Register Now For a Summer and Fall Filled With Technology-infused Professional Development Opportunities
Information, Media, and Technology Skills for 21st Century Learning The Half Hollow Hills Technology Professional Development Program is geared to help teachers and other staff members guide students in developing and using 21st Century Skills in efficient and ethical ways.
*Please note that locations may change due to summer building maintenance. Classes will run depending upon minimum registration requirements. Please look for pertinent communications via email concerning this.
Summer Workshops Reading A to Z and Raz Kids 5 hours PDP Location: Signal Hill Library Date(s): June 25 Time: 8:30am – 1:30pm Instructor: Danielle Reed This is a wonderful online resource to support independent and guided reading at all levels. This website offers lesson plans, leveled books, and developmentally appropriate comprehension & phonics worksheets. The website also includes Raz-Kids interactive ebooks – ideal for emerging and challenged readers. This site offers animated audio books and quizzes for students to utilize at school and at home. Participants will be given time to build rosters, assign books and learn how to track student reading activities.
Photo Ops For Educators 5 hours PDP Location: West Hollow Lab 2 Date(s): June 26 Time: 8am – 1pm Instructor: Bea Reiser With the use of digital photography, you can promote your class’s activities, highlight their work, publicize their creativity, create display cases, bulletin boards, and spruce up your eBoard. You will learn to add visuals to your PowerPoint, Keynote, Word, and Pages documents. You'll learn to minimize and reduce the picture size so you can email to others your documents. You will have the ability to create slideshows quickly and easily for back to school night or for your classes. All of the things you learn are then easily transferred to your students. Come and see how talented you can become!
Customizing Apps for Student Needs (*These sessions are specifically for those ELA, Reading, and Special Education teachers who are piloting iPad use with students.) This series of classes will enable teachers to plan and prepare for the use of iPads with their students and also create implementation and evaluation strategies. Participants may elect to obtain credit by taking: •
Session 1 as a stand-alone for 5 hours of credit
Session 2 and Session 3 for 10 hours of credit,
or Session 1, Session 2, and Session 3 for 15 hours of credit
Session 1 ‐ Managing your iPad 5 hours PDP Location: Candlewood Lab Date(s): June 27 Time: 8am –1pm Instructor: Corinne Carriero This session will deal with managing your iPad. Participants will learn how to customize their iPad’s media content and configure settings. In addition they will explore the use of the iPad as a Reader, Creator, Student Response System, Classroom Manager, Study Tool, Organizer and Differentiator.
Session 2 and Session 3 – Specific iPad Apps and Strategies In these sessions participants will explore specific apps and develop plans and strategies for using these iPad apps with their students. They will also develop implementation and evaluation strategies for use during the 2012-2013 school year. 10 hours PDP Location: Central Office room 208 Date(s): August 27 and August 28 Time: 2pm – 7pm Instructor: Jolynn Sapia
Science and Vocabulary A to Z 5 hours PDP Location: Signal Hill Library Date(s): June 27 Time: 8:30am – 1:30pm Instructor: Danielle Reed These are wonderful online resources to support student learning in a variety of ways. Vocabulary A to Z provides materials and lessons for teachers that correlate to the other Learning A to Z sites. Teachers can create their own vocabulary lists or use pre-made lists to use with games, study tools, or worksheets to build student vocabulary. Many of the tools can be used in class lessons, small group, or independent settings. Science A to Z offers structured but creative units of study that correlate to curriculum guidelines and lessons. This site is integrated with other Learning A to Z sites and provides leveled nonfiction resources for students to use in their exploration of different science topics.
Excelling At Excel 5 hours PDP Location: Signal Hill Library Date(s): June 28 Time: 8:30am – 1:30pm Instructor: Danielle Reed This class will be exploring Excel and learning how this program can be best used in education. It will address ways to help save time when setting up your classroom, organize data as needed, and use the data to improve your instruction. We will discuss topics including how to create spreadsheets, complete a mail merge, and use Excel to enhance your teaching and classroom management.
Create an On‐line Professional or Student Portfolio 5 hours PDP Location: HSE Room 906 Date(s): July 9 Time: 8am – 1pm Instructor: Becky Merejo Teachers will learn how to create a website that showcases their work, samples of students work, classroom, etc. Teachers will provide a sample for each of the domains per HHH portfolio requirements that incorporate 21st century skills. Great for probationary and tenured teachers who wish to update their portfolios or have an online portfolio. Course can also help teachers create a model so that they can have students create online portfolios to showcase work done in your class.
The iWork Classroom: Keynote 10 hours PDP Location: West Hollow - MAC Lab 1 Date(s): July 10, 17, 24 Time: 2pm – 5:20pm Instructor: Milton Strong The iWOrks Classroom: Keynote will look to use this specific application to enhance the overall classroom experience for students. As a dynamic presentation tool, Keynote takes PowerPoint to the next level. Boasting awesome effects and powerful graphics, Keynote has the power to peak your students’ interests while building a stronger bridge to your instruction program. To provide a meaningful experience for all participants, it is asked that you select a specific project that will guide your work.
