Discover the world of Voorne-Putten and enjoy great discounts! The ‘ViP Pas’ provides you with the most attractive discounts concerning
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18-11-2016 09:38
Voorne-Putten, the island of contrasts. Where the tranquillity and space offer countless possibilities for all kinds of activities. Come and enjoy the nature, the beaches, the historic villages and old fortified towns. One island. Or two islands? Voorne and Putten, separated by the historic shipping route, the Bernisse. The area full of boundless contrasts which also characterise the four municipalities: water sports town Hellevoetsluis, natural Westvoorne, cultural and historic Brielle and the mix of village and town which you find in Nissewaard. Cross the border into a beautiful area where you can engage in activities or just relax. Whatever you do, time will fly in Voorne-Putten.
VVV NL App : with 1 download always and everywhere actual leisure information.
With this Free Tourist Information App you will have the most detailed and up-to-date leisure information of Voorne-Putten. Actual, free and complete.
Timely, free and complete The details in the VVV NL App are submitted by Marketing OP Voorne- Putten. Thus the app offers the largest, most current and most reliable range of leisure information of Voorne-Putten. Because the VVV NL app is based on the GPS location of the user, the information is always relevant. The iOS and Android version of the free VVV NL app is available in the App Store and Google Play Store.
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COLOFON HIER OP VOORNE PUTTEN is a publication of: Marketing OP Voorne Putten, Univacance B.V and BP Advertising + DESIGN Postal address: Postbus 93 NL - 3220 AB Hellevoetsluis The Netherlands Editors: Mr. J.G.W. Janzen, P. Burg, Marketing op Voorne-Putten Design, layout en prepress: BP Advertising + DESIGN +31 (0)181 - 410810 Mary Zeldenrust-Noordanesstraat 1 3207 EM Spijkenisse Advertisements: adverteren@hieropvp.nl +31 (0)181 – 334454 Printing mediator: ‘t Papieren Huys Langestraat 6 3295 BK ’s-Gravendeel +31 (0)78 – 844 9930 Content suggestions are always very welcome. Please contact the editorial team: +31 181-334454 ©2017 Marketing OP Voorne Putten, Univacance bv and BP Advertising + DESIGN reserve all rights. No part of this publication may be multiplied, stored in an automatic data file or made public in any way, shape or form, whether this is electronically, mechanically, through photocopying, recording or any other way, without the express prior written permission by the publisher. The publisher and authors declare that this publication has been put together in a careful manner and to the best of their ability, however, the publisher and authors cannot be held responsible for the correctness or completeness of the information. The publisher and authors cannot be held liable for damages, of whatever nature, which may arise from actions and/or decisions based on the intended information.
LOCAL PRODUCTS The taste of Voorne-Putten
NATURE Strolling trough the dunes
ANCIENT FINDS on new land
on the pedals
90 HORSES 93 GOLF 94
GOING OUT Discover the nightlife on Voorne-Putten
111 ZEELAND 114
Villas l e t o h h t wi service
Home yet away from home during your holidays.....
Città Romana in Hellevoetsluis offers the ideal starting point for a wonderful holiday, near the sea. You will stay in our luxurious furnished holiday homes with free wireless internet and satellite tv including Canal Digital. The surroundings offer the finest hiking and cycling routes. Would you rather prefer slightly more excitement and action? There are many sports to choose from, e.g. kite surfing, water-skiing or sea angling, to mention a few. Also the cosy fortified towns Brielle and Hellevoetsluis are most definitely worthwhile. The fortress of Hellevoetsluis houses attractions such as the dry dock Jan Blanken, Museum ship the Buffel, defensive bunkers, light ship the Noordhinder and a fire brigade museum. Zierikzee, Rotterdam, Delft, The Hague and the Deltapark Neeltje Jans are only 45 car minutes away. And within an hour you will reach the theme park the Efteling. Città Romana guarantees a restful stay. For instance enjoy an Hawaiian “Lomi Lomi” massage in the massage studio, a facial in the Beauty parlour or visit the private sauna by our swimming pool. If you prefer not to cook yourself? Restaurant Duinhoek at Città Romana offers a varied and affordable menu. You can enjoy the beautiful view from the terrace on the lakeside or would you rather stay in your own holiday home? We will gladly bring meals to your home. The choice is entirely yours!
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© Jan Maasdam
HELLEVOETSLUIS Hellevoetsluis has a proud maritime history. After 1600, the fortress town grew to become Holland’s most important martime port. The ships of the Admiralty of Rotterdam were cleaned, repaired and equipped here. Michiel de Ruyter regularly visited Hellevoetsluis for inspections, as he was responsible for the war fleet as commander-in-chief. The old fortified harbour is also known for the glorious return of Piet Hein with the captured Spanish treasure fleet in the year 1629. Buildings such as Tromphuis (named after Maarten Tromp, another naval hero), Affuitenloods (‘gun carriage shed’), Kruithuis (the powder magazine) and Ruyter House recall that era. Hellevoetsluis remained an important naval port until the 1930s, after which the base was moved to Den Helder. During the Second World War, the Germans demolished part of Hellevoetsluis in order to improve their field of fire against Allied submarines. The traces of the town’s historic past can still be seen at various places in Hellevoetsluis – in the Jan Blanken dry dock, during a historic city walk or when visiting the museum ships at Koningskade.
Hellevoetsluis is also a great place for water sports, with fully modern facilities in a beautiful historic setting. Its unique location directly on the Haringvliet offers plenty of options. With the North Sea accessible through the Haringvliet locks, it’s easy to head out to sea, while the harbours of Hellevoetsluis are ideal if you are looking for a berth.
JAN BLANKEN DRY DOCK The Jan Blanken Dry Dock is the oldest surviving dry dock in the Netherlands and unique of its kind in terms of structure. The dry dock was built between 1798 and 1822 and is still in use for the maintenance of small vessels. Often these are historic ships. A visit to the dock is a unique experience for young and old, and takes you back in time to the era of the great naval heroes. The dry dock consists of two separate docks – Kieldok for minor maintenance and Timmerdok for major repairs and shipbuilding. A special feature is the ‘ship door’ that seals off the dock. The visitor centre has interactive displays which allow you to explore its history for yourself and to see, hear and read all about the dry dock and its architect. The tours are highly recommended – part of them involve walking through the historic tunnels, which could be flooded in order to quickly put out any fires in the dock. You can find more information at www.droogdok.nl
MUSEUM QUAY Near the Jan Blanken dry dock lies Koningskade. This is home to three splendid museum ships: the minesweeper AMS ms Bernisse, the museum ship De Buffel and the lightship Noord Hinder.
Along the Haringvlietdam there is a wonderful beach which is great not just for swimming but also for sailing and surfing! The shallow parts of the beach are marked off by a line of floats in summer. In summer, there is also the Aquapark Splash water attraction, where children can spend a challenging hour climbing and clambering. Within the fortress walls, near the lighthouse, there is also a small beach on the Haringvliet with a fun play area for children.
MS BERNISSE The MS Bernisse is a ship that evokes the aftermath of the Second World War, having been constructed just after the war in Belgium. As part of the Marshall Aid package, the ship cleaned up many mines off the coast. It is a particularly fine historic naval ship with a historic past! Reason enough to come and see it or take a look around. You can find more information at www.msbernisse.nl LIGHTSHIP 12 NOORD HINDER The lightship 12 Noord Hinder was built in 1963 and served as a ‘landmark’ at various points in the North Sea until 1994. By then, the lightship had become surplus to requirements due to the modern navigation technology on board seagoing vessels. The Noord Hinder was the last lightship to serve at sea and was eventually replaced by a light buoy. A visit to this unique museum ship is very special and instructive. For children, it is also very adventurous. For example, they get to climb the light tower and visit the galley! You can find more information at www.noordhinder.nl
DE BUFFEL MUSEUM SHIP Step aboard and go more than 145 years back in time! De Buffel was in service with the Royal Netherlands Navy in the period from 1896 to 1973 and is now on display at Koningskade in Hellevoetsluis. On board this museum ship, history is brought to life. There are puppet shows plus interactive games for the youngsters. You can see engines in operation, see what the ship look like when it was in service and experience its history through the film shown there. The tweendeck is the children’s domain. It has various different skill games to entertain and amaze the kids. You can find more information at www.debuffel.nl
THE NATIONAL FIRE DEPARTMENT MUSEUM The national fire department museum in Hellevoetsluis is the palpitating heart of the history of the fire department museum. Besides all the many objects and articles that have been preserved, the museum shows the development of the fire department over all the centuries. The biggest attraction of course, Is the fantastic collection of old fire engines, from hand sprays to high pressure mist sprays. www.nationaalbrandweermuseum.nl
MICHIEL DE RUYTER TOWN WALK A special ‘Michiel de Ruyter’ town guide will take you on a journey of discovery and show you the famous past of the naval heroes in the fortified port of Hellevoetsluis. It’s nice to walk where the Dutch naval heroes once walked. Available for group bookings at www.hithellevoetsluis.nl HELLEVOETSLUIS TOWN MUSEUM The Hellevoetsluis Town Museum not only contains lots of historical information about Hellevoetsluis, it is also located within a historic site; the top floor of the Large Warehouse of the former naval dockyard dating from 1786, opposite the storage place for the naval guns. The permanent exhibition depicts the lives and work of the residents of the past and today. There are objects relating to agriculture, education and the town’s glorious maritime history. In addition, temporary exhibitions are held on special objects. You can find more information at www.stadsmuseum-hellevoetsluis.nl HISTORYLAND If you are looking for a fun and super educational outing, then Historyland is highly recommended. In a fully renovated farmhouse dating from 1947, a wonderful exhibition space has been created. There is a special ‘Mammoth Steppe’ exhibition where you can come face-to-face with a mammoth, a fearsome sabre-toothed cat, a cave bear or a woolly rhinoceros. You’ll also find an extensive fossil collection here, and you can have a go at making your own spear just like the hunted-gatherers of the Stone Age. Climb the tower by the Spiegelzee Pavilion and see how low the sea level was during the ice ages – but also observe that the sea level was once much higher. www.historyland.nl
HOP ON HOP OFF Step aboard the free shuttle that runs from April to September and be bowled over by our beautiful island! Want to see more of Voorne-Putten’s fabulous nature or fancy a culinary treat? Take a leisurely ride on the new shuttle service. The route of the shuttle service runs from Historyland in Hellevoetsluis to Tweede Slag in Rockanje, taking in the most beautiful spots. You can get on and off at the marked shuttle stops; to do some shopping, visit a site of interest or simply enjoy the beautiful nature. www.facebook.com/ shuttledienstvoorneputten
Vestingstad Brielle méér dan historie!
Wie kent het niet... 1 april, de bevrijding van Brielle. De vestingstad Brielle viert dit feit nog elk jaar én heeft nog veel meer te bieden. Historische panden, winkeltjes, galeries, restaurants, terrassen, campings, hotels, musea en een haven met een directe verbinding naar het Brielse Meer. En niet te vergeten, er is altijd wat te doen. Kortom, Brielle moet je beleven! Who doesn’t know... the 1st of April, the liberation of Brielle. The fortified town of Brielle celebrates this fact each year and has a lot more to offer. Historic buildings, hotels, galleries, restaurants, campsites, terraces, shops, museums and a port with a direct connection to the Brielse Meer. Brielle, there’s always something to do. Experience Brielle!
BRIELLE Brielle is a historic fortress city with some of the best preserved fortifications in the Netherlands. The city on Brielle lake breathes the atmosphere of a distant past. In its rich history, it has welcomed kings and queens and numbered admirals, writers, poets and martyrs among its residents. Through more than 300 listed historic buildings, the old fortified city and Zuid-Holland’s most famous pilgrimage site tells the story of Libertatis Primitiae, “the first to be liberated”. On 1 April 1572, the city was occupied by the Watergeuzen (‘sea beggars’), earning an important place in every book about the Eighty Years’ War. With its specialist shops, many outdoor cafes and eateries, lively marina, theatre and indoor pool, Brielle is a great town to stay in. ST. CATHARINE’S CHURCH When driving towards Brielle, the 60-metre tall tower of St. Catherine’s Church is visible from afar – so it’s quite something to consider that it was originally intended to be twice as tall! In 1572, stadholder William of Orange married his third wife Charlotte de Bourbon in St. Catherine’s Church, by way of thanks for the liberation of Brielle by the sea beggars on 1 April 1572. A stained-glass window in the church commemorates the event. From this tower, Mary Stuart waved off her husband, stadholder William III, on 11 November 1688. Stadholder William III left for England with a large military retinue intent on defeating the king of England, in which aim he was successful, and in the year 1689, he was crowned king of the Netherlands. If you would like to enjoy the view from the tower yourself, you can do so in the summer months. www.catharijnekerk.nl ’T VLIEGEND HERT WINDMILL Brielle’s post mill has an unusual history. During restoration work on the Brielle fortifications in 1973, two large lumps of stone were found. These turned out to be the old foundations of the post mill which stood here in the 17th century. This prompted the establishment of the ‘t Vliegend Hert foundation, which eventually rebuilt the windmill in 1985. A special feature of the windmill are its three lofts, the central milling loft, the top stone loft and the bottom loft, known as ‘hell’.
The mill operates and is open to visitors every Friday (and Saturday, subject to confirmation) from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The windmill offers wonderful views of the surrounding city walls and the city. Beside the windmill, in ‘De Molenschuur’, mill products are for sale. www.vliegendhert.org
EIGHTY YEARS’ WAR HISTORICAL MUSEUM DEN BRIEL The museum, which is located in the old city hall and the old city jail, is devoted to the Eighty Years’ War and particularly the date 1 April 1572. On that day, Brielle was captured by the ‘sea beggars’ for the Prince of Orange. Brielle was the “first to be liberated”. Objects, video clips, stories, animations and games give the visitor a good picture of the events of that time. www.historischmuseumdenbriel.nl
KRUITHUIS, COURTINE AND BASTION V The fortress walls of Brielle boast various bastions, ravelins and bulwarks. The centuries-old Kruithuis (powder house), by Bastion No. 2, houses a permanent exhibition about the history of the April 1st celebrations in Brielle. The exhibition relates how the population of Brielle has commemorated the capture of the city by the sea beggars on 1 April 1572 over the years. Bastion No. 5 has an exhibition about Brielle during the ‘French period’ and the Courtine, a former powder store, is due to open to the public in mid-2017. www.1aprilvereniging.nl www.levedevesting.nl
CITY WALK Of course you can walk around on your own, but if you really want to learn about the city’s unique history, it is more fun to set out along a described route or with a city guide. The Brielle city guides will lead you through the historic city and tell you lots of interesting facts and anecdotes about the Spanish, the water beggars and the city’s many historic buildings . www.gidsengroepbrielle.nl PILGRIMAGE CHURCH The pilgrimage church Martelaren van Gorcum is a pilgrimage site in Brielle which is entirely devoted to the Martyrs of Gorcum. The story of the Martyrs of Gorcum goes back to the revolt against Spain. When the sea beggars’ fleet
captured Gorcum in June 1572, a group of priests were taken prisoner. For nearly two weeks, they were tortured, baited and tempted to renounce their faith. On 5 July, they were taken to Brielle by barge. Behind the church, at the site of the former peat barn, is the martyrs’ field where the martyrs lost their lives. The annual pilgrimage day in July still attracts people from all over the country. In the months of July and August, the church is open every afternoon from 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. www.martelarenvangorcum.nl
SJOEL De Sjoel is a historic cultural monument in Brielle’s old city centre. It is the former synagogue which was used by the Jewish community until the Second World War. De Sjoel is open on Monday and Friday afternoons from 1.30 – 3.30 p.m. between March and the autumn half-term holiday. De Sjoel is also open to guided groups by appointment. rondleidingen@sjoelbrielle.nl www.sjoelbrielle.nl For more information about Brielle: www.beleefbrielle.nl www.opvoorneputten.nl
“De Boekenberg is alleszins een omweg waard.”
BOEKENBERG SPIJKENISSE Breng een bezoek aan één van de mooiste biblio-
Het idee was om de meest openbare bibliotheek
theken ter wereld: De Boekenberg in Spijkenisse.
van Nederland te creëren, die zo transparant en toegankelijk mogelijk is.
Het indrukwekkende ontwerp van architectenbureau
Een bezoek aan deze openbare bibliotheek,
MVRDV staat op de Markt en laat een stapel boeken
waar u ook heerlijk een kopje koffie kunt drinken
zien omgeven door een glazen stolp. Het fantasti-
of wat kunt eten, is op zichzelf al meer dan de
sche gebouw is bekend vanwege de transparantie.
moeite waard.
Openingstijden: www.deboekenberg.nl
NISSEWAARD NATURE, CULTURE AND ARCHITECTURE Spijkenisse, Zuidland, Geervliet, Heenvliet, Simonshaven, Abbenbroek, Oudenhoorn and Hekelingen together form the municipality of Nissewaard. It is a place with many different faces. There’s the urban face of Spijkenisse, with its modern architecture, beautiful theatre, large cinema and buzzing centre with more than 250 shops. But you’ll also find peace and quiet in the beautiful nature reserves, extensive polders and centuries-old villages such as Heenvliet and Geervliet.
© Richard Kruk
NATURE Nissewaard is situated in a beautiful rural area. Canoeing, surfing, fishing, mountainbiking or bird watching, you can enjoy your chosen form of recreation in one of Nissewaard’s many nature reserves. In addition to the various nature reserves where you can easily spend a day, there are many parks in and around Nissewaard where unusual birds, cattle, small mammals and plant species have made their homes.
CULTURE Nissewaard has a glorious history. The sea beggars found sanctuary there. In the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, the beautiful towns of Geervliet and Heenvliet were granted town charters. Thanks to this rich history, Nissewaard has more than a hundred magnificent listed buildings, which are often open to the public. The connection with the water is easy to see in old pumping engines, rustic backwaters and bridges. In the centres of the villages, you can feel the grandeur of times gone by.
© Wil Wabeke
ARCHITECTURE With the help of renowned architects, some ambitious projects have been realised in Nissewaard in recent decades. The shopping centre, the beautiful De Boekenberg library and the new De Stoep theatre are all fine examples. Also special are the ‘Euro bridges’ in the De Elementen residential
neighbourhood. Artist Robin Stam has translated the fictional bridges depicted on the euro banknotes to the design of these unique bridges. A beautiful cycle route past the most special buildings in Spijkenisse is part of the architecture cycle route.
