HALF HOLLOW HILLS HIGH SCHOOL WEST SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINES AND CRITERIA 2019-2020 **Please note that all scholarship applications are due in the Counseling Center 10 school days prior to the actual scholarship deadline to allow time for processing. This is to accommodate scholarships being postmarked and received by the deadline listed on the scholarship.** Helpful Websites https://www.studentscholarships.org/ http://www.cksf.org/ http://www.fastweb.com/ http://www.waceinc.org/scholarship/index.html/ https://www.cappex.com/ https://www.nacacnet.org/ https://scholarshipamerica.org/ https://www.collegeboard.org/ https://www.cappex.com/scholarships/ http://www.finaid.org/ http://knowhow2go.acenet.edu/ https://www.cashcourse.org/ https://www.hesc.ny.gov/
https://www.unigo.com/scholarships#/fromscholarshi pexperts/ https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/ https://www.brokescholar.com/ http://www.studentscholarshipsearch.com/ http://www.scholarshipsandgrants.us/ https://www.uncf.org/scholarships http://www.supercollege.com/ https://www.scholarships.com/ https://fafsa.ed.gov/ http://www.guaranteed-scholarships.com/ https://www.unigo.com/scholarships/
For your convenience we are continuously updating and adding scholarships to this list. As we receive the updated deadlines and information we will change them to reflect the dates for the 2019-2020 school year. In the meantime, please check the websites listed above for the most up to date information.
Win Dollars for College Scholarship: Na onal College Resources Founda on
Interested students must submit an essay of 500 words or less about “Why is a College Educa on Important to Me?” Student cannot be a previous scholarship winner from any NCRF College Expo’s and cannot be an employee or related to a NCR Founda on staff member or any of its corporate sponsors. Must be: ● A U.S. ci zen or lawful permanent resident of the United States ● A high school junior or senior Deadline: September 16, 2019 1 Half Hollow Hills High School West Scholarship Board Last Updated: October 10, 2019
More Informa on and the applica on can be found at: h ps://www.thecollegeexpo.org/students/scholarships
AES Engineers Scholarship
AES Engineering’s belief is that achieving a high grade point average should not be the only criteria for determining who deserves to be helped. For that reason AES is offering a scholarship that will be awarded on the basis of character, as determined by an evalua on of the essays that are submi ed. Scholarships are intended for future leaders across a wide spectrum of fields of study. This award is available to high school seniors and all students a ending a post secondary educa onal facility. The student is not required to be taking Engineering courses to be eligible. Students must submit an essay of between 500 and 1000 words in answer to the following ques on: When you look back on your life in 30 years, what would it take for you to consider your life successful? What rela onships or accomplishments will be important on this journey? Deadline: October 6, 2019 More Informa on and the applica on can be found at: h p://www.aesengineers.com/scholarships.htm
Asian American Youth Program 2019 Youth Ambassadors Scholarship: China AIDs Fund, Inc.
The Youth Ambassadors Scholarship seeks to award Asian American youth who are commi ed to genera ng dialogue on Asian American issues and can reflect on their experiences as Asian Americans in a meaningful way. Awardees will be chosen from two open categories: High School and Collegiate, and cri qued via an essay or art compe on. Six winners will receive a scholarship of $1,000 each. Must be: ● A full- me high school student or college (freshman or sophmore) student a ending school in the United States ● Of Asian ethnicity as defined by the U.S. Census. Deadline: October 12, 2019 More Informa on and the applica on can be found at: Please pick up scholarship applica on form from Guidance Center
The Hispanic Heritage Youth Award: The Hispanic Heritage Founda on
The Youth Award honors La no high school seniors who excel in the classroom and community and for their focus in various categories including: Business & Entrepreneurship, Community Service, Educa on, Healthcare & Science, Media & Entertainment, and Technology & Engineering. Must be: ● Currently enrolled in high school and gradua ng in the upcoming spring semester ● Have a minimum unweighted grade point average of 3.0 ● Enrolling at an accredited higher educa on ins tu on in the upcoming fall semester 2 Half Hollow Hills High School West Scholarship Board Last Updated: October 10, 2019
