HHH Instructional Computing Summer Through Fall 09-10 PDP Courses Technology Integration in the Elementary Classroom Part 2 In this course teachers will learn how to use Word, PowerPoint, Comic Life, and Excel while producing materials for curriculum use. Teachers will create activities that support the curriculum while embedding technology skills within these activities. Participants must bring materials for units they will be introducing during the year. 15 hours PDP Location: Otsego Computer Lab Date: July 6 and 13 Time: 8 am – 3:30 pm Instructors: Donna Aiosa / Nancy Holmes
Education Specific Uses of Microsoft Office With an Emphasis on Moving From AppleWorks This course is geared to elementary teachers who are just beginning to use Word, PowerPoint and Excel as personal productivity tools. It also will serve as a “bridge” for those teachers who have developed materials using AppleWorks but who now must begin using Office. Bring your AppleWorks documents and see how easy it is to turn them into Office files! 15 hours PDP Location: Manasquan CO room 208 Date: September 30, October 7, 14, 21, 28 Time: 3:45 pm – 6:45 pm Instructor: Corinne Carriero
Podcasting and Vodcasting: Creating and Publishing Lessons and Student Work for the iPod Generation Are you interested in placing your weekly vocabulary words on the web in a format that your students can listen to there or download to their MP3 player? Are you interested in having your students broadcast news events? Would you like to easily record and broadcast (podcast) specific lectures? Do you have a series of iMovies made by your students you would like to publish on Half Hollow Hills’ version of YouTube? Then this course is for you! The Half Hollow Hills Podcast/Vodcast Server allows staff members to mount and serve podcasts and video podcasts (vodcasts) of curriculum related events that can be subscribed to in a podcast aggregator such as iTunes. (A viewer/listener does NOT need an iPod to see/hear these broadcasts---they can be seen/heard in iTunes on any computer. Broadcasts can also be downloaded onto many types of mp3 players). Participants in this course will learn all they need to know to start broadcasting from school and home PCs or Macs and will be authorized to use the District Podcast server. 15 hours PDP Location: Manasquan CO room 208 Date: October 15, 22, 29, November 5, 12, Time: 3:45 pm – 6:45 pm Instructor: Ellen Robertson
HHH Instructional Computing Summer Through Fall 09-10 PDP Courses FLIP With Teacher-Led iMovie Production: Differentiating for Content, Process, and Product (now THAT’s Entertainment!) Arguably the “funnest” way of differentiating for learning, video editing software allows students to manipulate ideas embedded in a concept and can effectively facilitate differing levels of cognitive processing for students of various abilities. Desktop video editing lends itself to key elements of differentiated instruction, which will be investigated in this workshop; • earning stations (storyboarding the concept, editing images, scriptwriting, narration, etc.) • cooperative learning (team concept of determining director, producer, technologists, editors, researchers, etc.) • interdisciplinary curriculum development • project-based learning • authentic assessment Participants in this course will learn to use the iMovie application, digital still cameras, and new FLIP digital camcorders to develop a video on a theme of their choosing. Classroom management techniques for using classroom computers and laptops for video editing will be discussed. **Due to equipment constraints, this class is limited to 12 participants 15 hours PDP Location: Manasquan CO room 208 Date: November 9, 16, 23, 30, December 7 Time: 3:45 pm – 6:45 pm Instructor: Corinne Carriero
LEARNING.com This workshop to survey different types of technology integration projects for grades k-5 is an especially useful resource for elementary teachers in developing lessons for their weekly computer integration time. This web-based curriculum allows teachers to seamlessly integrate technology skills into their math, science, language arts and social studies instruction. The site offers engaging and interactive lessons and activities, while providing students with the skills they need to be successful in the 21st century. Participants will be given time to set up lessons for their weekly computer integration time 5 hours PDP Location: West Hollow Mac Lab 1 Date: July 6 Time: 8 am – 1 pm Instructor: Danielle Reed
“Create an HHH Wiki” Workshop; Developing Your Wiki On the New HHH Wiki Server Half Hollow Hills now has its own wiki server! Participants in this workshop will be guided in developing a wiki for use in their classes as a collaboration and/or information site for their students. Using this unique web-based tool, staff members will create a private internet space where ONLY their specifically
