Community Aquatics Program
Program Runs September 5, 2012 – December 21, 2012 Note to Participants: There is no written confirmation of acceptance into a class. Be sure to bring your own swimsuit, towel and lock to the pool with you.
Office & Pool Location: The Half Hollow Hills Natatorium is adjacent to Half Hollow Hills High School West 375 Wolf Hill Road, Dix Hills, NY 11746 Pool Phone (tape recorder) (631) 592-3236 Pool E-mail: Registration Forms: Mail Early!
Fall 2012 Registration Form (Please Print Clearly - *ALL FIELDS MUST BE COMPLETED!)
*Address: __________________________________________ *Telephone: ________________________________________ *E-Mail:
Mail-in Registration begins immediately after this Community Aquatics Program brochure is mailed. Please mail completed registration form(s) to: Mr. Patrick Murphy Community Aquatics Program Half Hollow Hills School District 525 Half Hollow Road Dix Hills, NY 11746
In-Person Registration at High School West - Evening: Date ………………………………September 5th and 7th Time ……………..……………….8 pm – 9:45pm
In-Person Registration – Evening: Where…..The Half Hollow Hills Natatorium at HS West Pool Phone (tape recorder)……….. (631) 592-3236 Pool E-mail …………………
Please make checks or money orders payable to: Half Hollow Hills CSD **No CASH Accepted**
Make checks or money orders payable to: Half Hollow Hills CSD No CASH accepted.
Refund Policy: Refunds will only be given if a course is cancelled.
Mail this completed form to: Mr. Patrick Murphy Community Aquatics Program Half Hollow Hills School District 525 Half Hollow Road Dix Hills, NY 11746
Huntington Station, NY
Permit No. 12
US Postage
Non-profit Org.
FAMILY SWIM #100 Swimming is a sport that is good for people of all ages. It’s fun, easy and an ideal activity that all members of the family can do together. No instruction or activity is planned. The following rules apply: (1) Children may not attend without their own parent; (2) No family or friend substitutions are permitted; (3) A child who is less than 4’6” must be attended by a parent at all times, and (4) Flotation devices are not permitted. Lifeguards are on duty during this program. Saturdays—Beginning Sept. 15th for 12 sessions - ends December 8th Time: 3:00 PM — 4:00 PM Fee: $125.00
ADULT LAP SWIMMING #101 Swimming is an all-around physical conditioning activity. This is for people who would like an opportunity to enhance or maintain their cardio-respiratory and muscular fitness. Showers, dressing areas and lockers are provided. Lifeguards are on duty during this program. Mon., Wed., & Fri.—Beginning Sept. 5th for 15 sessions Time: 8:00 PM — 9:45 PM Fee: $100.00
This course follows the progression of the American Red Cross swim levels 1-6. Repeat swimmers pick up where they left off, while new swimmers are tested on the first day for proper placement. The age requirements for this class is at least 5 years old by Dec. 21st. Saturdays—Beginning Sept. 15th for 12 sessions - ends December 8th 3 available times: 12:00 PM - 12:50 PM /1:00 PM - 1:50 PM / 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM Fee: $125.00 before Sept. 15th; $150.00 on or after first day of class
Mrs. Kelly Fallon Superintendent of Schools
Mr. James Ptucha, President Mr. Frank Grimaldi, Vice President Ms. Diana Acampora, Trustee Ms. Betty DeSabato, Trustee Mr. Eric Geringswald, Trustee Dr. Paul Peller, Trustee
Board of Education
525 Half Hollow Road Dix Hills, New York 11746
Half Hollow Hills Central School District
ADULT LEARN TO SWIM #103 This course if for adults who cannot swim or want to improve their swimming skills. Topics include proper breathing, floating, strokes and water safety. Fridays—Beginning Sept. 14th for 10 sessions - Ends Nov. 16th Time: 8:00 PM — 9:00 PM Fee: $100.00
This class is suitable for individuals with mild to moderate physical or mental disabilities. Classes are one-to-one and instructors will teach skills based upon the abilities of each individual student. This program is open to children and adults. Maximum enrollment is 12 per class. Saturdays- Beginning Sept. 15th throughout the school year; Sept. - May 2 available times: 10:45 AM - 11:20 AM /11:20 AM -11:55 AM Fee: $200.00
This course will cover the basics of springboard diving: approach, hurdle, take-off, flight and entry. Emphasis will be on proper techniques and form. In addition, all five groups of dives will be taught: forward, back, reverse, inward and twisting. The springboard course will also emphasize competition-level dives and techniques used in competition. Saturdays—Beginning Sept. 15th for 12 sessions - ends Dec. 8th 3 available times: 10 AM - 11 AM / 11 AM - 12 PM / 3 PM - 4 PM Fee: $125.00
AQUAROBICS #105 Aquarobics is a form of rhythmic exercise that supports the body while using water as resistance. Swimming ability is not required. Saturdays - Beginning Sept. 15th for 12 sessions – ends December 8th Times: 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM Fee: $70.00
Please contact to be updated on recertification course dates and times throughout the year.
SENIOR CITIZEN SWIM #106 Swimming is an all-around physical conditioning activity. This is for people who would like an opportunity to enhance or maintain their cardio-respiratory and muscular fitness. Lines separating fast, medium and slow lanes will be in the pool. Showers, dressing areas and lockers are provided. Lifeguards are on duty during this program. Mon., Wed., & Fri. - Beginning Sept. 5th throughout the year; Sept. - July Time: 2:15 PM - 3:00 PM Fee: $100.00
Please contact to be updated on recertification course dates and times throughout the year.
This course is for proficient lap swimmers who would like to increase endurance in a team setting. An emphasis will be made on learning advanced freestyle techniques to prepare for open water competition. Maximum enrollment of eight per 1-hour class. Saturdays - Beginning September 15th for 12 sessions –ends Dec. 8th 2 available times: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM / 11:00 AM- 12:00 PM. Maximum enrollment of eight per 1-hour class. Fee: $100.00
This full course consists of American Red Cross Lifeguard, First Aid, and CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer. The course provides participants with the skills and knowledge to prevent, recognize, and respond to emergencies in and around pools and non-surf waterfront facilities. Age requirement: 15 years old by the end of the course Maximum number of participants: 10 – Course enrollment is based upon water strength and performance on the prerequisite swim test ONLY. Prerequisite testing for acceptance into the course will include: 1. Swim 300 yards continuously using the front crawl and/or breaststroke. 2. Tread water for 2 minutes using only the legs. 3. Swim 20 yards, surface dive 12 feet to retrieve a 10-pound object, swim 20 yards on your back with both hands holding the object and keeping your face at or near the surface, and exit the water. This must be performed in 100 seconds or less. Mandatory Prerequisite Testing and Introductory Class: The prerequisite testing date will be Tuesday, September 11th at 6:30 PM in Room 103 at Half Hollow Hills High School West. The course textbook and CPR breathing mask will cost approximately an additional $65. This can be purchased once pre-requisite testing is completed. ARC Certification cards will also be an additional $35 upon completion of this course. Tuesdays – Beginning Sept. 11th for 13 sessions – ends December 18th. Time: 6:30 PM – 10:00 PM – You must attend all classes of this course to complete your certification – NO EXCEPTIONS! Fee: $300.00 for HHH residents and $350.00 for non-HHH residents Make-up Date(s): TBD
Community Aquatics Program Fall 2012 Calendar
Refunds will only be given if a course is cancelled.
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There is no written confirmation of acceptance into a class.
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The shaded areas indicate when the pool is closed. In-Person Registration—September 5, 7 (*) Make-up date - December 15, only if needed