1 minute read
Hazel Milla
I wonder how you feel as you lie there, a tumor pressing on your frontal lobe.
I sit beside you with a little jar and resin-wrapped moss inside
pain pressing on the inside of my head, held guarded in my cells, captured with now hardened glue:
your pain, I like to think,
pain I could pick up and roll around in my fingers like moss-fibers, until it disintegrates in the oils of my skin.
I wonder if I could preserve your mind and soul in a jar of resin.
I like to think and wish; I like to revel in this false permanence I’ve created and try to forget the tumor in your head.
I wish I could pull it apart
or that I could take it from you and put it in my head so that I could feel
your pain,
and you wouldn’t have to.
-Hazel Milla is a junior from Chapel Hill, NC, pursuing a major in Neuroscience and a minor in Creative Writing.-