Half Hollow Hills CSD Science Department
GRADE: 4 UNIT: Electricity Essential Question
What evidence can you use to support that energy exists in many forms and is capable of change?
New York State Standards/Key Ideas:
Standard 4:Students will understand and apply scientific concepts, principles, and theories pertaining to the physical setting and living environment and recognize the historical development of ideas in science. KEY IDEA 4: Energy exists in many forms, and when these forms change energy is conserved.
New York State Performance Indicators: • Describe a variety of forms of energy (ex: heat, chemical, light) and the changes that occur in objects when they interact with those forms of energy. • Observe the way one form of energy can be transferred into another form of energy present in common situations.
Major Understandings:
Students will understand that:
• Energy can be transferred from one place to another. • Some materials transfer energy better than others. • Energy exists in various forms: heat, electrical, sound, chemical, mechanical, light, magnetic. • Energy and matter interact: a bulb is lighted by means of electrical current. • Electricity travels in a closed circuit. • Humans utilize interactions between matter and energy.
Essential Questions: • How can energy be transferred? • How can energy be used? • How would you test materials to determine if some transfer energy better than others? • What type of investigation can you design to explore how energy and matter interact? • What are various forms of energy? • What are the varous forms of electricity? • What is the effect of current on a parrallel, closed or series circuit? • What is the different between open and closed circuit?
Students will know: • • • • • • • • •
The difference between a conductor and an insulator. That energy can exist in many forms. The various forms of electricity (static, current...). The difference between a parallel circuit and a series circuit. The difference between an open and closed circuit. That energy can be changed in form by interactions with materials. That some materials transfer energy better than others. Structure of an atom. Students will know key terms: Vocabulary:
bulb chemical energy closed circuit conductor current current electricity
electrical energy electron energy force friction insulator
mechanical energy negatively charged neutron open circuit parallel circuit positively charged
proton series circuit solar energy static static electricity switch
Students will be able to:
• Describe a variety of forms of energy and the changes that occur in objects when they interact with those forms of energy. • Observe the way one form of energy can be transferred into another form of energy (i.e. mechanical to heat energy, or chemical to heat energy).
Trade Books: • Electric Mischief by Alan Bartholomew • Electricity by Steve Parker • Batteries, Bulbs, and Wires (Young Discoveries: Science Facts and Experiments) by David Glover • Electricity (Make it Work! Science) by Andrew Haslam • Electricity and Magnets (Hands-On Science) by Sarah Angliss and Maggie Hewson • Electricity by Rob King Internet Resources: Activities to Explore Static Electricity http://www.mos.org/sln/toe/staticmenu.html Move A Butterfly's Wings With Static Electricity! http://web2.airmail.net/kboyle/Stbutter.htm The World of Electronics for Children http://tqjunior.thinkquest.org/3660/ Projects with Electricity and Magnetism http://www.yale.edu/prgsmart/resources/curricula/electricity.html Electricity and Magnetism http://ippex.pppl.gov/ippex/module_4/ Projects Related to Electricity http://www.halcyon.com/sciclub/kidproj1.html Glossary of Electrical Terms http://www.mos.org/sln/toe/glossary.html#charge Cirucit Similation Game http://www.andythelwell.com/blobz/
Half Hollow Hills CSD Science Department
Unit: Electricity and Magnetism
Grade: 4
MINILESSON 1 Discover that all things are made of atoms and that atoms are made up of protons, electrons and neutrons. Student Sheet E1 (2 pgs.)
MINILESSON 2 Identify the parts on an atom by creating a model and recognize that protons and electrons have a charge. Activity Sheet F1
MINILESSON 3 Understand that static electricity is the imbalance of positive and negative charges. Activity Sheet F2 (2 pgs.)
MINILESSON 4 Observe similarities between magnetism and static electricity. Activity Sheet F3 (2 pgs.)
MINILESSON 5 Determine which materials are conductors and which are insulators. Student Sheet E2 and Activity Sheet F4
MINILESSON 6 Understand that electric current is a movement, or a flow, of electrons through a conductor. Student Sheet E2 Continued
MINILESSON 7 Notice the differences between the flow of electricity in a series circuit and a parallel circuit. Activity Sheet F5 (2 pgs.)
