What is a Small Group? A small group is made up of about 12 people who meet together weekly to help each other grow in their relationship with God and with each other.
5 Reasons Why You Should be in a Small Group: 1. Understand the Bible better through group discussion as you apply the Bible to your life situations. 2. Develop close relationships with other believers who will walk beside you in your journey as a Christ follower. 3. Find answers to the needs in your life through group prayer. 4. Get support in times of crisis or major changes from people who really care for you. 5. Discover and use your gifts and talents as you serve others.
The Top 10 Questions about Small Groups: How much time is this going to take?
The meetings are usually a couple of hours long. One hour for snacking, eating, and hanging out. One hour for Bible Study and prayer. However, many SG members begin to do life together eating out, playing golf, boating, and even taking vacations together. The Community that is built in a small group can be life-changing. Groups also participate in service projects or outreach opportunities a couple of times a year.
What are we going to do with our children during the small group? Each small group has come up with its own approach to childcare needs. Some groups hire a babysitter to watch all the kids. Some groups meet on the church campus where childcare workers are provided. Many group members take advantage of our non-needs based childcare subsidy to help cover the cost of hiring a babysitter. Your small group leader can provide you with a reimbursement form.
Will there be homework? If so, how much?
Most small groups do not have home work in a book. There may be daily devotionals that are suggested or weekly considerations to which you need to compare your life. Some groups will read a book together then meet to discuss it. The group members’ life-stage will often be a determining factor in the group’s level of outside preparation.
The Top 10 Questions about Small Groups: (continued) Am I going to have to talk or can I just sit and listen during the meetings? A Small Group is like family, sometimes you talk, sometimes you listen. No one is forced to talk or to lead the group. We all move at a different pace and you allowed to do just that.
Will I have to pray out loud?
No. Again, you are allowed to move, grow, at your own pace. If the time comes in your life that you feel you need to voice a prayer request, that is well received. If the time comes you would like to lead in prayer, that is also well received.
Who else is going to be in the group?
Some groups are made up of people from the same life stage or same gender. Many of our groups are made up of people from “all ages and life-stages.”
How much do I have to know about the Bible?
Nothing. Small Group is about learning the Bible not debating it or being tested on it.
How many weeks or months is this going to last?
Small Group is like family, some of them last for years, others multiply and start new groups in 18-24 months. We do ask that an apprentice be enlisted from the start so there is a plan to let others experience community in a Small Group as your group sends out the apprentice family sometime in the first 18-24 months.
If I don’t like it, can I leave without people being mad at me?
Yes, but most people build such community that they do not want to stop being part of the Small Group.
What are we going to be doing during the meetings?
Most meetings last a about two hours. There is roughly an hour for social, fellowship, eating, snacking time; building community. Then there is an hour of Bible Study where the group learns and discusses the material and Scripture that has been previously agreed upon. There is always time for prayer and sharing of life issues where others in your group can help you walk through life and not be alone.
The Alpha Course
What is the Alpha Course? The Alpha course is an opportunity for anyone to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed, non-threatening manner over 11, thought-provoking weekly sessions. It’s low key, friendly and fun.
What Happens at Alpha? DINNER: The evening begins with a meal together, giving people a chance to get to know each other. TALK: The course consists of a series of talks addressing key issues relating to the Christian faith such as: ● ● Is Christianity boring, untrue, or irrelevant? ● ● Who is Jesus and why did he die? ● ● Why and how should I read the Bible? ● ● What about church?
COFFEE, DESSERT AND SMALL GROUPS: After each talk we divide into small groups to discuss the topic of the evening, ask questions, and express opinions. Ask anything. Alpha is a place where no question is too naive or too hostile. This is your chance to listen, learn, discuss and discover.
