High! Canada Magazine Issue #54 - April 420 - 2020

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#54 2020






Wholesale opportunities email info@twistedsisterscbd.ca

F R E E B C B U D S F O R C A N A D I A N A D U LT S 2 1 A N D O V E R






Photo by @RyitPhotography


Model - Candilynn. @candilynn_90

Photography by Bonehedz Studio - Herb Deary - @bonehedzstudio_official

EDITORIAL TEAM Cy Williams Publisher/Editor

- Cy Williams -

Tammi Stanhope Ontario Editor

Rainbow Smithe BC Editor

Janine Morra Ontario Editorial Team

Stephanie James Maritimes Editorial Team

Dave MacAdam BC Editorial Team

Miss Linotte Quebec Editorial Team

Miranda Hawryliw Alberta Editorial Team



“Take steps to avoid infec on, such as maintaining social distancing, washing your hands frequently and cooking meats thoroughly.”


hese are the messages I keep hearing over and over again in the media and these are the ones I would like to take the me to reenforse the most. Conspiracy and fake-news aside - it is our most vulnerable at risk. Our senior, our ill and our marginalized. These are the people who are at most risk of ge ng sick - the oldest among us and those already dealing with chronic pre-exis ng condi ons - and then we have those who have li le or no resources to quaran ne, to even effec vely self isolate or feed themselves during this uncertain me because of poverty and/or homelessness. Most social ini a ves have been declared essen al. Cannabis itself has become as essen al as alcohol or tobacco and it was nice to see the Vape Wars finally winding down as Vape shops are also now among essen al services for the harm reduc on they do offer as a tobacco alterna ve. Online I see people helping people, businesses that are struggling helping other businesses that are struggling. I see the face of Canada changing and the way the world works right now is very different and can be very scary but we will and are adap ng. More and more companies are going digital and offering delivery and curbside pickup. We are going to see more happening online then ever before. This will be the first ever 420 to occur and be celebrated online only as all public 420 celebra ons have been canceled because of the current pandemic. In a lot of ways this absence of community has only made our community and our industry stronger. Together we will make it through this strange me in our global history and we will once more be able to gather together and celebrate things like family, friendship and community in more physical ways. Special shout-out’s to all the front line workers that keep our country running. You know who you are and your courage is not only applauded but celebrated. You are all to be commended. Thanks to Guy Gillingham and Dallas Gillingham for se ng up this issue’s spectacular David Irving interview. Cy Williams Publisher/Editor - High! Canada Magazine email - editor@highcanada.net

Model - Candilynn. @candilynn_90

Photography by Bonehedz Studio - Herb Deary - @bonehedzstudio_oďŹƒcial





hose of us with senior loved ones are well aware that dietary needs, physical abili es and immunity itself all change with age. The immune response tends to get weaker, making vaccines less effec ve and infec ons more likely. Diet — specifically, ge ng the right nutrients — is one of the keys to maintaining immune health, but there are numerous other li le steps we can take at home to boost immunity in ourselves and our families. Herbal teas, dietary supplements and even some types of gentle exercise like tai chi fall under the category of n a t u r o p a t h y, o r naturopathic medicine. Using therapies both tradi onal and modern, “Prac oners view their role as suppor ng the body’s ability to maintain and restore health, and

prefer to use treatment approaches they consider to be the most natural and least i nva s i ve ,” s ays t h e Na onal Center for Complementary and I nte g ra ve H e a l t h . Introduced with care and a en on, naturopathic remedies can empower us to take c h a rge o f o u r ow n health and help us boost our immune systems to prevent illness and promote well-being. Remember that consulta on with a

qualified physician is always the best route to t a ke b e f o r e implemen ng any major changes to the daily rou ne, par cularly with herbal medicines or other dietary interven ons that may have u n e x p e c t e d interac ons with t r a d i o n a l medica ons. Our body func ons be er when our immune system is healthy, and we are protected from various environmental assaults

and bolstered by h e a l t hy a n d h a p p y living styles. Unhealthy ea ng habit, u n h e a l t hy l i fe st y l e today has resulted in a weak immune system. It results in infec ons, viral, viruses a acking our body and other diseases. Anything that leads to a weak immune system can lead to various health issues later in age. Not enough vitamins and protein diet have resulted in a weaker you and weaker immunity system. This deficiency can also lead to various immune disorders, or you can even call it immunodeficiency. Just for this reason, lack of sleep, stress, anxiety leads to weaker health and weak immunity. Here’s how to boost your immunity system with simple and healthy living condi ons that can make a happier you.

Many foods and fruits can boost your i m m u n i t y. H e a l t h y ea ng habits can improve your immune system and can become a step beyond to op mize func ons of your body. Ÿ Tr y altera

ve treatment op ons like CBD for anxiety or THC for pain.

habit of drinking, you should surely quit this bad habit. This will gradually improve your i m m u n i t y . Ÿ Eat plenty of fibrous

fruits that are good for your health. A regular habit of ea ng fruits will keep y o u g o i n g . Ÿ Exercise it out. Gym

proper sleep and rest once you are back from work. Taking at least 8 hours of sleep will surely boost your immunity system.

and exercising is one sure fire way to improve and increase your immunity system. So get up and be ac ve to stay fit and healthy.

Ÿ If you are a chain

Ÿ Consider probio c

Ÿ Get enough and

s m o k e r, a v o i d smoking or rather you should quit smoking. This will surely boost up your immunity system. Ÿ Avoid tobacco too. Ÿ Alcoholism is also

another big reason for weaker immunity system. If you have a

drinks for a healthy life and a healthy body. Ÿ Catch some rays – sit

in the sun and let Vitamin D get soaked into your body for a fi er you. Ÿ Meditate a lot.

Medita on helps you relax your mind and calm down your

stress levels ushing in your body. Thus medita ng is one fantas c way to improve your immune system. Ÿ Eat lots of dried

fruits that will provide nutrients to your body These habits will surely boost your immunity. For a happy and a stronger and a ďŹ er you. All you need to do is start including these healthy habits in your

daily lifestyle to promote a healthier immune system overall. Stay Li ed!



NEWS YOU MAY HAVE MISSED Socially Conscious Canadian Band - One Eyed Oracle Releases Debut Album Really Small Town on April 20, 2020 “Love doesn’t just make the world go round, it holds it together” ~ Boris Buhot ONE EYED ORACLE is t h e a r s c embodiment of Boris Rene Buhot, a Toronto born singer-songwriter a n d m u l instrumentalist who now calls Oshawa, Ontario his home. Five

years in the making, the nine track debut album REALLY SMALL TOWN was coproduced with Diamond Award recording engineer Jeff McCulloch of Wellesley Sound Studios and drummer M a O ' Ro u r ke , a n alumni of the Musicians Ins tute of L A . T h e p o l i ca l l y charged reggaeconcerto tle track REALLY SMALL TOWN fe at u re s J a m a i ca ’s David Dawkins (Kalask), and was penned a er Bayer announced plans to purchase Monsanto.

Created with the intent of s rring an unsuspec ng public strung up by class and form, to the greater aspect of our parts hidden beneath the waves of our unconscious mind, the danceable album presents powerful, soulful composi ons with intricate melodies cascading through a strong alterna ve range of rock, pop, punk and folk, including the tribute track, “She's Everything” to the late spiritual guru Rev. D. Bauld.Influenced by the sounds of Green Day,David Bowie, Neil Young, Bob Marley,

Leonard Cohen, Elvis Costello, The Sex Pistols, and Bob Dylan,Veteran Music Journalist The Real Gary 17 says ONE EYED O R A C L E “ i s a formidable tunesmith whose lyrics, like his somewhat heavymooded musical deliver y, is direct, visceral and resonant. Alterna ng between the Grunge Folk vibe and what you might call “Stark Rock”, their songs punch through a n y fi l m o f

complacency that might be obscuring your vision, presen ng boldly and plainly the plight of the modern human.” REALLY SMALL TOWNis available on April 20, 2020 on: www.music.apple.co m/us/album/reallysmalltown/1499170006 www.open.spo fy.co m/ar st/3EWLm6QFq AAVPOhKQ1KI0 ps: //soundcloud.com/us er-628561392

