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Workshop Manual

Edition 10.2018

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List of Workshop Manual Repair Groups

Repair Group

00 - Technical data

10 - Removing and installing engine

13 - Crankshaft group

15 - Cylinder head, valve gear

17 - Lubrication

19 - Cooling

20 - Fuel supply system

21 - Turbocharging/supercharging

23 - Mixture preparation - injection

26 - Exhaust system

28 - Glow plug system


Technical information should always be available to the foremen and mechanics, because their carefulandconstantadherencetotheinstructionsisessentialtoensurevehicleroad-worthinessand safety. In addition, the normal basic safety precautions for working on motor vehicles must, as a matter of course, be observed.

rights reserved.


3.2 Step 2 (Engine was not started with incorrect fuel)

3.3 Step 3

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

00 –Technical data

1Technical data

(VRL012336; Edition 10.2018)

⇒ “1.1 Engine number”, page 1

⇒ “1.2 Engine data”, page 1

1.1Engine number

The first 3 characters of the four-character engine code refer to the mechanical configuration of the engine. They are stamped onto the engine as before. The fourth digit shows the engine out‐put and varies according to engine control unit. The four-digit enginecodecanbefoundonthetypeplate,thevehicledatalabel and on the engine control unit.

The engine number (“engine code” and “serial number”) can be found at the joint between engine and gearbox -arrow-.

Inaddition,thereisastickeronthetoothedbeltguardwith“engine code” and “serial number”.

The engine codes can also be found on the vehicle data sticker.

Theenginenumberconsistsofupto9characters(alphanumeric). The first part (maximum 4 characters) makes up the “engine code”, and the second part (6 characters), the “serial number”. If more than 999,999 engines were produced with the same code letters, the first of the six digits is replaced by a letter.

1.2Engine data

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Charging Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Charge air cooling Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Particulate filter Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Selective catalytic reduction (SCR system) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen

2Safety information

⇒ “2.1 Safety regulations for working on fuel supply”, page 3

⇒ “2.2 Safety measures when working on vehicles with a start/ stop system”, page 3

⇒ “2.3 Safety precautions when using testers and measuring in‐struments during a road test”, page 4

⇒ “2.4 Safety precautions when working on the cooling system”, page 4

⇒ “2.5 Safety precautions when working on the SCR system”, page 4

⇒ “2.6 Safety precautions when working on exhaust system”, page 5

2.1Safety regulations for working on fuel supply

Risk of injury from highly pressurised fuel.

The fuel system is pressurised. Injury from fuel spray possible.

Before opening the fuel system:

–Wear protective goggles.

–Wear protective gloves.

– Toreleasepressure,wrapacleanclotharoundtheconnection and carefully loosen the connection.

Danger of fire caused by escaping fuel

Whenthebatteryisconnectedandthedriverdooropens,thedoor contact switch activates the fuel pump. Escaping fuel can ignite and cause a fire.

–Disconnect voltage supply to fuel pump before opening the fuel system.

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2.2Safety measures when working on vehicles with a start/stop system

Risk of injury from engine starting unexpectedly

If the vehicle's start/stop system is activated, the engine could start unexpectedly. A message in the dash panel insert indicates whether the start/stop system is activated.

–Deactivate start/stop system by switching off the ignition.

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

2.3Safety precautions when using testers and measuring instruments during a road test

Risk of injury caused by unsecured testing and measuring instru‐ments

When the front passenger airbag is triggered in an accident, in‐sufficiently secured testing and measuring instruments become dangerous projectiles.

–Secure testing and measuring instruments on the rear seat.


– Have a second person operate the test and measuring equip‐ment on the rear seat.

2.4Safety precautions when working on the cooling system

Danger of scalding by hot coolant

On a warm engine, the cooling system is under high pressure. Danger of scalding by steam and hot coolant.

–Wear protective gloves.

–Wear protective goggles.

–Reduce excess pressure by covering cap of coolant expan‐sion tank with cloths and opening it carefully.

2.5Safety precautions when working on the SCR system

Risk of injury due to reducing agent

The reducing agent may cause eye and skin irritations as well as injuries to the respiratory system and poisoning.

–Wear protective goggles.

–Wear protective gloves.

–Always wear protective clothes.

–Make sure that a sufficient amount of fresh air is supplied. In closed areas, switch on the exhaust gas extractor system.

Risk of damage caused by reducing agent

Ifreducingagentgetsontotrimpanelsandbodycomponents,the reducing agent may solidify after a while and thus damage the surface.

– Make sure that no reducing agent gets onto the trim panels or body components.

–If any reducing agent does get onto surfaces, remove it im‐mediately using water and a cloth.

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018



♦ Informationconcerningstorageanddisposal⇒ Service‐Net→Environmentalprotection→Workshopdisposal! Requestcountryspecificinformationfromimportercon‐cerningstorageanddisposal.


♦ Topreventlargeamountsofreducingagentfromescap‐ingwhenthemeteringlineisopened,itisnecessaryto waituntilautomaticreturnofthereducingagentiscom‐pleted⇒page5

When removing and installing components of the SCR system, note the following:

♦ The tank for reducing agent must be empty when working on theSCRsystem.Informationonwhenthereducingagenttank has to be emptied can be obtained from the respective de‐scription of work. Emptying tank for reduction agent ⇒ page 298

Automatic return of reducing agent

• After the ignition has been switched off, the reducing agent is returned from the metering line leading to the reducing agent injector - N474- back to the reducing agent tank.

• Before any work is done in this area, it is necessary to wait until all the reducing agent has been returned to the tank; this can take up to 10 minutes after the ignition is switched off.

• Similarly, it is not permissible to disconnect the battery until all the reducing agent has been returned to the tank, i.e. 10 mi‐nutes after the ignition is switched off ⇒ Electrical system; Rep. gr. 27 ; Battery; Disconnecting and connecting battery .

2.6Safety precautions when working on exhaust system

Risk of poisoning due to chemical substances


Exhaust gas temperature senders may contain chemical sub‐stances. There is a risk of poisoning or injuries to respiratory system.

–Never open an exhaust gas temperature sender by cutting, sawing or any other means.

Risk of injury due to hot condensate and particles in the exhaust system.

The exhaust system could contain hot condensate and/or parti‐cles. There is a risk of injury to the eyes, skin and respiratory system, as well as poisoning.

–Always wear protective gloves and eye protection when cut‐ting the exhaust system.

–When cutting, use an extraction system or otherwise ensure sufficient ventilation.

. icremmocroetavirprofgniypoCla rup op s e s , i n p a r t o r in w hole, isnotpermittedunlessauthorisedbyVolkswagen

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018



♦ Donotallowtheflexiblejointtokinkbymorethan10°.

♦ Installflexiblejointsothatitisnotundertension.

♦ Donotdamagewiremeshondecouplingelement.

10 –Removing and installing engine

1Removing and installing engine

1.1Removing and installing engine cover



Theenginecoverretaineronthecylinderheadcovercanbreak ifnotremovedcorrectly.Alwaysremoveenginecoveraccord‐ingtofollowinginstructions.

–Pull engine cover panel upwards out of fasteners in areas of -arrows- and in sequence shown. To do this, grip as far be‐neath engine cover panel as possible.



Beforeinstallingenginecoverpanel,checkthe4securingel‐ements(ballsockets)inthecorrectpositions.Resettocorrect positionifnecessary.Otherwisetheenginecoverpanelwillbe damaged.

–If necessary, press ball sockets of engine cover panel into correct position.

–First fit engine cover panel onto mounting points, then press into fasteners at corners.

1.2Removing engine

Special tools and workshop equipment required

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

♦ Workshop hoist - VAS 6100-

♦ Lifting tackle - 3033Note

♦ Read-outtheanti-theftradiocodeastheearthstrapofthe batteryhastobedisconnectedduringthenextworksteps.

♦ Theengineisremovedforwardstogetherwiththegearbox.

♦ Allcabletiesthatareopenedorcutthroughwhentheengine isremovedmustberenewed/replacedinthesameposition whentheengineisinstalled.



♦ Routelinesofanykindsothattheoriginalroutingcanbe restored.

♦ Ensurethatthereissufficientclearancetoallmovingor hotcomponents.

–With ignition switched off, disconnect battery earth strap. ⇒ Electrical system; Rep. gr. 27 ; Disconnecting and reconnect‐ing batteries.

–Remove air filter housing together with air mass meter and connecting pipe ⇒ page 263

– Remove battery ⇒ Electrical system; Rep. gr. 27 ; Removing and installing battery .

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Remove battery carrier, unscrew securing bolts -arrows- for this.

–Remove engine cover panel ⇒ page 7

–Remove noise insulation ⇒ General body repairs, exterior; Rep. gr. 50 ; Body - front; Assembly overview - noise insula‐tion .

–Drain coolant ⇒ page 159

– Extractairconditioningrefrigerant⇒ Heating,airconditioning; Rep. gr. 87 .

–Remove lock carrier ⇒ General body repairs, exterior; Rep. gr. 50 .

– Open clips -arrows- and pull coolant hoses off coolant expan‐sion tank.


–Pull off vacuum hoses -1- and -2- for charge air control.

–Separate connectors for exhaust temperature sender 1G235- -1-, for Lambda probe - G39- -3- and for exhaust temperature sender 3 - G495- -2- and exhaust temperature sender 4 - G648- -4-.

–Cut cable ties of cables.

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– Guide lines out of retainers on plenum chamber bulkhead and on turbocharger. Sharan 2011 ➤


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Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

– Pullvacuumconnection-A-offvacuumpumpanddetachvac‐uum hose -arrow-.

–Remove refrigerant line securing bolt -arrow- from air condi‐tioner compressor.

– Separaterefrigerantlineatairconditionercompressorandlay it to side without kinking.


–Disconnect quick-release couplings for heat exchanger -arrows- on plenum chamber bulkhead.

–Remove positive wire -arrow- from starter at central electrics and lay wire on engine.

Vehicles with dual clutch gearbox

– Removeshiftmechanismfromgearbox⇒ 6-speeddualclutch gearbox; Rep. gr. 30 .

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–To release, turn catch of mechatronic connector -arrow- and pull connector off.

Vehicles with manual gearbox

– Disconnect shift mechanism from gearbox ⇒ 6-speed manual gearbox; Rep. gr. 30 .

–Remove pipe/hose assembly or plastic line from clutch slave cylinder ⇒ 6-speed manual gearbox; Rep. gr. 30 .

Continued for all vehicles

–Remove wiper arms and plenum chamber cover ⇒ Electrical system; Rep. gr. 92 ; Windscreen wiper system; Removing and installing windscreen wiper system .

AG Volkswagen

–Remove plenum chamber bulkhead ⇒ General body repairs; Rep. gr. 50 ; Body - front; Plenum chamber bulkhead .

–Remove engine control unit from retainer ⇒ page 269

– Release connector for engine wiring harness -arrow- and pull it off engine control unit.

– Disconnectconnectors-1-and-2-onleftlongitudinalmember.

–Unscrew earth wire on gearbox. –

Openlockingelementofleadthroughinplenumchamberbulk‐head in direction of -arrow-.


– Pulloutupperpartupwardsandremoveenginewiringharness from cable guide.

–Separate all connectors between starter, gearbox and body.

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

– Unscrewsecuringbolt-arrow-onupperbracketforparticulate filter and loosen securing bolt of bracket on cylinder head one turn.

– Open plug-in connectors -A- and -B- of fuel lines and pull fuel lines off.

–Detach connector -1- from pressure differential senderG505- , undo bolts -arrow-.

– Removefuelfilterandpressuredifferentialsender-G505-and place on engine.

–Disconnect connector on oil level and oil temperature sender - G266- at oil sump.

–Remove drive shafts ⇒ Running gear, axles, steering; Rep. gr. 40 . –Unscrew bolts -1…3- and remove pendulum support. Vehicles with auxiliary heater

. icremmocroetavirprofgniypoCla rup op s e s , i n p a r t o r in w hole, isnotpermittedunlessauthorisedbyVolkswagen AG Volkswagen

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

– Open clips -arrows- and pull coolant hoses off auxiliary heater coolant.

Continued for all vehicles

–Loosen securing clamp -1- between particulate filter and tur‐bocharger.

–Unscrew securing nuts above particulate filter bracket using ratchet wrench - T10384- .

–Unscrew securing nuts -arrows- of particulate filter bracket -A- on crankcase and remove bracket.

–Push particulate filter aside and fix it in position on plenum chamber bulkhead using suitable means.


la rup op s e s , i n p a r t o r in w hole,


–Attach lifting tackle - 3033- as follows and take up weight of »engine/gearbox assembly« in installation position using workshop crane - VAS 6100- .

Vibration damper end:

• Item 2.

Flywheel end:

• Item 8.

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

– Unscrewsecuringbolts-arrows-ofassemblymountingonen‐gine.

–Unscrew securing bolts -arrows- of assembly mounting on gearbox.


Carefullyguide»engine/gearboxassembly«whenremovingto avoiddamagetobody.

–Lower »engine/gearbox assembly« slightly and remove for‐wards.


Secure engine to engine and gearbox support - VAS 6095- to carry out repairs ⇒ page 18

1.3Separating engine from gearbox

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Hook - 10 - 222 A /2-

♦ Workshop hoist - VAS 6100-

♦ Lifting tackle - T40013-

Sharan 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018


• Engine/gearbox assembly removed and attached to engine bracket - T10012- .

–Unscrew bolts -arrows- and remove gearbox support.

–Unscrew bolts -1- and -2- and remove starter from gearbox.

Vehicles with all-wheel drive:

–Unscrew bolts -arrows 2, 3- for bevel box bracket.

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Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

Continued for all vehicles:

–Attach lifting tackle - T40013- to gearbox and close lock.

–Attach workshop hoist - VAS 6100- with hooks - 10 - 222 A / 2- to lifting tackle.

–Unscrew bolts -1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8- from gearbox to engine con‐nection.

–Pull gearbox off engine.

1.4Separating engine from dual clutch gearbox

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Adapter - 10 - 222 A /20-

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

♦ Hook of -2024 A /1- lifting tackle - 2024 A-

♦ Workshop hoist - VAS 6100-


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• Engine/gearbox assembly removed and attached to engine bracket - T10012- .

– Remove coolant hoses from gear oil cooler, loosen hose clips -arrows- for this.

– Attachhookofliftingtackle-2024A-togearboxliftingeyeand secure with pin -arrow-.

– Attach workshop hoist - VAS 6100- to lifting tackle using hook - 10 - 222 A /20- .

2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

– Free wiring harnesses -arrows- and electrical connector -1- at bracket.

–Unscrew bolts -1- and -2- and remove starter from gearbox.

–Unscrew remaining bolts -1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10- from gearbox to engine connection.

Note Bolt-3-isonlyaccessibleafterremovingstarter.

–Pull gearbox off engine.


engine to assembly stand

Before carrying out repair work, secure engine in engine and gearbox support - VAS 6095/1- using universal mounting - VAS 6095- .


Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Lifting tackle - 3033-

♦ Engine and gearbox jack - V.A.G 1383 A-

♦ Workshop hoist - VAS 6100-

thgirypocybdetcetorP . icremmocroetavirprofgniypoCla rup op s e s , i n p a r t o r in w hole, isnotpermittedunle

♦ Engine and gearbox support - VAS 6095Procedure

–Unbolt gearbox.

–On vehicles with automatic gearbox, secure torque converter against “falling out” after separating engine from gearbox.


Sharan 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

– Attach lifting tackle - 3033- as follows and lift from engine and gearbox jack - VAS 6100- using workshop crane - V.A.G 1383 A- .

Flywheel end: position 4.

Vibration damper end: position 8.

– Secure engine on engine and gearbox support - VAS 6095/1using universal mounting - VAS 6095- .

1.6Installing engine

1.6.1Notes on installing


Wheninstallinganewshortengine,itiscompulsorytofixand tightentheclampingjawsoftheinjectorswiththespecified torqueafterinstallingthehigh-pressurelines⇒page 237 Clampingjawsareonlysecured»hand-tight«forsettingthe injectorswhileinstallinghigh-pressurelines.Non-observance ofthesenotesmayleadtodamagetoengine.

Install in reverse order of removal. When doing this, observe the following:

Repairing the clutch:


♦ Vehicles with manual gearbox ⇒ 6-speed manual gearbox; Rep. gr. 30 .

♦ Vehicleswithdualclutchgearbox⇒ 6-speeddualclutchgear‐box; Rep. gr. 30 .

– Checkwhetherdowelsleevesforaligningengineandgearbox are fitted in cylinder block and install if necessary.

Fastening, manual gearbox to engine

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A Dowel sleeves for centring

• 1) Bolt with M8 stud.

• 2) Bolted into gearbox from engine side.

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

Fastening, dual clutch gearbox to engine

1, 3, 10

6, 7, 8 M10x50

9 M12x70

2, 4 Starter fastening ⇒ Electrical system; Rep. gr. 27

A Dowel sleeves for centring

– Wheninstalling»engine/gearboxassembly«,ensuresufficient clearance to subframe and radiator.

–Adjusting assembly mountings ⇒ page 23 .


♦ Specifiedtorquesforengine/gearboxassemblymountings ⇒page22

♦ Electricalconnectionsandrouting⇒ Electricalsystem;Rep. gr. 97.

Vehicles with manual gearbox:

–Install hydraulic line for hydraulic clutch ⇒ 6-speed manual gearbox; Rep. gr. 30 .

–Install gearbox shift mechanism and adjust if necessary ⇒ 6speed manual gearbox; Rep. gr. 34 .

Vehicles with dual clutch gearbox:

– Install gearbox selector lever cable and adjust if necessary ⇒ 6-speed dual clutch gearbox; Rep. gr. 34 .

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Continued for all vehicles:



♦ Afterworkingontheparticulatefilter,ensureitisinstalledfree ofstress.

♦ Renewself-lockingnuts,seals,gasketsandsecuringclamps.


Avoiddamageofflexiblejointbehindparticulatefilter.When removingandinstalling:

♦ Donotallowtheflexiblejointtokinkbymorethan10°. Securewithtransportationlock-T10404-.

♦ Installflexiblejointsothatitisnotundertension.

♦ Donotdamagewiremeshondecouplingelement.

Install particulate filter ⇒ page 274

–Bolt drive shafts to gearbox ⇒ Running gear, axles, steering; Rep. gr. 40 ; Repairing drive shaft; Removing and installing drive shafts .

–Install heat shield for drive shaft (right-side) -arrows-.

Vehicles with manual gearbox:

Specified torque ⇒ 6-speed manual gearbox; Rep. gr. 34

Vehicles with dual clutch gearbox:

Specified torque ⇒ 6-speed dual clutch gearbox; Rep. gr. 34

Continued for all vehicles:

–Install lock carrier ⇒ General body repairs, exterior; Rep. gr. 50 ; Body - front; Lock carrier; Removing and installing lock carrier with add-on parts .

–Secure refrigerant lines free of stress to air conditioner com‐pressor and to condenser ⇒ Heating, air conditioning; Rep. gr. 87 .

–Charge air conditioning system ⇒ Heating, air conditioning; Rep. gr. 87 .

– Installbatteryandbatterycarrier⇒ Electricalsystem; 27 ; Removing and installing battery .

–Observe notes after connecting battery ⇒ Electrical system; Rep. gr. 27 ; Disconnecting and reconnecting battery.

–Fill coolant system with coolant ⇒ page 159

–Filling fuel system ⇒ page 235

–Read the event memories of all control units. Clear all fault entries which may have occurred during installation ⇒ Vehicle diagnostic tester “Vehicle self-diagnosis”.

– Check headlight adjustment and correct if necessary ⇒ Main‐tenance ; Booklet 20.1 .

