SHEET 1 OF 2) a. Assemble fan motor (12) and pedestal (13) by routing fan motor wires down t h r o u g h p e d e s t a l . Grasp both one in one hand and the other in your other hand and aline ball on motor with pedestal socket and firmly press both together until they snap into position.


TM 5-3805-262-20

REASSEMBLY (SHEET 2 OF 2) b . If necessary, pull wires from motor down through pedestal (13). Connect and solder wires to switch (11) terminals using 25 watt soldering iron. Carefully push wiring up into pedestal while at the same time pushing switch (11) up into position and inserting bat handle through hole in pedestal. Take care not to pinch or otherwise damage any wires. S e c u r e s w i t c h b y i n s t a l l i n g and tightening nut (10). d . Install and tighten two screws (9), nuts (8), and washers (7). e . Position rear guard (6) on screws (9) then install and tighten two washers (5) and nuts (4). Don’t overtighten nuts. f . Install fan blade (3) on fan motor (12) shaft. g . Install and tighten setscrew (2). h . Install guard (1) on rear guard (6) by carefully spreading tabs on guard and mating slots in tabs with ears on rear guard until they snap into position. i . Check and ensure that wiring inside pedestal is okay by connecting multimeter between one terminal of defogger fan and clean metal part of fan. Multimeter should indicate a resistance larger than zero in all positions of switch (11). If zero resistance is indicated, wiring is damaged (short circuited) and fan must be disassembled. Repeat the above for remaining terminal. 10-65


INSTALLATION a . Install one screw (5) in defogger fan (6) mounting hole. Position terminal (7) on this screw. b . Raise defogger fan (6) into position and install and tighten screws (5), three lock washers (4), and nuts (3). c . Connect wiring harness light green wire terminal and defogger fan terminal (2) by grasping both with your fingers, alining and firmly pushing them together. d . Connect battery ground cable (page 5-151). e . S t a r t e n g i n e a n d o p e r a t e a t i d l e s p e e d . Set defogger fan switch to HIGH or LOW p o s i t i o n . C h e c k t h a t d e f o g g e r f a n o p e r a t e s . Set defogger fan switch to OFF position. Turn off engine. If defogger fan does not operate, refer to troubleshooting (page 3-173 or 3-176).



a. Bulb Replacement. This task covers replacement of cab dome light bulb. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Screwdriver set, cross tip, straight, and offset MATERIALS/PARTS: Bulb (FSCM 24455 PN GE1591) REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT (1)

Remove two screws (1).


Remove lens (2).


Push bulb (3) towards socket and turn counterclockwise to remove. Discard bulb.


To install new bulb, insert in socket and turn clockwise.


Position lens (2).


Install and tighten two screws (1).



b. Dome Light and Switch. dome light and switch.

This task covers removal and installation of the cab

TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Screwdriver set, cross tip, straight, and offset Electrical repair tool kit MATERIALS/PARTS: Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Battery ground cable disconnected (page 5-148) and cab defroster motor removed (page 10-52).




Loosen and remove two screws (l).


Remove lens (2).


If necessary, remove bulb (3).


Disconnect lamp spade terminal (5) by grasping terminal with your fingers and firmly pulling from dome light switch terminal.


Loosen and remove four screws (6).


Remove lamp body (7) from cover.


To remove dome light switch (9), loosen and remove two screws (8) then remove switch (9) from cover.

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (1)

Inspect wiring harness spade terminal (4) wire for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to spade terminal. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, cut wire as close to spade terminal as possible. Cut 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new spade terminal securely onto wire.


Position dome light switch (9) on cover.


Install and tighten two screws (8) to secure dome light switch (9).


Position lamp body (7) on cover.


Install and tighten four screws (6) to secure lamp body (7) to cover.


Connect lamp spade terminal (5) to dome light switch (9) terminal by grasping terminal (5) with your fingers and firmly pushing onto switch terminal.


If necessary, install bulb (3).


Position lens (2) and secure by installing and tightening two screws (1).


Install defroster motor (steps (6) through (11), page 10-57) and connect battery ground cable (page 5-151).


TM 5-3805-262-20 10-10. MIRRORS MAINTENANCE

a. I n s i d e M i r r o r mirror.

This task covers removal and installation of the cab inside

TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Isopropyl alcohol (Appendix C, item 15)

REMOVAL (1) Loosen and remove one nut (1) and lock washer (2). (2) Remove mirror (3). INSTALLATION (1) Position mirror (3) threaded stud in its mounting hole. (2)

Install and tighten lock washer (2) and nut (l).

(3) Clean mirror (3) using clean cloth moistened with isopropyl alcohol and water. Dry using clean cloth.


TM 5-3805-262-20 10-10. MIRRORS MAINTENANCE (CONT)

b. O u t s i d e M i r r o r s . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l a n d i n s t a l l a t i o n o f t h e c a b o u t s i d e mirrors. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1)


At either left or right side of cab, loosen and remove two nuts (1) and washers (2).


Remove mirror (3) by pulling bottom of mirror from mounting bracket (10) and catching washer (4) then l o w e r i n g u n t i l m i r r o r t o p s t u d i s c l e a r o f its mounting hole. Remove washer (4) from mirror top stud.


Loosen and remove nut (5), lock washer (6), and capscrew (7).


Support mounting bracket (10) and remove capscrew (8) and lock washer (9). Remove mounting bracket (10).


Repeat steps (1) through (4) above to remove remaining mirror and mounting bracket.


TM 5-3805-262-20 10-10.




b. O u t s i d e M i r r o r s ( c o n t ) .




At either left or right side of cab, position mounting bracket (10).


I n s t a l l a n d t i g h t e n l o c k w a s h e r (9) and capscrew (8).


Install and tighten capscrew (7), lock washer (6), and nut (5).


Install mirror (3) on bracket (10) by mounting stud and inserting stud into washer (4) on mirror bottom mounting mounting bracket. E n s u r e t h a t b o t t o m mounting bracket slot.


Install and tighten two washers (2) and nuts (l).


Repeat steps (1) through (5) above to install remaining mirror and mounting bracket.

installing washer (4) on mirror top mounting hole on bracket. Install stud then position stud in slot on stud is installed all the way into


a. D a t a P l a t e s . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s t o u c h - u p , a n d w h e r e n e c e s s a r y , r e m o v a l a n d i n stallation of the data plates. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Screwdriver set, cross tip, straight, and offset Slip joint pliers Twist drill set Pneumatic portable drill Artist’s brushes, number 1 and 2 MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Marking ink (Appendix C, item 17) REMOVAL NOTE All data plates are attached by either two or four pop rivets. Removal or installation procedures for any data plate are the same. Only remove and replace a data plate if lettering is totally illegible. If lettering can be touched up in less time than it takes to remove/replace the data plate, do so. Refer to step (4) below for touch-up procedure. (1) Using 1/8 inch diameter drill bit, drill out head of pop rivets securing data plate (1 through 23) to be removed. (2) Using slip joint pliers, crush pop rivet head then remove pop rivet. (3) Remove and discard data plate. If necessary, use screwdriver slipped und e r d a t a p l a t e t o f r e e d a t a p l a t e f r o m p o p r i v e t taking care not to damage finish of mounting surface. (4) If data plate lettering can be touched-up, clean data plate using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Be sure all grease and dirt is removed. Touch-up lettering using marking ink and a number 1 or 2 artist-s brush. Be careful not to smear ink before it has dried. If necessary, refer to data plate illustrations on following pages for data. INSTALLATION (1) Position new data plate (1 through 23) on its mounting surface. (2) Secure using two pop rivets.



a. D a t a P l a t e s ( c o n t ) .



TM 5-3805-262-20



a. D a t a P l a t e s ( c o n t ) .


TM 5-3805-262-20



a. D a t a P l a t e s ( c o n t ) .


TM 5-3805-262-20


TM 5-3805-262-20 10-11. DATA PLATES AND DECALS MAINTENANCE (CONT) b. D e c a l s . This task covers touch-up, and where necessary, removal and installation of the decals. TOOLS: Razor blade, straight edge Artist’s brushes, number 1 and 2 MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Marking ink (Appendix C, item 17) REMOVAL NOTE Only remove and replace a decal if lettering is totally illegible. If lettering can be touched up in less time than it takes to remove/replace the decal, do so. Refer to step (3) below for touch-up procedure. If decals on fan shroud are to be replaced, remove engine side panels (page 9-14); i f h y d r a u l i c r e s e r v o i r d e c a l i s t o b e r e p l a c e d , u n l o c k a n d open front access door. ( 1 ) T o r e m o v e d e c a l ( 1 t h r o u g h 4 ) , try to get a razor blade under one corner of decal. Then pull decal off its mounting surface. If necessary, carefully scrape decal from its mounting surface using razor blade.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don-t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. I f c o n t a c t w i t h s k i n o r c l o t h e s i s m a d e , f l u s h w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (2)

Clean mounting surface using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680 to remove all traces of decal, grease, or dirt.

(3) If decal lettering can be touched-up, clean using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Be sure all grease and dirt is removed. Touch-up lettering using marking ink and a number 1 or 2 artist’s brush. Be careful not to smear ink before it has dried. If necessary, refer to decal illustrations on following page for data. INSTALLATION (1) Peel protective backing from decal (1 through 4). (2) Apply decal to surface. Use clean cloth to remove any air bubbles between mounting surface and decal.


TM 5-3805-262-20


(10-82 blank)

TM 5-3805-262-20

CHAPTER 11 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM MAINTENANCE CHAPTER OVERVIEW This chapter contains the information you’ll need to maintain the: * * * * * *

Bucket Tilt Cylinder Assemblies Lines and Fittings Lift Cylinder Assemblies Bucket Clam Cylinder Assemblies Hydraulic Reservoir Hydraulic Filter

It gives you information on how to repair or replace the components that are within the scope of organizational maintenance.

Para Bucket Tilt Cylinder Assemblies Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-1 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-1a Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-1b Return-to-Dig Control Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-2 Lines and Fittings Maintenance . . . 11-3 Hydraulic Pump to Control Valve Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-3a Hydraulic Pump to Reservoir . . . 11-3b Control Valve Assembly to Loader Bucket Assembly . . . . . . 11-3c Control Valve Assembly to Bucket Tilt Cylinder Assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-3d Control Valve Assembly to Lift Cylinder Assemblies . . . . 11-3e

Para Loader Bucket Assembly . . . . . . . . 11-3f Lift Cylinder Assemblies Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-4 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-4a Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-4b Bucket Clam Cylinder Assemblies Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-5 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-5a Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-5b Hydraulic Reservoir Maintenance . . 11-6 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-6a Oil Level Check and Adding Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-6b Draining and Refilling . . . . . . . . 11-6c Hydraulic Filter Maintenance . . . . . 11-7 Servicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-7a Filter Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-7b

NOTE In following paragraphs, resources required are not listed unless they apply to the procedure. Personnel required are listed only if the task requires more than one. If PERSONNEL REQUIRED is not listed it means one person can do the task, The normal standard equipment condition to start a maintenance task is engine off, loader parked on level surface, bucket lowered to surface, and parking brakes applied. EQUIPMENT CONDITION is not listed unless some other condition is required besides those indicated above.



This task covers inspection of bucket tilt cylinder assemblies. a. I n s p e c t i o n . Perform this procedure anytime you suspect bucket tilt cylinder assemblies problems. MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) INSPECTION (SHEET 1 OF 2) NOTE If hydraulic oil leakage is seen, remove and replace bucket tilt cylinder assembly. F o r w a r d i t t o d i r e c t s u p p o r t m a i n t e n a n c e f o r r e p a i r .



Check for i n d i c a t i o n o f h y d r a u l i c o i l l e a k a g e b e t w e e n c y l i n d e r rod and g l a n d . I f n e c e s s a r y , u s e c l e a n c l o t h t o r e m o v e d i r t a n d g r e a s e from area. Slight dampness is permissible.


Check for indication of hydraulic oil leakage between gland and tube. If necessary, use clean cloth to remove dirt and grease from area. Slight dampness is permissible.


Start engine and operate at idle speed.


Place LIFT ARM control lever in RAISE position until bucket is four feet from ground.


Place BUCKET control lever in DUMP position until bucket is completely rolled forward then return control lever to NEUT. position.


Check for indication of hydraulic oil leakage between cylinder rod and gland. Slight dampness is permissible.



INSPECTION (SHEET 2 OF 2) ( 7 ) C h e c k f o r i n d i c a t i o n o f h y d r a u l i c o i l l e a k a g e b e t w e e n g l a n d and tube. Slight dampness is permissible. (8) Place BUCKET control lever in CROWD position until bucket is completely rolled back then return control lever to NEUT. position. (9) Check for indication of hydraulic oil leakage between cylinder rod and gland. Slight dampness is permissible. (10) Check for indication of hydraulic oil leakage between gland and tube. Slight dampness is permissible. (11) Lower bucket to ground and turn off engine. (12) Repeat steps (1) through (11) above to inspect remaining bucket tilt cylinder assembly.



b. R e p l a c e m e n t . der assemblies.

This task covers removal and installation of bucket tilt cylin-

TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Safety glasses Hand hammer, three pounds Lubricating unit Combination box and open end wrench set Torque wrench, 3/4 inch drive Vise Slip joint pliers Long nose pliers Automotive Mechanic’s Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 1/2 inch drive No. 2 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Adapter, socket wrench, 1/2 inch male to 3/4 inch female Pry bar Chain hoist equipped with nylon straps Rod, 1-7/8 inches diameter by eight inches long Acetylene torch Wood block, 3/4 inch square Insulated gloves Wood block, 2 by 4 by 4 inches long Torque wrench multiplier, 2000 lb-ft capacity MATERIALS/PARTS: Loctite 242 (blue) (Appendix C, item 18) Tie straps, quantity as required (FSCM 53421 PN T50ROW) Retaining rings, two (FSCM 10988 PN L16015) O-rings, four (FSCM 10988 PN 218-5010) clamps, two (FSCM 10988 PN 214-273) REFERENCE: LO 5-3805-262-12 NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Front access door open and hydraulic reservoir fill cap loosened. Control levers operated in both directions to relieve hydraulic pressure. Return-to-dig control removed from right bucket tilt cylinder assembly (page 11-12). REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 5) (1) Attach chain hoist equipped with nylon strap to bucket tilt cylinder assembly as shown; take up all slack.


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 5)

(2) If necessary, at rod end of cylinder assembly, remove lubrication fitting (1). (3) Loosen and remove lock nut (2) and capscrew (3).

(4) Using hammer and 1-7/8 inches diameter rod, drive pivot pin (4) out of bellcrank and cylinder assembly rod end eye as shown. (5) Start engine and operate at idle speed. Place BUCKET control lever in CROWD position to retract cylinder assembly rod. Turn off engine and move BUCKET control lever in both directions to relieve hydraulic pressure.



b. R e p l a c e m e n t


REMOVAL (SHEET 3 OF 5) NOTE In following steps, cut, remove, and discard tie straps as necessary. (6) Identify and tag hoses (6 and 8). Hydraulic system pressure is over 2000 psi and hydraulic reservoir is pressurized with compressed a i r . Before loosening or disconnecting any hydraulic hoses, lines, or fittings, loosen hydraulic reservoir fill cap, and operate all hydraulic control levers to relieve hydraulic system pressure. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or d e a t h . If you are injured obtain medical assistance immediately. NOTE Plug or cap tubes and hoses disconnected or removed in following steps to prevent dirt from entering hydraulic system. (7) Loosen fitting (5) and disconnect hose (6) from fitting. (8) Loosen fitting (7) and disconnect hose (8) from elbow.

Wear protective goggles and insulated gloves when working with acetylene torch and heated parts. Failure to do so could cause blindness from flame of torch or serious injury due to burns. If you are injured or burned, get medical aid immediately. (9) Using acetylene torch, heat retaining ring (9). Using long nose pliers, remove retaining ring and thrust washers (10) from pivot shaft. 11-6

TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 4 OF 5)

Before performing following step, check and ensure that all hydraulic hoses and wiring will not interfere with removal of bucket tilt cylinder assembly. Failure to do so could cause serious injury due to cylinder assembly falling on you. If you are i n j u r e d b y f a l l i n g e q u i p m e n t , o b t a i n medical assistance immediately. (10) Pull bucket tilt cylinder assembly from pivot shaft and lower to ground. Remove chain hoist nylon straps from around cylinder assembly. NOTE Repeat steps (1) through (10) above to remove remaining cylinder assembly. Perform following steps only if these parts are not already installed on replacement cylinder assembly. (11) Cut, remove, and discard clamp (11). (12) Identify and tag tube (12). Loosen tube fitting and remove tube. Remove saddle (13). (13) Remove elbow (14) and 0-ring (15). Discard 0-ring.



b. R e p l a c e m e n t


REMOVAL (SHEET 5 OF 5) (14) Remove elbow (16) and 0-ring (17). Discard 0-ring. NOTE Repeat steps (11) through (14) above to remove parts from remaining cylinder assembly.

NOTE P e r f o r m f o l l o w i n g s t e p s o n l y i f t h e s e p a r t s a r e n o t a l r e a d y i n s t a l l e d on replacement cylinder assembly.



Install new 0-ring (17) on elbow (16). Install and tighten elbow (16).


Install new 0-ring (15) on elbow (14). Install and tighten elbow (14).


Connect tube (12) to elbow (16). Hand tighten tube (12) fitting.


Position saddle (13) between cylinder assembly body and tube (12). Install new clamp (11) securely ensuring that tube is properly seated on saddle.


Using a chain hoist equipped with nylon straps, install cylinder assembly on pivot shaft.

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 4) (6) Install thrust washers (10) on end of pivot shaft.

Wear protective goggles when performing following steps. Failure to do so could cause blindness or serious injury due to retaining ring flying into your eye. If you are injured, obtain medical aid immediately. (7) Place new retaining ring (9) in vise. Using pry bar, pry retaining ring open and install a 3/4 inch wood block between ends of retaining ring.

Be careful when performing following step not to pinch your finger or skin in ends of retaining ring (9). To do so could cause painful injury or loss of a finger. (8)

Install retaining ring (9) on pivot shaft. Be sure retaining ring is in groove on pivot shaft. Hold retaining ring using long nose pliers and remove wood block using pliers. NOTE Remove hose caps/plugs as necessary in following steps.


Connect and tighten hose (8) fitting (7) to elbow installed in cylinder assembly port.


Connect hose (6) to tube fitting (5). Tighten tube (12) fittings at both hose (6) and elbow installed in cylinder assembly port. 11-9


b. R e p l a c e m e n t



Don’t use your fingers to check alinement in f o l l o w i n g s t e p . Y o u c o u l d l o s e a f i n g e r o r s u f f e r s e v e r e i n j u r y t o do so. If you are injured, obtain medical aid immediately. ( 1 1 ) S t a r t e n g i n e a n d o p e r a t e a t i d l e s p e e d . Place BUCKET control lever in DUMP position to extend rod of cylinder assembly until rod end eye is alined with holes in bellcrank. Turn off engine.

(12) Start pivot pin (4) in bellcrank hole. Be sure hole in pivot pin is alined with capscrew hole in bellcrank. Using hammer, drive pivot pin into position. (13) Apply Loctite 242 (blue) to threads of capscrew (3) and locknut (2). (14) Install and tighten capscrew (3) and lock nut (2). Tighten to 1000 to 1200 lb-ft. (15) If necessary, install lubrication fitting (1). 11-10

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLTION (SHEET 4 OF 4) (16) Disconnect chain hoist nylon straps from cylinder assembly. NOTE Repeat steps (1) through (16) above to install remaining bucket tilt cylinder assembly. (17) If right cylinder assembly is being installed, install return-to-dig control (page 11-15). NOTE Install new tie straps as necessary. (18) Check hydraulic reservoir oil level; add oil as necessary (page 11-78). (19) Tighten hydraulic reservoir fill cap and close and lock front access door. (20) Lubricate pivot point lubrication fittings (1) (refer to current lubrication order). (21) Start engine and operate at idle speed. Slowly extend and retract cylinder assembly rods by placing BUCKET control lever alternately in DUMP and CROWD positions. Do this four times to remove air from bucket tilt cylinder assemblies. (22) Turn off engine and check cylinder assemblies, hoses, lines, and fittings for leaks. Tighten fittings if necessary.



This task covers removal, cleaning, inspection, installation, and adjustment of return-to-dig control located on right bucket tilt cylinder assembly. The return-to-dig control has two functions: (1) to return the bucket spool in the control valve assembly to its neutral position from crowd position of the bucket; and (2) indicate bucket position. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Return-to-dig micro switch disconnected and removed (page 5-68).


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL a . Remove cotter pin (1) . b . Remove clevis pin (2), pull actuating rod (3) from clamps (7), and withdraw from guide rod (11). c . Loosen and remove two nuts (4), lock washers (5), and capscrews (6). Remove two clamps (7) from cylinder assembly rod end.

d . Loosen and remove two nuts (8), lock washers (9), and capscrews (10). e . Remove guide rod (11) by opening straps (12) and disengaging slots in guide rod welded brackets from tabs on straps. f . Remove two straps (12) from cylinder assembly by spreading straps and pulling, from cylinder assembly.




Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. a . Clean all parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths. b . Inspect actuating rod for cracks, breaks, or bent condition. Replace if any of these conditions are seen. c . Check guide rod (11) for dents or bent condition; replace if any of the above are seen. Insert actuating rod into guide rod and check that actuating rod moves freely without binding in guide rod. R e p l a c e b o t h p a r t s i f a c t u a t i n g r o d does not move freely or if binding is felt. d . Check remaining parts for cracks, breaks, dents, distortion, deformation, or damaged or stripped threads. Replace as necessary.


TM 5-3805-262-20

INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 2) a. Ensure that bucket is resting flat on ground or floor. b. Install two straps (12) on cylinder assembly by opening straps and slipping onto cylinder assembly body. C.

Install guide rod (11) on straps (12) by spreading straps and engaging slot in guide rod welded brackets with tab on straps.

d. Loosely install two capscrews (10), lock washers (9), and nuts (8).



INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) e. Position two clamps (7) on rod end of cylinder assembly. f. Loosely install two capscrews (6), lock washers (5), and nuts (4). g. Insert actuating rod (3) through top center of clamps (7) and into guide rod. h. Install clevis pin (2) through clamps (7) and actuating rod (3) eye. i. Install cotter pin (1) and bend. j. Reinstall return-to-dig micro switch (page 5-72). k. Adjust return-to-dig control (page 11-17).


TM 5-3805-262-20

ADJUSTMENT a . Ensure that bucket is resting flat on ground or floor. b . Check that bracket (1) is fourteen inches from center of pivot pin (2) in rod end of cylinder assembly. I f n e c e s s a r y , l o o s e n t w o c a p s c r e w s a n d n u t s ( 3 ) a n d reposition bracket (1) as necessary. Tighten two capscrews and nuts (3). c . If not already loose, loosen two nuts and capscrews (4) securing straps (5) to cylinder assembly. d . Move guide rod (6) up on cylinder assembly until micro switch (7) arm is not in contact with actuating rod (8). e . Move guide rod (6) down on cylinder assembly until micro switch (7) arm is just in contact with actuating rod (8). f . Hold guide rod (6) in position and tighten two nuts and capscrews (4) to secure clamps (5). g . Start engine and operate at 1500 rpm. h . Place LIFT ARM control lever in RAISE position until bucket is at full height then place BUCKET control lever in DUMP position to dump the bucket. i . Place BUCKET control lever in CROWD position and LIFT ARM control lever in FLOAT position. Bucket will lower to ground or floor. j . Turn off engine. k . Check position of bucket. I f b u c k e t i s n o t f l a t o n g r o u n d o r f l o o r , o r i s n o t at correct digging angle, repeat steps a through j above.



This task covers removal, cleana. Hydraulic Pump to Control Valve Assembly. ing, inspection, and installation of hoses, lines, and fittings located between hydraulic pump and control valve assembly. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set Torque wrench, 1/2 inch drive Automotive Mechanic’s Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 1/2 inch drive MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Hydraulic oil (Appendix C, item 13) 0-ring (FSCM 10988 PN T13224) 0-ring (FSCM 10988 PN 218-5011) 0-ring (FSCM 10988 PN A14515) Tie straps (FSCM 53421 PN T50R0W) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine right side panels removed (page 9-14) and hydraulic reservoir drained (page 11-79). REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2) NOTE Plug or cap tubes and hoses disconnected or removed in following steps to prevent foreign matter from entering hydraulic system. Identify and tag all hoses and tubes before removal to aid installation.