Vancouver has moved their celebra ons from Sunset Beach to your living room via livestream! The event kicks off at 11:50 PDT to celebrate with our East Coast brethren in Newfoundland (4:20pm NDT) and will feature music, speeches from prominent cannabis ac vists and clips from Va n c o u v e r ' s 4 2 0 archives! Tune in to Pot TV and Cannabis Life Network to see an athome version of ther official 420 Vancouver

celebra on, featuring many of your favourite cannabis ac vists, as well as music and clips from 420 Vancouver’s 26-year history. The party starts just before High Noon (at 11:50am Pacific or 4 : 2 0 p m Newfoundland Daylight Time) and will con nue un l we celebrate all the 4:20s across Canada. Roll your joints and join our protes val for a social-distancingfriendly, home hotbox session this 4/20! T h e effe c t s o f t h e COVID-19 pandemic

have been felt globally, leading to venue closures and event cancella ons, social distancing and self isola on – all measures aimed at fla ening the curve as the coronavirus spreads. In an effort to support and abide by these health ini a ves, the decision was made to cancel this year’s 420 Vancouver protest and celebra on at Sunset Beach, which last year drew 150,000 people. W h i l e we h ave a l l taken to hunkering down in our homes, following the advice of

health officials and aiming to ride out the storm at hand, in an effort to acknowledge the unique and rich culture of cannabis wo r l d w i d e o n t h i s iconic day, Vancouver’s S t u d i o 7 1 0 , collabora ng with Pot T V, C a n n a b i s L i f e Network, and supported by 420 Vancouver, will take the celebra on online. So light a joint, count down, and celebrate the best of cannabis culture with us on April 20th, 2020.



but we have cannabis right?


imagine many- if not all of us- have been following corona virus news closely, and we most likely agree, that in whatever capacity it may be, the world around us is going to change.

as we scrambled across the na ons, it became evident that day-to-day life would inevitably need to change- and quickly too! B U T W E H AV E CANNABIS, RIGHT?!

In fact, it has already changed. Right now, the inhabitants of our sublime globe seem to share that heavy feeling o f u n c e r ta i nt y. G l o b a l l y, w e s a w immediate impacts and

Well, if there is one thing that I know for certain, it is that the Cannabis Industry (& community alike) are resilient. We are an ins nctual pack and when vital - we adapt;

we evolve; we survive. Our adap ve ďŹ tness game is strong, and thanks to prohibi on it has been long. Perhaps that ďŹ tness is because the plant gives us insight and connec on to our natural beings- or maybe it is because withstanding prohibi on has helped force survival. We are mighty, heck- we are ESSENTIAL, and COVID-19 may have blown in ruthlessly, but

we are in a season of change and cannabis is our ally. We must grow with her Now, 2019 was a rough year for many of the largest cannabis companies in Canada and as the COVID-19 pandemic con nues to wreak havoc, the cannabis industry is sure to face economic tribula on. Companies like Canopy Growth Corp, Tilray Inc, Aurora Cannabis Inc, Hexo, CannTrust and others were already facing hardship and scru ny. Due to mass corporate g re e d , ove r va l u e d c o m p a n i e s , disappoin ng earnings, ght regula ons, scandal and let us not forget the subpar weed, the once eager investors are now ghtening their wallets, which has made accessing capital difficult. The deep pockets of corporate cannabis contributed to

an unfair playing ground since day one, and as me marches on- smaller companies are becoming innova ve. What is even be er (to me) is that the focus has been brought back to the consumer by some. Not all, but some. P ro h i b i te d m e d i ca l p a e n t s a n d experienced veterans have been making a stand and demanding quality and fair pricing! Our voices have been heard by those willing to listen, and more are joining in support of a cause even greater than we realize. COVID-19 has come sweeping in, gi ing us with me. Humanity is seeking t r u t h a n d understanding! We yearn for mental and physical health. We are re-evalua ng our lifestyles, and many are beginning to open to new ways of thinking. What I find equally as

beau ful as connec ng to ourselves, is the connec on to our natural environment. The garden. Cannabis/Hemp are ESSENTIAL- and they always have been! (we will get more into that next month) Now, while I do not dismiss COVID-19s devasta ng impacts on markets around the world, goodness we are in the middle of economic collapse and it is no doubt that the cannabis industry will too see its fair share of turmoil- there is some good news! The demand for cannabis has proven i t s e l f fo r d e c a d e s centuries even. Some even go as far as saying that it is a “recession proof industry.” Well, isn’t that something? I am no market expert, but it makes sense to me that the dedicated companies can push

through these back-breaking barriers and should be able to secure themselves in the marketplace. Not to b l a n ke t t h e i s s u e s around the world in Stoic ideologies- but right now, I consider it appropriate to say that only the strong and mindful will survive. The cannabis community has never been faint of heart, and it will be those commi ed to the plant that will rise.

not the provincial government will remove cannabis from In the case of the list of essen al retail (Some) shops saw s e r v i c e s a n d w i t h an increase in sales in c o m p a n i e s a r e March as customers beginning to limit their b e g a n s t o c k i n g u p opera on costs many a n d / o r b e g a n retailers in Alberta (and consuming more during a c ro s s C a n a d a ) a re t h e s e t r y i n g m e s . contempla ng lay os However, staying at and limi ng store hours. home and prac cing Emerging businesses s o c i a l d i sta n c i n g i s producing new products changing the way we l i n e s l i k e i n f u s e d purchase our products, beverages are having a as well as the way we are diďŹƒcult me entering consuming. Cannabis t h e m a r ket p la c e a s retailers in Alberta are b u d g e t s a r e b e i n g ghtened through out s ll unsure whether or


Did you know that because the coronavirus pandemic con nues to stress health cares ability to provide mely test results, federally regulated cannabis labs were asked by Health Canadas call to help assist in COVID-19 tes ng? Who’da thunk it?! Neat, right.

t h e i n d u s t r y. T h e COVID-19 may have changed the way retailers are doing business it is predicted that demand for cannabis in Alberta will remain steady. Personally, my weed comes in the mail and though I have had a few hiccups with my local post office, my medicine has been making its way here just fine ; ) As the cannabis industry con nues to march on, I have also n o c e d t h at m o re retailers in the rec m a r k e t a r e acknowledging cannabis as a medicine. It should come as no surprise as

the growing concern of medical pa ents struggling to access their medicine is being hard felt. Restric ng regula ons are star ng to be li ed! Industry members are banding together to assure that this essen al service con nues to serve the legal market. Who imagined that the legal market would be doing curb side pick up or even offering delivery o p o n s ? N o w, i n Alberta, you can purchase from your l o ca l s h o ps o n l i n e store. Deeming cannabis essen al also shines light on the history of legacy markets. The

conversa on must con nue! I have no idea what the future looks like, but I know that the future of the cannabis industry will depend on our ability to keep advoca ng for change! COVID-19 will con nue to test us, but for regulated businesses who are being affected by this pandemic, Canadian cannabis businesses are now e l i g i b l e fo r fe d e ra l emergency assistance through The Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC), which is owned by the Gov’t of Canada. A one- me $40 billion credit line is now open. (no comment) It is me for me to go hangout in my kindergartners’ Google classroom session now! Un l next me, Puff Puff, sorry I can not pass, Miranda








Unlocking the Full Genetic Potential of Every Plant


CANNABIS DURING COVID-19 “Healthy ci zens are the greatest asset any country can have.”


he Coronavirus crisis has touched nearly every corner of Canada. To a growing number of Canadians, Cannabis is regarded as essen al for their health and well being, indeed this living plant is a necessity along with food, water, shelter and medicine. As the country moves from self-quaran ne to mandatory lockdown and shutdown of all

- Winston Churchill non-essen al services, community measures must be put in place so we do not overwhelm our medical personnel and hospitals. "Protect yourself and others from infec on by washing your hands or using an alcohol based rub frequently and not touching your face” - World Health Organiza on

