Google Doc Quests #1 - #4

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Quest 1: In this “ Tools and Menus” Quest you will create a new document and type in the content provided below. Your challenge is to learn to use formaFng features in this document. When you are done we expect you will be able to: • use styles to create a heading • change the font • format the text with bold, italics, underline • change colors of the text and highlight text • use the alignment tools to center or right align text • share the document with your teacher

Steps for Google docs Forma<ng Menus and Tools: Step 1 -­‐– (Value 6 points) Create a new folder and 1tle it. Use Computer Technology Class

Step 2-­‐ (Value 10 points)

Click on create Select Folder


Open the folder you just created and a)

Create a new document and type the poem below b)  Give your document the name leaves (+ your ini1als) c)  Go to the View Menu and make sure there is a check next to "Show Spelling Sugges1ons" (or click on it to turn the Spelling Checker on). d)  Type in the poem (Rain of Leaves) provided.

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b. Leavesyi


Rain of Leaves It's raining big It's raining small It's raining autumn leave In fall. It's raining gold And red and brown As autumn leaves Come raining down. It's raining everywhere I look. It's raining bookmarks On my book! by Aileen Fisher

Step 3-­‐ (Value 6 points) Put 1 space between the 1tle and the stanza.

Step 4 -­‐ (Value 6 points) Change Title Heading Style to Title.

Step 5-­‐ (Value 6 points) (With the text selected) Change Font on the poem and author to Comic Sans MS, and then Change the Font size of the poem to Size 24.

Click at the end of the 2tle with your mouse and hit enter (or return)

Click on the arrow next to Normal text and select Title.

Use the dropdown arrow to the right of the font name and select Comic Sans MS Use the dropdown arrow to the right of the number to see other font size choices

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Step 6. Bold the word "raining". -­‐ (Value 6 points)

Step 7. Apply Italics to "by Aileen Fisher". -­‐ (Value 6 points)

Step 8. Underline the 1tle. -­‐ (Value 6 points)

Step 9. Change the color words to their color. -­‐ (Value 6 points)

Step 10. Color with a green highlight the word “leaves” -­‐ (Value 6 points)

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Select the word raining and click on B on the menu to the right of the font size.

Step 11. Highlight the background of the wore “autumn” to orange. -­‐ (Value 6 points)

Step 12. Center the 1tle – select the 1tle and then click on the center icon -­‐ (Value 6 points).

Step 13 Right align the author’s line and add a space between the stanza and the author line. -­‐ (Value 6 points)

Step 14. Add test of a few lines below the author’s name “Edited by… (your name)” and format (select the text, then select the style: Normal text to Heading 1. -­‐ (Value 6 points)

Step 15. Proof your work. Now glance through your en1re document and see if there are any words underlined with a red doked line indica1ng that there may be a spelling error. If you find any errors, be sure to correct them. -­‐ (Value 6 points)

Step 16. It’s 1me to share your document with your teacher. Turn in through the Edmodo Turn In link for assignment. -­‐ (Value 6 points)

Open Tab -­‐ Link Google Drive to your backpack in LiveBinder for help Open Tab -­‐Turn in Assigments via Edmodo in LiveBinder for help Page 4

Quest 2: In Quest 1, you learned about Google Drive, how to use formaFng tools in a document, and how to hand in a Google file through Edmodo. In this Quest you will learn how to rename a document, insert a picture, add a cita1on, insert a horizontal line, and add a hyperlink. To help prevent criminal behavior you will also learn a bit more about copyright and computer ethics. Steps: Step 1: ( value 12.5 points ) In Google Drive, Open the RAIN of LEAVES poem you created in Quest 1. Step 2: ( value 12.5 points ) Renaming your document: a. click on the 1tle of it in the toolbar menu. Then rename it in the box that appears. Rename as: leavesyiupdated Step 3. ( value 12.5 points ) Adding a Graphic image of Leaves to your document: a)

Keep your Rain of Leaves document in GDrive open in one tab and use Ctrl or Command-­‐N (or to File Menu and select New Window).


Navigate to hkp:// and in the Search box provided type in leaves.


Look through the collec1on and select one you feel fits the poem.


Click on the small image to open the full size image. Keep this tab or window open to return to later for the photo cita1on.


Note***If you are logged into Google Drive, you will see two icons for downloading the image. The one on the right will let you save it directly to your Drive space in Google. The Download Image bukon will let you download it to your device and save it in a loca1on you select.

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Step 4: ( value 12.5 points ) Direc1ons using the Save GoogleDrive icon a)  Save the image to your Drive space (if you are logged into Google Drive). b)  Click the Drive icon and it will open a window showing “My Drive (change)” c)  Click on (change) to save it into the folder you created in Q1 (folder name Computer Technology Class) d)  When folders are displayed (you might only have one), click in the check box in front of the folder to save it into and click on Select and Save.

