2019 Senior Edition, The Pride

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STUDENT MEDIA Projecting the voice of the student body through 21st century Christian journalism in order to inform and serve the HGC community.

OUR STAFF 2018-2019 Brandy Caton Advisor

Leighann Vinesett

Exodus, Editor-In-Chief The Pride, Editor-In-Chief

Lauren Morissette

On The Prowl, Editor-In-Chief

Hailey Everage Senior Photo Editor

Zaria Ziglar Photo Editor

Lucy Jennings Managing Editor

Bailey Baucom

Journalist, Photojournalist



Review the highlights from the last weeks of school.

Senior Quotes

From sayings from The Office or advice from John Piper, seniors select a quote that they feel represents their unique personalities

Senior Quotes Cont. Oh! The Places We'll Go

From the East to West coast and all over the state, seniors leave The Grove for college.


he Pride Newsmagazine hopes to publish three issues this year through the Student Media class at Hickory Grove Christian School. The publication is distributed free of charge to the approximately 700 HGCS student body grades TK12 in addition to faculty and staff. Approximately 100 copies will be distributed to Hickory Grove Baptist Church and to the HG comunity. The student body is encouraged to use the opinion pages as a forum between the editorial board and the HGC community. Views expressed do not represent the opinions of the

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Best In Class

Seniors get recognized for accomplishments in all areas at final chapel of the year.

Golden Gala

An inside look at the most exclusive event of the year, Prom 2019!

13 Years in the Making

Lifers open time capsules and re-visit Kindergarten memories.

Last Will & Testament Seniors leave behind items for underclassmen.

faculty or administration. Editorials represent the views of the editorial board and staff while bylined columns are the opinion of the authors. Readers are encouraged to email signed letters to the editor in response to the topics covered in each issue and with matters of concern to hgcpride@hgchristian.org. The Pride Newsmagazine is a member of the North Carolina Scholastic Media Association and the National Scholastic Press Association. Mullen Publications, Inc. prints our publication.

MAKING THIS ISSUE Leighann Vinesett Editor-In-Chief



Lucy Jennings


or seven years, Student Media has consumed my life. I didn’t truly know what I was getting myself into when I signed up for the student media course in sixth grade. But God knew. He knew that seven years later, I would win state level awards for my work in design, journalism, and photography. He knew that I would become a voice of truth in an era where


the lines between fact and fiction and bias and reality have become blurred. He had a plan for me, a plan my sixth-grade self could have never imagined. I’ve spent countless hours staring at thousands of spreads, producing content for my student body, my school, and my community. I’ve spent my summers at journalism camps and my nights in Amelie’s, burning the midnight oil to meet deadlines. Somehow, I thought, or maybe hoped, that it would never come to an end.

about us

But after seven years, it is time to say goodbye to the program that transformed my life. I never imagined the things I could do, the art I could create, or the impact I could have with a simple idea and knowledge of Adobe products. Student Media has taught me countless life lessons and helped me meet lifelong yerd friends. As I say goodbye, I’d like to thank everyone who helped make this newspaper, and my Student Media career possible. Here’s to you! #YerdOut

the pride spring 2019

HIGHEST HONORS Tri-M Music Honor Society

Science National Honor Society

“My Tri-M cord means the most to me because music has been something I have been very passionate about from a young age.” Nick Mendlik

“The SNHS cord means a lot to me. Having a solid chemistry background will benefit me in the medical field in the future as God guides me.” Maxwell Crum

“The Tri-M cord means the most to me since not many people were accepted into it. It’s a honor to be qualified to be a Tri-M member.” Faith Day

“The cord that means the most to me is my SNHS cord because I had so much fun learning and doing the activities throughout the year.” Alyssa Minerva

Quill and Scroll International Honor Society for High School Journalists

Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society

“My Quill and Scroll cord is very special to me because it represents all the hard work, memories, and bonds formed during Student Media.” Lauren Morissette

“My Rho Kappa cord means a lot to me because being in the Honor Society meant I could spend more time with my favorite teacher, Mrs. Davis!!” Andrew Conner

“My Quill and Scroll cord is the cord I’m proudest to wear because I’ve spent seven years of my life and countless hours in the Student Media room working on thousands of spread and publications.” Leighann Vinesett

“All of my c-ords mean a lot to me because I have worked hard for all of them and am proud to wear each one. Honors societies such as HOSA, SNHS, NHS, and Rho Kappa are some of the most important to me, though.” Imani Riddick-Cherry

National Honor Society “The National Honors Society cord means the most to me because I think it shows a sense of accomplishment.” Isaac Cox “The cord that means the most to me is the NHS cord because I was privileged to obtain the gold cord because of my high GPA. This shows my accomplishments and hard work during high school.” Tatiana Septimio

Global Ambassadors “My Global Ambassador cord means the most to me because I truly wish to embody what the club stands for. I am honored to have been a part of it!” Riley Aiken “This cord means the most to me because being apart of this group introduced me to different cultures and I was able to form amazing friendships with the international students.” Ashlyn Mallard

International Thespian Society

Future Health Professionals (HOSA)