Remove nut (l), lock washer (2), and capscrew (3). Remove clamp (4).


Remove four nuts (5), lock washers (6), and capscrews (7). Remove two tube flanges (8).


Disconnect hose (13) from tube (10) and remove and discard 0-ring (9).


L o o s e n t u b e ( 1 0 ) f i t t i n g . Disconnect and remove tube (10) from control valve assembly port.


If necessary, remove connector (11) and 0-ring (12). Discard 0-ring.

TM 5-3805-262-20



a. Hydraulic Pump to Control Valve A s s e m b l y ( c o n t ) .

REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) NOTE cut , r e m o v e , a n d d i s c a r d t i e s t r a p s a s n e c e s s a r y i n f o l l o w i n g s t e p s . (6) Remove nut (14), lock washer (15), clamp (16), spacer (17), and capscrew (18). ( 7 ) I f n e c e s s a r y , remove nut (19), lock washer (20), clamp (21), capscrew (22), and clamp (23). (8) Loosen tube (24) fitting and disconnect and remove hose (13). (9) If necessary, remove dust cap (25), coupling (26), and connector (27). (10) Remove two nuts (28) and lock washers (29); remove U-bolt (30). (11) Remove four capscrews (31), lock washers (32), and two tube flanges (33); remove tube (24) and 0-ring (34). Discard 0-ring (34). 11-20

TM 5-3805-262-20 CLEANING (1) Clean hose (13) using detergent; dry using clean cloths.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is with water and get medical aid immediately.

and flammable. well ventilated don’t breathe and don’t smoke injury. If you air and medical is made, flush made, wash eyes

(2) Clean remaining parts using clean cloths moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry using clean cloths. INSPECTION NOTE Replace all parts determined to be defective in following steps. (1)

Inspect hose (13) for chafing, cracks, deterioration or other damage. Check fittings on each end for damaged threads or other damage that would prevent hose from mating with tube (10).


Check tube flanges (8 and 33) for cracks, breaks, or deformed or damaged mating surfaces.


Check connectors (11 and 27) and coupling (26) for cracks, breaks, or deformed or damaged threads.


Check tubes (10 and 24) for cracks, deformation, or dents. Check fittings on ends of tubes for damaged threads.


Check U-bolt (30) for deformation or damaged threads.


Inspect hose clamp (4) for cracks, breaks, or deformation.


Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, deformation, or damaged threads.

INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 4) (1) Install new 0-ring (34) in fitting on tube (24). (2)

Position tube (24) on hydraulic pump connecting tube fitting to outlet port. Secure using two tube flanges (33), four lock washers (32), and capscrews (31).



a. Hydraulic Pump to Control Valve Assembly ( c o n t ) .

INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 4) (3) Install U-bolt (30) to secure tube (24) to bracket. Install and tighten two lock washers (29) and nuts (28). (4)

I f n e c e s s a r y , install connector (27), coupling (26) and cap (25) in tube (24) port.

(5) Route hose (13) between tube (24) and control valve. (6) Connect hose (13) to tube (24); tighten tube fitting securely. (7) Position clamps (23 and 21). Secure by installing and tightening capscrew (22), lock washer (20), and nut (19). (8) Install capscrew (18) through clamp (23) then position spacer (17) on capscrew. (9) Position hose (13) on clamp (23) and install clamp (16). Install and tighten lock washer (15) and nut (14). 11-22

TM 5-3805-262-20

INSTALLATION (SHEET 3 OF 4) NOTE Install new tie straps as necessary in following steps. (10) If necessary, install new 0-ring (12) on connector (11); install connector (11) with new 0-ring in control valve inlet port. Tighten securely. (11) Position tube (10) between connector (11) and hose (13). Connect to connector (11) and finger tighten tube fitting. (12) Install new 0-ring (9) in hose (13) fitting. (13) Connect hose (13) to flange connector on tube (10); loosely install two flanges (8), four capscrews (7), lock washers (6), and nuts (5). (14) Install clamp (4) on hose (13) and position clamp on tube; install and t i g h t e n c a p s c r e w ( 3 ) , lock washer (2), and nut (1) to secure clamp. (15) If necessary, adjust positioning of tube (10) and hose (13) to ensure a tight connection. (16) Tighten tube (10) fitting at connection to connector (11). (17) Tighten four nuts (5) to 34 to 45 lb-ft. 11-23


a. Hydraulic Pump to Control Valve Assembly (cont). INSTALLATION (SHEET 4 OF 4) (18) Fill hydraulic reservoir with oil (page 11-79). (19) Start engine and operate at idle speed. With engine running at idle speed, move hydraulic control levers in both directions several times to remove air from hydraulic system. (20) Lower bucket to floor and turn off engine. Check for oil leakage at hose and tube connections. (21) Check hydraulic reservoir oil level; add oil as necessary (page 11-78). (22) Install engine right side panels (page 9-17).



b. H y d r a u l i c P u m p t o R e s e r v o i r . T h i s t a s k s c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , and installation of hoses, lines, and fittings located between hydraulic pump and hydraulic reservoir. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Hydraulic oil (Appendix C, item 13) 0-rings, two (FSCM 10988 PN A14506) 0-ring (FSCM 10988 PN 218-5012) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine r i g h t s i d e p a n e l s r e m o v e d ( p a g e 9 - 1 4 ) a n d hydraulic reservoir drained (page 11-79). REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2) NOTE Plug or cap tubes and hoses disconnected or removed in following steps to prevent foreign matter from entering hydraulic system. In following steps, identify and tag all hoses and lines before disconnecting and removing to aid in installation.

( 1 ) A t l e f t s i d e o f l o a d e r , loosen two clamps (1 and 3). (2) Disconnect two hoses (2 and 4) by firmly pulling from manifold ports.



b. H y d r a u l i c P u m p t o R e s e r v o i r ( c o n t ) .


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) (3)

At rear of hydraulic reservoir, loosen clamp (5) and disconnect hose (9) from reservoir by firmly pulling from reservoir port. Remove clamp (5) from hose.


At other end of hose (9), loosen and remove four capscrews (6) and lock washers (7). Remove two flanges (8).


Remove hose (9) and 0-ring (10); discard 0-ring (10).


At hydraulic pump, loosen two clamps (20).


Loosen and remove four capscrews (11) and lock washers (12). Remove two tube flanges (13).


At front of transmission, loosen and remove two nuts (14), lock washers (15), and washers (16). Remove U-bolt (17).


Grasp manifold (18) and gently but firmly pull from hydraulic pump and hose (21). Remove manifoid from loader. Remove 0-ring (19); discard 0-ring.

(10) Remove two clamps (20). (11) Remove hose (21) by firmly pulling from connector (22). (12) If necessary, remove connector (22) and 0-ring (23). Discard 0-ring (23). (13) If necessary, loosen and remove capscrew (24) and lock washer (25). Remove bracket (26). CLEANING (SHEET 1 OF 2) (1) Clean hoses (9 and 21) using detergent; dry using clean cloths.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is with water and get medical aid immediately.

and flammable. well ventilated don’t breathe and don’t smoke injury. If you air and medical is made, flush made, wash eyes

(2) Clean remaining parts using clean cloths moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry using clean cloths.



b. Hydraulic Pump to Reservoir (cont).


TM 5-3805-262-20 CLEANING (SHEET 2 OF 2)

Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc). Failure to do so could cause serious i n j u r y t o e y e s a n d p o s s i b l e b l i n d n e s s . If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately. (3) Flush interior of hose (9), manifold (18), hose (21) and connector (22) using clean hydraulic oil and compressed air to clear blockages as necessary. INSPECTION NOTE Replace all parts determined to be defective in following steps. (1)

Inspect hoses (9 and 21) for chafing, cracks, and deterioration.

(2) Inspect tube flanges (8 and 13) for cracks, breaks, or deformed or damaged mounting surfaces. (3) Inspect connector (22) for cracks, breaks, or deformed or damaged threads. (4) Inspect manifold (18) for cracks, deformation, dents or damaged mounting surface. Check that ports are not bent or otherwise damaged. (5) Inspect U-bolt (17) for bent or deformed condition or damaged threads. (6) Check remaining parts for cracks, breaks, deformation, or damaged threads. INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 2) (1)

If necessary, position bracket (26) on transmission and secure by installing and tightening lock washer (25) and capscrew (24).


Install new 0-ring (23) on connector (22). Install and tighten connector in hydraulic pump suction port.


Install hose (21) on connector (22) by firmly pushing hose onto connector. Position two clamps (20) on hose (21).


Install new 0-ring (19) in fitting of manifold (18).


Install manifold (18) by pushing manifold suction port branch into hose (21).


Connect manifold (18) fitting to suction port of hydraulic pump and secure using two tube flanges (13), four lock washers (12), and capscrews (11). Tighten capscrews securely.



b. Hydraulic Pump to Reservoir (cont).


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (7) If necessary, adjust positioning of hose (21) on manifold (18) and connector (22), Position clamps (20) on ends of hose (21) and tighten clamps. (8) Install U-bolt (17) on manifold (18); secure to bracket (26) using two washers (16), lock washers (15), and capscrews (14). (9) Route hose (9) between hydraulic reservoir and hydraulic pump. (10) Place new 0-ring (10) in hose (9) fitting. (11) Connect hose (9) to manifold (18). (12) Position two tube flanges (8) and install and tighten four lock washers (7) and capscrews (6). (13) Install clamp (5) on end of hose (9). (14) Connect hose (9) to hydraulic reservoir by firmly pushing hose onto hydraulic reservoir port; tighten clamp (5). (15) Install clamps (1 and 3) on end of hoses (2 and 4). (16) Connect hoses (2 and 4) tomanifold ports by firmly pushing hoses onto ports. (17)

Position clamps (1 and 3) on end of hoses (2 and 4) and tighten securely.


Fill hydraulic reservoir with oil (page 11-79).


Start engine and operate at idle speed. With engine operating at idle speed, turn steering wheel to right and then to left several times to remove any air from steering system.

(20) Move hydraulic control levers in both directions several times to remove any air from hydraulic system. (21) Lower bucket to floor and turn off engine. Check for oil leakage at all connections. Tighten connections as necessary. (22) Check hydraulic reservoir oil level; add oil as necessary (page 11-78). (23) Install engine right side panels (page 9-17). 11-31

TM 5-3805-262-20 11-3. LINES AND FITTINGS MAINTENANCE (CONT) c. Control Valve Assembly to Loader Bucket Assembly. This task covers removal, cleaning, inspection, and installation of hoses, lines, and fittings located between control valve assembly and loader bucket assembly. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Hydraulic oil (Appendix C, item 13) 0-rings, two (FSCM 10988 PN 218-5010) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine right side panels removed (page 9-14) and hydraulic reservoir drained (page 11-79). REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 3) NOTE To prevent foreign matter from entering hydraulic system, plug and cap tubes and hoses disconnected or removed in following steps. I n f o l l o w i n g s t e p s , identify and tag all hoses and lines before disconnecting and removing to aid in installation.



At right side of loader, loosen and disconnect hose fitting (l).


At left side of loader, loosen and disconnect hose fitting (2).


At control valve assembly, loosen and disconnect two tube fittings (3 and 4).


A t l e f t o r r i g h t s i d e o f l o a d e r , loosen and remove nut (5), lock washer (6), and capscrew (7). Remove clamp (8).


Repeat step (4) above to remove clamp (8) on opposite side of loader.


Remove tubes (9 and 10) from loader.


If necessary, remove two fittings (11) and 0-rings (12) from control valve assembly ports. Discard 0-rings.

TM 5-3805-262-20



c. Control Valve Assembly to Loader Bucket Assembly ( c o n t ) .

REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 3) (8) At right side of loader, loosen and disconnect hose fitting (13). Remove hose (14) from loader lift arm. (9) Loosen and remove nut (15), lock washer (16), washer (17), and capscrew (18). Remove clamp (19). (10) If necessary, loosen and remove capscrew (20), lock washer (21), washer (22), and nut (23). Remove bracket (24). (11) Repeat steps (8) through (10) above to remove other hose (14), clamp (19), and bracket (24) from left side of loader.


TM 5-3805-262-20


At front of loader, loosen and disconnect hose fittings (25 and 26).


At left front of loader, loosen and remove nut ( 2 7 ) , washer (29), and capscrew (30). Remove clamp (31).


Loosen and remove nut (32), lock washer (33), washer (34), and capscrew (35). Remove clamp (36).


Remove tube (37) from loader.


Repeat steps (13) through (15) above to remove tube (38) at right front of loader.


On rear of loader bucket assembly, loosen and disconnect hose fittings (39 and 41).


Remove hoses (40 and 42).






c. Control Valve Assembly to Loader Bucket Assembly (cont). CLEANING (1) Clean hoses (14) using detergent; dry using clean cloths.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. I f c o n t a c t w i t h s k i n o r c l o t h e s i s m a d e , f l u s h w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (2)

Clean remaining parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry using clean cloths.

Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc). Failure to do so could cause serious i n j u r y t o e y e s a n d p o s s i b l e b l i n d n e s s . If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately. (3) Flush interior of hoses (14, 40, and 42) and tubes (9, 10, 37, and 38) using clean hydraulic oil and compressed air to clear blockages as necessary.


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSPECTION NOTE Replace all parts determined to be defective in following steps. (1)

Inspect hoses (14, 40, and 42) for cracks, breaks, deterioration or deformed or damaged threads on hose fittings.


Inspect tubes (9, 10, 37, and 38) for dents , cracks, breaks, or deformed or damaged threads.


C h e c k f i t t i n g s ( 1 1 ) f o r c r a c k s , b r e a k s , deformation or damaged threads.


Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, dents, deformation, and damaged threads.


TM 5-3805-262-20 11-3. LINES AND FITTINGS MAINTENANCE (CONT) c. Control Valve Assembly to Loader Bucket Assembly (cont). INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 3)



Position hoses (40 and 42) between rear of loader bucket assembly and front of loader.


Connect and tighten hose fittings (41 and 39) to tees located on rear of loader bucket assembly.


Install two clamps (36 and 31) on tube (37).


Position tube (37) on left side of loader arm. Position clamp (36) on welded bracket. Install and tighten capscrew (35), washer (34), lock washer (33), and nut (32).


Position clamp (31) on welded bracket and install and tighten capscrew (30), washer (29), lock washer (28), and nut (27).

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 3) (6)

Repeat steps (3) through (5) above to install tube (38) on right side of loader arm.


Connect and tighten hose fittings (26 and 25) to tubes (38 and 37).


If necessary, position bracket (24) on lift arm and install and tighten washer (22), lock washer (21), capscrew (20), and nut (23).


Install clamp (19), position on bracket (24) then install and tighten capscrew (18), washer (17), lock washer (16), and nut (15).


Position hose (14) then connect and tighten hose fitting (13) to tube.


Repeat steps (8) through (10) above to install remaining bracket (24), clamp (19), and hose (14).



c. Control Valve Asembly to Loader Bucket Assembly (cont).


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 3 OF 3) (12)

If necessary, install new 0-ring (12) on fittings (11).


Install fittings (11) in control valve clam cylinder ports; tighten securely.


Position tubes (9 and 10) in loader.


Install clamp (8) on tubes (10 and 9). Secure clamp (8) using capscrew (7), lock washer (6), and nut (5).


Connect tube fittings (4 and 3) to fittings (11); tighten securely.


Connect and tighten hose f i t t i n g s ( 1 a n d 2 ) t o t u b e s ( 9 a n d 1 0 ) .


Fill hydraulic reservoir with oil (page 11-79).


Start and operate engine at idle speed.


With engine operating at i d l e s p e e d , e x t e n d a n d r e t r a c t c y l i n d e r s t w o times to remove air from hydraulic system, Lower bucket to ground and turn off engine.


Check for oil leakage at all connections. Tighten connections as necessary.


C h e c k h y d r a u l i c r e s e r v o i r o i l l e v e l ; ad d o i l i f n e c e s s a r y ( p a g e 1 1 - 7 8 ) .


Install engine right side panels (page 9-17).



d. Control Valve Assembly to Bucket Tilt Cylinder Assemblies. This task covers removal, cleaning, inspection, and installation of hoses, lines, and fittings located between control valve assembly and bucket tilt cylinder assemblies. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Hydraulic oil (Appendix C, item 13) 0-rings, six (FSCM 10988 PN 218-5010) Clamp (FSCM 10988 PN 214-273) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine right side panels removed (page 9-14) and hydraulic reservoir drained (page 11-79).


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2) NOTE To prevent foreign matter from entering hydraulic system, plug and cap tubes and hoses disconnected or removed in following steps. In following steps, identify and tag all hoses and lines before disconnecting and removing to aid in installation. (1) At either left or right side of loader, loosen tube fitting (1) and disconnect hose (3). NOTE When removing hoses and lines from right tilt cylinder assembly, cut, remove, and discard tie straps as necessary. (2)

Loosen and disconnect hose fitting (2) and remove hose (3) from loader.


Loosen and disconnect hose fitting (4) from elbow (7).


Loosen tube fitting (5) and disconnect and remove hose (6) from loader.


Remove elbow (7).


Cut, remove, and discard clamp (8) and remove saddle (9).


Loosen tube fitting (10) and remove tube (11).


If necessary, remove two elbows (12) and 0-rings (13). Discard 0-rings.


Repeat steps (1) through (8) above to remove hoses connected to remaining tilt cylinder.



d. Control Valve Assembly to Bucket Tilt Cylinder Assemblies (cont).


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) (10) Loosen fittings on both ends of tube (14) and remove tube from loader. (11) Loosen fittings on both ends of tube (15) and remove tube from loader. (12) Remove nut (16), lock washer (17), capscrew (18), and two clamps (19). (13) Remove nut (20), lock washer (21), capscrew (22), and clamp (23) while supporting tubes (24 and 25). (14) Withdraw and remove tubes (24 and 25) . (15) If necessary, remove two fittings (26) and 0-rings (27) from control valve assembly ports. Discard O-rings. ( 1 6 ) I f n e c e s s a r y , r e m o v e n u t ( 2 8 ) , lock washer (29), and capscrew (30); remove bracket (31). CLEANING (1) Clean hoses (3 and 6) using detergent. Dry using clean cloths.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don-t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (2) Clean remaining parts with clean cloths moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680, Dry using clean cloths.

Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc). Failure to do so could cause serious i n j u r y t o e y e s a n d p o s s i b l e b l i n d n e s s . If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately. (3) Flush interior of hoses (3 and 6) and tubes (11, 14, 15, 24, and 25) using clean hydraulic oil and compressed air to clear blockages as necessary.



d. Control Valve Assembly to Bucket Tilt Cylinder Assemblies (cont). INSPECTION NOTE Replace parts determined to be defective in following steps. (1)

Inspect hoses (3 and 6) for chafing, cracks, deterioration, or damaged fitting threads.


Inspect tubes (11, 14, 15, 24, and 25) for cracks, dents, or damaged fitting threads.


Inspect elbows (7 and 12) and fittings (26) for cracks, breaks, deformation, or damaged threads.


Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, deformation, or damaged threads.




If necessary, position bracket (31) on front chassis and secure using capscrew (30), lock washer (29), and nut (28).


If necessary, install new 0-ring (27) on fittings (26). Install fittings in control valve assembly ports.


Install tubes (25 and 24) in loader.


Position clamp (23) and install capscrew (22), lock washer (21), and nut (20) finger tight.


Position two clamps (19) and install capscrew (18), lock washer (17), and nut (16) finger tight.


Position tube (15) between fitting (26) installed in control valve assembly bottom port and tee located on tube (25). If necessary, adjust position of tube (25), then connect and tighten tube fittings.


Position tube (14) between fitting (26) installed in control valve assembly top port and tee located on tube (24). If necessary, adjust position of tube (24), then connect and tighten tube fittings.

TM 5-3805-262-20



d. Control Valve Assembly to Bucket Tilt Cylinder Assemblies (cont).


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (8)

Install new 0-ring (13) on two elbows (12).


Install two elbows (12) in tilt cylinder assembly ports and tighten securely.

(10) Connect and finger tighten tube fitting (10) to elbow (12). (11) Position saddle (9) between tube (11) and tilt cylinder assembly body. If necessary, position tube (11) so that it is resting securely on saddle. (12) Install new clamp (8) to secure saddle (9). (13) Tighten tube fitting (10) securely. (14) Install and tighten elbow (7) securely. (15) Route and connect hose (6) between elbow (7) and tube fitting (5). (16) Tighten hose fitting (4) and tube fitting (5) securely. (17) Route and connect hose (3) between elbow (12) and tube fitting (1). (18) Tighten hose fitting (2) and tube fitting (1) securely. (19) Repeat steps (8) through (18) above to install and connect tube (11) and hoses (3 and 6) to remaining tilt cylinder assembly. (20) Tighten nuts (20 and 16) s e c u r e l y . (21) Fill hydraulic reservoir with oil (page 11-79). (22) Start and operate engine at idle speed. (23) With engine operating at idle speed, extend and retract cylinders two times to remove air from h y d r a u l i c s y s t e m . Lower bucket to ground and turn off engine. (24) Check for oil leakage at all connections. Tighten connections as necessary. (25) Check hydraulic reservoir oil level; add oil if necessary (page 11-78). (26) Install engine right side panels (page 9-17).



e. Control Valve Assembly to Lift Cylinder Assemblies. This task covers removal, cleaning, inspection, and installation of hoses, lines, and fittings located between control valve assembly and lift cylinder assemblies. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Hydraulic oil (Appendix C, item 13) 0-rings, two (FSCM 10988 PN 218-5010) 0-rings, four (FSCM 10988 PN 218-5008) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine right side panels removed (page 9-14), hydraulic reservoir drained (page 11-79), a n d t i l t c y l i n d e r a s s e m b l i e s tubes removed (steps (1) and (3), page 11-43, and steps (10) through (16), page 11-45).


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL ( SHEET 1 OF 2) NOTE To prevent foreign matter from entering hydraulic system, plug and cap tubes and hoses disconnected or removed in following steps. In following steps, identify and tag all hoses and lines before disconnecting and removing to aid in installation. (1)

At left side of loader, loosen two tube fittings (1) and disconnect hoses (3 and 4).


Loosen two fittings (2) and disconnect and remove hoses (3 and 4).


If necessary, remove two elbows (5) and 0-rings (6). Discard 0-rings (6).


Repeat steps (1) through (3) above to disconnect and remove hoses and fittings from remaining lift cylinder assembly.


At center of loader, remove nut, lock washer, and capscrew securing clamp to tube (8). Remove clamp from tube (8).



e. Control Valve Assembly t o L i f t C y l i n d e r A s s e m b l i e s ( c o n t ) .

REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) (6) Loosen tube fittings at both ends of tube (7). Remove tube from loader. (7) Loosen tube fittings at both ends of tube (8). Remove tube from loader. (8)

Remove two nuts (9), lock washers (10), and capscrews (11). Remove four clamps (12).

(9) Withdraw and remove tubes (13 and 14) from loader. (10) If necessary, remove two fittings (15) and 0-rings (16) from control valve assembly ports. Discard 0-rings. 11-52

TM 5-3805-262-20 CLEANING (1) Clean hoses (3 and 4) using detergent; dry using clean cloths.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes w i t h water and get medical aid immediately. (2)

Clean remaining parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry using clean cloths.

Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi.. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc). Failure to do so could cause serious i n j u r y t o e y e s a n d p o s s i b l e b l i n d n e s s . If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately. (3) Flush interior of hoses (3 and 4) and tubes (7, 8, 13, and 14) using clean hydraulic oil and compressed air to clear blockages as necessary. INSPECTION NOTE Replace all parts determined to be defective in following steps. (1)

Inspect hoses (3 and 4) for chafing, cracks, deterioration or damaged threads.

