Freshman figure skater breaks the ice of competition
Three writers talk about the effect sex has on one’s emotional and physical health
FEATURES, page 6
Volume 62 ß
UCF commit Barry taylor helps lead the boys basketball team
hilights ßtoptweets
SPORTS, page 13
for students, by students issue 3 Friday, December 13, 2013 ß
Common Core levels standards Common Core initiative brings standards to education By ViCTor KomiVES New standards are coming to classrooms in Florida and around the nation. A group of educators convened by the National Governor’s Association agreed upon a set of national standards, the Common Core State Standards, in 2010. Since then, implementation across the U.S. has spread quickly, with 45 states adopting either parts of the standards, or the full package. The new standards aim to ensure that all students, regardless of location or wealth, have the skills necessary to compete with students elsewhere in the U.S. and overseas. CCSS supporters say it will better prepare students for college or the workforce. Its opponents say it represents a federal takeover of state education systems. Common Core will also be used to rate the
EDuCaTion, page 3
Students learn everyday life skills ESE program gives kids opportunity to succeed
Reply to our next question: If you could spend a day with your celebrity crush who would you choose and why?
@boonepubs ßrandomfact Camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from sand
By maCKEnZiE moCK As the special education system in Florida is decreasing, Orange County Public Schools is developing programs to make up for what is lacking in the rest of the state. OCPS offers 14 programs for students with special needs from preschool to 12th grade. Each program bases its curriculum on what educational services the students need. In addition to these programs, Boone offers the Community Based Vocational Education and Community Based Instruction programs. Teachers work with students with disabilities on
inDEX opinion campus & local features
2 3 6
everyday life skills that will help them succeed in the future. “We have a lot to offer kids with disabilities and have a great team and kids. [We are] working towards having them be apart of the school community,” exceptional students education teacher Denise Scott said. The CBVE program that teaches students skills they would need to have in a working environment. Scott and other faculty take students to the OCPS Print Shop on Oakridge Road Monday through Friday, excluding Wednesday. The students leave at the beginning of first period and return at the end of third. At the print shop the workers have students count supplies, package
special 8 sports 10 restaurant review 14 entertainment 15
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FoLDinG FrEnZy. In Denise Scott’s classroom, senior Zachary Best hangs laundry. “I like folding because it is easier than loading the laundry. My favorite chore of all is cooking,” Best said. Students also learn other household skills that will help them when they live on their own.
photo/DENISE SCOtt
SEE anD hEar morE go to for photo galleries, soundslides featuring students and weekly sports’ beats
Friday, December 13, 2013
insight Lizzy Gordon, Editor-in-Cheif
Texting disengages teenagers If you were to call me on the phone, I would most likely suffer through a minute conversing with you before I hastily said “can you just text me?” I’m not the only one who feels this way; this behavior is quite common for teenagers living in the 21st century. According to Pew Internet Research, 72 percent of teens prefer to text their friends than call them on the phone. Nowadays, it is not uncommon to see a group of teenagers at a diner, each glued to their phones, not talking to one another at all. What does this say about our generation? Are we uninterested in face-to-face interaction, or do we merely lack the ability to hold substantial, deep conversations with one another? The answer all of these questions is yes. We lack the desire to build relationships and friendships unless it is from within the screen of a smart phone. We also do not possess the skills to hold intellectual conversations because we have grown up in a society where saying “happy birthday!” on a Facebook wall is more personal and common than receiving a birthday card via snail mail. Texting has caused people, teens especially, to lack communication skills and patience. Lacking communication skills can be detrimental to one’s future because, according to the Workforce Solutions Group at St. Louis Community College, 60 percent of employers say applicants lack communication and interpersonal skills. Being able to speak face-to-face with someone is a valuable life skill used in the real world. Further, we have lost our patience. Students tend to feel upset when they do not receive a quick reply to a text message. Because of our lack of patience, we get antsy with our friends that take time to gather their thoughts when responding to a question we ask in person. One way to practice patience and communication skills is to meet friends for lunch at a restaurant where one must dine in. Have everyone place their phones face down in the center of the table and whoever reaches for their phone first has to pay tip. Works every time. I encourage students to put down their cell phones and ask their friends how they are really feeling. It is surprising what one can find out about a friend once he stops to listen.
Lizzy Gordon, Editor-in-Cheif
Being guided by 15 security guards to the gymnasium immediately after walking onto campus at 7 a.m. is not exactly a warm welcome Boone High School. This is especially true if the motives behind these actions remain unclear until you are told to open your backpack and spread your legs. It is not a pleasant experience and could even be considered an invasion of privacy. Public schools within the county are selected at random, and on the selected day, each student is searched for contraband by a contracted security service. These searches are designed to be a surprise to the students so they do not purposefully leave contraband that they would have otherwise brought to school at home. The county should not be able to rummage through student’s personal items and search their persons. The argument is that if there are random searches in schools, it will prevent students from bringing contraband on campus and, with any luck, save lives. And they are right. Students have brought guns and other weapons on campuses and done horrible things, like the 14-year-old freshman in Massachusetts who killed his math teacher with a box cutter. So if doing conducting searches save even a few lives, then they are worth doing. But if searches are going to happen again at Boone (which they are), the implementation of them should be altered drastically because how they ran the first time around at Boone was anything other than smooth and effective. First, every student needs to be searched. Random is never random in the eyes of a displeased public. If security guards are going to pat down students, either all students or no students should be searched. Otherwise those actions are subject to ridicule of racist or sexist speculation. Also, if school wide searches are to continue, they need to be efficient. Having 3,000 students funnel into a gymnasium built to hold a few hundred people, five minutes before school starts, is not efficient. Students were late to classes, due to no fault of their own, but rather due to the county’s ineffective plan. Additionally, all social media should be monitored during the searches. Immediately after people started rolling onto
Through Lizzy’s Lens
We do lack the desire to build relationships and friendships unless it is from within the screen of a smart phone.
Searches lack efficiency <
School wide searches are within the school’s legal ability, but should be more efficient.
illustration/VICTOR KOMIVES
campus, information about the school wide search blewup on Twitter, Facebook, and all other social media, thus nullifying any chances of the county keeping this search a surprise to the student population. Without the element of surprise the county will not possess a legitimate grasp on how much contraband is being brought onto school campuses. While we are not advocating searches, and believe they are an invasion of our privacy, we acknowledge that once we step on school grounds administrators have in loco parentis. This means that while we are at school, during school hours, the school is our parent. They are responsible for us and can search our person, our locker, and our car. To truly seek out student’s contraband, OCPS should have waited until 7:30 a.m., then put the school in lock down and gone room-to-room, student-by-student. There wouldn’t be time or prior knowledge to dispose of one’s contraband, ultimately fulfilling the integrity of the search. If these school wide searches are going to be effective in any capacity, students cannot be aware they are about to happen. Knowledge is power and in this last search students had the power. If OCPS security is going to conduct searches in this manner it is apparent that they are more focused on giving the appearance of safety versus really making campuses safe. If the county’s true intention with these searches is to confiscate contraband, then change must be made. Otherwise these actions are nothing more than an intentionally false sense of security.
ßbeheard Send letters to the editor to Hi-Lights, 1000 E. Kaley St., Orlando, FL 32806, or drop off in Room 224. You can also send to Letters may be edited for length and clarity. To be considered for print, all letters must be signed and cannot contain libelous information.
Number of students who have died due to in-school violence between 1999 and 2010.