● Of Hispanic heritage (includes Spain, Brazil, Philippines) ● A permanent United States resident, ci zen, or qualify under the DACA Deadline: October 15, 2019 More Informa on and the applica on can be found at: h ps://hispanicheritage.org/programs/leadership/youth-awards/
The Hora o Alger New York Scholarship Program
As one of the na on's largest need-based college scholarship programs in the country, the Hora o Alger Scholarship Programs specifically assist high school students who have faced and overcome great obstacles in their young lives. While many programs are directed primarily to recognizing academic achievement or leadership poten al, the Hora o Alger Associa on seeks students who have exhibited determina on, integrity, and perseverance in overcoming adversity, as well as have cri cal financial need. Deadline: October 25, 2019 More Informa on and the applica on can be found at: www.hora oalger.org
Na onal Eagle Scout Associa on Scholarship
There are three types of Eagle Scholarships: academic, merit, and field study. Type 1: Academic scholarships Cooke Scholarship: ● Awarded based on school and Scou ng par cipa on, academic performance, and financial need. ● Applicant must meet the minimum SAT (1290) or an ACT (28) score to be considered. ● One $48,000 scholarship awarded annually, four $25,000 awarded annually (one per region) and. NESA STEM Scholarship: ● Awarded to students who have chosen to pursue a career in a STEM-related field. Applicants for the STEM scholarship who are not selected, are automa cally considered for a Cooke scholarship. ● One $50,000 scholarship awarded annually Type 2: Merit scholarships ● Merit scholarships weigh academic performance, school and Scou ng par cipa on, and community service. Winners may receive a merit scholarship one me only. Hall/McElwain Scholarships: ● Forty (minimum) $5,000 scholarships awarded annually. Robert and Rebecca Palmer Scholarships ● Three $2,500 scholarships awarded annually. Bailey Scholarships ● One $2,000 scholarships awarded annually and one $4,000 Bailey scholarships Michael S. Malone/Windrush Publishing scholarship ● One $2,500 scholarship awarded annually based on desire to pursue studies in journalism. Type 3: Field Study scholarships ● Field study scholarships weigh academic performance, school par cipa on, community involvement, and passion for respec ve field study experience. Winners may receive a field study scholarship one me only 3 Half Hollow Hills High School West Scholarship Board Last Updated: October 10, 2019
● These awards vary by opportunity, but cover the majority of costs such as travel, lodging, and registra on for select NESA Explorer field research trips. ● NESA Explorer field research trips are conducted around the globe over the course of 1 - 2 weeks. Deadline: October 31, 2019 More Informa on and the applica on can be found at: h ps://nesa.org/for-eagle-scouts/scholarships/
The Voice of Democracy Program: Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S.
The Voice of Democracy Program is open to students in grades 9-12 who are enrolled in a public, private or parochial high school or home study program in the United States and its territories. HOW TO ENTER: ● Download the Voice of Democracy entry form and brochure to submit your essay to your local VFW Post. ● Students should record their reading of the dra to an audio CD or flash drive. The recording can be no shorter than three minutes and no longer than five minutes (plus or minus five seconds). ● Entries begin at the Post level. Once the student creates their essay and completes burning the audio version to an audio CD/flash drive, they can submit their typed version, CD/flash drive and the Voice of Democracy entry form to their local par cipa ng VFW Post by the deadline. Deadline: October 31, 2019 More Informa on and the applica on can be found at: www.vfw.org/vod
Doctors of Tomorrow Scholarship Program: The Suffolk Academy of Medicine
The Doctors of Tomorrow Program is a county-wide student educa onal program sponsored by the Suffolk Academy of Medicine, to provide personal, firsthand, encouraging informa on on what it takes to become a doctor.The program consists of an Introductory Symposium, an Essay Contest, and A Day With A Doctor. Please see a ached flyer for further details. TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR ANY OF THESE AWARDS YOU MUST PARTICIPATE IN ALL THE LISTED EVENTS! 1. Introductory Symposium – November 13, 2019 from 1-3 p.m. ● Please register with Mrs. Salehi BEFORE NOVEMBER 1ST in the Guidance Office to a end the symposium as soon as possible, sea ng is limited! ** Students a endance at the symposium is MANDATORY to con nue the process** 2. Essay Contest ● Submit an essay of approximately 200 words on the topic: “The Major Influence Which Contributed to My Desire to Become a Physician” along with a list of extracurricular ac vi es; such as work, sports, awards, clubs, etc. by the deadline of January 20, 2020. ● The essay and ac vity list can be either emailed to DotSam@optonline.net or mailed to the Suffolk Academy of Medicine, 1767 Suite 14, Veterans Memorial Highway, Islandia, NY 11749 4 Half Hollow Hills High School West Scholarship Board Last Updated: October 10, 2019
