HG LookBook: State Agencies

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design studio

At HG, our landscape architects and civil engineers work side by side, combining aesthetic sensibility with technical acumen, which creates attractive yet functional solutions for your external built environment. Our design philosophy is that site design should perform required functions without distracting from the aesthetics of the buildings they serve.

design studio

HG intentionally maintains a small firm culture, even though we routinely compete on projects with much larger firms. We have found that clients prefer to work with the same senior staff that appeared on the submittal and attend the interview. We are keen on customer service and invite you to call the owners/partners whenever necessary. This way, we maintain relationships…over 80% of our clientele is repeat business. We have active projects in Virginia from Blacksburg to Virginia Beach, and D.C to South Boston.

DAVE GERSTENMAIER, PLA Founding Partner and Director of Design For over 35 years, Dave has accumulated an extensive and award-winning portfolio in landscape architectural design and land planning in Virginia. He started his own firm in 1991, and built a reputation for effective project delivery balancing cost, time, and quality design. In 2000, he took the helm of H&G Landscape Architects in Richmond and catapulted the firm into the preeminent landscape architectural and land planning firm in the region. Clients appreciate Dave’s passion and responsiveness resulting from the small-size firm mindset, but creative ingenuity usually characteristic of a metropolitan practice that has distinguished the firm’s work. Through Dave’s creative land planning, and design of the courtyards and grounds at Bon Secours St. Francis Medical Center, the campus was designated “America’s Most Beautiful Hospital,” and in that same year, Dave was the recipient of The Ohio State University Knowlton School of Architecture Impact Award for Landscape Architecture.

CHARLENE HARPER, PE, PLA, LEED AP Senior Partner and Director of Engineering Charlene has more than 25 years of experience in the fields of water resources and site development specializing in low impact development and innovative stormwater treatment designs, stormwater concepts for federal projects, and compliance strategies for MS-4 and industrial stormwater permit programs. Her work focuses on the reduction of environmental impacts due to the built environment both during and post-construction, as well as identifying opportunities for water quality and flood control retrofits. Charlene is an expert in the design and installation oversight of innovative stormwater treatment techniques such as green roofs, cisterns, permeable pavements, submerged gravel wetlands, and bioretention cells in addition to traditional treatment practices such as filters and basins. She has managed significant contracts for both public and private sector clients, using a collaborative project approach and management style.

CAPITOL SQUARE MASTER PLAN | RICHMOND, VA HG Design Studio revised and updated the Master Plan for the Capitol Grounds which feature the Capitol building, a National Historic Landmark designed by Thomas Jefferson. Capitol Square serves a significant dual role as the historic seat of state government as well as being an urban oasis in downtown Richmond. The project team had to balance several competing interests in the master plan from historic preservationists, to sustainability activists, to state legislators. We established guidelines for daily, weekly and ongoing maintenance; future landscape and hardscape installations; and addressing safety concerns and citizen complaints. We created recommendations for access, circulation and parking; hardscape materials; site elements; vegetation and topography, all within the context of preserving the prominent features of this important and historic site. We also gave consideration to future maintenance with a focus on less labor-intensive practices. LOCATION Richmond, VA CLIENT City of Richmond, Dept. of General Services DATES Start: 2014 Completion: 2014 DISCIPLINES Master Planning Landscape Architecture TEAM David Gerstenmaier, PLA


MANTLE, VIRGINIA INDIAN TRIBUTE | RICHMOND, VA LOCATION Richmond, VA HG Design Studio provided civil engineering and landscape architecture for the design of a permanent monument on Capitol Square as a tribute to the Commonwealth’s Indian tribes. We created construction documents to bring to life the vision of Mohawk artist, Alan Michelson. Acting primarily as the civil engineer for this one-of-a kind project, aesthetic coordination was supremely important. HG collaborated with the artist and design team to create a memorable monument space for visitors to our distinguished Virginia State Capital. Sustainable native Virginia plantings incorporated into the site augmented bioretention and complement the notable spiral wall design. Siting of the monument required working with existing exteriors and seamless integration into the Capital’s pedestrian walkways and green space.

CLIENT Virginia Department of General Services DATES Start: 2015 Completion: 2018 DISCIPLINES Civil Engineering Landscape Architecture TEAM Charlene Harper, PE David Gerstenmaier, PLA


UNIVERSITY OF MARY WASHINGTON, AMPHITHEATER & ACCESSIBLE PATH HG Design Studio is currently working on a renovation of an amphitheater that was originally opened in 1923 and has been used for various functions including theater productions and convocation ceremonies. This renovation looks to make improvements to the stage area including: new stairs, repair of storage under stage, electrical upgrade, theatrical systems (lighting and sound), and the repair/replacement of the columns and balustrade. In addition, site improvements will include: ADA improvements, landscaping, stormwater improvements, repairs to sidewalks and paving. Construction will also include two new support buildings (each approximately 250 SF). In its prior condition, the amphitheater was unsafe to be used for any type of assembly function. Located in a wooded area, the amphitheater presented a public safety challenge for students to congregate and a security hazard for those pedestrians travelling near or through the area. By renovating the amphitheater, the University will restore the venue for educational functions as well as other assembly functions.

VIRGINIA MUSEUM OF HISTORY & CULTURE MASTER PLAN AND IMPROVEMENTS | RICHMOND, VA A $38 million fundraising campaign allowed the museum to present a friendlier face on the Boulevard, have a more prominent main entrance from its parking area, and tell a more compelling story of the museum. The focus was not on additional space, but making smarter use of the existing space. HG Design Studio’s Master Plan integrates the goal of easier, open access to all entrances with the museum’s architectural design. The columned front doorway and lobby had been described as intimidating by patrons, so the challenge for HG was to design the site with classical elements and a pedestrian-friendly gateway. At the main entrance, we designed a gracious lawn and planting beds to replace existing pavement, and the additional green space creates a connection to the adjacent Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. Through our design, we achieved our clients’ vision of providing a welcoming exterior environment. Vehicular and traffic patterns, lighting and landscape plans, and standards for amenities complete the scope of landscape architecture services performed for the project. HG is currently working on a site improvements plan and parking expansion for the museum. All work at the museum has been done with Glavé & Holmes Architecture.


FRONTIER CULTURE MUSEUM OF VIRGINIA | STAUNTON, VA HG Design was engaged to provide civil engineering and landscape architecture services for the Frontier Museum of Virginia. The museum is comprised of both indoor and outdoor exhibits with interpreters providing a storytelling experience for guests. The site consists of rolling hills with forested areas and grass meadows depicting historic farmsteads. HG was responsible for maintaining the farmstead culture while integrating a completely new pedestrian and vehicular circulation systems, a new 30,000 sf Crossing Gallery and a large outdoor Event Lawn while maintaining the thematic character of the facility. HG prepared concept development through construction documentation and administration. Unique to the museum is the creation of wildflower meadows, a water feature, themed entry plaza and guest drop-off area, an outdoor event space and a large junction where Old World meets New World. In addition, we are designing a new 375 space parking lot, maintenance complex and office areas, food truck and cart rental facility adjacent to the Event Lawn, and stormwater management facilities inclusive of BMPs, streams tying into existing wetlands, ponds and waters.

