High! Europe Magazine Issue #6 - June 2023

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At High! Media Group, we are committed to providing our readers with the most current, relevant, and reliableinformationavailable.

To help us maintain the editorial excellence and integrity of our publication, we have assembled a qualified council of dedicated cannabis experts, innovators and natural health experts to serve on ourEditorialAdvisoryBoard:

With the help of these industry authorities, High! Europe offers timely and accurate information about cannabis and natural health, news information and education as it appliestocannabis.

The board members lend their expertise to our process of developing and commissioning or editorial lineup, and they're postpublication review of each issue is an invaluable in maintaining our more than eight year, global reputation as a trusted cannabis health and wellnessresource.

The information provided in this magazine is for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be used as a substitute for the advice of qualified and licensed practitionerorhealthcareprovider.

The opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of High! Media Group. Its affiliates or parent company. Different views may appear in future articles or Publications. Articles in High! Europe are copyrighted and must not be reprinted duplicated or transmitted withoutpermission.

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Driven by a balanced approach to ensuring responsible cannabis choices and creating positive cannabis experiences for everyone, everywhere. High! Europe strives to inform and educate our readers. High! Europe is not responsible for the actions, services or quality of the products and services represented within or reported on.

All material presented is intended for a mature 19+ audience and is intended for entertainment, educational and informational purposes only.

For more information on medicinal cannabis, please speak to your family Doctor.

All rights reserved, High! Europe is printed and produced proudly in Canada. For more information on High! Europe, please email us at editor@highcanada.net or visit us online at www.highcanada.net

High! Europe Magazine is produced by High! Media Group www.HighCanada.net
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Cy Williams Publisher Christian Christianson European Editor Dave Mac Adam Cultivation Editor Micheala Freedman European Editor Zara Boorder Global Fitness Editor Sabrina Mohamad Global Contributor Ben Barak Global Contributor
Team High! Europe

It is my pleasure to bring you an all new

issue of High! Europe Magazine to assist in furthering the de-seminaon of all informaon and educaon about hemp and cannabis into the European market.

Global cannabis leaders are arriving in B e r l i n t h i s we e k to ae n d t h e

Internaonal Cannabis Business Conference. The events series’ flagship business-to-business (B2B) event is taking place on June 29th and 30th at the iconic EstrelBerlinHotel.

In addion to the two-day B2B event, whichisthelargestofitstypeontheenre European connent, the Internaonal Cannabis Business Conference will also host a Global Investment Forum on June 27thattheHotelAdlonKempinskiBerlin.

The Internaonal Cannabis Business Conference is the leading cannabis industry event series on the planet, with previous conferences occurring in several countries on mulple connents. The event series is owned and operated by cannabis advocates that believe in

2 0 2 3 - E V E N M O R E C H A N G E

It is my pleasure to bring you an all new issue of High!

Europe Magazine to assist in furthering the de-seminaon

of all informaon and educaon about hemp and cannabis into the European market.

Global cannabis leaders are arriving in Berlin this week to aend the Internaonal C a n n a b i s B u s i n e s s Conference. The events series’ flagship business-tobusiness (B2B) event is taking place on June 29th and 30th at the iconic Estrel Berlin Hotel.

In addion to the two-day B2B event, which is the largest of its type on the enre European connent, the Internaonal Cannabis Business Conference will also host a Global Investment Forum on June 27th at the Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin.

occurring in several countries on mulple connents. The event series is owned and operated by cannabis advocates that believe in celebrang cannabis culture, in addion to providing world-class cannabis industry educaon and networkingopportunies.

“We are extremely excited about this year’s conference in Berlin given how close Germany is to modernizing its cannabis policies. It is going to be extra special for our team to offer world-class cannabis industry and policy educaon, networking, and entertainment to aendees at such a historic me for Europe’s emerging cannabis industry,” says Alex Rogers, founder of the Internaonal CannabisBusinessConference.

The Internaonal Cannabis Business Conference is the leading cannabis industry event series on the planet, with previous conferences

It is becoming increasingly difficult to gain an edge on the compeon in the emerging internaonal cannabis industry, and it’s vital for people to get their idea, product, or service in front of the right people at the right me. With execuves, entrepreneurs, investors, policymakers, and industry service providers converging from across the planet in Berlin this week, the B2B trade show event in Berlin is the perfect


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place for people to put their cannabis ideas on the global cannabis stage. Click here for a full list of B2B conference speakers.

