Half Hollow Hills CSD Science Department
GRADE: 1 UNIT: Matter
New York State Standards/Key Ideas:
Standard 4: Students will understand and apply scientific concepts, principles, and theories pertaining to the physical setting and living environment and recognize the historical development of ideas in science. • KEY IDEA 3: Matter is made up of particles whose properties determine the observable characteristics of matter and its reactivity. • KEY IDEA 5: Energy and matter interact through forces that result in changes in motion.
New York State Performance Indicators: • Observe and describe properties of materials using appropriate tools. • Describe the effects of common forces (pushes and pulls) of objects, such as those caused by gravity, magnetism, and mechanical forces.
Major Understandings:
Students will understand that:
• Matter has properties (color, hardness, odor, sound, taste, etc.) that can be observed through the senses. • Objects have properties that can be observed, described, and/or measured:length, width, volume, size, shape, mass or weight, temperature, texture, flexibility, reflectiveness of light. • Measurements can be made with standard metric units and non standard units. • The material(s) an object is made up of determine some specific properties of the object (sink/float, conductivity, magnetism). • Properties can observed or measured with tools such as hand lenses, metric rulers, thermometers, balances, magnets, circuit testers, and graduated cylinders. • Objects and/or materials can be sorted or classified according to their properties. • The position of an object can be described by locating it relative to another object or background (ex: on top of, next to, over, under, etc.).
Grade 1
Essential Questions: • What are the properties that objects can be grouped by? Ex. size, shape, color, texture, weight, whether they sink or float. • What senses can be used in grouping objects? • How can objects be measured and compared? • How can we identify similar and different properties among varying objects?
Students will know: • That objects can be grouped by size, shape, color, texture, weight, or whether they can sink or float. • That their senses can be used in order to group objects. Ex. Does it feel hot or cold, smooth or rough, liquid or solid? • You can measure objects using a scale, ruler, interlocking cubes or graduated cylinder. • That you can group and graph objects according to their properties. • Students will know key terms: Vocabulary: senses properties thermometer graduated cylinder ruler liquid, solid, gas balance scale categorize tally chart classify bar graph measure observe
Grade 1
Students will be able to: • Observe and classify living and nonliving things. • Identify basic characteristics, needs, and functions common to all living things. • Observe and record information about plants and animals. • Recognize how differences among individuals within a species can help another organism to survive. • Identify the behaviors and physical adaptations that allow them to survive in the environment. • Recognize the basic life functions that help organisms sustain life.
Resources: • First Grade Science Manual • Trade Books: • Sink or Float by Don Everheart • Balloons by Daria Evans • What’s the Matter in Mr. Whisker’s Room? Michael Elsohn Ross; Candlewick, 2004 • Matter: See it, Touch it, Taste it, Smell it by Darlene Stille; Picture Window 2004 • Solids, Liquids, and Gases by Angela Royston; Heinemann, 2001 • Sinking and Floating by Natalie M. Rosinsky; Compass Point, 2004 • Ask and Click magazines by Cricket
Half Hollow Hills CSD Science Department
Unit: Matter
Grade: 1
MINILESSON 1 Students will understand that matter is anything that takes up space and has weight. MINILESSON 2 Students will understand the properties of a solid. MINILESSON 3 Students will understand the properties of a liquid. MINILESSON 4 Students will understand the properties of a gas. MINILESSON 5 Students will be able to sort through pictures of objects and classify them into categories of a solid, liquid or a gas. MINILESSON 6 Students will understand that matter can change states. M6 Matter Change Lesson MINILESSON 7 Students will be able to identify objects that either float or sink and explain why. M7 Float or Sink Worksheet MINILESSON 8 Students will understand the term magnetic and be able to identify items that are magnetic. MINILESSON 9 Students will measure matter (objects) using standard and non-standard units of measure.
Half Hollow Hills CSD Science Department
UNIT: Matter Grade: 1 MINILESSON 1: Introducing Forms of Matter LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students will know! That matter takes up space. Students will understand! Different forms of matter. Students will be able to! Share and discuss different forms of matter. MINILESSON PROCEDURE Required Materials book, ruler, block; juice, liquid glue, water; inflated balloon, sealed Ziploc bag Required Background Information Introductory lesson Process & Procedure 1. Tell children that they will be thinking like scientists. They will be looking at different items to see what is alike and different. 2. Be sure each table has the materials listed above 3. Ask the children: *How are the items alike? *How are the items different? *Which items take up space? *Which items have weight? *Are all of the items books? Juice? *What is the same about all of these items? What could we call them? 4. Conclude that these items are called matter and matter takes up space. 5. Do a read aloud explaining matter and connect it to their experience and observations with matter. 6. Extension: Give students paper titled “Matter�. Take students on a walk outside or in the classroom to find objects that are matter and a challenge would be to think of anything that is not matter.
