Grade 1 weather unit

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Half Hollow Hills CSD Science Department

GRADE: 1 UNIT: Weather Essential Question

How do weather conditions influence our Earth?

New York State Standards/Key Ideas: Students will understand and apply scientific concepts, principles, and theories pertaining to the physical setting and living environment and recognize the historical development of ideas in science. •

KEY IDEA 2: Many of the phenomena that we observe on Earth involve interactions among components of air, water, and land.

New York State Performance Indicators: • Describe the relationship among air, water, and land on Earth.

Major Understandings:

Students will understand that:

• Weather is a condition of the outside air at a particular moment. • Weather can be described and measured by : • Temperature • Wind speed and direction • Form and amount of precipitation • General sky conditions (cloudy, sunny, partly cloudy)

Essential Questions: • What observable changes in the air, water, and land can be noticed when “weather watching?” • How can changes in the weather be measured? • How can we describe what happens when the Earth’s weather conditions change?



Students will know: • • • • • • •

Weather is what the air outside is like. Different sky conditions result in different weather patterns. Precipitation can be measured using the appropriate tools. Wind can change speed and direction. Weather changes from day to day and season to season. Spring, summer, winter, and fall are the four seasons. Students will know key terms: Vocabulary: weather temperature thermometer wind speed rain gauge wind vane


Students will be able to: • Compare and describe quantities and relate mathematics to their immediate environment. • Use appropriate scientific tools such as thermometers, rain gauges and wind vanes. • Predict the weather outcome based on sky and temperature conditions. • Understand that weather and living things change seasonally. • Verbally explain weather conditions. • Compare and contrast weather conditions and seasonal changes. • Seasons change in the same order every year. • Ask “why” questions in attempt to seek greater understanding concerning objects and events they have observed and heard about • Organize observations and measurements of objects through classification and the preparation of simple charts and tables • Interpret organized observations and measurements, recognizing • Simple patterns, sequences and relationships.



Resources: • First Grade Science Manual Trade Books: • Measuring Weather by Lucy Morris • Clouds by John Chapman • Sunshine Makes the Seasons by Franklyn M. Branley;Harper 2005 • Shapes in the Sky by Josepha Sherman; Picture Window 2004 • Ask (magazine) by Cricket • Click (magazine) by Cricket • What is Weather? Series: 5 titles by Miranda Ashwell and Andy Owen; Heinemann

Half Hollow Hills CSD Science Department

Unit: Weather

Grade: 1

MINILESSON 1 Students will understand there are four seasons with different weather patterns. MINILESSON 2 Students will observe and record weather patterns on a calendar or graph. MINILESSON 3 Students will be able to compare and contrast seasonal characteristics. MINILESSON 4 Students will compare and contrast two seasons. MINILESSON 5 Students will understand what the air is like outside. MINILESSON 6 Students will know precipitation can be measured using appropriate tools. MINILESSON 7 Students will know temperature can be measured using a thermometer. MINILESSON 8 Students will know wind can change speed and direction.

Half Hollow Hills CSD Science Department

UNIT: Weather and Seasonal Changes

GRADE: First

MINILESSON 1: Four Seasons and Weather Words LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students will know… there are four seasons with different weather patterns. Students will understand… the weather changes with each season. Students will be able to… identify weather words for each season. MINILESSON PROCEDURE Required Materials chart paper, "Spin a Season", brad fasteners Required Background Information activate prior knowledge for this lesson with a read aloud. Process & Procedure (How will you teach this lesson? *Read a weather book about the four seasons *Brainstorm weather words on chart paper. Divide the chart into four quadrants by season. List the weather words by season. *Hand out "Spin a Season" *Ask students to use the spinner to show ... *In what season does it snow the most? *In what season are seeds usually planted? *In what season are baby animals born? *In what season is it the hottest? *In what season do leaves change color? *In what season do we wear heavy coats, hats, mittens?

Suggested Reading


ASSESSMENTS *All assessments should follow report card guidelines*

Half Hollow Hills CSD Science Department

UNIT: Weather and Seasonal Changes

Grade: 1

MINILESSON 2: Observe and Record Weather Changes LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students will know… that weather changes. Students will understand… that weather changes are observable. Students will be able to… observe and record weather changes. MINILESSON PROCEDURE Required Materials class calendar and individual blank calendars Required Background Information knowledge of different types of weather conditions Process & Procedure • Review different types of weather terms from the previous weather chart. • Give each child the blank calendar and fill in the month and dates. • Observe the weather and discuss in a whole group what weather word best describes • •

the day . Fill in the class calendar first as a model then students will complete their individual calendar for the day with a picture of the weather (sun, clouds, wind, rain, snow). Predict what they think the weather may be tomorrow based on current conditions and season.