DE BOEKENBERG LIBRARY, SPIJKENISSE Voted one of the world’s most beautiful libraries by Zoover, this library is more than worth a visit. De Boekenberg Spijkenisse, designed by the MVRDV architecture practice, is a 26 metre high glass pyramid with a surface area of 1575 square metres. The glass creates the illusion of an open-air library. A visit to this splendid library is a must when visiting Spijkenisse. www.deboekenberg.nl DAMES MAK’ GREENGROCER’S Everybody in Spijkenisse knew the old greengrocer’s run by the Mak sisters. Spinsters Annetje and Klaasje Mak ran the shop until 1986. The nostalgic little shop and house were left behind and were completely restored in 2010 to their condition of 1918. The façade now even features the original round window. www.groentewinkelmak.nl BACK TO THE SIXTIES Located in the attractive De Serreburgh architectural complex, this corner apartment has been entirely furnished in 1960s style. The apartment gives a sense of how people lived in the 1960s, what household equipment and furniture they had and what games they played. There are regular exhibitions. Open to visitors on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Museumwoning Spijkenisse, Eikenlaan 37a, tel. +31 (0)181-621 658 . MUSEUM OP DE MARKT Marktplein, between De Boekenberg library and the old village church, is the place where old and new Spijkenisse meet. This is the site of Museum op de Markt. Museum op de Markt is no ordinary museum in a building, it is a virtual museum. You view the exhibits through the medium of a smartphone or tablet. Museum op de Markt provides a unique picture of the history of Spijkenisse. See the little houses that used to stand on the market square on your smartphone or tablet. Listen to the stories of former residents and view photos from the archive and from private collections. You can download the Museum op de Markt app from the Appstore or Google Play.
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Ontdek Voorne-Putten vanaf het water. Marina Cape Helius - HELLEVOETSLUIS “Noordzee”
“Aquapark Splash”
“Bos en Duinen Oostvoorne”
“Zoet water zonder muggen”
“Historie, Musea en
“Geweldig voor The Kids”
“Veel te zien en te beleven” “Uitgebreide
Marina Cape Helius, Nieuwe Zeedijk 1, Hellevoetsluis E. havenkantoor@marina-capehelius.nl W. marina-capehelius.nl T. 0031(0)181-310056
“Bioscoop, zwembad en winkels”
Ligplaatsen beschikbaar
THE RAVESTEYN RUIN Heenvliet is home to the Ravesteyn ruin, one of very few buildings from the Middle Ages in unaltered condition. The former castle was built around the middle of the 13th century and was part of a series of defensive works on the island of Voorne. The ruin is surrounded by a moat. Within this well-preserved castle, there are still quite a few features of medieval architecture to be seen. The surrounding estate consists of various gardens. Every year on the estate, a sculpture garden is organised in which art is displayed around the ruin. www.beeldentuinravesteyn.nl
the wide open waters of Vierambachtenboezem. In order to get a proper view of the natural beauty all around you – especially the birds – binoculars are handed out on board. A guide tells stories about local history and nature. On the way, there are many different birds to be seen, including rare ones. For example, marsh harriers, spoonbills, buzzards, grebes, black-tailed godwits and lapwings. If you’re really lucky, you might encounter a kingfisher. A wonderful trip for nature lovers, those interested in cultural history and curious travellers. www.nissewaard.nl/fluisterboot
THE IJSVOGEL ELECTRIC BOAT On board the IJsvogel electric boat, you can sail from the historic De Leeuw van Putten pumping station in Spijkenisse to the wonderful polders that surround the town. Past the Mallebos woods and Vogelenzang park, you sail towards
© Jan Sluimer
Oostvoorne | Rockanje | Tinte
In Westvoorne valt altijd iets te beleven
De Bos & Burchtfair en de Wielerronde in Oostvoorne, het Trekpaardenevenement en de Motorraces in Rockanje, het Zomerfeest in Tinte; in Westvoorne valt van alles te beleven. Benieuwd naar de activiteiten in Westvoorne? Bekijk de website opvoorneputten.nl/evenementen.
Westvoorne staat bekend als de tuin van de regio. Een gastvrije, groene en toeristische aantrekkelijke kustgemeente. Meer dan een miljoen toeristen en recreanten bezoeken jaarlijks onze kustregio. Het is hier prachtig wonen en recreĂŤren.
always something going on Westvoorne with the centres Oostvoorne, Rockanje and Tinte is known as the garden of the region. A hospitable, green and attractive coastal municipality. Over a million tourists and recreational visitors come to our coastal region every year. It’s a wonderful place to live and enjoy some leisure time, with a wide variety of nature and landscape.
NATURE The dunes are very varied and consist of brushwood, dune lakes, sand dunes, dune grasslands and woods. They provide some lovely walks. Many different animals live here, such as roe deer, spoonbills and grey herons. The flora is very diverse and includes gentians, marsh grass and orchids. Big grazers like Icelandic ponies and Galloway cattle help keep the dune area open. The extensive landscape offers many possibilities for active relaxation and sports. From walking, cycling, mountain biking and horse riding to surfing and diving. ROCKANJE Rockanje is like a bathing resort. Due to its lively atmosphere and many beach activities, Rockanje is a popular destination for both the younger and the older beachgoer. Enjoy sitting in the sun or being active on the water. On Rockanje beach, you can do both. The sandbanks off the coast of Rockanje
ensure a calm sea, so that children can safely play and swim at the edge of the water. Every year, Rockanje beach receives the highest award for its very clean beaches. It has also been awarded the Blue Flag, an international environmental award which is given every year to beaches which are clean and safe. OOSTVOORNE Oostvoorne has always been a popular resort. Since the 1960s, Oostvoorne beach has developed into a dynamic natural beach with mudflats and sandbanks which attract many birds. Seals are also regular visitors. The Oostvoornse Meer and surroundings are great destinations for those who enjoy active recreation like surfing, fishing, diving and mountain biking. It’s also the perfect base for wonderful cycle tours and walks or for exploring the green woods on horseback. In the old village centre, there are stately historic
THE BURCHT VAN VOORNE The Burcht van Oostvoorne was founded between 1150 and 1250 by the men and women of Voorne. The fortress was built on a “motte”, a natural elevation in the landscape which was artificially raised. By building on top of a dune, people could defend themselves more easily from attackers and they also had an excellent view the Meuse delta and the surrounding land. At the start of the 15th century, the complex served as a country retreat for Jacoba van Beieren, so the surviving ruin is aptly called Jacoba Burcht. The ruin of the fortress can be visited free of charge. www.monumentenbezit.nl/ jacobaburcht-oostvoorne houses and the beautifully restored ruin, the Jacobaburcht, from the 12th century. In ‘De Duinhuisjes’ open air museum, you go back in time to the beginning of 1900. Thanks to its unique flora and fauna, Voornes Duin is one of the most important nature areas in Western Europe. At the Tenellaplas, the South Holland Landscape visitor centre is an excellent starting point for a walk through the dunes. TINTE Tinte, a village situated in a gorgeous polder landscape reminds you of how it must have been a century ago. The ribbon development Tinte is guarded by the môluk, a bronze scarecrow made by artist Adriaan Nette. Just outside the village on the Lodderlandsedijk, there are two local museums. Museum “In den Halven Maen” is housed in a former garage, where old groceries, cans and tobacco items are exhibited with a surprising ‘comic’ garden and terrace. A little further along is museum “De Koffieleut”. which mainly exhibits old coffee grinders, coffeepots and agricultural equipment. Every year, a big festival is held in this small village. The three day Tinte Summer Festival includes children’s activities, street theatre and music.
Hollywood Café De Kuip - Cor Kieboomplein 513 - 3077 MK Rotterdam - 010-2037281 www.hollywoodcafedekuip.nl
U kunt bij ons terecht voor (gepersonaliseerde) chocolade en kadogeschenken, maar ook voor iets lekker bij de koffie/thee. Iedere 1ste zondag vd maand open. Workshops bonbons en chocolade werkstuk maken vanaf € 25,00. Neem vrijblijvend contact op voor info. Vischstraat 3 • Brielle 0181 410 434 www.hetdoosje.nl
Viswinkel Ouddorp Weststraat 12-14 I 3253AR Ouddorp Tel: 0187-845229 https://www.facebook.com/Haringkraam/
DE DUINHUISJES The dune area of Voorne used to be home to typical dune farms, which were part of the lovely landscape. Westelijk Voorne Historic Association rescued a number of the dune houses from ruin and moved them to De Duinhuisjes open air museum. The museum consists of four original dune farms, dating from between 1850 and 1910, with outbuildings. Three of the homes are styled as they would have been in around 1900, while Duinzoom house is an exhibition area. On living history days, the volunteers from the museum dress up in costume and perform authentic household activities and crafts. www.westelijk-voorne.nl
MUSEUM IN DEN HALVEN MAEN Museum In den Halven Maen is the smallest museum on Voorne-Putten and is situated on the Lodderlandsedijk, just outside Tinte. There are lots of things to see relating to old grocery items, tins, tobacco items, hats and clothing. The collection is housed in a grocer’s shop, cafe, square, hat display and an old fashioned sweetshop. There is also a crazy garden you can visit with all kinds of jokes. www.indenhalvenmaen.nl MUSEUM DE KOFFIELEUT A little further along the Lodderlandsedijk is another small, friendly museum, called the Koffieleut. Here you will mainly find old coffee grinders and agricultural equipment. You can also relax with a delicious cup of coffee, tea or a soft drink, with cake, both indoors and outdoors, enjoying the tranquil surroundings and the beautiful view. www.dekoffieleut.com
poor t
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Nationaal Brandweermuseum Een wereld als een spannend jongensboek
Beleef het werkende maritieme erfgoed
Noord-Hinder Een helder lichtpunt in historisch Hellevoetsluis Kunstuitleen www.noordhinder.nl Hellevoetsluis
Een echt kunstwerk aan de muur? Kom het lenen!
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Korenmolen “De Hoop” Vanaf de stelling het mooiste uitzicht van de vesting!
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Droogdok Jan Blanken Beleef het werkende maritieme erfgoed
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Kunstuitleen Hellevoetsluis Een echt kunstwerk aan de muur? Kom het lenen! Theater
Verdedigingswerken Hellevoetsluis Innemend onneembaar!
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Verdedi Innemen
www.museumplatform.nl Theater Twee Hondjes Een theater om in te bijten! www.theatertweehondjes.nl
Stadsmuseum Hellevoetsluis Het Hellevoetse leven in vroeger tijden www.stadsmuseum-hellevoetsluis.nl
With pride the No. 1 shopping centre of the Voorne region You are very welcome!
Shopping centre De Struytse Hoeck Hellevoetsluis. Open 7 days a Week! More than 130 stores. Free parking. Easy accessible via public transport. Every Saturday lively market. Unique mooring facility for boating. Regularly organised fun activities and entertainment.
Shopping WINKELHART SPIJKENISSE In Spijkenisse town centre, the shopping facilities are just as good as in Rotterdam. Perhaps even better! Car parking is cheap anyway. For one euro an hour, you can park your car in one of the five modern multi-storey car parks around the new shopping centre. Spijkenisse has lots of trendy fashion boutiques and numerous specialist stores. In the shopping streets, you will also find the main national chain stores. With over 250 shops, Winkelhart Spijkenisse is the biggest shopping centre between Rotterdam and Zeeland. Every first and last Sunday of the month, the shops are open in Winkelhart Spijkenisse. On Tuesdays and Saturdays, there is a nice market in Spijkenisse for your shopping. On Woonboulevard Spijkenisse, you can shop for your home. In the 25 DIY and home interior shops, you will find everything you need for in and around the house. A visit to the fantastic Theater de Stoep, in the middle of town, or to one of the lovely restaurants makes a fitting end to a day of ‘fun shopping’. www.winkelhartspijkenisse.nl, www.woonboulevardspijkenisse.nl, www.marktnissewaard.nl
WINKELCENTRUM DE STRUYTSE HOECK The shopping centre of Hellevoetsluis offers varied shopping with over 130 shops. Winkelcentrum de Struytse Hoeck is open seven days a week, with late night shopping on Friday evening and the shops are open every Sunday! Big well known chain stores alternate with specialist stores to provide a diverse and complete shopping experience. The shopping centre is easily accessible by public transport and parking is free if you come by car. There is also a charging station for electric cars. De Struytse Hoeck has a unique jetty for pleasure boats. On Saturdays, there is a large weekly market and there are regular fun seasonal activities. www.destruytsehoeck.nl
SHOPPING IN HISTORIC BRIELLE Shopping in the historic fortified town of Brielle is an experience in itself. Here you will find a wide range of shops, both big and small, most of which are housed in historic buildings. You are welcomed by more than 100 hospitable entrepreneurs in their specialist, fun and special shops. Whether you are looking for shoes, books, toys, antique, art or big chains like the Hema, Blokker and Etos, you will find it in Brielle. On Monday, there is a market on Turfkade in Brielle. Shopping in Brielle: the perfect combination of specialist shops and history! www.beleefbrielle.nl
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BEACHES Voorne-Putten has 15 kilometres of special coastline. Experience the enormous space and taste the salty sea air. Enjoy stepping onto the sand of the only south facing beach in the Netherlands or above it hanging on the kite. Ride on the beach with your horse and stay and watch the amazing sunset. Voorne-Putten has something for everyone who loves the beach.
HELLEVOETSLUIS On the lighthouse beach, enjoy the Haringvliet and look out on the characteristic lighthouse of Hellevoetsluis. A small beach situated in the fortified town of Hellevoetsluis. Children can clamber over playground equipment, such as the pirate ship. The beach next to Marina Cape Helius has a friendly atmosphere. The Quackstrand on the Haringvliet is shallow until a long way out from the bank, so ideal for small children. Sheltered by the Haringvlietdam, the less experienced surfers, sailors and kayakers can gain experience. The Quackstrand has various amenities to complete your enjoyment. These include hospitable beach pavilions and for Aquapark Splash, the water play paradise for children. www.aquaparksplash.nl
The Quackstrand has the Blue Flag, an internationally recognised certification awarded annually to beaches which are clean and safe.
ROCKANJE BEACH Rockanje beach, the country’s only south facing beach, is totally geared to bathing guests. Due to its unique position, the beach is a true paradise for sunbathers. Whether you just want to enjoy the sun or be active on the water, Badstrand Rockanje has everything you need. The beach slopes very gradually towards the sea and the sandbanks off the coast prevent waves from disrupting your swimming. The beach is therefore ideal for children who can safely play at the water’s edge. At Next Level Kiteboarding, you can do kite surfing, paddle boarding, long boarding, beach yoga and various beach games. You can also have something to eat and drink at one of the beach pavilions. Rockanje beach is accessible via the first and the second entrance. To the north of the Badstrand, there is nudist beach. Every year, Badstrand Rockanje receives the highest award for its very clean beaches and has been awarded the Blue Flag.
OOSTVOORNE BEACH Nature lovers will prefer Oostvoorne beach. This beach offers peace and space. New dunes are constantly developing here and the unspoiled natural beach is very popular among walkers, horse riders and kite surfers. MAASVLAKTE BEACH The coastline of Voorne-Putten has grown since the expansion of the Maasvlakte. Maasvlakte 2 directly links up with the current Maasvlakte. The Slufterstrand has therefore largely disappeared. Due to the popularity of the Slufterstrand, it was decided to restore the lost beach during the construction of Maasvlakte 2. The coastal area past Maasvlakte 2 is not a beach with a boulevard and lots of cafes and restaurants. This would not reflect the function of the land reclamation as a port and industrial area. However, it is somewhere where people can enjoy sun, sea, beach, wind and tranquillity. The Maasvlakte beach is mainly known for its ideal conditions for surfers and kiters. Kiters have their own extended section of beach at their disposal. Infrastructure and sufficient parking ensure good accessibility by car and bicycle.
Cycling or walking through the polder, you are surrounded by farms. Besides its history, seaside tourism and ports, Voorne-Putten also boasts a lot of countryside. There is a reason why the island is known as Rotterdam’s vegetable garden. Some of these holdings supply not only Rotterdam and the rest of the Netherlands, they also sell their local produce by the roadside or in farm shops. An unusual feature are the vegetable vending machines you see along the way. In the city, you might get a croquette from a vending machine, on Voorne-Putten you’re more likely to get a few tomatoes or a sweet pepper!
VOORNE-PUTTEN FRESH FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE TO THE CUSTOMER The Klok farm shop is well known in the area. It’s the place to be for original presents, healthy treats and organic foods. The splendid, spacious farm shop in Vierpolders sells products from the orchard year-round; apples, pears, plums and cherries. It also offers various regional products from local businesses. In mid-2017, the nature playground will be ready, where children will be able to clamber and climb to their hearts content while their parents or carers enjoy a cup of coffee. In September, the annual apple harvest days are held, a fun and educational outing for the whole family. www.landwinkelklok.nl
WESTVOORNE FREE-RANGE MEAT The Assenberg farm is a livestock farm with a Belgian Blue herd and a cattle shed on Polderweg in Oostvoorne. The shed is groundbreaking in terms of animal welfare. The animals are housed in straw-lined stalls and have plenty of access to light, air and space. In the spring, the cows are let out into the meadows with their calves. The calves are suckled by their mothers until the end of the grazing season. The animals are fed on products from the same farm, such as maize, silage and potatoes, supplemented with concentrated feed. The fattened animals are transported in a quiet and animalfriendly manner to a nearby craft butcher which is EEC certified. This approach results in meat of excellent quality reared with maximum animal welfare, which you will therefore find on the menus of many restaurants on Voorne-Putten. The farm shop at Burgemeester Letteweg 48 in Oostvoorne is open every Saturday. www.westvoornesweidevlees.nl
DE VOGELHOF De Vogelhof Theetuin in Vierpolders is a cosy garden with tropical birds, chickens and peacocks. You can enjoy home-baked cake or pastries with coffee, tea or soft drinks in the many seating areas. There is a play area and colouring pages for the children. You can also buy collectables and home-grown fruit and vegetables in the shop. www.facebook.com/theetuin-de-vogelhof/
DE VLIERSTEE De Vlierstee is a natural and health food shop located in an old farmhouse in Vierpolders which sells a full range of organic products. You will find bread, dairy, fresh fruit and vegetables and health foods, sugar and dairy-free products and toiletries there. www.vlierstee.nl DE VIER AMBACHTEN ESTATE De Vier Ambachten in Simonshaven produces ten thousand bottles of wine annually, including red, white, rosé, sparkling wines, port wines, Kalphados, Poldergrappa and a variant of cognac. In the months of September and October, fresh table grapes are also available. The estate makes chutneys, jams and jellies from other fruit. It also supplies vines and you can take a course in viniculture there. Guided tours, wine-tasting, workshops, lunches, barbecues and stone grilling are available for groups. www.agthuysen-wijnbouw.nl MILK TAP Every day, the cows of the Leeuwen family in Heenvliet produce fresh milk which is extremely tasty, sweet and creamy. The milk goes straight from the cow to the vending machine – no processing takes place. Fresh milk is full of important vitamins A, D and K, calcium and phosphorus. Because the milk is not processed, the enzymes and good bacteria are preserved, as is the specific flavour of fresh milk. Which is of course fantastic, because it means you get to enjoy the honest taste of this white gold – you can pour your own milk from the milk tap here on the farm. The tap is open seven days per week from 7.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Come and taste for yourself! www.melkveebedrijfvanleeuwen.nl
MOED EN VERTROUWEN (courage and confidence) In the Beerenplaat nature reserve you’ll find a care farm where organic fruit and vegetables are grown. In addition to well-known vegetables, the farm also grows forgotten varieties and special vegetables. The harvested fruit is made into jam, juice, chutney and cake. Every Monday, produce is harvested to sell at the weekly market on Tuesday in Spijkenisse. In addition to fruit and vegetables, they also sell potted herbs, eggs from their own chickens and home-made bird houses and feeding stations at the market. www.moedenvertrouwen.nl HOKKE FARM SHOP Along specialities from their own farm, such as sugarloaf chicory, Dick and Margriet Hokke’s shop in Vierpolders sells ‘forgotten’ vegetables like turnip greens and salsify. They also sell a wide range of fruit and vegetables from the island, local products, wine and advocaat. Their website features fun and tasty recipes. www.hokkegroentenenfruit.nl STRANDJUTTERSBROKKEN Need some more energy or just fancy a treat? Then why not try a delicious energy bar from the Manintveld bakery. Their strandjuttersbrokken (‘beachcomber chunks’) are traditionally made from marzipan, apple, raisins and delicious crunchy hazelnuts. They also sell Rockanje strandjuttersbrokken, with a layer of dark chocolate on top. A tasty Rockanje treat, naturally made in their own bakery. www.facebook.com/bakkerijmanintveld/ DE AREND CORN MILL Zuidland’s windmill dates from the year 1844 and has a passageway for a horse and cart. Until 1954, the mill was still in use for grinding cattle feed. It was restored to operation in 1977, now being used for flour and grain products. It is
kept running by volunteer millers. The mill shop supplies an extensive range of cereals and flour types. Molendijk 35 Zuidland www.dearend-zuidland.nl ’T VLIEGEND HERT POST MILL ‘t Vliegend Hert was rebuilt in 1986 and is a replica of its predecessor dating from 1645. With three lofts, it is a huge for a mill of its kind. The mill regularly grinds flour from wheat, rye, maize and rice. Trained millers and volunteers keep the mill in operation. The Brielle mill shop sells several kinds of flour and bread mixes. Tours of the mill can be taken on the days it is operational. Guided tours for groups are available by appointment. www.vliegendhert.org
RESTAURANT AAN ZEE In the dunes of Oostvoorne, you will find Restaurant Aan Zee, where you can enjoy splendid views and traditional dishes prepared using local ingredients. The chefs at Restaurant Aan Zee cook with herbs and berries found in the dunes of Oostvoorne. Head chef Dave Zwaartman has put together a recipe for the readers of the HIER OP VoornePutten magazine, so that you can enjoy cooking with the flavours of Voorne-Putten at home. www.aanzeeoostvoorne.nl
RESTAURANT AAN ZEE For 4 people, preparation time 3 hours
INGREDIENTS 1 large Westvoorne free-range chicken or 2 small ones 300 grams Mangalitza pork belly 4 Westvoorne onions ½ bunch thyme 4 sprigs ground ivy 3 bay leaves 5 cloves smoked garlic or 3 ordinary garlic cloves 1 bunch wild radish (or rocket) 300 grams sea buckthorn berries 3 tablespoons flour salt and pepper 400 grams Rockanje red-skinned potatoes 250 grams nice small white mushrooms or wild mushrooms 200 grams carrots 200 grams oenothera 100 grams cold butter butter for frying ½ litre chicken stock one bottle of full-bodied red wine 6 sprigs of parsley
METHOD Divide the chicken into portions. Cut the drumsticks in half and the breast with the bone in it into quarters. Rub the chicken with salt and pepper. Dice the pork belly and the onions, put some butter in the pan and fry the pork belly with the diced onions; afterwards add the chicken and allow to brown evenly. Finely chop the thyme and ground ivy and add to the pan. Clean the garlic, carrots and mushrooms. Remove the chicken, pork belly and onions from the pan and fry the garlic, carrots and mushrooms until they turn a lovely golden brown, then sprinkle over the flour and fry briefly. Pour in a bottle of good, full-bodied red wine. Return the chicken, pork and onions to the pan and bring everything to the boil. Allow to boil for a few minutes so that the alcohol evaporates. Add the chicken stock, sea buckthorn berries and potatoes, adding salt and pepper to taste. Leave the coq au vin to simmer gently for approximately 80 minutes with the lid on the pan. At the end, add the 100 grams of cold butter and carefully stir it in until it dissolves. Divide the portions among the plates and garnish with chopped parsley.