This is the first me, this century any Canadian has faced such a public health crisis with such serious, widespread outbreaks. The whole countr y waits for new updates and a glimmer of hope that soon life will return to normal. Coping with Cannabis brings balance and restores hope and faith while wai ng for a new beginning. This could be weeks or even

months as the cases of COVID-19 rise, Cannabis can add greatly to one's peace of mind and tranquility. Cannabis is here in mes of need. The following are four stories of how Canadians are using Cannabis to cope during the COVID-19 crisis. "Fla ening the Curve with FECO" is what Flora, a First Na ons woman does with food making for herself and her partner. "I'm my

wife's caregiver and she needs FECO or Full Extract Cannabis Oil to feel be er as she recovers from her surgery. We are big believers in the healing elements of Cannabis. Now with the State of Emergency our City has imposed, we are into being prepared and doing what it takes for our health and safety as well as our community. Our lives depend on being mindful of others and doing our due diligence to prevent the spread of the COVID19. We watch other

countries around the globe how they handle t h e i n fe c o n s a n d everyday we are so thankful we live in Canada with our universal health care system". "Pot in a Pandemic!" is Pablo's new phrase these days. An arts student who is staying in his studio apartment as he completes his homework while adjus ng to online and distance learning. "I got into my dream school and this semester instead of doing in-

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person collabora ve projects with my hands, I'm just sketching my designs on paper and e m a i l i n g m y instructors. It's an a d j u st m e nt fo r my crea ve learning process. The best thing is being able to use pot to help me with my homework. I have been able to make my best art to

date while using Cannabis to inspire myself". “Social Distancing with Sa va Strains" are the buzzwords for Shirley, a spunky senior who dons a mask and disposable gloves while speeding along in her scooter to be first in line for specialty shopping. I learn to stretch a dollar from my

grandmother and mother who lived through the Wars. We l i ve d o n a fa r m i n Saskatchewan, growing our own food with our closest neighbor being miles away. Nowadays with what's been happening in our society, I stay inside, light one up and wait it all out. We are going to make it. My friends are

only a phone call away if I get stoned enough to share some funny stories of what we used to do and what we see these days. We reminisce of TV shows we used to watch on old wooden cabinet television sets. These days, we can even do online group viewing and enjoy the special social aspects

with each other. Seniors all sparkling up together. Who knew life could be like this". "Isola on with Indicas" are the ďŹ rst thought that Ikram had when he found out he had been laid o from his construc on job due to COVID-19 outbreaks. "I arrived at the site, only to be told that the project was being

suspended un l the coast was clear. Who knew that I would be spending the beginning of spring inside res ng and relaxing. Catching up on my favorite shows and doing more vaping has been so good for my state of mind. Some mes it's just go, go, go, never get to breathe. I see this as a

console you. Help ease anxiety and pains while you try to sleep admid worries and concerns.

welcome break from the daily grind. Be er sleep, more self care is the way to be for me. I started making plans for what I am going to do when life goes back to normal. I know it could be a long me but I'm keep myself occupied and in good spirits while I wait out this Coronavirus". B e i n g b a ke d w h i l e browsing online, seeking hear elt social connec on, is even more crucial than ever before as we wait it out. Cannabis is there for you to support and

O u r C a n n a b i s Community is one that is strong. Together we will get through this. Coast to Coast, Canadians will be kind and considerate to each other par cularly to those who are seniors, have mobility issues or are low income. Please self isolate as much as possible. Wash your hands. Prac ce physical distancing. Rediscover your old favourite hobbies. Laugh and connect with good friends. Play with your pet. Check in with family and loved ones. Prac ce gra tude. We will get through this. Remember we are all in this together. By the end of COVID-19 Pandemic, we will be able to assess the situa on more c l e a r l y. T h e v a s t

majority of us will s ll be here and life will slowly return to normal. Others, we will remember in our hearts. Many will deal with grief and loss of some kind. DURING THIS TIME, A FEW SUGGESTIONS. Please don't hoard. Do share. Be kind. Be safe. Be sensible, Be smart. Do pu and indulge. Please don't share your joints, pipes, bongs, rigs or other personal items. Do clean and sani ze with at least 60% alcohol to disinfect surfaces. We are Canadian. Cannabis is absolutely essen al during mes of crisis. Enjoy our legal right to Consume Cannabis especially during COVID-19. By Rainbow Smithe





igh! Canada Magazine was extremely fortunate to have the amazing opportunity to interview NFL defensive lineman - David Irving. David is a star athlete, at the top of his game and of his professional career. He con nues to draw a line in the sand when it comes to the heavy handed prescrip ons they force onto professional athletes and he con nues to challenge the status quo within professional athle cs about choosing cannabis as a healthier treatment op on. He has become a very vocal spokesperson in professional athle cs on the topic of plants over pills and it is an extreme honor to have you on the cover and inside the magazine so that we can oer you a pla orm to tell your story.


DAVID IRVING SPEAKS UP ON CANNABIS & SPORTS Interview by Cy Williams, Dallas Gillingham and Guy Gillingham

Hell yeah man! So basically, I will start with the NFL. That's really what es everything together. My name is David Irving. I quit the NFL because I didn't agree with the organiza on's Drug policy. Needless to say, NFL players take a lot of physical damage. With our pain and regular life stressors, we must maintain our bodies. The NFL prescribed me all sorts of pharmaceu cals including: Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, Seroquel, Gabapen n, Xanax, Ambien, Tramadol, Naproxen, and of course the pill form alterna ves and Generics. I couldn't make peace with the fact that I was forced to take all those deadly, addic ng, lab made drugs, instead of being allowed to use a healthy

alterna ve. For me, that a ltern a ve wa s C a n n a b is . Cannabis alone can be used as a subs tute for all the lab made medica ons prescribed to me. Choosing Cannabis instead of opioids, resulted in a handsome fine, a suspension, and a nice lo n g t r ip to a n I n - p a ent rehabilita on Center. While in Rehab, I was able to obtain a magnified view of how the same drugs that I was prescribed can be detrimental to my p hys i c a l , m e n ta l , a n d emo onal health. Many of the pa ents I met there described how their lives have been ruined by the very drugs that I was prescribed. I learned a lot about myself, but more Importantly, my experiences for fied my decision to choose #Plantsoverpills. Shortly a er my release from rehab, I quit the NFL. I made a conscious decision to priori ze my health over my wealth, and I couldn't live with myself had I done otherwise. Helping people get off harsh pharmaceu cals and advoca ng for a healthy lifestyle is my new mission.

Saving lives is far more important than football. Although my decision to quit has i m p rove d my we l l being, and inspired many others, the media has shed a dark light on my name. Many commentaries have said I am a freakishly talented athlete that ruined his en re career to smoke weed. The media implies that I am just some unintelligent drug addict. People who don't know me personally might even think that I'm a bad man, but my goal is to con nue being a healthy man in his right mind, not strung out on harsh drugs. The truth is that I'm a honest man. I'm a God-Fearing man. I am a family man. I am a renaissance man. I am David Irving. Basically I decided I needed to quit. I decided I needed to quit. So I did. So I went

on Instagram Live and I posted the video. Pre y much telling everybody what I'm telling you. I let them know it was bullshit, that you have to take opioids, a huge opioid epidemic for what? The ten past fucking years? No one ever talks about it. 72,000 people died last year and marijuana has never killed anyone. So I told everyone that was on IG Live. I said I quit, sparked

up the king-sized joint and here we are. We've talked to so many people across the world about how cannabis has changed their life and a lot of them are stepping away from hardcore opiates. They had you o n h a r d c o r e prescrip ons. When did you have the realiza on that Cannabis was working and that those pharmaceu cals - the things they were pushing on you - were not? Well it was a process, a two-year process. So at

The only travel documents you need to reach far away places and new headspaces.

first I was in there, not using anything because I was using weed. I didn't even think twice about the medical benefits or anything. I was s ll using it, you know. Always, I don't know, always worked. So then over the years, ge ng off the marijuana, I had to, you k n o w m a i n t a i n my body. I realized without weed, I couldn't sleep. I couldn't sleep at all. We had to be up at 7:30am, no I'm lying. We had to be there in our mee ngs with breakfast in your hand at 7:30am and we don't get to leave home un l