Is Alpha for Me? Though the course is open to everyone, it is especially geared to: ● ● People interested in investigating Christianity ● ● New Christians ● ● Newcomers to Grace Fellowship interested in a short-term small group experience ● ● Christians who want to brush up on the basics
When and Where? Summer Alpha... When: June 8 th to July 20 th (7 weeks) Time: Monday, 6:30 - 8:30PM Location: Falcon Landing subdivision Dinner provided, no childcare Register: www.alphakaty.org
Small Groups Spotlight MEN’S GROUP “J-12” - Men’s Missional Small Group A missional small group committed to outreach to young men in the Ft. Bend/Harris County Youth Detention facility in Katy. Studying the characteristics of Biblical men whose life story relates to the journeys of young men. This small group is committed to making disciples through Bible teaching and small group discussion. When: Wednesday, 5:30 pm Location: Grace Fellowship Epicentre Contact: Leo Butler, 832-206-3005
COLLEGE AGE SUMMER SMALL GROUPS Summer small group for college-aged students Are you home for the summer or local but on summer break and want to stay plugged-in? Come and join others your age on Thursday nights to study the book of Hebrews led by Jorge Manrique. When: Thursday, 7:30pm Location: TBD Contact: Jorge Manrique at 713-444-4901, jorgecms@hotmail.com or Ashley Pendergrass at 832-363-7430, ashleynicole01@comcast.net
Adult Discipleship Events for a full list of our events, go to: http://www.whatisgrace.org/adults/
Gather with the Girls “Does Prayer Still Work?” Seeking transformation as we live out the power of His Presence. Teaching by Pastor Tolani Akingbade of OneBody Ministries who has an immense passion for true discipleship to ensure God’s people experience the adundant life promised by Jesus the Christ. When: Tuesdays, June 16 - July 21, 6:30-8:30pm Where: Grace Fellowship in the Epicentre Cost: $10, childcare available Registrater at www.whatisgrace.org/events The Art of Spiritual Leadership The ASL will train you in three very practical skills of love: listening, sharing, and responding. These three skills are the basis of all small group interactions, and the primary means through which people experience love in community. When leaders are trained in the art of loving communication, their small groups become powerful places to experience the transforming love of Christ. Want to know more? Join us Sunday, June 14 at 12:30pm in the Vista for an orientation. If you decide to complete the course, the cost is $42 for materials. Groups will form at the lunch meeting and will decide on their own schedule for the summer. Each group will meet for six two-hour sessions over the summer between June and September. Walk to Emmaus The Walk to Emmaus is a 72-hour Christian spiritual retreat designed to build leadership in the local church as well as provide spiritual renewal to both those attending a retreat and the volunteers who serve on a retreat. For more information contact: Brad Fuqua at brad.fuqua@me.com Scooter Lofton at sclftn1@gmail.com Mark Brewer at brewercrew@prodigy.net
Men’s Groups
Michael Zak Location: Cracker Barrel, I-10 When: Tuesday, 6:00AM Contact: 832-741-8117 Email: jmichaelzak@gmail.com
Jeff Davidson Location: North of I-10, East of Mason When: 1st & 3rd Wednesday, 7:00PM Contact: 281-901-0005 Email: davidson.jeffery@gmail.com
Ken Goodson Location: CEB, Room 227 When: Tuesday, 7:00PM Contact: 281-220-7420 Email: kageyone@gmx.com
Jimmy Ermon Location: The Mansion, Room 207 When: Thursday, 6:00AM Contact: 832-868-7728 Email: jaermon@gmail.com
Todd Hayes Location: Denny’s/Fry Rd & I-10 When: Wednesday, 6:00AM Contact: 832-600-3955 Email: thayes@whatisgrace.org
Carlos Toscano Location: Kelliwood Place When: Thursday, 7:00PM Contact: 832-940-8188 Email: carlos.g.tosc@gmail.com
Brian Sell Location: Panera Bread at LaCenterra When: Wednesday, 6:30AM Contact: 281-394-5605 Email: bandcsell@aol.com
Terry McRight Location: Denny’s on Fry, N of I-10 When: Friday, 6:00AM Contact: 281-293-7677 Email: brkthrugh@aol.com