Specified torques Bolted

1) Specified torque for M12 collar bolts: 75 Nm

1.7Assembly mountings

Engine mounting

A 1) = 40 Nm + turn 90° further

B 1) = 60 Nm + 90° further

C 1) = 20 Nm + 90° further

1) Renew

Gearbox mounting

1 1) = 40 Nm + 90° further

2 1) = 60 Nm + 90° further

1) Renew

Pendulum support

A 1) = 40 Nm + turn 90° further

B 1) = 60 Nm + 90° further

C 1) = 100 Nm + 90° further

1) Renew

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

1.8Adjusting assembly mountings

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Support - 10-222 A-

♦ Adapter - 10-222 A/3Sharan 2011 ➤

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Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

♦ Adapter - 10-222 A/8-

♦ Torque wrench - V.A.G 1331-

♦ Pliers for spring-type clips - VAS 6362Procedure



♦ Routelinesofanykindsothattheoriginalroutingcanbe restored.

♦ Ensurethatthereissufficientclearancetoallmovingor hotcomponents.

–Remove engine cover panel ⇒ page 7

–Remove air filter housing ⇒ page 263

–Remove intake hose between air mass meter - G70- and in‐take connecting pipe.

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Riskofirreparabledamagetoelectroniccomponentswhen disconnectingbattery.

♦ Complywithprecautionswhendisconnectingbattery.

– Disconnectearthwire-arrow-frombatterywithignitionswitch‐ed off ⇒ Electrical system; Rep. gr. 27 ; Disconnecting and reconnecting battery .


4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Remove battery and battery tray -arrows-.

–Set up support bracket - 10-222 A- with necessary adapters as illustrated and support engine in installation position.


Theadapters-10-222A/8-ofthesupportbracketmustbefitted withtherubberblockindirectionofwing-A-.Foremostattach‐mentpointnearbolts-arrows-offrontendretainingplate.


Itisonlypermissibletoloosenthesecuringboltsfortheassembly mountingsiftheengineissupportedonthesupportbracket10-222A-.

–Renew engine mounting bolts -arrows- in succession (if not already carried out) and screw in hand-tight.

–Renew gearbox mounting bolts -arrows- in succession (if not already carried out) and screw in hand-tight.

– Loosen bolts for support arms on engine side and on gearbox side by about two turns each.


Engine mounting

• Theremustbeadistance-a-ofatleast10mmbetweenengine bracket and longitudinal member (right side).

• The side surface of the engine bracket -2- should be located parallel to the support arm -1-.

Gearbox mounting

–Ensure that edges of support arm (on gearbox side) -1- and gearbox mounting -2- are parallel.

• Dimension -x- must be identical on both sides of mounting.

–Tighten bolts for assembly mountings:

• Specified torques ⇒ page 22

The remaining installation steps are carried out in the reverse or‐der of removal. When doing this, observe the following:

• Ensure that fuel lines are tight.

• Do not interchange supply and return lines (return line blue or with blue markings, supply line black).

–Observe notes after connecting battery ⇒ Electrical system; Rep. gr. 27 ; Disconnecting and reconnecting battery . Sharan 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018


4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

13 –Crankshaft group

1Dismantling and assembling engine


Iflargequantitiesofswarformetalparticles(caused,forexample, bypartialseizureofthecrankshaftorconrodbearings)arefound intheengineoilwhenperformingrepairs,cleantheoilpassages thoroughlyandrenewtheengineoilcoolerinordertoprevent subsequentdamage.

⇒ “1.1 Poly V-belt drive with tensioning element and air condi‐tioner compressor”, page 27

⇒ “1.2 Poly V-belt drive with tensioning roller and air conditioner compressor”, page 30

⇒ “1.3 Poly V-belt drive without air conditioning compressor”, page 34

⇒ “1.4 Removing and installing bracket for ancillaries”, page 35

⇒ “1.5 Assembly overview - toothed belt drive”, page 36

⇒ “1.6 Removing and installing engine bracket”, page 38

⇒ “1.7 Assembly overview - crankcase”, page 42

1.1Poly V-belt drive with tensioning ele‐ment and air conditioner compressor

⇒ “1.1.1 Assembly overview - poly V-belt drive”, page 27

⇒ “1.1.2 Removing and installing poly-V belt”, page 28

⇒ “1.1.3 Removing and installing poly V-belt tensioner”, page 29

1.1.1Assembly overview - poly V-belt drive

Sharan 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

1 - Belt pulley and vibration damper

❑Offset holes make as‐sembly possible in one position only

2 - 25 Nm

3 - Alternator

4 - Bracket

❑For ancillaries

❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 35

5 - 20 Nm + turn 90° further

6 - Poly V-belt tensioning ele‐ment

7 - Air conditioner compressor

8 - 25 Nm

9 - Dowel sleeves

10 - Poly V-belt

❑Mark direction of rota‐tion before removing

❑Check for wear

❑Do not kink

❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 28

1.1.2Removing and installing poly-V belt

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Locking pin - T10060 A-


–Remove noise insulation ⇒ General body repairs, exterior; Rep. gr. 50 ; Body - front, Assembly overview - noise insula‐tion .

–Mark poly V-belt direction of rotation.

Sharan 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

– Swing tensioning element in direction of arrow to remove ten‐sion from poly V-belt.

–Align holes -arrows- and lock tensioning element in position with locking pin - T10060 A- .

–Remove poly V-belt.


–Install in reverse order of removal.

thgirypocybdetcetorP . icremmocroetavirprofgniypoCla rup op s e s , i n p a r t o r in w hole, isnotpermittedunlessauthorisedbyVolkswagen AG Volkswagen


♦ Ensure,beforeinstallingpolyV-belt,thatallancillaries(alter‐nator,airconditionercompressor)aresecuredtightly.

♦ WhenfittingthepolyV-beltobservebeltdirectionofrotation andthatthebeltisseatedcorrectlyinthebeltpulleys.

–Fit poly V-belt on pulleys.

1 -Crankshaft

2 -Tensioning element

3 -Alternator

4 -Air conditioner compressor


–Start engine and check belt running.

1.1.3 Removing and installing poly V-belt ten‐sioner


–Remove poly V-belt ⇒ page 28

–Loosen clamp -2-, raise retaining clip -1- and remove con‐necting hose on »cold side«.

–Remove cowling together with radiator fan - V7- and radiator fan on right of radiator - V35- ⇒ page 150

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

– Removesecuringbolts-arrows-fromchargeairpipeandsep‐arate connector -1- from charge air pressure sender - G31- .

–Open clamp -2-, lay coolant hose -3- to side and remove charge air pipe.

–Unscrew securing bolt -2- and remove poly V-belt tensioner -1-.


Install in reverse order of removal. When doing this, observe the following:

♦ Specified torques ⇒ page 27

♦ Install poly V-belt ⇒ page 28 .

thgirypocybdetcetorP . icremmocroetavirprofgniypoCla rup op s e s , i n p a r t o r in w hole, isnotpermittedunlessauthorisedbyVolkswagen AG Volkswagen AGdoesnotgua

1.2Poly V-belt drive with tensioning roller and air conditioner compressor

⇒ “1.2.1 Assembly overview - poly V-belt drive”, page 30

⇒ “1.2.2 Removing and installing poly-V belt”, page 32

1.2.1Assembly overview - poly V-belt drive

Rep. gr.13 - Crankshaft group

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

1 - Poly V-belt

❑Check for wear

❑Before removing, mark direction of rotation with chalk or felt-tipped marker pen.

❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 32

❑Do not kink

❑When installing, make sureitisproperlyseated on poly V-belt pulleys.

2 - Tensioning roller for poly Vbelt

❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 32

❑Coat guide surfaces with lubricating paste; lubricating paste ⇒ Electronic Parts Cata‐logue .

3 - Vibration damper

❑With poly V-belt pulley

❑Offset holes make as‐sembly possible in one position only

❑Installation position: hole in vibration damper must align over protru‐sion on crankshaft pul‐ley.

4 - 10 Nm + 90°


❑Use only genuine bolts ⇒ Parts Catalogue .

5 - Dowel sleeve

❑Check for correct seating in ancillary bracket.

6 - 20 Nm + 90°

7 - 50 Nm + 90°

8 - Idler roller

❑For toothed belt

9 - 15 Nm

10 - Idler roller

❑For toothed belt

11 - Ancillary bracket

❑Removing and installing ⇒ page 35

12 - High-pressure pump

❑Removing and installing ⇒ page 232

13 - Bolt

❑Specified torque and tightening sequence ⇒ page 36

14 - Alternator

❑Removing and installing ⇒ Rep. gr. 27

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15 - 20 Nm

16 - Air conditioner compressor

❑Removing and installing ⇒ Rep. gr. 87

17 - 25 Nm

18 - Dowel sleeve

❑Check for correct seating in ancillary bracket.

19 - Bolt

❑Specified torque and tightening sequence ⇒ page 32

Tensioning roller for poly V-belt - specified torque and tightening sequence


♦ Renewboltfortensioningroller.

♦ Coatguidesurfacesoftensioningrollerwithsolidlubricating pastewithabrush;solidlubricatingpaste⇒PartsCatalogue.

–Tighten bolt in 5 stages.

Stage Bolt Specified torque/turning further angle

1) -Arrow- Screw in by hand as far as stop

• the poly V-belt is tensioned

2) -Arrow- turnuntiltensioningrollerboltreaches stop

• the poly V-belt is tensioned further

3) -Arrow- Turn back 90°

4) -Arrow- 30 Nm

5) -Arrow- Turn 90° further

1.2.2Removing and installing poly-V belt


–Remove noise insulation ⇒ General body repairs, exterior; Rep. gr. 50 ; Body - front; Assembly overview - noise insula‐tion .


thgirypocybdetcetorP . icremmocroetavirprofgniypoCla rup op s e s , i n p a r t o r in w hole,

Dangerofdestructionduetoreverserunningdirectioninthe caseofapolyV-beltthathasalreadyrun.

♦ BeforeremovingthepolyV-belt,useapieceofchalkora feltpentomarktherunningdirection.

2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

– To slacken poly V-belt, unscrew tensioning screw -arrow-, re‐move tensioning roller.

–Remove poly V-belt.


Install in reverse order of removal, observing the following.


♦ Renewboltfortensioningroller.

♦ BeforeinstallingpolyV-belt,ensurethatallancillaries(alter‐natorandairconditionercompressor)aresecuredtightly.

–Fit poly V-belt on poly V-belt pulley:

1 -Vibration damper

2 -Tensioning pulley

3 -Alternator

4 -Air conditioner compressor

–Coat guide surfaces of tensioning roller with solid lubricating pastewithabrush;solidlubricatingpaste⇒ PartsCatalogue.

–Insert tensioning roller with its pin into guide on bracket for ancillaries.

–Tighten bolt for tensioning roller ⇒ page 32



– Check whether end of bolt for tension roller projects over ten‐sioning roller running surface by dimension -a-.

• Dimension -a- = about 2.5 mm.

• This ensures that the bolt has been tightened to its end stop.

–Start engine, and check if belt runs properly.

– Install noise insulation ⇒ General body repairs, exterior; Rep. gr. 50 ; Body - front; Assembly overview - noise insulation .


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4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

1.3 PolyV-beltdrivewithoutairconditioning compressor

⇒ “1.3.1 Assembly overview - poly V-belt drive”, page 34

⇒ “1.3.2 Removing and installing poly-V belt”, page 34

1.3.1Assembly overview - poly V-belt drive

1 - Vibration damper

❑Installation position: hole in vibration damper must align over protru‐sion on crankshaft pul‐ley.

2 - 25 Nm

3 - Alternator

4 - Ancillary bracket

5 - Poly V-belt


❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 34

1.3.2Removing and installing poly-V belt

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Poly V-belt repair kit with assembly tools ⇒ Parts Catalogue



ThepolyV-beltrepairkitwithtoolscontainstool-T10367-and illustratedinstructions.

thgirypocybdetcetorP . icremmocroetavirprofgniypoCla rup op s e s , i n p a r t o r in w hole, isnotpermittedunlessauthorisedbyVolkswagen A

gr.13 - Crankshaft group

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4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Remove noise insulation tray or skid plate ⇒ General body repairs,exterior; 50;Body-front;Assemblyoverview - noise insulation .

–Loosen right wheel housing liner in front area.

–Cut through the poly V-belt.

–Proceed as described in illustrated instructions.

–Secure front part of right wheel housing liner again.

–Install noise insulation tray or skid plate ⇒ General body re‐pairs, exterior; Rep. gr. 50 ; Body - front; Assembly overview - noise insulation .

1.4Removing and installing bracket for an‐cillaries

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Support - 10 - 222 A-


–Remove high-pressure pump ⇒ page 232

–Remove alternator ⇒ Electrical system; Rep. gr. 27 .



–Unbolt air conditioner compressor from ancillary bracket and attach it to lock carrier.

– Unboltidlerpulleys-1-and-2-,andremoveboltoftoothedbelt guard -arrow-.

–Unscrew front bolt of engine bracket.

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4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Unscrew bolts -6 … 1- and remove bracket for ancillaries.


Install in reverse order of removal. When doing this, observe the following:

♦ Take note of any dowel sleeves in ancillary bracket and re‐place missing ones if necessary.

♦ Renew all bolts that must be tightened with turning further an‐gle.

Ancillary bracket - specified torques and tightening sequence

–Insert securing bolts for ancillary bracket as follows:

♦ Bolts -1- and -2- M10 x 52.

♦ Bolts -5- and -6- M10 x 60.

♦ Bolts -3- and -4- M10 x 30.

–Tighten securing bolts for ancillary bracket in sequence -1 … 6- in 2 stages as follows:

1.Screw all bolts in to stop by hand.

2.Tighten all bolts to 40 Nm.

3.Turn bolts -3- and -4- 45° further.

isnotpermittedunlessauthorisedbyVolkswagen AG. V

4.Turn bolts -1, 2, 5 and 6- 90° further.

–Install alternator ⇒ Electrical system; Rep. gr. 27 .

–Install high-pressure pump ⇒ page 232

–Install front bolt of engine bracket ⇒ Item 32 (page 38) .

1.5Assembly overview - toothed belt drive

. icremmocroetavirprofgniypoCla rup op s e s , i n p a r t o r in w hole,

1 - Toothed belt

❑Mark direction of rota‐tion before removing

❑Check for wear

❑Do not kink

❑Removing, installing and tensioning ⇒ page 77

2 - 180 Nm + turn 135° further


❑ Use counterhold - 3415to loosen and tighten.

❑ Do not additionally oil or grease thread and shoulder.

❑The continued turn may be made in several steps, e.g. 90° + 45°

3 - Crankshaft pulley

4 - 20 Nm

5 - Idler roller


Renewstudforidlerpulleyonlyif damaged.Specifiedtorqueforstud: 15Nm.

6 - 20 Nm + turn 45° further

7 - Tensioning pulley

❑Remove engine bracket in order to remove and install ⇒ page 38


8 - 20 Nm + turn 45° further

9 - Camshaft sprocket

10 - 20 Nm

11 - 100 Nm

12 - Hub

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

Renewstudfortensioningrolleronly ifdamaged.Specifiedtorquefor stud:15Nm.

❑Use counterhold - T10051- to loosen and tighten.

❑To remove, use puller - T10052- .

❑Removing and installing ⇒ page 101

13 - Rear toothed belt guard

14 - 20 Nm

15 - 10 Nm

❑Renew Sharan 2011 ➤


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Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

16 - Idler roller

17 - 50 Nm + turn 90° further


18 - Hub

❑Use counterhold - T10051- to loosen and tighten.

❑To remove, use puller - T40064- .

❑Removing and installing ⇒ page 232

19 - 95 Nm

20 - Toothed belt pulley on high-pressure pump

21 - 20 Nm

22 - Coolant pump

❑Removing and installing ⇒ page 152

23 - 15 Nm

thgirypocybdetcetorP . icremmocroetavirprofgniypoCla rup op s e s , i n p a r t o r in w hole, isnotpermittedunlessauthorisedbyVolkswagen

24 - Toothed belt guard upper part

25 - Toothed belt guard lower part

26 - Toothed belt guard centre part

27 - 10 Nm


28 - 10 Nm + turn 90° further


29 - Belt pulley and vibration damper

❑Offset holes make assembly possible in one position only

30 - 5 Nm

31 - Protective plate

32 - 40 Nm + turn 180° further


❑Observe tightening sequence ⇒ page 38

33 - Engine support

❑Removing and installing ⇒ page 38

1.6Removing and installing engine bracket

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Support - 10-222 A-


♦ Adapter - 10-222 A/3-

♦ Adapter - 10-222 A/8-

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

♦ Torque wrench - V.A.G 1331-

♦ Pliers for spring-type clips - VAS 6362Removing

–Remove engine cover panel ⇒ page 7 .

–Remove intake line between air mass meter - G70- and tur‐bocharger.

–Remove fuel filter ⇒ page 195

–Set up support bracket - 10 - 222 A- with necessary adapters as illustrated and support engine in installation position.


Theadapters-10-222A/8-ofthesupportbracketmustbefitted withtherubberblockindirectionofwing-A-.Foremostsupport pointinareaofbolts-arrows-offrontendretainingplate.

thgirypocybdetcetorP . icremmocroetavirprofgniypoCla rup op s e s , i n p a r t o r in


♦ Theassemblymountingmayonlyberemovediftheengineis supportedwithsupportbracket10-222A!

♦ Theenginebracketmustbeloosenedonlywhentheassembly mountinghasbeenremoved.

–Loosen bolts -B-. Remove bolts -A- and -C-.

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Unscrew bolts -B- and remove engine assembly mounting.

–Remove bolt securing coolant line -arrow-.

–Remove front right wheel housing liner ⇒ General body re‐pairs, exterior; Rep. gr. 66 ; Wheel housing liner .

–Remove securing bolt of lower coolant line -arrow-.


Whenraisingandloweringengineusingsupportbracket10-222A-,ensurethatnocomponentsorhosesaredamaged, overstretchedortornoff.


Thesecuringbolt-1-isaccessiblethroughanapertureinthe wheelhousing.Ifnecessary,raiseandlowerengineusingspindle ofsupportbracket-10-222A-toremoveorstartbolts-2-and -3-.

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Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Remove securing bolts from engine bracket in sequence -3 … 1-.

–Remove engine bracket upwards.


Install in reverse order of removal. When doing this, observe the following:


Thetighteningsequenceandspecifiedtorquesfortheengine bracketsecuringboltsmustalwaysbefollowed.Otherwisethe enginebracketcanbestressed,causingittobreak.

–Insert engine bracket from above.


Thesecuringbolt-1-isaccessiblethroughanapertureinthe wheelhousing.Ifnecessary,raiseandlowerengineusingspindle ofsupportbracket-10-222A-toremoveorstartbolts-2-and -3-.

–First tighten new securing bolts hand-tight in sequence -1 … 3-.

Tightening sequence for engine bracket

– Retighten securing bolts in tightening sequence to prescribed specified torque ⇒ Item 32 (page 38)

–Position engine assembly mounting and first tighten bolts -A-, then -C-. Specified torque ⇒ page 22

– Bring engine bracket into contact with assembly mounting us‐ing spindle.

thgirypocybdetcetorP . icremmocroetavirprofgniypoCla rup op s e s , i n p a r t o r in w hole,

–Fit bolts -B- and tighten. Specified torque ⇒ page 22

Further assembly is basically a reverse of the dismantling se‐quence. When doing this, observe the following:

♦ Ensure fuel hoses are seated correctly.

♦ Do not interchange supply and return lines (return line blue or with blue markings, supply line black).

