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M AY / J U N E 2020
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F R E E B C B U D S F O R C A N A D I A N A D U LT S 2 1 A N D O V E R
- Cy Williams -
“Be the change you want to see in the world.” Mahatma Ghandi The photo of George Floyd dying under the knee of a Police Officer in Minnesota has haunted North America and it is horrific indeed. It is an all too familiar image of another black person dying at the hands of the police screaming "I can't breathe"... I look at the pictures of Minneapolis before anyone ever threw a rock or started a fire or stole anything — I watched the police firing rubber bullets and cans of tear gas into crowds of people who WERE peacefully protes ng. This me we cannot stay silent because enough is enough. The murder of George Floyd on its own is so heinous an act it simply cannot be allowed to stand unpunished. Combine that now with so many other deaths of innocent people at the hands of Police and it is like a punch in the gut that in this day and age, we allow this to go on. I have heard people say that this man, this police officer, who put his knee on the neck of George Floyd does not deserve to be free. We have also heard over and over again during the last week that it is not enough for us to be 'not racist'. You and I need to take the extra step and we have to be 'an racist' and for those of you reading this who do not think white privilege exists - well then you are blind. Go take other look. We must hold our authori es accountable, our police officers accountable, our poli cians accountable, and policy makers all responsible. Protests have erupted across the country in a mass mobiliza on unlike anything we have ever seen before. During this period it is safe to say that lot of police have done nothing but make a heartbreaking situa on even worse. You have likely seen the videos on social media showing cops punching protesters, arres ng people for no reason, tear gassing bystanders, distribu ng loads of 'bait bricks', the photos of people hit by rubber bullets and hurt in scuffles and so on.. Loo ng has broken out all over North America and it has go en bad in certain ci es.
Watching from the comfort and safety of home in our living rooms, I can hear people asking why the protestors can't just follow the laws?
EDITORIAL TEAM Cy Williams Publisher/Editor
Tammi Stanhope Ontario Editor
Rainbow Smithe BC Editor
Janine Morra Ontario Editorial Team
Stephanie James Maritimes Editorial Team
Dave MacAdam BC Editorial Team
Miss Linotte Quebec Editorial Team
Miranda Hawryliw Alberta Editorial Team
Imagine if you lived in a country where the color of your skin got you killed for driving, jogging, sleeping, yelling, parking, baby si ng, si ng in a van, selling CD's, buying cigare es, opening the door, walking at night, wearing a hoodie at night, holding a toy gun, lying on the ground, being homeless, being in a dark stairwell, holding a cell phone, having a broken taillight, exercising horses, having a bo le of pills, shopping at Walmart, holding a beanie in a Walmart, holding up a phone, being in your own backyard, ea ng ice cream, being in your own house... I could keep going... You would say that is a lawless country. So why are we shocked that people are asking for revolu onary change? We support revolu ons around the world and celebrate throwing stones at tanks and we can certainly empathize with the protesters. What we can't seem to fathom is that the same knee of oppression that kills in Gaza could be the same knee of oppression that killed George Floyd. I can't speak to what it's like to be black but I know how we talk about black people in Canada and I know that we love black people on our screens and in our professional sports a d when it comes to popular music and we relish how high a black person can ascend in North America but honestly we have done nothing to raise the floor to help and that is what these protests are about. The worst part is many are in this country and in America because of protest and because of the civil rights movement. The only reason so many of us are here in North America is because of the US immigra on act of 1965. That law rode the wave of the civil rights act of 1964. You may not think it is your fight - right? The racism issue in North America story didn't start when you got here, but here is the thing, when you became a ci zen you don't just get to own the country's excellence - you have to own its failures too. That is the deal. It is hard to not feel that this kind of behavior should be long behind us - it is not. We may not have been the ones who killed George Floyd but we absolutely have to become the ones who pull that cop off his neck. We think we're not a part of the story but were at the scene of the crime that's why the full picture ma ers and this sort of crime doesn't happen in a vacuum. We have to help win this thing. We have to donate money or me to black organiza ons, Doctors should offer free health care to the protesters, Tech people should help black businesses get online. If you work in IT then set up a router. You passed the bar? Good, more proud pro Bono for protesters, Corporate Law doesn't need any more billable hours. Everything helps. Every effort counts.
Like the man who let protesters hide from police in his home - you don't even need a degree to do this - you just need a Sharpie. We need to get rid of qualified immunity because it protects police from lawsuits and holds them to a difference in standards than the rest of us. There's a bill in the American Congress right now. If you live in the US make sure it gets trac on it deserves. Harass your member of Congress. We need to De-militarize the police. Over last 2 months Doctors have been walking around in garbage bags and now the Police look like they are cosplay’ing as Master Chief in Halo. This is overkill. De-militarize the Police! Please! Finally, we need to vote out corrupt local officials because this buddy-buddy bullshit between prosecutors, the judicial system and the Police is the reason that police officers hardly ever serve me. I would like to tell Keith Ellison, the A orney General in Minnesota that you Keith, have this case now... Come on man.. You need to charge and prosecute all 4 officers is hard as you possibly can...
They have got to go to prison. We can't let this moment slip away. Millions of people around the world have taken to the street to afford us this moment set the precedent. So that the next me a cop has his knee on a black man's neck he will see it for what it is... murder. Cyril J Williams Publisher/Editor - High! Canada Magazine email -
The right to protest is an important part of Canadian democracy and the right to free expression. The Canadian cannabis community has a li le bit of experience with protests and police.
There was a
predictable pa ern: a pot shop would open, a pot shop would be raided. That same shop would re-open, a raid would come. Canadians of every age, race, color and creed would come together and protest over and over again. We would protest arrests, unjust laws and we would voice our collec ve need for change. We did it for cannabis and we absolutely need to stand up and make our voices even louder when it comes to the racism we have been seeing so much of within Law Enforcement. Now, we are standing up together as people across Canada and protes ng for an even more important cause than legalizing cannabis ever was. We as the people of Canada are sick of seeing the constant abuse of power within Law Enforcement and we are sick of seeing the overt racism that exists within Law Enforcement. If you decide to take to the streets and add
your voice to others calling for change - here are some
Canadian laws around protest, you can reduce risk and
things you should know going in. First and foremost - be
use your right to protest effec vely and safely. This is
safe and keep in mind that we are living within the
not legal advice, but it can help you understand you
constructs of the Federal Government’s master plan to
right to protest.
fla en the curve of the Corona Virus. Wear your masks, wear your gloves, if you are feeling sick please stay home and show your support in other ways. If you are
Am I allowed to organize or par cipate in a protest?
feeling healthy and are aware and understand the health risks associated with going out to par cipate
Protes ng itself is legal, as long as you don’t break any
than here a few things you should know before heading
laws while you’re at it. Sec on 2 of the Canadian
out. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees your right
guarantees the freedom of expression, freedom of
to protest.
associa on, and the freedom of peaceful assembly. Throughout our history, protests have been a key way
In some ci es and towns you are required to have a
for people to express dissa sfac on or support for
permit to protest. Check your municipal by-laws if you
important decisions taken by government or other
are thinking of organizing a protest.
powerful bodies.
What could I be arrested for? Protes ng can be risky. Police can use tear-gas, rubber bullets or water cannons to disperse aggressive
You can be arrested for breaking any law at a protest,
protesters, and even peaceful protesters could be
but some of the more common ones are listed on the
arrested if they break a law. By becoming familiar with
next page.
