$3 free
MAY 2018
Chill out with our Stress-Relief
This vitamin can cure what ails you
Fiesta of Flavors A slimmeddown take on Cinco de Mayo
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3/20/18 11:03 AM
Cabo Chips
Cantina Style Tortilla Chips Cabo Chips are Baja inspired authentic cantina chips. These chips are made authentically, meaning each chip is batch-cooked in rice bran oil and cut from whole tortillas made with whole ground, Non-GMO corn. Original ČľDYRU LV VHDVRQHG ZLWK D VSODVK RI JOXWHQ IUHH soy sauce and fresh lime juice for an authentic cantina taste. Elote is like a tortilla chip version of Mexican street corn with grilled sweet corn, jalapeĂąo and onion. All Cabo Chips are gluten free and dairy free.
Vegan Robs
Veggie Puffs Vegan Robs introduces new, unique vegetable based snack SXÎ?V IRU D QXWULWLRXV VSLQ RQ SXÎ?HG VQDFNV $OO YHJDQ DOO non-GMO, all gluten free, and all crunchy good! Beet 3XÎ?V DUH PDGH ZLWK EHQHČ´FLDO EHHWV 0RULQJD 3XÎ?V are made with nutritious, energy boosting Moringa. -DFNIUXLW 3XÎ?V are made with miracle Jackfruit loved by vegans. Put a little crunch in your day!
Ancient Grain Cookies NurturMe introduces tummy friendly cookies for toddlers and kids. These tasty snack cookies are designed to help take the worry out of feeding your little one by removing common allergens (gluten, dairy, soy and egg) that can upset sensitive bellies, and promoting good digestive health with a daily recommended dose of probiotics in each serving. Made with gluten free nutrient-rich Ancient grains, and made into fun shapes for learning and play.
Protein Bars FitJoy was created to enable healthy choices as you power through your day and satisfy your appetite for life. You don’t have to settle, DQG \RX GRQȇW KDYH WR VDFULČ´FH \RXU KHDOWK WR HQMR\ WKDW IUHHGRP )LW-R\ %DUV RÎ?HU EDODQFHG nutrition, quality ingredients, convenience for on-the-go living, and a taste that is truly enjoyable! Choose from: Chocolate Peanut Butter, Cookies and Cream, and Grandma’s Lemon Square.
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Warrior Blend Plant Based Protein Warrior Blend fuses and multiplies the power of several rich plant protein sources into one smooth, great-tasting formula. Medium chain triglycerides from coconut then join this fusion to create a unique, raw, plant-based protein ZLWK D FRPSOHWH DPLQR DFLG SURČ´OH H[FHSWLRQDOO\ ULFK in Arginine, Lysine, Leucine, and branched chain amino DFLGV :DUULRU %OHQG LV DQ HDVLO\ GLJHVWLEOH QXWULHQW Č´OOHG superfood perfect for anyone who wants to amplify their KHDOWK DQG Č´WQHVV $YDLODEOH LQ Natural or Chocolate.
Professional Strength Omega 3 Carlson introduces new high potency items to their popular Omega-3 line. Super Omega-3 supplies 2600 mg Omega-3s per teaspoon. Elite DHA supplies 2270 mg RI '+$ SHU WHDVSRRQ DQG KDV D QDWXUDO RUDQJH ČľDYRU These professional strength formulas are made with ZLOG FDXJKW DQG VXVWDLQDEOH VRXUFHG 1RUZHJLDQ Č´VK RLO concentrate, tested for freshness, potency, and purity.
AST Enzymes
Excellacor is AST Enzyme’s Exclzyme total body systemic enzyme formula. Excellacor contains enteric-coated serrapeptase, a key ingredient LQ ȴEULQ PHWDEROLVP 7KH HQWHULF FRDWLQJ DOORZV the enzymes to bypass the acidic environment of the stomach and reach the small intestine, where absorption occurs. The serrapeptase plus other enzymes support WKH ERG\ȇV KHDOWK\ UHVSRQVH WR LQȾDPPDWLRQ 7KLV formula is further boosted by antioxidant rutin and amla.
Women’s Maca Root Women’s Maca Root captures the power of revitalizing superfood Maca... to help women achieve greater balance and a UHQHZHG VHQVH RI ZHOO EHLQJ 3HUXYLDQ 0DFD LV DQ adaptogen and nutrient-dense superfood that has been traditionally used to boost energy, support female reproductive health, and help alleviate symptoms DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK PHQRSDXVH
3/20/18 11:11 AM
Mary Ann O’Dell MS,RD
Whole Food Supplements Nutrigold introduces a new, updated vibrant packaging on their whole-food supplements. According to the company, the philosophy behind their products is to make thoughtful, honest-to-goodness products that can improve and nourish health and to do it in ways that respect and protect our planet. In keeping ZLWK WKLV SKLORVRSK\ DOO RI WKHLU SURGXFWV DUH 1RQ*02 FHUWLȴHG ΖQ addition, many of their formulas are vegan and allergen friendly, all FOHDUO\ LGHQWLȴHG RQ WKH ODEHO
Antimicrobial Skin Gel & Spray Discover the next generation of hand, skin and surface hygiene products which are transforming H[SHFWDWLRQV RQ VNLQ KHDOWK DQG HÉ?FDF\ 7KH SHUIHFW synergy of science and nature, Elyptol harnesses QDWXUHȇV VWUHQJWKV WR FUHDWH SURGXFWV WKDW HÎ?HFWLYHO\ NLOO JHUPV KDUPIXO to your health. Uniquely enhanced by the healing properties of eucalyptus oil combined with naturally sourced pure ethanol, Elyptol is safe and gentle for your skin when used as directed. The botanical based formulas enable frequent use, allowing the highest standards of HÉ?FDF\ LQ SURIHVVLRQDO KHDOWKFDUH LQIHFWLRQ FRQWURO
Nantucket Spider
Natural Deet-Free Repellents 'XEEHG WKH 2É?FLDO %XJ 6SUD\ RI 6XPPHU 1DQWXFNHW Spider is an amazing repellent that contains a broad spectrum of essential oils including rosemary, geranium, cedarwood, peppermint, lemongrass, clove and citronella. ΖW LV HÎ?HFWLYH DW UHSHOOLQJ PRVTXLWRV ELWLQJ ČľLHV LQFOXGLQJ KRUVH ČľLHV EODFN ČľLHV DQG GHHU ČľLHV DQG WLFNV %HFDXVH it is water-based, not greasy, it has a light feeling when sprayed on skin and in hair and can be sprayed on clothing and gear without staining or damage. Also available in a Summer Camp Kid-Friendly Citronella Free Spray and Outdoor Garden Incense Sticks.
All Terrain
Eczema Formulas $OO 7HUUDLQ LQWURGXFHV QHZ IRUPXODV VSHFLČ´FDOO\ for eczema skin conditions designed to help soothe irritated skin. Eczema Soothing Soap is formulated with neem and oat to naturally and safely cleanse and soothe itchy, irritated skin. Eczema Relief Cream and Eczema Relief Spray are formulated with colloidal oatmeal and essential oils of eucalyptus and tea tree to help protect and relieve minor skin irritation and itching due to rashes and eczema.
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Melatonin is a neurohormone produced by the pineal gland in the brain. It regulates sleep and wake patterns, with melatonin levels at the highest at night, and then falling in the morning. 0HODWRQLQ OHYHOV GURS VLJQLČ´FDQWO\ DIWHU the age of 40, which scientists believe may be responsible for sleep problems that increase with age. Because of this, melatonin supplements have become a common way to normalize melatonin levels in the body. Studies have shown that, compared with a group taking a placebo, a group supplemented with a low dose of melatonin fell asleep quicker and slept longer. Research suggests melatonin may be helpful for sleep disturbances such as insomnia. Melatonin is also commonly used for travel and jet lag. Melatonin may also play other roles in the body. One study suggests that melatonin may help those with migraines. The study found that taking 3 mg of melatonin at bedtime for 12 weeks reduced migraine frequency in some study participants. Research also suggests that supplementation of melatonin during high intensity exercise may help reduce exercise-induced oxidative stress, resulting in higher antioxidant status and ORZHU LQČľDPPDWRU\ SURWHLQV LQ WKRVH using melatonin.
Paragon PlusTM Melatonin Dots 1 mg
• May support rest and relaxation.* • Melatonin is a hormone naturally produced by the body. • 1 mg per sublingual tablet.
3/20/18 11:12 AM
Grilled Shrimp with Mango Salsa
p. 24 May 2018
features 18 Stress Relief Toolkit If you don’t develop a healthy way to deal with stress, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. These natural stress-busting ideas can help you create a foundational support system to tackle the pressures of modern life.
