Half Hollow Hills Professional Development Program
Technology Courses February – June 2010
February – June 2010 Technology PDP Offerings
Inform ation , Me dia, and Te chn olog y Sk ill s for 21st Centu ry Le arn ing
The Half Hol low Hill s Te ch nolog y Profe ssional Developmen t Prog ram is ge ared to help teache rs an d other staff m embers gu ide stu dents in developing an d using the se 21 st Centur y Sk ill s in e fficie nt and e th ical ways.
Enhanced Podcasting An “enhanced podcast” is a video file that uses still images (photos you take yourself and/or high resolution images culled from the Internet and/or slides from a PowerPoint presentation) simultaneously with YOUR recorded narration to impart information to your audience. The resulting product is a video with a soundtrack that can be placed on a webpage and also downloaded onto an iPod. The video can also contain hyperlinks to websites so that a viewer can be pointed to more resources on a topic. Are you interested in placing your weekly vocabulary words on the web in a format that your students can listen to there and also download to their MP3 player? Are you interested in learning this simple technology to have your students broadcast news/classroom events? Would you like to easily record and broadcast (podcast) specific lectures or demonstrations? Then this course is for you! At the conclusion of this workshop participants will be given an area on the HHH podcast server to mount their work! 5 hours PDP Location: Greenspan CO room 208 Date: Tuesdays, March 16 and March 23 Time: 3:45 pm – 6:15 pm Instructor: Ellen Robertson
Enhanced Podcasting for LOTE Teachers In this 5 hour workshop geared to Foreign Language teachers, participants will develop several sets of vocabulary lists an/or phrases that they will narrate and then “podcast” for student viewing and listening by mounting on the District’s new podcast server. An “enhanced podcast” uses still images (photos you take yourself and/or high resolution images culled from the Internet an/or slides from a PowerPoint presentation) simultaneously with recorded narration to impart information to an audience. The resulting product is a set of slides with narration that can then be placed on a webpage and also downloaded onto an iPod. The slideshow can also contain hyperlinks to websites so that the viewer can be pointed to more resources. **Participants must come prepared with vocabulary lists and/or phrases of what they will be recording. 5 hours PDP Location: Greenspan CO room 208 Date: Thursdays March 18 and March 25 Time: 3:45 pm – 6:15 pm Instructor: Ellen Robertson
Deliciously Flipping With Visual Thesaurus This workshop will introduce participants to several new technology tools to use within their practice. Participants will use FLIP camcorders to produce a short video and post it to the District server. Next, the Delicious bookmarking tool will enable staff members to produce lists of web resources to embed into their eBoards to direct their students to Internet sites for research. Finally, the Visual Thesaurus will be investigated as a way of helping student develop their language skills. The Visual Thesaurus is an interactive dictionary and thesaurus which creates word maps that blossom with meanings and branch to related words. Its innovative display encourages exploration and learning. Come and spend a “hands-on” afternoon exploring these new tools! 5 hours PDP Location: HS WEST Mac Lab Date: Weds. March 3 and Thursday March 4 Time: 3:45 pm – 6:15 pm Instructor: Corinne Carriero/Ellen Robertson
Voicethreads Workshop: A Multimedia Commenting and Collaboration Tool A Voicethread enables you to transform visual media into collaborative spaces. This Internet-based technology allows every contributor to easily record audio commentary about ideas, topics and experiences that are important to them--an event, a project, or a milestone. In a classroom setting, students can tell their story in their own voice, and then share it with the world. For teachers, a Voicethread offers a single container to capture and then share all the diverse personalities of an entire class, allowing each student to tell a story in their own voice and then share it globally. The second session of this workshop will allow teachers to develop a Voicethread for a class project. 5 hours PDP Location: Greenspan CO room 208 Date: Thursdays, April 8 and April 15 Time: 3:45 pm – 6:15 pm Instructor: Ellen Robertson