● A er submission of the essay, Guidance Counselors will be contacted to submit a le er of recommenda on and SAT scores. Par cipants will then be teamed up with a physician to complete the Day With a Doctor por on of the program. ● An impar al panel of physicians will review the entries from each student. Cash awards of $300, $200 and $100 will be presented by the Suffolk Academy of Medicine, on May 29, 2020, at the Suffolk County Medical Society Annual Mee ng and Dinner. ** Students par cipa ng in the essay contest are REQUIRED to spend a day with a doctor** 3. A Day With A Doctor ● Students par cipa ng in the essay contest are required to accompany a physician for one day in the hospital or office prior to March 20, 2020. ● Each physician then submits his/her evalua on of the student candidate in wri ng to the Suffolk Academy of Medicine. ★ $3,000 in Scholarships - Three $1,000 scholarships are paid to the medical school of the winning recipients upon registra on. The selec on of the best all-around candidates in Suffolk County and their alternates are based upon: Interest in Medicine, Extra-Curricular Ac vi es, Academic Ability, their Essay and the “Day With A Doctor” Physicians Evalua on. ★ Edith Friedman Scholarship - $300 Edith Friedman Scholarship is given out to a high school senior with outstanding community service. ★ Robert A. Scher, MD, Scholarship - $200 Robert A. Scher, MD, Scholarship is given out to a high school senior who has demonstrated a keen interest in school or local government and poli cs. Deadline: November 1, 2019 - Registra on to a end Introductory Symposium. Please see Mrs. Salehi in Guidance Center to register. More Informa on and the applica on can be found at: Please see Mrs. Salehi in Guidance Center to register
Ron Brown Scholarship: Ron Brown Scholar Program
The Ron Brown Scholarship honors the legacy of Ronald H. Brown through a selec ve scholarship program that advances higher educa on for community-minded and intellectually gi ed African Americans. RBSP compe vely awards Ron Brown Scholars four-year $40,000 scholarships ($10,000 each year) to the most talented and economically-challenged high school seniors who demonstrate a keen interest in public service, community engagement, business entrepreneurship and global ci zenship – the four pillars of the late Ronald H. Brown’s mission to upli people of all races, cultures and ethnici es – especially our disadvantaged youth. Interested applicants are strongly encouraged to apply for the Ron Brown Scholar Program provided you meet the following requirements: ● Must be Black/African American. ● Must be U.S. ci zen or permanent resident. ● Must be a current high school senior who excels academically. ● Must exhibit excep onal leadership poten al and par cipate in community service ac vi es. ● Demonstrate financial need. 5 Half Hollow Hills High School West Scholarship Board Last Updated: October 10, 2019
Deadline: November 1, 2019 (Priority), January 9, 2020 (Final Deadline) More Informa on and the applica on can be found at: h ps://www.ronbrown.org/sec on/apply/program-descrip on
Pruden al Spirit of Community Award: Na onal Associa on of Secondary School Principals
Created in 1995 by Pruden al and the Na onal Associa on of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), the program honors middle level and high school students for outstanding service to others at the local, state and na onal level. Thus far, it has recognized more than 125,000 young people who’ve made a difference – and inspired countless others to consider how they might contribute to their communi es. ● Be in grades 5-12 ● Be a legal resident of any U.S. state or Washington, D.C. ● Have engaged in a volunteer ac vity that occurred during the 12 months prior to the date of the applica on ● Submit a completed applica on Deadline: November 5, 2019 More Informa on and the applica on can be found at: h ps://spirit.pruden al.com/about/program-overview
Most Valuable Student Scholarship: Elks Na onal Founda on
