Half Hollow Hills Central School District 2010- 2011 Proposed Budget
To meet the educational and fiscal goals of the District by…
Supporting the educational mission Planning for the operational needs of the District Maintaining financial integrity Safeguarding taxpayers dollars
Enrollment Trend (in-district) 11,000 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000
7,74 1 7,3 2 4 7 ,2 15 7,0 3 3 7,0 6 9 7,0 5 5 7 ,10 7 7,2 3 6 7,4 9 9 7,8 3 5 8 ,110 8 ,4 71 8 ,7 17 9 ,19 2 9 ,5 83 9 ,9 74 10 ,19 6 10 ,16 8 10 ,14 8 10 ,0 9 8 10 ,0 3 7 10 ,0 2 5
TOTAL ENROLLMENT 1988/89 TO 2010/11
6,000 19 8 9 - 9 0
19 9 2 - 9 3
19 9 5 - 9 6
19 9 8 - 9 9
2 0 0 1-0 2
2 0 0 4 -0 5
2 0 0 7 -0 8
2 0 10 -11
Elementary Enrollment Trend Elementary (K-5) Enrollment (in-district) 5,500
4, 7 9 7
4, 9 06
4, 7 7 3
4, 617
4, 47 5
4, 333
4, 231
4,000 3,500
1 20
10 0 20
8/ 0 20
7/ 0 20
8 0
7 0 6/ 0 20
5/ 0 20
Secondary Enrollment Trend
Secondary (6-12) Enrollment (in-district)
1 20
10 0 20
/0 08 20
7/ 0
8 0
7 0 6/ 0
5 , 7 04
5 , 623
5 , 5 31
5 , 17 7
4/ 0 20
5 , 39 5
5 , 29 0
6,000 5,500 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000
Continuing Challenges for 2010/11
Run an efficient system without negatively impacting programs for our students New York State’s economic crisis has not improved Governor’s Gap Elimination Plan would reduce our state aid by a net of $2.7 million. Proposed Mandate for Districts to fund a portion of all Pre-school special education and transportation costs. The program is currently fully funded by NYS and Suffolk County. This proposal is not included in the current budget.
Continuing Challenges for 2010/11 ƒ
Proposed State funding for Summer Special Education reduced from 80% to 22.5% . If enacted, this proposal would cost the district approximately $673,000. This proposal is not included in the current budget. The MTA Tax, implemented for the 2009/10 school year, will continue in 2010/11. This will cost HHH over $400K and is included in the current budget proposal. To date no reimbursements have been received.
2010-11 Proposed Budget Summary 2009-10 Total Budget Dollar Increase Percent Increase
$201,876,771 $207,881,882 $6,005,111 2.97% Capital $27,047,020 13.01%
Program $160,068,267 77.00%
Administrative $20,766,595 9.99%
Budget-to-Budget comparison Adopted Budget 2009/10
Total Budget % Change
Rollover Budget 2010/11 (estimated cost of rolling forward budget as is)
Proposed Budget 2010/11
Total Savings From Original Rollover
$212,250,909 $207,881,882 ($4,369,027) 5.14% 2.97%
2010/11 Budget Reductions of over $4.3 million include:
Retirement Incentive offered resulted in over 20 retirements, producing significant budget savings for 2010/11 19 budgeted instructional positions 6.0 administrative and non-instructional staff positions monitor hours district-wide Revision to senior requirements Summer transportation for regular education summer school Interscholastic Freshman Teams
Budget Reductions – cont’d. ¾
Allocation reductions include… Equipment Contractual service expenditures Capital Project expenditures L.I. High School for the Performing Arts available for Seniors only Reduction of Summer guidance hours efficient on-line scheduling Curriculum Writing Significant reductions in professional and staff development
Retirement Incentive Salary value of positions eliminated due to incentive Savings realized due to salary differential for those positions retained after incentive Additional payouts required for Retirement Incentive beyond contractual obligations Year (1) one savings due to Retirement Incentive
$ 717,634 ($770,000) $1,194,349
Additional savings will be realized in subsequent years
Budget Proposal General Support 2009/10 Board of Education District Clerk & District Meetings Offices of Chief School Admin. Finance/Purchasing/Accounting Auditing Svc./Legal Services Public Information, District-wide Administration and Records Mgmt Operation and Maintenance, MIS, Printing and Mailing Insurance/BOCES Admin. and Special Items (including MTA tax) Total General Support *excluding MTA tax, general support would be virtually flat
$14,542,459 $14,553,083
$2,143,437 24.38%