(2) Inspect tubes (7, 8, 13, and 14) for cracks, breaks, dents, or damaged fitting threads. (3) Check fittings (15) and elbows (5) for cracks, breaks, deformation or damaged threads. (4) Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, deformation, or damaged threads.



e. Control Valve Assembly t o L i f t C y l i n d e r A s s e m b l i e s ( c o n t ) . INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 2)



If necessary, install new 0-ring (16) on two fittings (15).


Install fittings (15) in control valve assembly lift section ports. Tighten securely.


Install tubes (13 and 14) in loader.


Loosely install four clamps (12), and two capscrews (11), lock washers (10), and nuts (9).


Position tube (8) between tee located on tube (14) and fitting (15) installed in lower lift section port of control valve assembly. If n e c e s s a r y , a d j u s t p o s i t i o n o f t u b e ( 1 4 ) , t h e n connect and tighten fittings on both ends of tube (8) securely.


Position tube (7) stalled in upper necessary, adjust fittings on both


Tighten nuts (9) securely.


Install clamp on tube (8) and secure using capscrew, lock washer, and nut. Tighten nut securely.

between tee lift section position of ends of tube

located on tube ( 1 3 ) a n d f i t t i n g ( 1 5 ) i n port of control valve assembly. If t u b e ( 1 3 ) , t h e n connect and tighten (7) securely.

TM 5-3805-262-20



e. Control Valve Assembly t o L i f t C y l i n d e r A s s e m b l i e s ( c o n t ) .


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (9)

A t l e f t s i d e o f l o a d e r , install new 0-ring (6) on two elbows (5).


Install and tighten two elbows (5) in lift cylinder assembly port.


Route hoses (4 and 3) between elbows (5) and tube fittings (1). Connect and tighten fittings (2) and tube fittings (1) securely.


Repeat steps (9) through (11) above to install and connect hoses (3 and 4) to remaining lift cylinder assembly.


Install tilt cylinder assemblies tubes (steps (1) through (7), page 11-46 and steps (16) and (18), page 11-49).


Fill hydraulic reservoir with oil (page 11-79).


Start and operate engine at idle speed.


With engine operating at idle speed, extend and retract cylinders two times to remove air from hydraulic system. Lower bucket to ground and turn off engine.


Check for oil leakage at all connections. Tighten connections as necessary.


Check hydraulic reservoir oil level; add oil if necessary (page 11-78).


Install engine right side panels (page 9-17).



f. L o a d e r B u c k e t A s s e m b l y . This task covers removal, cleaning, inspection, and installation of hoses, lines, and fittings located on the loader bucket assembly. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Hydraulic oil (Appendix C, item 13) 0-rings, four (FSCM 10988 PN 218-5007) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine right side panels removed (page 9-14), hydraulic reservoir drained (page 11-79), and hoses disconnected from loader bucket tees (page 11-35). REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2) NOTE To prevent foreign matter from entering hydraulic system, plug and cap tubes and hoses disconnected or removed in following steps.


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) NOTE In following steps, identify and tag all hoses and lines before disconnecting and removing to aid in installation. (1)

At either left or right side of loader bucket assembly, remove capscrew (1), lock washer (2), clamp (3), and spacer (4).


Loosen and disconnect hoses (5 and 6) fittings from clam cylinder assembly. Remove hoses (5 and 6).


If necessary, remove two elbows (7) and 0-rings (8). Discard 0-rings.


Repeat steps (1) through (3) above to disconnect and remove hoses (5 and 6) from remaining clam cylinder assembly.


At center of loader bucket assembly, loosen tubes (9 and 10) tube fitting at connections to tees (16 and 18). Remove tubes (9 and 10).


Remove capscrew (11), lock washer (12), clamp (13), and spacer (14).


Remove tubes (15 and 17) with tees (16 and 18) installed.


If necessary, loosen tubes (15 and 17) fittings, then remove tees (16 and 18).



f. Loader Bucket Assembly (cont). CLEANING (1) Clean hoses (5 and 6) using detergent; dry using clean cloths.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (2)

Clean remaining parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry using clean cloths.

Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc). Failure to do so could cause serious i n j u r y t o e y e s a n d p o s s i b l e b l i n d n e s s . If you hurt your eyes or if a foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately. (3) Flush interior of hoses (5 and 6) and tubes (9, 10, 15, and 17) using clean hydraulic oil and compressed air to clear blockages as necessary. INSPECTION NOTE Replace all parts determined to be defective in following steps.



I n s p e c t h o s e s ( 5 a n d 6 ) f o r c h a f i n g , c r a c k s , deterioration or damaged threads.


I n s p e c t t u b e s ( 9 , 10, 15, and 17) for cracks, breaks, dents, or damaged fitting threads.


Check elbows (7) and tees (16 and 18) for cracks, breaks, deformation or damaged threads.


Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, deformation, or damaged threads.

TM 5-3805-262-20


Insert tube (15) through cutouts on rear of bucket; connect tee (16) to tube and tighten tube fitting securely.


Connect tube (10) to tee (16); tighten tube fitting securely.


Insert tube (17) through cutouts on rear of bucket; connect tee (18) to tube and tighten tube fitting securely.


Connect tube (9) to tee (18); tighten tube fitting securely.


Install lock washer (12) and clamp (13) on capscrew (11) then place spacer (14) on capscrew. Loosely install these parts in center mounting hole of bucket.



f. Loader Bucket Assembly (cont).


Install new 0-ring (8) on two elbows (7); i n s t a l l e l b o w s i n c l a m c y l i n d e r assembly ports. T i g h t e n s e c u r e l y .

(7) Route and connect hoses (5 and 6) between tubes and elbows (7). Tighten hose fittings securely. (8)

Install lock washer (2) and clamp (3) on capscrew (1) then place spacer (4) on capscrew. Loosely install these parts in mounting hole of bucket as shown.

(9) Repeat steps (6) through (8) above to route and connect hoses (5 and 6) to remaining clam cylinder assembly. (10) Ensure that tubes are positioned as shown then tighten two capscrews (1) and capscrew (11). (11) Connect hoses to loader bucket tees (16 and 18) (page 11-38).


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 3 OF 3) (12) Fill hydraulic reservoir with oil (page 11-79). (13) Start and operate engine at idle speed. (14) With engine operating at idle speed, extend and retract cylinders two times to remove air from hydraulic system. Lower bucket to ground and turn off engine. ( 1 5 ) C h e c k f o r o i l l e a k a g e a t a l l c o n n e c t i o n s . Tighten connections as necessary. (16) Check hydraulic reservoir oil level; add oil if necessary (page 11-78). (17) Install engine right side panels (page 9-17).


TM 5-3805-262-20



f.1. Loader Bucket Assembly. This task covers removal, cleaning, inspection, and installation of hoses, lines, and fittings located on the loader bucket assembly. TOOLS:

No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive

MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Hydraulic oil (Appendix C, item 13) O-rings, four (FSCM 10988 PN 218-5007) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine right side panels removed (page 9-14), hydraulic fluid removed and disposed of, and hoses disconnected from loader bucket tees (page 11-35). REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2) WARNING Hydraulic system pressure is over 2,000 psi and hydraulic reservoir is pressurized with compressed air. Before loosening or disconnecting any hydraulic hoses, lines, or fittings, loosen hydraulic reservoir fill cap, and operate all hydraulic control levers to relieve hydraulic system pressure. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death. If you are injured, obtain medical assistance immediately. NOTE Use a container to catch any fluid that may drain from hoses or system. Dispose of fluid IAW local policy and ordinances. Ensure all spills are cleaned up. NOTE To prevent foreign matter from entering hydraulic system, plug and cap tubes and hoses disconnected or removed in following steps. NOTE In following steps, identify and tag all hoses and lines before disconnecting and removing to aid in installation.


Change 2

TM 5-3805-262-20



Disconnect two hoses (1 and 2) from two elbows (3).


Remove two elbows (3), fittings (4), and O-rings (5) from manifold (6). Discard O-rings.


Remove two capscrews (7), washers (8), and clamps (9) from bucket.


Disconnect two hoses (10 and 11) from four fittings (12 and 13).


Remove two fittings (13) and O-rings (14) from left clam cylinder (15). Discard O-rings.


Remove two fittings (12) and O-rings (16) from left side of manifold (6). Discard O-rings.


Disconnect two hoses (17 and 18) from four fittings (19 and 20).


Remove two fittings (20) and O-rings (21) from right clam cylinder (22). Discard O-rings.


Remove two fittings (19) and O-rings (23) from right side of manifold (6). Discard O-rings.

Change 2


TM 5-3805-262-20




Clean hoses (10 and 11) using detergent; dry using clean cloths. WARNING

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with the skin, eyes, and clothes, and don’t breathe the vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (2)

Clean remaining parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry using clean cloths.

INSPECTION (SHEET 1 OF 2) NOTE Replace all parts determined to be defective in following steps.



Inspect hoses (10 and 11) for chafing, cracks, deterioration, damaged threads, or blockage.


Inspect hoses (17 and 18) for chafing, cracks, deterioration, damaged threads, or blockage.


Check fittings (12, 13, 19, and 20) for cracks, breaks, deformation, or damaged threads.


Check elbows (3) and fittings (4) for cracks, breaks, deformation, or damaged threads.


Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, deformation, or damaged threads.


Inspect manifold (6) for cracks, breaks, deformation, or damaged threads. If manifold is damaged, report it to direct support.

Change 2

TM 5-3805-262-20



Install two new O-rings (23) and fittings (19) on right side of manifold (6).


Install two new O-rings (21) and fittings (20) on right clam cylinder (22).


Connect two hoses (17 and 18) at four fittings (19 and 20).


Install two new O-rings (16) and fittings (12) on left side of manifold (6).


Install two new O-rings (14) and fittings (13) on left clam cylinder (15).


Connect two hoses (10 and 11) to four fittings (12 and 13).


Install two clamps (9), washers (8), and capscrews (7) on bucket.


Install two new O-rings (5), fittings (4), and elbows (3) on manifold (6).


Connect two hoses (1 and 2) to two elbows (3).

Change 2


TM 5-3805-262-20



INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (10) Start and operate engine at idle speed. (11) With engine operating at idle speed, extend and retract cylinders two times to remove air from hydraulic system. Lower bucket to ground and turn off engine. (12) Check for oil leakage at all connections. Tighten connections as necessary. (13) Check hydraulic reservoir oil level; add oil if necessary. (14) Install engine right side panels.

11-63.4/(11-63.5 Blank)

Change 2


a. I n s p e c t i o n . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s i n s p e c t i o n o f l i f t c y l i n d e r a s s e m b l i e s . P e r f o r m this procedure anytime you suspect lift cylinder assemblies problems. MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) NOTE I f h y d r a u l i c o i l l e a k a g e i s s e e n , remove and replace lift cylinder assembly. Forward it to direct support maintenance for repair.



Check for indication of hydraulic oil leakage between cylinder rod and gland. If necessary, use clean cloth to remove dirt and grease from area. Slight dampness is permissible.


Check for indication of hydraulic oil leakage between gland and tube. If necessary, use clean cloth to remove dirt and grease from area. Slight dampness is permissible.


Start engine and operate at idle speed.


Place LIFT ARM control lever in RAISE position until bucket is four feet from ground.


Check for indication of hydraulic oil leakage between cylinder rod and gland. Slight dampness is permissible.


Check for indication of hydraulic oil leakage between gland and tube. Slight dampness is permissible.


Lower bucket to ground and turn off engine.


Repeat steps (1) through (7) above to inspect remaining lift cylinder assembly.


b. R e p l a c e m e n t . semblies.

This task covers removal and installation of lift cylinder as-

TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Hand hammer, three pounds Lubricating kit Combination box and open end wrench set Torque wrench, 3/4 inch drive Automotive Mechanic’s Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 1/2 inch drive No. 2 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Adapter, socket wrench, 1/2 inch male to 3/4 inch female Chain hoist equipped with nylon straps Rod, 1-7/8 inches diameter Torque wrench multiplier, 2000 lb-ft capacity MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Loctite 242 (blue) (Appendix C, item 18) REFERENCE: LO 5-3805-262-12 NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Bucket rolled all the way forward and resting on ground as shown, front access door opened, hydraulic reservoir fill cap loosened, control levers operated in both directions to relieve hydraulic pressure, and left and/or right fender removed (page 9-24).



b. R e p l a c e m e n t


REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 3) Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (1) Using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680, remove dirt and grease from hose connections on lift cylinder assembly. Dry using clean cloths. NOTE Plug or cap hoses disconnected or removed and plug lift cylinder assembly ports in following steps to prevent foreign matter from entering hydraulic system.



Attach chain hoist equipped with nylon straps to lift cylinder assembly as shown; take up slack.


Remove lubrication fittings (1 and 2).


Loosen and remove l o c k n u t ( 3 ) and capscrew (4).


Using hammer and 1-7/8 inches diameter rod, drive pin (5) out of loader lift frame assembly and cylinder rod eye as shown.

TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 3)

(6) Start engine and operate at idle speed. Place LIFT ARM control lever in LOWER position to retract cylinder rod as shown. Turn off engine. (7) Operate LIFT ARM control lever in both directions to relieve system pressure in hydraulic circuits.



b. R e p l a c e m e n t



Hydraulic system pressure is over 2000 p s i and hydraulic reservoir is pressurized with compressed air. Before loosening or disconnecting any hydraulic hoses, lines, or fittings, loosen hydraulic reservoir fill cap, and operate all hydraulic control levers to relieve hydraulic system pressure. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death. If you are injured, obtain medical assistance immediately. (8)

Loosen two fittings and disconnect hoses from elbows installed in lift cylinder assembly ports (step (2), page 11-51). Move hoses out of way.


At bottom of lift cylinder assembly, loosen and remove lock nut (6) and capscrew (7).

When using chain hoist to remove or install parts, be sure chain hoist is securely fastened to part and that all slack in chain is taken up. Failure to do so could cause serious injury due to part falling on you. I f y o u a r e i n j u r e d b y f a l l i n g e q u i p m e n t , obtain medical aid immediately. (10) Carefully pull lift cylinder assembly (8) from shaft and remove to work bench. NOTE To remove remaining lift cylinder assembly, perform steps (1) through (10) above.


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 2)

When using chain hoist to remove or install parts, be sure chain hoist is securely fastened to part and that all slack in chain is taken up. Failure to do so could cause serious injury due to part falling on you. If you are injured by falling equipment, obtain medical aid immediately. (1) Attach chain hoist equipped with nylon straps to lift cylinder assembly (8). Carefully raise lift cylinder assembly and install its bottom end on shaft . (2) Aline hole in lift cylinder assembly tube eye with hole in pivot shaft. (3) Apply Loctite 242 (blue) to threads of capscrew (7) and lock nut (6). (4)

Install and tighten capscrew (7) and locknut (6) to 1000 to 1200 lb-ft.

(5) Connect two hoses to elbows installed in lift cylinder assembly ports (step (11), page 11-57). Tighten fittings securely.

Don’t use your f i n g e r t o c h e c k a l i n e m e n t i n f o l l o w i n g s t e p . Y o u c o u l d l o s e a f i n g e r o r s u f f e r s e v e r e i n j u r y t o do so. If you are injured, o b t a i n m e d i c a l aid immediately. (6)

Start engine and operate at idle speed. Place LIFT ARM control lever in RAISE position until rod end eye of cylinder is alined with hole in loader lift frame assembly.


Start pin (5) in cylinder rod eye and lift frame assembly. Be sure hole in pin is alined with hole in rod end.


Using hammer and 1-7/8 inches diameter rod, drive pin (5) into rod eye and lift frame assembly.


Apply Loctite 242 (blue) to threads of capscrew (4) and lock nut (3).


Install and tighten capscrew (4) and locknut (3) to 1000 to 1200 lb-ft.


Remove chain hoist nylon straps from lift cylinder assembly.


Install lubrication fittings (2 and 1).



b. R e p l a c e n e n t ( c o n t ) . INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2)



Install fender(s) (page 9-25).


Lubricate lubrication fittings (1 and 2) (refer to current lubrication order).


Tighten hydraulic reservoir fill cap and close and lock access door.


Start engine and operate at idle speed.


With engine operating at idle speed, extend and retract l i f t c y l i n d e r a s semblies by placing LIFT ARM control lever in RAISE and LOWER positions four times to remove air from hydraulic system.


Lower bucket to ground and turn off engine.


Check for hydraulic oil leakage at hose connections to lift cylinder assemblies. Tighten fittings as necessary.


Check hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as necessary (page 11-78).


This task covers inspection of bucket clam cylinder assemblies. a. I n s p e c t i o n . Perform this procedure anytime you suspect bucket clam cylinder assemblies problems. MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) NOTE If hydraulic oil leakage is seen, remove and replace bucket clam cylinder assembly. Forward it to direct support maintenance for repair. (1)

Check for indication of hydraulic oil leakage between cylinder rod and gland. If necessary, use clean cloth to remove dirt and grease from area. Slight dampness is permissible.


Check for indication of hydraulic oil leakage between gland and tube. If necessary, use clean cloth to remove dirt and grease from area. Slight dampness is permissible.


Start engine and operate at idle speed.


Place CLAM control lever in OPEN position until clam is one quarter open.


Check for indication of hydraulic oil leakage between cylinder rod and gland. Slight dampness is permissible.


Check for indication of hydraulic oil leakage between gland and tube. Slight dampness is permissible.


Close clam and turn off engine.


Repeat steps (1) through (7) above to inspect remaining bucket clam cylinder assembly.


TM 5-3805-262-20



a.1. Inspection. This task covers inspection of bucket clam cylinder assemblies. Perform this procedure anytime you suspect bucket clam cylinder assemblies problems. MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) NOTE If hydraulic fluid leakage is seen, remove and replace bucket clam cylinder assembly. Forward it to direct support maintenance for repair.

(1) Check for indication of hydraulic oil leakage between cylinder rod (1) and gland (2). If necessary, use clean cloth to remove dirt and grease from area. Slight dampness is permissible. (2) Check for indication of hydraulic oil leakage between gland (2) and tube (3). If necessary, use clean cloth to remove dirt and grease from area. Slight dampness is permissible. (3) Start engine and operate at idle speed. (4) Place CLAM control lever in OPEN position until clam is one quarter open. (5) Check for indication of hydraulic oil leakage between cylinder rod (1) and gland (2). Slight dampness is permissible. (6) Check for indication of hydraulic oil leakage between gland (2) and tube (3). Slight dampness is permissible. (7) Close clam and turn off engine. (8) Repeat steps (1) through (7) above to inspect remaining bucket clam cylinder assembly.

11-71.0/(11-71.1 Blank)

Change 2


b. R e p l a c e m e n t . der assemblies.

This task covers removal and installation of bucket clam cylin-

TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Hand hammer, three pounds Lubricating kit Combination box and open end wrench set Torque wrench, 3/4 inch drive Automotive Mechanic-s Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 1/2 inch drive No. 2 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Adapter, socket wrench, 1/2 inch male to 3/4 inch female Chain hoist equipped with nylon straps Rod, 1-3/8 inches diameter Torque wrench multiplier, 2000 lb-ft capacity MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Loctite 242 (blue) (Appendix C, item 18) 0-rings, two (FSCM 10988 PN 218-5007) REFERENCES: LO 5-3805-262-12 NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Front access door opened, hydraulic reservoir fill cap loosened, and control levers operated in both directions to relieve hydraulic pressure. REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2) Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. I f c o n t a c t w i t h s k i n o r c l o t h e s i s m a d e , f l u s h w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (1) Using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680, remove dirt and grease from hose connections on clam cylinder assembly. Dry using clean cloths.

Hydraulic system pressure is over 2000 psi and hydraulic reservoir is pressurized with compressed air. Before loosening or disconnecting any hydraulic hoses, lines, or fittings, loosen hydraulic reservoir fill cap, and operate all hydraulic control levers to relieve hydraulic system pressure. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death. If you are injured obtain medical assistance immediately. 11-72

TM 5-3805-262-20

REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) NOTE Plug or cap hoses disconnected or removed and plug clam cylinder assembly ports in following steps to prevent foreign matter from entering hydraulic system. (2)

Tag and disconnect hoses (1 and 2) from clam cylinder assembly ports.


At top of cylinder assembly, remove locknut (3) and capscrew (4).


Using hammer and 1-3/8 inches diameter rod, drive pin (5) from cylinder rod eye.


At bottom of cylinder assembly, loosen and remove lock nut (6) and capscrew (7).


Using hammer and 1-3/8 inches diameter rod, drive pin (8) out of cylinder tube yoke.


Remove clam cylinder assembly (9) from bucket.


If necessary, remove two elbows and 0-rings (10) from clam cylinder assembly (9) ports. Discard 0-rings. NOTE

To remove remaining clam cylinder assembly, perform steps (1) through (8) above. 11-73


b. R e p l a c e m e n t





If necessary, position new 0-ring on elbows. Install and tighten elbows and 0-rings (10) in clam cylinder a s s e m b l y p o r t s .


Position clam cylinder assembly on rear of bucket.


Aline cylinder tube yoke hole at bottom of cylinder with pivot hole in bucket.


Start pin (8) into pivot hole at bottom of cylinder; be sure hole in pin is alined with hole in cylinder.


Using hammer and 1-3/8 inches diameter rod, drive pin (8) into place.


Apply Loctite 242 (blue) to threads of capscrew (7) and locknut (6).


Install and tighten capscrew (7) and locknut (6) to 1000 to 1200 lb-ft.


Connect and tighten hoses (1 and 2) to elbows installed in clam cylinder assembly ports.


Start engine and operate at idle speed.

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2)

Don’t use your finger to check alinement in f o l l o w i n g s t e p . Y o u c o u l d l o s e a f i n g e r o r s u f f e r s e v e r e i n j u r y t o do so. If you are injured, obtain medical aid immediately. (10) Place CLAM control lever to either OPEN or CLOSE position and aline cylinder rod hole with hole in clam pivot hole. (11) Turn off engine. (12)

Start pin (5) into pivot hole at top of cylinder assembly; be sure that hole in pin is alined with hole in cylinder.


Using hammer and 1-3/8 inches diameter rod, drive pin (5) into position.


Apply Loctite 242 (blue) to threads of capscrew (4) and locknut (3).


Install and tighten capscrew (4) and locknut (3) to 1000 to 1200 lb-ft.


Lubricate pivot point lubrication fittings (refer to current lubrication order).


Tighten hydraulic reservoir fill cap and close and lock access door.


Start engine and operate at idle speed.


With engine operating at idle speed, open and close clam cylinder assemblies by placing CLAM control lever in OPEN and CLOSE positions four times to remove air from hydraulic system.

(20) Check for hydraulic oil leakage at hose connections to clam cylinder assemblies. Tighten fittings as necessary. (21) Check hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as necessary (page 11-78).


TM 5-3805-262-20



b.1. Replacement. This task covers removal and installation of bucket clam cylinder assemblies. TOOLS:

No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Hand hammer, three pounds Lubricating kit Combination box and open end wrench set Torque wrench, 3/4 inch drive Automotive Mechanic’s Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 1/2 inch drive No. 2 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Adapter, socket wrench, 1/2 inch male to 3/4 inch female Chain hoist equipped with nylon straps Rod, 1-3/8 inch diameter Torque wrench multiplier, 2,000 lb-ft capacity

MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Loctite 242 (blue) (Appendix C, item 18) O-rings, two (FSCM 10988 PN 218-5007) REFERENCES: LO 5-3805-262-13 NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Front access door opened, hydraulic reservoir fill cap loosened, and control levers operated in both directions to relieve hydraulic pressure.


Change 2

TM 5-3805-262-20

REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 1) WARNING Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothes and do not breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and do not smoke when using. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (1)

Using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680, remove dirt and grease from hose connections on clam cylinder assembly. Dry using clean cloths. WARNING

Hydraulic system pressure is over 2,000 PSI and hydraulic reservoir is pressurized with compressed air. Before loosening or disconnecting any hydraulic hoses, lines, or fittings, loosen hydraulic reservoir cap, and operate all hydraulic levers to relieve hydraulic system pressure. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death. If you are injured obtain medical assistance immediately. NOTE Plug or cap hoses disconnected or removed and plug clam cylinder assembly ports in following steps to prevent foreign matter from entering hydraulic system. (2)

Tag and disconnect hoses (1 and 2) from clam cylinder assembly ports.


