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Editor-in-ChiEf, pC magazinE nEtwork Lance Ulanoff Editor Stephanie Chang

dirECtor of onLinE ContEnt, EXECUtiVE prodUCEr Vicki B. Jacobson EXECUtiVE EditorS Dan Costa (reviews), Jeremy A. Kaplan (features) art dirECtor Richard J. Demler



EditoriaL prodUCtion dirECtor Nicholas Cosmo pC LabS dirECtor, SEnior Editor (hardwarE) Laarni Almendrala Ragaza SEnior EditorS Sean Carroll (software, Internet, networking), Wendy Sheehan Donnell (consumer electronics), Carol Mangis (blogs), Kyle Monson, Sarah Pike (Solutions), Erik Rhey (Digital Edition)

SEnior writEr Eric Griffith rEViEwS EditorS Tony Hoffman (hardware), Matthew Murray (consumer electronics) Copy ChiEf Elizabeth A. Parry Copy EditorS Margaret McVeigh, Ann Ovodow pC LabS LEad anaLyStS Cisco Cheng (laptops), Tim Gideon (audio and video), Robert Heron (HDTV and home theater), Mario Morejon (networking and small business), Michael Muchmore (software), Neil J. Rubenking (security), Joel Santo Domingo (desktops), Sascha Segan (mobile devices), M. David Stone (printers and scanners) anaLySt Dan Evans (DIY, gaming) jUnior anaLySt PJ Jacobowitz (digital cameras and camcorders)

prodUCt rEViEwS Coordinator Zachary Honig inVEntory ControL Coordinator Nicole Graham Staff photographEr Scott Schedivy pCmag.Com managEr, onLinE prodUCtion Yun-San Tsai prodUCErS Gregg Binder, Mark Lamorgese, Whitney A. Reynolds nEwS Editor Mark Hachman nEwS rEportEr Chloe Albanesius aSSoCiatE EditorS Jennifer L. DeLeo, Brian Heater (blogs) Staff EditorS Corinne Iozzio (reviews), Nicole Price Fasig (reviews) aSSiStant Editor Sean Ludwig rEViEwS prodUCEr Errol Pierre-Louis CommErCE prodUCErS Iman Edwards, Arielle Rochette

UtiLity program managEr Tim Smith CommUnity managEr Jim Lynch CrEatiVE dirECtor Chris Phillips prodUCtion artiSt Guyang Chen VidEo EditoriaL dirECtor, VidEo and digitaL EVEntS Sebastian Rupley ContribUting EditorS Helen Bradley, John R. Delaney, Richard V. Dragan, John C. Dvorak, Craig Ellison, Galen Fott, Bill Howard, Don Labriola, Jamie Lendino, Jim Louderback, Bill Machrone, Edward Mendelson, Jan Ozer, Neil Randall, Matthew D. Sarrel, Larry Seltzer EXtrEmEtECh.Com Editor Loyd Case SEnior tEChnoLogy anaLyStS Jason Cross, Joel Durham

prodUCEr Jeremy Atkinson jUnior prodUCEr Mike Nguyen intErnS Matt Reichman, Natalie Shoemaker

ChiEf EXECUtiVE offiCEr Jason Young

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ziff daViS mEdia inC.

ChiEf EXECUtiVE offiCEr Jason Young ChiEf finanCiaL offiCEr and SEnior ViCE prESidEnt Neil Glass EXECUtiVE ViCE prESidEnt Steve Sutton (General Manager, Interactive) SEnior ViCE prESidEnt Lance Ulanoff (Content, PC Magazine Network)

gEnEraL CoUnSEL Stephen Hicks ViCE prESidEntS Simon Cox (Content, Game Group), Beth Repeta (Human Resources), James Selden (Marketing and Sales Development, Consumer/Small-Business Group) EXECUtiVE dirECtorS Larry Chevres (Internet Technology), Olga Gonopolsky (Worldwide Licensing, Rights and Permissions)

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