“My Honors Thespian cord is most special to me because it took a lot of work and dedication to achieve. It was not easy to get those rehearsal hours and performance/tech points. This cord is also not given out to a lot of people so it is an honor to receive this! Every show was worth it!” Sarah Beverage

“My HOSA cord means the most to me because I am so excited to be a nurse.” Peyton Bowers

“My ITS cord is most important to me because it represents something that I cherished to be a part of in my time in high school.” Sophie Nelson


“The cord that means the most to me is my HOSA chord because I have been a part of HOSA since I was a freshman. I have always had a passion for health care, and serving as president of HOSA this year has been an honor.” Lauren Burke



A look through the last events of senior year










the last days

the pride spring 2019

ADVICE TO SENIORS “Be sure to call home weekly. Your mom is the one person in the world who will forever have your back. Do not neglect her during this time. It is a challenging year for her as well.” -Mrs. Staples





01: A group of senior friends pose for a photo following Senior Recognition Chapel. “This year I have really found a group of friends that have my back no matter what. I can be myself with these people, and it’s going to be hard to leave them next year,” Senior Leighann Vinesett said. Photo by Lucy Jennings. 02: Senior girls pose for a photo following cap and gown pictures. Photo by Hailey Everage. 03: Seniors pose for a photo while cheering in the annual Buff Puff tournament. The senior class sat in the student section in order to cheer their senior classmates who were participating in the tournament. Photo by Zaria Ziglar 04: Senior Bailey Taylor strums the guitar in a passionate tribute to her senior class during Senior Recognition Chapel. Taylor has performed with the Praise Band her junior and senior year. Photo by Zaria Ziglar 05: Senior Matt Pham serves Vietnamese coffee to students at the International Festival. The annual Festival is hosted by the International Culture Club, giving students insight into different cultures and customs through the use of pictures, music, and food. Photo by Leighann Vinesett 06: High school principal Adam Hamilton leads the annual Senior Running of the Halls with eager and excited seniors behind him. Former Head of School Henry Ward started the tradition of seniors running the halls of the entire school while faculty and students cheer them on. Photo by Zaria Ziglar 07: Senior Sydney McCallum, who will be attending East Carolina University in the fall as a Computer Science major, plays a game of Pac-Man during senior fun day at Sports Connection. Photo by Hailey Everage 08: Senior Trey Thomson gets in position to hit the volleyball during the annual Buff Puff game. The senior team was playing the sophomores and went on to win the Buff Puff tournament. Photo by Zaria Ziglar 09: Seniors Aaliyah Mills, Tatiana Septimio, Madeline Backes, and Rea Syska view prizes during senior fun day. The seniors participated in senior fun day at Sports Connection after their graduation practice. Photo by Hailey Everage 10: Senior Hailey Everage performs her senior solo to ‘You Are For Me’ sung by senior Faith Day. During the senior awards presentation, Everage won The Lion’s Pride Award for Dance. Photo by Zaria Ziglar 11: Seniors Jonathan Gouch, Anna-Grace Hester, and Alyssa Minerva run through the breezeway while students, and faculty members cheer on the entire senior class. The Running of the Halls is an annual event that involves the whole school. Photo by Zaria Ziglar 12: Senior boys pose for a photo following Senior Recognition Chapel on May 3rd. Photo by Hailey Everage


“Listen and weigh carefully all that you hear and are taught over these next few years. Consider it in light of the truth and consistency of God’s Word. Seek to understand those who think and believe differently from you. Love them, but love them enough to challenge them and point them to Christ. When you doubt your faith or question what we at Hickory Grove and your parents have taught you, seek wisdom from trusted adults. They can handle it.” -Mrs. Bennett “Baz Luhrmann said, ‘If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience.’” -Mr. Atwell “Be open to what God has for you and to trust that the Lord will guide you in your decisions. Proverbs 16:9 says, ‘The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps.’” -Mrs. Beason “Leave the earbuds behind every now and then and listen to the original Spotify playlist: they’re called birds!” -Mrs. Smith “Love God, love others, and go do something about it.” -Mr. Stover “Make a difference in the lives of others and invest in people not things. Being in God’s will is what will bring you joy, not money and fame.” -Mrs. Davis “Keep Jesus first in everything you do. Then all of life will be JOY!” -Mr. Staples



Madeline Backes “Express who you are in a world where everyone is the same.” -Lauren Jauregui

Peyton Bowers 55 threes.

Grace Carpenter Does that have milk in it?

Stephen Adams I love Lucy.

Ryan Barron “Ready for whatever comes I hope for the best, I taste the piece and pray it never leave my tongue But yet, before long, the feelings done Perhaps I was foolish just like the boy that prays to only see the sun” -J.Cole

Riley Aiken

Jamie Austin

Jordan Austin

“God has infinite attention to spare for each one of us. You’re as much alone with Him as if you were the only thing He’d ever created.” -C.S. Lewis

What? What’s going on?