Remove two fittings (3) and O-rings (4) from clam cylinder assembly (13). Discard O-rings.


At top of clam cylinder assembly (13), remove nut (5), lock washer (6), and capscrew (7). Discard lock washer.


Using hammer and 1-3/8 inch diameter rod, drive pin (8) from cylinder rod eye.


At bottom of cylinder assembly, loosen and remove nut (9), lock washer (10), and capscrew (11). Discard lock washer.


Using hammer and 1-3/8 inch diameter rod, drive pin (12) from clam cylinder assembly (13).


Remove clam cylinder assembly (13) from bucket.


If necessary, remove two bushings (14) from clam cylinder assembly (13).


If removed, install two bushings (14) on clam cylinder assembly (13).


Position clam cylinder assembly (13) on rear of bucket.


Align cylinder tube hole at bottom of clam cylinder assembly (13) with pivot hole in bucket.


Start pin (12) into pivot hole at bottom of clam cylinder assembly (13); be sure hole in pin is aligned with hole in cylinder.


Using hammer and 1-3/8 inch diameter rod, drive pin (12) into place.


Apply Loctite 242 (blue) to threads of capscrew (11), new lock washer (10) and nut (9).


Install and tighten capscrew (11), new lock washer (10), and nut (9) to 45 to 52 lb-ft.


Install two new O-rings (4) and fittings (3) on clam cylinder assembly (13).


Connect and tighten hoses (1 and 2) to clam cylinder assembly (13).

(10) Start engine and operate at idle speed.

Change 2


TM 5-3805-262-20




WARNING Do not use your finger to check alignment in the following step. You could lose a finger or suffer severe injury. If you are injured, obtain medical aid immediately. (11) Place CLAM control lever to either OPEN or CLOSE position and align cylinder rod hole with hole in clam pivot hole. (12) Turn off engine. (13) Start pin (8) into pivot hole at top of clam cylinder assembly (13); be sure that hole in pin is aligned with hole in cylinder. (14) Using hammer and 1-3/8 inch diameter rod, drive pin (8) into position. (15) Apply Loctite 242 (blue) to threads of capscrew (7) and nut (5). (16) Install and tighten capscrew (7), new lock washer (6), and nut (5) to 45 to 52 lb-ft. (17) Lubricate pivot point lubrication fittings (refer to current lubrication order). (18) Tighten hydraulic reservoir fill cap and close and lock access door. (19) Start engine and operate at idle speed. (20) With engine operating at idle speed, open and close clam cylinder assemblies by placing CLAM control lever in OPEN and CLOSE positions four times to remove air from hydraulic system. (21) Check for hydraulic oil leakage at hose connections to clam cylinder assemblies. Tighten fittings as necessary. (22) Check hydraulic reservoir oil level. Add oil as necessary.

11-75.2/(11-75.3 Blank)

Change 2


a. I n s p e c t i o n . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s i n s p e c t i o n o f h y d r a u l i c r e s e r v o i r . MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1)




At front of loader, unlock and open access door and slowly loosen fill cap (1) to relieve air pressure.


Inspect hydraulic reservoir for hydraulic oil leakage at bottom. Check reservoir for cracks, dents, or broken welds. If any of these conditions are seen, report them to direct support maintenance.


Remove fill cap (1) and 0-ring. C h e c k f i l l c a p f o r c r a c k s , b r e a k s , o r damaged or deformed threads. Check 0-ring for distortion or deterioration. Replace 0-ring and fill cap if any of the above are seen.


Inspect sight gage (2) for cracked, chipped, or broken glass. If any of these conditions are seen, drain hydraulic oil until oil level is just below sight gage tube (page 11-79). Then, remove sight gage using open end wrench and install new sight gage. Add hydraulic oil as necessary (page 11-78).


Remove dirt and grease from sight gage (2) using clean cloth. Look at sight gage and see if hydraulic oil can be seen in gage. Add oil as necessary (page 11-78).

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSPECTION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (6)

Check for hydraulic oil leakage between cover (3) and reservoir indicating cover gasket is deteriorated. If leakage is observed, replace gasket (page 11-79).


Inspect hose (4) for hydraulic oil leakage, chafing, cracks, or other signs of wear or deterioration. Replace as necessary (page 11-84).


Check that clamps securing hose (4) are tight and not loose. Tighten if necessary.


Reinstall and tighten fill cap and close and lock access door.



b. Oil Level Check and Adding Oil. ing oil.

This task covers checking oil level and add-

MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Hydraulic oil (Appendix C, item 13)


Park loader on level surface.


Lower bucket so that bottom of bucket is flat on ground.


Using clean cloth, remove dirt and grease from sight gage (1).


Look at sight gage (1); if oil cannot be seen in sight gage, oil level is low. Add oil as necessary (go to ADDING OIL procedure on this page).




Unlock and open access door and slowly loosen hydraulic reservoir fill cap (2) to relieve pressure.


Remove fill cap (2).


Add hydraulic oil until there is hydraulic oil in sight gage (l).


Reinstall and tighten fill cap (2).


Close and lock access door.


c. Draining and Refilling (SHEET 1 OF 3). T h i s t a s k c o v e r s d r a i n i n g a n d r e f i l l ing hydraulic reservoir with oil. Hydraulic oil shall be drained and refilled with new oil after every 1000 hours of operation or every six months whichever occurs first. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set Container, 17-20 gallon capacity MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Hydraulic oil, 17 gallons (Appendix C, item 13) (1) Park loader on a level surface. (2) Unlock and open front access door. (3) If hydraulic oil is not already hot, heat it before draining. (a) Start engine and operate at 1500 rpm. (b) Hold BUCKET control lever in RAISE position for 15 seconds; then place control lever in NEUT. position for 30 seconds. (c) Repeat step (b) until outlet tube is warm to touch. (d) Lower bucket to ground and turn off engine.


TM 5-3805-262-20 11-6. HYDRAULIC RESERVOIR MAINTENANCE (CONT) c. D r a i n i n g and Refilling (SHEET 2 OF 3).

(4) Slowly loosen hydraulic reservoir fill cap (1) to relieve air pressure. (5) Remove fill cap (1). (6) Position 17-20 gallon capacity drain pan under drain plug (2). (7) Using open end wrench, remove drain plug (2). Allow hydraulic oil to drain completely. Remove drain pan and discard oil. (8) At top of hydraulic reservoir, remove six capscrews (3), cover (4), and gasket (5). (9) Using open end wrench , remove filter screen (6) from inside hydraulic reservoir (8).


TM 5-3805-262-20 SHEET 3 OF 3

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don't breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don't smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi. Use only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc). Failure to do so could cause serious injury to eyes and possible blindness. I f y o u h u r t y o u r e y e s o r i f foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention immediately.



Clean filter screen (6) using cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using compressed air. Check filter for damage or deterioration; replace as necessary.


Clean drain plug (2), fill cap (1), and cover (4) with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.


Using clean cloths, clean interior of hydraulic reservoir.


Change hydraulic filter (page 11-82).


Change steering hydraulic filter (page 8-42).


Reinstall and tighten filter screen (6) using open end wrench.


Position new gasket (5) and cover (4); i n s t a l l a n d t i g h t e n s i x c a p s c r e w s (3).


Install and tighten drain plug (2) using open end wrench.


Fill hydraulic reservoir with 17 gallons of hydraulic oil.


Check 0-ring (7) on fill cap (1) for damage. Replace 0-ring if damaged. Install and tighten fill cap (l).


Close and lock front access door.


Start engine and operate at 1000 rpm. Operate CLAM, BUCKET, and LIFT ARM control levers to remove air from hydraulic system.


Turn steering wheel in both directions to remove air from steering hydraulic system.


Lower bucket to ground and turn off engine.


Check hydraulic oil level; add oil as necessary (page 11-78). 11-81


a. Servicing (SHEET 1 OF 2). T h i s t a s k c o v e r s s e r v i c i n g ( r e p l a c e m e n t ) o f h y d r a u lic system oil filter. A new filter shall be installed after every 500 hours of operation or when the hydraulic filter warning light is illuminated. TOOLS: Oil filter wrench MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Hydraulic oil (Appendix C, item 13) Filter kit (FSCM 10988 PN A45625) (1) Unlock and open front access door and slowly loosen hydraulic reservoir fill cap (1) to relieve air pressure.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. F a i l u r e t o d o s o could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent , get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (2) Clean filter head and filter (2) using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloth. ( 3 ) U s i n g f i l t e r w r e n c h , turn filter (2) counterclockwise to remove. Discard filter (2) and gasket (3).


TM 5-3805-262-20 SHEET 2 OF 2

Do not use filter wrench to install filter in following step. To do so will make it difficult to remove later or may cause an oil leak due to filter element being dented or distorted by filter wrench. (4)

Apply thin coat of clean hydraulic oil on new gasket (3) and threads of new filter (2).


Install gasket (3) on filter head.


Turn filter (2) on filter head until gasket makes contact with filter head. Hand tighten an additional 1/2 to 3/4 turn.


Replace steering hydraulic filter (page 8-42).


Tighten hydraulic reservoir fill cap (1) and close and lock front access door.


Start engine and operate at 1000 rpm. Operate CLAM, BUCKET, and LIFT ARM control levers several times to remove air from hydraulic system.


Turn steering wheel in both directions several times to remove air from steering hydraulic system.


Lower bucket to ground and turn off engine. Check for hydraulic oil leakage at filters. Check oil level; add oil as necessary (page 11-78).


TM 5-3805-262-20 11-7. HYDRAULIC FILTER MAINTENANCE (CONT) b. F i l t e r A s s e m b l y . T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , a n d i n s t a l lation of hydraulic filter head including associated hoses, lines, and fittings. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Electrical repair tool kit MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) 0-ring (FSCM 10988 PN 218-5006) 0-ring (FSCM 10988 PN A29197) 0-rings, two (FSCM 10988 PN 218-5010) 0-ring (FSCM 10988 PN 218-5011)


Unlock and open front access door and slowly loosen hydraulic reservoir fill cap (1) to relieve air pressure.

(2) Operate hydraulic control levers several times to relieve hydraulic pressure. 11-84

TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2)

Hydraulic system pressure is over 2000 psi and hydraulic reservoir is pressurized with compressed air. Before loosening or disconnecting any hydraulic hoses, lines, or fittings, loosen hydraulic reservoir fill cap, and operate all hydraulic control levers to relieve hydraulic system pressure. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death. If you are injured obtain medical assistance immediately. (3)

Loosen two clamps (2).


Loosen tube fitting (3) and disconnect tube (4) from connector (12) and hose (5) by firmly pulling from hose.


Remove hose, (5) by firmly pulling from hydraulic reservoir port.


I f f i l t e r h e a d o r t u b e ( 1 9 ) a r e t o b e r e m o v e d , remove nut (6) and disconnect wiring harness terminal (7).


Remove nut (8), switch (9), and 0-rings (10 and 11); discard 0-rings.


If necessary, remove connector (12) and 0-ring (13). Discard 0-ring.


Loosen two tube fittings (14 and 15).


Remove two capscrews (16) and lock washers (17).


Raise bracket (18) with filter head (23) attached just enough to disconnect elbow (24) from tube (19). Remove bracket (18) with filter head (23) attached and tube (19) from loader.


If necessary, remove three capscrews (20), lock washers (21), and washers (22). Separate bracket (18) and filter head (23).


If necessary, remove elbow (24) and 0-ring (25) from filter head (23). Discard 0-ring.


If necessary, remove connector (26) and 0-ring (27) from control valve assembly. Discard 0-ring.



b. F i l t e r

A s s e m b l y (cont).


Clean hose (5) using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Dry using clean cloth.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe v a p o r s . D o n o t u s e n e a r o p e n f l a m e o r e x c e s s i v e h e a t and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you b e c o m e d i z z y w h i l e u s i n g c l e a n i n g s o l v e n t , g e t f r e s h air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes i s m a d e , f l u s h w i t h l a r g e a m o u n t s o f w a t e r . I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (2) Clean remaining parts using clean cloths moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry with clean cloths. INSPECTION NOTE Replace all parts determined to be defective in following steps.



Inspect hose (5) for chafing, cracks, and deterioration.


Check tubes (4 and 19) for cracks, breaks, dents, and damaged threads on fitting.


Inspect filter head (23) for cracks, breaks, or damaged or deformed threads.


Check bracket (18) for cracks, breaks, or bent condition.


Inspect switch (9) for loose or cracked terminal, corrosion, or damaged threads.


Inspect wiring harness terminal (7) wire for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminal. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, cut wire as close to terminal as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new terminal securely onto wire.


Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, or damaged or stripped threads.

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 3) (1)

If necessary, position new 0-ring (27) on connector (26). Install and tighten 0-ring (27) and connector (26) in control valve assembly port.


If necessary, position new 0-ring (25) on elbow (24). Install and tighten 0-ring (25) and elbow (24) in filter head (23).


Position bracket (18) on filter head (23).


Install and tighten three washers (22), lock washers (21), and capscrews (20).


Connect tube (19) to elbow (24) and finger tighten tube fitting (14).


Position bracket (18) with filter head (23) installed and tube (19) connected in hydraulic reservoir area. Connect tube (19) to connector (26) and finger tighten tube fitting (15). If necessary, use open end wrench to position elbow (24) to enable proper positioning of bracket (18).


Install and tighten two lock washers (17) and capscrews (16).



b. F i l t e r A s s e m b l y ( c o n t ) .


If necessary, position new 0-ring (13) on connector (12). Install and tighten 0-ring (13) and connector (12) in filter head.

(9) Position new 0-rings (10 and 11) on switch (9). (10) Install and tighten switch (9) with 0-rings (10 and 11) installed in filter head. (11) Install and tighten nut (8). Connect wiring harness terminal (7) to switch (9) and install and tighten nut (6). (12) Connect hose (5) to hydraulic reservoir port by firmly pushing hose onto port. (13) Position two clamps (2) on hose (5). (14) Connect tube (4) to hose (5) by firmly pushing tube into hose. Connect and tighten tube fitting (3) to connector (12).


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 3 OF 3) (15)

If necessary, adjust positioning of hose (5) on hydraulic reservoir port and tube (4) so that hose is centered.


Position clamps (2) on each end of hose (5) and tighten securely.


Tighten hydraulic reservoir fill cap (1) and close and lock front access door.


Start engine and operate at 1000 rpm. Operate CLAM, BUCKET, and LIFT ARM control levers several times to remove air from hydraulic system.


Turn steering wheel in both directions several times to remove air from steering hydraulic system.


Lower bucket to ground and turn off engine. Check for hydraulic oil leakage at tube and hose connections. Tighten connections if necessary.


Check oil level; add oil as necessary (page 11-78).


(11-90 blank)

TM 5-3805-262-20

CHAPTER 12 SIGNALING DEVICES AND LOADER BUCKET ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE CHAPTER OVERVIEW This chapter contains the information you'll need to maintain the: * * * *

Back-up Alarm Turn Signals and Lights Bucket Lift Arms and Pivot Assemblies Loader Bucket Assembly

It gives you information on how to repair or replace the components that are within the scope of organizational maintenance.

Para Signaling Devices Maintenance . . . . 12-1 Back-up Alarm and Switch . . . . . . 12-1a Turn Signal Switch Bulb . . . . . . . 12-1b Turn Signal Switch and Flasher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-1c Turn Signal Lamp Assemblies Bulb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-1d Turn Signal Lamp Assemblies . . . 12-1e

Para Bucket Lift Arms and Pivot Assemblies Maintenance . . . . . . . . 12-2 Loader Bucket Assembly Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-3 Loader Bucket Assembly . . . . . . . . 12-3a Blade Cutting Edge Assembly . . . 12-3b Clam Bucket Shank Assemblies . . 12-3c Clam Bucket Cutting Edge . . . . . . 12-3d

NOTE In following paragraphs, resources required are not listed unless they apply to the procedure. Personnel required are listed only if the task requires more than one. If PERSONNEL REQUIRED is not listed it means one person can do the task. The normal standard equipment condition to start a maintenance task is engine off, loader parked on level surface, bucket lowered to surface, and parking brakes applied. EQUIPMENT CONDITION is not listed unless some other condition is required besides those indicated above.


TM 5-3805-262-20 12-1. SIGNALING DEVICES MAINTENANCE a. Back-up Alarm and Switch. T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c t i o n , testing, repair, and installation of back-up alarm and its associated switch. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Fixed open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Electrical repair tool kit Multimeter MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Isopropyl alcohol (Appendix C, item 15) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Radiator grille opened.


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (1)

Loosen and remove nut (1) and disconnect wire (6) terminal from back-up alarm.


Loosen and remove nut (2) and disconnect wiring harness black-red wire terminal (3) from back-up alarm.


Loosen and remove two nuts (4) and lock washers (5); disconnect wire (6) terminal from capscrew (8) and remove wire (6).


Remove two washers (7), capscrews (8), and washers (9) then remove backup alarm (10).


At right side of transmission, at control valve, disconnect wiring harness violet-red wire spade terminal (11) from spade terminal (12) by grasping both with fingers and firmly pulling apart.


Disconnect wiring harness black-red wire spade terminal (13) from spade terminal (14).


Loosen and remove back-up alarm switch (15) using open end wrench.


TM 5-3805-262-20 12-1. SIGNALING DEVICES MAINTENANCE (CONT) a. Back-up Alarm and Switch (cont). CLEANING

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors . D o n o t u s e n e a r o p e n f l a m e o r e x c e s s i v e h e a t a n d d o n ’ t s m o k e when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately. (1) Clean all metallic parts using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths. (2) Clean remaining parts using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Dry using clean cloth. (3) Clean all terminals using clean cloth moistened with isopropyl alcohol. INSPECTION, TESTING, AND REPAIR (STREET 1 OF 2)



Inspect wire (6) for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminals. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, replace wire lead.


Inspect wiring harness terminal (3) wire, spade terminals (11 and 13) w i r e , and back-up alarm switch (15) spade terminals (12 and 14) wire for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminals. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, cut wire as close to terminal as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new terminal securely onto wire.


Inspect back-up alarm (10) for cracks or breaks and loose, broken, or corroded terminal studs. Connect multimeter across terminals and check for continuity. If continuity not obtained or any of the above conditions are seen, replace back-up alarm.

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSPECTION, TESTING, AND REPAIR (SHEET 2 OF 2) (4) Inspect back-up alarm switch (15) for cracks, breaks, distortion, or other damage. Replace as necessary. Check for cracked or broken insulation where wires just emerge from body. If any of these conditions are seen, replace switch. Connect multimeter across spade terminals and check for open circuit (infinity). Replace switch if multimeter indicates continuity, (5) Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, deformation, distortion, or stripped threads. Replace as necessary.


At right side of transmission, at control valve, install and tighten back-up alarm switch (15).


Connect wiring harness black-red wire spade terminal (13) to switch (15) spade terminal (14) by grasping both in your fingers, alining, then firmly pushing them together.


Connect wiring harness violet-red wire spade terminal (11) to switch (15) spade terminal (12).



a. Back-up Alarm and Switch (cont).

INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (4) At rear of loader, position back-up alarm (10) and install two washers (9), capscrews (8), and washers (7). ( 5 ) C o n n e c t wire (6) terminal to one capscrew (8). (6)

I n s t a l l and tighten two lock washers (5) and nuts (4).

( 7 ) C o n n e c t wiring harness black-red wire terminal (3) to back-up alarm (10). (8)

I n s t a l l and tighten nut (2).

( 9 ) C o n n e c t wire (6) terminal to back-alarm (10). ( 1 0 ) I n s t a l l and tighten nut (l). (11) Close and lock radiator grille. (12) Start engine and place transmission control lever in reverse (R) position. Check that back-up alarm sounds. Turn off engine. If back-up alarm does not sound, refer to troubleshooting (page 3-196). 12-6


b. T u r n S i g n a l S w i t c h B u l b . This task covers replacement of bulb mounted within turn signal switch. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Screwdriver MATERIALS/PARTS: Bulb (FSCM 77977 PN 356)


Remove two screws (1) then pull cover (2) from switch body.


Depress bulb (3) and turn counterclockwise to remove. Discard bulb.


Insert new bulb (3) in socket and turn clockwise to install.


Position cover (2) on switch body.


Install and tighten two screws (1).



c. Turn Signal Switch and Flasher. T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l , c l e a n i n g , i n s p e c tion, repair, testing, and installation of turn signal switch and associated flasher. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Screwdriver Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Electrical repair tool kit Multimeter MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Isopropyl alcohol (Appendix C, item 15) Tie straps, two (FSCM 53421 PN T50R0W) NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Battery ground cable disconnected (page 5-148). REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2)



On steering column, cut, remove, a n d d i s c a r d t w o t i e s t r a p s ( l ) .


Disconnect light blue wire terminals (2 and 3) by grasping with fingers and firmly pulling apart. Repeat with white-blue wire terminals (4 and 5).


Reach up beneath right instrument panel cluster just above SHUT OFF knob, and disconnect violet wire spade terminal (6) from flasher terminal No. 2 by grasping spade terminal with fingers and firmly pulling from flasher terminal.


Remove two capscrews (7) and lock washers (8) while supporting bracket (11) and switch (12). Remove bracket and switch while carefully guiding switch wires through hole in cover.


Remove two screws (9) and lock washers (10) then separate bracket (11) and turn signal switch (12).

TM 5-3805-262-20



c. T u r n S i g n a l S w i t c h a n d F l a s h e r ( c o n t ) .

REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2) (6) Reach up beneath right instrument panel cluster just above SHUT OFF knob, and disconnect violet wire spade terminal (13) from flasher (18) terminal No. 1 by grasping spade terminal with fingers and firmly pulling from flasher terminal. ( 7 ) F r o m b e n e a t h r i g h t i n s t r u m e n t p a n e l c l u s t e r , remove two nuts (14), lock washers (15), and washers (16); remove flasher (18). (8) At top of right instrument panel cluster, remove two screws (17).


TM 5-3805-262-20 CLEANING

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe vapors . D o n o t u s e n e a r o p e n f l a m e o r e x c e s s i v e h e a t a n d d o n ’ t s m o k e when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical a t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y e s with water and get medical aid immediately. (1) Clean all metallic parts using clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680; dry using clean cloth. (2) Clean all nonmetallic parts using clean cloth moistened with detergent; dry using clean cloth. (3) Clean terminals using clean cloth moistened with isopropyl alcohol.



c. T u r n S i g n a l S w i t c h a n d F l a s h e r ( c o n t ) . INSPECTION, REPAIR, AND TESTING



Inspect wiring harness terminals (2 and 4) wire, spade terminal (13) wire, and turn signal switch (12) terminals (3 and 5) wire for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminals. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, cut wire as close to terminal as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new terminal securely onto wire.


Inspect turn signal switch (12) for cracks, breaks, and bent or deformed lever; replace if any of these conditions are seen. With lever in center position, connect multimeter across terminal (3) and spade terminal (6) and check that multimeter indicates open circuit (infinity). Move lever up and check that multimeter indicates continuity. Return lever to center p o s i t i o n . Connect multimeter across terminal (5) and spade terminal (6) and check that multimeter indicates open circuit (infinity). Move lever down and check that multimeter indicates continuity. Replace switch if proper indications are not obtained on multimeter.


Inspect flasher (18) for cracks, dents, breaks, and loose or corroded terminals; replace if any of these conditions are observed. Connect 24 volts between terminal 1 and metal case of flasher. Connect a 24 volt test light between terminal 2 and metal case of flasher. Check that test light flashes on and off. If test light does not flash on and off, replace flasher.


Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, deformation, distortion, and stripped threads; replace as necessary.

TM 5-3805-262-20

INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 2) (1) Install two screws (17) through top of right instrument panel cluster. (2) Position flasher (18) on bottom side of right instrument panel cluster with screws (17) installed in flasher mounting holes. (3) Install and tighten two washers (16), lock washers (15), and nuts (14). (4) Connect violet wire spade terminal (13) to flasher (18) terminal No. 1 by grasping spade terminal with finger and firmly pushing onto flasher terminal.



c. T u r n S i g n a l S w i t c h a n d F l a s h e r ( c o n t ) .


TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) NOTE If new turn signal switch (12) is being installed, discard mounting strap supplied with switch. (5)

Route turn signal switch (12) wires through hole in bracket (11) and position switch on bracket.


Install and tighten two lock washers (10) and screws (9).


Route turn signal switch (12) wires through hole in cover and position bracket (11) with switch on cover.


Install and tighten two lock washers (8) and capscrews (7).


Route turn signal switch (12) violet wire spade terminal (6) to flasher. Connect spade terminal to flasher terminal No. 2 by grasping spade terminal with finger and firmly pushing onto flasher terminal.


Route turn signal switch light blue and white-blue wires down steering column and secure to steering column using two tie straps (1).


Connect white-blue wires terminal (5 and 4) by grasping terminals with fingers and firmly pushing them together.


Connect light blue wires terminal (3 and 2) by grasping terminals with fingers and firmly pushing them together.


Connect battery ground cable (page 5-151).


Place key switch in ON position and place turn signal lever in up position then in down position. Check that lamp within switch and directional signal lamps mounted at top of cab flash on and off.


Return turn signal switch lever to middle position and turn off key switch.



d. Turn Signal Lamp Assemblies Bulb. This task covers replacement of bulb used in turn signal lamp assemblies installed on cab at top. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Screwdriver MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Detergent (Appendix C, item 3) Bulb (FSCM 77977 PN 307) Lens kit (FSCM 77977 PN 9016A) (use if lens is damaged) (1)

Remove three screws (l).


Remove lens (2) and gasket (3).


Depress bulb (4) and turn counterclockwise to remove from body (5).


To install new bulb (4), position bulb in socket, depress, and turn clockwise. NOTE

I f lens (2) is cracked or otherwise damaged, remove remaining lens and gasket (3) (steps 1 and 2 above). Discard lens� and gaskets and install lens kit. ( 5 ) C l e a n l e n s ' using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Dry using clean cloth. (6) Position gasket (3) and lens (2) on body (5). (7) Install and tighten three screws (l). NOTE I f l e n s k i t i s b e i n g i n s t a l l e d , p e r f o r m s t e p s ( 6 ) and (7) above to install remaining gasket and lens.



e. Turn Signal Lamp Assemblies. T h i s t a s k c o v e r s r e m o v a l a n d i n s t a l l a t i o n o f turn signal lamp assemblies installed on cab at top. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Screwdriver Fixed open end wrench set Electrical repair tool kit MATERIALS/PARTS: Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5) Adhesive (Appendix C, item 8) REMOVAL (1)

P u l l back cab foam at inside, top of cab j u s t enough to gain access to wiring harness wire terminal (1).


Disconnect terminals (1 and 2) by grasping terminals with your fingers and firmly pulling them apart.


Loosen and remove nut (3) and lock washer (4).


Pull lamp assembly (8) from top of cab and remove rubber washer (5), washer (6) and lock washer (7). NOTE

Repeat steps (1) through (4) above to remove remaining lamp assembly. Refer to page 12-16 to disassemble lamp assembly (8).



e. Turn Signal Lamp Assemblies (cont). INSTALLATION (1)

Inspect lamp assembly (8) wire for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminal (2). Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, cut wire as close to terminal as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new terminal securely onto wire.


Inspect wiring harness terminal (1) wire for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to terminal. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wire strands are seen, cut wire as close to terminal as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire then crimp new terminal securely onto wire.


Install lock washer (7), washer (6), and rubber washer (5) on lamp assembly (8) mounting stud.


position lamp assembly (8) mounting stud with installed parts in mounting hole at top of cab.


From inside cab, i n s t a l l a n d t i g h t e n l o c k w a s h e r ( 4 ) a n d n u t ( 3 ) .


Connect terminals (1 and 2) by grasping both with your fingers, alining, and firmly pushing them together. NOTE

Repeat steps (1) through (6) above to install remaining lamp assembly (8). (7) Start engine and operate at idle speed. Move turn signal switch up position and check that left lamp assembly blinks on and off. lever to down position and check that right lamp assembly blinks off. Move lever to center position and turn off engine. If lamps operate, refer to troubleshooting (page 3-198).

lever to Move on and do not

(8) Glue cab foam to cab ceiling using small amount of adhesive applied to back of foam.



This procedure covers visual inspection of lift arms and pivot assemblies. No tools or parts/materials are required to perform this procedure. NOTE Notify direct support maintenance if any abnormal conditions are seen during performance of following procedures. a . At either left or right side of loader, check lift arm (1) for c r a c k s , breaks, or other damage. b . Check bellcrank assembly (2) for cracks, breaks, broken welds, or other damage. c . Check link (3) for cracks, b r e a k s , or other damage. d . Check lift and tilt cylinder assemblies rod end mountings (4 and 5) for loose or missing mounting hardware. If hardware is loose, tighten; install if missing.

e . Check bucket pivot pin points (6) for loose or missing hardware. If hardware is loose, tighten; install if missing. f . Check bellcrank pivot pin points (7) for loose or missing hardware. g . Check lift arm pivot pin points (8) inside cab for damaged or missing retaini n g r i n g , b e n t s h a f t , or damaged shaft head (on side of lift arm at attachment to front chassis). 12-19


a. Loader Bucket Assembly. bucket assembly.

This task covers removal and replacement of loader

TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Combination box and open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch drive Lubricating kit Hand hammer, three pounds Chain hoist, 3 ton capacity Rod 1-7/8 inches diameter by 12 inches long PERSONNEL REQUIRED: Two Construction Equipment Mechanics M0S 62B REFERENCES: LO 5-3805-262-12 NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Loader bucket assembly lines and fittings removed (page 11-32) and bucket clam cylinder assemblies removed (page 11-72).

REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 3) ( 1 ) A t e i t h e r l e f t o r r i g h t s i d e o f l o a d e r , remove two lubrication fittings (1).


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 3) (2) At top of loader bucket assembly where link is secured to loader bucket assembly, remove lock nut (2) and capscrew (3).

(3) Press pivot pin (4) from bucket using 1-7/8 inches diameter rod and hammer as shown. (4) Repeat steps (2) and (3) above to remove lock nut (2), capscrew (3), and pivot pin (4) securing lift arm to loader bucket assembly. (5) Repeat steps (1) through (4) to disconnect link and lift arm from remaining side of loader bucket assembly.

In following step, don’t allow links to strike polished surface of tilt c y l i n d e r a s s e m b l i e s r o d . To do so may cause damage to cylinder assemblies resulting in hydraulic oil leakage and requiring replacement and repair of cylinder assemblies. (6) Swing links up and over bellcrank assemblies and secure in position so that they cannot move. Make sure that links don't strike and damage polished surface of tilt cylinder assemblies rod.



a. Loader Bucket Assembly (cont). REMOVAL (SHEET 3 OF 3)

Before performing following step, check and make sure that plugs are installed and tightened in two hoses disconnected from loader bucket assembly lines. Failure to do so may cause hydraulic oil to flow from disconnected lines. (7) Start engine and operate at idle speed. Raise lift arms just enough to clear bucket assembly, then move loader slowly back until loader is clear of bucket assembly. Turn off engine. (8) Attach chain hoist to loader bucket assembly and move to repair area. INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 2) (1)

Attach chain hoist to replacement loader bucket assembly and move into position in front of loader.


Start loader engine.

(3) Slowly move loader into position while assistant guides you. Be sure that lift arms are raised just enough to clear bucket assembly.

Tell personnel not to use their fingers to check alinement in following step. To do so could cause loss of finger or serious injury. If personnel are injured, obtain medical assistance immediately. (4)

Lower lift arms until holes in lift arm are alined with associated holes in bucket assembly. Turn off loader engine.

(5) Swing links down and aline holes in link with top mounting holes in loader bucket assembly. (6)


Secure link to bucket assembly by installing pivot pin (4) using hammer and 1-7/8 inches diameter rod. Be sure that hole in pivot pin is aligned with associated hole in bucket mounting boss.

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) (7) Repeat step (6) above to secure lift arm to bucket assembly. (8) Repeat steps (6) and (7) above to secure remaining link and lift arm to opposite side of loader bucket assembly. (9)

Install four capscrews (3) and lock nuts (2). Tighten lock nuts securely.

(10) Install four lubrication fittings (1). (11) Lubricate lubrication fittings (refer to current Lubrication order). (12) Install clam cylinder assemblies (page 11-74). (13) Install loader bucket assembly lines and fittings (page 11-38).



b. Blade Cutting Edge Assembly. bucket cutting edge assembly.

This task covers removal and replacement of

TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Combination box and open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch d r i v e Jack stands, two Wood blocks (block clam open) PERSONNEL REQUIRED: Two Construction Equipment Mechanics M0S 62B


Start engine and raise bucket to acceptable height.

(2) Tell assistant to place acceptable supports beneath blade but to position them so as not to interfere with removal of nuts (2) located on under side of blade. (3) Open clam enough to gain access to cutting edges (3 and 4) and bolts (1). (4) Tell assistant to place supports beneath clam to hold it in place.


TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL ( SHEET 2 OF 2) (5) Turn off engine. (6) Loosen and remove 19 nuts (2) and bolts (1). (7) Remove cutting edges (3 and 4) from blade (5). INSTALLATION (1)

Hold cutting edge (3) in position and install several bolts (1) to hold it in position.


Install nuts (2) on bolts (1) already installed and install remaining bolts and nuts.


Tighten nuts (2).


Hold cutting edge (4) in position and install three bolts (1).


Install and tighten three nuts (2).


Repeat steps (4) and (5) above to install remaining cutting edge (4).


Start engine and operate at idle speed.


Open clam and remove blocks.


Raise bucket and remove supports from beneath blade.

(10) Lower bucket to ground and turn off engine.


TM 5-3805-262-20



b.1. Blade Cutting Edge Assembly. This task covers removal and replacement of bucket cutting edge assembly. TOOLS:

No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Combination box and open end wrench set Socket wrench set, 3/8 inch Jack stands, two Wood blocks (block clam open)

PERSONNEL REQUIRED: Two Construction Equipment Mechanics MOS 62B


Start engine and raise bucket to acceptable height.


Place jack stand beneath bucket in location (5) but to position so as not to interfere with removal of nuts (4) located on underside of blade.


Open clam enough to gain access to cutting edge (2) and bolts (3).


Place blocks in location (6) between clam (7) and bucket (1).


Turn off engine.


Loosen and remove 16 nuts (4) and bolts (3).


Remove cutting edge (2) from bucket (1).


Hold cutting edge (2) in position and install several bolts (3) to hold it in position.


Install nuts (4) on bolts (3) already installed and install remaining bolts and nuts.


Tighten nuts (4).


Start engine and operate at idle speed.


Open clam and remove blocks.


Raise bucket and remove supports from beneath blade.


Lower bucket to ground and turn off engine.

12-25.0/(12-25.1 Blank)

Change 2


c. Clam Bucket Shank Assemblies. This task covers removal and replacement of clam bucket shank (teeth) assemblies. TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Hand hammer, 16 ounces Combination box and open end wrench set Scratch wire brush Torque wrench, 1/2 inch drive Jack stands, two Automotive Mechanic’s Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 1/2 inch drive Drive pin punch, 3/8 inch point MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) PERSONNEL REQUIRED: Two Construction Equipment Mechanics M0S 62B REMOVAL (1)

Start engine and raise bucket to acceptable working height.


Place acceptable supports under bucket to support it. NOTE

If complete tooth assembly is to be replaced, go to step (5) below. If tooth point only is to be replaced, go to step (3) and disregard steps (5) and (6).



Using a hammer and punch, drive roll pin (1) out of tooth point (2).


Remove tooth point (2).


If tooth shank (6) requires replacement, remove two nuts (3) and capscrews (4 and 5).


Remove tooth shank (6).

TM 5-3805-262-20 INSTALLATION NOTE If complete tooth assembly is being installed, perform steps (1), (2), and (6) through (8) below. If new tooth point is being installed, go to step (3). (1) Position tooth shank (6) and install 3 inches long capscrew (4) and 3-1/2 inches long capscrew (5). (2)

Install and tighten two nuts (3). Tighten to 150 to 180 lb-ft.

Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathe v a p o r s . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If You become dizzy w h i l e u s i n g c l e a n i n g s o l v e n t , g e t f r e s h a i r a n d m e d i c a l a t t e n t i o n immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. ( 3 ) C l e a n tooth shank (6) using stiff wire brush then use clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680. (4) Position tooth point (2). (5) Drive new roll pin (1) into tooth point (2) using hammer. (6) Start engine and raise bucket. (7) Remove supports from beneath bucket. (8) Lower bucket and turn off engine.


TM 5-3805-262-20



c.1. Clam Bucket Shank Assemblies. This task covers removal and replacement of clam bucket shank (teeth) and tooth assemblies. TOOLS:

No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool Kit Hand hammer, 16 ounces Combination box and open end wrench set Scratch wire brush Torque wrench, 1/2 inch drive Jack stands, two Automotive Mechanic’s Tool Kit Socket wrench set, 1/2 inch drive Drive pin punch, 3/8 inch point MATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1) Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2) PERSONNEL REQUIRED: Two Construction Equipment Mechanics MOS 62B


Change 2

TM 5-3805-262-20

REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 1) NOTE These bucket teeth are not interchangeable with P/N L113223 bucket. (1)

Start engine and raise bucket to acceptable working height.


Place acceptable supports under bucket to support it.


Turn engine off.


Using a hammer and punch, drive seven wedge keys (1) out of center teeth (2) from the bottom.


Remove teeth (2) from center adapters (3).


If necessary, remove seven nuts (4), lock washers (5), capscrews (6), and center adapters (3) from bucket. Discard lock washers.


Using a hammer and punch, drive two wedge keys (7) out of corner teeth (8) from the bottom.


Remove two teeth (8) from corner adapters (9).


If necessary, remove two nuts (10), lock washers (11), capscrews (12), and corner adapters (9) from bucket.

INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 1) WARNING Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothes and do not breathe vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and do not smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush with large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes with water and get medical aid immediately. (1)

If a tooth center adapter or corner adapter was not removed, clean adapter using a stiff wire brush then use clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680.


If removed, install two corner adapters (9), capscrews (12), new lock washers (11), and nuts (10) on bucket. Torque nuts to 150 to 180 lb-ft.


Install two teeth (8) on corner adapters (9).


Drive two new wedge keys (7) into teeth (8) from the top, using hammer.


If removed, install seven center adapters (3), capscrews (6), new lock washers (5), and nuts (4) on bucket. Torque nuts to 150 to 180 lb-ft.


Install seven teeth (2) on center adapters (3).


Drive seven new wedge keys (1) into teeth (2) from the top, using hammer.


Start engine and raise bucket.


Remove supports from beneath bucket.

(10) Lower bucket and turn engine off.

Change 2



d. Clam Bucket Cutting Edge. bucket cutting edge.

This task covers removal and replacement of clam

TOOLS: Shop Equipment Welding T16714 C-clamps, four MATERIALS/PARTS: E-7018 welding rod, q u a n t i t y a s r e q u i r e d PERSONNEL REQUIRED: Two Construction Equipment Mechanics M0S 62B NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Clam bucket shank assemblies removed (page 12-26) and alternator wiring disconnected (page 5-10). REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 2) (1)

Start engine, raise clam bucket to an acceptable working height, and tell assistant to place supports beneath bucket ensuring that supports do not interfere with removal of cutting edge.

W e a r t i n t e d p r o t e c t i v e g o g g l e s a n d i n s u l a t e d gloves when working with a c e t y l e n e t o r c h a n d h e a t e d p a r t s . F a i l u r e t o do so could cause blindness from flame of torch or serious injury due to b u r n s . I f y o u a r e i n j u r e d or burned, get medical aid immediately. (2)


Using carbon arc rod or an acetylene cutting torch, remove cutting edge from clam. Keep distortion to a minimum amount while removing cutting edge.

TM 5-3805-262-20 REMOVAL ( SHEET 2 OF 2) (3)

When removing weld at bottom rear of cutting edge, be careful not to cut through bottom of clam. See illustration at right which shows construction of bottom of clam.

(4) Using a grinder, remove any welds or extra metal on clam that will prevent new cutting edge from fitting correctly. INSTALLATION (SHEET 1 OF 2) (1) Position new cutting edge in place and use C-clamps to hold cutting edge in place. (2) Refer to following illustration for weld specifications. Use E-7018 welding rod.


TM 5-3805-262-20 12-3. LOADER BUCKET ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE (CONT) d. Clam Bucket Cutting Edge (cont). INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 2) WARNING W e a r t i n t e d p r o t e c t i v e g o g g l e s a n d i n s u l a t e d gloves when working with a c e t y l e n e t o r c h a n d h e a t e d p a r t s . F a i l u r e t o do so could cause blindness from flame of torch or serious injury due to b u r n s . I f y o u a r e i n j u r e d or burned, get medical aid immediately. (3) When welding top of cutting edge to clam: (a)

Start at one end of clam and weld toward center until one welding rod is used.


Start at center of clam and weld in both directions until one welding rod is used.


Start at other end of clam and weld toward center until one welding rod is used.


Continue to weld cutting edge t o c l a m u s i n g t h i s m e t h o d u n t i l c u t t i n g edge is completely welded.

( 4 ) I n s t a l l b u c k e t s h a n k a s s e m b l i e s (page 12-27). (5) Connect alternator wiring (page 5-13). (6)

Start engine and raise bucket just enough to remove supports.

(7) Lower bucket to ground and turn off engine.


TM 5-3805-262-20

d.1. Clam Bucket Cutting Edge. This task covers removal and replacement of clam bucket cutting edge pieces. TOOLS:

Shop Equipment Welding T16714 C-clamps, four

MATERIALS/PARTS: E-7018 welding rod, quantity as required PERSONNEL REQUIRED: Two Construction Equipment Mechanics MOS 62B NOTE PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Clam bucket shank assemblies removed (page 12-26) and alternator wiring disconnected (page 5-10). REMOVAL (SHEET 1 OF 1) (1)

Start engine, raise clam bucket to an acceptable working height, and place supports beneath bucket ensuring that supports do not interfere with removal of cutting edge. WARNING

Wear tinted protective goggles and insulated gloves when working with acetylene torch and heated parts. Failure to do so could cause blindness from flame of torch or serious injury due to burns. If you are injured or burned, get medical aid immediately. (2)

Using carbon arc rod or an acetylene cutting torch, remove cutting edge from clam. Keep distortion to a minimum amount while removing cutting edge.


When removing weld at bottom rear of cutting edge, be careful not to cut through bottom of clam. See illustration which shows construction of bottom of clam.


Using a grinder, remove any welds or extra metal on clam that will prevent new cutting edge from fitting correctly.

Change 2


TM 5-3805-262-20




Position new cutting edge pieces in place and use C-clamps to hold cutting edges in place.


Refer to the following illustration for weld specifications. Use E-7018 welding rod.


WARNING Wear tinted protective goggles and insulated gloves when working with acetylene torch and heated parts. Failure to do so could cause blindness from flame of torch or serious injury due to burns. If you are injured or burned, get medical aid immediately. (3)


When welding top of cutting edge to clam: (a)

Start at one end of clam and weld toward center until one welding rod is used.


Start at center of clam and weld in both directions until one welding rod is used.


Start at other end of clam and weld toward center until one welding rod is used.


Continue to weld cutting edges to clam using this method until cutting edges are completely welded.


Install bucket shank assemblies (page 12-27).


Connect alternator wiring (page 5-13).


Start engine and raise bucket just enough to remove supports.


Lower bucket to ground and turn off engine.

Change 2

TM 5-3805-262-20


This appendix lists all forms and publications pertinent to the major item material and associated equipment. A-2. PUBLICATIONS INDEX

The following index should be consulted frequently for latest changes or revisions and for new publications relating to material covered in this manual. DA PAM 310-1 DA PAM 750-10

Consolidated Index of Army Publications and Forms Index of Army Equipment Modification Work Orders



Form 285 Form 348 Form 2028 Form 2028-2 Form 2401 Form 2402 Form 2404 Form 2405 Form 2406 Form 2407 Form 2407-1 Form 2408 Form 2408-9 Form 2408-10 Form 2408-20 Form 2409 Form 314 Form 518 Form 1397

DD Form 2026 SF 46 SF 91 SF 364 SF 368

U.S. Army Accident Investigation Report Equipment Operator-s Qualification Record (Except Aircraft) Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms Recommended Changes to Equipment Technical Publications Organizational Control Record for Equipment Exchange Tag Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Work Sheet Maintenance Request Register Material Condition Status Report Maintenance Request Maintenance Request - C o n t i n u a t i o n S h e e t Equipment Log Assembly (Records) Equipment Control Record Equipment Component Register Oil Analysis Log Equipment Maintenance Log - (Consolidated) Preventive Maintenance Schedule and Record Accident - Identification Card Processing and Reprocessing Record for Shipment, Storage, and Issue of Vehicles Oil Analysis Record U.S. Government Motor Vehicle Operator’s Identification Card Operator Report on Motor Vehicle Accidents Report of Discrepancy Quality Deficiency Report


FM 9-207 FM 20 FM 21-11 FM 21-40

Operation and Maintenance of Ordnance Material in Cold Weather (0 Deg to Minus 65 Deg) Camouflage First Aid for Soldiers NBC (Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical) Defense A-1

TM 5 3805-262-20 A-4. FIELD MANUALS (CONT)


21-305 31-70 31-71 43-2 90-3 90-5

Manual for Wheeled Vehicle Driver Basic Cold Weather Manual Northern Operations Metal Body Repair Desert Operations Jungle Operations



3-220 3-4230-204-12&P 3-6665-225-12 5-200 5-3805-262-10 5-3805-262-10HR 5-3805-262-24P


9-214 9-237 9-238 9-243 9-247

TM 9-2610-200-20 TM 9-2610-201-14 TM 9-4910-571-12&P TM 9-6140-200-14 TM 9-8000 TM 38-230-1 and TM 38-230-2 TM 740-90-1 TM 746-10 TM 750-244-6 TM 750-254

Chemical, Biological, and Radiological (CBR) Decontamination Decontaminating Apparatus Maintenance Chemical Agent Alarm Maintenance Camouflage, Field Manufacturing Techniques Operator-s Manual: Loader, Scoop Type, MW24C Hand Receipt: Loader, Scoop Type, MW24C Organizational, Direct Support, and General Support Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tools List: Loader, Scoop Type, MW24C Inspection, Care, and Maintenance of Antifriction Bearings Welding Theory and Application Deep Water Fording of Ordnance Material Use and Care of Hand Tools and Measuring Tools Materials Used for Cleaning, Preserving, Abrading, and Cementing Care, Maintenance, and Repair of Pneumatic Tires, Inner Tubes, and Radial Tires Inspection and Classification of Tires Simplified Test Equipment for Internal Combustion Engines Operation and Organizational Maintenance Manual for Lead Acid Storage Batteries Principles of Automotive Vehicles Preservation, Packaging, and Packing of Military Supplies and Equipment Administrative Storage of Equipment General Packing Instructions Procedures for Destruction of Tank Automotive Equipment to Prevent Enemy Use Cooling Systems: T a c t i c a l V e h i c l e s


TB 9-2300-405-14 TB 9-2300-422-20 TB 43-0001-39 Series TB 43-0142 TB 43-0209


Mandatory Brake Hose Inspection and Replacement Security of Tactical Wheeled Vehicles Equipment Improvement Report and Maintenance Digest Safety Inspection and Testing of Lifting Devices Color Marking, and Camouflage Painting of Military Vehicles, Construction Equipment, and Materials Handling Equipment


TB 43-0210 TB 750-93-1 TB 750-651

Nonaeronautical Equipment Army Oil Analysis Program (A0AP) Functional Grouping Codes Use of Antifreeze Solutions, and Cleaning Compounds in Engine Cooling Systems


LO 5-3805-262-12

L u b r i c a t i o n O r d e r : Loader, Scoop Type, MW24C


CTA 50-970 DA PAM 738-750 MIL-B-12841 MIL-P-116 MIL-STD-129 MIL-V-62038 MM-L-751

Expendable/Durable Items (Except Medical Class V, Repair Parts, and Heraldic Items) The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS) Preparation for Shipment and Storage of Basic Issue Items Methods of Preservation Marking for Shipment and Storage Shipment and Limited Storage Softwood Lumber

A-9. ARMY REGULATIONS AR 310-2 AR 310-25 A R 385-40 AR 385-55 AR 700-15 AR 735-11 AR 750-22

Identification and Distribution of DA Publications and Issue of Agency and Command Administration Publications Dictionary of United ‘States Army Terms Accident Reporting and Records Prevention of Motor Vehicle Accidents Packaging of Material Accounting for Lost, Damaged, and Destroyed Property The Army Oil Analysis Program


(A-4 blank)

TM 5-3805-262-20



a. This section provides a general explanation of all maintenance and repair functions authorized at various maintenance categories. b. The Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) in section II designates overall authority and responsibility for the performance of maintenance functions on the identified end item or component. The application of the maintenance functions to the end item or component will be consistent with the capacities and capabilities of the designated maintenance categories. c. Section III lists the tools and test equipment (both special tools and common tool sets) required for each maintenance function as referenced from section II. d. B-2.

