Hope you had a great April! Now - time for more training! Last month provided loads of event opportunities, including TheHutongHeyrobicsChallenge, Scandinavian Sports Day, training for kids at some of Beijings biggest Schools, and several race warm-ups! This month, we’ll be moving further outdoors, and open new locations! Stay tuned on www.heyrobics. com for the latest and best of updates! Happy training! /The Heyrobics Team
NOW IN THE PARK: TRAINiNG IN THE SUN! Summer is (just about) here! On April 30, we had a sneak premiere of the returning outdoor sessions in Chaoyang Park, with a turnout of 40 participants. Happy to see you there!
Heyrobics is a great warm-up for runners - in April we teamed up with Ericsson & China Mobile (who together have more than 2000 runners signed up for this years’ Beijing International Marathon)!
The sessions will continue each SUNDAY 16.00 next to the West Gate 3 entrance!
TUESDAY 18.45: Circle. British School. Michael&Linus (20 RMB) 19.45: Medium-Intensive. British School.: Linus (20 RMB)
For more outdoor training, please see our Jianwai SOHO sessions below!
WEDNESDAY 18.30: Medium. Jianwai SOHO. Linus (20 RMB)
Maps & session times are available on www.heyrobics. com.
THURSDAY 17.30: Medium. BCIS, Linus (20 RMB) 19.30: Medium. British School. Josefin (20 RMB)
NEW SESSIONS: WE GO TOUGHER/LIGHTER! In May, a set of our new Heyrobics sessions are set to debute! On our, no YOUR, upcoming schedule will be Heyrobics Intensive sessions (as enjoyed by several Swedish top athletes as well as aspiring enthusiasts), Circle Explosion (circuit training in shorter, high impact intervals) and Heyrobics Intro sessions (the opposite: Heyrobics with low impact for training newbies)! Try them out soon!
JIANWAI SOHO & BCIS: NEW CBD HOURS! We now offer sessions on most days, thanks to our new sessions in Jianwai SOHO & at Beijing City International School (BCIS). Come & try out our sessions on Mondays (starting May 9, 19.30), Wednesdays (18.30) & Thursdays (17.30 & 19.30)! The Jianwai SOHO sessions have now been equipped with a set of yoga mats as well as some water bottles: At BCIS, currently on offer are afternoon indoor sessions in a gymnasium with HUGE capacity: join us! Updated maps & schedules can be found at www.heyrobics.com/our-locations/
GET THE WORKPLACE SPIRITS UP! Feeling sleepy at work? Of course not, but your collagues might definitely do. Lack of physical activity makes us slow, and vague communication between employees and bosses, expants and Chinese does not improve the overall energy level much. We want to get the word about Hey to individuals, partners and customers, and are now launching several initiatives to improve energy at workplaces! Please drop a line to info@heyrobics.com if you want to know more about how we can help your company out!
SUNDAY (outdoors!) 16.00: Medium-Intensive Jukebox. Chaoyang Park. Emily (FREE) For maps & directions, please see www.heyrobics.com
MAY EVENT CALENDAR: May 14 will feature a Heyrobics Medium session outdoors at Beijing City International School (BCIS) 11.30-12.30! Free of charge! On May 15, we’ve teamed up with TimeOut Magazine to offer an active afternoon in Chaoyang Park. Sign up via timeoutheyrobics@heyrobics.com and we’ll hand out headbands & VitaminWater to the 20 first who replies! Session is set to start at 16.00, is open to everyone and free of charge! (DateYTB) 798 Art District sessions: join us by the brooms&bricks! (DateYTB) Nali Patio Rooftop sessions back again: training with a great view! In additiona to above, runners can enjoy Heyrobics warm-ups at Li-Ning’s 10k races in Beijing and around China in May, June & July!
COST TO ATTEND? ”How do you guys make money!?” is a question we get every now and then. Rest assured: we stay firm in our belief that the price tag should not prevent anyone from staying healthy: as long as you keep coming, we will be there too! Today, our sessions are priced at either 20 RMB or free of charge - training should be fun, cheap & great, and we’re happy that most of you seem to agree! And Hey, this month, ayi’s can join for free - they need it too!
Hey! The fitness sessions, known in Sweden as “Jympa” and in France as “La Gym Suedoise”, are full body workouts including strength, running, cardio and agility. It’s performed with music to movements demonstrated by an instructor, and is a fantastic way to keep fit. It’s also the biggest overall sport in Sweden, activating more than 5% of the population (500’+ members @ Friskis&Svettis), as well as spreading fast France in recent years (120’+ participants each week). Join us now! 这种运动形式在瑞典被称为”Jympa”,在法国则被称为“LaGymSuedoise”,这是一种全身性的锻炼,能够强化肌肉,提高心肺功能和灵敏度。在健身教练的指导下,跟随音乐一起运动是一种全新的健身体验。它也是瑞典最受欢 迎的全民健身运动,有5%的瑞典人(超过50万人)参加这项运动,近几年来这种健康的运动也在以极快的速度在法国传播,每周都有超过12万人进行这一项运动。加入到我们中来吧!
Please feel free to email this newsletter to your friends! /The Heyrobics Team