SCALE Sculptural Trail

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James Adams Neach-leagail

Air dha craobh a leagail, tha taic fear-coille ri thuagh, is e na sheasamh air bonn a rinn e fhèin ...


A woodsman who has felled a tree and rests upon his axe. Standing on a plinth of his own making ...

Dachaigh Chlann Dòmhnaill agus na h-ealain lèirsinneach

Clan Donald Skye and the visual arts

Chan e rud ùr a th’ ann do Chlann Dòmhnaill a bhith a’ gabhail ùidh sna h-ealain lèirsinneach. Gu dearbha, ’s ann a tha an fhine a’ cur taic ri luchd-ceàirde bho chionn iomadh linn nar n-eachdraidh, bho àm Tighearnas nan Eilean ’s nas fhaide air ais. Saorsainneachd, clachaireachd, obrachadh òir is airgid - choisinn na ceàrdan seo uile inbhe àrd an lùib rangachd aosmhor nam fineachan Gàidhealach don fheadhainn a bha gan gnàthachadh. Rè na 18mh linn, bha na cinn-chinnidh a’ fàs measail air nòsan ùra “os-nàiseanta” air tàilleabh iad a bhith a’ tadhal gu tric air àitean fasanta Dhùn Èideann is Lunnainn, ’s na dh’fhiosraich iad air a’ Chuairt Mhòr. Lean iad am fasan airson fèin-dhealbhan, is iad a’ caitheamh airgead gun choimeas thar tomhais air na nithean saoghalta uile a bha an cois dòigh-bheatha flaithean an àm-sa. ’S mòr am beud gun do dh’adhbhraich seo crìonadh, air a’ cheann thall, ann an eaconamaidh na Gàidhealtachd.

The interest that Clan Donald has in the visual arts is not new. Indeed the support that the Clan has traditionally given craftsmen goes back many centuries to the period of the Lordship of the Isles and earlier. Woodworking, stonemasonry, gold and silver-smithing – these crafts have all earned their practitioners a significant status within the ancient clan hierarchies. During the 18th century, Clan Chiefs were in the process of acquiring more “cosmopolitan” tastes from exposure to the fashionable haunts of Edinburgh and London, and their Grand Tour experiences. The fashion for commissioning portraits, and spending on all the material trappings of an aristocratic lifestyle, was exercised on a lavish scale, sadly to the ultimate detriment of the Highland economy.

Tha rùn aig Urras Fearainn Chlann Dòmhnaill, a’ bhuidheann charthannach a thug Dachaigh Chlann Dòmhnaill gu bith, tuigsinn agus meas air eachdraidh is dualchas Chlann Dòmhnaill agus Tighearnas nan Eilean a bhrosnachadh. San latha a th’ ann, san aimsir mheasarra ùr seo, tha sinn ag iarraidh taic is brosnachadh a thoirt do luchd nan ealan lèirsinneach air sgàth na toile ar ceanglaichean coimhearsnachd a neartachadh agus ar goireasan mìorbhaileach ann an Armadal a chur an tairgse luchd-ealain tàlantach, cruthachail na sgìre. Sir Ian MacDhòmhnaill, Cathraiche Urras Fearainn Chlann Dòmhnaill

Clan Donald Lands Trust, the charitable body for bringing into being Clan Donald Skye, has as its mission the promotion of an understanding and appreciation of the history and traditions of Clan Donald and the Lordship of the Isles. Nowadays, in these more modest times, we can say that the motivation to help support and promote the work of those engaged as practitioners in the visual arts stems from the wish to strengthen our community links and the desire to be able to offer our wonderful facilities at Armadale to our highly talented and original local artists. Sir Ian Macdonald, Chairman of Clan Donald Lands Trust

Ealain gun chuing crìochan dùthcha

Art that goes beyond geographic boundaries



Tha ATLAS ro thoilichte “Meud” (Scale) a chur mur coinneamh, taisbeanadh a-muigh dealbhaichte ann an co-bhann ri Dachaigh Chlann Dòmhnaill. Thàinig am pròiseact tòiseachaidh seo gu bith bho thaobh dà phrìomh eileamaid. A’ chiad tè - an luchd-obrach aig Dachaigh Chlann Dòmhnaill agus am miann dùrachdach slighe ìomhaighean a dhealbhachadh am broinn crìochan fearainn na seann oighreachd, agus an dàrna tè – stèidheachadh ATLAS (sgioba ùr ealain don Eilean Sgitheanach agus Loch Aillse). Bha an caidreachas inntinneach seo na fhìor dheagh adhbhar gun deach ‘Meud’ a chur air bhog, sreath de dh’ìomhaighean snaighidh freagarrach do an suidheachaidh air fearann nan gàrraidhean.