Mark Elkins Location: Bagel Cafe When: Wednesday, 7:00AM Contact: 832-347-3130 Email: mark@efam.cc
Brian Nessen Location: Cracker Barrel at I-10 & Barker Cypress When: Every other Friday, 7:00AM Contact: 713-705-1512 Email: nessenbh@gmail.com
Buddy Laird Location: East of Mason, South I-10 When: Wednesday, 7:00PM Contact: 281-850-9620 Email: otis@lairdlandscaping.com
Brian Freer Location: Houston When: Saturday, 10:30AM Contact: 281-579-6641 Email: brian.freer@sbcglobal.net
Women’s Groups
ibloom Location: Vista (Mansion) When: Monday, 9:15AM Leader: Kim Fulton www.graceibloom.org
Bev Pantley Location: Grand Lakes When: Thursday, 9:30AM Contact: 832-321-4007 ryt2bev@gmail.com
UpWord Location: Epicentre (Youth Bldg) When: Tuesday, 9:30AM or Tuesday, 7:00PM Leader: Barbara Neumann www.whatisgrace.org/upword
Debbie Cooper Location: Kosmo’s Coffee Shop When: Friday, 6:00AM Contact: 281-216-9588/ cooperdac@gmail.com
Beth McIlhenny Womens Singles (Over 50) Location: Mansion, 301 When: Wednesday, 6:30PM Contact: bethemack@gmail.com Elaine Pangle Location: CEB, 137 When: Wednesday, 6:45PM Contact: epangle@whatisgrace.org Jayne Couch / Cathy Hale Location: South of I-10, West of Mason When: Thursday, 9:30AM Contact: 281-578-0312 / 281-693-4253 Diane Armijo / Christine Jackson Location: South of I-10, East of Mason When: Thursday, 9:30AM Contact: armijofam@aol.com
Holden/Matthews Mothers with Jr & Sr high children Location: Varies When: every other Friday, 10:00AM Contact: bbholden@consolidated.net Single & Parenting for women Location: CEB, 223 When: 1st & 3rd Sunday, 5:30PM Leader: Dana Vaughn Contact: danav27@gmail.com
Women’s Groups (continuted) A gathering of women with children, (bir th to 5th grade), we meet weekly to share friendship, teaching by live speakers and video curriculum on parenting, marriage and spiritual grow th, followed by small group discussion led by seasoned mentor moms. Free childcare and no homework. Location: The Vista When: Monday, 9:15AM Starts September 14 to November 30 Leader: Kim Fulton More information and registration online... www.graceibloom.org
Experience the joys of blessing one another. ● ● As a mentor, use your walk with God to encourage another woman. (A mentor must be a member of Grace Fellowship.)
● ● As a mentee , you will be supported in your life’s journey by a Christian friend Information coffee meeting: September 20, 2-4pm in the Vista Contact Suzy Fontenelle at sdfontenelle@gmail.com
A Bible study for women based on the belief that God’s Word transforms us. We focus on knowing God, delighting in Him, and belonging to a community of authentic women who desire to live lives that matter. Location: Epicentre When: Tuesday, 9:30-11:30am OR 6:30-830pm Starts September 8 to November 10 Leader: Barbara Neumann More information and registration online... www.whatisgrace.org/upword
Sunday Groups
Tuesday Groups
Families w/ young children Location: Pin Oak When: Sunday, 3:30PM Leaders: Ryan Host & Mark Torrey Contact: 281-796-8833 Email: ryancole04@gmail.com
Families w/ Infants/Preschool Children Location: Nottingham Country When: Tuesday, 6:30PM Leaders: Mike & Deb Turner Contact: 832-474-6039 Email: debturner07@gmail.com
Families w/ Preschool Children Location: CEB When: 2nd & 4th Sunday, 5:30PM Leaders: Tony Capps Contact: 713-515-8733 Email: tonyc@magnoliagardens.com
All Ages, Couples Location: South of Westpark Tollway When: Tuesday, 7:00PM Leaders: Keith & Nancy Simmons Contact: 713-303-8410 Email: neiswander3@yahoo.com
Families w/ Sr. High & College Location: South of I-10, West of Mason When: Sunday, 6:15PM Leaders: Kelly & Heather Keahey Contact: 281-798-0978 or 281-798-6568 Email: pfskeahey@sbcglobal.net
All Ages, All Stages Location: South of I-10, West of Mason When: Tuesday, 7:00PM Leaders: Mark & Elise Ashey Contact: 281-395-6143 Email: markashey@gmail.com
Monday Groups
College & Beyond Location: Epicentre (Youth Bldg) When: Tuesday, 7:30PM Leaders: Victoria Scott & Erik Tjon Email: vss92@hotmail.com eriktjon@live.com