COLLEGE OF WILLIAM & MARY MUSCARELLE MUSEUM OF ART | WILLIAMSBURG, VA HG is providing civil engineering and landscape architecture as part of the Pelli Clark Pelli team working on this fine arts museum. HG has completed the feasibility study portion of the project, which resulted in the decision to create a new building rather than renovate the existing one. The project is currently in the Schematic Development phase.

SCIENCE MUSEUM OF VIRGINIA MASTER PLAN UPDATES & PARKING DECK | RICHMOND, VA HG is working with Glavé & Holmes Architecture on this exciting project. The Science Museum of Virginia is embarking on the creation of a park in front of its iconic building. Stretching from Terminal Place to the west to DMV Drive to the east, the park will take over two parking lots to create a green, welcoming place in this dense and heavily-built part of the City. In front of the Children’s Museum of Richmond and a new parking structure next to the Science Museum, a series of pathways cut through rolling topography planted with native trees, groundcovers, and drought-tolerant lawn. An art plaza will accommodate a large sculpture, being commissioned separately by the Museum. The entry driveways in front of the Museum have been narrowed and surface parking removed. An open lawn and a plaza for the Earth Kugel create an open vista to the historic façade. The rolling topography and pathways pick up again on the east edge of the site, where the Moon Kugel is also relocated. A collection of Virginia native evergreen trees bookends the site to the east and the west. Along the Broad Street edge, an allee of native trees creates both a walkway and a seating area, raised about 30” above the level of the sidewalk. Small plazas at each street intersection are marked with entry monuments and create welcoming points into the site. The project is being developed in coordination with the City’s redesign of the sidewalks along Broad Street.


LONGWOOD UNIVERSITY, UPCHURCH UNIVERSITY CENTER HG Design Studio provided landscape architecture for a new two-level 120,000 square foot student union. The new building is centrally-located on the Longwood University campus and includes essential connections to some of the most important campus open spaces: Wheeler Mall, Brock Commons, and Lankford Mall. The scope of the project included pedestrian circulation, ample green space for student recreation, dedicated space for clubs and organizations, special event area for fraternity and sorority events, a cabaret venue for entertainment events, student government association meeting spaces, student lounges, administrative offices for the department of student union and activities, large meeting spaces, a centralized message center and a food service area.

LOCATION Farmville, VA ARCHITECT Perkins & Will DATES Start: 2012 Completion: 2018 DISCIPLINES Landscape Architecture TEAM Dave Gerstenmaier, PLA Andy Sisson, PLA


UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, CIVIL ENGINEERING TERM CONTRACT HG Design Studio was selected for the Civil Engineering Term Contract attributed to our collaborative, multi-disciplinary design approach, and UVA has given high marks to our performance for dozens of projects in the last 2 years. UVA appreciates our responsiveness and flexibility: on the Davenport Field Baseball Stadium Expansion project, we were told we “set the bar high” for quick turn-around of construction submittals and RFIs. HG has become design partners with our clients and treat their problems as our own. For example, we recently saved the University over $200,000 by redesigning the sanitary sewer for the baseball stadium while the project is still under construction; we were able to get approval for a crossing from CSX railroad in under a week! During construction of the Slaughter Hall Entrance Improvement project, we adapted our design to unknown field conditions during construction, which created a significant credit from the contractor. UVA also appreciates our innovation: we are working with the Office of the Architect and the Facilities and Maintenance Office to develop a landscape assessment tool that they can use to inspect grounds and prioritize site maintenance in a similar fashion to their building inspection program.



LOCATION Williamsburg, VA

HG Design Studio provided recommendations for a feasibility study for an addition to the Alumni House. We performed analysis of the capacity of existing utilities and created a stormwater management concept plan after a review of existing conditions, taking into consideration nearby construction, which will likely impact this site, and the need for compliance with state stormwater requirements for water quality. HG also designed the site layout and grading concepts to address the steep 17-20% average grades across the site.

DATES Start: 2015 (feasibility study) Completion: 2020

HG continued to provide civil engineering and landscape architecture on this project. The finished product is a signature design for W&M that respects the existing Alumni Center’s historic architecture as well as the college’s campus aesthetic.

TEAM Charlene Harper, PE Dave Gerstenmaier, PLA

DISCIPLINES Civil Engineering Landscape Architecture



LOCATION Harrisonburg, VA

The design on this new Learning Complex provides students and faculty with a radically different collaborative working environment, including flexible and state-of-the-art classrooms, offices and conference rooms, a 225seat dining facility, event spaces, informal student gathering areas, and much more. HG Design Studio provided the design of all exterior pedestrian hardscapes, planting designs, irrigation plans, and pedestrian lighting.


The landscaping connects the building with a stunning venue next to Newman Lake, providing a second green space for students to sit and relax as well as a new location for events. The Learning Complex was designed to elevate this part of campus to add an outdoor dining area, beautiful landscaping, and critical green spaces that provide students, faculty and alumni with a seat right on Newman Lake to collaborate, relax, and truly enjoy their Madison Experience. The new construction and the renovated Showker Hall together form an integrated complex for the College of Business, in which the line between new and old is almost imperceptible.

DATES Start: 2016 Completion: 2020 DISCIPLINES Landscape Architecture TEAM Dave Gerstenmaier, PLA Andy Sisson, PLA


LONGWOOD UNIVERSITY, TENNIS COMPLEX The Longwood University Tennis Complex project involved the relocation of the University’s existing competitive tennis courts to a new location on campus to make way for future construction. The design for the new tennis complex increased the number of courts from 5 to 6, bringing the school’s facilities up to Big South Conference standards. Significant elevation differences, limited budget, and the infill nature of the proposed 2.5 acre site provided the major challenges in the design. HG Design Studio explored multiple layout options looking for the right balance among impacts on existing parking, proximity to the adjacent baseball field, size and extent of retaining walls, conflicts with utilities, and amount of earthwork. Throughout the project, HG coordinated with the design team; Kim Bass, Longwood’s project manager; Skanska, the Construction Manager at Risk; and the stakeholders in the Athletic Department. Ultimately, the design included two tiers of courts with three courts on each tier and a viewing area in the middle with a modified parking area to serve the tennis complex and adjacent baseball field. The importance of completing the project within the timeframe dictated by the tennis program and Longwood’s plans for the site of the existing courts made rapid turnaround throughout the design process critical. The limited budget for the project of $2 million added additional phases to the design process as feedback from contractors and design changes were incorporated to bring the project within budget. HG continued to help meet the project schedule once construction began by providing timely feedback to the contractor to avoid delays in the already tight schedule.

