$3 $ 3 free
Heart Health GOING GREEN
plus Beat the Blues
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1/3/18 9:54 AM
Atrantil Digestive Care Atrantil is a new safe, natural solution proven to get rid of bloating, abdominal discomfort and changes in bowel KDELWV )RUPXODWHG E\ D ERDUG FHUWLČ´HG Gastroenterologist, this patented combination of natural polyphenols from Quebracho, Horse Chestnut and Peppermint leaf helps get rid of your bloating and supports your digestive KHDOWK 7KH WDUJHWHG IRUPXODWLRQ RÎ?HUV GRVLQJ IRU ERWK immediate and everyday support.
Anabol Naturals
Bricker Labs
Dutch Chocolate Lean Machine 8QLTXH DQG JUHDW WDVWLQJ ȾDYRU make this specialized whey protein formulation the optimal way to supplement or replace meals while ensuring you’re only getting high quality protein. Lean Machine is made with full-spectrum proteins: whey, isolate, hydrolyzed, and has only the lowest possible levels of naturally occurring sugar and fat. The formula is further enhanced with L-carnitine, L-glutamine and chromium IRU PD[LPXP EHQHȴWV
Biobolic Power Life This high potency multi-nutrient formula includes nature’s most powerful energy building and life protecting nutrients. It includes vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, enzymes, plus lipotropic fat burners, anti-stress nutrients, brain and energy nutrients. It is perfect for athletes, active people, people under stress, and people who eat on the run.
Metabolic Nutrition
Hydravax is a high-potency herbal diuretic designed to help shed water weight while maintaining electrolytes and energy levels. The fast-acting formula will help reduce swelling and bloating and eliminate unnecessary water to reveal harder, more-sculpted muscles.* Competition level strength.*
Magnesium Cream with B6 0DJQHVLXP LV QHFHVVDU\ IRU RYHU reactions in the body. This easily absorbed transdermal cream supplies magnesium that helps support nerve, muscle and heart function.* Formulated for optimum performance, this cream is enhanced with MSM, aloe vera, coconut oil and shea butter. Paraben free.
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Buried Treasure
ACF Fast Relief NutripacsÂŽ When your body gets run down, you need an extra boost.* ACF Fast Relief NutripacsÂŽ are the perfect answer for rapid LPPXQH UHFRYHU\ 7KH HÎ?HFWLYH blend of Echinacea, elderberry and usnea lichen, along with other whole foods and minerals, is now available in convenient, pre-portioned and ready to use packets. *UHDW IRU WUDYHO ZRUN RU KRPH 1XWULSDFV RÎ?HU WKH IDVW results of the Liquid Advantage™. Wheat, gluten, dairy and yeast free.
Purify Complete Body Cleanse 7KLV HÎ?HFWLYH GD\ SODQ RÎ?HUV D ČŠZKROH bodyâ€? approach to natural cleansing DQG GHWR[LČ´FDWLRQ Formulated for convenience, easy to use morning and evening packets eliminate unnecessary complexity and contain DOO WKH FDSVXOHV QHHGHG IRU DQ LGHDO GD\ FOHDQVH The morning cleanse contains powerful formulas for GHWR[LČ´FDWLRQ ZKLOH WKH HYHQLQJ FOHDQVH RÎ?HUV JHQWOH DQG HÎ?HFWLYH VXSSRUW IRU HOLPLQDWLRQ DQG UHJXODULW\
1/3/18 10:00 AM
New Chapter
Golden Black Seed Golden Black Seed is a clinical-strength, herbal blend of Black Seed (Nigella) and Turmeric designed to support overall metabolic health.* It is formulated to help maintain cholesterol levels already in the normal range, as well as support normal blood sugar levels, body weight, and blood pressure.* Golden Black Seed is gluten free, 100% YHJHWDULDQ DQG 1RQ *02 3URMHFW 9HULČ´HG
Energy & Motivation Part of the Graceful Living line, Energy & Motivation helps to loosen unhealthy habit patterns such as fear, obsession and negative thoughts. This remedy encourages optimism, clarity and vitality, and eases stress associated with self-acceptance.* Formulated ZLWK D EOHQG RI KRPHRSDWKLF FHOO VDOWV DQG ČľRZHU HVVHQFHV (Î?HFWLYH IRU ERWK FKLOGUHQ DQG DGXOWV Sugar, dairy and gluten free.
Jack N Jill
Buzzy Brush Jack N Jill introduces a kid friendly musical electric toothbrush with super soft nylon bristles. Encourage healthy brushing habits with this fun buzzing brush that includes choice of 3 modes: music, spoken instruction, or silence. Personalize the brush with stickers included. Handle is recycled & recyclable, and brush head is replaceable.
Kids Ear Scrub Wally’s introduces a new, fun, safe daily cleansing regimen for dirty ears. Designed with kids in mind, this easy to use system is the perfect bath time companion. The kit includes a sponge and natural earwash. The mild formula and soft sponge provide a gentle scrubbing action that will easily break down dirt and oils then wash away quickly with water. Pediatrician tested.
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Mary Ann O’Dell MS,RD
Ubiquinol Enhanced Power of CoQ10
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a potent antioxidant found in every cell in the body. It supports energy production inside cells and protects cells and tissues from oxidative damage. Low levels of CoQ10 have been associated with an increased risk for cancer, heart disease, gum disease and other health problems. Ubiquinol is the reduced or active form of &R4 VR LW \LHOGV WKH VDPH EHQHČ´WV RI CoQ10, but with improved absorption. So what does research say about CoQ10 and Ubiquinol? Numerous studies have been done on CoQ10 and the heart showing it may help in congestive heart failure and angina attacks. One study showed Ubiquinol supplementation increased CoQ10 levels in the body and reduced LDL cholesterol levels. And a recent study showed that supplementing with CoQ10 and selenium decreased mortality risk by nearly 50%, dramatically reducing the risk of death from cardiovascular disease. CoQ10 has also been shown to reduce side HÎ?HFWV RI VWDWLQ DQG EORRG SUHVVXUH GUXJV This may be because these drugs deplete CoQ10 in the body. Recent research has also shown CoQ10 was helpful for improving glycemic FRQWURO LQ GLDEHWLFV UHGXFLQJ Č´EURP\DOJLD symptoms in existing patients, and increasing power in athletes.
Paragon PlusTM Ubiquinol CoQH 50 mg
• Reduced form of CoQ10 for enhanced absorption. • Potent antioxidant.* • Helps the body maintain optimal CoQ10 levels.*
1/3/18 10:00 AM
February 2018
features 18 Supplements for a Healthy Heart In addition to a wholesome diet and regular exercise, a smart supplement plan is an important component of a heart-healthy lifestyle. And these nine nutrients are a great place to start.
22 Depression Relief for Women Life is full of ups and downs. But when the downs last for weeks or months at a time, you may have an underlying hormonal imbalance that needs to be addressed.
Matcha & Greens Ice Cream
p. 9
departments NEWS FLASH
Hot Off the Press. The latest natural health news.
Beyond the Blender. Sick of smoothies? Try these creative ways to enjoy the benefits of green foods and other superfood powders.
Spice Up Your Love Life. Potent botanicals that can help spark desire and improve sexual health.
How to nourish your skin and tame inflammation from the inside and out.
Natural Eye Creams. Gentle formulas that can help minimize wrinkles and puffiness without harming your eyes.
How to Eat Clean. Amie Valpone, author of Eating Clean, shares her secrets for creating a clean food plan that can help you detox, lose weight, and more.
Is Too Much Sodium Hiding in Your Diet? Putting down the salt shaker is just the first step toward lowering your sodium intake.
First Aid for the Flu. The right homeopathic remedy can help speed recovery and keep you well.
Keep your blood flowing and your heart healthy with these simple tips.
Chocolate Goodness. February’s favorite treat offers surprising health benefits.
