Use HGH To Revitalize Your Hormonal Army
By Michael Reed
Using HGH to revitalize your hormonal army – more specifically – HowHGH impacts testosterone and estrogen. You do not need a ten-year course in endocrinology to get things moving in the right direction. Good hormones stimulate other good hormones; and bad hormones stimulate other bad hormones. View top rated products. This ripple effect enables you to get your entire hormonal army working for you in the battle against aging and disease. Growth hormone declines with advancing age [1] in every species that has been tested to date. The rate of decline varies with the individual, and is dictated by genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. The steeper the drop-off in growth hormone, the more rapidly and visibly you age. Not only does growth hormone decline directly promote aging, but because all hormones are interconnected the fall in growth hormone has a ripple effect throughout the entire endocrine system. Good news though… Enhancing growth hormones has a revitalizing effect on other hormones.
Putting Your Hormonal Army to Work for You Testosterone A positive relationship exists between growth hormone and testosterone [2] in men. Enhancing growth hormone levels exerts a positive effect on testosterone levels by bolstering gonadotopins, the hormones that direct the testes to produce testosterone and sperm, and by suppressing cortisol, a hormone antagonistic to testosterone. Functionally, growth hormone and testosterone work together to build muscle and bone, and to facilitate fat burning There is a functional cooperation between growth hormone and testosterone. In studies of growth hormone retardation, testosterone fails to promote growth in the absence of growth hormone. [3] In addition to being dependent on growth hormone potentiation of its anabolic properties, testosterone’s androgenic (sexual) action is impaired where growth hormone is deficient. So it’s accurate to say that growth hormone and testosterone are “friendly” or complementary hormones. Dietary influences on testosterone… [4] Recent research has revealed a number of important facts about the influence of diet on hormone levels. For one, studies have established that a positive correlation exists between dietary fat and testosterone levels in men. This does not mean that eating more fat results in higher testosterone levels, but it is clear that a low-fat diet can
lower testosterone levels. A study conducted at Penn State University and published in 1997 in the Journal of Applied Physiology, helps clarify the relationship between dietary fat and testosterone. In that study, subjects eating a moderate fat diet exhibited higher testosterone levels than subjects eating low-fat diet. More importantly, the Penn State researchers showed that the effect of dietary fat on testosterone levels depended on the kind of fat consumed. Specifically, they found that monounsaturated and saturated fat raise testosterone levels, but polyunsaturated fat does not.
Estrogen The relationship between growth hormone and estrogen[5] is of great interest given the widespread use of estrogen and popularity of growth hormone therapy. Estrogen and growth hormone are complimentary, as are testosterone and growth hormone. Estrogen and growth hormone levels are higher in younger women than in older women, and the administration of estrogen increases growth hormone. Now for the confusing part: oral estrogen increases growth hormone via “negative feedback inhibition”, or by suppressing growth hormone’s “sister hormone,” IGF-1. This probably accounts for the conflicting studies showing estrogen assists and opposes the metabolic effects of growth hormone. The estrogen-growth hormone relationship is an example of the human body’s way of throwing researchers a curve ball. The question of the relative importance of growth hormone versus IGF-1 has long been a provocative one. But now it’s even more important insofar as it influences hormone replacement therapy dosages, especially when estrogen and growth hormone are taken together. Specifically, if the objective is to raise IGF-1 levels taking oral estrogen, more growth hormone is necessary in order to counter the suppressive effect of oral estrogen. If, however, the objective is to raise growth hormone levels, then a lower dose of growth hormone, or none at all, would be appropriate because estrogen raises growth hormone. To further muddy the waters, when progesterone is taken along with estrogen, the effect on GH/IGF-1 changes. Progesterone offsets the suppressive effect of oral estrogen on IGF-1. And to make matters even more complicated, trans dermal and oral estrogen differ significantly in their effects on GH/IGF-1. This difference is surely related to the fact that oral estrogen does a “first pass” through the liver, and the liver is the primary site for the manufacture of IGF-1. Testosterone can be naturally enhanced in older people, whereas, after menopause, estrogen cannot. It is fundamentally unsound to replace one hormone while ignoring other hormones that are similarly no longer being naturally produced within the body. This has an unbalancing effect on a woman’s endocrine system.
Bottom Line Natural HGH supplementation can help restore your quality of life, energy levels, and overall outlook.
References: [1] US National Library of Medicine. Growth hormone and aging: A challenging controversy. Available from: [2] International Fitness Professionals Association. What’s New in Exercise, Nutrition, Increasing Testosterone & Growth Hormone. Available from: [3] Human Growth Foundation. Nature and Physiology of Growth Hormone. Available from: [4] Science Direct. Diet-hormone interactions: Protein/carbohydrate ratio alters reciprocally the plasma levels of testosterone and cortisol and their respective binding globulins in man. Available from: [5] US National Library of Medicine. Diet-hormone interactions: Growth hormone and estrogen: a clinician’s approach. Available from: