Mathematics Of Large Eddy Simulation Of Turbulent Flows
Introduction.- The Navier Stokes Equations.- The Idea of LES.- Subfilter(Grid)-Scale Models: Introduction to Eddy Viscosity Models.- Improved Eddy Viscosity Models.- Advanced Models of the Reymolds Stresses.- Closure Based on Wave-Number Asymptotics.- Scale Similarity Models.- Boundary Conditions: Filtering on Bounded Domains.- Near Wall Models.- Alternative Les Models and Applications: New Approaches to LES Without Closure.- Introduction to VMM.- Uncertainties in Large Eddy Simulation and Improved Estimates of Turbulent Flow Functionals.- Numerical Tests: Test Problems for LES.References. EAN/ISBN : 9783540263173 Publisher(s): Springer, Berlin Discussed keywords: Fluiddynamik, Large-Eddy-Simulation, Scientific Computing Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Berselli, Luigi C. - Iliescu, Traian - Layton, William J.
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