Healthy Edge Magazine Chamberlin's SEP2020

Page 10

supplement advisor

top 10 supplements for men Man up your supplement regimen with these key guy-friendly nutrients.


utrients are gender-neutral— they don’t discriminate. But because the male and female incarnations of our species are not identical, nutritional benefits can differ somewhat among the sexes. Among the dozens of supplement choices, these 10 offer some clear perks for men.

Multivitamins The contents of multis can differ dramatically, from a handful of ingredients to a few dozen, with a variety of dosages. Consequently, it’s difficult to study multivitamin effects, and research results have not been consistent. But large, longer-term trials that compared specific supplement formulations with placebos have found less incidence of cancer, heart disease, and early death, and overall healthier aging, among men who supplement with a multi. A French study of more than 13,000 men and women compared the effects of a placebo and a daily supplement containing a combination of antioxidants typically found in multis. After seven years, researchers found that the supplement reduced risk of cancer and all causes of death in men, but not in women. The antioxidant supplements contained 120 mg of vitamin C; 30 mg of vitamin E (equivalent to 45 IU natural vitamin E or 67 IU of a synthetic form); 6 mg (10,000 IU) of beta carotene; 100 mcg of selenium; and 20 mg of zinc. In another 11-year study, male physicians who were age 50 or older at the outset were given either a placebo or a once-daily multi with relatively low doses of essential vitamins and minerals. Researchers also estimated nutrient intakes from food. They concluded that the multivitamin lowered risk of cancer and, among men who consumed higher 8

amounts of vitamins B6, B12, and D from food, risk of heart disease and death.

Vitamin D

men who took 2,100 mg of the supplement daily for 28 days. Women did not experience the same benefits. Other studies have found that between 1,500 and 3,000 mg of dried maca root, or maca extract supplements, enhanced sexual function.

In addition to being essential for bone health, vitamin D helps maintain testosterone levels. The hormone responsible for manly traits, testosterone Saw Palmetto is essential for healthy aging, and when A traditional herbal remedy for an levels drop, the aging process enlarged prostate (benign speeds up. Higher levels of prostate hyperplasia, or BPH), body fat are a sign. saw palmetto is an extract Several studies have of berries of the tree of found that low levels the same name. Although of vitamin D correlate some studies haven’t Studies have found that saw palmetto can be as effecwith low levels of shown benefits, others tive as prescription drugs testosterone, and that have found that 160 mg, in reliving symptoms of taking vitamin D twice daily, was as enlarged prostate. supplements can raise effective as finasteride levels of the hormone. (brand names Proscar and Vitamin D also supports a Propecia) in relieving nighttime healthy, brain, heart, and prostate. urination and other BPH symptoms. Men who are overweight need Saw palmetto also helps to balance extra vitamin D because they use hormones and control inflammation. it less efficiently. Recommendations for vitamin D Arginine supplement doses range from 1,000– An amino acid found in many protein5,000 IU daily, but individual needs rich foods, arginine is needed to produce should be assessed with blood tests, sperm and dilate blood vessels, helping to which are usually covered by health address high blood pressure, angina, low insurance. Optimum blood levels of the sperm count, and erectile dysfunction. It vitamin fall between 30 and 50 ng/mL. also helps to prevent infection and heal injuries. Arginine and can be in short supply in times of stress, infection, or Maca injury. In studies, 1,600–2,800 mg daily, A native of the Peruvian Andes, maca has taken for 6 weeks, has been effective for been consumed for over 2,000 years for ED for many (but not all) men. To energy and fertility. In recent years, enhance sperm count and fertility, try studies of maca supplements support 4,000 mg daily for a few months. For these benefits while finding that it also heart health, doses vary. enhances sexual function, stamina, and physical performance in men. One recent study at Nova Southeastern Turmeric or Curcumin University in Davie, Fla., tested a patented Both the herb turmeric and its active form of maca (Lepidamax) and found component curcumin can relieve improved sexual function, enhanced prostatitis, a painful infection of the energy, and stronger hand grip among prostate, and help prevent and stop the

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September 2020

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