Protestors are o en arrested for: Causing a disturbance – this can include loud figh ng,
sentence if you endanger someone’s life. Mischief that damages property the value of which exceeds $5,000 can be punished by up to 10 years in prison or a $5,000 fine.
shou ng, swearing, chan ng, or singing in a public place, as well as annoying or ge ng in the way of other people in a public place. Causing a disturbance can be
Unlawful assembly – this is most common when protests involve violent clashes with police.
punished with six months in prison or a $5,000 fine. Unlawful assembly occurs when a group of three or Common nuisance – this includes stopping people from exercising/enjoying their rights or endangering the lives, safety or health of the public. Common nuisance can be punished by up to two years in prison.
more people give others nearby good reasons to worry that the group will cause a disturbance that includes violence against people or property, or mo vate others to cause a disturbance that includes violence. Unlawful assembly can be punished by six months in prison or a
Mischief – this includes destroying or damaging any kind of property. Mischief includes making property dangerous or useless (like smashing windows or slashing
res), making property difficult to use, or
ge ng in the way of any person who wants to use it. Mischief can be punished by a life
$5,000 fine. If you are wearing a disguise, the prison sentence could increase to five years. Rio ng – this is when a group of three or more people actually do cause a violent disturbance (rather than just making people nearby worry they will). Rio ng can be punished by up to two years in p r i s o n , b u t t h at sentence
could increase to 10 years if you are wearing a disguise. In these days of w e a r i n g m a s k s fo r o u r o w n
Can police arrest a whole bunch of protesters at once?
protec on against infec on, this
because they have informa on that you do not have. Challenging officers in these circumstances will likely result in lawful arrest.
could make for a tricky issue in
Yes, for now. Mass arrests are
modern protes ng and the laws
unusual, but they do happen.
If the police contain protesters and
surrounding it.
Police have many lawful techniques
then provide no filter or exit route,
that they can use to manage a
this is known as “ke ling”. In a
Conspiracy (to commit one of the
crowd of people. For example, the
ke ling situa on, whether your
offences above) – Even if you
police may form a line of officers
arrest is lawful will depend largely
personally are not involved in any
and then direct or “filter ”
on what direc ons you were given
criminal ac vity, there is a risk that
protesters out of a par cular area.
prior to being contained. You will
the police will charge you with
This is usually done to keep busy
likely not know why the officers
“conspiracy to commit …”
areas from becoming “hot” or
have been ordered to detain you
(or your group) but you are en tled
For example - if you were involved
to be informed of the reason for
in planning or organizing a protest
You must follow all direc ons from
during which unlawful acts were
police to filter out of an area or you
subsequently commi ed you may
risk arrest. You must assume that
If you are ke led, you will likely be
be charged with Conspiracy.
the officers are direc ng you
held for quite some
your arrest.
me before
release and you should use that me to keep track of the following: Ÿ The
Ÿ The me and par culars of any
take away your equipment. It might
requests you make to leave the
be a good idea to record the name
a r e a a e r b e i n g ke l e d ;
and badge number of any officers you interact with at a protest.
me of your deten on (e.
the me you were filtered with
Ÿ Whether any other individuals
no route of egress);
are permi ed to leave the area a
Ÿ The par
er being ke
What are my rights if I am arrested?
culars of any
announcements made to the
Ÿ Approximately how many other
You have the right to know why and
crowd prior to containment.
individuals have been ke led
to be released if there isn’t a
with you and, if feasible, the
reason. You have the right to talk
with a lawyer in private as soon as
You should always keep track of the
es of those individuals;
possible, but police don’t have to
me any police
announcements are made and
Ÿ The me that you are processed
let you contact a family member or
how they are made (e. by
by an arres ng officer (e. how
friend. It’s a good idea to write the
bullhorn or by individual officers
long were you detained in the
number of a lawyer you know who
throughout the crowd);
ke le before being placed on
will help you on your body in
prisoner transport and/or
permanent marker.
Ÿ W h at o p o n s , i f a ny, t h e
providing confirma on of your
direc ng officers gave you to
iden ty to an individual
In order to arrest you, a police
clear the area prior to being
arres ng officer); and
officer must either see you break a law, have good reasons to believe
ke led (e. were you advised of another route you could take
Ÿ The overall dura on of your
and, to the best of your
arrest from the
knowledge, was that route
deten on to release.
me of
you have broken one, or have good reasons to believe you are about to break one.
actually available to you); Ÿ The details of any discussions
you have with any officers involved in your arrest including their names, badge numbers,
Can I photograph or record a Police officer while par cipa ng in a protest?
While the officer arres ng you could be mistaken, if you resist arrest, you will be breaking a law and can be charged with a criminal offence on that basis alone. Make sure you photograph or write down
unit details and police service Ye s . Yo u h a v e t h e r i g h t t o
anything that could prove that the
photograph, video, or otherwise
officer was mistaken so that you
Ÿ All details pertaining to the
record police officers who are on
can use it in court.
reason provided for your arrest
duty. Officers do not have the right
including the alleged offence;
to ask you delete your photos, or to
p a r
c u l a r s ;
If you are under the age of 18, you
also have the right to be accompanied by a parent/guardian or lawyer if the police ask you ques ons or want you to give a statement.
Where am I allowed to protest?
Am I allowed to block a transporta on route? Yes, but not a highway because that is against the law (Criminal Code, Sec on 423 (1)). Some routes don’t seem
You can protest on any public property as long as the protest is deemed peaceful. Public property is
like highways, but are. Research your route before you hit the streets.
any space owned by the government. This includes parks, town squares and government buildings. There is an excep on for transporta on routes (see below).
Other routes are allowed, as long as you can prove you’re not trying to or are likely to cause death or physical harm. Protesters on non-highway roads can only be held accountable
On private property, but you could be asked to leave. Private property is owned by one or more individuals, like a business or home. If the owner asks you to leave you can move to public space
for endangering other people if they meant to, but it’s hard to prove in court what you meant to do. Ask yourself, could a person reasonably argue that you meant to hurt
disturb ac vity on the private property. Some places, like schools or malls, may seem like public property but are owned by individuals. It’s a good idea to research who owns the place(s) where you want to gather before you stage a protest.
Make sure you know the laws of your city before you protest.
surrounding the property, but police may ask you to leave if you
iden fica on in a public place.
If you are driving a motor vehicle
Do I have to show the Police my iden fica on? Only if the police tell you that you have broken a law or are suspected of breaking a law. If that is the case, you could be charged with obstruc on if you do not iden fy yourself. Some ci es have local laws that allow police to check your
you are always required to show your driver’s license, registra on and insurance whenever asked by police. Your passengers do not have to iden fy themselves unless the police tell them they have broken a law or are suspected of breaking a law.
Can I wear a mask if I am par cipa ng in a protest?
Yes, but only if no one at the protest
(are you being arrested? why?) and
special law created for the G20, but
breaks any laws. During the 2012
to talk with a lawyer. If the officer
was actually a well-established
Quebec Student Protests and the
does not tell you that you are being
war me statute created to prevent
2010 G-20 protests in Toronto many
arrested and also tell you why, you
u n i d e n fi e d s a b o t e u rs f ro m
protesters wore scarves or masks to
have the right to be released.
accessing and damaging cri cal
cover their faces. In response, the
infrastructure such as power plants
Can Police search me?
Canadian government passed Bill C309, which makes it illegal to wear a
or other “public works”. Under the PWPA, if an area were designated as
mask or disguise during an unlawful
a “public work”, any individual
assembly, with a punishment of up
Under Canadian law, a warrantless
a emp ng to enter that area would
to 5 years in prison. If you wear a
search is presump
have to iden fy himself or herself
mask during a riot, the punishment
uncons tu onal under s. 8 of the
and could be searched. The Ontario
is up to 10 years in prison.