Sharan 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

1.7Assembly overview - crankcase


Wheninstallinganewshortengine,itiscompulsorytofixand tightentheclampingjawsoftheinjectorswiththespecified torqueafterinstallingthehigh-pressurelines⇒page 237 Clampingjawsareonlysecured»hand-tight«forsettingthe injectorswhileinstallinghigh-pressurelines.Non-observance ofthesenotesmayleadtodamagetoengine.

1 - Cylinder block

❑ Removing and installing sealing flange and fly‐wheel ⇒ page 44

❑ Removing and installing crankshaft

⇒ page 69

❑ Dismantlingandassem‐bling pistons and con‐rods ⇒ page 61

2 - Seal


3 - Oil filter bracket

4 - 15 Nm + turn 90° further


❑First fit upper left and lower right bolts and then tighten all 4 bolts in diagonal sequence.

5 - Bracket

6 - 10 Nm

7 - Union

❑For thermostat

8 - 15 Nm

9 - O-ring


10 - Thermostat

❑Observe installation po‐sition, Removing and in‐stalling thermostat

⇒ page 154

❑Checking: heat thermostat in water.

❑Begins to open at approx. 85°C

❑Ends at approx. 105°C

❑Opening lift min. 7 mm

11 - 20 Nm + turn 180° further

12 - Bracket

❑For ancillaries

❑Removing and installing ⇒ page 35

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4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

13 - 40 Nm + turn 45° further


14 - Poly V-belt tensioning element

15 - Sump

❑Clean sealing surface before fitting.

❑Install with silicone sealant - D 176 404 A2- .

16 - 15 Nm



Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

2Removing and installing sealing flange and flywheel

⇒ “2.6 Renewing crankshaft sealing flange - flywheel end”, page 52

⇒ “2.2 Renewing crankshaft oil seal - pulley end”, page 45

⇒ “2.3 Removing and installing sealing flange - pulley end”, page 47

⇒ “2.7 Removing and installing engine speed sender G28 ”, page 59

Repairing the clutch:

la rup op s e s , i n p a r t o r in w hole,

♦ Vehicles with manual gearbox ⇒ 6-speed manual gearbox; Rep. gr. 30 .

♦ Vehicleswithdualclutchgearbox⇒ 6-speeddualclutchgear‐box; Rep. gr. 30 .

2.1Assembly overview - Sealing flange, belt pulley end

1 - 180 Nm + turn 135° further


❑ Use counterhold - 3415to loosen and tighten.

❑ Do not additionally oil or grease thread and shoulder.

❑The continued turn may be made in several steps, e.g. 90° + 45°

2 - Crankshaft pulley

❑Contact surface be‐tween toothed belt pul‐ley and crankshaft must be free from oil

❑ Can only be fitted in one position

3 - Seal

❑ Do not additionally oil or grease the oil seal seal‐ing lip.

❑Before installing, re‐move oil residue from crankshaft journal using a clean cloth.

❑ Renewing crankshaft oil seal - belt pulley end ⇒ page 45 .

4 - Sealing flange

❑Must seat on dowel pins.

❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 47

❑ Install with silicone seal‐ant - D 176 404 A2- ⇒ page 47

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

5 - Cylinder block

❑Dismantling and assembling pistons and conrods ⇒ page 61

6 - Dowel pin

❑Qty. 2

7 - Bolt

thgirypocybdetcetorP . icremmocroetavirprofgniypoCla rup op s e s , i n p a r t o r in w hole,

❑Specified torque and tightening sequence ⇒ page 45

Sealing flange at belt pulley end - Prescribed torque and tighten‐ing sequence

–Tighten bolts in 3 stages in the sequence shown:

Stage Bolts Specified torque

1) -1 … 10- Screw in by hand as far as stop

2) -1 … 6- Diagonally in stages; final torque 15 Nm

3) -7 … 10- 15 Nm

2.2Renewing crankshaft oil seal - pulley end

Special tools and workshop

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Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

equipment required

♦ Seal puller - 3203-

♦ Counter-hold tool - 3415-

♦ Assembly tool - T10053-

♦ Torque wrench (5 … 50 Nm) - V.A.G 1331-

♦ Torque wrench (40 … 200 Nm) - V.A.G 1332-


–Remove toothed belt ⇒ page 77 .

– Remove crankshaft sprocket. To do this, lock toothed belt pul‐ley using counterhold - 3415- .

– To guide oil seal extractor - 3203- , screw central bolt by hand into crankshaft to stop.

– Unscrew inner part of oil seal extractor 2 turns (approx. 3 mm) out of outer part and lock with knurled screw.

–Oil threaded head of oil seal extractor.

– Using great pressure, screw oil seal extractor as far as possi‐ble into seal.

–Loosen knurled screw and turn inner part against crankshaft until oil seal is pulled out.




– Remove oil residue from crankshaft journal using clean cloth.

–Place guide sleeve - T10053/1- onto crankshaft journal.

–Slide oil seal over guide sleeve onto crankshaft journal.

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2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Press oil seal in to stop using assembly tool - T10053- and centre bolt.

–Install crankshaft sprocket.

–Specified torque of new centre bolt ⇒ Item 2 (page 37) (2)

–How to install and tension toothed belt ⇒ page 80

2.3Removing and installing sealing flange - pulley end

Special tools and workshop equipment required

la rup op s e s , i n p a r t o r in w hole, isnotpermittedunle


♦ Counter-hold tool - 3415-

♦ Assembly tool - T10053-

♦ Torque wrench (5 … 50 Nm) - V.A.G 1331-

♦ Torque wrench (40 … 200 Nm) - V.A.G 1332-

♦ Hand drill with plastic brush

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

♦ Silicone sealant - D 176 404 A-

♦ Scraper


–Remove toothed belt ⇒ page 77

– Remove crankshaft sprocket. To do this, lock toothed belt pul‐ley using counterhold - 3415- .

–Drain engine oil.

–Remove sump ⇒ page 126

–Pull off front sealing flange.

– Remove sealing flange; if necessary, loosen by applying light blows with a rubber-headed hammer.

– Removesealantresiduefromcylinderblockwithaflatscraper.

–Remove residual sealant from sealing flange using a plastic rotary brush (wear eye protection).

–Clean sealing surfaces. They must be free of oil and grease.



♦ Checktheexpirydateofthesealant.

♦ Thesealingflangemustbeinstalledwithin5minutesofap‐plyingthesiliconesealant.

rup op s e s , i n p a r t o r in w hole, isnotpermittedunlessauthorisedbyVolkswagen AG. Volkswagen A


–Cut off tube nozzle at forward marking (approx. 3 mm ∅ of nozzle).

♦ Thesealantbeadmustbenothickerthan2…3mm.Excess sealantcanfinditswayintothesumpandblockthestrainer inthesuctionlineordriponthesealingsurfaceofthecrank‐shaftseal.

thgirypocybdetcetorP . icremmocroetavirprofgniypoC

♦ Beforeapplyingsealantbead,coversealingsurfaceofoilseal withacleancloth.

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4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

– Applysiliconesealantbeadasshowntothecleansealingsur‐face of sealing flange.

–Install sealing flange immediately and tighten all bolts lightly.


Whenfittingsealingflangewithoilsealinstalleduseguidesleeve -T10053/1-.

– Tighten securing bolts for sealing flange to 15 Nm using alter‐nate and diagonal sequence.

–Install crankshaft sprocket.

–Specified torque of new centre bolt ⇒ Item 2 (page 37) (2)

–Install sump ⇒ page 126


Leavethesealanttodryforapprox.30minutesafterassembly. Onlythenfillwithengineoil.

Installing toothed belt and adjusting valve timing ⇒ page 80 .

2.4Assembly overview - Dual-mass flywheel and sealing flange

thgirypocybdetcetorP . icremmocroetavirprofgniypoCla rup op s e s , i n p a r t o r in w hole,

1 - Bolt

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4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018


❑60 Nm +90°

2 - Dual-mass flywheel

❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 51

❑Offset holes make as‐sembly possible in one position only

3 - Sender wheel

❑For engine speed send‐er - G28-

4 - Engine speed senderG28-

❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 59

5 - 5 Nm

6 - Dowel pin

❑Qty. 2

7 - Intermediate plate

❑Do not damage or bend when assembling ⇒ page 50

8 - Sealing flange on flywheel end

❑With shaft seal

❑Renewing ⇒ page 52

9 - Bolt

❑Specified torque and tightening sequence ⇒ page 51

Installing intermediate plate

lkswagen AG. Volkswagen AGdoesn

–Attach intermediate plate to sealing flange -arrow at top- and push onto dowel sleeves -arrows at bottom-.

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

Sealing flange on flywheel pulley end - specified torque and tight‐ening sequence

–Tighten bolts in 2 stages in the sequence shown: Stag e Bolts Specified torque

1) -1 … 6- Screw in by hand as far as stop 2) -1 … 6- Diagonally in stages; final torque 15 Nm

la rup op s e s , i n p a r t o r in w hole,

2.5Removing and installing dual-mass fly‐wheel

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Counter-hold tool - 3067-


• Gearbox is removed.



♦ Screwoutbolts-B-notwithanairwrenchorpowerimpact wrenchbutbyhand.

♦ Whenunscrewingthebolts,makesurethattheboltheads donottouchthedual-massflywheel.

♦ Rotatedual-massflywheel-A-sothatbolts-B-aligncen‐trallywiththeholes-arrows-. Sharan 2011 ➤


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Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

– Insertcounterhold-3067-inholeincylinderblock-itemB-and loosen bolts for dual-mass flywheel.

–Unscrew bolts and remove dual-mass flywheel.


• Specified torque ⇒ “2.4 Assembly overview - Dual-mass flywheel and sealing flange”, page 49

Install in reverse order of removal, observing the following.



–Insert counterhold - 3067- in hole in cylinder block -item A-.

2.6Renewing crankshaft sealing flange - flywheel end

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Assembly tool - T10134-

Sharan 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

♦ Torque wrench - V.A.G 1331-

♦ Tool insert 24 mm - V.A.G 1332/11-

♦ Depth gauge

♦ 3 hexagon bolts M6 x 35 mm

♦ 2 hexagon bolts M7 x 35 mm

⇒ “2.6.1 Pressing out sealing flange with sender wheel”, page 53

⇒ “2.6.2 Pressing in sealing flange with sender wheel”, page 54

2.6.1Pressing out sealing flange with sender wheel

–Remove gearbox. ⇒ Rep. gr. 34 ; Removing and installing gearbox

–Remove flywheel.

–Remove intermediate plate.

–Rotate crankshaft as shown to TDC No. 1 cylinder.

–Remove sump ⇒ page 126


♦ Forreasonsofclarity,theworkisperformedwiththeengine removed.

♦ Theprocedureisidenticalwhethertheengineisinstalledor removed.

–Remove engine speed sender - G28- -arrow-.

–Unscrew sealing flange securing bolts.


Sealingflangeandsenderwheelarepressedoffthecrankshaft togetherwith3xM6×35mmbolts.

–Screw 3 M6 x 35 mm bolts into threaded holes -arrows- of sealing flange.

–Screw bolts (max. 180° per bolt) in sealing flange alternately and press it together with sender wheel off crankshaft.

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

2.6.2Pressing in sealing flange with sender wheel


♦ ThesealingflangewithaPTFEsealisequippedwithasealing lipsupportring.Thissupportringservesasafittingsleeveand mustnotberemovedpriortoinstallation.

♦ Donotseparateorturnthesealingflangeandsenderwheel afterremovalfrompackaging.

♦ Thesenderwheelisheldinitsinstallationpositionontheas‐semblydevice-T10134-byalocatingpin.

♦ Sealingflangeandoilsealformoneunitandmustonlybe renewedtogetherwiththesenderwheel.

♦ Theassemblydevice-T10134-isheldinitspositionrelative tothecrankshaftbyaguidepininsertedintoaholeinthe crankshaft.

Assembly tool - T10134-

A - Clamping surface

B - Hexagon nut

C - Assembly housing

D - Locating pin

E - Hexagon socket head bolt

F - Guide pin for diesel engines (black knob)

G - Guide pin for petrol engines (red knob)


1.) Mounting seal with sender wheel on assembly tool - T10134-

–Screw in hexagon nut -B- to just before clamping surface -Aof threaded spindle.


–Clamp assembly device - T10134- in a vice on clamping sur‐face -A- of threaded spindle.

–Press assembly housing -C- downwards until it lies on hexa‐gon nut -B- -arrow-.

–Screw hexagon nut onto threaded spindle until inner part of assembly device and assembly housing are at same height.

–Remove securing clip -arrow- from new sealing flange.


Donotremovethesenderwheelfromthesealingflangeorturn it.

– Locatinghole-A-onsenderwheel-C-mustalignwithmarking -B- on sealing flange.

– Place sealing flange with front side downwards on a clean flat surface.

–Upper edge of sender wheel and front edge of sealing flange must align -arrows-. Sharan 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

AG Volkswagen


– Push sealing lip support ring -A- downwards in direction of ar‐row until it lies on flat surface.

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4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

– Placesealingflangewithfrontsideonassemblytool-T10134so that locating pin -B- can be inserted in sender wheel hole -A-.



– Pushsealingflangeandsupportringforsealinglip-B-against surface of assembly tool - T10134- whilst tightening the 3 knurled screws -A- so that locating pin cannot slide out of sender wheel hole.


Wheninstallingsealingflange,ensurethatsenderwheelremains fixedinassemblydevice.

2.) Mounting assembly tool - T10134- with sealing flange on crankshaft flange

• Crankshaft flange must be free of oil and grease.

• Engine positioned at TDC No. 1 cylinder

–Screw hexagon nut -B- to end of threaded spindle.

– Pressthreadedspindleofassemblytool-T10134-indirection of arrow, until hexagon nut -B- lies against assembly housing -A-.

– Alignflatsideofassemblyhousingonsumpsideofcrankcase sealing surface.

–Secure assembly tool - T10134- to crankshaft flange using hexagon socket head bolts -A-.


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Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–To guide sealing flange, screw 2 M7 × 35 mm bolts -A- into cylinder block.

3.) Bolting assembly tool - T10134- onto crankshaft flange

– Push assembly housing -C- by hand in direction of arrow until sealing lip support ring -B- contacts crankshaft flange -A-.

– Push guide pin for diesel engines (black knob) -D- into hole in crankshaft. This ensures that the sender wheel reaches its fi‐nal installation position.


Donotinserttheguidepinforpetrolengines(redknob)-F-into thethreadedholeofcrankshaft.

–Hand-tighten both hexagon socket head bolts of assembly tool.

–Screw hexagon nut -E- onto threaded spindle by hand until it lies on assembly housing -C-.

4.)Pressingsenderwheelontocrankshaftflangeusingassembly tool - T10134-

– Tighten hexagon nut of assembly tool - T10134- to 35 Nm us‐ingtorquewrench-V.A.G1331-andtoolinsert,24mm-V.A.G 1332/11- .


Afterhexagonnutistightenedto35Nm,asmallairgapmuststill bepresentbetweencylinderblockandsealingflange.

5.) Checking sender wheel installation position on crankshaft

–Screw hexagon nut -E- to end of threaded spindle.

–Remove the two bolts -A- from cylinder block.

–Screw the three knurled screws -B- out of sealing flange.

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Unscrew Allen head bolts -A- and remove assembly toolT10134- .

–Remove sealing lip support ring.


–The sender wheel is in the correct installation position on the crankshaft if a gap -a- = 0.5 mm exists between crankshaft flange -A- and sender wheel -B-.

–Set vernier gauge on crankshaft flange.

–Measure distance -a- between crankshaft flange and sender wheel.

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If dimension -a- is too small:

–Re-press sender wheel ⇒ page 58

If dimension -a- is attained:


–Tighten new securing bolts for sealing flange to 15 Nm using alternate and diagonal sequence.

–Install engine speed sender - G28- -arrow-, and tighten se‐curing bolt to 5 Nm.

–Install sump ⇒ page 126

–Install intermediate plate.

–Install flywheel using new bolts. Tighten securing bolts to 60 Nm + 90 .

6.) Re-pressing sender wheel

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Secure assembly tool - T10134- to crankshaft flange using hexagon socket head bolts -A-.

–Hand tighten both hexagon socket head bolts.

–Push assembly tool - T10134- by hand to sealing flange.

–Screw hexagon nut -E- onto threaded spindle by hand until it lies on assembly housing -C-.

– Tighten hexagon nut of assembly tool - T10134- to 40 Nm us‐ingtorquewrench-V.A.G1331-andtoolinsert,24mm-V.A.G 1332/11- .

–Check installation position of sender wheel on crankshaft again ⇒ page 57

If dimension -a- is still too small:

–Tighten hexagon nut for assembly tool - T10134- to 45 Nm.

–Check installation position of sender wheel on crankshaft again ⇒ page 57 .

2.7Removing and installing engine speed

sender - G28-


–Remove noise insulation. ⇒ General body repairs, exterior; Rep. gr. 50 ; Body - front; Assembly overview - noise insula‐tion .

–Clamp off coolant hoses from oil cooler with hose clips, up to 25 mm in diameter - 3094- .

– Loosen spring-type clips -arrows- using spring-type clip pliers - VAS 6362- .



–Pull coolant hoses off oil cooler.

–Remove oil filter bracket ⇒ page 137


4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Loosen securing bolt -arrow- ( socket AF 4 mm - T10370- ) and pull out speed sender.


Install in reverse order of removal, observing the following.

• Specified torque for engine speed sender - G28⇒ Item 5 (page 50)

• Specified torques for oil filter bracket ⇒ page 137 –Check coolant level, replenish coolant if necessary ⇒ page 159


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Sharan 2011 ➤

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

3Pistons and conrods

⇒ “3.1 Assembly overview - pistons and conrods”, page 61

⇒ “3.3 Separating new conrods”, page 64

⇒ “3.5 Piston and cylinder dimensions”, page 65

⇒ “3.6 Checking piston projection at TDC”, page 65

3.1Assembly overview - pistons and conrods

1 - Piston rings

❑Offset gaps by 120°

❑Use piston ring pliers to remove and install.

❑“TOP” faces towards piston crown.

❑Checking ring gap ⇒ page 62

❑ Checkingring-to-groove clearance ⇒ page 63

❑Top and centre: Com‐pression rings.

❑ Bottom:Oilscraperring.

2 - Piston

❑With combustion cham‐ber.

❑Mark installation posi‐tion and cylinder num‐ber.

op s e s , i n p a r t o r in w hole, isnotpermittedunlessauthorisedbyVolkswag

❑Installation position and allocation of piston to cylinder ⇒ page 64

la rup

❑Arrow on piston crown pointstobeltpulleyend.

❑Install using piston ring clamp.

❑ If piston skirt is cracked, renew piston.

❑Checking piston projec‐tion at TDC ⇒ page 65

3 - Piston pin

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❑If difficult to remove, heat piston to 60°C.

❑Remove and install using drift - VW 222- .

4 - Retaining ring

5 - Connecting rod

❑Mark cylinder allocation -A- with coloured pen.

❑Installation position: Marking -B- faces towards pulley end.

❑With industrially cracked conrod cap.

❑Separate new conrod ⇒ page 64

6 - Bearing shell

❑Note installation position ⇒ page 65

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

❑Note version: Upper bearing shell (towards piston) is made of a more wear resistant material. Identifi‐cation: Black line on bearing surface in area of joint.

❑Do not interchange used bearing shells.

❑Insert bearing shells centrally.

❑Ensure firm seating

❑Axial clearance, wear limit: 0.37 mm

❑Check radial clearance with Plastigage; wear limit: 0.08 mm.

❑Do not rotate crankshaft when checking radial clearance.

7 - Cylinder block

❑Checking cylinder bores ⇒ page 63 .