February 2018
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1/3/18 10:04 AM
When You Take the Most Advanced Boswellia on the Market Today! BosMed 500 Extra Strength: ®
· Features clinically studied, uniquely standardized boswellia · Up to 10 times more AKBA than unstandardized boswellia · Safe and effective · Overall cellular protection from oxidative stress* The AKBA in BosMed 500 supports pathways in the body that even other strong botanicals can’t match. This clinically studied extract has the power you need to take control of your health.
For more targeted support, turn to the complete BosMed family of products. With
Frankincense Oil
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11/9/17 10:17 AM
editor’s letter Affairs of the Heart You can’t walk down the street during the month of February without seeing storefront displays of hearts— the familiar red Valentine’s shapes, not the vital organ that keeps us alive. But while we take this time each year to celebrate the figurative seat of romantic love, February is also the American Heart Association’s (AHA) American Heart Month, a time to raise awareness of the very real issue of heart health. Despite continuing medical advancements, heart disease is still the underlying cause of roughly one in every three deaths in the U.S. According to the AHA, 2,200 Americans die of cardiovascular disease each day, an average of one death every 40 seconds. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Like so many of our most prevalent ailments, heart disease can often be thwarted with a few simple diet and lifestyle changes, including a proactive supplement regimen. In “Supplements for a Healthy Heart” (p. 18), wholistic health expert Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS, offers his prescription for basic heart health, a collection of nutrients that can help keep your ticker in top shape, even if you have a family history of heart disease. As Bowden notes, “A good supplement plan isn’t the only thing you’ll need— far from it—but it’s a great addition to a heart-healthy lifestyle.” Jerry Shaver Executive Editor Have a question or comment? Email us at healthyedgemag@gmail.com.
Editorial Director Nicole Brechka Executive Editor Jerry Shaver Copy Editor Elizabeth Fisher Beauty Editor Sherrie Strausfogel Research Editor Sam Russo, ND, LAc Contributing Editors Helen Gray and Vera Tweed Graphic Designer Mark Stokes Cover Design Rachel Joyosa Production Manager Mark Stokes
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February 2018
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1/3/18 3:00 PM
PROBIOTICS NEVER TASTED SO GOOD... ISN’T IT TIME YOU DID SOMETHING GOOD FOR YOUR DIGESTIVE HEALTH? • Just one vegetarian wafer is all you need • Delivers 1 billion friendly-flora cultures per wafer
• Great for adults, but kids love them, too
Strawberry, Blueberry, Banana, Mixed Fruit. American Health® Chewable Acidophilus delivers 1 billion microorganisms to help keep your microfl ora 9
in balance.* Each wafer contains the “good” bacteria to help keep your digestive system feeling good all day, every day.* Support your digestive health*... delicious Chewable Acidophilus from American Health®. It’s good health made simple™.
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 9
At time of manufacture
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Learn more at AmericanHealthUS.com
11/16/17 1:11 PM
newsflash Beware the Snack Trap We’re more likely to overeat when foods are considered snacks rather than meals, according to a study of 80 people at the University of Surrey in the UK, where appetite for candy was compared after people ate pasta. Even though all pasta dishes were identical, some were labeled as snacks, came in a plastic dish with a plastic fork, and were eaten while standing. Others were labeled as meals and were eaten off a ceramic plate with a real fork while sitting at a table. When offered candy afterward, those who had the snack version ate up to twice as much. “Those who are consuming snacks are more likely to overeat as they may not realize or even remember what they have eaten,” says lead study author Jane Ogden, PhD. She recommends:
* Eat food as a meal rather than a snack. * Sit down when eating. * Pay attention to the food instead of other activities.
1 in 2 In a British study of 298 overweight people with type 2 diabetes, nearly half were cured— meaning they regained normal levels of blood sugar without taking any medication—by losing weight. Slightly over 30 lbs. was an effective amount of weight loss.
The Natural Resources Defense Council estimates that about 40 percent of the U.S. chicken industry has eliminated or pledged to eliminate routine use of antibiotics that are essential for treating human infectious diseases. As it stands, more than 70 percent of medically important antibiotics in the U.S. are used to produce beef, pork, and poultry, making the drugs less effective for treating infections in people.
40% 4 steps TO FIX DRY LIPS Lips can get dry any time but more so in cold weather. “The problem is exacerbated in winter by the reduced environmental humidity due to forced air heat, which increases water loss, making the barrier problem worse,” says Peter Elias, MD, dermatology professor at the University of California San Francisco. To reduce dryness, he recommends: 1. Don’t lick dry lips. Saliva contains enzymes that break down lipids, fatty substances that form a natural protective barrier. 2. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking lots of water. 3. Day and night, moisturize with a restorative lip balm that contains natural lipids and fats, and healing ingredients such as aloe. 4. Avoid lip products with parabens or petrolatum, which are irritants.
February 2018
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1/3/18 3:35 PM
For more Collagen infused recipes visit neocell.com/recipes Super Collagen contains clinically studied BioActive NeoCell Collagen which supports healthy collagen formation throughout the body. Using NeoCell’s technologically advanced hydrolyzation process, large collagen molecules are enzymatically hydrolyzed into small peptides that are both bioavailable and bioactive in the body.* TM
Š 2017 NeoCell corp.
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11/15/17 11:11 AM
supplement advisor
By Lisa Turner
beyond the blender Sick of smoothies? There are plenty of other ways to enjoy the benefits of green foods and other superfood powders
ecent studies show that people who eat the most fruits and vegetables, especially leafy greens and other green veggies, have a 30 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease and other diseases. If your diet’s still short of the recommended eight servings per day, change it fast with green foods powders. They’re concentrated, portable, and contain vegetables we don’t eat often enough (think broccoli), as well as those we rarely eat—such as seaweed or alfalfa. Most are also fortified with fruit antioxidants and other nutrients, including protein, fiber, probiotics, and superfoods. When it comes to choosing the right powder, there’s no shortage of options. You can find dozens of varieties ranging from simple to complex. In general, though, most powders are made up of just a few basic components:
The Top 7 Green Food Ingredients
The Greens. These should make up the bulk of the blend, and may include anything from grasses to spinach to broccoli sprouts. Some of the best:
* WHEAT GRASS is rich in superoxide dis-
mutase (SOD), a potent heart-protective antioxidant that keeps blood vessels healthy. Studies also show that wheat grass can help ulcerative colitis and promote detoxification of bisphenol A (BPA), an endocrine disruptor. BARLEY GRASS, like wheat grass, contains SOD, and has anticancer, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory activity. It may also improve the health of people with diabetes. OAT GRASS, like other grasses, is high in nutrients, and may also support the growth of Lactobacillus, a beneficial
type of bacteria that supports gut and immune health. ALFALFA contains phytoestrogens that help decrease hot flashes and reduce menopausal discomfort, as well as coumarin, an antiplatelet substance that can prevent blood clots and improve circulation. If you have lupus or another autoimmune disorder, check with a health care provider before using alfalfa. CRUCIFEROUS VEGETABLES such as broccoli, cauliflower, and kale contain chemical compounds called diindolylmethane (DIM) and indole-3-carbinol, a potent cancer-preventive nutrient. Research shows that the latter slows the ability of cancer cells to grow and multiply, and helps precancerous cells from developing further. LEAFY GREEN VEGETABLES, such as spinach, are high in folate, carotenoids, and other compounds that reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, and also protect the eyes. All dark green vegetables have alkalizing properties and are rich in blood-cleansing and cancer-preventive chlorophyll.
Try: Sotru Organic Fermented Alkalizing Greens
Protein. You can find several varieties, which vary by quality— the extent to which the protein can be digested and used by the body. Needs vary, but 10–20 grams per serving is a good guideline. Advantages of each form:
* WHEY PROTEIN, a by-product of cheese
making, is one of the most easily digested forms. Studies suggest whey can aid in weight loss, lower LDL and blood pressure, and reduce inflammation. It’s low in lactose, so suitable for most people who are lactose-intolerant.