130 Number of student deaths on school campuses nationwide due to shootings between 1999 and 2010.
2 The percentage of student-age homicides that occur on school grounds nationwide. source:
ßourbad Contact us at 407-893-7200 ext. 6012614 Comment on the web at To advertise call Meghan Cotton at our offices. The paper is free to students and subscriptions are available for $10. Ad sizes available: Business card $25; Eighth page $45; Quarter page $95; Half page $125; Full page $175
Editorial Board
Editorial Policy
Editor-In-Chief Lizzy Gordon Design Editor Gabriella Fakhoury Copy Editor Sam Holleman Business Manager Meghan Cotton Index Editor Ciara McCoy Webmaster Olivia Quattrone Social Media Editor Delanee Bogan
Staffers Jackson Crumbly, Natalie
Disla, Garrett Gastfield, Kaley Gilbert, Victor Komives, Stephanie Landis, Tommy McDonald, Mackenzie Mock
Adviser Renee Burke Principal Dr. Margaret McMillen
Policy Statement
Hilights is a student publication of William R. Boone High School, 1000 E. Kaley Ave., Orlando, Florida, 32806. The ideas and views of the aforementioned students and faculty are not those of Boone or the Orange County School Board. Opinions expressed in unsigned editorials are those of the editorial board, who determine the content. Opinions expressed in columns are those of the authors. Comments, letters, stories and ideas are welcome and encouraged under the following: 1. The material is not obscene or libelous 2. The material is signed The staff reserves the right to edit letters for grammar, length, punctuation, accuracy, invasion of privacy and potential disruption of the school.
Last issue we made mistakes and would like to correct the errors. We aim for accuracy and value your readership. We apologize. • We labeled junior Cooper Fay as a sophomore. • We labeled senior Deion Thomas as a junior. • Ian Gold’s tattoo is not a “pirate ship,” it is a tall ship.
Scholastic Associations
Hilights is associated with Florida Scholastic, Columbia Scholastic and National Scholastic Press Associations and Quill and Scroll.
Our Mission
This paper is a quality product whose sole purpose is to pursue the truth, and to provide information and factual news pertaining to Boone and the community around it. Any questions or comments can be directed to (407) 893-7200, extension 6012614 or Room 224, as well as by email to editor If you find any errors, please call our offices or visit us.
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hilights insight
thenews Common Core presents risks <
By JaCKSon CrumBLy On paper, Common Core State Standards look like a great program, that could have a few flaws, but when one digs deeper into its details it becomes less appealing. CCSS is expected to cost the United States an estimated $16 billion, and possibly more, in expenses for creating tests and implementing this system throughout the nation, according to Pioneer Institute. As a country already in debt $17 trillion and counting, using $16 billion for testing is not a good use of our money. This program will not only cost the country money, but also the schools. The Common Core program will force schools to upgrade to “adequate” computers that will work with the “computer adaptive tests.” Schools with the latest technology, whose students are familiar with said technology, will have higher test scores than those from less affluent areas and who have limited access to technology. It is not fair to punish those students at a smaller budget school that could be equally as smart or smarter than those students who attend a school with a larger budget. When the Common Core standards and guidelines were drafted, only one teacher of 27 people was present. Six representatives were from ACT, six from the College Board, eight from Achieve Inc., two from Student Achievement Partners and two from America’s Choice. No experts on early childhood development were in attendance. The Common Core standards were created (with little research in standards that will lead to success for our youth) to accommodate the needs of our youth. In fact there is little to no evidence that shows success for children through Common Core standards. After all, the whole point of Common Core is for students to become more successful than they are now. Without evidence of success, we are risking spending billions of dollars for a chance of achieving the set goal. The stakes for this program are too high. Common Core will not only be spending valuable money that could be spent elsewhere, but also taking away valuable classroom time. The average fifth grade student in New York will spend 500 minutes a year taking baseline benchmark tests (ten 50 minute periods). Students will also spend an additional 540 minutes taking the Common Core test. Taking 1040 minutes of students time for testing is unnecessary. This is testing overkill. Furthermore, the proficiency rate results of these tests are lower - by design. In New York, only 31 percent of students were rated as proficient. Only 16 percent of African Americans, 3 percent of English learners and 5 percent of students with disabilities were “proficient.” Other states such as North Carolina experienced similar results. Every student, no matter who, is expected to reach the same benchmark. Students who are just learning the English language, mentally disabled, or homeless should not be held to the same standards as students who do not have to overcome these challenges. If the student does not reach these goals he will be marked as behind, or a failure. Once a child is marked behind at a young age, it is difficult for him to climb out of that hole, or mind-set, for that matter. CCSS is not all it is cracked up to be. It has the potential to benefit students, but our country cannot afford to run a $16 billion risk on potential. More solid research is needed. As of right now, the CCSS program has too many flaws that need to be evaluated and corrected before being implemented into schools across the United States.
there is not enough research to implement the new standards with a new high stakes test
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Friday, December 13, 2013
“i’m a local control guys. all of what we teach kids should be controlled by teachers and parents” rick roach, District 3 School Board Member
ßquestionanswer EDuCaTion rick roach District 3 School Board Member
What changes can we expect to see starting next year? Radical change with regards to instruction, student assessment. What are your biggest concerns about implementing Common Core? It’s happening too fast. I’d prefer if it was piloted for at least two years before teachers started implementing it. Common core has become a big political issue - critics say it’s an example of the federal government telling states how to teach their kids. Where do you stand? I’m a local control guy. All of what we teach kids should be controlled by teachers and parents. Do you think common core will be around for the next few years? I think you can put a big question on that. I’m going to say 50/50. If it’s not around, it’s going to be because of political pressure and or parent teacher pressure. Common Core is considered more challenging than current standards. Do you think grades of schools will drop when it takes full effect? Absolutely. Florida can expect a similar pass rate to New York. (31.1 percent in 2013; down from 51.1 percent in 2012)
from, page 1
schools, which also has been a source of controversy in Florida. The standards are considered more challenging than what schools currently teach, so school grades could drop. Still, some Boone students are optimistic about the coming changes. “If kids know what they’re learning and it makes sense to them, they’ll learn more,” freshman Garrett Stillwell said. “It’ll make the kids more involved.” Common Core State Standards emphasize critical thinking and solving analysis problems. In math classes, open-ended word problems will appear more frequently in an attempt to prepare students for real-life problems. In English classrooms, teachers will go more in depth analyzing passages. “Students are understanding the importance of reading independently,” English teacher Cheryl Race said. The developers of Common Core, which was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (the founder of Microsoft), had seven goals in mind: raise expectations for college and career success, develop clarity within the nation’s education system, promote consistency across all states, push “high-order” skills development, improve current state standards, promote a reality-based education style, and use materials that are evidence and research-based. According to the Florida Department of Education, Common Core State Standards are being pushed for full implementation for the 2014-2015 school year. In September, however, Florida Gov. Rick Scott decided the state would not use Common Core’s exam, the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers,
PARCC, citing unconstitutional involvement by the federal government in states affairs. The state is looking for a new exam to replace the FCAT beginning in 2014-15, but Common Core is still on its way. Though the initiative prescribes a baseline standard in English and math, state school districts can still control what curriculum - teaching materials, textbooks, and lesson plans - to use. In October, Gov. Scott announced that Florida will not be required to use the CCSS Reading Samples, stating that local schools should dictate content. In November, the Florida Department of Education held three public hearings about CCSS, and collected over 19,000 comments from critics and supporters. They have hired an independent consultant to organize the comments and present them to the board early next year. There is the possibility that the state could use the comments to modify the standards, Education Commissioner Pam Stewart said, but such changes will have to be done by a department rule, subject to a public hearing. While the state is moving forward with the implementation, not everyone supports it. Rick Roach, District 3 Orange County School Board member, says Common Core is being introduced too quickly and that pilot programs should be attempted first. Others say that students with disabilities or who do not speak English as their first language will be at a disadvantage. While the standards remain in flux, schools are moving forward. “Teachers are preparing students for the rigor of Common Core so they’ll be successful,” Principal Margaret McMillen said. “Our job is to continue to have our student’s college and career ready and to be successful when they leave the Reservation.”