5:45pm so it's a really long day, all the me every day. So for me without the weed I would stay up ll 1:00 or 2:00 AM, wake up at 6 and leave for work at 7:00AM. Then have m e e n g s a l l d a y, prac ce and a half, weight li ing, running and so on and a er two or three days of that, it all catches up to you. Now your a tude is irritable, now you have these bad headaches, now you can't concentrate, now you can't remember the plays. It's just horrible. Another thing for me I couldn't eat! I guess I relied on the munchies

to eat. So without weed I had zero appe te. It was like I was taking Adderall you know. You know the pain, inflamma on, all of a sudden I started hur ng more. I was doing the same thing I've always been doing. You know nothing's changed, same prac ce rou ne but I'm just not fucking recovering and that turned into Tramadol and the Naproxen and that turner into Hydro's (Hydromorphone) and www.oneworldventuresinc.com then those turned into Oxy's (OxyCon n) that they prescribed me. A n d o n c e m y prescribed Oxy's (OxyCon n) ran out. Guess what? I know where to find morphine on the street so I would pop morphine recrea onally. You know, I got on all that shit and I saw how it affected me. It had me doing things out of character, let's put it like that. You know I

didn't really know what the hell was going on. I was to the point guys, where like right now I'm on the phone with you guys, if we had bad recep on guys I would have broken this fucking phone and went to the store right now and bought a new one. Like that's how stressed out I was. With this fucking pain I was staying in my room all day, not talking to nobody. I mean I game all day anyways. But It was different, I was gaming then, smoking weed s ll. Like fuck it, I'm already in trouble, popping pills to go with it because it felt good, it felt great. It was the edge I needed, they got me on the stuff. It was just a horrible experience. Then I went into rehab and I actually started learning more about the opioids, well, all the drugs really. How they affected you, the things they do to your

brain, the long-term effects as well as shortterm and said 'fuck this'. You know even in rehab I'm mee ng with these professionals and I tell them 'you guys got me in here in Rehab but I'm here for weed'. My roommate in Rehab literally got kicked off for shoo ng heroin on the roof and like, these are the people are living with now. I'm a part of this culture so I had to learn. Like you know, we all sat together, did group together, we all s h a r e d o u r experiences. And it's funny, everyone was

like 'Man, you in here for weed?' That's what got me off this, That's what got me off this. I'm si ng there like the fucking guy in prison with other killers and murderers and rapists and all I did was steal a candy bar. Naw. And even the therapist told me this isn't about weed. Smoking weed is not a problem, that's never been a problem. They said but let's talk about why you started smoking weed. Let's talk about your childhood. Let's talk about some trauma.

And it was the best there I could ever have for four months and it changed my life. And that's when I grew the confidence in the mindset to leave football. When I got out, you know, I felt like at the end of the day. Football is a sport and honestly I'm mostly played because I was 6'8" guy and gi ed with natural ability. I wish I could sit here and lie to you guys and tell you t h at - o h m a n I ' ve worked out so hard, I was the first one in and the last one to leave. Fuck no, I was the guy who would skip out a workout if I could. Why? Because I had the natural ability. I've never had to be the strongest on the field. I don't know it. just had to be natural. You know I was playing so that my mom could say My son plays for the Dallas Cowboys. So my friends

could say I have a friend that plays for Dallas Cowboys. I never did it for me. For David, I've always been heavily into gaming, ac ng, modeling but here we are now. You're a big advocate of CBD now and I was wondering how you were introduced to CBD and when did you start using it. I know I

talk to a lot of professional athletes and they, they tend to introduce it into their regiment, post workout recovery. Did you find yourself drawn to CBD? For me, what drew me to CBD was the whole an -anxiety effect. So with the CBD push, I never really got into it, too much un l I quit. Up un l that point as far as

I knew was recrea onal weed you know. I didn't look into the medical aspects un l I have to stop using it and then realizing there was something different. Yo u s e e I ' v e b e e n smoking since I was 12, always had a 3.0 or higher GPA, never got on trouble with the law. So CBD, I remember I quit the League, people started to reach out to put me into the

business. I was supposed to do a collabora on with this guy and make my own CBD products. I said well does it get you high? No, and they explained to me. They explained everything about CBD. I was like Hmm, let me see, it doesn't make sense and I started using it. I would buy drinks, CBD Water Bo les. Got my CBD throughout the

day. Man, I was si ng there, so relaxed, just so...I don't know. I started feeling all the medical benefits and I started looking up the ncture and how you got to keep it up every day then I started doing research about how it w o r k s w i t h inflamma on and more importantly, it protects your brain. It's a neuroprotectant. You know Football players, we

h av e a l o t o f concussions. Basically it is part of our job. Especially on the line, you hike the ball, and you are on the offensive line, and your head gets hit a lot. That's the only thing that we have that works as a neuroprotectant from trauma c brain injury (CTE). So I felt like shit. If anyone that should be able to use this, it s h o u l d b e fo o t b a l l p l aye rs . B a s ket b a l l players get to smoke weed freely and use CBD freely and they don't even touch anybody. They get in trouble for any physical contact. On the other side you got me, a really powerful 6'8" guy running into somebody in 4 seconds and he is running into me and you know it is a big collision. I've had over 20 concussions. I've been playing football since I was 7 years old. They

don't take it serious. The NFL. I've had my shoulder x-rayed, my ribs x-rayed, my fingers, ankles, back, neck. Guess what? When I have a concussion and I've had over 7 with the Dallas Cowboys, I haven't had one brain scan. Now I think that's crazy. If it was the fingers, they scanned them, if it was the ankles they scanned it. When I'm concussed and when I can't even remember my name? They don't give me a brain scan. They don't care at all. David, can you lead us t h r o u g h t h e circumstances that led to the crea on of your new venture Cannabis P a s s p o r t ? Cannabis Passport is the world's first rolling paper magazine. One of our packs provides 100 Hemp papers which is 3X more than the compe tors and we

give you an included 100 filter ps. And these filters ps are fo r m e d , m a d e a n d designed in the form of an advocacy magazine. We actually printed on them like a li le book. We use soy ink so that's 100% vegan and you could eat off out of it if you wanted to. Don't recommend it though. It gives us a lot more flexibility than any o t h e r ro l l i n g we e d company so to put into perspec ve though, you know RAW, they have papers, then you have to go buy a pack of filter ps, then you have to buy 3 packs of papers and 3 packs of filter ps to combine, to equal what we have. And we have ads, we have ads space. We could actually sell our ad space and become the World's first FREE rolling paper magazine. The response from our Adver sers and JVs J o i n t Ve n t u re s a re

that otherwise would not come together without cannabis being t h e c o m m o n denominator.

paying for itself basically. What we talked about earlier, there is informa on in there. There's facts about the Cannabis plant, CBD. We point out things on the War on Drugs. We really put a magnifying glass to the whole opioid epidemic. Like I said, we have the space to write whatever we want. Since it's a Passport, the name itself gives us a sense of

community. American, you have an American p a s s p o r t . I f yo u ' re Chinese, you have a Chinese passport. If you use Cannabis, this is now your Cannabis passport. It is a sense of c o m m u n i t y, b r i n g s people together. What I've no ced with Cannabis is, not just black people use it, white people use it, old, young, nerds, thugs, athletes, doctors. It brings people together

Could I ask where the idea came from? I've seen the Cannabis Passport and I love it. Now I believe you just released an Irish Edi on and I am seeing it become a global sensa on and it's really linking what used to be individual countries, Cannabis communi es but on a greater level. Taking Cannabis space to the next eventual... Did you have the idea to create the space that encompasses all Cannabis communi es from around the world? Was this something you had considered? Well I'll be honest. This is how it started. Most people know me as the guy, the NFL player for the Dallas Cowboys, set

a couple records, won... I set a NFL record. And I was the guy who quit o n I n sta g ra m L i ve , smoked a joint... so literally I had no plan. I just knew I was unhappy with where I was. I didn't like what I represen ng. I didn't like taking all those opioids. There is this s gma for players a ached to the NFL, that we are all dumb football players. The percep on that we football players are dumb guys at school, you know the big brutes and in the NFL they treat you like so. They tell us to shut up and that these are the rules. That we are going to have to take it or leave it. We can't leave it. Why? Most of us are big black guys. We have dreads, we have t a o o s . We a r e n ' t ge ng a normal job. So we shut up and play ball.

Then a guy named John reached out to me. Keep in mind, I am a believer that everything happens for a reason and the ming o f e ve r y t h i n g , yo u know.

on my Instagram live and I didn't realize I was 20 minutes away from him. John said 'hey, let me come over. Let's meet. I am going to show you how serious I am”.