* HEMP PROTEIN is rich in omega-3 and
omega-6 fats, in an ideal ratio of 3:1. It’s also rich in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which boosts brain and heart health. RICE PROTEIN is ideal for people with food allergies. It’s low in lysine, so look for it in combination with pea protein to create a full amino acid profile. PEA PROTEIN has a smooth texture and an amino acid profile similar to soy. But unlike soy, it’s nonallergenic and free of estrogenic compounds. SOY PROTEIN is highly absorbable and may help lower cholesterol and protect against cancer. But it can be allergenic, and studies suggest that it can adversely impact estrogen levels in women with hormone-sensitive cancers.
Try: Lifetime Life’s Basics Plant Protein Plus Greens
Fiber. It’s essential for heart health, cancer prevention, and maintaining a healthy weight—fiber-rich foods stimulate cholecystokinin (CCK), a hormone that tells your brain that you’re full, which discourages overeating. Additionally, fiber helps to block the absorption of calories. In green foods powders, it’s usually in the form of seeds, such as chia and flax, but may also be derived from fruits and vegetables. Look for blends that contain somewhere in the range of 5–8 grams per serving.
Try: Barlean’s Greens Chocolate Silk
Seaweeds and algae, including spirulina, chlorella, dulse, wakame, and kelp, are especially dense in nutrients. Chlorella in particular is high in chlorophyll, and can support immune function, protect against cancer and inflammation, and treat fibromyalgia, hypertension, and ulcerative colitis. Spirulina can help protect against
February 2018
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1/3/18 3:02 PM
bloodstream—especially important when you’re including combinations of fruits, vegetables, and superfoods in a protein powder. You’ll see them listed as amylase, lipase, cellulase, lactase, phytase, and other types.
Try: Kyolic Kyo-Green Powdered Drink Mix
Probiotics. These beneficial bacteria support gut health and immune function, reduce inflammation, and prevent infection. Look for a combination of different strains, including Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus brevis, Bifidobacterium lactis, and Bifidobacterium longum.
Try: Purity Products Blueberry Detox OJC Organic Juice Cleanse
If you’re over smoothies, incorporate these powders into your diet in other creative ways: Stir them into oatmeal or yogurt, sprinkle over cooked grains, or add them to pancake batter. And try the recipe featured here for sneaky ways to eat more greens.
neurodegenerative disorders and support immunity. And sea vegetables are rich in iodine, to support thyroid function. Look for blends that include a variety, with a total of at least 400 mg per serving.
Superfoods, fruits, and herbs. Because these ingredients have very targeted uses, such as supporting immunity or cleansing the liver, it may be better to buy them in single supplements or condition-specific blends. Still, some—such as mushrooms or matcha—are adaptogens that can support general wellness.
Enzymes. Plant-derived digestive enzymes break down food and allow the nutrients to be transported into the
Try: Amazing Grass Green Superfood Alkalize & Detox
Try: Vibrant Health Maximum Vibrance
Matcha & Greens Ice Cream MAKES ONE PINT (4 SERVINGS)
This frozen treat is healthy enough to eat for breakfast. Ginger and matcha—a finely powdered, high-quality green tea— are the perfect foil for strongly flavored green foods powders. We used a vanillaflavored green foods powder, but nearly any green foods powder will work. 1 cup almond milk 1 can coconut milk ⅓ cup unrefined cane sugar 4 Tbs. grated fresh ginger root 3 tsp. matcha green tea powder 2 scoops vanilla-flavored green foods protein powder, or other green foods powder 1. Combine almond milk, coconut milk, sugar, ginger, green tea, and green foods powder in blender and process until smooth. 2. Transfer to ice cream maker, and freeze according to manufacturer’s directions, about 25 minutes. Divide ice cream among small bowls and serve immediately for softserve style, or freeze 2 hours, until firm, before serving. PER SERVING: 310 cal; 9g prot; 22g total fat (18g sat fat); 25g carb; 0mg chol; 100mg sod; 3g fiber; 18g sugars
The Healthy Edge
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1/3/18 10:15 AM
healing edge
By Sarah Chappelle, ND
first aid for the flu The right homeopathic remedy can help you recover faster from the flu
he holiday season may be over, but flu season is still going strong. Many of us are all too familiar with the symptoms—fever, body aches, coughing, raw sore throat, chills, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. The next time you start to feel off, instead of reaching for an over-the-counter or prescription drug, consider homeopathic alternatives as a customized form of first aid for the flu. Homeopathic remedies are inexpensive, effective, and free of side effects, making them extremely safe. When shopping for a remedy, keep in mind that homeopathy isn’t a one-sizefits-all form of medicine. You want a product that most closely matches your physical, mental, and emotional symptoms. Here are six to try.
Arsenicum album You know that you have an Arsenicum flu when you experience a flushed face yet chilled body accompanied by shivering, vomiting, and diarrhea. You may be unusually anxious and restless and feel the need to be around people.
Gelsemium sempervirens You can tell Gelsemium is the right remedy when you have a gradual, slowly developing flu that sneaks up on you over the course of a few days. Unrelenting fatigue and weakness is the most pronounced symptom for this remedy. When you’re in this state, you can barely keep your droopy eyes open.
Eupatorium perfoliatum This is remedy to try when you experience the “I’ve been hit with a Mack truck” gamut of flu symptoms. Extreme aching 10
USE THE RIGHT DOSAGE Take your remedy in a 30C strength every four hours, and expect to feel an improvement within a day. Once you feel significantly better, discontinue the medicine. If your symptoms haven’t improved by the second day, search for a better-matched remedy. In addition to homeopathy, be sure to drink plenty of fluids, watch for signs of dehydration, and take 1,000 mg of vitamin C at least three times a day. (Decrease the dose if you have loose stools as a result.) And most importantly, take time to get plenty of rest. A good self-care plan plus the right homeopathic remedy will ensure that you’re on the quickest road to recovery. If you aren’t feeling significantly better in 3–4 days, see a naturopathic physician for further care. To locate one near you, visit naturopathic.org.
of bones and muscles with a high fever and chills characterize this remedy.
high pulse of 140 accompanied by a mild fever. Mentally, you may feel restless, scattered, and almost delusional.
Nux vomica True to its name, a Nux vomica flu is characterized by intense nausea that is relieved after vomiting. In this state, you are very chilly, irritable, sensitive to light and sound, and can’t stop thinking about work.
Oscillococcinum This is your Swiss Army knife of flu remedies, and is most effective when used at the very first sign of general flu symptoms: headache, body ache, chills, and fever. Oscillococcinum (or Oscillo for short) is widely available at health food stores.
Pyrogenium When you have a Pyrogenium flu, you look very sick and are chilled and sore to the point where even the bed feels too hard. You will have offensive discharges: foul-smelling sweat, offensive breath, and a horrible taste in the mouth. You may have a disparity between your heart rate and temperature—for example, a
In addition to these individual remedies, some health food retailers offer homeopathic kits that contain the top 50 remedies for natural health care. In general, I recommend keeping at least Oscillo on hand at home or when you travel as a first line of defense when symptoms arise.
February 2018
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1/3/18 10:24 AM
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UTZY.COM (877) 307-6142 These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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11/21/17 12:14 PM
herbal advisor
By Michele Burklund, ND
spice up your love life The month of romance is the perfect time to focus on sexual health and connect with your body on a deeper level
hysical touch and pleasure are some of the best activities to improve the overall health of your body and mind. And these natural aphrodisiacs will enhance desire, improve enjoyment, and boost sensation. Try them alone or with your partner for maximum results.
For Her According to the Journal of the American Medical Association , 43 percent of women aged 18–59 in the United States report some form of sexual difficulty in their lives. But even though these statistics might be alarming, nature offers many remedies for these common issues. These amazing plants will soon have you embracing your inner Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love.