MINILESSON 8 Observe the differences between open and closed circuits and understand the function of a switch. Activity Sheet F6
MINILESSON 9 Recognize that gravity is a force that pulls objects toward the center of the Earth. Student Sheet E3 (6 pgs.)
MINILESSON 10 Understand that magnetism is a force that may attract or repel certain materials. Student Sheet E3 (6 pgs.)
MINILESSON 11 Identify that a magnetic field is the space around a magnet where the force of attraction is felt. Student Sheet E3 (6 pgs.)
MINILESSON 12 Recognize that unlike permanent magnets, electromagnets work only when electric current is flowing. Student Sheet E4 and E5
Half Hollow Hills CSD Science Department
UNIT: Electricity and Magnetism Grade: 4 MINILESSON 2: Making a Marshmallow Model of an Atom LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students will know… All atoms are made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. Students will understand… Students will understand that together, protons and neutrons form the central core, or nucleus, of an atom and the electrons orbit the nucleus in layers. Students will be able to… Identify the parts on an atom by creating a model and recognize that protons and electrons have a charge. MINILESSON PROCEDURE Required Materials Activity Sheet F1, construction paper, bag of miniature marshmallows, (10 marshmallow each of 3 different colors), glue, markers Required Background Information Refer to Activity Sheet F1 Process & Procedure (How will you teach this lesson?) Refer to Activity Sheet F1
ASSESSMENTS *All assessments should follow report card guidelines*
Half Hollow Hills CSD Science Department
UNIT: Electricity and Magnetism Grade: 4 MINILESSON 4: Attraction and Repulsion LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students will know… Static electricity will act much like magnetism in that materials will attract or repel. Students will understand… Static electricity can have a positive or negative charge. Students will be able to… Students recognize that like repels like and opposites attract in both static electricity and magnetism. MINILESSON PROCEDURE Required Materials Statically charged balloons, string, pencils, books, paper, damp cloth Required Background Information Activity Sheet F3 Process & Procedure (How will you teach this lesson?) Refer to Activity Sheet F3 Suggested Reading
ASSESSMENTS *All assessments should follow report card guidelines*
Half Hollow Hills CSD K-5 Science Unit Assessment
UNIT: Electricity and Magnetism Performance Level
Measurable Skill
The performance level measures knowledge and understanding of the science concepts being taught in this unit. The following items should be considered when determining student performance level: Formal Assessments- tests, quizzes, graded assignments, labs & projects Informal Assessments- discussions, observations, trivia, journal A student who consistently displays this skill will:
Uses Inquiry and observation skills to generate a hypothesis
• •
Applies skills: gathers, classifies, measures, and records data
Communicates scientific ideas effectively using content specific vocabulary
Makes generalizations, draws logical conclusions, analyzes and interprets data
• •
• • •
Specific Unit Indicator
Ask and answer “why” questions Observe, discuss, record and compare observations Formulate an educated guess or prediction (hypothesis) based on observations and background knowledge
ML 2 atom model ML 3 static electricity ML 4 relate magnetism and static electricity ML 5 conductors and insulators ML 7 series and parallel circuits
Contribute to the development of a plan to test their hypothesis Share and carry out the proposed plan; collect, measure and record data
ML 2 atom model ML 3 static electricity ML 5 conductors and insulators ML 7 series and parallel circuits
Communicate their findings in a variety of ways Use science vocabulary appropriate for the level and unit Organize data in charts, tables, notes, or journals
ML 2 atom model ML 3 static electricity ML 4 relate magnetism and static electricity ML 5 conductors and insulators ML 8 switches
Connect their findings to the real world Ask and answer “what if” questions Make predictions based on collected data Reword or rephrase explanations based on their own findings
ML 3 static electricity ML 4 relate magnetism and static electricity ML 5 conductors and insulators ML 7 series and parallel circuits ML 8 switches