High! Canada Magazine Issue #59 November 2020

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FREE #59





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Thanks to Contributors: Cy Williams Rainbow Smithe Tammi Stanhope Ryit Photography and Alysia Bear

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EDITORIAL - Cy Williams As I write this editorial, I find myself wan ng to impress on you the importance of nature and our physical and mental well being. Lives are being saved. Let’s protect that. Moun ng evidence from leading medical research ins tu ons such as Johns Hopkins, UCLA, and NYU tell us that plant medicines are uniquely effec ve in trea ng depression, trauma and addic on, and end-of-life anxiety. Aside from cannabis, most of these poten ally life-saving medicines are currently illegal. C a n a d a , i t ’s m e t o d e c r i m i n a l i z e . D e c r i m i n a l i za o n d o e s n o t a u t h o r i ze recrea onal use or retail marke ng. It simply reduces people’s risk of arrest for using natural substances that can treat common mental health condi ons. Moun ng clinical research—and thousands of years of tradi onal use—suggests that entheogenic medicines could be a crucial missing piece in trea ng epidemic rates of mental illness, addic on and trauma-related condi ons and empower well people to realize greater wholeness, purpose and connec on. Society pays the price of inadequate mentalhealth treatments in loss of life and in unmet human poten al. Those costs are far too high. Innova ve methods must be added to our exis ng health-care system and for the sake of all of us - I do hope it happens soon... Get involved at www.decriminalizenature.ca Cy Williams Publisher/Editor - High! Canada Magazine email - editor@highcanada.net www.instagram.com/ryitphotgraphy www.instagram.com/photo.jessica.chin.king

www.ccsa.ca/cannabis www.canada.ca/cannabis

Interview Revisited Credit to KIND MAGAZINE For Sharing Their Content with us! www.kindmagazine.ca




THE GANJA MAMA By Tammi Stanhope


Rehman from Master Chef Canada when she posted a birthday selfie to her page and I was blown away and oh so very excited!

Fast forward to November of the same year I started following The Ganja Mama on Instagram who was crea ng some very amazing dishes, and being the owner of an edibles company myself I was always on the lookout for new chefs in the space!

Over the last year I have spoken with Nadia on several occasions and she is just as lovely as I hoped she would be. During the first few months of 2020 she launched a Cannais Spa In a Box working on upli ing other BIPOC businesses and entrepreneurs. Of course I ordered one and not only was every item in the box amazing it's important during these mes to support local!

It wasn't un l December 2019 that I discovered it was the talented Mrs.

Nadia definitely comes into the cannabis space with an extensive resume, heart of

first learned of Nadia Rehman back in 2018 when she appeared on Master Chef Canada Season 5, and I was then obsessed with every cooking and baking show on tv. Nadia made it to the fourth spot before a double elimina on but her passion for food didn't end there.

Currently I run a blog called The Ganja Mama that was solely educa on on elegant infused foods for a few years, but as of recent it has shi ed. Earlier this year I decided to launch a cannabis spa in a box which focused on highligh ng other amazing BIPOC entrepreneurs in luxury skin care, home goods, food, cannabis etc. It’s something I’ve had in my mind forever and I decided I needed to act on it. What challenges or adversity have you encountered in the cannabis space?

gold, and ideas & ambi on to help move cra cannabis forward. Can't wait to see what she has in store for us in 2021 You can find the lovely Mrs. Rehman on

www.instagram.com/theganjamama Instagram @theganjamama

How and why did you get into the cannabis industry? Nadia: I discovered cannabis when I was really young, maybe 12 and I was kind of obsessed with it from the start. There was something about it that had me mesmerized. When I was around 11 my doctor diagnosed me with PCOS so I’ve had to deal with my pain management for a great deal of me and very early on in my life. When I was 17 I discovered cooking with cannabis and incorpora ng it into my daily life and I haven’t really looked back. I was a resident infused brownie + cake baker in university and my 420 bake-sales were legendary, I’ve never really stopped since then! What do you currently do that involves cannabis?

This is a tough one, the biggest issue I have is seeing our Black and Brown brothers and sisters incarcerated and then seeing who now profits in cannabis. We all have a duty to support and upli those in our communi es, that’s why I launched my spa boxes. In addi on to suppor ng these BIPOC businesses I also donate por ons of my proceeds to folks or organiza ons in need. Cannabis also has a barrier to entry at mes, so naviga ng the space can be challenging. Some mes I feel like it’s legacy market vs. Legal and it’s not nice, given most people have been at this for a long me way before anything happened with legaliza on. I do think we can do be er when it comes to assis ng people to transi on from one market to another will be key in being more inclusive. Advice for other women entering or trying to navigate the cannabis space? Do it! And that’s with anything business related! There is a place for us here, and there are so many avenues you can take, it’s not just opening up a dispensary or LP, services etc can become very lucra ve. Entrepreneurship isn’t easy, I grew up in a family of entrepreneurs and I’ve had a number of businesses I’ve started, it’s about trus ng yourself and the process. I know there is space for all of us to thrive! There are some amazing people I’ve met in the industry, reach out and make those connec ons. Support and upli one another and that is how we can move forward and advance the industry and our Canadian economy!

What are your goals and plans for 2021 ? I am working on something very personal that I’m excited to share. I’m hoping to announce in 2021. The Ganja Mama and the year 2020 that we have had has really propelled me to look inwards and work on myself, this includes doing things that are in alignment with who I am as a person, my

values, passions and ul mately what makes me, me. I’m really excited to con nue to grow and bring something brand new to the cannabis industry and tourism in Canada! This project has been in the works for years now so I think 2021 will be perfect for my next project!


anadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy Launches Na onal Cannabis Educa onal Campaign Focused on Young Canadians.

Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy (CSSDP) is thrilled to announce the launch of a na onal youth-led cannabis educa on campaign, and to share the press release linked below. Building from the success of CSSDP’s Sensible Cannabis Educa on Toolkit, this two-year project will provide youth-led cannabis educa on ini a ves, workshops and resources post-legaliza on for young people 17-25. The project will be funded through Health Canada’s Substance Use and Addic ons Program. Strains in photos - 1, 2 & 3 - Pink Kush - 4 - Gorilla Zi les - 5 - Crown Royal

Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy (“CSSDP”) is proud to announce the launch of a two-year youth-led Canadian cannabis educa on program. The grant of $ 428,535 from Health Canada’s Substance Use and Addic on Program (“SUAP”) will allow CSSDP to implement a series of programs and ini a ves over a two-year period. This programming will be designed to promote sensible, age-appropriate, and evidence-informed conversa ons with Canadian youth aged 17-25 about cannabis. This collabora ve project will build off the success of the 2018 Sensible Cannabis Educa on: A Toolkit for Educa ng Youth (“Toolkit”) by hos ng educa onal workshops, launching digital educa on tools, and making the toolkit as accessible as possible to all Canadians by increasing dissemina on a n d t ra n s l a n g i t i n to m u l p l e languages. To date, the Toolkit has been downloaded over 2,000 mes with over 1,000 hard copies in English and French distributed to parents, educators, community stakeholders, and youth. “We are grateful to have this excep onal opportunity to advance cannabis educa on for young people, with educa onal ini a ves that are for youth and by youth,” said Kira LondonNadeau, Chair of CSSDP. “This na onal project builds on our previous efforts to empower young people and create opportuni es for evidence-based

discussions, which is s ll cri cally needed for young people across the country.” The Canadian Cannabis Survey (2019) reports that cannabis use among young people 16 to 24 years old is over twice the rate of those 25 and over. Given that we are two years into legaliza on, and a variety of public health issues remain at the forefront, it is a pivotal me to support evidence-informed resources, ini a ves and programming on cannabis. This na onal project will focus on the delivery of cannabis educa on in line with growing research on drug educa on and ensure that Canadian youth and young adults, and the people who support them, have a c c e s s t o a va r i e t y o f t o o l s a n d i n fo r m a o n to m a ke re s p o n s i b l e decisions about their health. Prohibi on did not prevent young people from using cannabis. We are now two years into legaliza on, and our intent is to ensure that Canadian youth are equipped with the right tools to make responsible decisions about their health. CSSDP believes the most effec ve youth cannabis educa on priori zes and centralizes young people’s voices. Targe ng youth ages 17-25, this project will: Increase reach and distribu on of CSSDP’s Sensible Cannabis Educa on Toolkit in Canada, both online and in print, as well as in addi onal languages, in addi on to English and French, to reach communi es o en le out of drug educa on efforts;

Organize and facilitate a na onal dialogue which focuses on online workshops across Canada, including centering the role of peer leaders (aged 17-25) to assist with the facilita on of workshops and ensure youth perspec ves and approaches are upli ed throughout the process; and Extend and build on knowledge transfer ac vi es related to the Toolkit, including brochures, social media materials, harm reduc on materials and an accessible, dedicated website resource for youth, families, and educators. If you would like to support CSSDP, please visit our Patreon.

About Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy (CSSDP) Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy is a grassroots na onal network of youth and students who are concerned about the nega ve impact our drug policies have on individuals and communi es. CSSDP considers problema c drug use in society primarily a health and human rights issue rather than a criminal jus ce issue, a n d a d vo c ate s fo r a p p ro p r i ate , evidence-based responses to reduce and prevent harm from drug use. CSSDP currently runs 20 local youth-run chapters across Canada, in addi on to a na onal Board of Directors, and is wo r k i n g to i n c re a s e a c c e s s a n d awareness of harm reduc on, support ev i d e n c e - b a s e d l e g i s l a o n , a n d promote drug policy reform on local, na onal and interna onal levels. For more informa on, visit us at cssdp.org, follow us on Twi er , Instagram & Facebook.

www.supportdontpunish.org About Substance Use and Addic on Program (SUAP) Health Canada’s Substance Use and Addic ons Program provides grants and contribu ons funding to other levels of government, community-led and not-forproďŹ t organiza ons, as well as individuals (micro-grant funding only), to respond to drug and substance use issues in Canada. Funding supports a wide range of evidence-informed and innova ve problema c substance use preven on, harm reduc on and treatment ini a ves across Canada at the community, regional and na onal levels. Ini a ves target a range of psychoac ve substances, including opioids, s mulants, cannabis, alcohol, nico ne and tobacco.

For more informa on: contact@cssdp.org Relevant Links: www.getsensible.org



PUFF, PUFF, POWER! Interview by Alysia Bear Photography by Ryit Photography


t has been a while since we have seen Elias Theodorou, C a n a d a ' s M M A middleweight champion and cannabis advocate, in the ring but it doesn't mean he's o en out of our sight. With a mul tude of modelling, sponsorship, ac ng and secret projects in play, on top of his ac ve social media presence, it's not as if Covid has dampened the mul talented Theodorou's work prospects terribly- though it was impac ng approval for his next bout in the ring. We are so pleased to hear, during the latest sit-down with our UFC Na ons champ, that he's ge ng on his gloves and it's back into the cage for this Mississauga na ve. Theodorou's next ďŹ ght is pending announcement in the coming few weeks, streaming exclusively on a revolu onary new pla orm called Imagine BC. It's a more equitable s e r v i c e fo r c re ato rs a n d viewers than the majority of pla orms available for streaming today, oering ways to earn on both ends. In addi on, as it's built on block chain technology, there's more privacy and security for the data in play than on some

