1 minute read
from Us Winter 2023
by HHS Today
the fact that she was stuck
While Covid-19 was spreading across the United States, everything has been delayed, students were unable to go to school. During the lengthy period of isolation, Tori Dawkins decided to learn how to do nails to keep herself occupied and keep her mind o in the house. She loved doing nails and it was more of a hobby than something professional.
From a youthful age, she has always been fascinated with beauty, so as she got older gradually, she got into doing hair, nails, and makeup because she found that it was something that she really enjoyed doing. When she rst started, the biggest di just perfecting it because it was not something that just came easy, and she had to really work on it to perfect it. She knew that every job has its di culties and obstacles, so she never gave up and was patient in the
She was learning and practicing in her spare time. culty was keeping up with the trend and practice.
“If there is something I like, and really enjoy doing, I will not let anything stop me from doing it to the best of my abilities and keep
She was asking for support from her parents and her family members would volunteer for her to do sets on them to get more practice. And her parents never had negative feelings about it; they were supportive because she enjoyed and wanted to do it. At get which her mother bought her, but as she ventured o realized that she needed better quality stu
Her only di up because she knew if she gave up, she was not going to get it at was going to have to keep on practicing. It’s been three years now and she’s still trying,” Dawkins said. She rst, she got the cheapest kit she could , she in which she got a job buying better materials. culty was trying not to give she rst try, she to learning as she goes.

“I’m not perfect, but I’m better than when I rst started and I’m thankful that I did not give up and I kept trying” she said. In the next three years, she sees herself as an entrepreneur, helping other people nd what works best for them, and helping them would enjoy for the rest of their lives.
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