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Refrigerator Notes

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If I had to pick a word of the month for March, it would be perseverance.

It’s not easy to find our way through our obligations and our wishes. Parenting, work, and a million other little things crop up, derailing our paths.

It’s tough enough for us as adults. Hopefully, we have gained a few coping skills to see us through. And, using those skills is important to model for our kids to help them develop the same resilience when life seemingly hands them a bowl of cherry pits.

That’s hard, though. We don’t like seeing our kids struggle with a project, a friendship, or a new skill. Our natural inclination is to “helicopter” in and save the day. Sometimes, that is absolutely necessary. Other times, though, we need to resist the urge to fix everything for our kids so they have an easier time.

It’s OK to let them struggle a little bit so they figure out a way through the challenge and learn valuable skills that will help them as adults. That’s exactly how we learned to “adult.”

Hug your kids. Be good to yourself.

You’ve got this! |

~Melinda, parent & publisher

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