Charter. However, there are a
Government designated the G20
number of excep ons to that
interdic on zone as a “public work”
Remember, a peaceful protest can
g e n e ra l r u l e , w h i c h m ay b e
leading up to the G20 and the police
turn into an unlawful assembly if
triggered by facts of which you are
used this as the basis to search
any of the protesters make people
completely unaware.
individuals a emp ng to approach the security fence that surrounded
afraid that they will become violent.
the area
If you must cover your face, be
The best rule is to use “good
careful to monitor your protest for
judgment” when confronted by a
signs of violence. You should also
police officer demanding that you
The PWPA is no longer in force but
think about what might qualify as a
iden fy yourself and/or asking to
you must s ll be mindful of the area
“mask or other disguise.” Religious
search your belongings. If you
in which you are protes ng if police
coverings, costumes, face paint
refuse a police officer’s request to
approach you and ask for
could all be interpreted as a
search your belongings, you might
iden fica on or to search your
be right in law, but s ll face the
immediate prospect of deten on
Do I have to speak to the Police if they ques on me?
and arrest (leaving it to your lawyer
If you are demonstra ng in an area
to argue later on that the arrest and
that could be the subject of a viable
search were unlawful).
threat (for example a nuclear power plant, courthouse or high security
No, If you don’t want to answer
During the 2010 G20 protests in
government building), the police
ques ons, politely ask the officer
Toronto there was a lot of media
might have a legi mate basis to ask
“Am I free to go?” or “Am I being
a en on surrounding the Public
you to iden fy yourself or to search
detained?”. If you are not free to go,
Works Protec on Act (“PWPA”).
your belongings. You are en tled to
you have the right to remain silent,
Contrary to what many believed at
ask ques ons before deciding
to know why you aren’t free to go
whether to consent. If a police
me, the PWPA was not a
officer is unable to ar culate any
rights groups. Some of their reports
causes, or risks causing, death or
reasonable basis to search you,
include informa on collected from
harm to people.
there is likely no lawful basis for that
social media posts and other online
ac vi es. While social media can be
The passing of Bill C-51 also brought
a useful tool to organize protests,
into effect the Security of Canada
it’s a good idea to keep your protest
Informa on Act, which permits
ac vi es offline if you are
government agencies to share
concerned about surveillance.
informa on on an individual in
Can protes ng affect my future? Possibly. If you are arrested at a protest and convicted of a criminal offence, you will have a criminal re co rd . T h i s ca n a ffe c t yo u r
order to protect “against ac vi es
How does Bill C-51 affect my right to protest?
employment prospects as well as
that undermine the security of Canada”. The Act specifically excludes “advocacy, protest, dissent and ar s c expression”, but ac vity
your ability to travel, get insurance
With the passing of Bill C-51, the
that undermines na onal security
and rent housing. Even if the
defini on of what cons tutes a
has been vaguely defined, and
charges are dropped or dismissed,
“terrorism offence” has been
includes broad categories such as:
the incident may s ll show up on a
expanded, but it has been vaguely
interference with the Government
Criminal Record Check. Employers
defined. So, it is difficult to know
of Canada; terrorism; interference
are not allowed to discriminate
whether a demonstra on or protest
with cri cal infrastructure; and an
against you for dropped charges,
could be seen as suppor ng or
ac vity that causes serious harm to
but Criminal Record Check reports
advoca ng terrorism offences, or if
a person or their property because
can be difficult to understand and
you could be personally considered
of that person’s associa on with
employers may get confused.
a terrorist if you are demonstra ng
or protes ng. Prior to Bill C-51, the Further, there are reports that the
defini on of a terrorism offence was
There have been arguments that
federal government has been
based on various interna onal
parts of Bill C-51 violate Sec on 2 of
keeping track of groups and
conven ons and was defined in the
the Charter of Rights and Freedoms,
individuals who have been involved
Canadian Criminal Code as any act
but this has not yet been li gated in
in protests, including
mo vated by personal beliefs
environmental and indigenous
(poli cal, religious, etc.) that
- FIN -
PROTESTING ACCOMPLISHED THIS TIME AROUND? So what has protes ng accomplished?
Charges are upgraded against Officer
will update its use-of-force guidelines
Here is a list of highlights from the last
Chauvin, and his accomplices are
for the first me in two decades.
few days that are a direct result of the
arrested and charged.
ongoing protests we have been seeing in every city across North America.
In Maryland, a bipar san work group
Dallas adopts a "duty to intervene"
of state lawmakers announced a
rule that requires officers to stop
police reform work group.
other cops who are engaging in Ÿ
Los Angeles City Council introduces
Within 10 days of sustained protests:
inappropriate use of force. New
mo on to reduce LAPD’s $1.8 billion
Minneapolis bans use of choke holds.
Jersey’s a orney general said the state
opera ng budget.
MBTA in Boston agrees to stop using public buses to transport police officers to protests.
Police brutality captured on cameras leads to near-immediate suspensions and firings of officers in several ci es (i.e., Buffalo, Ft. Lauderdale).
Monuments celebra ng confederates are removed in ci es in Virginia, Alabama, and other states.
treet in front of the White House is renamed "Black Lives Ma er Plaza.” Military forces begin to withdraw from Rallies and memorials have been held
sen mnets before he died outside
Then, there's all the other stuff that's
in ci es across Europe, as well as in
Paris in 2016.
hard to measure:
Mexico, Canada, Brazil, Australia, and
The really difficult public and private
New Zealand.
together a er the death of George
As the US contends with its second
D.C. Ÿ
conversa ons that are happening
Ci es across Europe have come
about race and privilege.
week of protests, issues of racism,
The realiza ons some white people
police brutality, and oppression have
people filled the Dam square on
are coming to about racism and the
been brought to light across the globe.
Monday, holding signs and shou ng
People all over the world understand
popular chants like "Black lives ma er," and "No jus ce, no peace."
role of policing in this country.
In Amsterdam, an es mated 10,000
The self-reflec on.
that their own fights for human rights,
The internal ba les exploding within
for equality and fairness, will become
organiza ons over issues that have
so much more difficult to win if we are
mul ple loca ons throughout Berlin
been simmering or ignored for a long
going to lose America as the place
to demand jus ce for Floyd and fight
where 'I have a dream' is a real and
against police brutality.
me. Ÿ
In Germany, people gathered in
Some organiza ons will end as a
universal poli cal program," Wolfgang
result, others will be forever changed
Ischinger, a former German
spray-painted on a stretch of wall in
or replaced with something stronger
ambassador to the US, told the New
Berlin that once divided the German
and fairer.
capital during the Cold War.
Globally: Ÿ
In France, protesters marched holding
A mural dedicated to Floyd was also
In Ireland, protesters held a peaceful
signs that said "I can't breathe" to
demonstra on outside of Belfast City
Protests against racial inequality
signify both the words of Floyd, and
Hall, and others gathered outside of
sparked by the police killing of George
the last words of Adama Traoré, a 24-
the US embassy in Dublin.
Floyd are taking place all over the
year-old black man who was subdued
by police officers and gasped similar
In Italy, protesters gathered and marched with signs that said "Stop
killing black people," "Say his name," and "We will not be silent." Ÿ
In Spain, people gathered to march and hold up signs throughout Barcelona and Madrid.
In Athens, Greece, protesters took to the streets to collec vely hold up a sign that read "I can't breathe."
In Brussels, protesters were seen si ng in a peaceful demonstra on in front of an opera house in the center of the city.
In Denmark, protesters were heard chan ng "No jus ce, no peace!" throughout the streets of Copenhagen, while others gathered outside the US embassy.
In Canada, protesters were also grieving for Regis KorchinskiPaquet, a 29-year-old black woman who died on Wednesday a er falling from her balcony
were hung outside the US Embassy with
wanted and the world didn't say anything to
during a police inves ga on at
roses, candles, and signs.
her building Ÿ
And in New Zealand, roughly
In Poland, candles and flowers were laid out next to Floyd outside the US consulate.
And in Syria, two ar sts created a mural
Embassy in Auckland, chan ng
depic ng Floyd in the northwestern town of
and carrying signs demanding
Binnish, "on a wall destroyed by military
jus ce.