❑Piston and cylinder dimensions ⇒ page 65

8 - Conrod bearing cap

❑Observe installation position

❑The caps only fit in one position and only on the appropriate conrod due to the breaking procedure (cracking) separating the cap from the conrod.

9 - Oil spray jet

❑For piston cooling

10 - 25 Nm

❑Insert without sealant.

11 - Conrod bolt, 30 Nm + 90° further


❑Oil threads and contact surface

❑Use old bolt for measuring radial clearance.

Checking piston ring gap

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Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Feeler gauge

– Push piston ring squarely from above down to approx. 15 mm from bottom end of cylinder.

Piston ring dimensions in mm New (mm) Wear limit (mm)

1st compression ring 0.20 … 0.40 1.00

2nd compression ring 0.20 … 0.40 1.00

Oil scraper ring 0.25 … 0.50 1.00

2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

Checking ring-to-groove clearance

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Feeler gauge

–Clean ring groove before checking.

Piston ring dimensions in mm

Checking cylinder bores


Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Cylinder gauge 50 …100 mm

– Take measurements at 3 positions in both transverse -A- and longitudinal -B- directions, as illustrated. Difference between actual and nominal diameter max. 0.10 mm.


Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018


Cylinderboresmustnotbemeasuredwhenthecylinderblockis securedtoengineandgearboxsupport-VAS6095-,asmeas‐urementsmaybeincorrect.

Checking piston

– Measure approx. 15 mm from lower edge, offset 90° from pis‐ton pin axis with a 75 to 100 mm external micrometer.

• Maximum deviation from nominal dimension: 0.04 mm.

Nominal dimension

⇒ “3.2 Piston and cylinder dimensions”, page 64



Installation position and allocation of piston to cylinder

Arrow on piston crown -arrows- points in direction of cylinder 1.

3.2Piston and cylinder dimensions

Honing dimension Piston Ø (mm) Cylinder bore Ø (mm)

Basic dimension 80.961) 81.01

• 1) Dimensions include coating (thickness 0.02 mm). The coating will wear down.

3.3Separating new conrods

On new conrods it is possible that the breaking point is not fully separated.Iftheconrodbearingcapcannotberemovedbyhand, proceed as follows:

–Mark cylinder allocation of conrod.

2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Lightly clamp the conrod in a vice using aluminium vice clamps, as shown in the illustration.


♦ Topreventdamagetotheconrod,onlyclampconrodinlightly.

♦ Conrodisclampedbelowthedashedline.

–Unscrew the two bolts -arrows- approx. 5 turns.

– Using a plastic hammer, carefully knock against conrod bear‐ing cap in -direction of arrow- until it is loose.

3.4Bearing shells - installation position

Bearing shell -1- with oil hole -arrow- for conrod.

Bearing shell -2- without oil hole for conrod bearing cap.

– Positionbearingshellsincentreofconrodandconrodbearing cap when fitting.

Distance -a- must be identical on both sides.

3.5Piston and cylinder dimensions

∅ Cylinder bore ∅

3.6Checking piston projection at TDC

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s o f ni


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Sharan 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

Special tools and workshop equipment required

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♦ Measuring bridge -VW 382/7- from measuring tool - VW 382-

♦ Measuring plate -VW 385/17- from universal measuring toolVW 385-

♦ Dial gauge - VAS 6079-

Test sequence

–Secure dial gauge - VAS 6079- with measuring bridgeVW 382/7- and measuring plate -VW 385/17- to cylinder block as shown in the illustration.

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

– Measuretheprojectionofeachpistonatthetwopointsmarked with -arrows- (at the rear side and front side of the piston seen in the longitudinal direction of the engine).

Piston projection at TDC must be measured when new pistons or a short engine is installed. Install the appropriate cylinder head gasket depending upon piston projection, according to following table:


♦ Tomeasurethepistonprojectionattopdeadcentre,turnthe engineclockwise.

♦ Ifdifferentvaluesaredeterminedduringtheprojectionmeas‐urement,usethelargestdimensionforselectingthegasket.

3.6.1Cylinder head gasket identification

♦ Part No. = arrow 1

♦ Holes = arrow 2

♦ Production control code = arrow 3 (can be disregarded)



♦ Differentthicknessesofcylinderheadgasketarefittedde‐pendingonthepistonprojection.Whenthesealisrenewed, ensurethatthedesignationmatches.

♦ PistonprojectionatTDCmustbedeterminedwheninstalling newpistonsorashortengine⇒page65

3.7Measuring radial clearance of conrods

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Plastigage


–Remove conrod bearing cap. Clean bearing cap and bearing journal.

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– Place a length of Plastigage corresponding to the width of the bearing on the journal or into the bearing shells.

–Fit conrod bearing cap and tighten to 30 Nm without turning further angle and without rotating crankshaft.

–Remove conrod bearing cap again.

–Compare width of Plastigage with the measurement scale.

Radial clearance:

• Wear limit: 0.08 mm. –Renew conrod bolts. Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

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Sharan 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018


⇒ “4.1 Assembly overview - crankshaft”, page 69

⇒ “4.2 Crankshaft dimensions”, page 69

⇒ “4.3 Renewing needle bearing in crankshaft”, page 70

4.1Assembly overview - crankshaft

1 - Bearing shell

❑ For bearings 1, 2, 4 and 5.

❑Do not interchange used bearing shells (mark).

la rup op s e s , i n p a r t o r in w hole,

2 - 65 Nm + turn 90° further


❑ Tomeasureradialclear‐ance, tighten to 65 Nm but not further.

3 - Bearing cap

❑Bearing cap 1: belt pul‐ley end.

❑Bearing cap 3 with re‐cesses for thrust wash‐ers

❑Bearing shell retaining lugs in cylinder block and bearing caps must align.

4 - Thrust washer

❑For bearing cap 3

❑ Note fixing arrangement

5 - Needle bearing

❑Only vehicles with dual clutch gearbox.

❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 70

6 - Crankshaft

❑Axial clearance new: 0.07 to 0.17 mm; wear limit: 0.37 mm

❑Check radial clearance with Plastigage

❑New: 0.03 … 0.08 mm; Wear limit 0.17 mm

❑Do not rotate crankshaft when checking radial clearance

❑Crankshaft dimensions ⇒ page 69 .

7 - Thrust washer

❑For cylinder block, bearing 3

4.2Crankshaft dimensions

(Dimensions in mm)

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

4.3Renewing needle bearing in crankshaft

Only vehicles with a dual clutch gearbox

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Counter support, e.g. KUKKO 22-1 - VAS 251 621-

♦ Internal puller - VAS 251 635-

♦ Drift - VW 207 C-


• The front edges of the inner puller must be free of chips.

• Gearbox has been removed.

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4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

Pulling out needle roller bearing

– Pull out needle bearing -1- with internal puller - VAS 251 635-A- and counter support, e.g. KUKKO 22-1 - VAS 251 621-B- from crankshaft -2-.


– The internal puller must be positioned behind the needle-andcage assembly -arrow-.


–Clean bearing seat in crankshaft and apply as thin coating of grease.

– Driveneedlebearingintocrankshafttoinstallationdepthusing drift - VW 207 C- .

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Installation depth: dimension -a- = 2 mm


Iftheneedlebearingisinadvertentlydrivenintoofar,itmustbe renewedbecauseitwillbedamagedwhenitispulledoutagain.

Sharan 2011 ➤

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

15 –Cylinder head, valve gear

1Cylinder head

⇒ “1.1 Assembly overview - cylinder head cover”, page 72

⇒ “1.2 Removing and installing cylinder head cover”, page 74

⇒ “1.2.1 Renewing seals for injectors”, page 76

⇒ “1.3 Removing, installing and tensioning toothed belt”, page 77

⇒ “1.4 Assembly overview - cylinder head”, page 84

⇒ “1.5 Removing and installing cylinder head”, page 86

⇒ “1.6 Removing and installing vacuum pump”, page 95

⇒ “1.7 Compression test”, page 96

1.1 Assembly overview - cylinder head cov‐er


Wheninstallinganewshortengine,itiscompulsorytofixand tightentheclampingjawsoftheinjectorswiththespecified torqueafterinstallingthehigh-pressurelines⇒page 237. Clampingjawsareonlysecured»hand-tight«forsettingthe injectorswhileinstallinghigh-pressurelines.Non-observance ofthesenotesmayleadtodamagetoengine.

1 - Seal

❑Renew if damaged or leaking

2 - Cylinder head cover

❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 74

3 - O-ring


4 - Hose

❑For crankcase ventila‐tion.

❑ Pressreleasebuttonsto detach

5 - Sealing bushing

❑For fuel rail

❑Renew if damaged or leaking

6 - Bracket

❑For electrical cables

7 - Grommet

8 - Clamping piece

9 - 8 Nm

10 - High-pressure accumula‐tor (rail)

❑Comply with rules for cleanliness

⇒ page 228

❑Do not attempt to re‐shape high-pressure lines.

❑Installing high-pressure lines ⇒ page 246

11 - 22 Nm

12 - 8 Nm + turn 270° further


13 - Fuel return line

14 - O-ring


15 - Injector

2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

❑Comply with rules for cleanliness ⇒ page 228

❑Removing and installing ⇒ page 242

16 - O-ring


17 - Heat shield seal


18 - Seal

❑For injector

❑Renewing ⇒ page 76

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

19 - Cap

20 - Seal

❑For sealing cover

21 - Grommet

22 - Bracket

❑For electrical cables

23 - Bolt

❑Renew gasket if damaged

❑Specified torque and tightening sequence ⇒ page 74

Cylinder head cover - specified torque and tightening sequence

–Tighten bolts for cylinder head cover in the sequence -1 … 6- to 9 Nm.

1.2Removing and installing cylinder head cover


–Remove engine cover panel ⇒ page 7

–Disconnect electrical connector -2- at pressure differential sender - G505- .

–Unscrew bolt -1-, place pressure differential sender - G505with bracket to one side.

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4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Release clips -arrows- and press upper toothed belt guard aside to the right.

–Removing fuel rail ⇒ page 242

– Remove crankcase breather hose -1- from cylinder head cov‐er; press release buttons for this.

–Disconnect electrical connector -arrow- at position sender for charge pressure positioner - G581- .

–Remove vacuum lines from bracket on cylinder head cover.


–Loosen and unscrew bolts for cylinder head cover in the se‐quence -6 to 1-.

–Remove cylinder head cover.

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018


Install in reverse order of removal, observing the following.


♦ Renewgasketforcylinderheadcoverandboltsforcylinder headcoverifdamagedorleaking.

♦ Renewgrommetsandsealsforinjectorsifdamagedorleak‐ing.

–Tighten bolts for cylinder head cover ⇒ page 74 .

– Ensure that cylinder head cover is correctly clipped to toothed belt guard -arrows-.


Forreasonsofclarity,illustrationshowsinstallationpositionwith camshaftsprocketremoved.

–Check clearance between hub and toothed belt guard.

–Install coolant return line.

–Install intake pipe ⇒ page 205

–Installing fuel rail and injectors ⇒ page 242

–Install pressure differential sender - G505- .

1.2.1Renewing seals for injectors


Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Follower - 3390-

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018


–Remove cylinder head cover ⇒ page 74

–Press out seal for injector using carrier - 3390- and short ex‐tension -1- upwards from below.

–Press in new seal for injector using carrier - 3390- and short extension -1- from top to stop.

–Install cylinder head cover ⇒ page 74

1.3Removing, installing and tensioning toothed belt

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Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Pin - 3359-

♦ Crankshaft stop - T10050-

♦ Counter-hold tool - T10172-

♦ Angled screwdriver - T10264-

♦ Locking tool - T10265-

Not illustrated:

♦ Torque wrench - V.A.G 1331-

♦ Torque wrench - V.A.G 1332-



Thetoothedbeltmayonlybeadjustedoncoldengines,asthe indicatorpositiononthetensioningelementvariesdependingon theenginetemperature.

–Remove engine cover panel ⇒ page 7 .

–Remove fuel filter ⇒ page 195

Sharan 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Pull connector off radiator outlet coolant temperature sender - G83- , open clips -arrows- and remove toothed belt guard.

–Remove front right wheel housing liner ⇒ General body re‐pairs, exterior; Rep. gr. 66 ; Wheel housing liner .

–Remove poly V-belt ⇒ page 27

–Remove vibration damper ⇒ Item 29 (page 38)

– Remove lower and centre toothed belt guard -arrows- and un‐screw securing nut of coolant pipe -1-.

la rup op s e s , i n p a r t o r in w hole,

–Position crankshaft at TDC and lock crankshaft toothed belt pulley with crankshaft stop - T10050- . To do this, push crank‐shaft stop into teeth of belt pulley from face side. Depending on the production version, either the toothed segment or the arrow on the camshaft toothed belt pulley must be at »12 o'clock«.


Themarkingsonthecrankshaftpulley-2-andthecrankshaftstop -T10050--1-mustalign.Atthesametime,thepinofthecrank‐shaftstop-T10050-mustengageinthedrillinginthesealing flange.

–Mark direction of rotation of toothed belt.

–Loosen securing bolts -1- for camshaft toothed belt pulley.


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Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Loosen securing bolt of coolant pipe -1- and then securing bolts of toothed belt pulley for high-pressure pump -2-.

–Loosen tensioning roller securing nut -1-.

– Turneccentricoftensioningrolleranti-clockwise-arrow-using socket-T10264-,untilthetensioningrollercanbelockedwith locking tool - T10265- .

–Now turn tensioning roller eccentric clockwise -arrow- onto stop and tighten securing nut -1- hand-tight.

–Remove toothed belt first from idler pulley and then from re‐maining pulleys.



♦ Thetoothedbeltmayonlybeadjustedoncoldengines,asthe indicatorpositiononthetensioningelementvariesdepending ontheenginetemperature.

♦ Ifthetensioningrolleristoberenewed,theenginebracket mustberemoved⇒page38

♦ Renewsecuringboltforcamshafttoothedbeltpulley.

• Tensioning roller must be locked with locking tool - T10265and secured to right stop.

• Crankshaft is locked using crankshaft stop - T10050- .

Sharan 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018


Ifnecessary,turncamshafthubwithcounterhold-T10172-and adapters-T10172/4-untilcamshaftcanbesecuredinposition. Todothis,hand-tightenatleastonesecuringbolt-1-.

–Lock camshaft hub with locking pin - 3359- . To do this, slide locking pin through outer free elongated hole into hole in cyl‐inder head.

–Loosen bolts which had been tightened only hand-tight.


Ifnecessary,turnhubofhigh-pressurepumpatboltheadswith screwdriveruntilitcanbesecuredinposition.

Positioning hub of high-pressure pump

–Lock hub of high-pressure pump with locking pin - 3359- . To do this, slide locking pin into adjustment hole outside toothed belt pulley.

–Turn camshaft toothed belt pulley and toothed belt pulley of high-pressurepumpintheirelongatedholesclockwisetostop.

–Fit toothed belt to crankshaft pulley, tensioning roller, cam‐shaft pulley, toothed belt pulley of coolant pump and toothed belt pulley of high-pressure pump.

–Finally, fit toothed belt to idler pulley.

– Loosen tensioning roller securing nut and pull out locking tool - T10265- .

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Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018


Ensurethattensioningrollerseatscorrectlyinreartoothedbelt guard-arrow-.

–Screw eccentric of tensioning roller clockwise carefully using angled screwdriver - T10264- . Indicator -2- must be roughly past the centre of the gap in the base plate (corrects itself dur‐ing pretensioning).

Ensure that securing nut -1- does not turn as well.

–Hold tensioning roller in this position and tighten securing nut for tensioning roller as follows: 20 Nm and 45° further.

AG Volkswagen

–Apply counterhold - T10172- as shown. Press counterholdT10172- in direction of arrow, keeping camshaft toothed belt pulley under tension.

– In this position, first tighten securing bolts -1- of camshaft pul‐ley and of toothed belt pulley for high pressure pump by hand and then tighten to 20 Nm.

–Remove locking pins - 3359- and crankshaft stop - T10050- .

–Turn crankshaft at least 2 rotations in engine direction of ro‐tation and set again to TDC no. 1 cylinder.

–Fit crankshaft stop - T10050- again to crankshaft belt pulley.

–Now turn crankshaft in engine direction of rotation until pin of crankshaft stop -arrow- engages in sealing flange from rota‐tional movement.

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4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018


Duringthefollowingcheckingprocedure,onlythecamshaftand crankshaftmustbesecuredinposition.Itisverydifficulttofind thesecuringpositionofthehigh-pressurepumphubagain.Ami‐nordeviation-arrow-,though,doesnotinfluenceengineopera‐tion.

–Check whether:

♦ Camshaft hub can be locked with locking pin - 3359- .

♦ Tensioning roller indicator is centred or maximum 5 mm to right of base plate notch.

If camshaft hub cannot be locked:

–Pull crankshaft stop - T10050- back until pin uncovers hole.

– Turncrankshaftinoppositedirectionofenginerotationslightly past TDC.

– Now turn crankshaft slowly in direction of engine rotation until camshaft hub can be secured in position.

–After locking, loosen securing nuts of camshaft pulley.

If pin of crankshaft stop - T10050- is standing on left next to hole:

– Turn crankshaft in engine direction of rotation until crankshaft stop pin engages in sealing flange whilst turning.

– Tightensecuringboltsofcamshafttoothedbeltpulleybyhand first and then tighten to 20 Nm.


– Slightlyturncrankshaftinoppositedirectionofenginerotation.

– Now turn crankshaft in engine direction of rotation until crank‐shaft stop pin engages in sealing flange whilst turning.

– Tightensecuringboltsofcamshafttoothedbeltpulleybyhand first and then tighten to 20 Nm.


–Remove locking pin - 3359- and crankshaft stop - T10050- .

–Turn crankshaft at least 2 rotations in engine direction of ro‐tation and set again to TDC no. 1 cylinder.

–Repeat check.

–If camshaft hub can be secured in position, tighten securing bolts as follows:

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

♦ Camshaft sprocket: 45° further. Counterhold with counterhold - T10172- and adapters - T10172/4- .

–Install centre and lower parts of toothed belt guard.

–Install belt pulley vibration damper: specified torque 10 Nm + turn 90° further.

–Install poly V-belt ⇒ page 27

–Install upper toothed belt guard.

Further assembly is basically a reverse of the dismantling se‐quence. When doing this, observe the following:

♦ Ensure fuel hoses are seated correctly.

♦ Do not interchange fuel supply and return lines (return line is blue or with blue markings and supply line is white).

–Install wheel housing liner.

t o r in w hole, isnotpermittedunlessauthorisedbyVolkswagen AG. Volkswagen AGdoesnotguaranteeoracc

– Installnoiseinsulation.⇒ Generalbodyrepairs,exterior;Rep. gr. 50 ; Body - front; Assembly overview - noise insulation .

1.4Assembly overview - cylinder head

1 - Cylinder head gasket


❑Cylinder head gasket identification

⇒ page 86

❑Renew coolant and en‐gine oil after replacing.

2 - 10 Nm

thgirypocybdetc . icremmocroetavirprofgniypoCla rup op s e s , i n p

❑Insert with locking fluid, locking fluid ⇒ Electron‐ic parts catalogue .

3 - Hall sender - G40-

❑For camshaft position.

4 - Cylinder head

❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 86

❑To prevent damage to glow plugs, always placecylinderheadona soft foam surface after removal.

❑Check for distortion ⇒ page 86

❑Must not be reworked.

❑Before installing, check that the two dowel sleeves for centring cyl‐inder head on cylinder block are fitted.

❑Renew coolant and en‐gine oil after replacing.