LOCATION Farmville, VA ARCHITECT RRMM DATES Start: 2019 Completion: 2020 DISCIPLINES Civil Engineering Landscape Architecture


VIRGINIA TECH, DATA & DECISION SCIENCES BUILDING An inviting and distinctive exterior environment is envisioned for the Data & Decision Sciences Building. The building’s configuration creates several distinct spaces. The Commons Plaza on the south leads to the building’s front door and connects to the Student Commons within. It will support movement in and out of the building as well as creating a tree-shaded space for gathering. The new Multi-Modal Transit Facility to the south will be screened with plantings and a seat wall. On the north side of the building, another plaza connects to the second level of the Student Commons. An organic landscape of tree-planted berms and curving, accessible pathways screens this space while connecting to Prices Fork Road. To the east, a courtyard space created by the two wings of the building will be used both for passage as well as a quiet space for respite. The western edge of the project will have a temporary condition of steep slopes between the D&DS building and the parking lot which will remain until the construction of Pamplin Hall in the future. Hardscape materials will harmonize with the surrounding campus design, to include concrete pathways, Hokie Stone walls, and some special paving at key locations. The planting design approach relies on native and naturalized plants as well as drought tolerant species, all of which will thrive with no supplemental irrigation after initial establishment. Plant selections have been made based on their seasonal impact and visual interest for any given time of year.

LOCATION Blacksburg, VA CLIENT Virginia Tech ARCHITECT Moseley Architects DATES Start: 2019 Completion: In design DISCIPLINES Landscape Architecture

VIRGINIA TECH, INFINITE LOOP AND GREEN LINKS DESIGN GUIDES HG is collaborating with Boston-based Sasaki Associates on the development of design guidelines for two interrelated landscape projects arising out of Sasaki’s recently completed master plan for Virginia Tech’s campus: the Infinite Loop and the Green Links. The Infinite Loop will create a continuous, accessible path around the campus; it is woven into a new system of north-south Green Links path connections. Collectively the Loop and the Links establish an armature for creating a circulation network that serves the needs of all campus users. The Loop contributes to fitness goals of the University by encouraging active transportation. It is designed as a promenade that connects existing and proposed campus districts. It will facilitate bike access to the various districts of the campus and will also provide an environment for testing new infrastructural technologies including autonomous vehicles. The Green Links make use of some existing pathways, augmented with new connections where needed. The Links and Loop together will bring a much greater level of accessibility to the very challenging topography of the campus and through the use of innovative stormwater approaches will move the campus toward its sustainability goals.

LOCATION Blacksburg, VA CLIENT Virginia Tech DATES Start: 2019 Completion: In design DISCIPLINES Landscape Architecture TEAM David Gerstenmaier, PLA Kendra Taylor, PLA

VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE, CORMACK HALL AND MEMORIAL GARDEN HG developed a hardscape improvement plan, landscape planting plan, lighting and irrigation plans for the grounds renovation surrounding Cormack Hall. We also reconfigured the garden to the northeast of the building to include a formal memorial archway, which we designed out of stone to complement the historic campus. We enhanced and refreshed the existing plants with formal, symmetrical plantings to complete the landscape which is watered with harvested water collected in two underground cisterns hidden under the formal lawn. HG was also tasked with maximizing LEED requirements to help the project attain the desired environmental goals. LOCATION Lexington, VA CLIENT Virginia Military Institute ARCHITECT Baskervill DATES Start: 2012 Completion: 2016 Est. DISCIPLINES Site Design Landscape Architecture TEAM David Gerstenmaier, PLA


VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE, SCOTT SHIPP HALL This renovation/addition to Scott Shipp Hall, originally built in 1918, is located on a 30 foot elevation north to south. HG designed entrances entering the building at different floors and connections to existing circulation patterns, including ramps and stairs, entry plazas, retaining walls, and plantings. In order to address grade differences, the building’s expansion footprint was limited to areas available, and HG’s design elegantly addressed these challenges to the site. For example, a steep sidewalk adjacent to a roadway required creative connections, including a combination of walls and “vanishing” steps.

LOCATION Lexington, VA ARCHITECT Glavé & Holmes DATES Start: 2017 Completion: Under construction DISCIPLINES Landscape Architecture

VIRGINIA TECH, ACADEMIC BUILDINGS RENOVATION This project focused on exterior design and historical context for the renovation of 3 academic buildings on the campus. Scope included the development of a site plan for each of the 3 buildings, including new or modified pedestrian paving, fire access reconfigured to respond to the new additions, walls or other hardscape elements, landscape elements relative to a flood wall, planting design and plant protection guidelines, all within the context of preserving the campus’s traditional appearance. Detail services comprised grading design at each building; site lighting design; review of site security and signage elements; layout and generic material selection of pedestrian pavements; design of steps, bollards, curbs, headers, rails, fences, walls, and related site elements not connected to the architectural structure; creation of a grading plan for pedestrian hardscape as well as planted areas; species selection, including a tree evaluation; and layout of site furniture including plant pots, trash receptacles, benches, or other fixtures.

LOCATION Blacksburg, VA CLIENT Virginia Tech ARCHITECT Glavé & Holmes DATES Start: 2013 Completion: 2019 CONSTRUCTION COST $17.8 M Estimated DISCIPLINES Landscape Architecture

UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, DAVENPORT FIELD The University of Virginia’s Davenport Field project was fast-paced from design through construction, following these design phases: programing, schematic design, design development, early sitework construction documents, final sitework construction documents, bid negotiations, and construction administration. HG worked closely with UVA Facilities Planning and Construction, our client; UVA Athletics, the end user; DLR and Grimm + Parker, the architects; 2RW, the MEP; and Martin Horn, the contractor, to develop designs and implement construction on a site that was occupied by the owner and sports teams throughout construction. Challenge 1: Occupied Site Similar to the Dorey Park ballfield, the Davenport Field project is part of a larger park and athletics complex which was occupied by both owners and users during construction. Our construction phasing was tailored to accommodate access for both users and contractors; to adjust work hours and access for events, camps, and competitions; and, to coordinate timing of outages and access with owner’s scheduling needs. • HG developed an early site package to relocate utilities in advance of construction and during off-season times for the adjacent Lannigan track and field stadium. The early utility relocation extended water service and power duct banks to the project site; the routes for these lines would have impeded larger construction access had they not been completed early. • Work was phased to maintain fire and delivery access through the site during construction, and schedules for access and delivery needs were coordinated during the weekly construction meetings. • Temporary paths and bridges were constructed to route athletes and coaches around the construction zones to the adjacent facilities in use. Alternative access to the fields adjacent to the Dorey competition field will be an important consideration. Additionally, staging construction to limit impacts to existing infrastructure is imperative. LOCATION Charlottesville, VA CLIENT University of Virginia ARCHITECT DLR Group Grimm + Parker DATES Start: 2014 Completion: 2018 DISCIPLINES Civil Engineering Landscape Architecture TEAM Dave Gerstenmaier, PLA Charlene Harper, PE, LEED AP

UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, DAVENPORT FIELD Challenge 2: Stormwater Management As happened at Davenport Field, the conversion of the Dorey Park field into a competition park will increase the impervious cover of the site, and consequently will increase stormwater volume, peak flow and nutrient runoff. The existing stormwater best management practices (BMPs) at Davenport Field were not sufficient to account for the new impervious cover; therefore, innovative stormwater measures for the tight site were required. HG studied the larger regional watershed and determined that downstream channels were sufficient to handle large storm events. Small storm events and water quality improvements were achieved through the use of high-flow media filters “hidden” in the landscape islands, pervious pavement in the overflow parking lot, and an underground infiltration chamber. The high-flow media filters are small footprint rain gardens that drain very quickly during rain events and can be nestled into slightly oversized parking lot islands or other available green spaces.

Additional Project Highlights: Vehicular circulation, fire access, and pedestrian circulation shared a single, 15-foot wide asphalt road prior to the expansion project at Davenport Field. Through the limited use of site walls, HG addressed the site pinch-point to create a separated pedestrian and vehicular zones. A 20-foot road provides vehicular, fire truck and delivery access; pedestrian crossings are limited and demarcated by table-top cross-walks which visually and physically cue drivers to slow for pedestrians. An 8-foot sidewalk with landscaping brings pedestrians to the ticketing plaza. And for the first time, there are ADA and VIP parking spaces located at the ticketed entrance to the field.

LOCATION Gloucester Point, VA CLIENT College of William & Mary DATES Start: 2014 Completion: 2018 DISCIPLINES Master Planning Landscape Architecture Stormwater Concepts TEAM Dave Gerstenmaier, PLA Charlene Harper, PE

VIRGINIA INSTITUTE OF MARINE SCIENCE, DAVIS HALL RESEARCH FACILITY HG designed an entrance that combines sustainability, stormwater as an amenity, and learning opportunities for the study program. Early in the concept phase, HG suggested bio-retention features as an attraction for users to encounter upon entering the research facility. A bridge over a bio-retention area connects parking, sidewalk and front doors, and serves as a ‘living lab’ for science students to be educated on natural material as water filtration. HG designed a tiered outdoor classroom down to the river, and implemented several naturalized micro stormwater management amenities and native planting around the building in place of typical landscaping. Research for bridge material includes locally harvested black locust lumber, and interpretive signage will be implemented to highlight the function of the bio-retention areas, which not only treat stormwater from the building roofs, but provide habitat and naturalized frontage for the facility. The project is pursuing LEED Silver certification.


LONGWOOD UNIVERSITY, JOAN P. BROCK CONVOCATION & EVENTS CENTER HG Design Studio is providing civil engineering and landscape architecture for the design of a new $32M venue that will seat over 2,500 for lectures, concerts, & other campus events. It will also serve as the home for Longwood’s basketball programs. This project is an infill project, sited between two existing buildings at the edge of the central commons.

LOCATION Farmville, VA ARCHITECT RRMM DATES Start: 2019 Completion: In design DISCIPLINES Civil Engineering Landscape Architecture

UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, SCOTT STADIUM SECURITY AND EAST GATE PLAZA HG Design Studio was tasked with studying the various pedestrian gate access points for Scott Stadium to get a better understanding of pedestrian flow and queuing movements to help streamline the security clearance process to help move fans into the stadium at a quicker pace. We were also tasked with studying the outdoor fan gathering areas to come up with ways to protect the fans from interaction with vehicular traffic. Site inventory was taken and we walked each gate entrance with UVA staff to understand current conditions. A booklet was created with suggestions for increasing pedestrian security clearance flow as well as providing secure fan zones, along with a budget for said improvements. The University was able to use this study to secure funds for phased improvements and is currently in the process of implementing our suggestions for the 2018 football season.

LOCATION Charlottesville, VA CLIENT University of Virginia DATES Start: 2018 Completion: 2018 DISCIPLINES Civil Engineering Landscape Architecture TEAM Dave Gerstenmaier, PLA Charlene Harper, PE, LEED AP

LONGWOOD UNIVERSITY, NEW RESIDENCE HALLS Charged with the integration of two new residential buildings into a topographically challenging site, HG created a design that uses brick-clad retaining walls, a gentle grassy hillside, and bosques of ornamental flowering trees around a Central Lawn that serves as both an elegant face of the university and a space for active and passive student recreation. The design team worked closely with both the Longwood Real Estate Foundation and Longwood University staff to reconfigure an earlier site design to coordinate more closely with the overall campus master plan currently under development. HG was able to maintain an existing pedestrian corridor through the site while providing accessible routes for all students across significant changes in grade.

LOCATION Farmville, VA CLIENT Longwood University ARCHITECT Franck & Lohsen Little DATES Start: 2014 Completion: 2016 DISCIPLINES Landscape Architecture TEAM Dave Gerstenmaier, PLA Andy Sisson, PLA


LOCATION Farmville, VA CLIENT Longwood University

LONGWOOD UNIVERSITY, PEDESTRIAN GATEWAYS In preparation for the 2016 Vice Presidential debate, Longwood University moved forward with the enhancement of the most important pedestrian corridor on the campus known as Brock Commons. The projects included a new pedestrian entryway to Brock Commons, Beale Pavilion, which is a new multiuse garden structure at the intersection of Brock Commons and Wheeler Mall. HG Design Studio was part of an overall master planning effort to unify and improve the visual and functional aspects of the overall campus, keeping with the historic school’s formal campus and colonial architecture. In addition to the gateways, HG led plaza improvements, streetscape upgrades, and planting designs.

ARCHITECT Franck & Lohsen Little DATES Start: 2014 Completion: 2016 DISCIPLINES Landscape Architecture TEAM Dave Gerstenmaier, PLA




This project has two main facets: the creation of an entry gateway at the campus edge and the development of a sports facility on a brownfield.

CLIENT Radford University

The university had no entry monument marking the edge on the north side of the campus and we developed a design that created an elegant entry marker, which also doubles as a green space and flexible gathering space.