2,000 people marched to the US
Memorials have been built for
Don't wake up tomorrow on the wrong side
Floyd around the world too, too.
Before the assassina on of George Floyd some
of this issue. It's not too late to SAY, "Maybe
In Mexico City, portraits of him
of you were able to say whatever the hell you
I need to look at this from a different
perspec ve."
doing the work.
or "Maybe I don't know what it's like to
Keep protes ng.
be black in America..." WE ARE NOT TRYING TO START A RACE
or "Maybe, just maybe, I have been
taught wrong."
There is so much work to be done. It's been a really dark, raw week. This could s ll end badly. But all we can do is keep
How beau ful is that?
CANNABIS PARDON IN CANADA Pardons for Simple Possession of Cannabis Convic ons by allowing them
sentence and demonstrated that
greater access to job
they are law-abiding ci zens for a
opportuni es, educa onal
prescribed number of years, to have
programs, housing, and even the
their criminal record kept separate
ability to simply volunteer in their
and apart from other criminal
communi es.
Frequently Asked Ques ons and Answers:
Let’s start with a li le informa on on Bill C-93 (An Act to provide nocost, expedited record suspensions
A pardon removes a person's criminal record from the Canadian Police Informa on Centre (CPIC) database. This means that a search
for simple possession of cannabis). Q.
What is simple possession?
of CPIC will not show that the individual has a criminal record or a
It was introduced on March 1, 2019. The Government of Canada introduced Bill C-93 to allow Canadians who have been previously convicted only of simple cannabis possession to apply for a pardon (also known as a record
Simple possession generally
pardon. This helps them access
refers to a criminal charge given by
employment and educa onal
law enforcement for possession of a
opportuni es and to reintegrate
controlled substance, in this case
into society.
cannabis, for personal use with no intent to traďŹƒc.
applies only to records kept by
suspension) with no applica on fee or wait period, once their sentence has been served.
The Criminal Records Act (CRA)
What is a pardon?
federal organiza ons, but most provincial and municipal criminal
A pardon (also known as a
record suspension) allows people Bill C-93 will reduce barriers to
who were convicted of a criminal
reintegra on for these individuals
oence, but have completed their
jus ce agencies also restrict access to their records once they are told that a pardon has been ordered.
What recourse does this
legisla on offer for individuals
employment, housing, a passport
or a loan.
aside all the criminal convic ons
convicted of simple possession of cannabis?
Federally, a pardon sets
for an individual, reducing barriers Expungement is an extraordinary
to reintegra on placed on an
measure reserved for cases where
individual as a result of their
The proposed legisla on
the criminaliza on of the ac vity in
criminal record and allowing them
would waive the pardon applica on
ques on and the law never should
greater access to job
wait period and applica on fees
have existed, such as in cases
opportuni es, educa onal
paid to the Parole Board of Canada
where it violated the Charter. If an
programs, housing, and even the
for those whose only convic ons
applica on for expungement is
ability to simply volunteer in their
are for simple possession of
approved, records of that
communi es. Suspended criminal
cannabis. The Parole Board of
co nv i c o n a re p e r m a n e nt l y
records can only be disclosed by
Canada will order the pardon
destroyed from federal databases.
the Minister of Public Safety in
provided the applicant only has
excep onal circumstances, and
convic ons for simple possession of
Why are pardons for simple
would not normally be disclosed in
cannabis, has completed their
possession of cannabis not being
a background check, such as for
sentence, and does not incur a new
granted automa cally?
employment, housing, a passport
convic on prior to the pardon being ordered.
or a loan. A.
An applica on-based system
is the most effec ve way to ensure
Pardons apply only directly to
What is the difference
both broad access to pardons and
records of convic ons kept within
between a pardon and an
informed decision-making.
federal departments and agencies,
Requiring applicants to sa sfy the
as per the Criminal Records Act.
Board that they were only
However, provinces and territories
The purpose of a pardon is to
convicted of simple possession of
are no fied when a pardon is
reduce barriers to reintegra on by
cannabis will help ensure that the
ordered and generally comply.
facilita ng access to job
Parole Board of Canada has
opportuni es, educa onal
complete and up to date
programs, housing, and even the
informa on on the individual’s
an individual’s ability to travel?
ability to simply volunteer in their
criminal history prior to processing
communi es. Suspended criminal
the file.
records can only be disclosed by the
How does a pardon impact
As with expungement, a
pardon does not guarantee a
M i n i ste r o f P u b l i c S a fe t y i n
What are the benefits of an
person entry or visa privileges to
excep onal circumstances, and
i n d i v i d u a l b e i n g g ra n t e d a
another country because foreign
would not normally be disclosed
jurisdic ons are not bound by
when a background check is conducted, such as for
Canadian laws. Entry and exit requirements are at the discre on
of each country. Any foreign
on record. Applica ons would be
In 2018, the government expunged
country, including the United
reviewed by administra ve staff,
criminal records in the
States, may have documented
and applicants would not have to
Expungement of Historically Unjust
previous interac ons with
pay the current applica on fee of
Convic ons Acts for those
Canadians, which may include
convicted under Canada’s “an -
Canadian criminal convic on
buggery” laws. The act “recognized
informa on. Individuals who
In announcing the new legisla on,
that the criminaliza on of certain
receive a pardon may access
Public Safety Minister Ralph
ac vi es cons tutes a historical
requested records in cases where
Goodale said that the government
they need to prove that they have
would not expunge criminal
criminaliza on of sodomy “were it
obtained a pardon.
records for simple cannabis
to occur today, it would be
possession because the law that
inconsistent with the Canadian
then prohibited it was legi mate.
Charter of Rights and Freedoms.”
streamline pardons for simple
“The record suspension model
In announcing the availability of
cannabis possession, Canada’s
implies that a person is being
pardons for simple cannabis
criminal bar had two reac ons. On
‘forgiven’ for their crime,” says
possession, Goodale said that
the plus side, pardons will “open up
Stephanie DiGiuseppe of Ruby
expungement was only available if
new avenues for people” who were
Shiller Enenajor DiGiuseppe,
it was deemed that the
convicted of possessing cannabis
Barristers in Toronto and a member
criminaliza on of a certain ac vity
before the drug was legalized for
of the Criminal Lawyers’
(such as a sexual ac vity prac sed
recrea onal use in October. On the
Associa on’s Communica ons and
in the LGBTQ community) would
other hand, pardons don’t go far
Med ia Rela o n s co mmi ee.
today be considered
enough; be er that criminal
“Expungement, on the other hand,
uncons tu onal. That wasn’t the
records for simple cannabis
implies an acknowledgement that
case with recrea onal cannabis
possession be expunged, defence
the ac vity ought not to have been
use, Goodale said, as that law was
lawyers say.
an offence in the first place.
legi mate even though it has now
When the federal government
ce” and that the
introduced legisla on in March to
been removed from the books. Bill C-93, tabled in the House of
“Given the discriminatory ac ons
Commons on March 1, would allow
that underlay cannabis prohibi on
In February, prosecutors in San
individuals convicted of simple
and the discriminatory policing and
Francisco announced that they
possession to immediately apply
prosecutorial prac ces that were a
would move to expunge 9,300
for a pardon from the Parole Board
significant feature of cannabis
marijuana-related convic ons
of Canada provided that any
prohibi on,” DiGiuseppe says, “we
da ng back decades, now that
sentences had been completed, all
believe expungement is a more
recrea onal cannabis use is legal in
related fines had been paid and the
a p p ro p r i ate m o d e l fo r h o w
C a l i fo r n i a . O t h e r C a l i fo r n i a
applicant has no other convic ons
cannabis pardons should work.”
coun es, including Los Angeles, are
considering similar efforts.
The Public Prosecu on Service of C a n a d a es mates that there have been upwards of 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 convic ons for the simple possession of cannabis in C a n a d a , according to Sco Bardsley, a spokesman for the Office of the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness.