5 - Washer

6 - Cylinder head bolt


❑Sequence when loosening ⇒ page 85

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

❑Specified torque and tightening sequence ⇒ page 86

7 - Oil pressure switch - F1- , 20 Nm

❑Switch pressure 0.3 to 0.6 bar

❑Removing and installing ⇒ page 141

❑Checking ⇒ page 142

8 - Seal


9 - 20 Nm

10 - Engine lifting eye

11 - Seal


12 - 20 Nm

13 - Seal


14 - Vacuum pump

❑Removing and installing ⇒ page 95

15 - 10 Nm

16 - Union

❑For coolant hoses

❑With coolant temperature sender - G62-

17 - 9 Nm

18 - Seal

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19 - 20 Nm

20 - Engine lifting eye


Observe sequence when loosening cylinder head bolts

–Loosen cylinder head bolts in the sequence -1 … 10-.

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

Checking cylinder head for distortion

– Use straight edge and feeler gauge to measure cylinder head for distortion at several points.

• Max. permissible distortion: 0.1 mm



Cylinder head gasket identification

1 -Part number

2 -Holes

3 -Ignore


Differentthicknessesofcylinderheadgasketarefitteddepending onthepistonprojection.Ifonlycylinderheadgasketisremoved, installanewcylinderheadgasketwithsameidentification.

Cylinder head - specified torque and sequence



–Tighten bolts in 4 stages in the sequence shown:

Stage Bolts Specified torque/turning further angle

1) -1 … 10- 30 Nm

2) -1 … 10- 50 Nm

3) -1 … 10- Turn 90° further

4) -1 … 10- Turn 90° further

1.5Removing and installing cylinder head

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Guide pin - 3070-

♦ Crankshaft stop - T10050-

♦ Counter-hold tool - T10051-

♦ Puller - T10052-

♦ Bit XZN 10 - T10385Sharan 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

♦ Diesel injection pump locking pin - 3359-

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4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

♦ Torque wrench - V.A.G 1331-

♦ Torque wrench - V.A.G 1332-

♦ Drip tray for workshop hoist - VAS 6208-

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♦ Read-outtheanti-theftradiocodeastheearthstrapofthe batteryhastobedisconnectedduringthenextworksteps.

♦ Allcabletieswhichareopenedorcutthroughwhencylinder headisremovedmustberenewed/replacedinthesamepo‐sitionwhenthecylinderheadisinstalled.

Sharan 2011 ➤

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018



♦ Routelinesofanykindsothattheoriginalroutingcanbe restored.

♦ Ensurethatthereissufficientclearancetoallmovingor hotcomponents.


–With ignition switched off, disconnect battery earth strap. ⇒ Electrical system; Rep. gr. 27 ; Disconnecting and reconnect‐ing batteries.

–Remove engine cover panel ⇒ page 7

–Remove air filter housing ⇒ page 263

– Removebatteryandbatterytray⇒ Electricalsystem; 27 ; Removing and installing battery .

–Remove cowling together with radiator fan - V7- and radiator fan on right of radiator - V35- ⇒ page 150

–Remove connecting hose on »cold side« ⇒ Item 4 (page 219) from charge air cooler.

–Remove cylinder head cover ⇒ page 74

–Pull connector off throttle valve module - J338- -2-.

–Remove bolt from oil dipstick attachment -4-.

–Disconnect vacuum line from vacuum pump.

–Unscrew bolts -2, 5- and -arrows-.

– Free electrical wiring and hoses on left air pipe using removal lever - 80 - 200- .

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–Release hose clip -3- and remove left air pipe.

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Unscrew bolts -arrows- and remove pulsation damper -2-.

–Remove noise insulation ⇒ General body repairs, exterior; 50;Body-front;Assemblyoverview-noiseinsulation

–Drain coolant ⇒ page 159

–Disconnect electrical connector -4- on coolant temperature sender - G62- .

– Pullcoolanthosesoffconnection.Todothis,loosenhoseclips -1- and -2-.

–Disconnect electrical connector -1- on oil pressure switchF1- .

–Remove bolt -arrow-.

–Pull off vacuum hose -2-.

– Disconnect connectors for exhaust gas temperature sender 1 - G235- -1-.

–Free electrical lines on turbocharger.


–Remove radiator cowl together with radiator fans ⇒ page 150

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

– Unscrew securing bolts -arrows- from charge air pipe and dis‐connect connector from charge air pressure sender - G31-1-.

AG Volkswag

–Open clamp -2-, lay coolant hose -3- to side and remove charge air pipe.


Ensurethatdecouplingelementofconnectingpipeisnotbent andthusstretched.Thereisadangerofcracking.


–Remove connecting pipes for exhaust gas recirculation -Ausing bit XZN 10 - T10385- .

Sharan 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

– Unscrew securing nuts -arrows- of bracket for particulate filter -A- at crankcase.

–Unscrew union nut -2- and unscrew bolt -3-.

–Unscrew bolt -arrow- from rear toothed belt guard. –Release connecting clamp between turbocharger and diesel particulate filter.

–Unscrew securing bolt from bracket on cylinder head -arrowand push diesel particulate filter to side.

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2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Separate connector for Hall sender - G40- -arrow-.

–Take toothed belt off camshaft ⇒ page 77

–Remove camshaft toothed belt pulley and pull off camshaft hub using puller - T10052- .

–Unscrew securing nut of toothed belt tensioning roller.

–Separate connector for Hall sender - G40- -arrow-.

–Maintain sequence -1 … 10- when loosening cylinder head bolts.


♦ Asecondmechanicisrequiredfortheremovalofthecylinder head.

♦ Thetoothedbelttensioningrollerispulledoffthestudwhen thecylinderheadisliftedout.

♦ Theoilreturnlineoftheturbochargerispulledoutofthesup‐portwhenthecylinderheadisliftedout.

–First lift cylinder head on gearbox side and guide it out of toothed belt guard. Prevent toothed belt tensioning roller from falling down.

–Place cylinder head down taking care not to bend oil return line. If necessary, place a piece of wood under exhaust mani‐fold.


Install in reverse order of removal, observing the following:



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♦ Donotusesandpaper,grindingwheels,abrasiveorscour padsoranyothersandingorabrasivemedia.

♦ Sealingsurface(seephoto)mustnotproject.

♦ Discolouration(darkspots,seephoto)neednotberemoved.

♦ Whenremovingthesealantresidue,makesurenoloosepar‐ticlesgetintotheopenchannelsoftheengine.

♦ Ensurethatalladjacentworkspacesareclean,andthatnone oftheabovementionedsandingorabrasivemediaareused.

♦ Usingunauthorisedsandingorabrasivemediamayleadto secondarydamagesuchas,forexample,damagetothetur‐bochargerortheconrodbearings.

– Do not use any other means rather than the contour blade set - VAS 852 005- or a commercially available CERAN surface scraper to remove the sealant residue from the cylinder head and cylinder block.

• The sealing surfaces must not be damaged.

• There must be no oil or coolant in the bolt pockets.

• Do not remove new cylinder head gasket from packaging until it is ready to be fitted.

• If a new cylinder head is installed, contact surfaces between roller rocker fingers and running surface of cam must be oiled.

• Handle the cylinder head gasket very carefully to prevent damage to the silicone coating or the indented area of the gasket.

• Turn the crankshaft carefully at least 2 rotations to ensure that none of the valves make contact when the starter is operated.

• When the cylinder head or cylinder head gasket is renewed, the entire coolant and the engine oil must be changed.

–Remove any loose remains using a lint-free cloth.

–Before fitting cylinder head, remove crankshaft stopT10050- , and turn crankshaft in opposite direction of engine rotation until all pistons are nearly uniformly below TDC.


–Cylinder head gasket must lie with identification facing up‐wards.

– To centre, screw guide pins - 3070- into outer threaded holes on intake side.


Tensioningrollermustbepushedontostudswhenfittingcylinder head.

– Fit cylinder head, start 8 cylinder head bolts and hand-tighten.

– Removeguidepinsthroughboltholesusingremovaltoolfrom 3070 and install cylinder head bolts.

Sharan 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Tighten cylinder head in 4 stages in sequence shown as fol‐lows:

1 -Tighten initially with torque wrench:

Stage I = 30 Nm

Step II = 50 Nm

2 -Turn further with rigid spanner:

Stage III = 90°

Stage IV = 90°

–Secure toothed belt rear guard to cylinder head.

–Install hub and camshaft pulley.

–Lock camshaft and high-pressure pump with diesel injection pump locking pin - 3359-

– Now rotate crankshaft in direction of rotation to TDC and lock crankshaft using crankshaft stop - T10050- .

–Fit toothed belt ⇒ page 80

Continueinstallationinreverseorderofremoval.Whendoingthis, observe the following:

–Install cylinder head cover ⇒ page 74

–Install poly V-belt ⇒ page 27

–Add coolant ⇒ page 159

–Carry out road test and read event memory.

1.6Removing and installing vacuum pump


Thevacuumpumpmay,undernocircumstances,bedisman‐tledasthevacuumpartcouldotherwisemalfunction.This wouldresultinfailureofthebrakeservo.


–Remove air filter housing ⇒ page 263

–Pull vacuum line -1- off vacuum pump -2-.

–Unscrew securing bolts of charge air pipe ⇒ page 218

– Then push charge air pipe down slightly to gain access to the rear bolt of the vacuum pump.

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Unscrew securing bolts -arrows-.

–Remove vacuum pump -2- from cylinder head.



Installation is carried out in the reverse order. When installing, note the following:


♦ Thesealmustberenewed.


♦ Ensurethatvacuumpumpcouplingseatsproperlyincam‐shaft.

–Install vacuum pump and tighten securing bolts to 10 Nm.

–Connect vacuum line -1- from brake servo to vacuum pump.

1.7Compression test

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Jointed spanner - 3220-

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♦ Compression tester - V.A.G 1763- with adapter - V.A.G 1763/8-

♦ Torque wrench (5 … 50 Nm) - V.A.G 1331-

Prerequisites for check

• Engine oil temperature min. 30°C

Test sequence

–Pull connectors off injectors.

– Remove glow plug from relevant cylinder using U/J extension and 10 mm socket - 3220- ⇒ page 318

–Screw in adapter - V.A.G 1763/8- in place of glow plug.

– Check compression using compression tester - V.A.G 1763- .

gr.15 - Cylinder head, valve

2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018



–Turn over engine until tester shows no further pressure in‐crease.

Compression pressures:

New: 25…31 bar

Wear limit: 19 bar

Maximum permissible difference between all cylinders: 5 bar

–Install glow plug using U/J extension and socket, 10 mm3220- ⇒ page 318

–Read event memory of engine control unit.


Faultswillhavebeenstoredbecausetheconnectorsforinjectors havebeendisconnected.Therefore,readeventmemoryandde‐leteifnecessary.

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Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

2Valve gear


Avoiddamagetovalvesandpistoncrownsafterworkingon valvegear.

♦ Becausehydrauliccompensationelementshavetosettle, enginemustnotbestartedforapprox.30minutesafter installingcamshafts.

♦ Turnthecrankshaftcarefullyatleast2rotationstoensure thatnoneofthevalvesmakecontactwhenthestarteris operated.


Cylinderheadswithcracksbetweenthevalveseatsmaybeused withoutreducingenginelife,providedthecracksaresmallandno morethan0.5mmwide.

⇒ “2.1 Assembly overview - valve gear”, page 98

⇒ “2.2 Removing and installing camshafts”, page 101

⇒ “2.5 Removing and installing camshaft oil seal”, page 109

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⇒ “2.7 Renewing valve stem seals with cylinder head installed”, page 112

⇒ “2.8 Renewing valve stem seals with cylinder head removed”, page 116

⇒ “2.9 Valves”, page 119

2.1Assembly overview - valve gear

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

1 - Valve

❑Do not rework; only grinding-in is permissi‐ble

❑Mark installation posi‐tion for re-installation.

❑Checking ⇒ page 120

❑Valve dimensions

⇒ page 119

❑Checking valve guides

⇒ page 119

2 - Cylinder head

3 - Valve stem seal

❑Renewing with cylinder head installed

⇒ page 112

❑Renewing with cylinder head removed

⇒ page 116

4 - Valve springs

5 - Valve spring plate

6 - Valve cotters

7 - Cap


❑Removing: With retain‐ing frame installed, pierce one side of cap with an awl and pry out.

❑Installing: Drive in with‐out sealant using an ap‐propriate thrust piece.

❑ Driveindepth1to2mm

8 - Oil seal

❑Renewing ⇒ page 109

9 - Exhaust camshaft

❑Removing and installing ⇒ page 101

❑Measuring axial clearance ⇒ page 108

❑Measuring radial clearance ⇒ page 109

10 - Bolt

❑Specified torque and tightening sequence ⇒ page 100

11 - Ladder frame

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❑With integrated camshaft bearings.

❑Specified torque and tightening sequence ⇒ page 100

12 - Inlet camshaft

❑Removing and installing ⇒ page 101

❑Measuring axial clearance ⇒ page 108

❑Measuring radial clearance ⇒ page 109

13 - Roller rocker fingers

❑Mark installation position for re-installation.

❑Check roller bearing for ease of movement.

❑Lubricate contact surfaces before installing.

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

14 - Retaining clip

❑For hydraulic compensation element.

15 - Hydraulic compensation element

❑Mark installation position for re-installation.

❑Lubricate contact surfaces before installing.

Retaining frame - specified torques and installation sequence

–Tighten bolts in 2 stages in the sequence shown:

Stage Bolts Specified torque

1) -1 … 24- Screw in by hand as far as stop

• The retaining frame must make contactwiththecylinderheadover the entire contact surface.

2) -1 … 24- 10 Nm

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2.2Removing and installing camshafts

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Diesel injection pump locking pin - 3359-

♦ Counter-hold tool - T10051-

♦ Puller - T10052-

♦ Camshaft fitting tool - T40094-

♦ Camshaft clamping tool - T40095-

♦ Camshaft fitting tool - T40096-

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

♦ Torque wrench - V.A.G 1331/-

♦ Torque wrench - V.A.G 1332/-

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♦ Silicone adhesive sealant - D 176501 A1-


–Remove engine cover panel ⇒ page 7

–Remove fuel filter ⇒ page 195 .


–Take toothed belt off camshaft and high-pressure pump ⇒ page 77 .

–Remove cylinder head cover ⇒ page 74

–Remove securing bolts for camshaft toothed belt pulley -1-.

–Detach camshaft pulley from hub.

Sharan 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Counterhold hub with counterhold - T10051- and loosen se‐curing bolt -1- of hub.

–Loosen hub securing bolt about 2 turns.

–Fit puller - T10052- and align it with holes in hub.

–Tighten securing bolts -1-.

–Apply tension to hub by evenly tightening puller -2- until hub separates from taper of camshaft.



–Remove hub from taper of camshaft.

–Remove vacuum pump ⇒ page 95 .

–Remove securing bolts of retaining frame in sequence -24 … 1-.

–Remove retaining frame.

–Carefully take out camshafts.



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Sealpartingsurfacebetweenretainingframeandcylinderhead usingsiliconeadhesivesealant-D176501A1-.

Sharan 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018


Thecamshaftsmaybeinstalledonlywiththecamshaftfitting tool-T40094-asdescribedbelow.Theaxialbearingsinthe retainingframewillotherwisebedamagedbeyondrepairand thecylinderheadwillhavetoberenewed.

–Remove sealant residues on cylinder head and retaining frame, e.g. using a plastic rotary brush.


Makesurethatnosealantresiduegetsintothecylinderhead orthebearings.

–Clean sealing surfaces; they must be free of oil and grease.

–Lubricate running surfaces of camshafts.

If not already done, set up camshaft fitting tool - T40094- as fol‐lows:

–Remove supports -T40094/3-, -T40094/4- and -T40094/5from base plate. Threaded connection is accessible from be‐low.


Ifthesupportsofthecamshaftfittingtool-T40094-arenot markedatpresent,marktheremovedsupports,e.g.withnumber stamps,sotheycanbefittedintheoriginalpositionslater.

s pec

– Installsupports-T40094/9-and-T40094/10-insteadatvacant outer places.

–Place support -T40094/2- at position labelled “A” and support -T40094/1- at position labelled “F”.

–First position inlet camshaft as illustrated. Ensure that inden‐tation -arrow- for cylinder head bolt faces »outwards«.

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Sharan 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Set 0.50 mm feeler gauge in place and push support -T40094/8- into groove on inlet camshaft.

–Now set exhaust camshaft in place and lock by inserting -cover T40094/11- into groove -arrow-.

–Fit clamping tool - T40096/1- onto exhaust camshaft gears.


Ensurethattheclampingjawmarkedwithanarrowisseated onthewidergear.

la rup op s e s , i n p a r t o r in w hole,

– Tighten clamping tool - T40096/1- using knurled thumb wheel so that faces of gear teeth are in alignment. If necessary, use 13 mm open-end spanner.


– Slideexhaustcamshafttowardsinletcamshaftuntilgearteeth engage.

–Fit retaining frame onto camshafts.

• All camshaft bearings must be seated on the camshafts.

–Set clamping tool - T40095- in place as illustrated in order to hold camshafts in position in retaining frame.

–Remove cover - T40094/11- .

–Pull support - T40094/8- out of inlet camshaft groove.

Sharan 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Cut off nozzle on tube at front marking (∅ of nozzle approx. 2 mm).

– Apply beads of sealant (approx. 2…3 mm wide) -arrows- onto clean sealing surfaces of cylinder head as illustrated.


Riskofsoilingcamshaftbearingsduetosurplussealantand riskofsealingoilsupplybores.

♦ Donotapplysealantbeadsthickerthanspecified.

♦ Inareaofoilsupplybores-arrow-forretainingframe, makesurethatthesearenotsealedduetosurplusseal‐ant.

Sealant bead for retaining frame

– Take camshafts out of camshaft fitting tool - T40095- together with retaining frame and clamping tool - T40094- .

–Carefully position camshafts and retaining frame in cylinder head.

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2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

– First tighten securing bolts of retaining frame hand-tight in se‐quence -1 … 24-.

• The retaining frame should make contact with the cylinder head over the complete surface.

–Tighten retaining frame bolts to final torque in the sequence -1 … 24-. Specified torque: 10 Nm

–Remove clamping tool - T40095- and camshaft fitting toolT40096/1- .

–Renew camshaft oil seal ⇒ page 109

–Using a suitable drift, knock new sealing cap (core plug) ⇒ Item 7 (page 99) in cylinder head until flush.

Perform further installation in reverse order, paying attention to the following:


Avoiddamagetovalvesandpistoncrownsafterworkingon valvegear.

♦ Becausehydrauliccompensationelementshavetosettle, enginemustnotbestartedforapprox.30minutesafter installingcamshafts.

♦ Turnthecrankshaftcarefullyatleast2rotationstoensure thatnoneofthevalvesmakecontactwhenthestarteris operated.

–Fit hub onto camshaft.

– Tighten hub securing bolt -1- to 100 Nm. To do this, use coun‐terhold - T10051- .

AG Volkswagen AGdoesnotguaranteeo


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4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Push camshaft toothed belt pulley onto hub.


Thetoothedsegment-arrow-ofthecamshaftbeltpulleymustbe ontop.

– Handtightensecuringbolts-1-tocamshafttoothedbeltpulley so that there is no play.

–Lock hub using locking pin - 3359- .

–Install toothed belt and adjust valve timing ⇒ page 77 .

–Install vacuum pump ⇒ page 95

–Install cylinder head cover ⇒ page 74

–Install fuel filter.

2.3Measuring axial clearance of camshaft

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Universal dial gauge holder - VW 387-

♦ Dial gauge - VAS 6079-

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–Remove retaining frame ⇒ page 101 .

