Measurement is the key to all advances in peak performance. Being able to measure the intangibles like focus, stress, alertness and balance represent the future of athletic competition. The Neurotopia Performance Brain Training program provides athletes with the technology to train and quantify mental performance in the same way physical training is currently measured.
NeuroFocus NeuroForce NeuroBalance NeuroSleep NeuroRecoverey ™
The Next Dimension in Sports Performance The new frontier in sports performance is in training the mental and neurological aspects of the game. The brain has many more resources to unlock through training than the physical body. The brain drives the body. It controls every coordinated movement and the speed at which that movement takes place. It screens out distractions and prioritizes mental focus. The brain regulates the optimum levels of stress, adrenaline, blood pressure and heart rate during each level of competition. Additionally, the brain is responsible for an athlete’s mental recovery after an error or a remembered failure such as a crash, an air-ball, or a pushed one-foot putt. Neurotopia’s Performance Brain Training combines cutting edge neuro-diagnostic technology, state-of-the-art treatment facilities and proprietary protocols based on clinical research and medical science. Neurotopia’s Performance Brain Training program unlocks a new dimension in sports performance.
1 Sustained Mental Focus
2 Regulation of Adrenaline
3 Brain Hemisphere Balance
4 Memory of Failures
Recent functional MRI studies have led to the discovery of the Executive Attention Network (EAN), the part of the brain that is most involved in directing focus and attention. The EAN choreographs switching on and off various parts of the brain as they are needed, much like a conductor in a symphony. This is fundamentally important to mental performance as the brain needs to cycle continuously between focusing and recharging to conserve energy and restore vital nutrients.
Arousal and stress, when managed, can be the greatest weapons in athletic performance. During intense moments of competition, the amygdala initiates the release of adrenaline which increases muscle strength, physical speed and dilates the pupils allowing faster reaction times.
Recent brain imaging studies of top athletes have revealed that the brain’s ability to balance and shift dominant activity between the left cortex, right cortex and sub-cortical structures are associated with effortless control, increased power and instinctive movement.
The hippocampus is the part of the brain that stores past memories from the senses. It also stores the emotional and physiological feelings that were present at the time of the memory. In athletics, when memories of past errors or failures are recalled, they trigger numerous physiological and emotional responses that greatly decrease performance.
However, over-activating the amygdala can cause anxiety, exhaustion and decreased mental processing. Stress that leads to anxiety can easily cause slips in concentration, emotional reactivity and changes in glucose regulation that can rapidly deplete stored energy. Peak performance is a fine line requiring mental training to increase the amount of stress one can manage without causing excessive anxiety.
Dominant neural activity in the left hemisphere is required for recalling learned actions, planning, organizing and initiating focus. Equally important is being able to shift dominant neural activity to the right hemisphere which stops “over thinking” and allows greater sensory and proprioceptive muscle control. Developing conscious neural balance requires training to identify and shift dominant activity when needed.
The best performing athletes are those that have been trained to increase periods of sustained focus and have learned to efficiently manage their recharge cycle in the shortest period of time.
Peak performing athletes are able to recall past errors and learn from them, but have been trained to have conscious control over the stress and fear responses that these memories can evoke. This involves a neurological shift in dominant activity away from the left cortex to stop the natural response of “over thinking” and “over adjusting.”
PERFORMANCE Identify Unique Brain-wave Patterns
Correct Concussions and/or Sleep Problems
Performance Brain Training starts by mapping the brain’s electro-chemical activity with advanced neuro-diagnostic technology known as Quantitative EEG (QEEG). QEEG or “brainmapping” is a powerful imaging tool for displaying the inner-workings of the brain’s electrical system and how efficiently it is controlling and processing sensory, proprioceptive and cognitive information.
The next step is correcting brain dysregulation due to sleep problems and Post Concussion Syndrome. This is the foundation of brain training and the fastest way to increase peak brain performance.
The NeuroSleep™ treatment program starts with brain-mapping to locate areas and characteristics of the brain that may be inhibiting slow-wave sleep. Neurotopia physicians utilize advanced technology to increase slow-wave sleep cycles which optimize an athlete’s production of human growth hormone, cardiovascular performance and glucose metabolism.
Neurotopia physicians combine the QEEG results with other performance tests and a medical evaluation to identify regions of the brain that are predominantly operating in a state of under or over arousal during inappropriate tasks.
