Hannah Griggers D es ig n Po r t fo l io
Savannah College of Art and Design / Master of Architecture Georgia Institute of Technology / Bachelor of Science in Architecture
Master of Architecture/SCAD
Man, Space, and Place/9 Square Analysis
Bachelors of Science in Architecture/Georgia Institute of Technology
Illusions/Wallpaper Designs
Team Projects with Ben Smith
Virtual Reality/A Virtual Window
Everyday Actions/Hard Labor
Exploring Found Objects/Textural Lighting
Exploring Found Objects/Bookshelf
Reflections/Christ on the Cross
Reinterpreting Interactions and Connections/Table & Chair
Exploring the Unnoticed/The Varsity
Identity/Found Objects
What is Man’s Relationship with Place?
A 9-Square Analysis
This project explores man’s relationship with place by analyzing an historic urban landscape, a cultural landscape, and sustainable urbanism. An historic urban landscape is described as the result of an historic layering of cultural and natural values. The Owens Thomas House in Savannah, Georgia is investigated as the historic urban landscape. A cultural landscape is defined as any human intervention with nature. This project explores the everyday intervention on a place through the Foxy Loxy as a cultural landscape. Sustainable Urbanism can be described as the revitalization of a place. A community garden at the corner of Gwinnett Street and Broad Street is explored for its qualities as sustainable urbanism.
HUL - our affect on a place over time - Owens-Thomas Over the years, the history of the Owens-Thomas House as dissipated in favor of a particular era style. The current site replicates the english style of the time rather than the true function of the space. This change is due to the new function of the site; a tourist attraction. The Owens-Thomas House is now just another stop on the Savannah tourist path. This has increased the privacy of the site as well as the experiential path taken. The culture created for tourists hinder them from truely experiencing the city of savannah. Rather than jumping off the path, many tourists stay on the directed route prescribed to them. With time we have now created a fake, one-stop destination.
CL- our everyday intervention with a place
Foxy Loxy
Cultural landscapes are created with the everyday intervention people have with a site.The Foxy Loxy on Bull Street was once a house that has been turned into a coffee shop. People are constantly coming and going thus changing the landscape. Whether it is a girl yelling from a balcony to a pedestrian on the street or two friends running into each other, the layout of the landscape allows for spontaneous interactions. People of various backgrounds can meet at this one place creating a unique experience. The Foxy Loxy becomes a community within the overall community.
SU- our revitalization/reevaluation of a place - Garden on
The community garden on the corner of Gwinnett Street and East Broad Street, is a unique example of sustainable urbanism. Locals come to the site at various times to plant multiple types of vegetation. Each person decorates their area to represent themselves. The garden is a beacon of hope that reflects the individuality of the community. While most of the site is utilized, half of it still needs to be revitalized. Although the site is a beacon of hope for the south end of the area, it is cut off from the historical districts of Savannah. This move reflects the cultural differences between the up-
Wallpaper Designs
This project explores the illusions that can be created through simple patterns.
Virtual Reality
The Virtual Window
This project explores the illusions that can be created through the placement and shape of a mirror.
Everyday Actions
Hard Labor
This project explores the everday actions of people in their environments. In order to fully see one’s reflection one must conform to the action-shape of the mirror making them more aware of their body’s location within space. Inspiration for this series comes from the English photographer Eadweard J. Muybridge.
In a post-industrial society the notion of manual labor seems foreign to many people. This installation acts as a device that engages the viewer physically.
Exploring Found Objects
Textural Lighting
We were interested in the interesting textural qualities of the crushed cup as well as the translucent properties of the material. Combining this found object with another (the existing fluorescent light fixture), we were able to begin exploring the possibilities of our idea. Here we were changing the form, use, and meaning of this “ready-made-aided�.
Exploring Found Objects Bookshelf
In this experiment we were interested in discovering what one could do with old books. Our ready-mades were several books from the architecture library. By corbelling them together and fastening them with nails they take on new meaning and use as a bookshelf.
Plan Scale: 1’=1�
Christ on the Cross
This piece is meant to be installed in the woods. Viewers can see their own faces reflected where the body of Christ would typically be located. This reminds them that we are the reason for this His sacrifice. Staring at his reflection in the cross shaped pool, he pondered his faith. Was he truly cleansed of all his sins? Was he living his life as a reflection of Christ? Or was he just looking in a mirror bound to forget all he knew after he left?
Reinterpreting Interactions and Connections
Table and Chair
This project involved reinterpreting the motions and connections of a shoe into another functional object, a table.
Exploring the Unnoticed
The Varsity Atlanta, GA
This project was an exploration of the unnoticed, perspectival views of the Varsity. The Varsity is an iconic restaurant in the Atlanta area that represents the Art Deco era of Architecture. While many people tend to show the Art Deco aspects of the building, I chose the take a series of photos of the building’s underrepresented qualities. Each photo displays the architectural, spatial, and textile qualities of the Varsity.
Found Objects
This project was an exploration of perspective. Each object’s identity is construed as the perspective is zoomed in until the object is unrecognizable.