ATLAS is delighted to present “Scale” an outdoor exhibition created in partnership with Clan Donald Skye. This inaugural project was conceived via two key elements. One - the staff at Clan Donald Skye and their enthusiastic desire to host a sculpture trail within the grounds of the historic estate, and two - the creation of ATLAS (a new arts team for Skye and Lochalsh). This exciting partnership provided the perfect catalyst to launch ‘Scale’, a series of site-specific sculptures set within the grounds of the gardens.

Dh’aithnich ATLAS cho cudromach ’s a bha e do a chiad thaisbeanadh a bhith ag iarraidh air an luchd-ealain uile (a tha a’ fuireach ’s ag obair san Eilean agus ann an Loch Aillse) bun-bheachd a thoirt air ìomhaigh freagarrach do a suidheachaidh, brosnaichte leis a’ chuspair ‘meud’. Bha mi airson cothrom a thoirt a bha a’ cur cuideam air ‘a’ bheachdsmuain’, a’ leigeil cead le luchd-ealain gluasad air falbh bhon mheur foghlaim ris a bheil iad cleachdte ’s gun a bhith cuingealaichte mar pheantair, mar dhealbh-chlòdhadair no mar shnaigheadair. Tha an taisbeanadh seo ag amas air cothrom a thoirt do luchd-ealain an obair fhuasgladh bho chuibhrichean meud stiùidio no gaileiridh, agus obair ealain a chur fa chomhair dhaoine bho air feadh an t-saoghail ann an seagh àraidh gàrraidhean Dachaigh Chlann Dòmhnaill. Bidh an luchd-ealain a’ cleachdadh measgachadh eugsamhail de stuthan agus bun-bheachdan a bhios a’ cur ealain ceàirde ann an co-cheangal ri mothachadh air suidheachadh an Eilein agus gàrraidh Chlann Dòmhnaill. Tha na h-ìomhaighean seo ag amas air ceist a chur agus piobrachadh a thoirt air ar fàth tomhais is breithneachaidh san tìr mun cuairt oirnn. Ann an sgìre de thìr is eachdraidh shamhlachail far a bheil uimhir de luchd-ealain traidiseanta cruth-tìre a’ fuireach, tha e iomchaidh gu bheil taisbeanadh againn a tha mar thoradh air na gnìomhan a thàrmaich a’ ghnè, Ealain na Tìre, sna 60an. Leth-cheud bliadhna às a dhèidh seo, tha an seachdnar luchd-ealain ann an slighe nan ìomhaighean seo a’ toirt a’ chiad tharraing air linn ùr a mhìneachadh às leth ealain san Eilean Sgitheanach agus Loch Aillse ... a’ sadadh sìos na bruise ’s a’ togail sluasaid! Steven MacCoinnich, An Cùradair Aoigh

ATLAS recognised the importance for its first exhibition, to invite all artists (resident and working in Skye and Lochalsh) to provide a concept for a site-specific sculpture, inspired by the theme of ‘scale’. I wanted to provide an opportunity that focused on ‘the idea’, allowing artists to step out of their usual discipline and not be constrained as a painter, a printmaker, or sculptor. This exhibition aims to provide an opportunity to stretch artists practice beyond the limits of studio or gallery space, and present work in the unique location of Clan Donald Skye gardens to a worldwide audience. The artists use an eclectic mix of materials and concepts that combine craftsmanship with a sensitivity to the context of Skye and the Clan Donald garden. These sculptures aim to question and provoke our sense of perception and scale in the surrounding landscape. In an area that boasts many traditional landscape artists, coupled with an iconic landscape and history, it is fitting to have an exhibition that reflects the actions that determined the category Land Art in the 60’s. Fifty years on the seven artists in this sculpture trail are making the first impressions of defining a new era for arts in Skye and Lochalsh … throwing down the paintbrush and picking up a shovel! Steven McKenzie, Guest Curator

Daniel Bär

Gun Tiotal Le bhith a’ cur dhaoine is inneal air leth bhon togalach, a chithear a-nis bhon taobh a-muigh, tha an taigh-nighe a bh’ ann roimhe a’ dol na ìomhaigh e fhèin, mias chloiche is uisge.