The 2020 Most Valuable Student scholarship contest is open to any high school senior who is a US Ci zen. Applicants will be judged on scholarship, leadership, and financial need. The Elks are awarding 500 scholarships this year: two $50,000, two $40,000.00, two $30,000, fourteen $20,000, and four hundred and eighty $4,000 to high school seniors across the country. Must be: ● Current high school seniors, or the equivalent, who are ci zens of the United States are eligible to apply. ● Applicants need not be related to a member of the Elks. ● High school graduates are not eligible to apply. ● Applicants must be ci zens of the United States on the date their applica ons are signed; permanent legal resident status does not qualify Deadline: November 5, 2019 More Informa on and the applica on can be found at:
Jenkins Memorial Scholarship for Teacher Educa on: New York State PTA
The New York State PTA awards $3,000 scholarships to students who exhibit the poten al to be outstanding classroom teachers. As a school we can only submit two applica ons 6 Half Hollow Hills High School West Scholarship Board Last Updated: October 10, 2019
Must be: ● Plan to prepare for a teaching career. ● Plan to a end a college of the State University of New York for baccalaureate degree in educa on -ORplan to a end a two year community college before transferring to a baccalaureate degree program in educa on in a college of the State University of New York. ● Have not accepted scholarships exceeding the monetary value of $16,000. ● A end a public high school in New York State in a school district where there is a PTA/PTSA unit in good standing. Deadline: December 15, 2019 More Informa on and the applica on can be found at: h ps://nyspta.org/home/pta-leaders/awards-and-recogni ons/jenkins-scholarship/
AFSCME Family Scholarship: The American Federa on of State, County & Municipal Employees
Looking for financial support for college? Each year the AFSCME Family Scholarship Program provides ten $2,000 scholarships to gradua ng high school seniors that will be renewed for $2,000 each year for a maximum of four years, provided the student remains enrolled in a full- me course of study. The scholarship may be used for any field of study. Must be: ● At the me of applica on, be a gradua ng high school senior whose parent, legal guardian or financially responsible grandparent is a full dues-paying AFSCME member; ● At the me the scholarship is awarded, be enrolled in a full- me degree program either at an accredited four-year ins tu on or at a two-year ins tu on that will transfer credits to a four-year ins tu on; and ● Have taken the SAT or the ACT. Deadline: December 17, 2019** Please follow deadline to allow Guidance Center to process your applica on ** More Informa on and the applica on can be found at: h ps://www.afscme.org/members/scholarships/afscme-family-scholarship
Odenza Marke ng Group Volunteer Award: Odenza Marke ng Group
The main goal of the Odenza Marke ng Group Volunteer Award is to encourage students to make a posi ve contribu on to their individual communi es, while providing scholarship awards to those who have done so over the previous 12 months. Must be: ● Be between the ages of 16 and 22 on December 30th, 2019 ● A student must also possess a GPA of 2.5 or higher in his/her last academic year. ● A student must have contributed at least 50 hours of volunteer (non-paid) service within his/her community over the last 12 months. Please ensure that you have completed this amount of hours and that a person within the organiza on(s) is willing to confirm that you have volunteered this amount of me. (Note that we will only contact the organiza on(s) in the event that you are chosen as the scholarship award winner.) ● A student must be a resident of the U.S. 7 Half Hollow Hills High School West Scholarship Board Last Updated: October 10, 2019
Deadline: December 30, 2019 More Informa on and the applica on can be found at: h p://odenzamarke nggroupvolunteeraward.com/
Top Ten List Scholarship: UNIGO
Inspired by David Le erman and his top ten lists, the Top Ten Lists Scholarship was created. With so many awards based on grades and extracurricular ac vi es, this unique scholarship gives you the chance to show us what's truly special and different about you. Get crea ve, be serious, or tug at our heart strings. Whatever you do, you only have ten reasons to convince us, so make each one count. Must be: ● 13 years of age or older at the me of applica on ● A legal resident of the 50 United States or the District of Columbia ● Currently enrolled in an accredited post-secondary ins tu on of higher educa on Deadline: December 31, 2019 More Informa on and the applica on can be found at: h ps://www.unigo.com/scholarships/our-scholarships/top-ten-list-scholarship
Unigo $10K Scholarship: UNIGO