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– Fasten dial gauge - VAS 6079- to cylinder head with universal dial gauge bracket - VW 387- as shown in the illustration.

–Press camshaft against dial gauge by hand.

–Set dial gauge to “0”.

–Press camshaft away from dial gauge and read off value:

Axial clearance of inlet and outlet camshafts:

• Specification: 0.048 to 0.118 mm.

• Wear limit: 0.17 mm

2.4Measuring radial clearance of cam‐shafts

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Plastigage


–Remove roller rocker finger.

–Remove bearing cap and clean crankshaft journal.

– Place a length of Plastigage corresponding to the width of the bearing on the journal to be measured or into the bearings.

• The Plastigage must lie in the middle of the bearing.

–Fit retaining frame and tighten to 10 Nm ⇒ page 100 without twisting crankshafts.

–Remove retaining frame.

–Compare width of Plastigage with the measurement scale.

• Radial clearance: 0.035 to 0.085 mm.

2.5Removing and installing camshaft oil seal

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4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Fitting tool - V.A.G 10-203-

♦ Seal puller - 3240-

♦ Torque wrench - V.A.G 1331/-

♦ Torque wrench - V.A.G 1332/-

♦ Bolt M12 x 1.5 x 75


–Take toothed belt off camshaft and high-pressure pump ⇒ page 77 .

thgirypocybdetcetorP . icremmocroetavirprofgniypoC

–Remove camshaft pulley and hub ⇒ page 101

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Insert thrust piece -3240/1- into camshaft.

– Unscrewinnerpartofoilsealextractor-3240-2turns(approx. 3mm)fromouterpart,andlockitinplaceusingknurledscrew.

–Lubricate threaded head of oil seal extractor, place it in posi‐tion and, exerting firm pressure, screw it into oil seal as far as possible.

–Loosen knurled screw and turn inner part against camshaft until oil seal is pulled out.




– Remove oil residue from camshaft journal using a clean cloth.

–Fit guide sleeve of fitting tool - 10 - 203- onto camshaft as shown in illustration.

–Carefully slide oil seal -1- over guide sleeve onto camshaft.

– Press seal in to stop using thrust piece from fitting tool 10-203 and bolt M12×1.5x75.

–Install camshaft pulley and hub ⇒ page 101

–Install toothed belt and adjust valve timing ⇒ page 77


Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

2.6Checking hydraulic compensation ele‐ments


♦ Thehydrauliccompensationelementscannotberepaired.

♦ Irregularvalvenoiseduringstartingisnormal.

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Feeler gauge


–Start engine and run until the radiator fan has switched on once.

–Increase engine speed to about 2500 rpm for 2 minutes; per‐form road test if necessary.


Iftheirregularvalvenoisesstopbutrecurrepeatedlyduringshort journeys,theoilretentionvalvemustberenewed.Theoilreten‐tionvalveislocatedintheoilfilterbracket⇒page137

– If the hydraulic compensation elements are still noisy, find out which is the defective compensation element as follows:

–Remove cylinder head cover ⇒ page 74 .

– Turncrankshaftbytheboltforthetoothedbeltwheeluntilcam of supporting element to be tested is facing upwards.

–Press roller rocker finger downwards -arrow- to check clear‐ance between cam and roller rocker finger.

–If a 0.20 mm feeler gauge can be inserted between cam and roller rocker finger, renew hydraulic compensation element.

Concluding measures

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–Install cylinder head cover ⇒ page 74

2.7 Renewingvalvestemsealswithcylinder head installed

Special tools and workshop equipment required

Sharan 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

♦ Valve stem seal puller - 3364-

♦ Valve stem seal fitting tool - 3365-

♦ Bolt M6×30 (qty. 2)


–Remove all glow plugs ⇒ page 318

–Remove camshafts ⇒ page 101

♦ Removal and installation device for valve cotters - VAS 5161with guide plate -VAS 5161/23- and sleeve -VAS 5161/23-1-

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– Mark allocation of roller rocker fingers and hydraulic compen‐sation elements for reinstallation.

– Remove roller rocker fingers together with hydraulic compen‐sation elements and place down on a clean surface.

–Set piston of respective cylinder to “bottom dead centre”.

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–Place guide plate -VAS 5161/23- onto cylinder head.

–Tighten guide plate on intake manifold side by hand using knurled screw -VAS 5161/12- and 2 M6x30 bolts -item 1- until it makes contact.

–Screw sealing pins -VAS 5161/10- into guide plate.

–Screw adapter -VAS 5161/11- hand-tight into relevant glow plug thread.

–Insert drift -VAS 5161/3- into guide plate and use a plastic hammer to knock loose the firmly seated valve cotters.

–Screw toothed piece -VAS 5161/6- with hooking forkVAS 5161/5- into guide plate.

–Push sleeve -VAS 5161/23-1- onto assembly cartridgeVAS 5161/8- .

–Connect adapter to compressed air supply using a commer‐cially available union and apply pressure continuously.

• Minimum pressure: 6 bar.

– Attach pressure fork -VAS 5161/2- to toothed piece and press assembly cartridge down.

–At the same time, turn knurled screw of assembly cartridge clockwise until tips engage in valve cotters.

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– Moveknurledscrewbackandforthtopressapartvalvecotters and capture them in assembly cartridge.

–Release pressure fork.

–Remove assembly cartridge with knurled spacer ring.

–Remove valve spring and valve spring plate.

Sharan 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Pull off valve stem seal using valve stem seal puller - 3364- .



♦ Placeplasticsleeve-A-,enclosedwithnewvalvestem seals-B-,ontovalvestem.

–Lightly oil sealing lip of valve stem seal.

–Push valve stem oil seal onto plastic sleeve.

–Carefully press valve stem oil seal onto valve guide using valve stem seal fitting tool - 3365- .

–Remove plastic sleeve.

If the valve cotters have been removed from the assembly car‐tridge, they must first be inserted into the valve insertion deviceVAS 5161/18- .

• Larger diameter of valve cotters faces upwards.

–Insert valve spring and valve spring plate.

Volkswagen AG

–Press assembly cartridge onto valve cotter insertion device from above and pick up valve cotters.

–Insert assembly cartridge into guide plate -VAS 5161/23again.

–Press pressure fork downwards and pull knurled screw up‐wards, turning it clockwise and anticlockwise. This inserts the valve cotters.

–Reduce pressure on pressure fork whilst pulling on knurled screw.

–Repeat procedure on each valve.


Installation is carried out in the reverse order; note the following:

–Ensure that all roller rocker fingers contact valve stem ends correctlyandareclippedintorelevanthydrauliccompensation elements.

–Install camshafts ⇒ page 101

–Install glow plugs ⇒ page 318

Sharan 2011 ➤

2.8Renewing valve stem seals with cylinder head removed

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Valve stem seal puller - 3364-

♦ Valve stem seal fitting tool - 3365-

♦ Removal and installation device for valve cotters - VAS 5161with guide plate -VAS 5161/23- and sleeve -VAS 5161/23-1-

♦ Engine and gearbox support - VAS 6095-

♦ Cylinder head tensioning device - VAS 6419-

♦ Bolt M6×30 (qty. 2)


–Remove camshafts ⇒ page 101

– Mark allocation of roller rocker fingers and hydraulic compen‐sation elements for reinstallation.

– Remove roller rocker fingers together with hydraulic compen‐sation elements and place down on a clean surface.

– Insertcylinderheadtensioningdevice-VAS6419-intoengine and gearbox support - VAS 6095- .

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018 116 Rep. gr.15 - Cylinder head, valve gear

Sharan 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Tension cylinder head on cylinder head tensioning device as shown in illustration.

–Connect cylinder head tensioning device to compressed air.

– Uselever-arrow-toslideaircushionundercombustioncham‐ber from which valve stem seal is to be removed.

– Allowcompressedairtoflowintoaircushionuntilitliesagainst valve disc.

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–Place guide plate -VAS 5161/23- onto cylinder head.

–Tighten guide plate on intake manifold side by hand using knurled screw -VAS 5161/12- and 2 M6x30 bolts -item 1- until it makes contact.

–Insert drift -VAS 5161/3- into guide plate and use a plastic hammer to knock loose the firmly seated valve cotters.


–Screw toothed piece -VAS 5161/6- with hooking forkVAS 5161/5- into guide plate.

–Push sleeve -VAS 5161/23-1- onto assembly cartridgeVAS 5161/8- .

– Attach pressure fork -VAS 5161/2- to toothed piece and press assembly cartridge down.

–At the same time, turn knurled screw of assembly cartridge clockwise until tips engage in valve cotters.

– Moveknurledscrewbackandforthtopressapartvalvecotters and capture them in assembly cartridge.

–Release pressure fork.

–Remove assembly cartridge with knurled spacer ring.

–Remove valve spring and valve spring plate.

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Pull off valve stem seal using valve stem seal puller - 3364- .



♦ Placeplasticsleeve-A-,enclosedwithnewvalvestem seals-B-,ontovalvestem.

–Lightly oil sealing lip of valve stem seal.

–Push valve stem oil seal onto plastic sleeve.

–Carefully press valve stem oil seal onto valve guide using valve stem seal fitting tool - 3365- .

–Remove plastic sleeve.

If the valve cotters have been removed from the assembly car‐tridge, they must first be inserted into the valve insertion deviceVAS 5161/18- .

• Larger diameter of valve cotters faces upwards.

–Insert valve spring and valve spring plate.

–Press assembly cartridge onto valve cotter insertion device from above and pick up valve cotters.

–Insert assembly cartridge into guide plate -VAS 5161/23again.

–Press pressure fork downwards and pull knurled screw up‐wards, turning it clockwise and anticlockwise. This inserts the valve cotters.

–Reduce pressure on pressure fork whilst pulling on knurled screw.

–Repeat procedure on each valve.


Installation is carried out in the reverse order; note the following:

–Ensure that all roller rocker fingers contact valve stem ends correctlyandareclippedintorelevanthydrauliccompensation elements.

–Install camshafts ⇒ page 101

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4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018


⇒ “2.9.1 Valve dimensions”, page 119

⇒ “2.9.2 Reworking valve seats”, page 119

⇒ “2.9.3 Checking valve guides”, page 119

⇒ “2.9.4 Checking valves”, page 120

2.9.1Valve dimensions



2.9.2Reworking valve seats



2.9.3Checking valve guides

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Universal dial gauge holder - VW 387-

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♦ Dial gauge - VAS 6079-



♦ Ifthevalveisrenewedaspartofarepair,useanewvalvefor themeasurement.

♦ Duetodifferingstemdiameters,onlyuseintakevalveinintake guideandexhaustvalveinexhaustguide.

– Attachdialgauge-VAS6079-withuniversaldialgaugeholder - VW 387- to cylinder head.

–Insert valve into valve guide.

• The end of the valve stem must be flush with the guide.

–Determine rock.

• Wear limit: 1.0 mm.

–If the wear limit is exceeded, repeat the measurement with new valves.

–Renew cylinder head if wear limit is still exceeded.

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2.9.4Checking valves


–Check for scoring on valve stems and valve seat surfaces.

–Exchange valve if significant scoring can be seen.

2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

17 –Lubrication

1Engine oil:



Drain engine oil ⇒ Maintenance ; Booklet ; Engine oil: Drain or extract; renew oil filter and replenish engine oil .

Engine oil specifications ⇒ Maintenance ; Booklet ; Service ta‐bles .

⇒ “1.1 Oil capacities”, page 121

⇒ “1.2 Checking engine oil level”, page 121

1.1Oil capacities

With oil filter change: 4.3 l

Without oil filter change: 4.0 l

1.2Checking engine oil level


Theoillevelmaybeinarea-d-duetotheinfiltrationoffuelinthe engineoilasaresultofunfavourabledrivingconditionsafterfill‐ing.Thisisaperfectlynormalandself-regulatingcharacteristic. Itisnotnecessarytoadjusttheengineoillevel.

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1 - Min. mark

2 - Max. mark

a - Oil level in min. mark area: replenish engine oil!

b - Oil level in middle range: can be topped-up with engine oil.

c - Oil level in max. mark area: do not replenish engine oil.

d - The oil level may be in this area as a result of particular driving conditions.

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2Parts of lubrication system


♦ Findingmetalshavingsoralargequantityofsmallmetalpar‐ticlesduringenginerepaircouldindicatethatthecrankshaft bearingsorconrodbearingsaredamaged.Toavoidanysub‐sequentdamage,thefollowingworkmustbecarriedoutfol‐lowingtherepair:carefullycleanoilchannelsandrenewoil sprayjets,engineoilcoolerandoilfilter.

♦ Oilcapacities,oilspecifications,viscositygrades⇒ Mainte‐nancetables.

⇒ “2.1 Assembly overview - oil pump, sump, balance shaft mod‐ule”, page 122

⇒“2.2Removingandinstallingoillevelandoiltemperaturesend‐er G266 ”, page 126

⇒ “2.3 Removing and installing oil sump”, page 126

⇒ “2.4 Removing and installing oil pump”, page 130

⇒ “2.5 Removing balancer shaft module”, page 131

⇒ “2.6 Installing a new balancer shaft module”, page 133

⇒ “2.7 Installing a previously used balancer shaft module again”, page 135

2.1Assembly overview - oil pump, sump, balance shaft module

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1 - Seal

❑Permanently attached to drain plug

2 - Oil drain plug, 30 Nm

3 - Sump

❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 126

4 - 9 Nm

5 - Suction line

❑Clean strainer if soiled

6 - O-ring


7 - Oil pump

❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 130

❑Before installing, check that the two dowel sleeves for centring oil pump on balancer shaft module are fitted.

8 - Input shaft

❑For oil pump.

9 - Retaining ring

❑Must lie in base of groove.

❑Renew damaged or over-tensioned circlip.

10 - Spur gear

❑For balancer shaft.

11 - 20 Nm + turn 90° further

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12 - Thrust washer

❑For intermediate gear wheel.


❑Fitting position ⇒ page 125

❑To install intermediate gear wheel, secure to balancer shaft module with grease.

13 - Intermediate gear


❑A coating is applied to the new intermediate gear wheel which sets the correct tooth backlash through wear.

❑Installation position: Part number must be visible.

❑Make sure thrust washer is seated correctly ⇒ page 125

14 - 90 Nm + 90°

❑With washer


15 - Hub

❑For intermediate gear wheel.


Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

16 - Crankshaft sprocket

17 - Balancer shaft module

❑Removing ⇒ page 131

❑Reinstalling previously run balancer shaft module ⇒ page 135

❑Installing new balancer shaft module ⇒ page 133

❑ Before installing, check that the two dowel sleeves for centring balancer shaft module on cylinder block are fitted.

18 - Bolt


❑Specified torque and tightening sequence ⇒ page 130

19 - Dowel sleeves

20 - 9 Nm

21 - Oil extraction pipe

22 - 9 Nm

23 - Seal


24 - Oil level and oil temperature sender - G266-

❑Removing and installing ⇒ page 126

25 - 9 Nm



26 - Bolt


❑Specified torque and tightening sequence ⇒ page 124

Sump - specified torque and tightening sequence


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–Tighten bolts in 3 stages:

Stage Bolts Specified torque

1) -1 … 20- In diagonal sequence to 5 Nm

2) -Arrows- 40 Nm

3) -1 … 20- Diagonally in stages; final torque 15 Nm


4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) -

Thrust washer installation position



♦ Wheninstallingintermediategearwheel,makesurethat thrustwasher-A-doesnotslipoutofbalancershaftmod‐uleindentations-arrows-andsubsequentlybecomejam‐med.Ifnecessary,fixinplacewithgreaseonbalancer shaftmodule.

Tightening sequence - balancer shaft module with 8 bolted con‐nection points

–Tighten bolts of balancer shaft module as follows:

Stage Bolts Specified torque/turning further angle

1) -1 … 8- Hand-tighten in sequence

2) -1 … 8- Initially tighten in sequence to 6 Nm

3) -1 … 4- Tighten to 20 Nm

4) -5- Tighten to 13 Nm

5) -6- Tighten to 20 Nm

6) -7- Tighten to 13 Nm

7) -8- Tighten to 20 Nm

8) -1 … 8- Turn bolts 90° further in sequence us‐ing a fixed wrench

Tightening sequence - balancer shaft module with 6 bolted con‐nection points

–Tighten bolts of balancer shaft module as follows:

Stage Bolts Specified torque/turning further angle

1) -1 … 6- Hand-tighten in sequence

2) -1 … 6- Initially tighten bolts in sequence to 6 Nm

3) -1 … 4- Tighten to 20 Nm.

4) -5 and 6- Tighten to 13 Nm

5) -1 … 6- Turn bolts 90° further in sequence us‐ing a fixed wrench

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

2.2Removing and installing oil level and oil temperature sender - G266-


–Drain engine oil ⇒ Maintenance ; Booklet .

–Disconnect electrical connector -3-.

–Unscrew bolts -1- and remove oil level and oil temperature sender - G266- -item 4-.


• Specified torque

⇒ “2.1 Assembly overview - oil pump, sump, balance shaft module”, page 122

Install in reverse order of removal, observing the following.



–Replenish engine oil, and check oil level ⇒ Maintenance ; Booklet .

2.3Removing and installing oil sump

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ T-bar and socket, 10 mm - 3185-

♦ Torx bit - T10058-

♦ Hand drill with plastic brush

♦ Sealant ⇒ Electronic Parts Catalogue

♦ Safety glasses

2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018


–Drain engine oil ⇒ Maintenance ; Booklet .

– Remove air hose; loosen hose clip -2- and raise retaining clip -1- for this.

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–Unscrew bolts -arrows-.

–Free coolant hose -3-.

–Release hose clip -2-.

– Disconnectelectricalconnector-1-onchargepressuresender - G31- and remove right air pipe.

–Unscrew bolt -arrow- and push coolant circulation pump 2V178- to the side.



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4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Unscrew bolt -arrow- on left air pipe.

–Disconnect electrical connector -arrow- on oil level and oil temperature sender - G266- .

–Open fasteners -arrows- and remove noise insulation -1- for sump.

–Unscrew bolts -arrows- of sump to gearbox connection.

–Slacken bolts -1 … 20- in diagonal sequence and remove.

–Release sump carefully from adhesive.




♦ Coveropenpartsofengine.



♦ Wearsafetygoggles.

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

– Remove sealant residues from sump and cylinder block using rotating plastic brush or similar.

–Clean sealing surfaces; they must be oil and grease free.



–Cut off nozzle on tube at front marking (∅ of nozzle approx. 2 mm).



♦ Donotapplysealantbeadthickerthanspecified.

–Apply bead of sealant onto clean sealing surface of sump as illustrated.

• Thickness of sealant bead: 2…3 mm.

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♦ Takeparticularcarewhenapplyingsealantbeadinareaof rearsealingflange-arrows-.

♦ Oilsumpmustbeinstalledwithin5minutesafterapplying sealant.

–Mount oil sump.

• The sump must be flush with the gearbox flange at the inter‐mediate plate.

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4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

Sump - specified torque and tightening sequence

–Tighten bolts in 3 stages:

Stage Bolts Specified torque

1) -1 … 20- In diagonal sequence to 5 Nm

2) -Arrows- 40 Nm

3) -1 … 20- Diagonally in stages; final torque 15 Nm


♦ Wheninstallingsumpwithengineremoved,ensurethatsump isflushwithcylinderblockatflywheelend.

♦ Allowsealanttodryforapprox.30minutesafterinstalling sump.Onlythenfillwithengineoil.

–Install coolant circulation pump 2 - V178- .