Seniors: FAFSA applications begin now Compiled by JaCKSon CrumBLy • Design by GaBi FaKhoury
4 Gather Paperwork You will need the following: • Social Security Number (*Be sure to have the correct social security number*) • Current Bank Statements • Driver’s License • Untaxed income records • Last year’s federal income tax return
Review Grant Offers
Check out the grants offered. Grants can be offered based off of the previous steps.
5 Sign and submit Form
2 Set up a Student Account
Log on the correct website (you could be charged if you go to the wrong site.)
Sign and submit the form. You can sign with your PIN number and send the application electronically, or you can print and sign the paper then mail it to the FAFSA office.
3 Enter Paperwork Enter your financial work paper accurately from step one.
Andrew Hungerford 1141 S. Osceola Ave. Orlando, FL 32806 studio: 407.420.9596
After Submission Watch for Student Aid Report (SAR) which explains the package for financial assistance.
Hugh Cotton Insurance, Inc. Agents and Consultants
Thomas M. Cotton, CIC, CPCU, CRM, AIAM 2315 Curry Ford Road, Orlando, FL 32806
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Friday, December 13, 2013
The orchestra program will present on Thursday, Dec. 19 in the auditorium at 7 p.m. Admission is free.
Seniors who have not purchased their cap and gown can go to to order them. One can also order a cap a gown at their office in Winter Park.
real-life problems. In English classrooms, teachers will go into more depth analyzing passages. “It brings some uniformity to the expectations of language arts classes.” Said English teacher Cheryl Race. New York is a year ahead of Florida with the implementation of Common Core. According to Education Week, New York’s statewide proficiency rates dropped from 51.1 percent pass rate in 2012, to 31.1 percent pass rate in 2013. “Teachers are preparing students for the rigor of common core so they’ll be successful,” Said principal Dr. McMillen. “This would provide information comparing students all over the nation.” She said.
SPECiaL ED from, page 1
things to be shipped and wrap goods. Scott has the students laminate paper, cut out the laminations and bind the pages together to make books. These books are then donated to speech classes across the country. The CBVE program teaches special needs students how to interact with workers, handle themselves in the workplace and what it is like having a job. “I feel eager [to work]. I think these programs will help me,” junior Hadad Mesidor said. The Community Based Instruction program is designed to show students how to complete everyday activities in the real world. For example, Scott takes students to Bakery Plus to teach them how to place their orders, pay for their food and act while sitting in a restaurant. She also takes them to Publix and they pick out groceries, wait in line to get checked out and pay the cashier. The CBI program is only once or twice a month and lasts all day. Although the programs off campus tend to be more exciting for the kids, Scott also teaches students household life skills in her classroom. She has a washing machine, dresser and bed in the classroom where students learn how to wash and dry laundry, fold clothes and make a bed. The students also deliver mail to teachers and help the janitors stack chairs in the cafeteria. “I think [these programs] are
photo/DENISE SCOtt
BinD ThoSE BooKS. At the OCPS Printing Shop Reann Ragsdale binds laminated books that will be given to special education programs across the county. “Working at the print shop makes me happy because I enjoy working there,” Ragsdale said. The special education students work at print shop every day during the week, except Wednesday. excellent ideas. These kids are not going to be kids forever,” senior Thomas Scott, who volunteers in the classroom said. While these programs teach special needs kids life skills and give them business experience, D. Scott also tries her hardest to help her students have a typical high school experience. “We try to make it as typical as any other teenager. We make sure they are included in all aspects of student life,” D. Scott said. The club most concerned with this goal is Best Buddies. The club has regular education students pick a special education student to be their buddy. They have monthly luncheons and go to
school events together. This year club members took their buddies to the pep rallies at the start of school and the Kiss the Pig football game in October. “[Best Buddies] gives special needs kids the high school experience every kid deserves. It includes them in things that they might not be [included in] other wise,” senior Alec Dulskis, Best Buddies member said. To get involved with special needs students, one can join Best Buddies or contact D. Scott. “Saying hi to a special needs kid in the halls makes their day. It is the little things to us that are big to them and that is how someone can get involved,” T. Scott said.
Sunshine state quiz By GaBriELLa FaKhoury Test your knowledge of Florida trivia to see how much you really know about the state.
What is the state insect?
What is the state reptile?
A. Tracker Jacker B. Praying Mantis C. Grasshopper D. Zebra Longwing Butterfly
A. Crocodile B. Cobra C. Alligator D. Snapping Turtle
What is the state marine mammal?
A. Mermaid B. Giant Squid C. Manatee D. Dolphin
What is the state saltwater mammal? A. Dolphin B. Blue Whale C. Shark D. Otter
What is the state saltwater fish?
A. Clown Fish B. Puffer Fish C. Trout D. Sailfish
What is the state Capitol?
A. Orlando B. District 12 C. Tallahassee D. Miami
What is the state bird?
A. Owl B. Mockingbird C. Seagull D. Mocking Jay
What is the state fower?
A. Sunflower B. Rose C. Orange Blossom D. Primrose
What is the state mammal?
What is the state wild fower? A. Coreopsis B. Daisy C. Lily D. Poinsettia
A. Baboon B. Florida Panther C. Cheetah D. Wolf
What is the state tree?
A. Cedar B. Oak Tree C. Whomping Willow D. Palmetto Palm
What is the state freshwater fish? A. Largemouth Bass B. Catfish C. Goldfish D. Salmon
ßnews2note local School burglary costs $10k
Charged for burglary, criminal mischief, petty theft and trespassing on school grounds, James Rogers faces time in jail. On Nov. 28, Rogers, 21, broke into Pinewood Elementary School and not only soiled and stole the cafeteria food, but also vandalized the building. The burglary totals over $10k in damages.
UCF receives grant
NASA announced that a team at University of Central Florida won a $6 million grant. The five-year grant money will be used to research and predict what U.S. astronauts might face when landing on an asteroid. UCF Physics Professor Dan Britt will work with the team to help NASA decide which asteroid they should explore.
photo/ Will Vragovic/Tampa Bay Times/MCT
FSU ranks number one
After the Seminoles defeated the Florida Gators, 37-7, Florida State University remained undefeated, but still ranked No. 2 to defending national champion Alabama. This was until Alabama lost to Auburn, 28-34, pushing Florida State University to rank No. 1 in the Associated Press Top 25. This is the first time in 13 years that the Noles have been ranked No. 1.
national Small business healthcare delayed
Originally, enrollment for healthcare under the Affordable Care Act was scheduled to begin on Oct. 1. Due to glitches in the site, the Obama administration announced on Nov. 27, that there was a one-year delay for small business’s ability to enroll. The delay will end November 2014, until then small businesses can pick one plan that will provide coverage for all of their workers.
photo/ Zbigniew Bzdak/Chicago Tribune/MCT
Tornadoes shake up the midwest
Over 60 tornadoes were reported to have traveled through the Midwest on Nov. 17. Tornadoes caused officials to evacuate the stands at a Bears game in Illinois. Sixty mile per hour storms affected 53 million people across 10 states. The death toll reached seven on Nov. 30.
seehear To see a video of students and teachers guessing facts, scan this Qr code with your smartphone.
photo/ Brian van der Brug/Los Angeles Times/MCT
Fast and furious star dies
Upon crashing into a utility pole and bursting into flames, actor Paul Walker, 40, died. Fans remember a quote from the actor, “If the speed takes me, do not cry because I was smiling.”
