3 minute read
from _Issue_08
by Hiba Dweib
Deluded Penguin
This entry from Angelo is an excellent example of the humorous tack a lot of you took with the source images. Check out the knowit-all penguin!

Danger Penguins (top right)
“I wanted to show a more sinister side to the penguins and in the end – although they became a small part of the fi nal image – I think ‘Penguin Island’ looks like a scary place.”
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
“As the lost penguin strayed into the ray of sunlight, the demons of the rock closed in… Surprisingly, if you zoom into the ‘nice rocks’ image, the faces are already there. I used Photoshop Elements 2 to create my image. It does not have the Pen tool so I used the Lasso.

Turn to page 98 and enter this issue’s Readers’ Challenge
“Here’s my comic effect collage for the challenge. The penguins already seem to be comical heroes, so it was a kind of natural association. The effect itself needed some 10 layers. I created the collage first of all and then added the comic effect.”

Boat in Blue (right)
“I used the Cracks file to create a displacement map and used it on the evening sky image. I also cut out the boat and rock images and used them as displacement maps at different settings. Then I took the original evening sky image, flipped it and changed the layer blending mode to Soft Light.”
Not Far Now Lads (above)
“Just for fun this one! I liked the idea of penguins in a hot desert setting.”
Pick up a Penguin
“I’ve created this montage and used the penguins as the focal point, placing them in the boat. All work was done using Photoshop.”


Enter our challenge and see your work in the magazine!

Access the Readers’ Challenge folder from the side panel on our CD and copy it to your desktop. Once you’ve completed your masterpiece, send it to us on a CD along with your name, address and a few words about your creation, to:
Readers’ Challenge
Photoshop Creative
Imagine Publishing
Richmond House 33 Richmond Hill
Dorset, UK

Readers’ Challenge
More images for you to load up and have your wicked creative way with
or anyone new to the magazine, this is the part where we hand over creative control to all of you. Each issue we provide a completely random selection of photos and your challenge is to turn some or all of them into a work of wonder. There aren’t really any rules here. As long as you use at least one of the images we’ve provided you are free to incorporate your own les, be they photos, textures, illustrative elements – anything you fancy. Each issue we print the best of the entries received for a previous issue’s challenge, but don’t worry if you didn’t get the magazine until some time after it went on sale or it took you a while to nish your image. There are no deadlines and there are no skill level requirements. We’re just interested to see what you come up with! And as added incentive to send your creations in, the best entry of each challenge will receive a copy of the Fluid Mask plug-in. This excellent piece of software will enable you to cut out objects with the greatest of ease.
Stained glass effect

Traditional stained glass windows are a great example of how texture and light can make an image come to life. But the effect isn’t just the domain of trained artists – turn to page 28 and recreate the look in Photoshop