The NeuroRecovery™ treatment program utilizes the brain-mapping results to determine the location and signature patterns associated with Post Concussion Syndrome (PCS). Next, Neurotopia physicians use neuro-therapy operant conditioning protocols to correct the brainwave dysfunctions and eliminate the symptoms associated with PCS.
NeuroSleep™ NeuroRecovery™
QEEG Brain-Mapping
EBRAINTRAINING Train and Optimize Peak Brain Performance
Increase control and effortless power
Neurotopia Medical Group has developed the NeuroFocus™, NeuroForce™, and NeuroBalance™ programs to take athletics to a new dimension in mental performance. These treatment programs utilize state-the-art technology to accurately measure neurological speed and function from sensors attached to the scalp with easily removable conductive paste.
Increase strength, speed & energy
Increase focus & screen out distraction
The sensors listen to the brain’s electro-chemical communication and display it through computerized graphical imagery for the athlete to see. The program utilizes operant conditioning to create a learning feedback loop between the athlete’s brain and a graphical interface. This is analogous to looking at your brain’s function in a mirror. Once the brain recognizes that its mental speed and function is being tracked and displayed on the screen, Performance Brain Training can take place. Please read the next few pages to see how NeuroFocus™, NeuroForce™, and NeuroBalance™ have unlocked the next dimension in sports performance.
INCREASE AND INTENSIFY PERIODS OF SUSTAINED FOCUS EFFICIENTLY MANAGE THE BRAIN’S RECHARGE CYCLE INCREASE THE ABILITY TO SCREEN OUT DISTRACTIONS NeuroFocus™ training utilizes the latest technology to allow athletes to visualize when they are in a state of mental focus and to what degree. It provides athletes with the tools to train and quantify mental performance in the same way physical training is currently measured. Measurement is the key to all advances in sport and being able to measure the intangibles like levels of focus, alertness and feeling represent the future of athletic progress. The more the brain practices sustained focus, the easier the task becomes. This is the basic principle in all learning. Training to sustain mental focus is, at a basic level, training large numbers of neurons to fire at the same time in a specific area of the brain. This improves mental processing speed, screens out distractions, and even increases tissue growth and connections between brain cells. This is very similar to the tissue changes that occur after exercising a muscle. Recent functional MRI studies have led to the discovery of the Executive Attention Network (EAN), the part of the brain that is most involved in directing focus and attention. The EAN choreographs turning on and off the various parts of the brain as they are needed, much like a conductor in a symphony. This
is fundamentally important to mental performance as the brain needs to cycle continuously between focusing and recharging to conserve energy and restore vital nutrients. The best performing athletes are those that train to increase periods of sustained focus while learning to efficiently manage the recharge cycle in the shortest period of time. NeuroFocus™ training combines the latest brainwave measuring technology with advanced video imagery and proprietary protocols to allow athletes to quantify their ability to focus, how long it can be sustained, and how efficiently it can be “recharged.” Quantitative EEG brain-mapping is used to identify areas and processes in the brain that are not functioning optimally. Neurotopia physicians utilize the brainmapping data with the NeuroFocus™ protocols to create a specific training program customized for each athlete. NeuroFocus™ training gives athletes the ability to identify and shift between the different states of focus and to become absorbed in the moment and screen out distraction. Only when mental focus can be measured, can it be trained.
Air Force Fighter Pilot Study Dr. Barry Sterman, of UCLA and the Sepulveda Veterans Administration Hospital, conducted a study of fighter pilots at Edwards Air Force base to examine the EEG brainwave correlation to peak performance while engaging in simulated tasks that required intense and sustained mental focus. He discovered that various parts of the brain were constantly cycling between a processing mode and an “idling” (recharging) mode, in which the brain conserved energy and refreshed its stores of vital nutrients. Brainwave observation of pilots in the cockpit showed that there was a short burst of idling rhythms between the individual tasks that they performed in the cockpit. The better pilots needed a shorter rest period before starting to focus again. This is referred to as the “recharge period.” Topographic EEG correlates of the Basic Attributes test for Air Force Candidate Selection. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 36th Annual Meeting 1992; 1(824): 6265.