STROLLING THROUGH THE DUNES Climb over the dunes and broaden your horizons. Take care: you are walking through one of the dune areas of Western Europe which is richest in wildlife and also attracts unusual birds. Before you know it, you’ll be standing face-to-face with an Icelandic horse or a Galloway cow. Experience the wide open spaces and taste the salty sea air. Try stepping out onto the beach on horseback and stick around for the superb sunsets. Sail through the magnificent Bernisse nature reserve in an electric boat. You’ll encounter history and roe deer on the Mildenburg estate. Voorne-Putten, where the land is good.
THE VOORNE DUNES The Voorne dunes extend from Oostvoorne to the Haringvliet and are home to a great variety of plants and animals, due to the presence of woodland, damp dune valleys, dry sandy slopes, thickets, pools and large dune lakes. From the shadow of dense woodland you suddenly step onto the dry dune sand. Thanks to this variety, the Voorne dunes boast many species of plants and birds – you might even spot the little egret. And despite being located close to the port of Rotterdam, this is a place of peace and quiet. The large dune lakes Quackjeswater and Breede Water are rich in waterfowl. Here, cormorant and spoonbill colonies have established themselves. In autumn, shrubs covered
in berries provide a feast for migrating starlings, red wings and fieldfares. The Voorne dunes are rich in many varieties of plants and are known for their diversity of orchids. And the plants, in turn, attract butterflies – ordinary varieties such as the European Peacock, but also rarer species such as the Ringlet, Speckled Wood and the Queen of Spain fritillary. In the northern part of the dunes, you may encounter large grazing animals, Icelandic horses and Galloway cattle. These help Zuid-Hollands Landschap, the organisation responsible, to keep the dune area open. You can park at the Tenellaplas visitor centre and from there take one of various lovely marked walking routes. Adventure trails have been marked out for the children and there are
a number picnic tables by the Tenellaplas lake where you can enjoy the beautiful lake with its swans, ducks and other waterfowl. Dogs permitted on leash SLIKKEN VAN VOORNE The Slikken van Voorne area is located west of Oostvoorne. It has an eventful history. Situated in the mouth of the river Maas, where the tides had free play, channels, sandbars and dunes once formed there. In the last century, large-scale projects were carried out off the coast of Voorne; the Maas was dammed and the Maasvlakte created by land reclamation. The dunes were raised and anchored. As a result, the natural dynamics largely
disappeared from this area. But nature had a surprise in store. On the south side of the Maasvlakte, a new dynamic coastal landscape emerged, where new channels and sandbars were created by tidal action. This process is still going on. Thanks to the natural development of this area, many species of plants have established themselves here, such as the sea aster, the sea-milkwort, common saltmarsh-grass, herbaceous seepweed and sandwort. The mud flats are home to many small creatures which provide an important source of food for the Eurasian oystercatcher, sandpiper, curlew and redshank. Dogs are not permitted.
GROENE STRAND On the banks of Oostvoorne lake, a lagoon has been excavated and a number of bird islands created where you can enjoy the sight of geese, ducks, plover and breeding pairs of common tern. In the shallow waters of the lagoon, egrets and spoonbills hunt for food. A walking route has been created through the area, with various bird-watching screens. Dogs permitted on leash.
MILDENBURG ESTATE The Mildenburg estate at Oostvoorne was developed over the course of the 18th century by the Van Leyden-Van Leeuwen family. It was a splendid baroque garden with large straight avenues, a maze and a tea house with some sculptures. Only the large main avenue survives as a reminder of the estate, along with some parts of the other avenues. The estate itself has disappeared. An old beech forest marks
the transition from the estate to the inner dune woodland. A high dune offers views of the Groene Strand beach and Oostvoorne lake. The Wielewaalroute is a marked walking route two kilometres long and you can park on Hoflaan in Oostvoorne. Dogs permitted on leash. HOLLE MARE AND DERRYVLIET The Hollemare and Derryvliet nature reserves are located south of Zwartewaal and are the remains of an old creek that used to link the Maas with the Haringvliet at that point. Nowadays, these creeks form splendid areas of nature, featuring winding dykes with pollard willows, reed borders and grasslands rich in flowers. Harriers hunt above the reeds and nest here too. One of the rarer inhabitants is the root vole. This rare species of vole lives in the perennial reeds close to the water. And naturally the barn swallow (‘boerenzwaluw’) is found here, and you can walk the 4.5 kilometre Boerenzwaluwroute. Dogs permitted on leash
BERNISSE The Bernisse recreation area consists of a centuries-old polder landscape that lies between the Spui and the Voedingskanaal. The Bernisse area is seven kilometres long and runs from Heenvliet through the polders to Zuidland. It consists of ponds, basins and lakes. Together with the woods, marshes and meadows, the area is 300 hectares in size. When designing this recreation area, a lot of thought was
to Maaswijkweg. Halfway along the cycle path, you can get off your bike and continue through the grienden on foot or continue cycling until Beerenplaat. If you’re lucky, you might see a bluethroat. And who knows, in the future you might see beavers swimming. During rainy periods, the use of Wellington boots is recommended when walking through the grienden. The walk extends to the viewing point by the collection basins, where in winter there are many migratory
put into allowing it to develop naturally. It has since grown to become one of the richest recreation areas in the region in terms of flora and fauna. Bernisse is perfect for exploring on foot. It is largely accessible – only in the breeding period is walking not permitted everywhere. In summer, Bernisse is heavily used by the residents of Nissewaard. You can swim, canoe and surf there, or just enjoy walking or running, and there are various fishing spots for anglers. You can sail on the river Bernisse in an electric boat – motorboats are not permitted. There are various places nearby selling food and drinks where you can rest and relax.
birds to be seen. The southern portion of the grienden is not open to the public. Along the Spui you will also find the newly developed nature reserve De Uitwaayer, an oasis of calm just a stone’s throw from the busy city. Let the wind blow through your hair, enjoy lovely walks, a mountain bike course, play equipment for children and a bird-watching hut, and spot hares in the surrounding polder.
ALLEMANSGRIENDEN AND BEERENPLAATSGRIENDEN De Allemansgrienden in the municipality of Nissewaard is an area with special plants and animals. The walking and cycle path runs from Maasboulevard behind the treatment plant
SPUIMONDING WEST (BENINGERSLIKKEN) Where the Spui flows into the Haringvliet is the Spuimonding south of Zuidland. Here you can enjoy nature to the full in the Spuimonding West nature reserve. There is a footpath that takes you through the entire reserve via a bridge and a rope ferry. Bring provisions with you and take a seat on one of the benches provided. Climb the viewing tower on the eastern edge of the reserve. From the top, you have
wonderful views over the Spui and the Haringvliet and much of Voorne-Putten and Hoeksche Waard. The landscape in Spuimonding West is varied. There is undergrowth, salt marshes and mudflats, all rich in food. This landscape is ideal as a spawning and breeding ground for fish and birds. Among the birds you can see there are some which enjoy special protection, such as the spoonbill, the little egret and the gadwall. The area is large enough to tempt reed birds like the bearded reedling, the black-crowned night heron and the harrier to breed. LANDTONG ROZENBURG Where the ‘Landtong’ (spit) now lies has always been nature. By the sea, you had the De Beer nature reserve with its beautiful dunes and drifting sands. All around the island of Rozenburg lay salt marshes and mudflats, while on the island there were old-fashioned natural polders and farmlands. So in restoring this area, it is very ‘natural’ to respect nature and give it a chance wherever possible. The many wet areas of Landtong dry up in the spring and become a sea of flowers with exotic names like lesser centaury and marsh cudweed. During the migration period, large flocks of migratory birds often rest on Landtong. In winter, whole flocks of starlings, red wings and fieldfares descend on the many sea buckthorn berries. Eurasian woodcocks also winter on Landtong and fill their bellies with insect larvae and worms from the many cowpats left behind by the grazing Highland cattle. You are free to stroll around this area, so don’t feel you need to stick to the beaten path but go and explore. Unfortunately, dogs are not permitted on the grazing meadows; naturally they are allowed on the footpath. You can read more about the nature reserves at www.opvoorneputten.nl/zien-en-doen/strand-en-natuur/
SEAL SPOTTING It’s not difficult to spot seals off the coast of Voorne-Putten. Seals are easiest to see at low tide on the exposed sandbanks. However, you usually need a good pair of binoculars or a telescope. The editors of the HIER OP Voorne-Putten magazine share the best places to spot them. MAASVLAKTESTRAND On the second Maasvlakte beach, you can regularly see seals lying on the beach or swimming in the water. Since the construction of the Second Maasvlakte, lots of seals can be found around here. KLEINE BEEREILAND A small island, separate from the rest of the Maasvlakte, is sometimes used by resting seals. Can be seen with binoculars at the end of Markweg or from the Fast Ferry between Hoek van Holland and the Maasvlakte.
HINDERPLATEN Using good binoculars or a telescope, you can see seals on the sandbanks from the highest dune on Voorne’s Groene Punt. www.deltasafari.nl/zelf-spotten/
exhibition, you learn all about seals, as well as about KNRM Search and Rescue Lifeboats Netherlands, the Evides water company, Rijkswaterstaat and of course the Delta works. www.aseal.nl
SEALS IN NEED Unfortunately, you may find a seal that is ill or injured, tangled up in a net or which has been washed up on the beach. But what do you do in such a situation? Call the emergency number of A Seal 088–2747795. They will contact the nearest Sea Mammal Rescue Centre (Eerste Hulp Bij Zeezoogdieren). Keep people and dogs well away to avoid stressing the animal. Not all lone seals on the beach need help. That’s why they must be properly observed before they are taken away. www.zeezoogdieren.org
ZOET OF ZOUT If you feel hungry after visiting the A Seal, pop into restaurant Zoet of Zout. Restaurant Zoet of Zout is situated on the Haringvlietdam between the freshwater Haringvliet and the salty North Sea in a unique location next to A Seal Rescue Centre. The restaurant has an industrial interior with lots of wood and earth hues. In the restaurant, you can enjoy delicious food and drink, whilst enjoying a magnificent view over the Haringvliet. www.zoetofzout.nl
A SEAL ZEEHONDENOPVANG AND EXPO STELLENDAM Situated on the Haringvlietdam in Stellendam is A Seal Rescue centre and Expo. Here you can see real seals up close. At A Seal, ill and weak seals which have been found on the coast are looked after by over 100 volunteers, 7 days a week. You can see how the many volunteers care for the animals every day and learn about the different seals which live in our area. The aim of the seal rescue centre is to restore the seals to health so that they can eat and play independently and ultimately return to the sea. All the seals in the centre are released as soon as they have recovered. In order to be strong enough to survive independently, they must weigh around 35 kilos. They are usually released on the beaches at Ouddorp or Renesse. At A Seal, it feels just as if you are in the sea. Climb on sandbanks and enjoy a view which you will never have had before. If you look carefully in buoys and washed up sea containers, you will discover all kinds of interesting tips about rescuing man and animal. Walking through the special
Support A Seal: Visit us or donate!
Will you come and see us on sick-call?
Sick and wounded seals are found at the beaches of “Zuid-Holland” and “Zeeland” on a regularly basis. Volunteers bring the weakened animals to the Seal Rescue Centre A Seal in Stellendam. In this Seal Rescue Centre the seals will receive intensive care for approximately 3 months, until they are strong and healthy enough again to be released in their natural environment. Come on sick- call and see up close how the seals are cared for in our centre. At A Seal you can do a lot of other things. Feel the sea, climb the sandbanks and discover how a seal lives. Find out how we keep our feet dry and become a rescuer at sea. Visit our website for the latest news about our seals.
Haringvlietplein 3a 3251 LD Stellendam
Telephone +31 (0)88 274 7780 Emergency number +31 (0)187 663 644 (24h - 7d)
E-mail info@aseal.nl Internet www.aseal.nl
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Beleef natuureiland Tiengemeten, de haven van Middelharnis, zeehondenopvang A Seal en natuurgebied de Kwade Hoek in Stellendam, de trekvogels in het Quackgors in Hellevoetsluis en ontdek de historische vesting Willemstad!
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Mede mogelijk gemaakt door:
The Haringvliet – world-class nature in the Netherlands! Along with the Biesbosch, the Haringvliet has been awarded the jury prize for ‘the Netherlands’ most beautiful area of outstanding natural beauty’. It is where two major European rivers, the Rhine and the Maas, meet the North Sea, between Voorne-Putten and Hoeksche Waard on the north side and Goeree-Overflakkee on the south side. It is a delta where beavers have won back their place and work is ongoing to reintroduce the sturgeon. Where summers are full of birds like the spoonbill, and the majestic osprey and fish eagle are also regularly seen overhead. Rich in unspoiled, wide-open delta nature. With plenty of opportunities to slow down and relax, and all a stone’s throw away from Rotterdam.
The Haringvliet – world-class nature in the Netherlands! Along with the Biesbosch, the Haringvliet has been awarded the jury prize for ‘the Netherlands’ most beautiful area of outstanding natural beauty’. Rich in unspoiled, wide-open delta nature with plenty of opportunities to relax and slow down.
The Haringvliet is a nature reserve under development. From 2018, the locks of the Haringvlietdam will be opened ‘ajar’. This will allow fish like the salmon and sturgeon to migrate between the sea and the rivers – a unique opportunity for the nature of the delta to recover. ARK Natuurontwikkeling (nature development), Natuurmonumenten (natural heritage), Sportvisserij Nederland (angling), Staatsbosbeheer (forestry), Vogelbescherming Nederland (bird protection) and the World Wildlife Fund for nature are seizing this opportunity to give the flora and fauna in and around the Haringvliet a real boost. The Droomfondsproject Haringvliet is being supported by financial contributions from the Dutch Postcode Lottery and the Zuid-Holland provincial authorities. on the Kwade Hoek beach, visit a picturesque town or enjoy a muddy day out with your children in the nature playground at Tiengemeten. Along the shores of the Haringvliet, work is going on to establish a natural ribbon between land and water where
the tides can flow in and out again. The tidal ecology created in this way will offer food, refuge and breeding grounds for birds. It will also provide safe places for fish to acclimatise on their journey between the sea and the river and their spawning grounds. In the outer delta at the entrance to the Haringvliet, the first trial locations have been created for the recovery of shellfish banks. We are also working to restore healthy fish stocks in and around the Haringvliet and specifically to reintroduce the striking migratory fish the sturgeon. Boardwalks, nature playgrounds, viewing points and a bird hide dome mean everyone can enjoy the unique nature around the Haringvliet. Despite the fact that work on the Droomfondsproject Haringvliet is still in progress in 2017, there is already plenty to experience. You can enjoy cycling, hiking and sailing, cast out a line, feel the wind in your hair on the Kwade Hoek beach, visit a picturesque town or enjoy a muddy day out with your children in the nature playground at Tiengemeten.
More than 4.5 hectares of trees, streams, flowers, blubber and animals. Tiengemeten nature playground is a rough-andtumble day out for the whole family. A great way to experience the Haringvliet.
DISCOVER THE HARINGVLIET WITH VLOGGER CAMILLA Camilla Dreef, one of the faces of TV show BinnensteBuiten (KRO, NCRV), has been commissioned by the six nature organisations behind the Droomfondsproject Haringvliet to make a vlog (video blog) about this unique body of water. She goes on a journey of discovery around the Haringvliet and portrays the developments in short movies. If you would you like to stay up to date and get tips for fun trips around the Haringvliet, follow Camilla’s blog via the Facebook page@Haringvlietnu or the website www.haringvliet.nu
Biologist and bird-watcher Camilla Dreef vlogs about the Haringvliet weekly. In the photo, she is shown holding a young spoonbill which is being ringed for scientific research. The beautiful spoonbill is a common sight in the Haringvliet.
