BSU Annual Report 2009

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Mission Statement Bowie State University, through the effective and efficient management of its resources, provides high-quality and affordable educational opportunities at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral levels for a diverse student population of Maryland citizens and the global community. The educational programs are designed to broaden the knowledge base and skill set of students across disciplines and to enable students to think critically, value diversity, become effective leaders, function competently in a highly technical world, and pursue advanced graduate study. The University is committed to increasing the number of students from underrepresented minorities who earn advanced degrees in computer science, mathematics, information technology, and education. Constituent needs, market demands, and emerging challenges confronting socioeconomic cultures serve as important bases in the University's efforts to develop educational programs and improve student access to instruction. 2 | B o w i e s t a t e u n i v e r s i t y 2 0 0 9 A n n u al R e p o rt

Table of Contents President’s 4 Achievements.. 8 Financial Information.. 24 Donors and Supporters.. 26

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Message from the President

Mickey L. Burnim 4 | B o w i e s t a t e u n i v e r s i t y 2 0 0 9 A n n u al R e p o rt

the r f fo o n t tio men e a i c e th o v t s o l a r e. As mpr o e r I ho ltimo o l c a m s n a lti o a i a B t d a B e c in e n u h h e d c : T nd E e op hur 5 l 6 1 8 o r a l a Pe o p t i s t C ap M red B n lo Co Africa

Three noteworthy people and their

On Nov. 8, 2008, we held a black-tie gala to

connections to Bowie State University

launch a five-year, $15 million fund-raising

cause me to swell with pride for the

campaign called “Believe, Invest, Grow”

University and its accomplishments.

(BIG). Yes, we are in the midst of our nation’s worst economic crisis since the Great

One of those people is William Teel Jr., an

Depression, but we at Bowie State are opting

alumnus who founded 1 Source Consulting

not to participate in the recession. And

and Energy Enterprise Solutions. 1 Source

William gave good reason for that optimism:

Consulting was recognized by Inc. magazine

He led off our campaign with a $1 million

in 2006 as one of the nation’s fastest-growing

pledge, the largest gift in Bowie State’s

private companies, and William credits

144-year history.

much of his success to his undergraduate and master’s-degree education at Bowie State. “Bowie State taught me to become an independent thinker,” he says. Just as William received from the University, so he has given back.

William’s gift, part of $5 million raised so far

Dr. Putney’s national stature signifies the

by the campaign, will establish the William R.

academic heritage of our University and the

Teel Jr. Endowed Scholars Program.

excellence of our faculty.

The second person is Martha Settle Putney,

The third person is Tanisha Carmichael.

who died during the past year at age 92.

Tanisha, a broadcast journalism major,

Dr. Putney, the University’s former longtime

graduated summa cum laude with a 4.0 grade

History Department chairwoman, was

point average at our winter commencement

featured on the national NBC Nightly News

in December. The Washington Post

in February after her burial at Arlington

noted that this achievement was

National Cemetery. Tom Brokaw, who had

remarkable given the fact that

featured Dr. Putney prominently in his book

Tanisha also worked full-

The Greatest Generation, noted on the show

time, served as program

how she had been one of the first black

director for the

women to serve in the Women’s Army Corps

WBSU campus

during World War II, and later became a

radio station,

pioneering academic writing about African American contributions to the military.

6 | B o w i e s t a t e u n i v e r s i t y 2 0 0 9 A n n u al R e p o rt

cared for her 2-year-old son Elijah while her

We at Bowie State continued to strive hard

Air Force husband served in Iraq and gave

during the past year toward that bright

birth to their second child, Malia, three weeks

future. This Annual Report highlights some

before commencement. Tanisha’s fellow

of our accomplishments, which include

students gave her a standing ovation when she

major facility improvements completed

walked across the stage. Tanisha exemplifies

or nearing completion, new academic

the intelligence, drive and perseverance of

programs, new student retention initiatives,

our students.

improvements to our dining services, athletic championships and honors won by the

With students, faculty and alumni like

University, its faculty, its staff, its students

Tanisha Carmichael, Martha Putney and

and its alumni. I think you will be impressed.

William Teel Jr., Bowie State has a bright future built upon a dynamic heritage. Mickey L. Burnim, PhD President

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wn o ts ant i r ed g s . a a u h a h c it re ur w u p B l re o s o ’ o ch altim men s he in B reed T 8: ing he F 6 18 build m t fro

Bowie State University

ACHIEVEMENTS 8 | B o w i e s t a t e u n i v e r s i t y 2 0 0 9 A n n u al R e p o rt

Campus Facilities • The groundbreaking for a new $79 million

• Many improvements were made to campus

Fine and Performing Arts Center is scheduled

facilities, including installation of street lights

for summer 2009. The 123,000-square-foot

at the campus entrance and parking lots H and

building will include a 400-seat main theater,

I, roof replacement for the Crawford Science

200-seat black box theater, 200-seat recital

Building, roof and bleacher replacement for

hall, art gallery, classrooms, class laboratories

the Leonidas S. James Physical Education

and offices.

Complex gymnasium, bathroom renovation in Holmes Hall, ceiling replacement and floor

• The University hosted community information

replacement for the Special Collections Room

sessions on the future use of 219 acres at the

in the Thurgood Marshall Library, updating

Bowie MARC train station adjacent to the

bathrooms in Harriet Tubman Hall and

campus. Prince George’s County is considering

constructing a gate house on the Loop Road.

giving the tract to Bowie State. County planners are proposing that the tract be zoned for a

• The state appropriated $3.2 million to upgrade

mixed-use development that would include

the University’s electrical distribution system

retail, housing and office uses.

and add capacity for future campus expansion.

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Administrative • President Burnim reconstituted the Board

• The University signed a new dining services

of Visitors. Joshua I. Smith, chairman

contract with Thompson Hospitality, the largest

and managing partner of Coaching

minority-owned food service business in the

Group LLC, was elected Board chairman.

United States. Food Management magazine has ranked the company No. 10 among its “Top 50

• Two top academic positions were filled.

Food Management Companies.” Thompson will

Roosevelt Newson, new provost and vice

enhance and expand dining and retail services,

president for academic affairs, comes to Bowie

including investing $4 million in construction

State from the University of North Alabama,

and renovation of food-service facilities.

where he served as provost, vice president

Thompson also has guaranteed the University

for academic affairs and vice president for

$2 million in commissions, $237,000 for

university programs. (Newson is also a concert

meal-plan scholarships, $105,000 for academic

pianist with master’s and doctorate degrees

scholarships and $300,000 as an unrestricted gift.

from the Peabody Conservatory of Music in Baltimore, and served as guest conductor of

• The BSU Foundation established an Enrollment

a University-hosted concert honoring writer

and Retention Emergency Fund to reduce the

Langston Hughes.) Traki Taylor-Webb is the

number of students who drop out permanently

new dean of the College of Education, coming

or “stop out” temporarily because of financial

from the University of Michigan-Flint, where

hardship. Eight students received aid.

she served as associate dean of the School of Education and Human Services.