N o t a l l n e t w o r k i n g opportunies are created equal, and that is parcularly true in the cannabis space.

I n t e r n a o n a l C a n n a b i s BusinessConferenceeventsare aended by cannabis leaders from dozens of different countries, with the Berlin B2B event serving as the top internaonal cannabis event of its type for 2023. Click here for the event’s full schedule and curriculum.

C a n n a b i s i n d u s t r y opportunies that are popping up in Germany and on the European connent have tremendous profit potenal, and the Global Investment Forum is the perfect place for entrepreneurs to try to secure capital to take their pursuits to the next level. It is also an unparalleled opportunity for investors to learn more about p r e - v e e d i n v e s t m e n t opportunies and for industry service providers to find reliableandhigh-endclients.

veed cannabis industry companies offering valuable investment opportunies,” Rogers stated. “That is why we are bringing the Global Investment Forum back to Berlin. It w i l l b e a p r i m e n e t wo r k i n g opportunity for cannabis industry investors, entrepreneurs, and industryserviceprovidersalike.”

Sixty-one percent of polled Germans support the controlled sale of adultuse cannabis in licensed stores. It is esmated that legalizing cannabis sales for adult use in Germany would quickly create 27,000 new jobs. Addionally, Germany’s current legalizaon plan includes removing cannabis from the country’s narcocs law, which will have a significant impact on all sectors of the naon’s emergingcannabisindustry.

Thousands of cannabis leaders from d oze n s o f co u nt r i e s w i l l b e represented at the Internaonal Cannabis Business Conference in B e r l i n a n d t h a t i n c l u d e s representaves from every sector of the industry as well as leading internaonal cannabis policymakers andindustryserviceproviders.

Make sure to check out the Internaonal Cannabis Business Conference to take your industry pursuitstothenextlevel.

“We know how hard it is for quality investors to link up with

CyWilliams-Editor High!EuropeMagazine
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Visionary entrepreneur and

political activist, Alex

Rogers, is the founder and CEO of multiple thriving ancillary cannabis businesses. A Magna Cum Laude graduate majoring in Political Science, Rogers has used his knowledge of law and politics to push cannabis policy forward all over the world.

Cutting his teeth as an activist in the early nineties under the tutelage of Jack Herer, Alex has a deep proprietary knowledge of the emerging global cannabis industry.

He has played a key role in p r o f e s s i o n a l i z i n g a n d mainstreaming the cannabis industry, building one of the United States' most popular medical cannabis clinics and the irst ever to

advertise medical cannabis on network TV in the U.S.

Living in ive different countries throughout his life, and able to communicate in all respective languages, Alex considers himself an international citizen, thusly spawning the International Cannabis Business Conference (ICBC).

The ICBC was the irst cannabis business conference in the world to have multiple dates set in multiple countries on multiple continents and is the leading conference series in Europe. Alex , What can you tell us about the Berlin ICBC?

This year ' s installment of the International Cannabis Business ConferenceinBerlinisgoingtobeour

biggest and best event to date. The event itself has served as the largest cannabis B2B event in Europe for severalyearsnow,however,giventhe currenthistoriclegalizationpushthat is going on in Germany, this one is goingtobeextraspecial.

A tectonic cannabis policy shift is occurring not only in Germany, but throughout the European continent, and my team couldn't be happier to provide a two-day curriculum that is packedwithexpertsineveryieldand sector of cannabis from all over the globe.

We have lined up true international leaders and innovators with backgrounds in inance, investing, technology, agriculture, and everything else that is important and impactful in today's emerging cannabis industry and political landscape, and bringing them all under one roof at the iconic Estrel BerlinHotel.

Once again we will host a political panel featuring current federal lawmakersinGermany,andwhileIam proud of every panel that we are offering,Iknowthatoneisgoingtobe particularlypopulargiventhefactthat Germany is modernizing its cannabis lawsrightnow.

Inadditiontothetwo-daycurriculum, wearealsohostinganotheroneofour infamous after-parties and Jim Belushi will be performing at this year'sBerlinafter-party,inadditionto Jim participating in a ireside chat duringtheconference.Jimisoneofthe most entertaining humans on earth, and it's going to be a real treat for attendees to listen to him in the iresidechatfollowedbyBelushithen providing the music for the afterparty Iencouragepeopletogotoour website to see the full schedule and the list of speakers. It's a truly international roster, unlike anything you will see at any other cannabis eventontheplanet.

Alex, what are some of the challenges you faced getting here with the conferences. How you overcame those challenges.