other pla orms, which would sooner sell it than protect it. The 32 year old, longme cannabis pa ent and advocate has paired with ImagineBC to create an agegated event, marking his stamp in knocking out cannabis f rom the prohibited substances list with a 420friendly fight. In advance of this and some other pending projects, we sat down for a lengthy interview to chat cannabis, challenges, change and what to expect of this MMA machine in the years to come. Excitedly, Elias feels that he has many more le in the tank with his medical freedoms protected. With acknowledgment as a cannabis pa ent in his sport comes the ability to finally compete at peak performance, with less pain and only more gains. Compe on beware- this man's known to break bones with blows. I, for one, can't wait to see him toss some again soon. First and foremost you’re a fighter, who has risen to the top of his class, but you’re also a chronic pa ent- can you talk a li le bit about your condi on bilateral neuropathic pain, what cannabis does for you and how it differs from the other treatments you have tried? For sure! Well, as you men oned I have bilateral neuropathy- which is essen ally nerve damage to my upper extremi es and, you’ve got to think, everything that I’m doing- punching, grinding, li ing or being tossed down.. And it’s not only the moment that it ’s happening, with s ngers, the cramping and it’s all only mul plied as training camp picks up to get ready for a fight. Cu ng the weight adds to the flare ups, the whole process you’re losing minerals and it’s a whole throw in regards to your system.


Now with cannabis, over the number of years, I’ve worked with my doctor, been prescribed by my doctor, obtained a diagnosis and we’ve worked to just clarify that cannabis is the be er choice. The reason that is, is because, with first line medicines that I was forced to do and exhaust for my therapeu c use exemp on in compe on…. We did a whole list of painkillers, opioids, by the end of it they wanted me taking an depressants right? Basically it was just to numb you and then, one of the side effects was, “Oh your pain may go away as well.” Going with the side effects, it would impact my intes nal tract- being bloated, or being cons pated and then having to go get punched in the stomach every single day is not fun, right? For instance Lyrica, which I was forced on too- or some of the other opiods, painkillers or then again the an depressants would make me gain like 10lbs when I had to cut 10-20lbs already to begin with and it’s frustra ng me because of the whole process. Unfortunately, because I previously wasn’t allowed to use my medicine there was another component that prevented me from compe ng on a level playing fieldsomeone else could crush percocets and it wouldn’t be an issue but I couldn’t medicate as prescribed by my doctor. The side effects only mul plied and there was the fact that the medica ons didn’t really work as well as cannabis wasCannabis is a targeted way that I’m able to work with the an -inflammatory proper es in it, as well as the pain management component. I vaporize before a er training, or before I go to bed for the recovery part and the pain management part- but I also incorporate cannabis all throughout my day. And so you’re also a full THC athlete, correct? You’re not simply a CBD user but consume full spectrum medicine? Yes, that’s correct! I argued not having to remove it as my fundamental right as a pa ent and that’s how I was able to win

my therapeu c use exemp on- it’s part of our Charter of Rights and Freedoms to medicate as prescribed by your doctor and that’s what cannabis with THC was. If I’m correct, in December 2019 you were up against Hernani Perpetuo and won a TKO against him in the first fight where you had your therapeu c use exemp on in place and got to compete using cannabis. How did that fight differ from others beforehand, where you could not? Well, actually, that fight wasn’t with the therapeu c use exemp on because, funny enough, Ontario has it grandfathered in that cannabis just isn’t tested. Technically, I did medicate all the way through and there weren’t any poten al consequences- just like in the CFL where they don’t classify it as a prohibited substance. So that one I was able to medicate throughout and the results speak for themselves; I didn’t have the same symptoms from my condi on, the same flare ups and I had one of the best weight cuts- if not the best weight cut- I’ve ever had. Again, proof is in the pudding; in regards to figh ng another former UFC fighter and, basically, from pillar to post I had him. Now, going into my next fight where I can exercise my therapeu c use exemp on, the same results are going to happen. This camp has been one of the best I’ve had in a long me, if not the best I’ve had period, because through this whole experience I was able to grow as a mar al ar st- but also grow as a pa ent. I was able to be er understand my schedule and translate the discipline I have as an athlete, that rou ne, into my medical care and cannabis consump on as well. So when you’re going through the year normally, then start to approach a fight. How long beforehand would you have to stop using cannabis in order to qualify? Well, everyone’s different and that’s one of the points I argued as well- their standard of tes ng is flawed. For instance, in the UFC, there are way more male fighters than there are female fighters but they’re flagged about as o en for cannabis use because the females are being penalized more because of their size difference. It [the

test] can’t really ar culate when cannabis is administered accurately, as everybody is different, and that’s one of the things talked about the most. I am not sure if you’re able to talk about this, as I know you have a couple of projects going on that you can’t disclose just now, but I’ve heard you’re in a movie and playing a fighter. I was wondering if you planned to have this fighter u lize cannabis within the film or have it men oned as part of his story- Is this something that has been talked about yet or, if not, is it something that you intend to try and work in? Yep (laughs) there are some I can’t talk about but, yes, definitely- there’s a couple different routes. The film is called Last Hit and I play a MMA fighter, huge stretch, who gets injured and reinvents himself as a compe ve gamer. We’re working with a couple of poten al proper es and, depending on who we partner with it’s a very cool tle and a classic that everyone knows about- then we can obtain those rights and it’ll be a very cool move. It’s a comedy, kind of like Wizard meets Southpaw and, you know, a dabble of Dodgeball in it. I think the really important thing to note about this one though is that it’s funny as hell; The writer, Kyle Francis, he’s worked in the industry for quite some and in addi on to the comedy and such a fun script, l think it’s a great story about someone having to reinvent themselves a er tragedy. You know, it’s not only about sports but life in general and, when life gets you down, the ability to reinvent yourself is a pre y powerful story. So, even with the funnies and the jokes, it’s a good message. You said about playing the MMA fighter, “What a stretch” but that whole reinven on thing… you’ve done that a couple of mes yourself as well, have you not? You’ve been in skateboarding, figh ng, modeling, ac ng and if I’m not mistaken you’ve handled a lot of your own PR. Now you’ve got more projects on top like The Mane Event and aren’t you the Ring Boy too?