22 Cinco de Mayo Spa Cuisine Savor the flavors of Mexico with this slimmed-down, spa-inspired menu that swaps vegetables for rice and chips, ups the fiber, and slashes the fat and calories found in traditional festive dishes.
departments NEWS FLASH
Hot Off the Press. The latest natural health news.
What Is Nitric Oxide? Long a favorite of bodybuilders, supplements that boost nitric oxide levels are gaining popularity for their role in overall wellness.
Natural solutions for high blood pressure.
Unique herbs that can help the body handle stress.
Foods and supplements that support hormonal balance.
Ease Eczema with Herbs. Stop itchy, flaky skin with these soothing botanicals.
The Beauty of Keratin. Nourish your hair, skin, and nails from the inside out with keratin-boosting supplements.
Fix Whatever Ails You. No matter your health complaint, there’s a good chance that vitamin C can help.
Blend In. From cake batters to smoothies, the right blender can make all the difference for recipe perfection.
Dietary Solutions for Menstrual Cramps. These anti-inflammatory food strategies can ease the monthly pain that most women experience.
Think Outside the Sandwich Bread. Grain-free sandwich ideas that make giving up bread a snap.
May 2018
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3/20/18 11:13 AM
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EuroPharmaUSA.com MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE †Occasional inflammation due to exercise or overuse. ††SPINScan Other Herbal Formula Subcategory Product Item and Brand Rank; 52 week data ending 12/1/17. ^Five hundred 500 mg capsules. ^^Compared to plain curcumin. **Based on enhanced absorption of CuraMed curcumin versus equivalent weight capsule of unstandardized turmeric containing 2% curcumin.
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2/12/18 8:53 AM
editor’s letter Springtime Celebrations When we think about festive times of year, the holiday season naturally comes to mind. But May boasts its own share of celebrations, from Cinco de Mayo to Mother’s Day. May also kicks off the “wedding season” in much of the country, not to mention all those high school and college graduations.
Editorial Director Nicole Brechka Executive Editor Jerry Shaver Copy Editor Elizabeth Fisher Beauty Editor Sherrie Strausfogel Research Editor Sam Russo, ND, LAc Contributing Editors Helen Gray and Vera Tweed Graphic Designer Mark Stokes Cover Design Rachel Joyosa Production Manager Mark Stokes
While not as predictably hectic as December, May can come close. With that in mind, this issue of The Healthy Edge is geared toward helping you celebrate the spring in healthy style. First, check out our “Stress Relief Tool Kit,” (p. 18), for simple ways to develop a foundational support system to deal with the pressures of life. If you find yourself overbooked this month—or any time of year—these holistic ideas can really help. In “Cinco de Mayo Spa Cuisine,” (p. 22), nutrition writer Lisa Turner offers a complete menu of slimmeddown takes on traditional favorites that slashes the fat and calories without sacrificing any of the flavor. If you need finger foods for a party or picnic—and want to keep things gluten-free—try “Think Outside the Sandwich Bread,” (p. 32). And don’t miss “Blend In,” (p. 30), for quick-andeasy blender creations that are perfect for light, springtime meals. Jerry Shaver Executive Editor Have a question or comment? Email us at healthyedgemag@gmail.com.
Business & Editorial Offices 512 Main Street, Suite 1 El Segundo, CA 90245 310.873.6952 Vice President & Managing Andrew Amil Director, HLG Group Publisher Joanna Shaw 800.443.4974, ext. 708 Associate Publisher Bernadette Higgins 561.362.3955 Midwest Ad Manager Lisa Dodson 800.443.4974, ext. 703 West Coast and Mountain Ad Manager Cindy Schofield 310.456.5997
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Chairman & CEO Andrew W. Clurman Senior Vice President, CFO, and Treasurer Michael Henry Chief Innovation Officer Jonathan Dorn Executive Vice President, Operations Patricia B. Fox Vice President, Controller Joseph Cohen Vice President, IT Nelson Saenz Boulder Human Resources Director JoAnn Thomas AIM Board Chair Efrem Zimbalist III THE HEALTHY EDGE. Vol. 8, No. 4 Published monthly by Active Interest Media, Inc. 300 N. Continental Blvd., Ste. 650, El Segundo, CA 90245; 310.356.4100; fax 310.356.4111. (c)2011 Active Interest Media, Inc. All rights reserved. The opinions expressed by the columnists and contributors to THE HEALTHY EDGE are not necessarily those of the editor or publisher. Fraudulent or objectionable advertising is not knowingly accepted. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all advertising content and for any claims arising therefrom. Articles appearing in THE HEALTHY EDGE may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express permission of the publisher. The information in this magazine is provided to you for educational purposes under Section 5 of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 and is not intended as medical advice. To obtain more in-depth information, contact your health care professional or other reliable resources.
May 2018
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3/23/18 11:29 AM
BETTER Xlear Triple Action Nasal Spray • Cleans • Moisturizes • Protects
Use the natural alternative to medicated sprays. Doctor-recommended Xlear® Triple Action Nasal Spray alleviates congestion and dryness due to colds, flu, and indoor allergies without drugs, rebound, or addiction. xlear.com
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2/12/18 11:56 AM
newsflash GUYS, GET YOUR
20 million According to the CDC, 20 million American adults were diagnosed with hay fever in 2015.
Scientists have long recognized a link between lack of sleep and insulin resistance, and now researchers from Harbor-UCLA Medical Center may have discovered a biological reason for this link—at least, in men. According to research presented at ENDO 2018, the annual meeting of the Endocrine Society, lack of sleep creates an imbalance in testosterone and cortisol hormones in men. “Our highly controlled sleep study showed that even one night of restricted sleep can cause insulin resistance and that we can dampen this effect by controlling levels of these two important hormones,” said senior investigator Peter Y. Liu, Ph.D. Liu and his fellow researchers conducted five nights of sleep studies in 34 healthy men with an average age of 33. They controlled what the subjects ate and how much they slept, giving them 10 hours of sleep the first night and restricting
them to four hours of sleep the remaining nights. The men were also given either “dualclamp” medications that controlled their levels of testosterone and cortisol, or a placebo. After sleep restriction, all of the men in the study showed greater insulin resistance. But this increase was significantly dampened with the dual-clamp regimen, demonstrating that testosterone and cortisol reduced the negative effects of sustained sleep restriction on insulin resistance. “Maintaining hormonal balance could prevent metabolic ill health occurring in individuals who do not get enough sleep,” Liu said. “Understanding these hormonal mechanisms could lead to new strategies to prevent insulin resistance due to insufficient sleep.”
Healthy Body, Healthy Mind A long-term study published in the journal Neurology in March found that high cardiovascular fitness in midlife is associated with a significantly decreased risk of dementia later in life. Researchers analyzed a sample of 191 Swedish women in 1968, then again in 1974, 1980, 1992, 2000, 2005, and 2009. Over the course of the 44-year analysis, women judged as having high cardiovascular fitness were 88 percent less likely to develop dementia than women with moderate cardiovascular fitness. High fitness also delayed age at dementia onset by 9.5 years compared to medium fitness. “Among Swedish women, a high cardiovascular fitness in midlife was associated with a decreased risk of subsequent dementia. Promotion of a high cardiovascular fitness may be included in strategies to mitigate or prevent dementia,” the researchers concluded.
According to the International Osteoporosis Foundation, men over the age of 50 have a 27% chance of experiencing an osteoporotic fracture. That’s higher than the lifetime risk of developing prostate cancer (11.3%).
May 2018
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3/22/18 12:36 PM
-TSǪǷǺ 3FYǻǶȜDZ -FǮW ȉȜǶJ NO Soy NO Gluten NO Parabens NO GMO’s NO Mineral Oil 12 $UWL¿FLDO &RORUV NO Harmful Sulfates
Fabulous Hair Starts Here '(50$ (¶V +DLU &DUH OLQH WDNHV WKH ¿QHVW ingredients nature has to offer to create natural and eco-ethical products in packaging as beautiful as you are. Infused with vitamins, botanicals, and wholesome proteins, these J]ǹȦǧȣWȧNȡǧWǯǰȠ LJdzǺQǪ FSȧ ȝQǪȜdz ȆTWDzǻDZȜYNȢdzȤ nourish, restore, and add shine for healthy, soft hair.
clinically tested • dermatologist tested • 100% vegan • cruelty-free • gluten-free • gmo-free
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2/21/18 4:16 PM
supplement advisor
By Vera Tweed
what is nitric oxide? Supplements designed to boost levels of nitric oxide have traditionally been popular among bodybuilders and athletes, but now they’re becoming recognized as an important aspect of overall health
itric oxide is one of the most important molecules in our body, particularly in cardiovascular medicine,” says James Rippe, MD, cardiologist, and founder and director of the Rippe Lifestyle Institute in Celebration, Fla. In fact, the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to a group of scientists who discovered that nitric oxide plays a pivotal role in heart function, but this role still isn’t commonly understood. Nitric oxide itself can’t be put into a supplement. “It’s a colorless, odorless gas that has a half-life of milliseconds,” says Rippe. Our bodies make it, and supplements help that process work effectively.