Theoverallchallengethatalwaysfaces any cannabis endeavor, and that includes cannabis conferences, is cannabisprohibition.

The International Cannabis Business Conference got its start in the United States, then expanded to Canada, and then to Europe. Cannabis legalization has of course spread to parts of the UnitedStates,Canada,andtoalesser extent Europe (Malta), but when we irst held our conferences in those places, prohibition was still the

ultimate law of the land in those jurisdictions. In the case of Germany, cannabisprohibitionisstillinplace.

That makes everything harder, from securing vendors to establishing partnerships, to advertising options, andeverythinginbetween.Withthat being said,myteam hasalwaysrisen to any challenge and overcome any hurdles,alwaysthinkingoutsideofthe box, and now the walls of cannabis prohibition are crumbling so the problems of the future will hopefully notbeasbigastheywereinthepast.

A big reason why we have held our conferencesintheplacesthatwehave held them is to help further the

mission of cannabis advocates in the regions.Weareallinthistogether

We bring in experts from other jurisdictionstohelpeducateeveryone and collaborate as much as possible, knowingthatwhatcomesoutofthatis a more formidable cannabis community both in the region where theeventisbeingheldaswellasatthe globallevel.

What attendees can expect in Berlin ie: Activations, networking, speakers, highlights

Over 5,000 cannabis leaders from over80countrieswillberepresented at the International Cannabis Business Conference in Berlin and that includes representatives from everysectoroftheindustryaswellas leading international cannabis policymakers and industry service providers.

Attend the International Cannabis Business Conference in Berlin to network with investors, entrepreneurs, industry regulators, and international policymakers and takeyourindustrypursuitstothenext level.

U.S. President Joe Biden

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When smart people get together and share ideas great things happen, and that is what the International Cannabis Business Conference is all about.
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What is next for ICBC Alex?

Well.youcanindoutandoinus in Slovenia for another of Europe’s Largest Cannabis Science&TechnologyB2Bevent. Attendees from 80+ Countries, Exhibitors and Sponsors and IndustrySpeakers.

The International Cannabis BusinessConferenceinSlovenia is Europe’s newest and most exciting science and technology trade show and conference. Slovenia already serves as an

international research and innovation hub for multiple industries and is rapidly becomingatopgloballeaderfor enhanced cannabis production methods and product development.

It’s the ideal location for the world’sleadingcannabisscience and technology experts to conveneandisamust-attendfor entrepreneurs, investors, policymakers, and industry service providers from all over theplanet.



reece, a land of myths, Glegends,andbreathtaking landscapes,haslongbeen a favourite destination for travellers seeking to immerse themselvesinitsrichhistoryand culture. But beyond its iconic ruins and azure blue seas, the countryhasrecentlyseenasurge in cannabis-related tourism, thanks to its progressive medicinal cannabis laws. In this article, we 'll explore the intersection of Greece's ancient past and it' s evolving relationshipwithcannabis.

A Brief History of Cannabis in Greece

Cannabis has been intertwined withGreekcultureforcenturies, datingbacktotheancientworld. Some historians believe that hemp was cultivated in the region as far back as 200 BCE, with its ibres being used for textiles,ropes,andsails.Ancient Greek physicians like

Dioscorides and Galen documented the medicinal properties of cannabis, recommending it for ailments

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such as earaches, inlammation, anddigestivedisorders.

WhilecannabisuseinGreecehas luctuatedoverthecenturies,the countrytookasigniicantstepin its modern cannabis journey when it legalized medical cannabis in 2017, which allows for the cultivation, production, and distribution of cannabis products containing THC for medical purposes. September 2021,therecreationaluseofTHC cannabisisnotlegalinGreece.

The use of cannabis for recreational purposes remains illegal, and possession of small amountsofcannabisforpersonal use is still punishable by law. Sincethen,theGreekgovernment has shown a commitment to developing a thriving medical cannabis industry, attracting

international investment and fostering a burgeoning cannabis tourismscene.


1 . C a n n a b i s - f r i e n d l y Accommodation

As Greece's cannabis industry evolves,anincreasingnumberof c a n n a b i s - f r i e n d l y accommodations are cropping up across the country. Many of these establishments offer guestsachancetoexperiencethe therapeutic beneits of cannabis while enjoying the beauty of Greece. These accommodations range from boutique hotels in bustlingAthenstoidyllicvillason the sun-drenched islands. Keep an eye out for establishments that are fully licensed to offer medicalcannabistotheirguests, ensuring a safe and legal experience.

