DIGITAL INNOVATION DRIVES NEW OPPORTUNITIES From customer behaviour to supply chain logistics, companies have access to an ever-increasing volume of data. Businesses across the Highlands and Islands are learning how to harness the power of their data through collaborations between HIE and specialist support services. When we think of data driven businesses, we often picture giants like Amazon and Netflix, however smaller companies across the Highlands and Islands are taking advantage of their own data and insights to drive growth, spur innovation and secure competitive advantage.
CODECLAN: PLUGGING THE DIGITAL LITERACY SKILLS GAP Industry-led digital skills academy, CodeClan,offers courses in software development, web development and data analysis. CodeClan works with a large network of employer partners to ensure that its courses equip students with the knowledge and experience needed to fill the digital sector’s skills gaps. Based within Inverness Creative Academy, CodeClan’s Inverness Campus opened in 2018 with support from HIE and the Inverness and Highland City-Region Deal. As a key project for the Northern Innovation Hub, HIE involvement included support for the first two student cohorts at CodeClan Highlands. The success of the 12 graduates from those cohorts prompted the addition of a third HIE supported cohort, which is currently operating under distance learning protocols due to the current pandemic. Lizi Blackwood, technology development manager for the Northern Innovation Hub, explains why HIE was keen to introduce the programme to the region: “CodeClan offers students an intensive 12-week course, providing them with the practical coding skills needed to enter, or return to, the digital jobs market, and also other ‘soft skills’ such as CV development and interview practice.
HIE has been at the forefront of this digital drive. A succesfful collaboration with CodeClan has expanded the region’s data skilled workforce, while The Data Lab, with HIE support, helps organisations to design and deliver data driven projects. Together, these services have helped local businesses identify and capitalise on new opportunities through faster digital innovation.
“And the support from CodeClan doesn’t stop at graduation. The fantastic tutors continue to provide guidance and mentorship, making sure everyone has the best possible chance of progressing their career and achieving their professional goals.” With funding options available, the course equips learners with the digital literacy skills employers need to make a tangible impact on the bottom line. FOCUS spoke to two CodeClan graduates to find out how they’ve applied what they learned to real-world operations in their industries. FIND OUT MORE:
FÒCAS AIR ÙR-GHNÀTHACHADH DIDSEATACH Tha companaidhean nas lugha air feadh na Gàidhealtachd is nan Eilean a’ gabhail brath air an dàta agus na lèirsinnean aca fhèin airson fàs a thoirt air stiùireadh agus ùr-ghnàthachadh agus buannachd farpaiseach fhaighinn. Tha dà bhuidheann le taic bho HIE aig toiseach na h-iomairt dhidseatach seo – tha CodeClan a’ toirt seachad an fhoghlam a dh’ fheumar gus sgioba-obrach sgileil dàta a leasachadh, fhad ’s a tha Data Lab a’ toirt taic do bhuidhnean gus pròiseactan air an stiùireadh le data a dhealbhadh agus a’ lìbhrigeadh. 28