“Well, that’s all folks!” -Looney Tunes

Bailey Baucom

Sarah Beverage

Katie Beverly

“Once again the world has proven anything you can do, I can do better. XOXO!” -Blair Waldorf

Robbie Brouillard

Savannah Brown

“Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.” -Dory

i dOnT MiNd

Andrew Conner

Hamilton Cooper

It really do be like that sometimes


I’m in your corner

“Go crazy ahhhhhhh” -Peter Zhang

Lauren Burke

Dani Calhoun What up, dawg?

“It’s been magical, but I’m done.” -Khloe Kardashian

Isaac Cox

Maxwell Crum

That awkward moment when you are wearing Nikes and you can’t do it.

“It’s a good day to give up.” -Brianna Anthony

senior quotes

the pride

spring 2019

Morgan Davis

Faith Day

“Nosce te ipsum” -Socrates

“Sorry” -Justin Bieber

Jonathan Goforth

Jonathan Gouch

“Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t.” -Jerry Rice

Only use words that make souls stronger.

PJ Holtzclaw

Michael Honrine

“I’m telling you, you are good- not because you are my son, but because I can recognize talent.” -My Dad, Walter Holtzclaw

“Our sorrows are all, like ourselves, mortal…They come, but blessed be God, they also go. Like birds of the air, they fly over our heads. But they cannot make their abode in our souls. We suffer today, but we shall rejoice tomorrow.” -Charles Spurgeon

Dawid Joubert

Jake Justice

“I’m surprised you made it” -Sister

Today is a good day!


Hailey Everage

Syrita Gabriel

Alasia Gibbs

I am the REAL Black Excellence.

“Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.” -Alan Dundes

“Hailey, Alasia gonna tell you I ate paper. I did, but don’t believe her.” -Caleb Johnson

Mari Greene

Jeffrey Hardy

Segi Henderson

“Laughter heals all wounds, and that’s one thing that everybody shares. No matter what you’re going through, it makes you forget about your problems. I think the world should keep laughing.” -Kevin Hart

“Chase the bag; don’t worry about what I’m doing” -Blueface

Anna Grace Hester

That’s tuff

Darius Jackson

Lucy Jennings

Caleb Johnson

Joshua Johnson

“The cities of the world are calling to me and I want to live in them. I want to leave tiny pieces of myself in every corner of the world. A citizen of nowhere, belonging to everywhere.” -Unknown

“That supply drop was empty as dirt” -Lauren Morissette

This is why we can’t have nice things!

Regin Larson

Nakayla Lawhorn

Soomin Lee

Jacob Eason Gone forever, never to return.

Noah Laney “I knew exactly what to do. But in a much more real sense, I had no idea what to do.” -Michael Scott

Catch flights, not feelings

“Sometimes I’ll start a sentence and I don’t even know where it’s going. I just hope I find it along the way.” -Michael Scott

“This wasn’t anything like High School Musical.” -Unknown

“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us.” -Alexander Graham Bell


Stuart Lewis

Vera Liang

Ashlyn Mallard

“God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.” -John Piper

“Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains.” -Rousseau

I stress about stress before there’s even stress to stress about. Then I stress about stressing over stress that doesn’t need to be stressed about. It’s stressful.

Nick Mendlik

Aaliyah Mills

Alyssa Minerva

“Can I be excused for the rest of my life?” -Spongebob Squarepants

It be like that sometimes.

Chase O'Dell

Fernando Orellana

“I don’t know, I never thought I’d get this far.” -Plankton

Austin Riviere

Cameron Rusch “People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing everyday.” -Winnie the Pooh

Michelle Manning

Sydney McCallum

Rankin McKechnie

“I got the horses in the back, horse tack is attached.” -Lil Nas X

Just because you’re trash, doesn’t mean you can’t do great things. It’s called a garbage can, not a garbage cannot.

Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgment; Never let anyone know what you are thinking.

Lauren Morissette

Jimmy Murray

Sophie Nelson

“I’m fine. I’m just being dramatic. It’s what I do.” -Lorelai Gilmore

“Where’s my front porch?” -Caleb Johnson

Matt Pham

Diego Pulido “It’s been a couple years. It’s a tremendous feeling. It’s just awesome.” -Oliver Wolcott

Tatiana Septimio I’m not gonna bust down.


“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” -Winnie the Pooh

Michael Redwing “

Imani Riddick-Cherry Tomorrow is not promised, so scam today.

Waits Sharpe

Daniel Similton

Phillip Souza

“Don’t follow a defeated foe. Follow Christ. It is costly. You will be an exile in this age. But you will be free.” -John Piper

The longer the journey to achieving your goals, the more you’ll appreciate your goals when you reach them.

““If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room.” -Confucius

senior quotes

the pride

spring 2019

LETTERS TO SENIORS To the class of 2019 Rea Syska

Bailey Taylor

Kinzi Templeton

Trey Thomson

Y’all wanna go to Chick-Fil-A?

“Being an adult is like writing a paper with a deadline approaching, everyday.” -Jackie Hill Perry

The only bad taco is the one you didn’t eat.

“I’m not superstitious, but I am a little stitious.” -Michael Scott

Wesley Townsend

Antwan Valentine

Leighann Vinesett

Owen Wallman

So you know Coke?