Recovery with Grace: Recovery from an unhealthy habit Location: Epicentre When: Monday, 7:00PM Leaders: Care Ministry Contact: 281-646-1903 Email: mreekwald@whatisgrace.org SALT: Single Adults Learning Truth Christ-centered adults going through a single season due to a divorce or loss of a spouse. Location: Church When: Monday, 7:00PM Contact: Pic Pixley, 281-646-1903 Email: ppixley@whatisgrace.org
Wednesday Groups All Ages, All Stages Location: Varies When: Wednesday, 6:30PM Leaders: Logan & Christina Couch Contact: 832-474-2630 Email: loganhcouch@gmail.com All Ages, All Stages Location: Varies When: Wednesday, 6:30PM Leaders: Russell & Cheryl Poese Contact: 281-646-1903 x133 Email: cpoese@whatisgrace.org Families w/ High School/College Location: Ballard House When: Wednesday, 7:00PM Leaders: Jeff Campbell Contact: 281-579-7202 Email: jeff.campbell123@gmailcom Families w/ High School/College Location: Varies When: Wednesday, 7:00PM Leaders: David Muir Contact: 281-392-4428 Email: muird2@bp.com Young Marrieds w/ Childrern Location: Varies When: Wednesday, 7:00PM Leaders: Addison & Marissa Stevens Contact: 979-885-8332 Email: marissa_stevens@ymail.com All Ages, All Stages Location: East of Grand Parkway When: 1st & 3rd Wednesday, 7:00pm Leader: Adele Justis Contact: 281-798-9293 Email: asjustis4@yahoo.com
Empty Nesters Location: South of I-10, East of Mason When: Wednesday, 7:00PM Leaders: Ron & Terrie Dagley Contact: 281-492-6417 Email: rdagley@betzcompanies.com Taylor High School Area Families Location: South of I-10, East of Mason When: 1st & 3rd Wednesday, 7:00PM Leaders: Jeff & Naomi Williams Contact: 281-578-9228 Email: jeffreywilliams522@att.net All Ages, All Stages Location: West of Grand Parkway When: Wednesdays except 3rd, 7:00PM Leaders: Chris & Maureen Hiller Contact: 281-687-6336 Email: cnhiller@kw.com Families w/ young children Location: Varies When: Wednesday, 8:00PM Leaders: Stephen & Ronniea Tycer Contact: 281-908-2427 Email: stycer@gmail.com
Thursday Groups
Friday Groups
Empty Nesters/Retired Location: West of Mason, South of I-10 When: Thursday, 10:00AM Leader: DeEtte Moon Email: healthnut38@outlook.com
Families w/ infants through Jr. High Children Location: South of I-10, West of 99 When: 1st & 3rd Friday, 6:30pm Leaders: Corey & Natali Evans Contact: 832-392- 4752 Email: coreyevans@sbcglobal.net
All Ages, All Stages Location: Falcon Point When: Thursday, 7:00PM Leaders: Russ & Michelle Reekwald Contact: 281-948-8943 Email: mreekwald@whatisgrace.org Men’s Sexual Purity Support and Recovery group Location: Mansion When: Thursday, 7:00PM Leaders: Care Ministry Contact: 281-646-1903 22-29 Singles Location: Epicentre When: Thursday, 7:00PM Leaders: K ailey Miller Email: kailey_miller@yahoo.com Empty Nesters Location: East of Mason, South of HIghland Knolls When: Thursday, 7:15PM Leaders: Pat & Pam Miller Contact: 281-398-0652 Email: patpamksk@sbcglobal.net College age summer group Location: TBD When: Thursday, 7:30PM Leaders: Jorge Manrique Contact: 713-444-4901 Email: jorgecms@hotmail.com
Empty Nesters Location: Westheimer Lakes When: Every other Friday, 6:45PM Leader: Jim & Liz Boggs Contact: 713-819-0925 Email: onthelake08@reagan.com
Care Ministry Small Groups HopeKeepers/HopeCaregivers: Support Dealing With or Caring for a Chronic Illness For more info visit the Care Kiosk Contact: Pic Pixley 281-646-1903 Email: ppixley@whatisgrace.org Divorce Care - Faith-based recovery for adults and children For more info visit the Care Kiosk Contact: Terese Hamilton 281-646-1903 Email: thamilton@whatisgrace.org Recovery with Grace: Recovery From An Unhealthy Habit (a group for men and a group for women) For more info visit the Care Kiosk in Contact: Pic Pixley 281-646-1903 Email: ppixley@whatisgrace.org Leah’s Friends: Support For ExtraGrace-Required Marriages For more info visit the Care Kiosk Contact: Terese Hamilton 281-646-1903 Email: thamilton@whatisgrace.org VIC-Victorious in Cancer: Women’s Cancer Support Group For more info visit the Care Kiosk Contact: Pic Pixley 281-646-1903 Email: ppixley@whatisgrace.org