1 0 | B o w i e s t a t e u n i v e r s i t y 2 0 0 9 A n n u al R e p o rt


ial c n e. a n fi mor t irs alti f ts of B i d ie v e c i t y ec the r l o o from h sc ort e Th upp : s 70

• The Follett Higher Education Group, which

• Vice President Travis coordinated a visit to

manages the Bowie State bookstore, gave

Bowie State by the Association of College and

the University a $50,000 unrestricted gift and

University Housing Officers International.

provided $10,000 in bookstore scholarships.

Visitors came from universities and colleges in Australia, New Zealand, Scotland, South Africa

• The University received a Circle of Excellence

and England.

award from the national Council for Advancement and Support of Education for overall improvement in fundraising. • The University’s Office of Research and

• The University co-hosted a mini-conference for the White House Initiative on HBCUs. • The University co-hosted a minority

Sponsored Programs had 21 of its proposals

business and procurement symposium

funded for a total of $3.4 million in new funds.

with Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown and congressional leaders.

• Bowie State’s vice president for student affairs, Artie Travis, met with the Obama Transition Team on Education to discuss issues related to college student life.

• President Burnim hosted a roundtable

• President Burnim appeared before the

discussion on financial aid issues with U.S.

state Commission to Develop the Maryland

Senators Barbara Mikulski and Ben Cardin,

Model for Funding Higher Education to discuss

Gov. Martin O’Malley, Prince George’s County

issues relating to operating and capital funding

Executive Jack Johnson, University System of

for Bowie State University. He also testified

Maryland Chancellor William “Brit” Kirwan

before the Maryland General Assembly

and Maryland Higher Education Commission

in support of legislation to implement

Secretary James Lyons. Bowie State students

recommendations of the commission, and in

participated in this discussion.

support of measures to enhance funding for historically black institutions, and on issues

• Del. Michael Busch, speaker of the

related to remedial education.

Maryland House of Delegates, toured the campus and met with President Burnim

• The University hosted the University

and campus administrators to discuss the

System of Maryland Board of Regents

University’s priorities.He was joined by Del.

meeting in December 2008.

James Hubbard, who represents the 23rd Legislative District. On a separate occasion,

• Karl Brockenbrough, vice president for

Del. John Bohanan, chairman of the House

administration and finance, was selected

Appropriations Subcommittee on Education

as an alternate negotiator to serve on the

and Economic Development, visited Bowie

U.S. Department of Education’s rulemaking

State and met with President Burnim and

committee. The committee, which represents

campus administrators.

institutions of higher learning across the

1 2 | B o w i e s t a t e u n i v e r s i t y 2 0 0 9 A n n u al R e p o rt

country, will work with federal officials to

• Fine and Performing Arts faculty member

update regulations for student financial

Bob Bartlett directed “Native Son,” a play

assistance programs.

by famed playwright Richard Wright, at the American Century Theatre in Arlington, Va.

• K aren Johnson Shaheed, vice president and general counsel, was appointed by Gov.

Faculty members Renee Charlow and Evan Crum performed among the cast.

Martin O’Malley to the Prince George’s County Hospital Authority, a seven-member board

• Under the leadership of Alirio Valbuena,

charged with securing new ownership for the

vice president for information technology,

county’s health system.

the major ERP application for Student Administration and Human Capital

• Staff who received Thurgood Marshall College

Management was upgraded from

Fund’s 2009 Best in Track Awards were Deborah

version 8.0 to 9.0. This includes

Stanley, director of financial aid (Outstanding

major modules that serve the

Management and Performance in Financial

student, faculty, and campus

Aid Management), Tammi L. Thomas, director

community of Bowie State

of University Relations and Marketing


(Outstanding Leadership in Public Relations), and Charlotte Williams, scholarship coordinator (Outstanding Performance Award as Thurgood Marshall College Fund Coordinator).

• BSU met the requirements of the University

• Under the leadership of Artie Travis, vice

System of Maryland’s 2009/2010 Policy on

president for student affairs, we revamped

Textbook Affordability Measures by posting

the Bowie State University Emergency

textbook ISBNs, title, author and edition

Management Plan, which is posted online.

information on the University’s website for courses offered for the Fall ’09 semester.

• Under the leadership of Richard Lucas, vice president for institutional advancement, we

• We made tremendous strides forward in our

successfully launched the BIG campaign.

comprehensive marketing effort. • Bowie State awarded 31.78% of its contracts • We graduated over 1,000 students this

to minority business enterprises (MBE).

academic year. U.S. Congresswoman for

The results of our procurement activities

the District of Columbia Eleanor Holmes

demonstrate the University’s commitment

Norton was the keynote speaker for the fall

to collaborating with minority- and women-

commencement and Maryland State Senator

owned businesses.

C. Anthony Muse was the keynote speaker for the spring commencement. Graduates received baccalaureates, master’s and doctoral degrees in 49 academic programs administered by the University’s Colleges of Professional Studies, Education, Business and Arts and Sciences.

1 4 | B o w i e s t a t e u n i v e r s i t y 2 0 0 9 A n n u al R e p o rt

a ed d ie ve port . c sup nd e r ol ich ar yla o ch , wh M S n la i d r m ls fun ldren o l i N e h e c r W o ilt m lson egro a Ne d N B he the free T 1: from n of 7 18 acy tio a c leg edu the

Academic • Bowie State’s Maryland Center,

• The University reorganized the former

a nonprofit foundation that works to

Office of Graduate Studies into the new

enhance the educational, research and

Graduate School to accelerate the growth

service missions of the University, was

of graduate programs.

awarded a $1.1 million grant by the Maryland • The College of Business was

State Department of Education to increase the advanced math skills of more than 400

re-accredited by the Association

Prince George’s County students in grades 5-9.

of Collegiate Business

The program will include a summer math

Schools and Programs

camp and school-year booster sessions.

for 10 more years.

• The University’s College of Education initiated a Principals’ Institute with $192,000 in federal funding secured by Congressman Steny H. Hoyer. The institute features an 18-month curriculum with daylong Saturday classes that cover preparation for principal certification for Prince George’s County elementary, middle and high schools. The institute also will provide training in leadership and advanced professional development.

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pp 72: or Th tf e s ro m cho the ol Ma rece ryl ive an d d its sta te first go fin ve an rn me cial nt.


su The rigorous process examined academic

• The Department of Nursing’s baccalaureate

programs and recognized the University’s

program won accreditation for 2009-2015

teaching excellence at the baccalaureate and

from the National League of Nursing and

graduate level.

Accrediting Commission.

• The Department of Management Information

• The College of Arts and Sciences is creating

Systems was awarded a $140,000 grant by the

a program on bioinformatics, a new academic

Maryland Higher Education Commission to

field that creates data-base and computational

develop a Master of Science degree program in

methods to accommodate the current explosion

information assurance. The program includes

in biological and genomic knowledge.

seven new courses. • A Center for Global Engagement was launched to coordinate the University’s world outreach activities. Two Bowie State professors, George Acquaah and Clayton Lang, are traveling to Ghana in July 2009 as part of a process of developing a multi-university study-abroad program there. • The Maryland Higher Education Commission, in affiliation with the Maryland Health Services Cost Review Commission, awarded three

Nursing Faculty Fellowships to Bowie State.

abroad programs to Africa. Professors George

The $20,000 fellowships will supplement the

Acquaah and Clayton Lang will travel to

fellows’ salaries, assist with graduate expenses

Ghana as part of the process of developing

and pay for conference fees and travel expenses

a study abroad program to Ghana.

for speaking engagements. • T he degree program Computer Graphics Arts was renamed Visual Communications and

• The University’s College of Professional

Digital Media Arts (VCDMA).