Untitled By taking man and function apart from the building which is now looked on from the outside, the laundry becomes the sculpture itself, a basin of stone and water.


Sgaothan de rionnaich air an gearradh à muir-thàcar a chaidh a thional aig Bàgh a’ Chnuic, Dail a’ Bhil, ’s eadar cladaichean na Cille Bige agus Àird a’ Bhàsair.


Shoals of mackerel individually cut out of jetsam which was gathered at Knock Bay, Inver Dalavil and the coastline between Kilbeg and Ardvasar.

Zöe Birrell

Thug structar agus faoinsgeulan a’ chàrn chloiche àrsaidh buaidh mhòr air bun-bheachd agus meud na hobrach. Cuideachd, an cleachdadh a bh’ ann bàs a chomharrachadh ann an tiodhlacadh le càrn air mullach beinne no àite naomh, agus an càrn mar làrach iùil, a’ comharrachadh slighe an rathaid.

Light Cone

The structure and mythology of the ancient stone cairn greatly influenced the concept and scale of the work. The custom of marking death in burial, in celebration with the cairn on top of a mountain or holy place and the cairn as guide, marking the roadway.

Dana Macpherson

Còn Solais

2 Chlaon-loidhne II

Julie Brook

Dà chlaon-loidhne dèante de mhàrmor geal nan Torran, air dhòigh ballachan còbhaireach. Tha an dà obair a’ gintinn còmhradh agus teannachd eatarra, eadar-dhealaichte ri na craobhan a tha nan seasamh dìreach. Tha am màrmor a’ cruthachadh soilleireachd nàdarra san àite dhorch choillteach seo fo dhubhar nan craobh.

2 Rising Lines II

Two rising lines made from white Torrin marble, using dry stone walling method. The two works create a dialogue and tension between one another, and in direct contrast to the upright forms of the trees. The marble creates a natural luminosity in this dark wooded area full of shadow.

Jessica Ramm Spitheagan nan Speur

Tha Spitheagan nan Speur nan samhla air an tarraing eadar freumhan dhaoine ris an fhearann agus an togradh a bhith ag èirigh chun nan speuran, a’ fàgail nithean talmhaidh às an dèidh. Le an taobhan co-chothrom, tha trì paidhrichean sgiathan air an cur gu gluasad le oiteagan gaoithe. Trom is nan tost, ann an tiota thig iad beò is aotrom.

Sky Skimmers

The Sky Skimmers are a metaphor of the tension between the need to be rooted to the land and desire to take to the sky, leaving earthly things behind. Counterbalanced by stones, three pairs of wings are set in motion by passing gusts of wind. Heavy and still at one moment, then suddenly animated and weightless the next.

Tha seachdnar luchd-ealain an sàs ann am Meud, is iad ag obair ann an caochladh ealain eadar snaigheadh is dannsa. Tha iad uile co-cheangailte a rèir am freagairt ri fearann Dachaigh Chlann Dòmhnaill. Tha a’ cho-bhanntachd seo air sàr chothrom a thoirt don chiad phròiseact aig ATLAS san Eilean, agus ’s e tachartas fìor tharraingeach a’ bhuil a thàinig às. Dèan cinnteach nach caill thu cothroman àraidh òraidean a’ chùradair ’s an luchd-ealain fhèin a chluinntinn rè an taisbeanaidh, agus sreath de bhùithtean obrach sònraichte fo an iùl. Tha mi an dòchas gun tèid ur tàladh, ur beò-ghlacadh ’s ur brosnachadh leis an obair ealain seo mar a ghabhas sibh ceum timcheall air na gàrraidhean suaicheanta seo. Tha sinn a’ toirt taing dha-rìribh don luchd-ealain a bha cho taiceil ris a’ phròiseact. Bu toigh leam taing shònraichte a thoirt don chùradair, Steven MacCoinnich, do mhanaidsear a’ phròiseict, Rosie Somerville, agus luchd-obrach Dachaigh Chlann Dòmhnaill; Christine NicSheumais, Louise Pinkney, David MacDhòmhnaill; cuideachd do Chris Cartwright, Mike Ambler, Myra Chaimbeul agus Doug Lister, Sam Greumach agus an luchd-obrach fàilteachaidh. Emma NicNeacail, Stiùiriche ATLAS