Students must submit an online wri en response to this ques on: “Imagine a historical figure is brought back to life. Who is it? What’s their favorite mobile app?” Must be: ● 13 years of age or older at the me of applica on ● A legal resident of the fi y United States or the District of Columbia ● Currently enrolled in an accredited post-secondary ins tu on of higher educa on Deadline: December 31, 2019 More Informa on and the applica on can be found at: h ps://www.unigo.com/scholarships/our-scholarships/unigo-10k-scholarship?utm_source=Unigo+Counselors &utm_campaign=c839f56ae7-1.23.16_unigolive_counselor_onboarding_email&utm_medium=email&utm_ter m=0_5d7587c29a-c839f56ae7-183587569
Washington Crossing Founda on Na onal Scholarship awards
The Washington Crossing Founda on is pleased to offer a variety of na onal and regional college scholarships ranging from $500 to $5,000. Compe on open to all high school seniors who are U. S. ci zens and are planning careers of service to the United States in local, state, or federal government. All awards are for one year. Students planning to a end one of the Military Academies or who have been awarded full four-year scholarships will be eligible for an award. Students do not apply for specific scholarships; an applica on is automa cally considered in each category for which it qualifies. Deadline: January 15, 2020 More Informa on and the applica on can be found at: 8 Half Hollow Hills High School West Scholarship Board Last Updated: October 10, 2019
h p://www.gwcf.org/AppDownload.html
United States Air Force ROTC Scholarship: United States Air Force
Air Force ROTC scholarships cover the en re cost of tui on and most lab fees. Students also receive textbook allowance and up to $500 spending cash monthly. You’re under no obliga on by simply applying for an Air Force ROTC scholarship. However, if you are awarded a scholarship, you become obligated when you accept and sign an agreement with the United States Air Force. Must be: ● Willing to enroll in the academic major for which the scholarship is offered ● Willing to complete a 13-day summer field training course at Maxwell AFB, Alabama (usually between sophomore and junior year) ● Willing to accept a commission as an Air Force Officer and serve at least four years on ac ve duty Deadline: January 17, 2020 More Informa on and the applica on can be found at: h p://www.goarmy.com/rotc/high-school-students/four-year-scholarship.html
I Have A Dream Scholarship: UNIGO
The I Have a Dream scholarship provides one “dreamer” a $1,500 scholarship to help make his or her educa onal dream come true. Must be: ● 13 years of age or older at the me of applica on ● A legal resident of the U.S. or the District of Columbia ● Currently enrolled (or enroll no later than the fall of 2025) in an accredited post-secondary ins tu on of higher educa on Deadline: January 31, 2020 More Informa on and the applica on can be found at: h ps://www.unigo.com/scholarships/by-major/wri ng-scholarships/unigo-i-have-a-dream-scholarship-2019/ 1003833
Jimmy Rane Founda on Scholarship: Jimmy Rane Founda on
The Jimmy Rane Founda on was established with the purpose of sending deserving students to college. Jimmy Ran Founda on Scholars are students who exhibit academic excellence, leadership skills and community involvement as well as ac vi es, awards and honors, and demonstra on of financial need. Applica ons will be evaluated on future goals and plans to achieve them, successful prepara on as a high school student preparing to pursue a college educa on, self-mo va on in comple ng a challenging course load, and demonstra on of financial need. Must be: ● Students enrolled full- me as a high school senior, with plans to enter college no later than the Fall following gradua on ● A minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.75 for college applicants 9 Half Hollow Hills High School West Scholarship Board Last Updated: October 10, 2019
All applicants must reside (permanent home address) in one of the following states or the District of Columbia: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee, Louisiana, Texas, North Carolina, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, Delaware or New Jersey. ● U.S. ci zenship or permanent resident ● Online/distance learning courses are permi ed when a part of the required curriculum is taught in the campus environment and when such course is only available online or through distance learning. ● Jimmy Rane Founda on scholars are students who exhibit academic excellence, leadership skills and community involvement as well as ac vi es, awards and honors, and who have a demonstrated financial need in order to a end college. They must demonstrate their desire and ability to overcome barriers and to achieve their goals. Deadline: February 6, 2020 More Informa on and the applica on can be found at: h ps://www.jimmyranefounda on.org/ ●
Na onal Co-op Scholarship Program: WACE