MANAGE ADRENALINE AND INCREASE MUSCLE STRENGTH & SPEED INCREASE MENTAL PROCESSING AND OPTIMIZE VISION INCREASE ENERGY BY BETTER REGULATION OF GLUCOSE Athletes are finely tuned machines that are depended upon to operate at a very high level. Stress and adrenaline, when managed, can be the greatest weapons in athletic performance. During intense moments in competition, the stress response in the brain activates adrenaline which increases muscle strength, physical speed and dilates the pupils allowing faster reaction times. However, too much stress can cause anxiety, exhaustion and decreased mental processing. Stress that leads to anxiety can easily cause slips in concentration, emotional reactivity and changes in glucose regulation that can rapidly deplete stored energy. In competition, an athlete has to be totally present “in the moment.” Anxious athletes are forever anticipating the NEXT moment and, consequently, lose their connection with the present. Peak performance is a fine line involving mental training to increase the amount of stress one can manage without causing anxiety and the “fight or flight” survival response. NeuroForce™ training utilizes state-of-the-art technology to enable an athlete to have a real-time visual and auditory feedback about how their brain is regulating stress and when anxiety starts to occur. By simulating a degree of stress through personal-
ized video imagery, an athlete can learn to identify the feelings of anxiety. Once anxiety can be identified, the NeuroForce™ proprietary protocols teach an athlete how to mentally shift back to a manageable level of stress whereby peak performance can be sustained. NeuroForce™ training starts by mapping the brain with advanced neuro-diagnostic technology. Neurotopia physicians identify patterns and processes that are associated with the hypothalamus and/or amygdala being hyper-aroused and unstable. Next, the physicians customize a training plan combining information from the brain-mapping with the NeuroForce™ proprietary protocols. NeuroForce™ training is a powerful tool that increases an athlete’s ability to sustain energy, increase strength, and maximize speed during competition.
AC Milan (The Mind Room) When Italy played France in the World Cup soccer final, some of its best players were relying on a secret weapon. For months prior to the competition, at least four players on the Italian national team had been training in the “Mind Room” to prepare themselves mentally for clutch moments in the World Cup. Forward Alberto Gilardino, defender Alessandro Nesta, as well as mid-fielders Andrea Pirlo and Gennaro Gattuso all swear by Neurofeedback, one of the main tools used in the “Mind Room”. The athletes were trained by Bruno De Michelis, head of sport science of AC Milan, to focus, to concentrate, and to get into the zone for their peak performance. The idea is that when they go out on the pitch and have to make the penalty kick, they will be so focused, so mentally prepared, that they won’t miss the shot. They will be able to bring down their heart rate when they aren’t running to conserve energy, and they’ll do that without even thinking.
INCREASE INSTINCTIVE CONTROL AND EFFORTLESS POWER REDUCE “OVER THINKING” AND “OVER CORRECTING” GET BACK IN THE GAME MENTALLY AFTER AN ERROR Most athletes have experienced the transitory feeling of effortless control and power during competition, almost as if their body was programmed for the perfect performance. Recent brain imaging studies of top athletes have led to a medical breakthrough in revealing one of the most essential physiological dynamics associated with this instinctive movement. Simply put, it is the ability to balance and shift dominant neural activity between the right cortex, left cortex and sub-cortical structures when it is most appropriate during a given task. Dominant neural activity in the right hemisphere is associated with learning new behaviors. It is also the region associated with proprioception, muscle control and “feeling.” Dominant activity in the left hemisphere is associated with thinking, analyzing and performing tasks that have already been learned. Effortless control and instinctive movement occurs during a free throw when an athlete learns to increase dominant activity in the left hemisphere to analyze the distance to the basket, initiate focus and recall learned actions. But immediately before the shot, a shift in dominant activity to the right hemisphere must occur to stop “over thinking” and to
maximize proprioception and muscle control developed from many hours of practicing. NeuroBalance™ training encompasses a proprietary array of protocols and state-of-the-art equipment designed to teach athletes to identify the feeling of dominant activity in each hemisphere. Training starts by mapping the brain with advanced neurodiagnostic technology. Neurotopia physicians then identify patterns and processes that are causing an over-dominance of activity in one hemisphere or the other. Next, the physicians customize a training plan combining information from the brain-mapping with the NeuroBalance™ proprietary protocols. Training sessions are aimed at creating a visual and audio feedback loop between the athlete’s brain and computer. This allows visualization of the neural changes that occur with shifts in dominant activity between hemispheres. NeuroBalance™ brain training gives athletes the tools and skills necessary to consciously call on the feeling of effortless control, automated power and instinctive movement when it is most needed during competition.