2. Medicinal Cannabis Tours

Forthoselookingtodelvedeeper intoGreece'scannabisindustry,a variety of medicinal cannabis tours are available. These tours typically include visits to licensed cultivation facilities, where visitors can learn about the cultivation process and the importance of quality control. Some tours even offer hands-on experiences, allowing guests to

participate in planting or harvesting. Additionally, these tours often include educational components, discussing the historyofcannabisinGreeceand itsmedicinalproperties.

3. Cannabis-infused Culinary Experiences

Greece is renowned for its delicious cuisine, and the country's culinary scene is now embracing cannabis as well. Several innovative chefs are incorporatingcannabisintotheir dishes, creating a unique gastronomic experience for adventurous foodies. From

cannabis-infused olive oil drizzled over fresh salads to decadent desserts laced with cannabis-infused honey, there ' s no shortage of ways to savour the lavours of Greece with a cannabis twist.

4. Cannabis Wellness Retreats

Wellness tourism is a growing trend in Greece, and cannabis is increasingly playing a signiicant role in this sector.Severalwellness


retreats are now offering cannabisinfused treatments, ranging from massages with cannabis-infused oils to yoga sessionsincorporatingcannabis. Theseholisticexperiencesallow gueststoimmersethemselvesin the calming, therapeutic effects of cannabis while enjoying the natural beauty of Greece's stunninglandscapes.


As Greece continues to embrace the potential of its medical cannabisindustry,thecountryis quickly becoming a haven for cannabis enthusiasts and tourists alike. From cannabisfriendly accommodations to immersive tours and culinary experiences, there's a wealth of



e s f o r visitors to explore the ancient land

through a

cannabis lens. As you

plan your

G r e e k


consider incorporatin

g some of these.

Laws and regulations may change overtime,so it's essential to stay upto-date with

the latest information

b e f o r e travelling to Greece or

any other countryaboutcannabisuse.

Always ensure that you follow local laws and regulations to avoid any legal issues while travelling.

StayHigh,StayHappy andHappyTravelling, TrimQueen®

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Growing cannabis indoors can be a challenge. You can buy everything you need online, or from your local garden centre / grow shop. Don’t worry if you have never grown cannabis indoors before, it’s not as complicated as one might think and most people can master the basic skills quickly. You will need to learn more about:

• Choosingthebestcannabisseeds

• Germinatingcannabisseeds

• Choosing the right grow lights for indoorcannabisgrowing.

• Choosing nutrients to be used for cannabisgrowing

• Choosing supplements used to promotebettercannabisgrowing

• The importance of the climate in yourgrowroom

• Tipsforgrowingcannabisindoors


Don’t worry. Cannabis grows in a wide varietyofsubstratesandunderabroad rangeofconditions.Ifyouarelookingto growafewplantsinasquaremetretent, thenanyoftheDutchPassionautolower seedswouldbeagoodchoiceforaneasy grow FeminizedvarietiessuchasNight Queen, Mazar or Bubba Island Kush wouldalsomakegreatchoices.

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The Dutch Passion cannabis seed

collection out of Europe or RocketSeeds outofCanadahavetwoof themostcompleteseedcataloguesever assembled.Youwillindawideselection of cannabis cup winning varieties in severalcategoriesontheirwebsite.Itis good to note that most people grow cannabis indoors with feminized seeds or autolower seeds. Feminized seeds grow vegetively for the irst few weeks

under18or24hoursofdailylight.They only start to bloom when daily light is reducedto12hours,andgenerallytake around 8-12 weeks to bloom. Some varieties/phenotypes can be quicker and ready after as little as 7 weeks of bloom Fast blooming varieties are probablyveryIndicadominant,suchas Bubba Island Kush. Some Sativa dominant plants/phenotypes can take upto15weekstofullyinishblooming.

(orchids, veggies) or you have an especially green thumb, you will havefailuresyourirsttimeortwo.

At irst, cannabis cultivation indoors canlooklikeadauntingprocess.After all,growingweedindoorsrequiresyou to replicate Mother Nature’s great outdoors inside a space – you ’ re basically bringing the outside inside. When done right, it’s amazingly rewarding. The keys to cannabis cultivationindoors:selecting/creating a space, lighting and ventilation, control systems and growing medium/process,nutrients,waterand pestmanagement.