(laughs) Well, yes, I am the first Ring Boy and also own the trademark. I love working for Invicta and my major home is there, with the largest all-female MMA league and they’re on Playpass. I haven’t been over since Covid, due to quaran nes impac ng my own figh ng schedule, but it went from a really cool experience for myself that offshot into a greater conversa on in general. Part of that was a call to eliminate ring card holders, sugges ng that it sexualizes women, but my argument was that it’s removing a job and taking away from a person who actually wants to be there- so my answer was never less, it’s more. I think it helps diversify mar al arts and combat sports in general. It’s a tough job but (laughs) somebody’s go a do it. Obviously there are a lot of professional fighters, football players and athletes coming out with concerns about brain injury. Do you have those same concerns and, if so, are you doing anything at this age to proac vely try and protect your health or keep an eye on it? Well, any commission, because of the way the rules are set, it works out to I end up having a brain scan once a year- maybe twice. For instance, one of the places where I intend upon compe ng, they have a whole concussion test beforehand so you can’t show any signs of damage. Obviously trauma c brain injury is an issue and it is in many sports- mine is no different. I think, as with anything, there is a level of assumed risk. Stepping in the cage, there is assumed risk and I’ve been lucky, knock on wood (as he jokingly taps his forehead), to avoid a lot of the damage that some have had. I think, because of that, I have many more miles le in me and I’m excited about the next aspect of my career. I think that’s about it but, as a ma er of personal interest, you prac ce a couple of different types of mar al arts... What is your personal favourite- either to watch or, as in, if you could choose your blackbelt in any form, then which would you pick and why? I would probably just s ck with mixed mar al arts in general, to be honest. You

know, I think jui jitsu is great because you can kind of do it forever. One of the coolest things, being in Brazil, was seeing like 60 year old black belts that have been doing it long enough that everything’s kind of faded, so much it doesn’t look like a blackbelt anymore but it definitely is one. Some of them are doctors or lawyers and they’ll just roll in and teach you- that was a really cool experience and vibe. I think a lot of it has to do with going back to the lifestyle that goes with the mar al art. I loved Thailand so I think it would have been a really cool experience to go back and live as a muay thai fighter. Wrestlingthat is a powerful sport but I definitely feel the need to add the strikes to it. I fell in love with mixed mar al arts completely but I think some kind of hybrid between muay thai and wrestling, in the capacity if you go back to pankra on- which was one of the original sports in the Ancient Olympics. It wasn't brought back to more modern Olympics because they thought it was too barbaric at the m e b u t , b a s i c a l l y, i t w a s essen ally the first form of mixed mar al arts. You had leather to wrap around your knuckles and it was basically wrestling with MMA, just ground and pound, and there were no weight class differences. You would basically just draw a circle in the sand so, you know, pankra on would be really cool if you wanted to bring it back as kind of a hybrid between boxing and wrestling. They might not want to do it as to-the-book as the classic one because I’m pre y sure they didn’t wear much and there was oil involved….Ancient Greeks! (laughs) What's coming next, Elias? I think allowing cannabis and allowing CBD, now opening up the

channels to research it and make up ground that 70 years of prohibi on has removed from medicine, helps break a bit of that s gma that, I would imagine, a majority of doctors s ll have today. I’m one of the lucky ones who’s had a family physician my whole life that has understood the power of cannabis. I’ve taken my approach to fight as hard as I can, inside of the cage and out, to not only protect my right as a medical cannabis pa ent and athlete- but, hopefully, knock down that door and knock cannabis out of that prohibited list for all athletes so they don’t have to have these hurdles and obstacles along the way. I think the first step, in regards to my therapeu c use exemp on, is that it set precedence for all athletes in boxing and MMA, whether amateur or professional, in BC. I’m really excited because I think the next door will be the U.S., to open up that aspect and those opportuni es that other athletes don’t necessarily have. One thing to clarify is that it was recognized by the commission, which is run by the government, so it’s another step in medical cannabis rights and not just in sports. It’s the first me that cannabis has been considered a medicine in sports so I think that different jurisdic ons, moving forward in Canada, will also recognize it. Now? I’m looking to win in the ring and win outside of the cage- not just for myself, but for all. Interview by Alysia Bear Photography by Ryit Photography




he Tall Grass Market, is a Cra Cannabis market that popped up in the Niagara Region of Ontario, 1 year ago in Fall of 2019. The first event ran smooth and quickly gained ground within the cra cannabis community so that when the second market was announced for January 2020, it filled up with a lot of cra companies we hadn't really seen in awhile. You can find anything you want cannabis related at The Tall Grass Market, cannabis, Edibles, Topicals, Glass, Pet products, Extracts,

Hot food, Clones, Seeds, Psilocybin mushrooms, Art, Clothing, Services, merchandise, DJ, comedians and so much more! The vendors are professional and with current cannabis and psilocybin informa on, your certain to find answers to your ques ons at any event. The markets run great with a steady flow of people throughout the en re day and part of the evening. The Tall Grass coordinators and community volunteers do a wonderful job at keeping the

atmosphere of the event lively and upbeat, keeping vendors and guests happy, and the giveaway baskets, are truly a treat! The vibe of the market is one that I can easily compare to the community vibe that was felt 5years ago when we were all s ll trying to support and move forward with the legaliza on of cannabis. 2020 Update The Tall Grass market managed to work safely within the safety parameters in 2020 with the Coronavirus and although the cra cannabis space has faced many uncertain es this year, like the rest of us, we are hoping for a prosperous and much healthier 2021. Well done @keys0087 & @420levitate for co-ordina ng a great community event and Congrats on the 1 year Anniversary!