DATES Start: 2014 Completion: 2015

Following the demolition of an existing factory, HG suggested retaining the existing concrete flooring and installing synthetic turf over it rather than go to the expense of removing it. This was a substantial cost savings and was environmentally preferable. Other elements of the project included design of pedestrian circulation, hardscape, planting design, and the exteriors surrounding the baseball/softball clubhouse.

DISCIPLINES Landscape Architecture TEAM David Gerstenmaier, PLA


VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY, 12TH STREET PEDESTRIAN PLAZA For this project, HG Design Studio created a site plan for a pedestrian plaza in place of an existing street. One challenge for the project was that the plaza had to be designed to function whether or not the City of Richmond agreed to close the street and turn it over to the university. Additionally, a portion of the site is over an existing parking deck, so we have worked in close coordination with the structural engineer to develop a paving system that would satisfy the university’s design standard while working in the site constraints. When BCOM requested a pedestrian phasing plan during construction to allow for movement of pedestrians through a very complicated work zone, HG sat down with the owner and came up with a list of entry points and known pedestrian patterns and to create a phasing plan for the contractor to execute. We considered school schedules, construction phasing and delivery date and created a phasing plan to accommodate this request. Design elements of HG’s site plan included pedestrian areas, vehicular paving, vehicular control elements such as specialty paving and bollards, crosswalks, walls, ramps, stairs, site lighting, and site furniture and amenities. In addition, we created hardscape design and details, planting plans, lighting plans, grading plans, specifications and periodic cost estimates. LOCATION Richmond, VA CLIENT Virginia Commonwealth University DATES Start: 2015 Completion: 2017 DISCIPLINES Civil Engineering (QA/QC only) Landscape Architecture TEAM Charlene Harper, PE David Gerstenmaier, PLA


VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY, CABELL LIBRARY For the addition to and renovation of Cabell Library at Virginia Commonwealth University, HG Design Studio was tasked with designing all new pedestrian hardscape and building entrance plazas to match the existing campus aesthetic we created on prior VCU projects, designing new planting plans and completing the site with amenities and fixtures. HG designed the compass rose pattern that has become a major focal point of the campus pedestrian network. For this project, we extended the hardscape of concrete and brick pavers to incorporate the new building footprint and completed the site with planting designed to augment the beauty of the campus during key points of the academic year. We also detailed a third-floor roof terrace with planters adjacent to the library’s interior event space to allow guests to spill outside.

LOCATION Richmond, VA CLIENT Virginia Commonwealth University ARCHITECT Mosely Architects CONSTRUCTION COST $50.8 M DATES Start: 2012 Completion: 2016 DISCIPLINES Landscape Architecture TEAM David Gerstenmaier, PLA


JAMES MADISON UNIVERSITY, MADISON HALL RENOVATION HG Design Studio is currently working on the renovation of Madison Hall, a multi-use office and event space on the campus nestled in the foothills between the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Allegheny Mountains. The challenging topography of the site led the design team to propose terraced seat walls made of local bluestone, and elegant steps down to a formal event lawn on a lower level. We created our planting design with the university calendar in mind, planning for heightened color and interest around the time of key campus events such as graduation and the late summer arrival of new students.

LOCATION Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT James Madison University CONSTRUCTION COST $25 M DATES Start: 2013 Completion: 2017 DISCIPLINES Landscape Architecture

COLLEGE OF WILLIAM & MARY, MEMORIAL TO THE ENSLAVED HG is providing landscape architecture and civil engineering services for a new Memorial to African Americans Enslaved by William & Mary. HG is designing a plaza at the memorial and a small amphitheater-like earthen mound with inset seat walls, all enclosed by a canopy of mature trees. Currently in design.

LOCATION Farmville, VA CLIENT Longwood University ARCHITECT Thompson & Litton DATES Start: 2017 Completion: 2019 DISCIPLINES Landscape Architecture TEAM Dave Gerstenmaier, PLA Andy Sisson, PLA

LONGWOOD UNIVERSITY JOAN OF ARC STATUE GROUNDS A series of interventions transformed this corridor prior to the 2016 mock debates and was completed on a tight and unforgiving schedule. Those projects included a new pedestrian entryway to Brock Commons, Beale Pavilion which is a new multiuse garden structure at the intersection of Brock Commons and Wheeler Mall, a new portico/entry feature to Willett Hall, the venue for the nationally televised Vice Presidential debates, and all terminated by a newly commissioned sculpture (by Alexander Stoddart) of Joan of Arc, patroness of the University. The end of Brock Commons is punctuated by a new bronze sculpture of Joan of Arc placed on a limestone plinth and nestled in an exedra surrounded by trees and other plantings. HG worked hand in hand with the architect to create a setting that would complement the commissioned sculpture. The Joan of Arc Sculpture and surrounding plaza and landscape creates a terminus for Brock Commons, the central pedestrian corridor running through the center of the Longwood University Campus. HG developed plans and details for the plaza surrounding the sculpture and designed a landscape plan focused on creating a backdrop for the sculpture and this important pedestrian space and endpoint for Brock Commons.


JAMES MADISON UNIVERSITY, CHANDLER COURTYARD Sustainability and stormwater management were the driving forces behind the Chandler Courtyard project. A busy 40-year-old crumbling concrete courtyard surrounded by three dormitories and an academic building was redesigned to reduce impervious area and add green space. The design ties together the adjacent buildings with a series of open green spaces and intimate seating configurations. The pre-development impervious surface area of the courtyard was decreased by a quarter of an acre and an overall storm-water management strategy was incorporated. Stormwater runoff headed for the lake was reduced in quantity and improved in quality through the use of bio-retention areas. The bio-filtration planters manage stormwater on-site and provide lush gardens in the middle of the courtyard. The courtyard was also designed to accommodate the circulation needs of the student dorm population. Beach volleyball and an outdoor dining terrace with a view of the lake are popular features within the space.

LOCATION Harrisonburg, VA CONSTRUCTION COST $775,000 DATES Start: 2010 Completion: 2012 DISCIPLINES Site Design Landscape Architecture TEAM Dave Gerstenmaier, PLA


UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, SCHOOL OF LAW ENTRANCE BEAUTIFICATION As part of our term contract with UVA, we provided Civil Engineering and Landscape Architecture services for the beautification of two entrances to the UVA School of Law. Our scope of work includes a new stair and rail, new sidewalk and curb, and repointing the brick in the FDC access area. We will also replace the screen wall at the Slaughter Hall entrance. HG Design Studio developed a schematic site plan to include pedestrian paving, other hardscape elements including stairs and walls, site structures and other special site features.