Answers: 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. C 7. D 8. B 9. A 10. C 11. A 12. C
hilights featurestories
Friday, December 13, 2013
featurestories INSTANT
Just the way we won, it was so emotional. Andrew Johnson, coach
INCOMING PANCAKE. During the senior breakfast, senior Ashley Hoenstine catches a pancake on her plate. “[Catching] pancakes for the first time made my senior breakfast more exciting than just getting pancakes handed to me,” Hoenstine said.
Through the month of November, these notable events occurred. Between academic, artistic and athletic success, here are some snapshots of the plethora of happenings.
CELEBRATE. After winning the Battle of the Barrel, 31-27, and continuing their four game winning streak, coach Andrew Johnson shows off the barrel to the team. “It was my first barrel game, so it lived up to the expectation [of feeling] great. Just the way we won, it was so emotional. To win it on the last play made it even sweeter, and holding the barrel made it feel more real,” Johnson said. This was the first time since 1963, that Boone consecutively won the Battle of the Barrel.
LETTUCE GIVE THANKS. While making Thanksgiving baskets for Boone families in need, junior Lauren Hutsell help package lettuce. “The best part of packaging was that I got to share the experience with fellow SGA members. It felt good to know that we were giving back to families in the community,” Hutsell said. SGA made 40 baskets.
NHS OR ILLUMINATI? At the National Honor Society induction ceremony, senior Jacob Sondel lights senior Lorenzo Stefko’s candle. “Being inducted into NHS made me feel an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. NHS makes me feel like my hard work has finally paid off this year,” Stefko said. 191 members were inducted into NHS. COMEBACK. After winning $25,000 in Celebrate My Drive, the rowdy crowd announced the return of Polyester Paradise. “Polyester coming back my senior year feels like freedom. It’s the one dance where we don’t have to wear a tie or blazer,” senior Ivan Kaled said.
THAT’S WHAT MAKES HER BEAUTIFUL. During a preview of Boys, Bois, Boyz, junior Madeleine Scott and junior Gabriel Patrick perform a parody of One Direction. “I never expected to be in a boy band, but I had so much fun getting to be one of the guys,” Scott said.
Friday, December 13, 2013
hilights BrIGht FUtUrES DEADLINE
The Bright Futures application opened Dec. 1. Go to www. for requirements and individual award statuses.
Since the holiday season is quickly approaching, the Kemosabe Closet is in need of winter clothes. The fifth annual Kloset Holiday project is being held for students who are homeless and have excessive financial difficulties
hoLD iT. Ready to start her routine, freshman Lillian Rexford practices holding her foot while skating.
iCE iCE BaBy. Preparing to do her spin, Rexford begins to skate to gain momentum for a jump and spin.
SPin iT. Rexford extends the leg she will use to rotate herself.
Freshman overcomes icy obstacles Athlete sets personal goals for the future By DELanEE BoGan Hearing her que at the 2013 Sunshine State games, freshman Lillian Rexford hit the ice, and began her routine. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain and blood dripping down her hand. She hit her hand on the blade on her ice skates in the middle of her routine. She got 13th place out of 16 other competitors. Rexford didn’t let this one competition phase her. “I told myself it was just a competition. I used it as a learning experience and moved forward,” Rexford said. After attending a friend’s ice skating party 6 years ago, Rexford began taking lessons. Rexford now skates for the Central Florida Figure skating club. Rexford participated in other sports like ballet before ice skating, but was not as passionate about them. “I was excited that she had found something she loved,” Christina Rexford, mother, said. In ice skating there are different levels of difficulties; pre-preliminary, preliminary, pre-juvenile, juvenile, intermediate, novice, junior, and senior. After starting at 8 years old, Rexford found herself trying to catch up to
skaters her age. Most skaters her age were in higher levels of ice skating because they had years of experience. “I always told myself to just be myself and didn’t let it affect me seeing other people ahead. Now, I’ve passed some of the girls and am at the same level as most girls,” L. Rexford said. In one year, Rexford skipped three levels and got into the intermediate level. Rexford’s coach, Jill Pitman, said that she has never seen an ice skater do this before; that it unprecedented. “I was impressed and proud of myself. [Since] I skipped three levels I had to work hard to get where I am now,” L. Rexford said. Before skipping levels, Rexford spent most of her summer in 2012 at the Maitland RDV Sportsplex center. She practiced Monday through Friday throughout the summer. In a regular practice, Rexford works on footwork for her routine by going over moves and turns as well as her jumps and spins. She walks through her routine and at the end of practice she ties everything together with her routine music. During the summer and when she skipped three levels, Rexford also took a fitness class and skating power class to keep improving. The fitness class was not on the ice, and it focused on strength and
endurance. The skating power class increased her speed and skating skills. During the school year, Rexford doesn’t have time to take extra classes, but still practices 10-12 hours a week and works out at home. “When I skate I feel like I am all by myself; I feel strong and powerful; like I can fly,” L. Rexford said. Rexford hasn’t won any awards in her group since she has moved up to the intermediate level. “It gets tiring seeing the same people place. I think of how they feel when I see them winning. I know if I skate hard I can get to that level,” L. Rexford said. Rexford competed in the 2013 South Atlantic Regional Figure Skating Championship in North Carolina and did not qualify for nationals. She also attended the 2013 National U.S. Figure Skater Components Camp in South Carolina. At this camp Rexford practiced her skating skills. This past April, she got 9th out of 13 in the 27 annual Florida Championship. “The best part about competitions is proving to everyone what I can do,” Rexford said. Rexford is determined to keep improving and advancing in skating. “I want to go to nationals. You have to win regionals and place in sectionals. I hope to make it there in a few years,” Rexford said.
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Friday, December 13, 2013
We were all in the room talking to the police and my dad just started crying. Jane Doe, sophomore
SEX Teenage
and its consequences
Story and photo Illustrations by GABRIELLA FAKHOURY Let’s talk about sex. It is a topic that is often avoided, because people think not talking about it means it is not happening; however, each year, 750,000 teens become pregnant and 9.1 million contract sexually transmitted diseases. So obviously avoiding the topic does not work. This special feature is not about “the birds and the bees” talk. Rather, it is a spread that seeks to educate students on the legal ramifications of sexting, effects of teen pregnancy and the emotional repercussions sexually active teens experience.