I’m trynna go crazy

Graphic design is my passion.

Barja Walter

Yudi Wang

“Don’t give up; the beginning is always the hardest.” -Anonymous

Justin Wray

Peter Zhang

Make that jugggggggg!

“Go stupid ahhhhhhh.” -Sarah Beverage


A friend till the end

Lia Weekly

Jaelen Whitley

I am NOT a foreign exchange student!

“Life is like a sandwich either way you flip it the bread comes first” -Unknown

Wow! How far you/we have come. You were my first class of 6th graders when I started teaching Middle School Art. We spent three years together back in those middle school years and I’m sure some of you thought this day would never come. Now look at you - you are the Graduation Class of 2019. I couldn’t be more proud! You were just babies then and now you are young adults getting ready to be let loose in this crazy world! Some of you I had the pleasure of teaching in high school (Art 1) and I felt that was truly an honor for me to be able to teach you again. You have no idea the impact you guys have had on MY life. As you are leaving Hickory Grove, I am leaving also and I feel it a privilege to be going out with you. We are all going on to a new chapter in our lives! My advice to you is ALWAYS keep God first no matter what. Keep looking up and never EVER lose your happy. I love you and wish all of you only the best! Mrs. Pisano

Stacy Zhang



Liberty University Cameron Rusch Alyssa Minerva Jake Justice

Washington University Matt Pham University of Alabama Michael Honrine

Ferrum College Austin Riviere


Rutgers University Vera Liang






Palm Beach Atlantic University Caleb Johnson

University of California, Davis Stacy Zhang



Lee University Owen Wallman Milligan College Dani Calhoun Xavier University Diego Pulido


Emory University Stephen Adams

college map

the pride spring 2019


University of North Carolina at Charlotte Riley Aiken Bailey Baucom Sarah Beverage Peyton Bowers Andrew Conner Maxwell Crum Jacob Eason Anna-Grace Hester Ashlyn Mallard Michelle Manning Nicholas Mendlik Waits Sharpe Phillip Souza Bailey Taylor Kinzi Templeton Lia Weekly Central Piedmont Community College Ryan Barron Dawid Joubert Jimmy Murray Chase O'Dell

Wake Forest University Stuart Lewis North Carolina State University Isaac Cox Robbie Brouillard Noah Laney Hamilton Cooper Wesley Townsend University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Lauren Burke Leighann Vinesett East Carolina University Sydney McCallum Madeline Backes Lauren Morissette Imani Riddick-Cherry Paul Mitchell the School Charlotte Faith Day


High Point University Gracie Carpenter Winston Salem State University Hailey Everage Justin Wray Alasia Gibbs North Carolina Central University Segi Henderson William Peace University PJ Holtzclaw Pfeiffer University Regin Larson Gardner Webb University Joshua Johnson

North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University Nakayla Lawhorn Montreat College Rankin McKechnie Western Carolina Rea Syska St. Andrews University Barja Walter Wingate University Trey Thompson Syrita Gabriel The University of North Carolina at Greensboro Aaliyah Mills

SOUTH CAROLINA Wofford College Morgan Davis Clemson University Lucy Jennings

Worcester Polytechnic Institute Peter Zhang


Anderson University Tatiana Septimio Daniel Similton

All Photos By Jeanette Riesenberg

North Greenville University Jordan Austin Jamie Austin


BEST IN CLASS Seniors get recognized for accomplishments in all areas at final chapel of the year.









FULL LIST OF AWARDS Lions Pride in Theatre Award presented to Sarah Beverage Outstanding Service in Backstage Theatre presented to Bailey Taylor Excellence in Acting presented to Diego Pulido Inspirational Service in Theatre presented to Ryan Barron Vocal Excellence Award presented to Faith Day John Philip Sousa Award presented to Nick Mendlik Eagle Scout Award presented to

Jonathan Goforth Visual Arts Inspiration Award presented to Rankin McKechnie Lions Pride in Dance Award presented to Hailey Everage Lions Pride in Student Media presented to Leighann Vinesett Most Inspirational Award in Student Media presented to Lucy Jennings Excellence in Student Media presented to Hailey Everage and Morgan Davis Dedication in Student Media presented to Lauren Morissette


Excellence in Aquaponics presented to Nick Mendlick Most Athletic Award presented to Imani Riddick-Cherry & Daniel Similton Student Council Award for Outstanding Service presented to Lucy Jennings and Aaliyah Mills