I had decided to quit then John reached to me. Some random guy from Canada and he said 'hey man, this is the Cannabis Passport. This is what it is. I'm working on it right now. I want you to be a part of it. Take your input and get you involved in part of the company. ‘

So we met. He pulled put the prototype and I was like Damn, this thing is real. I liked it. I loved it. We smoked. I'm a big joint guy. I started out with RAW Elements King Sized. Just trying to find the right paper, the right roll, the right burn and the papers if anything were fucking awesome. They burn cleanly. They are easy to roll.They're great papers. I swear. Every single one I used, whenever I used one, they're great papers. You know I was like 'Fuck it John, Obviously the Universe is pulling us together’. This is something I'm very excited about. We have similar stories. He was a law yer and he had

At first I was like, Yeah Whatever, you're some random guy, it's never going to work. You know, I don't know you. You don't know me; we're never going to meet whatever. We had a few conversa ons and then it just so happens, one of my good friends had a bachelor party in Canada. John saw me

some medical issues and he got strung out on opioids for about a y e a r. W i t h h i s profession, he wasn't allowed to use Cannabis as a healthy alterna ve either. He le law and put everything he had into Cannabis Passport. So I felt Canadian. I felt everything happens for a reason. You know things are flowing well. We had good rapport. We've been working. We had an idea to go to a Champs Trade Show. We didn't have money for a booth. We didn't k n o w a nyo n e . We didn't know what the hell we were doing at first. We show up with our embossed passports in our hand and we just walked around talking to people. So many people shut us down. They said Hey, do you got a booth. We said No and got in return 'nope,

not interested'. Simple as that. We ended up mee ng the owner of Champs actually said he loved this product. He loved what we are doing. He loved what we were standing for and he said 'you know what - I'm going to open up my Rolodex to you. Here are all my friends in the business, Trade Shows. At the next trade show coming up, you got yourself a free booth. You just come here and keep doing what you are doing because it's a great cause. A cause that people can relate to’. Since then we kept going to trade shows, kept mee ng people. Kept being honest and real and kept speaking about real things like I'm doing with you. None of this is a facade. None of this is. I was once at a point where I was taking 30mg of morphine a day, When I

didn't have them, it was horrible, you know. This is a real ma er that we are dealing with in America especially with the opiate epidemic. And Cannabis Passport overall is a voice to fight against that. A lot of Cannabis companies have a big recrea onal backing. Let's see who can roll the biggest joint. Let's see who can smoke the five things at once. While that is great - Cannabis Passport has a medical focus. On my Instagram, I don't do much smoking and pos ng unless it's marke ng, helping the company, ge ng the name out there. Besides that, I try to keep it clean cut. Why? Because it is bigger than it is. I want to go and lobby for Congress on these ma ers. One last thing, we are dona ng a percentage of proceeds to the

Harvard study on CTE ( C h ro n i c Tra u m a c Encephalopathy) We are working with Megatron, Calvin Johnson. Yeah it's a big deal. A lot of people don't know this. Just pu ng it out there. Maybe someone will look into it and understand me be er. CBD works as a neuro protectant. It protects us from Trauma c Brain Injury (CTE). So let me leave you guys with that.Do your research, this plant is life. This plant is us. We have receptors for it. This is the way we need to go. Literally Marijuana or Cannabis can cover all the bases. It can cover pain, It can cover anxiety. It can cover anything. It can cover sleeping. Mood Stabilizers, it can cover everything. So let's lean on it. I'm sure you had a couple of interes ng

conversa ons with f riends and family when you, when you made the decision to drop you know drop football and pick up C a n n a b i s professionally like full me. Do you recall any of these conversa ons and how they went? To be honest with you, I didn't talk to anyone about it. No one knew I was going to do it. Not my mom, not my dad. Not even my Agent. You must have go en a number of telephone calls a er you announced it? My phone broke basically. That's when mom started calling me, cussing me out. Friends and family cut o. I used to have fans, friends and family, literally everything single day in The NFL. I quit, the same fans who were 10 minutes away I

have literally not talked to them, I've not seen them since. I had family members roll me up every single day, wan ng me in the NFL. Now that I'm out. I've been out for a year, year and a half, almost two. I haven't got one phone call from said family members. So you know it was actually a

great experience because you know now everyone looked into t h i s . . . Yo u m a d e a dumbass decision, quit, to smoke weed, be a pothead and do nothing with your life. Trying to do Cannabis, there's no money in it, go back to Football. H e y, p e o p l e d o n ' t realize you don't get paid shit in Football. Our Sport gets paid the

least. You know in the NBA, you get a $150 Million Dollars contact fully guaranteed. MLB, $300 Million Dollars contract fully guaranteed. NFL, you're happy with a four year, $75 Million Dollars deal with $30M guaranteed. That's a great deal. You know what I'm saying. So I had to explain this to people. A guy like me. Remember I was kicked out of Iowa State. I was homeless for a fucking year before I went to the NFL. So I didn't get dra ed. I missed out on the big signing bonuses. I got in for free, no signing bonus. $6K a month. You know so, everyone has these percep ons that you're so rich, you've got all this money and they don't realize that there is money in the Cannabis space. And even if there wasn't as much money in the Cannabis space, it's for a be er cause. Saving

lives and conver ng people. Helping people. Football literally is just fucking a sport. It's not helping nobody. Not saving any lives. You know? Very well said, very well said. Anything you would like to touch on that we may not have touched on? I do. I'm really, really, really, really deep into EA Sports. I stayed up ll 430AM in the morning playing on my PC and I just woke up right now. Going to go but I have this phone call. So I'm into gaming, EA Sports team right now. There's as much money in that as anything right now. All the products are new, kind of dierent. EA Sports us another unique avenue. Talking about...I‘m loving it, talking about especially with the Coronavirus happening. Everyone is into their video game

n o w. S o i f t h e r e ' s anything you want to do video games wise, it's a big fucking deal right now. David - anything in par cular you'd recommend for q u a ra n n e d N o r t h Americans? Yeah! Get a PC, get an XBox controller to use with a PC. Apex Legends which is a free game. I play Apex Legends, the new Call of Duty War Zone is actually really hot. Just came out, p e o p l e h av e t o b e quaran ned the week a er it came out. Xbox, I play (NBA) 2K20, a very popular game, a lot of hype around it. Rainbow Six Siege, One of my boys is #34 in the world. Bluetooth extended shit. I'm also into ac ng. I've been ac ng since I was seven years old. I've done audi ons at

Paramount Studios. In 2015, I got on the TV s h o w o n t h e Re e l z Channel on the cable network called the Murder Made Me Famous. In college, I performed alot in school plays. Had an opportunity to perform on Broadway somewhere, something like that. But I couldn't do it because it got in the way of Spring Ball in College. I've anchored Red Carpet events. In Dallas 2019 which is the Dallas Music Awards. (Background Sta c) I really love public speaking. I don't hold up to too many stereotypes, none of it. I'm a Universal guy, have many interests people can relate to. My black audience. My white audience. My old audience. My young audience. My boys, my girls. I feel like I could have, do whatever it is

to be done. Whatever ideas you may have, let me know. Switch to Urban. I know how to switch to extremely professional. Whatever you need to do, I'm pre y much willing to do what it takes. It is really great to talk to someone as passionate as you about life and a big advocate of the plants and plants over pills movement as well. I know that there are many people around North America that are going to be greatly inspired by you, your decision and your story.. Thank you man. I hope so! I know so.


As the owner and baker at KhronikKrea ons, I know and appreciate the value in making our baked goods and treats stand out. In 2019 a friend of mine, Dave Geroux who owns Shortees prin ng co m p a ny ( a n d a l s o

printed our tshirts) saw a gap in the bakers market for Canadian custom cookie cu ers/stamps, and a er being asked by a few of his clients to make some, he decided to pursue an en re line, and new company called Dough Stamps.

They created a 3d version and are currently designing new stamps/embossers as well as cu ers that can be used for baking and play dough. Dough Stamps created my KhronikKrea ons logo as well as some

cannabis leaves and some cute quotes to add that li le extra Awesome to our treats! They are also in produc on to make standard, as well as custom molds for cannabis candies,

g u m m i e s a n d chocolate bars. Although this is s ll in the early stages they are also working on molds that will meet the Canadian Guidelines for Cannabis Edibles.