Biggest of all shout outs to ALL OF THE CRAFT CANNABIS companies who con nue to show up and ďŹ ght for the right to even par cipate in the "legal" cannabis industry!!! We s ll have a long way to go. Everyone keep safe, & stay healthy! Tammi Stanhope


UNLOCKING THE FULL GENETIC POTENTIAL OF EVERY PLANT IN CHINA Massive Chinese Hemp Nursery Clears Spider Mite Infesta on with ONIT Grow Successful test could lead to China-wide distribu on agreement Jiamel Industrial Biotechnology Co, Ltd. is the largest ver cal integrated hemp licensed producer in China. Recently, one of their 54,000 square-foot nurseries suffered an infesta on of spider mites, threatening their en re crop. The company’s vice president, Tim Yu, had recently learned of ONIT Sciences and requested sample product for tes ng.


“We could not believe how effec ve ONIT Grow™ was at comba ng the infesta on,” noted Mr. Yu. “We understood that ONIT Grow promoted plant health, vitality and could improve yield. But we were very pleasantly surprised at its ability to repel mites from our plants within two weeks of applica on. Not only were the mites gone, but the treated plants spouted new,

healthy leaves and thicker stalks. We are exploring the op on to use ONIT Grow on all our facili es and share ONIT Grow with other cul vators and farmers throughout the country.” ONIT Sciences is aggressively expanding service territory worldwide. Management is discussing the possibility of partnering with Jiamel to create distribu on channels for hemp as well as food and commodi es crops agriculture in China. “China is responsible for the produc on of over 50% of the world’s hemp. Partnering with one of the key players at the very root of this tremendous market is close to invaluable,” stated Gerry Mar n, CEO of ONIT Sciences.

From the Heartland’s fertile prairies to the sun-baked soil of the Southwest, ield testing of the ONIT Grow™ formulation has con irmed: Ÿ Shorter Plant Germination Time Ÿ Improved Disease & Drought Resistance Ÿ Increased Plant Growth Ÿ Higher Crop Yields

“Chinese officials understand the value of cannabis and hemp, with Chinese companies owning 309 of all 606 cannabis-related patents worldwide. We believe this rela onship could be an incredibly important part of our growth strategy and look forward to future developments.”

Link to video walkthrough of facility: www.vimeo.com/464017277

Organic non GMO all natural non-toxic ONIT Grow™ is a registered organic input that enhances plant and soil health naturally. Real-world results

organic matter carbon source. It is a non-ionic import with bene icial soil health and plant stimulant properties. Ÿ It is used as a nanosurfactant additive to nutrient or fertilizer s o l u t i o n s .

ONIT Grow™ has been proven effective at augmenting plant health on crops around the world. It is the perfect adjunct to any organic input protocol, increasing pest and disease resistance and increasing quality and yield. ONIT Science’s lagship product, ONIT Grow™ is a plant-based extract that is all natural, organic, non-toxic, non-GMO, non-ionic, carcinogen-free, biodegradable and safe for use in conjunction with any input protocol and in all growing conditions. The application of ONIT Grow™ ampli ies the natural capacity of a plant's capacity to absorb nutrients through leaves and stems while s t re n g t h e n i n g ro o t d eve l o p m e n t a n d enhancing soil uptake. By rapid nutrient transport at the cellular level, resulting in improved photosynthesis and increased absorption of the primary keys to growth: water, sugars, and minerals. Onnit Sciences Flagship product ONIT Grow™ is a proprietary input technology that utilizes a groundbreaking non-GMO, all organic formulation to dramatically enhance Co-op growth by stimulating the nutrients and water uptake in plants. ONIT Grow™ is formulated with the highest quality, puri ied and activated

Ÿ Breaks surface tension of leaves and soil, allowing plants to breathe Ÿ Penetrate cellular wall and injects directly into c h l o r o p l a s t s Ÿ Converts nutrients into a recognizable form Ÿ Enhances chlorophyll production for greener and healthier leaves Ÿ Improves enzymatic process to stimulate p l a n t i m m u n e s y s t e m Onit Sciences mission is to revolutionize agricultural production with proprietorial Organic Natural Input Technologies that are all natural, organic and non-GMO. ANY SOIL. A N Y REGION. ANY TIME.

Nano-surfactant. Emulsifier. Adjuvant. We er. Soil Condi oner.

Organic non GMO all natural non-toxic Onit is a non-onic import with bene icial soil health and plant stimulant properties. Ÿ It is used as a nanosurfactant additive to n u t r i e n t o r fe r t i l i z e r s o l u t i o n s .

Southwest, ield testing of the ONIT Grow™ formulation has con irmed: Ÿ S h o r t e r P l a n t

Germination Time Ÿ Improved Disease & Drought Resistance

Ÿ Breaks surface tension of leaves and soil, allowing plants to breathe

Ÿ Increased Plant Growth

Ÿ Penetrate cellular wall and

Ÿ H i g h e r C ro p Y i e l d s

injects directly into c h l o r o p l a s t s Ÿ Converts nutrients into a recognizable form Ÿ Enhances chlorophyll production for greener and healthier leaves Ÿ Improves enzymatic process to stimulate plant immune s y s t e m Onit Sciences mission is to revolutionize agricultural production with proprietorial Organic Natural Input Technologies that are all natural, organic and non-GMO.