SMART Board Level 1 15 hours PDP Location: Central Office room 208 Date(s): July 10, 11, 12 Time: 2pm – 7pm Instructor: Jolynn Sapia From the beginner to the novice, learn how to navigate through the basics of SMART Board, create your own files, find resources to avail yourself of, and begin to integrate this tool into your existing curriculum.
On‐line Homework for Student Achievement (HS Staff) 7.5 hours PDP Location: HS East PC Lab - Room 707 Date(s): July 10 and 17 Time: 9am – 12:45pm Instructor: Julian Aptowitz Teachers of Science and Math can use the University of Texas On-line Homework service to provide their students with home practice of in-class concepts. The service can also be used for on-line assessments. Instructors create the homework set from the University's extensive bank of questions, including many from textbooks used in the HS. Student problem sets are generated with different numbers/factors, thereby minimizing the problem of students "copying" the solution set from another student. Since the sets are due on-line, deadlines must be adhered to by students (although Instructors may override deadlines, the on-line component increases student's compliance with deadlines).
Google Lit Trips 5 hours PDP Location: Central Office - Room 208 Date(s): July 11 Time: 8am – 1pm Instructor: Michelle Jacobs Google Lit Trips will allow educators, especially English and Social Studies instructors to take a virtual journey and bring literature an/or history to life. Google Lit Trips interfaces with Google Earth to create a literary or historical map that plots a virtual course of the life and events of a character in literary works or history. Teachers can provide their students with a visual support and hands on interaction while combining history, geography, and literature. In this course, educators will explore shared Google Lit Trips and learn the basic skills to create their own Google Lit virtual tour.
The iWork Classroom: Pages 10 hours PDP Location: West Hollow MAC Lab 1 Date(s): July 12, 19, 126 Time: 2pm – 5:20pm Instructor: Milton Strong The iWork Classroom: Pages will look to use this specific application to enhance the overall classroom experience for faculty, students and parents. Offering a wide range of options, the course will explore the creation of Newsletters, Posters, Brochures, etc. that will undoubtedly enhance the connectivity of your instruction program. To provide a meaningful experience for all participants, it is asked that you select a specific project that will guide your work.
SMART Board Level 2 15 hours PDP Location: Central Office room 208 Date(s): July 17, 18, 19 Time: 2pm – 7pm Instructor: Jolynn Sapia Take it to the next level... take everything you learned in SMART Board Level 1, and take it to the next level... learn cool tips and tricks, how to master the Lesson Activity Toolkit and create exemplar lessons. *Participants must have already taken SMART Board Level 1
SMART Board Certification Training 15 hours PDP Location: Central Office, rooms TBA Date(s): August 27, 28, 29, 30, 9am – 11am AND September 10, 24, 3:45pm – 5:45pm AND October 1, 3:45pm – 6:45pm Instructor: SMART Board Representatives Become a Certified SMART Teacher! Within these 15 hours of professional development centered around teaching with the SMART interactive whiteboard, participants will: •Learn basic SMART Board operations •Set up SMART equipment •Use the board with Microsoft applications •Develop lessons using SMART Notebook software •Integrate tables, animate objects, use the magic pen, make page recordings, and create links •Explore advanced software tools, specifically the SMART Recorder and Video Player •Develop individual lesson plans using skills learned in all sessions
Fall Workshops Wiki Workshop 5 hours PDP Location: Central Office room 208 Date(s): September 10, 11 Time: 3:45pm – 6:15pm Instructor: Caryn Meirs Participants in this workshop will be guided in developing a wiki for use in their classes as a collaboration and/or information site for their students. Using this unique web-based tool, staff members will create a private internet space where ONLY their specifically chosen students/colleagues can collaborate on such activities as •Developing study /review guides---Great for AP collaborative course reviews! •Project development with peer review •Group authoring •Tracking a group project •Data Collection •Presentations •Group/team collaborations for Professional Learning Community work
The Paperless Classroom 5 hours PDP Location: West Hollow lab Date(s): September 12 and 13 Time: 3:45 – 6:15 Instructor: Jeannine Ortiz Tired of constantly shuffling and wasting paper? Investigate how easily you can start developing a paperless classroom! In the first part of this workshop you will learn how you can disseminate and collect work from students through the District’s Weblockers subscription and the Infinite Campus portal. Participants will be able to make assessments of turned in assignments that report back to students’ accounts and have automatic records of those assessments. In Weblockers, files can be accessed and posted from any Internet connected computer. Through the use of digital drop boxes teachers can see when students last logged in, what HW they downloaded, and when they uploaded their completed work. Infinite Campus now has similar capabilities. No more papers to carry around, keep organized, and return to students! It’s all automated online! The second part of this workshop will investigate how Blogger and Google Docs can further help your paperless classroom flourish. Participants will learn to create collaborative assignments for students and embed student content in blogger and eBoards. The course will allow teachers' productivity to increase while student creativity and collaboration also rise.