What It Does “Nitric oxide relaxes the inner lining of the arteries, the endothelium,” says Rippe, “And that’s really important for people who have heart disease.” When people who have angina are suddenly struck with debilitating chest pain, prescription nitroglycerin pills, taken under the tongue, bring relief by triggering the production of nitric oxide, which relaxes and dilates arteries. This enables more blood to reach the heart, and the chest pain subsides. Through its dilating mechanism, nitric oxide helps control blood pressure and reduces risks of harmful blood clots that can cause heart attacks. It’s also good for the immune system, and further research may discover additional benefits. Arteries that allow better blood flow make it easier for the body to perform intense physical activity by delivering more oxygen and nutrients to the heart and other muscles—hence the popularity of supplements that promote nitric oxide production among athletes and bodybuilders. 8
How to Boost Levels In the human body, nitric oxide is made through two different pathways, using different building blocks. One uses the amino acids arginine and citrulline, and the other uses nitrates, which are found in the soil and in many plant foods. When we consume nitrates, some are converted into nitrites and then into nitric oxide. Nitrates and nitrites are also used as food additives in processed meats, which can contain multiple unhealthy ingredients and have been linked to digestive cancers. Rippe recommends getting nitrates from vegetables, especially red beets and beet extracts. Supplements may also be helpful because, as we get older, our ability to convert nitrates into nitric oxide becomes less efficient. Getting regular aerobic exercise helps, as it improves the conversion process and boosts natural nitric oxide production. Spending time outside in the sun can also increase nitric oxide levels and lower blood pressure, according to a British study.
major antioxidant, enhanced nitric oxide levels more effectively than citrulline alone. Setria Performance Blend is starting to appear as an ingredient in a few supplement products. Beet Extracts: Studies have found that beets and beet juice improve fitness performance in healthy people, improve heart function in older people, lower blood pressure, and improve the function of aging brains. Look for beet juice or beet powders, or combination supplements that include a beet extract.
Food Sources Arginine: Dairy products, meat, poultry, fi sh, pumpkin seeds, organic soybeans, peanuts, chickpeas, lentils, and spirulina. Citrulline: Watermelon is the richest source. Small amounts are found in meat, poultry, fi sh, dairy, and plant foods. Glutathione: Fresh fruits and veggies. Nitrates: Red beets, celery, and leafy greens are the top sources. Other good ones include endive, leek, parsley, Chinese cabbage, fennel, and broccoli.
Supplements to Boost Nitric Oxide Arginine and Citrulline: Studies have found that both these amino acids enhance nitric oxide production. In one British study, published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, citrulline was more effective in lowering blood pressure and enhancing exercise performance. Both are available in supplements. Setria Performance Blend: This is a patented combination of citrulline and glutathione. Lab, animal, and human research, published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, found that citrulline with glutathione, a
Trace Minerals Research Clean Pre-Workout Drink
Irwin Naturals Nitric Oxide Pre-Sport
Pines Beet Juice Powder
May 2018
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3/23/18 11:18 AM
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Curamin® is the award-winning pain relief*† product with clinically studied ingredients that provides amazing benefits. Curamin doesn’t just mask occasional pain—it gets to the source and stops it.*† • Safe, effective relief*† • Winner of 28 national awards • No stomach, liver, or kidney damage
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†Occasional muscle pain due to exercise or overuse. ^SPINSscan Other Herbal Formula Subcategory Brand Rank, data ending 12/1/17. *THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE.
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2/12/18 8:54 AM
herbal advisor
By Karta Purkh Singh Khalsa, DN-C, RH
ease eczema with herbs Stop itchy, dry, flaky skin with these natural protocols
aise your hand if you know your body’s biggest organ. Your liver? Nope. Your brain? Wrong again. It’s your skin, which accounts for about 16 percent of your body weight. Most adults’ skin weighs 20 pounds or more. Eczema can manifest as superficial inflammation, blisters when acute, redness, swelling, oozing, crusting, scaling, and itching. This uncomfortable skin condition affects about 10 percent of the U.S. population. Most natural healing practitioners believe inflammatory skin disease is fundamentally a problem of waste material in the body, which irritates the skin and causes the persistent inflammation. Therefore, the treatment focus is on reducing inflammation in the skin, healing the tissue of the skin if necessary, and eliminating the source of the irritating wastes through the liver, kidneys, and large intestine.
Antioxidants Antioxidants are the big buzz in skin health these days for anti-aging, and they can benefit eczema as well by reducing inflammation. You can get a wide range of antioxidants through fruits and vegetables of various colors. Green vegetables in particular have a potent anti-inflammatory effect for the skin. Spinach, for example, is rich in folate, a B vitamin that promotes cellular repair and can reduce not only symptoms of eczema, but also fine lines and wrinkles. Broccoli, cauliflower, and mustard greens are high in a compound called glucoraphanin that has been shown to have skin healing benefits. But even with the best intentions, most of us don’t get enough of these foods. An antioxidant vitamin and mineral formula, preferably one sourced from whole foods, helps to fill in the gaps. 10
Gotu Kola
Used for centuries in Asia to treat skin disease, gotu kola increases blood supply and structural constituents in connective tissue, and increases protein growth in the skin. The active substances in gotu kola are thought to be triterpenes, steroid-like compounds that improve the function and integrity of the collagen matrix and support the basic “glue” that holds the cells of our skin together. Gotu kola has been shown to help to heal and regrow new skin and even fade scars. Research shows gotu kola compounds promote more rapid healing in wounds. In in a recent trial, eczema patients who took a combination of gotu kola and turmeric significantly improved several eczema symptoms including scaling and itching. For symptoms of eczema, or just to keep skin healthy, follow label instructions, or use one to two ounces of dry herb, by weight, as a tea, per day.
Calendula is a simple garden marigold that packs a punch. So much so, in fact, that the German Commission E approves calendula ointment for wound healing. A 2017 study in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology determined that calendula stimulates collagen, an important skin protein in the process of healing eczema. Calendula eases acute skin inflammation and is also less likely to lead to side effects than drugs tested. A recent study demonstrates calendula’s ability to speed skin healing. In the clinical trial, 254 women ages 18 to 75 used either topical calendula ointment or trolamine, a topical eczema drug, for eight months. Inflammation symptoms of the women in the calendula treatment group were significantly less than that of the women in the drug group. Their pain scores were also better. Use calendula ointment according to label instructions.
did you know... Calendula, or pot marigold, eases acute skin inflammation, and helps to speed skin healing.
May 2018
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3/23/18 11:09 AM
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2/21/18 9:36 AM
healing edge
fix whatever ails you Got a health complaint? Chances are, vitamin C can help
t’s easy to take vitamin C for granted and underestimate its potential. But that’s a bad idea, says Thomas Levy, MD, author of Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins. “It’s your most vital antioxidant,” he says, and one that can help improve “whatever ails you.” In decades of practice and research, Levy has seen just about every annoying symptom improve with vitamin C supplementation, from difficulty getting out of bed in the morning to muscle aches to energy sags, minor joint pain, arthritis, and tension headaches. “I’m not saying that they all go away,” he says, “but they improve.” And some symptoms can, literally, disappear. Surprisingly, says Levy, “Studies have basically shown that vitamin C by itself will help reverse
osteoporosis, but there’s no way you can possibly get enough vitamin C strictly through diet; you need supplementation.” Studies have also shown that people with higher levels of vitamin C are less likely to suffer from heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, bone fractures, cancer, loss of mental faculties in later years, cataracts, gout, type 2 diabetes, asthma attacks from exercise, lingering colds, and even early death.