HHH Instructional Computing Summer Through Fall 09-10 PDP Courses chosen students/colleagues can collaborate on such activities as • Developing study /review guides • Project development with peer review • Group authoring • Tracking a group project • Data Collection • Presentations • Group/team collaborations for Professional Learning Community work **prerequisite: participants should have an understanding of what a wiki is and a concept of what activity they will create with the wiki CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS:
“Create a Wiki” Workshop SECTION I 5 hours PDP Location: Date: Time: Instructor:
Manasquan CO room 208 July 8 and 9 2:30 pm – 5 pm Corinne Carriero
“Create a Wiki” Workshop SECTION 2 5 hours PDP Location: Date: Time: Instructor:
Manasquan CO room 208 October 1 and 8 3:45 pm – 6:15 pm Ellen Robertson
NetTreker A GREAT online educational resource available to District staff and students is NetTreker. This educational search engine brings the best of the web to K-12 students, teachers, and librarians. NetTreker connects teachers and their students to more than 180,000 hand-selected, educator-approved sites - organized by readability level and aligned with NY state standards, providing resources ideal for every student's learning needs with safe, reliable results. Participants in this class will be instructed in how to set up an account at this site for themselves and their students, investigate the various resources found there, discuss their educational value, and develop lesson plans that incorporate various aspects of these resources. 5 hours PDP Location: West Hollow Mac Lab 1 Date: July 13 Time: 8 am – 1 pm Instructor: Danielle Reed
HHH Instructional Computing Summer Through Fall 09-10 PDP Courses “eBoard Updater” Get your eBoard Spiffed Up and Ready for Fall 2009! This 5 hour PDP course will address all the new features available in eBoards as of April 2009: You will: • use the new language translator that allows viewers to see your site and its links in 35 different languages • create notes and content for the Fall semester, hiding them in your “archives” until needed • investigate myriad free clip-art and photo sharing sites to personalize notes by adding images and photos to the face of all notes • search for videos related to curriculum from TeacherTube, YouTube and other video sites and embed them directly into an eBoard note • upload and then embed PowerPoint presentations into your notes • create surveys and questionnaires online and embed them in a note • create an online set of favorite websites in “del.ic.io.us” and embed them in a note • create a “welcome” video for next year’s class and embed the video in a note • record project instructions as an audio file and embed them in a note Make your present eBoard robust and productive and have next year’s polished and ready for the start of the new school year! CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS
“eBoard Updater” Get your eBoard Spiffed Up and Ready for Fall 2009! SECTION I 5 hours PDP Location: Date: Time: Instructor:
Manasquan CO room 208 August 17 and 18 2:30 pm – 5 pm Corinne Carriero
“eBoard Updater” Get your eBoard Spiffed Up and Ready for Fall 2009! SECTION 2 (For Secondary Staff) 5 hours PDP Location: Manasquan CO room 208 Date: September 15 and 22 Time: 3 pm – 5:30 pm Instructor: Ellen Robertson
“eBoard Updater” Get your eBoard Spiffed Up and Ready for Fall 2009! SECTION 3 (For Elementary Staff) 5 hours PDP Location: Manasquan CO room 208
HHH Instructional Computing Summer Through Fall 09-10 PDP Courses Date: Time: Instructor:
September 17 and 24 3:45 pm – 6:15 pm Ellen Robertson
UnitedStreaming Video: Downloading, Integrating, and Burning Video For Classroom Use Educators are always in need of helpful educational tools, and UnitedStreaming/ Discovery Instructional Video Services offer an extremely effective, highquality and interactive resource to help students and teachers meet the NYS Learning Standards. This online program of digital videos and supporting materials is designed and produced specifically for use in the classroom and covers the full range of grade levels and subjects. Instructional video can introduce, illustrate, reinforce and review content, and may be easily integrated into lesson plans within a class period. In this workshop, participants will learn how to access, download, save, and burn videos and other teacher resources to CD for use in their classrooms and incorporation into various projects. These newly honed skills will also help teachers help their students in developing their own powerful presentations by incorporation of these materials into Word, Inspiration, PowerPoint, Timeliner, and other multimedia applications. 5 hours PDP Location: Manasquan CO room 208 Date: September 1 and 2 Time: 2:30 pm – 5 pm Instructor: Ellen Robertson