Should Bill C-93 pass, it is es mated
seen is expungement,” she says. “A
that there would be free, expedited
pardon says you did something
applica ons to pardon about
wrong, you’ve paid your debt, we’ll
10,000 records, Bardsley wrote,
now clear your record.” That can be
and “we will undertake outreach
helpful in terms of finding
ini a ves to ensure that all those
employment and housing, and
who can benefit know about the
even doing volunteer work, but it
free, expedited process and how to
can also be revoked, Sa’d notes. On
use it.”
the other hand, “expungement says that the underlying ac on
Pardon v. Expungement
never should have been criminalized.”
In October, NDP MP Murray
S a ’d s ays a ny t h i n g s h o r t o f
Rankin, represen ng Victoria,
expungement would be unfair to
tabled a private members’ bill, C-
Canadians who have suffered jail
415, in Parliament to expunge
me or have gone through the
certain cannabis-related
criminal jus ce system for simple
convic ons. In choosing a pardon
possession of cannabis. And
applica on process over
although whites and non-whites
expungements, applicants will
have used cannabis at similar rates,
need to take the ini a ve in
she says, data has shown spikes in
applying for the pardons, and the
arrests toward non-whites.
pardons could also be revoked. In 1923, when the government of
“For a variety of reasons, the number of people who are
“In my view, a pardon doesn’t go far
Canada introduced the Act to
expected to apply for pardons
enough,” says Caryma Sa’d of
Prohibit the Improper Use of
u n d er C - 9 3 is m u c h lower,”
[s]advocacy in Toronto, whose
Opium and other Drugs, and
Bardsley said in an email message.
prac ce includes criminal law,
included cannabis on the list,
“Those reasons include: they have
cannabis and landlord/tenant
racism was a factor “right at the
passed away, they have already
issues. “If you look at the way that
outset,” says Sa’d. “It’s
received a pardon or they have
cannabis possession historically
acknowledge that.”
other criminal charges on their
h a s b e e n c r i m i n a l i ze d , i t ’s
record,” which would make them
d i s p r o p o r o n a t e l y a ffe c t e d
At the me, there was a concern
ineligible to apply for a pardon for
minority groups.
regarding opium use and
me to
d i st r i b u o n a m o n g C h i n e s e
simple cannabis possession. “What I would have liked to have
immigrants on the West Coast.
Several decades earlier, there was
government has to process all
including from the RCMP and the
the Chinese Exclusion Act in the
these pardons?” Even now it can
Canadian Police Informa on
United States, and Canada’s
take up to a year before a client
Centre, says S’ad. When criminal
Chinese Immigra on Act in 1923
hears back, she says.
records are expunged, though,
banned most forms of Chinese immigra on to the country.
prosecutors or the government “Think about any example where
take the ini a ve to expunge
somebody might be asked if they
There was very li le debate in the
h a v e a c r i m i n a l r e c o r d ,”
House of Commons when
Greenwood says, including
The government is saying that
marijuana was added to the list of
applying for a job, crossing the
simple cannabis possession was
drugs for which criminal penal es
border or applying to volunteer at
criminal at the me, and it should
were established, she notes. In the
their child’s school. A criminal
have been, says Sarah Leamon of
United States, it was primarily
record can impede all those
the Sarah Leamon Law Group in
Hispanic and black Americans who
pursuits, and the severity of a
Vancouver. However, she says,
used cannabis recrea onally, she
criminal record is o en not
Rankin did a good job and made
says, adding that “criminalizing
considered, she says. The fact that
arguments compellingly in
that drug of choice, in the midst of
simple possession of cannabis is no
presen ng his bill to expunge
prohibi on, I think there are clear
longer an offence “creates an
certain cannabis-related ac vity.
es to systemic racism at a policy-
unfairness in the law” to those
making level. There was virtually
convicted of the offence.
no debate when marijuana was
“People who use cannabis for medical purposes — should they
added [to the list] and no evidence
Expungement is a more permanent
b e h e l d to t h e s a m e m o ra l
in policy research that grounded
solu on because the record
culpability standard as recrea onal
the criminaliza on of cannabis.”
suspension or pardon is a piece of
users?” asks Leamon. “There’s an
legisla on that can be changed,
argument to be made for
The criminal bar is also concerned
and a future government could
about the length of me it will take
repeal the legisla on, Greenwood
to get the proposed bill through
says. And, “a pardon could s ll
There should also be a
Parliament and enacted into
leave problems for people who
conversa on about expanding who
legisla on.
want to travel,” as a convicted
is eligible for the pardon, she says,
person’s record might s ll be in an
to people charged with trafficking,
immigra on database.
for example. “I would say the bill
Bill C-93 has only just gone through fi rst re a d i n g , n o te s J e s syca
should have gone further in terms
Greenwood of Greenwood
Time is also a factor in the pursuit
of contempla ng expungement for
Defence Law in Toronto. “Will it
of jus ce. It can take six to eight
some people, maybe on a case-by-
actually pass by summer? And
months to gather the reports an
case basis. . . . And it should have
what does it look like when the
applicant may need for a pardon,
gone further, and contemplated
pardons, maybe expungements for
government recently beset by the
consulted, she says, including the
[a] wider variety of cannabis
SNC-Lavalin scandal — it may be
campaign for cannabis amnesty,
pushed through earlier, she says.
w h ic h ex p res s es it s go a l a s
“And it should be; every day we’re
“ r i g h n g h i sto r y ’s w ro n g s ,”
S ll, Leamon says, “I’m all in favour
wai ng for it to be passed, people
i n c l u d i n g b e i n g a vo i c e fo r
of the pardons, it will open up new
are having their rights
racialized and Indigenous
avenues for people.” Aside from
compromised, because they’re not
Canadians who, it says, have been
easing everyday life concerns, a
able to fully access the
adversely affected by applica ons
criminal convic on would be
opportuni es that they otherwise
of the criminal law. Yet, “at the end
wiped from the CPIC database.
may be able to but for that
of the day,” Greenwood agrees,
“This can colour the way a police
convic on.” Greenwood says she
“having some system in place to
officer deals with someone on the
would have liked the government
relieve [the burden] of convic ons
roadside,” adds Leamon, whose
to have tabled its bill back in
is be er than nothing.”
criminal prac ce includes driving
October, when it announced it was
infrac ons. Although a bill might
contempla ng pardons for
normally take a year to pass into
cannabis possession. The process
legisla on, for poli cal reasons —
may be expedited, but all
this being an elec on year and the
stakeholders will want to be
NEWS YOU MAY HAVE MISSED prescribing medical cannabis for pa ents. Drug Science hopes that
JMCC Signs on to Support Europe’s Largest Medical Cannabis Study The Canadian-headquartered company is the only invited provider of several par cipa ng in
c h a r i t y, l a u n c h e d P r o j e c t
the findings will make a powerful
Twenty21, Europe’s first and
case for Na onal Health Service
biggest na onal medical cannabis
(NHS) funding of cannabis-based
registry, in November 2019. The
t re at m e nt s , by p rov i n g t h e
project involves enrolling up to
favourable risk/benefit ra o for
20,000 pa ents by the end of 2021
seven key iden fied condi ons,
in the study, to create the largest
specifically focusing on pa ents
body of evidence for the
for whom alterna ve treatments
effec veness and tolerability of
have failed. The targeted
medical cannabis.
condi ons are Anxiety Disorder,
Project Twenty21. JMCC Group announced recently that it has agreed to par cipate as one of five medical cannabis providers worldwide for Project Twe nt y 2 1 , a s t h e exc l u s i ve Caribbean supplier of cannabisbased medicines to pa ents across the United Kingdom taking part in the ground-breaking study. Drug Science, the UK’s only independent drugs research
Chronic Pain, Epilepsy, Mul ple The key objec ves of Project
Sclerosis (MS), Post-Trauma c
Twenty21 are to create the largest
Stress Disorder (PTSD), Substance
body of evidence in Europe for the
Use Disorder (as a harm reduc on
effec veness and tolerability of
s t r a t e g y ) , a n d To u r e e ’ s
medical cannabis, and to
demonstrate to policymakers that medical cannabis should be as
Treatment will be provided by a
widely available, and affordable,
network of clinics and private
as other approved medicines, for
prescribers across the UK, which
pa ents who would benefit from
u lize best prac ces developed by
them. The project will also help
experienced medical cannabis
prescribers across the country to
specialists. The medical cannabis
gain knowledge and confidence in
prescribed will be provided, at
cost, by recognized global leaders
And, as a dual Canadian-UK ci zen,
Nu said.
in medical cannabis, and will now
I’m personally delighted that we’re
“And, despite the UK making
include JMCC which was
taking part,” Ms. Sco added.
cannabis a medicine in November
specifically invited to support Project Twenty21.