$19,822,921 2.58%*
Budget Proposal Instructional Budget Curriculum Development & Supervision - including
Principals & Clerical In-Service Training & Pupil Personnel Services
Teaching Regular School and Students with Disabilities Adult Ed/Summer School Instructional Media & Support Pupil Services - including Health Office, Guidance, Psychologists, Social Workers, Interscholastic Athletics & Co-Curricular Activities
Total Instruction
Budget Proposal Other Budget Categories 2009/10 Transportation Community Recreation NYS Mandated Employer Contribution to Retirement System
Other Employee Benefits
$33,212,630 $33,880,032
Debt Service/TAN
Transfer to Capital Transfer to Special Aid Fund Total of Above Categories
Factors that may affect Expenditure Budget The following proposed unfunded mandates are not included in the current budget proposal. We hope to receive a decision from the State on these items before budget adoption. State reimbursement for Summer Special Education reduced from 80% to 22.5% ($673,000) Special Education Pre-School – Suffolk County’s share capped at a 2% increase over current costs. The District would be responsible for any cost increases in excess of 2%
Projected Revenues 2010/11 t a x levy 2 .00%
3.81 %
1 2 .36%
81 .83%
St a t e a id a p p ro p . Fund ba la nc e misc . rev
Revenue Comparison 2009/10 to 2010/11 Total Budget
2009/10 Budget Base Year $201,876,771
2010/11 Proposed Budget $207,881,882
State Aid
Miscellaneous Revenue including P.I.L.O.T. Tuition and Interest on Investments Appropriated Fund Balance
Use of Reserves
Tax Levy
% Change 2.97%
State Aid Proposal
State Aid
2009/10 State Aid Base Year Estimate @ 3/31/09
2009/10 State Aid Base Year @ 1/19/10
2010/11 Proposed State Aid Governor’s Proposal including Federal Restoration Aid and Administrative Efficiency Aid
2010/11 Proposed State Aid reduction
State aid trend
13.9 7 %
10 20
9/ 0 20
13.86% 9 20
9 -9 98 19
25 % 20% 15 % 10% 5%
15 .0 5 %
*2009/10 State Aid estimate and 2010/11 Governor’s Proposal
The State Aid Guessing Game
As of this date we do not know the direction the Legislature will take in regard to the Governor’s proposal. The Governor’s proposal as is … Imposes a net $2.7 million Gap Elimination Adjustment Gap Elimination Adjustment could have been even worse:
Administrative Efficiency Aid reduces this amount by $211,824 Federal Restoration (ARRA funds) return $1.7 million to the District through an application process and must adhere to strict use and reporting requirements
Administrative Efficiency „
The District may receive Administrative Efficiency Aid which offsets a portion of the GAP reduction. This aid is for districts with an Administrative Efficiency ratio (central office administration expense to total expenditures) of less than 2%. The Half Hollow Hills administrative efficiency ratio is 1.54%, the 9th lowest on Long Island. This aid could potentially return $211,824 in funding to the District for the 2010/11 school year
Safeguarding taxpayer dollars
Positive NYS Comptrollers Audit!
In 2009 only six (6) of the 200 audits conducted by the State Comptroller’s Office contained positive findings. Half Hollow Hills was one of the six and the only Long Island District. The NYS auditors found our system of controls were well designed and operating effectively.
Aa2 Moody’s Bond Rating for Half Hollow Hills CSD! Aa2 rating reflects the solid financial position and below average debt burden of the district, prudent budgeting practices and effective management of our reserves.
The contingency budget is 0% which
would require an additional $6 million in budget cuts.
Under a contingency budget
spending constraints are imposed within the overall budget cap.
Required Cuts under a Contingency Budget No new equipment purchases or rental including buses No Capital Project expenditures No Elementary student supplies No new student uniforms Restrictions on community use of facilities
Additional Cuts ƒ The required cuts will not reduce the budget enough to meet the contingency budget cap. ƒ In order to meet this cap, the District would need to make additional reductions which would impact student programs including...