01: NHS students stand with certificates during Senior Recognition Chapel. Students received awards from National Honors Society Advisor Laney Corbett. 02: Seniors Imani Riddick-Cherry and Daniel Similton receive awards for their excellence in athleticism from Athletic Director Jim Rhodes. 03: Senior Nick Mendlik stands with band director LaNette Crowe after receiving the John Philip Sousa Award. This award is esteemed as the pinnacle of achievement in a high school band. 04: Senior Ryan Barron is handed his award for Inspirational Service in Theatre by theatre and choir teacher Abigal Robertson. Barron plans to major in theatre in college. 05: Senior Leighann Vinesett smiles with Student Media teacher Brandy Caton after being presented the Lion’s Pride in Student Media award. Vinesett has been involved in Student Media for seven years. 06: National Merit Scholars Stuart Lewis, Riley Aiken, and Stephen Adams stand with High School Principal Adam Hamilton. 07: Senior Peter Zhang stands with International Student Program Director Missy Smith after being presented the Global Citizen Award. 08: Student Council members and seniors Aaliyah Mills and Lucy Jennings stand with Student Council Sponsor Kim Staples after being presented the award for outstanding service. Jennings has served on Student Council all four years of high school. All photos by Zaria Ziglar

Global Citizen Award presented to Peter Zhang National Merit Scholar Award presented to Riley Aiken, Stuart Lewis, Stephen Adams, and Michael Honrine

senior recognition

the pride

spring 2019



Senior athletes sign letters of intent to play collegiate athletics





01: Senior Regin Larson poses for a photo with his family after signing to Pfeiffer University to play basketball. 02: Senior PJ Holtzclaw poses with his letter of commitment after signing to play basketball at William Peace University. 03: Senior Austin Riviere signs his letter of commitment to play football at Ferrum University. 04: Senior Dani Calhoun signs her letter of commitment to Milligan University to play soccer. 05: Senior Rea Syska signs her letter of commitment to Western Carolina University to play soccer. All Photos by Zaria Ziglar

Class of 2019, Congratulations on all the accolades and achievements you have earned over the last four years! As you move on past HGCS, you will be tempted to continue to look back at what you have achieved instead of keeping your eyes focused on the task ahead of you. As Christians, we are commanded to make disciples of all nations. You are heading off into a world that will beat you up, cast you aside, look down on you and discount your ability to do some really amazing things, and this is especially true if you identify as a follower of Christ! But take heart, you are prepared for what lies ahead. Most importantly, Jesus has demonstrated that he has overcome the world and promised us he will never leave us or forsake us. From the moment you began at HGCS, you have been discipled by a faculty of men and women who love you and wanted to prepare you for your future beyond the walls of HGCS. As you have heard countless times in your Bible classes, we live in a world that is desperately seeking truth. In his book The Great Evangelical Disaster, Francis Schaeffer, one of my heroes in the faith, said “Truth carries with it confrontation. Truth demands confrontation; loving confrontation, but confrontation nevertheless.� You have been exposed to the best arguments against Christianity, and are equipped to respond. But never forget, it is not about defeating arguments but about loving someone enough to point them to Christ. Always speak the truth in love. Each one of you have been fearfully and wonderfully made. You are image bearers of the one true King. You have been gifted with talents and abilities. But more importantly, you have been bought with a price. God loved you so much that he took on flesh to die in your place. The resurrection of Christ promises us victory over all things, even sin and death. God placed a calling on your life to use those talents, abilities and passions to make much of his name, not yours. My prayer is that you will never short sell your worth, forsake your calling, and you will run with reckless abandon towards Christ. Please know that if you ever need me, I will be here for you. All my love to you knuckleheads, Hutch




GOLDEN GALA Juniors and seniors get dressed up for one of the biggest nights of the year, Prom 2019










the pride spring 2019


SENIOR SUPERLATIVE I WISH THAT I WON “I wish I won ‘Able to Eat the Most.’” -Sydney McCallum “I wish I won ‘Most Apathetic.’” -Maxwell Crum “I wish I won ‘Most Likely to be Mistaken for a Seven Year Old.’” -Sarah Beverage



“I wish I won ‘Most Likely to be Told to Bust Down.’” -Tatiana Septimio “I wish I won ‘Best Car.’” -Jacob Eason “I wish I won ‘Most Mysterious.’” -Rankin McKechnie

11 01: Seniors Imani Riddick-Cherry and PJ Holtzclaw pose for a photo after being crowned Prom King and Queen. “I was so nervous, I didn’t think that we would win but when they called our names I was really excited and happy, it was a great way to end senior prom,” Holtzclaw said. Photo by Kim Staples 02: Seniors Jamie Austin, Jordan Austin, and Sophie Nelson smile for a photo at their final prom. This is the Austin’s and Nelson’s first year attending prom. Photo by Kim Staples 03: Senior Gracie Carpenter cheerfully dances with friends during her senior prom. “I really enjoyed prom because I got to go with my close friends and spend time together dancing and having fun. My friends made my senior prom better than I could have ever imagined,” Carpenter said. Photo by Zaria Ziglar 04: Students Wesley Townsend, Owen Wallman, Michael Honrine, Collin Royal, and Kyle Helmandach pose for a photo during prom. Photo by Kim Staples 05: Junior Amanda Wilder and freshman Austin Canfield pose for a photo while slow dancing during prom. “Honestly I had a great time at prom because they had amazing snacks, and I had an even more amazing date,” Wilder said. Photo by Kim Staples 06: Senior Peyton Bowers and her date, Alumnus Matt Murphy share a slow dance. “I had fun with Matt but it was bittersweet because this was our last prom together. I am going to miss all the memories we made at HG,” Bowers said. Photo by Zaria Ziglar 07: Juniors Rachel Toadvine and Taylor Graham pose for a photo. “Prom was fun because I got to hang out with all of my friends and get dressed up,” Toadvine said. Photo by Zaria Ziglar