Suggested Reading
ASSESSMENTS *All assessments should follow report card guidelines*
Half Hollow Hills CSD Science Department
UNIT: Matter Grade: 1 MINILESSON 6: Changes in the states of matter LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students will know! That the state of an object’s matter can change. Students will understand! That matter takes different forms. Students will be able to! Observe and describe changes in matter. MINILESSON PROCEDURE Required Materials 2 Empty plastic bottles, water Required Background Information Matter can change its state, but cannot exist in two states at the same time. Process & Procedure (How will you teach this lesson?) Take the 2 empty bottles and tape a paper marker around each bottle about half way up. Using a large pitcher of water, carefully fill each of the bottles to the marks. Place one bottle in a warm room and the other in the freezer. Leave them overnight. Have the students make predictions about what will happen. Take out the frozen bottle and compare the water level in each of the bottles. Discuss the students’ observations about the bottles. You can then melt the frozen bottle to compare what happens to the level of the water. Suggested Reading What is the World Made Of? All About Solids, Liquids and Gases by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld NOTES You can try this activity using pieces of chocolate, butter or wax. Place them on a tray and leave in a warm place to compare how they melt. Place the tray in the freezer to reverse the changes. ASSESSMENTS *All assessments should follow report card guidelines*
Name _________________________________________________________
Directions: Draw pictures of objects that float and sink.
Magic Water (H2O) When water freezes Or water boils It gets a different name, It turns to ice It turns to steam But it's water just the same! Gases Air is a gas. We can't see it, that's true; But often we feel it In things that we do. It keeps up a kite. Air fills up a bubble. Without it to breathe, We would be in BIG trouble! Liquids A liquid moves smoothly. We say that it flows. From one place to another-How quickly it goes! We know that most liquids Are easy to see. With no shape of their own, They're not like you and me. Solids A solid is a solid, It doesn't change its shape. It cannot move around, It stays in just one place. Your desk is a solid,
And so is your chair. Just look in your classroom-Wow! They're everywhere! What Is Matter? (Sung to Three Blind Mice) What is matter? What is matter? A solid, liquid, or gas. A solid, liquid, or gas. It takes up space and weighs something, too. It's everywhere--that includes me and you. Did you ever think such a thing could be true? That is matter. That is matter. Matter Really Matters By: Sue Boulais Matter is very important; It makes up the things that we see, Without it, all things as we know them Would simply just not even be! We wouldn't have fish in the ocean; We wouldn't have clouds in the air. No people in houses, no grass on the ground Why, the ground wouldn't even be there! Matter is very important--Especially to you and to me. Everyone's made up of matter--Without it, we just wouldn't be.
What's the Matter? By: Tom McGowen What's the matter, do you ask? I'll tell you right away. It's everything around you, As you work or sleep, or play. A chair is matter, a table, too, And so is a rock or tree. A cloud, a star, a blade of grass, A raindrop, a bumblebee. The earth is matter, so is the sea, And the sky is matter, too. (Of course what matters most of all Is the matter that is you!)
There's matter almost everywhere, Except in one special place-The vast, black, lonely emptiness, That we call outer space. Matter Always Matters By: Judy Rosenbaum Stone, as solid as can be, Can't fit in a smaller place. Water (liquid) from a lake or sea Takes the shape of any space. But the gases of the air Can't be seen by human eyes. They can slip in anywhere Change to any shape or size.
Half Hollow Hills CSD Science Department
Unit: Matter
Grade: 1
Suggested Reading List Title
Will it Float or Sink?
Melissa Stewart
(Rookie-Read About Science) Float or Sink
Robin Nelson
What is Matter?
Don L. Curry
(Rookie-Read About Science) What is the World Made Of? All
Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld
About Solids, Liquids & Gases What Makes a Magnet?
Franklyn Mansfield
Half Hollow Hills CSD K-5 Science Unit Assessment UNIT: Matter Performance Level
Measurable Skill Uses Inquiry and observation skills to generate a hypothesis
The performance level measures knowledge and understanding of the science concepts being taught in this unit. The following items should be considered when determining student performance level: Formal Assessments- tests, quizzes, graded assignments, labs & projects Informal Assessments- discussions, observations, trivia, journal A student who consistently displays this skill will: • • •
Applies skills: gathers, classifies, measures, and records data
• •
Ask and answer “why” questions Observe, discuss, record and compare observations Formulate an educated guess or prediction (hypothesis) based on observations and background knowledge Contribute to the development of a plan to test their hypothesis Share and carry out the proposed plan; collect, measure and record data
Specific Unit Indicator Sink or Float Lesson- Students can make a hypothesis of which objects will sink or float. Magnets- Students can make a hypothesis of which objects will and won’t be magnetic. Measurement- Students are able to gather and measure objects and record the data. Matter, solid, liquid, gas and sorting lessons- Students can gather objects that can be classified in each category of matter. Sink or Float- Students can perform the experiment, measure and record data.
Communicates scientific ideas effectively using content specific vocabulary
Makes generalizations, draws logical conclusions, analyzes and interprets data
• • • •
• •
Communicate their findings in a variety of ways Use science vocabulary appropriate for the level and unit Organize data in charts, tables, notes, or journals
Connect their findings to the real world Ask and answer “what if” questions Make predictions based on collected data Reword or rephrase explanations based on their own findings
Each lesson- Students can share each lesson including the process, results and conclusions. Matter lesson-Students can explain what matter is. Measurement-Explain how to measure an object using the unit. Solid, liquid, gas Discuss and share properties of each form of matter. Sink or Float-Explain what makes an object buoyant Sort- Students can sort pre-determined objects by category and generate additional objects by generalizing concepts of matter. Matter, solid, liquid and gas- Students can find other objects of the same category. Sink or float- Students can predict which objects float or sink. Magnet- Students can predict what type of objects are magnetic.