Sexting has lasting effects By KALEY GILBERT Sending a sext, or sexually explicit text messages, takes only a second, but the effects of the impulse decision can last for years. “Students do not understand the serious legal implications of sending a nude picture of themselves out. What may seem a harmless, flirtatious thing has serious legal ramifications,” SAFE coordinator Brenda White said. Many teens do not realize that when they sext, they are committing a crime. Specifically possession and distribution of child pornography. In Florida the penalties depend on whether it is a first offense or not. First time offenders face a $60 fine and community service, second time offenders face a misdemeanor and third time offenders face felony charges. One can be charged not only for sending, but also possessing the sext or photo on his phone. The only way a teen is exempt from legal consequences, is if he took reasonable steps to report it and did not solicit or send the text to another person. Despite the serious, possibly lifealtering, consequences teenagers are still sexting at alarming rates. Thirty percent of teenagers have sexted, according to a study by the University
of Texas Medical Branch. Furthermore, the study found that 31 percent of teens asked someone to send them a nude photo and more than half were asked to send a nude photo. The increase in technology and popularity of photo sharing apps, such as Snapchat, only makes it easier for teens to sext. “[Sexting] is part of the thrill of having a phone and being in high school,” a junior male said. Other consequences to consider are the social and emotional effects of sending a nude photo and having it spread around. There is know way of controlling the flow of information. The information spreads like wildfire, despite not always being accurate. Sophomore Jane Doe became the victim of rumors after a group of boys sent a photo from a pornographic site to others falsely claiming it was Doe. “I had people I didn’t even know come up to me and call me slut or push me into the lockers. My reputation was trashed. The photo went all the way to Tallahassee and people came up to my sister, even my mom [asking them about it]. People looked down on me,” Doe said. The dangers of sexting have negative effects on all parties involved not just the person who is in the photo or being
accused. “We were all in the room talking to the police and my dad just started crying. It was hard seeing the emotional toll it took on my family. It wasn’t just me that went through this, but them too,” Doe said. The emotional toll affects not only one’s reputation, but every aspect of daily life. “I lost the drive to do the things I loved. I didn’t want to wake up in the morning. Sometimes I thought, ‘What if I wasn’t here?’,” Doe said. The parties who forward a sext or photo give little consideration to how it will affect the individual. “[When I received the sext] I was shocked. [I sent it to my friends] thinking that it was comical,” the junior male said. Many times teenagers in a relationship will exchange sexually explicit messages, but if the relationship ends one could fall victim to “revenge sexting” where the ex will send the photos to other people. Even if a student trusts the person at the time, it always has the possibility of falling into the wrong hands. “I don’t think there is a safe way to sext. Unfortunately you can’t control other people’s behavior,” White said.
Friday, December 13, 2013
hilights specialfeature
The food pantry is in need of items. The most needed items include pasta, rice, dried and canned beans, tuna, pasta sauces, canned soups, macaroni and cheese, canned ravioli or spaghetti, canned vegetables and fruit and peanut butter. Donations can be dropped off at the front office any time during the school day.
To receive up-to-date news and updates follow @boonepubs on Twitter. To view photos and videos of events follow us on Instagram and Vine, @boonepubs.
By OLIVIA QUATTRONE Having sex for the first time is a natural part of one’s life, however, in a society where sex heavily perforates the media, the pressure to engage in sexual activity before one has examined the consequences is a problem that teenagers must deal with. There are consequences to having sex beyond just pregnancy, as sexually transmitted diseases and the emotional repercussions of intercourse are just as detrimental. STDs are infections spread through having unprotected sex with an infected person. There are over 20 different STDs but the most common among teenagers are human papillomavirus (HPV), Chlamydia, and the vaginal infection trichomoniasis, according to the Office of Adolescent Health. Reports of Chlamydia among Florida teens were 3,416.5 cases per 100,000 females and 757 cases per 100,000 males according to While Chlamydia and trichomoniasis can be treated with antibiotics, HPV has no specific cure. Left untreated, these diseases can lead to cervical cancer, especially HPV which accounts for 65 percent of cases of cervical cancer. “Abstinence is always going to be the best way [to prevent STDs] if they’re not going to do abstinence condom use is the next best way,” Health science teacher Elisabeth Smith said. HPV can also be prevented by the vaccination Gardasil. Despite condoms being an effective way to prevent these potentially fatal diseases, 4 in 10 teenagers reported not using a condom the last time they had sex. Many STDs can be asymptomatic and less than half of teenagers get tested for them. STDs and pregnancy can be prevented through the use of condoms and other birth control methods. The psychological and social effects of sexual intercourse, however, are unavoidable. Feelings of guilt, depression and regret are higher among sexually active teens. Seventy-four percent of all senior girls who had sex said they regretted it. However, this feeling is not exclusive to girls. Senior John Doe said that he felt like
Scarred by sex
78% 85%
h rds
By MACKENZIE MOCK High school is a time to make memories, create friendships and prepare for college, but when one is pregnant she may not be able to do so. According to Family Planning Plus, 750,000 American teenagers get pregnant each year. “I think teenage pregnancy has become more % teens have sex by age 19 common. Sex is more accepted by the media and society; they take away innocence,” English teacher Amy Taureillo said. % teens have Taureillo teaches the Teen Parenting Program in sex by age 18 Room 303 on Tuesdays after school. Orange County Public Schools funds the program that focuses on % teens have teaching teenage girls and boys what parental skills are sex by age 17 required when having a child. If a mother completes the program she is provided with free daycare for her child and transportation to and from daycare and school until she graduates from high school. “I think there is a genuine need for not only the program but also students to consult with an adult without judgement,” Taureillo said. The TPP provides pregnancy and 15-20-year-olds account for parenting related instruction to expecting nearly one half (9.1 million) teenagers in the areas of prenatal and of the 18.9 million new Females Males postnatal health care, parenting skills, cases of STDs each year. the benefits of sexual abstinence and the teen pregnancies per year consequences of subsequent pregnancies. Percent of teens that use “It is an integral program for a teen parent and contraceptives the first = 100,000 gives her a chance to succeed that may not have time they have sex previously existed,” Taureillo said. Although being a parent is not something a teenager sex negatively affected him. sees in her future, it is a situation that arises in almost every “Right after [we had sex] I felt more satisfied high school across the nation. According to advocates for youth, with our relationship. I was still on that high, but 46 percent of all high school age students and 62 percent of high as time went on I began to question if that was the school seniors have had sexual intercourse. right time,” Doe said. Many factors contribute to the likelihood of a teenage girl becoming Doe reported that he felt prepared and had pregnant. According to the Office of Adolescent Health, kids who are minimal pressure before his first time, however, enrolled in school and participate in after-school activities are less likely after engaging in sex, he felt that his partner than other adolescents to have or to father a baby. pressured him into sex more. Family also affects the rate of teenage pregnancy. Children with “After we [had sex] she initiated more mothers who gave birth as teens and/or whose mothers only have a physical contact than we had had in the past. high school degree are more likely to have a baby before age 20 than Once you hit that point what we did before teens whose mothers were older at the age they gave birth or who wasn’t as good or as special,” Doe said. attended part of college and having lived with both biological parents According to a study by the Kaiser while growing up is associated with a lower risk of a teen birth. Family Foundation, 89 percent of girls On campus, one senior girl birthed a baby boy over Thanksgiving break. reported feeling pressured by boys She found out she was pregnant when she and her mom went to the doctor to have sex, and 49 percent of to take a pregnancy test. Her mother was shocked at first, but has since been boys reported feeling pressured supportive throughout the process. Her father is not in the picture. by girls. The chemical, oxytocin The girl has experienced some, but not much, change in her life. Her friends that is released during sex is have stayed supportive and stuck by her side and school is just as normal as ever. more likely to affect girls “I get the same grades I did before I was pregnant, but I come to school less now than boys, but makes both especially at the beginning when I had morning sickness a lot,” the girl said. parties feel a stronger Because of her pregnancy, the student got a job to help pay for the baby’s expenses. dependence on their She is currently employed at Chick-fil-a. partner. “In the beginning it was hard adjusting, in the middle it was okay because people “Immediately after were there for me and in the end it has been hard again because I am ready for him,” [I had sex] I felt this false senior girl said. sense of connectedness [to She plans to graduate in May, however, she will be taking a six weeks leave of my partner]. But as time went absence. During this time, her younger sister will bring her her school work and her on I began to question if it was teachers will email her assignments as well. Once the baby is old enough she will put worth it,” Doe said. him in daycare and return to school to finish out her senior year. Despite having a negative “[Life] will be harder than normal. I will have to balance a lot of things and worry effect on his relationship, Doe says about him and school,” the girl said. he gained some positive outlook At this time, the senior mom plans on going to college, most likely taking from this experience. two years at Valencia State College and then transferring to the University of “It puts things into perspective. Central Florida or another state school, depending on her major. What you expect in people changes. Pregnancy and birth are significant contributors to high school dropout rates Once I had sex I realized that the among teenagers. Only about 50 percent of teenage mothers receive a high physical aspects of someone were less school diploma by the time they are 22, versus approximately 90 percent of important,” Doe said. girls who were not pregnant in high school graduating at 18. Both boys and girls say they felt bad According to the National Campaign report, girls who have a baby at about themselves after engaging in sex, age 17 or younger can expect to earn $28,000 less in the next 15 years after girls reporting feeling this twice as much the birth than if they had waited until 20 or 21 to get pregnant. Teenage as boys. fathers who are 17 and under earn some $27,000 less over the next 18 “No one should have their self-esteem years than those who have children at age 20 or 21. tied to sex. They need to know that they “[Teen pregnancy] makes life more challenging, but success can are special. They should have that love and still be an outcome. One can still achieve her goals if one asks for acceptance without having sex with their help and knows where to go,” Taureillo said. boyfriend or girlfriend because true love is patient and kind,” Smith said.