WACE, on behalf of the nine WACE Partner Ins tu ons, is pleased to announce and sponsor its Eighteenth Annual Na onal Co-op Scholarship Program. As the largest independently sponsored merit co-op scholarship program in the United States, WACE will award up to 160 merit co-op scholarships for a total value of $4,200,000. These merit co-op scholarships will be awarded to high school seniors and transfer students who plan to par cipate in college coopera ve educa on at one of the nine partner Ins tu ons listed on the Scholarship Partners tab online. Must be: ● Current high school seniors or transfer students ● Have a cumula ve high school GPA of 3.5 or be er on a 4.0 scale ● Apply for admission for the 2020-2021 academic year at ins tu on(s) you select on the scholarship applica on ● Meet other merit scholarship criteria as established by the ins tu on(s) selected on the applica on Deadline: February 15, 2020 More Informa on and the applica on can be found at: h ps://www.waceinc.org/scholarship/
ACS Scholars Program: American Chemical Society
The ACS Scholars Program awards renewable scholarships to underrepresented minority students majoring in undergraduate chemistry-related disciplines, and are also intending to pursue careers in chemistry-related fields. To date, over 3,000 students have received funding from the ACS Scholars Program. Must be: ● A U.S. ci zen or legal permanent resident of the U.S. ● African-American/Black, Hispanic/La no, or American Indian (please see below for more details) 10 Half Hollow Hills High School West Scholarship Board Last Updated: October 10, 2019
● A gradua ng high school senior or college freshman, sophomore or junior. Seniors can apply for their fi h year. ● Intending to major or already major in chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, chemical technology, or another chemistry-related science AND plant to pursue a career in a chemistry-related science as well. ● A full- me student at a high school or accredited college, university, or community college ● Demonstrate high academic achievement in chemistry or science (Grade Point Average 3.0 or higher) Deadline: March 1, 2020 More Informa on and the applica on can be found at: h ps://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/funding-and-awards/scholarships/acsscholars.html
Fourth Degree Pro Deo and Pro Patria Scholarship: Knights of Columbus Supreme Council
The Knights of Columbus Supreme Council awards Fourth Degree Pro Deo and Pro Patria Scholarships annually to U.S. students who will be entering the Catholic University of America in Washington D.C., or other Catholic colleges or Catholic universi es in the United States. The scholarships of $1,500 each are awarded on the basis of academic excellence and are renewable each year of study, pending sa sfactory academic performance, to a total of four years. Must be: ● Entering freshman year of an undergraduate program leading to a bachelor’s degree at a Catholic college or Catholic university in the United States ● A member in good standing of the Knights of Columbus, the son or daughter of such a member or deceased member, or a member in good standing of Columbian Squires. Deadline: March 1, 2020 More Informa on and the applica on can be found at: h p://www.kofc.org/un/en/members/programs/scholarships/4thdegreepatria-scholarship.html
The National Italian American Foundation Awards: The National Italian American Foundation
The Na onal Italian American Founda on (NIAF) awards scholarships to 60-70 outstanding students in a variety of academic disciplines for use during the following academic year. Scholarships range from $2,500-$12,000. Must be: ● A member of NIAF or have a parent, grandparent or guardian who is a member of NIAF ● Enrolled in a U.S. accredited ins tu on of higher educa on for the upcoming fall semester ● Have a grade point average of 3.5 or higher ● A U.S. ci zen or permanent resident alien ● For the purposes of the NIAF Scholarship Program, to be considered “Italian American,” the student must have at least one ancestor who has immigrated from Italy Deadline: March 1, 2020 More Informa on and the applica on can be found at: h p://www.niaf.org/programs/scholarships-overview/ 11 Half Hollow Hills High School West Scholarship Board Last Updated: October 10, 2019
Create-A-Gree ng-Card Scholarship Contest: The Gallery Collec on