Studies partnered with Comprehensive Behavioral Care (CompCare), a managed

• P rofessor Bradford Braden received his

behavioral health organization based in Tampa, Fla., to provide eight Bowie State

second patent for his outstanding research

students with summer internships.

in the protein structure: WO 2009/009103 A2 January 15, 2009. ‘Crystals and Structure of Human IgG Fc variant.’

• Professor Mario Fenyo of the Department of History and Government was elected president

• P rofessors Renee Shea and Debora Wilchek

of the Association of Third World Studies.

published their book, Zora Neale Hurston in the classroom: “With a sword and a harp in

• The Center for Global Engagement was established to coordinate all global

my hands” (Publisher – National Council of

collaboration activities. The College of Arts

Teachers of English).

and Sciences was awarded a planning grant as part of a consortium effort led by Michigan

• P rofessors Joan Langdon and Anne Nedd

State University and included Tuskegee

were co-directors of the 12th Annual

University, Norfolk State University, and

Regional HBCU Summit.

Jackson State University, to develop study E x c e l l e n c e | C i v i l i t y | i n t e g r i t y | d i v e r s i t y | a c c o u n ta b i l i t y | 1 7

Students and Alumni • A group of Bowie State students spent

State Department Internship Fellows Program.

spring break in New Orleans to assist

Student fellows are mentored by senior Foreign

victims of Hurricane Katrina. They

Service officials and attend networking events.

mentored children, repaired three

They also are encouraged to take the exam to

baseball fields and helped clean parks.

become a Foreign Service officer.

• University student residents collected more

• Students Alonni Grannum-Cochrane and

than 21,000 pounds of recyclables during

Shahde Graham-Coker received Thurgood

their first involvement in the Recyclemania

Marshall College Fund Awards of Excellence.

Competition, which involved 500 colleges and

The Thurgood Marshall College Fund

universities across the country.

is a national philanthropy that provides scholarships and support to HBCUs.

• Peer educators in the ATOD (Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs) program performed a play

• Visual communications and digital arts student

titled “AIDS Has No Color” for World AIDS

Samantha Key received a laptop computer as

Day, National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness

the winner of a design competition hosted by the

Day and National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS

Maryland-National Capital Parks and Planning

Awareness Day. They travel to Atlanta in

Commission, Prince George’s County Council

August 2009 to perform the play at the

and Prince George’s Community Foundation.

U.S. Centers for Disease Control.

The competition was to create a visual representation of land use plans that are being

• Students Krystina Womack, LaQuesha Jones,

developed for the Bowie State and Maryland

Lillie Thomas II and Michelle Brooks were

Area Regional Commuter (MARC) train station

selected among 60 students nationally to

area in Bowie.

participate during summer 2009 in a new U.S. 1 8 | B o w i e s t a t e u n i v e r s i t y 2 0 0 9 A n n u al R e p o rt


in z e


l a m

r s. o r n l r ar y che o ho ond tea c s ec ro e g h t-s Ne T s in : o 3 8 ly p tra 8 1 le to so ol a ho s a sc r eo

• Senior Mackenlov Dorival was cited by Gov.

• Fine and Performing Arts faculty member Bob

Martin O’Malley in his 2009 State-of-the-State

Bartlett directed “Native Son,” a play by famed

address as an example of Maryland’s progress in

playwright Richard Wright, at the American

expanding financial opportunities for students

Century Theatre in Arlington, Va. Faculty

to afford college.

members Renee Charlow and Evan Crum performed among the cast.

• Bowie State’s student newspaper, The Spectrum, launched an online version. It can be read at

• At the Annual National HBCU-UP Research Conference, held in Atlanta, Georgia, the Second Place distinction was awarded to the team

• Alumnus William Thomas was named Maryland

from Bowie State University. The two students

Teacher of the Year. A government teacher

involved in the project, Brian Cunningham and

at Dr. Henry A.Wise Jr. High School in Upper

Jamin Gallman each received a certificate of

Marlboro, Thomas earned his master’s degree in

accomplishment and a cash award.

reading education at Bowie State.

Community Outreach • The University hosted Prince George’s County

• Seven accounting students helped more than 50

middle school students at its ExxonMobil

low-income residents of Bowie and other parts

Bernard Harris Summer Science Camp.

of Maryland complete their federal tax returns.

The two-week camp featured field excursions, science experiments and a meeting with

• The University launched an online, interactive

former NASA astronaut Bernard Harris,

game called “R U Ready?” targeting middle

the first African American astronaut to

school and early high school students to help

conduct a space walk.

them start to make the right choices to prepare for college. Players of the game also learn about

• Eight members of the University’s Students

Bowie State and what it offers.

In Free Enterprise (SIFE) team, accompanied by faculty member James T. Dixon, visited

• As faculty advisor, Professor James Dixon

Trinidad and Tobago to lead a Junior

coordinated the Campbell Soup Company’s

Achievement (JA) project for 67 elementary

“Stamp out Hunger Project” with the BSU

students. Junior Achievement inspires students

Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) chapter.

to develop entrepreneurial skills. Bowie State’s

Donations were generous from a broad cross

SIFE team has managed a JA program at

section of businesses and organizations.

Heather Hills Elementary School in Bowie for four years and, since two of its members were from Trinidad, the team decided to take the program international.

2 0 | B o w i e s t a t e u n i v e r s i t y 2 0 0 9 A n n u al R e p o rt

19 0 8 trac : The sch t in ool Prin relo ce cate Geo rge d to ’s C o u n a 18 7 - ac t y. re

• During the Annual Spring Arts Festival, the

• The President’s Update, a monthly Bowie

Department of Fine and Performing Arts hosted

State University (BSU) television segment,

the world renowned artist, Sam Gilliam, among

featured discussions with campus and Maryland

other dignitaries.

leaders, such as: USM Chancellor William “Brit” Kirwan, Maryland Higher Education

• The Department of Fine and Performing Arts

Commission Secretary James Lyons, and

hosted the 2009 annual music festival in honor

Prince George’s County Councilwoman

of poet Langston Hughes’ “I too Sing, America.”

Ingrid Turner. The show is hosted by President

Choirs from Morgan State, Delaware State,

Mickey L. Burnim and produced by BSU’s

University of Maryland at Princess Anne and

cable television station which airs on Prince

BSU were in attendance.

George’s County Comcast and Verizon cable channels. Professor Otis Thomas is the executive producer of the show.

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Athletics • The softball team won its third consecutive

• H ired over the past year are new head coaches

Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association

Darrell Brooks (men’s basketball), Donna Polk

(CIAA) softball title with a 16-2 conference

(women’s basketball), Yvette Thomasson (women’s

record. Also for the third consecutive year,

volleyball), Darrell Toney (women’s softball) and

senior shortstop Tiffany Toney was named CIAA

Damon Wilson (football).