Enhance desire with ashwagandha: This wonderful plant is able to elevate libido on many levels due to its adaptogenic properties, which balance hormones and nourish the reproductive system. This powerful herb has been used for centuries to promote sexual health, and has been referenced in the ancient Indian Hindu book, the Kama Sutra , for its ability to increase sexual powers and libido. The Journal of Research in Ayurveda also found ashwagandha, in combination with other Ayurvedic herbs, to be an effective treatment for menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, poor sleep, and erratic mood. Along with its benefits for sexual wellness, ashwagandha has long been used for antiaging, stress relief, and brain health. It can be taken in capsule form or infused in a tea for an instant boost. Get sensual with shatavari: Commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine to enhance desire and support fertility, this root is an amazing restorative herb for women. In fact, the name “shatavari” is derived from an Indian word meaning “a woman who has a hundred husbands,” due to its nourishing activity on the female
Fenugreek 12
organs. The Journal of Research in Ayurveda also calls shatavari a potential treatment for PMS, hormone imbalances, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). In traditional medicine, it is also said to enhance feelings of spiritual love and togetherness with one’s surroundings. Foreplay with fenugreek: Fenugreek was a well-known aphrodisiac in Rome, Greece, and Egypt long before making its way to America. This delightful plant has a sweet yet nutty taste and offers many benefits. It has been used for centuries to decrease menopausal symptoms because of its actions as a phytoestrogen. In fact, a trial published in the International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics revealed that this spice could be an effective alternative to conventional hormone replacement therapy. Use fenugreek when preparing your favorite Indian dish, brew a fenugreek tea, or take in capsule form.
For Him In today’s medically advanced atmosphere, there are many pharmaceutical options for “improving” men’s sexual abilities and health—and most of them have undesirable short- or long-term side effects. It’s important to remember that for many of these male sexual issues, natural remedies already exist—ones with fewer (if any) known side effects. Check out these potent herbs to stimulate blood flow, increase libido, and improve stamina. Get the blood flowing with yohimbe root: Often called “the natural Viagra,” this root is originally from Africa but has made its way around the globe because of its ability to stimulate blood flow. A German study found that
February 2018
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1/3/18 10:27 AM
yohimbe is superior to placebo for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, and offers fewer side effects than most oral drugs. The active component, yohimbine, supports the dilation of blood vessels by blocking alpha-2 receptors while causing smooth muscle relaxation in the penis, which brings more blood flow to the area. Avoid this herb if you take antidepressants or MAO inhibitors. Can be taken in capsule or powder form. Ignite your passion with passionflower: This stunning flower acquired its name from its sex-enhancing powers. Passionflower contains a well-known chemical called chrysin, which has shown the potential to boost sex drive and increase testosterone. In fact, a 2012 trial involving male rats published in the Journal of Andrology revealed that chrysin increased sperm motility, sperm concentration, and serum testosterone levels compared to the control group. Researchers believe that chrysin’s ability to increase testosterone levels is due to its aromatase activity, which decreases the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. It’s commonly taken in a capsule form or applied topically as a cream.
For Her & Him A holistic approach to sexual wellness should be multifaceted, combining physical treatments with psychological methods. Try lighting candles, emptying your mind, and engaging with your love on an intimate level. Sit facing your partner, look into each other’s eyes, and sync your did you breathing. Embrace these know... chilly nights as the perfect Passionflower gets its name from excuse to cuddle up next to its sex-enhancing your sweetheart. And the prowess. following pleasure-promoting plants can help rekindle your passion and make your love life sizzle. Damiana: This plant has been documented as far back as the Mayan and Aztec civilizations as an aphrodisiac for both men and women. Damiana offers unique benefits because it increases sexual desire while also helping relax the nerves. Traditional medicine has used this leaf for a variety of conditions, including easing anxiety, supporting mood, and stimulating digestion. A 2009 study published by the Journal of Ethnopharmacology suggests that the flavonoids present in damiana could be responsible for its prosexual effect. Try it in a tincture or capsule, or brew the leaves in a tea. Muira puama bark: Also known as “potency wood,” this formidable bark has long been used by the native people of the Amazon to promote energy, mental clarity, and relaxation. It’s also said to help both men and women improve their sex lives. A study of women who complained of low sex drive found that 65 percent of those who took muira puama in combination with gingko biloba reported significant improvement in the frequency of sexual desire, intercourse, fantasies,
Passionflower and total satisfaction with their sex lives. Try it in a standardized tincture or capsule, or infused into a tea. Shilajit: Abundant in more than 85 minerals, this plant-based resin is found deep in the Himalayan Mountains and is treasured by locals for its healing powers. Shilajit is known to rejuvenate both spiritual and sexual energy as well as for its use as a “Qi tonic” in Chinese medicine, due to its ability to enhance vitality. A recent double blind, placebo controlled study of males between the ages of 45 and 55 reported that subjects who took shilajit saw significantly increased free and total testosterone levels compared to those given a placebo. A chemical constituent called fulvic acid in this unique resin has also been extensively studied for its antiaging and restorative properties. Shilajit isn’t as well known as other natural aphrodisiacs, but this won’t last. It’s commonly taken in capsule form. The Healthy Edge
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expert’s corner
By Melissa Diane Smith
is too much sodium hiding in your diet? To protect against high blood pressure, avoid processed and prepared foods, and emphasize whole foods that are naturally rich in potassium
I have recently been diagnosed with hypertension (high blood pressure). My doctor advised me to reduce the amount of sodium in my diet, yet I hardly ever add salt to my food. How can I cut down on sodium in my diet if I rarely use salt?
—Mike S., Cleveland
The dangers of sodium are very clear: Too much can raise blood pressure, and high blood pressure is the leading cause of death from heart disease and stroke in the United States, contributing to more than 1,000 deaths every day. Unfortunately, the average American adult consumes 3,400 mg of sodium daily, nearly 50 percent more than the 2,300 the federal government recommends. So we should hide all the salt shakers, right? Not so fast. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 70 percent of that sodium is already present in food before it reaches the table. And some of the leading culprits may surprise you. Bread and rolls are stealth contributors in our diet. Sandwiches, cold cuts, cured meats, pizza, soup, and some types of chicken (injected with a salty solution) comprise the American Heart Association’s Salty Six list. So even if you aren’t reaching for the salt at every meal, you’re likely getting more sodium than you need. “While the majority of Americans report watching or trying to reduce added salt in their diets, the deck has been stacked against them,” the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said in a statement last year. “The majority of sodium intake comes from processed and prepared foods, not the salt shaker.”
The Potassium-to-Sodium Ratio But if you’re focused on sodium alone, you’ve learned only part of the story. The other part involves potassium, a mineral that naturally balances the metabolic action of sodium in the body. Human beings evolved on foods that were high in potassium and low in sodium, and the ratio between potassium and sodium in the diet is a crucial but greatly overlooked factor in human health. A diet consisting exclusively of natural foods caused the human body to become adept at quickly getting rid of potassium while retaining sodium—and that design continues today. Unfortunately, modern processing and preserving techniques have reversed the all-important potassium-to-sodium ratio in our foods: as the same food goes through several processing steps, it loses potassium and gains sodium, so that its potassium-to-sodium ratio (also known as the K factor) falls dramatically. Research shows that a diet that is low in potassium and high in sodium is associated with an increased risk for high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and early death.
Some people, such as athletes, vegetarians, individuals who live in hot climates or high elevations, or those who have weak adrenal gland function, may have higher sodium needs than others. But most Americans can benefit from restricting refined salt in their diets, while simultaneously increasing their potassium intake. The good news is that a wide variety of natural, whole foods contain the potassium-to-sodium ratios that worked so well for our ancestors. High-potassium, low-sodium foods aren’t limited to fruits like bananas. In fact, with the exception of a few kinds of shellfi sh, virtually all unprocessed plant and animal foods contain more potassium than sodium. So the answer to the sodium dilemma is the same as the answer to so many of our modern health problems: avoid processed and packaged foods as much as possible, and focus your diet on fresh fruits and vegetables and unprocessed, grass-fed or organic meats and poultry. This simple change can drastically reduce the amount of sodium in your diet, and help you live a longer, healthier life.
Modern processing and preserving techniques rob foods of potassium while adding sodium.
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Go with the Flow: 3 Keys to Blood Vessel Health BY MARY ANN O’DELL, MS, RDN
Q&A Q:
Can you tell me about the herb maca? What exactly is it used for?
