9th grade electives chart 2015 16 final

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Electives Available for Incoming 9th Graders 2015-2016 *All Electives Are Full Year Classes Unless Indicated With A (½) Yr. Symbol.



American Culture/Age of Hollywood (½) The Bible as Literature (½) Creative Writing I (½) Creative Writing II (½) Debate (½) Journalism: Media & News Literacy I (½) Journalism: Media & News Literacy II (½) Mythology & the Hero’s Journey (½) Public Speaking I (½) Public Speaking II (½) Read/ Writing Strategies I (A/B) Shakespeare (½) Theatre Arts I (½) Theatre Arts II (½)

1090 1065 1050 1051 1061 1041 1042 1096 1058 1059 1111 1060 1046 1047

ART Creative Crafts** 7051** Design & Drawing/Production I** 7018** Media Arts** 7053** Studio in Art** 7011** **Satisfies NYSED Art/Music Graduation Requirement Any student who received high school credit for Studio in Art in 8th grade is also eligible for the following additional electives: Fashion Illustration & Design I 7040 Architectural Design I 7025 Ceramics & Sculpture I 7014 Design & Drawing for Production II 7019 Design & Illustration I 7023 Drawing & Painting I 7055 Photography I 7029 Digital Design I 7060 Digital Game Design (½) 7070 Advertising Design in the 21st Century (½) 7075 Mural Design & Painting (½) 7084

MATHEMATICS Computer Programming I: Lego Robotics (½) Computer Programming II: Java (½) Introduction to Statistics (A/B) (Full Year)

3040 3041 3027

AP Human Geography* (*Requires Dept. Recommendation) Criminal Justice (½) Psychology (½) Race in America (½) Sociology (½) Sports In American History (½)

2040 2053 2050 2060 2058 2051

BUSINESS Accounting Advertising (½) Business Law Business Ownership & Marketing Business Computer Applications (½) Career & Financial Management E-Commerce (½) Fashion Retailing & Apparel (½) Financial Literacy (½) Sports Marketing (Business of Sports)

6014 6095 6023 6022 6020 6030 6035 6040 6037 6038

SCIENCE Astronomy(½)(*Pre-requisite: Completion of R- Earth Science) Principles of Engineering A*&B* 4077(A) (*Pre-requisite: Completion of R- Earth Science)

4051 4078(B)

MUSIC Band 9** Concert Choir** (Boys Only for 9th Grade) Women’s Choir** (9-10 Girls Only) Orchestra (9-10)** Music In Our Lives** Music Theory I (*Pre-Req.-any above ensemble or departmental recommendation. Must be able to read music!)

9109** 9101** 9102** 9110** 9108** 9105

**Satisfies NYSED Art/Music Graduation Requirement

FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCE Adolescent Psychology (½) Child Development I (½) Culture & Foods (½) Food & Fitness (½) Gourmet Foods (½)

Revised: 1/24/2015 2:17 PM

THE FINE PRINT!: The Final Deadline to make change requests is Friday, March 6, 2015.

8022 8021 8012 8025 8013

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