Player of the Year, hitting .457 for the season. Freshman outfielder Shanae Smoot was named CIAA Rookie of the Year.

• E laine Rhoades was named women’s field events Most Valuable Performer at the CIAA outdoor track championships. Rhoades won the long jump and triple jump, placed second in the high jump, finished third in the 400-meter hurdles and ran fourth in the 100-meter hurdles. Both women’s and men’s teams placed second in the championships. • Bowie State received five awards at the CIAA endof-the-year 2009 spring meeting. The University was awarded the Loretta Taylor All Sports Team Trophy, given to the school whose teams cumulatively did the best across all sports.

2 2 | B o w i e s t a t e u n i v e r s i t y 2 0 0 9 A n n u al R e p o rt

nd a l y ar e. M i d w e am l at Bo n o as o w h l o Sc o l h a sc tri s e u d Th n I : 4 d 191 mal an Nor

Tiffany Toney was selected Female ScholarAthlete of the Year, former Athletic Director Derek Carter was selected the Jeanette A. Lee Administrator of the Year, Michelle Latimer was chosen as the Women’s Indoor Track and Field Coach of the Year and Gregory Goings was tabbed as the Sports Information Director of the Year. • R unning back Isaac Redman signed with the NFL’s Pittsburgh Steelers. Redman ended his Bulldogs career as the school’s all-time rushing leader with 3,300 yards, and set the University’s single-game rushing record of 218 yards.



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um l u ric ed. r u h c c l n a u n a o l i ss was e f ro ion p r at a c e u -y d o w her e t : A teac 5 2 in 19

Bowie State University

Financial assessment 2 4 | B o w i e s t a t e u n i v e r s i t y 2 0 0 9 A n n u al R e p o rt

Financial Review The nation’s and the state of Maryland’s fiscal condition presented many financial challenges for all of higher education. However, we are pleased to report that with the support and input from all members of Bowie State’s campus community, we persevered through the economic challenges of FY 2009. Last year the University continued to realign its resources to address institutional priorities and fulfill our dual mission. Moreover, we received good audits (unqualified audit of 2008 Financial Statement). Although the financial audit for FY 2009 is still in progress, we feel the preliminary information presented below is an indication of the University’s efforts to strengthen the financial vitality of the University and continue to be a good investment for the state and an asset to the University System of Maryland.



Scholarships 6.3% Auxiliary 15.5%

Other Revenues 2.8%

Instruction 36.0%

Tuition/Fees 37.7%

Auxiliary 16.9%

Plant 11.9%

General Support 16.5%

Student Svc. 6.0%

Academic Support 7.7%

State Appropriations 42.6%

Disclaimer: The information above is based on preliminary fiscal year 2009 statutory data and does not reflect the total statutory operations of the University for fiscal year 2009. Prior years’ University of Maryland Audited Financial Statements and Supplemental Data for Bowie State University with the Reports of Independent Auditors are available at E x c e l l e n c e | C i v i l i t y | i n t e g r i t y | d i v e r s i t y | a c c o u n ta b i l i t y | 2 5

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ing n i tra the r fo and m n te a a t r r o g b e g u n d S i e. p r la Bow s a y a r e a w t -y r M s a r u fo he med llege c A a 5: r y te rena s Co 3 19 enta was cher l a m o e e o T l e sch

Bowie State University

Donors and Supporters 2 6 | B o w i e s t a t e u n i v e r s i t y 2 0 0 9 A n n u al R e p o rt

President’s Circle $25,000 + Mickey L. and LaVera L. Burnim*


Radio One, Inc.*

Salome Raheim*

William R. Teel Jr.*

Who Will Care? Fund for Nurse Education (MHEI)*

Heritage Circle $10,000 - $24,999 ABM Janitorial Services*

B&W Solutions, Inc.*

Mary J. Crawford*

Robert O. Goodman Sr. Estate*

First Baptist Church of Highland Park*

Kimberly Stokes*

Systems Application & Technologies, Inc.*

Sherece West*

Goodloe Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Richard Bradberry*

Karl Brockenbrough*

Derek A. Carter*

Sondra Harris*

Johnson Controls, Inc.*

Richard and Jennifer Lucas*

Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund*

Maryland Charity Campaign*

Anthony Nelson*

Roosevelt Newson*

Khalid and Karen Shaheed*

Darren Swain*

Richard and Tammi Thomas*

Thompson Hospitality Corporation*

Artie L. Travis*

Betty B. Turner*

Xerox Corporation* * 1865 Society E x c e l l e n c e | C i v i l i t y | i n t e g r i t y | d i v e r s i t y | a c c o u n ta b i l i t y | 2 7

ho cher prog ols s ra f o wa r m t s e jun o t sta ior rain bli hig sh h ed .

:A 51




Cornerstone Circle $2,500 - $4,999

The University of Maryland Foundation, Inc.*

70/80’s Alumni Group c/o Tyrone Dodson*

Unilever US, Inc.*

BSUNAA Prince George’s County Chapter*

George Acquaah*

Alirio Valbuena*

Barbara Bush*

Joanne C. Benson*

Guy O. and Susan Williams*

Joyce Cowan*

BMW of Sterling*

Diane Wilson-Bragg*

Tyrone Dodson*


Colette P. Youngblood*

Bujinkan Dojo*

T. Rowe Price Associates Foundation, Inc.*

Dorothy Holland* Hunter Memorial AME Church* Addie Martin*

BSUNAA Montgomery County Chapter*

Anonymous Donor (1)*

DALY Computers, Inc.* Melvin W. Gaskins Jr.*

BSUNAA Lower Shore Chapter*

Founders’ Circle $1,000 - $2,499

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission* Follett Higher Education Group* Goodloe Memorial Unitarian Universalist Congregation*

Raymond Peters*

Association for the Study of African American Life & History*

Alfonzo and Valorie Powell*

Essie Banks*

Barbara Jackson*

Sodexo Inc. & Affiliates*

Giles Bragg*

Edna Johnson*

Southwest Airlines*

Delores Brown*

Joan Langdon*

Robert and Pinkie Strother*

Latest Technology International*

Traki Taylor-Webb*

Bowie State University National Alumni Association (BSUNAA)*

The Hopewell Group*

BSUNAA Baltimore Chapter*

Shirley Long*

* 1865 Society 2 8 | B o w i e s t a t e u n i v e r s i t y 2 0 0 9 A n n u al R e p o rt

James and Agnes Griffin*

Irving Long*

Manat, Phelps & Phillips, LLP*

Wachovia Corporation*

Dion Carter

Marketing Cents*

Larry and Brenda Williams*

Alia Coggins

Eleanor Murden Harris*

Floyd Wilson Jr.*

Rosalee Coleman

Anne Nedd*

Donald Wilson*

Antoinette A. Coleman

John Organ Jr.*

B. Yvonne Wilson*

W. Scott Davenport

Beatrice Payne*

Lillian Wiseman*

Robert and Yvonne Davis

Prince George’s Classic, Inc.*

Flagstaff Industries Corporation

Prince George’s County, Maryland*

Anita Ford

Reid Temple AME Church* J. Sidney Sheppard*

Educators’ Circle $500 - $999

Gregory Gill Patricia Hughes Sam and Leah Jamison

George and Esther Simmons* State of Maryland*

Andrews Reproduction Center, Inc.