Pregnancy % 71 % 61 % 48
15-24-year-olds represent one-quarter of the sexually active population.
s h t c i a l f in
Friday, December 13, 2013
[The team is working to improve] finishing with all our heart on all opportunities and staying tight on defense. George Barr, senior
Boys lose touch with competition Soccer team works to improve record
hoT PoTaTo. At the first home game, freshman Tyler White completes a throw in. “It is difficult because you have to snap your back like a rubber band to get forward momentum,” freshman Tyler White said.
By naTaLiE DiSLa Hoping to win the district championship, the soccer team works to condition, practice and create a bond within the team. “It’s hard work, but by the time game time comes, we will be thankful because it will be worth it,” junior Pedro Rendon said. While the team’s preparation did not lead to a win for their first game against Lake Highland on Nov. 5, they kept the game close, 1-2. “We played really well, with a lot of heart,” senior co-captain George Barr said. “We just need to put the ball in the net.” On Nov. 11, the team suffered a loss to Oviedo, 0-3. However, they beat Trinity Prep on Nov. 12, 2-1, and Ocoee on Nov. 18, 3-1, with seniors
Mason Hilado, Daniel Hurtado and freshman Ian Jones each scoring a goal. The boys beat Wekiva, 1-0, with junior Jared Angle scoring a goal and senior Austin Batchelder assisting. They also defeated Colonial, 3-2, with strong defense in the last 10 minutes. “Colonial was rough. We worked better as a team and communicated,” junior Elijah Matthews said. Barr had the chance to experience playing with his younger brother, freshman Matthew Barr, for the first time and enjoyed being able to bond with him on the field. “[Playing on the same team as my brother] is a lot of pressure to be a good example. It is an honor to be his captain,” G. Barr said. Coach Bobby Hurring rotates the players, helping the freshman to gain experience for the following season. “[The freshmen can expect] a lot of playing time. I am losing a lot of seniors so I am expecting them to step it up,”
Sports drink: red Gatorade
We have really good chemistry, no one tries to boss anyone around. Pedro rendon junior
Daniel Dewitz, goalie
Player to watch: Wayne Rooney for Manchester, ironically he is a forward, [while I am a goalie.]
Hurring said. Other than looking forward to the growth of the freshmen, the team also looked forward to playing Bishop Moore, whom defeated the boys, 0-4, on Nov. 20. “They were not better than us but we did not play our best. They showed us our flaws,” Matthews said. The team’s weaknesses consisted of defensive errors, a lack of shooting and the mid-field battle. They play Freedom High School, who is currently undefeated with a 6-0 record, on Dec. 11. In preparation, the boys practice shooting drills and controlling the play. The team hopes to improve and go far in the district games. “I am looking forward to getting out of district, as long as we stay injury free,” Hurring said. Tonight, the team looks forward to playing rival Timber Creek whom Freedom beat, 4-1, on Nov. 19. The boys host the Wolves at 7:30.
Team: Manchester United because they are a well known club, they do well every year, and have their foundation set.
Sports movie: Rudy -David Anspaugh Cleats: Adidas F10, $65
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Pump up music: Hip-hop. “Versace” by Lil Wayne ft. Tyga, Meek Mill and Drake.
Friday, December 13, 2013
hilights sports YEARBOOK SALES
Student’s can purchase yearbooks in Room 224, or to pay with a debit or credit card go to or Payment plans are also available. Prices increase to $75 in December. So buy your yearbook today.
Students who are interested in receiving extra credit in reading and English classes should come to the reading lab during A or B lunch. Students will be given help, and can complete a session of Reading Plus for extra credit in specified classes. For more information see Lindsay Mauldin in Room 120.
Teammates inspire success Varsity team’s bonding brings victories By mEGhan CoTTon Practicing skill, endurance and accuracy, the girls’ basketball team also improves their game by working on how they interact as a whole. Throughout the month of June, the team practiced together everyday for two hours. They competed in a league against other teams, practicing new skills as well as bonding with each other. “We played in a summer league to start getting used to playing as a new team,” senior Kendall Byerly said. Over the summer and throughout the season, the team has gotten to know one another. Every morning, before school, the team gathers together and prays about the day ahead of them. “Working together as a team is more important than individual success,” Byerly said. After games, the team discusses what they did well during the game and how they could improve. “We all listen to each other and we don’t get upset when we do something wrong,” sophomore Sadie Desroches said. The team’s biggest competition
is Dr. Phillips, whom they hope to beat using their team’s camaraderie and skill. Coach Jerry Williams wishes to take home a win from the state championship in February. “We play as a team better than anyone else, [but] we need to talk more on defense to communicate and be louder,” freshman Angeni Worley said. Aside from communication being the team’s weakness, the coach hopes the team’s strength, their youth, will not become a weakness. “Becoming over-confident in their abilities as a team [is my main concern]. I don’t want them to lose focus,” Coach Williams said. The girls strive to contribute to the team and use their talents to bring success. Worley wants to help the team as much as she can by using her shooting skills to get more points. “I hope I can advance my skills and learn more about the game of basketball,” Worley said. Coach Williams expresses that he wishes that the competition among the teammates will create a stronger team. “You have to stay in some kind of competitive mode to continue to grow as a player,” Williams said. Learning to work together as a team
to be successful is a skill that the girls will bring with them to their future basketball careers. Even though the team’s only senior, Byerly, does not wish to continue with basketball in college, she learned a valuable lesson from playing on her high school team. “It’s helped me grow as a person. It’s taught me to work with other people to achieve a goal,” Byerly said. Being on the team has also showed some of the girls where they want to go with basketball. When Desroches was seven years old, her father informed her that she was dribbling a basketball incorrectly and decided to train her. Now she wants to play college ball at the University of Central Florida and hopefully play in the Women’s National Basketball Association. Being on the team teaches the players skills and techniques to improve their game. But they also learn how to work together, a skill that can be incorporated into all parts of life. “That hard work and total commitment will pay off in the end,” Coach Williams said. The team is 4-3 with 12 games left to go in the season. Their next game is against Timber Creek on Tuesday Dec. 17, away at 7:30 p.m.