WITH EVERY HEARTBEAT, BLOOD IS PUMPED THROUGHOUT THE BODY THROUGH A COMPLEX CIRCULATORY SYSTEM OF BLOOD VESSELS. This system of arteries, veins, and capillaries running through your body is over 60,000 miles long! These vessels carry oxygen-rich blood, nutrients, minerals, and vitamins to organs and throughout the entire body. And yet, this is something most of us don’t even think about. Maybe it’s time to give your vessels a little love since maintaining their health is critical for maintaining overall heart health.
Maca has generated a lot of interest over the past few years. This ancient food was a staple of the Incan people, and has been used for hundreds of years in Peru as both food and medicine.
Boost Your Antioxidant & Fiber Intake. Keeping cholesterol and inflammation in check is important for blood vessel health. A high-fiber, antioxidant-rich diet is the first step to controlling cholesterol and inflammation levels, so load your plate with fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and fish. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown in clinical studies to help lower triglycerides, increase HDL (good) cholesterol, and control inflammation.
Maca was highly prized by the Inca peoples, who would feed it to their warriors before battle to boost stamina and energy. Both the Incas and their Spanish conquerors found that maca, when fed to livestock, increased fertility and breeding.
Manage Your Blood Pressure. Even mildly elevated blood pressure can cause damage over time. To help control your blood pressure, keep sodium in check and add more potassiumrich foods to your diet. Calcium, magnesium, and potassium help maintain electrolyte balance, and all three are necessary for a regular heartbeat and normal blood pressure. Maintain Blood Flow. Bacillopeptidase F, a soy peptide enzyme derived from natto, has been clinically documented to promote and support healthy circulation. Cayenne is a wellknown hot spice that also supports healthy circulation. In addition to these natural substances, exercise promotes blood flow and enhances circulation, so get out there and move to keep your blood flowing and your blood vessels healthy.
Today, studies on maca are revealing the many benefits of this root. Maca has been shown to have a positive effect on sperm count in men and on libido in both men and women. Maca has also been shown to have benefits for menopausal complaints, general fatigue, and mood. Maca is considered to be an adaptogen, an herb that normalizes body functions during stress. Maca may help relieve the negative effects of stress in the body, allowing users to handle stress better. Maca has even been called “Peruvian ginseng” because of its adaptogenic function and because it helps increase stamina and overall energy.
Paragon Plus™
Blood Pressure Factors
PurExtract™ Maca
Nourishes the cardiovascular and nervous systems.*
Support healthy blood circulation and heart health.*
Assists the body in maintaining fluid balance.*
With Bacillopeptidase F from natto.
Includes calcium, magnesium, cayenne, and hawthorn.
May reduce cold and numbing in extremities.*
Helps maintain healthy sexual function.* May support energy and endurance.* Concentrated liquid extract.
The Healthy Edge
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1/3/18 2:54 PM
healthy heart Even if you have a family history of heart disease, these nutrients can help keep your ticker in top shape BY JONNY BOWDEN, PHD, CNS
very year, I write at least one column listing my top supplements for heart health. And I’m always amused to find that the list doesn’t change that much from year to year. A good supplement plan isn’t the only thing you’ll need—far from it—but it’s a great addition to a hearthealthy lifestyle. These nine supplements are a great place to start.
Coenzyme Q10 The heart needs a lot of energy. It never takes a vacation, and beats approximately 86,400 times per day, day after day, year after year. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) “recharges” the energy production factories—known as mitochondria— in the cells. It’s needed to generate the “bitcoin” of cellular energy, ATP. The cells use ATP to power everything you do. ATP is needed to pump your blood, burn fat, digest food, dance the rhumba, blink your eyes—every single operation in your body requires ATP, and CoQ10 helps make it.
Pantethine Pantethine, the active form of pantothenic acid, is the most important component 18
of CoQ10, and some research supports its use for lowering high cholesterol levels. Look for products featuring Pantesin, a proprietary form of pantethine that has been clinically studied and shown to help promote healthy cholesterol levels.
Omega-3s Omega-3 fatty acids are found in plant foods such as flaxseeds and animal foods such as coldwater fish. Flaxseed oil has some marvelous properties—there’s a lot of good research on flax oil and cancer, for example. But for heart health, fish oil has the heavier research pedigree. Fish oil has been shown to reduce the risk for having a heart attack or a stroke. It has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity. And it helps decrease the risk of sudden cardiac death. Omega-3s are also anti-inflammatory. Inflammation either causes, promotes, or amplifies just about every degenerative disease known—including heart disease. And low levels of omega-3s have been associated with everything from heart disease to ADHD. That’s why I recommend omega-3 supplements for everyone, including children. (Are you thinking,
“How would I ever get my kid to take fish oil?” The problem’s been solved. Both flaxseed and fish oils come in formulations called “Swirls,” made by Barlean’s, which taste terrific.)
Magnesium Magnesium is the ultimate “anti-stress” nutrient. It basically calms things down, functioning as a kind of “relaxer.” It relaxes (dilates) the arteries, which lowers blood pressure and makes it a lot easier for the heart to pump blood. It improves sleep, which in turn lowers stress. It helps lower blood sugar, a major concern of diabetes and metabolic syndrome, both of which wildly increase the risk of heart disease. According to surveys, almost no one gets enough magnesium. One easy (and fun) way to get your magnesium is to take a relaxing magnesium bath. Natural Vitality makes a terrific magnesium powder just for that purpose called Natural Calm, and it’s a lot more appealing than Epsom salts. Natural Calm is also available as an “anti-stress” magnesium supplement drink in single-serving flavored packets.
February 2018
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The Healthy Edge
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Niacin Niacin is accepted even by mainstream doctors because it lowers cholesterol. But its real value is that it lowers Lp(a), an independent risk factor for heart disease and heart attacks. It also raises HDL cholesterol, specifically HDL-2 cholesterol which is the most beneficial of the HDL subclasses. The only problem with niacin is the dreaded niacin flush, which is why a lot of people don’t take it.
D-Ribose D-ribose is another of the components of ATP, that cellular energy molecule we talked about earlier. Without D-ribose, you’ve got no ATP. Without ATP, you’ve got no energy to do anything, including basic metabolic functions. When the heart is stressed, it can’t make enough D-ribose to replace lost energy quickly. D-ribose stores in the body are “tissue-specific”—the heart can’t “borrow” D-ribose from the liver. It has to have its own stash. Cardiologist Steven Sinatra, MD, recommends 5 grams per day as a starting point for cardiovascular disease prevention.
L-Carnitine L-carnitine is like a bus that transports fatty acids into the mitochondria, where those fats can be burned for energy. Because the heart gets 60 percent of its energy from fat, it’s very important that the body has enough L-carnitine to shuttle the fatty acids into the heart’s muscle cells. A number of studies have shown that L-carnitine can improve exercise endurance in heart patients, and in some research carnitine actually improves survival rate.
Vitamin K Vitamin K actually comes in two “flavors,” K1 and K2. Most people know of vitamin K because it’s involved in clotting, which is a property of vitamin K1. Vitamin K2 has a whole different résumé. It’s important for the heart, because it helps get calcium 20
into the bones where it belongs, and helps it stay out of the arteries, where it doesn’t. For its ability to help prevent calcification in the arteries, it’s important for heart health. Vitamin K2 is found in some foods such as natto, egg yolks, liver, and other organ meats, but many people don’t eat enough of those foods to get much K2 from food. Be smart and take a supplement.
Citrus Bergamot This herb has an impressive résumé of beneficial effects on metabolic syndrome. Also known as prediabetes, metabolic syndrome is a collection of symptoms (including high triglycerides, high blood sugar, and abdominal obesity) that greatly increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Citrus bergamot, with its rich array of polyphenols, has a beneficial effect on at least three of the defining characteristics of metabolic syndrome. It lowers triglycerides, raises HDL, and lowers blood sugar, making it a shoo-in for a well-rounded heart protection regimen. Try Reserveage Nutrition Bergamot Cholesterol Support with Resveratrol. What’s important to remember is that the heart doesn’t operate in a vacuum. So although supplements such as probiotics, vitamin D, resveratrol, curcumin, niagen, and fiber may not be directly associated with heart health, they’re associated with metabolic operations that are essential for your overall health. Probiotics nourish the all-important microbiome. Resveratrol and curcumin are very antiinflammatory. Vitamin D is needed for just about everything. Niagen helps turbocharge the energy pathways in the cells. And fiber helps manage blood sugar, which in turn helps control insulin levels. Chronically high insulin levels can lead to obesity and diabetes, which greatly increase the risk of heart disease.
