Otsego Newsletter 5

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Mr. & Mrs. Yaris and Mrs. Castiglia take time for a picture after a very successful PARP Assembly!

Our librarian, Mrs. Castiglia, presents second graders with certificates for completing the Summer Reading Program. Congratulations to all of Otsego’s student participants! Week of October 18, 2010

A Message from the Principal

This Week’s Agenda

Stacey Bernstein There are many wonderful events and activities coming up in the next few weeks. I encourage you to become an active participant in your child’s education and join us whenever possible. On Saturday, October 16th, our PTA will be hosting our annual Fall Festival at 1pm at Otsego. This is a great day of family fun and a wonderful chance for you to get acquainted with our school community.

In addition, there will be a Parent/Principal Tea for grades K-2 on Thursday, October 21st at 10 am at Otsego. During this time, we will be sharing our new enVision Math Program and giving parents a glimpse at mathematics instruction in the primary grades. Hands-on activities, as well as time for questions and answers, will be provided. (A Parent Principal Tea for grades 3-5 is scheduled later in the year.)

Future Otsego Happenings


On Monday evening, October 25th, at 7:30pm at Vanderbilt Elementary School, an additional workshop on enVision Math will be offered to all HHH elementary parents (grades K -5). This is a wonderful way to learn about our instructional program and familiarize yourself with ways to support your child at home. I hope to see you at some of these upcoming events!

Monday, 10-25enVision Math Workshop at Vanderbilt 7:30 Mon. 10-25 & Tues. 10-26Safety Sally Visits, Grades Pre-K-2

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Saturday, 10-16- Fall Festival 1:00 PM Tuesday, 10-19- After-school Workshops begin Thursday, 10-21Principal/Parent Tea grades K-2 10:00 AM

Quote of the Week "There are many little ways to enlarge your child's world. Love of books is the best of all." — Jacqueline Kennedy

PTA Gift Wrap Our sale will be extended! Orders will be accepted until Monday, 10-18.

Click the Link Below For Reading Skills by Scholastic.


Reading to Learn: Upper Elementary Reading Skills

The National Research Council, the National Reading Panel, and the National Institute for Literacy identified these skills as key for kids to become strong, independent readers who enjoy reading 1. Fluencya. Instant recognition of words b. Reading out loud with expression c. Reading quickly and accurately 2. Comprehensiona. Putting events in sequence b. Articulating the main idea c. Summarizing a story orally or in writing d. Monitoring his comprehension. 3.


Spelling & Writinga. Using a dictionary to look up words he doesn't know b. Researching and composing a simple report using a variety of sources c. Revising compositions with help from his teacher to make them more clear and understandable Vocabulary a. Figuring out word meanings from clues in the text b. Using synonyms and antonyms

What is Leveled Reading?

What book have you read with your children lately that you’d like to see made into a major motion picture? Be sure to visit the Otsego PARP eBoard (www.otsegoparp.eboard.com) to share your thoughts under “question of the day.” Don’t miss this week’s photo-ops. We are looking forward to seeing many funny hat photos in conjunction with Sunday’s reader’s theater pick of the week! We continue to encourage you to submit your reader’s theater videotapes and digital photos. Please be sure to keep your video submissions under two minutes! Hard copy of video can be given to Mrs. Castiglia in the library.

Parent Talk What Is Leveled Reading? Learn how teachers are helping kids become better readers by matching them to the right books at the right time. By Deborah Wilburn

Leveled reading removes the "one size fits all" approach to reading, giving each child the opportunity to develop essential skills at his own pace. With leveled reading, your child is usually placed in a group with other children who read at roughly the same level of ability. Rather than having the entire class read the same book (which some students might find too hard and some too easy), leveled reading allows teachers to use a more personalized and precise approach to monitor a child's progress and help him learn to read. In a nutshell, leveled reading uses various assessment tools to determine how well your child reads, and then matches her to books that are challenging enough for her to make progress, but not so hard that she will become frustrated, according to Joe Yukish, senior reading advisor to the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project at Columbia University in New York City. Books are categorized into levels of difficulty, which is how a perfect match, based on ability, can be made. Spirit Wear

Please click the link below to access the complete article from Scholastic. What is Leveled Reading?

Last chance to view and purchase Otsego Spirit Wear will be during Fall Festival. Orders can also be sent into school with your child through Oct 18th. Please mark “Otsego Spirit Wear” on the envelope. If you have any questions contact Abby Gardy: 254-9412 or Nancy Martin 254-1227. New “Otsego” bracelets will be on sale for $6 a piece at Fall Festival! Come check out this cool new item and show your spirit.

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