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Francesco L. Fratto Director of LOTE & ESL

Half Hollow Hills: The languages that are spoken by our ELLs

Arabic Bengali Bosnian Chinese Haitian Creole Hindi Japanese Korean Polish Telugu Urdu Uzbek

Russian Spanish Ashanti/Twi Farsi Gujarati Italian Malayalam Pashto Sinhala Turkish Tagalog

The Many Faces of ELLs

Second Language Acquisition Quiz 1. According to research, students in ESL-only programs, with no schooling in their native language, take 7-10 years to reach grade level norms.


Second Language Acquisition Quiz 2. Second language learners will acquire academic English faster if their parents speak English at home.


Second Language Acquisition Quiz 3. Cognitive and academic development in native language has an important and positive effect on second language acquisition.


Second Language Acquisition Quiz 4. Older generations of immigrants learned without all the special language programs that immigrant children receive now. It was "sink or swim" and they did just fine!


Terms to Know ELL: English Language Learner 9 ESL: English as a Second Language 9 LEP: Limited English Proficiency 9 ESOL: English to Speakers of Other Languages 9 NYSESLAT: New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test 9 L1: First or Home Language 9 L2: Second Language/English Language 9 HLQ: Home Language Questionnaire 9

New York State LEP Identification Process 1. SCREENING Enrollment: Administer Home Language Questionnaire 2. INITIAL ASSESSMENT Administer Language Assessment Battery Revised (LAB-R) 3. PROGRAM PLACEMENT Place student in bilingual education or freestanding ESL Program. 4. ANNUAL ASSESSMENT *ELA and NYSESLAT

State Assessments I. NYSESLAT II. State Tests Grades 3- 8 (ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies) III. NYS Regents Exams IV. Testing Accommodations

He/She speaks English‌.. BICS: Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (English used at the store, with friends, etc.) CALP: Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (Academic English required in the classroom to discuss concepts such as democracy , species classification, etc.)

Types of ELLs I. Student is not literate Interrupted schooling

II. Student is literate Below grade level III. Student on or above grade level

Level of Proficiency I. Beginner II. Intermediate III. Advanced IV. Transitional

Four Levels of Second Language Acquisition Stage 1: Pre-Production:

Classroom Activities:

500 word receptive vocabulary

Listen Draw Move Choose Point Select Mime Act Out

Minimal Comprehension No verbal production

Four Levels of Second Language Acquisition Stage II: Early Production

Classroom Activities

1000 Word active/receptive vocabulary

Name Group Compare Categorize Answer Label Respond Tell/Say

Limited Comprehension One/Two word responses

Four Levels of Second Language Acquisition Stage III: Early Production

Classroom Activities

3000 Word active/receptive Recall vocabulary Define Explain Increased comprehension Choose Compare Simple sentences Restate Retell Some basic errors in speech

Summarize Describe Role-Play Contrast

Four Levels of Second Language Acquisition Stage IV: Intermediate Fluency

Classroom Activities

6000 word active/receptive vocabulary

Analyze Create Defend Debate Answer List Categorize

Very good comprehension More complex structures Fewer Errors in speech

Tell/Say Predict Hypothesize

Comprehensible Input (i + 1) Prior knowledge Vocabulary L2 Noise

Techniques / Strategies Wait time: 15-20 seconds Visuals, graphic organizers and pictures Repeat and rephrase 5-8 most important vocabulary of the lesson Focus on 2-3 key concepts of a lesson Electronic dictionaries Demonstrate knowledge in different ways

Techniques / Strategies Outline of the lesson – key concepts Notes Print Instructions Concrete language and questions Simplify questions Accommodations First draft in native tongue

Work and Assessment Shorten length of writing assignment Eliminate a few multiple choice questions Beginners: graphic organizers in lieu of a writing piece Extra time Provide word bank Create a simplified language version

What You Can Expect to See.. Students correcting grammatical errors during daily oral language practice exercises Students reading and having discussions about: main idea, drawing conclusions, making predictions and inferences, character analysis and story elements Students feeling comfortable and safe so that they may take risks and participate Students having fun and learning English!

A Happy ESL Teacher

Final Thoughts….. Culture of your student Learn a few words Build background! View your students as bilingual/bicultural and not LEP Collaborate/Conference with your building ESL teacher.

Final Thoughts..

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