EXPERIENCE THE HARINGVLIET FROM THE WATERBUS Despite the fact that important development work is still going on at the Haringvliet, you can fully enjoy its peace and quiet, space, unique delta nature and picturesque towns right now. And what better way to experience the Haringvliet than from the water? Following the success of the first pilot in 2016, the Waterbus will again be sailing from Rotterdam and Dordrecht to the Haringvliet in 2017. The Waterbus will also complete a circuit around the Haringvliet. See www.waterbus.nl/haringvliet for more information about the different departure points and destinations and to book a ticket.
What better way to experience the Haringvliet than from the water? The Waterbus departs from Rotterdam and Dordrecht and completes a circuit around the Haringvliet.
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Restaurant Zoet of Zout (“Sweet or Salty”) is located directly on the Haringvliet at a truly unique location! In our restaurant you will find excellent and affordable food and drinks while enjoying the breath-taking view through the metres-high windows. When you enter the building, you’ll be amazed; we have opted for “industrial chic” (to match the appearance of the building) and have combined this with a lot of wood and earth tones. With this we hope that our guests immediately feel warm and welcome. Restaurant Zoet of Zout can be reached easily from the N57 motorway and offers ample, free parking. Come eat, drink and enjoy at the Haringvliet
The Haringvlietdam is the sixth structure of the Delta Works, the dam that closes off the Haringvliet from the North Sea and lies between Voorne-Putten and Goeree-Overflakkee. This puts us quite literally in between fresh water and salt water. Zoet of Zout I Haringvlietplein 3 I 3251 LD Stellendam 031 (0)187 499 913 I www.zoetofzout.nl Opening hours: 7 days a week from 10 a.m. Our kitchen closes at 9 p.m.
Snel en betrouwbaar drukwerk, in zowel rotatie als vellendrukwerk. www.papierenhuys.nl
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In the middle of the Haringvliet is Tiengemeten. Just a stone’s throw from Voorne-Putten, more and more people are discovering this nature island, courtesy of the Dutch Society for the Preservation of Nature (Natuurmonumenten). Far away from the mainland and your hectic everyday life. On the ferry, you are immediately over come by the holiday feeling on your way to the smallest inhabited island in the Netherlands.
© Pauline Joosten
A GREAT DAY OUT On arrival, check out the visitor’s centre. The welcoming volunteers will be happy to help you plan a great day out. Walkers and cyclists are in their element in the car-free nature area with historic buildings. Children can play in Speelnatuur. Lovers of nostalgia and painting will head for the Landbouwmuseum and the Rien Poortvlietmuseum. A bite to eat and drink at the Herberg or Pannekoeken bij Helene make your day complete.
© Janko van Beek
ACTIVITIES Natuurmonumenten offers lots of excursions and activities for young and old. The varied programme offers something for everyone. For the young, there are interesting Nature Days in OERRR. And there are plenty of other options on the island: horse and cart rides by De Hitsaert, a ride in the electric buggy owned by island resident Hugo Schortinghuis and boat trips around the island with the Hoeksche Vaart. Prefer to explore with your own group? Or rent a space for a meeting? You can! School trips or kids parties can also be organised in Speelnatuur. LONGER STAY Tired after exploring Tiengemeten but not ready to go home? Stay the night! Herberg Tiengemeten offers luxury hotel rooms under the inn’s thatched roof. In season, you can put up a tent in the campsite in the orchard. For a longer stay, Buitenleven holiday homes are an excellent option. MORE INFORMATION: You will find all the information you need about Tiengemeten at www.natuurmonumenten.nl/tiengemeten. Here you can buy online tickets for the ferry and Speelnatuur. More questions about Tiengemeten? Send an e-mail to tiengemeten@natuurmonumenten.nl or call the general service number: 0900 – 3242526. Follow us on Facebook (Tiengemeten) and Twitter (Speelnatuur) too!
© Janko van Beek
On presentation of this voucher in the visitor centre on Tiengemeten, you can collect a lovely poster. Choose between a poster of a Highland cow or a landscape poster. As long as stocks last. Valid from April to October 2017. Maximum 1 poster per voucher.
ANCIENT FINDS on new land
How remarkable that, on the very newest bit of the Netherlands, beside Europe’s most modern port, the most unique prehistoric finds have been made! FOSSIL EXPEDITION Two Sundays a month on average, at Futureland, the information centre on Maasvlakte 2, you can join fossil-hunter Walter Langendoen on a fossil expedition to Maasvlakte beach. Walter is an experienced amateur fossil-hunter and still
hunts for fossils on Maasvlakte beach nearly every day. During a beach excursion, he explains the search for archaeological and palaeontological treasures. For example, finds like fossilised hyena droppings, mammoth bones, vole teeth and much more.
ON THE HUNT The editors decided to go along on an expedition so that we could watch and listen to Walter Langendoen ourselves. With our wellies on and our rucksacks on our backs, we join him. The excursion begins in FutureLand, where Walter has his own corner and where his finds are on display. Here you can get an idea of the sorts of things you might find, and he provides some explanation of what the participants should be looking for on the beach. We then take the FutureLand
Express coach to one of the beach access points, where the fossil-hunting can begin. We search close to the high tide line and in between the piles of shells, eyes down or simply on our knees. The excursions are nearly always fully booked and have proved popular with both young and old, and today is no different. The youngest participant is three-year-old Isabelle, who at one point shouts “I love all those stones”! The same seems to be true for many of the other participants, and the great thing of course is that we can immediately show our finds to the expert and hear what they are. We regularly hear the words “that’s just a stone”. But we also turn up a prehistoric fish tooth and a horse’s tooth (photo). 11-year-old Rosalie finds a beautiful and rare piece of coral, and a lot of flints are also discovered. We all like to stay close to Walter, because everyone wants to show him their finds straight away to hear whether or not they have found that special mammoth tooth. His expertise is
also in demand from a couple of enthusiastic fellow-hunters who have come especially to see him. They were combing the beach early this morning and actually found a hyena dropping and a baby mammoth tooth. Those are the kind of special finds we are of course also hoping for. Time flies and before we know it, our two hours are up and we have to go back to the bus. Even on the way back, we keep on automatically scouring the beach in the hope of finding something special. Back at FutureLand, Walter takes
the time to give all the collected finds a closer look! All in all, it’s a fun and educational expedition. If you would like to join one of Walter’s expeditions, you can register at www.futureland.nl. Of course you can also head out there by yourself, because you need to be on Maasvlakte beach early when you are hunting for fossils.
PREHISTORIC FIND CHECKER If you have been out fossil-hunting yourself, you can check your find at www.oervondstchecker.nl! Register you find and find location and discover how old you find could be. Experts will tell you on the forum what you have found. Moreover, you will be making a contribution to science. Based on the location of the find, the experts can identify the part of the North Sea floor where your find was dredged up along with the sand. This can lead to new understandings about the ancient history of humans and animals.
MAASVLAKTE 2 With the application of sand deep in the North Sea bottom are remnants of ancient life on the Maasvlakte beach. When sand dredged from deep in the North Sea floor was pumped up to create new land, the remains of ancient land found their way onto Maasvlakte beach. In May 2012, the beaches were opened to the public and the amateur fossilhunters came to Maasvlakte 2. Fishing vessels have in the past caught various large bones in their nets, but these fossilhunters now also find unique small finds on the beach. And so science comes to know more and more about our distant past. Because more than 10,000 years ago there was still a land bridge connecting us with England and it was possible to literally walk there. Animals such as woolly mammoths, giant deer, sabretoothed cats and hyenas did just that. Remains of these prehistoric creatures are now literally waiting to be picked up! For example, between 200,000 and 300,000 years ago, forest elephants roamed this area – and you guessed it, you can find their remains here. There are a few interesting finds in FutureLand. At Historyland, an educational centre around history in Hellevoetsluis, you can admire a much larger collection. RESEARCH While strolling the beach, Walter has found numerous fossilised hyena droppings. Because these fossils contain a wealth of information, Walter has made them available to Naturalis in Leiden where they are studied by scientists. A wealth of information is emerging about this ‘ice age’. Not only what the hyenas ate, pollen has also been found by these droppings which in turn provide information about the plant species growing at that time. And through these hyena droppings, Walter Langendoen came into contact with Arie van de Ban, the owner of Historyland in Hellevoetsluis, with whom he now works closely and where his unique finds are exhibited in a private corner.
HISTORYLAND From the Maasvlakte beach we then move on to Historyland, because we are curious about a rare find by Walter Langendoen, a sabre-toothed cat’s tooth. In a fully renovated farmhouse dating from 1947, a wonderful exhibition space has been created. This exhibition takes you back to the pleistocene era, the time when woolly mammoths roamed here. You can come face-to-face with a mammoth, a fearsome sabre-toothed cat, a cave bear or a woolly rhinoceros, which were also around at that time. You’ll also find a very extensive collection of fossils from various eras and a reconstructed mammoth skeleton made up of 184 different mammoths.
as the Stegodont (the earliest elephant species) and the head of a sabre-toothed tiger. The earliest find is 2.5 billion years old. Plenty of thought has been put into capturing the children’s imaginations – for example, they can work with tools from the Stone Age and there is an ice cave where they can go and experience the cold for themselves. On the upper floor you can see and hear a huge scale model of the fleet of Stadholder William III, who set sail from Hellevoetsluis in 1688 to go to war in England.
ARIE VAN DE BAN At Historyland, we have an appointment with Mr Arie van de Ban, the founder and creator behind this scientific museum. It all started with the history degree he only embarked on at the age of 55 and completed six years later. At a certain point he was offered a mammoth bone for sale, and then another, and so his collecting mania began, ultimately resulting in the mammoth skeleton.
THE GARDEN Outdoors, children can get busy in the special archaeological excavation fields, where they get to dig for small bones some 40,000-50,000 years old under supervision. There are a number of naval canons from the 17th century, a MiG fighter jet and a helicopter from the Cold War, and you can even sit in the cockpit. There is also an eight metre tall tower that takes further and further back in time as you walk down it, right back to the ice age starting from the present day. Or you can have your picture taken with an enormous dinosaur.
Walter’s finds on Maasvlakte beach are on display in a special area of the exhibition space. Naturally, the hyena droppings catch the eye, and the first sabre-toothed cat’s tooth also has a prominent place. They are unique for the Netherlands, but also special because they were found here on Maasvlakte beach.
A large section of the garden is taken up by the so-called permaculture, where fruit and vegetables are grown without the use of pesticides. Teaching materials on bees are available and there are plans for more fields and dwarf pigs. Visitors can stop off to enjoy refreshments in the tea garden and browse in the gift shop.
MAMMOTH Historyland has been open to the public since June 2016 and received more than 15,000 visitors in its first few months. As Mr Van de Ban says, ‘It is a proper scientific museum, but above all it’s fun. And whatever you do, don’t make the mistake of mispronouncing the name of a dinosaur here because you can expect to be instantly corrected by a sixyear-old visitor walking around with his dinosaur book under his arm’. The extensive outdoor area also features some huge dinosaurs.
These are a few of the things you can see and do in the huge outdoor area, and Arie van de Ban has lots more plans. For example, he talks enthusiastically about a World War II bunker that has been excavated on Voorne-Putten and a tank for children to clamber on. It’s clear there will always be new things to see in Historyland.
But for now we stay indoors on the mammoth steppe, where besides the mammoth there are lots more fossils to see – such
AND THERE’S MORE... At the website www.historyland.nl, you can also register for the free Tuesday evening lectures given by Arie van de Ban in the lecture theatre. On Wednesday afternoons, there are special children’s workshops given by the palaeontologist Marion Willard who helps out at Historyland as a volunteer.
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Gezellig zeilen op het Haringvliet
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Huwelijksboot De Linquenda II is een trouwlocatie. Het schip kan tijdens de huwelijksvoltrekking het water op. Dagtocht of dagdeel? U kunt ons schip reserveren voor een dag of dagdeel. Veerdienst De Linquenda II vervoert in de zomermaanden wandelaars en fietsers van en naar Middelharnis, Stellendam, Hellevoetsluis en Tiengemeten.
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Kitesurfen Open haard
ON THE PEDALS Cycle towards the horizon or check your route at the many cycle junctions. With 300 km of available cycle paths, you’ll need plenty of time. A puncture repair, a water bottle refill, a cycle map or a drink on the way? Pop into one the cycle cafés along the routes. And if you’re interested in seeing what’s on the other side, take one of the ferries which cross the waterways around the island.
RENT A BIKE? It’s easy to get around Voorne-Putten by bike or e-bike. Cycle along the smooth cycle paths past the polders, the dunes or the fortified towns and enjoy the gorgeous views. Or why not take a longer route and visit the Maasvlakte or the Landtong, where you can admire the huge sea container ships making their way to the Port of Rotterdam! The bike rental companies on Voorne-Putten have a large range of bicycles, varying from an electric bike to a good standard bike with or without gears. Children’s seats and trailers are also available to rent. www.opvoorneputten.nl/fietsverhuur CYCLE ROUTES The Style & Steel themed cycle route goes through and around Spijkenisse, where you can admire lots of modern architecture. The Voorne & Verdedigen route takes you past the various defence works on Voorne-Putten. There are ten different themed cycle routes, but you can also plan your own route using the different junctions on the cycle network. These themed routes and a map showing the cycle junctions are for sale at the Tourist Information Offices (VVV) I points in Brielle, Hellevoetsluis and the tourist information office on Dorpsplein in Rockanje. Plan your own route or download the routes at www.route.nl MOUNTAIN BIKES For those who like to a bit of a workout, there are two special mountain bike routes on Voorne-Putten. One of these is a twelve kilometre route around Oostvoornse Lake, with a varied track through lovely dunes and woods with short climbs and specially extended single tracks.
Mountain bikes can be rented from ’t Wapen van Marion, where there is a bicycle wash specially for the mountain bikers. In Uitwaayer recreation area at Spijkenisse, there is a thirteen kilometre route. This route is slightly flatter with specially built hills. In some places, you can really pick up speed, but the route also has a slightly more technical section. www.mtboostvoorne.nl www.mtbroutes.nl RECUMBENT OR ON THE TANDEM Cycling on a recumbent bike is great fun! On a recumbent bike, your position and weight distribution are different from a normal bike. You can generally reach higher speeds on a recumbent bike too. Or why not take a tandem together? However, you might want to agree on pedal speed before you set off! You can rent recumbent bikes and tandems from Outdoor Brielle. www.outdoorbrielle.nl
CYCLING CALENDAR VOORNE-PUTTEN ZHE TOUR ZHE tour It’s always a struggle cycling against the wind during the annual South Holland island tour. The exact date of the tour was not yet known when this magazine was published, but it always takes place in May. This is a lovely 160 kilometre tour over the islands. Besides catering for the elite riders, there is also an amateur tour for the talents of the future. In between these tours, various youth and kids’ tours are organised. The start and finish is in the Marrewijklaan in Spijkenisse. www.zhetour.nl
RABO WIERLERRONDE On 8 July, the 37th Rabo Wielerronde and Koppeltijdrit van Abbenbroek will be held. The Rabo Dikke Banden Race also takes place on this day. www.wielerrondevanabbenbroek.nl PROFWIELERRONDE OOSTVOORNE 3On 3 August, many professionals will again be riding the professional cycle tour of Oostvoorne, one of the best
known and most fun ride in the Netherlands. www.profrondeoostvoorne.com WIELLERRONDE ZUIDLAND This year is the 64th anniversary for the Zuidland cycle tour. Unfortunately, the date of the tour was not known at the time of publication, but it always takes place in August. www.wielerrondevanzuidland.nl
HELMEN AND HELDEN Cycle along the water, through the historic towns and villages, through the woods or the polder: the Helmen and Helden cycle route offers a range of scenery along the way. The 44.5 kilometre route can incorporate the cycle junctions or be shortened or extended. The route takes you past fortified towns, as well as the Haringvliet and the Brielse Meer. Enjoy the maritime history in Hellevoetsluis or the birds in the dune area.
Walking on Voorne-Putten has never been so attractive or easy. At the end of June 2016, the footpath network was completed with the help of many volunteer walkers. You can recognise the junctions in the network by the poles bearing yellow signs and the red two figure numbers which point to the next number The editors of this magazine decided to put their best foot forward and walked two of the routes.
SPUIMONDING WEST The nearly three hundred hectares of the Beninger Slikken nature area are to the south of Zuidland on the Haringvliet and are a haven for geese and birds like the Eurasian curlew and the bluethroat. Because of the diversity in the landscape, many species of birds feel at home here. The closure of the Haringvliet in 1970 brought an end to tidal water in the nature area. The salt water was replaced by fresh water, which changed the natural habitat. Where reeds and rushes used to cover the mudflats, there are now trees, brushwood and forbs like marsh mallow, goldenrod and marsh sowthistle. The shrubs now provided a breeding place for birds like the bluethroat and the Western marsh harrier. At the heart of the Beninger Slikken, cattle graze in the fields. Meadow birds, grey geese, barnacle geese, curlew and golden plover love these surroundings. In the winter, the nature area becomes even busier with the arrival of many wild ducks, tufted ducks and wigeon THE “POEP” WALK The walk 42, 45, 41, 42 4.5 km You can park your car at junction 42 on the Zeedijk just outside Zuidland. From here, you walk straight onto the dyke where you will see the first sign. The view here is fantastic, but you can get an even better view from the observation tower further along. The stripes on the observation tower show the level of the water in the polder during the 1953 flood. You walk past the curious sheep and in our case with two excited dachshunds, because there are also lots of rabbits and hares here, whose scent they immediately picked up. Not surprising, because it is virtually impossible to avoid the sheep and rabbit droppings on this path. The children in our group particularly loved the observation tower. Then the whole family had to climb
(using a special plank) over a fence to reach the mudflats. Here you walk on an untarmacked path, moving from sheep droppings to cowpats. However, it’s a really lovely walk with the Haringvliet on one side and the mudflats on the other, with the only sound being the gaggling of the geese and other bird sounds. It’s a good idea to wear decent walking shoes and bring some binoculars too, because halfway along the route you can view the birds in the mudflats from a bird observation point. And you will have to try the cable ferry which you can operate with a crank to get to the other side. On the way, besides the cowpats, you may also come up against the animals themselves. However, we could only see them in the distance. The last section from junction 41 is perhaps slightly less enjoyable because you are walking along a busy cycle path. But the view is still lovely and now you are much closer to the mudflats and the birds. This 4.5 kilometre route is actually only a section of a longer 15.7 kilometre route called Flieren en Fluiten. This route also includes the village of Zuidland and you pass the Bernisse recreation area and walk through the polders. BEARS AND WOLVES The Beerenplaat and Wolvenpolder are in the most easterly tip of Voorne-Putten island. To set your mind at rest: you won’t meet any bears or wolves on this walk. The Beerenplaat water treatment and the associated reservoirs were named after the word ‘beer’ which means dyke, not bear in this case. Nor have wolves ever been spotted on the Wolvendijk in the Wolvenpolder, but you will find the Wolvenstee on this dyke. This is one of the biggest farms on Voorne-Putten and was named after Mr de Wolf, a former owner. The Wolvenpolder and the Beerenplaat are natural areas featuring water, marshlands and fields. There is a diversity between wet and dry areas, but the area is mainly within the dyke, so there’s no ebb and flow. The heart of the area is pure water nature. Around that wet heart are lovely footpaths, providing endless walks. From the paths and the birdwatching hide, you can spot many species of birds, like bitterns, wigeon, kingfishers and sedge warblers. In various places, there are extra large chairs where you can rest and enjoy the view.