Scale features seven artists who work across a range of practices, from sculpture to dance, all are connected here by their response to the grounds of Clan Donald Skye. This exciting collaboration has provided the perfect opportunity for ATLAS’s first project on Skye and the result is a fascinating sculptural experience. Be sure not to miss unique opportunities to hear the curator and artists speak about their works and ideas during the exhibition, as well as, a series of special artist-led workshops. I hope that you will be absorbed, intrigued and inspired by these artworks as you take a stroll around these remarkable grounds. Our sincere thanks go to the artists, who have been very supportive of the project. I would particularly like to thank the curator Steven McKenzie, project manager Rosie Somerville, and staff at Clan Donald Skye; Christine Jamieson, Louise Pinkney, David Macdonald, also Chris Cartwright, Mike Ambler, Myra Campbell and Doug Lister, Sam Graham and front of house staff. Emma Nicolson, ATLAS Director

Sealladh fad às

Tha an còrn ‘amhairc’ a’ sgrùdadh fàire an adhair a deas ... a’ feitheamh air plathadh de mheadhan ar reul-chrios ...’

Long Wave

‘The ‘viewing’ horn scans the southern sky horizon … waiting for the brief appearance of the centre of our galaxy …’

Gill Russell

TACHARTASAN - EVENTS Disathairne 21mh an Lùnastal 10.30m-12.30f agus 2.00-4.00f

Disathairne 4mh an t-Sultain 11.00m-12.30f agus 2.00-3.30f

Thig ann agus tog d’ inneal gaoithe fhèin, air ur piobrachadh le innleachdairean an latha an-diugh ’s an latha an-dè, fhad ’s a tha thu air a’ bhlàr a-muigh a’ dearbhadh an rud a dh’innlich thu fhèin.

Thig còmhla ris a’ chùradair is cuid den luchd-ealain airson ceum is còmhradh mun cuairt air an taisbeanadh, agus èist ri na smuaintean air cùlaibh an obair ealain.

Innealan Gaoithe

Saturday 21 August, 10.30am-12.30pm and 2.00-4.00pm

Wind Machines

Come along and create your own wind machine taking inspiration from inventors of the past and present and enjoy testing your very own invention out in the breeze. Two separate workshops with all materials supplied. Meet the artist in the marquee within the ruin of Armadale Castle. Disathairne 28mh an Lùnastal 10.00m-3.00f

Bùth-obrach Dannsa

An co-bhann ri SkyeDance, tha an t-ealadair Dana Nic a’ Phearsain a’ rannsachadh solas is dorchadas tro ghluasad, teacsa, an cuspair-rud is fuaim. Cuir ort aodach fuasgailteach. Saturday 28 August 10.00am-3.00pm

Dance workshop

Artist Dana Macpherson in partnership with SkyeDance explores light and dark through movement, text, object and sound. The theme relates to Dana’s sculpture Light Cone. Please wear loose clothing, suitable footwear, and waterproofs. Bring a packed lunch and a few props relating to the theme of light and dark. Meet on the lawn in front of Armadale Castle

Ceum is Còmhradh a’ Chùradair

Saturday 4 September 11.00am-12.30pm and 2.00-3.30pm

Curator’s Walk and Talk

Join the curator and some of the artists for a stroll and discussion around the exhibition and hear about the ideas behind the works. Meet at the entrance to the gardens Disathairne 18mh an t-Sultain 7.00-9.30f

Òraid Ealain/Reultach – ‘Ceanglaichean Cosmach’ Thig còmhla ris an ealadair agus gheibh thu cothrom àraidh obair ealain a’ Chùirn fhaicinn san dubh-thràth nuair a bhios Slighe Chloinn Uisnich am fianais do shùilean. An dèidh sin, bidh còmhradh ann air ceanglaichean cosmach eadar ealain, saidheans agus miotas-eòlas. Saturday 18 September 7.00-9.30pm

An Astro/Art talk - ‘Cosmic Connections’ Join the artist for a unique opportunity to view the Horn artwork at twilight when the Galactic Centre will be in the field of view, followed by a talk and discussion on cosmic connections in art/science and mythology. This involves a short uphill walk on one of the woodland trails with a moderately steep descent into the castle gardens where the discussion will take place in the Somerled rooms. Sturdy footwear and waterproofs recommended. Suitable for 9 years and over.