Olivia Jenkins

Mary Stokes*

Bessie Barkley-Morgan

Robert and Toyia Lyda

Strategic Solutions Center*

Robert Barnes

William Missouri

Swope Health Services*

Shirelle Briscoe

Montgomery College Rockville

The 7th District Constituent Fund*

Dan and Ronnie Brock

The Dorsey Educational Fund, Inc.*

BSUNAA Campus Based Alumni Chapter

National Archive Publishing Company

The Reznick Group, P.C.* The Smith Company*

BSUNAA Anne Arundel County Chapter

United Concordia Companies, Inc.*

BSUNAA Nursing Alumni Chapter

Joan Oxendine PEPCO Maud Pinkney Norman and Yolanda Pruitt

E x c e l l e n c e | C i v i l i t y | i n t e g r i t y | d i v e r s i t y | a c c o u n ta b i l i t y | 2 9

or f am r . g d ro e p ch g n n i u in la a s r t a w er h n c o i tea ducat A : e 1 y 6 r 9 a 1 nd o c se

Radcliffe-Hunt Center for Excellence

Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.

Estelle Owens Johnson

Vernon Reid

Barbara Wilson Bush

Robert Kostecka

Barbara Scott-Johnson

Jerome Clark

Audrey Lucas

Joshua I. Smith

D. Michael Lyles and Associates, P.C.

Pamela Love-Manning

Lori Smothers

Ramona Davis

Joanne Meredith

Zilpha Thomas

Anonymous Donor (2)

Sammye Miller

Lorise White-Wolfe

Lawrence C. Dunston

Pamela O’Brien

Rose Wiseman

Audrey L. El-Amin

Mary Oxendine

Verizon Foundation

Friends of Carolyn J.B. Howard Committee

G. Steve Proctor

ZIP Mailing Services, Inc.

Shirley Fuqua Doris C. Gamble

Scholars’ Circle $250 - $499

Anthony Gaston

John Amey

Paul Hester

Debra Boyd

In Memory of Dallas T. Burgess

Shirlette D. H. Boysaw

Industrial Bank, NA

Robert Brooks

Brenda James

Erwin Brown Jr.

Larry Johnson

Arnold Bullard

Ellen Johnson

Jason Groves Karima Haynes

* 1865 Society 3 0 | B o w i e s t a t e u n i v e r s i t y 2 0 0 9 A n n u al R e p o rt

Vicki Rhone-Barber Elliott Robinson Barbara Smith Roland B. Smith Jr. Deborah Stokes Strategic Community Services, Inc. Verizon Henry Williams Sr. Gwendolyn Williams B. Wilson Evelyn Wright

Donors’ Circle $100 - $249 Sherman Addison Alaba Adesida Traci Allotey Marian Anderson Arrowhead Elementary School Sylvia Askew Michael Atkins Reubin Atkins Carl Atkinson Aaron Prince Avant Sarah Awkard L. Anthony Bagley Donald Ball Jr. Annie Kennedy Barbour Geraldine V. Barbour Rhonda Barnett Eartha and Florence Beaty

George Bennett

Barbara Butler

Bergen County New Jersey Pokeno Club

Charles Butler

Clyde Bolds Jerry Bolling Barbara Boney Lois Bowman Virgil Boysaw Mary Bradford Cubie Bragg Elizabeth Broadway Judy Brooks John Brooks Leroy Brown Peggy Brown Rachel Brown Thelma Brown-Wallace Brianne Burgess Clarence Burley Joseph Butler John Butler

Alberta Butler Nancy Calabrese Milton Carr Octavia Carter Myra Cason Champion Remodeling & Design Clareice Chaney Clyneice Chaney Helen Chapman Circles of Hope Mental Health Clinic Joyce Clark Mirtis Coggins Maude Coleman Joyce Conway Irving Copeland Jr. Edith Cornish Robert Cromwell Robert Cross Patsy Dade

Thelma Daley

Sharon Drummer

Violet L. Fisher

Andrea Colbert Daniels

Angela Dunlap-Harris

Christine Foland

Sheila Lynn Davis

Deborah Eason

Marian Forma

Elbe Davis Sr.

Andrew Edwards

Mark Francis

Joseph Davis Sr.

Stanley Edwards Jr.

Henry Frazier III

Joel Dearring

Virginia Eggleston

Earl Freddie

Tijuanna DeCoster

Sheila Eley

Lauretta Freeman

Edward DeShields Jr.

Jeffrey Elkner

James Dixon

Marjorie Elliott

Friends of Broward County Transit Division Staff

Arthur J. Dock

Fiseha Eshete

Anonymous Donor (15)

Jacquelyn Eubanks-Rudd

Ruth Dory

Zara Evans

Mara R. Doss

Evangeline Evans

Early Doss

Norma Fields

3 2 | B o w i e s t a t e u n i v e r s i t y 2 0 0 9 A n n u al R e p o rt

Friends of Jim Proctor Committee Darlene Fuller Tara Garner Faye Gaskin Janette Gearing

as w am as r g w ro l p o h o e g e. rts c a s l ll e ra o h e t C b li te nd A a a t : S d 3 e 196 ement Bowie l imp named re

Ludie Gibson

Percy Hill

Doretha Jones

Wanda Gill

Ann Hilliard

Uly Keener Jr.

Doris Gillard

Derrick Hinton

Robert Kelsaw

Warna Gillies

Wendell Holloway

Donald Kiah

Global Impact

Tiffany Holodnak

Audrey King

Ann Goode

Benjamin Hosch

Patrice King

Doris Grant

Marion Hosey

Phyllis Knight

Arthur Graves

Linda Howard

Joseph Lanciano

Orman Greaves

Malinda Howard

James Lanier

Gloria Green

Paulette Huckstep

Dante Lee

Keith Gruenberg

Mark Humphries

Tatia Leeks

Henry Hailstock Jr.

John Foxx Hyater Jr.

Nathaniel Lewis

Patricia Handy

George Ingram Sr.

Felincia Lofton

Jimmie Harrell

Betty Isom

Lorenzo Long

John I. Harris III

Vatice Jackson-Walker

Ramona Long

Michael Harris

Barbara James

Evelyn Love

Richard Hawkins

Harold James

Dora Barnes Lucas

Ruth Henley

Rhonda Jeter-Twilley

Javors Lucas

Marc Henry

Perry A. Johnson

James Lyles Sr.

Thomas Herndon

Otho Johnson Jr.

Barbara Lynch-Freeman

Thomas Herrera

Kevin Johnson

James Mable

Donald Herring

Audrey C. Johnson

Robert Mahoney

Shirley Ann Hicks

Mona Johnson

David Marsh

E x c e l l e n c e | C i v i l i t y | i n t e g r i t y | d i v e r s i t y | a c c o u n ta b i l i t y | 3 3

197 0: T firs t gr he sc h a Ma ste duate ool of r of fere deg d Edu r cat ee pro its ion gra . m,

Walter Mason Jr.

Isaac Oliver

Thomas Read Sr.