• Select/Create Your Cannabis


• Start Small - With cannabis cultivation indoors, it is easier to learn, and fail, with a small amountofplants(2or3)thanitis when you’re starting out with 15 or more! Unless you ’ ve already grownsomeotherplantsindoors

• One way to mitigate failure is to work with a mentor; if you don’t knowsomeonewhoisalreadygood at growing weed you ’ re working from a disadvantage. Having someone to talk with about your grow is an important part of learning to be successful on your own.

• Think Big - Even though you ’ re startingoutwithahandfulofplants, youstillhavetobuildoutyourspace foramaximumload.Asyouscaleup, you ’ll want to have your infrastructure in place so all you havetodoisgetmoreclones,notreconiguretheentireroomeachtime you set up a grow (you’ll already havetocleanitthoroughlybetween cyclesESPECIALLYifyouhadapest issue).

• Cannabis cultivation indoors is not easy.There’salotofdetailworkand eachtimeyoucycletheroomyou’ve got to clean it as part of getting readyforthenextcycle.

• Keepitclean

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• The two biggest systemic problems you’ll have are: mildew and pests. One way to mitigate them is by keeping your grow room clean during the grow cycle, and by performing a complete cleaning of theroombetweengrowcycles.

• You’llwanttokeeptheroomasclean asyoucanregardless;youdon’twant to smoke weed which has been grownindoorsinaroomwhichISN’T clean…lotsofthingscanhappento theplantswhicharen’tgood!

• Keep it Secure - We mean “secure” two ways: secure from unwanted visitors and secure from unwanted pests.

• Convenience - By convenience we mean:Access.You’llwanttohavean easy way for you to gain access and you’ll need to make sure “prying eyes”can’t.Afterall,evenifcannabis cultivationindoorsislegalwhereyou live, you probably don’t want your neighbor’stoseeitorsmellit.

• Temperature and Humidity - The most important elements to control in an indoor grow are temperature andhumidity Balancingthesetwois critical to having a successful grow which doesn’t develop any pest or mildewproblems.

• Stealth - Here’s the thing about buildinganindoorgrow:youhaveto be ‘stealthy’ if you want to keep it secure.Something’sareobvious(like a load of lumber being delivered so youcanreconigureyourgarage)and some things are just weird, like adding external ventilation ports to yourroof.

• The less obvious (and weird) thebetter–askyourselfthiswill it look suspicious if you start to use too much electricityallofsudden?

• L i g h t s - Since you ’ re recreating the outside environment in your indoor grow, the most important thing is Light (and temperature and humidity as noted above, however, these can all be managed by using therightlightingsystem).

• Pests-Thereareseveraltypes ofpeststomanage:

◦ Soilborne

◦ Airborne

◦ Hitchhikers

Soil Borne - Soil borne are the critters(likemites)whichcamein withyoursoil(ifyou’regrowingin dirt). One way to ight mites is to release ladybugs into the room.

Ladybugs are like Rumba vacuums, they’re always crawling around on the plants eating pests andcleaningtheplantsastheygo.

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Airborne lew in when the door was open. Creating negative pressure in the room can help to mitigate this, as will have ine screens on your intake and output vents.

• Hitchhikers came in on your clothesandshoes.Youcanstepinto some bleach before entry to take care of your shoes and you might consider getting a ‘clean room’ jumpsuit to put on over your clothes.

• Controls and MonitoringCannabis cultivation indoors depends on the types of controls and monitoring you ’ re doing duringthegrowcycle.

Here are some things to think about:

Lighting Timers - When plants are seedlings (and during the vegetation phase) the lights should be on 18 – 20 hours per day.Onceyou’rereadytotrigger theFloweringPhaseyou’ll“lip” thelightsto12hoursonand12 hours off. Simple systems use a timer on the power box, more complexsystemsuseacomputer to control the lights and their relative UV output (e.g., LED LightingSystems).

◦ Temperature and Humidity Controls - As discussed, controlling temperature and humidity is critical. One way to help manage this is to incorporateade-humidiierinto yourroom.Again,you’llneedto monitor the room for temperature and humidity to maintain the optimal settings duringeachphaseofyourgrow cycle.

H2O Ph -ThePhofthewateryou’llbe using needs to be established at the startofthegrow.Onceyouknowwhat the Ph levels are you can manage by iltering the water and adding nutrients to the water when it’s time tofeedtheplants.