One scholarship prize of $10,000 to the applicant and one $1,000 prize will be awarded to the applicant’s school. The applica on must include an original work of art or photograph. ● This contest is open to all high school, college and university students enrolled during the me period of the contest in an academic program designed to conclude with the awarding of a diploma or a degree. ● This contest is open to legal residents of the fi y (50) United States and the District of Columbia, as well as American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. ● Interna onal students who have a student visa to a end school in the United States are considered legal residents and eligible. ● Applicants must be 14 years of age or older at the me of entry, unless prohibited by law. ● Employees of Sponsor, their family members, and persons living in the same household as employees or their family members are not eligible. Deadline: March 2, 2020 More Informa on and the applica on can be found at: h p://www.gallerycollec on.com/gree ng-cards-scholarship.htm
LI2Day Scholarship & Maria A. Sciara Scholarship: LI2Day
LI2Day Scholarship is a $2,500 scholarship that will be awarded to 5 gradua ng seniors in Nassau and Suffolk Coun es. The student must be a survivor of breast cancer and/or other women’s cancers, or reside with a parent or guardian who is a survivor of breast cancer and/or other women’s cancers, or have resided with a parent or guardian who has passed from breast cancer and/or other women’s cancers. Maria A. Sciara Scholarship is a $2,500 scholarship that will be awarded to 3 gradua ng seniors in Nassau and Suffolk Coun es. The student must be a survivor of any cancer other than breast cancer and/or other women’s cancers, or reside or have resided with a parent or guardian who is a survivor of any cancer other than breast cancer and/or other women’s cancers, or have resided with a parent or guardian who has passed from any cancer other than breast cancer and/or other women’s cancers. Those aspiring to become teachers will be given extra considera on for this scholarship but pursuing an educa on to become an educator IS NOT required to apply. Must be: ● A resident of Nassau or Suffolk County, New York ● Enrolled in high school full- me ● A gradua ng senior ● Have applied and received acceptance to either a two-or four-year College or University Deadline: April 1, 2020 More Informa on and the applica on can be found at: h ps://www.li2daywalk.org/making-a-difference/scholarships/ 12 Half Hollow Hills High School West Scholarship Board Last Updated: October 10, 2019
Girls So ball Scholarship: Township of Hun ngton So ball Hall of Fame
The Hun ngton So ball Hall of Fame Scholarship is awarded to an individual who demonstrates excep onal achievement and dedica on to the sport of So ball. The successful candidate must also demonstrate that they show intellectual promise through the establishment of a good academic record, as well as an overall commitment to serving their community. Students must live within the Township of Hun ngton. Deadline: April 26, 2020 More Informa on and the applica on can be found at: h p://tohso ballhof.org/girls-so ball-scholarship/
The B. Davis Scholarship: Scholarship Award Search Aid
This scholarship is available to all high school juniors and seniors as well as all students currently registered in any post-secondary ins tu on. The generosity of their website sponsors has allowed them to offer a scholarship to help students who visit their website. The award is valued at $1,000. An essay is required to enter for this scholarship. Deadline: May 22, 2020 More Informa on and the applica on can be found at: h p://studentawardsearch.com/scholarships.htm
Scholas c Achievement Scholarship: Momeni Founda on
At least three $1,000 scholarships are awarded to students gradua ng from high school and are ci zens or permanent residents of the U.S. Student must submit a short essay. Must be: ● Of Iranian descent ● Gradua ng high school and enrolled as a full me student in an accredited college ● Have a minimum grade point average of 3.5 or higher ● Submit school transcript Deadline: June 30, 2020 More Informa on and the applica on can be found at: h p://momenifounda on.org/blog1/applica ons/
Financial Assistance Scholarship: Momeni Founda on
At least ten $1,000 scholarships are awarded will be awarded to gradua ng high school students and current college students of all levels and of Iranian descent regardless of ci zenship or country of residency. Student must submit a short essay. Must be: 13 Half Hollow Hills High School West Scholarship Board Last Updated: October 10, 2019
● Of Iranian descent ● Gradua ng from high school and planning to enroll, or be enrolled as a full- me student in an accredited college anywhere ● Have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 or higher ● Submit school transcript Deadline: June 30, 2020 More Informa on and the applica on can be found at: h p://momenifounda on.org/blog1/applica ons/
14 Half Hollow Hills High School West Scholarship Board Last Updated: October 10, 2019