See for yourself! Historyland Hellevoetsluis
An adventurous journey through time
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Camping ‘t Weergors
Zuiddijk 2, 3221 LJ Hellevoetsluis 0181-312430 | www.weergors.nl | info@weergors.nl
The walk (junctions 41, 45, 43, 40, 44, 43 and again 41: 3.5 km kilometres) We start our route at the end of the Kerkhofsedijk. This isn’t somewhere we often come, but we reach our destination safely after a slightly hesitant drive. We arrived via the ferry at Hekelingen and after the Aaldijk, you follow the Kerkhofsedijk as local traffic. It’s then quite a relief to be welcomed by the walking information signs and immediately the first junction signpost. To be honest, it’s not the best weather for a walk. It’s a windy autumn day and it’s quiet in this recreation area where the municipality is still busy planting new trees. Here too, there are lots of birds and we see several mountain bikers following the MTB route. So we embark on the walk, accompanied by an excitable dog! We start from junction 41, at the Rhoonse Veer. You can see the Hoeksche Waard ahead, which is where the Spui ends in the Old Meuse. The first part is the recreation area and to your left you can see the Wolvenpolder and the Wolvenstee, the biggest farm on Voorne-Putten. On your right, you may be overtaken by mountain bikers. From junction 45, however, you find yourself on a very sheltered and today, a rather muddy footpath through the reeds and past lots of pollard willow trees. A nice green area with plenty of benches so that you can stop and enjoy the view. The last section takes you past the Waterzuivering and the Beerenplaats settlement, which
This was only part of the Beren & Wolvenroute. The whole route covers 8.7 km. and takes you through the Wolvenpolder and recreation area De Uitwaayer. THEMED ROUTES There are ten different themed routes with tips and information about the area you are walking in. But you could easily plan a route yourself using the map and make the walk as long or short as you want. The map and the themed routes can be downloaded via www.opvoorneputten.nl under the heading walks and are also for sale from the Tourist Information Office (VVV) in Rockanje and the VVV I Points in Brielle and Hellevoetsluis.
consists of a farmstead and several bungalows. The residents all work for the drinking water company. Here we suddenly see the street sign ‘Johan van Oldenbarnveltweg’ with an historic text underneath: Dijkgraaf polder De Oude and Nieuwe Uitslag van Putten 1612-1615. We’ve checked some information for you: Johan van Oldenbarnevelt (1547-1619) was the (very) famous Grand Pensionary of the States-General during the Eighty Years’ War (1568-1648). He acted as (outer) dyke reeve of the polder De Oude and Nieuwe Uitslag van Putten during the period 1612–1615 and probably also before 1612 and after 1615.
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Ons restaurant is vanaf 18 maart, donderdag, vrijdag, zaterdag en zondag, vanaf 15:00 uur geopend! Vanaf 1 juni dagelijks vanaf 15:00 uur. Uiteraard kunt u op deze dagen van onze bezorgsevice gebruik maken of het zelf komen ophalen.
Gorslaan 25 (molecatenpark Kruininger Gors} 3223 XB Oostvoorne I Tel.: 487630 0181 www.hetgorspaviljoen.nl / info@hetgorspaviljoen.nl
Every day is a beautiful day on the beach at Voorne-Putten! Sun, sea, sand, wind and beach are the perfect combination to get nice and active. Stand up paddle boarding, kite surfing, longboarding, skateboarding or flyboarding are just some of the many activities that will give you a real holiday feeling on Voorne-Putten. WINDSURFING Windsurfing gives you the ultimate sense of freedom. So on windy days, it gets pretty busy on Oostvoorne lake. Beginners and advanced windsurfers and those returning to the sport can indulge. The lake’s proximity to the sea means there is nothing to break the often stiff south-westerly winds. And if you prefer even more challenging winds, head for Brielle lake and the Haringvliet. www.brunottibeachclub.com www.natural-high.nl SUPPING Stand up paddle boarding is a form of surfing, but instead of lying down and paddling with your hands, you stand on the board holding a paddle. Oostvoorne lake, Brielle lake and the beach at Rockanje are perfect locations for ‘supping’. Together with family, friends or colleagues, or just paddling on your own, it’s the ultimate way to enjoy the water – and it’s also good for your body, because you use 95% of your muscles during stand up paddle boarding. www.brunottibeachclub.com POWER KITING One of the most popular beach sports is power kiting. You use the kite the way you remember from your childhood, except it’s a rather larger version. You don’t have to run to get a power kite off the ground. The wind naturally lifts the big screen into the air, which you can then steer using four strong lines. Steering the power kite calls for control and is a good step towards kite surfing. As you do it, you learn how the kite moves on the wind. And once you’ve got that, fun is guaranteed! In good weather, you can let the kite tow you across the water or join a team of six people for the challenge of controlling a 23 square metre mega power kite and relax as you work out! . www.learnkiteboardingnow.com www.brunottibeachclub.com www.natural-high.nl
KITE SURFING The popular and fantastic water sport of kite surfing just keeps on growing and growing. It has become the most popular activity on the North Sea beach. The sport, a combination of kiting and surfing, is easy to learn and has become increasingly safe in recent years. Depending on the wind, the water off the beaches at Rockanje, Oostvoorne or Maasvlakte is perfect for kite surfing. You can also take lessons. The certified teachers will make sure you master kite surfing quickly and safely. Not sure you fancy the high speeds and big leaps of kite surfing? You can still enjoy watching the spectacle of numerous kites ‘dancing’ on the wind. www.naturalhigh.nl www.brouwersdam.nl
SURFING All the board sports you come across nowadays can be traced back to surfing. The boards have become faster and faster and ever more agile. Maasvlakte’s North Sea coast is the ideal place to enjoy the speed of the wave. It’s perfect for surfers young and old – even the pros love it here. FLYBOARDING Move in, above and below the water! Feel the thrill and freedom as you soar above the water. Fly where you want to go and nose dive into the water before shooting out again, 15 metres above the surface, thanks to a hose through which water is forced under pressure. Fun for young and old, this is a pursuit for participating in but very much also for watching. The Haringvliet and the very clean waters of Brielle lake are favourite spots for flyboarding.
WATER SKIING, WAKEBOARDING OR KNEEBOARDING The Haringvliet and Brielle lake offer every opportunity for water skiing sports. Hanging on behind a speeding boat, riding its bow wave – there’s no better way to experience the freedom of the water. Make a spectacular jump from the ramp, ski a figure or do a slalom. There are various ski schools dotted along the Haringvliet and Brielle lake, offering everything the modern water skier expects. SAILING With the wind in your hair and the sun on your face, let yourself be guided by the power of nature. Enjoy a world from the water, discover places you couldn’t otherwise easily get to. It’s wonderful sailing on the waters of Brielle lake, the Haringvliet, the Spui and the North Sea. And when you want a break from sailing or when the wind drops, you can tie up at one of the jetties or drop anchor and savour a truly peaceful moment. DIVING Oostvoorne lake is one of the Netherlands’ most popular dive sites for recreational divers. The lake is more than forty metres deep in some places and the water is particularly clear. The lake is best known for its underwater park, with numerous objects scattered there. Follow the tyre tracks to bits of old wrecks, sculptures, a forest of piles, a UFO and a few other surprises.
The Haringvliet is not bad for diving either. Visibility is variable, but it can sometimes be up to eight metres. There are beautiful basalt blocks and oyster banks on the sandy floor and eels do well there. Once the Haringvliet locks come into service in 2018, there will be much greater variation in the local underwater world.
the water. There are numerous superb water sports activities on offer and you can park your car or camper van directly on the banks of the lake at Kabbelaarsbank. Say the name Brouwersdam and you’ll see a big smile appear on the faces of windsurfers all over the world. Immediately after the completion of the Brouwersdam in 1971, the area spontaneously developed into a favourite location for windsurfers. It is one of the most important surf spots in the world, where the often fierce south-westerly winds, easy parking and salty, clear water attract many enthusiasts. It is home-from-home to many water sports heroes and avid windsurfers meet there in all weathers. The shallow lake beside the Brouwersdam Sailing & Surf Centre is a favourite site for both windsurfing beginners and advanced freestyle windsurfers. CANOEING The Bernisse waterway and Brielle lake are perfect for canoeing. Enjoy the view of the banks, alternately covered with high or low woodland, from the water. Paddle to the ports of Zwartewaal or Brielle. Watch the many birds and enjoy the natural beauty of the Bernisse. www.opvoorneputten.nl/zien-en-doen/sport-en-actief
BROUWERSDAM GOEREE-OVERFLAKKEE Welcome to Kabbelaarsbank; the ‘inside’ of Brouwersdam on Grevelingen lake has long been a top spot for windsurfers and sailors. Europe’s biggest saltwater lake offers optimum conditions for an active and relaxing day in, on and beside
SAILING AND BODY SLIDING OFF THE WATER JUMP Like windsurfing, sailing is inextricably associated with De Grevelingen. On a fine day, you’ll see lots of boats sailing on the lake. The most spectacular attraction on Brouwersdam is the Water Jump. This ‘ski-jump’, almost eight metres high and with three separate slides, stands on the banks of Grevelingen lake, right next to the terrace of Brouwersdam Sailing & Surf Centre. For anyone who dares, a leap off the Water Jump offers a sensational and refreshing plunge into the water! For more information: www.brouwersdam.nl
Sint Pietersweg 5 - 3244 LP NIEUWE TONGE www.vakantieopflakkee.nl
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Viswinkel Ouddorp Weststraat 12-14 I 3253AR Ouddorp Tel: 0187-845229 https://www.facebook.com/Haringkraam/
Reeweg 18 1394 JD Nederhorst den Berg Telefoon 0294 25 85 25 www.lamme.nl
Voorne-Putten is known as one of the areas with the highest fish concentration in the Netherlands and is a paradise for anglers. From wreck fishing, fly fishing to belly boat fishing, from fishing in the polder, on a lake, a ditch or canal, these are all options on Voorne-Putten.
FISHING / ANGLING SALTWATER Since the construction of the second Maasvlakte, extra beaches have been created along the fifteen kilometre long coastline around Voorne-Putten. On these beaches, there is also a lot of sea fishing. When there’s an onshore wind, the fish come to take advantage of the abundant sand eel, and that can produce good hauls. From Hellevoetsluis, angling boats regularly sail out to (wreck) fish on the North Sea EUROPOORT In the middle of Rotterdam Europoort area, you will find the best fishing places. In the busy port, you can catch all the fish which also swim in the North Sea, fishing from the wharf or from a dyke. The advantage is that you are fishing directly in deep water. And if the fish won’t bite? Then you can always admire the huge container ships. HARTELKANAAL Particularly in summer, the Hartelkanaal is an excellent place to fish for sea bass. Sea bass are easiest to catch when there is a current in the canal, so it’s a good idea to monitor the tides. In the summer months, you can also regularly spot big mullet on the waterside of the Hartelkanaal. They are also looking for food and are easy to catch with some bread under the float. Other fish which you may come across in the canal include bot, mullet, eel and sea bass.
HARINGVLIET The water in the Haringvliet is an exceptionally rich source of fish. Large numbers of common bream, eel and carp can be caught from a boat or from the bank at Oudenhoorn. Even sea trout may make an appearance because the locks of the Haringvlietdam are open. BRIELSE MEER The trees and the woods on the banks of the Brielse Meer create a sheltered place to fish. The tranquil islands are very popular with fishermen. In the lake, you can catch snoek and bream. In winter, the whitefish enter Brielle harbour in droves so that there’s plenty of fishing then too. OOSTVOORNSE MEER The Oostvoornse Meer is ideal for the fly fisher. In some places, the lake is over forty-three metres deep. That means that even in summer, there is cool and oxygen-rich water available for the trout. These favourable conditions can attract trout of record-breaking sizes. The lake is ideal for fishing from a belly boat or from the piers.
OUDE MAAS, VONDELINGENWEG Fish by the Vondelingenweg in between and next to the ships which sail along the old River Meuse and catch common dab, whiting, sea bass, scrod, flounder or sole. In the Old Meuse, a lot of fresh water from the rivers flows towards the sea, so you can catch both saltwater and freshwater fish here CANAL THROUGH VOORNE The canal that separates Voorne and Putten islands is famous for the huge shoals of whitefish which swim here. The canal is easily accessible by car and with over two hundred jetties, is perfect for the fisherman. In the canal that connects the Haringvliet with the Voedingskanaal, (inter)national fishing competitions are regularly held.
BERNISSE Minnows are the main catch in the green surroundings of the Bernisse. The quality of the water here is excellent, so the Bernisse is therefore well stocked with fish. The water is generally between 1.5 and 2.5 metres in depth, but you can fish wading from the side in most lakes. Around the Bernisse, there is plenty of parking, so you are never far from the water. There is also a very extensive network of cycle paths connecting both sides of the water by means of bridges. As motor vehicles are not allowed on the Bernisse, it is very peaceful by the water. In this lovely recreation area with its creeks and rivers, a trout lake has been created. Here you can fish for catfish and American striper bass.
Heenvliet. However, you can fish on the banks which have already been released. Due to its lovely position between the two villages and looking out over the port of Rotterdam, fishing on the former sandpit is a unique experience.
THE SPUI Due to its very strong current, the Spui River provides a real fishing challenge. Fishing in the current is not easy, but great fun if you have a strong rod. Once you get a bite, you will often find an ide or a minnow on your hook.
PERMITS In order to fish on Voorne-Putten island, you need a fishing permit or pass. For more information about the fishing areas and the permits: www.onsgenoegen.mijnhengelsportvereniging.nl www.hsphetvoornsekanaal.mijnhengelsportvereniging.nl www.hvdewatergeus.nl www.zeenaald.nl www.sportvisserijnederland.nl/vispas
RAMPART MOATS AND POLDERS Don’t want to fish too far away from the civilised world? Come to the fortified towns of Brielle and Hellevoetsluis. The walls offer a perfect spot for fishing. Looking for somewhere peaceful? You can fish in the lovely polders which are present on Voorne-Putten island. Fish like common rudd, tench and Crucian carp are found in large numbers here.
PUT VAN HEENVLIET A lot of work is still being carried out at the Put van Heenvliet recreation area between the villages of Zwartewaal and
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From 20 to 24 June 2017, the big international fish event, the World Predator Classic, will be held in Hellevoetsluis. This event attracts participants from all over the world to the Haringvliet. The participants take boats onto the water and try to catch as many predator fish as possible. Besides the competition, there are lots of programmes featuring music and activities, also for children. The event is organised by Angling Spirit in partnership with various international magazines and businesses related to the fishing industry. The event gets a lot of publicity through TV broadcasts, film and magazines.
The canon in the fortress gives the starting shot for the competition. There are 60 boats in the competition, with 2 fisherman on each boat. Crankbait is used as bait to catch pike perch, perch and snoek. THE PROGRAMME: 20th Official event opening with parade and canon firing 21st Day 1 of the competition. 22nd Day 2 of the competition. 23rd Rest day for competitors and media/ sponsors promo day 24th Final day of comp and prize giving www.worldpredatorclassic.com
Who wants to sit still when there is so much to do? You can play mini golf on a splendid golf course or exciting glowin-the-dark mini golf, hunt for shells on the beach or dig up historic mammoth bones, climb in the woods or up a rope in the indoor playground. You’ll probably run out of time trying to pack it all in. Head out into the great outdoors on Voorne-Putten!
DISCOVER A DESERT ISLAND Always wanted to visit a desert island? If so, head for the ‘t Meerkoetje play island in Brielle lake and go looking for secret spots! You can get nice and dirty here, and if you fall off the barge, you can just swim to the side. The pump on the other bank even lets you pump your own water to set other parts of the water play device in motion. You’ll find the water playground at Staaldiepseweg in Brielle. Follow the signs to ‘zwemlocatie’ www.nederlandsezwembaden.nl/waterspeeltuin/brielle/ brielse-meer
PLAY WOODS AND BEACH Playing, romping, splashing – or how about a game of beach volleyball? You can do them all in the play woods and on the beach of the De Krabbeplaat campsite. The play woods are situated beside Brielle lake, perfect for a cooling dip after a heated battle. www.krabbeplaat.nl VRIJHEIDSBOS In the Vrijheidsbos beside Brielle lake, you can not only walk in the woods, you can also scramble and climb in the naturally landscaped play areas or follow the barefoot path. When strolling through the woods, you’ll see panels alongside the path with poems by famous poets, as well as some by children from primary schools in Brielle. www.vrijheidsbos.nl
ACTIVITY ROUTES Starting from the Tenellaplas visitor centre, various challenging activity routes have been marked out for children. You set off with a bag full of useful aids – view water creatures with a magnifying glass or follow your compass towards the ‘Beestenboel’ adventure trail. Along the way, you’ll collect all kinds of images of animals that live in the dunes. And for the little ones, there is the gnome path. www.zuidhollandslandschap.nl/Bezoekerscentrum-Tenellaplas
ADVENTURE The Braband playground park in Spijkenisse is an adventurous nature playground with trees for climbing and clambering on, a zip line and a toddler castle. And it’s not just for sunny days, because when it rains or the ground is wet, you can play in the mud between two of the three play mounds. There are also real Indian tepees made of willow. There are also plenty of benches where parents or carers can sit and enjoy the fun. The playground is designed for children aged between four and twelve. www.speeltuinparkbraband.webklik.nl OUTDOOR Like being active outdoors? Then why not try out archery, recumbent cycling, paint-balling or raft trips along Brielle lake or in Westvoorne? Take your equipment to the other side by
canoe and start building your raft there. Follow the coordinates on your GPS device and be led to the finest nature of Voorne-Putten. www.outdoorbrielle.nl www.outdoorwestvoorne.nl PETTING There are a number of petting zoos on Voorne-Putten where you can pet all kinds of animals. In Hellevoetsluis, there is also a nature playground beside the children’s farm called Het Wilde Weide Speelbos, with plenty of space to play to your heart’s content. Just outside the fortifications of Brielle lies De Dierenweide, a farm where children, teenagers and adults can enjoy nature, the animals and the outdoor life. At Agathahoeve in Oostvoorne, you can get to know the animals, help care for them, pet them or simply have a good
play. De Trotse Pauw petting zoo is a little oasis of green right in the centre of Spijkenisse. It’s a nice spot where you can easily make contact with animals, meet people, enjoy yourself and learn an awful lot. www.dekerkestee.nl www.ipsedebruggen.nl/zorglocatie/66/de-dierenweide/ www.gemiva-svg.nl/43531/Agathawerk.html www.vriendenvandetrotsepauw.nl AQUASPLASH Know how to swim and not afraid of getting wet? Then get down to Aquapark Splash in Hellevoetsluis! At this water park, you can jump into the water from an ‘iceberg’ or a tower, there is a trampoline and all kinds of water play equipment. For the little ones there is the mini-splashpark and the electric boats. Curious? Come have fun at Aquapark Splash! www.aquaparksplash.nl
FUTURELAND In the middle of the most modern port area in the world is the Futureland information centre, which revolves around the construction and design of Maasvlakte 2. Enjoy fantastic views of the new terminals from the panorama deck. Dive into the brainbox, a three-person touchscreen, to discover all the secrets of Maasvlakte 2. And if you would prefer to travel through Maasvlakte virtually in the year 2035, you can skim past the enormous container cranes on a hoverboard! But you can also go on an expedition on board the Future Land express for a special bus tour of this new piece of the Netherlands or reserve a seat on the boat and experience Maasvlakte 2 from the water! www.futureland.nl
SWIMMING POOLS Besides plenty of opportunities to swim in nature, Voorne-Putten also has various swimming pools; swimming isn’t just fun, it’s also very healthy. In the swimming pools on Voorne-Putten, you can enjoy recreational swimming, sit in a lovely hot tub or swim lengths in one of the competition pools. Bernissebad Heenvliet, www.bernissebad.nl De Dukdalf Brielle, www.dukdalfbrielle.nl De Eendraght Hellevoetsluis, www.eendraght.nl Rivierabad Spijkenisse, www.optisport.nl/rivierabad.nl De Meander Oostvoorne, www.westvoorne.nl/accomodaties/zwembad_43485 ‘t Molengors Zuidland www.zwembadmolengors.nl Zwembad Zuiderdiep, Stellendam, www.zuiderdiep.nl
STRIKE! Feeling like a relaxing and enjoyable excursion? Bowling is great fun for young and old. For the little ones, there are bumpers so that every ball hits the pins, and the points are automatically totted up by the computer. www.bowlingspijkenisse.nl www.bowlinghellevoetsluis.nl PLAY PARADISE For a whole day of fun, get down to Monkeytown in Spijkenisse or De Ballenbak in Brielle. At these brilliant indoor playgrounds, you’ll have a whale of a time on the bouncy castles and trampolines, climbing and clambering over or under a range of playground equipment, sliding or crawling through challenging tunnels and secret passages. Whatever the weather, it’s always bags of fun! www.monkeytown.eu www.ballenbak.nl/brielle
ne t i u b l vo g a d Een innenpret! en b SPEELWIJCK Naast o.a. de grote buitenspeeltuin, havenspeeltuin en de verkeerstuin, hebben wij ook het grootste speelhuis van Nederland met 2.000 m2 binnenpret. DIERENWIJCK Je kunt nu nog dichter bij de dieren komen in onze compleet vernieuwde dierentuin. Hier kun je ze voelen, ruiken, zien & horen én kom je alles over ze te weten. WANDELWIJCK Een mooie plek om tussen de middag lekker te picknicken. KORTOM Alle ingrediënten voor een heerlijk uitstapje met de hele familie. Of natuurlijk voor een onvergetelijk kinderfeestje! Alvast een voorproefje nemen? Kijk dan op www.plaswijckpark.nl.