R Matthews

Danielle C. Ompad

William D. Reed

Rochelle Matthews-Somerville

Louise B. Outlaw

Raunal Reid

Rupert Mccatty

Dharma Pala

Leon Reynolds

Robert and Carolyn McGlotten

Hermon Parker

Mary Riordan

Teresa McKinney

Matilda Parker

Jacqueline Robinson

Judith McMillan

Lula Parran

Selma Robinson

Bobette Meads

Charlene Passmore

Julia Robins-Paul

E Mester Jr.

Marion Patterson

Arthur Rochee

Ricardo Mitchell

Charles Patterson

Vera Rogers

Candace Mitchell

Doris E. Payne

Molly Ruppert

Kevin Montgomery

John Petty

Rodney Russell

Dewana Moore

Joyce Phillip

Lucille Sharps Salisbury

Deidre Sellman Morgan

Anita Philyaw

Rasheedah Sharief

Shirley Morris

PMA Associates, Inc.

Renee Shea

Sharon Morsell

Catherine Pondozzi

Bobbie Shockley

William Neal

T. Britt Price

James Short

Helen Neal

Vera Pryor

Barry Simms

Lionel Neptune

Margaret Rainville

Linda Simms

Mary Gregg Newman

Gladys Queen Ramey

Phyllis Sisson

Lawrence Oates Sr.

Benjamin Randall Jr.

Marvin E. Sloan

3 4 | B o w i e s t a t e u n i v e r s i t y 2 0 0 9 A n n u al R e p o rt

Beatrice Smith

Michelle Thornton

Jerry Waring

Benjamin Smith Jr.

Shirley Toye

Leon Washington Jr.

Eleanor Smith

Isaac Trouth III

Omega Brown Watkins

Dorothea Holt Smith

Wanda Tucker

Josephine Whipple

John Smith

May Turner-Reid

Carolyn Whitham

Cynthia Snavely

Tracy Underwood

Gilbert Williams

John Snowden Jr.

Joseph Urquhart

Gwendolyn Williams

John Spells

Freddie Vaughns

Dorothy Williams

Doris Steele

Robert Veiga

Randolph Williams

John Stewart

Versatile Entertainment

Lucille Strain Dural Suite Jr. Sylvester Business Services

Penick Wagstaff Jr. Ernest Waiters

William Talbert TD Bank Ella Templeton The Lamar Companies Otis Thomas Harrison Thomas Peggy Thomas-Lewis Doreen Thompson

E x c e l l e n c e | C i v i l i t y | i n t e g r i t y | d i v e r s i t y | a c c o u n ta b i l i t y | 3 5

William Williams Jr.

Yvonne Alston

Ella Awkard Barnes

Blanche Wilson

America’s Charities

Brenda L. Barnes

M. Sue Wilson

Barrington Anderson

Shelley Archer Barron

WMATA-Office of Inspector General

Lartha Anistead

Rachel Baylor

Sharon Woods

Elizabeth Ardisana

Francis Bechwith

Theodore Wright III

Shelly Arnold

Winell Belfonte

Robyn Assaf

Mark A Benjamin

Paul Atueyi

Michael Berry

Reginald Augustus

Brenda Bethea

Supporters up to $99

Annette Aulton

Janice J. Black

Joyce Adair

Judith Awusah

Ray Bledsoe

Oluwatoyin Adams

Virginia Grant Backmon

Frances Blue

Abraham Adigun

Joyce Bailey

Raymond Bobo

Amani Ahmed

Betty Bailey

Marcella Bordley

Ceci Aikens

Donna Baird-White

Carol Borum

Elo Akonawe

Jacqueline Baker-Hayes

Mathews Bowlding

Wyndolyn Alexander

Arlene Ballard

Ethel Bowles

Roberta Alexander

Nichole Banks

James Boyd

Valerie Allen

Theresa Banks

Leslie Boyd

Allmond & Company, LLC

Delois Barnes

Lucille Boyette

Angie Alston

Devon Barnes

Mynichia Braxton

3 6 | B o w i e s t a t e u n i v e r s i t y 2 0 0 9 A n n u al R e p o rt

of e t tu i t s d. n I e h s lis ur b k i a e t Dr as es r e dl w A s n e Th atio : l e 5 197 man R Hu

Ruth Braxton

Sandra Kendrick Burton

Doris Clark

Peter Bray

Alvin Burwell

George Clarke

Joan Briscoe

Jeffrey Bush

Robert Clarke

Patricia Broady

Kathy Butcher

Nina Clarke

Gladys Brock-Porter

Linda Butler

Sheila D. Clinton

Rosella Brooks Camper

Kiesha Butler

Norma Cole-Ljadunola

Adele Phelps Brown

Thomas Butz

Aaron Coleman

Eva Tittle Brown

Patrick Buzzerd

Betty Coleman

Doris Brown

Katherine Cadle

Effie Coley

Kevin Brown

Yvette Caldwell

Sekeena Collins-Plush

Faith Brown

Dorothy Camper

Charlene Coner

Vanessa Brown

Gloria Cannon

Vivian Connard

Carolyn Brown

Jocelyn Carr

Selena Cooks

James Brown

Mary Carrington

Wendell Cooper

Rita Brown-Brewer

Mary Marita Carroll

Clinton Copeland Jr.

Viola Brown-Lee

Leanna Cato

Stacy Copeland

Roger Bryan Jr.

Mary Chandler

Barbara Crosby

Michelle Bryant

Aaron Chandler

Joseph Curley

Billy Bryant

Cecelia Chaney

Naomi Curry

Vanley Bucknor

Kelton Chapman

Donna Burns

Kathy Chase

Viola Torney Cutchember

Henry Dirska

Michael Evans

Carolyn Dade

Khalela Dixon

Tiffany Everette

Kimberly Daniel

DLP Enterprises Accounting & Tax Services

Olumuyiwa Fafoyeku

Rochelle Daniel Sharon Daniels Annie S. Daniels David Daniels Helena R. Daniels-Vincent Lelia Davage William Davidson Rebecca Davis Sabrina Davis Deana Davis Darius Davis Donna Dean Mensah M. Dean Paula M. Deloatch Augustus C. Dickens Margie Johnson Dickerson Jan Dineen Trisha Dinsmore

Thomas Donlin Anonymous Donor (57) Shelia Dorsey-Williams Nadine Dow Sherree Draughn Samuel Agyeman Duah Morton Dubinsky Diane Eades Daryl Edwards Helen Edwards Ronald and Treasa Edwards Steven Eggleston Gertrude Elliott Daylanne English Erickson Retirement Communities Paul Essex Evelyn Evans

3 8 | B o w i e s t a t e u n i v e r s i t y 2 0 0 9 A n n u al R e p o rt

Frederick Faine Dorothy Fardan Dino Fasce Zenobia Fenrick H Ferguson Sharmion Fevrier Hattie Fields Gale Filler Timicia Fitch Sandra Fitzgerald Cora Fleming Janice Flood Joyce Flowers Maria Ford Teresa Ford Zinears Ford Christopher Frazier Shirley Frazier

the d nd e n a j o i n d s i t y. e yla er g e r iv ll a n o C fM eU e at t m o t a t S ste e S ei y wi w S o o ity B B : rs ed 8 e 8 iv m 19 Un ena w sr e n wa