A Delicious Workshop: Educational Uses of Social Bookmarking: Save and Publish ALL your Bookmarks Online in One Place with Del.icio.us and Then Embed them into Your eBoard! “Social bookmarking” is an activity performed over the Internet that allows users to save and categorize a personal collection of bookmarks (Internet “favorites”) and also share them with others. Users may also take bookmarks saved by others and add them to their own collection, as well as to subscribe to the lists of others. In this course, teachers will have the opportunity to develop an online site where they can place all their saved Internet sites and “share out” this information as curriculum resources to their students and colleagues. Social bookmarking also simplifies the distribution of reference lists, bibliographies, papers, and other resources among peers or students. The second session of this workshop will consist of time to develop resource lists of bookmarks for your curriculum area which you will then be able to embed into your eBoard 5 hours PDP Location: West Hollow Mac Lab 1 Date: September 2 and 3 Time: 2:30 pm – 5 pm Instructor: Corinne Carriero
HHH Instructional Computing Summer Through Fall 09-10 PDP Courses School Weblockers: (secondary staff only) Learn to use the latest teacher productivity tool in the district. Learn how to store all your files in a space that you can access remotely from home or school--anywhere you have a computer and an Internet connection! Learn how to make your classroom an electronic one. Give handouts out to students through their own Weblockers. Have students turn work in to you through their Weblockers. Make assessments of turned in assignments that go directly to students’ lockers; and have automatic records of those assessments. Classes change? Students shift? No Problem. Updates to your Weblocker classes are automatic. Files can be accessed from any Internet connected computer. Digital drop boxes are automatically created and assigned for each class. You can even see when students last logged in, what HW they downloaded, and when they uploaded their completed work. No more papers to carry around, keep organized, and return to students! It’s all automated online! 5 hours PDP Location: West Hollow Mac Lab 1 Date: September 15 and 16 Time: 3:45 pm – 6:15 pm Instructor: Jeannine Ortiz
Voicethreads Workshop: A Multimedia Commenting and Collaboration Tool A Voicethread enables you to transform visual media into collaborative spaces. This Internet-based technology allows every contributor to easily record audio commentary about ideas, topics and experiences that are important to them--an event, a project, or a milestone. In a classroom setting, students can tell their story in their own voice, and then share it with the world. For teachers, a Voicethread offers a single container to capture and then share all the diverse personalities of an entire class, allowing each student to tell a story in their own voice and then share it globally. The second session of this workshop will allow teachers to develop a Voicethread for a class project. 5 hours PDP Location: Manasquan CO room 208 Date: October 6 and 13 Time: 3:45 pm – 6:15 pm Instructor: Ellen Robertson
Media Sharing Workshop: Using TeacherTube, Slideshare, Flickr, Fliggo and Bubbleshare To Publish Secondary Students’ and Teacher Work ** Participants should try to bring to this workshop at least one PowerPoint presentation they have created as well as a minimum of 10 digital photos that they have taken. In the last year, the total time spent watching the video sharing site YouTube worldwide was 9,305 years! In this workshop discover how educators are starting to explore the potential of media-sharing services for curriculum work. Investigate how these free online services can be used to empower students and create exciting new learning opportunities. See how the photo-sharing sites like Flickr and Bubbleshare are finding
HHH Instructional Computing Summer Through Fall 09-10 PDP Courses use within education as a valuable resource for students and educators looking for images for use in presentations, learning materials or coursework. Learn to add hot-spot annotations to an image to enable students to annotate and discuss a graphic, historical photo, or painting. Learn how to have your students post their presentations to a communal Internet site so that their peers have access to their work. Learn how to embed photo slideshows and PowerPoint presentations right into your eBoards! 5 hours PDP Location: Manasquan CO room 208 Date: October 20 and 27 Time: 3:45 pm – 6:15 pm Instructor: Ellen Robertson
Harnessing the Power of HHH Online Tools: Associated Press Image Library and Free Music and Photo Sites This course will investigate the special online educational resources to which the District subscribes including Associated Press Media Library. Associated Press Media Library is a database of all photos used in Associated Press communications for the last 50 years. All images can be downloaded along with their citations and background history. They then can be used in presentation and video software. Participants in this class will be instructed in how to set up accounts on for themselves and their students, investigate the various resources found there, discuss their educational value, and develop lesson plans that incorporate various aspects of these resources. 5 hours PDP Location: Manasquan CO room 208 Date: November 18 and 19 Time: 3:45 pm – 6:15 pm Instructor: Ellen Robertson