Computer Technology Class

e)  In your folder now you should have your Quest 1 formaFng document, the renamed update, and now the image.

Step 5: ( value 12.5 points ) a)  Open the tab with your Falling Leaves document and put your mouse at the beginning of the 1tle. b)  Click on the Insert menu and select Insert image. When the new box shows up, select My Drive or Recent. Locate the image you saved to the drive and click on it, then click in Select. c)  The image should appear in your document. Drag a corner inward to resize it smaller to work in your document.

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Step 6 ( value 12.5 points ) Adding credits for the image a.  Return to the tab or window showing the picture of leaves in Pics4Learning. b. Copy the Cita1on: Copy the informa1on in the table below the picture 1tled Cita1on, and paste it below the picture in your document. The images on the pics4learning website are free to use for educa2onal purposes, however you should always give credit to the photographer. c. You may need to space down a few 1mes. Step 7 ( value 12.5 points ) Add a horizontal line under the cita1on and above the 1tle of the poem. a. Put your mouse at the end of the cita1on b. go to the Insert menu, and select Horizontal line. Step 8 ( value 12.5 points ) Crea1ng a hyperlink to a web site. a. Go to the bokom of this poem and add another horizontal line. b. Space down one or two lines and type “ The Glory of Leaves” c. Go to hkp:// leaves-­‐photographyage and copy the hyperlink at the top of the page. d. Return to your Rain of Leaves document, highlight the text you typed at the bokom “ The Glory of Leaves” e. Click on the hyperlink bukon, the chain link icon on the top menu. Paste (Ctrl-­‐V) the URL into the box provided and click Apply. You should now see it hyperlinked. Try it out if you want to make sure it takes you to the right place.

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Quest #3 – Google Doc You have learned how to insert a horizontal bar and an image. You have also learned how to add a link to go out to a website or document. In this Quest (Quest #3) you will learn to insert a table and fill it in. Keep up the good work! Steps: Step 1: (Value 20 pts) Open your Google Drive document called RAIN OF LEAVES and add a horizontal bar 2 spaces down from the end. Step 2. : (Value 20 pts) Now you will create a table iden1fying the parts of speech of this poem. a.

Add a table that is 5 columns wide and several rows down (***Note: The number of rows should be the number of lines in your poem plus one.)

b. To add a table, click on TABLE in the menu bar, and select Insert table.

c. Move your mouse across 5 cells and then down for at least 7 rows (you can add more later on). When you click in the last row it will insert it into your document.

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Step 3: : Value 20 pts In the top row type the following in each cell (you can use the tab key to move to the next cell) Line, Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Adjec1ves

Step 4: (Value 20 pts). In the first column in Row 2, type a 1, in the next row down a 2, etc., so that each of the rows in your table has a line number as shown above. Step 5.( Value 20 pts) Now go through each line of the poem (or fable) and count the number of nouns, pronouns, verbs, and adjec1ves. Fill this data into your table. If you cannot remember what each of these are CLICK HERE (Parts of Speech Table from the English Club) to refresh your memory. hkps:// grammar/parts-­‐of-­‐speech_1.htm Ater comple1ng your table share it with your teacher by turning in through Edmodo.

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Quest #4 Headers and Footers are cri1cal for documents you create. Here's an example: you are reading a manual and it says to turn to page 28, and there are no page numbers in the footer! A footer or header helps provide addi1onal informa1on on the pages of a document, and can save a lot of 1me. The header and footer will appear on every page of the document when they are inserted. To complete this assignment, you will add a header and footer to your exis1ng poem document for the RAIN OF LEAVES poem. Steps: Step 1. (Value 10 pts.) Open the file called RAIN OF LEAVES Step 2. . (Value 20 pts.) Click on INSERT on the menu bar. a. Select HEADER and align right. b. On the first line type Collabora1on c. On the second line type Google docs Word Processing d. On the third line type your name. e. Click out of the Header back on the body of the document. Step 3. . (Value 20 pts.) Click on INSERT on the menu bar. a. Select Footer b. From the More menu, select align center. c. Add today's date and press ENTER. Step 4. . (Value 20 pts.) Click on INSERT on the menu bar again a. Select PAGE NUMBER. b. Select at the bokom of the document c. Align to the center of the document. d. No1ce how it will automa1cally number the pages in the footer Step 5. . (Value 20 pts.) Change the name of the document by clicking on the 1tle. Change it to leaves4 +your ini1als. Step 6: . (Value 10 pts.) Share this with your teacher through Edmodo. Page 10

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