Dawn Freeman

Debra Grant

Audrey Harris

Jane B. Fruh

Marion Green

Deirdre Harrison

Deidra Fryer

Makeba Green

Mary Harrison

Aquia Fuller

Sharon Green

Fannie Harvey

Patricia Funderburk-McBride

Renee Griffin

Garcia Harvey-Chapman

Margo G. Gale

Thomas Grigsby

Gertrude P. Hawkins

Tammy Garcia

Henry Grubb

Swynice Hawkins

Frances Garrison

Judith Guffey

Pamela Hay

Adrian Gaskin

Willie Hagans

Howard Hayes

Jennifer Geter

Terrence Hall

David M. Helms

Deborah Gideon

Claudette Hamerski

Eric T. Henry

Ann Gifford

Deone Hammond-Hatcher

Carla R. Henson

Claudette Giles

Deborah Handon

Rebecca Herndon

Kristin Giles

Nikki Handy

Stacy Hewan

Thomas Gilligan

Olymphia Hankerson

Fentress Hickman

Handy Gloster

Edward Harbison

Mary Hicks

Rosetta Goff

Denice Harrell

Yvonne T. Hicks

Joan W. Gordon

Hugh Harris

Carolyn Hobbs

Lois Gorman

Justin Harris

Jessie Hodge

Shaquette Gorman

Marion Harris

Irma Holland

Yvonne Grant

Mary V. Harris

Sharon Holley

E x c e l l e n c e | C i v i l i t y | i n t e g r i t y | d i v e r s i t y | a c c o u n ta b i l i t y | 3 9

ion l l i m 7 ce 2 n $ e ci a r, S e e l y c a n n 1 lle io t e a n1 c s. a x N c e i d t e r e a th o v i f m e d e n on th ec a i r t a u A t m SU NAS d sti B n n i a : l 5 m e g, 199 rd fro a mod eerin in g awa n as n ,e io e t c a n d e n i u c Fo in s

Donna Hollingshead

Barbara Jackson-Nash

MacArthur Jones

John M. Holmes III

John Jacob

Mary Jones

Jeffrey Holmes

Gloria Jenkins

Kenneth Jones Jr.

Sandrene Hope

Patrice Jenkins

Robert Jones

Doris Hughes

Clinton Jennifer

Jonetta Jones

Letta W. Hull

Eleanor Johnson

Charleita Jones

Vernon and Regenea Hurte

Lena R. Johnson

Tiffany Jones

David Hutchins

Miriam Johnson

Mary Gladys Jones

Glenn Isaac

Weldon Johnson

Jean Jones

Jerry Isaac

Sherry Johnson

Kenton Jones

Magusta Isom

Vaughn Johnson

Salome Julien

Evette Jackson

Annabelle Johnson

Iris Kane

Aberdeen B. Jackson

Annie Johnson

Kathleen Kauffmann

Natasha Jackson

Sherika Johnson

Flossie Keck

Lafragia Jackson

Troy Johnson

Marianne Kendrick

Crystal Johnson

Alicia Kennerly

Melvin Johnson

Laverne Kimball

Deborah Johnson

Sharon Kinard

Theresa Johnson-Williams

Gina M. King

Cordell Jones Jr.

Janna King

4 0 | B o w i e s t a t e u n i v e r s i t y 2 0 0 9 A n n u al R e p o rt

Hiroko Kolb

Jon Love

Paul Mcgowan

Adam Kreunen

Lolita Love

Mary Mckenna

Joan La Rue

Latoya Love

Kyle McKinney

Sharon Lamy

Deborah Lowery

Joan McNair-Dorsey

Tammy Lancaster

Wilbert Luck

Carolyn McNeil-Murrell

Jojene Landon

Thomasine Lyles

Dawn McRae

Vernell Lawson

Eric Lyles

Celeste Meares

Michael Lawson

D. Michael Lyles

Isetta Goins Melton

Sonya Lee

Haweda Mable

Sally Meyer

Betty Lee

Ida Macer

Lynn Middleton

Byron Lee

Myra Mackall

Dorothy Miller-Melvin

Newton Lennon

Kenneth Marcus

Lola Mills

Joan Linstrom

Lillian Marshall

Tanya Minnick

Erlena Linthicum

April Martin

Charnita Mise

Shelia Lipscomb

Angelique Mason

Mark Moffatt

Sharon Litten

Yvonne Matthews

Robert Montgomery

Frances Littlejohn

Eugene Matthews

Mary Moore

Living Water, Inc.

Portia Matthews

Roderick Moore

Diane Livingston-Edge

Patricia Matthews

Lepaul Morceau

Lockheed Martin Corporation

Coleene McBryde

Edward Morgan Jr.

Lorna Londot

Lee McClain

Archie Morris III

Anthony and Donna Long

Joetta McDowney

Velmar Morris

Crystal Long

Charles McElvaney

Andrea Morris

E x c e l l e n c e | C i v i l i t y | i n t e g r i t y | d i v e r s i t y | a c c o u n ta b i l i t y | 4 1

ilt u b , ers t u p e. m c o i c v r r se pe u n s i e d ce ed. leg l a d l r o p a c st as aw e w t e r s , s a e f w nt s e ’ p i d n h u o i t s s er nat d d n a e a e h t L of ulty c ion t e a f a n c O s u ’ : ty Ed n i 2005 Universi s te a r e o t h t doc by t s r i f The Bridgett Morse

Melanie Owen

Theresa Proctor

Janks Morton

Ralph Parham

Ann Proctor

Boyd Moses

Marian Parker

Leonard Proden

Rosalind Muchiri

John Pasteur

Joana Quarshie

Brian Mucker

Roland Patcha

Sonja Queen-Bostick

Jeannette Murray

Jenice Pellam

Gail Radcliff

Odessa Murray-Cornish

John Pettway

James Redic

Cecilia Natoli

Joe Phillips

Evelyn Redic

Tracy Tilghman Newman

Kete Phiri

Joseph Redmiles

Edna Nicholson

Annie Pinkney

Shannon M. Reed

Bolaji Obaro

Ruby Pinkney-Gross

Gayle Reid

Kevin O’Connor

Edna Pinkney-Toon

Kia Reid

Natalie Ogletree

Wilma Pinnock

Shirley Rice

Babatunde Ogunbanjo

Ann Pitts

Vincent Richardson

Joanne O’Hara

Sherry Pollock

Elaine Ridgeway

Dianne Oliver

Kevin Pothier

Charles Robinson

Mary O’Malley

Lakia Powell

Dante Robinson

Peggy O’More

Rashad Powell

Junniera Robinson

Christianah Omotoso

Nancy Prinkey

Barbara Rodgers

Dale O’Neal

Anita Proctor

Patricia Rogers

Tiana and Charlie Ositelu

Elizabeth G. ”Susie” Proctor

Sybil I Roseboro

4 2 | B o w i e s t a t e u n i v e r s i t y 2 0 0 9 A n n u al R e p o rt

Deborah Rountree

Shirley Smith

Rheta Suit

Christina Roye

Ellen Smith

Richard Sutherland

Marian Rucker-Shamu

Elsie Smith

Francine Sutton

Patrick Ruffin

Marvel Smith

Evelyn Svoboda

Marian Russell

Patrice Smith

Roman Sznajder

Tina Rutherford

Guffrie Smith Jr.