The PODCAST Session of Wikis, Podcasts and Blogs, Oh My! Investigating the New Web 2.0 Research indicates that education is going through a large-scale transformation toward a more participatory form of learning. The evolution of the Internet and Web 2.0 tools, such as wikis, blogs, RSS feeds and podcatching, podcasting, and video podcasting can facilitate this approach by making information sharing and content creation easier for staff and students alike. These information sessions are intended to give staff members a basic understanding of these free new tools and investigate how to harness their power for use in their teaching. Take one, two, or all sessions---more to come in the Fall! Discover what a podcast is and how to subscribe and listen to educational “radio shows”. Learn how to use podcasts as “do nows” and springboards to classroom discussions. Learn how to download podcasts to an mp3 player for anywhere, anytime learning. Make your first podcast! 2.5 hours PDP Location: Manasquan CO room 208 Date: July 6
HHH Instructional Computing Summer Through Fall 09-10 PDP Courses Time: Instructor:
2:30 pm – 5 pm Ellen Robertson
The WIKI Session of Wikis, Podcasts and Blogs, Oh My! Investigating the New Web 2.0 Research indicates that education is going through a large-scale transformation toward a more participatory form of learning. The evolution of the Internet and Web 2.0 tools, such as wikis, blogs, RSS feeds and podcatching, podcasting, and video podcasting can facilitate this approach by making information sharing and content creation easier for staff and students alike. These information sessions are intended to give staff members a basic understanding of these free new tools and investigate how to harness their power for use in their teaching. Take one, two, or all sessions! Try your hand at developing your own wiki---a web space where you can collaborate with your colleagues or students in collecting and creating information and resources which are available to your entire group. Wikis are especially useful for joint class projects, as review sites, and for long term collaborations. 2.5 hours PDP Location: Manasquan CO room 208 Date: July 7 Time: 2:30 pm – 5 pm Instructor: Ellen Robertson
iPhoto Slideshows and Books : Investigating the Curricular Possibilities Bring the sights and sounds that excite and inspire your students into the classroom effortlessly with iPhoto ’06. With iPhot, students can express themselves with images, music and other audio, and text. iPhoto offers a flexible set of learning tools that can help students demonstrate their individual strengths— empowering them as creators of content, rather than just consumers. Participants will investigate various uses of the iPhoto such as making visual records of field trips and creating digital stories in all curriculum areas. In this particular session, staff members will use iPhoto to upload, archive, and edit photos that will be turned into albums, books, and slideshows. Please bring your own digital photos on one theme for this workshop, or use the ones we will supply. 2.5 hours PDP Location: Manasquan CO room 208 Date: September 21 Time: 3:45 pm – 6:15 pm Instructor: Corinne Carriero Deliciously Flipping With Visual Thesaurus This workshop will introduce participants to several new technology tools to use within their practice. Participants will use FLIP camcorders to produce a short video and post it to the District server. Next, Delicious bookmarking tool will enable staff members to produce lists of web resources to embed into their eBoards to direct their students to
HHH Instructional Computing Summer Through Fall 09-10 PDP Courses Internet sites for research. Finally, the Visual Thesaurus will be investigated as a way of helping student devlop their language skills. The Visual Thesaurus is an interactive dictionary and thesaurus which creates word maps that blossom with meanings and branch to related words. Its innovative display encourages exploration and learning. Come and spend a “hands-on” afternoon exploring these new tools! 5 hours PDP Location: Central Office Room 208 Date: January 12 and 13 Time: 3:45 pm – 6:15 pm Instructor: Corinne Carriero/Ellen Robertson
NetTreker A GREAT online educational resource available to District staff and students is NetTreker. This educational search engine brings the best of the web to K-12 students, teachers, and librarians. NetTreker connects teachers and their students to more than 180,000 hand-selected, educator-approved sites - organized by readability level and aligned with NY state standards, providing resources ideal for every student's learning needs with safe, reliable results. Participants in this class will be instructed in how to set up an account at this site for themselves and their students, investigate the various resources found there, discuss their educational value, and develop lesson plans that incorporate various aspects of these resources. 5 hours PDP Location: Central Office Room 208 Date: January 19 and 20 Time: 3:45 pm – 6:15 pm Instructor: Danielle Reed