Why It’s a Super Antioxidant In a sense, vitamin C is twice as powerful as other antioxidants. If you recall science class, all molecules have electrons, but some of these are lost in the normal course of life—more so when we’re exposed to stress, toxins, or illness. The technical term for loss of electrons is
“oxidation.” On a molecular level, oxidation is somewhat analogous to a soldier being injured in battle, and it underlies all forms of disease, as well as the aging process. Antioxidants donate electrons to injured molecules, balancing out
VITAMIN C FAQ Can vitamin C boost energy? It may. Research by the National Institutes of Health found that low levels of vitamin C correlated with fatigue. Do other nutrients increase or block its absorption? There is no real scientific evidence either way, but vitamin C in general is easily absorbed. However, says Levy, most people suffer from lack of magnesium and too much calcium, which increases oxidation and works against the antioxidant action of vitamin C. To solve the problem, he recommends taking magnesium supplements, as well as vitamin C, at any time of day, separately or together. How much is safe to take for a cold? Unless you have kidney disease, says Levy, there’s no need to be concerned about taking too much. He recommends taking a gram of vitamin C every hour or so, until you feel better. If you get diarrhea, take lower doses, take it less often, or take a liposomal form. Anyone with kidney disease should consult a knowledgeable practitioner before taking supplements. How much vitamin C can you get from food? It’s estimated that five daily servings of fruits and vegetables provide 200–250 mg.
May 2018
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3/20/18 11:20 AM
By Vera Tweed
an improvement in symptoms, which likely means taking at least several grams (several thousand milligrams) of the vitamin daily. And we may need even more during times of stress, exposure to toxins, or illness. If you take enough, Levy says, “Most of the time, it’s going to blunt most of the symptoms, and if you just have a little bit of disease or a little bit of a problem, you might feel completely normal with How to Use Vitamin C vitamin C; that would be a very indiFor optimum health, Levy recommends vidualized sort of thing.” taking enough vitamin C to experience Getting diarrhea after taking vitamin C means TOP 10 FOOD SOURCES that you’ve taken more than your body can absorb. OF VITAMIN C Although the phenomenon Papaya, medium 168 mg can provide a healthy cleanse, it isn’t recommended Bell peppers, 1 cup 117 mg as a routine. Split your daily Broccoli, 1 cup 101 mg dose into several smaller ones, take less per day, Brussels sprouts, 1 cup 96 mg or take a “liposome” or Strawberries, 1 cup 84 mg “liposomal” form of the Pineapple, 1 cup 78 mg vitamin, which is much less likely to trigger diarrhea at Orange, medium 69 mg high doses. Liquid liposome Kiwi, 1–2 inches 63 mg oxidation and keeping us healthy, but vitamin C has a unique quality. While most antioxidants donate one electron per molecule, vitamin C donates two. “That gives it sort of a double impact,” says Levy. And, he adds, it’s made up of tiny molecules that are more easily absorbed than other antioxidants, wherever they’re needed in the body.
Cantaloupe, 1 cup
58 mg
Cauliflower, 1 cup
54 mg
supplements can be mixed into drinks or yogurts. If you’re skittish about taking large doses, start with a small amount, and gradually increase it. “There’s nothing wrong with starting low,” says Levy, “and going slow.”
American Health Ester-C Effervescent Natural Orange flavor
Paragon Plus Accura C 500 with Alpha Lipoic Acid
Dr. Mercola Liposomal Vitamin C
Source: World’s Healthiest Foods (http://whfoods.org)
healthy tip If you don’t want to take large doses of vitamin C at first, start small and gradually work your way up until your symptoms improve.
The Healthy Edge
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3/20/18 11:20 AM
expert’s corner
By Melissa Diane Smith
dietary solutions for menstrual cramps Anti-inflammatory diet strategies can help alleviate the pain that most women experience during that time of the month
I experience such severe cramps during my period that I usually end up doubled over in pain and out of commission for at least two days. Can —Ciara S., Milwaukee, Wis. changing what I eat help?
Q: A:
Painful menstrual cramps are the most common gynecological condition among women of reproductive age. More than half of women report some pain from period cramps for a day or two each month, according to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Unfortunately, many women don’t seek treatment because they consider pain to be a normal part of the menstrual cycle. But it doesn’t have to be. Studies have shown that women who experience higher levels of pain have higher levels of inflammatory prostaglandins or hormone-like substances in their bodies. High levels of prostaglandins can promote painful uterine contractions, decreased blood flow to the uterus, and pain. So in many cases, the solution for menstrual cramps is to avoid foods that increase inflammation, and emphasize foods that decrease inflammation.
Too much sugar, or specifically eating too many carbs at once, is a strong inducer of inflammation, so it’s a definite no-no for many women. Sometimes cutting out sugar and reducing carbohydrate intake in general makes all the difference when it comes to menstrual pain. For some women, staying away from gluten or grains is an important answer to alleviating pelvic pain. In one study, 75 percent of women who experienced endometriosis, a painful chronic pelvic disease in which tissue that normally lines the inside of the uterus grows outside the uterus, reported a decrease in pain, including a decrease in menstrual cramps, along with increased physical functioning, vitality, and social functioning, after 12 months on a gluten-free diet.
Tips on What to Eat To reduce menstrual pain, try these tips:
* Include good fats in your diet.
Foods and Beverages to Avoid Rid your diet of foods that raise levels of inflammatory prostaglandins in the body, including processed vegetable oils (e.g., soybean, corn, safflower, sunflower, cottonseed, and grapeseed oils); fried foods; products that contain partially hydrogenated oils (e.g., margarine/ shortening, many baked goods, and nondairy coffee creamers); processed meats; dairy products; alcohol; high-glycemic foods, such as refined flour; and sugar. 14
The right oils will keep your hormones balanced and control prostaglandins. For cooking, use cold-pressed extra virgin coconut oil, grass-fed butter, or high monounsaturated oils such as organic almond and peanut oils. For cold applications, use cold-pressed extra virgin olive or avocado oil. Get more omega-3s. Try adding raw ground flax, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds to salads, snacks, or entrées. Eat more cold-water fish (wild-caught salmon, sardines, anchovies, Atlantic mackerel)
and sea vegetables. And try a high-quality daily omega-3 supplement. Seek out organic, pasture-raised eggs and meat. They supply higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids than conventional eggs and meats. Also consider homemade bone broths as easy-to-digest protein foods that help the body rebuild and reduce inflammation. Get adequate fiber. Fiber helps to maintain hormone balance by binding to estrogen and carrying it out of the body. Good sources include apples, coconut, citrus fruits, berries, beans, artichokes, asparagus, and broccoli. Eat your veggies. Research shows that women who don’t suffer from menstrual pain have a higher intake of zinc, beta-carotene, and vitamin E than those who do. Good sources of zinc include red meats and pumpkin seeds. For beta-carotene, try carrots, sweet potatoes, and dark leafy greens. Good food sources of vitamin E include nuts, seeds, and avocados.
May 2018
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3/20/18 11:21 AM
Tired of being tired? Floradix heLps reduce exhaustion and fatigue* Life is busy and trying to juggle family and work can leave you feeling exhausted and run-down…especially if you are iron deficient. Floradix is a low-dose supplement designed to prevent and treat iron deficiency and has been helping women reclaim their energy and vitality for over 60 years.
Iron deficiency affects 20% to 25% of the world population,1 with irondeficiency anemia the most common type of anemia.
Reference 1 . McLean E, Cogswell M, Egli I, et al. Worldwide prevalence of anaemia, WHO Vitamin and Mineral Surveillance Information System, 1993-2005. Public Health Nutrition 2009; 12(4): 444-54.
We all need iron for energy. Women are especially prone to iron deficiency due to periods, pregnancy, and breast-feeding. In fact, menstruation is the main reason women are 10 times more likely than men to suffer from low iron levels. Just a few consecutive heavy periods can cause iron losses that are difficult to reverse without supplementation.
Iron-deficiency symptom checklist: Are you iron-deficient? Do you often feel weak? Do you look pale, lack appetite, or feel tired? Are you often cold or chilly? Do you have brittle hair and nails? Are you vegetarian? The more questions you answered “yes” to, the higher your risk of being iron deficient.
Is iron missing in your diet? If your diet hasn’t been giving you the recommended 18 mg of iron a day and you’re feeling tired and run-down, Floradix® Liquid Iron + Herbs could be the simple solution. In addition to iron, Floradix’s gentle formula contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, as well as vitamin C. Vitamin C helps the body absorb the form of iron found in fruits and vegetables, like those found in Floradix’s liquid base.
Feel the difference Floradix® makes: • • • •
Nonconstipating Dairy-, lactose-, & alcohol-free Free of artificial colors & flavors Safe, utilizable dosage
• • • •
Formulated for maximum absorption Contains whole food & herbal extracts Certified kosher Suitable for vegetarians
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11/9/17 10:21 AM
Vitamin Universe™
Paragon Plus™
Oil of Oregano
IntegriHerb™ Dandelion Root
Chewable Acid Soothe Berry
Provides antioxidant support.*
Supports healthy liver function.*
Used for centuries as an antimicrobial agent.*
Mild diuretic action.*
Natural extract of oregano leaf.
Quality whole-herb capsules.