Barbara P. Talbert

Norma Samuel

Gail Smith

Robert E. Talley

Gale Saunders

Vondelear Smith

Susan Taylor

Patricia Schroeder

Stephen Smoot

Melissa Taylor

Barbara Scott

Christine Sokoine

The Little Teapot

Maritsa Serlemitsos-Day

Marianne Sokol

Brenda Thomas

Camille Sewell Spaulding

Darlene Spitzer-Antezana

Ramona Thomas

Adesimbo Shabi

Sandra Spriggs

Charles Thomas

Dione Shelton

Lola Staples

Zelda Thomas

Karen Shields

James Stargell

Stephanie Thomas-Bell

Michael Shipp

Nichelle Staten

Rutha Thompson

Gail Simmonds

Bernadine Stephenson

Randy and Ann-Marie Thornton

Michael Simmons

Monica Stepp

Carolyn Thrift

Thelma Simmons

Charisse Stevenson-Johnson

Marilyn Thrower

Molly Simms

Reggie Stewart Jr.

Beatrice Tignor

Laura Simpson-Purdie

Troy Stewart

LaVerne C. Tinsley

E x c e l l e n c e | C i v i l i t y | i n t e g r i t y | d i v e r s i t y | a c c o u n ta b i l i t y | 4 3

200 Com 6: The D put er S octor cien al D e ce was gree in add ed. Louise Tolbert

Annette Wedderburn

Diane Wilson

Cheryl Tracy

Sandra Weekes

Tarsha Wilson

Frances Tracy-Mumford

Jocephus Weeks

Levorne Wilson

Lorenza Trotter

Leila Welch

Peggy Wilson

Ingrid Tyler-Gist

Patricia Wheeler

Kinuko Withers

Jeffrey Vergiels

Cheryl Whisonant

Beathsader Womble

Margaret Vigneulle

Norman P. White

Barbara Wongus-Woolford

Shirley Walker

Kimberly Whitehead

Imogene Woodley

Loretta Wallace

Thomas H. Whitfield

Doris Woodus

Izetta Wallace

Monique Whitney

Andre Wooten

Michelle Wallace-Carter

John Wiley

Janet Wormack

Sheila Walsmith

Margaret Williams

Maria Worthy

George Wangolo

Larry Williams

Gail Wright

Kenneth Washington Jr.

Susan Williams

Sally Yost

Vanessa Washington

Ernest Williams

Tychelle Young

Jearsel Watson

Ozella Williams

Azene Zenebe

Sylvia Weathers

Wanda Willis

Mary Ann Webb

Joan Wilmer

4 4 | B o w i e s t a t e u n i v e r s i t y 2 0 0 9 A n n u al R e p o rt

Nelson Wells Legacy Circle* Addie L. Martin

Betty B. Turner

Henry L. Williams Jr.

Robert Goodman Estate

Joshua L. Smith *These individuals have informed the Bowie State University Foundation of their intention to make a testamentary gift.

The University is pleased to acknowledge the gifts received by the Bowie State University Foundation, Inc. (BSUF). BSUF is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit Maryland corporation established in 1972 to receive contributions from private sources in support of the mission of Bowie State University.

This listing acknowledges contributions received July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009.

E x c e l l e n c e | C i v i l i t y | i n t e g r i t y | d i v e r s i t y | a c c o u n ta b i l i t y | 4 5

University System of Maryland Board of Regents 2008 - 2009 Clifford M. Kendall, Chairman

Francis X. Kelly Jr.

Orlan M. Johnson, Vice Chairman

Marvin Mandel (resigned February 2009)

Patricia S. Florestano, Treasurer Barry P. Gossett, Assistant Treasurer R. Michael Gill, Secretary C. Thomas McMillen, Assistant Secretary Gary L. Attman (appointed February 2009) Norman R. Augustine Earl F. Hance, ex officio (appointed May 2009) Alicia Coro Hoffman

Joshua L. Michael, Student Regent David H. Nevins A. Dwight Pettit, Esq. Frank M. Reid III Roger L. Richardson, ex officio (resigned May 2009) James L. Shea Thomas G. Slater, Esq.

Board of Visitors 2008 - 2009 Joshua I. Smith, Chairman Chairman and Managing Partner Coaching Group, LLC

Stephen Neal Chairman and CEO K Neal International Trucks, Inc.

D. Michael Lyles, Esq., Vice Chairman Former Bowie City Councilman U.S. Department of Defense

Dante Lee President and CEO Diversity City Media

Cynthia A. Snavely, Secretary Minister Goodloe Memorial Unitarian Universalist Church

William Missouri Judge, Prince George’s County, Maryland

James A. Dula President and CEO Prince George’s Chamber of Commerce Kerry A. Hill Reverend and President The Collective Banking Group, Inc. Colette Youngblood President and CEO Cool Wave Water Essie L. Calhoun Chief Diversity Officer and Director, Community Affairs Vice President Eastman Kodak Company Toni Braxton Entertainer William R. Teel, Jr. President and CEO 1 Source Consulting

4 6 | B o w i e s t a t e u n i v e r s i t y 2 0 0 9 A n n u al R e p o rt

Joanne C. Benson State Delegate, Annapolis, Maryland Herman C. Dawson Judge, Prince George’s County, Maryland James E. Proctor Jr. State Delegate, Annapolis, Maryland Carolyn J.B. Howard State Delegate, Annapolis, Maryland G. Steve Proctor President and CEO G.S. Proctor & Associates, Inc. Mr. Lionel Neptune Vice President—Affiliates The Washington Post Sherece Y. West President and CEO Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation

Foundation Board 2008 - 2009 Timothy J. Adams, Chairman President and CEO Systems Application & Technologies, Inc.

Nathaniel H. “Trae” Byrd, III President and CEO Canon Capital Partners, LLC

Mickey L. Burnim, Ex-Officio President Bowie State University

Gregory M. Gill Partner, Venable

Richard Lucas, Jr., Executive Director Vice President for Institutional Advancement Bowie State University Karl Brockenbrough, Ex-Officio Vice President for Administration and Finance Bowie State University Jason L. Groves, Vice Chairman Assistant Vice President External Affairs Verizon Keith A. Holmes Baltimore, Maryland M.A. “Mike” Little, Treasurer President B&W Solutions, Inc. Addie Martin, Ex-Officio President BSU National Alumni Association Robert Myles Lieutenant Colonel Ashburn, Virginia

Thomas H. Graham President Pepco Region Mildred Ridgley Gray Mitchellville, Maryland Jacqueline W. Sales President, HAZMED Kimberly Stokes Vice President T. Rowe Price & Associates Betty B. Turner Annapolis, Maryland Douglas J.J. Peters State Senator Annapolis, Maryland Jacquelyn Eubanks-Rudd Chief Financial Officer Bowie State University Foundation Yolanda Johnson Pruitt, J.D. Assistant Vice President for Development Bowie State University

E x c e l l e n c e | C i v i l i t y | i n t e g r i t y | d i v e r s i t y | a c c o u n ta b i l i t y | 4 7

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