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Mariel ML 118 Rhonda Wood

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Runner Keramik

Runner Keramik

Luca Signoretti | 2022

Sedia con struttura in frassino naturale, frassino tinto noce Canaletto, frassino tinto rovere bruciato, frassino laccato poro aperto bianco o nero opaco. Rivestimento in tessuto, synthetic nubuck, micro nubuck, ecopelle o pelle come da campionario. Non sfoderabile.


Chair with frame in natural ashwood, Canaletto walnut stained ashwood, burned oak stained ashwood, open pore matt white or black painted ashwood. Cover in fabric, synthetic nubuck, micro nubuck, soft leather or synthetic leather as per sample card. The cover is not removable.

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RHONDA WOOD chair in glove soft leather GLV14 platoon and burned oak frame

RHONDA WOOD chair in soft leather 948 lino and walnut Canaletto frame

Luca Signoretti | 2022

Sedia con struttura in frassino naturale, frassino tinto noce Canaletto, frassino tinto rovere bruciato, frassino laccato poro aperto bianco o nero opaco. Seduta e schienale rivestiti in tessuto, synthetic nubuck, micro nubuck, ecopelle o pelle come da campionario. Non sfoderabile.

Chair with frame in natural ashwood, Canaletto walnut stained ashwood, burned oak stained ashwood, open pore matt white or black painted ashwood. Seat and back upholstered in fabric, synthetic nubuck, micro nubuck, synthetic leather or soft leather as per sample card. The cover is not removable.

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CAMILLA chair in soft leather 948 lino and walnut Canaletto frame –

CAMILLA chair in soft leather 953 ardesia and burned oak frame

Luca Signoretti | 2022

Sedia con struttura in acciaio verniciato goffrato titanio, bronzo, graphite,pearlonero.Rivestimentointessuto,syntheticnubuck, micro nubuck, ecopelle o pelle come da campionario. Non sfoderabile.

Chair with frame in titanium, bronze, graphite, pearl or black embossed lacquered steel. Cover in fabric, synthetic nubuck, micro nubuck, soft leather or synthetic leather as per sample card. The cover is not removable.

63 62 47

CAMILLA ML chair in white Bouclé fabric and bronze frame

CAMILLA ML chair in soft leather 983 argilla and bronze frame

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