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photo/MEGhAN COttON
KEEP aWay. Looking for a pass, junior Carlyn Attaway keeps the ball away from the defense. “[When I have the ball] I try to decide what the best move would be that would benefit my team as a whole,” Attaway said. The team is 4-4 with 12 games left in the season.
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Friday, December 13, 2013
Band will perform their annual holiday concert on Dec. 17, at 7 p.m. Concert, symphonic, wind ensemble, jazz and percussion ensembles bands will perform.
Target is giving away $5 million to schools. Check out to vote for Boone.
Wildcats remain tough competition Returners learn to bond with new teammates By Ciara mCCoy With six freshmen, the girls soccer team’s chemistry was put to the test. “[The only hard part] is having the girls learning to play with each other because they are so new,” coach Brooke Smith said. New faces and new playing styles resulted in the team having to come together as a team quickly. “Truthfully, I think [this season] is going to be tough compared to last year because there are new girls who have never played varsity before,” junior Sarah Combs said. Freshman Olivia Page is one of the additions. However, Page has been playing club soccer for years. “[Being on varsity] is really cool. It’s kinda scary and there is a lot of pressure to do well,” Page said. Aside from having a lot of young talent, the girls are as focused as ever on the district championship. According to junior Alexandra King, they are going to be the hardest part, but her goal for the team is to make it to at least the first round of the regional tournament. According to Coach Smith, Winter Park is the girls’ greatest competition. Winter Park is known for their strong
soccer program that has been known to have a strong offense. “I think we will do really well. We have a lot of potential, if we can work together,” Coach Smith said. The girls played at Winter Park on Dec. 3. They played strong as a unit and the game was tied 0-0 until the last five minutes when Winter Park scored, ending the game with the girls falling short, 0-1. “We all played our hearts out the whole game but Winter Park had one opportunity and took a shot no one was expecting. It was a heartbreaking moment,” Fakhoury said. Fakhoury and Coach smith believes that from the way they performed during the Winter Park game, playing them in the district championship won’t be as big of a struggle. “I was proud of our girls. I think it was a game to make [the girls] grow in confidence and make them understand how good we are as team,” Coach Smith said. According to Coach Smith, Bridewell is among the star players. “Rachel is a dominant midfielder. She’s not afraid to go on the attack and score,” Coach Smith said. Bridewell says the team is unique because even though there are a number of new girls, everyone is very close.
They pray together before every game and have a sleepover to help them bond. Most of the girls have been playing together for years. Bridewell has played since she was five-years-old. “I’m very passionate about [soccer]. It’s a big part of my life,” Bridewell said. Bridewell’s season goal is to win the district championship. The girls season record stands at 8-3-1 and team captains include Combs, Bridewell and junior Kaylyn Harper. Top scorers for the girls include senior Sabdie Alvarado with two goals, Bridewell with eight goals and junior Mackenzie Chambers with nine goals. Junior Alexandra King had 14 saves in their game against Freedom and has had two penalty kick saves so far. The girls next game is Dec. 16, at home against Timber Creek at 7:30 p.m.
To see profiles of the girls soccer team, scan this Qr code with your smartphone.
DriBBLE. On Nov. 14, junior Mackenzie Chambers takes the ball downfield. “[When I play soccer] I feel like I’m on top of the world,” Chambers said. Chambers’ gets pumped-up when listening to “23” by Mike WiLL Made It featuring Miley Cyrus, Juicy J and Wiz Khalifa.
Friday, December 13, 2013
hilights sports WINTER BREAK
There will no school Dec. 23 - Jan. 3. School resumes on Jan. 5. Be safe.
The Class of 2014 will graduate on May 29 at the Amway Center, beginning at 8 p.m.
Boys maintain stable record ßquestionanswer Barry “BJ” Taylor, senior Was there anyone or anything that inspired you to play basketball? No, I started playing at Barber Park in a league. how many years have you played basketball? I’ve played since I was three and I’ve been on varsity for three years. What do you consider your weaknesses? Some people would say shooting, but I’ve tried to turn that around this season. What is your favorite part of basketball? Being with my teammates and being able to compete against other schools. What are your expectations for this season and the team? For the team to play hard and compete to the best of our abilities. We don’t have a very strong team but we compete to the best of our abilities.
Team recovers from preseason loses By STEPhaniE LanDiS With less than a minute on the clock, senior Barry “BJ” Taylor dunks the ball, ending the game in a win. The team began their first official game of the season with a close loss against University High School, 60-65, in the last 30 seconds of the game. “I was still mad [after the game] but now I’m hyped for [the next game]. I’m ready to put in the work,” junior Donald Hill III said. In a tough match up in the third game of the season, the team beat Apopka, 62-61. On Nov. 30, the team beat Lake Brantley, 100-69. Taylor scored 59 points during the game, breaking former Winter Park player Austin Rivers’ record of 49. Taylor also passed a school record of 45 points in a single game. “It feels awesome to leave [my] mark on the school and breaking [Austin Rivers’] record is amazing,” Taylor said. Taylor realizes that basketball requires teamwork; the team is his focus. “I was obviously excited to help the team win. I didn’t start out trying break the records,” Taylor said. The team’s winning streak can be attributed to their chemistry. “We have a strong group of student
athletes that like each other on and off the floor. The chemistry as far as how we play will improve throughout the year with experience. We have a strong foundation of returners, but we will also rely on several of the younger players,” coach Gregory Shirley said. The team took on Orlando Christian Preparatory School (6-0) on Dec. 4, losing, 73-85; however, Taylor had 32 points and sophomore Jaquarius Bargnare had 14. “We have to work on passing the ball because this is a team sport not an individual sport,” sophomore Jaquarius Bargnare said. Despite Orlando Christian Prep’s top-rank, Bargnare expected Oak Ridge High School to be difficult competition. Bargnare’s prediction was right, but the team beat the Pioneers, 82-72. Taylor established a Rotary Tip-Off Classic tournament record with 52 points. Bargnare scored 16 points for the team. “Oak Ridge is a great team with great talent,’’ coach Greg Shirley said. The team lost the Rotary Tip-Off Classic consolation final, 48-62, against Winter Park. Taylor scored 25 points and totaled 109 points in the three games. His score was just short of the 110 record set in 2004. Bargnare added 12 points to the team’s score. The team’s next game will be away against Colonial (7-2) on Dec. 17 at 7:30 p.m.
photo/COUrtNEY PAtZ
DriBBLE. in the game against Lake nona, junior Jeremy Bouton dribbles toward the basket. “my favorite part is being on the court and the adrenaline when the crowd screams,” Bouton said. The match against the Lions ended 66-51.