LOCATION Charlottesville, VA CLIENT University of Virginia DATES Start: 2016 Completion: 2017 DISCIPLINES Civil Engineering Landscape Architecture TEAM Dave Gerstenmaier, PLA Charlene Harper, PE, LEED AP

LOCATION Harrisonburg, VA DATES Start: 2017 Completion: 2019 DISCIPLINES Landscape Architecture TEAM Dave Gerstenmaier, PLA Andy Sisson, PLA

JAMES MADISON UNIVERSITY, WEST PARKING DECK HG designed the landscape surrounding the parking deck to create a park-like feel to the site. Staggered groupings of evergreen, flowering, and shade trees provide a sense of depth to the site while breaking up views to the parking deck. A planting bed filled with low evergreen and flowering shrubs, groundcover, and rows of flowering trees accent the parking deck’s vehicular entrance and exit, while also providing some separation for pedestrians crossing the entrance. A bioretention area for stormwater management provides another opportunity for landscape plantings to break up the expanse of lawn.

REPRESENTATIVE PROJECT LIST - PUBLIC HIGHER EDUCATION College of William and Mary Alumni House Expansion Crim Dell, Sorority Court, and Dorm Green & Gold Village Replacement Kaplan Arena Renovation Memorial Garden Memorial to the Enslaved Muscarelle Museum of Art Swem Library Terrace Ferrum College Campus Master Plan Update George Mason University Center Commons, Parking Deck, and Plazas Campus Master Plan Student Center Germanna Community College Campus Master Plan Replace French Slaughter Building James Madison University Carrier Arboretum Terrace & Fountain Chandler Courtyard College of Business Greek Row Charette Madison Hall Renovation President Rose House West Parking Deck Wind Farm YCP Playground John Tyler Community College Midlothian Campus Expansion Longwood University Academic Building Admissions Building Campus Entrance Redesign Convocation & Events Center Environmental Health & Safety Building Hull Springs Farm Joan of Arc Statue Grounds New Residence Halls Tennis Complex Upchurch University Center Wygal Hall Replacement Mary Baldwin College Student Center Terrace

Radford University Intramural Field & Entry Sign Randolph-Macon College Performing Arts Outdoor Plaza Athletic Fields Master Plan University of Mary Washington Campus Master Plan Campus Walk Jepson Science Center Amphitheater & Accessible Path University of North Carolina Charlotte Campus Master Plan University of Virginia/ Blue Ridge Hospital AMIR building at Fontaine Research Park University of Virginia Alderman Library Renovation Aquatics & Fitness Center Courtyard Brandon Ave Upper Class Housing Brody Jewish Center Bryan Hall Drainage Improvement Central Garage Storm Drain Clark Hall LEED EBOM Cocke Hall Drainage Improvements Crispell Drive Motorcycle Parking Darden Inn & Conference Center Darden Library Egress Davenport Field Expansion Dawson’s Row House Porch Replacement Drama Building Drainage Solutions East Range Drainage Improvements Elson Hall ADA Parking Encompass Health Flagler Court Patio Hotel C Drainage Improvements Ivy Corridor Ivy Mountain Duct Bank Extension Ivy Stacks Expansion JAG Egress Stairs JPA South Lawn Path JPJ Arena Security Study Klockner Drainage Study Lambeth Commons Landscape Assessment Lannigan Track Resurfacing Specifications

Lee Street Bus/Bike Shelter Maury Hall Drainage Improvements McCormick Rotunda Walkway Renovation Memorial Gym Basketball Courts Michie Hall Monroe Hall Egress Monroe Hill House Path Renovation Montebello Drainage Improvements Pavilion II Lower Garden Drainage Improvements Pavilion IV Garden Steps Replacement Pavilion V Drainage Improvement Pavilion VII Garden Ramp Peyton House Survey Physics Building Renovation Primary Care Entrance Improvements Randall Hall Landscape Refresh Robertson Hall Void Repair School of Law Entrance School of Nursing Resilience Garden Scott Stadium Security & East Gate Stairs Smith Hall Softball Competition Field Sprigg Lane House Drainage Temporary Athletic Village The Mews Historic Structure Report University Hall Bus Stop UPD Security Fence Softball Complex at Lambeth Field West Garden Walk Improvements Virginia Commonwealth University 12th Street Pedestrian Plaza Blair House ADA Upgrades Broad & Grace Streetscape Cabell Library Campus Amenity Guidelines Engineering and Business School Shafer Court Dining & Pedestrian Plaza Cary Street Recreation Facility Grace Street Student Housing Jefferson Street Parking Deck Larrick Student Center Main Hospital 7th Floor Roof Garden McGlothlin Medical Education Center

Past to Future Walk School of Nursing Garden Steam Plant Security Virginia Institue of Marine Science Acuff Center for Aquaculture Chesapeake Bay Hall Davis Hall Master Plan Virginia Military Institute Aquatic Center Cormack Hall Renovation Cocke Hall Renovation & Memorial Garden Nichols Engineering Building Scott Shipp Hall Renovations Virginia State University Davis Hall & Band Practice Field ESC & Stormwater Review Services Fleet’s Branch Stream Restoration Review M.T. Carter Building Addition Randolph Farm Small Farm Outreach Program High Tunnel Trunk Storm Drain Extension Virginia Tech Data and Decision Sciences Building Green Links Design Guidelines Infinite Loop Design Guidelines Landscape Architecture Term Contract (with Sasaki) Sandy Hall, Davidson Hall & Liberal Arts Building Renovation Wake Forest University Contemplative Garden Washington and Lee University Belfield Estate Historic Garden Renovation Stemmons Plaza

REPRESENTATIVE PROJECT LIST - PUBLIC K - 12 S C H O O L S Albert Hill Middle School Reading Garden Chimborazo Elementary School Rain Gardens Christchurch School Campus Master Plan Christchurch School Puller Science Center Collegiate School Master Plan & Exteriors Deep Run High School Baseball Facility Deep Run High School Entrance Sign Douglas Freeman High School Athletic Field Use Study Douglas Freeman High School Landscape Plan Douglas Freeman High School Stadium Entrance Linwood Holton Elementary School Outdoor Classroom Montross Middle School Norrell Annex Rain Gardens Pemberton Elementary Athletics Field Ridge Elementary School Parking Expansion Ridge Elementary School/Tuckahoe Middle School Masterplan Trevett Elementary School Circulation Study Tuckahoe Elementary School Outdoor Classroom Tuckahoe Elementary School Playground Tuckahoe Middle School Athletic Fields Virginia School for the Deaf and Blind Master Plan Washington & Lee High School