Reductions could include:
Elimination of the 9-period day at Secondary Schools Elimination of Team teaching at the Middle Schools Increased class sizes at the Elementary Schools AHAP program Clubs Athletics Administrative reductions Electives and Advanced placement courses Arts and Music Non-mandated special education services Classroom supplies
Elementary Program Highlights Full day Kindergarten Universal Prekindergarten at each elementary school Variety of extra-curricular clubs and activities at each elementary school After School Foreign Language Clubs at each elementary school Hills on Stage – District-wide Fifth Grade Theatre Program
Elementary Program Highlights Keyboarding Instruction for all students in third and fourth grade Three computers in every classroom Weekly scheduled computer instruction utilizing mobile laptop labs K-4 Additional shared mobile laptop lab 5th grade Many classrooms now with built-in projectors All classrooms with Internet access and computers
Elementary Program Highlights Planetarium Program Space Shuttle Program After School Support Programs in English Language Arts and Math Weekly Art, Music, Library instruction Bi-weekly Physical Education instruction Universal Busing
Elementary Program Highlights Band/Orchestra lessons in 4th and 5th grade Health Instruction K-5 Enrichment AHAP Program Reading Support Services Math Support Services New Elementary Math Series
Middle Level Highlights A “Full Teaming” Model in Grades 6-8 Immersive Language Program beginning in grade 6 in French, Italian and Spanish Chinese now offered in Grades 6, 7 and 8 All Core Classes (ELA, SS, Science, Math, LOTE) work in a “vertical articulation” model towards the goal of maximizing college readiness as well as Advanced Placement participation and achievement Honors Earth Science and Mathematics classes now available to over 45 % of school population
Middle Level Highlights Full Band, Chorus and Orchestra Program Multiple concert opportunities for all maintained Comprehensive Theater Program Multiple performance opportunities for all maintained Two computer labs per school, music computer lab and highly effective 28 station laptop carts Smart Boards supplement the use of projectors installed in classrooms and classroom computers Full Health and PE program PE every other day
Middle Level Highlights Interesting “elective” programs such as Law Seminar and Mastery Seminar in Grade 8 Full range of support services from Guidance to Social and Academic Strong middle level Athletic program Students make use of our unique, full scale Planetarium and Space Shuttle program Support maintained for academic and competitive field trips Large array of extra-curricular opportunities Science Olympiad
High School Highlights Multiple Electronic Assets
Infinite Campus Student Management System Gradebook The Parent and Student Portal Administrative Productivity Suite Ad-hoc report generator Scheduling
Naviance College Management Software Multiple Electronic Library Services AP Photo Archives
Student Edge College and High School prep package available to parents
High School Highlights 26 National Level Advanced Placement courses Last year more than 2,000 AP Examinations were written
A comprehensive academic research program Summer Placements at top universities Support for local and in-house academic research
Numerous and where appropriate, advanced courses in Art, Business, Family and Consumer Sciences, Computers, Health, Music, Drivers Education and Physical Education
High School Highlights Drivers Education includes outstanding guest speakers which provide insight into the dangers of student driving Deep content level course work in the core areas; Mathematics, Science, LOTE (including ASL), English and Social Studies Large array of electives to take advantage of our nine-period day program Full use of our in house Planetarium for multi-disciplinary work Graphing Calculators are provided for students
High School Highlights Each high school has six computer labs including an Art lab for graphic and media arts and a Music lab for composition. New High-tech Science Labs Laptop carts are available for teachers to supplement their lessons with rich content Many classrooms now with built in projectors All classrooms with Internet access and computers
High School Highlights Full range of support services from Guidance to Social and Academic Guidance Support has outstanding student to counselor ratios A deep and highly competitive Athletic program which meets the needs of thousands of students Over 180 Coaches working in over 130 teams From Football to Fencing! A full Natatorium (Pool) complex, which allows us to have an excellent swim and dive team as well as to support community swim activities
High School Highlights A comprehensive after school Independent Study Foreign Language program Multiple languages from Hebrew to Latin to ASL and Japanese
Continued support for academic and competitive field trips Extremely large array of extracurricular opportunities
Special Education Highlights Full continuum of special education and related services for over 1400 students with disabilities living in the community New York State Education Department “Model Program” for children with Autism Special Education instructional expenditures per pupil are $5,000 less than NYSED Similar District Group.
More information….
Budget information is available on our webpage http//www.hhh.k12.ny.us Follow the Discover HHH link to the District Financial Information page
Dates to Remember Date
Wednesday, April 21, 2010 7:30 pm
H.S. West
PTA Budget Presentation
Monday, May 3, 2010
9:15 am
H.S. East
PTA Budget Presentation
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
9:30 am 7:30 pm
PTA Budget Presentation
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
9:30 am 7:30 pm
PTA Budget Presentation
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
9:30 am
PTA Budget Presentation
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
9:30 am 7:30 pm
PTA Budget Presentation
Monday, May 10, 2010
8:00 pm
Public Hearing
H.S. East
Budget VOTE
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
7:00am to 10:00pm
Voting Tuesday: May 18, 2010 7AM to 10PM High School East: East Gym