ESL Warm-up activities

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Prepared by: Beyza ÖZKESKİN (Founder) - Atatürk Primary School, Turkey Feray ÖZKILINÇ (Founder) - Kozluca Secondary School, Turkey Seçkin ÖZTEKİN - Süreyya Yalçın Secondary School, Turkey Hanife ÖZCAN - Servet Çambol Primary School, Turkey Eva Lopez Sepulveda - IES Profesor Antonio Muro, Spain Helena Gustović Ljubić - I. osnovna Skola Bjelovar, Croatia Nadiaa Hrechyshina - Novoaidar Regional Sanatorium School, Ukraine Natalia Savchuk - Novovolynsk School 2, Ukraine

PREFACE “Giving, touching others' lives, expanding the circle of our works to include others, being always open to receiving as well as giving.” I would like to dedicate this book to all English Language Teachers. And I would like to thank my partners for their contributions and support.


TONGUE TWISTERS Skills: communicative vocabulary practice and speaking Level: all level of students.

Examples: 1) “If two witches were watching two watches which witch would watch which watch.� 2) If you understand, say understand If you dont understand, say dont understand. But If you understand, say dont understand. How Do I Understand that you understand, understand?

DICE Skills: communicative vocabulary practice and speaking. Level: all level of kids Requirements: The teacher brings two bottles which are different color and one dice. How to play: Throw the dice, look at the picture, say the names of jobs or actions. Keep going like that until you miss your chance. And two players can be on same square. When someone reaches finish line, the game is over.

FLAYSWATTER Skills: vocabulary, speaking, pronunciation of words. Level: young learners Requirements: a Ball, flashcards, two or more toy flayswatter How to play: With fly swatting games teachers can teach, practice and review any type of vocabulary using picture cards or words. The teacher puts flashcards in a circle on the floor or sticks them on the walls of the classroom. Then the teacher makes a sentence using one of the words on the cards. Students have to run to the word or card and slam it with their flyswatter. To get the necessary reward or praise,a student has to hit the word with the flyswatter and repeat the sentence the teacher used with the word or for low levels, simply repeat the word. Teachers can also make things more challenging by describing the word on the picture. For example "It is an animal with a long nose." Students run and slam Elephant.

RUNNING DICTATION Skills: reading, writing and spelling Level: intermediate to advance Requirements: pen and paper and text excerpts How to play : Divide class into teams. In each team there is a reader and a writer. Paste texts (usually short text) at the back of the class. Tell each the readers of each team that they will run to a text, read and memorize a part of it. As quickly as possible they will run back and dictate the text to the writer in their group. The writer writes while s/he goes back to read more text. The group that finishes writing their text first wins. Runners (readers) cannot write the words. They must dictate what they read in the text to the student writing. They cannot help in the writing but they can tell him/her how to spell words. The team that finishes first wins and reads out the text to the class. Tips : Put students of mixed abilities together.

SWAP SEATS Skills: practice any skills Level: all levels Requirements: flashcards, seats/ chairs How to play :This seat swapping game gets kids very excited. Kids sit in a circle. Prepare some word or phrase cards and put the up side down in the middle of the circle. When teacher says SWAP, students have to stand up and run to another seat(change seats). The teacher tries to find a seat also. There will be one student standing. That student will have to pick up a card and use it to make a sentence. After that the game proceeds until you sense they have gained much speaking practice in the lesson focus of the day.This game is good for all revision activities in ESL kid’s classes. Variations: Simply ask questions to the student standing if you don't have time to make cards. You can ask questions related to the topic. For example if I was teaching Weather and Seasons. I would ask the one standing questions like: What's the weather like in the winter?

JEOPARDY Skills: vocabulary, speaking Level: from primary school to high school and no equipment How to play: A team will be chosen randomly among students.There are categories and students choose one of them.If they answer correct option, they win 100 point.This game can be used for revision of Units.

MALLET MALLET Skills: communicative vocabulary practice and speaking Level: all levels Requirements: Teachers bring to class soft toy Mallet. Bring two chairs to the front or center of the class and put them back to back. Split the class into teams. Choose or let students volunteer to come sit back to back. Tell them what the rules are. The students will say words related to a group of words. For example you can tell them to say animal words or words related to animals. When the teacher raises the mallet over a student’s head s/he has to say an animal.When one student says a word the other student cannot say it.Students cannot say a word twice in one sitting of the game.Students cannot wait for more than 4 seconds before saying a word.Shorten the time as you advance in the game.Every time anyone of the above rules is violated the student gets a mallet hit on his or her head.Then replace the student with another student and continue with the game. Caution: Some kids can be delicate, even when using a soft mallet, do not hit their heads too hard. To start the game sometimes, kids find it fun when you test the mallet by hitting your own head hard.