–Install air pipes ⇒ page 218

. icremmocroetavirprofgniypoCla rup op s e s , i n p a r t o r in w hole,

–Installing intake hoses with screw-type clips ⇒ page 218

–Fit noise insulation ⇒ Rep. gr. 50 .

–Replenish engine oil, and check oil level ⇒ Maintenance ; Booklet .

2.4Removing and installing oil pump

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Circlip pliers (commercially available)

♦ M3 bolt


–Remove sump ⇒ page 126

–Unscrew bolts -arrows- and pull suction line off oil pump.

2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Remove circlip -1- with circlip pliers.

–Pull drive shaft -2- out of oil pump using a magnet -arrow-.

–Unscrew bolts -3, 4, 5- and remove oil pump.




• Specified torque ⇒ “2.1 Assembly overview - oil pump, sump, balance shaft module”, page 122

Install in reverse order of removal, observing the following.


♦ RenewO-ring.

♦ Renewdamagedoroverstretchedcirclip.

♦ Theretainingringmustseatinthebaseofthegroove.

–Insert dowel sleeves if oil pump has no dowel sleeves -arrows-.

–Insert dowel sleeves if balancer shaft module has no dowel sleeves for centring oil pump.

–Install sump ⇒ page 126

2.5Removing balancer shaft module

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Crankshaft stop - T10050-


–Pull out oil dipstick.

–Remove vibration damper ⇒ page 30


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4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018



♦ Onlyturncrankshaftinenginedirectionofrotation.

–Turn crankshaft at bolt for toothed belt pulley until crankshaft is at “TDC”.

–Lock crankshaft in position with crankshaft stop - T10050- .

• Themarkingsonthetoothedbeltpulley-2-andthecrankshaft stop -1- must align -arrow-. When doing this, the pin of the crankshaft stop must engage in the drilling of sealing flange.


Thecrankshaftstopcanbepushedontothetoothedbeltsprocket onlyfromthefaceside.

–Remove sump ⇒ page 126 .

–Unscrew bolts in sequence -8 … 1- respectively -6 … 1-, and remove balancer shaft module with oil pump.

Balancer shaft module with 8 threaded connection points

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4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

Balancer shaft module with 6 threaded connection points


♦ Installinganewbalancershaftmodule⇒page133

♦ Installingapreviouslyusedbalanceshaftmodule ⇒page135

2.6Installing a new balancer shaft module

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Locking device - T10255Procedure

• Specified torques ⇒ “2.1 Assembly overview - oil pump, sump, balance shaft module”, page 122

• Crankshaft locked in position with crankshaft stop - T10050- .


♦ Thespurgeardriveofthebalanceshaftmodulemustbein‐stalledwithabacklashof0.038…0.072mm.

♦ Acoatingofcorrectthicknessisappliedtothenewintermedi‐ategearwheeltosetthecorrectbacklash.Thecoatingis appliedinpartaroundtheteeth.

♦ Thecoatingisquicklywornaway,whichsetsthecorrectback‐lash.

♦ Anewbalanceshaftmodulemustalwaysbeinstalledwitha newintermediategearwheelwithcoating.

♦ Ifafurthertighteningangleisspecifiedforcertainbolts,these mustberenewed.

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♦ Tofitbalanceshaftmodule,donotloosenintermediate gearwheelboltmorethanspecified.Thrustwasherin‐stallationposition⇒page125

–Loosen bolt -1- for intermediate gear wheel approx. 45°.

–Insert dowel sleeves if no dowel sleeves for centring balance shaft module are fitted on cylinder block.

–Place balancer shaft module on cylinder block.

• Coating on intermediate gear wheel must not be damaged.

–Tighten bolts for balance shaft module:

Balancer shaft module with 8 threaded connection points ⇒ page 125

Balancer shaft module with 6 threaded connection points ⇒ page 125

–Lock balance shaft with locking tool - T10255- ; if necessary, turn balance shaft.

• Lockingtoolpinmustengageingrooveinbalancershaftwhen doing this.


– Carefullyfitbalanceshaftgearwheelontobalanceshaft;push intermediate gear wheel slightly to side for this.

• Coating on intermediate gear wheel must not be damaged.

• If possible, threaded holes of balance shaft should be located centrally in elongated holes of balance shaft gear wheel.


Ifelongatedholesinbalanceshaftgearwheelcannotbealigned tothreadedholes,balanceshaftgearwheelmustbeturnedby respectivenumberofteethandfittedagain.

–Tighten bolts -arrows- for balance shaft gear wheel.

–Remove locking tool - T10255- .

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4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018


Thefollowing3proceduresmustbeperformedsimultaneously (2ndmechanicrequired).

–Press intermediate gear wheel -3- forcefully (with assistance of a wooden rod if necessary) in -direction of arrow- into spur gear teeth -2- and balance shaft gear wheel -1-.

– Turnbalanceshaftgearwheelslightlyanticlockwisewhilstdo‐ing this.

–Tighten bolt for intermediate gear wheel.

–Remove crankshaft stop - T10050- .


Nobacklashmaybeperceptibleafterinstallingintermediategear wheel.Thiscanbecheckedbyhandusinglightforce.

Nowcontinueinstallinginreverseorderofremoval,observingthe following:

–Install sump ⇒ page 126

–Install vibration damper ⇒ page 30

2.7Installing a previously used balancer shaft module again

r in w hole, isnotpermittedunlessauthorisedbyVolkswagen AG Volkswagen

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Locking device - T10255-




Iftheintermediategearwheelboltwasloosened,thedrivegear wheelonthecrankshaftwasrenewedorthecrankshaftwas removed,anewintermediategearwheelwithcoatingmustbe installed and the hub ⇒ Item 15 (page 123) with bolt ⇒Item14(page123)andthrustwashersmustberenewed. Otherwise,thetoothbacklashwillbeincorrect.Procedure wheninstalling⇒page133


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–Lock balance shaft with locking tool - T10255- ; if necessary, turn balance shaft.

• Lockingtoolpinmustengageingrooveinbalancershaftwhen doing this.

–Insert dowel sleeves if no dowel sleeves for centring balance shaft module are fitted on cylinder block.

–Place balancer shaft module on cylinder block.

• Theintermediategearwheelmustmeshinthecrankshaftspur gear when the balance shaft is locked.

• The intermediate gear wheel must have a slight tooth back‐lash.

–Tighten bolts for balance shaft module:

Balancer shaft module with 8 threaded connection points

⇒ page 125

Balancer shaft module with 6 threaded connection points

⇒ page 125

–Remove crankshaft stop - T10050- .

Nowcontinueinstallinginreverseorderofremoval,observingthe following:

–Install sump ⇒ page 126

–Install vibration damper.

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4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

3 Oil filter bracket and engine oil cooler

⇒“3.1Assemblyoverview-oilfilterbracketandengineoilcooler”, page 137

⇒ “3.2 Removing and installing oil filter bracket with engine oil cooler”, page 138

⇒ “3.3 Removing and installing oil pressure switch F1 ”, page 141

⇒ “3.4 Checking oil pressure switch F1 ”, page 142

⇒ “3.5 Checking oil pressure”, page 143

3.1Assembly overview - oil filter bracket and engine oil cooler

1 - Cap

❑25 Nm

2 - O-ring


3 - O-ring


4 - O-ring


5 - Oil filter element

❑Observe notes

⇒ page 122

❑ Removing and installing

⇒ Maintenance ; Book‐let 808

6 - Engine oil cooler

❑Observe notes

⇒ page 122

❑Connection diagram for coolant hoses

⇒ page 149

❑ Removing and installing

⇒ page 138

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❑Renew coolant after re‐placing

7 - 11 Nm

8 - Seals


9 - Bolt


❑Specified torque and tightening sequence

⇒ page 138

10 - Oil filter bracket

❑With integrated oil retention valve.

❑Removing and installing

⇒ “3.2 Removing and installing oil filter bracket with engine oil cooler”, page 138

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11 - Seals


Oil filter bracket - specified torques and sequence



–First tighten upper left and lower right bolts.

–Tighten bolts in 2 stages:

Stage Bolts Specified torque/turning further angle

1) -Arrows- In diagonal sequence to 14 Nm 2) -Arrows- turn 90° further diagonally

3.2 Removing and installing oil filter bracket with engine oil cooler

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Release lever - 80 - 200-

♦ Used oil collector and extractor - V.A.G 1782-

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♦ Drip tray for workshop hoist - VAS 6208-

♦ Spring-type clip pliers - VAS 6362-


–Drain coolant ⇒ page 159

–Remove radiator cowl ⇒ page 150 .

–Remove air filter housing ⇒ page 263

–Remove oil filter element ⇒ Maintenance ; Booklet .

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4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Unscrew bolts -arrows-.

–Free off coolant hose -3-.

–Release hose clip -2-.

– Disconnectelectricalconnector-1-onchargepressuresender -G31-/intakeairtemperaturesender-G42-andremoveright air pipe.

–Pull out oil dipstick slightly, unscrew bolt -1-.

–Press off clip -2- using removal lever - 80 - 200- .

– Pulloildipstickguidetubeoffcylinderblockupwardsandpush to side.

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–Place drip tray for workshop hoist - VAS 6208- under point of separation.

–Remove coolant hoses. To do this, loosen hose clips -1-.

– Place used oil collection and extraction unit - V.A.G 1782- un‐der engine.

–Unscrew bolts -arrows- and remove oil filter bracket with en‐gine oil cooler.


• Specified torques

⇒ “3.1 Assembly overview - oil filter bracket and engine oil cooler”, page 137

Install in reverse order of removal, observing the following.


♦ Renewgaskets,sealsandO-rings.

♦ Hoseunionsandairintakepipesandhosesmustbefreeof oilandgreasebeforeinstallation.

♦ Secureallhoseconnectionswiththesametypeofhoseclips asoriginalequipment⇒ Electronicpartscatalogue.

–Install dipstick guide tube ⇒ page 122

–Install charge air pipe ⇒ page 218

–Installing intake hoses with screw-type clips ⇒ page 218 .

–Install air filter housing ⇒ page 263

–Install radiator cowl ⇒ page 150

– Installoilfilterelement,replenishengineoilandcheckoillevel ⇒ Maintenance ; Booklet .

– Replenish coolant in cooling system, change coolant if engine oil cooler has been renewed ⇒ page 159

3.3Removing and installing oil pressure switch - F1-


–Remove engine cover panel ⇒ page 7

– Press release buttons and remove hose -1- for venting crank‐case.

–Move clear vacuum hoses -arrows-.

–Remove air pipe from air filter housing; release hose clip -3for this.

–Unscrew bolt -2-, swing air pipe with inlet connection to rear and pull off from turbocharger.

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–Unscrew bolts -2- and -3-, remove engine lifting eyes -1-.

–Separate electrical connector -arrow-.

–Remove oil pressure switch - F1- .


• Specified torques

⇒ “1.4 Assembly overview - cylinder head”, page 84

Install in reverse order of removal, observing the following.



–Install vacuum line to exhaust gas recirculation cooler

⇒ page 224

–Install intake pipe ⇒ page 205

3.4Checking oil pressure switch - F1-

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Oil pressure tester - V.A.G 1342-

♦ Voltage tester - V.A.G 1527B-

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♦ Adapter set - V.A.G 1594C-

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• Oil level OK.

• Engine oil temperature approx. 80°C.

–Remove oil pressure switch - F1- ⇒ page 141

–Connect oil pressure tester - V.A.G 1342- to hole for oil pres‐sure switch.

– Screwoilpressureswitch-F1--item2-intoholeinoilpressure tester.

–Connect brown line -1- of oil pressure tester to earth (–).

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–Connect voltage tester - V.A.G 1527B- with auxiliary cables from auxiliary measuring set - V.A.G 1594C- to oil pressure switch - F1- and battery positive (+).

• LED should not light up.

Note IfLEDlightsupnow,renewoilpressureswitch-F1-.

–Start engine.


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ObserveoilpressuretesterandLEDwhilestarting,asswitching pointofoilpressureswitchmayalreadybeexceededwhenstart‐ing.

• LED should light up at 0.3…0.6 bar.

–If LED does not light up, renew oil pressure switch - F1⇒ page 141

3.5Checking oil pressure

Special tools and workshop equipment required

Sharan 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

♦ Oil pressure tester - V.A.G 1342-


• Oil level OK.

• Engine oil temperature approx. 80°C.

–Remove oil pressure switch - F1- ⇒ page 141

–Connect oil pressure tester - V.A.G 1342- to hole for oil pres‐sure switch - F1- .

– Screwanoldoilpressureswitchintoholeonoilpressuretester - V.A.G 1342- to seal hole.

–Start engine.

• Minimum oil pressure at idling speed: 0.6 bar.

• Minimum oil pressure at 2,000 rpm: 1.0 bar.

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19 –Cooling

1Parts of cooling system



♦ Routelinesofanykindsothattheoriginalroutingcanbe restored.

♦ Ensurethatthereissufficientclearancetoallmovingor hotcomponents.


♦ Coolingsystemispressurizedwhenengineiswarm.Ifnec‐essary,releasepressurebeforecarryingoutrepairs.

♦ Hoseconnectionsaresecuredwithspring-typeclips.Incase ofrepair,onlyusespring-typeclips.

♦ Hoseclippliers-VAS6340-arerecommendedtoinstall spring-typeclips.

♦ Wheninstallingcoolanthoses,routestress-freesothatthey donotcomeintocontactwithothercomponents(observe markingsoncoolantconnectionandhose).

Test for leaks in cooling system using cooling system testerV.A.G1274/-andadapterforexpansiontank-V.A.G1274/8-and adapter for sealing cap - V.A.G 1274/9- .


⇒ “1.1 Assembly overview - parts of cooling system, body side”, page 145

⇒“1.2Assemblyoverview-partsofcoolingsystem,engineside”, page 147

⇒ “1.3 Assembly overview - coolant pump and thermostat”, page 148

⇒ “1.4 Coolant hose connection diagram”, page 149

1.1Assembly overview - parts of cooling system, body side

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1 - Radiator/cooler

❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 151

❑After renewing, renew entire coolant.

2 - O-ring

❑Renew if damaged

3 - Upper coolant hose

❑Connection diagram for coolant hoses

⇒ page 149

4 - Cap

❑Check using cooling system testerV.A.G 1274- and adapt‐er - V.A.G 1274/9⇒ page 174 .

5 - Connector

6 - 5 Nm

7 - Expansion tank

❑Checking cooling sys‐tem for leaks with cool‐ing system testerV.A.G 1274- and adapt‐er - V.A.G 1274/8⇒ page 174

8 - Lower coolant hose

❑Connection diagram for coolant hoses

⇒ page 149

9 - 5 Nm

10 - 5 Nm

11 - Radiator fan - V7-

12 - Right radiator fan - V35-

13 - Connector

14 - Radiator cowl

❑Removing and installing ⇒ page 150

1 - Grommet

❑Not sold separately

2 - Sleeve

❑Not sold separately

3 - 2.7 Nm

4 - 40 Nm

5 - Bracket

❑For coolant circulation pump 2 - V178-

6 - Front coolant pipe

❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 163

7 - O-ring ❑Renew

8 - 8 Nm

9 - Right coolant pipe 10 - O-ring


11 - Retaining clip

12 - Radiator outlet coolant temperature sender - G83-

❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 173

13 - 9 Nm 14 - 9 Nm

15 - 9 Nm

16 - Coolant line

17 - Seal


18 - Union

❑For coolant hoses

19 - O-ring


20 - Radiator outlet coolant - G6221 - Double stud 9 Nm

22 - 9 Nm

23 - Retaining clip 24 - Left coolant pipe

❑Removing and installing ⇒ page 168 Sharan 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

25 - 9 Nm

26 - 9 Nm

27 - 9 Nm

28 - 13 Nm

29 - Upper front coolant pipe

❑Removing and installing ⇒ page 167

30 - Coolant circulation pump 2 - V178-

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1.3Assembly overview - coolant pump and thermostat

1 - Coolant pump

❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 152

2 - 15 Nm

3 - O-ring


4 - O-ring


5 - 4/2-way valve with thermo‐stat

❑The thermostat is loca‐ted within the 4/2-way valve and cannot be ex‐changed individually.

❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 154

6 - 15 Nm

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1.4Coolant hose connection diagram

1 - Radiator for engine coolant

❑Renew coolant after re‐placing

2 - Coolant circulation pump 2 - V178-

3 - Engine oil cooler

4 - 4/2-way valve with thermo‐stat

❑ Removing and installing

⇒ page 154

5 - Coolant pump

6 - Cylinder head and cylinder block

❑Renew coolant after re‐placing

7 - Coolant expansion tank

❑With cap

❑Checking pressure re‐lief valve in filler cap

⇒ page 174

8 - Exhaust gas recirculation cooler

❑Checking exhaust gas recirculation cooler for leaks ⇒ page 308

9 - Auxiliary heater

10 - Circulation pump - V55-

11 - Heat exchanger for heater

12 - Gear oil cooler

❑For double clutch gear‐box.

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2Repairing cooling system

⇒ “2.1 Removing and installing cowling together with radiator fan V7 and radiator fan on right of radiator V35 ”, page 150

⇒ “2.2 Removing and installing radiator”, page 151

⇒ “2.3 Removing and installing coolant pump”, page 152

⇒ “2.4 Removing and installing 4/2-way valve with thermostat”, page 154

⇒ “2.5 Draining and adding coolant”, page 159

⇒ “2.6 Coolant pipes, coolant temperature sender”, page 163

⇒ “2.7 Checking cooling system for leaks”, page 174

2.1 Removing and installing cowling togeth‐erwithradiatorfan-V7-andradiatorfan on right of radiator - V35-


–Remove engine cover panel ⇒ page 7

– Remove air filter housing with air mass meter and connecting pipe ⇒ page 263 .

–Unscrew upper bolts -upper arrows- of air cowling.

–Remove noise insulation ⇒ General body repairs, exterior; 50;Body-front;Assemblyoverview-noiseinsulation

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– Remove connecting hose »hot side« to charge air pipe. To do this, loosen hose clamps -1- and -2-.


4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Disconnect connector -1-.

–Unscrew lower bolts -lower arrows-.

–Remove cowling together with radiator fans downwards.

–Thread out electrical connector -1- (if fitted) -2-. Move wiring clear.

–Unscrew nuts -arrows- and remove radiator fan.


Install in reverse order of removal.

2.2Removing and installing radiator

–Remove noise insulation ⇒ General body repairs, exterior; Rep. gr. 50 ; Noise insulation .

–Place drip tray - VAS 6208- beneath engine.

– Disconnect coolant hose -1- from radiator (right) and drain off coolant.

–Remove air filter housing ⇒ page 263

– Pulloffcoolanthose-arrow-fromradiator(left)andallowcool‐ant to drain.

–Remove radiator cowl ⇒ page 150

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–Unscrew air duct on lock carrier -arrows-.

–Unscrew bolts -1 and 2-.

–Unscrew securing bolt -arrow- for coolant pipes.


Pullradiator»away«fromcoolantpipebracketwhenunscrewing securingbolt.

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–Remove radiator upwards. Installing


Installation is carried out in the reverse order. When installing, note the following:

–Add coolant ⇒ page 159

2.3Removing and installing coolant pump


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4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Refractometer - T10007-

♦ Torque wrench (5 … 50 Nm) - V.A.G 1331-

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♦ Hose clamp pliers - VAS 6340Removing

Note Renewgasketsandseals.

–Drain coolant ⇒ page 159

–Remove poly V-belt ⇒ page 27

–Remove toothed belt ⇒ page 77

2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Remove securing bolts -1- for coolant pump -2- and carefully remove coolant pump.


Installation is carried out in the reverse order. When installing, note the following:

–Moisten new O-ring -3- with coolant.