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REGIO TIENGEMETEN On the island of Tiengemeten in the Haringvliet you’ll find a huge natural playground, more than 45 hectares of trees, streams, flowers, blubber and animals. Build cabins and rafts, construct dams in a stream, stalk frogs, wander around the maze or crawl through tunnels. You can do it all on the various play islands and in Waterrijk. The elements of nature are your toys. Tiengemeten nature playground is a roughand-tumble day out for the whole family. www.tiengemeten.nl
ADVENTUREDOME Go on a journey of discovery, pretend to be a pirate, brace yourself for a laser gaming session or dive into the underwater world of the glow-in-the-dark golf course. With a soft play area for the little ones and a unique climbing frame nearly 7 metres tall; there is something for all ages to enjoy. Besides all the indoor activities, you can also go nuts outdoors, zoom down the zip line, crawl through a tunnel fort many metres long or test your endurance on the assault course. www.adventuredome.nl
NEELTJE JANS In the Neeltje Jans Delta Park you can learn all about the history of the Delta Works and the power of wind and water. Step inside the hurricane machine and feel the power of a hurricane or take a boat trip on the Oosterschelde to the Delta Works. You might get to see seals and porpoises from the boat. Visit the sea lion show and the beautiful Bluereef Aquarium Zeeland, or slide down the big slide in the water playground in a little boat. www.neeltjejans.nl
WINTER SPORTS AND ADVENTURE Holland Indoor Sport is the place to be for indoor skiing and snowboarding. Ski instructors are on hand and thanks to the adjustable speed, skiers and snowboarders from beginner to competition level can learn and improve their technique. The options also include survival and climbing – there are two courses over 30 metres long with 14 different obstacles hanging from the seven-metre high ceiling. www.hollandindoorsport.nl MINI GOLF AND CHILDREN’S PLAYGROUND Play on an 18-hole miniature golf course in the beautiful nature of the Bernisse, or take the zip line from one swing to another. Have a go on the carousel or the hamster wheel. And after all of these activities, you can tuck into a lovely pancake. www.pannekoekenbakker.nl CRAZYGOLF Crazy golf gives mini golf a whole new dimension. The glowin-the-dark mini golf takes you on an adventure through the murky jungle with life-like tigers, monkeys and other animals. The blacklight not only lights up the decor but also the clubs and golf balls. www.crazy-golf.nl
R.T.M OUDORP From 1898 to the 1960s, steam trams of the Rotterdamse Tramweg Maatschappij ran between Rotterdam and the Zuid-Holland Islands. The museum displays the rolling stock used on these tram lines. You can also take a ride through the dunes of Ouddorp and across Brouwersdam. You can find the timetable on the museum’s website. www.rtm-ouddorp.nl
DE MÈKKERSTEE Walk among the goats and farm animals at De Mèkkerstee. Watch goats being milked and play in the farm’s playground. In between times, you can enjoy delicious homemade ice cream and organic goat’s cheese and see it all being made at De Mèkkerstee in Ouddorp. Experience the charm of life on the farm! www.demekkerstee.nl “DE FLIPJES” “De Flipjes” in Ouddorp is not just any playground. The kids can spend a whole day playing here on the seesaws, roundabouts, slides and zip lines while their parents or carers relax on one of the many benches right by the play equipment. www.speeltuindeflipjes.nl
DE BEESTENBOEL De Beestenboel children’s farm in Rozenburg is a popular place for young and old to relax, learn, help and play. The children’s playground features modern playground equipment, while the ‘t Vliertje tea house offers all kinds of tasty refreshments. www.beestenboel-rozenburg.nl FAUNAPARK FLAKKEE Faunapark Flakkee is a beautiful park full of flora and fauna where everyone can really enjoy themselves. The park has a wide variety of animals such as parakeets, birds of prey, capybaras and kangaroos. In the park, you can also enjoy the children’s playground, play mini golf or have fun hunting for clues. www.faunaparkflakkee.nl
DIERGAARDE BLIJDORP In Rotterdam’s Diergaarde Blijdorp zoo, you can go on a journey of discovery past all kinds of fun, odd and special animals. You may find yourself standing face-to-face with a camel or see gorillas at play on their green island. You can also explore the seafloor without a mask and snorkel and investigate coastal zones in the Oceanium. But there’s much more to experience too, such as the beautiful ‘Amazonica’ butterfly garden and the giant Amazon water lily. www.diergaardeblijdorp.nl FAMILY PARK PLASWIJCKPARK Speelwijck Our playground offers plenty of fun and excitement! Try the super fast Kangaroetsjjj, take a seat in our old fashioned carrousel and fly over the water in the cable car. The water bikes, climbing towers, (giant) swings and lots more playground equipment also offer enjoyment for all ages. In the big traffic garden, try out our go-karts. You’ll meet all kinds of things on the way! Feeling hot after driving the go-karts? Come and splash in the harbour playground. Or copy the vari monkeys on the monkey island and try out the challenging monkey playground. Het Huis in de Heuvel The Huis in de Heuvel, the biggest playhouse in the Netherlands! Trampolining on the beds in the bedroom. Spraying the bathroom with bath foam. Crawling through secret tunnels and corridors. In other words, go crazy! In Plaswijckpark family park, you can! Dierenwijck In the totally refurbished Plaswijckpark zoo, you will find over 50 different types of animals like monkeys and wallabies. Some are familiar, like the black swans and otters, but have you ever seen a vari, a rhea or an alpaca? Wandelwijck Are you looking for a nice spot for a picnic lunch on the grass or on one of the many picnic tables? Then Wandelwijck is the place to be. Familiepark Plaswijckpark Ringdijk 20 • 3053 KS Rotterdam • Tel: 010 - 4181836 Email: info@plaswijckpark.nl • www.plaswijckpark.nl Opening hours: 10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Tickets: 2-64 years € 12.00 • 65+ € 8.00 SPIDO Experience a special cruise among the busy traffic of ships and barges in Europe’s biggest port. During the harbour cruise, you will see Rotterdam’s impressive skyline with its imposing buildings slide by. For an unforgettable impression of this busy global port, extended sightseeing cruises are highly recommended. www.spido.nl
HORSES Keen horse riders will be in their element on Voorne-Putten. All over the island, there are lovely bridleways taking you through the woods, polders, dunes and obviously the beach. Gallop over the beach at sunset and enjoy nature in all its glory.
ON HOLIDAY WITH YOUR HORSE Would you like to explore Voorne-Putten on your own horse? If so, choose accommodation with stabling facilities. Midicamping van der Burgh is a modern, rural campsite with all the amenities you need, including stabling and access to a field. From the campsite, you ride over the bridge straight into the St. Anna woods. During the holidays and at weekends, children can have a free pony ride in the pony cart. Every Tuesday evening, there is the opportunity to ride in the outdoor arena near St. Annabos. Here children can ride circuits, under supervision. The campsite also has a children’s farm with goats, deer, ducks, chicken and rabbits. www.midicamping.nl
B&B Iets Anders in Oostvoorne is located on an attractive country estate with an orchard. A unique feature is the opportunity to bring your horse with you on holiday. You stay in a modern and luxury apartment, while your horse is in stables on the site. In the local surroundings, there are various footpaths, cycle and car routes as well as bridle paths. The perfect combination of a holiday for you and your horse! www.iets-anders.info
The Iron Horse Ranch is more than a stable and livery where you “just” go horse riding. The ranch has two indoor arenas and one outdoor arena. The ranch is situated near the beach at Hellevoetsluis and Rockanje, where you can ride all year round. For an attractive price, you can stable your horse or pony and use all the facilities. Of course, your horse gets unlimited hay and the box is also cleaned, so that you can optimally enjoy your holiday! www.ironhorseranch.nl MANEGE STAL FLICKA. Trekking is not only fun in the summer. At the equestrian centres on Voorne-Putten, you can do treks all year round.
Treks are organised for both inexperienced and experienced riders. These vary in length and type, depending on the rider’s level. To determine your riding level, you may be asked to demonstrate your skills. On the longer treks, you ride through the dunes, along the beach and through the woods - a wonderful trek through the countryside of Voorne-Putten. www.manegestalflicka.nl
RIDING ON THE BEACH Horses are allowed on the beach all year round from the Haringvlietdam to Oostvoorne, except for the beach at Badstrand Rockanje which is out of bounds between 1 April and 1 October. A bridleway has been created behind the Badstrand to create an interrupted trek from the Haringvlietdam to Oostvoorne, with access to and exit from the beach. There are several more bridleways around the beach. RIDING IN THE BERNISSE In Bernisse recreational area, horse riding is generally allowed on the cycle paths and footpaths. For exceptions, read the information signs in the area. Bernisse bridleway consists of a signposted trail which leads past Abbenbroek and Zuidland.
spectacle and starts at 7.00 a.m., with the traders leaving at noon. There are various activities over Whitsun, from 2 to 5 June. These include the regionally famous fair, the art market, the sculpture garden and the bustling annual market. For the programme, visit the website. www.paardenmarkt-heenvliet.nl
RIDING IN THE UITWAAYER There are two bridleways in the Uitwaayer. The signposts at the start of this nature and recreational area indicate where the paths are. Outside the bridleways, riding is not allowed in the Uitwaayer. www.facebook.com/VPRuiterpaden
RING STABBING ROCKANJE One of the most popular annual events in Rockanje is the ringsteken. This year, the event takes place on Sunday 25 June. The competitors gallop around the ring on draught horses and try to pierce a lance through a ring. During the
HEENVLIET HORSE MARKET The traditional horse market in Heenvliet is the main annual event in the region for horse lovers. On Whit Monday, many people get up early to watch the horses arrive. Before the horses are actually allowed on the market place, they are inspected by the market regulator. The horses are then lined up under the trees in the shade. The familiar “loven en bieden� (bartering) between the traders is an interesting
competition, an announcer provides a running commentary and explains the rules of ring tilting to the audience. During the interval, children on ponies from Manege Stal Flicka continue the ring tilting and there is an opportunity to go and see the draught horses. There is also a busy market presenting old crafts like basket making, eel smoking and you can see a blacksmith at work. www.trekpaardenteamrockanje.nl
Buitenrit maken?
Geniet van een heerlijke dag te paard
Manege Stal Flicka heeft een uitstekende buitenrit voor ervaren en onervaren ruiter Deze rit neemt u mee door het prachtige Voorne. tijdens deze rit wordt veel gestapt en een aantal malen gedraafd. Veel ervarig is niet noodzakelijk voor deze rit, wel zult u zelf het paard “besturen”. Als u ervaring heeft is het vanzelfsprekend veiliger en makelijker voor zowel u als het paard. Buitenrit duurt ongeveer een uur en hangt een beetje af van het niveau van de ruiters. Als u niet zeker bent of u kunt deelnemen aan deze rit, raden wij u aan een les te volgen op de manege. Met elke rit gaat een ervaren gediplomeerde begeleider mee. U bent dus altijd in goede handen. Al onze paarden zijnbetrouwbaar en braaf. Met grote regelmaat maken zij buitenritten met zowel volwassenen als kinderen, mogelijk vanaf een leeftijd van 10 jaar. Kosten buitenrit € 25,00 per persoon Manege Stal Flicka I Achterdijk 10 I 3223 LA Hellevoetsluis info@manegestalflicka.nl I www.manegestalflicka.nl
Action, Adventure and Joy
(Girls) Paintball New activity: Airsoft, Archery Tag and Recumbent bikes
Kids Paintball
Highland games
Recumbent Bikes
Party for: business friends family kids Lunch Barbecue
Djembé GPS-tour Canoeing Archery Sumo- wrestling
Golf is a great sport, suitable for everyone: children, grownups, seniors, families and people with a handicapp. Golf can be played whenever you wish, with whom you wish, where you want and how you want, in team sport of recreational. Everyone can practice individually, with a lot or little ambition. Also in our area golf is becoming a more popular sport. On Voorne-Putten and Goeree-Overflakkee there are two golf courses, Kleiburg and Catharineburg.
BRIELLE Kleiburg In Brielle you will find the Golfclub Kleiburg. This golf club is an 18 hours golf courses with A status, a driving range, putting green and chipping green. The club has a golf school, golf shop, restaurant and terrace.. Materials can be rented. Handicarts are not allowed on this golf course. The golf course is opened everyday with different opening times, depending on the season. The driving range is opened longer on working days. Golfclub Kleiburg is a 18 holes par 72 A-status course with a length of 5297 meters from the mens tee and 4917 meters from the ladies tee. The course is located in the recreational area Brielse Meer with northern side towards the industry. Some dikes determine part of the image of a few of the holes.
MELISSANT Catharinenburg ’Catharinenburg has a 18 holes golf course that you can consider as a dike course, a 9 holes, qualifying handicap 54 to 37, par-3 course, Indoor golf, a lesson and practice part with royal driving range, putting greens, chip- and pitch field and sand- and grass bunkers. The golf course is opened seven days per week and is accessible for everyone with a GVB- or EGA- handicap. Catharinenburg is the home course for the Golf Club Roxenisse, but also golfers from outside the region come to play on this challenging course. Golf course Catharinenburg, except for groups, have no reservation possibilities. Starting point is determined by using a ball in a spiral. Always check the website if the golf course is open. Under the button from the caddy master are the information/communications. www.catharinenburg.nl
SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION Looking for somewhere out of the ordinary to stay? You’ll find special, romantic and unusual accommodation on Voorne-Putten here. Unforgettable, original and totally different!
UNWIND Create beautiful memories with the whole family in an attractive holiday home – starting from just one night. At Resort Citta Romana, you are welcome every day of the week. The resort is surrounded by greenery, beaches and water, but it’s also just 30 minutes from the popular city of Rotterdam. You can relax completely in the sauna, massage parlour, beauty salon and heated swimming pool. www.cittaromana.com
PAMPERING In need of a lovely pampering weekend? Check in for a relaxing stay in one of the new suites at the ‘t Wapen van Marion hotel also in Oostvoorne and unwind in its wonderful spa. Enjoy the hotel’s wellness centre with a Turkish bath, Scandinavian sauna, infrared sauna and massage facilities. There is also an indoor swimming pool and a hot tub. www.wapenvanmarion.nl ON THE FARM Space, tranquillity and hospitality – all are in abundant supply at this rurally situated, beautifully decorated farmhouse built in 1900 just outside the centre of Hellevoetsluis. Bed & Breakfast Hellevoetsluis has five comfortable rooms and two gypsy wagons. The rural and rustic atmosphere of both the accommodation and the surroundings guarantee a pleasant stay, a good night’s sleep and a delicious breakfast every day! www.bedandbreakfasthellevoetsluis.nl
PIPOLETTE Camping in a gypsy wagon is an experience you won’t quickly forget! Just the sight of the Pipolette at the ‘t Weergors campsite will give you a holiday feeling. The Pipolette is very comfortable too. Camping in the Pipolette is camping in nostalgic style with plenty of comfort. Sitting on the covered platform is the very best way to experience this unique accommodation. Each of the two cosy cupboard beds contains a double bed. The Pipolette is an ideal holiday accommodation with room for 4 people. www.weergors.nl ADVENTURE Going camping with your parents is, of course, already a great adventure, but what could be better than having a playground paradise at your disposal? At the De Quack campsite, you’ll find the Adventuredome – you won’t know what to do first! Laser gaming, wall-climbing, clambering, sliding, glowin-the-dark mini golf plus an enormous outdoor playground. Naturally, you can sleep in the various chalets or in your own camping berth (individual toilet/shower facilities available). www.dequack.nl
FUN ON THE WATER Climb up the water slide and plunge into Brielle lake at full speed! At the De Krabbeplaat campsite, water lovers will be in their element. On the campsite and around, you’ll find everything you need in a perfect setting that is both green and rich in water: water slide, water bouncy castle, rowing, sailing, canoeing and waterskiing. With the beautiful fortified town of Brielle just around the corner, you have everything you need for a relaxing holiday at this pleasant family campsite. www.krabbeplaat.nl IN THE GREEN Hidden among the beautiful dunes of Voorne, you will find complete relaxation at the Ketjil campsite. Enjoy the splendid scenery with the beach at walking distance, away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. There’s a good chance you’ll come face to face with one of the deer making its way nearby. The campsite is a perfect base for beautiful walking and cycle tours through the varied surroundings. www.campingketjil.nl
THE COOLEST HOTEL IN THE DUNES Serenity and the omnipresent nature ensure you feel far removed from the outside world. The style of a North American lodge, the scent of pine trees, hospitality and fine cuisine make the Badhotel Rockanje a pleasant place to spend a few days in utter relaxation. www.badhotel.nl You can find all the accommodation available on Voorne-Putten at www.opvoorneputten.nl
BRASSERIE HOTEL DE NYMPH The old fortified town of Brielle has many monuments and historic buildings. In the town centre, Hotel de Nymph is located in one of the oldest buildings of Brielle. De Nymph is highly recommended as a hotel but also as a Brasserie. History Brasserie hotel de Nymph is housed in an historic building dating from 1585. A unique feature is that the building is home to two of the five oldest ceilings in the Netherlands. It is also sometimes called the Tromphuis. It is said that Maarten Harpertzn Tromp was born and raised here. Hotel The hotel has nine luxury suites, each with its own character. Relax and enjoy breakfast, lunch or dinner in the garden or in the cosy garden room. The history of Brielle, the friendly, personal service and hospitality guarantee a wonderful stay.