Friday, December 13, 2013
artsentertainment hilights
Toasted melts competition Restaurant specializes in burgers and grilled cheese By GarrETT GaSTFiELD Sandwiched between Omaha Steaks and Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt in the Winter Park Corners Shopping Center on Aloma Avenue, Toasted is easy to miss. What is not easy to miss is its flavor once you take a bite of one of its fresh sandwiches. Upon entering Toasted, one instantly realizes the restaurant’s specialty food of choice, grilled cheese. It’s really cheesy, in a good way. It is so cheesy it even has its own periodic table of cheeses mounted on the wall. After ordering at the counter the cashier gives the customer an original placecard, with the name of a cheese featured on the periodic table of cheeses, to place on the table. A courteous staff member quickly brings out the guests’ food. The menu is affordable with no item exceeding $8. It features 11 grilled cheese sandwiches, eight burgers and three salads. Toasted boasts 11 vegan items including the Truffle Melt grilled cheese sandwich ($6.25), with truffle oil, arugula and fresh ground pepper, and the Vegan Bella burger ($6.50), with vegan cheese, confit portobellos and caramelized onions. Those with a
gluten allergy can also eat here. Glutenfree bread is available upon request. All burgers are served on a locally sourced artisan bun. One can add a fried egg or bacon for an extra $1. The burgers offered include the Bahn-Mi ($6.50), a turkey burger with Vietnamese pickled daikon, carrot, cucumber, cilantro, jalapeño and Sriracha mayo. The jalapeño and Sriracha mayo added a nice kick along with the other toppings. The Classic ($5.75) has the choice of beef or turkey, cheddar, Toasted’s sauce, leaf lettuce and tomato. The Classic with a beef patty was cooked exactly as requested and lived up to its name. The sauce had a nice subtle zing that added to the overall taste of the burger without being overpowering. The grilled cheese choices include the Blackberry Melt ($7), comprised of Fontina, applewood smoked bacon, blackberry mash and arugula. The sweetness of the blackberry mash and saltiness of the bacon articulates an ideal fusion of sweet and salty. The 101 ($5) is a simple sandwich with just cheddar and tomato. It would be a great option for someone who wants something basic. Another choice is the Buffalo Chicken ($5.95), filled with muenster, pulled chicken, buffalo sauce with celery sticks and homemade blue
Everyday from 11 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.
how much:
photo/GArrEtt GAStFIELD
nom nom nom. The Fig & Goat ($6.50) has melted havarti, goat cheese, mission figs, basil and honey. It is a blend of cheeses with the sweetness of fig. cheese dressing. Its bread was grilled to perfection and the spicy buffalo sauce added taste, without being overwhelmingly spicy. Toasted has sides that combine with any burger or grilled cheese sandwich. The Mac & cheese ($2.50) with Jarlsberg, Sharp Cheddar and Gruyere and the salted ($2) or truffle oil & fresh rosemary ($2.50) natural cut fries are popular choices. For those with a sweet
2 Medium 1-Topping pizzas
2 Medium pizzas 2 Liter Soda FREE garlic knots (4)
2-Large 1 topping pizzas & 2-Liter Soda
1945 Aloma Avenue
2 X-Large 1- topping pizzas 25 Wings & 2 Liter Soda
1 large cheese pizza 10 wings & 2 liter soda
1 Large Pizza 2 Liter soda FREE garlic knots (4)
2 Large 2-Topping pizzas & 15 Wings
50 Wings & FREE order of Large Fries
4662 E. Michigan • Orlando Bring in your Football/ Basketball stub after the game for $2 off on any order over $10 or more
Monday- Thursday: 11 A.M. to 11 P.M. Friday and Saturday: 11 A.M. to 12 A.M. Sunday: Noon to 10 P.M.
1 X-Large Works* Pizza 15 Pc. Wings & 2 Liter Soda
*You choose 4 toppings
tooth, the Apple Compote ($2.25) is a warm and delicious treat. Toasted is a modern, simple and relaxing environment. It is a small hole in the wall place with nothing too over the top. Despite it being situated in a small space, it has plenty of seating including seating options outside in front of the restaurant. It deserves a four-star rating and is just about as gouda as it gets.
$2.25 - $7.95 Beverages: Coca-Cola Freestyle touch screen soda fountain with free refills and fresh brewed iced tea
Extras: good for groups, vegan and glutenfree options.
Friday, December 13, 2013
hi-lights artsentertainment POLYESTER IS BACK
After winning a $25,000 grant from State Farm’s Celebrate My Drive Campaign, Dr. McMillen announced that the polyester dance is returning this year. PTSA will organize it and is looking at it being in February. The official date it to be announced.
Students will take exams during the week of Dec. 13. The exam schedule is to be announced.
December-January Sunday
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug starring Benedict Cumberbatch, Cate Blanch, and Martin Freeman. Rated PG-13
Pusha T is at Fireside Live. Tickets start at $20, doors open at 6 p.m.
16 Fresh Veggies EP by rockie Fresh and Casey Veggies
Band concert at 7 p.m.
Underground Luxury by B.o.B. featuring “HeadBand” ft. 2 Chainz
Live From Space by Mac Miller featuring nine live songs and five new songs
Winter break starts
Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues, starring Will Ferrell, Christina Applegate, Paul Rudd and David Koechner
Light Up UCF ends. Tickets are $12.
Justin Timberlake at the Amway Center. Sold out, resale starts at $200 and doors open at 8 p.m. Orchestra concert at 7 p.m.
Wolf of Wall Street starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill. rated r
Grudge Match starring robert De Niro and Sylvester Stalone
Jan. 5
Life in Color featuring Calvin Harris, Steve Aoki, Major Lazer and 2 Chainz. Tickets start at $90. Last day to register for the Jan. 25 SAT
Last day to buy a yearbook. $75, or $10 to start a payment plan
School begins
Last day to register for Feb. 8 ACT
Lone Survivor rated r
Exam week
Official schedule to be announced
Financial Aid Night
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We didn’t. Check out our pictures.
End of semester
Teacher Workday, no school
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artsentertainment hilights
Friday, December 13, 2013
Students who need help can bring their lunch and eat in Room 313 during either lunch shift. Assistance with the writing process idea generations and revisions is available. There are bilingual students available to help with writing.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:15-3:15 p.m., the math lab will be in Room 13.207. Peer tutoring will be available. Students of any level math are welcome to stop by for assistance.
Do it yourself
holiday gifts
Reindeer cookies: to satisfy oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sweet tooth Ingredients: 3/4 cup peanut butter 1 1/4 cup packed brown sugar 1/2 cup shortening 3 tablespoons milk 1 tablespoon vanilla 1 egg 1 3/4 cup all-purpose flour 3/4 teaspoon baking soda 3/4 teaspoon salt Chocolate-covered mini pretzels Mini brown M&Ms Regular-sized red M&Ms
Preheat oven to 350 degrees, combine brown sugar, peanut butter, shortening, milk and vanilla in bowl. Beat until blended. Add egg then mix.
In another bowl, combine flour, baking soda and salt. Add to creamed mixture at low speed. Mix until blended.
Draw design on mug with sharpies.
Bake mugs for 30 minutes.
For someone on a holiday budget, and looking for a way to show friends and family how much they care, these DIY activities will be the perfect holiday gift. They are not only creative and inexpensive, they are a way to show friends that one is thinking about them during the holiday season. Making these gifts homemade, makes them not only original but also priceless.
to see snow in Florida
Form dough into 1-inch balls, grease pan and bake for 7-8 minutes. After, add M&Mâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s as eyes and nose, and pretzels as antlers.
Coffee mugs: for all your favorite sayings
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Content and photos by DELANEE BOGAN
Tree package (includes 21) $15 Hobby Lobby Fake Snow, $1, Dollar Tree Jar, $1, Dollar Tree Glitter Glue $1, Dollar Tree
Mugs, $1, Dollar Tree 12 pack sharpies, $7.81, Target
Cupcake snowglobe: to spice up the season
1 2 3
Make cupcakes and decorate them. Place cupcake in jar upside down. Close and screw on lid. Jar, $1, Dollar Tree Cake mix $1.19 and icing $1.67, Target
1 2 3
Buy mason jar, Christmas tree and fake snow.
Glue tree to the bottom of the jar and sprinkle snow on top.
Close and screw lid back on.