HEAL YOUR HEART WITH HAWTHORN Hawthorn is considered the “heart” herb, and for good reason—it has been shown to support oxygenation and blood flow to the heart, and it’s rich in flavonoids for free radical protection. It also helps keep blood pressure within the normal range. “Hawthorn increases the force of the heart and is a good therapy for those with arrhythmias, tachycardia, and/or mitral valve abnormalities,” says Mary Bove ND, author of Encyclopedia of Natural Healing for Children and Infants agrees. “Hawthorn is also a healing herb for soft, connective tissue damage, including sports injuries, broken bones, and knee surgeries,” says Bove. Skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis often respond well to hawthorn too, adds Bove. On an energetic level, hawthorn can help heal emotional grief, including that associated with great loss, separation, or a broken heart, says Bove. She recommends combining hawthorn with magnesium for the synergistic effects. You’ll find hawthorn in hearth health formulas and as a single supplement. Or try it in tea form—the berries have a pleasant, sweet flavor with a hint of tanginess.
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Life is full of ups and downs. But when the downs last for weeks or months at a time— or keep you from living your regular life—you may have an underlying hormonal imbalance that needs to be addressed. BY MARITA SCHAUCH, ND
Depression involves the body, mood, and thoughts, and it affects the way you eat and sleep, the way you feel about yourself, and the way you think about life. It’s also a gender thing: women in North America are nearly twice as likely as men to be diagnosed with depression. Approximately 12 million women in the U.S. experience clinical depression each year. It occurs most frequently in women aged 25 to 44. There is often no single cause of depression, but a multitude of factors can contribute, including: ❖
❖ ❖
Hormonal imbalances—Menstrual cycle changes, pregnancy, low thyroid, miscarriage, postpartum, perimenopause, and menopause. Stress—Stressful life events such as trauma, loss of a loved one, a bad relationship, work, and caring for children and aging parents. Medical illness—Dealing with serious conditions such as stroke, heart attack, or cancer. Environmental toxins—Heavy metals (lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, nickel, and aluminum), as well as pesticides, formaldehydes, and benzenes.
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Underlying Causes
mood. Almost one-third of patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) suffer from anxiety or depression. While a healthy microbiome appears to promote a positive mood, an unhealthy one does the opposite.
Depression has been linked to a variety of hormonal and health issues, including: ❖
Perimenopause/Menopause— The Massachusetts Women’s Health Study observed that rates of depression begin to decrease as women move through perimenopause into menopause, and are lowest for women who have been postmenopausal for at least 27 months. These results show that depression is moderately associated with perimenopause, and that the depression is transient and may decline about two years after menopause.
Hormone fluctuations can be quite extreme during perimenopause, which causes stress on the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands also become the main hormone producers when a woman’s ovaries shut down during menopause, so it’s important to support adrenal function during this transition, if not before. PMS—As many as 90 percent of all women experience PMS at some point during their reproductive years, while 30–40 percent experience symptoms, including depression, that are severe enough to interfere with their everyday lives. Gut Health—Emerging information suggests that leaky gut syndrome is a strong contributor to mood disorders such as depression. Over a long period of time, gutinduced inflammatory responses in the stomach wall can significantly compromise both the structure and repair mechanisms of the digestive tract. When these structures break down, the intestinal wall becomes more permeable to toxins or microbes that would normally not cross into the bloodstream. Evidence shows that bowel disorders are often correlated with poor
Thyroid—Depression is often a first or early manifestation of thyroid disease, and even subtle decreases of thyroid hormone are suspected of producing symptoms that impact your mood. Adrenal Health—The primary area of the brain that deals with stress is the limbic system. Because of its enormous influence on emotions and memory, the limbic system is often called the “emotional brain.” Disturbances in the serotonin system and the limbic hypothalamicpituitary-adrenal axis are associated with mood-altering illness. Supporting the stress adaptive system—the adrenal glands—may hold the key to preventing and treating mood disorders.
experience depression, so ensuring blood sugar stability is a key dietary goal for improving mood. Reducing your intake of refined carbohydrates and focusing your diet on lean, healthy protein such as free-range chicken and turkey, fish, eggs, nuts and seeds, and grass-fed beef can help. ❖
Exercise—Regular exercise may be the most powerful natural antidepressant available. Various clinical studies have indicated that exercise has profound antidepressant effects. Much of the mood-boosting effect of exercise is attributed to endorphins, which are directly correlated with mood and become elevated when you work out.
Key Supplements To Combat Depression The good news is that the right combination of nutrients can help correct many common issues that underlie depression, improve mood, and help you keep your sunny outlook. These include:
Diet and Lifestyle Factors In addition to underlying fluctuations and imbalances in the body, other common factors that contribute to depression include: ❖
Alcohol—Alcohol is a depressant that increases adrenal hormone output. It interferes with many brain cell processes and disrupts normal sleep cycles. Chronic alcohol ingestion will deplete a number of nutrients, all of which will disrupt mood.
Caffeine—Several studies have linked caffeine intake and depression. For example, one study found that among healthy college students, those who drank moderate or high amounts of coffee scored higher on a depression scale than did low users.
Blood Sugar—Many individuals who suffer from hypoglycemia also
Vitamin B6—Levels of B6 are typically low in depression, especially in women who take birth control or are on hormone replacement therapy for menopausal symptoms. Considering the many functions that B6 performs in the brain—it’s absolutely essential in the manufacture of dopamine and serotonin—it is likely that a B6 deficiency contributes to many cases of depression.
Adrenal support—As mentioned above, adrenal support is an important strategy for combatting mood disorders. Herbs such as rhodiola, Siberian ginseng, and ashwagandha are powerful adaptogens that can help to balance stress hormones such as cortisol.
Vitamin D—New research shows that low serum levels of vitamin D The Healthy Edge
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neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine. One of the key brain compounds that is dependent on methylation is tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4). This compound functions as an essential coenzyme in the activation of enzymes that manufacture serotonin and dopamine. BH4 synthesis is stimulated by folic acid, vitamin B12, and vitamin C.
are associated with clinically significant symptoms of depression in otherwise healthy individuals. ❖
Vitamin B12 and folic acid—Folic acid, vitamin B12, and SAM-e function as methyl donors. That is, they carry and donate methyl molecules to brain compounds including the
5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP)— 5-HTP is the precursor to serotonin. Numerous studies have shown that 5-HTP is as effective as pharmaceutical antidepressants, better tolerated, and associated with fewer and much milder side effects.
Estrogen detox formulas—If liver function is compromised, estrogen metabolism is compromised, leading to excess estrogen levels and what is often described as estrogen dominance. Estrogen dominance may contribute to PMS as well as perimenopausal symptoms. Supporting the liver’s detoxification processes can help treat this issue. Indole-3-carbinol (I3C) and/or DIM, a by-product of I3C, are phytochemicals found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli. They excel at helping the liver detoxify excess estrogen
for fewer hormonal ups and downs. Milk thistle also supports the liver’s ability to detoxify hormones. ❖
Saffron (Crocus sativus)—Saffron has been shown to be an effective natural antidepressant in several clinical trials. One study compared the effects of saffron with fluoxetine (Prozac), and both treatments resulted in significant improvements in depression symptoms and severity, with no difference in the amount of improvement between the two groups. Saffron’s antidepressant properties seem to be related to serotonin metabolism.
Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus-castus)— Chaste tree may be the single most important herb for the treatment of PMS and other hormonal imbalances that can lead to poor mood. It affects the hypothalamushypophysis axis, where it increases secretion of luteinizing hormone and also produces progesteronefavoring effects that can help equalize estrogen dominance.