2018, there have as yet been only a F i ve m o nt h s a e r t h at fi rst
handful of prescrip ons provided
mee ng, JMCC is announcing both
via the NHS. To rec fy this impasse
“We were so impressed when we
its par cipa on in Project
Drug Science has joined forces with
met Diane Sco
last year,” said
Twenty21 and the launch of a new
a group of medical cannabis
Drug Science Founder Professor
divisions, JMCC Scien fic, which
producers to open up a treatment
David Nu , referring to JMCC
will support both that par cipa on
network for up to 20,000 pa ents.
Group’s Chair & CEO). “She has a
and JMCC’s future expansion.
unique apprecia on for where the medical cannabis industry should be going. And she was singularly
About Project Twenty21
determined that JMCC would keep
“This will allow pa ents to get vital therapy without breaking the law. It will also provide a solid clinical database from which experience
to that direc on, where the
The brainchild of Drug Science
of, and confidence in, medical
company would con nue to, first
Founder Professor David Nu ,
cannabis prescribing will develop,
and foremost, serve pa ents. So
Project Twenty21 was launched in
providing a founda on for other
JMCC was a natural partner for us
November 2019 with the primary
medical prescribers to build on.”
in Project Twenty21.”
goal of crea ng the largest body of evidence yet for the effec veness
The study will use real-world data
“When I first heard about this
a n d t o l e ra b i l i t y o f m e d i c a l
to document the effec veness,
project, I immediately thought
ca n n a b is – wit h t h e a im to
safety, quality of life, and pa ent
how bold and visionary it was,”
demonstrate to policymakers that
reported outcomes in those
Diane Sco said. “We were already
medical cannabis should be as
prescribed medical cannabis for
planning JMCC’s evolu on as a
widely available and affordable to
seven condi ons. It will not be a
company, from being the best
p a e n t s a s o t h e r a p p ro ve d
randomized control trial (where
grower of Jamaican medical
some would receive a placebo),
cannabis to developing our own
and all 20,000 par cipants will
world-class cannabis-based
“Cannabis was a medicine in the
receive medical cannabis from
medical products. So, when David
UK for over a century un l 1971,
par cipa ng providers at an
invited me to discuss it, and told
when it was banned for poli cal
affordable cost, achieved in part,
me more about Project Twenty21,
reasons. Since then hundreds of
by the medical cannabis providers
and asked us to par cipate, how
thousands of pa ents in the UK
offering their products at cost, and
could we not be honoured to help
have been forced to break the law
by Drug Science itself. Project
pa ents in the UK this way?”
to get a treatment that most find
Twenty21 has the support of The
preferable to their previous
Royal College of Psychiatrists, The
prescrip on medicines,” Professor
Bri sh Pain Society, the United
“The whole company is behind it.
Pa ents Alliance, Pa ent-Led Engagement for Access
par cipa on in largest medical cannabis study in
(PLEA), pa ents, peers and medical cannabis
Europe. JMCC Group also announced the launch of a
new division, JMCC Scien fic, which will research,
About Drug Science
develop, test and manufacture innova ve cannabisbased treatments for a range of medical condi ons.
Founded in 2010 by Professor David Nu following his
“JMCC Scien fic is the natural next step in the evolu on
removal from his post as Chair of the Advisory Council
of our company,” said JMCC Group Chair & CEO Diane
on the Misuse of Drugs, Drug Science is the only
Sco . “For the first three years, we were focused on
completely independent, science-led drugs charity,
serving pa ents by becoming the leading provider of
uniquely bringing together leading drugs experts from a
premium-quality Jamaican medical cannabis to the
wide range of specialisms to carry out groundbreaking
world. Now, with our Scien fic division, we are not only
research into drug harms and effects. Learn more at
growing pharmacopeia-standard medical cannabis,
h ps://
we’re developing best-in-class cannabis-based medical
About JMCC
products. We’re also delivering a comprehensive support ecosystem that enables doctors, other medical professionals and pa ents themselves to collaborate to
Founded in 2016, JMCC Group is the leading provider of
devise the most effec ve personalized treatment
high-quality Jamaican medical cannabis products and
services to the world. Headquartered in Toronto, Canada, the company serves customers in Australia,
“It’s really our customers who are taking us here. Both
Canada, the EU and UK, and La n America. JMCC
medical professionals and pa ents want safer methods
combines Jamaica’s natural, year-round growing
for using cannabis as medicine, including more precise
climate and dis nc ve cannabis landraces with an
dosing and products specifically developed for the
unswerving commitment to mee ng or exceeding
condi ons they’re dealing with. Those needs are what
interna onal standards for quality, safety, security and
we’re responding to with the launch of JMCC Scien fic.”
sustainability. Learn more at h ps://
JMCC Group Launches Scien fic Division: “Natural Next Step” for Leading Producer of Jamaican Medical Cannabis”
The Canadian-headquartered company’s ini al product line encompasses a range of targeted formula ons for chronic pain, epilepsy and anxiety with other formula ons in development to treat spas city and other symptoms of Mul ple Sclerosis. All JMCC Scien fic products are formulated as water-based nanoemulsion formula ons in convenient oral sprays, deemed the safest and most effec ve delivery format, and developed under the guidance of top medical
Expansion posi ons Canadian-headquartered company to serve more markets and supports
experts from around the world.
during COVID19. According to Sta s cs Canada, six million people suffer from chronic pain across Canada. With the current mandate for social distancing, pa ents across all demographics are having a difficult me finding proper medical support. Dr. Sana-Ara Ahmed, Specialist in Interven onal Chronic Pain and Cannabinoid Medicine, together with HelloMD are offering virtual access care to help chronic pain pa ents during this difficult me. The forma on of JMCC Scien fic
Dr. Ahmed’s knowledgeable and
will also support the company’s
compassionate approach,
par cipa on in Project Twenty21,
combined with HelloMD’s turnkey
JMCC Scien fic is also developing
one of the world’s largest medical
set of virtual care tools, are making
a co m p re h e n s i ve Tre at m e nt
c a n n a b i s re s e a rc h p ro j e c t s ,
it easier for chronic pain pa ents to
Support Centre to provide medical
organized and led by United
receive therapeu c op ons, while
cannabis informa on, educa on
Kingdom-based Drug Science.
staying safe at home.
HelloMD and Dr. Sana-Ara Ahmed Partner to Provide Virtual Medical Cannabis Support to Pa ents Across Western Canada
“For me, my pa ents always come
and ongoing support to pa ents and doctors and other medical professionals, including current research, therapeu c op ons, prescribing rules and guidance, dosing, poten al side effects and contra-indica ons.
It will enable
doctors to take a personalized approach to prescribing and monitoring to ensure pa ents are ge ng the right formula on and dosage as well as tracking results. The Centre will include mobile apps, a dedicated website and access to supplementary pa ent screening and monitoring aids.