Section IV contains supplemental instructions and explanatory notes for a particular maintenance function. MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS

Maintenance functions will be limited to and defined as follows: a. Inspect. To determine the serviceability of an item by comparing its physical, mechanical, and/or electrical characteristics with established standards through examination (i.e., by sight, sound, or feel). b. Test. To verify serviceability by measuring the mechanical or electrical characteristics of an item and comparing those characteristics with prescribed standards. c. Service. Operations required periodically to keep an item in proper operating condition, i.e., to clean (includes decontaminate, when required), to preserve, to drain, to paint, or to replenish fuel, lubricants, chemical fluids, or gases. d. Adjust. To maintain or regulate, within prescribed limits, by bringing into proper or exact position, or by setting the operating characteristics to specified parameters. e.

Align. To adjust specified variable elements of an item to bring about optimum or desired performance.

f. Calibrate. To determine and cause corrections to be made or to be adjusted on instruments or test, measuring, and diagnostic equipment used in precision measurement. Consists of comparisons of two instruments, one of which is a certified standard of known accuracy, to detect and adjust any discrepancy in the accuracy of the instrument being compared. g. Remove/Install. To remove and install the same item when required to perform service or other maintenance functions. Install may be the act of emplacing, seating, or fixing into position a spare, repair part, or module (component or assembly) in a manner to allow the proper functioning of an equipment or system. h. Replace. To remove an unserviceable item and install a serviceable counterpart in its place. “Replace� is authorized by the MAC and is shown as the 3rd position code of the SMR code. i. Repair. The application of maintenance services or other maintenance actions to restore serviceability to an item by correcting specific damage, fault, malfunction, or failure in a part, subassembly, module (component or assembly), end item, or system. j. Overhaul. That maintenance effort (service/action) prescribed to restore an item to a completely serviceable/operational condition as required by maintenance standards in appropriate technical publications (i.e., DMWR). Overhaul is normally the highest degree of maintenance performed by the Army. Overhaul does not normally return an item to like new condition.

Change 2


TM 5-3805-262-20



k. Rebuild. Consists of those services/actions necessary for the restoration of unserviceable equipment to a like new condition in accordance with original manufacturing standards. Rebuild is the highest degree of materiel maintenance applied to Army equipment. The rebuild operation includes the act of returning to zero those age measurements (hours/miles, etc.) considered in classifying Army equipment/components. B-3.


a. Column 1 - Group Number. Column 1 lists functional group code numbers, the purpose of which is to identify maintenance significant components, assemblies, subassemblies, and modules with the next higher assembly. b. Column 2 -Component/Assembly. Column 2 contains the names of components, assemblies, subassemblies, and modules for which maintenance is authorized. c. Column 3 - Maintenance Function. Column 3 lists the functions to be performed on the item listed in Column 2. (For detailed explanation of these functions, see paragraph B-2.) d. Column 4 -Maintenance Category. Column 4 specifies, by the listing of a work time figure in the appropriate subcolumn(s), the category of maintenance authorized to perform the function listed in Column 3. This figure represents the active time required to perform that maintenance function at the indicated category of maintenance. If the number or complexity of the tasks within the listed maintenance function vary at different maintenance categories, appropriate work time figures will be shown for each category. The work time figure represents the average time required to restore an item (assembly, subassembly, component, module, end item, or system) to a serviceable condition under typical field operating conditions. This time includes preparation time (including any necessary disassembly/assembly time), troubleshooting/fault location time, and quality assurance/quality control time in addition to the time required to perform the specific tasks identified for the maintenance functions authorized in the maintenance allocation chart. The symbol designations for the various maintenance categories are as follows: C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Operator or crew F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Field maintenance e. Column 5 - Tools and Equipment. Column 5 specifies, by code, those common tool sets (not individual tools) and special tools, TMDE, and support equipment required to perform the designated function. f. Column 6 - Remarks. This column shall, when applicable, contain a letter code, in alphabetic order, which shall be keyed to the remarks contained in Section IV. B-4.


a. Column 1 - Tool or Test Equipment Reference Code. The tool and test equipment reference code correlates with a code used in the MAC, Section II, Column 5. b.

Column 2 -Maintenance Level. The lowest category of maintenance authorized to use the tool or test equipment.


Column 3 - Nomenclature. Name or identification of the tool or test equipment.


Column 4 - National Stock Number. The National stock number of the tool or test equipment.


Column 5 - Too1 Number. The manufacturer’s part number.




Column 1 -Remark Code. The code recorded in column 6, Section II.

b. Column 2 - Remarks. This column lists information pertinent to the maintenance function being performed as indicated in the MAC, Section II.


Change 2

TM 5-3805-262-20












Engine Assembly, Diesel








Test Service

1.5 1.0

1,2,3,9,12 4










1,4,5 46.0 1,4,5

Engine Mounting Front Engine Mount Replace 0101

Crankcase, Block Cylinder Block












26.0 1,4,5

Cylinder Sleeves


26.0 1,4,5

Cylinder Head Assemblies

Inspect Replace

Crankshaft Assembly

0.4 8.0








Inspect Replace

0.5 12.0




Bearings, Main


Pulley, Crankshaft






Flywheel, Ring Gear Replace





Flywheel Assembly Flywheel Housing


14.0 1,4,5


Piston & Connecting Rods Pistons




Connecting Rod




Bearings, Connecting Rods

Inspect Replace

1.0 1.0


Change 2


TM 5-3805-262-20










ENGINE Continued


Valves, Camshaft & Timing System Rocker Arm Assembly








1,4,5 1,4,5












Timing Gears




Engine Lubrication System Oil Pan



Engine Oil Pump



1,4,5 1,3,4,5,9







Oil Filter




Oil Cooler




Manifolds, Intake




Manifolds, Exhaust




1.0 1.0

1,4,5,8 1,4,5,8










Fuel Lines




Electric Fuel Pump











Fuel Injection Nozzles

Test Replace

Fuel Injector Lines (External)

Inspect Replace


Fuel Injection Pump & Lines Fuel Injection Pump Adjust

Air Cleaner

Service Replace



1.0 3.0





Adjust Replace




Change 2


TM 5-3805-262-20












Tanks, Lines & Fittings






0.2 0.3







































Accelerator, Throttle Control Throttle Control




Muffler & Pipes




Radiator Assembly






Engine Starting Aids Cold Start Kit


Inspect Service


Fuel Filters Fuel Filters













Water Manifold











Inspect Replace

0.5 1.0

1 1

Water Manifold, Thermostats & Housing

Hoses, Lines & Fittings

Change 2


TM 5-3805-262-20












Water Pump Pump Assembly










Belt, Fan

















Repair Drive Belt












Starter w/Solenoid Assy

Test Replace

0.5 1.0

1,2,9 1





Starting Motor

Repair Solenoid















Instrument Panel




Instruments/ Switches & Gages




Hourmeter/ Tachometer











Fan Assembly





Repair 0505


Instrument or Engine Control Panel

Change 2

TM 5-3805-262-20













Return-to-Dig and Replace Bucket Height Micro Adjust Switches




1.0 0.5

1,2,3 1,2,3
































Sending Units Batteries, Storage Batteries

Battery Disconnect Switch 0613


Replace Repair

Blackout Lights



1,2,3 11,14






Auxiliary Steering Electrical System 0609











Inspect Replace

0.2 0.2



















Hull or Chassis Wiring Front Wiring Harness

Inspect Test

Rear Wiring Harness Inspect



Change 2


TM 5-3805-262-20















ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Continued Cab Wiring Harness Inspect




Torque Converter Assembly (Integral with Transmission)


Transmission & Mounting Assembly Transmission



















1,5 8.0


Control Linkage

25.0 1,5























Charging Pump and Filter Assembly Charging Pump

Repair Oil Filter



Control Valves and Linkage Control Valves




Repair 0714


Change 2


1,2,3,4 3.0


1,5 10

TM 5-3805-262-20












Propeller Shaft/ Front, Center and Rear


Inspect Service Replace Repair




Front Axle Assembly Service (Rigid) Replace





Front Axle Differential Assembly

1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4



0.3 5.0

2,3 1,5 10.0

0.3 2.0

Front Axle Planetary Service Assemblies Replace

0.3 3.0




Rear Axle Assembly Service (Oscillating) Replace

0.3 5.0


Service Replace Repair

0.3 3.0

Rear Axle Planetary Service Assemblies Replace

0.3 3.0

Rear Axle Differential Assembly

Repair 12



Parking Brake (Transmission) Parking Brake


1,5 1,2,3,4 1,5 1,5 1,2,3,4 1,5


Repair 1102


0.3 1.5

Service Replace Repair




Repair 1002


1,5,6 1,2,3,4 1,3,4,5




1,2,3,4 1,5 1,5,6 1,2,3,4 1,5









Parking Brake Chamber

Replace Repair


Parking Brake Linkage

Inspect Replace

0.2 1.0

1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4








1,2,3,4 1,5

Service Brakes Brake (Disc)

Change 2


TM 5-3805-262-20










BRAKES Continued


Hydraulic Brake System

















Inspect Replace

0.2 2.0

1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4




Air Brake System Brake Actuator



Brake Treadle Valve Test Replace Air Brake Valve



1,2,3,4 1.5




1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4


Air Brake Reservoir Inspect










Pressure Reducing Valve




Pressure Protection Valve

Replace Repair

0.8 0.5

1,2,3,4 1,5

Double Check Valve Replace and Stop Light Switch



Hoses, Lines & Fittings

Inspect Replace

0.2 2.0

1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4

Air Compressor Assembly

Replace Repair
















Hoses, Lines & Fittings



Hydraulic Reservoir Service




Change 2



1,2,3,4 1,5,9

TM 5-3805-262-20















BRAKES Continued Air Compressor Lines

Inspect Replace

Alcohol Evaporator





Wheel Assembly

0.1 1.0


9 1,5









Repair 1313


















Steering Wheel




Power Steering Gear Replace (& Steering Column) Repair


Aux/Emergency Steering Motor and Pump

Replace Repair


Steering Hoses, Lines & Fittings (Articulation)

Inspect Replace

0.2 2.5

1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4

Oil Cooler




Oil Filter







Test Replace

0.2 0.5

1,5 1,5




Steering Cylinder Assemblies

Repair 1414

Flow Control Valve

1,2,3,4 3.0

1,5 1,5


1,5 1,5









Repair Adjust

3.0 0.8

1,5 1,5

Change 2


TM 5-3805-262-20



















Rear Chassis Assembly (Engine End)

Inspect Replace


Front Chassis Assembly (NonEngine End)

Inspect Replace


Steps, Loader, Operator




Transport Service Link




Drawbar Pin














Engine Hood & Guard Assemblies
















Door Assemblies









1802 1803 1804

Door Lock

Replace Repair




Seat Assembly







Seat Support Assembly

Replace Repair

0.5 0.5

1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4

Seat Belts





Change 2

TM 5-3805-262-20












Accessory Items




1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4

Air Horn Assembly







Windshield Wipers




Windshield Wiper Motor

Replace Repair

0.5 1.5

1 1,2,3,4

Windshield Washer

Service Replace
















Data Plates & Instruction Holders




Hydraulic Main Pump Assembly/ Steering Pump

Replace Repair Rebuild


Control Valve Assembly

Adjust Replace

1.0 2.0

1.5 3.0

Repair Test Hydraulic Control Adjust Levers and Linkages Replace Hydraulic Tilt Cylinder Assembly

5,8 5,8 5,8 1,5,8 1,5,8





0.5 1.0

1,5,8 1,5,8

Repair 2404


0.5 1.0

Data Plates



Replace Repair




Air Horn Valve Assembly






Inspect Replace

0.1 1.0

1 1,2,3,4




Change 2


TM 5-3805-262-20

















HYDRAULIC AND FLUID SYSTEMS Continued Positioner & Kickout Assembly



Adjust Replace

0.5 0.5

1,2,3,4 1,4,5,8




Hydraulic Lines & Fittings





Inspect Replace


Inspect Hydraulic Lift Cylinder Assemblies Replace (Left & Right) Repair

0.2 2.0

Bucket Clamshell Inspect Cylinder Assemblies Replace (Left & Right) Repair

0.2 1.5

Hydraulic Reservoir Service









Repair Hydraulic Filter




1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,4,5,8


1,2,3,4,7 1,5











Backup Alarm





Turn Signals







Bucket Lift Arms & Inspect Pivot Assemblies Replace

0.1 3.0

1 1,5,8

Repair 7437

Loader Bucket Assembly

Inspect Replace Repair


Change 2



0.1 1.5

1,2,3,4 4.0


TM 5-3805-262-20
















CRANES, SHOVELS AND EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENT COMPONENTS Continued Bucket Cutting Edge Inspect Assembly Replace


Bucket Shank Assemblies


Inspect Replace





Change 2


TM 5-3805-262-20






















Tool Kit General Mechanic Auto SC5180-90-CL-N26







Shop Equipment, Auto Maintenance & Repair: ORG Maintenance Common No. 1 Less Power; SC4910-95-CLA74 Shop Equipment, Automotive Maintenance and Repair, Organizational Maintenance Supplemental No. 1 SC4910-95-CL-A73












Shop Equipment Auto Maintenance & Repair: ORG Common No. 2 Less Power; SC4910-95-CL-A72






Shop Equipment, Auto Maintenance & 4910-00-754-0705 Repair, FM Basic, Less Power SC491095-CL-A31








Shop Equipment Welding FM SC3470- 3470-00-357-7268 90-CL-A08











Tool Kit Welders SC5180-90-CL-N39



Hydraulic Shop Test and Repair Unit 4940-01-150-5784 (HYSTRU) SC4940-95-CL-B07 TM94940-468-14












10 11











Change 2









Simplified Test Equipment for Internal Combustion Engines (STE/ICE) TM4910-571-12&P Strap Wrench, 1-5� Diameter Pipe 18" Long Shop Equipment Contact Maintenance Truck Mounted SC4940-95-CL-B04 Thermometer Outside Micrometer 1" Capacity Wrench, Torque Multiplier, 0-2000 Pounds Capacity Gage, Tire Pressure

4910-00-124-2554 9

5120-00-262-8491 10








6685-00-239-4007 5210-00-540-2973 5120-01-142-6941












TM 5-3805-262-20



























28 29 30

31 32
































Lubricating Gun, Hand Pliers, Slip, Joint Screwdriver, Cross Tip #2 Screwdriver, Flat Tip 6" Wrench Adjustable 10" Wrench Box and Open End 7/16 Inch Wrench Box and Open End 9/16 Inch Wrench Box 3/8 and 7/16” Wrench Box 1/2 and 9/16” Shop Equipment Machine Shop, Field Maintenance Basic SC3470-95-CLA02 Gage Bearing Clearance (Plastigage) Torque Capsule Wrench PN (53867) KDEP 2968 Lever, Extension PN (53867) 9-681231-900 Governor Setting Protractor Scale PN (53867) 0-681-440-006 Shop Set, Fuel & Electrical System: Field Maintenance Basic SC4910-95CL-A01 Wheel Bearing Nut Tool PN (45225) CAS-1036 Shop Equipment, Automotive Maintenance and Repair Field Maintenance Supplemental No. 2, SC4910-95-CL-A63 Shop Equipment, General Purpose Repair, Semi-Trailer Mounted SC4940-95-CL-B02 Injector Bore Cleaning Tool PN (45225) CAS-1411










4930-00-253-2478 5120-00-223-7397 5120-00-234-8913 5120-00-278-1283 5120-00-449-8083 5120-00-895-9568 5120-00-895-9570 5120-00-224-3153 5120-00-224-3154 3470-00-754-0708
























































Change 2


TM 5-3805-262-20


(2) REMARKS None


Change 2

TM 5-3805-262-20


This appendix lists expendable/durable supplies and materials you will need to operate and maintain the MW24C loader. These items are authorized to you by CTA 50-970, Expendable/Durable Items (Except Medical, Class V, Repair Parts, and Heraldic Items). C-2. EXPLANATION OFCOLUMNS

a. Column 1 - Item Number. This number is assigned to the entry in the listing and is referenced in the narrative instructions to identify. the material (e.g., “Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2)�). b. Column 2 - Level. This column identifies the lowest level of maintenance that requires the listed item. The symbol designations are as follows: C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Operator or crew O .. . . . . . . . . .... Organizational maintenance c. Column 3 - National Stock Number. This is the National stock number assigned to the item; use it to request or requisition the item. d. Column 4 - Description. Indicates the Federal item name and, if required, a description to identify the item. The last line for each item indicates the Federal Supply Code for Manufacturer (FSCM) in parentheses followed by the part number. e. Column 5 - Unit of Measure (U/M). Indicates the measure used in performing the actual maintenance function. This measure is expressed by a two-character alphabetical abbreviation (e.g., ea, in, pr). If the unit of measure differs from the unit of issue, requisition the lowest unit of issue that will satisfy your requirements.


TM 5-3805-262-20


(1) Item number






National stock number

Descript ion

u IM








6850-00-664-5685 6850-00-264-9038 6850-00-274-5421 6850-00-285-8011 7930-00-282-9699







6 7 8

0 0 0

8030-00-753-4953 9150-00-261-7899 8040-01-168-0440










6850-00-181-7929 6850-00-181-7933 9150-00-663-9795

9150-01-102-3658 9150-01-102-9455 9150-01-123-3152 8030-01-014-5869

CLOTK: cleaning, lint-free, general purpose, white, 10 pound box (81349) MIL-c-85043 SOLVENT: dry cleaning P-D-680 Type II (58536) A-A-71 1 quart container 1 gallon can 5 gallon drum 55 gallon drum DETERGENT: nonsudsing, general purpose, liquid, 1 gallon (80244) MIL-D-16791 Type I CLOTH, ABRASIVE: crocus, ferric oxide and quartz, jean-cloth backing, exposed coat, 9 x 11 sh, 50-sh sheave (81348) P-C-458, 42-C-20420-50 TAPE: insulation electrical, pressure sensitive, plastic, general purpose (81348) P-C-458 COMPOUND, ANTISEIZE: (81349) MIL-A-13881 OIL: penetrating (81348) VV-P-216 ADHESIVE, AIR-DRYING: Silicone rubber (81349) MIL-A-25457 ANTIFREEZE: ethylene glycol, permanent type, inhibited, -60 degrees F (-51 degrees C), yellow color, single package (81349) MIL-A-46153 1 gallon container 5 gallon container GREASE, WHEEL BEARING: 6.5 lb. can MIL-G-18709 (81349) BRAKE FLUID: Silicone, automotive (81349) MIL-B-46176 1 quart can 1 gallon can 5 gallon can SEALANT, THREAD: 50 ml bottle (81349) MIL-S-46163








TM 5-3805-262-20














14 15 16










21 22





9150-00-189-6668 9150-00-186-6681 9150-00-188-9858 9150-00-189-6729 9150-00-188-9860 9150-00-186-9861








ALCOHOL: isopropyl (81348) TT-I-735


SOLDER: rosin core, 60/40, 0.094 inch diameter, 5 pound spool (81348) QQ-S-571


INK, MARKING, STENCIL: opaque (porous and non-porous surfaces) (81348) TT-I-1795














EA 18











EA 21

GREASE, AIRCRAFT AND INSTRUMENT: (81349) MIL-G-23827 1 pound can






CLEANING COMPOUND: windshield washer, 1 pint (81348) O-C-1901






EA 25






EA 27




Change 2








1 gallon 5 gallons




GASOLA: 1 ml container (10988) 345-106





SEALANT, THREAD: Loctite No 271 (red) (81349) MIL-S-46163 Type I Grade K













SEALER, ELECTRICAL: C.R.C Red Varnish Seal (10988) 349-427





CLEANER, ELECTRICAL: C.R.C. Lectra-Clean aerosol spray, 6 ounce can (10988) 331-427





COMPOUNDS, RETAINING: Loctite No. 242 (blue) (81348) MIL-S-46163 Type II Grade N


6850-00-926-2275 26


OE/HDO 10, 5 gall can OE/HDO 30, 1 quart can OE/HDO 30, 5 gallon can OE/HDO 30, 55 gallon drum OE/HDO 40, 5 gallon can OE/HDO 40, 55 gallon drum



6810-00-236-0702 6810-00-904-9372 24




PAINT: color forest green (81349) MIL-C-46168


9150-00-985-7246 23


OIL: lubricating, internal combustion engine, tactical service (81349) MIL-L-2104


C-3/(C-4 blank)

TM 5-3805-262-20



This appendix includes complete instructions for making items authorized to be manufactured or fabricated at organizational maintenance. A part number index in alphanumeric order is provided for cross-referencing the part number of the item to be manufactured to the figure which covers fabrication criteria. All bulk materials needed for manufacture of an item are listed by NSN in a tabular list on the illustration. D-2. MANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX

PART NUMBER D33534 L107328 L112357 L45481 L46886 L52494 L73843 22NSR1-8-026BLK

FIGURE D-2 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1


Figures D-1 and D-2 are simplified line drawings illustrating all items authorized to be manufactured/fabricated by organizational maintenance personnel. Included thereon are all dimensions and information necessary for manufacture. The Part Number column of the table associated with these illustrations lists the part number of the items to be manufactured, and the Description Column describes the items. The Dimension and NSN columns provide information on the size of each item and the NSN of the material from which it shall be manufactured.