Most “Nutrient Systems” (e.g., General Hydroponics) have balanced theirproductstoworkwithPhneutral w a t e r. O u r c h o i c e a n d recommendationforacomprehensive nutrient company is Emerald Harvest Emerald Harvest has carefully calibrated and formulated their base nutrients to provide precisely the right ratios and concentrations of all the essential elementsforplantstogrowandbloom properly.Theyoffertwoprofessional base nutrient series made from the highestqualityrawingredients.

Aftermanyyearsintheindustry,and having worked with hundreds of growers and store owners, they operate under a simple concept: that mostgrowerswouldpreferacompact lineofnutrientsthatprovidethevery best of both science and nature in a simple, easy-to-use feeding program thatdeliversprofessionalresults.

That’sEmerald Harvest.

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Therearetoomanychoices,and choices leave growers and owners feeling misled and confused. We have been asked more times wecancount,“DoIreallyneedall products?” Well, the answer is dependsonhowmuchyieldyou andwhatyouexpectfromyour Many of the available suppl havewell-knownbeneits,butgr believethatusingsomanysingle-bottle products is too costly, confusing franklywasteful.

Cannabis Plant Roots - Cannabis plants have a “root ball” (insert picture) which resembles cotton candy. How big the plants will grow dependsonhowmuchroomthereisin the container. Once a cannabis plant gets‘rootbound’itwon’tgroweither tallerorindiameter.

Plant Containers - Remember

beginningofthispostwetalked theGoalofyourGrowRoom?This to the heart of the Plant Containers conversation.Everythinggetsdo how “big” (height and diamet want to grow your plan recommend the excellent se availableatIninity Pot.

Cannabis Grow Medium - Soil or hydroponic? Amended soil or DYI? Thesearejustsomeofthequestionsto consider with cannabis cultivation indoors. Remember: you’re trying to replicate Mother Nature so the medium you choose is critical. We recommend Promix and here’s why.

Seed germination and young plant production starts with you choosing the right growing medium or substrate. It is important to have a substrate with good physical characteristics, such as air porosity and water holding capacity, however chemical characteristics are equally important.

Achieving such a feat as reaching the optimalresultwithaspeciiccannabis strain doesn’t happen just by chance. Scienceandtechnologiesareessential tobringingthebestoutofthehidden powerofyourplant Whenitcomesto Promix - active ingredients, such as mycorrhizal fungi, are deinitely part oftheequation.

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Topping - Topping involves cutting off the top of your plant to encourage it to growmorethickandfull.Itmightseem like a crazy idea to cut the top off of a perfectly healthy plant, but it's a tried and true method used by farmers of manyplanttypes.Insteadofyourplant growing tall and skinny, topping will make your plant grow more bushy and leadyoutoahigheryield.

Lollipopping - Lollipopping is where you remove the side branches and the smalllowbranchesonyourplant Once you remove the small branches your plantwillbeabletoputallofitsenergy intothemainbranches.It’sverysimilar to the regular pruning that is done to treesandotherplants.

This practice is done when you don’t want the small branches sucking the

energyfromyourplant.Thisallowsthe plant to focus its energy on the bigger buds at the top of the plant Removing the sluggish lower branches that often sprout along the base will also allow better air circulation for your young cannabisplant.Lollipoppingwillgetrid of the extra, unwanted parts of your cannabisplantsothatyouryoungplant can put its energy into growing bigger budsandgivingyouabetteryieldinthe end.

Biostimulants - By plant biostimulant we mean a material which contains substance(s) and/or microorganisms whose function when applied to plants or the rhizosphere is to stimulate natural processes to beneit nutrient uptake,nutrienteficiency,toleranceto abiotic stress, and/or crop quality, independentlyofitsnutrientcontent

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If you are interested in being able to unleashthefullpotentialofyourcrops withoutmajorchangestoyourgrowing practices when you do so - then Miicrobial Massisthegrower’shelper for you. Miicrobial Mass is a biostimulantproductspeciallydeveloped to maximize plant yield using ive differentbacterialstrains.

Miicrobial Mass harnesses the latest scientiicunderstandingofrhizosperic microbiology and has been carefully developed to harness the power of beneicial bacteria in the root zone of theplant.Partofthe Miicrobial Mass research and development process involved extensive ield testing in partnergardensacrossNorthAmerica utilizing a wide variety of nutrient programs, substrates, and growing practices in both indoor and outdoor settings.