Leading virtual healthcare pla orm, HelloMD in collabora on with Dr. Sana-Ara Ahmed is offering support to chronic pain pa ents in Alberta
first and I am always thinking about how I can best support them,” said Dr. Ahmed. “COVID19 has proved to be a challenging me, especially for my chronic pain pa ents, as we cannot provide in-person consulta ons or care. HelloMD, and the ease with which my team and pa ents have adapted to their v i r t u a l p ro c e s s e s , h a s b e e n invaluable in helping us quickly ramp up to support new and exis ng pa ents.” She added.
Through this partnership, chronic
mission.” Weisbrod added.
company’s B2B solu ons help
pain pa ents seeking support with
pharmacies, clinics and producers
medical cannabis will have access to
Medical Cannabis by Shoppers is
onboard to deliver world-class,
health care prac
oners who can
Shoppers Drug Mart ’s online
virtual care to exis ng and new
counsel and provide medical
pla orm for the sale of medical
medical cannabis pa ents.
documents directly to Medical
cannabis. The service breaks down
Cannabis by Shoppers, easing this
exis ng barriers for pa ents by
aspect of the health care journey
providing convenient access to a
for pa ents. “We offer clinics the
broader range of op ons through a
core pieces they need now - turnkey
single source, alongside expert
virtual care technology, live pa ent
advice and counsel from trusted
Dr. Sana-Ara Ahmed is a prac cing
support and work flows all uniquely
healthcare professionals. To
clinical Anesthesiologist,
a uned to medical cannabis - while
facilitate care between Dr Ahmed
Interven onal Pain & Cannabinoid
enabling their prac
oners to focus
and her pa ents, HelloMD provides
Medicine Specialist in Canada. An
on delivering pa ent care,” said
Genuvis Health with a dedicated
avant-garde entrepreneur and
Larry Lisser, Senior Vice President of
website for its pa ents to register
visionary, her chronic pain holis c
Business Development, HelloMD.
for an online appointment. The
clinic, known as Genuvis Health,
“Dr. Ahmed values offering her
HelloMD team assists Dr. Ahmed’s
provides integra
p a e nt s t r u ste d s o u rc e s fo r
pa ents with on boarding,
compassionate and personalized
fulfillment, and our integra on with
scheduling and virtually connec ng
pain management solu ons. Her
Medical Cannabis by Shoppers
with Dr Ahmed. A er the consult,
diverse prac ce focuses on targeted
ensures her pa ents get the access
and pa ent registra on with
pain control for accurate pain
they seek, while removing this
Medical Cannabis by Shoppers,
diagnosis and opioid harm
administra ve burden from her
virtual pharmacists are made
reduc on for post surgical pain
clinic team,” Lisser added.
available to assist with product
pa ents. She is a medical graduate
purchases and fulfillment.
from the University of
“We launched Medical Cannabis by Shoppers with one purpose: to
About HelloMD
extend trusted access to the widest
About Dr. SanaAra Ahmed MD FRCPC
Saskatchewan and received her post graduate designa ons in Anesthesiology and Medicine from
va r i e t y o f m e d i ca l ca n n a b i s
HelloMD is a leading digital
the University of Bri sh Columbia in
products support to pa ents across
pla orm for alterna ve healthcare,
2011. She is a Fellow of the Royal
Canada,” said Ken Weisbrod, Vice
and has facilitated more than
College of Physicians & Surgeons in
President of Business
100,000 virtual consults between
Canada and has a fellowship degree
Development, Shoppers Drug Mart.
pa ents and licensed prac
from the University of Toronto in
“Offering product fulfillment and
With its mature tech pla orm,
pharmacist support to Dr. Ahmed’s
excep onal pa ent support and
chronic pain pa ents align with this
flexible business models, the
Medical Simula on Educa on. Dr. Ahmed holds membership with
NEWS YOU MAY HAVE MISSED na onal and interna onal cannabis
fo c u s e s o n h o w te c h n o l o g y
Leaf Farms Interna onal and their
research socie es and is an avid
impacts the advancements of
ongoing work in Argen na and
advocate for dignified pa ent
cannabinoid prescribing in clinical
contribu on to the emerging South
a c c e s s to m e d i ca l ca n n a b i s .
prac ce.
American cannabis markets is
Successfully incorpora ng medical
gaining steam and people are
cannabis in trea ng chronic pain
certainly taking notes and paying
with the combina on of
a en on.
regenera ve medicine has well established Dr. Ahmed as a na onal
Mark Bradley is a visionary who
expert in this emerging field of
throughout his career focused on
the development of New Media Digital Lifestyle Channels,
A sought a er medical educator, she
Te c h n o l o g y, a n d C o n t e n t
has developed and taught countless
Development. A pioneer of digital
cannabinoid medicine educa onal seminars and university accredited keynote lectures on the role of
modula ng endocannabinoid
distribu on, he guided PNTV’s growth from a Las Vegas In-Room gaming channel, “Player’s Network” to “Vegas On Demand” a Na onal
deficiencies for pain management.
Mark Bradley, the CEO of both PNTV
Her latest endeavour is the
and GLFI, is all any of our
forma on of the Ahmed Ins tute
interna onal cannabis analyst
In 2014 Mark founded WeedTV, a
for Pain and Cannabinoid Research
friends can talk about when it
marijuana lifestyle channel to
located in Calgary AB.
comes to groundbreaking work
produce content and report on the
being done in Argen na.
emerging marijuana industry. The
This innova ve research center
Cable Network.
educa on and access developed by
of a joint venture, the first of its
first project is 400 acres of cannabis
WeedTV to the cannabis industry
kind, where a private company
c u l va o n l o cate d i n J u j u y,
lead to the Company’s crea on of
partnered with a government for
Argen na.
Green Leaf Farms who, a er
the development of a 14,000
obtaining four licenses from the
hectare, 54 square mile, cannabis
GLFI is set up as an investment
State of Nevada for cul va on and
farm in Jujuy Province, Argen na. A
vehicle enabling ins tu onal
produc on of medical and
combina on of ideal year-round
investors to par cipate in the legal
recrea onal marijuana products,
growing condi ons, a low-cost
cannabis and CBD industries. GLFI
opened a 27,000-sq.
. facility in
agricultural work force, and the
will not hold any US cannabis-
North Las Vegas. Powered by
establishment of a tax-free zone for
related assets. To learn more about
WeedTV as its marke ng arm, PNTV
the processing and export of
opportuni es with GLFI, please
created the first fully integrated
cannabis and cannabinoid
visit our website;
Media and Marijuana Company as
compounds puts PNTV in the
well as the first US publicly traded
enviable posi on of being able to
company that actually touches the
supply the exploding worldwide
market demand for these products
About Player’s Network
at a cost unmatched anywhere in Recently Mark recognized that as
the world legally or illegally. As this
the worldwide legal cannabis
will now be PNTV’s major focus the
industry grows the broad array of
Company’s name is being changed
nutri on, health, and medical
to Green Leaf Farms Interna onal,
Player ’s Network is a rapidly
products being developed will
Inc. with the cker symbol GLFI.
growing company in the marijuana
(stock symbol PNTV)
create a huge demand and
industr y with licensed grow
co m m o d i t y m a r ket fo r t h e
opera ons in Las Vegas, Nevada
cannabinoid compounds the developers of these products will
About GLFI, Inc.
and Jujuy, Argen na. Over the last 2 years the Company has gone from a development stage
Recognizing the inherent
company to a fully opera onal
difficul es of dealing with US
cannabis business. The business
regulators, massive taxes and
GLFI, Inc. (Green Leaf Farms
strategy is to grow by acquisi ons,
on both legal and illegal,
Interna onal) is a privately held
joint ventures, and new market
he embarked on a mission to find
subsidiary of PNTV.Pk established
opportuni es in the US and
the best place in the world to
to finance and manage
Interna onally. Cannabis is legal for
produce the highest quality
interna onal cannabis opera ons
medical use in 30 States plus DC. It
cannabis at the lowest cost. This
with the focus on crea ng broad
is legal for adult recrea onal use in
resulted in the recent comple on
spectrum cannabinoid profiles. Its
9 States plus DC.
The en re country of Canada legalized marijuana adult use in October 2018. The Company believes this trend of legaliza on of marijuana in the US and worldwide will con nue and create tremendous growth opportuni es for shareholders.