Golf Study A study by Dr. Debbie Crews and Dan Landers shows the following brain imaging patterns of professional golfers: When the golfer is setting up over the ball and lining up the club, the left side of the brain was most active. Then, just before the putt, activity in the left hemisphere subsides and gives way to a more active right hemisphere. Electroencephalographic Measures of Attentional Patterns Prior to the Golf Putt. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 1993; 25(1): 116-126.
OBJECTIVELY IDENTIFY AREAS OF TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY (TBI) EFFECTIVE, CLINICALLY VALIDATED TREATMENT OF TBI SYMPTOMS REDUCE OR ELIMINATE ADHD, DEPRESSION & MEMORY LOSS An offensive lineman can’t do his job without “using his head,” but neuro-pathologists examining the brains of ex-N.F.L. players have found trauma-related degeneration caused by concussions. When the head receives a sharp blow, the difference in the movement between the brain and the skull produces forces that result in traumatic brain injury (TBI).
McKee of Boston University’s Center for the Study of Traumatic Encephalopathy. The damage may not begin appearing for decades after a player has retired, but she says “once it’s triggered, it just keeps on progressing.”
Post-concussion syndrome is a complex disorder of debilitating symptoms that persist after TBI, often without evidence of brain abnormalities on MRI and CT scans. The symptoms of TBI often include memory loss, depression, social\emotional problems, cognitive decline, and frequent headaches. Recent research also suggests that athletes with repeated concussions have an increased chance in developing dementia later in life.
The NeuroRecovery™ treatment program utilizes quantitative EEG brain-mapping, which is the most sensitive technology available for identifying the underlying damage and dysfunction related to mild traumatic brain injury (96%). Once Neurotopia’s physicians are able to determine the location and characteristics of the damaged area, they are able to initiate specific proprietary neuro-therapy protocols. These protocols have been developed at Neurotopia’s medical centers, and have been shown through extensive clinical research to be highly effective.
Another serious consequence of TBI is Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), which is a progressive neurological disorder found in people who have suffered repeated TBI. CTE has many of the same manifestations as Alzheimer’s dementia; however it is the result of injury, not an endogenous disease process.
NeuroRecovery™ is the most effective treatment available for mild TBI1, and is based on the latest technology and clinical research. The NeuroRecovery™ protocols allow athletes to perform at the highest levels in today’s sports without sacrificing tomorrow’s mental health.
Studies show that at least 20% of professional boxers who suffer repeated brain trauma go on to develop degenerative brain disease, says Dr. Ann
1) Duff, J. The Usefulness of Quantitative EEG (QEEG) and Neurotherapy in the Assessment and Treatment of Post-Concussion Syndrome. Clinical EEG and Neuroscience 2004; 35(4): 198-209.
N.F.L. Study N.F.L. Study Shows Link Between Concussions and High Risk of Dementia
“The last three years have featured dozens of reports of players in severe cognitive decline, and several studies have found drastically heightened rates of dementia among retirees.” A study commissioned by the National Football League reports that Alzheimer’s disease or similar memory-related diseases appear to have been diagnosed in the league’s former players vastly more often than in the national population — including a rate of 19 times the normal rate for men ages 30 through 49. Dr. Julian Bailes, the chairman of the department of neurosurgery at the West Virginia University School of Medicine whose own research suggested similar links between football head injuries and dementia, called the latest results “a game-changer,” according to the Times.