If you want to give your cookies and treats a c u sto m s h a p e t h at makes them stand out, Dough Stamps range of locally-designed and produced cookie cu ers are made to the highest standards and

paramedics, nursing homes, security and janitorial sta, with the list growing daily. Please consider making a dona on and purchasing a shield for someone that needs it. By doing so you are helping cover the costs of materials!

a en on to detail. Oering dough stamps which align with the latest pa erns and styles, the range also includes a collec on of meless classics for every occasion. **Just want to take a moment to give a huge

THANK YOU to the team at Shortees/Dough Stamps for stepping up during this u n e a sy m e o f Coronavirus and assis ng our essen al health care workers with shields. In one day, they received requests for over 700 shields across Canada and the U.S.A from hospitals,

The Canadian Protec on Shields are free for essen al workers, and through dona ons Dough Stamps are able to con nue to provide these masks at no cost** DoughStamps.ca Instagram & Facebook @doughstamps Shortees.ca By Tammi Stanhope


REMEMBERING CHARLOTTE "If your going to live, leave a legacy. Make a mark on the world that can't be erased" ~Maya Angelou~ n 2012 the cannabis seizures a week, and the cannabis plant, space first heard the had trouble speaking. " H i p p i e ’ s name Charlo e Figi. Disappointment," In 2012, Charlo e's which contained low Charlo e was born on mother heard about a THC. October 18, 2006, with family that was using a twin sister, to parents C B D t o t re a t t h e i r The Figi family then Paige and Ma Figi. At 3 child’s seizures and so began to work with the months old, she had she started her search Stanley brothers, six her first seizure due to for CBD marijuana oil C o l o r a d o - b a s e d her Dravet syndrome. fo r h e r d a u g h te r ' s s i b l i n g s w h o g r e w At age five, she was treatment. Charlo e c a n n a b i s a n d h a v i n g u p t o 3 0 0 began taking oil from developed a high CBD,



low THC strain. The Stanley brothers names the strain Charlo es Web to honor the girl who inspired it. With the use of Charlo e's Web, Figi experienced an immediate reduc on in her epilep c seizures, down from 300 a week to two or three per month. While the use of medical marijuana was s ll illegal in many states, news of Charlo es success spread and families with similar diagnoses started moving to Colorado Springs, where the drug was

originally sold. Because of her story, she also gained worldwide a en on, and in 2013, she was the subject of the CNN documentary Weed by Sanjay Gupta. She became a wellknown ďŹ gure in the interna onal medical marijuana movement, and Charlo es story directly impacted thousands of families across the globe and has changed the face of cannabis in so many ways. On April 7, 2020 Charlo e passed away due to suspected complica ons from Covid 19. In the end, her life served so much

purpose in that the discoveries made by her use of CBD changed the trajectory of Medical Cannabis. She helped s ave l i ve s a n d g i ve thousands of families hope. She helped parents ďŹ nd a way to help their children live more normal lives, and her short me here on earth helped change laws, and bring tradi onal medicine back to the forefront of mainstream media. Even though Charlo e didn't ask to be the re p re s e nta ve o f a movement, We all thank you, from the bo om of our hearts, and to the Figi family, you're in our thoughts and prayers! By Tammi Stanhope





CBDCOILS CANADA WWW. BDOILSCANADA. COM CORNER THE MARKET! Full spectrum hemp extracts are different from CBD oil that simply isolates CBD in that they contain all the beneficial compounds of the industrial hemp plant. Researchers have used the term “The Plant of One-Thousand-And-One Molecules” to describe

hemp, which speaks to its amazing biochemical profile. When CBD is isolated from all the other cons tuents of the plant, you isolate it from the environment where CBD was naturally designed to be administered: in the

presence of all the other compounds. Cannabidiol isn’t the only cannabinoid present in industrial hemp. In fact, cannabigerol (CBG), cannabidivarin (CBDV), cannabichromene (CBC), and cannabinol (CBN), four other cannabinoids

present in industrial hemp, also have potent health benefits. Another compound of note is hemp’s terpenes, which give the plant its flavor and smell. They also enhance the beneficial effects of cannabinoids. Hemp also has an oxidant capacity with over twenty classes of flavonoids present in the plant. These an oxidant compounds neutralize damaging free radicals and upregulate our body’s natural an oxidant systems to promote longevity and protect cell func on. The Entourage Effect is a phenomenon seen in plant medicines where other compounds present in plants boost the ac vity of their ac ve cons tuents. This has been observed in research many mes, with full spectrum extracts proving to be more therapeu c than CBD isolate counterparts.

THC is the psychoac ve cannabinoid found in high amounts in the marijuana plant. Conversely, the industrial hemp plant which is used for full spectrum hemp extracts is required to contain less than 0.3% THC according to legal regula ons. But, don’t all the cannabinoids, including THC, need to be present for the full entourage effect? Wouldn’t this render industrial hemp extracts less effec ve than extracts that also contain THC? Science simply doesn’t back this statement up. Most of the beneficial effects of hemp and marijuana extracts are a ributed to CBD and other non-psychoac ve cannabinoids. Although THC has some therapeu c proper es, the majority of research shows hemp extracts are beneficial even without the presence of THC. As always, when purchasing a full spectrum hemp extract, you want the best of the

BROAD SPECTRUM best! This means inves ng your money in purity and potency. Considering CBD is one of the most powerful cannabinoids in hemp, a high concentra on of CBD in a full spectrum extract is going to confer the most

CBD OILS CANADA! YOUR ONE STOP SHOP FOR ALL THINGS CBD therapeu c effect. Interested in learning more about hemp and the healing proper es of this plant? Well look no further than Canadian CBD Superstore cbdoilscanada.com/cana da-online-cbd-superstore Our first review off this high rated site was the h i g h e st d o s e o f C B D Tincture that the site offered which was from Entourage Therapeu cs and was a 2650 mg Oil Full Spectrum - in spearmint.

results than just a CBD isolate. The Rich Hemp Extract is intended to help calm the effects of inflamma on, pain, anxiety and stress while suppor ng a deep res ul sleep. This PBC Rich Hemp Extract is produced from 100% organically grown hemp, and retains a full spectrum of terpenes, flavonoids and cannabinoids with trace amounts THC less than 0.03%. This premium oil is naturally flavored, with no ar ficial ingredients and no toxic residues.

In a nutshell, it was a serving of CO2 extracted, non-GMO, broad spectrum Plant Based Cannabinoid-Rich Hemp Extract (PBC) oil with 88.3 mg of Cannabinoids per ml and 2650 mg mg per 30 ml bo le.

The formula itself uses advanced nano technology, making it highly absorbable, for increased effec veness.

Their PBC oil creates a Therapeu c Entourage effect, and as men oned the Cannabinoids work together synergis cally to create more effec ve

The taste was pleasant an d th e effects were calming and effec ve. We par cularly loved the range of doses available ranging from very low to

admirably high. The Entourage line also offers products with no THC and others with minimal THC. We were pleased to see a nice assortment of CBN/CBD as well as CBD/CBG/CBN nctures as well. In par cular the relieve CBD/CBG/CBN RELIEVE ncture offered was very amazing!








or the Spring Issue of High! Canada Magazine, we present the Trio Spring Rollino e, Salad and Cookies. Miss Lino e brings to us a trio consis ng of spring rolls and 2 dipping sauces, a fennel salad and some magic c o o k i e s - l i n o e . L o t s o f ra w freshness, nuts, seeds, veggies and hemp everywhere to elevate your nutri on and your soul. Packed with

vitamins and flavor, you will feel energized and well medicated. Lets fly away with Miss Lino e and the Spring Sun will come faster!!! COOKIE-LINOTTE INGREDIENTS FOR 2 DOZEN - 2/3 cup thc coconut oil - 1 cup brown sugar - 2 eggs