Unlocking the Full Genetic Potential of Every Plant
"To join the team you gotta be magnificent, blunts in the air, tell em represent" "I got that gas like Sunoco, roll up a pair then put one in the air. I'm a stoner I swear. Fuck the popo" “Got no time to delay if you stand in my way - put a leaf in the air like it's Canada Day” JD ERA Photo of @JD_Era by @RyitPhotography
Photo of @JD_Era by @RyitPhotography
JD Era has been a staple on the Canadian Hip Hop Scene as long as I can remember. A respected Canadian rapper and lyricist. He has worked with ar sts such as Nas, Gza, Kardinal Offishall, The Clipse, and has also cut several tracks with long me friend Drake. In 2008 he won Best Rap at the Toronto Independent Music Awards, and also won the TAG Records’ Survival of The Freshest compe on. He has also released a number of mixtapes and singles, and in the Juno Awards of 2013 his album No Handouts was nominated for Rap Recording of the Year. JD went through a nearly five year hiatus and late last year dropped his first fulllength project - “Back from the Dead” since releasing his Barz mixtape in 2014.
Raised in Missisauga, a suburb of Toronto, Ontario. He began listening to rap at a young age, par cularly to groups such as Wu Tang Clan and the song "C.R.E.A.M." Rapping by the age of fourteen, he began wri ng his own rhymes at sixteen. He started freestyling in local rap ba les as he grew older, sta ng "I always knew in the back of my mind that I would do [rap]. Rap was taking up too much me and money for me to not take it seriously. I just always wanted to get be er and loved the music." A friend, Bad Nuze, brought him into his studio for a number of recording sessions, and JD Era stated "I never looked back." About his name, "JD is my ini als and Era is a meline. Just my way of saying its my me.”
“Back from the Dead” is JD Era’s smoking hot return to the charts is available on Apple Music, Spo fy, and other digital streaming pla orms via Up North Records.
When is comes to his Canadian roots JD celebrates all things Canadian in his hit sit single “Canada Eh?” and his love of Cannabis - well give 2012’s “Smoking Good” a listen.
Best Anxiety Reducing Cannabis Strains REVIEW BY: KATHERINE KONONOW Photos of @Shannon.marie.xo by Anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues in Canada and it eects millions of people worldwide. Although some therapy and pharmaceuticals can help the problem - cannabis is a choice for many. If you are interested in learning about anxiety-reducing cannabis strains - this article contains suggestions for sativa, indica and hybrid strains for that can oer relief morning noon and night! HOW DO CANNABIS AND ANXIETY MIX? Marijuana and anxiety can have a very positive relationship if your using the right strains.cannabis will help for eliminate the anxious feeling you
experience. This can prevent panic attacks which are one of the most disabling elements of anxiety for many. Marijuana and anxiety can have a very positive relationship IF your using the right strains. How? Cannabis can cause temporary relief and can prevent panic attacks, which is one of the most debilitating element of anxiety. I suffer from anxiety and have for many years. i don't like taking pharmaceuticals unless deemed necessary. So , I've found some amazing strains that help me and can help you too
. Concrete Jungle Craft (IG:@Concretejungle_craft) - Zurple Punch (AAAAA+) Concrete jungle craft is a company that is my go-to place.Especially for anxiety reducing strains. The staff has an abundance of knowledge on cannabis and strains that can help many of your needs! My favourite strain by then is zurple Punch. ZP is an exotic cross of zkittles and purple punch. This strain is truly tantalizing in every sense. Sparkling to the eye with frosted peaks. The effects of zurple punch are remarkable for my anxiety. with effects of high euphoria , relaxation, uplifting and anxiety reducing. ZP blends into a blissful euphoria upon the first couple of hits and by the end of smoking I'm calm, anxietyfree and calm yet stimulated. a perfect day time strain or night strain. The way it makes me feel and how fast it eliminates my anxiety has me coming back for more every time.
YOGA FIRE CRAFT - Golden Goat (AAAA+) Golden goat is a sativa dominant hybrid strain for all you hybrid lovers out there. As soon as you start smoking golden goat you'll feel a buzz the high and body relaxation. Yoga Fire Craft has the highest quality exotic buds I've ever seen! So lets get down to it why is this strain good for anxiety? Well, golden goat has a small amount of the cannabinoid CBD. which gives off some sedation effects but will not give you couch-lock. After smoking GG you should feel your anxiety slipping away and a slight euphoric buzz. The high THC content in this strain will put you to sleep if your having one of those nights where your head is racing and your thinking off everything that you could possibly think of - then Golden Goat is a 10/10 strain that I would recommend. WEED DEALS - IG:(weed_deals2.0) Death Bubba (AAAA) Death bubba provides semi-sedative effects perfect for those anxiety ridden nights.Death Bubba is a cross between death star and bubba kush. This particular DB is the best I've tried! and a staple for any marijuana smoker with anxiety. The effects of this wonderful strain provide euphoric , happy and relaxed body and mind. Effects that can pull you into a deep peaceful sleep. Upon your first tokes you can feel the anxiety melting away and a calmness that overcomes you is so satisfying. If you are a long time cannabis smoker then you've heard of death bubba. Weed deals is a great company that provides some attractive and very pleasing cannabis. This Death Bubba is top notch! upon first couple of puffs you'll start to feel the anxiety leaving your body. DB also has sedative properties and mood stimulating effects. Because of its ability to numb the body Death Bubba is good for those who have chronic pain and inflammation. This strain is hard to beat. WEED DEALS - (IG: @weed_deals2.0)- Moby Dick Moby dick also by Weed Deals is a sativa dominant hybrid that gives off euphoric, happy and uplifted thoughts and effects. I used to be scared of sativa strains because i always thought that all made my anxiety worse or gave me anxiety. Little did I know
I was smoking all of the wrong strains! Moby Dick is a high THC cross between the indica dominant white widow and sativa haze. For me, I found this to be the perfect morning strain that gives me immediate relief from my morning anxieties and fills me with creative thoughts and energetic mood for the rest of the morning. It has me focused and not spaced out while getting things done. Put Moby Dick on your list to try. SIVAPANAAM (IG:Sivapaanam) - FULL SPECTRUM CBD OIL This Full spectrum CBD oil by Sivapaanam is the best I've tried when it comes to helping my anxiety. If you are someone that prefers CBD over THC or you'd like to try something new to relieve you from your anxiety then this oil is for you! With absolutely zero flavour or scent you can use this oil in just about anything! I like to use it as a tincture under my tongue in the morning and after 15-20 minutes I can feel myself getting less anxious. There are other ways you can use CBD oil. You can use the dropper provided and put some in any drink or food that you arr consuming.
Sivapaanam also carries some incredible craft cannabis and exotic strains check them out! SWEET JOINT REMEDIES - Frost OG Frost OG by sweet joint remedies is a strain unique to this company only! Cultivated by SJR. Let me tell you = I always keep some of this in my stash. It is a mind blowing indica strain that provides a very solid indica trance and it melts away all anxiety! Frost OG is also great for extreme stress and depression. I’d say this is a vacation from your worries and a must try strain! I hope you get to try some of these incredible strains for your anxiety!
vacation from your worries and a must try!