08: Seniors Riley Aiken and Michael Honrine pose for a photo while slow dancing. “Prom was a great way to end my senior year, I got to have a great time with my friends and I got to dance the night away with the best date a guy could ask for,” Honrine said. Photo by Kim Staples 09: Senior Tatiana Septimio and her date dance enthusiastically. “I had so much fun this year because I had the best prom date and because of the time I got to spend just goofing around with my friends,” Septimio said. Photo by Zaria Ziglar 10: Senior Regin Larson and junior Harris Russell pose for a photo. “It was good to be around all the people i’ve grown up with having a good time, I enjoyed being around all my peers and seeing everyone happy,” Larson said. Photo by Zaria Ziglar 11: Seniors Faith Day and Segi Henderson pose for a photo. “I enjoyed prom and hanging out with my friends, but my favorite part was dancing the night away with Leighann,” Day said. Photo by Zaria Ziglar 12: Juniors Ivy Angle and Juliana Herberg smile for a picture holding their photo booth pictures. “Prom was fun because I was able to get all dressed up and dance the night away with my friends! It was fun to hang out with the seniors and see our grades come together,” Herberg said. Photo by Zaria Ziglar 13: Senior Bailey Baucom and Savannah Brown pose for a photo. “I had so much fun at prom because all of my friends were dancing and having fun, and it was an all around great time!” Baucom said. Photo by Zaria Ziglar

“I wish I won ‘Most Cultured on Random Art and Music Knowledge.’” -Madeline Backes “I wish I won ‘Most Likely to Trip on Stage.’” -Rea Syska “I wish I won ‘Most Improved Student.’” -PJ Holtzclaw “I wish I won ‘Highest Grades Ever.’” -Michael Redwing “I wish I won ‘Most Ready to Graduate.’” -Morgan Davis “I wish I won ‘Most Likely to Fall Asleep in Class.’” -Joshua Johnson “I wish I won ‘Funniest Laugh.’” -Diego Pulido


13 YEARS IN THE MAKING Lifers reminisce at annual lifer breakfast







01: With her grandma looking on, Michelle Manning looks at her old artwork from Kindergarten. 02: Looking with a smile, Jordan Austin shows her excitement while ripping the paper off of her time capsule. 03: Senior Leighann Vinesett poses with old photos she found in her time capsule from Kindergarten. “My favorite thing that I found in the time capsule was an old doll,” Vinesett said. 04: Laughing with her mom, Madeline Backes express her happiness towards the letters she received in her time capsule. Each kindergartener’s capsule had a letter from Mr. Ward, Rhonda Brown, and their Kindergarten teacher. 05: After opening his time capsule, Andrew Conner looks at the contents with his mom. 06: While reading a letter with her mom, Katie Beverly cries tears of joy when she sees the sweet letter is from a member of her family. 07: A letter that each lifer received in their time capsule, written by former headmaster Henry Ward. Mr. Ward’s legacy still lives on, with every lifer knowing his infamous phrase, “Jesus Makes Me H-A-P-P-Y!” ALL PHOTOS BY ZARIA ZIGLAR




the pride spring 2019


Riley Aiken

Syrita Gabriel

Stewart Lewis

Sarah Beverage

Ashlyn Mallard

Katie Beverly

Jaelen Whitley


Jordan Austin

Morgan Davis

Jacob Eason

Michael Honrine

Andrew Conner

Lauren Burke

Michelle Manning

Kinzi Templeton

Leighann Vinesett


Madeline Backes

Jamie Austin

Bailey Baucom

Chase O’Dell

Rea Syska


Savannah Brown

Jimmy Murray


Diego Pulido

Michael Redwing

Segi Henderson

LETTERS TO SENIORS Dear Seniors, I have been in love with the written word ever since I glimpsed Max step into Where the Wild Things Are and felt the heartache of The Giving Tree. As childhood gave way to adolescence, I traveled with Meg in A Wrinkle in Time to find a little brother and commiserated with Margaret as she asked Are You There God? At your age, I fell in love with Atticus Finch and wondered if any real-life man could ever hope to live up to Harper Lee’s epitome of true courage and integrity. (The answer is yes-but it took a REALLY long time to find him.) Along this literary journey, I never dreamed of being a teacher. NEVER. I was shy and reserved. I took the words in, and that was enough. But God has a sense of humor. He took the shy, country girl and her love of words to the far corners of the world to teach English and share the beauty of language. I was a reluctant recruit. I wanted to say “no.” However as the days, weeks, months, and years passed, I learned the lesson God had been preparing for me all along - it is only when we openly give away a part of ourselves that He makes us whole. When I stand in front of you and discuss the dystopian world of Winston Smith, the tragic life of Hamlet, or the misguided ambition of Victor Frankenstein, I see the magnificent words of the authors leap off the pages and touch not only my heart and soul, but yours. Your smiles, laughter, and even (I HATE to admit it) your eye rolling lets me know that words can move you. The grand moments of mirth and the devastating tides of sorrow permeate us, and we become better people for having read and lived the lives of others. Never overlook the power of words. Words bring life. God called out through the darkness, the chaos, the nothingness and brought all that is into existence. Writing is perhaps the closest man ever gets to the life-giving ability of God. We too can create life, bring worlds into being, in the hopes of living what is true and real and -- as Henry David Thoreau says -- not to come to the end of days to “discover that [we] had not lived” at all. Find God first and yourself next. You without God is far worse than any tragedy Shakespeare ever penned. Reach for His words first and carry them with you on your journey. And it’s okay to carry a few of the literary classics too. It would pain me to think you never allowed the beauty and truth of language into your life again. I have settled down and embedded myself into the life of a “teacher” in many places. But Hickory Grove and you sweet and silly and wonderful seniors have my heart and the best gift I have: my words. Love and Blessings, Mrs. Nelson


CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU WHEN YOU GO Seniors leave underclassmen items & talents. I, Riley Aiken, leave the volleyball team to Bethany McVey to lead by example and continue building. I leave my role in calming Bethany down to Sydney Wray.

and Jessica Church.

I, Jamie Austin, leave a message to Lizzie Suber: Watch out for that HTML... and those Socrates writings... and those essays... and the Swiss Family Robinson book... and that Tenebrous Mansion game... and those table topics... and stuff.

I, Gracie Carpenter, leave my extensive plethora of athletic abilities to Tori Pope.

I, Madeline Backes, leave the role of “the art obsessed student”, all of the unwashed brushes laying in the sink, and the stress of completing your portfolio on time to Taliyah Fox. Good luck, you’ll need it. I, Bailey Baucom, leave all my drama to Grace Hardman, I leave my jokes to Milla Syska, I leave my music playlist to Kendall Stitt, I leave center back to Olivia Hardman, and I leave all my “gang” group chats to the boys.

I, Dani Calhoun, leave my soccer skills to Abby Torres.

I, Andrew Conner, leave the soccer team to Collin and Matthew. Just remember to have fun with your last season. I, Isaac Cox, leave the captain arm-band for the Varsity Men’s soccer team to Rodrigo Hernandez-Farrera. I, Faith Day, leave every off-pitch note, annoying underclassman musical knowit-all, and Mrs. Robertson’s baby stories in choir class to Ethan Moore and Katherine Jennings. I, Hailey Everage, leave Zaria Ziglar all my photography skills and black girl magic. I also leave Jake Johnson all my dancing skills.

I, Caleb Johnson, leave all of my oldness to Thomas. I also leave my style to Brotha Donald. I, Joshua Johnson, leave nothing to my non-existent heir. I, Dawid Joubert, leave the soccer team to Alex Johnson and Matt Kunik. I, Jake Justice, leave my laugh to Myles Barbour. I, Regin Larson, leave the Varsity Basketball team to my sons AJ Smith and Jacori Owens I, Nakayla Lawhorn, leave Abby Torres all of my chemistry and biology smarts! I, Soomin Lee, leave Mrs. Smith’s amazing food to all the international students.

I, Sarah Beverage, leave the theatre department to Ivy Angle, Juliana Herberg, and Gracie Pyke. I leave cleaning the drama closet over and over again to the theatre sophomores and freshman...good luck!

I, Alasia Gibbs, leave all of my melanin magic to the underclassmen.

I, Stuart Lewis, leave the leadership of the Apologetics Club to Aryton Bury. I also entrust the faithful preaching of the Gospel to Nicholas Roberts, Alex Riesenberg, and Christian Wilson.

I, Mari Greene, leave my butterfly to Dexter Donald and my amazing hugs to Issy Kneisl.

I, Ashlyn Mallard, leave Jessica Church the ability to “get with the program” during track.

I, Katie Beverly, leave the sisterhood group chat to Grace Hardman, may the drama live on forever.

I, Jeffrey Hardy, leave my school spirit with Marcus Truss.

I, Michelle Manning, leave the Varsity Softball team to Jaden Williams and Maddie Sehen.

I, Peyton Bowers, along with Lucy Jennings and Bailey Baucom, leave the Spirit Club to Grace Hardman and Madison Jones. Make us proud! I leave the 3 point shooting record to Kayla Ganda! You’ve got this K! I, Lauren Burke, leave the Cross Country and Track teams to Cameron Helmendach

I, PJ Holtzclaw, leave lunch outside to Harris Russell. I, Lucy Jennings, leave my legacy of women’s shot put at HG to Sydney Wray and Kayla Ganda. I, in addition to the rest of AP Research, also leave the tradition of popcorn Friday’s to the AP Seminar kids. #It’sPoppin’


I, Rankin McKechnie, hereby leave the machine in which I’ve spent over one tenth of my life learning things, 80% or so in which I’ll probably forget as I advance. I give my sarcasm and logic to be shared among Hayden, Michael, and that other guy in my art class that looks like Hayden but with a neater haircut whose name I forgot. I bestow upon Izzy my ability to

last will and testament the pride spring 2019

make art. And to all the underclassmen, I bestow the example of myself to learn from: a fierce man of steel who fears nothing. Learn from me, and hopefully generation Z will be strong and mighty instead of a clustercuss of wimpy socialists.

all of my stress and anxiety. Finally, I leave my black girl magic and confidence to my little sis Amya Riddick who I wish success in highschool and beyond. Do your best because I believe in you and will always be there for you!