CHARADES Skills: Vocabulary and speaking Levels: All levels of students

How to play :This is a great game for those days when your class is dragging and people are falling asleep. Get them up and get them moving! Write down words on slips of paper for students to choose. Verbs are likely to be the easiest, but you can also use more complicated words, provided you are sure most of the students know them. Divide the class into two teams and have one person from each team choose a piece of paper and act out the word. The teams must guess the correct word before three minutes run out. For each correct word, that team receives a point. The team that hits ten points first is the winning team.

CHINESE WHISPERS Skills: Vocabulary,speaking,pronunciation Level : Any level of students How to play :Split the class into two or more teams. Whisper a word into the ears of the first students in each row. They whisper the word into the next student’s ear in their row until the whisper gets to the last student in the row. The last student in the row has to say out the word. The team or teams that get the pronunciation right scores a point. This game is fun because by the time the word or sentence gets to the end of the class it is distorted. Competition in this game can be so serious that when a team says a word wrongly, teammates start throwing blame on a student they thought got it wrong. Time to tell them the game is not over yet.

SPELLING BEE Skills: Pronunciation, vocabulary, speaking Level: All level of students Requirements: Flashcards How to play: This game is very sipmle.You divide into your class two.Students just look at the image and spell the word.

MEMORY GAME Skills: ideal for teaching words that have a close relationship Level: advanced level How to play: In this example you will learn how to play a memory game. We will practice vocabulary and phrases related to places around nouns and activities we do in these places. Prepare ten nouns and ten verbs that have a relationship. In this case our topic is places around vs. activities we do in these places. The students will practice the words & phrases: First write them on the board and practice using the following question structure: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Bank = get money post office = send letters library = read books bakery = buy cakes

HANGMAN Skills: speaking,vocabulary,pronunciation Level: all levels How to play: Think of a word and write the number of letters on the board using dashes to show many letters there are. â—? â—?

Ask students to suggest a letter. If it appears in the word, write it in all of the correct spaces. If the letter does not appear in the word, write it off to the side and begin drawing the image of a hanging man. Continue until the students guess the word correctly (they win) or you complete the diagram (you win).

HURRICANE Skills: vocabulary, speaking, pronunciation Level: any level of students How to play: You can divide the class in groups or you can play it as a whole class activity. There are thirty cards, most of which have got a question for students but a couple of the cards a has got hurricane picture. A student tells a number from 1 to 30. Teacher opens the card that is told. The goal here is to draw a house on the board together line by line without hitting the hurricane card.If the card is the question card, the student answers it and the teacher draws a line for the house on the board.If the hurricane card is opened, then the teacher erase one of the wall from the house.

CLOTHESPIN GAME Skills: vocabulary Level: any level of students How to play: Teacher divides the class into two groups. Each group has the same picture cards and clothespins on which the words are written. One student from each group comes to play. They attach the clothespins to the matching pictures. The one who finishes the first, ring the bell and the game stops.The teacher counts the correct matchings of the groups and gives one point for each.

PICTIONARY Skills: vocabulary Level: for all ages, especially young learners How to play: Before starting , prepare the words and put them in a bag.Make two groups and draw a line on the middle of the board.Give one team member from each team a pen and ask them to choose a word from the bag.Tell the students to draw the word as a picture on the board and encourage their team to guess the word.The first team to shout the correct answer gets a point.The student who has completed drawing should then choose someone else to draw for their team.Repeat this until all the words are gone - make sure you have enough words that each student gets to draw at least once!

HOT SEAT Skills: vocabulary, speaking and listening Level: all ages How to play: Split the class into 2 teams, or more if you have a large class.Elect one person from each team to sit in the Hot Seat, facing the classroom with the board behind them.Write a word on the board. One of the team members of the student in the hot seat must help the student guess the word by describing it. They have a limited amount of time and cannot say, spell or draw the word.Continue until each team member has described a word to the student in the Hot Seat.

SIMON SAYS Skills: listening and vocabulary Level: young learners How to play: Stand in front of the class (you are Simon for the duration of this game).Do an action and say Simon Says [action]. The students must copy what you do.Repeat this process choosing different actions you can be as silly as you like and the sillier you are the more the children will love you for it.Then do an action but this time say only the action and omit ‘Simon Says’. Whoever does the action this time is out and must sit down.The winner is the last student standing.To make it harder, speed up the actions. Reward children for good behavior by allowing them to play the part of Simon.