ONIT Grow’s unique formulation has been tested and proven effective in the commercial agriculture sector around the world in the most demanding conditions, from South East Asia to Central and South America to right here in North America. ONIT Grow™ has been helping farmers grow healthier, more productive crops through Organic N a t u r a l I n p u t Technologies. With realworld results!

ONIT Grow™ has been From the Heartland’s p r o v e n e ff e c t i v e a t fertile prairies to the sun- augmenting plant health b a k e d s o i l o f t h e on crops around the world.

It is the perfect adjunct to a n y o r g a n i c i n p u t protocol, increasing pest and disease resistance and increasing quality and yield. Master grower, 25+ years’ experience " I ex p e r i e n ce d a 2 6 % increase in bloom yield a n d 1 7 % o v e r a l l v e g e t a t i v e g r o w t h i n c r e a s e i n m y hy d r o grow.” Master grower, 10+ years experience “Foliage was noticeably lusher with a darker green colour… stalks and joints of t h e b r a n c h i n g w e r e noticeably thicker and “ b u l k i e r,” i n d i c a t i n g o v e r a l l s t r e n g t h a n d health was increased.” Master grower, 10+ years experience




NEW CBD TOPICAL RESEARCH DELIVERS DETAILED INSIGHT ON BURGEONING MARKET Cri cal informa on for businesses compe ng for their share of projected annual sales of $4.5 billion by 2025 Cul va ng Wellness, a consul ng firm that advises clients on CBD policy, market landscapes, and product strategy, today announced findings from an extensive study of the current CBD topical marketplace. The primary objec ve of the report is to offer businesses that sell CBD topical products an inside look at t o d a y ’s m a r k e t w h i l e

providing data and analysis designed to spark the vision necessary to compete and remain profitable in the future. According to the Brigh ield Group, a leading cannabis research company, the CBD topical market is growing exponen ally. By 2025, CBD topical annual sales are on target to hit $4.5 billion – a staggering increase of 540% in just five years.

“This new report provides solid data on the texture of t o d a y ’s C B D t o p i c a l s market,” said Dicum, “and it also reveals some surprises a b o u t t h e s e c t o r. Fo r example, we knew that lo ons and balms are the most common CBD topical formats, but we were surprised to discover how dis nct the market leaders are from the hundreds of brands in the sector in terms of CBD inputs, strength, formula ons, and claims.”

“The data also clearly shows that CBD topicals are firmly established as largely n a t u r a l p r o d u c t s ,” h e con nued, “with common natural ingredients like coconut oil and beeswax predomina ng in the formula ons.” “And it also shows some disturbing aspects of the CBD topicals landscape,” he went on. “We found that outside the ten largest CBD topicals brands, problema c claims are rou nely being made about products’ effects on various health condi ons. Despite a steady stream of warning le ers from the FDA, the industry has s ll not learned. For example, we were shocked to discover that fully a quarter of the topical products we rev i ewe d m a d e c l a i m s about pain relief.” “This research will help pinpoint opportuni es for brand expansion through poten al partnerships and serve as a roadmap for businesses looking to enter the market,” said Dicum,

“and we hope it will help the sector as a whole to g row re s p o n s i b l y a n d sustainably.” The Cul va ng Wellness C B D To p i ca l Re s e a rc h Report surveyed 360 hemp-based topical CBD products from 112 brands that together comprise the majority of sales in the sector. A ributes and aspects of the products researched include: ●

Product diversity

Formula ons

CBD content

Product classifica on

presenta on-ready standalone charts. “As CBD topicals evolve and become increasingly sophis cated, businesses armed with an understanding of today’s landscape will be be er posi oned to share in the promise of profit to come,” said Dicum. “More i m p o r t a n t l y, t h e s t u d y provides a strong founda on on which business can build brands with staying power from an emerging consumer trend.”

Informa on on how to obtain and download a copy ● A c ve i n g re d i e nt s of the Cul va ng Wellness Topical Research Report is other than CBD available at www.cwiconsul www.cwiconsul ngservices ngservices. ● Price points .com/reports com/reports ● Claims Please call (415) 578-0639 or email In addi on to the survey’s fi n d i n g s , t h e r e p o r t greg@cwiconsul ngservices. com with any addi onal includes 55 pages of ques ons product images and ●

Essen al oil content

ABOUT CULTIVATING WELLNESS: Cul va ng Wellness is a fullservice CBD product strategy and development, manufacturing, and brand innova on consultancy. With deep market intelligence, product development, opera onal analysis, manufacturing capabili es, and nimble channel marke ng s t ra t e g i e s , w e i n fo r m , design, and execute the pathway for best-in-class, hemp-based cannabidiol products to break through and succeed in the evolving CPG consumer landscape. Our mission is to champion the integrity of CBD’s use in func onal wellness. We

achieve this by opera ng at the intersec on of p o l i c y , regula ons, compliance, brand strategy, supply chain management, sales, and distribu on to ensure best p ra c c e s fo r t h e s afe a n d appropriate use of CBD in consumer-packaged goods. We shave months off product development. Visit us at www.cul va ngwellness.co

INVESTING IN 5 BIGGEST CANNABIS COMPANIES COULD EARN YOU A 231% AVERAGE ROI IN MONTHS Data gathered by GrowCola.com indicates that inves ng in the five biggest cannabis companies by market capitaliza on could have earned investors 231.10% in cumula ve return of investment (ROI). The returns are between