Fast-acting relief for occasional heartburn and indigestion.* Strengthens stomach lining.* With enzymes and zinc carnosine.
May 2018
HE_May18_16-17_platechange_JS.indd 16
3/20/18 10:53 AM
Under Pressure: Natural Solutions for High Blood Pressure
HYPERTENSION, OR HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, IS A CONDITION PREVALENT IN THE UNITED STATES, AFFECTING ONE IN THREE AMERICANS. Blood pressure is the pressure applied by blood against the walls of blood vessels. A blood pressure of less than 120/80 is considered ideal. If the pressure is high, the heart has to work harder to get blood pumped throughout the body. The symptoms of high blood pressure often go unnoticed, but the results can be devastating—stroke, heart attack, or even death. Here are ways to keep it under control.
What are some natural ingredients that can help support my weight loss goals, preferably without caffeine?
While truly healthy weight loss comes in conjunction with a diet and exercise program, there are some natural ingredients that can enhance those efforts.
Reduce Your Risk Factors. Experts agree that excess weight, smoking, stress, and a sedentary lifestyle play major roles in elevated blood pressure. Controlling your weight, quitting smoking, and increasing exercise are all areas in your life you can control that can help reduce your risk for high blood pressure.
Kelp supplies iodine, an ingredient that supports healthy thyroid function and is a key ingredient in production of thyroid hormones.
Increase Omegas. Omega-3 fatty acids may help reduce blood pressure. Include omega-3-rich foods in your diet, including cold water fish and seeds such as flax, chia, and hemp. Fish, krill, and algal oil supplements have also been suggested as means to increase omega-3 fatty acid intake. Krill makes a lot of sense in this application. The omega-3s in krill oil are in the form of phospholipids, which make them easy for the body to absorb and utilize. In addition, krill naturally contains the antioxidant astaxanthin, which may also help with blood pressure.
Lecithin is a fat emulsifier, which enables fats, such as cholesterol, to be dispersed in water and removed from the body.
Add Natural Support. Garlic is a well-researched herb for blood pressure, with one study showing that garlic lowered blood pressure as much as a common blood pressure drug. Nattokinase, derived from the Japanese food natto, can help reduce viscous, or sticky, blood, keeping blood in your vessels flowing the way it should. Research also suggests that people with higher blood levels of vitamin C often have lower blood pressure.
Vitamin B6 naturally supports water balance in the body, and is one of several nutrients often lacking when a person is on a diet. Apple cider vinegar is believed to support fat burning, and research suggests this may be true. One study found that acetic acid from vinegar may help avoid weight gain and also manage blood sugar levels. Formulas with these ingredients are popular, not only because of the action of the ingredients, but also because they do not contain caffeine or stimulants.
Get moving, control your weight, and utilize specific nutrients. These lifestyle changes can truly make a difference. Don’t wait until it’s too late—bring your blood pressure under control now.
Blood Pressure Health Aged Garlic Extract
Sea Krill Supreme
KLVB Trim™ Kelp Lecithin Vinegar B6
Formula 109. For blood pressure health.* Combines odorless aged garlic extract with nattokinase and theanine.
Supports whole-body health.*
Supports weight loss and metabolism.*
Supplies omega-3 and antioxidant astaxanthin.*
Supplies ingredients that help support the thyroid, fat burning, and water balance*.
Sustainably sourced.
Assists the body when dieting.*
The Healthy Edge
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3/20/18 10:54 AM
May 2018
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3/20/18 11:22 AM
ave you ever noticed your pulse accelerate when you do something as mundane as watching the news? In an automatic response to perceived danger, the body floods with hormones and elevates the heart rate, boosting our energy in preparation for “fight or flight.” These days, some of us find our bodies’ alarm systems going off all the time, which can lead to serious health consequences. “Stress relief isn’t optional anymore, it’s a necessity,” says Cassandra Bodzak, a holistic lifestyle expert, meditation and wellness teacher, and TV personality. “Consider creating a foundational support system for your life. If you don’t have a way to relieve stress, whether it’s national or personal, it’s so easy to crumble.” The following tools can help us create that system. Tool No. 1:
Take 15 Minutes Bodzak suggests taking 15 minutes in the morning to “fill your own cup first.” Her practice is to have some tea, meditate, then go on a walk through her neighborhood. Your own personal routine could include reading a favorite blog or journaling, “but make that walk a thing, even if it’s just 10 minutes,” Bodzak says. “The sunshine does wonders for your health and sanity, and taking that time for yourself first thing in the morning gives you extra bandwidth for the day.” For Bodzak, meditation and mindfulness are like a daily vitamin. She encourages meditating for five minutes a day, even while you’re still in bed. Numerous experiments have shown that the practice reduces anxiety, lowers levels of stress hormones, and improves attention and cognition. If you’re just starting out, there are many good resources, such as the guided tutorial on the UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center website, marc.ucla.edu. In an article in Real Simple, Diana Winston, director of Mindfulness Education at the UCLA research center, explains that the simple act of taking a
deep breath has been scientifically proven to help curb anxiety and refocus our attention. “That’s important,” she says, “because dwelling on negative emotions only pushes us further into sadness and despair.” She also suggests practicing mindful breathing at least five minutes a day. “Once you get used to it,” she says, “you can use the technique whenever you need it.” Practicing gratitude is also advantageous. “There is some neuroscience around the idea that people can’t have fear and gratitude in their minds at the same time,” Winston says. Try calling a loved one to express appreciation for that person, writing down things you’re thankful for, or just being aware of time spent with your favorite people. Tool No. 2:
Stop Eating StressInducing Foods This is the cardinal component of the body’s ability to deal with stress. A strong, healthy body is less affected by stressors than a weak one. “If you eat inflammatory foods every day, and your body is consistently low in the essential nutrients it needs, then The Healthy Edge
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3/20/18 11:22 AM
Walk barefoot on the dirt or sand for a few minutes to connect to the earth‘s natural energy charge. Called “earthing,” this practice contributes to vibrant health.
it’s only a matter of time until the stress wins out and something in your body breaks,” says Peter Glidden, ND. To optimize health, Glidden suggests eliminating foods such as wheat, barley, rye, oats, well-done red meat, meat with added nitrates, the skins of baked potatoes, and genetically modified corn or soy (an informative video on his website, glidden.healthcare, explains why each may be problematic). And get your daily allowance of the 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids, and two fatty acids that the human body cannot make. What we fuel our bodies with in the morning enables—or disables—our interactions during the day. “Try experimenting with this,” says Bodzak. “Grab a bagel or croissant at Starbucks and notice how you feel at 10 a.m. Another morning, have a cleaner, more soothing breakfast: a smoothie, or scrambled tofu with veggies, or a coconut yogurt parfait, and then notice how you feel at 10 a.m. You’ll be surprised how much you notice the difference. Listen to your body.” As Bodzak indicates, certain foods are soothing and actually help relieve stress. In general, good-quality fats such as coconut, avocado, and salmon are calming because they support nerve function, explains Emily A. Kane, ND, LAc. Foods with high levels of tryptophan can also be soothing because tryptophan, an essential amino acid, produces serotonin, a chemical considered responsible for maintaining mood balance. Those foods include nuts, seeds, tofu, cheese, red meat, chicken, turkey, fish, beans, lentils, and eggs. 20
Tool No. 3:
Tool No. 4:
Move More
Make Face-to-Face Connections
The National Center for Complimentary and Integrative Health notes that yoga, like meditation, is a mind-body practice that can help contribute to reduced stress and also boost immune function. If possible, take that yoga mat outside. Any kind of outdoor exercise—such as those walks Bodzak mentions above—is ideal because of the extremely soothing effect the natural world has on the human brain. Kane notes that it’s also beneficial to walk barefoot on the dirt or sand for a few minutes to connect to the earth’s natural energy charge. Called “earthing,” or “grounding,” the practice contributes to vibrant health.
Among other significant techniques to reduce stress are strengthening our face-to-face social connections; creating an environment that induces calm by minimizing distractions, and eliminating clutter. And give yourself some down time to enjoy favorite activities such as listening to music, writing a poem, or going to a movie. While these tools have been separated by category, they all work together— the mind and body function like two sides of a coin. As you acclimate to these practices, you’ll be able to recognize stress as it happens and let it go. The more you do it, the easier it becomes.
Bluebonnet Nutrition Targeted Choice Stress Relief blends holy basil and rhodiola with other calming herbs.
Ridgecrest Herbals Anxiety Free combines tonic herbs with B vitamins and L-theanine for an effective stressrelief complex.
Natural Balance Happy Camper provides 50 mg of 5-HTP from a plant-based source. Available in vegetarian capsules.