– Insert coolant pump -2- in cylinder block, and tighten securing bolts -1- to 15 Nm.

Note Thecoolantpumpplugfacesdownwards.

–Install toothed belt ⇒ page 77

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–Install poly V-belt ⇒ page 27

–Fill coolant system with coolant ⇒ page 159 .

2.4Removing and installing 4/2-way valve with thermostat


Thethermostatislocatedwithinthe4/2-wayvalveandcannotbe renewindividually.


Special tools and workshop equipment required

2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

♦ 10 mm jointed spanner - 3185-

♦ Refractometer - T10007-

♦ Torx bit - T10058-

♦ Torque wrench - V.A.G 1331/-

♦ Drip tray for workshop hoist - VAS 6208-

♦ Hose clamp pliers - VAS 6340-


Note Renewgasketsandseals.

–Drain coolant ⇒ page 159

–Remove engine cover panel ⇒ page 7 .

–Remove air filter housing together with air mass meter and connecting pipe ⇒ page 263

– Remove battery ⇒ Electrical system; Rep. gr. 27 ; Removing and installing battery .


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4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Remove battery carrier, unscrew securing bolts -arrows- for this.


– Remove crankcase breather hose -1- from cylinder head cov‐er. Press release tabs to do this.

–Free vacuum hoses -arrows- at air pipe.

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–Unscrew bolt -2-, swing air pipe with inlet connection to rear and remove from turbocharger.


–Unclip wiring harness from bracket -arrow-.

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

– Free wiring harnesses -arrows- and electrical connector -1- at bracket.

AG. Volkswagen

–Unscrew bolts -2, 5- and -arrows-.

–Free electrical lines and hoses on left air pipe using removal lever - 80 - 200- .

–Release hose clip -3- and remove left air pipe.

–Pull off coolant hoses. To do this, open hose clips -1-.


–Remove electrical connector -1- for Hall sender - G40- from bracket.

– Unscrewbolts-arrows-andpullfrontcoolantpipetosideaway from 4/2-way valve. Sharan 2011 ➤

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Pull coolant pipe out of connection -C- for 4/2-way valve. Leave in its installation position.

–Unscrew bolts -arrows-.

–Free coolant hose -3-.

–Release hose clip -2-.


– Disconnectelectricalconnector-1-onchargepressuresender -G31-/intakeairtemperaturesender-G42-andremoveright air pipe.

–Remove alternator ⇒ starter, current supply, CCS; Rep. gr. 27 ; Removing and installing alternator .

–Unscrew bolt -1-.

thgirypocybdetcetorP . icremmocroetavirprofgniypoCla rup op s e s , i n p a r t o r in w hole,

–Press off clip -2- using removal lever - 80 - 200- .

–Pull oil dipstick guide tube upwards out of cylinder block and press aside.


Sharan 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Pull coolant hoses off connections -A, B and D-.

–Remove securing bolts -3- for 4/2-way valve -2-.

–Pull valve out from cylinder block.

2.5Draining and adding coolant

Special tools and workshop equipment required

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♦ Refractometer - T10007-

♦ Drip tray for workshop hoist - VAS 6208-

♦ Hose clamp pliers - VAS 6340-

♦ Coolant system charge unit - VAS 6096-

♦ Adapter for cooling system tester - V.A.G 1274/8-

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018



Hotsteammayescapewhenexpansiontankisopened.Cover sealingcapwithaclothandopenitcarefully.

–Open cap on coolant expansion tank.

Remove noise insulation: ⇒ General body repairs, exterior; Rep. gr. 50 ; Body - front; Assembly overview - noise insulation –Pull coolant hoses -1- off coolant circulation pump 2 - V178-2-.

–Remove air hose. Release hose clips -1- and -2- for this.



–Pull off lower coolant hose retaining clip -arrow- and remove coolant hose from quick-release connection of radiator.

2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–To drain coolant from engine, also remove coolant hose from engine oil cooler -arrow-.



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♦ Thewaterusedformixinghasamajorinfluenceontheeffec‐tivenessofthecoolant.Becausethewaterqualitydiffersfrom countrytocountryandevenfromregiontoregion,thequality ofthewatertobeusedinthecoolingsystemhasbeenspeci‐fiedbyVolkswagen.Distilledwaterfulfilsallrequirements. Therefore,onlyeverusedistilledwaterwhenmixingcoolant fortoppinguporrenewingcoolant.

♦ Useonlycoolantadditiveswhichconformwiththe⇒ Elec‐tronicpartscatalogue(ETKA).Othercoolantadditivesmay reducecorrosionprotectionsubstantially.Theresultingdam‐agecouldleadtolossofcoolantandsubsequentsevere damagetothemotor.

♦ Mixedintheproperproportions,coolantinhibitsfrostandcor‐rosiondamageaswellasscaling.Suchadditivesalsoraise theboilingpointofthecoolant.Forthisreason,thecooling systemmustbefilledall-year-roundwithcoolantadditives.

♦ Becauseofitshighboilingpoint,thecoolantimprovesengine reliabilityunderheavyloads,particularlyincountrieswithtrop‐icalclimates.

♦ ONLYrefractometer-T10007A-maybeusedfordetermining currentanti-freezevalue.

♦ Frostprotectionmustbeguaranteeddownto-25°Casamin‐imumand,incountrieswitharcticconditions,downtoapprox. -36°C.Increasingthefrostprotectionispermissibleonlyifcli‐maticconditionsrequirestrongerfrostprotection.Itmay,how‐ever,beincreasedonlytoamaximumof-48°C.Otherwise, thecoolingeffectwillbeimpaired.

♦ Donotreducethecoolantconcentrationbyaddingwatereven inwarmerseasonsandinwarmercountries.Frostprotection mustbeguaranteeddowntoatleast-25°C.

♦ Readoffanti-freezefiguresforrespectivereplenishedcoolant additives.

♦ Thetemperaturereadofftherefractometer-T10007A-corre‐spondsthe»iceflocculationpoint«.Flakesoficemaystart forminginthecoolantbelowthistemperature.

♦ Neverreuseoldcoolant.

♦ Useonlyawater/coolantadditivemixtureasaslipagentfor coolanthoses.

Recommended mixing ratios (use only distilled water for mixing):

1) The quantity of coolant can vary depending on the vehicle equipment. Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Install lower coolant hose and secure with retaining clip -arrow-.

– Connect coolant hoses to engine oil cooler and coolant circu‐lation pump 2 - V178- .

– Installnoiseinsulation:⇒ Generalbodyrepairs,exterior;Rep. gr. 50 ; Body - front; Assembly overview - sound insulation .

With cooling system charge unit - VAS 6096- :

– Screw adapter for cooling system tester - V.A.G 1274/8- onto expansion tank.

–Fill coolant circuit using cooling system charge unitVAS6096-⇒ Operatinginstructionsforcoolingsystemcharge unit VAS 6096.

Without cooling system charge unit - VAS 6096- :

–Slowly fill coolant to upper marking of shaded field on expan‐sion tank.

–Fit expansion tank cap.

– Startengineandmaintainanenginespeedofabout2,000rpm for about 3 minutes.

–Then run engine at idling speed until radiator fan cuts in.

– Check coolant level and top up as needed. When engine is at normaloperatingtemperature,thecoolantlevelmustbeatthe upper mark; when engine is cold, in the middle of the shaded field.

thgirypocybdetcetorP . icremmocroetavirprofgniypoC

2.6Coolant pipes, coolant temperature sender

“2.6.1 Removing and installing front coolant pipe”, page 163

“2.6.2 Removing and installing upper front coolant pipe”, page 167

“2.6.3 Removing and installing left coolant pipe”, page 168

“2.6.4 Removing and installing right coolant pipe”, page 170

⇒“2.6.5RemovingandinstallingcoolanttemperaturesenderG62 ”, page 172

“2.6.6 Removing and installing radiator outlet coolant temper‐ature sender G83 ”, page 173

2.6.1Removing and installing front coolant pipe

Special tools and workshop equipment required


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Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

♦ Release lever - 80 - 200-

♦ Hoseclamps,upto25mm-3094-forvehicleswithdualclutch gearbox

♦ Spring-type clip pliers - VAS 6362-


–Drain coolant ⇒ page 159

–Remove air filter housing ⇒ page 263

–Remove battery ⇒ Electrical system; Rep. gr. 27 .

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4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

– Unscrew bolts -arrows- and remove battery mounting bracket -1-.

– Remove crankcase breather hose -1- from cylinder head cov‐er. Press release tabs to do this.




–Free vacuum hoses -arrows- at air pipe.

–Unscrew bolt -2-, swing air pipe with inlet connection to rear and pull from turbocharger.

–Unclip wiring harness from bracket -arrow-.

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Vehicles with dual clutch gearbox:


–Clamp off coolant hoses using hose clamps -3094- and pull from gearbox oil cooler. To do this, open hose clips -arrows-.

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

Continued for all vehicles:

– Free wiring harnesses -arrows- and electrical connector -1- at bracket.

–Remove air hose. Release hose clips -1- and -2- for this.

–Unscrew bolts -2, 5- and -arrows-.

– Free electrical wiring and hoses on left air pipe using removal lever - 80 - 200- .

–Release hose clip -3- and remove left air pipe.

–Release hose clips -1- and pull coolant hoses off.


Sharan 2011 ➤

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Remove electrical connector -1- for Hall sender - G40- from bracket.

–Remove bracket from front from coolant pipe.

–Open hose clips -2- and -3-, and pull coolant hoses off.

–Unscrew bolts -arrows- and pull front coolant pipe out of 4/2way valve.


• Specified torques ⇒ page 147

Install in reverse order of removal, observing the following.


♦ Renewgaskets,sealsandO-rings.

♦ Hoseunionsandairintakepipesandhosesmustbefreeof oilandgreasebeforeinstallation.

♦ Secureallhoseconnectionswiththesametypeofhoseclips asoriginalequipment⇒ Electronicpartscatalogue.

–Clean or smoothen sealing surface for O-ring.

–Moisten O-ring with coolant and slide onto front coolant pipe.

–Push front coolant pipe into 4/2-way valve.

–Electrical connections and routing ⇒ Current flow diagrams, Electrical fault finding and Fitting locations.

–Fill coolant system with coolant ⇒ page 159

2.6.2Removing and installing upper front coolant pipe

thgirypocybdetcetorP . icremmocroetavirprofgniypoCla rup op s e s , i n p a r t o r in w hole, isnotpermittedunlessauthorisedbyVolkswagen

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Hose clamp pliers - VAS 6340-

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

♦ Spring-type clip pliers - VAS 6362-


–Remove engine cover panel ⇒ page 7

–Remove air filter housing ⇒ page 263

–Drain coolant ⇒ page 159

–Unscrew bolt -2-.

–Open hose clips -1- and -3-, and pull coolant hoses off.

–Remove upper front coolant pipe.


• Specified torques ⇒ page 147

Install in reverse order of removal, observing the following.

–Fill coolant system with coolant ⇒ page 159

2.6.3 Removingandinstallingleftcoolantpipe

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Release lever - 80 - 200-

la rup op s e s , i n p a r t o r in w hole,

Sharan 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

♦ Hose clamps to 25 mm - 3094-

♦ Drip tray for workshop hoist - VAS 6208-

♦ Spring-type clip pliers - VAS 6362-


–Remove noise insulation ⇒ Rep. gr. 50 .

thgirypocybdetcetorP . icremmocroetavirprofgniypoCla rup op s e s , i n p a r t o r in w hole,

–Remove air filter housing ⇒ page 263 – Free wiring harnesses -arrows- and electrical connector -1- at bracket.

AG Volkswagen AGdoes pect t o GAnegawskloVybthgirypoC.tnem

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Release hose clips -1- and -2- and remove air intake hose.

–Unscrew bolts -2-, -5- and -arrows-.

– Free electrical wiring and hoses on left air pipe using removal lever - 80 - 200- .

–Release hose clip -3- and remove left air pipe.

–Place drip tray for workshop hoist - VAS 6208- under engine.

– Clamp off coolant hoses with hose clamps -3094- and release hose clips -1- and -4-.

–Pull coolant hoses off left coolant pipe.

–Remove left coolant pipe.


• Specified torques: ⇒ page 147


Install in reverse order of removal, observing the following.


♦ Hoseunionsandairintakepipesandhosesmustbefreeof oilandgreasebeforeinstallation.

♦ Secureallhoseconnectionswiththesametypeofhoseclips asoriginalequipment⇒ Electronicpartscatalogue.

–Electrical connections and routing ⇒ Current flow diagrams, Electrical fault finding and Fitting locations.

–Fill coolant system with coolant ⇒ page 159

2.6.4Removing and installing right coolant pipe

Special tools and workshop equipment required

2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

♦ Hose clamps to 25 mm - 3094-

♦ Drip tray for workshop hoist - VAS 6208-

♦ Spring-type clip pliers - VAS 6362-


–Remove engine cover panel ⇒ page 7

–Unscrew bolts and nuts -arrows-.

–Move fuel filter clear to one side (fuel hoses remain connec‐ted).

–Remove noise insulation ⇒ Rep. gr. 50 .

–Remove front right wheel housing liner ⇒ Rep. gr. 66 .

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Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Place drip tray for workshop hoist - VAS 6208- under engine.

– Pullconnector-3-offradiatoroutletcoolanttemperaturesend‐er - G83- .

–Clamp off coolant hoses with hose clamps -3094- .

–Release hose clips -arrows- and pull coolant hoses off right coolant pipe.

–Unscrew nut -1- and bolt -2-, and remove right coolant pipe.


• Specified torques ⇒ page 147

Install in reverse order of removal, observing the following.


Secureallhoseconnectionswiththesametypeofhoseclipsas originalequipment⇒ Electronicpartscatalogue.

–Fill coolant system with coolant ⇒ page 159

2.6.5 Removingandinstallingcoolanttemper‐ature sender - G62-

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Release lever - 80 - 200-


• Engine cold.

–Briefly open filler cap for coolant expansion tank in order to reduce pressure in cooling system.

–Remove engine cover panel ⇒ page 7

–Remove air filter housing ⇒ page 263

–Remove noise insulation ⇒ Rep. gr. 50 .

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Unscrew bolts -arrows-.

– Free electrical wiring and hoses on left air pipe using removal lever - 80 - 200- .

–Loosen hose clip -3- and press left air pipe with coolant pipe aside.

–Pull connector -4- off coolant temperature sender - G62- .



–Pull off retaining clip -3- and pull coolant temperature sender - G62- out of screw connection.


Install in reverse order of removal, observing the following.


♦ RenewO-ring.

♦ Insertnewcoolanttemperaturesender-G62-immediatelyin‐touniontoavoidlossofcoolant.

–Check coolant level and top up if necessary ⇒ page 159 .

2.6.6Removing and installing radiator outlet coolant temperature sender - G83-

Removing • Engine cold.

–Briefly open filler cap for coolant expansion tank in order to reduce pressure in cooling system.

–Remove engine cover panel ⇒ page 7 .

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Sharan 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Unscrew bolts and nuts -arrows-.

–Move fuel filter clear to one side (fuel hoses remain connec‐ted).

– Pullconnector-2-offradiatoroutletcoolanttemperaturesend‐er - G83- .



–Pull off retaining clip -1- and pull coolant temperature sender at radiator outlet - G83- out of screw connection of coolant pipe.


Install in reverse order of removal, observing the following.


♦ RenewO-ring.

♦ Insertnewradiatoroutletcoolanttemperaturesender-G83immediatelyintocoolantpipetoavoidlossofcoolant.

–Check coolant level and top up if necessary ⇒ page 159

2.7Checking cooling system for leaks

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4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

Special tools and workshop equipment required

♦ Adapter for cooling system tester - V.A.G 1274/8-

♦ Adapter for cooling system tester - V.A.G 1274/9-

♦ Cooling system tester - V.A.G 1274 B-

• Coolant temperature at least 40°C


Toperformtheleakagetestcorrectly,firstrunaself-testonthe coolingsystemtester-V.A.G1274B-.

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Sharan 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

Self-test of cooling system tester - V.A.G 1274 B-

– Operate cooling system tester - V.A.G 1274 B- several times.

–Build up a pressure of 3.0 bar on cooling system tester .

– Observe pressure on pressure gauge of cooling system tester for 30 seconds.

If no pressure builds up or if the pressure drops again: The cooling system tester - V.A.G 1274 B- is leaking and should not be used.

Checking cooling system for leaks

– Unboltcoolantexpansiontank-arrows-andtiltforwardsslight‐ly.


Onawarmengine,thecoolingsystemisunderhighpressure. Dangerofscaldingbysteamandhotcoolant.


♦ Wearprotectivegloves.

♦ Wearprotectivegoggles.


♦ Reduceexcesspressurebycoveringcapofcoolantex‐pansiontankwithclothsandopeningitcarefully.

–Open cap -1- on coolant expansion tank.

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

–Fit cooling system tester - V.A.G 1274 B- with adapterV.A.G 1274/8- to coolant expansion tank.

– Build up pressure of approx. 1.5 bar using hand pump of cool‐ing system tester.

• Thepressuremustnotdropbymorethan0.2barwithin10mi‐nutes.

–If the pressure drops by more than 0.2 bar, locate and rectify leaks.


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Thepressuredropof0.2barwithin10minutesdependsonthe howfarthecoolantcancooldown.Thecoldertheengine,the lowerthepressuredrop.




• Releasepressurebypressingpressurereliefvalveon coolingsystemtesteruntilthegaugeshowsapressureof 0.

Check pressure relief valve in cap.

–Fit cooling system tester - V.A.G 1274 B- with adapterV.A.G 1274/9- onto coolant filler cap.

–Using hand pump of cooling system tester, build up pressure and check the opening pressure of the filler cap.


– Renew filler cap, if pressure relief valve does not open as de‐scribed.

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

20 –Fuel supply system

1 Safety regulations for working on fuel supply



♦ Routelinesofanykindsothattheoriginalroutingcanbe restored.

♦ Ensurethatthereissufficientclearancetoallmovingor hotcomponents.

♦ Thefuelandthefuellinesinthefuelsystemcanbecome veryhot(dangerofscalding)!

♦ Thefuelsystemisalsounderpressure!Beforeopening thesystem,wrapaclotharoundtheconnectionandcare‐fullyloosentoreleasethepressure!

♦ Weareyeandhandprotectionwhenperforminganytype ofrepairworkonthefuelsystem!

When removing and installing fuel gauge sender or fuel pump (fuel delivery unit) from a full or partly full fuel tank, observe the following:

♦ Place the suction hose of an activated exhaust gas extraction system close to the assembly opening of the fuel tank to ex‐tract any fuel vapours that are released. If no exhaust gas extractionsystemisavailable,aradialfanwithadisplacement greater than 15 m3/h can be used providing that motor is not in air flow.

♦ Prevent skin contact with fuel! Wear fuel-resistant gloves!

Sharan 2011 ➤

4-cylinder common rail engine (2.0 l, EA189 Gen II) - Edition 10.2018

2Rules for cleanliness

Whenworkingonthefuelsupply/injectionsystem,carefullyfollow the “6 rules” below:

♦ Thoroughly clean all joints and surrounding areas before dis‐mantling.

♦ Place removed parts on a clean surface and cover them over. Use lint-free cloths only.

♦ Carefully cover opened components or seal them if repairs cannot be carried out immediately.

♦ Install clean components only. Do not remove replacement parts from packing until immediately before installing. Do not use parts that have been kept unpackaged (for example in toolboxes).

♦ If system is open, do not work with compressed air. Do not move the vehicle.

♦ Also ensure that no diesel fuel comes into contact with the coolant hoses. Should this occur, the hoses must be cleaned immediately. Damaged hoses must be renewed.

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