City of Richmond Public Safety Building (existing site analysis) Columbus Pump Station, Richmond, VA Fairfax City Hall and Police Headquarters Master Landscape Plan Fire Station #10, Richmond, VA First Police Precinct, Richmond, VA Fluvanna County Courthouse Gambles Mill Water Tower, Henrico County, VA Henrico County Government Courtyard Revisions Henrico County Operations Center Henrico County Fire Station #5 Hustings Courthouse, Petersburg, VA James City County Courthouse John Marshall Courts Building (infill study), Richmond, VA King George Courthouse Midlothian Police Station Patterson & Grove Ave Streetscapes, Richmond, VA Prince George County Courts Building Rockbridge County Courthouse Sherwood Site Master Plan Stafford County Government Center Third Police Precinct, Richmond, VA Virginia Juvenile Correctional Facility, Isle of Wight

MUNICIPAL Buckingham County Courthouse Byrd Park Water Tank Landscape, Richmond, VA Capital Square Landscape Master Plan, Richmond, VA Chesterfield County Courts Building Chesterfield County Fire Station #1 Chesterfield County Government Center Master Plan Chesterfield County Juvenile & Domestic Relations Courts Building Chesterfield County Mental Health Facility Chesterfield County Utilities Building Church Hill Water Tower, Richmond, VA City of Richmond Public Schools CSO Green Pilot Project

AIRPORTS Accomack County Airport Charlottesville Albemarle Airport Culpeper Regional Airport Dinwiddie County Airport Meadows Field Airport Mecklenburg-Brunswick Regional Airport Orange County Airport Richmond International Airport San Luis Obispo County Regional Airport Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport Stafford Regional Airport

LIBRARIES & MUSEUMS Bon Air Branch Library, Chesterfield County, VA Central Library Expansion, Chesterfield County, VA Chester Library and Arts Center, Chesterfield County, VA Frontier Culture Museum of Virginia, Staunton, VA Gayton Branch Library, Henrico County, VA Glen Allen Library Expansion, Henrico County, VA Lancaster County Library, Lancaster County, VA Midlothian Branch Library, Chesterfield County, VA North Park Library, Chesterfield County, VA Reams Gordon Library, Chesterfield County, VA Science Museum of Virginia, Richmond, VA Tuckahoe Library, Henrico County, VA Twin Hickory/Shady Grove Library, Henrico County, VA PARKS & RECREATION Byrd Park Water Tank Landscape 9-Mile Wellness Park, Richmond, VA Dominion Park, Richmond, VA Immigration and Customs Enforcement Soccer Field, Farmville, VA Mantle: Virginia Indian Tribute at Capitol Square, Richmond, VA RF&P Park, Henrico County, VA Short Pump Park, Henrico County, VA Tuckahoe Park Master Plan, Henrico County, VA Twin Hickory Park, Henrico, VA US Park Police Stables

REPRESENTATIVE PROJECT LIST - PRIVATE DEVELOPER PARTNERS Atack Properties, Inc. Atlantic Development & Acquisition Blue Green Communities Boyd Homes Bryan Robinson Real Estate, Inc. C. B. Robertson Centex Homes Cornerstone Homes D. O. Allen Builders Dominion Land & Development Corporation Eagle Construction of Virginia, LLC East West Partners Emerson-Roper Companies, LLC Gray Land Development Company, LLC Gumenick Properties Harper Associates, Inc. HHHunt Homes Highwoods Properties HMG Investments, LLC Hometown Realty iStar Financial Johnson Development Associates, Inc. Kotarides LandVest, Inc. Lifestyle Homes Marchetti Properties, Inc. Olympia Development Corporation R.C. Evans Management Group, Inc. Realty Ventures Group, Inc. Reed’s Landing Community Association Republic Land Development, LLC Rosenthal Properties Royal Dominion Homes Ryan Homes Sauer Properties, Inc. South Coast Properties, LLC SouthLand Properties, Greenville SC Stony Point Land, Inc. Stylecraft Homes The Tascon Group The Wilton Companies Tricord Homes Villa Construction, Inc. Youngblood Properties, LLC

RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS Abbey Village Barley Woods Barrington Belcrest Belmont at Broad Bentley Carriage Homes at Parham Place Centennial Towers Charter Colony Chickahominy Falls Creekside Village Crimson Crest Crossridge Ellington Woods Founders Bridge Four Seasons at New Kent Gardenbrook Garden Springs Grey Oaks Grove at Lucks Lane Halesford Harbour Camp Hancock Village Condos Harper’s Mill Heron Pointe Hickory Hill Hills Quarter Holloway Townes at Wyndham Holly Hills Iron Mill John Rolfe Square Keswick Kings Charter Lambert Landing Luck Farm Magnolia Green Magnolia Lakes Martins Grant Monument Park New Market Village New Post on the Rappahannock Oak Park Overbrook Lofts at The Cooperage Regency Square Apartments Rivergate

River Mill River Pines Rivers Bend Riverwatch Rutland Master Plan Salisbury Condos Shores of York Stag’s Leap Stonebridge Gardens Stonehouse Glen Summerfield Apartments Tarrington on the James Terraces at Swift Creek The Box Apartments The Chadwick on Grove The Landing at Swift Creek The Nest at Scott’s Addition The Park at Salisbury The Penny The Preserve at Deerfield The Summit at Scott’s Addition The Villages at Quarterpath Tillman Farm Townes at Pouncey Place Trellis Crossing Twin Hickory Village at Crossroads Station Villas at Ashlake Villas at Hunton Park Waterford Square Wellesley West Chase Townhomes Winterfield Crossing Woodlands Apartments Wyndham MIXED USE DEVELOPMENTS Alexander’s Crossing Belle Heights Bellgrade Plantation City Central Handcraft Cleaners Building, redeveloped Lake Anna Resort New Town Williamsburg Port Warwick

Scott’s View The Sauer Center West Broad Village Westhampton on Grove Winchester Grove POOLS Arbor Landing Swim Club Ashcreek Swim Club Bellcreek Community Pool Assessment Carriage Homes at Parham Place Pool Collegiate School Aquatics Center Country Club of Virginia Pool Dominion Club at Wyndham Founders Bridge Community Pool Foxhall Swim and Racquet Club Greater Richmond Aquatic Program Natatorium Grey Oaks Recreation Association Hermitage Country Club Imperial Plaza Pool Kanawha Recreation Association Kings Charter Swim Club Settler’s Landing Swim Club Swim RVA Northside Pool Tarrington Swim Club The Lake House at Twin Hickory Three Chopt Recreation Association Tides Lodge Freshwater and Saltwater Pools Wellesley Swim Club Wyndham Swim and Racquet Club

