3 minute read
Foreword from Carroll Buxton
Welcome to the winter edition of FOCUS magazine. Hot on the heels of COP26 we have taken the opportunity to focus on net zero – Scotland’s ambitious target of reaching net zero emissions by 2045.
Our region has much to celebrate when it comes to low carbon developments and the potential for much more. Indeed, as an organisation HIE has prioritised a green recovery and a fair and just transition to net zero as we navigate our way to economic recovery from the impacts of the pandemic. We recognise that our natural assets and leading role in renewable energy have a major part to play in Scotland’s net zero target. This will provide our region with huge opportunities and this issue of FOCUS magazine gives a flavour of the exciting developments, innovation and passion of our business and community clients in this endeavour.
We recently announced the appointment of our new chief executive. Stuart Black will take up his position in January 2022. It has been an honour to serve as interim chief executive of HIE and I wish Stuart all the very best in his new role. I know he will be supported by a great team here at HIE, a much wider network of partners and of course fantastic and ambitious businesses and community organisations, all working hard to ensure a successful and sustainable future for the economy of our region.
Wishing you all a happy and healthy festive season and very best wishes for the New Year.
Carroll Buxton, Interim chief excutive, HIE
Fàilte gu eagran a’ gheamhraidh de iris FOCUS. A’ leantainn gu dlùth air COP26, tha sinn air cothrom a ghabhail cuimseachadh air neoini lom – targaid àrd-amasail na h-Alba airson neoini lom eimiseanan a ruighinn ro 2045. Tha mòran aig ar roinn ri chomharrachadh nuair a thig e gu leasachaidhean càrboin ìosal agus comas air mòran a bharrachd. Gu dearbh mar bhuidheann, tha HIE air prìomhachas a thoirt do ath-shlànachadh uaine agus eadar-ghluasad cothromach is ceart gu neoini lom fhad ’s a bhios sinn a’ stiùireadh an eaconamaidh a-mach às a’ phandamaig. Tha sinn a’ tuigsinn gu bheil prìomh phàirt aig ar so-mhaoinean nàdarra agus ar stiùir ann an cumhachd ath-nuadhachail ri choileanadh, ann an targaid neoini lom na h-Alba. Bheir seo cothroman fìor mhòr do ar roinn agus tha an t-eagran seo de iris FOCUS a’ toirt dhuinn blasad de na leasachaidhean brosnachail, ùr-ghnàthachadh is dìoghras ar luchd-dèiligidh gnothachais is coimhearsnachd, san oidhirp seo.
O chionn ghoirid, dh’ainmich sinn gun deach àrd-oifigear ùr fhastadh. Bidh Stiùbhart MacIIleDhuibh a’ gabhail na dreuchd san Fhaoilleach. Tha e air a bhith na urram a bhith a’ frithealadh mar àrd-oifigear eadar-amail HIE, agus tha mi a’ guidhe gach soirbheachas do Stiùbhart na dhreuchd ùr. Tha fios agam gum bi taic aige bho sgioba air leth an seo aig HIE agus bho lìonra mòran nas fharsainge de chom-pàirtichean, agus gu dearbh gnothachasan is coimhearsnachdan iongantach is àrd-amasail, ’s iad uile ag obair cruaidh gus a dhèanamh cinnteach gum bi eaconamaidh soirbheachail agus seasmhach san roinn againn san àm ri teachd.
A’ guidhe dhuibh uile seusan fèiseil a bhios toilichte agus fallain agus gach deagh dhùrachd airson na Bliadhna Ùir.