I, Nick Mendlik, leave the school drumline to Christian Wilson. I leave the jazz band to Connor Jones and Logan Ottinger. I leave my last name to Jessica Mendlik.

I, Cameron Rusch, leave the never-ending stress of AP Calculus to all underclassmen who dare to take it.

I, Aaliyah Mills, leave the Varsity Cheerleading team to my daughter Haley Price. I also leave all my funny and smart comments to Tristen Quarles. I, Alyssa Minerva, leave our lunch table and all the memories to Grace Hardman and Tori Pope. I, Lauren Morissette, leave my dance moves to Leah Guercio. I leave my fire music taste to Byron Wray. I leave my amazing driving skills to Milla Syska. I leave my jokes to Grace Hardman. I leave center back to Tori Pope. I leave my weirdness to Myles Barbour. I leave my smartness to Dustin Green. I leave all my love to Zaria Ziglar. I, Sophie Nelson, leave my mom, Mrs. Nelson, a wee bit of heartache from absence, but a lifetime full of love and memories. I, Chase O’Dell, leave the role of being the cutest guy in school to Alex Johnson and Sean Dickey. I, Diego Pulido, leave the track team to Nicholas Roberts and Marcus Truss. I leave the Cross Country team to Cameron Helmendach and Cole Bennett. I leave the Theater Department to Connor Jones. I, Michael Redwing, leave my 5.0 GPA to Mr. Hutchinson. I, Imani Cherry, leave my 4*4 track relay spot to anyone who is willing to keep the winning streak. I leave my incredible fashion sense to Zaria Ziglar, the basketball team to my favorite baller Kayla Ganda. I, along with all the AP Research kids, leave all the future Seminar and Research kids


I, Tatiana Septimio, am leaving my anxiety for trying to get my art pieces done in time to Izzy Kneisl, my big bodyness to Sydney Wray, my Latina ethnicity to Elena Pulido, the ukulele club to Leah Guercio, and lastly my “I didn’t say that about my brother!” to Hannah Conard. I, Daniel Similton, leave the track team to Marcus Truss. I leave the cross country team to Cole Bennett and Cameron Helmendach. I, Rea Syska, and my fellow Varsity Women’s Soccer seniors, leave the team to Grace Hardman, Tori Pope, and Milla Syska. I also leave Mrs. Huneycutt’s kindergarten class (soon to be 1st graders) to Grace Hardman and Milla Syska. They all think she’s me anyways… cutest kiddos ever. I, Bailey Taylor, leave Gracie Pyke the honor and privilege of being the president of Global Ambassadors; love well, lead graciously, and never be afraid of being uncomfortable. I also leave Jessica Church discipleship with the rising freshman; push them to love Christ, love people, and do something about it. I, Kinzi Templeton, give my lack of Spanish skills to Tori Pope.

ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN “Be real. Don’t waste your time trying to fit in other people’s molds because you will lose yourself trying. You have to know who you truly are because once high school is over, you won’t have the comfort of familiarity anymore. Try to find your values, passions, and goals, and fight for them.” -Morgan Davis “Leave your hoodies at the door.” -Jeffrey Hardy “Don’t walk slowly in the middle of the hallway.” -Aaliyah Mills “As much as getting good grades and getting into a good college matter, don’t skip out on spending time with friends and family. Making a good grade on a test is not what you will remember in 20 years; you will remember hanging out with the people you love. ” -Rea Syska “Take the SAT early.” -Ashlyn Mallard “Sit back and observe, everything doesn’t need a reaction.” -Barja Walter “Chrome knows all! Do not try and be slick like me and play bubble shooter!” -Dawid Joubert “Don’t date a senior unless you’re a senior.” -Katie Beverly “High school goes by way faster than you ever imagine. Make good choices no matter what, someone is always watching. Even the good kids can end up in PTR from time to time, just keep moving on and focusing your eyes on Christ.” -Anna Grace Hester

I, Trey Thomson, leave the baseball team to baby Trey.

“Get your work done, but also enjoy the time you have left in high school. If you have to do the Bible reading guides in Rogante’s class, good luck!” -Alyssa Minerva

I, Leighann Vinesett, leave yearbook deadlines and the stress that accompanies them to all the future editors. I also leave future editorial board’s the challenge to make the next yearbooks better than the last. Good luck!

“He may seem scary now, but I promise Hutch is fun and cares deep down. I promise you will survive his classes... I did (all four years with Hutch, in every class he taught). There is hope for you!!” -Sarah Beverage “Don’t go to Chick-fil-a after your cap and gown pictures, even if it’s with a couple of cute girls.” -Chase O’Dell


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