GriefShare: Recovery After Loss Of A Loved One For more info visit the Care Kiosk Contact: Pic Pixley 281-646-1903 Email: ppixley@whatisgrace.org Care Creations: Fellowship In A Creative Atmosphere For more info visit the Care Kiosk Contact: Pic Pixley 281-646-1903 Email: ppixley@whatisgrace.org Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University For more info visit the Care Kiosk Contact: Terese Hamilton 281-646-1903 Email: thamilton@whatisgrace.org Men’s Sexual Purity Support and Recovery Group For more info visit the Care Kiosk Contact: Win Brown 281-646-1903 Email: wbrown@whatisgrace.org SALT: Single Adults Learning Truth Christ-centered adults going through a single season due to a divorce or loss of a spouse. For more info visit the Care Kiosk Contact: Pic Pixley 281-646-1903 Email: ppixley@whatisgrace.org
The Hope Group: Encouragement for parents, family and friends with loved ones who have embraced a homosexual Marriage Matters: Biblically-Based identity Marriage Enrichment For more info visit the Care Kiosk For more info visit the Care Kiosk Contact: Michelle Reekwald 281-646-1903 Contact: Terese Hamilton 281-646-1903 Email: thamilton@whatisgrace.org Email: mreekwald@whatisgrace.org Parenting with Grace: Become The Parent That God Has Called You To Be For more info visit the Care Kiosk Contact: Terese Hamilton 281-646-1903 Email: thamilton@whatisgrace.org
Prayer Ministry Small Groups Ban*Jar Prayer -Intercessory prayer for this unreached people group Location: Mansion room 207 When: 1st Sunday each month, 12:20PM Led by: Kristen Kershner Contact: 281-646-1903 x170 Email: kkerr@whatisgrace.org 4-14 Window Prayer -prays for youth ages 4-14 around the globe to take their place in the kingdom Location: Great Southwest Prayer Center When: 1st Sunday each month, 9:45-10:30AM Led by: Tutu Omilabu Contact: 281-574-1887 Email: adetootoo@gmail.com Pray for the Persecuted Church -prays for the persecuted Church around the globe Location: Great Southwest Prayer Center When: 1st Sunday each month, 9:00-9:45AM Led by: Tutu Omilabu Contact: 281-574-1887 Email: adetootoo@gmail.com Pray for Methodism -prays for the Methodist church around the globe Location: Great Southwest Prayer Center When: 4th Monday each month, 9:30-10:30AM Led by: Brandee Standley Contact: 281-395-4035 Email: brahar2@comcast.net
Women’s Prayer Life -prays for GFUMC and individual prayer requests Location: Mansion room 207 When: 1st & 3rd Tuesday each month, 1:30-3:30PM Led by: Brandee Standley & Dixie Leggett Contact: 281-395-4035 / 713-468-5929 Email: brahar2@comcast.net/ lwleggett@comcast.net Military Prayer -Prays for our military men and women and their families Location: Great Southwest Prayer Center When: 2nd & 4th Wednesday, 10:30-11:30AM Led by: Melissa Grace Contact: 281-395-4085 Email: mmgrace00@aol.com Pray for Israel -Prays for God’s chosen nation and people to return to Him Location: Great Southwest Prayer Center When: 2nd Thursday, 1:00-2:00PM Led by: Ann Behrens Contact: 832-651-8949 Email: ahbehrens45@aol.com Freedom & Healing Small Group Location: Great Southwest Prayer Center When: last Sunday each month, 10:30am Led by: Pam AlSheikh Contact: 281-346-0555 Email: pamalsheikh@outlook.com Victory Over Darkness Location: Mansion room 301 When: Sundays, Sept 14-Oct 19 3:00-5:00PM Led by: Pam AlSheikh Contact: 281-346-0555 Email: palalsheikh@outlook.com
Adult Discipleship Staff Contacts Brian Owen
Discipleship Pastor bowen@whatisgrace.org
Julia Johnson
Small Groups Direc tor jjohnson@whatisgrace.org
Blair Lerner
Direc tor of Outreach & Discipleship blerner@whatisgrace.org
Christi Jeffries
Administrative Assistant cjef fries@whatisgrace.org
Heather Furr
Outreach & Communications Assistant hfurr@whatisgrace.org
As a House of Prayer for all Nations, Adult Discipleship equips people to live out the Great Commandment (Matt. 22: 37-39) and the Great Commission (Matt. 28:19 -20) through healthy small groups.
2655 South Mason Road Kat y, Texas 77450 Phone: 281- 6 46 -1903 Fax: 281- 6 46 -1920 w w w.w h at is g r a ce. o r g