Paragon Plus Rhodiola Pure boasts a standardized extract of this adaptogenic herb. Take it on an empty stomach for best results.
Himalaya Ashwagandha is made with certified organic ashwagandha. It's gluten-free and safe for vegans and vegetarians.
May 2018
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3/20/18 11:23 AM
AnxioCalm® is a groundbreaking, clinically studied product to quiet your nerves and relieve your occasional anxiety! This formula contains clinically studied EP107™, a unique extract of Echinacea angustifolia. It is the safe and effective way to help relieve everyday stresses and excessive worry.*† No ugly side effects and no worries!
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2/12/18 8:53 AM
SPA CUISINE Savor the flavors of Mexico with these slimmed-down versions of traditional favorites
inco de Mayo (a bigger holiday in the United States than it is in Mexico) is the perfect excuse for a pre-summer bash. But the typical Cinco de Mayo menu, replete with fried tortillas, fatty sauces, and cheese-heavy dishes, is the healthy eater’s worst nightmare—and the timing is especially tragic, falling as it does so close to swimsuit season. This year, lighten up your Cinco de Mayo celebration, with a spa-inspired menu that swaps vegetables for rice and chips, ups the fiber, and slashes fat and calories. That’s really something to celebrate! BY LISA TURNER food photography by PORNCHAI MITTONGTARE food styling by JEANNE KELLEY prop styling by ROBIN TURK
May 2018
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3/20/18 11:24 AM
Charred Pepper and Green Pea Guacamole Serves 8
Adding thawed frozen green peas slashes fat and adds fiber to this guacamole recipe. Charring peppers then removing the seeds adds flavor without blinding heat. If you’re using the grill for other recipes, just toss the pepper on the top rack and grill for 5 minutes per side, until evenly charred. Use poblano instead of jalapeño for a less-spicy, equally flavorful dip. Serve with cucumber slices, red pepper chunks, jicama chips, or regular chips for dipping. 1 large jalapeño pepper 4 large, very ripe avocados ½ small red onion, diced ½ cup chopped cilantro leaves 1 cup fresh or thawed frozen peas Juice of 2 small limes
1. On a gas range, set wire rack over burner, turn flame to high, and char pepper on all sides, turning once or twice with tongs. Alternatively, char pepper in oven under a broiler set on high. Transfer charred pepper to small bowl, cover with a dish towel, and let stand 5 minutes, until just cool enough to handle. Rub off skin with dish towel, then halve and remove seeds.
2. While peppers are charring, halve avocados, remove pits, and scoop flesh into a medium bowl. Add onion and cilantro.
3. Purée peas, lime juice, and charred pepper until smooth, and add to guacamole. Season to taste with salt and pepper, and serve. PER SERVING: 180 cal; 3g prot; 15g total fat (2g sat fat); 13g carb; 0mg chol; 10mg sod; 8g fiber; 2g sugars
Sweet Corn Gazpacho with Chipotle Crème Serves 8
This flavorful, slightly chunky gazpacho is topped with fresh sweet corn kernels for substance and flavor. A light drizzle of spicy chipotle sour cream—thinned with water to reduce fat and make for easy drizzling—completes the dish, with few calories. 1 lb. large red tomatoes, quartered 2 medium English cucumbers, peeled, seeded and cut into large chunks 1 medium green bell pepper, cored and cut into large chunks 1 small red onion, coarsely chopped 1 garlic clove, chopped 2–3 cups tomato juice, divided ½ cup Sherry wine vinegar 2 Tbs. extra-virgin olive oil ½ cup chopped cilantro leaves 2 large ears sweet corn, shucked, or 2 cups thawed frozen corn ½ cup sour cream or low-fat sour cream ½–1 tsp. chipotle powder, or 1 tsp. adobo sauce (from canned chipotle peppers), or to taste Additional whole cilantro leaves for garnish
1. Combine tomatoes, cucumber, pepper, onion, garlic, 1 cup tomato juice, vinegar,
and olive oil in large bowl. Process in batches in a food processor until blended and chopped well, but not completely smooth. Add cilantro to last batch, and pulse to mix. Add remaining 1–2 cups of tomato juice to thin to desired consistency. Season with salt and pepper.
2. While soup stands, using sharp knife, remove kernels from corn into small bowl, and set aside. Combine sour cream and chipotle powder in small bowl, and add 1–2 Tbs. of water to make a thin drizzling sauce.
3. Transfer soup to serving bowls. Drizzle sour cream across surface. Shower with whole cilantro leaves and corn kernels, and serve immediately. PER SERVING: 140 cal; 4g prot; 6g total fat (2g sat fat); 19g carb; 5mg chol; 270mg sod; 4g fiber; 6g sugars
The Healthy Edge
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3/23/18 11:07 AM
Cinco de Mayo Cocktail
Serves 1 Recipe from Wise Cocktails by Jennifer Ripps & Maria Littlefield
This fiery tequila cocktail is made with green tea for a health boost. 1½ tsp. green tea leaves ½ tsp. yerba maté ½ tsp. dried peach ½ tsp. ground ginger 1 medium Serrano chili, seeded and minced 1½ oz. tequila 1 Tbs. agave nectar 1 fresh ginger slice, for garnish
1. Place 6 oz. lukewarm water in cup. Combine tea leaves, yerba maté, dried peach, and ground ginger in tea linen or ball, and place in cup with water. Let brew 10 minutes, agitating from time to time, and remove sachet/ball.
2. In cocktail shaker, combine 4½
Grilled Shrimp with Mango Salsa Serves 8
If you're going to use bamboo skewers, be sure to soak them in water for 30 minutes before using, to avoid burning. You can also sauté shrimp on the stovetop in a large skillet with a little oil. Serve with Spanish rice, or atop a bed of fresh or lightly wilted spinach or other greens.
2 lbs. large shrimp, shelled and deveined ¼ cup olive oil 1 tsp. ground cumin ½ tsp. crushed red pepper flakes 2 cups fresh or thawed frozen mango cubes (about 2 large mangoes) 1 medium serrano chili, seeded and minced 1 small red bell pepper ½ cup diced red onion ¼ cup chopped cilantro ½ fresh lime
2. In medium bowl, combine mango, Ser-
1. Combine shrimp, olive oil, cumin, and
PER SERVING: 170 cal; 16g prot; 8g total fat (1g sat fat); 9g carb; 145mg chol; 640mg sod; 1g fiber; 6g sugars
red pepper flakes in large bowl, and stir to mix. Let stand 20–30 minutes, or refrigerate 2–3 hours if time allows.
oz. tea base, tequila, and agave nectar. Dry shake until agave dissolves. Add ice, and gently swirl to chill. Garnish with ginger slice. Strain, pour into festive glass, and enjoy! PER SERVING: 160 cal; 0g prot; 0g total fat (0g sat fat); 17g carb; 0mg chol; 0mg sod; 0g fiber; 16g sugars
rano chili, bell pepper, onion, cilantro, and lime. Stir to mix well, and season to taste with salt and pepper. Let stand 20–30 minutes to allow flavors to blend. Salsa can be made ahead of time, up to 24 hours in advance.
3. Preheat grill to medium and lightly oil racks. Thread shrimp on skewers, and grill 4–5 minutes, turning once, until just cooked through and opaque.
4. To serve, arrange shrimp on bed of greens. Top with mango salsa, and serve immediately.
Lisa Turner has been researching and writing about nutrition, and cooking great natural meals, for almost 20 years. She’s the author of five books on food and nutrition, including Mostly Macro and Meals That Heal. She has appeared on national television and radio shows, taught cooking classes, and lectured across the United States on food, health, and nutrition. Visit her online at inspiredeating.com.
May 2018
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3/23/18 11:07 AM
From beginning to end support all the way through. When it comes to healthy digestion, sometimes one approach isn’t enough. That’s why Dual-Action Enzyme Probiotic Complex gives you the best of both worlds… enzymes and probiotics all in one formula. Enzyme Probiotic Complex contains 9 active, naturally-based enzymes that break food down into absorbable nutrients for energy and cell growth.* It also contains 2 billion bio-active probiotics^ that promote your natural digestive process and support immune health.* And, since Enzyme Probiotic Complex works on fats, carbohydrates and proteins... you can be confident that you’re getting complete digestive support from just one convenient complex. So for support from top to bottom… discover Enzyme Probiotic Complex.
Available at health, natural food and vitamin specialty stores. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. ^At Time of Manufacture.