TM 5-3805-262-20


(Inches) Part Number





16 (+_O.5)

Hose , Return, Auxiliary Steering System


Tubing, Horn Valve to Pressure Reducing Valve


Tubing, Horn Valve to Horn Assembly


L73 843

Hose, Reservoir to Nozzle


65 (~0.5)

4720-01-057-0550 11288/6428B


Hose, Hydraulic Filter


9 (~o.1)

4720-00-958-0399 81343ISAE1OOR3 -20


Hose, Washer Control to Reservoir


80 (~0.5)

4720-01-057-0550 11288/6428B


12 (~o.5)


L45481 L46886


Tubing$ Quick Start 22NsRl8-026BLK

81343/SAE100R3-12 30 (*ool) 13174/44NF-/loooPsI/ 33 (~o.1) 13174/44NF-/loooPsI/

Figure D-1. Hoses and Tubing D-2

TM 5-3805-262-20

Part Number





(Inches )


Trim, Radiator Cap Access Panel

12.5 10988ID33499

Figure D-2. Trim D-3 (D-4 blank)

TM 5-3805-262-20



This appendix contains an electrical schematic diagram, electrical system wiring diagram, pneumatic diagram, and hydraulic diagrams. Also included in this appendix is a description of how to use the electrical schematic diagram as an aid to troubleshooting (section II). E-2. DIAGRAMS

Foldout diagrams FO-1 through FO-11 are located at the back of this manual.


a. Figure FO-3, your Electrical Diagram, is designed to help you understand the electrical circuits associated with this vehicle. It is generally referred to as a “schematic” and uses “symbols” to represent real components. It is not drawn to scale (as in a blueprint) nor does the location of the symbols represent actual location of components in the vehicle. It is a simple “picture” of how the circuits and components are connected together. b. To quickly find a malfunction or trouble in the electrical system and repair it requires an understanding of how the system operates and a method for checking it out . “Troubleshooting” provides the “method” for check out procedures and your technical manual (Troubleshooting tables and schematics) provides the “operating principles”. E-4. TROUBLESHOOTING

Troubleshooting is the systematic (step-by-step) isolation of a malfunction or trouble to the faulty component, harness connector/wire. It is a guide that helps develop a routine or “way” of finding troubles in any electrical system or circuit. As you become more familiar with this vehicle and gain experience, you will find ways to shorten these procedures and decrease down time. BEFORE you attempt to make any repairs or checks, do the following: a. Find out how the system works under normal conditions and how to operate it. b. Make sure the malfunction or trouble reported to you “really” exists. (“Dead batteries” could end up as a “failure to start” because-of a faulty neutral start switch or the transmission shift lever not fully engaged in park or neutral.) Try to duplicate the trouble so you can be sure you're on the right track. E-1

TM 5-3805-262-20 E-4. TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT) c. Check troubleshooting index for most likely cause, then identify the circuit

that is malfunctioning. d. Study the electrical schematic to learn which components, harnesses, or wires could contribute to or cause the malfunction. NOTE

Remember, when tracing circuits on the electrical schematic, that you should always start at the positive (+) side of the battery. Current will flow outward from that point through the circuits and return to the negative (-) side of the battery by way of ground wires and the vehicle frame. e. Make necessary tests and checks to isolate circuit or component as outlined in the troubleshooting section of this technical manual. f. Make repairs, if you’re sure. If not, continue to isolate the malfunction, or ask for help from your foreman or supervisor. g. After repairs, make sure everything has been re-connected and tightened. h. Make operational checks to verify that the system/circuit is functioning properly again. E-5. TROUBLESHOOTING LOGIC TREE

Figure E-1 is a Troubleshooting logic tree. It is designed to help you develop a quick logical way of approaching an electrical troubleshooting problem. E-6. ELECTRICAL SYMBOLS

Figure E-2 shows you the basic electrical symbols used with most schematics. They will help you read and understand the electrical circuits.


TM 5-3805-262-20 Section III.







Figure E-1.


TM 5-3805-262-20


Figure E-2. Electrical Symbols (Sheet 1 of 2 ) E-4

TM 5-3805-262-20


Figure E-2. Electrical Symbols (Sheet 2 of 2) E-5 (E-6 blank)

TM 5-3805-262-20



This section provides general torque limits for fasteners. Special torque values are indicated in the maintenance procedures for applicable components. The general torque values given in this appendix shall be used when specific torque values are not indicated in the maintenance procedures. F-2. TORQUE LIMITS Torque limits are listed in table F-1 for dry fasteners and in fasteners. Dry fasteners are defined as fasteners on which no applied to the threads; wet fasteners are defined as fasteners graphited or moly-disulphide greases or other extreme pressure applied to the threads.

table F-2 for wet lubricants are on which special lubricants are


TM 5-3805-262-20

Table F-1. Torque Limits for Dry Fasteners













12.2- 14.9


16.3- 20.3

13.6- 16.3


23.1- 27.8


32.5- 39.3

20- 23

27.1- 31.2


47.5- 57.0


61.0- 73.2


30- 35

40.7 -47.4


73.2- 86.8


94.9- 113.9



45- 52

61.0- 70.5


108.5- 130.2


149.2- 179.0



65- 75

88.1 -101.6


149.2- 179.0


217.0- 260.4




128.7 -142.3

150- 180

203.4- 244.1

220- 264

298.3- 358.0




203.3 -250.7

270- 324

366.1 -439.3


515.3- 518.3






542.4- 650.9

600- 720

813.6- 976.3





580- 696

786.5 -943.8


1220.4 -1464.5



800- 880

1084.8 -1193.3


1735.7 -1952.8




1518.7 -1681.4


2467.9 -2712.0




1979.8 -2278.1


3227.3 -3688.3


















6.8- 8.13



TM 5-3805-262-20 Table F-2. Torque Limits for Wet Fasteners





6.1- 7.5


10.8- 13.6

11 - 13.5

14.9- 18.3


12.2- 14.9

15 - 18.5

20.4- 25.1

21,5- 26

29.2- 35.3


18 -20.5

24.4. 2’7,8

31.5. 38

42.8- 51.6

40.5- 48.5

55 - 65.9



27 - 31.5

36,7 -42.8

48.5- 57.5

65.9- 78.2

63 - 75,5

85,6- 102.6




55 - 63.9

72 - 86.5

97.9- 117.6

99 - 119

134.6- 161.8



58.5 -67.5

79.5 -91.8

99 - 119.0

134.6- 161.8

144 - 173

195.8- 235,2



85.5. 94,5

116.2 -128,5

135 - 162

183.6- 220.3

198 -237.5




135 -166.5


243 -291.5

330.4- 396.4

342 -410

465.1 -557.6



144 -180


360 -432

489.6- 587.5

540 -648

734.4- 881.2



225 -270

306 -367.2

522 -626

709.9- 851.3

810 -972





720 - 792

979.2 -1077.1

1152 -1296

1566.7 - 1762.5




1008 -1116

1370.8 -1517.7

1638 -1800





1314 -1512

1787 -2056.3

2142 -2448





1746 -1980

2374.5 -2692.8

2844 -3204




4.5- 5.5




F-3 (F-4 blank)

TM 5-3805-262-20

APPENDIX G METRIC CONVERSIONS Table G-1. Fractions to Decimals to Millimeters Fraction





































































5 1/64




































































































































Table G-2. Inch to Millimeter Inch





50.800 76.200

3 4










6 7

152.000 177.800





508.000 762.000 1016.000

1778.000 2032.000 2286.000

9 10

228.600 254.000

30 40 50 60


80 90 100



G-1/(G-2 blank)

TM 5-3805-262-20 GLOSSARY

List Of Abbreviations Anually A AAL Additional Authorization List ACC Accessories AMP Ampere AMPS Amperes Army Oil Analysis Program AOAP AR Army Regulation Attention ATTN B Bienially Battery BAT Battery BATT Basic Issue Items BII BL Bulk Blackout B.O. Bright BRT . Chemical, Biological, and Radiological CBR Cubic centimeter CC Company CO.l Contents of End Item COEI Common COM Compartment COMPT CONT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Continued Converter CONV CTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . Common Table of Allowances Cubic CU. Department of the Army DA Direct current DC District of Columbia D.C. Department of Defense DD Diesel engine driven DED Depot maintenance work requirements DMWR Double pole double throw DPDT DPST Double throw single throw Each EA Equipment Improvement Recommendations EIR EQPT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Equipment Etcetra ETC. Fahrenheit F Forward F Federal FED Field Manual FM Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers FSCM Foot-pound FT-LB Ground G GAA Grease, Automotive, and Artillery

Glossary 1

TM 5-3805-262-20


Q QA QC QT R REF Glossary 2

Gallon Gallons per minute High Hourly Mercury High Hand Receipt Ignition Inch Inch-pound Low Pound Pound-foot Pound-inch Left hand Lubrication Order Monthly Maintenance Allocation Chart Miles Military Occupational Specialty Miles per hour Modified Table of Organization and Equipment Motor Neutral North Atlantic Treaty Organization National coarse thread Normally closed Neutral National fine thread Normally open Number National pipe thread National pipe thread coarse National pipe thread fine National stock number Park Paragraph Preventive maintenance checks and services Part Number Part of Pair Pressure Pounds per square inch Pounds per square inch gage Quarterly Quality Assurance Ouality Control . Quart Reverse Reference




Right hand Revolutions per minute Semiannually Starter Society of Automotive Engineers Service Bulletin Service Standard Form Sheet Single pole double throw Specification Single pole single throw Simplified test equipment for internal combustion engines The Army Maintenance Management System Technical Bulletin To be determined Temperature Transducer kit Technical Manual Special Test, Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment Unit of Measure Volt (direct current) Vehicle identification number Vehicle test meter Weekly Yard

Glossary 3 (Glossary 4 blank)

TM 5-3805-262-20






A (Cont)

Abbreviations List . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-1 Accelerator adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-64 maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-54 principles of operation 1-16 Accessories cab dome light bulb replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-67 location and description . . . . 1-6 maintenance e circuit breaker . . . . . . . . . . 10-18 circuit breaker . . . . . . . . . . 10-48 circuit breaker . . . . . . . . . . 10-58 10-8 air horn . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2 air horn valve cab defogger fans . . . . . . . . 10-62 cab dome light . . . . . . ...0. 10-68 . . . . 10-68 cab dome light switch cab heater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-28 defroster motor . . . . . . . . . . 10-52 . . . . . . . . . 10-58 defroster switch . . . . . . . 10-18 front wiper switch . . . . . 10-46 heater control valve . . . . . . . . 10-48 heater fan switch heater hoses, lines, and 10-37 fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-70 inside mirror .............. 10-71 outside mirrors windshield washer ............. 10-22 windshield wiper and arm .. 10-12 windshield wiper motor . . . 10-13 principles of operation ..... 1-28 . . . . . . 10-5 testing air horn valve troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-158 Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-64 accelerator control valve linkage . . . . . . . 6-18 drive belt, air compressor . . 7-97 drive belts, alternator ...... 5-5 governor, air compressor . . . . 7-101 parking brake linkage ...... 7-17 return-to-dig control . . . . . . . 11-17 Air Brake System Hoses, Lines, and Fittings inspection ................. 7-70 replacement ............... 7-74 Air Cleaner data .......................1-13

Air Cleaner (cent) maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-22 principles of operation . . . . . 1-16 servicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-20 ... . . . . . . . . . ..... 4-31 testing Air Compressor data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12 maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-88 pneumatic diagram . . . . . . . . . . . FO-1 principles of operation . . . . . 1-25 troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-132 Air Compressor Governor see Governor, Air Compressor Air Compressor Lines inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-102 maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-106 troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-129 Air Horn maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-8 pneumatic diagram . . . . . . . . . . . FO-1 principles of operation . . . . . 1-26 troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-158 Air Horn Valve ................ 10-2 maintenance . . . . . 1-26 principles of operation testing .. O O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-5 Air Pressure Sender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-136 maintenance repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-138 testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-138 troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-96 Air Reservoir maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-56 . . . . . . . . . . . FO-1 pneumatic diagram principles of operation . . . . . 1-25 troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-120 Air Transport of Equipment . . . . . 2-13 Alarm, Back-up see Back-up Alarm Alcohol Evaporator maintenance ......................7-117 Alternator data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12 ..................5-10 maintenance ....... 1-17 principles of operation testing 5-6 troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-60 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Index 1

TM 5-3805-262-20





1 A (Cont) Auxiliary Steering Cables maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..g. Auxiliary Steering System maintenance . auxiliary steering . . . . . . . . . flow switch wiring harness . hoses, lines, and fittings . principles of operation . . . . . repair auxiliary steering cables . . flow switch wiring harness. . troubleshooting Axles data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. location and description . . . . ....... principles of operation servicing breather service . . . . . . . . . draining and refilling . . . . . oil level check . . . . . . . . . . troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

B (Cont)

5-84 5-88

5-84 5-84 8-28 1-18 5-88 5-88 3-147 1-13 1-6 1-24 6-51 6-49 6-48 3-111 1-10

B Back-up Alarm maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-2 ...... 1-30 principles of operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-4 repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-4 testing troubleshooting . . . . . . . . 3-196 Batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-146 charging maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-148 . .... 1-19 principles of operation servicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-140 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-142 testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-99 troubleshooting Battery Cables . . . . . . . . . . 3-99 troubleshooting . .... 5-158 Battery Cables Maintenance Battery System troubleshooting using STE/ICE . 3-286 Belts see Drive Belt, Air Compressor see Drive Belts, Alternator Index 2

Blackout Driving Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-98 maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 5-100 repair . . . . . . . . . . 3-84 troubleshooting Blackout Lights Wiring Harness . . . . . 1-19 principles of operation ................ . . . . . .. 5-179 repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 5-178 testing Blackout Stop and Tail Lights maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-108 .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-111 repair . . . . . . . . . . . 3-86 troubleshooting Brake Actuator ........................ 7-51 Brakes adjustment drive belt, air compressor . 7-97 7-100 governor, air compressor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14 data location and description . . . . 1-5 maintenance air brake system hoses, lines, and fittings . . . . . . . . . . . 7-70 inspection . . . . . . . . . . . 7-74 replacement . . . . . . . . . . . 7-88 air compressor . . . . . 7-102 air compressor lines . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-56 air reservoir disk brakes . . . . . . . . . . .... 7-18 drive belt, air compressor . 7-96 governor, air compressor . . . 7-98 service brake system hoses, lines, and fittings . . . . . . . . . 7-32 inspection maintenance . . . . . . .. . 7-34 front rear . . . . . . . . . . . 7-42 . . . . . . . . . . . FO-1 pneumatic diagram .. . . 1-24 principles of operation testing governor, air compressor . 7-101 troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-120 air brakes . . . . . . . .. 3-112 parking brakes . . . . . . .. . 3-113 service brakes Breathers, Axle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-51 servicing . . . . . . . . . . 3-111 troubleshooting

TM 5-3805-262-20





B (Cont)

C (Cont)

Bucket see Loader Bucket Assembly Bucket Clamshell Cylinder maintenance . . . . . . . ........ 11-71 principles of operation . . . . . 1-29 troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . 3-191 Bucket Height Switch maintenance e . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-68 . . . . 1-18 principles of operation ..................... 5-71 repair testing . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 5-71 troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-187 Bucket Lift Arms inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12-19 . . . . . 1-30 principles of operation Bucket Pivot Assemblies inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-19 principles of operation . . . . . 1-30 Bucket Tilt Cylinders maintenance .................. 11-2 . . . . . 1-29 principles of operation . . . . . . . . . 3-178 troubleshooting

Cab Heater maintenance . . . . . . . . 10-48 circuit breaker .............................. 10-28 heater . . . . 10-46 heater control valve . . . . . . 10-48 heater fan switch hoses, lines, and fittings . 10-37 . . . . . 1-29 principles of operation . . . . . . . . . . 3-165 troubleshooting Cab Lower Wiring Harness ... 1-19 principles of operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-188 repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-187 testing Cab Upper Wiring Harness . . . . 1-19 principles of operation . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 5-184 repair .................... 5-183 testing Cable Assemblies . . . 3-201 description and operation Cables see Auxiliary Steering Cable see Battery Cables Caliper . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-28 maintenance e Center Drive Shaft principles of operation . . . . . 1-24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-40 replacement . .................... 6-38 servicing .............. 3-109 troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . 5-146 Charging Batteries Charging System troubleshooting using STE/ICE . 3-256 Chassis see Frame see Front Chassis see Rear Chassis Circuit Breakers, 30 Amp . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-26 maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-29 repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-29 testing Clutch Cutout Cylinder . . . . . . .. . . . 7-82 installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-78 removal test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-81 Clutch Pressure Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-128 maintenance . . . .. . . . . ... . . ... 5-130 repair . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 5-130 testing

C Cab . . . . 1-6 location and description . . . . . 1-28 principles of operation Cab Console Wiring Harness ........ 1-19 principles of operation repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-192 testing .....................5-191 Cab Defogger Fans see Fans, Cab Defogger Cab Defroster maintenance circuit breaker . . . . . . . . . . 10-58 . . . . .. . 10-52 defroster motor ........ 10-58 defroster switch Cab Defroster Motor troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-169 Cab Dome Light bulb replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-67 maintenance dome light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-68 ... . . . 10-86 dome light switch . . . . . 1-28 principles-of operation . . . . . . . . . 3-176 troubleshooting

Index 3

TM 5-3805-262-20





C (Cont)

D (Cont)

Clutch Pressure Switch (cent) . . . . . . . . . 3-94 troubleshooting Cold Start Kit description . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-48 . . . .......... 4-50 maintenance . . . . . 1-16 principles of operation servicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-48 troubleshooting . . . ...... 3-35 Common Tools and Equipment .... 1-2 Control Valve Linkage, Transmission adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-18 maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10 troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-102 Control Valve, Hydraulic principles of operation ..... 1-29 Converter Temperature Sender maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-124 repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-126 testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-126 troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3-94 Coolant draining . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . 4-69 . ...... . . . . . . . . . . 4-71 flushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-71 refilling troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-56 Cooling System . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11 capacity location and description . .. 1-4 maintenance fan assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-100 radiator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-80 radiator grille .......... . 4-76 radiator guard . . . . . . . . . . . 4-80 radiator hoses . . . . . . . . . . . 4-74 thermostats . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-87 water manifold . . . . . . . . . . . 4-90 water pump . . . . . . . . . . . 4-94 principles of operation . ... 1-16 servicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-69 testing thermostats . . . . . . . . . 4-89 troubleshooting .............. 3-53

Decals . . . . 1-6 location and description maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-80 . . . . . 7-53 Declutch Treadle and Valve Defogger Fans, Cab see Fans, Cab Defogger Defroster, Cab see Cab Defroster Description and Operation cable assemblies . . . . . . . . . . 3-201 . . . . . . . 3-201 transducer kit (TK) . .. 3-200 vehicle test meter (VTM) . . 1-2 Destruction of Army Materiel Diagram electrical schematic . . . . . . . . FO-3 . . . . . . . . E-4 electrical symbols electrical wiring . . . . . . . . . . . FO-7 . . . . . . . . FO-11 loader hydraulic . . E-3 logic tree troubleshooting ................. FO-1 pneumatic . . . . . .. . FO-11 steering hydraulic Disengaging Transport/Service Link 9-8 Disk Brakes maintenance .. . . . . . . ....... 7-19 .. . . . . . . . . . . 3-113 troubleshooting Dome Light, Cab see Cab Dome Light Double Check Valve . . . . . . . . . 7-66 Drawbar Pin . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 9-10 maintenance . . . . . 1-27 principles of operation Drive Belt, Air Compressor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-97 adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-96 maintenance e troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . 3-121 Drive Belts, Alternator adjustment .............. 5-5 . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 maintenance . . . . . . . . . . 3-60 troubleshooting Drive Shafts also see Center Drive Shaft also see Front Drive Shaft also see Rear Drive Shaft . . . . . 1-23 principles of operation . . . . . .... 3-109 troubleshooting Driving Equipment . . . . . . . .. 2-11 Driving Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-92 maintenance

D Data Plates location and description . . . . 1-6 maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10-73 Index 4

TM 5-3805-262-20





D (Cont)

E (Cont)

Driving Lights (cont) repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-95 troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-81

Electrical System (Cont) maintenance (cont) relay socket assembly . . . . 5-76 . . . . . 5-68 return-to-dig switch slave receptacle . . . . . . . . . 5-154 starter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-16 stop and tail lights . . . . . 5-105 tachometer . . . . . . . . . . .. . 5-65 water temperature sending unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-120 principles of operation .....1-17 repair . . . . . . 5-138 air pressure sender auxiliary steering cable . . 5-88 blackout driving light . . . 5-100 blackout lights wiring ... 5-179 blackout stop and tail . . . . . 5-111 . . . . . 5-71 bucket height switch cab console wiring harness . 5-192 cab lower wiring harness . 5-188 cab upper wiring harness . 5-184 circuit breakers, 30 amp . 5-29 clutch pressure switch . . . 5-130 converter temperature sender 5-126 driving lights .......... 5-95 engine oil pressure switch . 5-114 flood lights, front ...... 5-95 flood lights, rear . . . ... 5-103 flow switch wiring harness . 5-88 . . . . . 5-168 front wiring harness fuel level sending unit . . 5-118 instrument panel, left . . . 5-40 instrument panel, right . . 5-55 neutral start switch . . . . . 5-134 rear wiring harness ..... 5-174 relay socket assembly . . . . 5-78 . ... 5-71 return-to-dig switch starter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-21 stop and tail, lights . . . . . 5-106 water temperature sending unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-122 . . . . . . ...5-140 servicing batteries testing . . . . . . 5-138 air pressure sender . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6 alternator batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-142 . . . 5-178 blackout lights wiring ...... 5-71 bucket height switch

E Earthmoving Components . . . . 1-6 location and description ..... 1-30 principles of operation Electric Fuel Pump . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14 maintenance principles of operation . . . . . 1-16 ....................4-14 servicing troubleshooting . . . . ........3-41 Electrical Symbols . . . . . . . . . E-4 Electrical System ... 5-5 adjustment of drive belts charging batteries . . . . . . . . . . 5-146 data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12 diagram .................. FO-3 schematic ...................... FO-7 wiring electrical symbols . . . . . . . . E-4 ......1-5 location and description maintenance e . . . . . . 5-136 air pressure sender ...............5-10 alternator auxiliary steering . . . . .. 5-84 . . . . . . . . . .. . 5-148 batteries . . . . . . . . 5-158 battery cables blackout driving light . . . 5-98 blackout stop and tail lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-108 . . . . . 5-68 bucket height switch . 5-26 circuit breakers, 30 amp . . . 5-128 clutch pressure switch converter temperature sender 5-124 drive belts, alternator . . 5-2 . . . . . . . . 5-92 driving lights engine oil pressure switch . 5-112 . . . . . . 5-92 flood lights, front . . . . . . . 5-102 flood lights, rear flow switch wiring harness . 5-84 5-116 fuel level sending unit . . . . . . . . . .. . 5-65 hourmeter instrument panel, left . . . 5-34 instrument panel, right . . 5-48 . . . . . 5-132 neutral start switch

Index 5

TM 5-3805-262-20





E (Cont)

E (Cont)

Electrical System (cont) testing (cont) cab console wiring harness . 5-191 cab lower wiring harness . . 5-187 cab upper wiring harness . . 5-183 circuit breakers, 30 amp . . 5-29 clutch pressure switch . . . 5-130 converter temperature sender 5-126 . . . . . 5-166 front wiring harness fuel level sending unit . . . 5-118 instrument panel, left . . . . 5-40 instrument panel, right . . . 5-55 neutral start switch . . . . . 5-134 rear wiring harness . . . . . . 5-172 . ... 5-71 return-to-dig switch starter solenoid . . . . . . . 5-20 water temperature sender . . . 5-122 troubleshooting batteries . ..... . ..... 3-99 charging system . . . . . . . . . . 3-60 . . . . . . . 3-62 starting system Engaging Transport/Service Link . . 9-8 Engine . ....... 1-11 crankcase capacity data . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 1-11 .. .. 1-4 location and description ..... 1-11 lubricating system data oil filter maintenance . . . . . . 4-4 principles of operation . . . . . 1-15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 servicing troubleshooting . . . . . . . . 3-6 troubleshooting using STE/ICE.. 3-201 Engine Hoods Maintenance . . . ... 9-18 Engine Oil . . . . . . . . .. . 4-2 checking level draining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 filter maintenance ......... 4-4 sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 troubleshooting excessive oil consumption . . 3-32 ....... 3-36 low oil pressure Engine Oil Filter . . . . . . . . ...... 4-4 maintenance Engine Oil Pressure Switch maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . 5-112 . . . . 1-20 principles of operation repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-114 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-93 troubleshooting

Engine Side Panels Maintenance . . 9-14 Engine Top Hood Maintenance . . . . 9-11 Equipment capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10 air cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13 air compressor . . ... .... 1-12 alternator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12 axles . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 1-13 brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14 bucket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12 capacities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11 dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10 electrical system . . . . . . . . 1-12 engine lubricating system . . 1-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12 fuel system hydraulic system . ...... 1-12 performance speeds ..... 1-11 radiator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12 starter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13 tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14 torque converter . . . . . . . . . 1-13 transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13 weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10 features ... .... . . . . . . ... 1-4 improvement recommendations . 1-2 initial checkout and adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . 2-4 major components description .. ..... . . . . 1-4 location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 model number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 movement air transport . ...... ... . 2-13 driving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11 towing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12 name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 new handling . ....... . . . . . . . 2-1 servicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 orientation . . . . . . . . ........ 1-2 principles of operation . ... 1-15 purpose . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 . . 1-14 safety, care, and handling troubleshooting . . . . . . ...... 3-1 unloading .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 unpacking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3