- 1 1/2 cup oat flakes - 1 cup unbleached flour - 1/2 cup flour - 1 tsp baking soda - 1/2 tsp salt - 1 cup dry mangoes - 1/2 cup white chocolate - 1/2 cup unsalted roasted cashews - 1/2 cup hemp seed STEPS 1. Mix flour, oatmeal, baking powder, salt, chocolate, dr y mangoes, cashews and hemp seeds. 2. In a big bowl, beat eggs, brown

sugar and coconut oil. 3. Add dry mix to wet mix. 4. Make 2 dozens balls and crush a li le bit with a fork. 5. Put on 2 baking sheets. 6. In the oven at 375°F for 12 minutes or un l the cookies are golden. SPRING ROLLINOTTE WITH MANGOES WITH 2 DIPPING SAUCES INGREDIENTS - 1 1/4 once of rice vermicelle - 12 rice paper of 6 inches

- 12 mint leaves - 12 pot leaves (if available) - 12 cilantro stems - 12 cooked shrimps cut in half - 1 ca r ro t c u t i n julienne - 1 red pepper cut in julienne - 1 mango cut in julienne - 2 green onions cut in julienne - h e m p s e e d s to garnish DIPPING SAUCE #1 - 2 tbsp cilantro - 1/2 cup sweet chili sauce - 2 tbsp of lime juice and some zest - 1 tbsp sesame oil - 1 tbsp hemp oil - 1 tbsp hemp seeds - 1 tsp ďŹ sh sauce - CBD or THC ncture to desired potency DIPPING SAUCE #2 - 1 cup of crunchy peanut bu er - 2 tbs of THC honey

- 1 cup chicken broth - 2 tbsp soy sauce - 1 tbsp sesame oil - 1 tbsp hemp oil - 1 minced garlic - 1 tbsp minced fresh ginger - 1 tbsp hemp seeds STEPS 1. Rehydrate vermicelle in boiling water. 2. In a bowl, mix all ingredients of the dipping sauce #1. Transfer 1/3 of dipping sauce in another bowl and incorporate all the garnish ingredients except for the mint,

cilantro and shrimps. 3. In a deep plate ďŹ lled with warm water, immerse 1 rice sheet for 30 seconds and drain.

- pumpkin seeds - hemp seeds - 1/2 cup of feta cheese cut in cubes. HEMP DRESSING

4. At one inch from the side, put some vermicelli, garnish, one mint leaf, one cilantro sprigs and 1 shrimp cut in half and roll. Cover with a warm cloth and do again 11 more mes like rolling a big fat one!! Garnish with hemp seeds.

- 1/2 cup thc infused hemp oil - 1/4 cup thc infused avocado oil - 2 tbsp maple syrup - 2 tbsp dijon mustard - 4 tbsp lemon juice - 1/4 tsp chilli pepper - salt and pepper to taste

5. Serve with the 2 dipping sauce. PREPARATION FOR SAUCE #2 In a small saucepan, bring all the ingredients to a boil (except for the hemp seeds) and whipping at the same me. Let it simmer 2 minutes or un l dipping sauce thickens. Transfer to a serving bowl. Let it cool down and mix before serving. Add hemp seeds. FRESH FETA FENNEL SALAD AND HEMP DRESSING - 1 fennel bulb - 8 radish - 2 celery stalk - 1 apple

1. Mince the fennel, celery, radish and apple. 2. In a small bowl, whip all the hemp dressing ingredients. 3. In a big salad bowl, put all the minced ingredients. Add feta and mix with hemp dressing to coat well. 4. Sprinkle pumpkin and hemp seeds on top and serve.




s i l o c y b i n i s a n at u ra l l y

that they felt a er inges ng them.

species of the genus produce differing

occurring psychoac ve

However it wasn’t only tribal hunter

concentra ons of many psychotropic

compound that is synthesized

gatherers who u lized psilocybin,

tryptamine compounds, the most

by over 200 mushrooms of the

Philosophically and scien fically

prevalent of these being psilocybin,

Psilocybe (pronounced sil-ohh-si-bee)

advanced ancient civiliza ons like the

psilocin, and baeocys n. They also

genus. It ’s not clear why these

Greeks had Secre ve cults who brewed

found that the compound responsible

mushrooms have evolved to produce a

psychedelic teas and used them to

for producing the mind-altering effects

compound that closely imitates a

induce a boost of crea vity and

associated with these mushrooms is

crucial human neurotransmi er

enlightening epiphanies.

not psilocybin, but psilocin. A er you

(serotonin). One theory suggests it is a

eat ‘magic mushrooms’ psilocybin is

f u n ga l d e fe n c e m e c h a n i s m , a s

When scien fically rigorous protocols

dephosphorylated (the removal of a

psilocybin also alters the behaviour and

are used to study psilocybin the

phosphorus molecule) by the liver into

appe te of insects, while another

findings are o en consistent with the

psilocin, whose molecular structure is

postulates that these mushrooms were

teachings of ancient shamans, that the

highly similar to that of serotonin, one

introduced to the earth by alien beings

compound can dras cally and

of the most important

to expedite human evolu on.

sustainably improve many aspects of

neurotransmi ers in the human brain.

Psilocybin belongs to a class of drugs

mental health. It has been studied

o en referred to as hallucinogens or

(with extremely promising results) at

Psilocin is so similar to serotonin that it

entheogens, humans use of these mind

numerous pres gious ins tu ons (like

is ab le to b in d with n u mero u s

altering substances stretches back

Harvard, Stanford, and Yale) to

serotonin receptors (specifically the 5-

farther than civiliza on itself! With the

determine its safety and efficacy in

Hydroxytryptamine receptor group).

earliest evidence found in Northern

trea ng debilita on psychological

When this bond is formed it causes

Spain da ng to 11,000 years ago. Tribal

condi ons, including but not limited to

dras c changes in neural chemistry,

peoples all around the world from

addic ons, depression, anxiety, and

transmission and cross-network

Mesoamerica to Southeast Asia

PTSD. Researchers at these ins tu ons

communica on, primarily the

revered these mushrooms for the

have delved deep into the

increased secre on of Glutamate &

profound insights and intense feelings

pharmacology behind Psilocybe

Brain Derived Neutrophic Factor,

of euphoria, love, and connectedness

mushrooms, finding that various

dampening of the Default Mode

Network, and the re-rou ng of

f u t u re . * V i s u a l i za o n o f b ra i n

blocked a mo on to prevent sales of

informa on through brain networks

connec ons/ac vity in subjects given

psilocybin mushrooms, and Dana

that are not connected in the “sober”

placebo (le ) and psilocybin (right)

Larsen is set to open a micro-dose

state of consciousness. These changes

As previously stated, it has been known

dispensary storefront in Vancouver by

culminate in the s mula on of

that inges ng mushrooms produces an

early February! All of this sen ment

neurogenesis, synesthesia, sensory

enhanced state of consciousness for

was catalyzed by only a handful of

enhancement, and visual

many millenia, however it is only

studies that have already been

s mula on/hallucina on that are

recently, and in light of promising

concluded, however there is an

associated with magic mushrooms.

research, that the percep on by

exponen ally increasing amount of

authori es and ins tu ons alike has

interest in the topic, and we can expect

Glutamate is an vital neurotransmi er

begun to shi towards the recogni on

many new studies corrobora ng

that accounts for over 90% of the

of medical benefits associated with

posi ve results in the coming years

synap c connec ons in the brain, and

these drugs. Three major U.S. ci es

*Number of studies on psychedelic

is involved in crucial brain func ons like

(Denver, Chicago, and Oakland) have

substances 1960-2016

cogni on, learning, memory, and

decriminalized psilocybin, while

energy acquisi on.

legisla ve mo ons are in progress for

So far this ar cle has been markedly

over 100 addi onal locali es,

science focused, however there are

Brain Derived Neutrophic factor is a

meanwhile Democra c poli cians

aspects of the psychedelic experience

protein that helps to s mulate and

Andrew Yang and Alexandria Ocasio-

that are not explainable by current

control the process of neurogenesis, it

Cortez have both declared their

psycho-scien fic knowledge. A few

also plays a key role in long-term

support for federal policy reform

examples of this are the crucial

m e m o r y, n e u ra l d e v e l o p m e n t ,

around psychedelics. The FDA has also

importance of set and se ng, why

coordina on, and the deciphering of

stated “we have never seen such a

across varied demographics psilocybin

sensory input by the brain.