Probiotics—Remember that a healthy microbiome promotes a healthy mood. So support gut health and balance with friendly bacteria.
Taja Tea Saffron Tea Assam Black Citrus Spice & Saffron offers a rejuvenating cup of tea with the benefits of saffron.
Solaray Microbiome Probiotic Women’s Formula uses specific strains of beneficial bacteria to balance a woman’s body.
Natural Factors EstroSense has I3C, DIM, milk thistle, and other detoxifying, hormone-balancing nutrients.
Paragon Plus Adrenal Advance is a smart mix of adrenal support herbs and nutrients, including ashwagandha, rhodiola, and vitamin B6.
Irwin Naturals Sunny Mood helps you feel good and balanced with rhodiola, DHA, and passionflower.
Nordic Naturals Postnatal Omega-3 is designed for the needs of new moms, with therapeutic levels of fish oils—including EPA for mood support.
Marita Schauch, ND, is the author of Making Sense of Women’s Health and Collagen: Myths and Misconceptions, and co-author of The Adrenal Stress Connection. Schauch has a busy clinical practice in Sidney, on Vancouver Island, B.C.
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Getting through a long day’s work load is hard. Adding family matters, daily responsibilities, school or just a poor night’s sleep can derail you even more. That’s why Bluebonnet is introducing Simply Energy™ in three delicious flavors to revive the body, refocus the mind and replenish electrolytes! X Simply Energy™ Powder is a blend of herbal extracts, amino acids and electrolytes to help the body generate a wholesome surge of pure energy. The amino acids, L-arginine, L-citrulline and beta-alanine, have been incorporated to enhance blood flow, as well as L-theanine to help the mind reach optimal mental clarity. With dehydrated and naturally sourced caffeine, as well as ingredients to enhance concentration and focus, Simply Energy™ provides a delicious, revitalizing boost of real energy to quickly pick you up and get you through the day...naturally.X
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1/3/18 10:46 AM
Solutions for Irritated Skin: Acne and Eczema BY MARY ANN O’DELL, MS, RDN ITCHY . . . BLEMISHED . . . IRRITATED SKIN. From acne to eczema, it is estimated that up to 50 million Americans are bothered by problem skin. Because both acne and eczema are inflammatory conditions, common conventional treatment includes the use of topical steroids, but this can suppress the immune system and only temporarily reduces symptoms. This treatment does not deal with the cause—what is happening inside the body. The natural approach to problem skin includes dietary and supplemental changes inside, as well as appropriate external skincare.
sea buckthorn. These fatty acids may help to nourish, protect, and heal skin, reducing symptoms associated with eczema and acne. External Support Topically, look for natural cleansers and moisturizers that nourish and heal the skin. Avoid harsh chemical-based skincare that may lead to further irritation. For acne, consider tea tree oil products, which work to fight the bacteria that can cause acne.
Internal Support A change in the diet to include more antiinflammatory foods can be beneficial. This would include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, and seeds, and plenty of pure water to maintain skin hydration and help flush toxins through the body. Reduce intake of pro-inflammatory foods such as fried foods and processed foods. Consider food allergy testing, as food allergies or intolerances can trigger reactions in the skin. As bacteria may be involved in both acne and eczema, probiotics found in cultured foods may help keep bad bacteria in check. Add kefir, kombucha, or other cultured foods, along with supplemental probiotics with Lactobacillus rhamnosus and/or Bifidobacterium longum to help maintain a balance of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract. Increase intake of the omega-6 fatty acid GLA, as well as omega-7s from
Jarrow Formulas
Paragon Plus™
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Jarro-Dophilus EPS 5 Billion
Tea Tree Oil
Sea buckthorn oil blend. Supplies omega-3, -6, -7, and -9. Supports skin, heart, and liver health.*
For intestinal and immune support.* With clinically documented strains. Stable at room temperature.
100% pure and natural antiseptic. Useful for a variety of skin conditions, including blemishes, bug bites, and minor scrapes and cuts.
The Healthy Edge
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pure beauty
By Sherrie Strausfogel
natural eye creams Suffering from dry eye? Conventional beauty products may be the culprit. Try these natural alternatives—they’re gentle on your eyes and can help minimize wrinkles and puffiness at the same time
he ingredients in conventional eye creams may be the cause of your red, irritated, itchy, or dry eyes. Preservatives are the worse offenders. Formaldehyde—even in very small concentrations—can cause redness and itching. Parabens (methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben, and butylparaben) can clog the oil glands that line the eyelid. “Parabens, which have a weak estrogenic effect, can weaken the function of the meibomian oil glands,” explains John Olkowski, MD, a corneal, cataract, and refractive surgeon and founder of EyeSight Hawaii in Honolulu. “There are 25 small meibomian glands along each eyelid margin, which produce oil that protects tears from evaporating. If not properly cleaned and cared for, these oil glands can be blocked and the oil thickened so it is not available to protect tears from evaporating, leading to dry eye symptoms, including red, burning eyes; blurry vision; and occasionally tearing. Over five million people in the U.S. are being treated for dry eye disease, and there are as many as 30 million additional people with dry eye symptoms.” Olkowski says that sodium lauryl sulfates, found in many face Effortlessly remove makeup and mascara with washes, also remove these oils from the eyelids. And waxes in many The Green Beaver Sensitive Aloe Makeup eyeliners can block the openings of the meibomian oil glands. Remover. This extra gentle formula uses “Phenoxyethanol, which is an alcohol, is commonly found in mascara organic sunflower and grapeseed oils to remove makeup, and aloe vera to soothe and calm the and is very toxic and irritating to the cornea, the front surface of eye,” delicate skin around the eyes. adds Olkowski. “Benzalkonium chloride (BAK), which is commonly used as a preservative, damages the goblet cells that produce mucus for the tears, causing the tear film to be less stable.” So what can you do to protect these important glands? “Cleaning Hydrate and renew the skin around the eyes the eyelids regularly can significantly decrease the blockage of the with Suki Ultra-Protect Eye Balm—Night. This ultimate nighttime formula includes emollient meibomian oil glands and the likelihood of dry eye disease,” says seed oils and botanicals to help regenerate Olkowski. “Warm compresses on the eyelids can help loosen debris the skin around eyes, allowing you to awaken for easier cleaning.” hydrated, nourished, and restored. There are several gentle eyelid cleansers available, but read labels carefully, as some contain parabens as preservatives. A gentle, organic baby shampoo will also do the trick. Get a brighter, firmer look around the eyes with Acure After cleaning, use a natural eye cream to moisturize the delicate Brightening Eye Contour. This lightweight eye treatment skin around your eyes. Look for one that will hydrate, enhance includes seaweed extract and hibiscus extract to provide rejuvenating hydration. A 3-in-1 blast of argan extract, elasticity, and boost collagen without irritating. Eye creams, just like witch hazel, and aloe cool and soothe for a brighter, more face moisturizers and sunscreens, are essential to both young and older hydrated outlook. eyes. Treat your eye area with care and attention, or you could get bags, crow’s feet, lines, puffiness, and dark circles before you know it. Revive tired eyes with fast-absorbing, nutrientrich Nourish Organic Renewing + Cooling Eye Treatment. Avocado and Moroccan argan oil condition and hydrate the skin while the innovative cooling applicator helps reduce puffiness and dark circles. Nourish and brighten delicate eye skin with Aroma Actives Recovery Eye Serum. This easily absorbed and soothing eye serum is infused with arnica and calendula extracts along with green and white tea extracts to help reduce puffiness and diminish the appearance of dark circles.
February 2018
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1/3/18 3:01 PM
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11/21/17 11:51 AM
clean eating
By Amie Valpone, HHC, AADP
how to eat clean Forget the drastic juice fasts. Amie Valpone, author of Eating Clean, shares her top secrets for creating a clean food plan that can help you detox, lose weight, and more—every day
et me share with you an overview of what I believe about food, diet, and eating clean. I credit eating this way to finally overcoming a decade of chronic illness. I call it my “Eating Clean Manifesto.”