March and November 15th, 2 0 2 0 . A m e r i c a ’s G re e n Thumb Industries (CNX: GTII) has the highest ROI at 373.09 % among the sampled c o m p a n i e s . Tr u l i e v e Cannabis (CNX: TRUL) also from the US could earn you the second-highest returns at 327.29%. Elsewhere, Curaleaf Holdings (OTCMKTS: CURLF) from the US has an ROI of 309.84% making it the third-highest. Bri sh based GW Pharmaceu cals (NASDAQ: GWPH) has a return of 63.90%, making it the fourthhighest among the sampled companies. Canada’s Cronos Group (TSX: CRON) has the least ROI in the fi h spot at 52.01%. The research a ributed the high RO I to va r i o u s fa c to rs . According to the research report "The pandemic re s u l t e d i n t h e r i s e o f cannabis sales, helping some struggling hemp companies make slight recoveries. Customers stocked up their cannabis supply, with many stores shi ing to delivery. As the demand flourishes, traded cannabis companies

began witnessing a surge in their stock prices." The ROI is impressive considering most cannabis companies were facing hard mes before the pandemic. The full story with sta s cs can be found here: www.growcola.com/5-biggestwww.growcola.com/5-biggestcannabis-companies-couldcannabis-companies-couldhhaavvee - e a r n e dd--yyoouu--aa--223311- average-roi-in-months/ average-roi-in-months/ ge ng Refrac ve Indexes to m atc h . A Ref ra c ve I n d ex SŌRSE TECHNOLOGY ADDS measures the bending of a ray of CLEAR EMULSION TO ITS light through mediums, with oil PRODUCT OFFERINGS droplets that are evenly dispersed reflec ng more light. SōRSE Technology, the leading W h e n d i ffe r e n t Re f ra c v e water-soluble CBD, hemp, and Indexes mix together, the result is terpene emulsion provider for a cloudy emulsion. Making a infused CPG brands, announced cloudy emulsion turn clear takes today its crea on of SōRSE Clear, months of experimenta on a stable, clear emulsion with a trying to match the Refrac ve minimal sensory profile. The Indexes of the oil and water product made its official debut at phases. SōRSE’s inaugural SoRSE Summit, which was exclusively held for SōRSE Clear, currently available the company’s partners. SōRSE in isolate, complies with all the Clear is available immediately for m a i n s a f e t y a n d t e s n g product evalua on. protocols, including GMP, GFSI, COA, and FSMA. It contains safe “2020 has been a year of ingredients that are allergen-free innova on for SōRSE Technology, and vegan. This clear emulsion and bringing a stable, clear can be applied to all product emulsion with minimal sensory a p p l i c a o n s , i n c l u d i n g impact to market is proof of that” beverages, nootropics, edibles, Clear emulsions are difficult to topicals, and nutraceu cals. develop due to the process of SōRSE Clear features mul ple

benefits for product developers, including stability, scalability, safety, bioavailability, improved sensory experience, homogeneity, accurate dosing, and seamless integra on. “ 2 0 2 0 h a s b e e n a ye a r o f innova on for SōRSE Technology, and bringing a stable, clear emulsion with minimal sensory impact to market is proof of that,” commented SōRSE CEO Howard Lee. “I’m proud of the work our R&D team did to make this happen. It’s a game-changer for the industry.” “I’m excited that we are adding a clear emulsion to our core por olio; this will give formulators and product developers the ability to innovate and to cater to the needs within the global food and beverage market,” said SōRSE

Director of Research and Analy cs D o n n a W a m s l e y. “ T h i s u n i q u e technology has excellent clarity, minimal sensory proper es, and stability.” ABOUT SŌRSE TECHNOLOGY SōRSE Technology Corpora on is a water-soluble emulsion technology designed for product developers to provide consumers with a be er, more consistent cannabinoid experience with greater bioavailability, near-perfect d o s i n g , s h e l f- sta b i l i t y, a n d s afe i n g re d i e n t s . I t s p a t e n t- p e n d i n g technology converts oil into SōRSE, a proprietary water-soluble emulsion, for infusing CBD and other func onal ingredients into beverages, food items, topicals, and medical applica ons. SōRSE Technology currently powers more than 45 leading products in the CBD space. For More informa on contact


w w w . s o r s e t e c h . c o m /


g ro w n , t w o ye a rs a e r legaliza on.

Pure Sunfarms today announced the findings of a na onally-commissioned survey leveraging the Angus Reid panel[1], which found that while Canadian consumers of cannabis prefer B.C. bud grown naturally without the use of chemical pes cides, the majority s ll don’t know where or how cannabis is grown.

The findings show that 76 percent of Canadian c o n s u m e rs ra n k B r i s h Columbia at the top of their list for quality cannabis in Canada, but only half know where the cannabis they consume is actually grown. Results also indicate that 80 percent of Canadian cannabis consumers would choose to purchase cannabis grown free of chemical pes cides, but only 2 in 5 know if pes cides are used.

The survey specifically looked to understand consumer knowledge and preference for where and how the cannabis they consume is

“It’s clear that Canadians care about a lot more than just price and potency when they m a ke t h e i r p u r c h a s i n g decisions, but they’re s ll

ge ng up to speed,” says Mandesh Dosanjh, President & CEO, Pure Sunfarms. “The fact that Canadians don’t have awareness of these issues shows me that this industry has more work to do to give Canadians the informa on they need. At Pure Sunfarms, we’re proud to grow all-natural, B.C. bud. We’re commi ed to raising awareness about where and how we grow so that Canadians can feel safe and secure in the choices they are making.”