LIST-O MANIA Skills: vocabulary, pronunciation, speaking Level: young learners How to play: Teachers or students will suggest a topic, for example: animals, colours, favourite meal, items that you threw away in the las 24 h‌‌ The students need to list as many word as they can.. Variant: we create 2- 4 teams in class and they compete. One word = 1point

SHOW ME THE ANSWER! Skills: listening Level: all levels How to play: Using mini-whiteboards, true/false cards, hand signals, different coloured cards, etc… pupils must show you the answer to a series of questions. EXAMPLE: -

A shark can blink his eyes…. (True) Snoopy is yellow in Brazil… (False, it´s white everywhere)

SPINNER GAME Skills: vocabulary, speaking, pronunciation Level: any level of students How to play : You can use ready templates or draw a circle on the board and divide it into parts. Stick pictures, or write questions in these parts. Stick the spinner in the center of the circle. Ask a student spin the spinner. When it stops, the student answers the question shown by the spinner’s arrow.

POPPING BALLOONS Skills: vocabulary Level: any level of students How to play : Give students some balloons to blow up. Then, take the balloons back and write the words on the balloons with a marker. Throw the balloons on the floor and mix them. Choose two students to come to find the correct balloon matching with the picture that you have shown them. The student who finds the correct balloon can pop it with a needle.

WORD GAME Skills: vocabulary, speaking. Level: intermediate level of students (Individual or group game) How to play: Teacher prepares a list of vocabulary learned in previous lesson and does not show them to the students.If it is a group game, each group can include 4-5 students.Teacher calls one of the student in gruop A and writes how many letters the word has. And gives a clue about the hidden word.Student try to guess it, if not he/she asks a letter from the word.Each student is given 60 seconds.Each letter is 10 points.Whenever he asks a letter,he loses 10 point. example: Hidden word : Apple (50points ) 1st clue: Teacher: It a fruit. ( __ __ __ __ __ ) Student: (Thinks)???? . (Then) A letter please. Teacher: ( __ __ P __ __)(40P)

WORD HUNT Skills: vocabulary, writing Level: any level of students How to play : Teacher writes some letters on board and asks groups to write as many words as they can find and write in 3 minutes. They must be fast and silent. The groups win 1 point for each word regardless of number of the letters.Who writes the most is the winner of the game.

MAKE THE MOST WORDS Skills: vocabulary, writing Level: intermediate How to play: Write a word or a sentence on the board. Use longer words or short sentences. Put students in groups of 3. Students write as many new words from it as they can. Score teams a point per word and award a bonus point for the longest word.

THE A TO Z GAME Skills: vocabulary, writing Level: intermediate (Individual or group game) Give students a theme, for example, jobs, things you take on holiday, food, animals. Write the letters A to Z on the board. Teams of students must race to write an appropriate word next to each letter on the board.

WHO AM I ? Skills: vocabulary, listening, speaking Level: intermediate How to play: In this game, the teacher prepares cards with famous people's names on them or pupils from the class. Teacher tapes a card on the back of each member. Then everyone pretends they are at a party and asks each other questions to find out their own identities. When someone guesses their own name correctly, the name-tag gets taped to their front they can take a seat.

Name Memorizing Game Skills: vocabulary, writing Level : intermediate (group game) How to play: Have children sit in the circle. Start by saying “My name is…” and then answer a question about yourself. For example “My name is Dan and I like purple”. The next person says “ This is Dan and he likes the color purple and my name is Olya and I am 10 years old”. The next person says “ That is Dan, he likes purple , this is Olya and she is 10 and I am Pavlo and I like football”. It’s a chain and the kids have to repeat what the last people have said about themselves. It’s really hard to be the last person in the circle!

NAME the COLOUR Skills: vocabulary, pronunciation, speaking Level: young learners Requirements: cards with written colours How to play: Students choose one card. They should name the colour in which the word is written, not read the word!

Who is this? Skills: vocabulary, writing, listening Level : intermediate Requirements: cards with people. How to play: We divide children into pairs. Every member in pair takes out the same cards. Everyone puts them in front of them so that the opponent can't see them and selects one image. Next, the players ask each other a question to guess the card that the opponent has guessed. The winner is the first to guess. For example: Is this a woman? Has she/he got a short hair? Is she wearing a skirt?...

Thank you, eTwinning!

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