Meet outside the Clan Donald restaurant Tha na bùithtean obrach freagarrach do bhuidhnean teaghlaich, agus tha sinn gam moladh don h-uile neach. Faodaidh neach fa leth, no clann is òigridh tighinn nan aonar. Is coir inbheach a bhith an cois chlann a tha fo aois 8 bliadhna. Gleidhidh sinn a’ chòir atharrachadh a thoirt air a’ chlàr-ama ma bhios seo deatamach. Innis dhuinn mu dheidhinn feuman sònraichte aig àm gleidheadh àite. Feumaidh àite a ghleidheadh: F - 01470 532436 no P-d: atlas@hi-arts. Tha na prìsean aig an doras mar as àbhaist. The workshops are suitable for family groups and we encourage everyone to join in. This does not exclude individual adults or children and young people on their own. Children under 8 years should be accompanied by an adult. We reserve the right to alter the programme should this be necessary. Please discuss any special needs at the time of booking. Booking essential: T- 01470 532436 or E- WWW.HI-ARTS.CO.UK/ATLAS +44 (0)1471 844 305 WWW.CLANDONALD.COM

Tha seachdnar luchd-ealain an sàs ann am Meud, is iad ag obair ann an caochladh ealain eadar snaigheadh is dannsa. Tha iad uile co-cheangailte a rèir am freagairt ri fearann Dachaigh Chlann Dòmhnaill. Tha a’ cho-bhanntachd seo air sàr chothrom a thoirt don chiad phròiseact aig ATLAS san Eilean, agus ’s e tachartas fìor tharraingeach a’ bhuil a thàinig às. Dèan cinnteach nach caill thu cothroman àraidh òraidean a’ chùradair ’s an luchd-ealain fhèin a chluinntinn rè an taisbeanaidh, agus sreath de bhùithtean obrach sònraichte fo an iùl. Tha mi an dòchas gun tèid ur tàladh, ur beò-ghlacadh ’s ur brosnachadh leis an obair ealain seo mar a ghabhas sibh ceum timcheall air na gàrraidhean suaicheanta seo. Tha sinn a’ toirt taing dha-rìribh don luchd-ealain a bha cho taiceil ris a’ phròiseact. Bu toigh leam taing shònraichte a thoirt don chùradair, Steven MacCoinnich, do mhanaidsear a’ phròiseict, Rosie Somerville, agus luchd-obrach Dachaigh Chlann Dòmhnaill; Christine NicSheumais, Louise Pinkney, David MacDhòmhnaill; cuideachd do Chris Cartwright, Mike Ambler, Myra Chaimbeul agus Doug Lister, Sam Greumach agus an luchd-obrach fàilteachaidh.

Scale features seven artists who work across a range of practices, from sculpture to dance, all are connected here by their response to the grounds of Clan Donald Skye. This exciting collaboration has provided the perfect opportunity for ATLAS’s first project on Skye and the result is a fascinating sculptural experience. Be sure not to miss unique opportunities to hear the curator and artists speak about their works and ideas during the exhibition, as well as, a series of special artist-led workshops. I hope that you will be absorbed, intrigued and inspired by these artworks as you take a stroll around these remarkable grounds. Our sincere thanks go to the artists, who have been very supportive of the project. I would particularly like to thank the curator Steven McKenzie, project manager Rosie Somerville, and staff at Clan Donald Skye; Christine Jamieson, Louise Pinkney, David Macdonald, also Chris Cartwright, Mike Ambler, Myra Campbell and Doug Lister, Sam Graham and front of house staff. Emma Nicolson, ATLAS Director

Emma NicNeacail, Stiùiriche ATLAS






James Adams Daniel Bär Julie Brook Zöe Birrell


Dana Macpherson Jessica Ramm Gill Russell PR











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