©2018 American Health, Inc. | 18-AH-1044
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2/9/18 11:36 AM
Adapt with Adaptogens ONE THING VIRTUALLY EVERYONE COULD USE IS HELP FOR DEALING WITH STRESS! Exercise and deep breathing are beneficial, but for added support, try herbal adaptogens. The term adaptogen is used for herbs that increase resistance to stress and/or that have a normalizing effect on body systems. Here are just a few of the numerous herbs considered to be adaptogens. Ashwagandha, popular in Ayurvedic medicine, supports adrenal function, reduces the stress hormone cortisol (which has been linked to weight gain and the deterioration of brain cells), and is effective
against anxiety and depression. In a recent human trial, participants reported increased energy, reduced fatigue, better sleep, and enhanced well-being after taking ashwagandha. It may also support thyroid function, and is being studied for its ability to possibly slow the process of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. In the fungi world, cordyceps is the best researched mushroom for increasing stamina and endurance. Cordyceps is often used to fight fatigue, support respiratory health, and increase physical and mental energy. Like other mushrooms, it contains glucans that support deep immune health and may provide an anticancer benefit. Ginsengs, both American and Asian, are often at the top of the list for adaptogens. Numerous studies show ginseng’s effectiveness at improving a person’s ability to withstand stress, improve work performance, and enhance mental function. It also supports the adrenal glands and has been found to be an antidepressant and antihypertensive agent. Eleuthero, while not a true ginseng, has similar properties, and is also considered to be an adaptogen. Rich in polysaccharides that stimulate the immune system, eleuthero has been shown to improve immune system function by raising T-lymphocyte levels. Another study found that eleuthero improved memory and concentration among middle-aged people during a 3-month period.
Host Defense
Ginseng and Royal Jelly
Releases stress and boosts energy.* Rejuvenates adrenal function.* Organic and non-GMO.
Supports energy and stamina.*
Combination of tonic ginseng and nutrient-rich royal jelly.
Made with U.S. grown organic mushroom mycelium.
In a honey base. Portable vials with easy-insert straw.
May 2018
HE_May18_26-27_JS.indd 26
3/23/18 11:06 AM
Natural Support for Menopause MENOPAUSE IS A NORMAL TRANSITION WOMEN GO THROUGH AS THEY AGE. It is caused by the slowing and ultimate cessation of estrogen and progesterone production by the ovaries. For some women, menopause causes few physical complaints, but for most women, it can be a real challenge due to the dramatic chemical changes that take place. Common symptoms of menopause include hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety, mood swings, vaginal dryness, and loss of libido. Although challenging, the change of life doesn’t have to be so difficult. Supporting your body with proper nutrition and natural supplements that support hormonal balance can make a big difference.
Hormonal Balance. Good health is about being in balance and hormonal health is no different. A variety of herbs can help achieve balance. Red clover is an herb known to help with hot flashes, night sweats, and mood. Other herbs that help hormonal balance include guggul and chaste tree berry. Menopause doesn’t have to be a bad experience. Use the Change of Life to change your life by making healthier choices.
Nourish your body. Now, more than ever, your body needs hormonally supportive foods. Cut back on meat and add more plant-based foods such as beans, lentils, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and a spectrum of fruits and vegetables. Include flaxseeds and flaxseed meal, rich in lignans, which are plant estrogens that may help protect against female cancers. Adrenal support. Adrenal glands play an important role in menopause. They help the body handle stress and are responsible for helping to produce estrogen and testosterone. However, for many women, when they need their adrenal glands during menopause, they are often exhausted. To support healthy adrenal function, include pantothenic acid (B5), vitamin C, ashwagandha, eleuthero, and rhodiola.
Greens First
Paragon Plus™
Adrenal Advance™
Female Balance
Natural relief for menopause symptoms.* May help balance libido, hormones, mood swings, and hot flashes.* Hormone-free.
Stress response formula.* With pantothenic acid, ashwagandha, rhodiola, and more. No caffeine or stimulants.*
Homeopathic cell salts plus flower essences. For menstrual periods, menstrual cramps, and hot flashes.* Alcohol- and sugar-free.
The Healthy Edge
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3/20/18 10:56 AM
pure beauty
By Vera Tweed
the beauty of keratin Long an ingredient in topical products, keratin has become the latest breakthrough nutrient in supplements for hair, skin, and nail health
eratin is a protein in our bodies that supports the structure of skin, nails, and hair, but a poor diet or simply getting older leads to lower levels. These show up as dry and wrinkled skin, brittle nails, and more fragile or thinning hair. Keratin has been an ingredient in hair products for many years, and more recently became available in supplements to boost levels—and beauty—from within.
The Breakthrough Years of research led to a special process to make keratin absorbable in supplements. This form of keratin, called Cynatine HNS is now found in many beauty formulas, and has been shown to improve the health and appearance of skin, hair, and nails. To test out the effects of keratin on skin, researchers in Salt Lake City, Utah, compared the results of 500 mg daily of a Cynatine HNS keratin supplement with a placebo among a group of 50 women. The study, published in the International
Journal of Cosmetic Science, measured skin moisture, elasticity, wrinkling, and overall appearance. After 90 days of daily use, women taking keratin showed significant improvement. In another study, published in The Scientific World Journal, researchers from the U.S., Canada, and Australia collaborated to test the same keratin supplement for effects on hair and nails in a group of 50 women. They measured hair loss, hair growth, hair strength, hair luster, and amino acid composition, as well as nail strength and appearance. Compared to a placebo, keratin produced significant improvements in both hair and nails. One measure was a hair-pull test, measuring how many hairs were lost on pulling. Among those taking keratin, there was a 16.9 percent improvement after 30 days, 38.9 percent improvement after 60 days, and 46.6 percent improvement after 90 days. Nail characteristics that were tested and showed significant improvements included hard/soft, resistant/
fragile, broken/not broken, rough/smooth, and yellowish/white. All tests were carried out by licensed dermatologists.
Beauty Supplement Details In both of the above studies, the daily supplement tested contained 500 mg of Cynatine HNS keratin plus 15 mg zinc, 1.65 mg copper, 18 mg vitamin B3 (niacin), 13.68 mg vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), 2 mg vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), and 300 mcg vitamin B8 (biotin). Combinations like these are available in multiples brands of supplements. Some formulas also contain vitamin C and other nutrients known to support keratin production and healthy skin, hair, and nails.
Keratin and Joints A study published in the Journal of Dietary Supplements tested a slightly different form of keratin, called Cynatine FLX, for osteoarthritis. Among a group of 50 men and women, 500 mg of the supplement, taken daily for two months, was twice as effective as placebo in reducing pain and joint stiff ness. Desert Essence Anti-Breakage Hair Mask with Keratin and Pro-Vitamin B5
Mill Creek Keratin Shampoo and Conditioner
Long a staple ingredient in topical hair products, keratin is now available in supplements that help boost beauty from within. 28
Reserveage Nutrition Keratin Hair Booster Powder with Biotin and Resveratrol
May 2018
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3/23/18 11:17 AM
True Beauty begins within
Silky hair. Radiant skin. Strong, beautiful nails. They all begin with superior nutrition. Now Bluebonnet – trusted over 25 years for wholesome, innovative, eco- conscious nutritional supplements – has created a Beautiful Ally to link inner health with outer beauty. These groundbreaking formulas deliver age-defying beauty nutrients that thoroughly nourish hair, skin and nails. Used daily, Beautiful Ally will help channel the power of exceptional nutrition for luminous hair, skin and nails that are truly beautiful… from the inside out. • • • • • • •
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2/21/18 12:04 PM
natural gourmet
blend in From cake batters to smoothies, the right blender can make all the difference for recipe perfection
nvented in the early 1920s, the blender was intended to make soda fountain drinks such as milkshakes and malteds, though it was quickly adapted to libations for the cocktail hour. Nowadays, it presents itself in multiple iterations and can be used for a wide variety of tasks, from the kitchen to the bar to the laboratory. Faced with a bewildering array of manufacturers, models, and motors, how do you choose just one? We’ll assume you don’t need it for laboratory experiments, like Jonas Salk, who used a blender while developing the polio vaccine. But for basic kitchen and bar tasks, here’s a brief rundown of options and considerations. You have three general categories of blenders: countertop, bullet, and immersion. (Sometimes food processors are included in this category, but since they are restricted to solid foods as opposed to liquids, they’re best examined separately.)
Traditional Countertop This is your all-purpose blender. It can be simple to operate, with just a few switches and dials, or it can be elaborate and high-tech, with multiple speeds and digital displays. It can be used for multiple tasks, from puréeing soups to crafting smoothies to mixing cake batter. In my experience as a chef, simple and powerful is best. The Vitamix, in particular, is a personal favorite. With only three switches—on/off, high/variable, and a numbered speed dial—it can be easily configured to accomplish any task. It purées hot soups without dangerous top-popping; it pulverizes fruits and veggies in seconds for creamy smoothies; and it crushes ice expeditiously for an impeccable margarita. The Ninja is also an excellent (and less expensive) choice for quality and performance. 30
intact and available. In a pinch, you can also grind nuts and coffee beans. The Nutri-Bullet is a good choice here— well-reviewed and effective.