Brasserie The brasserie’s menu offers various options for lunch and dinner. During the day, you can get a coffee, a “France on the table” board with a glass of wine or enjoy one of the many lunch dishes. In the evening, you can choose from an extensive French oriented menu, which changes to reflect the season with delicious seasonal products. Shared Dining Very popular and highly recommended is “menu de Chef”! Exquisite small dishes to enjoy together. If you can’t choose, let the Chef surprise you. Great enjoyment, small scale!! Voorstraat 45 – Brielle - 0181 415230 www.hotelbrielle.nl
60 minutes on the clock..can you escape? We have several packages available. Book your adventure now:
www.escaperoomthecube.nl Struytse Hoeck 5 | 3224 HA | Hellevoetsluis Foto: Arrash Nikkhah
Restaurant Petros Sinds 1995 zet Grieks restaurant Petros het beste van Griekenland op tafel: Tzatziki, Giros, grill specialiteiten, Mousaka en de heerlijkste Baklava. Alle gerechten worden vers en naar authentiek Grieks recept bereid. Onze keuken is van dinsdag tot en met zondag geopend van 17:00 tot 22:00 uur
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TIVOLIHELLEVOETSLUIS THEATER WAAR EEN AVONDJE FILM NOG ECHT GEZELLIG IS Sfeervol modern theater Zalen airconditioned Gevarieerde programma’s Iedere zaterdag, zondag en woensdag kindermatinees
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You needn’t be bored for a moment. You’ll find traditional friendly pubs, a casino, hip beach pavilions, trendy bars and music cafes. Prefer to go to the movies or the theatre? Then check out Theater de Stoep, het Brestheater, Theater Twee Hondjes or one of the two cinemas.
ARE YOU SMARTER THAN THE CASINO? In Spijkenisse, you can try to beat the casino. The Jagger Casino opened its doors on 27 September 2016. The casino is right beside Theater de Stoep in the town centre. So you can walk straight out of a performance at the theatre to the roulette table. There are 140 gaming machines and room for 200 people to play at the same time. The casino is named after the British engineer Joseph Jagger, who was too smart for the Beaux-Arts Casino in 1873. He noticed that one of the six roulette tables was not working properly. As a result, some numbers were more likely to come up than others. Joseph Jagger bet heavily on those
numbers. After four days, he had won nearly $6 million. The casino tried to stop him by swapping the roulette tables around, but he recognised his lucky wheel by the scratches and saw that they had been swapped around. Nevertheless, the casino beat him eventually. They bought new roulette wheels on which the numbers could be swapped around every evening. If you visit The Jagger, you’ll see that they have thought of everything. They not only have the best gambling games, jackpots and original prizes, there’s much more than that besides. You’ll feel welcome there! www.thejaggercasino.nl
ARE YOU A THEATRE LOVER? Then you’re in luck! On Voorne-Putten, we have no fewer than three welcoming theatres where you can go to view your favourite performances. THEATER DE STOEP Spijkenisse is home to Theater de Stoep, a special theatre in many respects. It is a particularly beautiful building that exudes warmth, and you’ll feel that same warmth from the theatre’s passionate and positive employees. Every year, the theatre lays on a varied programme of cabaret, music, dance, youth theatre and drama. Before, during and after the performances in Theater de Stoep, you can enjoy a bite to eat and a drink in the theatre cafe or in the various foyers. www.theaterdestoep.nl TWEE HONDJES Following intensive rebuilding work last year, Theater Twee Hondjes, located within the fortifications of Hellevoetsluis, is totally ready for the new theatre season. In the beautiful and convivial Theater Twee Hondjes, you can enjoy plays, dance companies and cabaret artists of international renown. www.theatertweehondjes.nl BRESTHEATER There are lots of fine performances to choose from in this theatre on Gooteplein in Brielle. Alongside drama, singing and dance performances, many excellent cabaret artists are naturally also tempted to Brielle. An evening of good music, infectious laughter or intense enjoyment – followed by a drink and a chat afterwards in the atmospheric foyer to complete the evening. www.brestheater.nl FILM NIGHT Fancy being carried away by a love story? Or do you prefer horror films? You can pick and choose at the Arcaplex and Tivoli Theater cinemas. Arcaplex is Spijkenisse’s cinema, with a large and varied offering of films for young and old, from early in the morning to late in the evening. The cinema regularly holds events and special previews. www.arcaplex.nl Tivoli Theater is a cosy and convivial cinema located on Rijksstraatweg in Hellevoetsluis. In this charming, small-scale cinema you can relax and enjoy the show. www.tivolitheater.nl
BEACH PAVILIONS Fancy enjoying a lovely sunset on the beach and finishing the day or week with something tasty to eat and drink? If so, head for one of the beach pavilions on Voorne-Putten. Havana Beach Clubin Rockanje has al the ingredients for a social gathering and is perfect to meet your friends and enjoy the beach. Lounging at the beach with a nice dinner or a bite and a drink. At Havana Beach Club you can also find great beach-party’s. You can find the program on the website: www.havana.nl. The Brunotti Beach Club means the beach life and associated activities such as surfing, windsurfing, kite surfing and longboard skateboarding. After an active day on the water you can enjoy breakfast, lunch, dinner or a drink in an informal atmosphere. Many of the dishes are prepared in Josper, the charcoal oven, which gives a unique taste, texture and juiciness. The Beach Club has a lovely view over the Oostvoornse lake and provides you ultimate enjoyment. www.brunottibeachclub.com
PUBS AND CLUBS Would you rather visit a pub or a club? Anything is possible - in Brielle you can go to ‘t Kont van het Paard. This is a cosy pub where they brew their own beer. Or would you prefer go to The Mix Club in Brielle where many well-known DJs perform? Do you prefer live music? Then go to Gers in Spijkenisse, where every Saturday night there’s an artist or DJ. Feel like a pub crawl? Then head to the Kerkstraat in Hellevoetsluis, where you will find several pubs and clubs where you can dance. Make sure to check out Barbiertje, the liveliest music bar in Hellevoetsluis where you can enjoy live music from the best bands. If you would like to have a quiet drink with a tasty “night-bite” - drop in at Drinkz in Spijkenisse. ESCAPE WITHIN 60 MINUTES Have yourself locked up with your friends or family in a mysterious room with only one exit. You have exactly 60 minutes to escape by searching for hidden clues and solving riddles. You’ll have to be creative, smart and cunning; everything depends on working together as a team! Escape Room The Cube is a great excursion that you’ll be talking about for ages afterwards! www.escaperoomthecube.nl
See the watergeuzen take Brielle, the motor races in Rockanje or dance in Tinte during the summer festival. The HIER OP Voorne-Putten magazine selected some of the best events.
‘On 1 April, Alva lost his Bril.’ This phrase refers to 1 April 1572 when the watergeuzen took the fortified town of Brielle from the Spaniards. On that day, Brielle became the first free town of the Netherlands. Every year, the residents of Brielle take you back to that year. The town centre is then the stage where this historic event is replayed. www.1aprilvereniging.nl © Zorro Feigl
WELCOME IN THE GREENERY 1 April The farmers and horticulturists from Voorne-Putten show how exciting the agricultural sector is. www.komindekas.nl
ROCKANJE LIVE 19 to 22 April For four days, Rockanje is all about fun, music, enjoyment, good food, drink, dancing.. In short, PARTY!… With a kids’ day, a barbecue and the traditional Dutch evening. www.rockanjelive.nl SCULPTURE GARDEN RAVESTEYN 20 May to 11 June On the five hectare Ravesteyn estate, you can find exceptionally high quality works of art among the beautiful flowers and plants in the English landscape garden. A unique combination is the result! www.beeldentuinravesteyn.nl LIBERATION FESTIVAL 4 t/m 7 mei Join in the liberation celebrations in Brielle. Go back in time, visit the different encampments and watch the military parade. Listen to the stories about the war and learn about peace through the war. www.bevrijdingsfestivalbrielle.nl
VOORNE IN STELLING 3 June On this day, the fortifications of Voorne are in the spotlight. See how important Voorne was for the defence. Activities are organised in the various places, like Oostvoorne, Rockanje, Brielle and Hellevoetsluis www.fronttaal.info www.voornewiki.nl
ROCKANJE CLASSIC 20 and 21 May This weekend, the only original street circuit from the previous NK Motorraces in the Netherlands is restored to its former glory. In the lovely dune area, there are demo races with historic motorbikes, like in the 1950s and 60s. A unique spectacle for young and old – in short, an unmissable family weekend! www.rockanjeclassic.nl TRUCK AND TRACTORPULLING 10 June The premier division of tractor pulling will make an appearance in Oudenhoorn on the pulling festival of the year! Over a hundred tractors, cars and twenty-five trucks will enter the fray. Besides the competing teams, there will also be market stalls, a bouncy castle and various catering stands on site. www.stpo.nl BUYTENLUST FESTIVAL 17 June Fun festival that takes place around the Hofwei in Oostvoorne. Besides an extensive organic market and lifestyle and bric-a-brac market, there are oldtimers and American trucks on show. On the Hofwei, there’s lots of delicious food and drink from the welcoming food trucks and a flea market for the kids. Throughout the festival, there’s also plenty of music and street theatre. www.evenementenoostvoorne.nl FORTRESS CODE HELLEVOETSLUIS 17 June Enjoy some diverse, short non-stop theatre performances for free. Various regional choirs, theatre and music groups will provide pleasant entertainment in twenty-eight places in surprising locations in the Vesting of Hellevoetsluis. www.facebook.com/vestingcode www.voornewiki.nl BRIELLE BEHIND THE DOOR 24 June This afternoon, Brielle town city will be bursting with surprising theatre, a series of moving, funny and swinging acts in special locations or on a balcony. The shows are short, usually no longer than 10-20 minutes, so you can enjoy the different performances as you wander through the town. www.cultuurwebbrielle.nl/brielle-achter-de-voordeur/ KITE FESTIVAL 25 June An event for the whole family on the Maasboulevard in Spijkenisse. An amazing spectacle of kites in fantastic colours. Kite flyers from all over the Netherlands will present their skills in the kite shows. But you will also be able to fly your own kite and there are plenty of activities for the whole family. www.vliegerfestivalpromotion.nl
WORLD PREDATOR CLASSIC 19 June to 24 June The international multi-fish species angling event World Predator Classic features three angling disciplines: street fishing, kayak fishing and boat fishing. The event opens with a boat parade and a flag parade, when the participating countries carry their flags through Hellevoetsluis. This is followed by canon fire. www.worldpredatorclassic.com TINTE SUMMER FESTIVAL 6, 7 and 8 July During the day, enjoy music, fire service competitions, a kids’ programme or a water spectacle, with a wide ranging music programme and street theatre in the evening. The three day festival ends on Sunday with a church service. www.tinte.nl MILL DAY VPR 15 July On the third Saturday in July, all the mills in Voorne-Putten are open to visitors. We hope to have enough wind so that you can see the mills turning and get a good impression of what it takes to operate a mill. www.molendag.info DUTCH CLASSIC YACHT REGATTA 26 to 30 July During this event, more than 125 impressive ships will compete against each other on the Haringvliet, in different classes. This year, the event will be organised for the 15th time in Hellevoetsluis. The opening competition is traditionally the fun race from Willemstad to Hellevoetsluis. www.dcyr.nl BRIELLE BLUES 30 July Brielle Blues has now become a national and international phenomenon for the Blues lover. On three big stages in various places in the old town centre, there are live performances by blues musicians from afternoon till the evening. This always creates a great atmosphere in a good entourage. After the outdoor performances, Brielle Blues continues during a pub crawl with live performances in the various cafes and pubs. www.brielleblues.nl PRO TOUR OOSTVOORNE 3 August The Tour of Oostvoorne is a cycling event which is one of the more famous – and the most sociable – racing event in the Netherlands. For this 32nd edition, the organisation has again brought together a great field of cyclists. Enjoyment guaranteed! www.profrondeoostvoorne.com
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WALLENPOP 5 augustus Free festival in the Vesting of Hellevoetsluis. Location: Bomvrij Hospitaal! The organisation is determined that this event will be another cracker! A festival with a rich history with performances by both locally and nationally famous bands. Kensington, Kane, Racoon, Jett Rebel and Di-rect have been guests on stage here. www.wallenpop.nl BREEDING DAY 12 August This year, the Fokveedag Hellevoetsluis is celebrating its sixtieth anniversary. As such, the event will have a festive edge and be a big celebration. Like every year, Fokveedag Hellevoetsluis is mainly a beauty pageant. For cows! But at the street market, you can also taste all the delicious products produced in Voorne-Putten and the kids can enjoy pony rides, play games, stroke rabbits and guinea pigs. During this event for farmers, residents and visitors, young and old can enjoy the great country life in Voorne-Putten.www.fokveedaghellevoetsluis.nl VESTINGDAGEN HELLEVOETSLUIS 18,19 and 20 August During these Vestingdagen celebrations, present and past come together in Hellevoetsluis. In the festival tent, there will be various shows and live acts, you can enjoy the fair, the family square or admire the antique trucks, oldtimers, steam engines or fleet inspection. www.vestingdagenhellevoetsluis.nl SPIJKENISSE FESTIVAL 25, 26 and 27 August This is a three day free festival where young and old can enjoy well known local bands and upcoming talents and DJs. www.spijkenissefestival.nl LAMPION PARADE OOSTVOORNE 9 September Big lantern parade which always attracts lots of enthusiastic participants and spectators. Decorated floats and carts, groups or individuals and all decorated according to a theme. Children and adults present their artistic creations to the spectators lining the route. The parade is accompanied by five bands. At the end, there is a tattoo in the Hofwei. www.evenementenoostvoorne.nl OPEN MONUMENTES DAY 9 September This day is particularly aimed at people interested in viewing one of the many historic buildings in Voorne-Putten. Buildings which are normally closed to the public open their doors specially on this day. www.openmonumentendag.nl For all the events, visit www.opvoorneputten.nl/evenementen
DISCOVER THE REGION ROTTERDAM The impressive skyline that gives the city its metropolitan image can be seen from a long way off. Rotterdam is famous nationally and internationally as an architecture city, with numerous examples of innovative architecture. These include the famous Cube houses that you can even visit inside, in the special Kijk-kubus (Show-Cube).
An enjoyable way to really discover the architectural highlights of the city is a guided tour by Rotterdam ArchiGuides. These specialised guides will show you the most beautiful buildings via a variety of routes. Through its metropolitan character, Rotterdam is known as a typically masculine city. The centre of Rotterdam is laid out on a grand and spacious scale, which is emphasized by all the water. The river Maas flows through the heart of the city and together with the now famous Erasmus Bridge it forms the symbol of Rotterdam. Numerous little harbours can be found on the banks of the river, each with its own unique character. You can visit for example the nostalgic Veerhaven, or
the entirely different modern, renovated Lloydkwartier. Further downstream you will see the mercantile docks making Rotterdam the biggest city port in Europe. A boat-trip through the harbours and city is something you really can’t miss on a visit to Rotterdam. You can sail on a Spido excursion boat past the imposing architecture of ‘Manhattan on the Maas’. In just 75 minutes you can explore the whole of Rotterdam by water: the city centre, the harbours, docks, shipyards and quays.
gives you a fantastic view over the whole of Rotterdam. When the weather is clear, you can even see Antwerp and The Hague. If there is not too much wind and you are brave enough, you can go abseiling with ropes from the Euromast in the summer months. Rotterdam has much more to offer. An event is held almost every weekend. It is not for nothing that the city has already been designated events city of the year three times. You can also shop to your heart’s content in the city.
Another pleasant way to see Rotterdam from the water is by water taxi. These fast little boats take you from one bank of the Maas to the other in no time at all. You can also discover Rotterdam in a spectacular way with Splashtours. After a round trip through the city, the special amphibious bus makes a SPLASH in the Maas, after which there is always something to do in Rotterdam. More than seventeen million visitors find their way to the city every year. Fans of the fascinating world of railways can enjoy themselves to their heart’s content at Railz Miniworld. This indoor model rail track is the biggest in the Netherlands and offers an interactive experience for young and old. The place where you find out everything about the port of Rotterdam is the Maritime Museum. A day out in Rotterdam would not be complete without a visit to the Euromast. The highest observation tower in the Netherlands
THE MARKTHAL Many world cities boast a covered market hall, but in Rotterdam the combination with homes makes it unique. The apartments are draped over the market like a horseshoe. The hall accommodates the market with around ten fresh food units, fifteen food shops and several restaurants as well as a supermarket and four storey car park. If you look up as you wander through the market stalls, you will see the artwork ‘Horn of plenty’ by Arno Coenen and Iris Roskam. As home to the biggest artwork in the Netherlands, the Markthal is sometimes called the Dutch version of the Sistine Chapel. The Markthal also houses the Tijdtrap: a free archaeological exhibition of finds from the medieval city of Rotterdam which were excavated during its construction. The Markthal is open seven days a week until 8.00 p.m
TRENDY SHOPPEN Feast your eyes in one of the chic shops in Van Oldenbarneveltstraat or visit the hip boutiques in Witte de Withstraat. Even on a Sunday, fanatical shoppers can enjoy themselves in Rotterdam,the shops in the city centre are open 7 days a week. Difficult to decide where to go? The free booklet ‘Shopping in Rotterdam’ with eight very pleasant shopping walking routes is obtainable at the VVV Rotterdam Store.
ROTTERDAM MUSEUMS Rotterdam has several special museums presenting a range of subjects from history to modern art. One of the oldest museums in the Netherlands is Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen. In 1849, the lawyer Boijmans left his art collection to the city of Rotterdam. The museum has a collection of paintings, sculptures, utensils as well as drawings and prints. From Bosch, Rembrandt and Van Gogh to Dali and Dutch Design. From 11 February to 28 May 2017, Boijmans presents the biggest ever international exhibition, featuring masterpieces by Miró, René Margritte and Max Ernst. Kunsthal Rotterdam opened in 1992. Since then, it has presented culture in the widest sense of the word, from elite to popular. There are always several exhibitions at the same time.