The “I Still Don’t Know What a Podcast Is” Information Session This general information class is for those staff members who would like to investigate how podcasting can be used as a tool in their practice and also how students can utilize it for presentation and assessment purposes. Research indicates that education is going through a large-scale transformation toward a more participatory form of learning. The evolution of the Internet and Web 2.0 tools, such as wikis, blogs, RSS feeds and podcatching, podcasting, and video podcasting can facilitate this approach by making information sharing and content creation easier for staff and students alike. This information session is intended to give staff members a basic understanding of this new tool and investigate how to harness its power for use in teaching. Discover what a podcast is and how to subscribe and listen to educational “radio shows”. Learn how to use podcasts as “do nows” and springboards to classroom discussions. Learn how to download podcasts to an mp3 player for anywhere, anytime learning. See how easy it is to make your first podcast! 2.5 hours PDP Location: Greenspan CO room 208 Date: Thursday, March 11 Time: 3:45 pm – 6:15 pm Instructor: Ellen Robertson
The “So What’s a Wiki, Anyway?” Information Session This general information class is for those staff members who would like to investigate how wikis can be used as a tool in their practice and also how students can utilize them for collaboration, presentation and assessment purposes. Research indicates that education is going through a large-scale transformation toward a more participatory form of learning. The evolution of the Internet and Web 2.0 tools, such as wikis, blogs, RSS feeds and podcatching, podcasting, and video podcasting can facilitate this approach by making information sharing and content creation easier for staff and students alike. This information session is intended to give staff members a basic understanding of this new tool and investigate how to harness its power for use in teaching. Try your hand at developing your own wiki---a web space where you can collaborate with your colleagues or students in collecting and creating information and resources which are available to your entire group. Wikis are especially useful for joint class projects, as review sites, and for long term collaborations. 2.5 hours PDP Location: HS WEST Mac Lab Date: Weds. March 10 Time: 3:45 pm – 6:15 pm Instructor: Corinne Carriero
“Create an HHH Wiki” Workshop; Developing Your Wiki On the New HHH Wiki Server Half Hollow Hills now has its own wiki server! Participants in this workshop will be guided in developing a wiki for use in their classes as a collaboration and/or information site for their students. Using this unique web-based tool, staff members will create a private internet space where ONLY their specifically chosen students/colleagues can collaborate on such activities as • Developing study /review guides---Great for AP collaborative course reviews! • Project development with peer review • Group authoring • Tracking a group project • Data Collection • Presentations • Group/team collaborations for Professional Learning Community work **prerequisite: This is a workshop session and participants must have an understanding of what a wiki is and a concept of what activity they will create with the wiki. 5 hours PDP Location: HS WEST Mac Lab Date: Wednesdays, March 17 and March 24 Time: 3:45 pm – 6:15 pm Instructor: Ellen Robertson
Make and Take: Create Your Class or CD Yearbook in Three Easy Sessions Calling all Speilberg and Lucas “wannabes”! In these sessions, you will create a DVD or CD of events that took place in your class during the past year using iPhoto, iDVD or Toast, and iTunes. At this session’s end, your DVD or CD will be ready for duplication for distribution to each of your students. Video is quickly becoming the medium of choice for collecting images and sound for educational and social science learning. This course will also investigate the various roles students can undertake in producing this type of digital yearbook by aligning Gardner’s multiple intelligences to the tasks at hand. **participants must bring their collection of photos on CD or “disk on key” to the first session as well as any background music (CD or MP3 file) they will use—there is no limit on the maximum number of images, but a minimum of 50 is suggested. SESSION 1 7.5 hrs Location: Greenspan CO room 208 Date: June 8, 9, 10 Time: 3:45 pm – 6:15 pm Instructor: Ellen Robertson
Make and Take: Create Your Class or CD Yearbook in Three Easy Sessions Calling all Speilberg and Lucas “wannabes”! In these sessions, you will create a DVD or CD of events that took place in your class during the past year using iPhoto, iDVD or Toast, and iTunes. At this session’s end, your DVD or CD will be ready for duplication for distribution to each of your students. Video is quickly becoming the medium of choice for collecting images and sound for educational and social science learning. This course will also investigate the various roles students can undertake in producing this type of digital yearbook by aligning Gardner’s multiple intelligences to the tasks at hand. **participants must bring their collection of photos on CD or “disk on key” to the first session as well as any background music (CD or MP3 file) they will use—there is no limit on the maximum number of images, but a minimum of 50 is suggested. SESSION 2 7.5 hrs Location: Greenspan CO room 208 Date: June 15, 16, 17 Time: 3:45 pm – 6:15 pm Instructor: Ellen Robertson