Immersion Blender
Magic Bullet This is for all of the daily smoothie fanatics out there. Its primary function is making those healthy concoctions that ensure five daily servings of fruits veggies—and then some. The action is simple—you press on the cup until the desired consistency is achieved, then invert and remove the container. Voila! A splendid smoothie, with all the nutrients
Also known as a “wand” blender, this is a tall narrow device that allows you to purée in a variety of containers, from hot soup in a pot to fruit in a bowl. You “immerse” the tip of the wand in the chosen medium, and hold the button down as you move it about, until even purée is accomplished. For parents, it’s an indispensable tool for making fresh baby food; simply combine a little bit of everything you’re having for dinner with some water or juice in a tall container (one often comes with these blenders) and give it a whirl. In seconds, you have a healthy, tasty meal that will delight little ones. There are any number of wellreceived immersion blenders, so choose one that fits your design aesthetic and your budget. And be sure to peruse the recipe ideas that come with your blender—they will definitely expand your culinary horizons, and enable you to get the most out of your favorite new appliance!
May 2018
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3/20/18 11:00 AM
By Neil Zevnik
Chilled Watercress & Cucumber Soup
Watermelon & Strawberry Granita
This no-cook cold soup makes a perfect summer meal when combined with a light salad of fresh greens. We used a Vita-Mix when making this. For a creamier soup, add ½ cup nonfat Greek yogurt.
Cool off with this traditional Italian semi-frozen dessert. We used a Vita-mix to make this recipe.
2 bunches watercress, thick stems removed and coarsely chopped 1 large European cucumber, peeled and coarsely chopped 1 scallion, chopped 1 very ripe Comice or Anjou pear, peeled, cored, and chopped 1 quart organic low-salt chicken (or vegetable) broth 2 Tbs. snipped fresh dill 2 Tbs. Meyer lemon juice 1 heaping tsp. microplaned Meyer lemon zest 1 tsp. sea salt (more to taste) ⅛ tsp. ground white pepper Snipped fresh chives or edible flowers for garnish, optional Combine all ingredients in a large bowl, and stir to combine. Purée in countertop blender in batches, or use immersion blender right in the bowl. Refrigerate at least two hours. Serve garnished with snipped chives, or float a few edible flowers, such as nasturtiums, on top.
1. Combine sugar and water in small saucepan. Bring to a boil, remove from heat, and allow to cool. 2. Place all ingredients, including sugar water, into blender, and process until smooth. (Depending on blender capacity, you may need to do this in batches.) Pour mixture into a 9x13 metal pan, and place in the freezer. Every 30 minutes or so, scrape and stir with a fork. 3. After about 2 hours, Granita should be close to frozen. Give it a last scrape and stir, then divide among chilled bowls, and garnish with mint sprigs. PER SERVING: 70 cal; 1g pro; 0g total fat (0g sat fat); 18g carb; 0mg chol; 0mg sod; 1g fiber; 15g sugars
PER SERVING: 50 cal; 4g pro; 0g total fat (0g sat fat); 10g carb; 0mg chol; 660mg sod; 3g fiber; 5g sugar
⅓ cup organic sugar ¼ cup water 5 cups seedless watermelon, cut into 1-inch cubes 1 cup hulled, halved strawberries 2 Tbs. fresh lime juice 1 tsp. microplaned lime zest Mint sprigs for garnish, optional
The Healthy Edge
HE_May18_NaturalGourmet_JS.indd 31
3/20/18 11:00 AM
clean eating
By Melissa Diane Smith
think outside the sandwich bread Saying goodbye to bread doesn’t have to mean giving up sandwiches
f you bake, try making grain-free tortillas or sliceable bread out of almond flour, ground flaxseeds, and/ or coconut flour. If you don’t bake—or if you want a quicker alternative—think outside the box and get creative by using vegetables or fruit as alternatives for wraps and buns. These seven producebased ideas can help you get started. 1. Lettuce wraps. For convenience and versatility, nothing beats using large lettuce leaves, such as romaine or Bibb, as tortilla or bread substitutes. Wrap burgers with them, or make BLT (bacon, lettuce, and tomato) “sandwiches,” taco lettuce wraps, fajita wraps, tuna salad wraps, or lettuce cups with Asian-based fillings.
alternative for bread when you’re making a sandwich! Cut it in half lengthwise, scoop out the middle, and top it with anything for an easyto-make, open-faced sub. 5. Portobello mushroom caps. Large portobello mushrooms are the same general size and shape as regular hamburger buns. Just remove the stem, brush the caps with olive oil, place them on a small baking sheet gill side up, and roast for 12 minutes. (Or you can grill them 5–7 minutes per side.) Season with salt and pepper, and set aside to allow mushroom caps to cool slightly, release their juices, and dry a bit did you before using them as buns for know... virtually any type of burger. Portobello mushroom caps make a great stand-in for
2. Collard wraps. Collard greens, either raw or lightly steamed, also make nice low-carb wrappers. Be sure to remove the prominent spine on each leaf using a paring knife. Start near the bottom, shave away only the thick part, and be careful not to cut through the leaves. Steam collard greens a few minutes until they’re bright and tender, arrange them on a plate, and pat dry with a paper towel before filling. Try collards with red pepper hummus and assorted vegetables, with or without chicken strips. 3. Endive boats. Buy green or red endive bulbs, cut off the base, and use the leaves as super-low-carb boats with the filling of your choice. They can serve as appetizers or light meals. Try them with chicken or tuna salad, or chopped cooked shrimp with diced cucumber, pineapple, cilantro, and lime juice. 4. Cucumber subs. Believe it or not, a cucumber can serve as a refreshing 32
hamburger buns. Simply 6. Thick-cut roasted sweet brush with olive oil and potato buns. To make these smaller, grill 5–7 minutes higher-carb-but-delicious “buns,” cut per side. sweet potatoes into ½-inch slices and place on a baking sheet. Drizzle with a few tablespoons of olive or coconut oil, and place in a 400°F oven. Roast sweet potato slices for 5 minutes, then flip them over and roast another 5 minutes. Stack HANDY GR AIN-FREE a small broiled turkey burger with sage BREAD SUBSTITUTES or a small piece of cooked fi sh and a few spinach or lettuce leaves on top of each These grain-free products can add convesweet potato slice, and place another nience and variety to a gluten-free diet. roasted sweet potato slice on top. Use Coconut wraps. Julian Bakery Paleo a toothpick or skewer to hold each Wraps offer flexible, low-carb wraps mini-sandwich together.
7. Apple slices. For a lighter alternative to PB&Js, use apple slices as a bread substitute. Slice an apple crosswise, and cut a hole through the center of each slice to make “bagels.” Use two apple slices to make a small sandwich with nut or seed butter in between. Kids love these, and they’re quick, handy sandwiches for adults too!
made of coconut meat and water. They’re salt-free, making them generally better for desserts, such as berries and whipped coconut cream. Almond flour muffins. Mikey’s Muffins makes English Muffins using almond meal and coconut flour. They can be used to make sandwiches or as a base for pizza toppings.
May 2018
HE_May18_CleanEating_JS.indd 32
3/20/18 10:58 AM
On sale exclusively at Akin’s Natural Foods Market and Chamberlin’s Natural Foods Market
#1 Melatonin Brand* * Nielsen xAOC, 52 weeks ending 01/27/18
©2018 Natrol LLC
† These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Paragon Plus™
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Fat Metabolism Factors
SuperSeedz Pumpkin Seeds
Bone power.* May play a role in boosting bone mass density.* 350 mg per serving.
HE_May18_InsideBackCover_JS.indd 33
Provides nutrients for the metabolism of fats and cholesterol.* Supports fluid balance.* Stimulant-free.
Gourmet shelled pumpkin seeds. Source of protein and magnesium.* Small-batch roasted. Glutenand peanutfree.
3/20/18 11:01 AM
Tart cherry plus turmeric. We Accept these Major Credit Cards:
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is presented as general information and is not meant to replace medical advice. Because persons and circumstances can vary, self treatment may not be right for you. Consult a qualified health care practitioner for advice pertaining to any particular person or case or before beginning any new exercise, diet, or supplementation program. Use products only per label direction.
HE_May18_BackCovers_JS.indd 34
Supports tissue and cellular health.* Supports positive control of immune response.*
3/20/18 10:57 AM