This research has allowed Miicrobial Mass to identify with great precision the application rates necessary to achieve spectacular results in the majority of Gardens and growing conditions. Miicrobial Mass’s proprietorial blend of bacteria promotes a healthy root zone by solubilizing phosphorus and calcium, and assisting with the bio-availability of iron and other fertilization compounds from both organic and inorganicsources.Thisallowsgrowers beabletounleashthefullpotentialof their crops without major changes to theirgrowingpractices.

Features and Beneits

• Extracellular enzyme production

helps to break down other fertilization compounds thoughts promoting our rich and diverse healthyrootzone.

• Faster root development and increasedrootbiomass.

• Fastervegetativegrowth.

• Increasedplanthealthandvitality.

• Thicker stalks and stronger branches.

• Increasedyield.

• Effective is an additive for all nutrient programs – growing practicesdonotneedtochangein order to achieve the beneits that Miicrobial Massoffers.

• Compatible with any organic or salt-basedfeeprograms.

• Effectiveforusewithanysubstrate orgrowingmedium.

• Excellent for use in ield agricultureandcommercialhemp production.

• Certiied organic by ECOCERT Canada.

• CFIAapprovedforproductionand anylicensedfacilityinCanada.

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Cannabis Grow Medium

Soil or hydroponic? Amended soil or DYI? These are just some of the questions to consider with cannabis cultivationindoors.Remember:you’re trying to replicate Mother Nature so themediumyouchooseiscritical.We recommendPromixandhereiswhy

Seed germination and young plant production starts with you choosing the right growing medium or substrate. It is important to have a substrate with good physical characteristics, such as air porosity and water holding capacity, however chemical characteristics are equally important.

Achieving such a feat as reaching the optimalresultwithaspeciiccannabis strain doesn’t happen just by chance. Scienceandtechnologiesareessential tobringingthebestoutofthehidden powerofyourplant.Whenitcomesto Promix - active ingredients, such as mycorrhizal fungi, are deinitely part oftheequation.

LST (Low Stress Training)

Low Stress Training involves bending thebranchesslowlysothattheygrow inacertaindirection.Thisissimilarto puttingbracesonyourteeth.

Youmightbewonderingifit’sokayto stressplants,butthetruthisplantsare able to undergo stress, just like our teeth.

Thereasonwestressplantsistobend ourstemsintoashapethatbestitsthe available space and makes sure it's growingintherightdirection.Thiscan help increase yields, and make the mostoutofyourgrowingspace.

Monster Cropping

This technique has the name Monster Cropping because it results in so many lowers, so it has almost a monster result. Monster Cropping is where you take clones of a plant during the lowering phase, replant them, and revert them back to the vegetative growth stage. This allowsyoutosaveonseeds,have havecontinousharvests.

Inordertoswitchtheplantbackto vegetative growth, you simply needtogivetheplantsmorelight than you would in the lowering stage.

One of the cool things about MonsterCroppingisthatyoudon’t have to keep the mother plant in ordertolettheclonesgrow.

Many times the mother plant becomesbigandspreadsout.You can take several cuttings to save space,harvestthemotherandstill have several plants that will be ready for harvest much sooner than if you were to start again fromseed.

www.emeraldharvest.ca www.emeraldharvest.ca emeraldharvest.ca


In a world filled with remarkable individuals, Dave MacAdam stands out asonesuchindividualwhohascraftedhis path to success through sheer determination and unwavering commitment. Dave's journey is one of resilience, passion, and continuous growth, with his triumphs serving as an inspirationtoallwhoencounterhisstory.

Dave is a highly respected figure in the cannabis industry, known for his expertise in cultivation, media, and internationalexpansion.

As the cultivation editor at High Canada magazine, his dedication to sharing knowledge and fostering growth has made him an influential figure among aspiring cultivators and extractors. In addition to his involvement in various mediaoutlets,

With his current focus on expanding the HighmediagroupintoEuropewithHigh Europe Magazine, Dave is taking the cannabisindustrytonewheights.

Dave's path to success has been far from smooth-sailing. Like many, he faced numerous obstacles and setbacks along the way. However, it was his ability to embrace these challenges as opportunities for growth that set him apart. Dave's unwavering determination propelled him forward, consistently pushinghimtolearnandimprove.

WhattrulysetsDaveapartishisgenuine passionforhiswork.Hehasalwaysbeen deeply committed to his craft, imbuing everything he does with an infectious energy and enthusiasm. Dave's zeal for his field not only made him stand out amongsthispeers,butitalsodrovehimto

overcome obstacles that would have deterredothers.