INCREASE HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE INCREASE CARDIOVASCULAR PERFORMANCE IMPROVE GLUCOSE METABOLISM AND GLYCOGEN SYNTHESIS No athlete can ever realize his or her true sport potential unless their sleep is as vigorously pursued as all other aspects of the athletic training. High-level athletes need to realize that the greater the training intensity and effort, the greater the need for planned recovery. According to Peter Walters, Assistant Professor of Kinesiology at Wheaton College, athletes have an increased need for total sleep time, and slow-wave sleep was found to be the most beneficial type. Recent research indicates that reduced slow-wave sleep can lead to increased levels of cortisol (which can lead to anxiety and emotional reactivity), decreased activity of human growth hormone (which is active during tissue repair), and decreased glycogen synthesis (which provides energy). Other studies link reduced slow-wave sleep with decreased aerobic endurance, decreased memory and cognition as well as increased ratings of perceived exertion. It is estimated that glucose metabolism will deteriorate in a period of 7 to 10 days of reduced slow-sleep by as much as 30% to 40% and cardiovascular performance by 11%. During sleep, our brain has a chance to sort, prioritize and file all the information
we have taken in during the day. Mental functioning decreases nearly twice as rapidly as physical performance. The NeuroSleep™ treatment program starts by mapping the brain with advanced neuro-diagnostic technology. Neurotopia’s physicians then identify areas and characteristics of the brain that can cause a number of sleep disorders. Next, proprietary NeuroSleep™ protocols, developed at Neurotopia’s medical clinics, are used to treat the brain’s instabilities and optimize an athlete’s sleep performance. Treatment focuses on falling asleep faster, staying asleep longer, and activating slow-wave sleep cycles that are essential to peak performance. Without the necessary amount of slow-wave sleep, an athlete will never realize his or her true performance potential.
Medical Advisory Board
Neurotopia is the industry forerunner in offering medical grade neuro-therapy and Quantitative EEG imaging. Our Medical Advisory Board is comprised of some of the world’s leading experts in neurophysiology, which includes physicians, psychologists and exercise scientists. Christopher Bradburn, DO, FAAEM
Dr. Bradburn is a co-founder and Director of Sports Medicine for Neurotopia Medical Group. He is the President and Medical Director of Riverlakes Wellness Medical Group, a multi-specialty group with focus on sports medicine and athletic rehabilitation. Dr. Bradburn has specialized training in both Neurofeedback and Quantitative EEG interpretation. Dr. Bradburn is board-certified in Emergency Medicine, and is recognized as an Assistant Clinical Professor for the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. Warren Wisnoff, DO, MSPHE
Dr. Wisnoff is a co-founder and Director of Clinical Medicine at Neurotopia Medical Group. He is dual board certified in Internal Medicine and in Emergency Medicine. Dr. Wisnoff is an osteopathic physician and surgeon, is certified in Neurofeedback and has received specialized training in Quantitative EEG interpretation. Leslie Sherlin, PhD, QEEG-D, BCIA-EEG, BCIAC
Dr. Sherlin has the degrees of B.A. in Psychology, M.S. in Clinical Psychology and Ph.D. in Psychology. He is on the board of directors for both the International Society for Neurofeedback and Research and the Biofeedback Certification Institute of America. He is certified at the Diplomat Level in QEEG and is BCIA certified both in general and EEG biofeedback. Holden MacRae, PhD
Dr. MacRae, a Professor of Sports Medicine at Pepperdine University, is a research physiologist specializing in optimizing exercise metabolism and sports performance. Dr. MacRae holds a Ph.D. in Physiology, an M.Ed. in Exercise Physiology and a B.S. in Sports Science. Dr. MacRae is focused on the determination of optimal training thresholds in elite cyclists and runners. He studies the metabolic, cardiovascular, and muscular variables that contribute to optimal exercise performance during high-intensity exercise. Dr. MacRae serves on the Editorial Board for the International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching.
(866) 870-2982 Santa Monica 11999 San Vicente Blvd, Suite 220 Los Angeles CA 90049 San Luis Obispo 1310 Las Tables Rd, Suite 207 Templeton CA 93401 Bakersfield Inside Riverlakes Wellness Center 3900 Coffe Rd, Suite 3 Bakersfield CA 93308
Medical Treatment for Clinical Conditions:
In addition to Brain Performance Training, Neurotopia Medical Group treats the faulty brain-wave activity that is associated with many mental, emotional & physical symptoms. Since the brain is the command center for the body, when it works at maximum efficiency, stress and anxiety are reduced, the body’s self healing system is restored, hormones are better regulated, and people learn and perform optimally.
Women’s Health
Men’s Health ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
Adult ADD Sleep disorders Anger/Rage Addictions Depression PTSD Memory Loss Dementia Prevention
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
Anxiety / OCD Depression Migraines Chronic nerve pain PMS/ Menopasue Eating disorders Tinnitus Sleep disorders
Children & Teens ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
ADD/ADHD Learning Disorders Autism spectrum symptoms Eating disorders Nightmares Sleep Problems Depression/Anxiety Math/Language Skills