powerful drug, requiring such

reliably induces similar spiritual and

infrequent use” and a empted to fast-

transforma ve experiences, even out

The Default Mode Network is

track it through the clinical trial process

of body experiences, and the role that

responsible for a variety of cogni ve

by designa ng it as a “breakthrough

auditory s mula on plays in the

func ons including day-dreaming, self-

t h e ra py ” fo r M a j o r D e p re s s i ve

e x p e r i e n c e . Yo u r p h y s i c a l

reflec on, and the ability to perceive

Disorder (MDD).

surroundings, for example temperature, others around you, the

the past, present, and future. Some studies suggest that depression is

This re-invigouriza on of psychedelic

amount of light in your se ng, the type

linked to an overac ve DMN. The

drugs into public consciousness is also

of music you play during the

theory behind this is the possibility that

taking place north of the American

experience, and your level of familiarity

a highly ac ve DMN causes us to

border. Jagmeet Singh (leader of the

with these variables play a role almost

extensively ruminate, over-analyze,

NDP) has proposed sweeping changes

as important as the dosage of the drug

and become removed from the present

to Canadian drug scheduling and

itself! Research at Johns Hopkins

moment to ques on the past and the

legality, Vancouver city council recently

University recently confirmed that

music is inexplicably intertwined with

ca n d o to st re n gt h e n b o t h my

psilocybin, the intense feelings of

both the psychedelic experience and

rela onships with others, and my own

connectedness, love, empathy and

human neuro-chemical reward

psyche against nega ve emo on.

understanding, and the realiza on that

systems. They have curated a playlist,

Some mes the result of this pondering

these emo ons are antediluvian and

no ng the tempo and arrangement of

is challenging, and forces me to step

transcend our ego’s is so strong that it

tracks, that builds into a crescendo

out of my ‘comfort-zone’, however I feel

can be overwhelming. You are flooded

peaking around 2 hours into the

that the results have been extremely

with emo on, o en see geometric

playlist (also when the effects of

vindica ng, and that psychedelics have

pa erns or waves, consistent with

psilocybin peak) in an effort to assist

been the catalyst for immense personal

sacred geometry, and are able to

an individual into having a truly

growth, making me a more empathe c,

clearly and efficiently process thoughts

profound experience.

generous, self-aware, and relaxed

as if from a omniscient perspec ve,

person. To conclude, similar to

while your mind wanders a vastly

Along with exogenous s mula on,

consciousness itself, we understand

expansive and immersive realm that

your mindset and inten on of what

much of the biological func on

can only be accessed through inges ng

you want to get out of the experience

underpinning a psychedelic experience

the wondrous compound that we call

also has the poten al to dras cally

(described above) but seem to lack a


affect what you will feel while

crucial component of why it is so

psilocybin is being metabolized.

metaphysical, why it can reliably induce

Check out our shop for a variety of

Personally I set intent on becoming

transforma ve experiences that result

dried mushroom strains, micro-doses,

more sociable, overcoming my

in sustained improvement in mood and

and ready-to-brew mushroom teas.

somewhat introverted nature, and

mental well-being, and how this

always have a pen and paper handy to

substance (psilocybin) evolved to


transcribe any insights that the

interact with consciousness in such a


mushroom grants. I think about what I

profound way. When one ingests

: S T N E S E R P


CONVENTIONAL PRODUCTION METHOD: The conven onal cannabinoid produc on method consists of growing a cannabis plant that depending on the strain produces the desired cannabinoids and terpene profiles a pa ent requires. The conven onal method involves growing the cannabis plant in either soil or hydroponically from seed to sprout, or using clones (skipping the germina on process) by using cu ngs from a mother plant to try to duplicate results, to a mature plant, The cannabis plant has many stages of life begging with the germina on


stage (skipped if cloning), in this cycle of the plants life the seeds germinate in damp, humid condi ons and the seeds pop and develop a t a p ro o t t h a t e v e n t u a l l y sprouts to start the seedlings stage. When the taproot emerges from the surface and sprouts the life cycle the plant is in now is called the seedling stage, in this stage the plant is very fragile and focuses most of its energy on comfortably roo ng within the medium to lay down a founda on for the plant to mature and reach the Vegeta on stage (If cloning, once roots take you have reached the vegeta on stage). In the Vegeta on stage the

plant grows vigorously and quickly and stays in this stage un l it has reached its peak or desired height and vigor. At this stage the cannabis plant typically receives the most s u n l i g ht / d ay l i g ht h o u rs , usually approximately 18 hours total. Once the plant has completed the vegeta on cycle, the flowering cycle starts with the total hours of light dropping to approximately 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness. This them promotes the cannabis plant to flower (bud) which when these buds are produced the trichomes found within these buds is where the desired cannabinoids are

found. The flowering period ranges, but typically this cycles meline is complete within 69 weeks. Once the flowering/budding is complete the flower (buds) need to be removed from the plants stalks and dried and cured to assist in the quality and produc on of cannabinoids and terpenes. Once the dry and cure is complete the flower (buds) can be used to produce and provide all the forms of applica on and consump on discussed within. This conven onal method is most commonly used today but biotechnology is currently finding new ways to enhance and expedite the tradi onal ways of growing cannabis and modify and increase cannabinoid produc on. BIOTECHNOLOGICAL PRODUCTION METHOD: The biotechnological method of cannabinoid produc on is currently being used, as well as being researched and developed. As with many things in our society technology enhances our ability to mass produce and

accomplish more by using technology, this is also the case with cannabinoid produc on. Biotechnological produc on methods such as using ssue cultures (micro propaga on, in-vitro culture) and engineered yeast cannabinoid produc on can help to make the cannabinoid produc on more desirable for the following reasons: quicker, more heavily concentrated cannabinoid and terpene p ro fi l e s , o b t a i n s p e c i fi c cannabinoids, gene cally modify certain desired strains or plants, increase produc vity, produce more and help with preven on of certain pathogens, contaminants and diseaseseasy downstream process, differen a on and secondary m e ta b o l i te p ro d u c o n s , characteriza on and isola on, easy for scale-up and for establishment of a control, clonal and fast propaga on, space maximiza on. The micro-propaga on ( ssue culture, in-vitro culture) phases are as follows: Ÿ Establishment- cri cal asep c process for first introduc on of the vagal






material to the lab. Germplasm bank Cri cal step for variety selec on and conserva on Mul plica on- Increase the number of plants (organs) using cytokines aka cell division (phytohormones). Use new technologies such as temporary immersion bioreactors (TIB) for mass increment. Pre- acclima za onroo ng and elonga on: Differen a on and metabolites expression: Uses of elicitors and technologies for isola on of metabolites from the cell mass (TIB). Using Yeast Biotechnology (An alterna ve method to cannabinoid produc on): Biosynthe c cannabinoid produc on in engineered yeast is a prospec ve, viable, cheaper alterna ve to producing cannabinoids.

Cheaper method than synthe c cannabinoid produc on and produces more cannabinoids than the cul va on of cannabis plants. Ye a s t b i o s y n t h e s i s o f cannabinoids can also allow for the isola on of different

compounds for study and more potent cannabinoids dosages. Hyasynth, a Canadian c o m p a n y, s u c c e s s f u l l y produced CBG, the precursor to many cannabinoids. Engineered yeast also successfully produced THC by German researchers at the technical University of Dortmund. New companies are now looking into the possibili es of yeast cannabinoid produc on. Based on the different methods of cannabinoid produc on it is evident that biotechnological methods of

cannabinoid produc on provided many more advantages and controls as opposed to the conven onal method. This would be my selected preferred way of cannabinoid produc on as the tremendous advantages using this method is by far the most efficient and effec ve. Using the biotechnological method does however require much more precision and there is l e s s r o o m f o r e r r o r. Biotechnological methods are also new, and many people are not familiar with this process so educa on around the process is paramount for success using this method. I b e l i e ve t h at e ve nt u a l l y,

over me as with all t e c h n o l o g y, t r a d i o n a l methods will become less popular or perhaps even o b s o l e t e a s t h e biotechnological becomes adapted too and it is understood by the masses, I truly believe that this will become the preferred method. R&D is placing huge focus on this and over me as well as with all technology this method will become more advanced and more benefits will become evident, increasing the reasons to adapt to a biotechnological cannabinoid produc on method.

By Tyler Harrison



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