Dave's dedication to personal and professional growth has been instrumental in his success He understands that complacency is the enemy of progress and has made a conscious effort to challenge himself consistently By seeking new challenges and learning opportunities, Dave has honed his skills and expanded his knowledgebase,enablinghimtobecome atrueexpertinhisdomain.

Life seldom goes according to plan, and Daveunderstandsthisalltoowell.Rather than being discouraged by setbacks, he has embraced adaptability as a crucial skill.Dave'sabilitytopivotandadjusthis approach when faced with unexpected roadblocks has been crucial to his accomplishments His unwavering resilience has been at the core of his abilitytobouncebackstronger,timeand timeagain.

Dave remains committed to giving back to the community that has shaped him. From mentoring young professionals to activelyparticipatinginsocialinitiatives, he constantly seeks ways to make a positive impact. He believes that true success is not solely measured by personal achievements but also by contributing to the betterment of society asawhole.

Dave's role as the cultivation editor at High Canada magazine has allowed him to share his vast knowledge and experience with cannabis enthusiasts across Canada. He provides valuable insight on cultivation techniques, extraction methods, and the latest industrytrends.

Throughhisarticlesandeditorials,Dave showcases his expertise and passion for the art of cannabis cultivation, elevating theindustryasawhole.

In addition to his role at High Canada Magazine, Dave has also made significant contributions to other distinguished publications, further establishinghimselfasanauthorityinthe field. His work with Onit Sciences has been featured in Canna Investor magazine, where he shares valuable insights into investment opportunities in the cannabis industry Dave's contributions to various publications reflect his commitment to fostering the growthanddevelopmentofthecannabis industry through education and informationsharing.

Dave's dedication to the cannabis industry extends beyond his work as an editorandwriter

Recognizing the importance of mentorship,Davehastakenontheroleof guiding and mentoring aspiring cultivators and extractors in both the Canadian and international markets Leveraginghisextensiveknowledgeand experience, he provides invaluable guidance and advice to individuals looking to establish themselves within the legal cannabis industry Dave's mentorshipempowersnewprofessionals, enablingthemtonavigatechallengesand contributetothegrowthoftheindustry

Dave'sambitionandvisionhaveledhim to spearhead the expansion of the High media group into Europe with High Europe magazine. By identifying the potential for growth and realizing the need for insightful cannabis content in Europe, Dave is paving the way for the exchange of ideas and expertise in this emerging market. With his leadership, HighEuropemagazineaimstobecomea premier source of information and inspiration for cannabis enthusiasts and professionalsinEurope.

Dave's contributions to cannabis cultivation, media, and industry

organizations have positioned him as an influential figure in the global cannabis His dedication to sharing knowledge, mentoring aspiring professionals, and expandingtheHighmediagroupintonew territories demonstrates his commitment todrivingtheindustryforward.

Ascannabiscontinuestoevolveandgain acceptance worldwide, Dave's contributions will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact, shaping the future of the industry for years to come. His journey embodiesthetriumphofthehumanspirit

and serves as a beacon of inspiration for aspiringindividuals.

Through his unwavering determination, passion,andcontinuousgrowthmindset, Dave has carved a path of success that epitomizes the potential within all of us. His story inspires us to embrace challenges, relentlessly pursue our passions, and continuously strive for personal and professional growth. Dave MacAdam'slegacyisonethatremindsus that success is within reach if we are willingtoworkforit.

Unlocking the Full Genetic Potential of Every Plant Unlocking the Full Genetic Potential of Every Plant


A documentary ilm by (collabo!)

Frenchy Dreams of Hashish is a documentary ilm about the master Hashishin Frenchy Cannoli and a small group of Emerald Triangle cannabis farmers in Northern California. Frenchy and his wife Kimberly produced Frenchy Dreams of Hashish in collaboration with the director of the ilm, Jake Remington, and his production company (collabo!)

From the beginning, the intention behind the ilm was to reintroduce traditional hashish to the public and amplify Frenchy's and the farmers' ethos of sustainable farming and their dedication to quality sun-grown cannabis. During ilming, the cannabis industry in California was experiencing the waves of change brought on by the legalization of adult-use cannabis - these changes negatively affected and threatened the livelihood of the small farmers Frenchy worked with. This maelstrom of bureaucracy and hypocrisy ended up being the context of the ilm in which Frenchy and the farmers' ight for quality - and survival - intensiied.

This mistreatment of farmers is still happening today and with the release of this documentary, we hope to bring awareness and change to the situation surrounding cannabis in northern California.

High! Europe Magazine - 42
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