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There are a variety of opportunities for parents to connect as members of the HIES community, including the Parents’ Association, the Fine Arts Alliance, the Crimson + Gold Booster Club and other affinity groups such as Holy Innocents’ Cultural Awareness and Acceptance Partners and the HIES Prayer Group, among others. The Parents’ Association monthly email newsletter is a reliable source of dates and events and provides contact information for Grade Level Representatives. Please visit www.hies.org/campus-life/parent-organizations.

pAREnT niGHT, pRincipAL’S cOffEES & cOnfEREncES

Within the first month of school, parents are invited to an evening event to learn about schedules, curriculum and to hear from classroom teachers during Parent Night. Principal’s Coffees occur in the fall and the spring with special focus areas. Parent-Teacher conferences are scheduled at least twice yearly and students are encouraged to be a part of the conversations to discuss goals and growth.

Parents can access the online gradebook via myHIES in order to regularly review assignments and progress.

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