REPRESENTATIVE PROJECT LIST - PRIVATE PARKS AND RECREATION Colonial Downs Paddock Renovation K.B. River Club Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden-Rose Garden Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden-Pedestrian Bridge PIEtopia Park Richmond Raceway River’s Rest Marina Tuckahoe Sports Park and Little League Fields YMCA Camp Thunderbird YMCA Manchester Addition OFFICE / COMMERCIAL / INDUSTRIAL Altamont Avenue Warehouse Anthem Courtyard Branch Point Drive Self Storage Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Richmond Burger Media C.F. Sauer Company Headquarters Caliber Collision CapCenter Office Building Creekmore Office Park Dabney Road Self Storage Diversity Parking Expansion Dominion Build to Suit Facility Dominion High Voltage Lab FedEx Distribution Center Green Leaf Growing Facility Highwoods Properties Innsbrook Amphitheater Innsbrook Office Park Kimway Drive Warehouse Kinsale Insurance Headquarters Lake Innsbrook Trail Renovation Lamar Advertising Office Building Libbie Place Markel Workplace Resources MeadWestVaco Headquarters (now WestRock) Otterdale Storage Panera at Staples Mill Marketplace Parham Plaza Pie Tech Corporate Campus Regency Mall Pedestrian Plaza Sauer Center Southern States Headquarters

Staples Mill Marketplace Stonehenge Village Stuart’s Crossing Stylecraft Office Expansion Sweetie Boy Transportation The Spur Offices Virginia Center Commons Redux Willow Place Shopping Center GOLF COURSES Belmont Golf Course Country Club of Virginia, James River Course Country Club of Virginia, Tuckahoe Creek Course Country Club of Virginia, Westhampton Course Hermitage Country Club Hunting Hawk Golf Club Independence Golf Course Kinloch Golf Club Lake Monticello Golf Maintenance Site Redwing Lake Golf Course The Woods Golf Course at Kingsmill MUSEUMS American Civil War Museum Branch House Museum Virginia Museum of History & Culture RELIGIOUS Commonwealth Chapel Congregation Beth Ahabah Synagogue Eastlake Community Church Charette Epiphany Evangelical Lutheran Church Hope Church Midlothian Baptist Church River Road Church Columbarium Garden St. Edwards Catholic Church Columbarium Garden St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Columbarium HOSPITALITY Blackburn Inn & Spa Boathouse at Sunday Park Caritas Center Dover Hall Jefferson Hotel River’s Rest Marina

K - 12 S C H O O L S Centerpointe Thales Academy Christchurch School Scott Dining Hall Terrace Christchurch School Master Plan Christchurch School Puller Science Center Collegiate School Master Plan + Construction Administration Compass School, Columbus & Cincinnati, OH Episcopal Day School Faison School for Autism Goddard School KinderCare Learning Center and Playground Magnolia Academy Richmond Montessori School Parking Sabot at Stony Point St. Bridget School Entrance Plan + Parking Study St. Catherine’s School Dining Hall Expansion St. Joseph’s Villa Master Plan & Dooley School St. Mary’s School Renovation & Addition The Carmel School Trinity Episcopal School Master Plan HIGHER EDUCATION Liberty University - Reber-Thomas Dining Hall Liberty University - School of Osteopathic Medicine Liberty University - Softball Complex and Parking Deck University of Richmond- Brunet Hall University of Richmond- Carol Weinstein Center for International Studies University of Richmond- Jepson Hall University of Richmond- Law School Entry Court University of Richmond- Queally Hall Expansion University of Richmond- Queally Admissions Building University of Richmond- Robins Center Addition and Renovation University of Richmond- The Forum

REPRESENTATIVE PROJECT LIST - PRIVATE MEDICAL CENTERS Bon Secours Blackstone Medical Center Bon Secours Cancer Institute at Harbour View Bon Secours DePaul Medical Center Bon Secours Heart Institute Bon Secours Mary Immaculate Hospital Bon Secours Mary Immaculate Hospital Master Plan Bon Secours Maryview Medical Center Bon Secours Maryview Medical Center Master Plan Bon Secours Memorial Regional Medical Center Bon Secours Richmond Community Hospital Bon Secours St. Francis Cancer Institute Bon Secours St. Francis Medical Center Bon Secours St. Mary’s Hospital Bon Secours St. Mary’s Hospital Master Plan Brook Run Vision Center Children’s Hospital of Richmond Cumberland Hospital for Children & Adolescents John Randolph Medical Center Master Plan Huguenot Road Optometrist Libbie Medical Center Sentara Hospital Expansion Sheltering Arms Rehabilitation Institute St. Elizabeth Hospital The Eye Place VCU Medical Center VCU School of Dentistry Courtyard VCU-Massey Cancer Center Garden Lighting Virginia Eye Institute Virginia Physicians for Women Westhampton School Landscape Maintenance Oversight MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDINGS Bon Secours Ironbridge MOB Bon Secours Laburnum MOB Bon Secours Hampton Roads MOB Bon Secours Memorial Regional Medical Center MOB III Expansion Bon Secours St. Francis Child Care/MOB Bon Secours St. Francis MOB II Bon Secours St. Francis MOB Parking Lot Bon Secours St. Francis Watkins Center MOB Bon Secours St. Mary’s Behavioral MOB/Parking Bon Secours St. Mary’s MOB West Chippenham MOB Chippenham Johnston Willis MOB Depaul MOB Halifax Regional MOB

Harbour Pointe MOB Henrico Doctor’s Hospital MOB Hioak II Medical Office Building Lynchburg MOB Reynolds Crossing MOB #2, 3, & 4 Reynolds MOB Irrigation Sentara Halifax MOB Short Pump MOB Preliminary Site Study Woolfolk St. Mary’s MOB SENIOR LIVING/AGE SPECIFIC Autumn Run Beth Sholom Lifecare Community Bon Secours The Crossings at Ironbridge Cedarfield Senior Living Chesterfield County Lucy Corr Nursing Home Chickahominy Falls Goochland Earl Thompson Property Harper’s Mill Due Diligence Harvest Glen John Rolfe Square Lake Prince Woods Magnolia Lakes Midlothian Wood Norwood Pond Opaca Property Petersburg Tabernacle Senior Housing Reams Road Saddle Creek Farm St. Anthony’s Senior Housing Trellis Crossing Villas at Ashford Hill Villas at Ashlake Westmont at Short Pump Westminster Canterbury Senior Living - Richmond Westminster Canterbury Senior Living - Shenandoah Valley Winchester Senior Living HEALING, CHAPEL & MEMORIAL GARDENS & LABYRINTHS Bon Secours Memorial Regional Medical Center Healing Garden Bon Secours St. Francis Contemplative Garden & Labyrinth Bon Secours St. Mary’s Chapel Garden Sentara Cancer Center Contemplative Healing Garden & Water Feature Sentara CarePlex Hospital Memorial Garden Sentara Northern Virginia Medical Center Healing Garden St. Anthony Healing Garden

design studio 5701 Grove Avenue Richmond, VA 23226 www.1hg.net

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