October 2010
Dear Parent: Please be advised that Thursday, October 21, 2010, Tuesday, October 26, 2010 and Monday, November 1, 2010 have been scheduled as Parent-Teacher Conference Nights. Interim Reports will be available on your Infinite Campus account on October 14th. Please check the report to see if a teacher has indicated that a conference is advisable. This year we will be using the same method for scheduling appointments that we did the previous year. You will be able to go on-line and access your child’s teachers’ appointment calendar. As in the past, appointments will be limited to five minutes, and we suggest that you leave 15 minutes between appointments to assure ample travel time from one appointment to another. You may also schedule an appointment to speak with a guidance counselor or school psychologist. Please visit: https://www.securedata-trans12.com/ap/halfhollowhillshighschoolwest/index.php?page=10 to create an account to access the scheduling server. Follow the on-screen directions to search for your child’s teachers and schedule appointments. If you need more specific instructions, please go to the HSW website (hhh.k12.ny.us) and look for further information under “School News”. If you need the names of your child’s teachers, you can find them on their schedule through the Infinite Campus Portal. All parents must create a new Appointment Plus account each year. If after going online and following these directions you still have questions please call 592-3205 for further directions. The Appointment-Plus system will be accessible up until Sunday, October 31st. Sincerely,
Debra Intorcia Principal
This is the screen that you’ll come to when you follow this link: https://www.securedatatrans12.com/ap/halfhollowhillshighschoolwest/in dex.php?page=10
All parents will need to register even if you had an account previously. All parents will follow the same process detailed on the pages that follow. Begin by clicking on the “Register” button.
All parents must fill out all the information in bold and the names of your students currently attending High School West.
Once you’ve signed in this is the screen that you’ll begin with. Click on Parent/Teacher Conference
Then begin the process by selecting one teacher at a time that you’d like to meet with. This is done by clicking on the teacher name in the drop down menu.
Once you’ve selected your teacher you’ll then select your child’s name if you have more than one child in the building. Then select the date by clicking on the calendar. Use the arrow to move ahead to November if you’d like to schedule for the 3rd night of conferences.
Now that you’ve selected the teacher and the date, you can pick your time slot. Each parent can only schedule one 5 minute appointment per student per class. Select a timeslot by clicking on the box adjacent to the time you’d like to meet. It is also suggested to leave at least 15 minute between each appointment.
This screen will appear confirming your appointment. Repeat this process for each appointment you’d like to schedule. Keep track of the days and times selected to avoid scheduling multiple appointments at the same time.