Putting the T In STEM Education 5 hours PDP Location: Central Office room 208 Date(s): September 24 and October 1 Time: 3:45 – 6:15 Instructor: Caryn Meirs STEM is Science Technology Engineering and Math - but how can we incorporate truly meaningful technology experiences into the curriculum? This class is not about how teachers can use technology to deliver instruction but how your students can use technology (that you already have available) to engage in learning while meeting the next generation of science standards!
SMART Board Level 1 15 hours PDP Location: Central Offfice room 208 Date(s): September 25, October 2, 9, 16, 23 Time: 3:45pm – 6:45pm Instructor: Jolynn Sapia From the beginner to the novice, learn how to navigate through the basics of SMART Board, create your own files, find resources to avail yourself of, and begin to integrate this tool into your existing curriculum.
Grade Book Primer (Elementary Staff Only) 7.5 hours PDP Location: Signal Hill Library Date(s): October 2, 9, 16 Time: 3:45pm – 6:15pm Instructor: Danielle Reed Do you still find Grade Book confusing? Does the though of entering grades keep you up at night? Are you empowered by taking attendance correctly? Then this is the class for you! We will be addressing the required tasks with Grade Book as well as learning ways to make Grade Book work for you! We will also be looking at Infinite Campus and exploring the options the program offers.
“Blogging" and Internet Productivity and Creativity in the Secondary Classroom (Grade 7 – 12 Staff all areas) 15 hours PDP Location: West Hollow room 229 Date(s): October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 Time: 3:15pm – 6:15pm Instructor: Jeannine Ortiz Many teachers have started to experiment with blogs. For some, a blog is an electronic notebook -- one students can't lose (or claim the dog ate). For others, it's a forum where a class discussion can unfold 24/7. Either way, blogging can be a powerful educational tool. Participants will learn how to set up a blog, protect students online, and use the blog for a variety of purposes: personal expression, creative writing, an online notebook, classroom discussions, and with an array of online web tools for media creation and productivity. Participants will learn to harness the power of mashing (embedding) in any curriculum and discover a variety of teaching ideas for making media-rich, studentcentered classrooms. "Blogger" will be the secure social network where a variety of student work is published. Discover the potential that these exciting new learning opportunities can unleash in your students when they're empowered with the ability to create and professionally publish for an audience of networked peers.
Learning AZ 10 hours PDP Location: Signal Hill Library Date(s): October 13 and 20 Time: 8am – 1pm Instructor: Danielle Reed This is a wonderful online resource to support the language arts and science curriculum. Reading A to Z encourages independent and guided reading at all levels. This website offers lesson plans, leveled books, and developmentally appropriate comprehension & phonics worksheets. Raz-Kids provides access to hundreds of animated leveled books – ideal for emerging and challenged readers. This site offers interactive audio books and quizzes for students to utilize at school and at home. Vocabulary A to Z and Science A to Z also promote interactive learning and resources for students at teachers that correlate to curriculum guidelines. Participants will be given time to build rosters, assign books and learn how to track student reading activities.
Prezi: The Powerful Presentation Tool 5 hours PDP Location: West Hollow lab 2 Date(s): October 17, 24 Time: 3:45 – 6:15 Instructor: Jaclyn Tannazzo This workshop introduces participants from any content area to the exciting and innovative presentation tool Prezi. Prezi is a web-based program that allows the user to create a non-linear presentation. Unlike other presentation programs, Prezi shows your audience how all the material connects and relates without the same repetitive “slides”. Prezi utilizes a spin and zoom tool to present the information. Your students will stay engaged during your entire presentation wondering where the screen will zoom and spin next. Participants will have the opportunity to learn how to create a Prezi during the first session and then during the second session will use what was learned to create an individual Prezi for classroom instruction.
Flip Over FLIPS 10 hours PDP Location: West Hollow lab Date(s): November 1, 8, 15 Time: 3:45pm – 7:05pm Instructor: Diane Calise Flip Over FLIPS -- Easy video creation and sharing with FLIP Cameras. In this workshop you will: •Discover the ease of using a FLIP camcorder •Learn tips for good clip production •Discover curriculum integration ideas •Use a FLIP camera to create a short movie (cameras will be provided during the workshop) •Learn how to download your FLIP files onto iPhoto •Learn how to edit your FLIP files in iMovie •Create and SHARE video in several ways
Music and Technology ‐‐ Music Teachers Only K‐12 15 hours PDP Location: Candlewood Music lab Date(s): January 16, 23, 30, Feb 6, 13 Time: 3:45pm -6:45pm Instructor: Elissa Reichstein This course will explore the technology that is available to the music teachers in our district Teachers will have an opportunity to create classroom projects using: GarageBand, iMovie, Sibelius and Finale. Workshop participants will create at least one project or lesson that can be used in their classroom.