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3d Challenge Haunted

CGArena is proud to present “Haunted” Challenge (3D Challenge),  July - 15 Sep 006, sponsored by Vertus, Di-o-matic, ambientLight and Duber Studio. We want different ideas and approaches in a more creative way.

Your Mission


Create an image which shows Haunted look. This Challenge is a Work-In-Progress Challenge -- all contestants are required to post their work-in-progress images for community to critique/comment in order to qualify.

How the Challenge will be Run

This challenge will be a WIP (Work in Progress) Challenge. Each challenger is required to submit Work In Progress (WIP) images, from the initial concept sketch to the final render. The purpose is that everyone can learn from each other, offer feedback and critiques.

1. Enter the Challenge by registering yourself on CGArena forum. . Submit your work in progress images in forum on a regular basis. 3. Participate in the community by critiquing other challengers works in the respective forums. 4. Submit your final entry till 15th September 006, midnight 00:00 GMT. 5. There will be 3 winners in this 3D Challenge and CGArena, Sponsers and Judges decision will be final.

Final Image Size

- Your final image dimensions should be print resolution. Do not send in a low-resolution.

- A guideline is 100 pixels wide and/or 104 high, JPG, 300 DPI.

- Send your final image in zip format with your complete shipping address and telephone number on email address ezine@ cgarena.com

First Prize

Di-o-matic Character Pack - $1990USD

Vertus Fluid Mask 2.0 - $199USD

Duber Studio Training DVD (3DVD’s) - $88USD

Second Prize

ambietLight Multibay Texture Bundle - $130USD

Duber Studio Training DVD (2DVD’s) - $59USD

Third Prize

Duber Studio Training DVD (1 DVD) - $30USD

Consolation Prize (Qualified Entries will receive)

Duber Head Rigging Modeling Video Tutorial - $5USD

The entire process needed in order to create a fairly flexible, usable and fast head/face rig, that you can either further enhance or build on, or actually use as is in your character workflow. This one hour, fully narrated, videotutorial covers the head/neck rigging, operational jaw bone rigging and a bit more complex eyes and eye lids rigging.

Aqua Viva

Everyone knows the cool Macintosh Aqua effect. You can create your own Aqua text effects in a few minutes using Photoshop. Always remember the secret of the Aqua effect is in the highlighting. Now this simple tutorial will guide you through the steps of creating Aqua Text.

Step One

Use Type Tool [T] to create text, we will later create aqua effect using layer blending modes. The color of the text doesnt matter, choose any color you want.

Step Two

Right click on the text layer and select Blending Options. (or go: Layer >> Layer Style >> Blending Options ). Layer Style window will open, click on Gradient Overlay and change the gradient color from dark to light of any color you want. I choose sky blue here. Also change the Angle to -0, so dark color on top and light on bottom.

Step Three

In the Layer Style window select Inner Shadow checkbox on the left and change the Angle - 0, increase the distance and size values according to your image and text size because all these settings worked according to the size of the image. Reduce the opacity to around 65. Now text looking punched in the surface, because Inner shadow main job is this.

Step Four

Now select the Drop Shadow checkbox on the left and change the same settings as in Inner shadow window.

Step Five

Now check the Outer Glow and change the Mode to black, color to black, reduce the opacity and increase the size little bit. Outer Glow required where the aqua effect sits.

Final Step

Now check the Bevel and Emboss checkbox and voila effect is there but need to fix few things like change the Altitude to 75, this decides how much high the light is. Increase the Highlight Mode Opacity to 100 and reduce the Shadow Mode Opacity to 0 because we dont require any more shadows. If you want then also change the Contour and in Pattern Overlay apply the pattern for some transparency in the aqua effect.

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