Index 6

TM 5-3805-262-20


Subject E (Cont) Exhaust Manifold maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exhaust System location and description . . . . maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . exhaust manifold . . . . . . . . . .. .. principles of operation troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . Expendable Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Subject F (Cont)

4-7 3-51 1-4 4-66

4-7 1-16 3-51 C-1

F Fan, Cab Heater see Cab Heater Fan, Radiator maintenance . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 4-100 ..... 1-17 principles of operation troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-53 Fans, Cab Defogger . . . . . . . 10-62 maintenance . . . .. 1-28 principles of operation ............. 3-173 troubleshooting Fenders Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-24 front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-26 rear Filters see Engine Oil Filter see Fuel Filters see Hydraulic Filter see Oil Filter, Transmission see Steering Hydraulic Filter Flood Lights maintenance . . . . . . . . 5-92 front . . . . . . . . . . . 5-102 rear repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-95 front ........... . . . . 5-103 rear . . . . . . . . . 3-81 troubleshooting Flow Switch Wiring Harness . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-84 maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-88 repair Forms, Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Frame . . . 1-5 location and description maintenance . . 9-2 front chassis assembly

Frame (cont) maintenance (cont) ..... 9-4 rear chassis assembly transport/service link . . . 9-8 trunnion grease hoses . . . . 9-6 principles of operation . . . . . 1-27 troubleshooting . . . . . . . 3-153 Front Axle see Axles Front Chassis maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2 ..... 1-27 principles of operation Front Drive Shaft principles of operation . . . . 1-23 replacement . . . . . . . . . . 6-34 servicing . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6-32 troubleshooting . . . ........ 3-109 Front Driving Lights see Driving Lights Front Wiring Harness ... 1-19 principles of operation repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-168 testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-166 Fuel Filters ...... 4-41 filter head maintenance service . . . . . . . . . 4-38 troubleshooting .... . . . . . 3-41 Fuel Injection Pump ............... 4-19 maintenance principles of operation . . . . . 1-15 servicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-19 .............. 3-41 troubleshooting Fuel Level Sending Unit . . . . . . . . . .... 5-116 maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-118 repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-118 testing . . . . . . . . . 3-93 troubleshooting Fuel Lines ............ 4-10 maintenance . . . 1-16 principles of operation Fuel Pump see Electric Fuel Pump see Fuel Injection Pump Fuel System ... . . . . . 4-40 bleeding air from 1-12 data draining . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-32 . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-33 filling Index 7

TM 5-3805-262-20





F (Cont)

H (Cont)

Fuel System (cont) . .. 1-4 location and description maintenance accelerator . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-54 air cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-20 cold start kit . . . . . . . . .. 4-50 . . . ... 4-14 electric fuel pump . . . . . . . . 4-41 filter head .... 4-19 fuel injection pump . . . . . . . . . 4-10 fuel lines . . . . . . . . . . 4-34 fuel tank . . . . . 1-15 principles of operation servicing air cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-20 . . . . . . . . 4-48 cold start kit . . . . . 4-14 electric fuel pump . . . . . . . . . 4-38 fuel filters ..... 4-19 fuel injection pump testing air cleaner .. . . ....... 4-31 electric fuel pump . . . . . . . 4-18 . . . . . . ... 3-41 troubleshooting troubleshooting using STE/ICE . 3-244 Fuel Tank capacity . . . . . . . . . . .... ...1-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-32 draining 4-33 .... ........... filing . . . . . . . . . . . 4-34 maintenance . . . 1-16 principles of operation troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . 3-50

Hoses, Lines, and Fittings see Air Compressor Lines see Auxiliary Steering System see Brakes see Cab Heater see Frame see Fuel Lines see Hydraulic System see Oil Cooler Lines, Transmission see Radiator Hoses see Steering System see Transmission see Trunnion Grease Hoses Hourmeter Maintenance . . . . . . . 5-65 Hydraulic Control Valve see Control Valve, Hydraulic Hydraulic Filter maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-84 servicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 11-82 Hydraulic Oil hydraulic reservoir . . . . . . . . . . .. 11-78 adding oil draining and refilling . . . . ... 11-79 . . . . . . . . . . 11-78 oil level check . . ... 8-34 Hydraulic Oil Cooler Main Hydraulic Reservoir adding oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-78 . . . . . 11-79 draining and refilling maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-76 oil level check . . . . . . . . . . 11-78 . . . . . 1-29 principles of operation Hydraulic System adjustment return-to-dig control . . . . 11-17 data ............. . . . . . . . . . . 1-12 diagram . . . . . . . . FO-11 loader hydraulics . . . . . . FO-11 steering hydraulics . . . . 1-6 location and description maintenance bucket clamshell cylinder . ....11-71 .... 11-2 bucket tilt cylinders hoses, lines,- and fittings . 11-18 hoses, lines, and fittings . 11-25 hoses, lines, and fittings . 11-32 hoses, lines, and fittings . 11-42 hoses, lines, and fittings . 11-50 hoses, lines, and fittings . 11-58

G Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Glossary 1 Governor, Air Compressor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-100 adjustment . . . . . . . . . . 7-98 maintenance testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-101 H Heater, Cab see Cab Heater Hood Support Maintenance Hood S see Engine Hoods see Engine Top Hood Horn see Air Horn Index 8

Change 1

. . . . . .9-22

TM 5-3805-262-20


Subject H (Cont)

L (Cont)

Hydraulic System (cent) maintenance (cent) . . . . . . . . . 11-84 hydraulic filter . . . . 11-76 hydraulic reservoir . . . . . . . . 11-64 lift cylinders .... 11-12 return-to-dig control .. . . 1-29 principles of operation servicing . . . . . . . 11-82 hydraulic filter ..... 11-78 hydraulic reservoir hydraulic reservoir, brake . 7-23 ............. 3-177 troubleshooting I Identification Plates see Data Plates Improvement Recommendations . . . . Instruction Plates see Data Plates Instrument Panel, Left maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... principles of operation repair . . . . . . . . . . . . testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . Instrument Panel, Right maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . principles of operation . . . . . repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Lights, Vehicle (cent) troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lines and Fittings see Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Linkage see Control Valve Linkage see Parking Brake Linkage Loader Bucket Assembly data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . maintenance . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . blade cutting edge assembly. clam bucket cutting edge . clam bucket shank assemblies .... principles of operation Locking Transport/Service Link . . .


1-12 12-20 12-24 12-28 12-26 1-31 9-8

M 1-2

5-34 1-19 5-40 5-40 3-71 5-48 1-21 5-55 5-55 3-71

L Lift Cylinders maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-64 . . . . . 1-29 principles of operation troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-188 Lights Switch, Vehicle see Vehicle Lights Switch Lighta, Vehiele .... 1-19 principles of operation see Blackout Driving Light see Blackout Stop and Tail see Driving Lights see Flood Lights see Stop and Tail Lights

. . . B-1 Maintenance Allocation Chart Manifold see Exhaust Manifold see Water Manifold Manual Type .................... 1-1 . . . . . . D-1 Manufactured Items List .... C-1 Materials and Supplies List . . .. . . . . . . G-1 Metric Conversions Mirrors maintenance inside mirror . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-70 outside mirrors ............ 10-71 principles of operation . . . . . 1-28 Motors see Cab Defroster see Starter see Windshield Wiper Moving Equipment .............. 2-11 Muffler maintenance . . . . . . . . . . 4-66 troubleshooting ............ 3-51 N Neutral Start Switch maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-132 repair ............ . . . ... 5-134 testing .....................5-134 troubleshooting ..............3-95 Nomenclature .............. . . . . . . 1-2 Index 9

TM 5-3805-262-20


Page O


Oil see Engine Oil see Hydraulic Oil see Transmission Oil Oil Cooler Lines, Transmission maintenance . . . . . . . ......... ..... principles of operation Oil Filter, Engine see Engine Oil Filter Oil Filter, Hydraulic see Hydraulic Filter Oil Filter, Transmission maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . servicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oil Pump, Transmission maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... principles of operation troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Operation, Principles of Operator-s Seat see Seat Assembly Orientation, Equipment . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Quality Assurance Quality Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 R 6-26 1-23

6-22 6-8 3-101 6-21 1-23 3-101 1-15


P Parking Brake maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. repair chamber maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . linkage adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... inspection principles of operation . . troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . valve maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pressure Protection Valve . . . . . . Preventive Maintenance Checks . . Principles of Operation ...... Pumps see Electric Fuel Pump see Fuel Injection Pump see Pump, Transmission Oil see Water Pump


7-2 7-5 7-8 7-17 7-16 1-26 3-112 7-12 7-64 2-6 1-15

Radiator data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1-12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-69 draining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-71 flushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-80 maintenance . . . . . 1-16 principles of operation .. . . . ..... . .... 4-71 refilling servicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-69 troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-55 Radiator Fan see Fan, Radiator Radiator Grille maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-76 . . . . . . . . 3-156 troubleshooting . . . 4-80 Radiator Guard Maintenance Radiator Hoses . ..... . . . . . . . 4-74 maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-55 troubleshooting Rear Axle see Axles Rear Chassis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4 maintenance . . . . . 1-27 principles of operation Rear Drive Shaft . . . . . 1-24 principles of operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-45 replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-44 servicing troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . 3-109 Rear Wiring Harness .. . .. 1-19 principles of operation repair ...................... 5-174 testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-172 Recommendations for Improvement . . 1-2 . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Records, Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1 References Relay Socket Assembly maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-76 .. . . . 1-18 principles of operation repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-78 Repair air pressure sender . . . . . . . . . 5-138 auxiliary steering cables . . . 5-88 back-up alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-4

Index 10 U.S. GoVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1990 743-024/20034

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R (Cont)


Repair (cent) blackout driving light . . . . . . 5-100 blackout lights wiring harness. 5-179 blackout stop and tail lights . 5-111 bucket height switch ........ 5-71 5-192 cab console wiring harness.. ..... 5-188 cab lower wiring harness . . . . 5-184 cab upper wiring harness . . . . 5-29 circuit breakers, 30 amp ....... 5-130 clutch pressure switch converter temperature sender . . 5-126 driving lights ............... 5-95 engine oil pressure switch . . 5-114 flood lights front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-95 rear ........................ 5-103 . . 5-88 flow switch wiring harness . . . . . . 5-168 front wiring harness . . . 5-118 fuel level sending unit ...... 5-40 instrument panel, left . . . . . 5-55 instrument panel, right ...... . . 5-134 neutral start switch rear wiring harness . . . . . . . . . 5-174 . . . . . . . 5-78 relay socket assembly . . . . . 5-71 return-to-dig switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-21 starter stop and tail lights . . . . . . . . 5-106 turn signal switch . . . . . . . . . . 12-12 water temperature sender . . . . . . 5-122 Repair Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Reporting Equipment Improvements . 1-2 Reports, Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Reservoir see Air Reservoir see Hydraulic Reservoir see Hydraulic Reservoirs, Brake see Windshield Washer Reservoir Return-To-Dig Control 11-17 adjustment maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-12 . . . . . 1-18 principles of operation . . . . . . . . . 3-182 troubleshooting Return-To-Dig Switch maintenance . . . . . . . . .. . . 5-68 . . . . . 1-18 principles of operation .................5-71 repair .......................5-71 testing

STE/ICE Description and Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-200 . . . . . . 3-201 STE/ICE Set-up Procedures . . . . . 1-14 Safety, Care, and Handling Seat Assembly maintenance ...................9-30 troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-156 Seat Belt Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . 9-34 Seat Support Assembly maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-31 Sending Units see Air Pressure Sender see Converter Temperature see Fuel Level Sending Unit see Water Temperature Sender Service Brake caliper maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-28 disk inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-19 maintenance hoses, lines, and fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-32 inspection maintenance ................ 7-34 front . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 7-42 rear hydraulic reservoir . . . . . . . . . 7-24 maintenance . . . . . . . . . ....7-23 servicing Service Brake Treadle and Valve . . 7-53 Servicing . . . . . . . . . . . 4-20 air cleaner batteries .................. 5-140 brakes hydraulic reservoir.. 7-23 ............... 4-48 cold start kit ........... 4-14 electric fuel pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 engine . . . . . . . . . . 4-38 fuel filters . . . . . . . 4-19 fuel injection pump hydraulic filter . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-82 . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4 new equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-69 radiator . . . 8-40 steering hydraulic filter transmission . . . . . . . . . . ..... 6-4 ..... 6-8 transmission oil filter ...... 1-2 Shipment, Preparation for ........ 9-14 Side Panels Maintenance . . . . . . 9-18 Side Supports Maintenance Index 11

TM 5-3805-262-20



S (Cont)

S (Cont) Signaling Devices bulb replacement turn signal lamps . . . . . .. turn signal switch . . . . . . . location and description . . . . maintenance back-up alarm and switch . . flasher .................. . . . . . .. . turn signal lamps ....... turn signal switch ..... principles of operation repair back-up alarm ............ ....... turn signal switch testing back-up alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . turn signal switch . . . . . . . troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . Slave Receptacle Maintenance . . . Special Tools, TMDE, and Equipment Starter data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . maintenance . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . .... principles of operation repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . Starting System troubleshooting using STE/ICE.. Steering Cylinders ..... principles of operation Steering Hydraulic Filter maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . servicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steering System also see Auxiliary Steering location and description . . . . maintenance hoses, lines, and fittings . ..... hydraulic oil cooler steering hydraulic filter . . steering wheel . . . . . . . . . . . ..... principles of operation servicing steering hydraulic filter . . steering hydraulics diagram . troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Steering Wheel Maintenance Index 12


12-16 12-7 1-5 12-2 12-8 12-17 12-8 1-30 12-4 12-12 12-4 12-12 3-196 5-154 1-3 1-13 5-16 1-17 5-21 3-62 3-266 1-27 8-42 8-40

1-5 8-14 8-34 8-42 8-10 1-26 8-40 E-7 3-140 8-10

Stop and Tail Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-105 maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-106 repair . . . . . . .. . . 3-84 troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . 7-66 Stop Light Switch . . . . . . . 1-2 Storage, Preparation for Supplies and Materials List . . . . C-1 Switches see Bucket Height Switch see Clutch Pressure Switch see Engine Oil Pressure Switch see Flow Switch Wiring Harness see Neutral Start Switch see Return-To-Dig Switch see Turn Signal Switch Symbols, Electrical . . . . . . . . . . . . E-4 Symptom Index, Troubleshooting . 3-1 T Tachometer Maintenance . . . . . . .. 5-65 Tail Lights see Blackout Stop and Tail see Stop and Tail Lights Testing air cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-31 air horn valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-5 air pressure sender . . . . . . . . . 5-138 back-up alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-4 . . . . . ... . ....... . 5-142 batteries blackout lights wiring harness. 5-178 bucket height switch . . . . . . . . 5-71 cab console wiring harness . . 5-191 cab lower wiring harness . . . . 5-187 cab upper wiring harness . . . . 5-183 circuit breakers, 30 amp . . . . 5-29 clutch pressure switch . . . . . . 5-130 converter temperature sender . . 5-126 front wiring harness . . . . . . . . 5-166 ..... 5-118 fuel level sending unit governor, air compressor ...... 7-98 instrument panel, left . . . . . . 5-40 instrument panel, right . . . . . 5-55 neutral start switch . . . . . . . . 5-134 rear wiring harness . . . . . . . . . 5-172 ... ... 5-71 return-to-dig switch thermostats . . . . . . . . . . ..4-89 . . . . . . 12-12 turn signal switch

TM 5-3805-262-20


Subject T (Cont)

Testing (cont) water temperature sending unit. 5-122 Thermostats maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-87 principles of operation . . . . . 1-17 4-89 testing Tires data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14 maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2 .... 1-24 principles of operation troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-138 Tools and Equipment 1-2 common special .................. 1-3 Torque Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-1 dry fasteners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-2 wet fasteners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-3 Towing Attachments drawbar pin maintenance . . . . . 9-10 .... 1-5 location and description . . . . . 1-27 principles of operation Towing Equipment ............ . . . . 2-12 Transducer Kit (TX) description and operation . . . 3-201 . Transmission adjustment of linkage ...... 6-18 data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13 location and description . . . . 1-6 maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2 control valve linkage . . . . 6-10 oil cooler lines . . . . . . . . . 6-26 oil filter and lines . . . . . 6-22 transmission pump . . . . . . 6-21 oil sampling . . . . . . . . . . . .6-30 . . . . . 1-23 principles of operation servicing . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6-4 troubleshooting .......... 3-101 Transmission Oil draining and refilling .......... 6-6 . . . . . . 6-9 oil filter replacement oil level check . . . . . . . . . 6-4 ............... 6-30 sampling troubleshooting excessive oil temperature . . 3-103 ................. 3-101 foamy oil Transmission Oil Cooler Lines see Oil Cooler Lines, Transmission


Subject T (Cont)

Transmission Oil Filter see Oil Filter, Transmission Transmission Oil Pump see Oil Pump, Transmission Transport/Service Link . . . . . . . . . 9-8 locking or engaging .... 9-9 removal and installation . . . . 9-8 unlocking or disengaging Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . .. . 3-6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-158 accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-60 alternator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-111 axles batteries ................. 3-99 body and cab . . . . . ........... 3-156 brakes air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-120 . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-112 parking service . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 3-113 . . . . . . . . .. . . 3-156 cab and body ....................3-53 cooling system engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6 .............. 3-51 exhaust system frame 3-153 fuel system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-41 .............. 3-177 hydraulic system ........... 3-71 instrument panels . . . . . . . . . . 3-81 lights, vehicle ......... E-3 logic tree technique ........... 3-109 propeller shafts sending units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-93 signaling devices . . . . . . . . . . . 3-196 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 3-62 starter ............ 3-140 steering system . . . . . . . 3-138 tires and wheels ................ 3-101 transmission . . . . . . . . . 3-138 wheels and tires 3-1 Troubleshooting Symptom Index Troubleshooting using STE/ICE ...... 3-200 . . . . . . . 3-286 battery system charging system . . . . . . . . . 3-256 engine . . . . . . . . . . . 3-201 . . . . . . . . .. . 3-244 fuel system starting system . . . . . . . . . . 3-266 Trunnion Grease Hoses . . .............. 9-6 maintenance Turn Signal Lamps . . . . . . . . .. 12-16 bulb replacement maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Index 13

TM 5-3805-262-20





T (Cont)

W (Cont)

Turn Signal Lamps (cont) . . . . . 1-30 principles of operation Turn Signal Switch bulb replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-7 flasher maintenance . . . . . . . . . 12-8 maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-8 ..... 1-30 principles of operation repair . ........ . . . . . .... . . 12-12 testing . . . . . . .. . . . . ... 12-12 Turn Signals . . . . . . . . .. . 3-198 troubleshooting Type of Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

Water Manifold (cont) ........ 1-17 principles of operation Water Pump maintenance .. . . . . . . . . . . 4-94 .... 1-17 principles of operation troubleshooting ............... 3-54 Water Temperature Sending Unit maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-120 repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 5-122 testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-122 troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-94 Wheels location and description . . . . 1-6 maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2 Wheels and Tires . . . . . . . . . . 3-138 troubleshooting Windshield Washer maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-22 . . . . . 1-20 principles of operation troubleshooting . . . . . . . . 3-164 Windshield Washer Reservoir . . . . . 1-26 principles of operation Windshield Wiper maintenance circuit breaker . . . . . . . . . . 10-18 . . . . . 10-18 front wiper switch ................ 10-12 wiper and arm wiper motor ................... 10-13 . . . . . 1-28 principles of operation troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-159 Wiring Harnesses also see Blackout Lights Harness also see Cab Console Wiring Harness also see Cab Lower Wiring Harness also see Cab Upper Wiring Harness also see Front Wiring Harness also see Rear Wiring Harness ........ 1-19 principles of operation

U Unloading, Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Unlocking Transport/Service Link . 9-8 . ........ . 2-3 Unpacking, Equipment V Valves see Air Horn Valve see Control Valve, Hydraulic Vehicle Test Meter (VTM) description and operation . . . 3-200 W Warning Switches see Clutch Pressure Switch see Engine Oil Pressure Switch see Neutral Start Switch Warranty Information . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Warranty Plate . . . . 1-6 location and description Water Manifold maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-90

Index 14 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1987 - 7 4 2 - O 1 9 / 6 0 1 5 9

10 October 1987

AMSTA-LC-LMPP/TECH PUBS, TACOM-RI 1 Rock Island Arsenal Rock Island, IL 61299-7630

TM 5-3805-262-20

0017 00-2

01 Sep 87

Organizational Maintenance Loader, Scoop Type, DED, 4 X 4, Articulated Frame Steer, 2 ½ Cubic Yard, J.I. Case Model MW24C

Part number supplied for item 2 is incorrect.

AMSTA-LC-LMPP/TECH PUBS, TACOM-RI 1 Rock Island Arsenal Rock Island, IL 61299-7630

TM 5-3805-262-20

01 Sep 87

Organizational Maintenance Loader, Scoop Type, DED, 4X4, Articulated Frame Steer, 2 1/2 Cubic Yard, J.I.Case Model MW24C

AMSTA-LC-LMPP/TECH PUBS, TACOM-RI 1 Rock Island Arsenal Rock Island, IL 61299-7630

TM 5-3805-262-20

01 Sep 87

Organizational Maintenance Loader, Scoop Type, DED, 4 X 4, Articulated Frame Steer, 2 ½ Cubic Yard, J.I. Case Model MW24C

AMSTA-LC-LMPP/TECH PUBS, TACOM-RI 1 Rock Island Arsenal Rock Island, IL 61299-7630

TM 5-3805-262-20

01 Sep 87

Organizational Maintenance Loader, Scoop Type, DED, 4 X 4, Articulated Frame Steer, 2 ½ Cubic Yard, J.I. Case Model MW24C

AMSTA-LC-LMPP/TECH PUBS, TACOM-RI 1 Rock Island Arsenal Rock Island, IL 61299-7630

TM 5-3805-262-20

01 Sep 87

Organizational Maintenance Loader, Scoop Type, DED, 4 X 4, Articulated Frame Steer, 2 ½ Cubic Yard, J.I. Case Model MW24C

AMSTA-LC-LMPP/TECH PUBS, TACOM-RI 1 Rock Island Arsenal Rock Island, IL 61299-7630

TM 5-3805-262-20

01 Sep 87

Organizational Maintenance Loader, Scoop Type, DED, 4 X 4, Articulated Frame Steer, 2 ½ Cubic Yard, J.I. Case Model MW24C

AMSTA-LC-LMPP/TECH PUBS, TACOM-RI 1 Rock Island Arsenal Rock Island, IL 61299-7630

TM 5-3805-262-20

01 Sep 87

Organizational Maintenance Loader, Scoop Type, DED, 4 X 4, Articulated Frame Steer, 2 ½ Cubic Yard, J.I. Case Model MW24C

AMSTA-LC-LMPP/TECH PUBS, TACOM-RI 1 Rock Island Arsenal Rock Island, IL 61299-7630

TM 5-3805-262-20

01 Sep 87

Organizational Maintenance Loader, Scoop Type, DED, 4 X 4, Articulated Frame Steer, 2 ½ Cubic Yard, J.I. Case Model MW24C

PIN: 062492-002

TM 5-3805-262-20

By Order of the Secretary of the Army


CARL E. VUONO General, United States Army Chief of Staff

R.L. DILWOR’I’H Brigadier General, United States Army The Adjutant General

Distribution: To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-25A, Unit Maintenance requirements for Scoop Loader, Diesel, 4 X 4, 2-1/2 CY, Model MW24C.

TM 5-3805-262-20

FO-1 (FO-2 blank)

TM 5-3805-262-20


Schematic Diagram (Sheet 2 of 2) FO-5 (FO-6 blank)

TM 5-3805-262-20

Electrical Wiring Diagram (Sheet 1 of 2) FO-7 (FO-8 blank)

TM 5-3805-262-20

Electrical Wiring Diagram (Sheet 2 of 2) FO-9 (FO-10 blank)

TM 5-3805-262-20

FO-11 (FO-12 blank)

PIN: 062492-000

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