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MARITIEM MUSEUM Het Maritiem Museum Rotterdam is located in the oldest and biggest museum harbour in the Netherlands. Here you can you board historic ships and cranes and experience the origins of the world port of Rotterdam. Take a journey through maritime present and past in contemporary exhibitions for adventurers of all ages. A list of all the museums in Rotterdam is available at www.rotterdam.info
FUTURELAND Interested in Maasvlakte 2? Want to know more about dredging at sea, pumping up a new harbour or loading and unloading on the hypermodern maritime wharves in the biggest port of Europe? Then visit FutureLand! FutureLand is suitable for young and old, for landlubbers and water rats, for port lovers and gamers, for families and groups. In the interactive environment of FutureLand, there’s always something to do. With the FutureFlightExperience, take an amazing 3D trip through the new port area: whizz past high cranes or glide to a giant container ship passing by. Explore the land and the port of the future. www.futureland.nl
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In the mood for a unique outing? Visit FutureLand! The Netherlands has literally grown bigger: the new port of Maasvlakte 2 has
emerged from the sea. Would you like to know more about how it was rainbowed on
Maasvlakte 2 Information Center
or the automated transfer of containers at Europe’s largest port? Visit FutureLand, the
Europaweg 902
public information centre about the construction of Maasvlakte 2. Admission is free!
3199 LC Maasvlakte Rotterdam Port number 8360
Landlubber or sea dog?
Longitude: 4° 0’ 55’’ E
FutureLand is fun for young and old, port lovers and gamers, families and groups.
Latitude: 51° 57’ 35’’ N
There’s always something to see and do in this interactive environment. Take a 3D
Tel: +31 (0)10 - 252 252 0
virtual tour of the new port area, or board the FutureLand Ferry or Express and
Email: info@futureland.nl
see the mammoth cranes, ships and basins of the port with your own eyes!
For more information, visit futureland.nl
ZEELAND NEELTJE JANS In Deltapark Neeltje Jans, visitors learn all about the history of the Delta Works and the power of wind and water. Step in the hurricane machine and feel the power of a hurricane, or take a boat trip to the Delta Works over the Eastern Scheldt. Sometimes you will see seals and porpoises from the boat. For children, there’s a brilliant sea lion show and the wonderful Bluereef Aquarium Zeeland. Or they can enjoy the water playground where there’s a massive slide which you can slide down, boat and all. A new feature in the park is the Delta Experience, an innovative, accessible and lively presentation of the historic background to the Dutch struggle against the water. The Delta Experience is an impressive 3D animation in a panorama which enables the visitor to experience the all-destructive power of the water. The visitor is given an impression of all the events in Zeeland in the night of 31 January 1953. See and experience how the waves of the North Sea eradicated parts of the Netherlands. www.neeltjejans.nl WATERSNOODMUSEUM Ouwerkerk is home to the amazing Watersnoodmuseum. The museum officially consists of the four Phoenix caissons which were used to close the hole in the dyke at Ouwerkerk in November 1953. The huge concrete caissons were linked via several underground and one above ground corridor. The museum’s mission is: “Remember, Learn and Look Ahead”. Each caisson has its own theme. For example, you will discover facts about the disaster, more about the emotions and the people, the reconstruction and the dangers and challenges that lie ahead. Outside caisson four, an observation tower on the dyke looks out over the inlets to
28-10-2015 16:2
All year round Spido offers fascinating harbour trips. Our summer programme also offers several extended tours and day trips. During te entire year Spido also organizes several theme cruises. FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT OUR WEBSITE WWW.SPIDO.NL OR CALL 0031(0)10-2759989
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the Eastern Scheldt. Walking routes are also available, varying in length from two to eight kilometres. The surroundings are also part of the National Monument. The creeks, the surviving part of the old sea dyke, the inlets, the new Zeedijk and the nature reserve around the creeks are all the direct result of the North Sea flood of 1 February 1953. www.watersnoodmuseum.nl ZIERIKZEE With its 568 historic buildings, Zierikzee is known as Zeeland’s number one monument city. The most prominent monument in Zierikzee is the tower known as St. Lievens Monstertoren, also called the Dikke Toren (Fat Tower). The old city gate provides access to the lovely town centre with its many shops and terraces. Life is good on the terraces on Nieuwe Haven, watching the ships come and go in all shapes and sizes. www.vvvzeeland.nl MIDDELBURG The capital of Zeeland may rightly be described as a historic city. You will find a total of around 1100 historic buildings of varying sizes which reflect a rich past. The powerful abbey, the impressive town hall and the beautiful facades of the merchants’ houses and warehouses provide tangible evidence of its history. For many years, Middelburg was our country’s second VOC trading city after Amsterdam. Besides historic buildings, there is also plenty of modern architecture. Middelburg is a city with a truly unique character. There are intimate squares, lovely little streets, cosy cafés and alongside the big chain stores, numerous individual boutiques, galleries and art traders. www.uitinmiddelburg.nl GOES Goes is the bustling heart of Zeeland. There are lots of things to enjoy in Goes: shopping, a drink on a terrace or a tour of the historic buildings are just some of the options. Many of the shops are in historic buildings right behind the Grote Markt. These include several unusual boutiques as well as the national chain stores. Every Tuesday and Saturday, there is a popular and busy market on the Grote Markt which has many different stalls. But you can also have something to eat and drink in one of the cafés or restaurants on the Grote Markt or the adjacent streets. www.goesisgoes.nl VLISSINGEN On the banks of the Western Scheldt is Vlissingen, a town with a maritime present and past. Enjoy the sea air on the longest boulevard in the Netherlands, where you can almost touch the passing ships! There are plenty of things to do on the boulevard. On one side, you stand eye to eye with naval hero Michiel de Ruijter, while on the other you hear the sounds of the wind harp. In the middle, terraces, hotels and restaurants offer the necessary relaxation. Find out more about Vlissingen and the maritime history of Zeeland at the MuZEEum www.visitvlissingen.nl
GOEREE-OVERFLAKKEE There is plenty to do and experience in Goeree-Overflakkee. You can take energetic beach walks, enjoy water sports, biking, explore nature, watch the seals and even spot flamingos. This green, water-rich island is located on the border of Zuid-Holland and Zeeland and is characterised by open spaces and the quality of life. Goeree-Overflakkee is a great place to live and offers wonderful opportunities for leisure and recreation.
GREEN AND GRAND…. Goeree-Overflakkee is a green, impressive island with beautiful scenery and magnificent Dutch skies. There is an extensive walking and cycling network which connects Goeree-Overflakkee with Schouwend-Duiveland, Brabant and Voorne-Putten. Whoever crosses Goeree-Overflakkee on foot, by bicycle, Segway, electric scooter or electric boat, soon discovers how versatile it is. Both in the east and west contain beautiful nature areas, such as the Kwade Hoek, Hellegatsplaten and the Slikken van Flakkee. Deer, wild fjord horses, Heck cattle and countless birds live here. Every autumn and winter flamingos alight in the Grevelingen at Battenoord, a unique scene to behold. MILES OF BEACH Miles of beach can be found at Ouddorp and the Brouwersdam. Here you can walk for hours, enjoy the sunset, play a game of beach volleyball, or just relax. This year, the Ouddorp beach was voted the cleanest beach of Zuid-Holland. The town centre is filled with shops, restaurants and conviviality. The seaside resort is the ideal base to enjoy the island. There’s free parking everywhere on Goeree-Overflakkee!
ADVENTURE TIME! Goeree-Overflakkee invites you to go on an adventure. Divers can indulge in the Grevelingen, one of the cleanest saltwater lakes in Europe. The Brouwersdam is a hotspot for active water sports enthusiasts. Water sports enthusiasts have an extensive choice: from stand-up paddle boarding to (kite) surfing and from wave surfing with your to kayaking and even a jump from the “water jump” car. People who are somewhat less adventurous can take a tour on an electric boat or with one of the ferries.
A DAY OUT ? Are you looking for a day out? We have a few interesting tips. In the seal sanctuary and expo A Seal in Stellendam you can see how the young seals are cared for and learn more about the sea and the rescue of humans and animals. Fauna Park Flakkee in Nieuwe-Tonge is a zoo with owls, kangaroos, meerkats and a lot more. The Flipjes playground in Ouddorp is fun for children, big of small. At the RTM Museum on the north side of the Brouwersdam you can see steam and diesel locomotives, carriages and freight cars and on certain days you can take a ride on an old steam train. “D’n Diek” shopping centre is found in Middelharnis, while Sommelsdijk boasts the beautifully appointed Streekmuseum. MIDDELHARNIS AND SOMMELSDIJK Middelharnis and Sommelsdijk can be mentioned in the same breath, as they are twin villages. This is rather unique in the Netherlands; especially since one was a fishing village and the other a farming village.Middelharnis grew into a thriving fishing village in the middle of the 15th century. Along the harbour old warehouses and the old wharf from 1675 are reminders of this time.Today Middelharnis is the centre of Goeree-Overflakkee, where there’s friendly shopping and in the summer numerous events take place. Around the harbour you will find inviting terraces and plenty of good restaurants. www.vvvgoeree-overflakkee.nl
SAMPLE THE TASTE OF A STRONG ISLAND Goeree-Overflakkee offers a range of fresh produce. From organic goat cheese and unique biological Nashi pears to sustainably caught lobster, mussels and of course the world-famous Stellendam shrimp. Find out where the produce comes from. Visit one of the many farmers during the event KijkbijdeBoer (“Have a Look on the Farm”) on Saturday, 17 April 2017. Or one Friday morning, visit the fish auction in Stellendam where you can see how the fish is caught in accordance with sustainable fishing methods. On goat farm De Mekkerstee, cheese and ice cream are made from goat’s milk. You can take a look in the barn and of course enjoy a delicious ice cream. Tip: Every day at 3:30 p.m. you can see how the goats are milked. TOUR OF THE STELLENDAM FISH AUCTION The main industry on the Kop van Goeree is fishery. The entire fleet is moored in Stellendam. Every Friday morning, the fishing fleet arrives in the harbour. Then the fish are cleaned, sorted and auctioned. After this, there is a possibility to take a guided tour of the fish auction where you can learn more about sustainable fishing and where you can see the cutters up close. The tour is only given on Friday morning at 8:30 a.m. A maximum of twenty people may participate. www.vvvgoeree-overflakkee.nl
HOW ABOUT AN OVERNIGHT STAY? Goeree-Overflakkee is really special. You can see and feel that when you’re on the island, but as you can see: You can’t see all there is to see in Goeree-Overflakkee in one day! That is why there are plenty of possibilities for a weekend break or a holiday. Scattered across the island there are several family camping grounds, camper sites, vacation parks, hotels, bungalow parks, beach lodges and B&Bs. VVV GOEREE-OVERFLAKKEE (TOURIST INFORMATION) In Ouddorp, the Tourist Information Office of Goeree-Overflakkee is located in the barn of a beautiful dune farm dating from 1650 (‘t Blaeuwe Huus). The staff can provide information on the real “hot spots” of the island. Spread across the island are VVV inspiration screens with information on Goeree-Overflakkee. For great tips, detailed maps and tickets for concerts and nature excursions, you can contact the VVV Tourist Information Office by phone: 0187-681789; e-mail: info@vvvgoeree-overflakkee.nl or go to the website: www.vvvgoeree-overflakkee.nl.
EVENTS CALENDAR 2017 Each year, lots of sporting and cultural events are held on the island. Below is a selection:
1 January
New Year’s Dip, Ouddorp
15 April
Tulip walk, Middelharnis
17 April (Easter Monday)
Kijk bij de BoeR, Goeree-Overflakkee
1st Saturday in June
Menheerse Harbour Day, Middelharnis
30 June and 1 July
Concert at Sea, Brouwersdam
Various Fridays in July & Aug
Diekdagen, Middelharnis
19 July and 2 and 16 Aug
Tourist Days, Ouddorp
18 & 19 Aug
Circuit of Goeree-Overflakkee
9 Sept
GO Classic
1-9 Sept
Goeree Fish Week, Goeree-Overflakkee
1st Saturday in Sept
Ouddorp Farmers’ Land Day
Want to know more about the island of Goeree-Overflakkee? Would you like do something fun, on holiday or a weekend away? Looking for an apartment or a good job on or near Goeree-Overflakkee? Take a look at www.goeree-overflakkee.nl, or like us on Facebook: Eiland Goeree-Overflakkee or follow us on Twitter and Instagram: @EilandGO.
From Brouwersdam to Rotterdam, there are lots more amazing events to enjoy this year. So take the metro, bus, bike or car and explore! The editors have some great tips for you!
SUMMER CARNIVAL- STREET PARADE Sunday 29 July The biggest tropical parade with over twenty nationalities is the colourful highlight of Rotterdam! A 2.5-kilometre parade with dynamic dancers from different cultures and nationalities pass through the centre of Rotterdam decked in the most spectacular costumes with one mission: to get everyone dancing. Throw away your inhibitions and get caught up in the magic of the Summer Carnival www.zomercarnaval.nl www.rotterdam.info
WORLD HARBOUR DAYS 1,2 en 3 september The World Port Days offer visitors a fascinating glimpse into what the port of Rotterdam has to offer. There are spectacular demonstrations on the quayside and on the water, visits to ships and exciting excursions in the harbour. For young visitors, there are also special kids’ activities. On the Saturday evening, there is a wonderful firework display. www.wereldhavendagen.nl, www.rotterdam.info
in the region
LIBERATION FESTIVAL 5 May Every year, Rotterdam Liberation Festival takes place near the Euromast, one of Rotterdam’s most eye-catching buildings. The event naturally takes place on 5 May when the Netherlands celebrates Liberation Day. The Liberation Festival in Rotterdam is one of the fourteen national Liberation Festivals in the country. Lots of music and culture will again be on offer to the thousands of visitors. In the province of Zeeland, Vlissingen is honoured to be organising a Liberation Festival. Bellamypark and the surrounding area, including much of the town centre, will be transformed into a lively festival site. A special feature of the Liberation Festivals is the range of artists, including the Liberation Ambassador, who will be flown in by helicopter to perform in various locations. But it won’t just be big names – upcoming talents will also be performing and there will be plenty of room for art and culture. www.bevrijdingsfestival.nl DUTCHS JENEVER FESTIVAL SCHIEDAM 10 and 11 June The historic town of Schiedam is most famous for its jenever and the National Jenever Museum on Lange Haven. Unsurprisingly, a Jenever festival is organised here every year. This time, it is planned on Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 June, based on the theme ‘Tasty’. Saturday will be all about gin and link up with World Gin Day. On Sunday, the spotlight will be
on geneva and jenever cocktails. And of course, there will be the traditional jenever cocktail competition. www.jeneverfestival.nl VL-LOGGERFESTIVAL 23 and 24 June In Vlaardingen, they can also organise a good party. They prove that every year with what the locals say is the best harbour festival in the Rijnmond region: the Logger festival. From Westhavenplaats to the Maasboulevard, from market to music and from ship to helicopter! You can find all the information you need at www.vlloggerfesival.nl
LOCK DAYS (SPUIDAGEN) 30 June and 1 July The Spui are a maritime festival around the harbour in the centre of Oud-Beijerland. Not to be missed, according to the residents of the Hoeksche Waard region. Every year the festival attracts thousands of visitors - and for good reason. A full programme of entertainment, music and a great flea market make it a brilliant day out for the visitors! The festival kicks off on Friday evening from 5 p.m. with music and an enormous barbecue on the Bierkade. Remember to book your place at the barbecue. At 2.00 p.m. on the Saturday, besides the flea market and musical performances, there’s also the Dutch Punting Championship. www.vvvhoekschewaard.nl CONCERT AT SEA Friday 30 June and Saturday 1 July The music festival on the coast, featuring Bløf and guests, on Brouwersdam. Take a group of friends to the beach in Zeeland and get up to the front to listen to your favourite artists or relax on the dam with a drink and a snack. Concert at Sea is more than just a music festival. Every year something special is organised. Street theatre acts ride, walk and fly over the site and there is a wide range of food and drink. The atmosphere on the site is friendly and relaxed and there’s a real holiday feeling. Bløf will be playing, of course, but the full line-up is available at www.concertatsea.nl FISHING DAYS 13, 14 and 15 July An event for young and old, the Fishery Days have been attracting thousands of visitors for the past fifty years, putting both Bruinisse and Schouwen-Duiveland as a whole on the map. A big village festival and a real public attraction that starts with the traditional arrival of Miss Visserij. There’s always a big flea market, various performances, the fair, and of course fireworks at the end. The Fishery Days take place. www.visserijdagen-bruinisse.nl THE GOEREE-OVERFLAKKEE WALK 18 and 19 August This elite hundred and ten-kilometre walk has to be completed within twenty-four hours. Start and finish in Middelharnis on Diekhuusplein. The walk began as a bit of fun, with just a few dozen participants, but has since become an event which attracts about a thousand walkers. The route passes over dykes, Goeree-Overflakkee beach and some unique nature areas which are closed to the public during the rest of the year. Around a thousand people come out over the course of twenty-four hours to watch, support and cheer on the walkers, but above all to be part of the atmosphere. www.dewandeltocht.nl
HARVEST DAY Saturday 2 September On Tiengemeten island, the bringing in of the harvest is traditionally celebrated on. In and around the historic courtyards of the Landbouwmuseum, the Rien Poortvlietmuseum, the Natuurmonumenten visitors’ centre and Idahoeve social care farm, there are lots of different activities for the whole family. Experience the harvest as they did in the past, like threshing the grain and picking potatoes. Or you can cross the island in a horse and cart and bake bread in a twig stove. There’s also a real farmer’s market with local products. www.landbouwmuseumtiengemeten.nl WEEK OF THE GOEREESE FISH 1 to 9 September Goereese Fish week from is an annual event for the whole family related to the culinary and cultural enjoyment of the fish on your plate to fishery-related activities on Goeree-Overflakkee. Discover sustainable fishing, the fishing fleet and the fish market in Stellendam. Meet the fishermen and taste the local delicacies from the sea. Participating restaurants in Goeree-Overflakkee serve a Goerees fish menu. www.weekvandegoereesevis.nl GO-CLASSIC 9 September This lovely cycle tour mainly takes place on the island of Goeree-Overflakkee. The name of the tour partly comes from the abbreviation for the island Goeree-Overflakkee, but it also stands for action, speed and dynamics. The aim of GO-Classic is to raise money for the Leontien Foundation founded by Leontien van Moorsel as well as for a number of local charities. You can take part in one of the three routes with distances of 70, 115 and 150 kilometres. www.go-classic.nl FURIEADE 6 and 7 October The Furieade is a festive maritime festival which is always held during the first weekend of October around the historic harbour and town centre of Maassluis. There’s a new programme every year, but a regular feature is the amazing Vlootschouw (naval pageant) with a starring role for the Furie Maassluis will be a hive of activity with a flea market, music, a fair and the firework display as finale. The full programme is available at www.furieade.nl DAM-X ON THE BROUWERSDAM 11 to 15 October DAM-X is the water sports event in the Netherlands. Here you can enjoy the spectacular European Freestyle Windsurfing championship, the EFPT Final. Meet your water sports heroes through the spectacle on the water! But there will be lots more to see, do and experience on Brouwersdam over the weekend! Learn about water sports by taking part in various board sport clinics and the windsurf slalom of the year, the DAM-X fun race.For the latest information, visit www.brouwersdam.nl
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