About Pure Sunfarms Located in Delta, Bri sh Columbia, Pure Sunfarms is one of Canada’s largest, single site, licensed producers of highquality, greenhouse-grown cannabis. With decades of growing experience and 1.1 million square feet of best-inclass greenhouse opera ons, the company has capacity to produce 75,000 kilograms of dried flower annually for the Canadian recrea onal market. Current supply agreements in place include the Ontario Cannabis Retail Corpora on (OCRC) (opera ng as the Ontario Cannabis


Store (OCS)), the BC Liquor Distribu on Branch (BCLDB), Alberta Gaming, Liquor & Cannabis (AGLC), the

Ÿ 76% of Canadian cannabis consumers want to know about where the weed they consume is f r o m , b u t o n l y 5 1 % a c t u a l l y k n o w.

Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority (SLGA), and most recently, the Manitoba Liquor and Lo eries Corpora on. Pure Sunfarms also provides cannabis to other Licensed Producers in Canada. Pure Sunfarms is

Ÿ 78% of Canadian cannabis consumers want to know about how their cannabis is grown, yet 34% say they don’t know.

conver ng a second 1.1 million square foot greenhouse for cannabis produc on, which is expected to double annual output capacity to 150,000 kilograms. The company also holds an op on on an addi onal

Ÿ 76% of Canadians say Bri sh Columbia ranks at the top for the highest quality cannabis in C a n a d a .

greenhouse facility, currently owned and operated by Village Farms, which could further increase total produc on area by approximately 2.6 million square feet. Pure Sunfarms was established in 2017 as a joint venture

Ÿ 80% of Canadian cannabis consumers would choose to purchase cannabis grown free of chemical pes cides, but only 40% know if pes cides have been used.

between Village Farms Interna onal, Inc. and Emerald Health Therapeu cs Inc.

[1] The na onal survey was distributed to 1,505 Canadian consumers of legal cannabis consump on age online through an Angus Reid panel. The

Ÿ Only 58% of Canadian cannabis consumers are aware that unregulated cannabis may be grown using chemical pes cides and only 52% are aware that legal cannabis is grown without their use.

es mated margin of error for the total sample is +/- 2.5% at a 95% confidence level. The survey took place from September 25 to September 29, 2020.









For the full survey report of results, visit www.puresunfarms.com www.puresunfarms.com.







KHRONIKKREATIONS INFUSED CHOCOLATE STRAWBERRY CAKE Chocolate Cake with Strawberry jam Chocolate Cake Ingredients 1 and 3/4 cups (220g) all-purpose flour 3/4 cup (65g) unsweetened cocoa powder 1 and 1/2 cups granulated sugar 1 teaspoons baking soda 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup (120ml) **Infused** bu er or olive oil (**Op onal**) 2 large eggs, at room temperature 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract 1 cup (240ml) bu ermilk 1 cup (240ml) freshly brewed strong hot coffee (regular or decaf) Chocolate Bu ercream 1.25 cups (2.5 s cks or 290g) **Infused** unsalted bu er, so ened to room temperature (**op onal**) 3–4 cups (360-480g) confec oners sugar 3/4 cup (65g) unsweetened cocoa powder 3–5 Tablespoons (45-75ml) heavy cream (or half-and-half or milk), at room temperature 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 1/2 Cup Strawberry Jam Instruc ons Preheat oven to 350°F (177°C). Grease & flour two 9-inch cake pans Make the cake: Whisk the flour, cocoa powder, sugar, baking soda, baking powder, salt, and espresso powder (if using) together in a large bowl. Set aside. Using a handheld or stand mixer fi ed with a whisk a achment (or you can use a whisk) mix the oil, eggs, and vanilla together on medium-high speed un l combined. Add the bu ermilk and mix un l combined. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients, add the hot water/coffee, and

whisk or beat on low speed un l the ba er is completely combined. Ba er is thin. Divide ba er evenly between pans. Bake for 2326 minutes or un l a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Baking mes vary, so keep an eye on yours. The cakes are done when a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Remove the cakes from the oven and set on a wire rack. Allow to cool completely in the pan.

Make the bu ercream: With a handheld or stand mixer fi ed with a paddle a achment, beat the bu er on medium speed un l creamy – about 2 minutes.

Add confec oners’ sugar, cocoa powder, heavy cream, salt, and vanilla extract. Beat on low speed for 30 seconds, then increase to high speed and beat for 1 full minute. Do not over-whip. Add 1/4 cup more confec oners’ sugar or cocoa powder if fros ng is too thin or another Tablespoon of cream if fros ng is too thick. Taste. Add more salt if needed. (I usually add another pinch.) Assemble and frost: Place 1 cake layer on your cake stand or serving plate. Evenly cover the top with fros ng and then spread 1/2 cup strawberry jam on top of middle layer fros ng. Top with 2nd layer and spread remaining fros ng all over the top and sides. Refrigerate cake for at least 30-60 minutes before slicing. This helps the cake hold its shape when cu ng. Cover le over cake ghtly and store in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

NOW BOOKING AD PAGES & CONTENT FOR THE FIRST FEW ISSUES OF CANADA’ S ONLY PSYCHEDELIC FOCUSED MAGAZINE Be a part of a unique media experience dedicated to health & wellness, plant medicine and the study and current state of psychedelics in Canada and beyond. This new monthly printed and digital magazine launches on December 1st 2020 and we cannot wait to start sharing all the amazing treatment oriented research that is currently taking place. For more information email psychedeliccanada@gmail.com Visit us online at www.instagram.com/psychedelicmagazine www.instagram.com/psychedeliccanadmagazine www.instagram.com/psychedeliccanadmagazine


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