Suggested Reading NOTES

ASSESSMENTS *All assessments should follow report card guidelines*

Half Hollow Hills CSD Science Department

UNIT: Weather and Seasonal Changes

Grade: 1

MINILESSON 3: Seasonal Changes LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students will know… each season is characterized by changing patterns. Students will understand… the weather attributes that characterize each season changes. Students will be able to… create a poster for a season representing the changes. MINILESSON PROCEDURE Required Materials construction paper, magazines (if possible), markers and crayons Required Background Information knowledge of the four seasons, weather vocabulary Process & Procedure (How will you teach this lesson?) • Review how each season changes from past lesson. • Hand out construction paper with one season as a title, let students choose the season. • Look through magazines that represent the change of seasons and/or use illustrations. • Have students present their poster using weather vocabulary. • Display the posters in order to reflect the patterns of seasons Suggested Reading


ASSESSMENTS *All assessments should follow report card guidelines*

Name _____________________________________________

1. What kind of weather did we have the MOST of this month? ______________________________________ 2. What kind of weather did we have the LEAST of this month? ______________________________________ 3. What was the HOTTEST temperature we had this month? ___________ 4. What was the COOLEST temperature we had this month? ___________ 5. What season are we in this month? Discuss why as a class. _____________________________________

Name __________________________________________ I am Using the Scientific Method Problem: What do you want to find out? How does the temperature of water effect the thermometer? Hypothesis: Make a prediction of what will happen. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________ Materials: What will be needed? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________ Procedure: What will I need to do? 1. Use a thermometer and measure the temperature of a bowl of water. Record the temperature. 2. Put ice cubes in the bowl. 3. Measure the temperature of the bowl after 15 minutes. Record the temperature.

Observe and Record: Tell what you saw and draw it!

____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

Conclusion: What did you find out? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

Half Hollow Hills CSD K-5 Science Unit Assessment


Weather and Seasonal Changes

Performance Level

Measurable Skill Uses Inquiry and observation skills to generate a hypothesis


The performance level measures knowledge and understanding of the science concepts being taught in this unit. The following items should be considered when determining student performance level: Formal Assessments- tests, quizzes, graded assignments, labs & projects Informal Assessments- discussions, observations, trivia, journal

A student who consistently displays this skill will: • • •

Applies skills: gathers, classifies, measures, and records data

Communicates scientific ideas effectively using content specific vocabulary

Makes generalizations, draws logical conclusions, analyzes and interprets data

• • • •

• •

Ask and answer “why” questions Observe, discuss, record and compare observations Formulate an educated guess or prediction (hypothesis) based on observations and background knowledge

Contribute to the development of a plan to test their hypothesis Share and carry out the proposed plan; collect, measure and record data

Communicate their findings in a variety of ways Use science vocabulary appropriate for the level and unit Organize data in charts, tables, notes, or journals

Connect their findings to the real world Ask and answer “what if” questions Make predictions based on collected data Reword or rephrase explanations based on their own findings

Specific Unit Indicator Observe and Record Weather Changes Lesson-Students will observe and record the day’s weather. Venn Diagram_ Students will compare and contrast two seasons. Thinking Skills- Students will make an inquiry and generate a hypothesis. Just The Facts Please-Students will compare and contrast fact and opinion statements regarding weather. Four Seasons and Weather WordsStudents will use a spinner to classify the season from multiple questions. Observe and Record Weather ChangesStudents will record the weather on a class and individual calendar. Thinking Skills-Students will contribute to the plan to test their hypothesis and record data. Seasonal Changes- Students will communicate seasonal changes using their poster. Huff and Puff- Students will communicate their understanding of what makes objects move. Four Seasons and Weather WordsStudents will utilize weather vocabulary to communicate seasonal understandings and related weather conditions. Observe and Record Weather ChangesStudents will use a calendar to organize data. Observe and Record Weather-Students will predict tomorrow’s weather based on current conditions and seasonal understandings. When Could It Happen? – Students will sort pictures based on seasonal generalizations. Summer All Year Long- Draw Conclusions of seasons and analyzes weather conditions

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