1. There is no one ideal diet While there are some precepts for clean, toxin-free eating, there are many ways to eat healthy. This isn’t about being a vegan, vegetarian, or flexitarian. The important thing is simply to eat foods that make your body feel good.
2. Eat what’s right for you You are the expert on what you can eat. Your friend, trainer, or mom may swear up and down that unpasteurized dairy is the golden key to health, but if it makes you feel ill, pass it up. Same goes for animal protein: some people swear you shouldn’t eat it, but there’s no need to feel guilty if you feel your best after eating a grass-fed burger. Food should make you feel satisfied and energized, not sick and sleepy.
3. Detox isn’t a juice cleanse This is a common mistake. Take spinach, a powerhouse green and juicing favorite. It’s also one the most contaminated vegetables when it comes to pesticides. It’s on the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) Dirty Dozen list for that reason. Apples are another example of a healthy food used in juice cleanses that can be full of toxins. (Conventional apples rank No. 1 on EWG’s Dirty Dozen list.) Putting them in a blender with other fruits and veggies and drinking the resulting mixture through a straw doesn’t make them healthier. You’re just delivering the toxins to your body in an easy-to-digest form. The best way to detox 30
is to go organic and completely bypass the toxins that make you sick, fat, and bloated.
4. Detox is a way of life You can’t detox over a weekend; there is no shortcut. If you care about your health, detox should be a way of life. Develop an understanding of the harmful environment we live in, and then bring that awareness to everyday life, gradually eliminating toxins from your body.
5. Go beyond Western medicine Western medicine has its place. It saves lives every day. But where it excels in emergencies, it falls short on day-to-day lifestyle guidance. Why? Your physician does not go home with you. No one knows what you experience but you. Most doctors are highly skilled in one area, but don’t have the time or expertise to know what lifestyle changes you need. One crucial thing to keep in mind: you’re the expert on your body. Explore what methods and practices make you feel best, and share these notes with your doctor at each visit. You might just pass along something useful for someone else, and it will go a long way in enabling your doctor to combine his wisdom with yours.
6. Feed your body Hunger and appetite drive you to eat. When you feel that pang of hunger, you know what to do. But eating is about more than just quieting your appetite. Many people think that caloric intake is the bottom line, but a 100-calorie snack pack is in no way equal to 100 calories of an avocado. You do not subsist on calories alone; you need a spectrum of nutrients and vitamins to feed your body on a cellular level.
Counting calories is the last thing you should worry about when you’re trying to eat clean. A handful of nuts may be calorically dense, but there’s a lot of goodness packed in there. So choose foods based on how they nourish every cell in your body, rather than by how many calories you believe they will glue to your waistline. When you’re eating clean, believe it or not, those calories don’t add up to love handles and saddlebags. Food in its whole form is the healthiest version. The majority of what you eat should have one ingredient. What’s in cabbage? Cabbage. What’s in an orange? An orange. If most of your meals come from a box, it’s time to rethink your diet.
7. Pay now or pay later The point of eating organic isn’t to reap more nutrients, it’s to avoid toxins—pesticides, growth hormones, antibiotics, and herbicides—that are found in conventional foods. Every time we pick up a fork, we choose whether or not to put chemicals into our bodies. You can live an overall healthy lifestyle, but if you continue to eat conventional foods and expose yourself to chemicals, you’ll probably end up sick from toxicity at some point. We’ve gotten the idea that food shouldn’t cost much. But healthy food is the greatest investment you can make in yourself and your future. So before you give in to the urge to save a few bucks by opting for conventional strawberries or factoryfarmed eggs, think about what you’re worth. If your health doesn’t seem worth it to you (and that’s another discussion), consider that you’re paying not only for the quality of the food, but for the many hands that helped cultivate it in a way that’s least harmful to the earth and to your family.
February 2018
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1/3/18 10:53 AM
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The complete line of Solgar nutritional supplements is available at fine health food retailers worldwide. For store locations and additional information, visit solgar.com or call 1.800.645.2246 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 9
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11/16/17 1:13 PM
natural gourmet
By Neil Zevnik
chocolate goodness Headlines trumpeting its health benefits have delighted the hearts of chocolate lovers everywhere
Tropical Chocolate Fondue SERVES 4
⅓ cup whipping cream 3 Tbs. honey 7 oz. dark chocolate, grated 1 Tbs. Cointreau liqueur 1 Tbs. finely chopped macadamia nuts 1 ripe pineapple, cut into chunks 2 large ripe mangos, cut into chunks 1. In medium saucepan, bring cream and honey to a bare simmer. Stir in chocolate, and remove from heat. Let sit 5 minutes, then whisk until smooth. Stir in Cointreau and macadamias. 2. Pour into a bowl, and serve immediately beside bowls of pineapple and mango, with skewers to seize and dip the fruit. PER 2-TBS. SERVING: 640 cal; 6g pro; 29g total fat (16g sat fat); 95gm carb; 30mg chol; 15mg sod; 10g fiber; 76g sugar
Unsure what to buy and why? Always go with natural cocoa. Dutch is processed with alkali to neutralize chocolate’s natural acidity, and this destroys most of the flavonoids that are essential to the healthy aspect of the chocolate.
esearch has shown that the right kind of chocolate can be good for you— the right kind being dark chocolate and cocoa powder. When it comes to solid chocolate, unsweetened, bittersweet, and semisweet are the terms most often seen in the marketplace, with many manufacturers specifying the percentage of cocoa within their products. The optimal fi gure is 70 percent or higher, guaranteeing a useful concentration of antioxidant flavonoids. Natural cocoa powder is the highest, usually close to 100 percent. It is largely those flavonoids that are the source of chocolate’s reported health benefits. Studies at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Harvard University School of Public Health, among others, point to reduced risk of heart attack and improved cardiovascular function from the flavanols found in the cacao bean. And observed effects upon serotonin levels in the brain following consumption may explain chocolate’s purported mood-boosting abilities. But chocolate’s renewed popularity brings its own set of problems. Enormous demand leads to increased pressure on natural resources in areas where it’s produced and impacts the workforce in multiple ways, including unfair prices to farmers, environmental degradation, and child labor bordering on slavery. The problem is complex, and solutions equally convoluted and hotly debated. One of the primary movements to rectify the process is Fair Trade. As described by a consortium of the top certification organizations, Fair Trade is “a trading partnership, based on dialogue, transparency, and respect, that seeks greater equity in international trade.” In theory, it improves quality of life and upgrades the community, but the structure allows for inefficiency and corruption, and does not necessarily benefit the actual farmers involved. Thus there is considerable controversy over the efficacy of this designation. If you’re looking to do good socially with your chocolate purchase, the “Direct Trade” designation—including the “bean to bar” concept and “single origin” chocolate—may be the way to go. This indicates that the maker has obtained beans directly from the grower, thereby eliminating any number of possible middlemen and ensuring both greater quality control and a greater share of profit to the farmer. In any event, you will want to shun those mass-market confections that shout at you from display racks at the front of your local supermarket, and find your way to the artisanal treats discreetly clustered elsewhere, with their sweet but subtle siren songs promising organic ingredients, Fair or Direct Trade sourcing, and high percentages of cocoa within. It’ll do your body, your heart, and your head a world of good. February 2018
HE_Feb18_NaturalGourmet_JS.indd 32
1/3/18 10:54 AM
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1/3/18 2:59 PM
Tranqui-Mag™ Magnesium Powder Where to find all of the great products seen in this magazine:
Promotes nerve, bone, and cardiovascular health.* We Accept these Major Credit Cards:
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is presented as general information and is not meant to replace medical advice. Because persons and circumstances can vary, self treatment may not be right for you. Consult a qualified health care practitioner for advice pertaining to any particular person or case or before beginning any new exercise, diet, or supplementation program. Use products only per label direction.
HE_Feb18_BackCovers_JS.indd 36
Mix with water to create easily absorbed ionic magnesium citrate. Formulated for flexible dosing.
1/3/18 10:57 AM